Chubik Petr Savelyevich TPU scandal. TPU Rector Petr Chubik: All new technologies are born in the military-industrial complex

Pyotr Savelyevich Chubik(born July 7, 1954, Krasnoyarsk Territory) - rector of Tomsk Polytechnic University(since 2008), Vice-President of the Association engineering education Russia, Vice-President of the Association technical universities, Chairman of the Council of the Association “Tomsk Consortium of Scientific, Educational and Scientific Organizations”. Co-chairman of the Association Council of the Consortium of Key Universities of the State Corporation Rosatom, member of the Council of the Association of Leading Universities of Russia, member of the expert council under the Deputy Governor Tomsk region on the scientific and educational complex and innovation policy. Party member " United Russia».


Born on July 7, 1954 in the village of Nikolsk, Taseevsky district Krasnoyarsk Territory. He studied at school in Osinniki, Kemerovo region. In 1971 he entered the geological exploration department of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, now University (TPU). In 1976 he received a diploma mining engineer majoring in “Technology and equipment for exploration of mineral deposits”. He has been working at TPU since 1976, immediately after graduation.

He was an engineer in the research sector, assistant, senior lecturer and associate professor at the Department of Mineral Exploration Engineering. In 1995, he was elected to the position of head of the Department of Oil and Gas Well Drilling. In 1999 - 2001 - Dean of the Faculty of Geological Exploration and Oil and Gas Production. Since April 2001 – Vice-Rector for educational work, and part-time - Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Well Drilling (now - Well Drilling) and from April 16, 2003 to June 30, 2004 - Director of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business.

From April 2005 to September 2008, he worked as Deputy Governor of the Tomsk Region for Personnel Policy. From September 12, 2008 to December 29, 2008, he served as rector of Tomsk Polytechnic University. On December 17, 2008 he was elected, and on December 30, 2008 he was approved as rector of TPU. On December 12, 2013, he was re-elected, and on December 31, 2013, he was confirmed as rector of TPU.

On February 2, 2012, the candidacy of P. S. Chubik was proposed by the United Russia party to the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev for the post of Governor of the Tomsk Region.

Scientific activities

On November 20, 1987, he defended his thesis “Optimization of the quality of flushing fluids when drilling exploration wells with diamond rock-cutting tools in complex geological conditions"at the Leningrad Mining Institute. He defended his doctoral dissertation “Scientific and methodological foundations for optimizing the quality of drilling fluids” on April 5, 2000 at TPU. On November 19, 1992, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the department of mineral exploration technology, and on October 17, 2001 - the academic title of professor in the department of oil and gas well drilling.

Region scientific interests: improving educational quality and performance scientific activity universities, greening and optimization of the quality of drilling fluids.

He is one of Russia's leading specialists in the field of drilling fluids. Author and co-author 250 scientific works, including 8 monographs, a textbook and 6 teaching aids, 9 inventions.

Full member International Academy sciences high school, Russian engineering academy And Russian Academy natural sciences.

Trained at the All-Russian Research Institute for Well Casing and Drilling Fluids (Krasnodar), at OJSC TomskNIPIneft; in research, training and engineering centers of Schlumberger (UK). In 2000, the personnel certification body TV Akademie Rheinland awarded the international qualification of Quality Management Commissioner. As part of the program " Public Relations» In 2001, he completed an internship at universities and colleges in the state of Arizona, USA (received a certificate from the US State Department). In 2002, he completed training at the German Management Academy of Lower Saxony (DMAN) in the program “University Management System. Quality Management System" (DMAN certificate received). In 2005, he improved his qualifications at the Russian Academy civil service under the President Russian Federation. In 2009 - in the Federal State educational institution"Academy of Additional vocational education"under the program "Methods and technologies of university management in modern conditions."

"H"epitia at the Academy" is a regular column of Pravda.Ru. Today, writer, science journalist Vladimir Gubarev talks with the rector of Tomsk Polytechnic University Petr Chubik. The main topics of the conversation are scientific research at universities, Unified State Examination, new technologies in the military-industrial complex and energy development in Russia.

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Sometimes you want to start with poetry. Especially in cases when they are sincere and reflect your feelings about meeting people who are in love with their profession, their business, their small homeland. This happened to me as soon as I crossed the threshold of the Tomsk Polytechnic... I remembered the poems of Elena Chibir, a graduate of the University. And the lines were born when she was still a student:

"A whole century is behind you, but you don't grow old -

You are getting younger every day.

