Origami club in elementary school planning. Program "Paper Country" origami training group Level of education

Lesson topic. “There is a green oak near the Lukomorye...” Introduction-prologue to the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. A collective picture of plots, images and events folk tales.


educational: introduce students to the introduction to the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, to the concepts of poem, prologue; to develop skills in expressive reading of poetic text;

developing: develop intellectual, imaginative and emotional perception of a work of art;

educational: promote aesthetic and moral education students.

Equipment: textbook, notebook, audio recording, worksheets

Lesson type: a lesson in mastering new knowledge and developing skills.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational stage(1 min)

II. Checking homework (5 min.)

Today we continue our conversation about creativity.

What poem by the poet did we get acquainted with in the last lesson? "Nanny"

What was the name of Pushkin's nanny? Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva

At home you prepared an expressive reading of this poem. Now let's listen to the reading one of you. The task of the rest is to give a verbal assessment of the expressiveness of reading. We use our existing analysis algorithm.

Let’s not forget that expressive reading is penetrating into the very essence of a work, understanding its main idea, conveying feelings and moods.

Algorithm for analyzing the expressiveness of reading (in student worksheets)


- (name) read the text correctly, without errors, distortions and repetitions

- (name) made minor (1-2) errors (or 1-2 repetitions) when reading

- (name) made a lot of mistakes and repetitions (more than two) when reading

2. Tempo (slow/fast), volume, diction

The pace of reading corresponds to the content of the text and the author’s intention; the volume is sufficient; good diction, clear, precise pronunciation of sounds

The pace of reading is unreasonably fast, so expression is lost (and mistakes are made); The reading is quiet, the text cannot be heard.

A slow reading pace indicates insufficient preparation

3. Intonation (expressiveness), emotionality

The text was read expressively: pauses were observed, logical stresses, conveying the author's intention. Complied with the right intonations(question, affirmation, denial, etc.) (Name) managed to express the desired mood (what?) with his reading.

The text was not read clearly enough (indicate any inaccuracies). (Name) was not always able to accurately convey the emotions that permeate the text

The reading was inexpressive, unemotional, monotonous

Additional questions

What can you say about the genre of this work? (poetic message)

What feelings are imbued with the poem?

When reading a text, what helps us understand its mood? ( keywords)

ΙΙΙ. Update background knowledge(4 min.)

In the last lesson, we talked about how, while in exile in Mikhailovskoye, the poet listened with pleasure to Russian folk tales that Arina Rodionovna told him. Some of them formed the basis of his poetic tales.

(Name) has prepared a short quiz on Pushkin’s fairy tales, which will allow us to remember them (individual homework). Let's give the floor to (name)

1. An old man lived with his old woman
By the bluest sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

2. Once upon a time there was a priest,
Thick forehead.
Pop went to the market
View some products.
Balda meets him "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda"

3. The king said goodbye to the queen,
Prepared for the journey,
And the queen at the window
She sat down to wait for him alone. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights"

4. Three girls under the window
We spun late in the evening.
“If only I were a queen,”
One girl says,
Then for the whole baptized world
I would prepare a feast." “The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich and of the beautiful Swan Princess”

5. Nowhere, in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there lived a glorious king Dadon.
From a young age he was formidable
And the neighbors every now and then
Offended boldly ; "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"

How many fairy tales have we remembered? Five.

And there is also the unfinished fairy tale “About the Bear” and other works based on fairy-tale motifs.

Introductory and orientation conversation.

Pushkin turned to the fairy tale genre throughout his entire life. creative path. Even before the fairy tales on which we now held a quiz, he wrote fairy tale poem. Does anyone know what poem I'm talking about? "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

Let's listen to a message about the history of writing this work (individual homework)

Sample message from students.

The fairy tale poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” was conceived by Pushkin while still at the Lyceum. Immediately after finishing Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum Having settled in St. Petersburg, Pushkin began writing it. He set himself the task of creating a “heroic” fairy tale poem. Pushkin worked on the poem for almost three years, from 1817 to 1820. In the spring of 1820 it was published in the magazine

In 1828 (8 years later), Pushkin prepared the second edition of the poem, making some changes to it. After the poem was published, he gave Pushkin his portrait with the inscription “To the victorious student from the defeated teacher.”

