Split chin. Strong chin

The chin is an indicator of stamina, endurance and concentration. The larger the chin, the more expressive face person. We are all told to “keep our chin up” from time to time. Its shape indicates our ability to hold on when attacked. difficult times, and recover from the experience of psychological trauma or shock. The chin also shows how well we take criticism towards us.

Consider the meaning chin in physiognomy in more detail. During the first visual contact with a person, it is easiest to assess size his chin. If he's pretty big, powerful and clearly defined, this indicates that the person is self-confident, persistent, has a well-developed survival instinct, and does not shy away from a fight. Small same chin indicates that its owner is very sensitive to criticism; it often hurts him. Such a person does not need criticism from the outside, because he already constantly criticizes himself. From those around him he needs, rather, moral support and encouragement. Such a person is not aggressive and does not like to compete.

Chin width, as a rule, indicates the manifestation strong-willed qualities personality. Thus, people with a wide chin have great physical endurance and do not shy away from failure. They are not as vulnerable and sensitive as people with small chins. Wide chin often seen in managers and directors of large corporations. A very wide chin indicates incredible resilience and the ability to easily bounce back after a severe setback or loss that would break many others. The owner of a very wide chin loves to show off, and sex is of great importance in his life. Narrow chin, on the contrary, indicates a soft and delicate personality.

Next, the physiognomist evaluates chin shape. Round shape usually characteristic of people who are responsive, generous, and hospitable. They are interested in and care about other people. It is believed that such people " kind heart». Angular outlines chin they say that its owner is motivated by ideas and high goals that he believes in. In his actions, such a person follows his own ideals, which he is always ready to defend, which often leads to disputes. We discussed this trait in more detail in the article “”. For a person with pointed chin The main thing is to be your own master. He can achieve anything, but in my own way, and really doesn’t like it when someone tries to boss him around. Before giving orders to such people, it is extremely important to thoroughly explain the task. More information you will find in the article "".

It is also important to evaluate chin person in profile. So, sloping chin often belongs to not very hardworking people who do not have inner rod. Such people can easily cheat and tell an incomplete truth. They avoid conflict and rarely directly challenge other people. Open fight they prefer consensus and compromise. Speaker forward chin We see in those who are persistent in achieving their goals, they work hard and efficiently on the path to success. They are tough nuts to crack and never say “I give up.” Such people are not easily intimidated. Read more about this in the article "".

And finally, let’s say a few words about the so-called “ double chin" Physiognomists of the past considered such a trait a sign of stinginess and greed, as well as the result of an excessive amount of calories in food. However, today we understand that these judgments are most often unfounded. If you have a double chin, you don't need a face lift. A double chin symbolizes power and inspires respect. It indicates your strength of character and your ability to use that strength. Looking at your double chin, others will respect you and your judgment. Double chin can often be seen among directors of large corporations. But if a double chin is represented only by hanging loose skin, this may be evidence of both character weakness and physical weakness.

If you like a man, but you doubt whether you should start a relationship with him or not, in this case, physiognomy will become an indispensable assistant for you - the science through which you can determine character traits by appearance. By the eyes and the shape of the chin, you can identify a romantic, a strong personality or an infantile type, who will remain a little boy even at 40 years old. Of course, get it full picture It is impossible to learn about a person’s character by analyzing only his appearance, but this is not our goal. We will limit ourselves to the basic characteristics that will help you decide whether to meet a man or not.

Eye color

Green-eyed men are possessive and jealous, but very hardworking and always strive to achieve their goals.

Blue-eyed people are constantly searching for themselves, so they can change their occupation quite often, and they can move mountains for the sake of a loved one.

Gray-eyed representatives of the stronger sex look for benefits in everything, close relationships with a woman can be no exception; these are pragmatic partners, lucky.

Brown-eyed people are a little frivolous and flighty, but with age they usually make settled and faithful partners.


Owners of wide and thick eyebrows are usually generous; such a partner will not skimp on gifts.

If the eyebrows meet on the bridge of the nose, then this is a man who really appreciates and loves his mother. Therefore, for long and harmonious relations with him, you will simply need to find common language with his parent. Among men with fused eyebrows there are quite a lot of henpecked men.

If a man’s eyebrows are too thick, and they literally hang over his eyes, this means that you are looking at an adventurer who is used to getting what he wants, and he is unlikely to take your interests into account.

