Budget places have a passing grade. What to do if you didn’t enter a university on a budget, but there’s no money

This year it will be easier for school graduates to enter universities.

For future first-year students, the number of budget places in bachelor's and specialty programs has been increased. If this academic year (2017-2018) universities received 298 thousand places for bachelors and 70 for specialists, then in 2018-2019 bachelor’s will receive 315 thousand places, and specialty – 75 thousand. 208 thousand budget places were allocated to master's programs, which is 3 thousand more than a year earlier.

The most large number free places will receive on the budget pedagogical faculties and pedagogical universities, IT areas, agricultural and medical universities. Which specialties will have the fewest budget places? "Nursing", "Weapons and Weapon Systems", "Art Studies", "Theology", "Performing Arts and Literary Creativity".

The Ministry continues to support engineering, paying special attention to IT technologies, mining, aviation and rocket and space technology, light industry, nanotechnology and management technical systems, - emphasized the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva at the investment forum in Sochi.

According to her, 45 thousand people will be accepted into teacher education programs this year.

Peculiarity recent years- interest in agricultural and veterinary specialties. Rector of the Moscow state academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology named after. Scriabin Fedor Vasilevich told RG that school graduates are especially attracted to new areas related to genetics, genomics, and biotechnology.

At the Faculty of Zootechnology and Agribusiness appeared new specialty- nutriogenomics, where the molecular mechanisms of the effect of food on changes in animal genes are studied. A laboratory has been created at the academy molecular genetics and bird genomics, which meets European standards,” explained the rector.

A new direction in “commodity research of veterinary and biological drugs” has appeared in the bachelor’s degree, and a module “furriery” is offered. Academy graduates receive knowledge that allows them to work in the field genetic engineering, creating transgenic organisms with new properties, monitoring changes in heredity in animals. These are the areas in demand today. As well as research into the creation of immunobiological drugs - vaccines and serums common to humans and animals.

One of the large companies selling fertilizers, pesticides and seeds clarified that they need general agronomists, specialists in the maintenance and repair of equipment, including robots. Salary is discussed with each individual individually. Livestock specialists needed. They are offered 25-30 thousand rubles a month. There are proposals, for example, in Smolensk region, for 70 thousand rubles plus office housing. At the large Bryansk meat processing enterprise, veterinary paramedics and doctors, animal engineers, and feed preparation section engineers are very welcome.

Universities offer new programs: “Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems”, “Sports Diplomacy”, “Medieval Studies”

Information for future teachers: two new departments are opening at the undergraduate level of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPGU) - Institute international education and Graduate School of Education. What programs will be the most popular at the university this year?

Firstly, all programs related to inclusive education. For example, primary education and special pedagogy; preschool education and special pedagogy; Russian language and inclusive education; typhlopedagogy and others. Secondly, programs related to family values, including family education, psychology of child-parent relations,” Olga Knyazeva, head of the department for organizing admissions at Moscow State Pedagogical University, told RG.

Infographics "RG" / Mikhail Shipov / Irina Ivoilova

As before, applicants are willing to study foreign languages, including Chinese. Recruitment for the program will continue" Fundamental physics(in English)".

In 2017, we accepted 84 thousand applications for all forms of education, of which teacher education- three and a half thousand applications. This year, I think, there will be no less,” Olga Knyazeva is sure.

This year, the Moscow City Pedagogical University offers about 200 undergraduate and graduate programs. According to Vice-Rector Dmitry Agranat, the biggest competition usually occurs in programs related to foreign languages. The competition for history and mathematics has grown. Very in demand pedagogical specialties with two training profiles. This year, 254 budget places have been allocated for them.

In addition to traditional areas, the university offers, for example, the specialty “Organization of Work with Youth,” “Adaptive Physical Education,” and “Socio-Cultural Activities.” Future freshmen need to know: starting from this year, in many university programs, students will be able to choose the modules to study themselves. For example, a future political scientist may choose economic or psychological modules. A student can have up to 30 percent of such elective classes.

What kind of teachers are needed most in schools? Philologists are teachers of Russian and foreign languages, mathematics, physical education, and primary school.