The fact is that Zhukovsky also had a plan to write a “domestic” fairy-tale poem, but he never realized it. Patriotic poem created by young Pushkin, and Zhukovsky cordially congratulated him on this.

Guys, has anyone read the entire poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”? What is it about?

About how the evil wizard Chernomor kidnapped Ruslan's bride Lyudmila from the wedding. Ruslan and his three rivals Rogdai, Farlaf, Ratmir are looking for her. Pushkin describes various adventures of the heroes. And the ending of the fairy tale is, of course, happy.

Today in class, unfortunately, you and I will not be able to read the whole poem, but we have autumn holidays ahead, I hope that you will read it, I think that, firstly, you should be attracted by the plot, and secondly, should Isn’t it interesting to get acquainted with the work that allowed Pushkin to become creatively superior to his teacher?

Today we will turn our attention to the introduction to the poem. It was written by Pushkin for the second edition.

(before the lesson, check whether this acquaintance was in primary school)

Write today's date in your notebooks.

V. Formulating the topic of the lesson. (2 min.)

Open the textbook to the page. Let's formulate and write down the topic of the lesson. What will it sound like?

“At the Lukomorye...” Introduction-prologue to the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”

Leave one line for additional recording of the topic of the lesson.

Work in notebooks

1817-1820 – years of creation of the poem

1820 – first edition

1828 – second edition, corrected, supplemented

VI. Defining lesson objectives.(3 min.)

You have several problems from today's lesson written down on your worksheets. Let's try to put them in a logical order. Let's determine the sequence of working with the text.

Familiarize yourself with the text and explain the meaning of outdated words

Determine the topic of the text

Analyze the images drawn by the poet and the visual and expressive means that help him create these images

Understand the main idea of ​​the text, its mood

VII. Immersion in the topic of the lesson. (7 min)

1. Listening to an audio recording of the introduction to the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” - “There is a green oak near the Lukomorye...”

I suggest you listen to a small fragment of the text performed by an actor, a master artistic word. Did you enjoy reading? How? (bewitching, immersing in the world of fairy tales, accompanied by fabulous music)

2. Reading the prologue. Vocabulary work:

Lukomorye (obsolete) - sea bay, bay, bend seashore. For comparison: bow (for shooting), bend (river), cunning (dodge), bow (saddle).

In folklore Eastern Slavs- a protected place on the edge of the world.

Poem – literary genre. A large or medium-sized poetic (most often) work of a lyric-epic nature (one of the types of lyric-epic works). The poem is characterized by plot, eventfulness and expression by the author or lyrical hero your feelings.

Prologue - introductory part, introduction, preface, introduction

Wanders - without a goal, without a definite direction

Grieves - grieves, saddens

Walking - walking slowly

serves - helps, performs various tasks

zlataya, zlato, breg

about dawn - at dawn

from clear, clear, clean waters

3. Identify the topic of the passage. What is he talking about? About the world of fairy tales. Magical, fantastic, wonderful world Russian fairy tales . Collective picture plots, images and events of folk tales. A kind of mosaic. Let's add the theme of Pushkin's work that we formulated to the theme of our lesson. (3 min.).

4. Physical education session (imitate the movements of waves, knights, swans) (2 min.)

There the waves will rush in at dawn

And thirty beautiful knights

From time to time clear waters emerge

In Pushkin’s fairy tales, the swan swam along these same waves. And we will show how it takes off.

5.Work in pairs. Reading the passage and completing the table: (5 min)

The mermaid is an ambiguous image. U Western Slavs she is young, attractive, playful. In the north, in the land of gloomy coniferous forests mermaids are evil, vengeful creatures. But even if this is a pretty, cheerful girl, it is still a demonic image, bringer of doom. She captivates a person with her singing and lures him into the water with her. Or maybe, while playing, tickle him to death.

6.Working with illustrations on flyleaf textbook (4 min.)

Let's open the flyleaf at the beginning of the textbook. You see an illustration for the prologue of the poem. Parilov and Viktor Dmitrievich Dudorov. These are the artists of Palekh (1959-1964 - the period of creation of illustrations) Do you know what Palekh is? This folk craft, varnish painting. (Palekh is a village (or city?) fishing center).