If the eyebrows are narrow and not thick, their owner gentle character, he is modest and may even have a complex. You shouldn’t expect decisive action from such a man.

Stubborn people, leaders and strong personalities have straight noses. If you are ready to unconditionally accept the leadership of such a man, it makes sense for you to consider him as a partner.

Eagle noses are popular among women, but their owners are cunning and often cruel. These are sexy and attractive men, but quite distrustful in relationships. These are not easy partners.

Snub-nosed men are emotional and vulnerable in nature; money does not stay with them because of their innocence and impulsiveness. In general, if you are ready for constant changes in your relationship, this is your man.

Spicy and thin nose shows a romantic and subtle nature, this man will fill your relationship with tenderness, but he is unlikely to be able to solve any problem when it arises.

If a man has a potato nose, he is a cheerful fellow, the life of the party, a little frivolous and flighty.

Upturned noses speak of temperamental partners living with momentary desires, but a nose with flaring nostrils indicates an amorous and lively nature.


A man with high cheekbones is power-hungry, in communication he is used to dictating his terms, he has complex character.

Low cheekbones, on the contrary, indicate a lack of will and courage. Such a partner will preserve the family until the last, and in most cases, in such a couple the leader is a woman.

If the cheekbones are not high and not low, then you have before you a man who embodies willpower and strength of character and, at the same time, modesty and the ability to compromise.

Dimples on the cheeks indicate good nature and the ability to rejoice; with such a man you will never be bored.


With lips the situation is exactly the same as with cheekbones, you need “ golden mean».

Lips that are too thin indicate cautious, dogmatic people; if the corners are also downturned, then you have a pessimist and a whiner.

Too plump lips indicate soft men, sometimes infantile, for whom a woman must play the role of mother.

But lips of medium size, with clearly defined corners, not too plump, but not thin either, indicate strong, strong-willed individuals who usually achieve their goals. With such a man you will be like behind a stone wall.


This part of the face attracts the same attention as the nose. Women like men with strong chins and this is absolutely justified.

A well-defined chin really indicates willpower and the ability to achieve your goals.

Men with square chin have determination and strong character.

A protruding chin occurs in cunning, intelligent and sharp-tongued people.

An expressionless chin indicates that the man is most likely weak-willed and you can twist ropes out of him.

The shape of the ears can also tell a lot about a person's character.

Fleshy large ears are found in powerful and even cruel men.

Pointed upwards are a sign of intelligence and prudence.

The owner of tightly pressed ears is cold-blooded and cunning.

Perhaps the most ideal ones are ears close to the quadrangle; the owners of such ears are noble, kind and firm in their decisions.

Men with long ears are stingy and envious, and protruding ears indicate simplicity and frivolity.

A protruding chin often speaks of the cruelty and stubbornness of its owner (Fig. 3.9).

Rice. 3.9. Protruding chin

Such people, as a rule, are accustomed to achieving their goals by any available and inaccessible means, sometimes stopping at nothing. For them, the concept of mercy and sympathy is limited to a good mood.


Vladimir Zhirinovsky (Fig. 3.10) – famous politician, deputy State Duma Russian Federation, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. He always knew what he wanted and consistently achieved his goals. Known for his tough and scandalous character, which is typical for people with protruding chins. Nevertheless, the dimple on the chin, which seems to bifurcate it, suggests that the politician is a little old-fashioned in his views and beliefs and strives for solitude and peace.

Rice. 3.10. Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Long and sharp chin

A long and sharp chin (Fig. 3.11) is often added to cunning fairy-tale characters.

Rice. 3.11. Long and sharp chin

And not by chance. Such people stand out from others, on the one hand, with their insightful mind, and on the other, with cunning and sarcasm. Just like people with protruding chins, those with long chins are stubborn, which, combined with cunning, as well as determination and perseverance, allows them to achieve their goals with ease and confidence.

Weakly defined chin

A weakly defined, almost invisible chin (Fig. 3.12) is often called weak-willed. And for good reason. According to physiognomic characteristics, it indicates a soft, timid, indecisive and nervous nature. What actions can these qualities be expressed in?

Rice. 3.12. Weakly defined chin

Gentleness and timidity are most often expressed in a desire to make concessions, so you can agree on anything with people with such a chin.

