Australia in winter. Australian winter. myths and reality

Australia, remote from all other continents and continents, exists in a separate world. The point is that this small continent surprisingly rich in natural and climatic features.

Weather in Australia now:

There are majestic deserts, beautiful tropical forests, snow-capped mountains, and a wide variety of nature and fauna. Main feature Australia's climate is that summer begins in December and winter in June. Amazing, isn't it? In fact, this distinctive feature is common to all countries located in the Southern Hemisphere.

Australian climate by month:

Spring. (Australian autumn)

From March to May the golden age begins in Australia. autumn time. All the forests, parks and reserves of the country are being transformed: the red-golden hue of the trees captivates the eye, and numerous tourists flock to Australia just for this. The trees in Orange and the cloud forests in the Yarra Valley are especially beautiful. Autumn is a traditional time for various wine and culinary festivals, one of which is held in Orange. The country's vineyards always provide an opportunity to enjoy the magnificent and delicate taste of wine, in the preparation of which Australians have their own traditions. April 25 is a special date; on this day, residents of the country honor the memory of men and women who gave their lives in wars. Various events are held throughout the country, primarily dedicated to memory and gratitude.

Summer. (Winter season in Australia)

Winter is rightfully considered the best time of year in Australia, when you can fully enjoy swimming in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef or snowboarding in the snow in Victoria. Winter begins in June, and the air temperature rarely exceeds 20 degrees, and this is also the time of the rainy season (although it does not occur as often as, for example, in Britain). In winter, wildlife is especially beautiful: kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, pelicans and many other fauna will surprise guests of the country with their beauty. Of course it looks amazing and underwater world: corals, exotic fish - all this can be admired by visiting one of the many diving centers in the country.

Autumn. (Australia's wonderful spring)

Spring, which runs from September to November in Australia, combines the features of the other three seasons. For example, you can spend time on one of the country's beaches, or you can go to the Kangaroo Islands and watch how wildlife blooms. The spring climate is very similar to autumn: not too hot and not too cold. We are especially excited about spring local residents, because the green continent is slowly beginning to bloom with bright colors. The main national event in the spring is the Melbourne Cup (horse racing). The whole country watches these races, and many residents traditionally place bets, watching with great interest the ups and downs of the race at the hippodrome.

Winter. (Australian summer)

It's hard for us Europeans to believe, but the driest and hottest time in Australia is from December to February. In some places of the mainland (the central part and areas close to the desert), the air temperature warms up to +40 degrees in the shade. Full summer begins around November, and tourists are advised to visit southern cities countries, because the temperature in summer days It rarely exceeds +30 degrees there. But the main thing distinctive feature The Australian summer has a dry climate: there is practically no rain, and the dry weather sometimes lasts for a very long time. However, on December 25, Australians, like all Catholics, celebrate Christmas, and on January 26, residents of the green continent celebrate Australia Day.

Australia is different from other continents geographical location and climate. Their influence on the mainland created not only unique natural areas, but also rare species of fauna. Traveling around huge territory countries, without crossing borders, you can visit deserts and tropical forests, conquer snow-capped mountains and relax on the ocean.

Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, so the seasons familiar to Europeans will be opposite - summer begins in December, and winter in June. True, you can experience all seasons only on the island Tasmania where it takes place moderate climate zone . The continent itself is located in the subequatorial, tropical and subtropical zones.

Climate zones of Australia

Northern Territories of Australia, including Darwin, refer to subequatorial belt . There are two seasons throughout the year - the rainy season and the dry season. Australian winter The dry season is passing. During the day at this time it is hot, the temperature reaches up to +32°C, and at night it drops to +20°C. There is practically no rain. The rainy season lasts all summer. It is characterized by high humidity, frequent rains and high temperatures (daytime +34°C, night +27°C).

From western territories Australia to central (Alice Springs) there are deserts, in the coastal regions there are semi-deserts. Their appearance is due tropical zone and moisture retention mountainous terrain, starting at the coast. Rain is a rare occurrence. Temperatures in summer rise above +30°C, and in the center of Australia in the Great Sandy Desert up to +40°C. In winter it gets cold down to +10°C.

