Which universities offer chemistry and biology? What professions require chemistry?


Having passed biology high score, you can submit documents for . In addition to this subject, you will have to bring test results in the Russian language, chemistry and mathematics, and also, possibly, pass an additional intra-university exam in your favorite subject. natural science(Depending on the university, disciplines may vary). It would be nice if you also understood and - at the beginning of your studies at the Faculty of Biology, a lot of attention is paid to this subject.

Biology is mandatory exam upon admission to the faculty. Along with this discipline, you will have to show your knowledge of the Russian language and chemistry. If you would like to engage not in treating people, but in the development and implementation of the latest technologies and cutting-edge equipment, you will also need knowledge of physics.

Psychologist is another specialty for which admission will not be possible without testing. If you have a tendency to humanities, you can give preference to this faculty. However, the list of required items varies depending on the educational institution. As a rule, applicants, in addition to biology, also provide Unified State Exam results in Russian language, mathematics or history.

The final and most important stage is delivery. entrance exams. You must take this seriously. Never use cheat sheets, be careful when writing your test work, and be confident in your oral answers. Try to tie everything you say to .

Useful advice

To successfully enroll in Faculty of Medicine, don't count on luck. As soon as you have submitted documents to the admissions office, forget about night parties and country holidays. Now main tasksuccessful completion entrance examinations. Only after they are completed can you relax a little. But do not forget that studying at a medical school is a serious and responsible matter.

Those who claim that modern youth are not interested in anything are very, very wrong. Many young people are interested in biology beyond their school or university curriculum. It is not for nothing that Russia is still, fortunately, a leading scientific power in this area.


You can order the literature you need in online bookstores or by electronic catalogs libraries presented on the Internet.

If you have a good command of, and especially special terminology, then you can start correspondence with biology students and scientists from all over the world, communicating with them in special forums and exchanging experience and knowledge.

If you want to first understand the practice, and only then move on to theory, visit the “anatomy”, collect herbariums, go to field practice more often and write down your observations.

Nowadays it is very important to get higher education in order to get a prestigious job in the future and earn a decent income. Many universities throughout Russia are ready to open their doors to everyone who seeks knowledge on various scientific directions. Having decided on future profession, you just have to choose the university itself and the form of study.


If you have made a firm decision for yourself because you want to help people in difficult life situations and give them moral support, then studying full-time or evening will be especially interesting for you. It's there experienced teachers you will be invited to participate in psychological games, seminars, trainings, etc. The work of a psychologist involves communicating with people, so this fact is very important. After all, it is on practical exercises received theoretical knowledge are worked out and consolidated.

It doesn't matter what city you live in. You always have the opportunity to graduate from a university and receive a diploma in psychology. For example, in Yekaterinburg there is the Ural State, in which they have created good conditions for students. The university has its own library, which is very important. The management of this university periodically holds scientific Olympiads and conferences, where there is always a chance to improve your knowledge.

Always ready to accept students St. Petersburg state university. Having a very strong teaching staff, he can offer you quite exciting learning, which will help you develop in the chosen direction. This university has created a program that pays attention to culture, sports and health, which will make your studies more interesting.

In Moscow, many institutes, universities and academies are simply fighting for their students, offering them different training options and payment schemes. And also create favorable conditions for non-resident citizens. Here we can note such universities as Moscow State University, Moscow pedagogical university, Moscow Humanitarian-Economic Institute, etc.

Also, do not forget about, which upon completion gives you the right to practice in your profession as a specialist. One of the institutes offering a similar form is the Institute positive technologies and consulting. There are several directions in it, which are supervised by qualified teachers. Distance learning is very convenient for many students. Because myself educational process happening in your free time. The big advantage is that studying at

Successfully writing the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology is not an easy task. It is not surprising that these items are chosen by purposeful and serious guys. The secret of success is not just memorizing formulas, properties of elements and living organisms, but in a deep understanding complex processes and laws that describe the world around us.

Most graduates who take the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology are planning to connect their lives with medicine.

Getting into medical school has always been difficult. Nowadays, admission is also complicated by the fact that, in addition to traditional chemistry and biology, you have to take exams in other subjects - mathematics, physics, and the Russian language. Medical schools also require passing a professional test.

Which universities are easier to get into and which are more difficult?

Having good results Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology, as well as in some other subjects, you will be able to apply for three selected areas and try your luck.

