Taimyr Dolgano Nenets and Evenki Autonomous Okrugs. Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, Russia

The area is washed by the waters of two seas of the Arctic Ocean - the Kara and Laptev. It also includes the islands located in them - archipelagos Severnaya Zemlya, Nordenskiöld, Sibiryakova Island and several others located between the Yenisei and Khatanga gulfs. The relief of the islands is similar to the mainland: they are low, the shores are rocky and steep. The Nordenskiöld archipelago consists of approximately 90 small, medium-sized and several fairly large islands; it is poorly studied and is a nesting site for many thousands of brent geese.

On the territory of the region there is the most northern point Eurasia - Cape Chelyuskin, and on it - the only continental site in the region arctic desert. Its sea coast is the site of the largest concentration of polar bears in mainland Eurasia: the “bear trail” runs here, one of the most important migration routes of this species.

West of Cape Chelyuskin is the Taimyr Bay, or Taimyr Bay. The climate here is also extremely harsh; on the coast and islands there is arctic tundra: lichens, mosses, grasses. The gerbil, sandpiper, various representatives of the skuas family, glaucous gull, red-throated loon, and herring gull nest here. Here is also the largest concentration of molting white-fronted geese in Russia and huge amount fish: salmon, whitefish, omul, vendace, whitefish. Marine mammals include seals, bearded seals, and beluga whales; terrestrial mammals - hoofed lemming, arctic fox, small groups of reindeer, and occasionally the mountain hare, ermine and wolf.

Located in the bay desert island Kolchak, opened in 1901. polar expedition Russian Arctic explorer Eduard Toll (1858-1902), who named the northern cape in honor of the hydrographer of the expedition, Lieutenant Alexander Kolchak (1874-1920), later a famous leader White movement in years Civil War in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

Due to the thick thickness of permafrost rocks, water stagnates on the surface of the tundra, forming numerous lakes. The area is also dense river network. One of the most big rivers district - Lower Taimyr. Groups of arctic, non-migratory wild reindeer live along the banks of the river. Along its right tributary Trautfetter, a new population of musk ox has formed, moving from the south, through the Byrranga ridge, from the Bikada River basin, which is in the east of the central interior of Taimyr.

The inner part of Taimyr is the region of the Byrranga mountain tundra; the local terrain consists of two dozen parallel ridges with altitudes of about 700 m and intermountain basins. Right here is the most high point area - Mount Glacier. The landscape with black peaks is so gloomy that the Dolgans nicknamed this place Land of the dead and never wandered further than the foothills. Also here is the most big lake district - Taimyr, the second largest in Siberia after Baikal: area - 4.5 thousand km 2, length - 250 km, but maximum depth does not exceed 26 m, and it is covered with a two-meter layer of ice nine months of the year.

This entire region is the Arctic coast with islands, the center of the Taimyr Peninsula is environmental protection zone"Reserves of Taimyr", occupying huge territory- 105 thousand km 2.

In the southwest of the region, along the left bank of the Yenisei, there is a part West Siberian Plain, zone of forest-tundra and extreme northern taiga.

In the southeast - most The North Siberian Lowland, stretching from the northern ledge of the Central Siberian Plateau to the Byrranga Mountains in Taimyr. The North Siberian Lowland is composed of marine and glacial sediments, sandstones and shales, which contain deposits of hard and brown coal, oil and natural gas.

Within the district there is the Norilsk ore district with deposits of copper-nickel ores. Norilsk itself, although located on the territory of the region, is a city of regional subordination Krasnoyarsk Territory. The main gold deposits are located in the Taimyr-Severozemelskaya gold-bearing province, in the north of the peninsula. The industrial diamond deposit in Taimyr contains more than half of the world's reserves.

The territory of the region consists of islands in Arctic Ocean, the sea coast, the Taimyr Peninsula with extremely difficult terrain and small islands of forest-tundra on the southern border.

