Who to go to after school. Where to go after school? Benefits of studying at universities


It seems that 2 years ago, when this question worried 9th grade graduates, it never found an answer. But now there is no longer any opportunity to postpone the search for an optimal solution. Decide, where to go to study after 11th grade everyone who graduates from their favorite or not so favorite school will have to.

What about schools? Graduates of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are all at a crossroads. They clearly have a future ahead of them, but what will it be like? What options does it offer? educational system and where to go to study after 11th grade for medalists, good students and those who finished this journey with C grades in their certificate? What to count on if your USE results are weak?

In general, the offers are known, the options are outlined, all that remains is to choose the specialty that is most optimal and enroll. Don’t even enroll, but submit documents with the Unified State Exam results to the educational institutions you like. Maybe they’ll take you to one of them and then school life will be replaced by students, classes will become auditoriums, and teachers will become teachers.

But if everything is so simple, why is it still difficult to decide where to go to study after 11th grade?

Perhaps this is all because almost all applicants still do not have clear confidence in the correctness of the chosen path, in the prestige future profession, as an education educational institution? Or is it not this, but the fact that there can be no certainty in this matter?

Most likely yes, because it is known that the question of where to go to study after 9th grade is just as difficult as after 11th grade, only those who could not answer it earlier managed to delay their admission to an educational institution more high level for a couple more years. But now all the deadlines have passed and a decision will have to be made. In the non-existent 12th grade, clearly no one is waiting for you.

Well... then from general words it makes sense to move on to a substantive conversation. There are several options where you can go to study after 11th grade. They are ready to teach you at universities - academies, universities and institutes, secondary educational institutions - colleges and technical schools, or to take you to a school. Let's try to look inside educational institutions and figure it out.

Where to go to study after 11th grade? To the university

When deciding to stay at school after 9th grade, almost 80 percent of applicants do so with one sole purpose– finish school in order to enter a higher education institution. After 9th grade, you will not be accepted into an academy, institute or university, but after 11th grade, if Unified State Exam results you pass, they can’t help but take it. Therefore, you probably know everything about universities.

Universities are considered the largest, most prestigious and, often, the most expensive. Universities, as a rule, are state-owned, since a private university cannot achieve university status. Almost everyone wants to go to university after 11th grade, but not everyone succeeds. Therefore, institutions are used, among which one can find both private and public. The quality of education in them is considered by many to be less high, although this is not at all true.

The third option where an applicant can go to study after 11th grade is the academy. Medical, agricultural engineering, theater, technical, military. There are a great many academies with an explicit indication of their profile in the name. This is because academies are traditionally seen as focused on specific specialties and disciplines.

For example, medical academy, for sure, contains classrooms, departments and collaborates with clinical sites. The theater industry cannot do without stages, prominent names of theater and film actors, and the agricultural engineering department trains highly qualified personnel for the country’s agricultural sector. Thus, there is no point in believing that academies are worse than universities. If the question of where to go to study after 11th grade matters to you great value, don't give up on academies.

However, there is no point in abandoning institutions. Some of them are private, some are state-owned, some are good, some are not so good. In other words, the difference should not be significant for you. Applicants make their choice for admission after 11th grade depending on their specialty, location, cost, and other reasons. This choice also applies in institutions.

Where else to go to study after 11th grade? To the secondary school

Those who decided not to receive higher education after 11th grade, but want to study, are a minority. And yet such people exist. They can be found in the lists of applicants for medical, legal, economic, technical and other areas in colleges and technical schools.

College will teach you skills that you can learn in technical school. But if your specialty is technical, it makes sense to go to a technical school. Although today the distinction between colleges and technical schools is blurred, many educational institutions called technical schools still teach only technical specialties.

After the 11th grade, you can go to technical schools and colleges to study based on the results of the Unified State Examination, or you can even enroll without exams, you just need to submit documents and go through the so-called interview. Based on the results of your training, in 2 years you will receive a specialty and a diploma of secondary education. vocational education, with which you can safely go to work, or you can continue to improve your level of education and go to study at a university. Anyone can go to college after 11th grade, but for some time now, there has been a deferment for young men who have completed full school, not provided. 9th grade graduates are luckier here.