New programs in master's programs at universities:

"Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems" - HSE

"Medieval Studies" - HSE

"Languages ​​and Cultures of Africa" ​​- St. Petersburg State University

"Urban real estate and territorial development" - St. Petersburg State University

"Sports Diplomacy" - MGIMO

"Industry marketing of goods and services" - MGIMO

"International humanitarian cooperation and external relations regions" - MGIMO

Infographics "RG" / Mikhail Shipov / Irina Ivoilova


Students named the best and worst universities. Among the leaders are MEPhI, Law University. Kutafina and MGIMO.

The results of a study of universities based on the opinions of students and their reviews on the Internet (the so-called Internet leaks) have become known. Most positive feedback received MEPhI, Moscow State law university them. Kutafin, MGIMO, St. Petersburg State University, RANEPA, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkina, Financial University under the Government, MSLU, LETI.

Most negative reviews received from students MAI, St. Petersburg State economic university, UrFU named after. Yeltsin.

So, what do students like most about their university? Professionalism, interest of teachers, rich student life, good hostel, justified expectations from the university, good practice, high reputation of the university and position in the ranking. By the way, the new ranking “Three Missions of the University” included 13 in the top 200 Russian universities. Including those that students called the best.

But this is why the university receives negative reviews from students: boring, useless lectures, weak students, corruption, problems with the dormitory, incompetence of the dean’s office staff.

What worries students most? In the first place - the professionalism and interest of teachers, in the second - the quality of lectures, seminars, the availability of master classes, practices, in the third - student life and the atmosphere at the university, in the fourth - the quality and comfort in the hostel, in the fifth - the location of the university. In the last positions (18th, 19th and 20th places) are canteens, scholarships and the cost of studying.

An applicant can only think about how to score a lot of points in order to enter a university on a budget. And if there is a general passing score on the Unified State Examination (from 20 to 40 points for various items), then each university has its own passing score.

11th grade is the most stressful academic year. After all, you need to get a certificate (preferably, only with positive grades) and pass the Unified State Exam with high scores, and choose the universities where you want to go, and show yourself brilliantly in the entrance exams and think about whether there is even a chance of enrolling on a budget. And then wait a painfully long time (2-3 weeks) for the results and the coveted list of applicants. In general, this summer is not made for relaxation. A complete hassle.

But you can get by, as they say, and little blood. You just need to know the “golden” rules of the applicant, which will allow you to bypass all stages of admission with success.

Firstly, you should decide on universities in advance. Best of all, one or two years before graduation. (in any case, 11th grade is the deadline).

Secondly, you need to start preparing for the Unified State Exam not when there are 2-3 months left before the exam, but 2-3 years in advance, or at least a year in advance). And if it is not possible to study with a tutor or attend courses, then you need to study on your own. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and do tasks conscientiously. Then you can pass the exams with very high scores.

Thirdly, even if your scores are not very high and you have the opportunity to pay for your studies, you should still apply for a budget. If suddenly there are enough points for such a place, and when submitting the application it was not noted that the person is enrolling on a budget, then he will only be able to study for a fee.

Where is it easy to go on a budget? To take a “place in the sun”, you need to work hard and give your best, without relying on cheat sheets and easy tasks on the exam paper. You need to feel ready for the exams. Don't judge your chances based on last year's results. During admission, everything can change dramatically: the score will rise significantly or, conversely, fall. Moreover, there is equal probability both situations.

However, there is a list of the best universities in Russia where you can and should try to enroll on a budget in order to take the first step towards education, professionalism and a successful career.

Many applicants bypass the university, which is called the main one in the country. It's about, of course, about Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. It seems that since the university is the most prestigious, and famous people teach there, then that’s it, it’s not even worth trying to enroll. There is simply no chance. But this is a mistaken opinion. It is quite possible to take a “place in the sun” at Moscow State University. The main thing is to try and strive for your goal. As a rule, at this university you need to take two internal exams for each department.

So, in order to enter the journalism department, you need to write an essay on a given topic and pass an interview. And in order to study as a linguist, you need to write an essay in your native language. foreign languages. As a result, the scores for the Unified State Exam and internal exams are summed up, and based on these results, people are enrolled in paid and budget places. And if there are places left both here and here, then the second wave begins, where all the places will be finally distributed.