The territory of the district is a very rich, but extremely uncomfortable place, which is why it economic development goes extremely slowly.


About 8 thousand years ago, the Taimyr land was freed from glaciers and the current flora and fauna settled on it. A permanent population appeared in Taimyr no later than the 5th millennium BC. e.

Traces of ancient human settlements discovered in the valleys of the Popigai and Khatanga rivers date back to the Neolithic era. It is believed that ancient hunters came here from the Lena River at the end of the 4th - beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. e. Then the climate was warmer and more humid than today, the border of forest and tundra lay 300-400 km north of the present one, and in the center of Taimyr there were pine trees and tree-like birches (today only shrubs).

A cultural layer of the Boisman Neolithic culture was also found on Sibiryakova Island - molded ceramics, stone tools. The people of this culture were deer hunters and caught nelma, whitefish and broad whitefish.

Gradually, the ancient inhabitants of Taimyr mastered the technology of bronze casting. At the Abylaakh-1 site, the northernmost currently known bronze foundry with sandstone crucibles for melting bronze was excavated.

At the end of the 1st millennium BC. e. - 1st thousand AD e. residents of Taimyr actively began to use iron tools, and bronze became an element of clothing decor. The only stone tool that has survived almost to this day is a scraper for processing hides, which has proven its practicality.

By the end of the 1st millennium, people from Western Siberia, which brought the Vozhpai culture of the ancient Samoyeds - the ancestors of the current Enets and Nganasans. The indigenous population was still engaged in reindeer herding and hunting, in some areas - fishing and led a nomadic lifestyle.

IN early XVII V. The first Russian settlements appeared on Taimyr - winter quarters Khantaiskoye, Khatangaskoye, Khetskoye, Avamskoye, Dudinskoye. The Russians came here from Mangazeya, a city in the north of Western Siberia, which withered away after the tsarist ban on maritime trade through the Kara Sea.

1631 is considered the year voluntary entry Taimyr into the composition Russian state.

These places were inhabited mainly by industrialists, traders and “service people” - officials and military personnel. Before the arrival of the Russian population, Taimyr was inhabited by the ancestors of the Nganasans. Locals They quickly found themselves economically dependent on traders who seized the peninsula's supplies and independently set fur prices. The inevitable accompaniments of such a policy - alcohol and imported diseases - significantly reduced the number of the indigenous population, although they acquired fabric clothing, metal utensils and hunting rifles.

The scientific study of this region began with the Great Northern Expedition of 1734-1743: Russian researchers mapped almost the entire coast, the names of the heroes are immortalized in the names: Khariton Laptev Coast, Cape Chelyuskin, Minin Skerries, Pronchishchev Coast, Ovtsyn Strait.

The study of Taimyr was continued by the expedition of Nils Nordenskiöld (1832-1901) in 1875, and in 1876 steamship service began across the Kara Sea at the mouth of the Yenisei.

Already in Soviet era The Northern Sea Route began to operate uninterruptedly, provision for the residents of Taimyr improved, construction of ports and industrial enterprises. In the 1920s deposits of graphite and copper-nickel ores were discovered.

In 1930, the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) national district of the East Siberian Territory of the RSFSR was created. With the formation of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 1934, the district became part of it. In 1977, the district was renamed Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) autonomous region. In 1992, while remaining administratively and territorially part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the district received the status of an independent entity Russian Federation. In 2007, the autonomous okrug was abolished, its territory became part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and became known as the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets region. The region occupies 37% of the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In 2010, the number of indigenous small peoples The North in the territory of the current region accounted for about a third of the total population.

Leading place in industrial production occupied by mining and fishing industry. Traditional sectors of the economy are reindeer husbandry, fur farming and fishing.