Look carefully at the illustration. Notice how miniaturely and in detail the artists painted the plots of folk tales. It is not without reason that they say that Palekh painting can not only be admired, it can be read. And of course, we are attracted by the richness and brightness of Palekh’s colors, which convey the richness and brightness of fairy tales.

See if all the fairy-tale characters named by Pushkin are present in the illustration? (there is no devil and no hut on chicken legs. A departure from the image of Baba Yaga: in Pushkin she wanders, but in the illustration she flies)

Which heroes of this country would you like to become friends with?

What other folk tale heroes would you place in the country of Lukomorye? Miracle Yudo, Serpent Gorynych, Firebird, Vodyanoy, Emelya on the stove, Kolobok, etc.)

7. Let's look at the text again. Which words do you think express the main idea of ​​the passage? " There’s a Russian spirit there... it smells like Russia!”

How do you understand this expression?

Heroes pass before us folk creativity. And the basis of any state is the people: their traditions, culture, history. And it is not without reason that the poet used the image of an oak tree. A tree is generally a symbol of life, and oak in Rus' was also considered a symbol of wisdom and longevity. And every tree is supported by its roots, its roots nourish it. And again we return to what we just talked about. Our roots are our history, our memory, folk traditions, a culture of which folklore is a part. How more people values ​​this memory, the more deeply he feels his responsibility for the future.

What is the mood of the text? He is filled with admiration and reverence for this huge world folk poetry. It’s not for nothing that Pushkin wrote: “What a delight these fairy tales are! Each is a poem."

And at the same time, each fairy-tale image has its own attitude: respect, surprise, fascination (it takes your breath away), solemnity, excitement, emotions, gratitude, condemnation, admiration.

VIII Homework assignment

Memorize a passage (for everyone)

Draw an illustration (optional)

IX. Reflection. Creating a syncwine

And now I propose to record our impressions, sensations and associations that arose during our acquaintance with an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” in syncwine

Kind, magical (folk)

Entertain, educate, teach

In fairy tales, people express their perception of life.


X. Grading

Expressive Reading

Expressive Reading Analysis

Preparing and conducting a quiz

Quiz answers


Lesson work

X. Lesson summary

Our lesson has come to an end. Today we touched fabulous world of works, and in the next lesson we will continue to discover the poetic talent of the great Pushkin.


A.S. Pushkin. “Lukomorye has a green oak tree...”

Lesson objectives: introduce children to the works of A.S. Pushkin, with the introduction to the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, to achieve a ponymania for content; develop the ability to translate visualinformation into words; develop expressive, correct and fluent reading skills; cultivate a love for Russian poetry.

Equipment: illustrations for individual lines of the poem.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

P. Speech warm-up

Read "bird market":

Lunch hour was approachingThere was a stomping sound in the yard:

Seven heroes enter, Seven ruddy mustaches.

Where do these lines come from?

Read slowly, quickly, expressively.

III. Setting the lesson goal. Updating knowledge

1. Preliminary conversation.

What fairy tales and poems by A.S. Have you read Pushkin at home?

Which ones have you read on your own?

2. Reading the article on p. 84 textbooks.

Total fairy tales from A.S. Pushkin five:

"The Tale of the Fisherman" and fish"

"The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda"

"Fairy tale about the dead princess and the seven heroes",

"The Tale of King Sal" tane",

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel."

They also consider it a fairy taleand the fairy tale poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

Who has heard this fairy tale? What is it about?

(About how the evil ox The shebnik took Ruslan's bride Lyudmila away from the wedding. About how he and three other suitors of Lyudmila went to look for her, about their adventures and happy ending.)

This poem by A.S. Pushkin wrote in 1820, when hewas 20 years old, and joined it in 1824.

IV . Learning new material

- I'll read you an excerpt, and you follow the text, I'll send yousew, make light notes in the text with a pencil,if you encounter unknown words.

1. Reading a poem by the teacher (two last lines-do not read).

- Why didn't I read the last two lines to you?(This
already refers to the poem. A new thought begins.)

2. Vocabulary work.

What is Lukomorye? Who knows?

