Accompanying children with visual impairments. Psychological and pedagogical support for the perception of children with visual impairments in a preschool institution

Larisa Leonidovna Chasovitina
Organization of psychological pedagogical support development of children with visual impairments

Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children with visual impairments in the conditions of preschool and primary education.

Transition children from preschool educational institutions to primary school V Lately called a crisis. Observations show that a significant part children with disabilities experience great difficulties during the adaptation period, which is associated with getting used to the regime, new systems of requirements, new social contacts, and communication style. Education is given to the child due to high psychological costs(increased anxiety, low self-esteem, psychosomatic diseases and neurotic symptoms, etc.).

To the conditions organizations inclusive educational environment we attribute the continuity of preschool and school education at the level didactic technologies, educational programs, educational space of institutions. The joint activities of kindergarten and school specialists should be carried out on the basis of cooperation in developing joint decisions in the field of creating pedagogical conditions for inclusion in the following forms: joint holding of pedagogical councils and meetings, parent meetings, educational activities, classes at school for the future first-grader; complex and multi-level accompaniment educational participants process: teacher ( scientific adviser, administration, training children(speech pathologist, psychologist, parents) and socialization children(psychologist, parents).

All special needs children need enriched experiences of social and academic interaction with their normal peers. developing peers, however, each child needs to choose an accessible and useful development model of education. Consequently, the main goal is the self-realization of graduates in social inclusion. It's about not just about their passive integration into the world, but about the fact that young people with disabilities health are equal members of our society, worthy not only of pity and compassion, but of equal partnership. This is achievable if in the coming years we build the educational process on the basis of a comprehensive study of the student’s personality by intensifying social and psychologically- pedagogical service at school, scientifically based diagnostics, dynamics analysis development of each child, creating appropriate conditions to meet his growing needs and active participation in the life of society.

Escort participants educational process implemented through the following innovative technologies: technology for a child’s adaptation to new things educational level; technology accompaniment of the teacher; technology to help a child in the learning process; family interaction technology; technology of personality education.

At the beginner level general education it is planned to pay more attention to sensory child development, development of motor skills, spatial orientation, development communicative qualities of personality, thinking, cultural behavior skills, strengthening physical and mental health, work continues taking into account individual characteristics children and under medical supervision psychological and socio-pedagogical services, training variability is introduced.

Psychological and pedagogical support students includes three interrelated component:

Studying the student’s personality;

Creation of favorable social and pedagogical conditions for personality development, success of training;

Direct psychologically- pedagogical assistance to the child.

Based on this, we propose the model we developed (see Figure 1).

Picture 1

Model psychological and pedagogical support for children with visual impairments

Subjects of the system escort:


The purpose of the work on psychological support is the creation of psychological-pedagogical conditions for development students' personalities and their successful learning.

The tasks to achieve this goal are the following actions:

Systematic tracking psychologically-pedagogical status of the child and its dynamics psychological development in progress schooling;

Formation of students' ability to self-knowledge, self-development and self-determination;

Level up psychological readiness : children to study, cognitive development, communication and teachers to work with a new contingent children;

Creating a favorable emotional psychological climate at school providing accommodation age crisis and the crisis caused by sudden changes pedagogical conditions, without stress and negative phenomena;

Establishing certain norms of relationship children with other participants educational process, including with teachers;

Development of unified and consistent requirements;

Adaptation curriculum, loads, educational technologies to the individual characteristics of first-graders with disabilities;

Formation and consolidation of a class team.

It is obvious that all these tasks can only be accomplished with joint activities everyone organizers educational process: teachers, school administration, psychologists, school specialists and student parents. In this regard, the main directions are highlighted work:

1. Psychological diagnostics of the adaptation period.

2. Motivational research spheres: school motivation.

3. Study of emotional-volitional spheres: self-esteem, emotional psychological condition, school anxiety, arbitrariness of activity and self-regulation.

4. Analytical work.

5. Organizational work (creation of a unified information field for the school, focused on all participants in the educational process - holding school psychologically-medical and pedagogical councils, large and small teacher councils, training seminars, meetings with administration representatives, teachers and parents).

6. Consultative work with teachers, students and parents.

7. Preventive work (implementation of programs aimed at solving problems of interpersonal interaction).

8. Corrective developmental work(individual and group lessons with students experiencing difficulties in school adaptation).

Psychological and pedagogical support for children with visual impairments primary school age when a child enters school begins in November-December simultaneously with registration children to school for training courses and ends at the beginning of September. During this stage supposed:

1. Carrying out psychologically- pedagogical diagnostics aimed at determining the child’s school readiness. As a rule, diagnostics consists of two components. It is aimed at identifying the reasons for poor results.