General information

Location : north Eastern Siberia.
Administrative affiliation : Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation.
Administrative division : 4 municipalities(2 urban settlements - Dikson and Dudinka, 2 rural settlements - Karaul and Khatanga).
Island territories
: archipelagos of Nordenskiöld and Severnaya Zemlya, islands of Sibiryakov, Uedineniya, Sergei Kirov, etc.
Administrative center : Dudinka city - 23,559 people. (2016).
Settlements : sp. Khatanga - 4788 people, private residence Karaul - 3915 people, town. Dixon - 609 people. (2016).
Educated: 2007
Languages: Russian, Dolgan, Nenets, Nganasan.
Ethnic composition : Russians, Dolgans, Nenets, Nganasans, Enets, Evenks, Kets, Selkups.
Religions: Orthodoxy, shamanism.
Currency : Russian ruble.
Rivers: Yenisei, Upper and Lower Taimyr, Khatanga and Pyasina.
Lakes: Taimyr, Labaz, Lama, Pyasino, Khantayskoe.
Neighboring subjects of the Federation and water areas : in the north - the Kara and Laptev seas, in the east - the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in the south - Turukhansky and Evenkiy districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the west - the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.


Square: 879,900 km 2 .
Population: 32,871 people (2016).
Population density : 0.04 people/km 2 .
Highest point : 1119 m, Glacier Mountain (Byrranga Mountains).

Remoteness (Dudinka) : 2028 km north of Krasnoyarsk.

Climate and weather

Arctic and subarctic.
Long and harsh winters, short cold summers.
Average temperature January : -30°С (islands Kara Sea), -32°С (northwest coast of Taimyr), -33.4°С (centre of Taimyr).
Average temperature in July : +2.5°C (islands of the Kara Sea), +5°C (northwest coast of Taimyr), +12.3°C (center of Taimyr).
Average annual precipitation : 300-400 mm.
Average annual relative humidity : 80%.


Minerals : copper, nickel, titanium, oil, natural gas, gold, industrial diamonds, hard and brown coal, apatites, table salt, mineral waters.
Traditional crafts : dressing of reindeer skins, making clothing and decorative items.
Service sector: tourism, transport, trade.



    Nature protection zone "Reserves of Taimyr" (2012)

    Medusa and Efremova bays

    Fjord Matusevich

    Pyasina Delta

    Ary-Mac Forest



    Parking lots ancient man Maimecha-1 (beginning of 3 thousand BC) and Abylaakh-1 (1150 BC)

    Site of people of the Samoyed culture Dune-3 (1 thousand)

Curious facts

    The protection of the lesser white-fronted goose (so called for the characteristic squeak made in flight) in Taimyr has international significance: exactly within state borders Almost the entire breeding range of this species is located in Russia. The Putorana Lesser Lesser Lesser Population is the largest population at present.

    In Taimyr, in the tundra, there is the world's northernmost isolated section of forest - Ary-Mac, translated from Dolgan - “forest island”. Its dimensions are 20 x 4 km. Home tree species- larch, growing to a height of 4-7 m. The forest has exceptional scientific value and is protected in a nature reserve.

    Taimyr is the least studied region of Russia geologically: only 2% of its subsoil has been explored. It is known that the coal reserves in Taimyr are unique in volume: 92 billion tons, and potential hydrocarbon resources account for about 20% of all resources of the Siberian platform.

    Heavy economic situation tundra inhabitants, the accelerated pace of collectivization became the reason for the uprising of the Dolgans and Nganasans in the Avam and Khatanga regions in April 1932. The participants in these events were repressed in 1938, and their deer were transferred to the collective farms of the district.

    Taimyr is home to the world's largest population of reindeer - about 700 thousand heads. IN recent years the bulk of animals move to the east of the peninsula, which is caused by both natural processes and increased economic development western part of Taimyr.

    The musk ox was brought to the peninsula in 1974; in 1980, the animals were released from their pens, and they settled throughout eastern Taimyr. They prefer to stay in the valley of the Bikada River: in 1973, the lake was drained here, and in this place the thickets of cereals and cotton grass reach a height of 60 cm. Today, the Taimyr musk ox population numbers about 1,900 heads. 2800-3000 years ago, a musk ox already lived in Taimyr, but that population died out long ago.

