Reproductive education in pedagogy. Characteristics of teaching methods by the nature of cognitive activity

Type cognitive activity characterizes the level cognitive activity and student independence in learning. On this basis, explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, problematic presentation, and partial search and research methods are distinguished. Each of them can manifest itself in verbal, visual and practical forms. The system of these methods reveals the dynamics of students’ cognitive activity from the perception of their knowledge, its memorization, reproduction in creative cognitive work, which ensures independent mastery of new knowledge.

. Explanatory and illustrative method - a teaching method aimed at communicating ready-made information by various means(verbal, visual, practical) and awareness and memorization of this information for her students.

It has the following characteristic features:

2) the teacher organizes the perception of knowledge in various ways;

3) students perceive and comprehend knowledge, record it in memory;

4) the strength of knowledge assimilation is ensured through its repeated repetition

The presentation of educational material can be carried out in the process of a story, exercise, conversation based on the assimilation of rules, practical work on the application of knowledge, laws, etc.

When using this method, the following dominate: cognitive processes such as attention, perception, memory and reproductive thinking. The explanatory and illustrative method is widely used in modern school The fact is that it ensures systematic knowledge, consistency of presentation, and saves time. However, this method has some disadvantages, because it limits the student’s educational activity to the processes of memorizing and reproducing information, and does not sufficiently develop his mental abilities.

. The reproductive method is a teaching method aimed at the student reproducing methods of activity according to an algorithm determined by the teacher

It is used to develop the skills of schoolchildren. The reproductive method has the following characteristic features:

1) knowledge is offered to students in a “ready-made” form;

2) the teacher not only communicates knowledge, but also explains it;

3) students acquire knowledge, understand, remember and reproduce it correctly;

4) the strength of assimilation of knowledge and skills is ensured through their repeated repetition

The presentation of educational material can occur in the process of translating what has been read, doing exercises based on a model, working with a book, analyzing tables, models according to a certain rule

The reproductive method provides the possibility of transmitting a large volume educational information for a minimum short time, without much effort. However, it does not allow sufficient development of flexibility of thinking and search skills.

Transitional from performing to creative activity is a method of problem presentation

. Method of problem presentation - method teaching, involves the teacher posing a problem to students and determining ways to solve it while hiding possible cognitive contradictions

It is used primarily for developing skills in creative educational and cognitive activity, meaningful and independent acquisition of knowledge. The problem presentation method has the following characteristic features:

1) knowledge is not offered to students in a “ready-made” form;

2) the teacher shows the way to study the problem, solves it from beginning to end;

3) students observe the teacher’s thinking process, learn to solve problematic problems

A problematic presentation of educational material can be carried out in the process of a problematic story, a problem-search conversation, a lecture, when using visual methods problem-search type and problem-search exercises. It is resorted to in cases where the content of educational material is aimed at the formation of concepts, laws or theories, and not at the communication of factual information; when the content is not fundamentally new, but logically continues what was previously learned and students can take independent steps in searching for new elements of knowledge time use problematic method requires a lot of time, does not develop formation tasks practical skills and skills. This method is observed to be weakly effective when students master fundamentally new sections or topics curriculum when it is not possible to apply the principle of apperception (reliance on previous experience) and the necessary explanation of the teacher.

The highest level of cognitive independence and activity is required from students by the partially search method of teaching.

. Partial search method is a teaching method in which certain elements of knowledge are communicated by the teacher, and students obtain some on their own by answering questions or solving problematic tasks n.

This method has the following characteristic features:

1) knowledge is not offered to students in a “ready-made” form; they must be acquired independently;

2) the teacher organizes the search for new knowledge using various means;

3) students, under the guidance of a teacher, independently reason and decide problematic situations, analyze, compare, summarize

The presentation of educational material can be carried out in the process of a heuristic conversation, a commented exercise with the formulation of conclusions, creative exercise, laboratory or practical work, etc.

