South Kazakhstan State University named after Auezov. Reviews about "South Kazakhstan State University named after

South Kazakhstan state university named after M. O. Auezov

South Kazakhstan State University named after M. O. Auezov
Original title

V. K. Bishmbaev, 19.01. 2012 - to present Zh.U. Myrkhalykov


South Kazakhstan State University named after M. O. Auezov (SKSU)(Kaz. M. O. Auezov atyndagy Ontustik Kazakhstan Memlekettic University (OKMU)) (previously Kazakh Chemical-Technological Institute, South Kazakhstan Technical University ) - a state multidisciplinary higher educational institution in the city of Shymkent, which provides training in 76 technical and humanitarian specialties. Founded in 1943.


Agro-Industrial Faculty - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Pedagogy -Correspondence Faculty-Faculty information technology-Faculty of Light and food industry-Faculty of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Business -Faculty of Pedagogy and Culture -Faculty of Work with foreign students-Faculty of Construction and Transport -Faculty of Sports and Tourism -Faculty of Philology -Faculty of Economics and Finance -Faculty of Law and International Relations -Faculty of Chemical Technology -Military Department


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • South Kara oil and gas region

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South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezova is the largest and multidisciplinary university of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientific, educational, intellectual, cultural center region. The university trains specialists for all sectors of the economy, science and culture of the region, republic and world space. South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezova is one of the brightest brands in the sphere higher education republics. Last year, the university took an honorable third place in Kazakhstan in terms of overall rankings and third place in terms of the number of grants won. Currently pedagogical activity The university employs over 1,500 teachers, of whom 4 are academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 4 academicians of the National Research Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 123 doctors of science, 600 candidates of science. TO educational process attracted the best scientists and specialists with practical experience works by leading scientists from countries far and near abroad, including the USA, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Russia. The material and technical base of the university consists of ten academic buildings modern type, two sports complexes, six student dormitories.

Training at a higher educational institution takes place in the following specialties:

    5В010100 Preschool education and education

    5В010200 Pedagogy and methodology primary education

    5В010300 Pedagogy and psychology

    5В010400 Initial military training

    5В010500 Defectology

    5В010600 Music education

    5В010700 fine arts and drawing

    5В010800 Physical culture and sports

    5В010900 Mathematics

    5В011000 Physics

    5В011100 Computer science

    5В011200 Chemistry

    5В011300 Biology

    5В011400 History

    5В011500 Fundamentals of law and economics

    5В011600 Geography

    5В011700 Kazakh language and literature

    5В011800 Russian language and literature

    5В011900 Foreign language: two foreign languages

    5В012000 Vocational training

    5В020200 International relations

    5В020300 History

    5В020500 Philology

    5В020700 Translation business

    5В020800 Archeology and ethnology

    5В021000 Foreign philology

    5В030100 Jurisprudence

    5В030400 Customs business

    5В040200 Instrumental performance

    5В040600 Directing

    5В040900 Choreography

    5В041300 Painting

    5В041900 Museum management and monument protection

    5В042000 Architecture

    5В042100 Design

    5В050600 Economics

    5В050700 Management

    5В050800 Accounting and audit

    5В050900 Finance

    5В051000 State and local government

    5В051100 Marketing

    5В060100 Mathematics

    5В060200 Computer science

    5В060400 Physics

    5В060600 Chemistry

    5В060700 Biology

    5В060800 Ecology

    5В070100 Biotechnology

    5В070200 Automation and control

    5В070300 Information systems

    5В070400 Computer Science And software

    5В070500 Mathematical and computer modeling

    5В070800 Oil and gas business

    5В070900 Metallurgy

    5В071200 Mechanical engineering

    5В071300 Transport, transport equipment and technology

    5В071700 Thermal power engineering

    5В071800 Electric power industry

    5В071900 Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications

    5В072000 Chemical technology Not organic matter

    5В072100 Chemical technology of organic substances

    5В072400 Technological machines and equipment (by industry)