Apparently you will remain forever young

You are in my student heart...

Years passed - a century flew by:

How many minds have you produced?

Count how many there are in the world,

Academicians, professors,

Engineers, programmers...

You can’t count all the professions!…

You even trained artists

And there are excellent poets!..."

As you know, poetry opens the soul. What is it like at TPU? Probably, the rector Petr Savelyevich Chubik knows this best, whose life from youth to current maturity is inextricably linked with Tomsk Polytechnic University. And it would be a sin not to ask him about this.

And I began to get the answer to my question as I climbed the steps of the main building to the rector’s office. They had three words on them: Knowledge, Freedom, Prosperity. Written in Russian and English... This means that it’s not only “our” people who walk up the steps...

However, forward to understanding the soul of “Polytech”!


It was unusual, beautiful, unforgettable. Students of Tomsk Political University gathered at the Palace of Entertainment and Sports. On that autumn day, those boys and girls who became freshmen were honored. TPU Rector Petr Chubik gave parting words. He began like this: “The ancients said that the obvious does not need proof, so I will give just 10 facts that prove that you made the right choice...

Fact #1:“The three most prestigious university rankings are known:QS, TNE and Shanghai. We are already present in the first two. Think about it: there are 22 thousand universities in the world, we are among the three hundred best of them. This is a list of success!"

At the beginning of the conversation I asked:

— Personal question: the surname “Chubik” is unusual. I haven't met her before...

- No, it is widespread in Western Ukraine - my parents are from there. They were exiled to the Krasnoyarsk region, where I was born. School years mine took place in Kuzbass, and now I’ve been in Tomsk for forty-five years. Since the time I came to enter the Polytechnic. I didn’t cheat on him or Tomsk because I was attached to them. If you visit the Rivne (now Rivne) region of Ukraine, you will often see the surname “Chubik” there. In my opinion, it comes from the Cossacks, the Dnieper basin after all. Unfortunately, I know little about the history of my family, because the documents have not survived...

— Yes, it wasn’t only the 90s that were “dashing”...

- ... Some photographs were preserved, and I made a family album, signed those who were in the photo. This is for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren - so that they don’t lose what I know... Even that little...

- Agree. This is a must do!

— Maternal and paternal ancestors from Volyn — from the Russian Empire. My mother's grandfather fought in the First World War. My mother’s older brother was born in 1414 and died in the Great Patriotic War. My grandmother told me how she was left alone with her little son in her arms when “grandfather went to fight with the Germans...” - that’s what she said. He returned: in 1918 another son was born, then my mother, then her two more sisters. There is no one alive anymore, everyone has gone to another world... In 21, Comrade Lenin gave this part of the Russian Empire to Poland, and my mother and father were already born there. They also studied in Poland - my father knew this language quite well. In 1939, Comrade Stalin annexed this part of Poland to Soviet Union. And immediately after the war, many residents of Western Ukraine were resettled to Siberia. In 1991, Volyn already became part of Ukraine. In general, over the course of a century, the residents of one village, without leaving anywhere, changed their country of residence four times.

— There are a lot of exiled children among Siberians, and even your graduates...

“I didn’t feel it myself at all.” There was no harassment in this regard.

Fact No. 2: “One fifth of all TPU students are foreigners. Representatives of 40 countries, more than 4,500 people. You are lucky: the university gives you the opportunity to communicate live with residents different countries, cultures, traditions, religions, customs."

— In your speech to students, you mentioned that immediately after entering the institute you were sent to grow potatoes, but current students are no longer sent to the village. I was also in the village for a month, and I remember that time with great pleasure. Maybe we should do the same with current students?!

“We weren’t working on potatoes, but we were shoveling grain and drying it. They ate together, worked together “from dawn to dusk,” that is, around the clock. We got to know each other better. By the way, for the second half of the month I was a foreman, that is, even then I began to be promoted to chief. We became friends, and this certainly helped our group unite and become a team. And one more thing: we were young, memories of that time, of course, warm the soul. But times are different now, and there is no need to send students “to grow potatoes.” Therefore, we are trying to find new forms that help young men and women integrate into the student environment. To a certain extent, we succeed in this, including through such events as “Initiation as Students.” Just yesterday I read a sociological report on the adaptation of freshmen. In general, everything is going well, although for 20 percent of students adaptation is slow... By the way, I also visited vegetable bases, leading student groups, potatoes, and a construction site. In total, it will take several years, at least three. But today, I repeat, this is not the case and, probably, from the point of view of the profession, career, this is correct. I earned an apartment at a construction site for 23 months, already being a candidate of sciences. He came running from the construction site, took off his padded jacket, cotton pants, felt boots and galoshes and ran to the institute to lecture. For three months I was a slinger without having any documents for it! They laid communications without the participation of builders... Many years have passed since then, but communications are working! Various managers came to us and said that we are not builders, they say, we don’t swear...

