Speech therapy wiki. Speech therapy - subject, history and tasks

Speech therapy is a science that is at the intersection of medicine, pedagogy and psychology, and studies various speech defects, the causes of their occurrence, mechanisms and methods of elimination or prevention. The particular relevance of the work of a speech therapist lies in the fact that, although speech disorders are not a fatal illness for a person, they can still greatly complicate his life, interfering with normal communication with others. This is especially true for children: firstly, most speech defects appear in childhood, when they can be most successfully treated; secondly, while adults are usually more tactful and understanding towards interlocutors who have problems with pronunciation, children, alas, are distinguished by a certain cruelty towards their peers with any characteristics. This state of affairs can cause the appearance of psychological trauma and complexes that will become an obstacle to normal communication with others in childhood and adulthood. A timely visit to a speech therapist will help you avoid such problems in life.

Who is a speech therapist: teacher or doctor?

There are different points of view regarding whether a speech therapist is a psychologist, a physician or a teacher. The thing is that speech therapists see patients not only medical institutions. Today, most kindergartens, schools and correctional educational institutions have a speech therapist position on staff. These specialists work with children directly at their place of education. Such speech therapists are teachers - they have a higher education in speech therapy or defectology, and in their work they are guided by medical data obtained from the patient’s chart. The work of this teacher is closely related to the medical activities of a pediatric neurologist, otolaryngologist, and psychologist, since the causes of speech defects are often due to the presence of any health disorders.

Specialists working in medical institutions have higher education medical education, as well as education in the field of defectology or speech therapy, additional courses of psychotherapy. Unlike teachers, they can prescribe drug treatment, as well as apply psychotherapeutic techniques to help the patient cope with speech disorders.

What does a speech therapist do?

A common misconception is the assertion that a speech therapist only helps to “establish” the correct pronunciation of specific sounds, since this is only part of the work of a speech therapist. The doctor diagnoses disorders, studies his patient’s medical history, and, if necessary, prescribes various examinations - in this way he manages to establish the cause of speech defects. After the diagnosis is made, the speech therapist decides to prescribe specific therapeutic regimens to eliminate speech impairment.

For this specialist, the skills of a psychologist and psychotherapist are required, since working with speech defects is often directly related to psychological trauma and complexes, suffering from fright or other severe, stressful conditions.

The main tasks of a speech therapist are:

  • establishing the correct pronunciation of sounds;
  • expansion of vocabulary;
  • improving speech literacy;
  • improving pronunciation clarity;
  • correction speech errors and inaccuracies;
  • rehabilitation measures for patients who have acquired speech defects due to illnesses, for example, after a stroke;
  • studying the mechanisms and causes of speech defects, developing methods for their correction;
  • determination of organic organ lesions speech apparatus.

What organs and mental phenomena does a speech therapist treat?

The doctor’s competence includes the entire system of organs of the speech apparatus:

  • oral cavity (jaws, teeth, gums, hard and soft palate);
  • vocal cords;
  • language.

In addition, speech therapists study and treat such a phenomenon as logoneurosis. This term refers to stuttering of various origins.

Diseases and disorders falling within the competence of a speech therapist

Doctor-speech therapist works with various types speech disorders, both oral and written.

Its task is to eliminate:

  • dysphonia and aphonia (impaired speech sonority or lack thereof);
  • dyslalia (problems with the pronunciation of specific sounds or combinations of sounds);
  • bradylalia or tachylalia (slow or accelerated pronunciation of sounds);
  • dyslexia and legasthenia (reading impairments);
  • speech defects and rhinophony of the voice associated with hearing impairment, as well as with surgical intervention;
  • Battarism, Hottentotism (absolute slurring of speech);
  • rhinolalia (speech problems that arise due to the formation of upper lip and palate);
  • dysgraphia and agraphia (written speech disorders).

The doctor treats some of these pathologies together with surgeons, dentists, neurologists, and otolaryngologists.

A separate area of ​​activity of a speech therapist is speech disorders associated with organic damage speech centers of the brain. Such defects are usually quite difficult to correct. This is done by a speech therapist-aphasiologist.