Imagine a bow and arrow. When the bow string is drawn,then the bow bends. The seashore is also curved - LUKOMORIE. It turns out to be a bay (the teacher draws on the board).

The words “golden”, “song”, “breg”, “chain” are old, youforms of words that have fallen out of use. Try to find outthese words. (Golden, song, shore, in succession - in turn.)Unknown paths - those that no one knows or knows.

What does the word mean"dol"? It’s kind of the opposite of a forest, but it’s not a mountain either. What is this?(A space without trees is a valley.)

How do you understand the words “full of visions”?About the dawn - at dawn.

Why are the waters called clear?(Transparent.) Captivates - takes prisoner.

It hurts - she’s sad, it’s hard for her, it’s hard for her.Wasting away - dries.

3. Reading technique.

What words do you find difficult to read?

Children choose difficult words to read, teacher takes noteswrites them on the board, broken down into syllables:

at Lu-ko-sea-I don’t-have-to-mine

not seen from the bush


beautiful mi-mo-ho-dom

4. Expressive reading by children.

V . Physical education session (presentation)

VI . Consolidation of the studied material. Examination
mastering the text.

I will show you pictures, and you will choose lines from the text,
who approach them.

The teacher demonstrates illustrations, children find the corresponding lines.

VII . Lesson summary

Which writer's work have you read?

Read excerpts from fairy tales on page 85, remembernames of fairy tales. Find heroes for them.


Memorize the completed passage (or up to the words “And with them their sea uncle...”, or starting from the next line to the end.)

Municipal formation urban district "Okhinsky"

Department of Education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 20 “Snow Maiden”


« Paper Country»

origami training group

  • Level of education: preschool education

  • Direction: artistic and aesthetic

  • Educational area: « Artistic creativity»

  • Contingent: children preschool age 5-7 years

  • Implementation period: 2 years

  • Compiled by: Vereshchagina Tatyana Evgenevna
MBDOU children's teacher

Garden No. 20 “Snow Maiden”, Okha

1. EXPLANATORY NOTE………………………………………………. 3

  • Relevance

  • Purpose of the program

  • Main objectives of the program

  • Expected results

  • Forms of program implementation


  • Methodological basis of the program

  • Principles of program construction

  • Teaching methods

  • Forms educational activities
3. PROGRAM CONTENT….………………………….………………18

  • Program passport

  • Features of the organization of the educational process

  • Technology for teaching origami to preschool children

  • Working with parents

  • Integration of educational areas in the learning process

  • Thematic planning (1 year of study)

  • Thematic planning (2nd year of study)

  • Requirements for the level of training of students

  • Senior group (1 year of study)

  • By the end of the first year of school, children should be able to

  • Preparatory group for school (2nd year of study)

  • By the end of the second year of study, children should be able to

  • Evaluation of the results of mastering the program
6. LIST OF REFERENCES USED…………………...………......26



"…how more skill in the nursery

palm, the smarter the child.”

Sukhomlinsky V.A.

Formation creative personality- one of the important tasks pedagogical theory and practice on modern stage. Its solution should begin already in preschool childhood. Development children's creativity is actual problem, and defines the main goal - education of the younger generation creative approach to transform the surrounding world, activity and independent thinking, contributing to the achievement of positive changes in the life of society.

Artistic and aesthetic education occupies one of the leading places in the content educational process preschool and is his priority direction. An important task aesthetic education is the formation of children’s aesthetic interests, needs, aesthetic taste, and also creativity. Paper construction represents a rich field for the aesthetic development of children, as well as the development of their creative abilities.

Paper construction is a type of creativity that creates conditions for the development of logical and spatial thinking, voluntary attention, speech, fine motor skills, creative thinking, and also forms knowledge about the purpose, structure of the structure, its role in human life. Paper is a universal and most accessible material for a child. This is the first material from which children begin to craft, create, and create unique products. The persistent interest of children in designing from paper is also determined by the fact that this material gives great scope for creativity. A sheet of paper helps a child feel like an artist, designer, constructor, and most importantly - limitless. creative person. The child rejoices at what has been done with my own hands The toy works: the plane flies, the boat floats, the frog jumps, the pinwheel rotates. The simplest methods of constructing crafts are based on the ability to fold a square in half, vertically or diagonally, and sequentially folding the paper, first along and then across, aligning the sides opposite corners. According to many authors who teach paper design, including S.I. Musienko, G.V. Butylkina, S.V. Sokolova, O.G. Smorodkina, these actions are accessible to preschool children.

