Impact of noise on the environment. Acoustic environmental pollution - impact, prevention and protection








Stop and listen: cars are noisily rushing along the street. The front doors on powerful steel springs slam, the screams of children come from the yard, and guitars strum until late at night. Tape recorders and televisions are deafening, factory floors greet us with the roar of machine tools and other machines...

The picture seems ordinary. But it is unlikely to be correct and this should be the case in reality, because all this harms the environment and all of humanity.


Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. These are called sounds mechanical vibrations external environment, which are perceived by the human hearing aid (from 16 to 20,000 vibrations per second). Oscillations of higher frequency are called ultrasound, smaller - infrasound. Noise is loud sounds merged into a discordant sound.

For all living organisms, including humans, sound is one of the environmental influences. In nature, loud sounds are rare, the noise is relatively weak and short-lived. The combination of sound stimuli gives animals and humans the time necessary to assess their character and formulate a response. Sounds and noises of high power affect the hearing aid, nerve centers, and can cause pain and shock. This is how noise pollution works.

Noise pollution environment- this is the sonic scourge of our time, apparently the most intolerant of all types of pollution external environment. Along with the problems of air, soil and water pollution, humanity is faced with the problem of dealing with noise. Such concepts as “acoustic ecology”, “noise pollution of the environment”, etc. have appeared and are becoming widespread. All this is due to the fact that the harmful effects of noise on the human body, on animals and vegetable world undeniably established by science. Man and nature are increasingly suffering from its harmful effects.

Decibel(dB) is a logarithmic unit of noise that expresses the degree of sound pressure. 1dB is the lowest noise level that a person can barely detect. Nature has never been silent, it is not silent, but silent. Sound is one of its most ancient manifestations, as ancient as the Earth itself. There were always sounds and even monstrous strength and power. But still, in the natural environment, the sounds of the rustling of leaves, the murmur of a stream, bird voices, the light splash of water and the sound of the surf, which are always pleasant to humans, prevailed. They calm him down and relieve stress. Man created, and more and more new sounds appeared. After the invention of the wheel, he, according to the fair remark of the famous English acoustician R. Tylor, without realizing it, sowed the first link in the modern problem of noise. With the birth of the wheel, it began to tire and irritate people more and more often. The natural sounds of nature's voices have become increasingly rare, disappearing completely or are drowned out by industrial transport and other noise. The noise of trams, the roar of jet planes, the screams of loudspeakers and the like are the scourge of humanity.


Noise is one of those factors that you cannot get used to. It only seems to a person that he is accustomed to noise, but acoustic pollution, acting constantly, destroys human health. Noise, as a harmful production factor, is responsible for 15% of all occupational diseases. Acoustic pollution has an adverse effect on all body systems. The nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems are primarily affected. There is a relationship between the incidence and duration of living in conditions of acoustic pollution. An increase in diseases is observed after living for 8-10 years when exposed to noise with an intensity above 70 dB. City noise can be attributed to the causes of hypertension, coronary disease hearts. Under the influence of noise, attention is weakened, physical and mental performance decreases. Constant exposure to noise (more than 80 dB) leads to gastritis and gastric ulcers. As we see, noise provokes the emergence of all the most striking diseases of industrial society.

2.1 Effect of noise on organisms

Researchers have found that noise can destroy plant cells. For example, experiments have shown that plants exposed to sound bombardment dry out and die. The cause of death is excessive release of moisture through the leaves: when the noise level exceeds a certain limit, the flowers literally burst into tears. If you place a carnation next to a radio playing at full volume, the flower will wither. Trees in the city die much earlier than in the natural environment. The bee loses its ability to navigate and stops working when exposed to the noise of a jet plane.

The following event can be considered a specific example of the impact of noise on living organisms. Thousands of unhatched chicks died as a result of dredging work carried out by the German company Mobius by order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine. The noise from operating equipment spread over 5-7 km, having a negative impact on the adjacent territories of the Danube biosphere reserve. Representatives of the Danube Biosphere Reserve and 3 other organizations were forced to painfully acknowledge the death of the entire colony of spotted tern and common tern, which were located on Ptichya Spit.

2.2 Impact of noise on humans

Long-term noise adversely affects the hearing organ, reducing sensitivity to sound. It leads to disruption of the heart and liver, and to exhaustion and overstrain of nerve cells. Weakened cells of the nervous system cannot clearly coordinate the work of various body systems. This is where disruptions in their activities arise.

As already mentioned, the noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels. This pressure is not perceived infinitely. A noise level of 20-30 decibels (dB) is practically harmless to humans; it is a natural background noise. As for loud sounds, the permissible limit here is approximately 80 decibels, and even at a noise level of 60-90 dB unpleasant sensations arise. A sound of 120-130 decibels already causes pain in a person, and 150 becomes unbearable for him and leads to irreversible hearing loss. It is not for nothing that in the Middle Ages there was execution “by the bell.” The roar of the bells tormented and slowly killed the condemned man. A sound of 180 dB causes metal fatigue, and a sound of 190 dB tears rivets out of structures. The level of industrial noise is also very high. In many jobs and noisy industries it reaches 90-110 decibels or more. It is not much quieter in our home, where new sources of noise are appearing - the so-called household appliances. It is also known that tree crowns absorb sounds by 10-20 dB.

In the UK, for example, one in four men and one in three women suffer from neuroses due to high noise levels. Austrian scientists have found that noise shortens the life of city residents by 8-12 years. The threat and harm of noise will become clearer if we consider that in large cities it increases annually by about 1 dB. Leading American noise expert Dr. Knudsen stated that “noise is as slow a killer as smog.”

But also absolute silence frightens and depresses him. Thus, employees of one design bureau, which had excellent sound insulation, within a week began to complain about the impossibility of working in conditions of oppressive silence. They were nervous and lost their ability to work. And, conversely, scientists have found that sounds of a certain strength stimulate the thinking process, especially the counting process.