The main causes of speech defects

Determining the nature and etiology of the appearance of certain disorders in the functioning of the speech apparatus is the first step towards overcoming them. Theoretical knowledge in this matter allows us to take certain preventive measures in order to prevent the problem from occurring in those people who are at risk. Of course, each case is individual, and, for the convenience of speech therapists, the most basic and most common factors that provoke the appearance of defects speech activity, were combined into generalized classification. There are:

  • congenital features of the development of the speech apparatus: intrauterine pathologies of fetal development, genetic mutations, hereditary predisposition, acute or chronic fetal hypoxia, birth injuries;
  • organic disorders in the cerebral cortex acquired during life: acute infectious diseases affecting the membranes of the brain, traumatic brain injuries, diseases affecting the cerebral cortex (for example, circulatory disorders);
  • psychological problems - these include pedagogical neglect, lack of people around, unfavorable situation in the family, psychological trauma, for example, fear or consequences of violence.

Reason to contact a speech therapist

Many people believe that a speech therapist, be it a doctor or a teacher, only works with children, and there is no point in visiting one for an adult with speech impediments. This point of view is not true. Of course, adulthood is a factor that complicates working with speech problems. Many defects will no longer be completely eliminated, but it is quite possible to achieve a certain improvement.

It is necessary to contact a speech therapist in the following cases:

  • after undergoing operations to remove the larynx or vocal cords: in such cases, the doctor helps the patient learn to use the glottis to produce certain sounds;
  • as part of rehabilitation after a stroke: if brain damage affects the centers responsible for speech, paresis or paralysis of the muscles of the larynx and facial muscles may occur. In this case, the doctor suggests a special set of exercises that help achieve improvement;
  • if speech impairments appear after undergoing mental disorders: work can be carried out jointly with a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

In addition, people who want to improve their oratory skills and improve their diction also come to a speech therapist. A speech therapist works with them.

When should you take your child to a speech therapist?

Due to the fact that in children the process of development of speech centers is not yet complete, and reading, diction, and pronunciation skills are actively developing, working on speech problems with a child will have more significant results than in the case of adults.

Parents should not place excessive demands on their child. This is especially true when the baby begins to speak. For example, by the age of one to one and a half years, the baby should pronounce at least a few words, and, starting from the moment of birth, make single sounds. Regarding clear and coherent speech with absolutely correct pronunciation, it is difficult to say exactly when it should appear in a child.

Among objective reasons for a visit to a speech therapist for a child under one year old – the baby’s lack of pronunciation of sounds. Usually the baby reacts to words, touches, and toys with basic humming, babbling, and a smile. If this does not happen, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

During the period from one year to three years parents need to bring their child to a speech therapist if he is diagnosed with child cerebral palsy”, if there is a hereditary factor (late speech development in one of the parents), also if the child is diagnosed with problems with hearing, vision, or a shortened frenulum of the tongue.

From three to five years of age, parents monitor the appearance of such signs of violations speech development:

  • incorrect pronunciation of words or individual sounds;
  • impaired pronunciation speed and swallowing sounds;
  • the child confuses prepositions, conjunctions, cases, and does not respond to corrections;
  • inability to clearly and consistently describe a picture or make sentences.

Carrying out rehabilitation after operations affecting the speech apparatus also falls within the competence of a speech therapist, and can be relevant at any age.

Parents need to clearly understand all the consequences of a situation when a child’s speech problems are allowed to take their course:

  • Children with speech impairments usually have poorer comprehension of educational material, causing school performance to fluctuate between low and average;
  • speech hearing impairment interferes with the study of foreign languages;
  • impaired speech coherence makes it difficult to study oral subjects: biology, literature, history, and others;
  • Speech defects cause problems with communication, the appearance of an inferiority complex, and psychological discomfort.

What diagnostic and treatment methods does a speech therapist use in his work?