Relevance. Currently, the art of folding paper figures in children's creativity has not lost its relevance, but on the contrary has received a new direction - familiarization with the traditional technique of folding paper figures, popular in Japan - origami. Great interest in origami is associated with unique opportunities its influence on the development of children. Folding figures has a beneficial effect on the development of finger and hand movements, attention, memory, logical thinking, creative abilities. Direct educational activities contribute to the development of perseverance, accuracy, independence, and determination.

The program “Education and training in kindergarten”, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, assumes an insufficient volume possible use paper as a material for design. In this regard, there is a need to introduce new artistic activities that will create additional opportunity development of pupils’ visual, artistic and design abilities, out-of-the-box thinking, creative individuality.

The proposed program “Paper Country” is intended to implement work to familiarize children with the art of origami in a preschool setting. educational institution. The artistic and aesthetic orientation of direct educational activities determines the development of artistic taste and creative abilities of preschool children. Particular emphasis in the program is placed on the use game method what is obvious sign compliance modern requirements to the organization educational process. During the implementation of the program, students not only get acquainted with various types origami techniques, but also creatively use manufactured crafts in the game, create individual and collective plot-thematic compositions, and even fairy tales.

Origami training is included in the educational field “Artistic Creativity”, which is aimed at achieving the goals of developing interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, satisfying children’s need for self-expression through the development of children’s productive activities and children’s creativity, as well as introducing them to art. Educational activities take into account integration with the following educational areas: “Work”, “Safety”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Reading” fiction", "Music", " Physical culture».

Purpose of the program. This program has target comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development children in the process of mastering the basic techniques of origami, as an artistic method of designing from paper.

Main objectives of the program.


  • introduce children to the basic geometric concepts and basic origami forms;

  • develop the ability to follow oral instructions;

  • teach various techniques for working with paper;

  • create compositions with products made using the origami technique;

  • enrich the child’s vocabulary with special terms;

  • create designs according to the model, given conditions, operational maps, diagrams.

  • develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination;

  • develop fine motor skills hand and eye;

  • develop the artistic taste and imagination of children;

  • promote the development of constructive and creative abilities, taking into account the individual capabilities of each child.

  • cultivate interest in the art of origami;

  • to cultivate a work culture and communication skills in children;

  • create conditions for developing teamwork skills;

  • develop the ability to organize workplace;

  • to promote the formation of the ability to appreciate what is created by creative work.
The program is designed for teaching children of senior preschool age, and can also be partially used in primary school secondary school.

Expected results mastering the “Paper Country” program:

  • interest in the art of origami;

  • the ability to create products and compositions using the origami technique;

  • development of artistic taste and creativity.
Forms for summing up the program implementation:

  • compiling an album best works;

  • holding exhibitions of students’ works;

  • Participation in children's creativity competitions of various levels;

  • Master classes.
As a procedure for assessing learning outcomes, it is used control testing, practical tasks, performing origami work. Completing the program requires students to master a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that generally ensure practical implementation.


Methodological basis of the program.

The basis for the development of the program was the following regulatory documents:

  • Law of the Russian Federation on Education

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation

  • Standard provision of MBDOU

  • Charter of MBDOU

  • SanPin
The theoretical basis of the program is built on the following teaching aids: “Program of education and training in kindergarten” edited by M.A. Vasilyeva (section “Design”, “ Manual labor"); E.M. Kuznetsov “Artistic modeling and design: program, practical exercises with children 5-6 years old"; S.I. Musienko, G.V. Butylkin “Origami in kindergarten”; S.V. Sokolov, “Origami for the little ones,” “Origami Theater.”