- Can you?

- Of course, because I’m a geologist...

- Then next question is obvious: why the Faculty of Geological Exploration?

— There was throwing at school. My mother suffered from bronchial asthma and wanted me to become a doctor. My sister did not become a doctor, but medical education received. She lives in Donetsk, and this is another one of mine headache. My parents are buried there. They moved there when there was still one country... I was engaged in tourism, where, by the way, I met my future wife. We rafted down rivers, went to the mountains, and then a love for nature, partly for geology, appeared. But I still wanted to become a helicopter pilot more. For the military, to fly for a certain amount of time, and then move to civil aviation and work with geologists and oil workers. I almost entered college, I successfully passed the difficult medical commission, but it was necessary to remove the tonsils... And I was scared! I still deleted them, but that was only later, 6-7 years later. Obruchev had an influence on my choice of geological exploration faculty. His novels were read by them. He was the first dean of the mining department at our institute. Then I had the chance to lead this structure - I was the 21st and 23rd dean after Obruchev. And I'm proud of it. His granddaughters have been here several times, and I personally know them. It also fell to my lot to create the Museum of Academicians Obruchev-Usov. Still, amazing things happen in our lives!

— I was thinking: does the polytechnic have a “soul”? And does the story with Obruchev, a scientist and writer, have anything to do with it?

- I present student cards freshmen, and then sometimes diplomas for graduates. One and the same. I see people transforming. Five years ago, when they arrived to us, they were ugly ducklings, but they leave us, turning into beautiful swans! And this happens after short term- only five years. The changes are colossal! They leave as professionals confident people, patriots. I don’t know how this happens. The university certainly instills its values ​​in them, but how this happens is difficult to trace.

- Intangible, but real?

Fact #3:"Not only are we open to the world, but the world is open to us. 170 universities in different continents available to polytechnic students as part of academic exchanges, internships, and practices. Therefore, remember: knowing another language is very important! You can also see the world as a volunteer. Volunteers take part in the largest events around the world."

“It seems to me that you were always a little ahead.” Under construction Trans-Siberian Railway- you are born to provide her with engineers. Then the bridge workers, followed by geologists, since the country needs new deposits and they have to be developed, well, and then " Atomic project USSR" and "Tomsk-7" occupies a special place in it - your branch appears there... By the way, this closed city is now called "Seversk", but it is no longer your branch there, but MEPhI. Why?

— While still a vice-rector, I signed diplomas for graduates of our branch in this city. But then he had a desire to become independent industry university. And today the head of the branch is ready to return to his native box. At one time, the emergence of Seversk gave a very real impetus to the development of polytechnics, and we do not forget about this. A huge number of nuclear scientists have been trained. At one time, the directors of all nuclear power plants were our graduates - in my opinion, a remarkable fact. So we are ready to take the branch back. By the way, not only they are asking, but others too. However, this kind of “merger” must be treated with caution, since excessive expansion threatens to become a burden, which cannot be allowed. Moreover, we plan to enter the TOP 100...

- What is this?

- At a hundred best universities peace.

- For what?

- You need a dream and a big goal...

- "Big"?

- Of course, because it’s harder to miss...

— It’s a good joke, but still?

- If you are walking without a goal, there is no point in choosing a road. We must honestly admit that previously there was no big science. Now the situation is changing, but there are debates about whether it is necessary to give money for science to universities, they say, there is no opportunity to develop it there. We need to understand that the world has changed radically. One of the main agents of change is the Internet.

I used to go into the classroom with students as a monopolist on knowledge. They looked into my mouth, since they could not get such information anywhere else. Today everything is different. The teacher says something to the audience, and the student, without leaving the room, turns on the Internet and finds a lecture there, which is being given on the same topic in the best universities in the world. The monopoly on knowledge has been lost. And a teacher today can remain in demand and respected by a student only if he is engaged in science in this area, publishes in prestigious magazines, conducts research, speaks at conferences. Then it's for students respected man. This is a fundamental change. If a university is good, then its teachers are obliged to engage in science. Unfortunately, many people do not understand this.