2. Conducting group and individual consultations parents of future first-graders. Group consultation in the form parent meeting is a way to increase psychological culture parents, recommendations for parents on organizations last months child's life before school activities. Individual consultations are carried out for parents whose children, according to test results, have a low level of development of universal educational activities and may have difficulty adapting to school.

3. Group consultation of teachers of future first-graders, which at this stage is of a general informational nature.

4. Carrying out psychologically-pedagogical consultation based on diagnostic results, the main goal of which is to develop and implement an approach to staffing classes, the dynamics of personal teacher development, the indicator of which is positive self-determination, motivational readiness to the implementation of the new Federal State Educational Standard in grades 1 and 2.

Psychological support participants in the educational process will improve its efficiency. Regulations and recommendations psychologists can become the basis for monitoring to assess the success of personal and cognitive child development, will allow maintaining the unity of continuity of levels of the educational system.

The system of work of teachers with children with disabilities of primary school age is presented as follows: directions:

1. Diagnostic and corrective (developing) work - identifying features child's mental development, formation of certain psychological neoplasms , level compliance skills development, knowledge, skills, personal and interpersonal formations, age guidelines and requirements society:

Study of appeal to psychologist, coming from teachers, parents, students (definition of the problem, choice of research method);

Formulating a conclusion about the main characteristics of the components studied mental development or the formation of the student’s personality (production psychological diagnosis) ;

2. Psychoprophylactic work - providing solutions to problems related to training, education, mental health children:

Development and implementation developing programs for students taking into account the tasks of each age stage;

Revealing psychological characteristics of the child, which in the future may cause deviations in the intellectual or personal development;

Prevention of possible complications in connection with the transition of students to the next age level.

3. Psychological counseling - assistance in solving those problems with which Teachers turn to psychologists, students, parents.

Psychological enlightenment - inclusion teaching staff, students and parents to psychological culture.

The basis of the model psychological and pedagogical support the following principles:

1. Humanization – presupposing faith in the child’s capabilities and his strength.

2. Systematic approach– based on an understanding of man as an integral system.

3. Integrated approach To support of child development.

4. Integrity escort child in the process of life, namely continuity and consistency escort.

The identified principles have the following practical expression:

Qualified comprehensive diagnostics of the child’s capabilities and abilities;

Development and implementation of programs escort, participation of specialists in the development of individual programs adequate to the capabilities and characteristics of students;

Rehabilitation mental and physical health.

Specific expected results and evaluation mechanism results:

As a result of work on psychological and pedagogical support for children with visual impairments primary school age is expected to form mentally healthy, personal- developed person able to cope independently with their own psychological difficulties and life problems.

The planned results of the program will be be:

Creation of a data bank for students of an educational institution who have difficulties in communication and in the emotional-volitional sphere;

Normalization of parent-child relationships in families raising children having fears and emotional-volitional violations;

Developing the ability to control one’s behavior in a new unfamiliar environment;

Decline psycho-emotional stress;

Forming the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one’s own.

This practical assistance ultimately ensures that students' identities are protected, psychological and physical safety, pedagogical support and assisting the child in solving problem situations.

Municipal educational budgetary institution

"Lyceum of Sol-Iletsk district"


Municipal educational institution "Lyceum of Sol-Iletsk district", Orenburg region

Program individual support a child with visual impairment as part of an adapted educational program


Psychological and pedagogical support for children with visual impairments

1.1. The main directions of psychological and pedagogical support for students with visual impairments in an educational institution

1.2. Psychological – pedagogical features children with visual impairments

Experience in developing an individual support program for children with visual impairments

2.1. Features of the population of children with visual impairments in an educational institution

2.2. Individual support program for children with visual impairments




Currently in Russia, due to a number of reasons, there is a tendency to increase the number of disabled children and persons with disabilities. The category of such children is extremely heterogeneous, but their common main feature is a violation or delay in development.

In the context of modernization Russian education The problem of creating optimal conditions for the development, upbringing, and education of children with disabilities is of particular relevance.

Today there is serious problem teaching disabled children and persons with disabilities who experience significant difficulties in organizing their educational, communicative activities, behavior due to existing developmental characteristics, as well as somatic diseases. But despite this, such children can learn according to special programs and with specially trained teachers who know how to work with them. This right of children with disabilities is possible with inclusive education. A significant role in changing the situation for children with disabilities is played by the identification and early comprehensive assistance to children, the introduction into practice of scientifically based and experimentally proven forms of organizing joint education of healthy schoolchildren with children with disabilities, fundamentally new approaches and technologies for their upbringing and education .