Each person perceives noise differently. Much depends on age, temperament, health, and environmental conditions. Some people lose their hearing even after short exposure to relatively reduced intensity noise. Constant exposure to loud noise can not only negatively affect your hearing, but also cause other harmful effects- ringing in the ears, dizziness, headache, increased fatigue. Very noisy contemporary music also dulls hearing and causes nervous diseases. Interestingly, the American otolaryngologist S. Rosen found that in an African tribe in Sudan, not exposed to civilized noise, the hearing acuity of sixteen-year-old representatives is on average the same as that of thirty-year-old people living in noisy New York. In 20% of boys and girls who often listen to fashionable modern pop music, their hearing turned out to be dulled in the same way as in 85-year-old people.

Noise has an accumulative effect, i.e. acoustic irritation, accumulating in the body, increasingly depresses nervous system. Therefore, before hearing loss from noise exposure, a functional disorder of the central nervous system occurs. Noise has a particularly harmful effect on the neuropsychic activity of the body. The process of neuropsychiatric diseases is higher among people working in noisy conditions than among people working in normal conditions. sound conditions. Noises cause functional disorders of cardio-vascular system. The famous therapist Academician A. Myasnikov pointed out that noise can be a source of hypertension.

Noise has a harmful effect on the visual and vestibular analyzers, reduces reflex activity which often causes accidents and injuries. The higher the intensity of the noise, the worse we see and react to what is happening. This list can be continued. But it must be emphasized that noise is insidious, it harmful effects on the body is completely invisible, imperceptible and has an accumulating nature; moreover, the human body is practically not protected against noise. In harsh light, we close our eyes, the instinct of self-preservation saves us from burns, forcing us to withdraw our hand from hot objects, etc., but humans do not have defensive reaction. Therefore, there is an underestimation of noise control.

Research has shown that inaudible sounds can also have harmful effects on human health. Thus, infrasounds have a special impact on the mental sphere of a person: all types of intellectual activity are affected, mood deteriorates, sometimes there is a feeling of confusion, anxiety, fright, fear, and at high intensity - a feeling of weakness, as after a strong nervous shock. Even faint sounds– infrasounds can have a significant impact on humans, especially if they are prolonged. According to scientists, it is infrasounds, silently penetrating through the thickest walls, that cause many nervous diseases residents of large cities. Ultrasounds, which occupy a prominent place in the range of industrial noise, are also dangerous. The mechanisms of their action on living organisms are extremely diverse. They are especially strong negative impact cells of the nervous system are susceptible. Noise is insidious, its harmful effects on the body occur invisibly, imperceptibly. Disorders in the human body are practically defenseless against noise. Currently, doctors are talking about noise disease, which develops as a result of exposure to noise with primary damage to the hearing and nervous system.

Thus, it is necessary to fight the noise rather than try to get used to it. Dedicated to the fight against noise acoustic ecology, the purpose and meaning of which is the desire to establish an acoustic environment that would correspond or be in tune with the voices of nature, because the noise of technology is unnatural to all living things that have evolved on the planet. It should be remembered that the fight against noise was carried out in ancient times. For example, 2.5 thousand years ago in the famous ancient Greek colony of Sybaris, rules were in effect to protect the sleep and peace of citizens: loud sounds at night were prohibited, and artisans of such noisy professions as blacksmiths and tinsmiths were expelled from the city.


It is possible to protect yourself from noise only if you travel far outside the city. A city apartment leaves us with only one option - soundproofing. Many modern building materials have already successfully solved this problem. To protect against noise, new solutions are needed for the use of materials with sound insulation and sound-absorbing properties in the design of buildings, production equipment, Vehicle. Rational planning of development and improvement of residential areas have a significant effect. Even a small green strip of bushes along the road can dissipate and absorb noise to some extent. The person himself can reduce noise exposure that is caused by himself. For example, reduce the volume of the TV or music center at home, do not park a car with the alarm on under your window. After all, all this is in the interests of the health of the person himself.

In 1959 was created International organization noise control. Combating noise is a complex, complex problem that requires a lot of effort and money. Silence costs money, and a lot of it. Sources of noise are very diverse and there is no single way or method of dealing with them. However, acoustic science can offer effective means noise control Common paths noise control comes down to the legislative, construction and planning, organizational, technical, technological, design and preventive worlds. Preference should be given to measures at the design stage rather than when noise is already being produced.

Sanitary norms and rules establish:

    Maximum permissible noise levels at workplaces in the premises and on the territory of production enterprises that create noise, and at the border of their territory.

    Basic measures to reduce noise levels and prevent the impact of noise on humans.


Probably, if people use less devices or mechanisms that make a lot of noise, then the environment will be less polluted, and people will feel better.



    Eco Era, “Noise Pollution”

    True “Noise Pollution”

http:// www. pravda. ru/ science/ planet/ environment/38060-1

Individual project

in physics on the topic:

"Influence noise pollution on the environment"


Introduction 3

Noise pollution 4

Impact of noise on the environment and humans 6

Fight against noise pollution 9

Noise scale 12

Conclusion 14

References 15


Noise pollution is the sound scourge of our time, apparently the most intolerable of all types of environmental pollution. Along with the problems of air, soil and water pollution, humanity is faced with the problem of dealing with noise. Such terms have appeared and are becoming widespread - concepts such as “acoustic ecology”, “noise pollution of the environment” and others. All this is due to the fact that the harmful effects of noise on the human body, on flora and fauna, have been indisputably established by science. Man and nature are increasingly suffering from its harmful effects.According to Dedyu I.I. (1990), noise pollution is a form of physical pollution, consisting in an increase in the level of noise above natural and causing disturbance in the short term, and in the long term - damage to the organs that perceive it or the death of organisms.

The relevance of this work lies in familiarization with noise pollution; developing prevention tips to preserve human health. Nowadays, this topic is quite relevant for research, since people often do not think about the dangers of noise. We can prevent many problems.

Noise pollution

One of the types of air pollution in cities is noise.

Noise is one of the atmospheric pollutants harmful to humans. The irritating effect of sound (noise) on a person depends on its intensity, spectral composition and duration of exposure. Noises with continuous spectrums are less irritating than noises with a narrow frequency range. The greatest irritation is caused by noise in the frequency range of 3000-5000 Hz.