From the southwest of the mainland (Perth) to the southeast (Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne) subtropical zone. Its mild climate is favorable for living and growing crops. In summer it is hot and dry, the temperature reaches +30°C, in winter it rains and is cool, about +15°C. Snow falls in the mountainous regions of Victoria, South Wales and near Canberra in winter.

The south of the mainland (Adelaide) falls into the subtropical zone. Its continental climate has temperature fluctuations: +27°C in summer and +15°C in winter. It rains rarely, mainly in winter.

The east coast of Australia (Brisbane, Cairns, Gold Coast) is the greenest and most comfortable part of the continent. Location of most tourist beaches. In summer, the daytime temperature is about +28°C, in winter +18°C. It rains all year round, but in winter there is more rain and it rises near the coast high waves.

The island of Tasmania (Hobart) has a temperate climate zone. Winters are warm (temperatures from +8°C), and summers are cool (up to +22°C). It rains often. The snow is melting quickly.

Tourist seasons in Australia

Since Australia has a varied climate, you can visit the country at any time of the year. Every tourist will find something to their liking: beautiful landscapes, rare species of wildlife, active and passive recreation on the ocean coast, in the mountains, deserts and canyons.

Residents are more common among tourists New Zealand, Japan, USA and nearby Asian countries. Enough tourists come from Europe, most of them are English and German.

Beach holiday And diving carried out on the Gold Coast of Australia - a 40-kilometer strip along the eastern coast near Brisbane, as well as on the islands along the Great Barrier Reef. Best season Summer will be the best time to relax, from December to March. The water is pleasant, about +24°C.

To protect swimmers from sharks, a program was launched to protect Australia's eastern beaches. Over the past 40 years, there has not been a single case of shark attack on a person.

In the north of the mainland, it is better to have a beach holiday from May to October - during the dry season, while there are no monsoon rains.
The ocean has underwater currents that can drag an inexperienced swimmer into the depths. When high waves rise off the coast, hotel management places red or yellow flags on the shore. This means that swimming is dangerous and prohibited.

Surfing do it like on the eastern coast of the mainland on the waves Pacific Ocean, both the western and the southern on the waves of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans respectively. From December to April the water is warm and the waves are high. Cool water lovers can surf in the winter Gold Coast, water temperature is about +20°C.

You can see the sights, flora and fauna of Australia in any season, but it is worth considering that in the south of the mainland ( Melbourne) clouds and fogs less in winter, and in the north ( Darwin) there are no prolonged downpours at this time. Go out to explore the central regions of the mainland ( Alice Springs) is better during the Australian winter, from June to October, the weather becomes cool.

In spring, from late August to October, you can admire the flowering of trees and shrubs in cities Sydney, Canberra, Cairns, Melbourne, Perth. In the summer, from December to March, walks around the island of Tasmania will become comfortable and not cold.
There are ski resorts in Australia. They are held in the winter from June to August in mountainous areas in Canberra, Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania.

What to take with you to Australia

Over Australia ozone layer so thin that it transmits much more ultraviolet radiation than in other countries. Therefore, the Australian sun is considered the most dangerous for the skin. To protect it on your trip, you should take light, light-colored cotton clothing, a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and sunscreen with the maximum level of protection. If you swim in the ocean, you should take a waterproof cream.

The locals themselves avoid long stay in the sun. Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer cases.

Various poisonous organisms live in ocean water, especially near reef areas. sea ​​creatures. To avoid getting hurt by stepping on needles sea ​​urchin or stone fish, you need to go into the water in rubber slippers or sandals.

If you encounter jellyfish in the water, you should avoid touching them or get out of the water. Some species are more common small size, can sting painfully.

After sunset, you should not walk barefoot on the grass, so as not to step on hiding snakes.