Also at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov has its own “Lomonosov Olympiad”, after winning which, the applicant gets a chance to enter the budget without exams. He is either given credit for internal exams of 100 points, or the Unified State Exam according to the same system, or is immediately offered budget place. This Olympiad includes all subjects, so it is possible to get into any department. The Lomonosov Olympics begins in winter. In addition, winning it provides benefits to other universities.

Another good university- MSUP im. Ivan Fedorov. He is called the best " specialized university countries". The main areas are publishing and journalism, but there are economics, advertising and many other faculties. Therefore, the university cannot be called narrow-profile. Almost always, all faculties have budget places, and when the government does not allocate them, the university offers applicants so-called “grants” (payment for the student’s studies at the expense of the university). The advantage of this system is that the first lines are occupied not by beneficiaries and winners of Olympiads, but by people who received the most points. A significant disadvantage: students who receive grants do not receive a scholarship because they are officially registered paid branch. Internal exams are provided for in almost any faculty, but there are also those where only Unified State Exam results. Total score 2014 scores range from 218 for three exams to 310 for four exams. Much depends on the specialization.

IN Russian University It is also quite possible to enroll in the People's Friendship University (RUDN University), although this university has been in the leading ranks of the best universities in the country for several years now. Here you must pass internal exams and have fairly high Unified State Exam scores. But there is a chance to enroll in 2014.

IN High School Economics (NRU HSE), like Moscow State University, has its own Olympics. If you win it, you will have a chance to enter the budget without exams. However, this Olympiad requires certain knowledge, but you should not miss this opportunity. After all, this Olympiad provides some benefits for admission to other universities.

The government allocates quite a lot of budget places to RSSU, but in 2013 there was no budget for the Faculty of Journalism, but in 2014 it appeared. Some faculties require additional exams, but, most often, they are accepted based on the results of the Unified State Examination. The passing score varies depending on the number of exams and applicants.

In Moscow, of course, huge amount Universities where, although it is not very easy, it is quite possible to enroll on a budget. However, not every applicant can come to the capital of Russia, no matter how much he wants to. But there's nothing to worry about. Every city in our country has wonderful universities where you can master any profession you choose. For a “high” education it is not at all necessary to go to another city.

So, in St. Petersburg, the main university is, of course, St. Petersburg State University. There are almost all specialties there, and the chances of getting a budget place, despite the prestige of the university. Although there are quite a few universities in St. Petersburg where you can try your luck.

Samara has two of the most famous university: Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Samara State University of Economics, where there is also a chance to enter on a budget. Although you will have to endure it with dignity difficult exams, but if everything goes well, then the budget is secured.

By the way, if you have chosen a creative specialty related to stage and art, and you have decided to enter, for example, theater university, then the results of the Unified State Exam are not so important. Of course, they will pay attention to them (you must take literature in the Unified State Examination. And even if you barely pass the minimum minimum), but first of all they will look at how the applicant shows himself during internal exams. And in the majority creative universities are credited based on their results. If a person performed well in internal exams, then they will not pay attention to low Unified State Examinations. However, if there are not enough entrance points, then good USE could be a big help.

In 2014, passing scores are not very different from 2013; in some universities they are lower, in others they are higher. That year, universities decided to “punish” applicants, since many of the results were very high due to leakage of answers.

So, to summarize, we need to once again emphasize the “golden” rules for applicants:

— Choose universities that you really want to enroll in, without being afraid of their “big” names. It is advisable to use all 5 chances, but stick to one professional line.

— Don’t be shy to call the admissions office and ask your questions. Go to open days.

- Keep track of passing scores from previous years, but do not rely solely on them.

- Strive to get maximum quantity points in the exam, but if this did not work out, then do not despair. There are also internal exams.

— Even if it is possible to pay for training, still apply for a budget. What if you can get through?

— Prepare all documents in advance. Because the day before you submit your application, you may find out that something is missing. And you should always carry your passport and certificate with you. Often in admissions committee They require you to present original documents.