Working in conditions of increased noise at first causes rapid fatigue and sharpens hearing at high frequencies. Then the person gets used to the noise, sensitivity to high frequencies falls sharply, hearing loss begins, which gradually develops into hearing loss and deafness. At a noise intensity of 145-140 dB, vibrations occur in the soft tissues of the nose and throat, as well as in the bones of the skull and teeth; if the intensity exceeds 140 dB, it begins to vibrate rib cage, muscles of the arms and legs, pain in the ears and head, extreme fatigue and irritability appear; At noise levels above 160 dB, eardrums may rupture.

However, noise has a detrimental effect not only on the hearing aid, but also on the human central nervous system, the functioning of the heart, and causes many other diseases. One of the most powerful sources of noise are helicopters and airplanes, especially supersonic ones.

When high requirements to the accuracy and reliability of control of a modern aircraft, which are required of the crew aircraft, elevated levels noise has a negative impact on the performance and speed of information acceptance by the crew. The noise generated by airplanes causes hearing impairment and other painful phenomena among airport ground service workers, as well as among residents. settlements, over which planes fly.

The negative impact on people depends not only on the level of maximum noise generated by the aircraft during flight, but also on the duration of the effect, total number flights per day and background noise level. The intensity of noise and the area of ​​distribution are significantly influenced by meteorological conditions: wind speed, its distribution and air temperature at altitude, clouds and precipitation.

The main source of noise pollution is vehicles - cars, railway trains and airplanes.

In cities, the level of noise pollution in residential areas can be greatly increased due to poor urban planning (for example, the location of an airport within the city).

In addition to transport (60÷80% of noise pollution) others important sources noise pollution in cities are industrial enterprises, construction and renovation work, car alarm, dog barking, noisy people etc. The source of noise is household and office equipment.

Noise pollution quickly disrupts the natural balance in ecosystems. Noise pollution can lead to disruption of orientation in space, communication, search for food, etc. In this regard, some animals begin to make louder sounds, which is why they themselves will become secondary sound pollutants, further disturbing the balance in ecosystem.

The noise problem has become especially acute in connection with the operation of supersonic aircraft. They are associated with noise, sonic boom and vibration of homes near airports. Modern supersonic aircraft generate noise whose intensity significantly exceeds the maximum permissible standards.

Impact of noise on the environment and humans

Noise is one of those factors that you cannot get used to. It only seems to a person that he is accustomed to noise, but acoustic pollution, acting constantly, destroys human health. Noise, as a harmful production factor, is responsible for 15% of all occupational diseases. Acoustic pollution has an adverse effect on all body systems. The nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems are primarily affected. There is a relationship between the incidence and duration of living in conditions of acoustic pollution. An increase in diseases is observed after living for 8-10 years when exposed to noise with an intensity above 70 dB. City noise can be attributed to the causes of hypertension and coronary heart disease. Under the influence of noise, attention is weakened, physical and mental performance decreases. As we see, noise provokes the emergence of all the most striking diseases of industrial society.

Each person perceives noise differently. Much depends on age, temperament, health, and environmental conditions. Some people lose their hearing even after short exposure to relatively reduced intensity noise. Constant exposure to loud noise can not only negatively affect hearing, but also cause other harmful effects - ringing in the ears, dizziness, headache, increased fatigue. Very noisy modern music also dulls hearing and causes nervous diseases. Interestingly, the American otolaryngologist S. Rosen found that in an African tribe in Sudan, not exposed to civilized noise, the hearing acuity of sixteen-year-old representatives is on average the same as that of thirty-year-old people living in noisy New York. In 20% of boys and girls who often listen to fashionable modern pop music, their hearing turned out to be dulled in the same way as in 85-year-old people.

Noise has an accumulative effect, that is, acoustic irritation, accumulating in the body, increasingly depresses the nervous system. Therefore, before hearing loss from noise exposure, a functional disorder of the central nervous system occurs. Noise has a particularly harmful effect on the neuropsychic activity of the body. The process of neuropsychiatric diseases is higher among people working in noisy conditions than among people working in normal sound conditions. Noises cause functional disorders of the cardiovascular system. The famous therapist Academician A. Myasnikov pointed out that noise can be a source of hypertension.

Noise has a harmful effect on the visual and vestibular analyzers, reduces reflex activity, which often causes accidents and injuries. The higher the noise intensity, the worse we see and react to what is happening. This list can be continued. But it is necessary to emphasize that noise is insidious, its harmful effects on the body are completely invisible, imperceptible and have an accumulating nature, moreover, the human body is practically not protected against noise. In harsh light, we close our eyes, the instinct of self-preservation saves us from burns, forcing us to withdraw our hand from hot objects, etc., but a person has no defensive reaction from exposure to noise. Therefore, there is an underestimation of noise control.

Research has shown that inaudible sounds can also have harmful effects on human health. Thus, infrasounds have a special effect on mental sphere person: all types of intellectual activity are affected, mood deteriorates, sometimes there is a feeling of confusion, anxiety, fright, fear, and at high intensity - a feeling of weakness, as after a strong nervous shock. Even weak sounds - infrasounds - can have a significant impact on a person, especially if they are long-lasting. According to scientists, it is infrasounds, silently penetrating through the thickest walls, that cause many nervous diseases in residents of large cities. Ultrasounds, which occupy a prominent place in the range of industrial noise, are also dangerous. The mechanisms of their action on living organisms are extremely diverse. The cells of the nervous system are especially susceptible to their negative effects. Noise is insidious, its harmful effects on the body occur invisibly, imperceptibly. Disorders in the human body are practically defenseless against noise. Currently, doctors are talking about noise disease, which develops as a result of exposure to noise with primary damage to the hearing and nervous system. Thus, it is necessary to fight noise rather than try to get used to it. Acoustic ecology is dedicated to the fight against noise, the purpose and meaning of which is the desire to establish an acoustic environment that would correspond or be in tune with the voices of nature, because the noise of technology is unnatural to all living things that have evolved on the planet.