Biology, bioengineering

If you are interested in biology as a science and want to give the world new biotechnologies, then you have a direct path to Moscow State University. In the direction of "Biology" ( Faculty of Biology) passing score is 438, 157 budget places are allocated. To get into one of the 20 places in the field of “Biology” at the Faculty of Biotechnology, you must score at least 455 points. In the field of "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" only 30 applicants will be able to get into the budget, the bar is the highest - 462 points. Additional exam in all specialties - mathematics.

Soil science

To thoroughly study all the intricacies of land use and reclamation, apply for the specialty “Soil Science” at Moscow State University. Plank height - 385, budget places- 57. Additional exam - mathematics.


This is a very interesting agricultural specialty related to the cultivation of plants, increasing productivity and soil fertility. If you decide to get this profession, then this can be done in the Russian State Agrarian correspondence university. Pass level 209 and 75 budget places.

General Medicine

Apply by this direction quite difficult. For example, at Moscow State University the passing score is 465 points, but only 35 places are allocated; in addition, you additionally need to take mathematics. In Sechenovsky medical university you need to provide 282 points on the Unified State Exam, 700 people will be accepted on the budget. In “Pirogovka” the passing score is slightly lower - 254, but there are also fewer places - 600.


To enter Moscow State University, you need to score 429 points and additionally pass mathematics, there are 15 budget places. At the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov has a passing score of 233 and 200 places. At the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov established a threshold of 248 points, 30 applicants will be accepted for the budget. Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A. I. Evdokimov (Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov) 24 people who received at least 257 points on the Unified State Exam will study for free.


You can become a highly qualified nurse by enrolling in the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov. The passing score is 199, the number of budget places is 20.

Medical and preventive care

Training in this area is conducted at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov, passing score - 236.

Medical biochemistry

The chances of enrolling on a budget are approximately the same in both universities. At the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov has a passing score of 252, but there are only 10 places. At the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov requires 283 points, but more places are allocated - 18.


To become a competent pediatric doctor, you need to undergo training in this area at the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov or at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov. In “Pirogovka” the passing score is 248, and there are 45 budget places. In “Sechenovka” there are almost three times more places than 150, but the requirements for applicants are higher - the passing score is 330, in addition, you need to pass a professional test.


The most difficult thing is to enter Sechenovka, the passing score is 326, but 100 budget places are provided. In the profile MGMSU named after. A. I. Evdokimov has set the bar at 261 points, and there are 68 places. At the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov’s passing score is 258, but from federal budget only 35 places are paid.

Every academic year hundreds of thousands of Russian graduates, and along with them graduates of previous years, who for some reason were unable to get into universities earlier, begin to frantically rush around in search of “their” institution - the university, which is the best and most profitable in terms of a future career and where there is exactly your profession.

These issues need to be resolved as soon as possible, because you need to register for the Unified State Exam, and each profession has its own set of subjects. You also need to combine the choice with the interests and abilities of the student. After all, a humanist will not study effectively with natural science disciplines, and a technician is unlikely to be happy with the Unified State Examination in literature.

Here, each graduate has his own path - both according to his abilities and needs. You can give examples of applicants who, having passed the Unified State Exam in chemistry, biology, and Russian, are wondering where to apply.

Natural sciences

School time is not only a happy childhood and first love, it is also an educational reality with examples of “the reaction of aggressive sulfuric acid and alkali” and “the structure of a group of brothers in mind - monkeys.” And only adults, twenty years after graduating from school, can laugh at pistils and stamens.

Even if you take the subjects chemistry and biology - two quite complex disciplines, not every high school student prefers them as their favorites during the period of study. It is easier to work with humanities subjects that do not require large quantity special terms and numbers. Moreover, won’t you begin to suffer after passing biology, Russian language, chemistry, where to apply. The country is large, there are many universities and specialties.

However, at the same time, natural sciences in all eras (from Russian tsars until recent years) met the requirements of the level of highly scientific subjects, strong character and propensity for skills. There is an opinion among teachers that only selected students can be submissive, how difficult and incomprehensible they are to schoolchildren. That is, in order to be considered smart and talented, it is enough to become a “biologist” and “chemist”.

In addition, specialization in these disciplines at school gives good prospects in the future. After all, many professions, highly paid and interesting, are based on these sciences.

So after passing the Unified State Exam(chemistry, biology, Russian language), where to apply?