At the same time, people with weakly defined chins often achieve their goals, but for this they use gentleness and goodwill rather than assertiveness, toughness and aggression. They are patient and go towards what they set out to do, slowly but surely. If your child has such a chin, try to instill in him independence and the ability to defend own position, do not abuse his humility, otherwise in the future he will turn into a weak, weak-willed, lack of initiative creature. And you will be primarily to blame for this.

Sometimes you can meet people with the so-called fish chin. This is the extreme degree of its lack of expression: it seems that from lower lip the face smoothly goes straight into the neck. Such people can be called prototypes of the Saltykov-Shchedrin fairy tale " The wise minnow". They live by the principle “quieter than water, lower than the grass” and perceive the absence of events in their life as a kiss of fortune. With a sudden change in environment, a change in the usual state, such a person can easily fall into depression.

On the other hand, such people cannot be called harmless either: they easily change their decisions and views, obeying the majority and using the principle of opportunism. Trying to avoid by any means possible conflict situations and become a third party in the dispute.

For similar people are characterized by dependence and indecisiveness, but they really need to be loved, appreciated and needed, because this the only way avoid loneliness.

Fleshy chin

A fleshy chin (Fig. 3.13) indicates intelligence, sensuality and strong character. No wonder the classic portrait of a thug - with a fleshy square chin. Such people are fighters by nature.

Rice. 3.13. Fleshy chin

In fact, the significant feature is not even the chin itself, but the massive wide jaw, which creates the impression of a square bottom of the face. Fighting qualities are most clearly expressed in people with a fleshy chin and a wide, massive face.

These people are always confident, strong and powerful. They are used to coming and taking what they like. At the same time, they almost never encounter obstacles on their way or simply do not notice them.

Strong chin

It is customary to call a strong-willed chin, as if bent upward (Fig. 3.14). Its owners are persistent in achieving their goals and at the same time possess such qualities as cunning, determination and inconstancy.

Rice. 3.14. Strong chin

The heavier the chin looks and the more it protrudes forward, the more strong-willed nature appears to us. It is difficult to come to an agreement with such a person, so you should use strength, determination and fearlessness when communicating with him.

If in the art of face reading the forehead is the sky, then the chin is the earth. Look closely at the chin if you want to know what a person's life will be like in their old age. It is he who hides the secrets of time.

A Chinese proverb says: a beautifully rounded, smooth chin indicates a prosperous old age. By the chin you can learn about performance, endurance and vitality, that is, about the method and course of action with which a person copes with the demands of life until death.

The chin gives us general information about how things stand with physical and mental strength, whether there will be enough energy reserves until old age and, finally, whether it will be possible to maintain the joy of life. An ideal chin is said to describe an even arc, being neither angular nor round. In addition, the chin should not dominate the face; all parts of the face should be in harmony.

Round chin

A person with a round chin has a strong sense of family and an even, friendly temperament. It affects others positive influence. In controversial cases, he is excellent as a peacemaker. These people willingly take responsibility for the work performed and have high moral principles. They should under no circumstances be called ambitious.

Round chin

They seem to lack purposeful career planning. However, their career starts quite early. Communication skills almost always bring them success at work. Women with a round chin are considered to be emphatically emotional and willing to work for their family. In China they say: women with round chins are fertile. Erotically, they are easy to satisfy: acrobatic exercises are not for them. Most of all, they are concerned with the happiness of their children and prosperity in the home; family happiness often becomes the center of their lives. The prospect of being surrounded by a dozen grandchildren in old age is the dream of a woman with a round chin.

Pointed chin

People with sharp chins are highly intelligent, but they are overly sensitive and prone to mood swings. They are said to love to gossip and have a penchant for treachery.

The worst thing that can happen to such a person is loneliness. This fickle character requires constant movement and an audience to satisfy his great need for communication. Often these people also have the ability to perceive the supersensible. Relying on this gift, they can sometimes benefit themselves.

Pointed chin

Professionally, they are not only excellent workers, but also have the ability to make decisions quickly. If women with sharp chins reach heights of social activities, then men with this type of chin have outstanding technical abilities. Women and men with this chin shape sometimes have difficulty personal life, they can't cope with with your own feelings. This leads to misunderstandings, for example, someone with sharp chin thanks to his gullibility, he sees more in flirting than it actually is. Women with sharp chins often have excellent vocal abilities, which is especially admired by men. However, these ladies are gullible and enthusiastic, they are ready to rush headlong into a marriage, the stability of which is highly doubtful.