And you shouldn’t think too much about where to actually go on a budget. After all, every applicant has a chance to enroll on a budget. Without money or any kind of cronyism. But you need to know a lot about your chosen profession, be interested in news in those universities where you want to enroll, constantly learn about updates, study as much as possible on your own in order to successfully pass exams and not despair if something doesn’t work out. There will definitely be failures. This is not the most light moment in life, but it must be passed with dignity. The practice of 2014 shows that applicants who worked hard entered the desired universities. It’s quite possible to do so. But you need to adhere to the “golden” rules of an applicant and not panic over little things.

Every applicant has a chance to enroll on a budget. This is quite possible without money and any kind of cronyism. The main thing is to work hard, have strong desire and not be afraid of difficulties. Then success is guaranteed.

This will happen soon wonderful time years like spring. The leaves will bloom, giving the city a bright green color, and even the air itself will feel a change. Changes will also come to thousands of young people who will soon leave their schools. Over all the years of training, the guys become so close that the sadness of memories of school years inevitable.

However, this is followed by an equally wonderful time - student life. The transition from the status of a schoolchild to the title of student is an important life step in the life of every person. It defines future fate. If you make a mistake in choosing a profession or university, you may regret it for the rest of your life. Therefore to this difficult choice you need to approach it thoroughly, carefully weighing all the pros and cons, thinking through everything in advance.

The capital of our vast Motherland, Moscow, boasts the largest number of students. Applicants come here not only from Moscow itself, which is huge, but also from all over Russia, and even from near and far abroad. There are also cases when guests from distant Western countries come to study. For example, a popular Hollywood actor, being an American by birth, was not found in Western countries worthy and came to Moscow to study at the Moscow Art Theater, from which he graduated, having proven himself from the best side.

Every young person faces the question of where to study in Moscow. Good question. After all, there are a huge number of universities in Moscow, both public and private. Their number in total, perhaps, there will be over a hundred, and it will be difficult to illuminate them all. However, it is possible to mention

Moscow State University

Well, you can start the story, perhaps, with Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov (hereinafter - Moscow State University). One of the oldest higher educational institutions not only in Russia, but throughout the world. It was founded back in the eighteenth century on the initiative of the great Russian public and scientists Ivan Shuvalov and Mikhail Lomonosov.

Since its foundation, the university has been constantly developing. And it obviously has no plans to slow down. For almost three hundred years there has been constant development. New faculties and departments are opening here, the number of students is increasing, all kinds of scientific and public projects. Getting into MSU is not easy. After all, a big competition eliminates the majority of applicants. The passing score for the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics was 323 points. But the highest passing score for the specialty “Bioengineering and Bioinformatics” is 456 points.

Universities of the capital

And here, a puzzled person may ask the question: “Also, where to go to school in Moscow?” There are many options. These are different specialized universities with a specific focus - humanitarian, technical, agricultural, aviation, highway, pedagogical, economic, design and many others. The choice of places where it is easier to enroll in Moscow is huge. The main thing is not to relax yourself and show perseverance and perseverance when preparing for the entrance exams. Another important factor in the choice of profession that I would like to highlight is admission from the second year.

That is, you shouldn’t be upset if you didn’t manage to get into your desired profession the first time and go where it’s easier. Millions of people with such a hasty decision ruin their lives, tormenting their souls with something other than their profession. Try to prepare more thoroughly and enroll in the second year, because you have a choice - a lost year or lost life. The average, of course, is considerable. However, there is nothing overwhelming or supernatural in overcoming it.


But let's return to prestigious universities. Special attention deserves Moscow state institute international relations(hereinafter referred to as MGIMO).

The educational institution is famous for its level of training of highly qualified specialists in public and economic specialties. The MGIMO stamp on a higher education diploma is business card. It testifies to the professionalism of a specialist in his field. It is naturally difficult to enter this university, and to study there is even more difficult, but as the Russian proverb says, “The root of learning is bitter and its fruit is sweet.”

After graduating from this educational institution, all your efforts will be more than rewarded. But the average passing score is very high - for most specialties you must have at least 90 points. But for the specialty "International Journalism" it is necessary for the candidate to have at least 100.75 points. And the cost paid training 510 thousand rubles. per year and above.

University named after I. M. Sechenov and other medical

This is not the end of the list of places to study in Moscow. This is just the beginning. Many, one way or another, want to connect their lives with medical activities, and Moscow provides many opportunities for this.