Entrance exams

But, falling from heaven to earth, we must understand that there is one serious obstacle, which teachers will begin to talk about in high school. And here the problem is not only the complexity of the entrance exams. Mainly, the difficulty in the interaction of sciences, and therefore academic disciplines. Upon admission to various Russian universities In addition to these two subjects, it is necessary to take also compulsory ones, most often these are Russian language and mathematics.

And this is already serious problem. Even on our fertile land, Lomonosovs are not born through one in order to pass the most difficult exams as a whole set. Is it worth suffering after passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines "biology", "Russian language", "chemistry", where to apply? As they say, the skin is not worth the candle.

Fortunately, both university leaders and admissions committees understand this, offering possible options.

For the first, most difficult, it is proposed to take biology and chemistry ( specialized subjects) in parallel with the Russian language and mathematics, which also go as almost specialized ones. If the competition is big, then the risk is justified and the newly-minted students are all, as one, smart, capable and eager to gnaw on the granite of science. For example, applicants Chelyabinsk region you don’t have to suffer by passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “chemistry”, “biology”, “Russian language”, where to apply. Chelyabinsk presents a range of natural science disciplines to applicants.

However, in our time and the decline in the level of knowledge, we have to adhere to more modest requirements for applicants. In practice, there are quite a lot of specialties for which only one of these disciplines is enough for admission.


So, driven by your abilities along the first, most difficult path, you passed the Unified State Exam in all subjects of this cycle. All that remains is to decide where biology, Russian language, and chemistry are needed for admission?

The first (and probably the most correct) impulse is medicine. Unfortunately, people will always get sick, and with the development of science, the number of specialties in this area is only increasing. There are quite a lot of medical universities, both in terms of popularity, difficulty of admission, and in terms of the number of specialties and opportunities for future scientific and administrative careers.

So, you passed chemistry, biology, Russian. and St. Petersburg by medical specialties? There are several in the capital medical universities, known for their history, traditions, experienced personnel and the latest technologies. To enter these educational institutions Unified State Examinations are required in these three disciplines. Among them are:

  • Medical University named after. Sechenov.
  • Medical University named after. Pirogov.
  • GMSU.
  • Medical University named after. Pavlova.

These are universities of two largest cities Russia, but in almost all big cities there are popular and large educational institutions of a similar direction. And to guarantee (there is a lot of competition for one place), you need to get high marks in the Unified State Examination in biology and chemistry, have good portfolio from certificates and first places at school and regional Olympiads and diplomas in various competitions.

Medicine in other regions

Russian education has always been famous for medicine. Currently, this trend is gaining momentum again. For example, you shouldn’t suffer while deciding where to go after passing the Unified State Exam in chemistry, biology, or the Russian language in Bashkiria. Ufa - largest city region and has many possibilities:

  • Specialty “Medical and preventive care”, full-time study based on 11 classes at the microbiology department of BSMU in Ufa.
  • The specialty "Pediatrics" trains pediatricians - doctors in the field clinical medicine, which studies the state of a child’s health during its development.
  • The specialty "Pharmacy" trains specialists in the field of handling medicines, including development, scientific study, production, application and other specialties.

There is no need to look for where to apply after passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “biology”, “Russian language”, “chemistry”. There are a lot of training options.

Where else to go with such a set of Unified State Exam subjects?

The training options considered represent only the tip of the iceberg modern education. There is no need to suffer by passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “chemistry”, “biology”, “Russian language”, “mathematics”. The websites of admissions committees and universities will tell graduates where to apply.

There is only one direction - biology.

Biological disciplines will always be an important part of human education. Because of this, graduates in this field are constantly in demand. graduate School offers several variations of biological disciplines:

  1. Anthropology (or paleontology) combines a number of scientific industries, connected with the study of the genesis of humanity. The acquired material will be borrowed from many parts of science. The field of activity is very interesting, but getting a job in the specialty is quite difficult.
  2. Genetics. Discipline of theoretical orientation. The applicant should be interested various types genes, understand the problems of heredity. After completing your education, you can get a job as a genetic consultant or genetic engineer.
  3. Zoology is a science aimed at the study of animals. The specialist takes on the task of studying the life activity of animals. In addition, he makes experiments and studies the habits of animals in different conditions.
  4. Biophysics - form scientific activity, referring to the analysis of the impact of various physical factors on the body. The specialist must be able to work with equipment to conduct experiments.
  5. Soil science is the science of studying and organizing activities aimed at preserving and improving soil fertility. Such specialists develop the characteristics of the studied layers of the earth, etc.