Diagnosis of speech problems, first of all, occurs by ear. When conducting a consultation and appointment, the doctor first interviews the patient, and based on the sounds of his speech and its coherence, he can make preliminary conclusions about speech defects. In addition, the doctor conducts specific tests and, if necessary, prescribes consultations with related specialists: otolaryngologist, neurologist, neurologist, psychiatrist.

After diagnosing and identifying the problem, the speech therapist determines whether it falls within his competence or whether it is necessary to refer the patient to another specialist.

The entire treatment system of a speech therapist for children and adults is different in the sense that in the first case it will have game uniform. Doctor applies complex techniques influence both on the defect itself and on the cause of its occurrence (if possible). The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the passion and perseverance of the patient, since noticeable results are obtained only through repeated training and repetition. Classes are held according to the complication scheme, and mainly represent sets of exercises. In some cases, the doctor prescribes drug therapy.

A speech therapist is a specialist who helps people with speech problems get a chance to fully communicate with the outside world. This question is relevant for both children and adults. Speech defects can become a serious obstacle to normal life, study, work, building relationships.

Depending on what kind of education the speech therapist received, he can deal with pedagogical work, or carry out medical activities on the basis of clinics, hospitals, specialized correctional centers.

Speech therapy- special pedagogical science about speech disorders, ways to prevent them, identify and eliminate them by means special education and education. It is one of the sections of special pedagogy. Speech therapy studies the causes, mechanisms, symptoms, course, structure of speech disorders, and the system of correctional interventions.

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    First attempts at correction speech disorders described in works on deaf pedagogy in the 17th century. (speech defects with preserved hearing were not considered a special problem then). As an independent scientific branch Speech therapy took shape in the second half of the 19th century. Up to 30

    X years XX century in speech therapy, a simplified idea of ​​speech disorders as defects of the speech motor muscles prevailed; consideration of speech deficiencies was carried out mainly in line with the development of symptomatic techniques for overcoming motor difficulties of articulation. These questions, along with the problem of correction respiratory system, constituted the main content of speech therapy. Practical corrective measures were predominantly medical in nature. With the expansion and deepening of scientific ideas about the nature of speech activity, the direction of speech therapy has radically changed - pedagogical content began to come to the fore. Modern speech therapy, based on general principles defectology, as well as interacting with other sciences (psychology, physiology, linguistics), considers speech as a systemic multifunctional formation that influences mental development.

    • Jean Baptiste Joffre
    • Gurtsov, Georgy Alexandrovich
    • Speshnev, Yakov Timofeevich
    • Enko Petr Dmitrievich
    • Lukash Olga Leonidovna
    • Ditkovskaya, Nina Leonidovna

    Classification of speech disorders

    Currently, there is no unified classification of speech disorders. Attempts to create one (M. E. Khvattsev, O. V. Pravdina, R. A. Belova-David, M. Zeeman, R. E. Levina, etc.) were made throughout the history of the development of speech therapy as a science and field practical activities. The ineffectiveness of classification of speech disorders can be explained quite simply: a person does not have specific organs to perform speech functions. The generation of speech and voice is carried out by adapted organs and systems that initially perform other functions. physiological functions. The perception and understanding of speech is also carried out by systems that were originally used for something else. Hence the contiguity of disciplines that, in addition to speech therapy, deal with the correction and treatment of speech disorders. For practical purposes, it is not the “Linnaean principle” - classification that is more suitable, but the differentiation by type of variants of speech disorders (typology).

    Clinical and pedagogical classification

    All types of disorders considered in this classification, based on psychological and linguistic criteria, can be divided into two large groups: violations oral speech and written language disorders.

    Oral speech disorders

    1. disorders of phonation of utterances:
      1. Dysphonia (aphonia)
    2. Violations of the structural-semantic (internal) design of the statement:

    Writing disorders

    Psychological and pedagogical classification

    Speech disorders in this classification are divided into two groups: disorders of means of communication and disorders in the use of means of communication.