    5В072600 Technology and product design light industry

    5В072700 Technology food products

    5В072800 Technology of processing industries (by industry)

    5В072900 Construction

    5В073000 Production of building materials, products and structures

    5В073100 Life safety and protection environment

    5В073200 Standardization, metrology and certification

    5В073300 Technology and design of textile materials

    5B075300 Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials

    5В080100 Agronomy

    5В080200 Technology of production of livestock products

    5В080500 Water resources and water use

    5В080600 Agricultural machinery and technology

    5B080800 Soil science and agrochemistry

    5B090100 Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport

    5В090200 Tourism

    5В090300 Land management

    5В090400 Social and cultural service

    5В090500 Social work

    5В090600 Cultural and leisure work

    5В090700 Cadastre

    5В091000 Library science

    5В120100 Veterinary medicine

We have excellent material base and qualified teachers. The educational institution has many classrooms for studying specialties and fully computerized classrooms. We train specialists for small and medium-sized businesses, have a perpetual license and train students in two languages: Kazakh and Russian.

The main feature of our educational institution is its complete proximity to practical work. Discounts are provided to applicants who graduated from school with 4th and 5th grade, as well as to students who have achieved excellent marks at our university.

Upon completion, graduates are issued a state diploma. Our graduates will always find good place jobs thanks to only one of our universities, because no other trains employees in our unique specialties.

For admission to educational institution You must provide a certificate of passing the UNT and a diploma of completion of eleven classes or a secondary specialized institution.

Kozhamzharova was born on July 22, 1962 in Dzhambul. Since 2013, she held the position of rector of the Taraz State Pedagogical Institute.

Akim of the South Kazakhstan region Zhanseit Tuimebaev met with the Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Talgat Yeshenkulov and the new rector of the South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezov Daria Kozhamzharova.

During the meeting, the parties raised issues of increasing the accessibility and quality of higher education, as well as providing students with dormitories. At the same time, the head of the region noted that in the seventh direction of the Address to the people of Kazakhstan, the Head of State emphasizes the provision of new quality education, and also listed the work carried out in the area in this direction.

The regional akim wished the new rector of SKSU success in his responsible position, emphasizing that today the university is among the top three 20 best universities Kazakhstan.

Let us remind you that those wishing to lead main university region there were 13 people. The information was published by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 26, 2018. Dariyakul Penreshovna was the only female contender on the list.

See the list of applicants for the vacant position of rector

The republican commission, which considered candidates for applicants, included the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, trade unions of educators, deputies of the Senate and Mazhilis of Parliament, scientists, representatives of business structures and others public figures. Final decision the candidates were decided by the republican commission by voting.

By the way, since September 1, 2001, the largest university in the South Kazakhstan region was headed by Ualikhan Bishimbayev. In February 2012, he was replaced by innovation activity university

South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezov, which has a seventy-year history, is the largest multidisciplinary university with a developed educational and research infrastructure, established scientific schools, human resources capable of solving the most difficult tasks in the area high technology. The university trains specialists for enterprises and organizations throughout Kazakhstan.

Applicant's calendar

Conditions and terms of admission for the 2017/2018 academic year

Bachelor's degree:


Main testing - July

Retake - August

Retake - January

Accepting applications for participation in testing

Accepting applications for the creative exam

Conducting a creative exam

Accepting applications for participation and holding special exam for applicants to pedagogical specialties



Procedure for conducting entrance exams

Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and stateless persons entering master's and doctoral programs, with the exception of foreigners, take entrance exams:

1) one of the foreign languages ​​of your choice (English, French, German);

2) by specialty.

Foreigners entering master's and doctoral programs take entrance exams:

1) in the state or Russian languages ​​(language of instruction);

2) by specialty.

Retaking entrance exams is not allowed.