As a result, some children with disabilities, who are closest in their development to the normative ones, are naturally redistributed from the special educational space - special (correctional) schools - to general education space mass school. The main reason is that the general education institution is the main institution of socialization. In these conditions, a general education institution must be adaptive to the needs and capabilities of a special part of its population - children with disabilities.

Children and adolescents belonging to the category of “children with disabilities” deserve close attention and targeted assistance from a number of specialists - psychologists, teachers, doctors, social workers. Children with a defect have many common features, which determines the main approaches to their education and upbringing. And yet, each component specified category children (with hearing, speech, vision, musculoskeletal, mental retardation) is distinguished by special psychological characteristics, features of development and socialization. Their personalities are in the process of being formed, and a poor quality of life during this time can have serious consequences for their future.

Presence of visual impairments (congenital anomalies visual analyzer, amblyopia, nystagmus, etc.) is one of the variants of disturbed ontogenesis and can limit cognitive, educational, social and behavioral capabilities in children and adolescents.

Today, children with developmental disabilities can receive psychological and pedagogical assistance in general education institutions, but the experience of providing general education services for children with visual impairments in regular educational institutions is becoming particularly relevant.

The purpose of this work is to develop a program of individual support for a child with visual impairment.

1. To study the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with visual impairments;
2. Summarize the experience of developing an individual support program for a child with visual impairments

Chapter 1. Psychological and pedagogical support children with visual impairments

1.1. The main directions of psychological and pedagogical support for children with visual impairments in an educational institution.

Psychological and pedagogical support is a holistic, systematic organized activity, in the process of which socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful learning and development of every child in the educational environment.

Psychological support for a child with visual impairment can be considered as a complex technology psychological support and assistance to the child, parents and teachers in solving problems of development, training, education, socialization by an educational psychologist.

The goal of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a child in an educational institution is to create psychological conditions for the normal development and successful education of the child.

Objectives of psychological and pedagogical support: 1. Create an emotional favorable microclimate for the child in the peer group and teaching staff.. 2. Study the individual characteristics of children’s development in the unity of the intellectual, emotional and behavioral spheres of their manifestation. 3. Provide assistance to children in need of special educational programs and special forms of organizing their activities. 4. Conduct early diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders in a timely manner. 5. Raise psychological competence teachers, parents on issues of child upbringing and development.

Among the conditions for organizing inclusive activities of educational institutions for psychological and pedagogical support of a child with visual impairments, it is necessary: ​​1. Cooperation with the PMSS center and the psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (PMPC) created in them; 2. Interaction with other inclusive and special institutions verticals or networks (kindergarten, school, etc.), including mutual exchange of technologies, materials, information and documents; 3. Availability of personnel trained to implement the tasks of inclusive education; 4. Development of techniques, methods and forms of improvement professional competence specialists; 5. Availability of a team of support specialists: coordinator (head teacher) for inclusion, psychologist, special teacher, speech therapist, social teacher, teacher's assistant (tutor), etc.; 6. Organization of the activities of these specialists as a psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPk) of an educational institution with corresponding assigned tasks; 7. Architectural transformations, including barrier-free environments; 8. Availability of special equipment and tools that modulate the educational space of the class/group.

To fully include a child in inclusive education, it is necessary individual approach and therefore training should be organized in such a way as to satisfy special needs every child. The development of individual program psychological and pedagogical support for children with visual impairments.

Mandatory areas for organizing psychological and pedagogical support for children with visual impairments, which must be reflected in the program, are:

1. Diagnostic work ensures timely identification of psychological and pedagogical features of the development of children with visual impairments, which makes it possible to obtain full picture on the development of the child’s personality and plan corrective measures and prepare recommendations for providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance in an educational institution;

2. Individual and group correctional and developmental work provides timely specialized assistance in mastering the content of education and correction of physical and (or) deficiencies mental development children with visual impairments in a general education institution; contributes to the formation of universal educational actions of students (personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative);

3. Advisory work ensures continuity of special support for children with visual impairments and their families on the implementation of differentiated psychological and pedagogical conditions for training, education, correction, development and socialization of students;

4. Information and educational work is aimed at explanatory activities on issues related to the characteristics of the educational process for this category of children, with all participants in the educational process - students (both those with and without developmental disabilities), their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff. Such work is labor-intensive, but it gives a complete picture of the dynamics and results of psychological and pedagogical correction.

Thus, psychological and pedagogical support for a child with visual impairment should be carried out as methodological assistance to teachers of an educational institution on the issue of creating conditions for working with children with visual impairment (risk of impairment), as well as to parents whose children have deviations in the development of the visual analyzer. The psychological and pedagogical support of a child with visual impairment includes work to effectively help the child adapt to a new social space, develop communication and self-regulation skills, increase parental competence and psychological literacy, and improve the professional level of the teaching staff in the field of hygiene and vision protection for children.