Probably the most prestigious medical university in Moscow is the Moscow State medical university them. I. M. Sechenov. It trains prestigious specialists. There are many other prestigious medical universities, such as: Medical and Dental Institute named after. A. I. Evdokimova, Medical named after. N.I. Pirogov, medicine and biotechnology.

Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin, RGUP and RPA of the Ministry of Justice

Many applicants dream of connecting their lives with legal activities and legal practice and are planning to enter law universities in Moscow. State-run, with budget places, although limited, they are still available, and the chance of enrolling in them is quite realistic. The Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (hereinafter referred to as MSAL) deserves special mention. This is a prestigious law school. It provides quality education V legal sphere. A remarkable fact is that branches of this educational institution are located not only in Moscow, but also in other regions of Russia, in cities such as Orenburg, Vologda and Kirov. Talking about law schools, we must not forget about the All-Russian state university Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice). Deserves special attention (RGUP). He is engaged in training and retraining of personnel for the judicial system.

Military universities

To the list of places to study in Moscow, you can also add a huge number of military universities. The Military University of the Ministry of Defense can serve as a place for a worthy career start Russian Federation. This is very prestigious establishment. In addition to many military specialties, you can also acquire professions related to legal, economic and humanitarian activities.

But it should be remembered that service to the Motherland is a great responsibility, choosing which you must take care of your honor and reputation. After all, they will determine life well-being for a long time.

University named after I.M. Gubkin

Now let's talk about one more thing the best university Moscow. Today, a promising industry is mining. Those who have a desire to connect their lives with this activity can enroll in I.M. Gubkin. Specialists who are graduates of this university work at prestigious enterprises.

A little conclusion

As you can see, there are a huge number of places where you can submit documents. There are universities that are much easier to enroll in Moscow, and there are those that are much more difficult.

However, when choosing a specialty, it is important to remember that when choosing a job, you choose your destiny. And that it must be conscious and deliberate. Of course, it’s worth listening to the advice of loved ones. However, you don’t need to rely only on them. You need to choose your own path, take responsibility for it and reap the rewards. Do what you love and love what you do.

The time is coming entrance exams to universities. Naturally, many of yesterday’s schoolchildren would like not only to go to university, but to get into budget department, and even to one of the leading universities in Russia. We suggest you familiarize yourself with who can apply for a budget place, how to prepare for admission and what documents need to be submitted to the admissions committee.

The time is coming entrance exams to universities. Naturally, many of yesterday’s schoolchildren would like not only to go to university, but to get into a budget department, and even into one of the leading universities in Russia.

Let us immediately emphasize that if the results of the Unified State Exam are not encouraging with high scores, then admission to prestigious university(even for the commercial department) you will most likely have to forget. If you are confident in your abilities or are not applying for a place at a leading university, then we suggest you familiarize yourself with who can apply for a budget place, how to prepare for admission and what documents need to be submitted to the admissions committee.

Who can apply for a budget place at a university?

To receive special advantages when entering a budget department, an applicant must meet at least one of the three criteria below.

High USE results

Result passing the Unified State Exam plays decisive role upon admission. Choosing necessary items(according to the chosen profession), you need to earn the maximum number of points, which guarantees successful completion on the budget.

In order to get a high score on the Unified State Exam, you need to start preparing in advance. If with choice of university the question is resolved long before the Unified State Exam, then you can take training in preparatory courses for passing state exam at the chosen university. This method will help not only improve your knowledge, but also prove yourself in advance to future teachers.

A good way to prepare for the exam is to contact a tutor. Thanks to individual approach A tutor will help fill exactly the gap in knowledge that is necessary to achieve success in the exam. Some students may need assistance from both additional courses and a tutor.

Both types of preparation will require considerable financial expenditure from parents. However, if you take into account the cost of studying at a university on a commercial basis, you can understand that paying for a tutor or additional courses is a profitable investment.

Winners and medalists of the Olympiads

Some students are still in primary school show certain abilities in certain subjects. They take an active part in the Olympiads different levels(Internet Olympiads, international, regional and regional competitions). Such students can also apply for budget place at a university. At the same time, since the universities themselves are interested in the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads enrolling to study with them, they are given the right to enroll without entrance exams.