    On the Putorana plateau, at the bottom of Lake Agata, standing larches are visible: this is evidence of the modern deepening of the lake as a result of tectonic processes.

    Port Dickson is the only one locality in Taimyr, where battles took place during the Great Patriotic War. In Dikson there is a memorial to the North Sea sailors, the defenders of Dikson, and a luminous lighthouse - a monument to the crew of the Alexander Sibiryakov. This icebreaking steamer, which for the first time crossed the Northern Sea Route in one navigation, leaving Dikson, died on August 25, 1942 near Belukha Island in an unequal battle with the German heavy cruiser Admiral Scheer. Has developed maritime tradition: when ships pass in this place, lower the flags and sound the salute with horns.

    In 1822, the Russian government carried out a reform of the management of Siberia, creating the “Charter on the management of foreigners of Siberia”. In particular, the Charter divided indigenous people into “sedentary, nomadic and wandering”. The “wandering” or “catchers” (hunters) included the Enets, Nganasans, Nenets, Dolgans and Evenks “moving from one place to another” on the territory of Taimyr.

    Dudinka is the coldest (absolute minimum -57°C) and one of the northernmost cities on the planet (69°21°N). The duration of winter is 235 days.

    The Arctic port of Dikson is divided by a bay into two parts - island and mainland, the distance is 1.5 km. Letters to Dudinka come to two addresses: “Dikson - island” and “Dikson - mainland”. In winter, vehicles move along an ice road, in summer there are boats, and in spring and autumn you can only get from one part of the village to another by helicopter.

    DolganoNenetsky, a subject of the Russian Federation within the Krasnoyarsk Territory; for the North Arctic Circle; washed by the Kara and Laptev seas. Pl. 862.1 thousand km², adm. center of Dudinka. Formed in 1930. Occupies the Taimyr Peninsula, b.ch. North Siberian... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    TAIMYR (LONG NENETS) AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT, subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Located in the Far North of Eastern Siberia, beyond the Arctic Circle. Includes the archipelagos of Severnaya Zemlya, Nordenskiöld, etc., ... ... Russian history

    TAIMYR (LONG NENETS) AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT in the Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk region). 862.1 thousand km². Population 51 thousand people (1993), urban 67%; Russians, Dolgans, Nenets, Nganasans, etc. 1 city, 1 urban-type settlement (1993).… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TAIMYR AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT- included in Ros. Federation. Pl. 862.1 thousand km2. Us. 55.0 thousand people (1989, census), including Dolgans (5 thousand), Nenets (2.5 thousand), Nganasans (0.9 thousand), Evenks, Enets, Kets. Center of Dudinka. The first school in the territory. district was opened under Turukhansky... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Subject of the Russian Federation Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Autonomous Okrug. Politics Portal:Politics Russia ... Wikipedia

    Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug. Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug, a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Located in the Far North of Eastern Siberia, beyond the Arctic Circle. Includes... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

    Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug- Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug is a abolished subject of the Russian Federation, which on January 1, 2007 became part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Administrative center Dudinka. Region code 84 OKATO code 04100 ... Accounting Encyclopedia

    AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT- a type of state (regional, administrative, national-territorial) autonomy. Initially, these autonomous units were called national districts. The creation of this type of autonomy was provided for by the Resolution... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

    In the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk region. 862.1 thousand km2. Population 46 thousand people (1997), urban 67%; Russians, Dolgans, Nenets, Nganasans, etc. 1 city, 1 urban-type settlement. Dudinka Center. Located mainly on the Taimyr Peninsula.... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

→ Taimyr Autonomous Okrug

Detailed map of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug

Taimyr Autonomous Okrug on the map of Russia. Detailed map of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug with cities and villages. Satellite map of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug with districts, villages, streets and house numbers. Explore detailed maps from the satellite services "Yandex Maps" and "Google Maps" online. Find required address, street or house on the map of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. Zoom in or out on the map using mouse scroll or touchpad gestures. Switch between schematic and satellite map Taimyr Autonomous Okrug.