1.2. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with visual impairments.

Vision is the most powerful source of information about the outside world. 85-90% of information enters the brain through the visual analyzer, and partial or profound disruption of its functions causes a number of deviations in the physical and mental development of the child. The visual analyzer ensures the execution of the most complex visual functions. It is customary to distinguish five main visual functions:

1) central vision;

2) peripheral vision;

3) binocular vision;

4) light perception;

5) color perception.

Vision, in which the eye distinguishes two points at a visual angle in one minute, is considered normal, equal to one (1,0).

Features of psychophysical development

In the absence of vision, significant developmental features arise, although the general patterns of development characteristic of normal children are preserved. Thus, three characteristic features can be noted in the development of a visually impaired child.

First consists in some general lag in the development of a visually impaired child compared to the development of a sighted child, which is due to less activity in learning about the world around him. This manifests itself in both physical and mental development. In addition, many visually impaired children may have psychiatric problems. The lack of initiative and passivity of the blind child is noted. “The later the loss of vision occurred, the stronger the associated psychological trauma. Loss or impairment of vision often gives rise to indifference not only to society, but also to personal life». .

Second The peculiarity of the development of a visually impaired child is that the periods of development of blind children do not coincide with the periods of development of sighted children. Until a visually impaired child develops ways to compensate for blindness, the ideas he receives from outside world, will be incomplete, fragmentary and the child will develop more slowly.

Third A feature of the development of a visually impaired child is disproportionality. It manifests itself in the fact that the functions and aspects of the personality that suffer less from the lack of vision (speech, thinking, etc.) develop faster, although in a peculiar way, others more slowly (movements, mastery of space). It should be noted that the uneven development of a visually impaired child manifests itself more sharply in preschool age than in school age.

Children with vision problems have speech impairments. This is explained by the fact that the formation of speech in such children occurs under more complex conditions than in a sighted child. Children with visual impairments are more likely to experience complex deviations from the norm, impaired spatial coordination, poorly developed fine motor skills, and problems in the cognitive sphere.

The least pronounced defects are at the first level of speech development; only isolated violations of sound pronunciation are noted.

At the second level, the child has limited active lexicon, there are some difficulties in correlating the word and the image of the object, in the use of generalizing concepts, in composing sentences and detailed stories. Violations of sound pronunciation at the second level are more pronounced and varied. Phonemic analysis has not been formed.

At the third level, there is a lack of active and passive dictionary. The subject correlation of words has not been formed, generalizing concepts have not been developed. Coherent speech is agrammatic, the child uses one or two word sentences. Sound pronunciation is impaired. Phonemic analysis and synthesis are not formed.

At the fourth, lowest level, the child says in separate words, phonemic analysis and synthesis are not formed. .

Thus, children with visual impairments often do not have developed speech functional system, limited vocabulary, distorted understanding of the semantic side of speech.

Fuzzy, narrow perception makes it difficult to recognize objects, their shapes, characteristic external signs. Children do not see lines, confuse letters with similar designs, lose and repeat lines when reading, do not notice punctuation marks, and pronounce words incorrectly. Visually impaired children have phonetic-phonemic and articulatory difficulties. Problems of lexical and grammatical properties often arise. When working visually, visually impaired children quickly become tired and their performance decreases.

Features of behavior

The lack of visual control of movements complicates the formation of coordination of movements. As a result, the movements of the blind are constrained, ugly, uncertain, and there is no precision in their execution. There are communication problems.

Teaching the visually impaired together with sighted children

Let us consider the features of teaching a child with visual impairments in a group of sighted peers. It is better if a speech therapist also works with such children. The following must be taken into account when working:

1. In the class where such a child is located, it is desirable that there be no more than 15 students in order to ensure an individual approach to the child.

2. First of all, it is necessary to create psychological mood visually impaired student to overcome difficulties. The rest of the students should be introduced to the characteristics of the visually impaired, a friendly environment should be created and good relations to such a student. However, actions aimed at achieving this goal must be thoughtful and tactful, since excessive care of a new student can develop selfish attitudes in him, and a condescending attitude in the surrounding children.

Children can sometimes be cruel and can tease and bully a visually impaired child. In a tactful manner, the teacher must explain to students that they should not focus attention on the defect of a sick child, much less tease and offend him. The teacher should show many positive sides their blind students, for example, knowledge of a large number of poems, stories, and the ability to sing, in order to arouse respect for them from sighted students. Objectivity of assessment should also become the norm of the teacher’s work, which will allow children with visual impairments to feel on an equal footing with sighted children.