However, it is important to understand that winners and medalists of the Olympics can count on benefits only if they enroll in a specialized field. If the award is received for participation in the Olympiad in another area, then the applicant is enrolled on a general basis.

Special category

  • disabled children;
  • children with disabilities;
  • low-income families;
  • military personnel;
  • orphans;
  • Chernobyl victims.

Despite meeting the preferential category, passing state exam compulsory for them. Availability high score also plays a role. If necessary, such applicants are given the opportunity to undergo preparatory courses at the educational institution on a free basis.

The following tips will help parents not waste time and help their children prepare as much as possible for the upcoming exams and, accordingly, get an advantage when entering a budget department:

  • Clearly plan the student’s daily routine.
  • Don't let your child's education take its course. At the same time, give complex subjects morning hours and approach the question several times.
  • Provide for the child active recreation, walks on fresh air, proper nutrition.
  • Consider the exam as a way to demonstrate your accumulated knowledge.
  • Conduct regular training on passing the exam and jointly analyze mistakes.
  • Remember that the parents’ peace of mind is the key to the child’s balance.
  • Ensure adequate sleep before the exam.

To increase your chances of admission to budget department the future applicant needs:

  • begin preparation for studying at a university at least 2 years before admission (provided that the direction of training has already been chosen);
  • decide in advance on educational institutions and the number of exams;
  • take an active part in all public events related to specialized subjects;
  • use all methods to improve the quality of knowledge ( further reading, tutoring, additional courses);
  • send documents to at least two educational institutions;
  • choose a related specialty, with fewer people per place (with the possibility of further transfer).

Advantages and pitfalls of the budget department

The very name “budget department” suggests that you can count on free training, which allows you to get higher education even the poor category of our compatriots. At the same time, a good help for students of the free department is the availability of a monthly stipend (subject to good grades per semester).

It is also worth noting that students budget forms of education Those who have to achieve everything through their own labor, as a rule, become highly professional specialists, ambitious and in demand in the modern labor market.

Those students who are lucky enough to enroll in free education should remember that they will be subject to close attention teaching staff of the university. If behavior does not meet the norms and academic performance is low, the expulsion documents will not take long to arrive and will quickly end up on the rector’s desk.

Documents required for enrollment in the budget department

List of documents required for receipts for the budget department, is actually no different from the package submitted by an applicant entering the commercial department:

  • document confirming receipt of complete general education(certificate) or secondary vocational education (diploma from a technical school or college);
  • application for enrollment (accepted without marks or corrections);
  • certificate of passing the Unified State Exam (in the required examination subjects);
  • passport or any other document confirming the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • medical certificate form 026-U (086-U);
  • black and white photographs (6 pcs.);
  • documents confirming membership in a preferential category (if any);
  • prize documents for Olympiads and other events.

You must make several photocopies of all of the above documents in advance. good quality. It is better if there is an extra copy left over than to rush around looking for the necessary copy.

If necessary, written submitting documents to the university, it is best to send the documents in advance by registered mail with notification.

Some educational institutions add additional items to the main list of documents, which can be found on the website or at the university admissions office.

The time for entrance exams to universities is coming. Naturally, many of yesterday’s schoolchildren would like not only to go to university, but to get into a budget department, and even into one of the leading universities in Russia. We suggest you familiarize yourself with who can apply for a budget place, how to prepare for admission and what documents need to be submitted to the admissions committee.

The time is coming entrance exams to universities. Naturally, many of yesterday’s schoolchildren would like not only to go to university, but to get into a budget department, and even into one of the leading universities in Russia.

Let us immediately emphasize that if the results of the Unified State Exam do not give you high scores, then you will most likely have to forget about entering a prestigious university (even a commercial department). If you are confident in your abilities or are not applying for a place at a leading university, then we suggest you familiarize yourself with who can apply for a budget place, how to prepare for admission and what documents need to be submitted to the admissions committee.

Who can apply for a budget place at a university?

To receive special advantages when entering a budget department, an applicant must meet at least one of the three criteria below.

High USE results

The result of passing the Unified State Exam plays a decisive role in admission. By choosing the right subjects (according to the chosen profession), you need to earn the maximum number of points, which guarantees successful completion on a budget.