Go to school after 11th grade

Do you think that 11th grade graduates live only in colleges, technical schools, universities, academies and institutes? You are wrong. Courses allow you to quickly gain a profession. Cutting and sewing, hairdressing, manicure, computer literacy, programming skills, design and many other skills will be taught in the courses the fastest. A couple of weeks will be enough to gain skills in a simple specialty. It will take a little longer to study for a more difficult specialty, but one thing is clear - going to study after 11th grade is also an option when you do not have time to receive an education for 2,3, or even all 6 years. However, after taking the courses, you obviously shouldn’t count on a diploma of secondary vocational education, and certainly not higher education. The maximum document you can receive is a certificate.

With a certificate instead of a diploma, the chances of getting a good job are clearly reduced. But there is no need to discard courses at all. Perhaps now is the time when it is better for you to take short-term training courses, get a job and enroll in correspondence department get a higher education, but have a job and wages? It's worth thinking about.

Prestigious and in-demand professions after 11th grade

The topic of prestige and demand for specialties and professions is a separate and many-hour story that has neither beginning nor end. Where to go to study after 11th grade to get a profession for all time? To be in demand and prestigious, to be paid more, and to have a joy in the work? There is not and cannot be a single answer to these questions. And here's why. Some people want to become a lawyer after 11th grade, others prefer performing arts, someone is closer to medicine. It must be said that in almost any training profile there are professions that are considered the most prestigious, and there are also those that cannot be called in demand. You need to start, however, not from this, but from how much closer this or that profile is to you, and then choose for yourself in it the right profession. Find out more about what professions are available after 11th grade and see the list of professions after 11th grade. Browse the profiles that are closest to you and make a decision about admission.

Don’t forget that there is no exact answer to where to go to study after 11th grade, since the world is changing faster than one might imagine. And remember that your destiny is in your hands. Educational institutions that are ready to train you after 11th grade are a secondary matter.

Young people and their parents have many questions: study or work? Which option is better? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article. It is important for us to understand that at the moment more profitable. Unfortunately, almost every day the situation not only in the country, but also in the world changes: yesterday doctors were in demand, today lawyers are in demand, and tomorrow, perhaps, none of them will be needed.

It is important for every person not to be left without a piece of bread. Let's take a look possible options avoid risks to the younger generation: schoolchildren, college students, graduates of both institutions.

Getting ready in advance

If you are still in school, in grades, for example, seventh or eighth, then decide what interests you. Let's say:

The list can be endless. Even a young photographer can become a professional if he wants. Think about what interests you, select literature, go to exhibitions, communicate with professionals and study free time skill. Most likely, your talent will be useful in the future. For example, a married young woman will go on maternity leave or be fired from her job. But you need to feed your family, pay for housing and food. Most likely, only the accumulated savings from school or student years experience. In moments of crisis, the question will not particularly arise: study or work after school? Now let's explain why this is so.

Let's use our talent

Now there is a crisis almost everywhere. Unfortunately, large enterprises in Russia are closing and laying off specialists. People are used to working at an enterprise and receiving a salary from the employer. But a period may come when a person is fired for any reason and he receives complete freedom. New job there may be no chance to find it, especially if the person doesn’t know anything else and has no experience.

So the good and forgotten old things will come to the rescue - talent, school skills. For example, you painted beautiful pictures and portraits. Try starting over. Even though writers, artists and poets earn very little, you can still try. For example, not only draw portraits in the park, but also print calendars with the author’s image.

Everything depends on you, the choice is yours and you too must decide: study or work. At 20 years old you can become famous and get rich. But remember: above all, hard work and self-promotion.

Should I go to college?

If you have the knowledge and the means, then, of course, go study. Choose a specialty you like. You can learn something new at the same time. For example, you are studying to become an economist, studying mathematics and foreign languages.