— But extremes are dangerous when they say that all science now needs to be “done” in universities?! Moreover, they claim that only old people are left at the Academy and they are not capable of anything?!

- We don’t have such problems. We work with everyone in good health, which are in Tomsk. Yes, we do not have the resources to basic research. Some opportunities have now appeared, we have launched seven mega-grants, these are essentially foundations for the future. We lead a lot applied works, some of them date back to Soviet times. But sooner or later these “reserves” will run out, and therefore we must definitely think about the future. That's why we work together with large academic institutions.

For example, we have many projects related to materials. We evaluate the quality of welded seams of rocket bodies, have developed anti-meteorite optically transparent coatings for windows, microtomographs, cooperate with Reshetnev’s company, where Earth satellites are created... Many of our graduates are employed in space industry, they head the parent enterprises, and therefore we have close cooperation with Roscosmos, where they know our capabilities well and try to use them.

— Are you trying to stay close to advanced technologies?

- Certainly. In particular, with military-industrial complex. I openly say that it is there that fundamentally new technologies are born, which are then widely used in civilian areas. More precisely: they can and should be used.


Fact #4:"Our teachers are your mentors. They are also constantly learning. The effective contact we make with you every year is their personal ladder to success. They must compete in global space- be researchers, publish your articles in prestigious scientific journals world, constantly polishing your teaching skills."

— Space and nuclear technology yesterday and today, but what about tomorrow?

— And tomorrow, for example, thorium fuel for high temperature reactors. To safely receive electricity, ensure long work without reloading fuel, produce hydrogen in industrial quantities. Hydrogen energy is the future of the economy. The theme is "beautiful", isn't it?

— Many scientists are sure that this is the same revolution in the history of civilization as the invention of the steam engine?

— Powerful thorium reactors are, of course, a dream, but we are trying to bring it closer. We are engaged and fuel cells for hydrogen energy. Partial financing is provided by Gazprom. The idea is to use a small portion of the gas from the pipeline to generate electricity. I can’t say that we already have such installations, but we are close to creating them. Still in the country huge amount villages where there are no electrical networks. There are diesel power plants there. The generator is working - there is light. We need to import diesel fuel. You can't drag a gas pipeline through swamps - it's expensive. But bringing a tank with liquefied gas to the village is quite possible and much more profitable than with diesel fuel. So our units can be used in the most different conditions- both in remote villages and in geological parties, and the military will not refuse them. We try to work in different areas- and in nuclear medicine, fortunately we have our own reactor - it’s a sin not to use it when there is a “cash cow” ...

— This is the first time I’ve heard it called that. nuclear reactor?!

— From such a “cow” we get not milk, but radiopharmaceuticals. By the way, all the reactors in the district are closed - I mean Seversk, but the control bodies remain. More than 20 inspections per year! Excessive checks make it very difficult to work. We are constantly under control, under the “magnifying glass of suspicion” as potential violators.

Fact #5:“Education at our university is multi-level: undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate. TPU strives to become a master’s and postgraduate type university. This means that we give you maximum opportunities to build a career, because master’s and postgraduate programs are already elite levels of education.”

In the past, 20-25 percent of school graduates entered universities. Today up to 80 percent. About 60 percent are provided budget places, and also “payers”. At the same time, the school did not increase the share of capable children inclined to receive higher education. That’s why people come to universities with very different backgrounds. And for us this is a huge problem. How can a teacher read in one thread? high level mathematics, if 20 percent of students understand it at this level, 60 percent understand it on average, and the rest understand it poorly!? In response, we began to introduce a three-level system - in particular, as the highest level - elite technical education. On a competitive basis, we select talented children who receive in-depth knowledge in mathematics, physics, computer science, and foreign languages.

- What if they can’t handle it?

- Return to regular groups. We place demands on the “middle class” that are slightly higher than those officially accepted, but from the weak we demand the minimum that is necessary. This is a very expensive program. You need to have decent resources to split teaching into three streams, but we were forced to do it. IN recent years began to raise the bar for university admissions. The lower threshold for the Unified State Examination score was raised to 50. The year before last we did not fill all the budget places, but we did not lower the bar. Of course, I took a risk, because I didn’t fulfill government assignment. I didn’t sleep for three days, wondering if it was worth risking this?! It was easy to fill out: lower the bar a little, and please - complete set! They complained about me everywhere - right up to the Presidential Administration. Fortunately, the President said in his Message that the weak should not be admitted to universities, and the complainers left me alone - who among them would argue with the President?! By the way, our ministry supports such a policy...