In order to get a high score on the Unified State Exam, you need to start preparing in advance. If with choice of university If the issue is resolved long before the Unified State Examination, then you can take preparatory courses for passing the state exam at the chosen university. This method will help not only improve your knowledge, but also prove yourself in advance to future teachers.

A good way to prepare for the exam is to contact a tutor. Thanks to an individual approach, the tutor will help fill exactly the gap in knowledge that is necessary to achieve success in the exam. Some students may need assistance from both additional courses and a tutor.

Both types of preparation will require considerable financial expenditure from parents. However, if you take into account the cost of studying at a university on a commercial basis, you can understand that paying for a tutor or additional courses is a profitable investment.

Winners and medalists of the Olympiads

Some students show certain abilities in certain subjects even in elementary school. They take an active part in Olympiads at various levels (Internet Olympiads, international, regional and regional competitions). Such students can also apply for budget place at a university. At the same time, since the universities themselves are interested in the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads enrolling to study with them, they are given the right to enroll without entrance exams.

However, it is important to understand that winners and medalists of the Olympics can count on benefits only if they enroll in a specialized field. If the award is received for participation in the Olympiad in another area, then the applicant is enrolled on a general basis.

Special category

  • disabled children;
  • children with disabilities;
  • low-income families;
  • military personnel;
  • orphans;
  • Chernobyl victims.

Despite meeting the preferential category, passing state exam compulsory for them. Having a high score also plays a role. If necessary, such applicants are given the opportunity to take preparatory courses at the educational institution free of charge.

The following tips will help parents not waste time and help their children prepare as much as possible for the upcoming exams and, accordingly, get an advantage when entering a budget department:

  • Clearly plan the student’s daily routine.
  • Don't let your child's education take its course. At the same time, devote morning hours to difficult subjects and approach the question several times.
  • Provide your child with active rest, walks in the fresh air, and proper nutrition.
  • Consider the exam as a way to demonstrate your accumulated knowledge.
  • Conduct regular training on passing the exam and jointly analyze mistakes.
  • Remember that the parents’ peace of mind is the key to the child’s balance.
  • Ensure adequate sleep before the exam.

To increase your chances of admission to budget department the future applicant needs:

  • begin preparation for studying at a university at least 2 years before admission (provided that the direction of training has already been chosen);
  • decide in advance on educational institutions and the number of exams;
  • take an active part in all public events related to specialized subjects;
  • use all methods to improve the quality of knowledge (additional literature, tutoring, additional courses);
  • send documents to at least two educational institutions;
  • choose a related specialty, with fewer people per place (with the possibility of further transfer).

Advantages and pitfalls of the budget department

The very name “budget department” suggests that you can count on free education, which allows even the poorest category of our compatriots to receive higher education. At the same time, a good help for students of the free department is the availability of a monthly stipend (subject to good grades for the semesters).

It is also worth noting that students budget forms of education Those who have to achieve everything through their own labor, as a rule, become highly professional specialists, ambitious and in demand in the modern labor market.

Those students who are lucky enough to enroll in free education need to remember that they will be under the close attention of the university teaching staff. If behavior does not meet the norms and academic performance is low, the expulsion documents will not take long to arrive and will quickly end up on the rector’s desk.

Documents required for enrollment in the budget department

List of documents required for receipts for the budget department, is actually no different from the package submitted by an applicant entering the commercial department:

  • a document indicating receipt of complete general education (certificate) or secondary vocational education (diploma from a technical school or college);
  • application for enrollment (accepted without marks or corrections);
  • certificate of passing the Unified State Exam (in the required examination subjects);
  • passport or any other document confirming the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • medical certificate form 026-U (086-U);
  • black and white photographs (6 pcs.);
  • documents confirming membership in a preferential category (if any);
  • prize documents for Olympiads and other events.

Of all the above documents, you must make several good quality photocopies in advance. It is better if there is an extra copy left over than to rush around looking for the necessary copy.

If necessary, written submitting documents to the university, it is best to send the documents in advance by registered mail with notification.

Some educational institutions add additional items to the main list of documents, which can be found on the website or in the admissions office of the university.

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