These specialties show that there is no need to doubt when deciding where to apply after passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “biology”, “Russian language”, “chemistry”.


In addition to classical medicine, there is large number specialties that are very popular due to their value and usefulness. In Russia there is a large number of livestock in agriculture, many pets in the form of dogs and cats, and there is also a wide variety of exotic animals: chameleons, snakes and motley pigs. And they also get sick quite often.

If you love animals and don’t like to tinker with them and treat them, then you can get a profitable and always in-demand specialty. Veterinarians have permanent job and the opportunity to earn a decent income. It is easier to study in such a university than in a medical one.

For example, applicants from the north-west of Russia do not have to think about how to become a veterinarian by passing the Unified State Examination in the disciplines “chemistry”, “biology”, “Russian language”, and where to apply. SPB gives great opportunities in this regard. In St. Petersburg State University at veterinary medicine there are 320 places. The Academy trains good, versatile specialists - veterinarians.


Since the twentieth century, the profession of a biochemist has become increasingly known and increasingly necessary. Already from the name it is obvious that this specialty is at the intersection of biology and chemistry. After graduating from the Faculty of Biochemistry, you can find wide range vacancies. A biochemist degree will open doors large number laboratories related to the field medical research, food industry, pharmacology. Specialists in this area often receive vacancies in cosmetic centers; they are also in demand in clinics.

Biochemical studies for quality control and creation new products are in many ways leading in different industries economics, and this determines the profession of a biochemist.

This specialty is quite profitable. So, after passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “chemistry”, “biology”, “Russian language”, you don’t need to think about where to apply. Novosibirsk - city scientific orientation and many universities have a specialty in “Medical Biochemistry”. Applicants can enter such a university only on the basis of 11 classes. The area of ​​interest of specialists includes many living beings - from microorganisms to large mammals.


Having passed the Unified State Exam in the subjects "biology", "Russian language", "chemistry", upon admission you can plunge into the field of agriculture.

Good old agronomy. After she became one of the most unpromising professions, in recent years The rebirth of agronomy began. The specialty is very popular and seems very promising. This is due to the rise of the domestic agricultural industry. Sanctions, state attention, the appetite of the citizens of our country lead to the fact that agriculture is developing at an accelerated pace. And agronomists, as leading specialists, not only bear the brunt of the work, but also receive a good income.

Agriculture is multifaceted. Both chemistry and biology are in demand here. As a result, within the framework of the specialty “Agronomy”, a student can obtain certain professions: vegetable grower, botanist, agricultural technician, breeder.

Based on chemistry

Besides integrated use natural science disciplines, there are a number of specialties, for admission to which you need to prepare for passing only either chemistry or biology (however, the study of the second discipline has a conditional role and can be important factor For admissions committee).

It’s worth considering, after receiving the Unified State Exam results in several disciplines (Russian language, biology, chemistry), where you can enroll. The applicant has the right (if presence of the Unified State Exam in non-core subjects marked for passing in the lists of the admissions committee) apply for training in the following specialties:

  • pharmacology;
  • theoretical chemistry;
  • industrial chemistry;
  • agronomy (some specialties do not require biology);
  • fire safety.

Pharmacology in any era will be a promising activity. A graduate of this specialty can either be a pharmacist in a pharmacy or work in a laboratory and develop more effective and safe medications. Specialists go to work in pharmacies, hospitals, and factories. Specialists in this field will never be left without work.

Theoretical chemistry is needed by laboratory workers, as well as by those graduates who plan to work in science in the future.

Unlike industrial sector, where you can become a technical worker, a technologist in many areas of both organic and inorganic chemistry, you can work at almost any enterprise in the laboratory and in production, in the technological department.

Administrative and technical regulations and the state of the modern economy have led to the fact that fire safety engineers are needed in almost any institution, regardless of specialization. Such an engineer will need not only theoretical knowledge in natural science subjects, but also good physical training. If successful, the education received will allow the graduate to be an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a fire inspector, or an engineer. All these professions are very highly valued and in demand.

Many qualified specialists are trained in Sverdlovsk region. There, the applicant does not need to search, having passed the Unified State Examination in the disciplines “chemistry”, “biology”, “Russian language”, where to apply. Yekaterinburg offers training in the specialty " Fire safety" This is a very difficult and responsible profession, which involves a cycle of measures to prevent fires, extinguish fires and evacuate people to difficult situation. This is where fire departments are trained.