It comes easy to you English language. Continue to study it seriously or study at the same time additional language. Competent translators earn good money, you can cooperate with foreign organizations. You can study or work, or you can do both. Freelancing is well developed now. Finding a regular customer is not difficult, but you have to look for an honest one. It is recommended to take an advance payment.

No work experience

Many students work part-time at McDonald's, as couriers, and as loaders at night. Such work will bring profit, but most likely it will not help develop talent and skills. It's better to look for a creative job. But if they don’t take you anywhere, then it’s better to study at home in your free time. For example, one photo editing studio requires professionals, but you have no experience working with raster image, you don’t know how to do special effects, but you have a desire to learn it. This is commendable. Do your homework, household chores, relax and, instead of watching movies, playing games, learn Photoshop like a professional. Everything requires patience and perseverance.

From scratch

Now let's look at an example. You are studying at school. You like computer science. Start learning programming languages ​​in depth. Look: many customers are looking for performers who understand the C++ language, others need ready-made turnkey websites. Choose a direction to your liking. After all, the created world of the Internet is maintained thanks to developers of different directions: web designers, programmers, copywriters, etc. What would you like to do: design a beautiful website or write texts? Decide for yourself what you are better at and start studying this area.

To those young people who are still in school years learned a skill, study or work, there is no choice. Why? Because they can start making money right now doing what they love.

What if I can't do anything?

After ninth grade you can go to almost any college. Sometimes the choice of specialties is much larger in vocational schools and colleges than in institutes. For example, after 3 years of training you can become an excellent pastry chef, while at the same time a full-time student at the institute is studying boring subjects related to the food industry.

Now imagine these two students. What will happen to the first one? He will work: bake cakes, make wonderful dishes. He has experience working in restaurants or pizzerias, or in a confectionery factory. Specialist with higher education risks being left without a profession due to lack of experience. And what is better to do: study or work in this case? Of course, work. By the way, if you want to get a higher education, but you can’t quit your job, then there is always a chance to study by correspondence or distance learning.

Is higher education necessary?

After reading a couple of subheadings above, many of you will probably think: why then higher education if you may not need it? But it is worth noting that not everything is so simple. Before the 2000s, there were not many people with higher education. You could go to work almost anywhere, as long as you had knowledge, experience, and hard work.

Unfortunately, modern sphere labor requirements are becoming more stringent. For example, on railway and in the metro they are increasingly hiring people with higher education, even with low positions. Suddenly, in 10 years, all mechanics and technicians will be forced to receive higher specialized education or asked to leave at will? Unfortunately, in the area railway transport everything goes towards this. Therefore, even if you dream of becoming a diesel locomotive, don’t think for long about whether to study or work; it’s better to immediately prepare for the entrance exams to a university.

Wishes instead of conclusion

Be sure to choose a specialty you like so that you can do what you love and be useful. After all, your profession is for life. Currently, many people do not work in their specialty. Why? Because they don’t hire people without experience or they don’t like the profession.

To avoid wasting time in the future, think carefully: study or work? What to choose? Consult with those who are 6-10 years older than you, because these people received their education 1-5 years ago and have an idea of ​​​​what the situation is in the modern labor sphere.

The diversity of educational institutions in the capital leaves graduates at a loss. Not only the list of professions varies, but also whether you can study part-time or full-time, and the level of accreditation of universities. Where to go after 11th grade - important question, which determines the future. You need to decide not only which profession to choose, but also which educational institution to give preference to.

The question of where to go after 11th grade is beginning to worry schoolchildren not only in recent years senior year. It’s better to decide where to go after 11 years of school in advance. This allows you to better prepare for exams in specialized disciplines, choose the best educational institution, and weigh the pros and cons.

It is recommended to decide where it is best to enroll while still studying in grades 8-9. In this case, the student will be able to choose specialized disciplines at 10-11, begin to study them in depth, and as a result pass all the exams required for admission with excellent marks. Moscow universities are quite strict about accepting applicants.