Researchers have found that noise can destroy plant cells. For example, experiments have shown that plants exposed to sound bombardment dry out and die. The cause of death is excessive release of moisture through the leaves: when the noise level exceeds certain limit, the flowers literally come out with tears. If you place a carnation next to a radio playing at full volume, the flower will wither. Trees in the city die much earlier than in the natural environment. The bee loses its ability to navigate and stops working when exposed to the noise of a jet plane.

The following event can be considered a specific example of the impact of noise on living organisms. Thousands of unhatched chicks died as a result of dredging work carried out by the German company Mobius by order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine. The noise from operating equipment spread over 5-7 km, affecting Negative influence to the adjacent territories of the Danube Biosphere Reserve. Representatives of the Danube Biosphere Reserve and 3 other organizations were forced to painfully acknowledge the death of the entire colony of spotted tern and common tern, which were located on Ptichya Spit.

Fight against noise pollution

It is possible to protect yourself from noise only if you travel far outside the city. A city apartment leaves us with only one option - soundproofing. Many modern building materials have already successfully solved this problem. To protect against noise, new solutions are needed for the use of materials with sound insulation and sound-absorbing properties in the design of buildings, production equipment, and vehicles. Rational planning of development and improvement of residential areas have a significant effect. Even a small green strip of bushes along the road can dissipate and absorb noise to some extent. The person himself can reduce noise exposure that is caused by himself. For example, reduce the volume of the TV or music center at home, do not park a car with the alarm on under your window. After all, all this is in the interests of the health of the person himself.

In 1959 The International Noise Abatement Organization was created.

The World Health Organization, taking into account the global nature of environmental noise pollution, has developed a long-term program to reduce noise in cities and towns around the world. In Russia, protection from noise exposure is regulated by Law Russian Federation“On Environmental Protection” (2002) (Article 55), as well as government regulations on measures to reduce noise in industrial enterprises, in cities and other populated areas.

The fight against noise is a complex, complex problem that requires a lot of effort and resources. Silence costs money, and a lot of it. Sources of noise are very diverse and there is no single way or method of dealing with them. However, acoustic science can offer effective solutions to noise.

General ways to combat noise come down to the legislative, construction and planning, organizational, technical, technological, design and preventive world. Preference should be given to measures at the design stage rather than when noise is already being produced.

Many of these measures to combat noise pollution should be carried out government agencies, as this requires multi-million dollar investments and a centralized approach.

The problem of environmental noise pollution is also being solved at the level of individual facilities and companies.

Special acoustic screens are being constructed. The design of these noise barriers consists of acoustic panels that absorb or reflect sound waves (vibrations), i.e. noise. They are mounted among themselves, installed step by step between metal racks, which are load-bearing, and form a noise-proof fence of the required length and height.

Noise protection structures are installed along railway lines, highways, industrial facilities ( transformer substations, power power plants) and protect residential, park, children's and other areas adjacent to them from harmful influence noise

Sanitary norms and rules establish:

Maximum permissible noise levels at workplaces in the premises and on the territory of production enterprises that create noise, and at the border of their territory;

Basic measures to reduce noise levels and prevent the impact of noise on humans. Relevant standards are in place and being created. Failure to comply with them is punishable by law. And although at present it is not always possible to achieve effective results in the fight against noise, steps are being taken in this direction.

Special sound-absorbing suspended ceilings assembled from perforated slabs and mufflers on pneumatic devices and fixtures are installed. Musicologists have proposed their own means of mitigating noise: skillfully and correctly selected music began to influence the efficiency of work.

An active fight against traffic noise has begun. Unfortunately, there is no ban on the supply of transport sound signals in cities. Noise maps are created. They provide a detailed description of the noise situation in the city. Undoubtedly, it is possible to develop optimal measures to ensure proper noise protection of the environment.

The noise map according to V. Chudnov (1980) is a kind of plan for attacking noise. There are many ways to combat traffic noise: the construction of tunnel junctions, underground passages, highways in tunnels, on overpasses and excavations. Reducing engine noise is also possible internal combustion. Continuous rails are laid on the railway - a velvet track.

The construction of screening structures and planting of forest belts are relevant. Noise standards should be reviewed every 2-3 years in the direction of tightening them. Big hopes Electric vehicles are being relied on to solve this problem.

Noise level scale

The noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels. This pressure is not perceived infinitely. A noise level of 20-30 decibels (dB) is practically harmless to humans; it is a natural background noise. As for loud sounds, then the permissible limit here is approximately 80 decibels, and then at a noise level of 60-90 dB, discomfort. A sound of 120-130 decibels already causes pain in a person, and 150 becomes unbearable for him and leads to irreversible hearing loss. It is not for nothing that in the Middle Ages there was execution “by the bell.” The roar of the bells tormented and slowly killed the condemned man. A sound of 180 dB causes metal fatigue, and a sound of 190 dB tears rivets out of structures. The level of industrial noise is also very high. In many jobs and noisy industries it reaches 90-110 decibels or more. It’s not much quieter in our home, where new sources of noise are appearing - the so-called household appliances. It is also known that tree crowns absorb sounds by 10-20 dB.

Noise exposure level. Typical noise producers Noise intensity, dB

Hearing threshold Complete silence - 0

Acceptable level Normal breathing noise - 10

Home comfort - 20

Clock sound, sound volume level - 30

The rustling of leaves in a light wind - 33

The normal volume during the day is 40

Quiet whisper at a distance of 1-2 meters - 47

Quiet street - 50

Washing machine operation - 60

Street noise - 70

Normal speech or noise in a store with many customers - 73

Vacuum cleaner, noise on a busy highway, glass noise - 80

Dangerous level Sports car, maximum sound volume level in production premises - 90

Loud music player in a large room - 95

Motorcycle, metro electric train - 100

The noise of city transport, the roar of a diesel truck at a distance of 8 meters - 105

Loud music, powerful mower - 110

Pain threshold The sound of a running lawn mower or air compressor - 112

The roar of a Boeing 707 landing at the airport - 118

Air raid siren, super noise fashionable electro music - 13

Lethal Level Explosion atomic bomb – 200


Time and again we hear about the dangers threatening the environment, but many of us still consider them an unpleasant but inevitable product of civilization and believe that we will still have time to cope with all the difficulties that have arisen. However, human impact on the environment has reached alarming proportions. To fundamentally improve the situation, targeted and thoughtful actions will be needed. Responsible and effective environmental policies will only be possible if we accumulate reliable data on current state environment, grounded knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, if he develops new methods for reducing and preventing harm caused to Nature by Man.