Based on biology

Are you wondering where you can go after passing the Unified State Exam in the disciplines “Russian language”, “biology”, “chemistry”? You don't have to take all of these items. You can highlight the main discipline.

Biology (besides classic version) is also necessary for a large number of specialties. So, in particular, it is required for psychological sciences. Nowadays, biology is in great demand; many domestic and foreign universities have or are starting to enroll psychological faculties. As a result, you can become such a specialist:

  • speech pathologist;
  • psychologist;
  • psychoanalyst;
  • psychotherapist.

Biology is also necessary for teachers. There is a profession of psychologist-educator - a specialist who can simultaneously teach and treat children and adults. We must also remember about the rather multifaceted specialty of a biologist. Often, out of long-standing habit, biology is combined with the theoretical basis of the science, but in practice, in our time, you can also be a zoologist, ecologist, or biotechnologist. All such professions are needed in various industries economics: industry, transport, agricultural sector.

If the Unified State Exam results were not as expected, but strengths graduate - chemistry and biology, enrolling in a pharmacy college or university may be a good option. Pharmacist is a sought-after profession that can be obtained at a university or college after 11th grade. So, where to go if pharmacy is your vocation?

Is a pharmacist a person who sells medicine?

Not really. On the other side of the pharmacy window there may be not only a pharmacist, but also an ordinary pharmacy consultant. The difference between them is just in stock professional knowledge in the field of pharmaceutics and pharmacology.

The pharmacist must know everything: what these or those consist of medicines how each individual ingredient affects human body what contraindications does it have? medicines, which drug should be taken for stomach pain, and which one should be taken if a person has insomnia. In addition, the pharmacist must be able to easily understand a doctor’s prescription and, if necessary, prepare a drug from the specified ingredients directly in the pharmacy.

To master this in-demand profession, you need to study diligently at a secondary vocational or higher educational institution. Applicants who have excellent knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry, biology and basics of genetics.

Prospects for the profession

Pharmacists, like medical workers, there is always not enough. The number of pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies in Russia is constantly increasing, and employers are snapping up new pharmaceutical graduates like hot cakes.

After completing their training, newly minted pharmacists are free to choose where they want to work next - there are indeed many prospects. You can get a job in a pharmacy and build a career there - from the “first boss” to the head of the pharmacy. You can send your resume to a pharmaceutical company - Russian or foreign. You can go into science and find your place in one of the many laboratories for the development, production or testing of new drugs.

I will be a pharmacist: where to start?

First of all, choose an educational institution: university or college. The difference lies in the possibility or impossibility of combining a profession with work.

For example, in pharmacy college“New Knowledge” (Moscow), where you can enter after 11th grade, training lasts 3 years 10 months - this is faster than at a university. In parallel with your studies, you can get a job: in “New Knowledge” part-time form training, and students themselves determine the schedule of classes (day, evening, mixed or weekend). A semester in college costs 24,500 rubles.

There are other options for obtaining a pharmaceutical education. In the Moscow State Educational Complex, you need to study to become a pharmacist according to the same schedule for everyone part-time education- twice a week in the evenings and once on Saturday afternoons. Education here will cost 50 thousand rubles per semester. There are several more offers on “Pharmacy” in colleges near Moscow.

Higher education in this specialty can only be full-time and lasts 5 years. This year, enrollment for “Pharmacy” is underway at the State Humanitarian and Technological University (Orekhovo-Zuevo, 51,000 rubles/semester), Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov (105,000 rubles/semester), Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (100,000 rubles/semester) and RUDN University (89,600 rubles/semester).


Comment on the article "Where to study chemistry and biology? Pharmaceutical college or university"

To college after 11th grade. Admission to universities and other educational institutions. Teenagers. My son has now gone to college after 11th grade. I have already written about our situation, when due to...


Hello) I myself graduated from college first, BUT after 9th grade... many then came to us after 11th and everything was fine)) 3 years and you have a profession, at the same time you are growing up during this time, you understand what you need (that specialty or no)))) and then you calmly go to university) it seems to me that this good option when there is no exact choice of profession and it will be easier for parents, they will not devote all their energy and money to something that the child will not do later) I then entered the university for a painting course)

I went to college after 11 because I didn’t get into the budget and my parents couldn’t pay. I graduated, got a job and knowledge, entered a university as a correspondence student, I pay for it myself because... I work) thanks to the college certificate, the session is easy most of re-read))

09/14/2017 16:17:24, Polina1996

Leave school and go to college after 9th grade? please advise where to go with Section: Parental experience (if you pass the GVE after 9th grade you can go to college...