While studying active recreation or sightseeing, it is worth remembering that Australia is a country large territories. When moving through its expanses, it is always useful to have a first aid kit with you, stocked with remedies for bruises, head and abdominal pain, as well as insect bites.

As for insects, the humid climate of the north of the country is home to mosquitoes that carry various diseases. High-quality skin repellents and room fumigators will provide protection against them. When choosing a hotel room, make sure that it is equipped with mosquito nets.

If you intend to travel through the rainforests of northern Australia, you need to wear shoes with high edges and clothing that completely covers the body. This will protect you from leeches and other insects. During the rainy season from December to March in the north, a raincoat will come in handy.

If the trip is not in the Australian summer, you need to take warmer clothes with you. A hot day turns into a cool night after sunset. Especially in the central territories of Australia, when during the day the temperature rises to +30°C, and at night it can drop to -5°C.

The island of Tasmania has a climate similar to English weather. In winter, you should dress in a warm jacket, pants and boots.

When visiting Australian ski resorts, you should take a ski suit, mask and boots for your trip. The rest of the equipment is rented from the ski lifts.

Weather in Australia by month

Australian summer


In December, the influx of tourists to Australia begins, although against the backdrop of its territories this is noticeable only at the resorts Eastern Australia. This is where the season for beach holidays, surfing and diving opens.

The rainy season is coming to the north of the country. It is not recommended to visit the central regions due to the extreme heat. But the island of Tasmania will delight you with warm days.

At the end of the month, those who want to meet New Year to the Gold Coast, Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane or Melbourne.


This is the peak of the Australian summer. The weather is hot in all regions. It rains only in the north. The water is heated to maximum limits.

Now is the time to visit the Great Barrier Reef, the beach areas of the East, or cool off with excursions around Tasmania.
Western, southern and central territories endure a period of drought.

On January 1, Australia is almost one of the first to celebrate the New Year. The holiday is celebrated in major cities with fireworks and the beginning of various festivals.


The heat is gradually losing ground, but they are still holding on high temperatures. In northern Australia, the rainfall is so heavy that roads are sometimes blocked or tourists are not allowed to enter to avoid accidents.
The most comfortable weather is in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. Excursions around the mainland begin.

Australian autumn


With the onset of autumn, the heat gradually recedes.
In the east (Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns) the rainy season begins. The beach season subsides, tourists go home or go sightseeing. High waves rise along the coast, attracting surfers from all over the world.

The warmest ocean water is in the south near Melbourne. Prices for sea holidays are gradually decreasing.
It’s a good time to visit the deserts; it’s not so hot during the day and cool at night.


It is considered an off-season month. In the north the rains stop and the dry season begins. Now is the time to explore this part of the continent.

In the west (Perth) it is warm, not very cold at night, and there is little rain. It's still warm around Melbourne and Sydney. The cost of a beach holiday is low, there are few tourists.

Cold weather comes to Tasmania, daytime temperatures rise no higher than +17°C.


Last autumn month starts active beach season in the north of Australia. There is no rain, the temperature is high, but the weather is too hot for northern excursions. They also go west to Perth to swim.

In the south east coast The mainland and the Barrier Reef are already cool, the waves are high. Surfers come here wearing wetsuits to protect themselves from hypothermia.

In the central regions, the weather becomes more favorable for visiting attractions.

Australian winter


In the first month of winter, temperatures below 0°C are not found even in cold regions. For the northern territories, June is the coldest month. But its indicators remain within +29°C.

While the beach season is in full swing in the north, the ski season begins in the southwest of the mainland (the highlands of Canberra, Victoria and New South Wales).

The effects of winter are also felt in Tasmania, it is cold and damp.

It's warm in the west, you can go on excursions.


Winter July is cold for the whole country. The best pastime will be the ski resorts in the south and center of the mainland. In deserts there are frosts at night.

You can go on excursions to different corners mainland. It's cold, but comfortable with warm clothes. Snow falls in Tasmania and highland ski resorts open.

It's quite warm in the west, although it's raining.


