The future of Russian education was discussed at a conference in Sochi. video

Director of the Moscow Center for Quality Education Pavel Kuzmin spoke at the Interregional conference “Development of a unified system for assessing the quality of education - experience and prospects,” which was held from July 4 to 5.

Pavel Kuzmin presented the Moscow infrastructure for independent assessment and explained the importance of its integration with the internal system for assessing the quality of education. He spoke in detail about the Center for Independent Diagnostics, where schoolchildren have the opportunity to test their knowledge in each subject in conditions as close as possible to exams, and receive an independent assessment of their knowledge.

“At the Center for Independent Diagnostics, future graduates can evaluate their knowledge and approximate results before passing the unified state exam, as well as schoolchildren of any grades can test their capabilities using different subjects. This gives a guarantee objective assessment results and involves identifying individual dynamics their acquisition of certain knowledge and skills,”– said Pavel Kuzmin.

To others important direction, implemented in Moscow, became electronic resource“My achievements” for remote self-study. This service is a unified online system where test papers for all school subjects, tasks in Unified State Exam format and OGE and international tests. The portal also presents meta-subject diagnostics and pre-professional tasks that are relevant for students in engineering, cadet and medical classes.

“The “My Achievements” service allows a student to independently check his level of knowledge anywhere and at a time convenient for him. Thanks to this portal, it is possible to assess the current level of knowledge of each student, identify and eliminate difficulties,”– noted Pavel Kuzmin.

This year, the service has the opportunity to practice filling out government forms. final certification. The online simulator points out the student’s existing shortcomings, teaches self-control and allows him to reduce the time required to fill out the form during the real exam.

Particular attention of the conference participants was drawn to Moscow's experience in using a video conferencing system during appeals. Pavel Kuzmin noted that remotely it is possible to carry out any appeal most objectively and clearly and ensure immediate accessibility anywhere for graduates.

“Remote appeal significantly saves time, which is not wasted on traveling there and back, which is so important when preparing for the next exams. In addition, strict adherence to the instructions allows us to eliminate as much as possible the “human factor” when considering an appeal,”– explained Pavel Kuzmin.

Already this year, the remote appeals system became available in different areas of Moscow. Members of the conflict commissions worked in contact with the examination points. The majority of graduates who used this system rated it positively. IN next year the number of points for remote appeal will be increased.

The projects presented by the capital aroused keen interest among conference participants: representatives different regions expressed a desire to visit Moscow for a detailed study of best practices. Pavel Kuzmin noted that Moscow is open to all regions and is ready to exchange experience with all interested colleagues.

December 5 – 6 2017 An interregional conference “Regional system for assessing the quality of education: results, objectives, development prospects” was held in Tambov.

The conference was organized as part of the implementation of event 5.1. “Development of a national-regional system of independent quality assessment general education» Federal target program for the development of education for 2016-2020.

The purpose of the Conference was to present and discuss effective practices in the field of development modern system assessment of the quality of education. The organizers were the Department of Education and Science of the Tambov Region, the Tambov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers (hereinafter referred to as TOIPKRO), the Center of Expertise educational activities. The conference was held jointly with specialists from the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education “Moscow Center for Quality Education” (hereinafter referred to as MCED).

The Conference was attended by over 200 people, among them representatives of municipal education authorities and methodological services, heads and deputy heads of educational organizations.

At the plenary session December 5 experts from the Moscow Center for Quality Education spoke, regional center examination of educational activities, TOIPKRO.

The reports presented by guests from the Moscow Center for Quality Education aroused keen interest. Topics such as creating infrastructure and tools for creating a culture of self-assessment, comprehensive assessment meta-subject learning outcomes, features of the organization of state final certification in Moscow. In addition, conference participants had unique opportunity get acquainted with the experience of Moscow schools in organizing educational process in pre-vocational education classes. This is the Kurchatov Center for Continuing Interdisciplinary Education, as well as engineering, medical, and academic classes.

B.L. Legostaev, head of department independent testing and development of the educational potential of the Moscow Center for Education, special attention in his speech he focused on the issue of creating a culture independent assessment. They were shown the resource capabilities of the Center for Independent Diagnostics and the electronic self-training and self-testing service “My Achievements”: automated system diagnostic management, software simulators academic subjects, diagnostics in virtual reality format.

The citywide megaproject “Moscow e-school", which was presented at the conference.

K.V. Matveev, a specialist in the department of independent testing and development of educational potential of the Moscow Center for Education, noted that the project provides a wide range of opportunities for both ordinary Moscow residents and pedagogical community. For Muscovites this means free access to electronic educational materials, prompt receipt accurate information about successes and risk areas, information about opportunities metropolitan education. For teachers - effective interaction with students and parents using electronic services, planning and working using reliable tools without reports and formal references, using and creating lesson scripts and educational materials.

The speech of O.S. was also relevant. Redkozubova, a specialist at the Moscow Regional Center for Cultural Inspection, who shared her experience in organizing the State Inspectorate in Moscow.

In the afternoon, issues of developing the regional segment of the system for assessing the quality of education in the Tambov region were discussed.

O.A. Meksichev, director of the Center for Expertise in Educational Activities, presented the results of the implementation of measures to develop a national-regional system for independent assessment of the quality of general education in 2017 in the Tambov region. He outlined the following as prospects for the development of the regional system of educational institutions in the region: the integration of regional studies of the quality of education with federal (VPR, NIKO) and international ones, as well as a change in approaches to analyzing the results of assessment procedures - from average statistical values ​​to personal ones.