Training components:

  • operational maps and diagrams of basic forms « Triangle ", "Book", "Door", "Square", " House", "Pancake", "Kite", "Fish", "Water Bomb" , « Catamaran", "Bird", "Frog";

  • operational cards and product diagrams for 1st and 2nd years of study;

  • product samples;

  • albums of the best works of children, exhibitions;

  • class notes;

  • advisory material;

  • multimedia presentations;

  • scripts for "Origami Theater";

  • a book of fairy tales compiled in the process of productive activity.

P principles of program construction.

  • The principle of accessibility. The content of the program, topics and teaching methods correspond to age characteristics pupils, their level of development and cognitive abilities, as well as individual characteristics child.

  • The principle of visibility. Assumes a wide presentation of the visualization corresponding to the material being studied: illustrations, samples, diagrams.

  • The principle of strength in mastering knowledge and skills. The main condition for implementation is precise definition goals of educational activities. Each child clearly understands what result is expected at the end of the activity, what knowledge and skills he will acquire, and where he can apply them.

  • The principle of consistency. Involves planning what is being studied educational material sequentially from simple to complex, relying on previously acquired knowledge, so that children acquire knowledge gradually. This principle requires correct definition volume of knowledge and complication of material at each age stage.

  • The principle of entertainment. The material being studied should be interesting and exciting for children; this principle creates in children a desire to carry out the proposed types of activities and strive to achieve results.

  • Principle thematic planning material. It involves presenting the material being studied according to thematic content.

  • The principle of person-oriented communication. During the learning process, children act as active explorers of the world around them together with the teacher, and do not just passively adopt his experience. Partnership, complicity and interaction are priority forms of communication between teachers and children.

Teaching methods

The choice of teaching methods is determined taking into account the capabilities of students, age, psychophysical characteristics children, taking into account the specifics of studying this subject, financial possibilities technical base. The program involves the use of the following methods.

By way of organizing activities:

  • verbal method (oral presentation, conversation, story, lecture, etc.);

  • visual method(showing video and multimedia materials, illustrations, observation, showing the manufacturing sequence or the teacher performing crafts, working on a model, etc.);

  • practical method (performing work according to operational maps, diagrams, etc.).
By children's activity level:

  • explanatory-illustrative method(children perceive and assimilate ready-made information);

  • reproductive method(children reproduce acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity);

  • partial search method (children’s participation in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher);

  • design method(building hypotheses, creating models, structures, finding new ways to solve problems);

  • game method ( didactic, developmental, cognitive, active, competition game, travel game, competition game);

  • research method(conducting experiments, experiments).
According to the form of organizing the activities of students:

  • frontal method(simultaneous work with all children);

  • individual frontal method(alternating individual and frontal forms of work);

  • individual method (individual completion of tasks, problem solving).
Forms of educational activities

The implementation of the program involves the implementation of specially organized direct educational activities, during which children gain knowledge and skills on the topics being studied. For this purpose they are used various shapes: theoretical , practical , independent, individual, combined.

Educational activities usually include theoretical part And practical implementation assignments. Theoretical information contain an explanation of new material, information educational nature, general information about the item of manufacture. Practical work include the production, design of crafts, and a report on the work done. The conduct uses both individual and group collective forms work.

Focuses on:

  • organizing training on a voluntary basis: children - parents - teachers;

  • creating a comfortable informal psychological atmosphere.
Almost all activities are built according to one plan, which uses additional material: poems, riddles, information about the intended subject of folding.

General plan of direct educational activities:

  1. Preparation (setting up for work).

  2. Repetition of the material covered (identification of supporting knowledge and ideas):

  • repetition of the name of the basic form;

  • repetition of actions from previous training;

  • repetition of the rules for using scissors, glue, and safety rules.

  1. Introduction to a new topic:

  • riddles, poems that reveal the topic of the lesson; encyclopedic information about the subject of the lesson (stories about the life of animals, birds, insects; interesting stories etc.);

  • sample display;

  • examination of the sample, analysis (name, shape of the main part);

  • repetition of folding rules.