There are few tourists in Australia in August. It's cold in most of its regions. In the south it is often windy, but there are fogs that make it difficult to see the sights.

Ski resorts in the south and center of the country continue to delight ski lovers. And the warm north makes it possible to soak up the beaches.

Australian spring


In September, spring comes to Australia, the off-season time. Quantity tourists are coming to increase. Flowering of trees and grasses begins, which makes excursions around major cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, etc.
In the south there is an increase in water and air temperatures, and there are rains. The beach resorts of the east are gradually coming to life. At the Barrier Reef, divers begin their dive.

The north is just as hot. It's cold in Tasmania.


Spring is picking up pace in Australia. The temperature is rising higher. In the center of the continent, hot weather begins in the deserts.

The west (Perth), southeast (Melbourne, Sydney) and the island of Tasmania offer excursions with a comfortable temperature.
Tourists continue to flock to the east, relaxing on the beach and diving. Good time to surf the waves around the Barrier Reef.

Temperatures are rising in the north, there is no rain, and the beach season is in full swing.


Peak begins in November in Australia tourist season. It is warm throughout the mainland, and even hot in the center.
Fans of the beach, diving, and surfing choose hotels on the east coast. The beach season is ending in the north.
Excursion tours go to anywhere on the mainland. Prices for tourism services are increasing.

Australia is famous for its blue, cloudless skies and bright sun, relatively mild climate and absence of sharp temperature fluctuations. One of the most interesting and unique countries in the world occupies an entire continent.

Climatic features depend on geography. Australia is located on both sides of the southern tropics, between two giant oceans: the Pacific and Indian. The continent's shores are elevated, separated by mountains from the expanse of water, so the influence of the seas is minimal.

Australia is the driest continent on Earth. There's very little here fresh water and almost half of the continent is occupied by tropical deserts, known throughout the world: Victoria, Peschanaya, Gibson. few in number and almost all drying out. There are not many lakes and they are salty. There are also mountain peaks, but they are rare and not high.

The huge size of the country determines the climatic diversity: from deserts to snowy mountains, from soft to warm coastal zones to tropical evergreen forests.

Australia has four climate zones:

  • subequatorial
  • tropical
  • subtropical
  • moderate.

Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, so the order of the seasons is mirrored from the order we are accustomed to in the Northern Hemisphere. Summer begins in December, and June is the first winter month.

Subequatorial part

Covers the northern and northeastern part of the mainland. Falls out here greatest number precipitation, mainly in summer. Winters are dry, and droughts are not uncommon due to hot winds blowing from the middle of the continent. The temperature is even throughout the year, averaging 23-24 degrees.

Tropical Australia (approximately 40% of the country's territory)

Divided into two types of climate: tropical continental - hot with minimum quantity rainfall and tropical humid with thundershowers in summer time.

Continental-tropical climate covers large areas deserts and semi-deserts in the center and western part of the continent. The sand in these places has a characteristic red color due to large quantity the iron it contains.

Close occurrence groundwater provides a fairly rich flora and fauna for deserts.

Acacias and eucalyptus trees transform from solitary bushes into dense thickets and thickets inhabited by lizards, snakes, ostriches and kangaroos. This is the hottest region of Australia; almost all summer the temperature does not drop below 35 degrees, in winter - 20-25 degrees.

A narrow strip of tropical rainforest stretches across eastern Australia. Southeast winds bring moist air from the Pacific Ocean here. It has a mild, warm climate, favorable for the development of rich flora and fauna. Eucalyptus, ferns, palms, araucarias and bamboo grow in red ferrallite soil. Many forest inhabitants are found only in this part of the planet: koala, bird of paradise, marsupial flying squirrel, echidna, platypus and other species.


In turn, they are divided into three types of climate: continental subtropical arid - in the central and southern parts, subtropical humid with uniform precipitation - in the southeast, mixed or Mediterranean - in the east.

The Mediterranean climate is similar to that of Spain and Southern France, covering the most habitable zone Australia. Summer is dry and hot ( average temperature 23-27 degrees), warm winters (12-14 degrees) with sufficient rainfall. Evergreen beech forests, palm trees, and shrubs grow here.