— Now the average is 75 points?

— Yes, and we are slowly raising the bar. They recruited good guys. But there are problems. In the country, only 22 percent of school graduates passed physics. And only every tenth school graduate meets our requirements for Unified State Examination scores. Hence, our sample is very small; we need to raise the level of education in schools.

- So, one of most important tasks university to look for talent among applicants?

“We understand perfectly well that if the selection is good, then it is incomparably easier to work with students. And here our training system begins to operate. It is very wide...

— Is the “soul of Polytechnic” being born?

- You can say so.

- And an example?

— Encouraging the best is important. For each "Tatya's Day" students who pass the session with "excellent marks" are awarded a bonus. Last year there were, I think, 67 people, and they received three thousand each. This year - 641! We limited ourselves to only a thousand rubles, because the money was extra-budgetary.

— Does the Unified State Exam help or harm?

— It seems to me that the scores still correspond to knowledge. At least there are no problems with those “high-scoring students” who come to us.

Fact #6:“Our graduates are in demand in the world’s leading companies. The university is a partner of the largest state corporations: Gazprom, Rosatom, Roscosmos and many others. 1,200 enterprises interested in high-quality trained specialists offer their vacancies to our graduates.”

— You talked about checks. Is it possible to give an example that demonstrates their meaninglessness?

— This year we entered the TNE rating for the first time, taking position 251-300 (3rd place in the country). In my opinion, people should be encouraged for such achievements so that they strive to become even better. We have issued bonuses to all employees who deserve it. We have a contract system, everyone’s contribution to the overall victory is visible. The students also had to be encouraged, because this was their achievement. And we organized a festive “Initiation as a student,” which you already mentioned. They consulted with the student activists on how best to do this, what they would like, and who to invite to speak to them. They watch TV shows, follow various competitions. And they wanted to see the group “My Michelle” - that’s what it’s called, I think. I didn’t know anything about the group, but since the students wanted it, we invited it. We were accused of choosing the only provider of this service. I don't really understand how to do this on an alternative basis. If you hold a competition, then you need ten “My Michels”... And the one who is ready to give a concert for a lower price is the one to invite? Stupidity... But there are a lot of such checks.

- For what?

— The question is good, but there is no answer to it.

- What would you like?

- Let them check, but not so often... There are people who were disliked from childhood, something didn’t work out in life. How can you establish yourself? Only “attack” (sorry for the expression, but it accurately reflects the situation) on those who have taken place, who are successful. They write all sorts of nonsense to the top, invent non-existent sins and demand to be sorted out. Letters go to all “authorities”. There they are obliged to check the “signals”, realizing, most often, that they are doing nonsense, but our system is designed that way, they will get it themselves if they do nothing. And many are engaged in empty business. This always annoys me very much. In our circle, ten people at the university are engaged every day in “presenting information for all kinds of control and supervisory authorities.”

“This is a waste of gigantic budget funds, and no one wants to cut this crowd of officials!”

— Maybe I’m wrong, but the following figure is spinning in my head: about five million people are involved in state and municipal control.


Main principle what should we strive for?

— So that the achievements of Polytechnic will forever remain in history. Ostankino Tower- our Nikitin, helicopters - Kamov, Satpayev - this is Kazakhstan, the first president of the Academy of Sciences, directors nuclear power plants... There are names, there are unique developments - for example, the first lunar soil was selected by Luna-24, thanks to our Alimov, and so on. I would like such achievements to happen before our eyes, in our time.

— Your motto is “Knowledge. Freedom. Prosperity.” What do you mean?

- Please note that it is written on our banner and on the steps in the main building, but it is not written in the sequence in which we speak. The deep professional knowledge that is embedded in our temple of science and education provides our graduates with a certain freedom - freedom to choose a place of work, position, career advancement, and so on. And such freedom, in a certain sense, ensures prosperity. The sequence - Knowledge, Freedom and Prosperity - works in real life, and we have been convinced of this many times.

Fact #7:“Our scientists find solutions that change life not only on Earth, but also beyond. We are working on creating space 3 D-a printer so that our astronauts on the ISS can print any necessary part, on the creation of underwater robots that will explore the oceans in its most hidden corners without human intervention, on the creation of materials of the future that will work reliably in the most extreme conditions, for example, in the Arctic. Everything we work on is reviewed by leading experts world scientists, and Nobel laureate Dan Shechtman is leading this process."