Wide chin

This strong chin indicates a correct, honest man who has great self-confidence and finds satisfaction in work. Everything he starts is completed. A wide chin seems to have inexhaustible reserves of energy. Business and social success of these people is a matter of course.

Their sense of justice brings them a lot of sympathy. There are also envious people here. Negative traits: pronounced stubbornness and tendency to aggression. True, these character traits appear, as experience shows, only in rare cases.

Wide chin

Such people defend their honor very decisively, in which case the jokes stop instantly. The palette of their feelings is varied - from a pronounced protective instinct to deep love for their own children and the ability to sympathize with others, but in relation to their partner they often cannot show their feelings, perhaps for fear of losing control over themselves.

If ever a man with a broad chin is deceived by his mistress, he will be consistent to the end and will never forgive such an insult.

Angular chin

Looking at a man with an angular chin, one can immediately say that he is a fighter, energetic and active, sometimes even prone to bitterness and rudeness. This character cannot tolerate defeat. Such a person never forgets disrespect and insults, because he can be incredibly vindictive. People with this chin shape are unlikely to rush headlong into their professional or personal life, but will act, as a rule, according to a carefully developed plan. But it is known that life does not always go according to plan, and sometimes brings surprises. Despite his vitality, a person with an angular chin does not feel the joy of being. His penchant for exaggerated discipline makes him a dry pedant. He lacks flexibility for full communication.

Angular chin

If the energy and fighting spirit of such a person are directed in the wrong direction, then he can easily end up in a criminal environment. Criminals involved in criminal cases in the economy and even rapists often have this chin shape.

People with angular chins like to live large. If, unexpectedly, they ever find themselves in tight financial circumstances, they will never admit their misfortune, but rather write a bad check. love affair due to a series of misunderstandings it can easily turn into chaos for them. They were not born to love and be loved. Because of their rude manners, a possible partner would rather run away than go to bed. Women of this type usually dominate in partnerships, and not according to at will, Just main role imposed on them by fate. But experience proves that they can be satisfied with this situation.

Protruding chin

This one is predominantly men's uniform The chin indicates great self-confidence, sometimes excessive self-confidence and aggressiveness. Having strong will, the owner of such a chin can direct negative traits character in a favorable direction. Success accompanies such a person very early. He is considered a born entrepreneur or manager. Often these people have a special sense of language, which helps them achieve leadership positions in the service.

Their restless nature poses a danger to both their business and personal lives. They may suddenly quit good job and do something completely different, for example, choose a profession related to art. It is worth noting that they often have a pronounced creative talent and know how to make friends.

Protruding chin

About yours physical health they hardly need to worry. Their physical strength and a strong physique tend to cause envy. Women with prominent chins are considered to be very career-oriented and are blessed with conspicuous, beautiful breasts. They have a reliable instinct in finding the right man who can satisfy their varied needs.

Women in science typically experience financial difficulties. But if they have enough money, they scatter it left and right, although some of them are as poor as church mice.

Long chin

A long chin indicates a very emotional, often mentally unstable person. Due to their innate instability of character, they are sometimes prone to gambling. When they are overcome by excitement, they are capable of uncontrollable risks.

Surprisingly, people with long chins always seem to have money, but it's unclear whether they got it legally. But their wealth can be used by others. Positive traits organizational talent and the ability to make friends. Professionally, they do not strive to achieve leadership positions, as they are completely devoid of vanity. But thanks to their brilliant abilities, they often occupy a high position.

Long chin

Happiness, which does not always accompany them in the game, they find in abundance in love. Women and men with this chin shape can be very affectionate towards their partner. They usually enjoy a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Their vibrant love life can compensate for some of the difficulties in their lives.

Slanted chin

People with sloping chins, according to SiangMing, do not have much ambition, so career advancement is not the most important thing in life for them. However, they are very popular because of their peaceful nature. Their interests are mainly focused on creating as peaceful a life for themselves as possible.

Slanted chin

The period between 35 and 50 years can be very turbulent, and blows of fate are possible. They must reckon with a dramatic turn in their lives. The problems that arise can be solved by these people only when they learn to overcome their passivity, indifference and energetically fight for happiness.

Cleft chin

People with cleft chins captivate with their passion for adventure, and it seems that they are constantly waiting for a new challenge from fate. Cheerful in disposition and balanced, they have an image good comrades. This assessment fully corresponds to reality.