Problems of building regional and municipal system E.K.’s speech was devoted to assessing the quality of education. Salzberg, head of the department for assessing the quality of education of the Center for Expertise in Educational Activities. Elena Konstantinovna noted that key measures to monitor the objectivity of the results of assessment procedures at the municipal level include ensuring independent monitoring during external assessment procedures, as well as initiating an external independent assessment of the quality of education and comparing the results with the results of internal school current and milestone assessments.

Formation experience effective system The director of the MAOU “Lyceum No. 6” in Tambov, V.L., shared the in-school assessment of the quality of education. Zaitsev, who has been successfully working on this problem for many years.

The conference participants also met current problems professional development teaching staff in the context of analyzing the results of external assessment procedures, as well as the prospects for the development of independent assessment of the quality of education in the Tambov region. These issues were highlighted by I.N. Kirsanov, head of the development laboratory professional competencies TOIPKRO and N.N. Sharandina, head of department experimental work And innovation activity TOIPKRO.

Second day of the conference December 6 was no less intense than the previous one. The speech of E.S. was devoted to assessing the effectiveness of educational activities. Zozulya, Deputy Director of the Moscow Center for Quality Education. She told the conference participants about the technology of holding regional independent diagnosticians, as well as about the capabilities of the city multifunctional information and analytical system, forming a unified network regional educational space with unified approaches to education quality management.

E.S. Zozulya focused on the fact that overall result The work being carried out is to obtain a transparent and open picture of the quality of education in the city.

The main topic of S.A.’s speech Ladygina, head of the department for monitoring the quality of education of the Moscow Central Educational Center, - building an objective internal system assessing the quality of education in an educational organization. Those present got acquainted with the diagnostics of the Moscow Center for Quality Education and worked with the matrix of independent diagnostics.

Current tasks in the field of assessing the quality of education in Russia became the subject of discussion by participants in the interregional conference “Development of a unified system for assessing the quality of education: experience and prospects,” organized by Rosobrnadzor.

Opening the conference, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva summed up the results of the 2017 exam campaign. "Exams in Unified State Examination form passed as objectively as possible,” the minister noted. At the same time, according to her, problems with the objectivity of examination procedures in 9 grades remain.

The head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science paid special attention to the topic correct use results of the All-Russian verification work. “We need to behave very thoughtfully and correctly and, accepting management decisions, clearly understand that we must, on the basis of test work, help those schools that have shown weaker results. We need to develop and implement new teacher training programs. The results of the All-Russian testing work must be used in work regional institutions advanced training and methodological services,” the minister emphasized.

Olga Vasilyeva also spoke about a new model of control and supervisory activities in relation to schools. According to her, there is no need to constantly check schools that objectively show good results your work. As part of the inspection, it is advisable to focus on those schools that are clearly biased or show very low educational results.

Supervisor Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science Sergei Kravtsov thanked everyone who was involved in Unified State Exam organizations this year, for high-quality work that ensured a calm, transparent and objective examination. “It is important for us to maintain this level,” he said.

He stated that in four last year significant work has been done to ensure objectivity Unified State Exam results. Now, he said, it is important to ensure the objectivity of assessment procedures at other levels of the education system. “In the education system, without an objective assessment, we will not be able to manage, develop, make decisions, or ensure the quality of education,” the head of Rosobrnadzor emphasized.

According to him, main result objective conduct of the Unified State Exam in the last four years - a sharp reduction in the number of exam participants who were unable to pass minimum thresholds by subject. “The children began to learn,” he noted.

Sergei Kravtsov said that the test printing technologies used this year in half of the examination points (PPE) measuring materials and scans of participants' work performed well. Next year at conducting the Unified State Exam it is planned to use them everywhere.

He recalled that a model had been developed oral exam in the Russian language in grades 9, which will be widely tested in the fall of this year. According to the head of Rosobrnadzor, an oral interview can become admission to the exams for GIA-9 participants. This question remains to be discussed in various forums.

Sergey Kravtsov told how preparations are being made for the introduction compulsory exam By foreign languages for graduates of 9th grade in 2020 and graduates of 11th grade in 2022. According to him, the level of students' knowledge and methodological training teachers are of some concern, so the Ministry of Education and Science is developing special program designed to solve existing problems.

Over the course of two days, scientists, together with teachers, school leaders and government officials, will discuss issues of the quality of implementation of the Federal State educational standards and prospects for the development of education in schools.

The program includes an assessment of the state and development of education systems in the Moscow region in 2016/17 academic year, coverage of the results of the final certification of graduates of 9th and 11th grades, the possibilities of modern pedagogical technologies and their application in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The event was organized by the Academy social management together with the Russian Textbook corporation.

First day of the conference. Opening of the conference. Legislative problems of assessing the quality of education.
Prospects for the development of a unified system for assessing the quality of education in the Moscow region. Assessment of the state and development of education systems in the Moscow region in the 2016/17 academic year. Designing educational activities based on the results of assessment procedures. On the development of a regional system for assessing the quality of education in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Ugra. Approaches to the formation educational environment ensuring the achievement of planned results. Blitz interviews with participants. Panel discussion “Astronomy - for what and for whom?”
Second day of the conference. Use of assessment results in management activities. Regional component of the historical and cultural standard. Implementation of regional models within the framework of the school concept geographical education. Formation reading literacy among primary school students. Regional model extracurricular activities in mathematics for primary, secondary and secondary school students

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