. Research method is a teaching method that involves the creative application of knowledge, mastery of methods scientific knowledge, formation of the skill of independent scientific research

The characteristic features of this method are as follows:

1) the teacher, together with the students, formulates the problem;

2) new knowledge is not provided, students must independently obtain it in the process of researching the problem, compare different answer options, and also determine the main means of achieving results;

3) the main goal of the teacher’s activity is operational management of the process of solving problematic problems;

4) training is characterized by high intensity, increased interest, and knowledge - depth, strength and effectiveness

Mastery of educational material can be carried out in the process of observation, searching for conclusions, while working with a book, a written exercise with the development of a pattern, practical and laboratory work(d studies of the laws of natural development.

Completing the research task involves the following stages:

1. Observation and study of facts, identifying contradictions in the subject of research (statement of the problem)

2. Formulation of a hypothesis to solve the problem

3. Construction of a research plan

4. Implementation of the plan

5. Analysis and systematization of the results obtained, drawing conclusions

The research method activates the cognitive activity of students, but requires a lot of time, specific conditions, high pedagogical qualifications teachers

Teaching methods based on the type of cognitive activity of students ensure the development of independent thinking of schoolchildren, form a critical attitude to educational information in the use of methods of this group, and must comply with the measure and rationale for the rationality of their use in each situation. The effectiveness of these methods increases when combined with other teaching methods.

from French reproduction - reproduction) is a way of organizing students' activities to repeatedly reproduce the knowledge communicated to them and the methods of action shown. R.m. also called instructive-reproductive, because An indispensable feature of this method is instruction. R.m. presupposes the organizing, stimulating activity of the teacher. As the volume of knowledge increases, the frequency of application of R.m. increases. in combination with the information-receptive method, which precedes R.m. for any type of training. A certain role in the implementation of R.m. algorithmic learning may play a role. One of the remedies R.m. - programmed training. R.m. enriches students with knowledge, skills and abilities, forms their foundation. mental operations, but does not guarantee creative development. This goal is achieved by other teaching methods, for example, the research method. See also Full assimilation system

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition


from the French reproducuon - reproduction), the method of organizing students' activities to repeatedly reproduce the knowledge communicated to them and the methods of action shown P m is also called instructive-reproductive, because an indispensable feature of this method is the organization of students' activities to reproduce actions with the help of instructions and presentation of tasks By P m, students develop skills and abilities to use acquired knowledge. The need to repeat this educational work depends on the difficulty of the task and on the student’s abilities.

P m presupposes the organizing, stimulating activity of the teacher. Didactics, methodologists, together with psychologists, develop systems of exercises, as well as programmed materials that provide feedback and self-control Much attention is devoted to improving the methods of instructing students. In addition to oral explanations and demonstrations of work techniques, written instructions, diagrams, demonstrations of film clips are used, and in labor lessons - simulators that allow you to quickly master the actions

As the volume of knowledge increases, the frequency of use of P m in combination with information-receptive increases. But with any combination of these methods, information-receptive fundamentally precedes P m

Algorithmization of training can play a certain role in the implementation of P m. One of the means of implementing P m is programmed training. P.m. enriches students with knowledge, skills and abilities, forms their basic mental operations (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, etc.), but does not guarantee the creative development of abilities. This goal is achieved by other teaching methods, for example. research method

Pedagogy is very subtle and multifaceted scientific field. In her working arsenal there are more than a dozen teaching methods. Their use is aimed at the comprehensive development of a person, the education of a specialist with the necessary knowledge, skills and personal qualities. In this article we will talk about what it is reproductive method. What are its features, advantages and disadvantages?


The boring and monotonous stream of lectures has long ceased to justify itself. Experts have found that using only the information-receptive method helps to assimilate theoretical material by only 30%. The rest either passes by the students or is made up in time and tests. However, without the theory being supported by practice, it turns out to be a by-product, unnecessary information. It is impossible to completely abandon lectures, because they carry the basis scientific knowledge. But they can be alternated with conversations and practical exercises.

The reproductive method is a way of organizing educational activities which occurs according to specific instructions using (or reproducing) previously acquired knowledge and sequence practical actions. Since it always happens according to a certain algorithm (or instructions), it is often called instructive-reproductive.


This type of thinking presupposes students’ quick, active memorization of new information provided by a teacher or other educational source and the transfer of knowledge to practical use. There are several conditions or means for implementing the reproductive method:

  • Verbal, visual and practical These can be numbers, words, sketches.
  • By analogy with the method, lectures are constructed that contain scientific information and short abstracts for students to write down.
  • Conversations are conducted according to a certain pattern. The teacher relies strictly on facts known to the students. Discussing hypotheses and speaking out independent opinion are not provided.
  • Reproductive exercises should facilitate the effective development of practical skills, since any experience requires repeated actions according to a model.