A subtropical continental climate covers the cities of Adelaide and South Wales. Characterized by Not a large number precipitation and relatively large average annual temperature fluctuations.

A subtropical humid climate covers the cities of Victoria and New South Wales. It has a mild climate and high rainfall, mainly in the coastal area. In summer the average is 20-24 degrees. In winter 8-10 degrees. The climate is favorable for growing various vegetables and fruits. True, in order to get a high yield in the summer, it is necessary to artificially irrigate the soil. Grows sufficient quantity forage grasses, so local residents raise dairy cows and sheep on vast pastures.

Temperate zone

Covers central and southern part The island of Tasmania is characterized by heavy rainfall, due to the influence of surrounding water areas. Characterized by cool summers (8-10 degrees) and warm winter(14-17 degrees). IN winter time Snow sometimes falls on the island, but it doesn’t stay there for long. In the lush evergreen meadows of the island all year round Sheep and cows graze.

Climate by season

Spring starts in September and lasts until the end of November. Wildlife blooms amazingly beautifully on the islands at this time. In spring, the country is neither hot nor cold. The entire continent begins to bloom with riotous bright colors.

The driest and hottest time is summer in Australia it lasts from December to February. In the center and near deserts, the air warms up over 40 degrees in the shade. There is almost no rain and dry weather lasts almost the entire season.

Golden autumn in Australia it lasts from March to May. Most The country's reserves, parks and forests take on an amazing red-gold hue. Particularly unique autumn trees in Orange and cloud forests in Yarra. It's time to harvest from the country's many vineyards.

Winter in Australia - best time year. Lasts from June to August. This is the time of the rainy season, but it doesn't happen very often. The air temperature rarely exceeds 20 degrees. In winter, the country's nature and underwater world are especially beautiful.

Holidays in Australia

Diversity climatic zones the country makes it attractive for tourism and recreation. When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is summer in Australia and this is the best time to travel to the southern part of the country: the cities and regions of Brisbane, Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart and Perth.

Australian dry winter is the best time to visit and northern regions countries: Barrier Reef, Darwin, Cairns, National Park Kakadu, Kimberley and Broome.

Interesting facts about Australia's climate

Cloncurry is the hottest place in the country. Here the temperature rises above 50 degrees in the shade.

The town of Marble Bar in the western part of the country recorded its highest average annual temperature of 34 degrees Celsius.

Absolutely minimum temperature recorded in Eastern Australia in the state of Mitchell - 28 degrees.

Average annual precipitation: the minimum recorded in Willpam Creek, in the southern part of the country - 126 mm. The maximum - 3535 mm was recorded in the east in Innisfail.

Weather in Australia by month in summer, autumn, winter and spring. Air and water temperature, precipitation – useful information from “Travel The World”.

As you know, Australia is located in southern hemisphere, also in its hottest part. However, given the huge area occupied by this continent, there are certain differences in weather conditions in its different parts. In addition, we should not forget that when it is winter in the northern hemisphere, summer reigns here. What is the weather like in Australia in different months of the year?

Weather in Australia in winter

In December

December is the beginning of a sultry and hot summer. In the north of the country, which is located closer to the equator, during the day the thermometer reaches +35 C, at night it rarely drops below +26 C. The weather in the south is cooler - during the day it is +23 C...+25 C, and at night about +20 C. The weather on the island of Tasmania is pleasantly cool - here it’s about +20 C.

In January

January is the height of the Australian summer. For this reason, the weather is hot throughout the country, especially in its northern part (the cities of Darwin, Alice Springs and Broome). The air warms up to +35 C, sea ​​water it might be warmer. There is still some precipitation falling.

The weather in the southern part of the country, and this is where Sydney is located, is characterized by air temperatures in the region of +25 C...+28 C during the daytime, and low level precipitation.