    Communication Disorders

    1. phonetic underdevelopment (PH)
    2. phonemic underdevelopment
    3. Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FFN)

    Violations in the use of means of communication

    Speech disorders: main options

    Speech development disorders in oligophrenia(a related field of speech therapy and oligophrenopedagogy).

    Speech development disorders in hearing impairment(the area of ​​predominantly deaf pedagogy).

    Scientific journals in Russian

    Magazine "Defectology"

    Scientific and methodological journal, organ of the Russian Academy of education, published in Moscow since 1969. Frequency - 6 times a year.

    Covers the problems of theory and practice of teaching and upbringing (preschool and school) children with mental and intellectual disabilities physical development, general and vocational training deaf and blind adults, defectology education, etc. Popularizes the best practices of special schools and school institutions. Publishes materials about new technical means and manuals for teaching abnormal children, advice and consultations.

    Scientific and methodological journal, published in Moscow since 2004.

    Addressed to speech therapists working with preschool and school age, specialists from educational authorities, teachers and students of defectology departments of universities. The magazine publishes methodological recommendations for practicing speech therapists, notes speech therapy sessions and exercises official documents, articles on current problems speech therapy.

    Since the second half of 2006, a supplement to the Speech Therapist magazine, “Sweetie,” has been published. The application is an illustrated book for activities with a child. Each issue of the application is dedicated to one specific aspect speech therapy work.

    Online publication about correctional pedagogy and special psychology: scientific and methodological journal. This publication is methodological and informational support for specialists, parents and public organizations. It has been published on the Internet since 2000.

    Few of us have any idea what speech actually is. This complex structure with diverse functions and ways of influencing the human psyche. Speech defects can occur not only in people with impaired hearing, but also in normal ones. Speech therapy studies these anomalies, and also investigates the nature of these disturbances, develops scientific basis, helping to overcome and prevent them through special training and education.

    Initially, speech therapy paid more attention to the speech disorder itself, but later a greater role began to be given to mental development. It originates from pedagogy of the deaf in the 17th century and stands out in independent direction in the 19th century.

    The first ideas about speech activity were associated with a set of special muscular movements. Accordingly, the elimination of speech deficiencies was considered as the development of techniques to overcome motor difficulties of articulation. Attention was also paid to correcting the respiratory system.

    Gradually scientific ideas the speeches changed and became deeper. Pedagogical education came first.

    It was noted that speech has a direct impact on a person’s mental development, his relationship with people, educational and labor activity. Well-developed, competent and confident speech imparts confidence, promotes the development of mutual understanding with people, good relationship. Man with competent speech achieves success in life faster.

    Causes of pathology in speech in people with normal hearing may be associated with strokes, injuries, hereditary factors, age-related imperfections, physical disabilities (short bridle tongue, cleft palate, etc.) etc.

    Examples of speech impediments:

    • Sound pronunciation disorder
    • Speech defect caused by physical disabilities: cleft lip and palate, etc.,
    • Slurred speech
    • Impairments in the pronunciation of complex syllable structures,
    • Violation of the rhythm and tempo of speech,
    • Speech decay
    • Impaired writing and others.

    Besides similar violations there are deviations that lead to stuttering, impairment of means of communication (phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment, general underdevelopment speech.

    Speech therapy helps eliminate pronunciation defects, master the sound composition of a word, promote lexical and grammatical development, and the development of written speech. In her activities, she resorts to developments in the fields of psychology, physiology, linguistics, medicine, etc. Speech therapy is currently focusing its studies on receptor activity, cognitive processes, emotional-volitional area, etc.

    Speech disorders in speech therapy are eliminated through special training, correctional and educational measures, and medical recommendations. Specialists provide assistance in children's preschool institutions, children's clinics, special schools etc.