3. When accepting a child with a visual impairment into his class, the teacher should carefully consider where to seat the new student. If the child retains partial vision or is visually impaired, i.e. visual acuity is more than 0.05, and he does not have severe photophobia, he should be seated on the first desk, preferably in the middle row.

A child with severe visual impairment, who relies on touch and hearing in his work, can work at any desk, taking into account the degree of audibility in that place. If the child does not have photophobia and needs additional lighting, workplace should be illuminated by a table lamp with a dimmer.

If a student has severe photophobia, he should be seated with his back to the window or the window should be covered with a curtain. If there is photophobia in one eye, the child should sit so that the light falls from the opposite side.

4. The optimal visual load for visually impaired students is no more than 15-20 minutes continuous operation. For students with deep violation vision, depending on individual characteristics, it should not exceed 10-20 minutes. The classroom must be provided with increased general illumination (at least 1000 lux) or local lighting in the workplace of at least 400-500 lux. Be sure to use physical exercises.

5. If a visually impaired child works relying on his vision, then when using a board, the notes should be rich and contrasting, the letters should be large. When writing, he should use colored markers for the most important points in the recorded material, then you will not have to strain your eyes further to read the entire note in the notebook. Use of special visualization, large frontal (up to 15-20 cm) and differentiated individual (from 1 to 5 cm); the use of backgrounds that improve visual perception when demonstrating objects; the predominance of red, orange, yellow color, stands that allow you to view objects in a vertical position;

6. One of important tasks teachers - inclusion of visually impaired students in the work of the class. At the same time, the teacher and students should remember that the pace of writing and reading for a visually impaired person is lower. He won't be able to keep up with the class. In this regard, along with a Braille device, voice recorders are used, on which fragments of the lesson are recorded.

7. The next point is the limitation of time for visual work. The teacher must remember this and teach the visually impaired child to analyze literary works by ear, highlighting only key words and sentences. The teacher’s speech must be expressive and precise; it is necessary to pronounce everything that he does, writes or draws.

8. Considering that visually impaired children have never held many objects in their hands or have seen them only vaguely, and therefore are incomprehensible to them, it is necessary to use real objects, directing the children’s hands and gaze at them.

9. During breaks and after classes, children with visual impairments should have the opportunity to get to know their classmates better, maybe even touch them. Unfortunately, many visually impaired people do not know how to communicate, they do not listen to their interlocutor, and dialogue in communication does not work out. The speaker wants to show that he knows a lot, but such behavior does not evoke an emotional response from the listener.

In a new group of sighted people, a child with visual impairment has to overcome a number of complexes, such as fear of space and new people, and lack of self-confidence. He needs to be helped in this by providing the opportunity to be a leader, for example, the captain of a checkers or chess team, the host of a literary composition, a quiz, etc.

It is necessary to include it in various hikes and excursions. If you prepare a blind child as a guide, this will serve both his self-affirmation and recognition from his classmates. At the same time, he must observe the same norms and rules of behavior as other children. However, he should be encouraged if he successfully follows these rules.

10. A smile or nod of the head as a way of encouragement is not always available to a child with visual impairment. Putting your hand on your shoulder or patting it is best, but verbal praise is even more important because other children can hear it.

11. Most complex problem for the blind it is orientation in space. The child must know the main landmarks of the room where classes are held and the path to his place. In this regard, you should not change the environment and place of the child, especially at first, until he develops automatic movement in a familiar room.

12. Children love watching movies and videos. Visually impaired people also need to be involved in viewing them. However, the show should be accompanied by verbal explanations of the situation, setting, and behavior of the characters.

13. Some children with visual impairments, due to existing complexes, try not to draw attention to their problems and are embarrassed to ask for help from an adult or classmates. In such cases, you need to constantly keep the child in your field of vision and try to see and feel when he needs help. The child must learn to ask and accept help from peers. It is very important that in this situation the child maintains a feeling self-esteem and sought to provide assistance himself in a situation appropriate to his capabilities.

There is no more reliable person faithful assistant and protector than the eye.

No wonder folk proverb"It's better to see once than to hear a hundred times."

Therefore, it is very important for children with visual impairments to organize individual psychological and pedagogical work, timely treatment, and clinical observation at the initial stage of schooling - this is the only real way to combat the causes of decreased vision in childhood.

Chapter 2 . Experience in developing an individual support program for children with visual impairments

2.1. Features of the population of children with visual impairments in an educational institution

An analysis of statistical data and the results of preventive examinations carried out in 2013-2014 by ophthalmologists shows that the incidence of diseases of the visual organs in children remains at a high level.