The method can also be used to consolidate studied material.

Difference from the productive method

There is a fairly broad classification pedagogical methods. Their choice largely depends on the age of the students and the discipline. By nature, the method is distinguished between reproductive and productive. Let's figure out what their differences are in terms of the method and purpose of organization.

The reproductive method of teaching is the repeated reproduction of knowledge and actions already received from the teacher to obtain results. The teacher gives a specific task, and the student a certain pattern fulfills it. This method is very effective in the following disciplines: mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science, etc. That is, programmed training is carried out. Each task and operation has specific algorithm actions.

The acquisition of knowledge is based on lectures that accumulate authoritative opinions. They are the ones who formulate the instructions that students then use. These can be rules, laws, axioms, formulas, etc.

The productive method focuses on a specific problem. It invites students to independently (freely) search for answers to questions. Unlike reproductive, it does not have clear algorithms or formulas. And the teacher’s task is to create serious motivation for students to acquire new knowledge.


As already mentioned, exact sciences- suitable soil for a teacher, where the reproductive method of teaching works effectively. Examples of it can be successfully observed in mathematical solutions, chemical problems or repetition of experiments.

Let's consider, for example, an ordinary mathematical formula. There is a specific model-formula, following which the student gradually comes to the correct answer - finding the unknown (or unknowns).

Another example would be a lesson to consolidate knowledge on the topic “improper fraction.” To do this, you can use definition questions or visual aids. For example, write several numbers on a presentation slide or board and ask students to choose from them improper fractions. The choice must be justified. All actions occur according to the principle of choice (example) - justification (reason).

In this case, it is important for the teacher to provide clear instructions. Using it in the future, students will be able to complete assignments successfully of varying complexity, assimilate necessary knowledge and develop skills. The reproductive method will also help to form a certain way of thinking, which will be useful for performing operations in everyday life.


IN Russian education usage this method has been known for a long time. It can be called "classic". However, we should not forget that every technology tends to constantly improve. Thus, today the reproductive method of teaching does not simply mean taking notes of lectures and applying the resulting formulas. The changes affected the simplification of some algorithms for quick assimilation, correlation scientific facts with visual aids, use in conversations and practical teaching aids (audio, video, animation). All this, of course, has a positive effect on the efficiency of cognitive activity, which the reproductive method is designed to increase. This is an excellent alternative to dry reading of lectures and conducting monotonous seminars based on a simple survey.


The main and important advantage of this technology is economy. What does it mean? Reproductive assumes that the teacher in a short time and without special effort conveys an impressive amount of knowledge and skills. At the same time, students quickly perceive new information, while working it out in practice. This method guarantees a solid assimilation of knowledge.

The reproductive method is perfectly implemented where the educational material is more informative. At the same time, students’ independent, creative thinking and the possibilities of memorizing and processing ready-made theoretical knowledge are expanded.


Experts note that the reproductive method of teaching is an example of a strict algorithmization of actions that does not allow creative liberties, assumptions and doubts. Because of this, flexibility and independent thinking can significantly suffer. This technology categorically denies search activity, which is no less important than the application of previously reported theoretical knowledge. At frequent use With the reproductive method, learning can turn into pure formalization, and the assimilation of knowledge will simply become mindless cramming.

Combination with other methods

The reproductive method is effective in the information-receptive activity of students. This is a fact. However, it cannot be the only tool in the teacher’s arsenal. As experience shows, monologue practice has long outlived its usefulness, and it is required integrated approach. Indeed, in addition to rapid absorption theoretical material and the formation of the implementation of actions according to instructions, it is necessary to develop personal qualities, creative approach to the point, independence in acquiring new knowledge.

Thus, along with reproductive methods, creative, illustrative, research and productive methods are often used to search for information and use it to solve new problems. Lessons in the form of a quiz, discussions about a discovery or law, or preparing a report are suitable alternatives. The choice will depend on several factors: the purpose, the stage of the lesson, local conditions, the content of theoretical material and the personality of the teacher. In any case, the variety of teaching methods greatly enlivens educational process and promotes comprehensive development student's personality.