The conclusions of the work are drawn: noise has an adverse effect on the human body. The noise level emitted by various types of transport also exceeds the sanitary standard and can cause harm to humans. The noise level depends on the distance: than longer distance, the lower the noise level.


    Zaturanov Yu. N., Antipova T. N. / Assessment of noise pollution in the urban environment: models and methods for increasing environmental safety. - Article. - Journal of Economics and Environmental Management (March 2013). -UDC 628.517.2.001

    2 Vronsky V.A. Ecology and health of the population of industrial cities / V.A. Vronsky, I.N. Salamakha // Human ecology. 2005 No. 3 – P.42 – 45

    SN 2.2.4/ Noise in workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas"

    Guide hygienic assessment factors working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions. Management. R 2.2.2006 - 05

    MUK 4.3.2194-07 Noise level control in residential areas, residential and public buildings and premises

    GOST 31296.1-2005 Noise. Description, measurement and assessment of noise in the area.

    V. N. Belousov ""Fighting noise in cities""

    E.Ya. Yudin “Fighting noise at work. Directory"

    A. van der Zyl. "Noise. Sources. Description. Measurements"

Noise is any sound that is unwanted by humans. Under normal atmospheric conditions, the speed of sound in air is 344 m/s.

A sound field is a region of space in which sound waves propagate. When distributed sound wave energy transfer occurs.

In a free field, the intensity of sound propagation decreases in proportion to the square of the distance from the source. The propagation of noise can also be influenced by weather and climatic factors that determine the absorption of sound by air and the propagation of sound: temperature and humidity, wind strength, temperature gradients, atmospheric turbulence, fog and snow. Green belt trees or shrubs around sources helps to isolate the surrounding area from noise: the high-frequency nature of the sound decreases as it passes through a green hedge. In addition, the movement of bushes and trees caused by the wind creates an acceptable camouflage effect.

The noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels (dB). This pressure is not perceived infinitely. Noise of 20–30 dB is practically harmless to humans and constitutes a natural background sound, without which life is impossible. As for “loud sounds,” here the permissible limit rises to approximately 80 dB. A noise of 130 dB already causes pain in a person, and when it reaches 150 dB it becomes unbearable for him. It was not for nothing that in the Middle Ages there was execution - “to the bell”; the ringing of a bell killed a man.

2.3.2 The problem of noise pollution today

If in the 60s and 70s of the last century the noise on the streets did not exceed 80 dB, now it reaches 100 dB or more. On many busy highways, even at night, the noise does not drop below 70 dB, while according to sanitary standards it should not exceed 40 dB.

Over the past decade, the problem of noise control in many countries has become one of the most important. The introduction of new technological processes into industry, an increase in the power and speed of technological equipment, and the mechanization of production processes have led to the fact that people in production and at home are constantly exposed to high levels of noise.

According to experts, noise in large cities increases annually by approximately 1 dB. Considering the level already achieved, it is easy to imagine the very sad consequences of this noise “invasion”.

More and more new super-powerful sound sources are appearing, for example: noise jet plane, space rocket. The level of industrial noise is very high. In many industries it reaches 80 - 100 dB or more, contributing to an increase in the number of errors in work, reducing labor productivity by about 10 - 15% and at the same time significantly deteriorating its quality.

2.3.3 Impact of noise on human health

Depending on the level and nature of the noise, its duration, as well as the individual characteristics of a person, noise can have various effects on him.

Noise, even when it is small, creates a significant load on the human nervous system, having a psychological effect on him. This is especially common in people engaged in mental activity. Low noise affects people differently. The reason for this may be: age, health status, type of work. The impact of noise also depends on the individual's attitude towards it. Thus, the noise produced by the person himself does not bother him, while small extraneous noise can cause a strong irritating effect.

Lack of necessary silence, especially at night, leads to premature fatigue. High-level noises can be good soil for the development of persistent insomnia, neuroses and atherosclerosis.

Under the influence of noise from 85 – 90 dB, hearing sensitivity at high frequencies decreases. A person complains of feeling unwell for a long time. Symptoms: headache, dizziness, nausea, excessive irritability. All this is the result of working in noisy conditions.

The effect of noise on humans has not been the subject of special research until some time ago. Nowadays, the effect of sound and noise on the functions of the body is studied by a whole branch of science - audology. It was found that the noise natural origin(the sound of the sea surf, foliage, rain, the murmur of a stream and others) have a beneficial effect on the human body, calm it, and induce healing sleep.

The effects of noise on the health of Europeans in 2003 were studied. It turned out that, in addition to heart disease, noise pollution causes dangerous sleep disturbances in 2% of Europeans, and other negative effects in 15%. Chronic exposure to road noise is responsible for 3% of cases of the disease, which results in a constant sensation of tinnitus.

Research published in recent years shows that noise can increase blood levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine - even during sleep. The longer these hormones are present in the circulatory system, the more likely they are to lead to life-threatening physiological problems. Severe stress Can cause heart failure, angina, high blood pressure and immune problems.

Among the senses, hearing is one of the most important. Thanks to it, we are able to analyze the whole variety of sounds and the external environment around us. Hearing is always awake, to a certain extent even at night, in sleep. It is constantly exposed to irritation because it does not have any protective devices similar, for example, to eyelids that protect the eyes from light.

The ear is one of the most complex and delicate organs; it perceives both very weak and very strong sounds. Under the influence of strong noise, especially high-frequency noise, irreversible changes occur in the organ of hearing.