The biggest competition is here Russian Federation. Of course, if a student is going to choose a profession that is practically not rated, then he will not encounter much competition. But you should understand that, having decided on your future profession in this way, in the end it will be difficult to find a job in your specialty.

There are a lot of people in the capital educational institutions, each of which puts forward certain requirements for applicants. Even if a student wants to enroll in a paid department, and not on a budget, this may not work either.

Pay attention! The education received in the capital is considered one of the best; there is great competition in paid departments.

Who can you learn from?

Higher education is valued more than specialized education. Majority simple operations Over time, they will come under the control of automatic mechanisms. Perhaps those who received qualifications at a technical school or college will remain unemployed in thirty years, and specialists with higher education will be in demand.

It doesn’t matter if you are wondering where to go as a technician after 11 years of study at high school, it will be important to understand that you need to choose a university. Then you can borrow high positions, which is not given to a person with a secondary education.

All types of specialties are available to those who have completed school and have not left after 9th grade: from lawyers to engineers, from doctors, from mathematicians to zoologists, from musicians to designers.

It has been agreed upon that the following specialties will be in demand in the coming years:

It is important to understand that the question depends not only on whether you can then get a job in your specialty and how much you will earn.

Sometimes a student gravitates toward one thing, and it may not be a profitable or little-known business. Studying will be fun if you do what you enjoy. And after training, there is a high probability that you will be able to occupy a new, low-competition niche.

List of professions

The list of universities and faculties where you can enroll after 11th grade is quite large. Now many educational institutions accept both boys and girls for all specialties (if there are no restrictions on physical requirements). The list of professions that Moscow residents can study after 11th grade is the same for male and female applicants, but it is worth understanding that some professions are easier to study for a representative of one gender or another.

List of professions after 11th grade for boys:

  • computer technologies;
  • engineering;
  • medical worker;
  • service sector;
  • creative professions;
  • trade.

There are always more guys studying in computer science departments. This is due not only to the fact that young people are accustomed to using a computer.

The fact is that men's brains are more geared towards processing accurate information, so it’s easier for guys to learn the basics of computer science. Girls mostly have humanitarian warehouse mind.

The list of professions after 11th grade for them looks like this:

  • medicine and veterinary science;
  • pedagogical activity;
  • economy;
  • psychology;
  • linguistics;
  • office manager;
  • sales representative;
  • tourism.

Most women's specialties require working with people. As a rule, representatives of the fair sex find faster common language It’s easier for them to come to an agreement with others. Therefore, sales managers, economists, sales representatives, and tour guides are mostly girls.


You can’t just get into popular universities in Moscow. It is required not only to finish school well, but also to pass exams with excellence, to stand out from total mass other applicants. Institutes value their reputation, therefore, they recruit students in whom they are confident.

It is sometimes impossible to enter Moscow universities, even if we're talking about O paid branch. Residents of the outback who intend to “conquer the capital” often leave with nothing. If you want to be accepted, preparation must be taken care of several years before applying.

Popular and prestigious institutions in Moscow:

  • MGIMO;
  • MSTU.

Most of these educational institutions have a certain specification (some are aimed at producing scientists, others at humanities specialists). There are also those that present various directions, which relate to different fields of activity.

Educational institutions in Moscow

Who you can study for after 11th grade is an individual question. You need to evaluate not only your desires, but also your skills. It would be stupid if a student who passed exams in physics and mathematics satisfactorily decides to enroll in computer technology. You need to adequately evaluate your skills and abilities.

When making a choice between educational institutions in Moscow, it is important to determine their level. There is a risk of encountering a fly-by-night university that lures gullible students low prices for training, sky-high prospects. This doesn't happen - what better university, the more difficult it is to enter it.

Where can I go after 11th grade?

Where to go to study after 11th grade depends on the level of preparation, gender and desire of the applicant. As mentioned above, it is best to enroll in specialties that are familiar and most interesting. The list of educational institutions is huge, including both popular and prestigious ones and little-known ones.

The choice should also depend on what kind of workers are required in the region where the graduate plans to live after graduation. Study the features of the labor market, and then you will understand whether there is a place for you.