In our lyceum there is 1 visually impaired child, 80 students have vision problems.

The eye is one of the most precious human organs (it gives us thousands of sensations per minute); vision is one of nature's amazing gifts. A person has no more reliable, faithful assistant and protector than the eye.

No wonder the popular proverb says “It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times”, “... take care... like the apple of your eye.”

Eye work lasts on average 15-18 hours a day. To maintain good vision, you need to childhood, and especially during school years, take care of your eyes. It is known that the number of children with low vision increases as they move from class to class. Schoolchildren most often develop myopia, which, as a rule, is not high, but in some children under unfavorable conditions external environment, myopia continues to progress and can reach such a degree that education in public schools becomes impossible.

Let's look at changes in visual acuity of lyceum students over the last three years:

The diagram shows that the number of students with visual impairments in the lyceum is increasing every year:

At the same time, one student is studying at the lyceum with a diagnosis of amblyopia high degree both eyes.

From the diagram and table it is clear that with each year goes by There is an increase in children with visual impairments, and a lyceum student has a serious diagnosis. Thus, an organic defect in the visual analyzer can lead to a number of deviations in the formation and development of the personality of visually impaired children in general. Therefore, for children with vision pathology, it is necessary to pay special attention from specialists, teachers and, of course, parents. To do this, it is necessary to develop an individual support program for children with visual impairments.

2.2. Individual support program for children with visual impairments.

The psychological and pedagogical support program includes work to effectively help a child adapt to a new social space, develop communication and self-regulation skills, increase parental competence and psychological literacy, and improve the professional level of the teaching staff in the field of hygiene and vision care for children.

Individual support program for people with visual impairments for 6th grade student Angelina M. MOBU "Lyceum of Sol-Iletsk district"

Purpose Psychological and pedagogical support for a child with visual impairment (amblyopia) studying at the Lyceum of Sol-Iletsk District is to provide conditions for the optimal development of the child and his successful integration into society.

Tasks programs:

§ develop and improve the objectivity of the child’s perception through clarification of their visual object representations;

§ improve hand-eye coordination of a child with visual impairments.

§ formation of social adaptation skills among peers.

Main stages of work organization:

1. Preliminary stage:

§ filling out a child development chart.

2. Diagnostic stage:

§ identifying the level of development visual perception students;

§ obtaining objective data on the state of visual perception and visual functions, which are subject to further correctional and developmental influence.

3. Corrective and developmental stage:

§ implementation of correctional and developmental work using special psychological and pedagogical means and equipment for correctional classes on the development and correction of visual perception through individual and group work;

§ dynamic observation of the student by specialists in psychological and pedagogical support.

4. The final stage:

§ tracking the dynamics of the development of a schoolgirl’s visual perception.

Admission to the Lyceum of Angelina M., a visually impaired student, was carried out on the basis of the conclusion of the medical commission, which indicated that the child can study at the Lyceum of the Sol-Iletsky District

Main directions The work of psychological and pedagogical support for 6th grade student Angelin M. during the school year is:

1. Diagnostics of the cognitive, motivational and emotional-volitional spheres of the student’s personality.

2. Analytical work.

3. Organizational work. Creation of a unified school information field,

focused on all participants in the educational process - holding a school psychological and pedagogical consultation, large and small teacher councils, training seminars, meetings with administration representatives, teachers and parents.

4. Consultative work with all participants in the educational process.

5. Preventive work. Implementation of programs aimed at solving problems of interpersonal interaction.

6. Corrective and developmental work.

Psychological and pedagogical support for a child with visual impairment can be considered as a comprehensive technology of psychological and pedagogical support and assistance to the child and parents (legal representatives) in solving the problems of development, training, education, socialization by specialists of different profiles acting in a coordinated manner.

Forms of training, content and implementation plan, ensuring the satisfaction of the special educational needs of a child with visual impairment and his mastering the basic educational program schools.

The question of choosing an educational and individual route a child with visual impairment is resolved at a school psychological and pedagogical council, based on the needs, developmental characteristics and capabilities of the child, with direct participation his parents ( legal representatives). Corrective and developmental work is built for him, aimed at gradually increasing the degree of independence, subordinating his activities to the set goal with the organizing, stimulating help of an adult; switching student to practical activities or other easier tasks that reinforce his faith in his own abilities.