At high noise levels, hearing sensitivity drops within 1–2 years; at medium levels, it is detected much later, after 5–10 years, that is, hearing loss occurs slowly, and the disease develops gradually. It is therefore especially important to take appropriate noise protection measures in advance. Today, almost everyone exposed to noise at work is at risk of becoming deaf.

Acoustic irritations gradually, like poison, accumulate in the body, increasingly depressing the nervous system. The strength, balance and mobility of nervous processes change - all the more so the more intense the noise. The reaction to noise is often expressed in increased excitability and irritability, covering the entire area sensory perceptions. People exposed to constant noise often find it difficult to communicate.

So, noise has a destructive effect on the entire human body. Its disastrous work is also facilitated by the fact that we are practically defenseless against noise. Dazzling bright light makes us instinctively close our eyes. The same instinct of self-preservation saves us from being burned by moving our hand away from the fire or from a hot surface. But humans do not have a protective reaction to the effects of noise.

Many countries have seriously thought about the problem of noise “invasion”, and some have taken certain measures. Due to the increase in noise, one can imagine the state of people in 10 years. Therefore, this problem must be addressed, otherwise the consequences could be disastrous.

Every year noise pollution big cities is constantly growing. The main sources of noise are cars, aircraft and railway transport, manufacturing enterprises. 80% of the total noise comes from vehicles.

Normal background noise is considered to be sounds of twenty to thirty decibels. A sound background of about 80 decibels is considered acceptable for human perception. Causes noises of 140 decibels in people painful sensations. And with a sound louder than 190 decibels, metal structures begin to collapse.

Health effects of noise

It is difficult to overestimate the impact of noise on people's health. Noises depress the nervous system, interfere with concentration, tire, and cause irritability. Constantly being in an area of ​​noise pollution leads to sleep disturbances and hearing impairment. Noise impacts can even cause mental disorders.

The amount of noise exposure varies for each person. Those at highest risk include children, the elderly, and people suffering from chronic diseases, residents of 24-hour busy areas of the city, living in buildings without sound insulation.

When spending a long time on busy avenues, where the noise level is about 60 dB, for example, while standing in a traffic jam, a person’s cardiovascular activity may be impaired.

Noise protection

To protect the population from noise pollution, WHO recommends a number of measures. Among them is a ban on holding construction work at night time. Another ban, according to WHO, should concern the loud operation of any acoustic devices, both at home and in cars and public institutions located not far from residential buildings.
You need and can fight noise!

Methods to combat noise pollution include acoustic screens, Lately widely used near highways, especially in Moscow and the region. Soft asphalt and electric cars, unfortunately not yet widespread, are also ways to combat acoustic pollution in cities. To this list we can add soundproofing insulation of apartment buildings and landscaping of city squares.

Legislative acts in the field of noise control

In Russia they appear from time to time interesting research noise problems in urban settlements, but there are no normative legal acts adopted at the federal, regional and municipal levels yet special purpose to combat noise pollution. Today, the legislation of the Russian Federation contains only separate provisions on protecting the environment from noise and protecting people from its harmful effects.

In many European countries. America and Asia have special laws. It's time for our turn to come. In the Russian Federation, a special law and by-laws should be adopted on noise and economic instruments to combat it.

It is still possible to resist noise

If the residents of the house understand that background noise and vibrations exceed the maximum permissible level (MAL), they can contact Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint and a request for a sanitary and epidemiological examination of the place of residence. If, based on the results of the inspection, an increase in the maximum limit is established, the violator will be asked to ensure the operation of the technical equipment (if it was the one that caused the excess) in accordance with the standards.

It is possible to contact regional and local administrations of settlements with a requirement for noise-proof reconstruction of the building. Problems of combating sound pollution of the environment can also be solved at the level of individual enterprises. Thus, anti-acoustic systems are built near railway lines, close to industrial facilities (for example, power plants) and protect residential and park areas of the city.

"Noise pollution of the atmosphere"