A complete list of academic institutions and the specialties they provide can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Education. There you need to specify the region. If you go to the websites of universities, you can find out the exams required for admission, the time and cost of training, the number of disciplines taught, information about teachers and much more. These details will allow the applicant to determine how well the organization suits him.

After 11th grade in Moscow you can enter any university. You should not think that the issue here is resolved only by money and connections. Of course, no one denies “nepotism,” but due to thorough checks of educational institutions on this fact, even the simplest applicant can hope to get into prestigious establishment. The main thing is persistence and excellent knowledge of the subject.

Universities, academies and institutes

After the applicant has decided where he can go to study, he should choose a university in the capital.

Those who are confident own strength, choose:

  • MSU - oldest university Russia, trains specialists in various fields;
  • MGIMO is known not only in the country, but throughout the world, most specialties are in the humanities;
  • HSE produces specialists who work abroad, teaching not only economics, but also advertising and journalism;
  • FA - practices studying abroad on exchange, graduates financiers;
  • REA - provides high-quality economic education, much attention is paid to scientific works;
  • MSTU - education is considered one of the best in Europe;
  • Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy is a prestigious institution that graduates doctors of all specialties;
  • Pirogov Medical University - not only provides a high-quality knowledge base, but also the opportunity to engage in research work;
  • Peoples' Friendship University - produces few specialists, but has a high reputation;
  • Stroganov Academy of Arts and Industry - graduates multidisciplinary students in creative fields;
  • Moscow Art Theater - it is very difficult to get here, but most graduates become high-class actors.
  • The Gnessin Academy has difficult entrance exams, but studying here gives the start to a great musical career.

Humanitarian direction

It is not difficult for a humanities major to choose a major. A lot of universities are engaged in training future journalists, managers, economists, and guides.

Pay attention! You should choose depending on your talents and experience. A humanities specialist who has mediocre knowledge will not be in demand.

The forum will tell you how to choose a specialty and university. Just enter this query into Google. There will be a lot of options for where to go to study after 11th grade on the forum. Users share real stories and impressions.

Where to go to study by correspondence

Those who are forced to work want to know where to go to study by correspondence.

There are many options, some of the popular ones are:

  • National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute;
  • Moscow Institute of Technology;
  • State University of Land Management;
  • City Pedagogical;
  • Technical University of Civil Aviation;
  • Kosygin University;
  • Institute of Economics and Culture;
  • Witte University;
  • Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

In Russia today, graduates are provided with a lot of opportunities, so choosing an institution can be done without any problems. Another question is the demand for the specialty and the problem of employment in it in the future. When choosing, you need to take these aspects into account.

Individual consultation for grades 8, 9, 10, 11 with candidate psychological sciences , expert on professions Elmira Davydova: informed and accurate choice of profession, selection of universities and colleges.

12 years of work, 10,000 people passed career guidance here.

The consultation is one-time, lasting 1.5-2 hours.
Payment by cash or card.

In search of an answer to the question of where to go to study after school people usually think about college. Often they do not know that Russia is doing well with public colleges. And in a number of cases it would make sense begin professional path namely from college, and after it go to college.

In what cases is it advisable to go to college after high school, and not immediately to a university?

First of all, if a child after 11th grade succeeded low scores Unified State Exam or a 9th grader has no motivation to study further at school.
Dear parents and students! Never neglect colleges. College is a technical school, not a vocational school. College teaches well, for real. Your child will have a real specialty. If he wants to study further, he will go to a university, and it will be much easier for him to study in this specialty at a university. As you know, there are colleges attached to universities; and the transition from college to university occurs through internal exams, and not through the Unified State Examination. In particular, this applies to children who have graduated from art, music, cadet - any special school.

Entering a university after school

Many people take the wrong path and choose a university rather than a specialty. In our opinion, you need to start from your specialty. Because then you have to work. Hence, need to choose a profession. And a university is just a means to get a profession.

Where to go after correctional school

After correctional school, i.e. After grade 8 school, you can go to college. There are special colleges for children with special needs. Here children are given a profession with which they can actually find employment.