Map of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug with cities, districts and villages

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Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug - Wikipedia:

Date of abolition of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug: September 13, 1937
Population of the former Taimyr Autonomous Okrug: 38372 people
Area of ​​the former Taimyr Autonomous Okrug: 879.9 thousand km²

Former districts of the abolished Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug:

Avamsky district Diksonsky district Dudinsky district Ust-Yenisei district Khatanga district

Taimyr Autonomous Okrug existed until 2007; from January 1, 2007 - Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Taimyr Autonomous Okrug- one of the subjects of Russia, which is located beyond the Arctic Circle. The territory of the district is washed by the Laptev Sea and the Red Sea. There is the northernmost point of Russia - Cape Chelyuskin.

The administrative center of the district is the city Dudinka, whose population is only 32 thousand people. Such large rivers of Russia as the Yenisei and Khatanga flow through the territory of this region.

Climate of Taimyr Autonomous Okrug arctic and very harsh. The average temperature in summer is from +2 to +13, and in winter - - 30 C. Therefore for a long time Taimyr District was uninhabited.

Particularly diverse fauna districts. The rarest species of predators and mammals live there - reindeer, polar bear, wolverine, sable, etc. In the waters of the seas that wash the shores of the district, you can see bearded seals, walruses and seals.

It is believed that ancient territory The Taimyr Autonomous Okrug began to be developed back in the Neolithic period. Russian servicemen and traders began to develop the Yenisei district, only then did its territory become part of the Russian state. The formation of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug occurred in 1930, at the same time entering the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In former times, Taimyr was part of the Yenisei province, and its administrative center was Irkutsk. The Taimyr Autonomous Okrug became a subject of the Russian Federation in 1992. And his rich history and cultural attractions attract to the territory.

Geographical location

The Taimyr Autonomous Okrug is located on the Taimyr Peninsula of the same name, as well as its extreme tip - this means several Arctic islands, Cape Chelyuskin and the north of the Central Siberian Plateau. It is noteworthy that this district is the only place in Russia that is completely located outside the borders of the Northern Arctic Circle. Also, its area is the largest district on Russian territory.

The neighbors of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug are the Republic of Sakha from the east, the Krasnoyarsk Territory from the south, the Evenki Autonomous Okrug from the south-east, as well as the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the western part. In addition, the Yenisei and Khatanga bays are washed by north coast districts.

Let us note that forty percent of the land in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is occupied by the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. To count it total area it is necessary to add up the territories of the Netherlands, France and Great Britain.

Natural resources

The Taimyr Autonomous Okrug is attractive because it is a little-studied region of the Russian Federation, in total only three percent of its territory has been explored. Various mineral resources and minerals. Unique volumes of coal reserves are stored in the three largest coal basins, their total weight is 92 billion tons.

In addition, it is necessary to note the most beautiful forest resources Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, while most of it is occupied coniferous forests, where tourists are so eager to go. After all, here you can endlessly admire deciduous forests birch, spruce and Daurian larch, which are considered the northernmost on planet Earth.

Local tourism

Tourists and travelers are invited to visit three nature reserves in the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. Special attention deserves big Arctic Reserve, where picturesque nature allows you to get closer to the local flora and fauna. Because transport infrastructure is being improved very well, then health and tourism complexes will soon be built, which will have no analogues in the world. That is why foreign and domestic investors became so interested in the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug.