The beginning of the twentieth century was a period of active introduction of research teaching methods into mass educational practice. Experts of that time interpreted the concept of “research method of teaching” (“search method”) as broadly as possible. They considered him as the main and universal method training. At the same time, it was interpreted very widely. As a result, it dissolved the reproductive teaching methods necessary in education and lost its specificity. Currently, solving the problem of implementation research method into educational practice, it is necessary to more strictly delineate its boundaries, and this can only be done by considering it in comparison with the opposite methods - reproductive.

It is known that teaching methods have been and are classified according to for various reasons. From the point of view of the problem we are discussing, the most productive dichotomy is: productive and reproductive methods of teaching. Such approaches to classification significantly simplify the overall picture of the phenomenon, and therefore are very vulnerable and are often criticized, because they, in fact, consider the phenomenon in black and white, and life, as we know, is many times richer. But at this stage of consideration we need this simplification; it will allow us to understand the essence of the problem more clearly.

Let us recall that well-known experts in the field of learning theory M.N. Skatkin and I.Ya. Lerner identified five main general didactic teaching methods:

· explanatory-illustrative (or information-receptive);

· reproductive;

· problematic presentation;

· partially search (heuristic);

· research.

The authors divided these methods, in accordance with the above dichotomy, into two more large groups: reproductive (first and second methods) and productive (fourth and fifth methods). The first group includes methods through which the student assimilates ready-made knowledge and reproduces or reproduces methods of activity already known to him. The second group of methods is characterized by the fact that through them the student independently discovers subjectively and objectively new knowledge as a result of his own research creative activity. Problem presentation – intermediate group. It's in equally involves both the assimilation of ready-made information and elements of research search.

Reproductive methods

The reproductive group includes two methods: explanatory-illustrative and reproductive.

The explanatory and illustrative method assumes that the teacher by different means provides children with ready-made information. This method is economical, but it does not allow one to develop practical skills.

The reproductive method assumes that the child not only assimilates information, but also learns to act according to a model. Thus, conditions are created for the formation of skills and abilities through exercises. By acting according to the proposed model, children acquire skills in using knowledge.

Productive methods

There are two of them: partial search and research.

The partial search method assumes that the child takes on part of the work of acquiring knowledge. Research method - that a child’s path to knowledge runs through his own creative, exploratory search.

The research method should be considered as one of the main ways of knowledge, most fully consistent with the nature of the child and modern challenges training. Its main components are the identification of problems, the development and formulation of hypotheses, observations, experiences, experiments, as well as judgments and conclusions made on their basis.

The real predominance of re productive methods V modern education, sometimes called traditional, causes many protests from specialists. This criticism is largely fair, but while noting the importance of introducing productive teaching methods into educational practice, we should not forget that reproductive methods should not be viewed as something unnecessary.

Firstly, it must be taken into account that these are the most economical ways of transmitting the generalized and systematized experience of humanity to younger generations. IN educational practice It is not only unnecessary, but even stupid to ensure that each child discovers everything on his own. There is no need to rediscover all the laws of development of nature and society.

Secondly, the research method gives a greater educational effect only when skillfully combined with reproductive methods. The range of problems studied by children can be significantly expanded, their depth will become much greater, provided that they are skillfully used in initial stages children's research on reproductive methods and teaching techniques.

The third and not the last circumstance is that the use of research methods for obtaining knowledge, even in a situation of discovering “subjectively new”, often requires extraordinary skills from the child. creativity, which objectively cannot be so developed.

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There are five specific teaching methods: information-receptive; reproductive; problematic presentation; partially search or heuristic and exploratory.

Information-receptive - explanatory and illustrative way of organizing joint activities teacher and students, in which the teacher communicates ready-made information, and students perceive, understand and record it in memory. Information is communicated in the form of a story, lecture, explanation, using printed manuals(textbook, teaching aid, etc.), visual aids (pictures, diagrams, films and filmstrips, natural objects in the classroom and during excursions), practical demonstration of methods of activity (method of solving a problem, proof of a theorem, demonstration of a method of work on a machine, etc.).