    Thanks to speech therapy, understanding of issues of speech pathology, speech pedagogy, general psychology. It helps eliminate speech deficiencies and help a person better adapt to society.

    a branch of special pedagogy, the task of which is to study speech deficiencies, develop principles and methods for their prevention and overcoming. Speech disorders can affect various components of speech activity. Some of them concern only pronunciation and are expressed in intelligibility disorders without any accompanying phenomena; others are found not only in pronunciation defects, but also in reading and writing disorders. There are disorders that cover both the phonetic and lexico-grammatical systems. Often speech shortcomings relate to its pace and fluency. Speech disorders often hinder successful development cognitive activity children, adversely affect the formation of their psyche. They develop such traits as isolation, self-doubt, negativism, etc. Overcoming speech disorders is carried out by special pedagogical methods, often while carrying out medical measures. However, eliminating unfavorable conditions for sound production in itself usually does not ensure overcoming speech defects that arise due to anatomical features articulatory apparatus. Speech correction in these cases is achieved through speech therapy work with children. Research by speech therapists has revealed the mechanisms of interaction between disorders of auditory perception and speech motor function, pronunciation activity and phoneme formation, and disorders of oral and written speech. The interdependence of violations of the sound and semantic aspects of speech has been revealed; thereby revealing complex and diverse mechanisms mental processes involved in the formation of speech activity.

    Speech therapy

    logo + greek pais - child). A science that studies speech disorders in children and adults, their semiotics, diagnosis and treatment methods. The object of speech and pronunciation are speech and pronunciation defects - deaf-muteness, anarthria, alalia, aphasia, dyslalia, stuttering, etc. The training of speech therapists is carried out at defectology faculties pedagogical institutes and includes the study of border medical sciences, including neurology, psychiatry, medical psychology. Speech therapists work in specialized offices in district clinics and dispensaries.

    Speech therapy

    from Greek logos - word + pai-deia - education) is a branch of special pedagogy, the task of which is to study speech deficiencies, develop principles and methods for their prevention and overcoming.

    Speech disorders can affect various components of speech activity. Some of them relate only to pronunciation and are expressed in intelligibility disorders without any accompanying phenomena (see Tongue-tied); others are found not only in pronunciation defects, but also in reading and writing disorders (see Agraphia, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia). There are disorders that cover both the phonetic and lexico-grammatical systems (see Alalia, Aphasia). Often speech deficiencies relate to its pace and fluency (see Stuttering).

    Speech disorders often hinder the successful development of children’s cognitive activity and adversely affect the formation of their psyche. They develop traits such as isolation, self-doubt, negativism, etc.

    Overcoming speech disorders is carried out using special pedagogical methods, often with simultaneous medical interventions. However, the elimination of unfavorable conditions for sound production in itself usually does not ensure overcoming speech defects that arise in connection with the anatomical features of the articulatory apparatus. Speech correction in these cases is achieved through speech therapy work with children.

    Research by speech therapists has revealed the mechanisms of interaction between disorders of auditory perception and speech motor function, pronunciation activity and phoneme formation, and disorders of oral and written speech. The interdependence of violations of the sound and semantic aspects of speech has been revealed; thereby revealing complex and diverse mechanisms of mental processes involved in the formation of speech activity. See also Speech disorder.

    Speech therapy

    speech therapy) - rehabilitation of patients with speech disorders that have developed due to any existing congenital abnormalities, due to an accident or as a result of illness (for example, after a stroke). Speech-language pathologists have specialized training in the field, but may not have a medical degree.

    Speech therapy

    Word formation. Comes from the Greek. logos - word + paideia - education.

    The science of speech therapy deals with the detailed study and development of speech. The term for this direction scientific knowledge, Greek origin, it was formed by merging two words: “speech” (logos) and “education, teaching” (paideia). Thus, the term itself reveals the essence of speech therapy and its focus.

    In addition to speech education, this science, being one of the branches of special pedagogy, pays attention to special attention speech defects, the causes of their occurrence, their mechanisms, symptoms and course. Speech therapy studies pathological deviations of speech development and speech activity in order to find new methods and programs for training people with similar defects to produce correct speech.

    The object of study of speech therapy are persons who have been diagnosed with any speech abnormalities (except for physiological deficiencies). Like any other direction scientific study, speech therapy has its own principles, objectives, methods and programs for training individuals with identified speech disorders.

    When did the direction originate?