It seems to me that there is no university without mathematics or Russian; no matter how you look at it, you will need to pass the Unified State Exam in Russian and mathematics, and this, as I see it, is not realistic. Commerce and business are mathematics (well, at the core).

Who does he see himself as? what profession?

I can advise you on a paid external program, where you can study necessary items, and the remaining estimates are “drawn”. You can take one year at a time, or you can take 10-11 in a year. They train the right ones for the Unified State Examination.

Mine was trained, but we don’t have such problems, only mild psychiatry.
we passed 10-11 in 1 year, wrote 2 exams (Russian and basic mathematics) and went to college with a brilliant certificate (4.9 points)

But it’s difficult in college now, here higher mathematics failed, there will be a retake.
We have commerce in college, but there is also a higher education program there, an institute program, I don’t think it’s realistic for you...

Are you considering specialized colleges? My daughter is entering Mikhailovsky this year economic college boarding school for disabled children. She has a programmer specialty, they also have an accountant and hotel management - this, I think, is for humanities students.

At the pharmaceutical college "New Knowledge" (Moscow), where can you go after 11? Leave school and go to college after 9th grade? And about Podolsk on the Internet...


Moscow, if only federal colleges accept strangers and dorms. Moscow colleges accept strangers only for a fee. Eat good college at Gzhel University with a hostel, many specialties, federal. And ask about Podolsk on the Internet. There should also be colleges in Serpukhov (like on your train line).

06.11.2016 16:35:29, yes

Isn’t it necessary to have Moscow registration in order to enroll in Moscow? We encountered this three years ago and introduced mandatory registration in Moscow.

We were paid even after 18. Ruslan has already been paid.

A relative would like her son to go to college after 9th grade, but she says that that year only Muscovites studied at College No. 3 for free. All the rest cost 120 thousand a year.


The main plus is that the child receives the profession that he has chosen and for which he has already spent at least 7 years (studying at a music school), and they will not be accepted into the Conservatory or the Gnessin Academy without college music. The Unified State Exam is not mandatory, but if you need it, the college will compile lists of those interested and there you will learn about further steps. IN as a last resort You can always submit an application to the district education department, and they will assign you to take the Unified State Exam at some reception point. A lot also depends on which college you are going to go to; it is often more difficult to get there than to the most prestigious university

I'll wait and listen, I also wanted to start this topic

Admission to college. Education, development. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with children adolescence: awkward age, problems at school, career guidance...


Interesting too

This is how it happens now:
- we chose several colleges that interested us (the number seems to be unlimited).
- copies of documents were carried everywhere, the originals were not given to anyone.
By the way! You can see in advance (in May) which medical certificate is needed for admission and get it - it is valid for a year. We needed some kind of tricky one, not just 086, because we are going to medical college. Just so that after receiving the certificate you don’t waste time, but can immediately go submit your documents.
- Now on the websites of selected colleges I track the ratings of applicants (they are updated quite regularly) in order to understand where we pass and where we do not.
- Important point- you need to understand exactly by what date you need to bring the original documents. This may vary from college to college. But it turns out that everywhere before August 1st. And here's the dilemma. Since our scores are “borderline”, at the end of July we will have to decide where to go. Where we definitely go, or where we go only on the condition that not everyone ahead in the ranking will bring the originals. In general, the passing score will be clear only after August 1, when everyone who did not bring the original will be excluded from the competition. But then it will be too late to rock the boat...

The child is really needed when submitting copies of documents (immediately after graduation) and when submitting originals towards the end of July. It may also be needed if there are any internal entrance examinations for your specialty (for example, we have some kind of mental testing, hairdressers have drawing, maybe...)
The rest of the time he may not be in Moscow.

On preparatory courses we walked. For admission - it does not give anything at all. But at least I was more confident that she would not write the Russian GIA as “2”. We have improved our biology - it will be useful in the 1st year (if we enroll). Well, the child was busy once again :)

Try to improve your qualifications within a year. Well, you get a “5” in physical education, in life safety... - and that’s bread :) We somehow didn’t stick to it, which I regret now.

I want to transfer it somewhere. Is it possible to go to college, even if it means losing a year? Based on the State Examination results, you can enter a medical college on a budget without any problems.

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