Introduction An environmental problem is a problem of the relationship between society and nature, conservation of the environment. Over the course of thousands of years, man has constantly increased his technical capabilities, increased his interference in nature, forgetting about the need to maintain biological balance in it. The load on the environment increased especially sharply in the second half of the 20th century. There was a qualitative leap in the relationship between society and nature when, as a result of a sharp increase in population, intensive industrialization and urbanization of our planet, economic pressures began to everywhere exceed the ability of ecological systems to self-purify and regenerate. As a result, the natural cycle of substances in the biosphere was disrupted, and the health of the current and future generations of people was under threat. Ecological problem modern world not only sharp, but also multifaceted. It appears in almost all sectors of material production and is relevant to all regions of the planet. Stop and listen: multi-ton MAZs and ZILs are noisily rushing along the street. The front doors on powerful steel springs slam, the screams of children come from the yard, and guitars strum until late at night. Tape recorders and televisions are deafening, factory floors greet us with the roar of machine tools and other machines... The picture seems ordinary. But is this normal? Our century has become the noisiest. It is now difficult to name an area of ​​technology, production and everyday life where noise would not be present in the sound spectrum, that is, a mixture of sounds that bothers us and irritates us. For a certain comfort, convenience of communication and transportation, improvement of life and improvement of production, modern man no longer has to listen to the creaking of carts and the swearing of drivers, but to the howl of cars, the grind of trams, the rattling of motorcycles and helicopters, the roar of jet aircraft. Behind last decade The problem of noise control in many countries has become one of the most important. Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. Sound refers to such mechanical vibrations of the external environment that are perceived by the human hearing aid (from 16 to 20,000 vibrations per second). Vibrations of higher frequencies are called ultrasound, and vibrations of lower frequencies are called infrasound. Noise is loud sounds merged into a discordant sound. For all living organisms, including humans, sound is one of the environmental influences. In nature, loud sounds are rare, the noise is relatively weak and short-lived. The combination of sound stimuli gives animals and humans the time necessary to assess their character and formulate a response. Sounds and noises of high power affect the hearing aid, nerve centers, and can cause pain and shock. This is how noise pollution works. Noise pollution is the sound scourge of our time, apparently the most intolerable of all types of environmental pollution. Along with the problems of air, soil and water pollution, humanity is faced with the problem of dealing with noise. Such concepts as “acoustic ecology”, “noise pollution of the environment”, etc. have appeared and are becoming widespread. All this is due to the fact that the harmful effects of noise on the human body, on the human body, on the animal and plant world are undoubtedly established by science. Man and nature are increasingly suffering from its harmful effects. According to I. I. Dedy (1990), noise pollution is a form of physical pollution, manifested in an increase in the level of noise above natural and causing anxiety in the short term, and in the long term - damage to the organs that perceive it or the death of organisms. Normal noise in the human environment varies between 35-60 dB. But new decibels are added to this background, with the result that the noise level often exceeds 100 dB. Tylor, without realizing it, sowed the first link in the modern noise problem. With the birth of the wheel, it began to tire and irritate people more and more often. The natural sounds of Nature's voices have become increasingly rare, disappearing completely or are drowned out by industrial transport and other noises. The noise of trams, the roar of jet planes, the screams of loudspeakers and the like are the scourge of humanity. Airplane and noise. All airplanes make noise, and jets make more noise than most. As a result, noise levels, especially around airports, are constantly increasing as more and more jet aircraft fly on airlines and their power increases. At the same time, public dissatisfaction is growing, so aircraft designers have to work hard on how to make jet aircraft less noisy. The roar of a jet engine is caused mainly by the rapid mixing of exhaust gases with the outside air. Its volume directly depends on the speed of collision of gases with air. It is greatest when the engines are at full power before the aircraft takes off. One way to reduce noise is to use turbofan engines, in which most of the intake air bypasses the combustion chamber, resulting in a reduced rate of exhaust gas emission. Turbofan engines are now used on most modern passenger airliners. Typically, the noise level of jet engines is measured in decibels (dB) of actual perceived noise, which takes into account, in addition to the loudness of the sound, its pitch and duration. Inside the ear. When a jet plane flies above you, it spreads sound waves around itself in the form of fluctuations in air pressure levels. These waves create vibrations in your eardrum, which transmits them through three small bones - the malleus, incus and stapes - into the air-filled middle ear. From there, the vibrations travel into the fluid-filled inner ear, passing through the semicircular canals, which control your balance, and the cochlea. The auditory nerve responds to fluid vibrations in the cochlea, converting them into coded impulses. The impulses enter the brain, where they are deciphered, and as a result we hear sound. The effect of noise on organisms Researchers have found that noise can destroy plant cells. For example, experiments have shown that plants exposed to sound bombardment dry out and die. The cause of death is excessive release of moisture through the leaves: when the noise level exceeds a certain limit, the flowers literally burst into tears. If you place a carnation next to a radio playing at full volume, the flower will wither. Trees in the city die much earlier than in the natural environment. The bee loses its ability to navigate and stops working when exposed to the noise of a jet plane. A specific example of the impact of noise on living organisms can be considered the following event two years ago. Thousands of unhatched chicks died on the Ptichya spit near the Bystroe branch (Danube delta) as a result of dredging work carried out by the German company Mobius by order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine. The noise from the operating equipment spread over 5-7 km, having a negative impact on the adjacent territories of the Danube Biosphere Reserve. Representatives of the Danube Biosphere Reserve and 3 other organizations were forced to painfully acknowledge the death of the entire colony of spotted tern and common tern, which were located on Ptichya Spit. From the Survey Report of the Ptichya Spit dated July 16, 2004: “As a result of the actual examination of the Ptichya Spit (near the Bystroe branch) at the location of large colonies of the spotted-billed tern (950 nests and 430 nests - according to the results of the census on June 28, 2004) and common tern (120 nests - according to the same records) on an area of ​​approximately 120x130 meters and an area of ​​approximately 30x20 meters, the remains of many hundreds of eggs of the indicated species were found. The nature of their damage clearly indicates that the chicks did not hatch from them. The estimated time for the chicks of this colony to begin hatching was July 20th. The most likely reason for the disappearance of the colony (there are currently no adult birds in its place) is excessive disturbance caused by the dredging equipment operating nearby, as well as the boats serving it.” After this, a representative of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has the audacity to declare that “The construction of the Danube-Black Sea Canal does not violate the ecological balance of the Danube Delta.” This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Konstantin Grishchenko, in response to calls from representatives of the EU and a number of international environmental organizations to stop the construction of the canal until an environmental assessment is carried out (according to the newspaper “Voice of Ukraine”). Taking advantage of this position of the Government of Ukraine, the Ministry of Transport, the companies Delta - Pilot and Mobius are absolutely not going to make any efforts to minimize the damage from the construction of the canal. On the contrary, on July 17, a representative of Delta-Lotsman announced the imminent start of demolition of trees and the pier of the reserve in the area of ​​​​the Bystroe cordon - that is, in an area that is not deprived of protected status. Noise pollution One of the types of air pollution in cities is noise. Noise is one of the atmospheric pollutants harmful to