In February

Summer doesn't let up in February either. In the north of the country it is hot, up to +35 C, but at the same time quite rainy. Precipitation in this part of the country can fall for 9-12 days and reach 260 mm per month.

In the south of Australia in February the weather is more pleasant - in Sydney and Canberra the air warms up to +26 C, and at night it does not cool below +18 C. Combined with a low level of precipitation, this creates a rather pleasant background for relaxation.

Photo: Lenny K Photography/

In March

In March, autumn comes to the largest island-continent in the world. In the north of the country, rain becomes a frequent visitor. The air temperature is +30 C...+32 C during the daytime.

In the southern part of the country and in Melbourne, during the day +20 C...+24 C, sea water is warmed up to +22 C. At the same time, the frequency of precipitation is increasing.

The island of Tasmania welcomes its guests with cool and often cloudy weather. The air here warms up to +18 C...+20 C, and it rains infrequently.

In April

In mid-autumn in Australia there is a smooth transition from the wet to the dry season. The weather is warm throughout the country. In Sydney, as in the southern part of the country, during the day +20 C...+22 C, in the north +24 C, and in Tasmania - about +16 C.

In May

The weather in May brings significant variety. If in the north of the country it is +30 C...+32 C, then in its southern part and Melbourne +15 C...+17 C. Central part mainland +22 C...+24 C, in the west +20 C...+22 C, which makes May quite auspicious month to visit this part of the country.

In June

If in the northern hemisphere June is the beginning of summer, then in the northern hemisphere, where Australia is located, it marks the start of winter. What is local winter?

In the south, the air warms up to +12 C...+16 C, but at night it often cools down to 0 C. In the north it is much warmer - here during the day +24 C...+30 C, and at night it is much warmer. In this part of the country, sea water is heated to +24 C. Home to many unique animals, Tasmania welcomes you with cool weather - the air rarely warms up above +10 C.

In July

Midwinter period warm weather in the north and cool in the south. In the first case, the air temperature is +25 C...+30 C (however, the heat is not oppressive), and in the second - from +10 to + 18 C. In Tasmania, the air warms up to +6 C...+10 C.

In August

The last month of winter on the green continent is characterized by good weather throughout its entire territory. In the south of the country the air warms up to +17 C...+19 C, and in the north of the country it even becomes hot (up to +32 C). It is also getting warmer in Tasmania - during the day up to +13 C, at night from +4 C. The level of precipitation does not exceed 50 mm.

Weather in Australia in autumn

In September

Spring has come... Characteristic feature this time of year is abundant sunny days, this especially applies to the northern part of the country. During the day, the thermometer here often reaches +33 C, and at night it does not drop below +24 C – a very comfortable time for walking. In the south of Australia it is not so warm yet, but in the daytime it is already +16 C...+18 C, and in Sydney it is 20 C. On the island of Tasmania it is not yet so warm - in the daytime it is no higher than +15 C.

In October

The height of the Australian spring brings comfort to the south of the continent. In Melbourne it is already stable at +18 C during the day, and the water warms up to +14 C. In the north of the country it is very warm - +26 C...+28 C during the day and about +20 at night. Tasmania is getting a few degrees warmer compared to September.

In November

November in Australia is the peak tourist season. Of course, this is facilitated by the warm, and in some places hot weather that has prevailed throughout the country. In the north (Darwin, Alice Springs and Broome) during the day the air warms up to +32 C...+34 C, and the sea water is +30 C - a great time for a beach holiday. In the south of the continent it is a little cooler - during the day +21 C...+23 C. The island of Tasmania welcomes guests with 20 degrees of warmth and low precipitation.

The Australian summer season begins in December and ends in February, which encourages outdoor entertaining during this period.