Conducting information

educational and explanatory work on

issues related to the characteristics

educational process for a child

During a year

Educational psychologist

Improving the level of social rehabilitation

Control of rehabilitation measures

Psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation

(correctional classes with a teacher - psychologist, subject teachers)

Social and household rehabilitation

Creative rehabilitation (classes in studios, clubs, circles)

Activities according to the work plan of the psychological

school pedagogical council

December - June

Working group

Conducting training seminars for

teachers, program participants

During a year

Deputy Director for HR

Educational psychologist

Providing multi-level, variable education and upbringing of a child with visual impairments



Deputy Director for HR

During a year

Subject teachers

Participation of a child with visual impairment in leisure and public events

During a year

Classroom teacher

Educational psychologist

Assistance in overcoming the information barrier

Training in the basics of working on a personal

computer for a visually impaired child

During a year

Deputy Director for ICT


Organization of networking through school Email

During a year

Deputy Director for ICT

Classroom teacher

Conducting individual consultations for parents and testing of children with visual impairments on issues

career guidance

During a year

Educational psychologist

Classroom teacher

Psychological and pedagogical work

Conducting individual group classes

During a year

Educational psychologist

Implementation pedagogical monitoring student achievements.

During a year

Working group

Preventive work to preserve health

Introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process.

Organizing and conducting events aimed at preserving, preventing health and developing healthy, safe lifestyle skills.

During a year

Educational psychologist

Subject teachers

Classroom teacher

The program of individual psychological and pedagogical support for student Angelina M. includes 10 classes aimed at correcting and developing visual perception. The first and last classes are diagnostic.

Classes are held once a week. The duration of the lesson is 30-40 minutes, visual gymnastics or physical exercises are performed every 10 minutes.

At each lesson, the exercises are repeated using more complex material and in new conditions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Approximate structure of the lesson:

1. Organizational part. Games and exercises to help you remove psycho-emotional stress, develop communication skills.

§ games, exercises, tasks for the perception of signs and properties objective world;

§ tasks that develop activity, integrity, constancy, differentiation of perception based on visual-practical, visual-figurative actions using the equipment of a psychologist’s office

3. Final part. Summarizing.

Expected result. Ensuring maximum development and automation of all visual functions of a child with visual pathology.


Systematization of work with children with visual impairments in our lyceum will become necessary and will find a positive response from teachers and parents.

Purpose initial stage program was the creation of a database on children with visual impairments, the involvement of all available resources to support the educational process of children with visual impairments.

The tasks that we have set for ourselves are:

To study the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with visual impairments;
- Summarize the experience of developing an individual support program for a child with visual impairments

Children with visual impairments need timely identification of the need for individual support in the educational process, the realization of potential opportunities and the creation of conditions for development.

The key point of this situation is that children with visual impairments do not adapt to the rules and conditions of society, but are included in life on their own terms, which society accepts and takes into account.

In this situation, it is very important for the teacher to have special professional skills, closely advise parents, and consult with them. And the most important thing is to identify deficiencies in the development of children and organize individual work with children to the maximum extent possible. early stage. This makes it possible to correct the main deficiencies in the child’s development and prepare him for education in the middle and senior levels of a general education institution.

It is necessary for subject teachers, a speech therapist, an educational psychologist, a social educator and medical workers for successful professional activities in psychological and pedagogical support of a child with visual impairment.

A healthy lifestyle, adherence to a scientifically based regime of visual work, a nutritious balanced diet, regular exercise and sports, and special physical exercises for the eyes will ensure good health children and normal eye function. Experience suggests that, especially at first, the most simple exercises and there are the most effective ones.


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Pedagogical support for a child with visual impairment.

A child with visual impairment needs increased attention teacher, competently building his educational route, constructing the trajectory of his life. Teaching experience work with children with vision pathology shows that the sooner children receive help from the adult community - teachers, specialists and parents, the more successful their development will be. psychological development, thanks to the unique compensatory capabilities inherent in each child.

Implemented in this moment Inclusive education and upbringing allows children with developmental disabilities and health problems the opportunity to receive an education in mass preschool institutions.

Understanding the importance of timely, adequate assistance and an effectively built individual development trajectory, teachers at our preschool institution are developing plans for individual pedagogical support for children with vision pathology. Close cooperation with an ophthalmologist and an orthoptist nurse allows us to solve problems such as:

1. Development of visual ideas about the objective world.

2. Development of sensorimotor skills.

3. Formation of ideas about the world around us.

4. Activation of visual functions (visual load): increased visual acuity.

5. Development of speed, completeness and accuracy of visual examination of objects and images.

We will present to you some activities used by kindergarten teachers to successful development children, regardless of their level of competence development and life experience:

Compliance with the requirements for wearing an occluder and glasses.

Using ophthalmic simulators to relieve visual fatigue and exercise vision, develop visual perception and spatial orientation.

Correction of touch and fine motor skills with the help of games: “Arrange by color and shape”, “Assemble a pattern”.