Enrollment in master's and doctoral programs

Persons who score the highest points on the total entrance exams of at least 150 points on a 100-point scale are enrolled in training under the state educational order. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have certificates of passing a foreign language test (English, French, German) are enrolled highest score on a 100-point rating scale.

In case identical indicators competitive points, persons with the most highly appreciated by specialty, in case of identical indicators entrance exam in their specialty, preferential rights are given to persons who have the highest grade in state, Russian and foreign languages. Then taken into account scientific achievements, corresponding to the profile of the chosen specialty: scientific publications, including in ranking scientific publications; certificates of scientific developments; certificates of awarding scientific scholarships and grants; certificates/diplomas for participation in scientific conferences and competitions.

Enrollment of persons for targeted training of masters and doctors of philosophy (PhD) under the state educational order is carried out on a competitive basis among persons applying for this training.

Procedure for accepting documents for admission to master's and doctoral programs

The master's program accepts persons who have mastered professional training programs higher education.

To doctoral studies persons with an academic master's degree are accepted

Recruitment of applicants based on secondary education at evening training in economic, legal, humanitarian, technical, creative, pedagogical and social specialties. The duration of training is 5 years. Classes will be held 4-5 times a week

The university provides training in the following areas:






Educational building No. 7 is located on Baitursynov Street, corner of Madeli Kozha Street, can be reached by city shuttle buses: No. 27, 35, 65, 69.

Educational building No. 8 is located on Kunaev Avenue, corner of the street. Vatutina, get there by city shuttle buses: No. 135.

Educational building No. 9 is located on Dulati Street, corner of Ryskulova Street, accessible by city shuttle buses: No. 27, 135, 35, 84, 17.

Educational building No. 10 is located at: Shymkent, st. Baitursynov b/n next to building No. 7. You can get there by city shuttle buses: No. 27, 35, 65, 69.

Educational buildings No. 11 and No. 12 are located at the address: Shymkent, st. Tauke Khana 30. You can get there by city shuttle buses: No. 27, 12, 84, 5.

Mukhtar Auezov univerden Dekannyn numberi whatsapp numberi kerek et otinish bar bolsa zhiberizdershi aldyn ala ko rakhmet.

Can I transfer in the 4th year from the evening department to the distance learning department? Damira Janbirova

Sizderde director w/e actorlik faculty bar ma? Bar bolsa, men sol bolimge okuga tuskim keledi. Birak menin oku akysyn toleuge mumkindigim zhetpeydime dep korkam, sondyktan sizderge grantpen tusuge mumkinshilik bar ma? Menin on 26-yes. 2006 w UBT given 56 points zhinagam birak otbasylyk zhagdayyma baylanysty eshkanday oku-ornyna tusuge mumkindik bolmada. Kanday komek corset alasyzdar. Ozizderinizden khabar kutem: 87757865788 Ulzhan.

Is it possible to apply to you without an UNT certificate? Here is my phone number: 87782504040!

Good afternoon I would like to ask what is your passing score for Faculty of Philology? And the amount for paid training? I'm waiting for your answer. Thank you!

Hello! I, Abdukhalikova Saodat Paizirakhmanovna, this year I entered your university with a degree in radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications. Since I am from Turkestan and work at the A. Yasawi University, has our session started or not? I wanted to ask this and also, if so, can you send me a letter so that I can be released for work? Tel.: 872533-3-23-28; or at the address: Turkestan city, MKTU University named after. H. A. Yasawi, st. Bekzat, Sattarkhanova, student town, building - rector's office.

What can you do after college? Do you have a correspondence department?

Good afternoon I am contacting you about a possible internship within the walls of the South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezov in June 2012. The internship is approximately 2 weeks (travel there and back, payment for courses, accommodation and meals) is carried out entirely at the expense of the Kazan (Povolzhsky) financial resources federal university within federal program development of scientific personnel. An internship is possible subject to a license from your university to carry out the relevant...

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