  1. Practical part:

  • showing the teacher the process of making crafts (work according to a diagram, a step-by-step map, depending on the level of training);

  • verbalization of some stages of work by pupils, decoding of activities;

  • text plan (if the craft consists of several parts);

  • children’s independent production of products according to a text plan, a step-by-step map;

  • design, finishing of the toy, gluing it to the background or composition;

  • analysis of the student’s work (accuracy, correctness and consistency of execution, rational organization working hours, compliance with safety regulations, creativity, originality).
Pupils acquire the basic knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in life to work with paper using the origami technique. In the process of learning origami, accumulating practical experience in the manufacture of crafts, students gradually move from simple products to mastering complex ones, from changing some details to modeling and constructing new, thematic compositions.

Program passport

Program name

Program "Paper Country" origami training.

Program developer

Vereshchagina Tatyana Evgenievna – teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 20 “Snow Maiden”.

Purpose of the program

Comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering the elementary techniques of origami technique, as an artistic method of designing from paper.

Leading ideas of the program

Acquaintance not only with various types of origami techniques, but also the creative use of crafts in the game, the creation of individual, collective plot-thematic compositions, and even fairy tales.

Implementation deadlines

2 years

Area of ​​activity

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Form of conduct



Preschool children 5-7 years old

Age group

Senior, preparatory to school groups

Number of students

12 people

Lesson duration

25 minutes

Forms of implementation

- Compiling an album of the best works, exhibitions;
- Holding exhibitions of students’ works;

Participation in children's creativity competitions of various levels;

Master classes.

Expected results

- Interest in the art of origami;

Ability to create products and compositions using the origami technique;

Development of artistic taste and creativity.

Features of the organization of the educational process

The Paper Country program is designed for 2 years of study and is addressed to children of senior preschool age. Educational activities are carried out from September to May in the form group work, the number of children in the group is 10-12 people.

Time distribution for organizing a circle academic year


Number of classes

Number of hours

per week




per week

per month






25 min

1h 40 min

15 hours


to school




30 min

2 hours

18 o'clock

In order for preschoolers to achieve success in making crafts using the origami technique, it is necessary to create following conditions:

  • premises that meet sanitary and hygienic standards;

  • handouts and tools:

  • paper, different colors and structures;

  • scissors with blunt ends;

  • glue or glue stick;

  • napkins: paper, fabric;

  • oilcloth for origami applicative processing;

  • brushes;

  • ruler;

  • whatman;

  • pencils, felt-tip pens;

  • paints (gouache, watercolor);

  • water cans.

  • educational complex (operational cards, diagrams, etc.).

All this will be needed to make almost any product. Traditionally, glue is not used in origami, but in order for the figures to have great resemblance with real objects you can design them applicatively.

Before starting to teach children the art of origami, the teacher himself must master:

  • The alphabet of origami - terms, signs, lines adopted in the diagrams;

  • Methods for obtaining squares;

  • Techniques for making basic origami forms;

  • Technique for making elementary figurines.
Origami technology for teaching preschool children

Among the variety of species creative activity design occupies one of the leading positions. This type of activity is associated with emotional side human life, it reflects the peculiarities of human perception of the surrounding world: nature, public life, as well as features of the development of imagination. In design they are most clearly manifested creative imagination and thinking.

Origami as a type of design has great importance for child development:

  • develops precision of finger movements in children, improves fine motor skills, and develops the eye;

  • teaches children various techniques working with paper: bending, repeated folding, cutting, gluing;

  • develops concentration and ability to concentrate;

  • stimulates memory development and the ability to follow oral instructions;

  • introduces children to basic geometric concepts: square, triangle, angle, side, diagonal, vertex;

  • develops spatial imagination (reading a drawing and imagining the product in volume based on it);

  • activates children's imagination and fantasy;

  • develops artistic taste and creative abilities;

  • improves work skills, creates a work culture, teaches accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order;

  • contributes to the creation game situations, plot-thematic compositions that use products made using the origami technique;

  • expands children's communication abilities.
The main task at all stages of mastering the “Paper Country” program is to promote the development of initiative, invention and creativity of children in an atmosphere of aesthetic experiences and passion, joint creativity of an adult and a child.

The program involves working with children in the form of direct educational activities on teaching origami, working together children with a teacher, as well as their independent creative activities.

Taking into account the age of the children and the novelty of the material, in order to successfully master the program, group classes should be combined with individual assistance teacher for every child. The place of the teacher in the activity of teaching children, working with paper, changes as children develop their mastery of design skills.