I.r. m. training - one of the most. economical ways to convey generalized and systematized. human experience; can be used on almost any type of teaching. classes and when explaining the different materials; its effectiveness has been proven by centuries of practice. In modern conditions created the opportunity for concentrated transmission of information by modern technical means training (TSO), cinema and television.

Along with TCO, demonstration of three-dimensional layouts is used, current models. But character is knowable. activity with all means of learning there is one thing - the conscious perception of ready-made information that provides the necessary guidelines. Without this method, it is impossible to ensure the assimilation of new teaching. material, but it should be used in combination with other teaching methods.

This method allows students to sensually perceive educational material. They look, feel, read, observe, and relate new information to what they already know. This method is one of the most economical ways to transfer experience. This method is one of the most common today and is widely reflected in pedagogical literature. However, it is necessary that students today not only assimilate the information offered to them, but also assimilate its structure, methods of finding it and methods of application.

Therefore, together with the information-receptive method, it is used reproductive method(from the word reproduction - reproduction). The information-receptive method in itself does not develop in students the skills and abilities to use the acquired knowledge and does not guarantee their conscious and lasting memorization, therefore the teacher is forced to organize students’ activities to repeatedly reproduce the acquired knowledge, i.e. use the reproductive teaching method. For this purpose, various exercises, laboratory, practical work, programmed control, various shapes self-control, etc. These two methods (information-receptive and reproductive) are most often used in conjunction, but the first always precedes the second. Together, they contribute to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in students, form basic mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, transfer, classification, etc.), but they do not guarantee the development of students’ creative abilities. Therefore, other methods are used to develop activities.

Problem presentation. Its essence lies in the fact that the teacher poses a problem to the students and solves it himself, but at the same time he shows the course of his thoughts and reasoning. Otherwise, this method can be called story-reasoning. When using this method, students control the teacher’s train of thought and follow the logic of his reasoning.

Using this method allows students to learn the method and logic of solving problems of this type, but still without the ability to apply them independently. Therefore, this method is used, as a rule, when studying complex educational issues. the teacher can use any means: the word (logical reasoning), the text of a book, tables, a movie, magnetic recordings etc.

With this method, students not only perceive, understand and remember ready-made information, but also follow the logic of evidence, the movement of the teacher’s thoughts, controlling its persuasiveness.

Partial search (or heuristic) method . With this method, the method of finding a solution to a problem is determined by the teacher, but the students themselves find solutions to individual issues.

Students solve complex problems independently educational problem not from beginning to end, but only partially. The teacher involves students in performing individual search steps. Some of the knowledge is imparted by the teacher, and some of the knowledge is acquired by students on their own, answering questions or solving problematic tasks.

Thus, the essence of the teaching method comes down to:

  • - not all knowledge is offered to students in finished form, they partially need to be mined independently;
  • - the teacher’s activity is operational management problem solving process.

The thinking process becomes productive, but at the same time it is gradually directed and controlled by the teacher or the students themselves based on work on programs (including computer ones) and textbooks.

Main purpose of the method– gradual preparation of students to independently pose and solve problems. One of the modifications of this method is heuristic conversation.

Research method. This is a way of organizing the creative activity of students to solve problems that are new to them. When completing them, students must independently master the elements of scientific knowledge (recognize the problem, put forward a hypothesis, build a plan for testing it, draw conclusions, etc.). Main feature This method, unlike the previous two, is to teach students to see problems and be able to set tasks independently.

Tasks performed using the research method must include all elements of an independent research process (statement of the problem, justification, assumption, search for relevant sources necessary information, problem solving process).

When using this method, the following are used: traditional means learning, like words, visuals, practical work.

All these five methods are divided into two groups: reproductive (information-receptive and reproductive) and productive (partial search and research), and the problem presentation method, being intermediate, can be classified as both reproductive and productive.

All these methods in the learning process are implemented in close interconnection. An example of the most ordinary traditional lesson: the teacher interviewed the students, told new material, gave an exercise to consolidate this new material, and then set a task for the students creative nature. You can notice in this case that the teacher used methods in the lesson in the following order: 2-1-2-5. Or another example of a lesson: the teacher posed a problem to the students and had a heuristic conversation with them to resolve it, then showed a fragment of a film confirming the correctness of the reasoning, and offered the students a creative task: 4-1-5.

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