Where to go in your case?

You need to go where they will give you the profession you need. Who should I study for? The answer to this question is provided by career guidance. This important work, which people can very rarely do efficiently themselves.

After all, they may not know professions and their requirements for a person. An example would be the professions of systems engineer and systems analyst, which belong to the same field, but in essence are completely different professions, and study them at different faculties.

Who will conduct career guidance for you?

I, Elmira Khalimovna Davydova, conduct career guidance.

Here's what you need to know about me in advance:
I am the director of the career guidance center "ProfGid", a graduate of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (1984), Candidate of Psychological Sciences (1995), certified specialist of the Institute Existential psychotherapy(San Francisco, USA, 1997), teacher at Moscow State University (2008-2011), director of a personnel agency (1998-2008), career guidance consultant since 2006, author of the “Living Career Guidance” method.

So it rang last call, all exams have been passed, and every eleventh grade graduate is thinking about it after school. Perhaps this is the most important choice in a person’s life, because it determines him future fate. Finding a profession you like is not an easy task.

D In order not to regret the wrong in the future step taken, it is now necessary to weigh all the pros and cons, thoroughly study everything that universities offer and compare your desires with the possibilities.

Which institute you end up enrolling in depends entirely on you. Please note that the more serious the establishment, the higher the points for crossing the threshold. When choosing a profession, it is important to take into account the amount of money for study that you can afford, the number of points received on the Unified State Exam, as well as your preparedness for entrance exams and competitions, which are established in many educational institutions.

Getting admission anywhere in Moscow is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. Minimum quantity The points scored should not be lower than one hundred and seventy, but the maximum number is four hundred.

Of course, the more prestigious and popular the university you have chosen, the easier it is to find a job after graduation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you start studying the structure as early as possible entrance exams and prepare for competitions, because your future life.

The most popular universities in Moscow

So, a list of the most famous and prestigious universities Moscow looks like this:

Of course, the above list of institutes where you can go to study both part-time and full-time is not complete, because our capital is full of first-class educational institutions. It’s quite difficult to enroll in all of them, but it’s worth it, because by doing so you not only strengthen your position and can hope to get a good and, importantly, desired specialty, but the program itself, subjects and highly qualified teachers will make your student life unforgettable and interesting.

Medical Universities

Doctor - definitely, a very important and useful profession for society. More and more more people Every year they decide to become specialists in the field of medicine, guided by very different principles and desires: some want to help people, some are interested in studying human nature, some want to achieve financial well-being.

However, no matter what your goal is, it is worth considering that competition in the medical field is incredibly tough, and in order to get the best job possible, it is advisable to have a diploma stating that you are a graduate of a fairly prestigious educational institution . List of the most popular and best-in-class institutes in Moscow, preparing future surgeons, dentists and other specialists, is as follows:

Where to go to study after 11th grade if you want to acquire a creative profession?

Creative professions are still in demand and important, as are work in the fields of medicine, education and economics. Moscow is on par with St. Petersburg is full of a variety of educational institutions from which you can become an excellent designer, animator, artist, fashion designer or architect.

Each of us understands that the education we receive is in some way the foundation of our lives. Choosing a future profession is an important and responsible step that must be approached with the utmost seriousness. And, of course, our parents always want to take part in this process. The first thing you need to do when taking such a step is to remove relatives from this. Although they want the best for their children, this decision should be made individually and without external pressure.

Carefully study all areas and faculties of the institute, where you would like to go to study after 11th grade. Their complete list is presented on the official websites of the educational institution. You can learn about student life on special forums.

The list of professions after 11th grade is huge, and some of them look very tempting and promise to be in demand in the future. But always balance your abilities with your desires. If you want to become a doctor, however, your Unified State Examination scores in biology are just slightly above the threshold, then this means that admission to medical universities you just don't need to. Always listen to inner voice and know that it is not you who should adapt to your career, but, on the contrary, the rhythm of life should remain familiar and comfortable, and work should bring pleasure.

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