The program examines various techniques for making paper products using a wide variety of origami techniques (modular, design, mosaic, appliqué). By performing various actions: cutting, coloring, folding paper, the child develops small and precise hand movements.

The general rules for teaching origami techniques are as follows.

  • The workpiece must be exactly square in shape.

  • Paper for crafts should be thin, elastic, bend well, and colored.

  • The demonstration of production is carried out on a table or on a board. The preparation for display should be 2 times larger than for children.

  • When displaying there should be no unnecessary turns or flips of the product.

  • Learning how to fold each craft should be done in stages: showing one technique - performed by children, showing the second - performed by children.

  • The fold lines of the product must be carefully smoothed.

  • The alignment of sides and corners during folding must be precise.

  • After the toy is completely ready, you need to repeat the folding techniques.

  • As a result, the child should be able to independently make a craft from start to finish.
Technical skills instilled in children in the process of learning and making origami:

  • Proficiency with scissors.

  • Processing a square.

  • Creating the basics of origami:

  • folding the square in half (lengthwise, crosswise, diagonally);

  • folding the sides from one corner to the central fold;

  • dividing the square into four parts (putting the side triangles inside, putting the sides inside);

  • folding the square diagonally with the sides folded;

  • folding;

  • partial bending and insertion of corners.

  • Processing a rectangle.

  • folding the rectangle in half (lengthwise, crosswise);

  • dividing a rectangle into four parts.

  • Origami applicative design.

  • The use of paint, felt-tip pens, pencils and other means for designing origami products.

  • Drawing up creative compositions.
The program includes not only training in origami techniques, but also the creation of individual and collective plot-thematic compositions that use products made using this technique. It provides not only for the gradual complication of the material, but also for a gradual change in the types of work: from creating figurines to writing fairy tales, collective works, creative albums for children, fairy tale characters with subsequent dramatization, as well as teaching the material in an “ascending spiral”, that is, periodically returning to certain techniques at a higher and difficult level.

All tasks are appropriate in difficulty for children of a certain age. This guarantees the success of each child and, as a result, develops self-confidence.

Working with parents

To achieve positive results In the development of a child, it is impossible to limit oneself only to the work carried out within the walls of a preschool institution. Parents are the most interested and active participants in the educational process, so any productive activity is perceived positively by them.

The interaction between the teacher and parents includes:

  • work planning;

  • survey;

  • carrying out parent meetings, master classes;

  • familiarization with work tasks and diagnostic results;

  • individual and thematic consulting;

  • interview;

  • methodological recommendations on product manufacturing technology;

  • watching activities with children;

  • visiting an origami training group;

  • design of visual information;

  • creation of archival material;

  • performing family work for exhibitions;

  • participation in creative competitions.
Children are very proud of their achievements, treat their crafts with care, and tell their parents about how they made them. It is important to maintain a positive emotional attitude, strive to ensure that productive activities bring them pleasure and joy, encourage them to be independent, and strive to learn the art of origami. And to do this, you just need to create “family masterpieces” of origami together with your children, showing interest and creativity.

Making origami is a practical lesson life experience, development and comprehension of the surrounding world, beauty and harmony. There is no limit to creativity, because creativity is that same childhood game that has managed to survive in an adult.


Integration of educational areas in the learning process

Thematic planning for teaching origami takes into account the integration of the area of ​​​​"Artistic Creativity" with other areas for more effective development children's imagination and creativity.

Types of integration in the field of “Artistic Creativity”

Educational areas

Integration content


Formation of labor skills when teaching the art of origami and hard work in the manufacture of various crafts and compositions.


Formation of the foundations for the safety of one’s own life during the learning process.


Development free communication with adults and children in the process of familiarizing themselves with the art of origami, learning, and also in creating the results of productive activities.


Forming an interest in the art of origami as a Japanese culture, broadening one’s horizons in terms of acquaintance with new artistic activities, and developing creativity.

"Reading fiction."

Using artistic expression in classes, creating crafts for fairy tales and poems.


To enrich educational activities, develop children's creativity, and decorate for the holidays.

"Physical culture"

Using crafts in decoration for holidays, entertainment, and conducting physical education sessions.

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