    There is no history of speech therapy exact date origins, but dates back several thousand years. Four stages of development can be distinguished this direction(independent today) correctional pedagogy. As the industry's development trend demonstrates, it was formed on the basis of knowledge acquired by medicine and pedagogy, and therefore has a direct connection with them.

    Scientific knowledge of speech disorders and the discovery of methods for their correction began not so long ago, when medicine became aware of the basic mechanisms of the anatomical and physiological aspects, thanks to which a person is able to carry out speech activity. Around the middle of the 19th century, the first notes appeared on the theory of speech disorders, the author of which was the neuropathologist P. Brock. A little later his scientific work Another neurologist, K. Wernicke, published a description of the center of the sensory side of speech capabilities.

    Both of these works gave rise to much controversy and debate regarding the mechanisms that support the speech system. It is worth noting that this scientific conflict has become an excellent pretext for collecting new data and knowledge about possible disorders of human speech activity.

    In this regard, the results of studies of speech disorders gradually began to appear, which were carried out for experimental purposes not only by neurologists, but also by linguists, psychologists, physiologists, teachers and other specialists.

    Thus, speech therapy as a science arose gradually, against the backdrop of the development and improvement of other sciences. And now, being an independent branch of correctional pedagogy, speech therapy is not isolated from other areas. Moreover, it closely interacts with other areas of scientific knowledge of individuals.

    In the vastness of Russia, a breakthrough in the development of speech therapy was the event when the state decided to provide assistance to children with speech abnormalities. In not so distant 1917, special decrees were issued on the need to include preschool and school institutions (including private ones) in common system enlightenment of the Soviet people.

    Leading Soviet authorities were involved in the coordination of these documents. Thanks to these decrees, which encouraged the government to take a closer look at the issue of providing assistance to children with speech defects (including abnormal ones), fundamental changes were laid in the field of organizing educational and training processes.

    Basic Concepts

    Disorders of speech activity, which speech therapy deals with, are considered to be deviations in the functioning of the muscles of the speech apparatus, disturbances in the pronunciation of sounds or intonation, underdevelopment of speech, pathological development against the background of diseases and other anomalies.

    Such defects are studied and identified by specialists from various scientific fields. In the course of studying speech defects, each deviation is considered in accordance with the goals, objectives and methods of each scientific area.

    The meaning of speech therapy in this case is the study of the disorder with the aim of preventing it, as well as eliminating it with the help of special programs correctional education or training. Therefore, speech therapy is considered a branch of special pedagogy. Its structure today is:

    • Preschool and school speech therapy.
    • Speech therapy for teenage children.
    • Speech therapy for adults.

    The theoretical foundations of speech therapy make it possible to study the etiology of speech disorders using the evolutionary-dynamic method in combination with the principle of unity of dialectical, biological and social aspects development of the speech apparatus.

    Based on this, the tasks of speech therapy are determined:

    • Studying individual characteristics speech for each form of speech deviation.
    • Identification of symptoms, nature of development and degree of deviation of speech activity.
    • Determination of development trends in children with speech disorders.
    • Identification of the connection between speech disorders and the formation of mental, physical health and personality development.
    • Study of the formation of the speech apparatus in children with various defects development if they have speech deviations.
    • Identification of the nature of the occurrence of the disorder, its mechanism of action, accompanying symptoms, as well as structure.
    • Development of pedagogical and other methods of knowledge of speech disorders.
    • Systematization of acquired practical and theoretical knowledge to create a basis for improving methods for studying speech defects.
    • Development of new methods, techniques and principles to prevent and eliminate violations.
    • Formulation and production of new, current issues related to the organization of programs to provide appropriate assistance to persons with speech disorders.

    The tasks presented above for this scientific direction consider speech disorders from the point of view of:

    • Theories - the study of speech disorders in order to be able to develop new methods for prevention, identifying propensities for deviations and overcoming them.
    • Practices - the use of preventive measures, methods to identify and eliminate deviations in the speech apparatus.