There are plenty of options: swimming along the shores of Sydney, hiking in the highlands of Tasmania. Autumn days begins on the mainland in March, and ends the quarter with the month of May. Meanwhile, Canberra is engulfed in the fiery colors of the fading foliage. Melbourne showcases the Formula 1 Grand Prix in autumn. The Australian winter, which takes place in the months of June-August, is celebrated with skiing where the Australian Alps are located. Vacation days will pass under the rays winter sun. You can snorkel in the temperate waters surrounding the Great Barrier Reef, or hop in an off-road vehicle and see the Simpson Desert that South Australia contains. In the Australian spring (September-November), tourists observe the life of whales. This is also the time when wild flowers bloom. Visiting wineries built on the Margaret River, where Western Australia is located.

In tropical Australia, the dry season lasts from May to October, and at this time of year it is often partly cloudy and sunny. This is the best time to visit Darwin for its vibrant street markets, films and festivals. The rainy season lasts from December to March: during this time the climate becomes hot and humid thanks to daily heavy rains. Listen to the roar of the waterfalls in Litchfield National Park and Kakadu National Park, or take a flight over Katherine Gorge as the water rises to its highest level.

Australian summer invites you

Get to know the Australian summer, a great season that runs from December to February. Walk along dramatic coastal cliffs on the Bondi Beach to Bronte Beach walking route in Sydney. Day trip from Melbourne to the vineyards, beaches, national parks, golf courses and spas of the Mornington Peninsula.

Sample Tasmanian food and wine from Hobart's historic waterfront, or explore the food, wine and history of the Swan Valley in Perth. Taste fresh seafood as you reach the pristine coastline of the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia, or watch the coral growth on Queensland's Great Barrier Reef. Witness dazzling lightning flashes and lush nature in the tropical Top End. Or get up close to unique Australian animals and meet ancient history Aboriginal people in nature reserve Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve in the Canberra area.

In the summer in Australia there are also international competitions cricket tournament, Grand Slam tournament, lively music festivals, New Year celebrations, and various cultural events outdoors.

Discover the magical diversity of the Australian autumn, which runs from March to May across most of the continent. You'll see red and gold trees in Orange, the food and wine hub west of Sydney. Visit the vineyards, villages and cloud forests of Victoria's Yarra Valley.

Take a trip along the scenic Brisbane River. Feel like a drover as you drive cattle along the historic Oodnadatta Track in South Australia. Experience a lush landscape national park Litchfield National Park in the Northern Territory or head to Kununurra for the Ord Valley Muster.

Take an inflatable raft down the wild waters west coast Tasmania or fish and travel along the Murrumbidgee River Corridor near Canberra. Autumn is also rich in events, from food and wine festivals to fashion weeks and the Melbourne Grand Prix.

Winter in Australia

Winter in Australia is as diverse a season as the country itself. You can go skiing and snowboarding on the snow-covered slopes in Victoria, or go snorkeling and diving in warm waters Great Barrier Reef on the coast of Queensland. Travel by 4x4 to the Simpson Desert in southern Australia or Blue Mountains(Blue Mountains) for the Christmas holidays.

Follow the road Western Australia surrounded by mountain flowers, or experience the unique festival culture of the Northern Territory. Cozy up next to the crackling fire at the Fireside Festival or celebrate winter solstice on the stone pavements of Hobart. Winter is also the right time for watching migrating whales and diving.

Discover the beauty of spring Australia

Discover the beauty of spring in Australia. In most parts of the country it lasts from September to November. In our tropical north, this is a time of gathering strength and preparing for the monsoon season.

Look how decorated Melbourne is as it prepares for the Melbourne Cup, which literally brings life to a standstill throughout the country. Enjoy opera, jazz and blues, and beautiful sculptures at the wineries of the Hunter Valley near Sydney. The Margaret River in Western Australia offers not only diving and surfing, but also local cuisine and wine.

Experience wilderness in Queensland tropical forest Daintree Rainforest, which is recognized as a World Heritage Site. Get to know wildlife and the vegetation of Kangaroo Island in South Australia, or catch barramundi during the spring population growth period in the waters of the Northern Territory. See Canberra come alive during the Floriade with its millions of fragrant buds, or visit historical sites and enjoy the nature of Tasmania's blooming gardens. Australian spring is also great time for surfing, kayaking and canoeing.

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