Using exercises such as superimposing one image on another, tasks on stringing beads, tracing contour images through tracing paper, and laying out mosaics.

Exercises are included to develop visual perception (to highlight the shape, color, size and spatial position of objects). For example, “Find the same item”, “Pick up identical items”, “What is closer from you is further”, “Make a whole from parts”, etc.

Development of oculomotor functions through games such as “Roll the ball into the goal”, “Hit the target”, etc.

More attention is paid to the development of memory and attention.

Developing pupils' sensitivity to sounds environment necessary for the development of auditory attention.

Individual work to develop skills - technical and artistic, in drawing.

Introduction of the child to different kinds children's activities: play, learning, work and dosing content in accordance with its cognitive capabilities.

Educational material is offered in accordance with the level of cognitive abilities and performance, based on the “zone of proximal development” and the prospect of social adaptation.

As you become tired in the process of organized learning activities, rest is given until the lesson is stopped.

The child is offered boxes with natural material, tactile boards, containers, bags, which is necessary for the active stimulation and development of tactile and tactile-kinesthetic functions.

There is a logical connection between individual and differentiated work aimed at adapting the child to the surrounding reality and preparing for successful schooling.

Involving children in theatrical and musical activities.

Use of ophthalmological requirements when working with visibility.

With the help of these directions in the work of supporting children with vision pathology, positive dynamics are achieved in the child’s competence development, his potential capabilities, and preparation for stress-free learning in primary school.

TO blind These include children with visual acuity from 0 (0%) to 0.04 (4%) in the better seeing eye, corrected with glasses. Blind children practically cannot use their vision in orientation and cognitive activities.

Visually impaired children are children with visual acuity from 0.05 (5%) to 0.4 (40%) in the better seeing eye, corrected with glasses.

Children with low vision, or children with borderline vision between low vision and normal, are children with visual acuity from 0.5 (50%) to 0.8 (80%) in the better seeing eye, corrected with glasses.

In the absence of vision, there is some general lag in the development of a blind child compared to the development of a sighted child, which is due to less activity in learning about the world around him. This manifests itself in both physical and mental development. The periods of development of blind children do not coincide with the periods of development of sighted children. Until a blind child develops ways to compensate for his blindness, the ideas he receives from the outside world will be incomplete and fragmentary, and the child will develop more slowly.

Functions and aspects of the personality that suffer less from the lack of vision (speech, thinking, etc.) develop faster, although in a unique way, others (movements, mastery of space) - more slowly. The lack of visual control over movements complicates the formation of coordination.

Changes in the sphere of external emotional manifestations are noted in blind and visually impaired children. All expressive movements (except for vocal facial expressions) are weakened with profound visual impairment.

Knowing these characteristics of children with visual impairments and their causes, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for their training in an educational institution in order to prevent possible secondary deviations.

If there is a child with visual impairment in the class

It is necessary to clearly dose the visual load. The optimal visual load for visually impaired students is no more than 15–20 minutes of continuous work. For students with profound visual impairment, depending on individual characteristics, it should not exceed 10–15 minutes.

It is important to choose an optimally lit workplace where the child can see the board and teacher as much as possible, for example, the first desk in the middle row. A child with severe visual impairment, who relies on touch and hearing in his work, can work at any desk, taking into account the degree of audibility in that place. The classroom must be provided with increased general illumination (at least 1000 lux) or local lighting in the workplace of at least 400–500 lux.

You should pay attention to the number of comments that will compensate for the impoverished and sketchy visual images. Special attention one should pay attention to the accuracy of statements, descriptions, instructions, without relying on gestures and facial expressions. The teacher's speech should be

expressive and precise, he needs to pronounce everything he does, writes or draws.

Call each speaker by name to make it clear who is speaking.

Use larger and brighter ones visual aids, large font. When using a board, the notes should be contrasting, the letters

large. When recording, it is better to use colored markers for the most important points in the material being recorded.

Build support from other modalities. For example, since the speed of writing and reading of a blind or visually impaired person is slower than that of a normally sighted person, a voice recorder can be used to record important parts of the lesson. The child can learn through touch or hearing with touch, and be able to touch objects. So, in mathematics lessons you can use abacus.

The child must be able to navigate in space: know the main landmarks of the room where classes are held, the path to his place. In this regard, you should not change the environment and place of the child, especially at first, until he develops automatic movement in a familiar room.

It is important for a child to learn to ask and accept help from peers. It is very important that in this situation the child maintains a sense of self-esteem and strives to provide help himself in a situation that corresponds to his capabilities ( Children with developmental disabilities. Methodical manual, ed. N.D. Shmatko. M.: Aquarium, 2001).

Musculoskeletal disorders,

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