    As you can see, theoretical side And practical experience speech therapy are closely related, which allows for comprehensive scientific approach to solving problems of diction defects.

    Carrying out your direct scientific activity, this branch is based on the basic principles of speech therapy:

    1. Systematic principle – considers speech as unique system with your own complex structure, the components of which are studied separately to obtain a general picture of the capabilities and structure of the speech apparatus.

    2. The principle of complexity – takes into account patterns and specific features development of individuals if they have speech defects.

    3. The principle of development - when carrying out correctional and speech therapy activities involves identifying the main stages, tasks and identifying complications associated with the immediate environment of the face.

    4. The principle of considering speech disorders against the background mental state the individual and his aspects.

    5. The principle of the activity approach - for the organization speech therapy program in raising or teaching a child with diction disorders, the leader is his direct activity(games, training, practice).

    6. The principle of orthogenetic features.

    7. Etiopathogenetic and symptomatic principle.

    8. A principle that takes into account the structure of diction defects.

    9. The principle of a workaround - considers the possibility of forming new principle the functioning of speech “past” the component, which is a violation.

    10. General didactic principles.

    It is worth noting that the basis of the scientific method is speech therapy principles general didactic, as well as special (principles of development, systematization of techniques and interconnectedness). They are a practical reinforcement of the theory of R.E. Levina regarding an integrated approach to the implementation of speech therapy activities, which takes into account the characteristics of the individual (in the motor, sensory, volitional and emotional spheres).

    What options and techniques does science use?

    The methods used by this branch of science make it possible to carry out basic speech therapy practical activities, supported theoretical knowledge. All methods of speech therapy, as practice has shown, can be divided into groups:

    1. Methods for organizing the processes of studying speech mechanisms (comparison, complex study, dynamic research).

    2. Empirical (based on acquired experience) methods. In particular, it is observation, experiment and study in psychodynamics. They also include the biographical method, based on the collection, systematization and analysis of data, and praximetric examples for examining the activity of speech.

    3. Methods related to the analysis and computer processing of data obtained through the application of quantitative and qualitative methods.

    4. Interpretive methods, which explore how theory can be applied in practice to the phenomena being studied.

    Specialists carrying out scientific activities

    The direct participants in speech therapy activities are speech therapists. These are specialists who correct speech disorders in children using scientific methods. The main task of their activity is a comprehensive assessment of the state of the individual’s speech apparatus, as well as comparison of its capabilities with age criteria.

    The profession of speech therapist appeared relatively recently, approximately in the second half of the 20th century. Its emergence was associated with attempts to correct speech in persons with various developmental disorders, justifying them as phenomena of a physiological nature that require medical methods treatment. The ineffectiveness of such measures has led experts to believe that speech disorders may have psychological character, requiring a different approach.

    Communication between a person and the people around him is very important aspect his development as a person. Therefore, specialists who carry out speech therapy and correctional activities provide society with a huge service.

    The main task of a speech therapist is not only to eliminate problems with diction, but also to identify the reasons that provoked this defect. For this purpose, the specialist uses the most effective techniques and scientific methods, developing correct speech together with a speech pathologist who monitors the activities and development of the child as a whole. The key to full speech capabilities is integrated approach to study the problem taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

    The remaining tasks that the speech therapist carries out are:

    • Correct production of sounds.
    • Enrichment of vocabulary.
    • Skill Development clear pronunciation sounds, for which pure tongues are used.
    • Construction of coherent, full-fledged, euphonious speech statements.
    • Instilling skills and rules of grammar.
    • Error correction.
    • Application of measures to prevent, identify, study the mechanism speech impediments, as well as their elimination.
    • Identifying the causes of other defects (if the child has them), as well as determining the necessary measures to provide him with appropriate assistance.

    The key to successful correction of diction is a timely visit to a speech therapist. At the same time, speech therapy is an area where only 50% of the success of the entire enterprise depends on the leading specialist; the second 50% is the efforts of the patient and his family. If these conditions are met, the child has every chance of mastering correct speech. Author: Elena Suvorova

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