Ambition and panache are alien to these people, although they enjoy being the center of attention. They undoubtedly enjoy the sympathy of others, so they rarely appear alone. Such people enter into numerous relationships, and each time they fall deeply and seriously in love. They know how to enjoy love and sex with their beloved (beloved). But you should not expect loyalty from them. The constant search for perfect happiness makes them tireless. They seem to be full of infinity vitality, which helps them maintain mental youth until old age.

Cleft chin

30 years, 60, 65 and 75 years are the most eventful years in the lives of these individuals. Success in professional activities(both men and women) is promoted by their attractive appearance. But they must show their readiness to achieve something themselves. If there is a dimple in the middle of the cleft chin, then this person, according to interpreters, has a more serious character. In love, he will be lucky to find a permanent and reliable partner. However, occasional betrayals on his part are not excluded, but this will not lead to a quick break in the relationship.

Double chin

Regarding the double chin, SiangMing says: late happiness, after 60 years - double happiness. A double chin is a predominantly female chin shape. It is not difficult to assume that these people know how to enjoy life, especially food. They can withstand extremely heavy workloads and skillfully conduct dialogue in discussions. Obviously, their cheerful nature is appreciated, as their company is always welcome. Surprisingly, people with double chins sometimes have a passionate temperament.

Double chin

Men with this chin shape often have a penchant for unusual professions, but in any case show a special talent for earning money. big money. However, accumulating wealth does not satisfy these people. They can be unusually generous and easily part with money.

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Fate line: We define male character by appearance

When we meet men, we know nothing about them. Therefore, we form an impression based only on appearance: handsome - not beautiful, pleasant - not pleasant.
But I really want to know more about a person! How to do this in the absence of information?
The science of physiognomy, which studies the correspondence of appearance features, will help us with this. certain qualities character. It is based on many years of observations of various types people.
So, let's find out what the features of a man's face can say.


The owner of green eyes is hardworking, purposeful person. Jealous and possessive.
Master blue eyes often changes his occupation and is in constant search.
A gray-eyed man is practical, rational, looking for benefits in everything, including relationships with women.
Holder brown eyes in his youth he is frivolous and changeable. With age he settles down and becomes loyal.
Black-eyed men are melancholic, prone to despondency and depression.


Men with wide eyebrows have a broad nature, they do not waste time on trifles, and are generous with gifts.
The owner of eyebrows fused on the bridge of the nose is inclined to obey a woman. For the same reason, he idolizes his mother, which can complicate the relationship with him.
If a man’s eyebrows are too thick and hang over his eyes, then he is prone to adventurism and is not used to taking others into account.
The owner of narrow, sparse eyebrows is modest, compliant and indecisive. It is difficult to expect concrete actions from him.

The owner of a straight nose - strong personality, he is stubborn, strives for leadership.
A man with an aquiline nose is masculine and sexy. Cunning, often cruel. Doesn't trust women.
The owner of a snub nose is simple-minded, emotional, vulnerable, and fickle. Money flows through his fingers.
A man with a thin, sharp nose has a subtle nature. He is gentle, romantic, but not obligatory, and does not know how to solve problems.
The owner of a round nose (shaped like a potato) is cheerful, frivolous, and loves company. Fickle.

Master thin lips cautious and conservative, often a pessimist and whiner.
If a man has too full lips, then he has a soft, childish character and often looks for a mother in a woman.
Lips of medium width and a clear shape indicate a strong, strong-willed, purposeful character. Such a man always achieves his goals.


A clearly defined, strong-willed chin speaks of perseverance, willpower, and the ability to achieve what is planned.
The owner of a square (Superman) chin is laconic, has a strong, decisive character, and can put pressure and demand.
The owner of a protruding chin is smart, cunning, secretive, and sharp-tongued.
An expressionless, sloping chin speaks of pliability and weakness of will. Such a man prefers to avoid confrontation.
A dimple on the chin indicates the capricious nature of its owner.

Face shape

The owner of a pear-shaped face (narrow forehead, wide lower jaw) is not distinguished by high intelligence. Respects only strength. Despotic towards those who are weaker or dependent on him.
Man with a face triangular shape (big forehead, narrow chin) smart, intelligent, spiritually developed. Proud, vulnerable, greedy for praise. Has an unrecognized genius complex.

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