Definitely worth a visit to Taimyr biosphere reserve, it is noteworthy that here you can plan or order in advance tourist routes. For example, if you want to observe the Taimyr fauna, then you should go on scientific and educational tourism. However, it is worth taking into account the period of visit and natural conditions year. The management of the reserve also proposes sports tourism. In spring, small groups of tourists organize dog sledding excursions. Therefore, a special nursery for breeding sled dogs was created at the reserve.

During ethnographic tourism you can see places of residence nomadic peoples Dolgans and Nganasans, who lived in the eastern part of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug.

TAIMYR (DOLGANO-NENETS) AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT , a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Located in the Far North of Eastern Siberia, beyond the Arctic Circle. It includes the archipelagos of Severnaya Zemlya, Nordenskiöld and others, and is washed by the Kara and Laptev seas. Included in East Siberian economic region . Pl. 862.1 thousand km 2. Population 44.5 thousand people. (1998). Center - Dudinka. Urban population 65.4%. Residents (%): Russians 73, Dolgans 10, Nenets, Nganasans 1.7, etc. Includes 3 administrative district, 1 city, 1 urban village. Wed. population density 0.1 people. per 1 km 2. The most densely (relatively) populated area is the area subordinate to the Dudinsk city administration. Formed December 30, 1930.

Occupies the Taimyr Peninsula, b. part of the North Siberian Lowland, northern part Central Siberian Plateau (height up to 1629 m on the Putorana plateau). The coast is heavily indented ( large bays- Yenisei, Pyasinsky and Khatanga). In the southwest, along the left bank of the Yenisei, there is part of the West Siberian Plain. Deposits of polymetallic ores, coal, table salt. The climate is arctic and subarctic. Winters are severe and long (up to 10 months), summers are cold. Wed. January temperatures -32 °C, July 2-13 °C. Precipitation approx. 250 mm per year. The growing season is 40-80 days. Permafrost is ubiquitous. Basic rivers - Yenisei, Pyasina, Khatanga, Upper and Lower Taimyr. There are many lakes (Taimyr, Lama, Pyasino, Khantayskoe, etc.) and wetlands. Typical tundra and peat-gley soils predominate; in the south there are podzolic soils, and in the Yenisei valley there are floodplain meadow soils. In the north of the district there are arctic and high-mountain deserts and semi-deserts, on Wed. parts - vegetation of lichen, moss-cotton grass, moss-sedge and shrub tundras, in the south - forest-tundra with sparse larch forests and shrubs. On the territory of the district - the northernmost point of distribution of woody vegetation on globe(Daurian larch - 72°50" N). Reindeer, arctic fox, wolf, lemming, ermine, mountain hare are preserved in the area; birds include snowy owl, white and tundra partridge. summer time nesting sites in the tundra migratory birds(ducks, geese, swans, waders, loons). Valuable commercial fish include salmon and sturgeon. In the seas - seals, walruses, beluga whales. On the territory of the district - Putorana Nature Reserve, Taimyr Nature Reserve.

Natural conditions for the population's life are unfavorable and unfavorable. Due to low economic development ecological situation overall relatively prosperous. Spicy and very spicy environmental situation related to chemical pollution atmosphere, waters and lands, noted in industrial zone Norilsk.

Basic industries: mining (Kotum mine -coal), fish (Khatanga and Dudinsky fish factories). On the territory of the district is the Norilsk industrial region (RAO Norilsk Nickel). Ust-Khantayskaya HPP.

Reindeer husbandry, fur farming, fur farming (blue fox, silver-black fox). Meat and dairy cattle breeding and poultry farming are slightly developed. Navigation on the Yenisei, Khatanga and Severny rivers sea ​​route. Main ports: Dudinka, Dikson, Khatanga. Railway Dudinka - Norilsk - Talnakh. Gas pipeline Messoyakha - Norilsk. Road density 0.1 km/thousand, km 2 (1997).

Cash expenditures per capita 94% of the Russian average; number of personal cars 25.0 per 1000 people; unemployment 4.0% (1997).

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