humans. The irritating effect of sound (noise) on a person depends on its intensity, spectral composition and duration of exposure. Noises with continuous spectrums are less irritating than noises with a narrow frequency range. The greatest irritation is caused by noise in the frequency range of 3000-5000 Hz. Working in conditions of increased noise at first causes rapid fatigue and sharpens hearing at high frequencies. Then the person gets used to the noise, sensitivity to high frequencies drops sharply, and hearing deterioration begins, which gradually develops into hearing loss and deafness. At a noise intensity of 145-140 dB, vibrations occur in the soft tissues of the nose and throat, as well as in the bones of the skull and teeth; if the intensity exceeds 140 dB, then the chest, arm and leg muscles begin to vibrate, pain in the ears and head, extreme fatigue and irritability appear; At noise levels above 160 dB, eardrums may rupture. However, noise has a detrimental effect not only on the hearing aid, but also on the human central nervous system, the functioning of the heart, and causes many other diseases. One of the most powerful sources of noise are helicopters and airplanes, especially supersonic ones. Given the high requirements for accuracy and reliability of control of a modern aircraft that are placed on the crew of the aircraft, increased noise levels have a negative impact on the performance and speed of information acceptance by the crew. The noise created by airplanes causes hearing impairment and other painful phenomena among airport ground service workers, as well as among residents of populated areas over which airplanes fly. The negative impact on people depends not only on the level of maximum noise generated by the aircraft during flight, but also on the duration of operation, the total number of overflights per day and the background noise level. The intensity of noise and the area of ​​distribution are significantly influenced by meteorological conditions: wind speed, its distribution and air temperature at altitude, clouds and precipitation. The noise problem has become especially acute in connection with the operation of supersonic aircraft. They are associated with noise, sonic boom and vibration of homes near airports. Modern supersonic aircraft generate noise whose intensity significantly exceeds the maximum permissible standards. The introduction of new technological processes into industry, an increase in the power and speed of technological equipment, and the mechanization of production processes have led to the fact that people in production and at home are constantly exposed to high levels of noise. The fight against noise is a complex problem. In article 12 of the law “on the protection of atmospheric air” adopted in 1980. it is noted that “in order to combat industrial and other noise, the following should be carried out, in particular: the introduction of low-noise technological processes, improvement of the planning and development of cities and other populated areas, organizational measures to prevent and reduce household noise.” Noise is any sound that is unwanted by humans. Under normal atmospheric conditions, the speed of sound in air is 344 m/s. A sound field is a region of space in which sound waves propagate. When a sound wave propagates, energy transfer occurs. The noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels (dB). This pressure is not perceived infinitely. Noise of 20–30 dB is practically harmless to humans and constitutes a natural background sound, without which life is impossible. As for “loud sounds,” here the permissible limit rises to approximately 80 dB. A noise of 130 dB already causes pain in a person, and when it reaches 150 dB it becomes unbearable for him. It was not for nothing that in the Middle Ages there was execution - “to the bell”; the ringing of a bell killed a man. If in the 60s and 70s of the last century the noise on the streets did not exceed 80 dB, now it reaches 100 dB or more. On many busy highways, even at night, the noise does not drop below 70 dB, while according to sanitary standards it should not exceed 40 dB. According to experts, noise in large cities increases annually by approximately 1 dB. Considering the level already achieved, it is easy to imagine the very sad consequences of this noise “invasion”. More and more new super-powerful sound sources are appearing, for example: the noise of a jet plane, a space rocket. The level of industrial noise is very high. In many industries it reaches 80 - 100 dB or more, contributing to an increase in the number of errors in work, reducing labor productivity by about 10 - 15% and at the same time significantly deteriorating its quality. Depending on the level and nature of the noise, its duration, as well as the individual characteristics of a person, noise can have various effects on him. Noise, even when it is small, creates a significant load on the human nervous system, having a psychological effect on him. This is especially common in people engaged in mental activity. Low noise affects people differently. The reason for this may be: age, health status, type of work. The impact of noise also depends on the individual's attitude towards it. Thus, the noise produced by the person himself does not bother him, while small extraneous noise can cause a strong irritating effect. Lack of necessary silence, especially at night, leads to premature fatigue. High-level noises can be good soil for the development of persistent insomnia, neuroses and atherosclerosis. Under the influence of noise from 85 – 90 dB, hearing sensitivity at high frequencies decreases. A person complains of feeling unwell for a long time. Symptoms: headache, dizziness, nausea, excessive irritability. All this is the result of working in noisy conditions. The effect of noise on humans has not been the subject of special research until some time ago. Nowadays, the effect of sound and noise on the functions of the body is studied by a whole branch of science - audology. It was found that noises of natural origin (the sound of the sea surf, foliage, rain, the murmur of a stream and others) have a beneficial effect on the human body, calm it, and induce healing sleep. Among the senses, hearing is one of the most important. Thanks to it, we are able to analyze the whole variety of sounds and the external environment around us. Hearing is always awake, to a certain extent even at night, in sleep. It is constantly exposed to irritation because it does not have any protective devices similar, for example, to eyelids that protect the eyes from light. The ear is one of the most complex and delicate organs; it perceives both very weak and very strong sounds. Under the influence of strong noise, especially high-frequency noise, irreversible changes occur in the organ of hearing. At high noise levels, hearing sensitivity drops within 1–2 years; at medium levels, it is detected much later, after 5–10 years, that is, hearing loss occurs slowly, and the disease develops gradually. It is therefore especially important to take appropriate noise protection measures in advance. Today, almost everyone exposed to noise at work is at risk of becoming deaf. Acoustic irritations gradually, like poison, accumulate in the body, increasingly depressing the nervous system. The strength, balance and mobility of nervous processes change - all the more so the more intense the noise. The reaction to noise is often expressed in increased excitability and irritability, covering the entire sphere of sensory perceptions. People exposed to constant noise often find it difficult to communicate. So, noise has a destructive effect on the entire human body. Its disastrous work is also facilitated by the fact that we are practically defenseless against noise. A blindingly bright light makes us instinctively close our eyes. The same instinct of self-preservation saves us from being burned by moving our hand away from the fire or from a hot surface. But humans do not have a protective reaction to the effects of noise. Many countries have seriously thought about the problem of noise “invasion”, and some have taken certain measures. Due to the increase in noise, one can imagine the state of people in 10 years. Therefore, this problem must be addressed, otherwise the consequences may be catastrophic. Conclusion Nature conservation is the task of our century, a problem that has become social. Time and again we hear about the dangers threatening the environment, but many of us still consider them an unpleasant but inevitable product of civilization and believe that we will still have time to cope with all the difficulties that have arisen. However, human impact on the environment has reached alarming proportions. To fundamentally improve the situation, targeted and thoughtful actions will be needed. A responsible and effective policy towards the environment will be possible only if we accumulate reliable data on the current state of the environment, reasonable knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, if we develop new methods for reducing and preventing harm caused to Nature by Man. The time is already coming when the world may suffocate if Man does not come to the aid of Nature. Only Man has the ecological talent to keep the world around him clean.

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