— I would like to know: in any way did the reform of the Academy of Sciences affect your relationship with academic institutions?

- They have improved. Tomsk maybe good example, but it is not representative for the entire country. It is a university center with more than centuries-old history. He's the only one like that. We have everything academic institutions came from universities, part of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences came from the same place. Our graduates also headed the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences, which was opened in 1944. In Tomsk, respect and trust in science and students is perhaps greater than anywhere else. A very compact city - just over half a million residents - everyone knows each other. Everything is intertwined, we have joint departments, joint dissertation councils, joint projects and, one might say, joint collaborators. Therefore, our relations between the Academy and universities are both businesslike and friendly at the same time.

Fact #8:"In every famous university the world has its own campus. On our campus there are dormitories and academic buildings, canteens, a sanatorium, sports facilities and even an operating nuclear research reactor. Next up is the opening of new dormitories, a swimming pool and an academic building. By the New Year, our campus will change beyond recognition."

“In difficult situations you need to stick together. This is natural for us, if only because there is a chain of universities on the same street. It ends, by the way, with our Theological Seminary. We call it the "University Mile". Where in Russia, and in the whole world, is there such a thing?! Nowhere else, only here in Tomsk. This is a unique phenomenon.

- Why did this happen?

— Everything grew out of the classical university. It was necessary to develop Siberia, a fertile land, and in this process Tomsk played its role" smart city", as they sometimes say about us.

- Do you mind?

- Why dispute the truth?

Fact #9:"In the year of the birth of our university, the inventors of cinema, the Lumière brothers, presented the first cinematograph, and great poet Sergey Yesenin, the first modern Olympic Games. Just like the Olympians, all these years Tomsk Polytechnic University has strived to become stronger, constantly moving upward and accelerating its pace."

— Why weren’t you reunited with the classical university, as happened in Yekaterinburg?

— To be honest, we are thinking about unification. But not about what happened in Krasnoyarsk and Yekaterinburg. Of course, it is tempting to create a powerful scientific and educational holding. But it will make sense if all academic institutes and universities are included in it. In my own way scientific and educational The potential of everything that is in Tomsk is not inferior to MSU.

— Siberian Moscow State University?

- You can say so. But when different legal entities are combined into one, as happened in Yekaterinburg and Krasnoyarsk, then internal competition, which acts as a powerful stimulus for development, disappears. Today we compete with a classical university - yes, it is older than us, but we are trying not to be inferior to it both in the number of projects and in results scientific research, and by the number of awards, and so on. It all bears fruit. Therefore, unification must be approached carefully, preserving what is useful and necessary. Well, the same system legal entities so that each individual link can be independent. For example, TPU can submit only one application for a government award in the field of education. Only one in the field of science and technology and only one for young scientists. It's the same in many science competitions. After the merger, we are immediately deprived of participation in many things like that. So we will lose from formal unification. And it will take a lot of time to grind in, dry out, rearrange, and so on.

Fact #10:“And the last thing. We are cool! And we will become even cooler. And this fact does not require proof.”

— How many years have you been rector?

— The eighth year has begun.

- Is that all there is here?

- All my life.

— Has Polytech changed a lot during this time?

— Are you satisfied with what you did?

- Eat. As soon as this feeling disappears, I will immediately resign.

I know that the rector will not be released! I talked with professors, staff, students, colleagues - and everyone unanimously argued that it was under Pyotr Savelyevich Chubik that Tomsk Polytechnic University became one of the best higher education institutions. educational institutions countries. He not only preserved wonderful traditions, but also increased what he should rightfully be proud of. First of all, by its graduates, who are in demand in the country and the world. More highly appreciated It simply cannot exist!

Read in the series "Tea Parties at the Academy"

Chubik Petr Savelievich- (born July 7, 1954, Krasnoyarsk Territory) - acting rector of Tomsk Polytechnic University (since January 2019), vice-president of the Association of Engineering Education of Russia, vice-president of the Association of Technical Universities, chairman of the Council of the Association "Tomsk Consortium of Scientific- educational and scientific organizations", full member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education and the Russian Academy of Engineering. Co-chairman of the Association Council of the Consortium of Key Universities of the State Corporation Rosatom, member of the Council of the Association of Leading Universities of Russia, member of the expert council under the Deputy Governor of the Tomsk Region for scientific and educational complex and innovation policy. Member of the United Russia party, deputy of the Legislative Duma of the Tomsk region since 2016.


Born on July 7, 1954 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. My school years were spent in Osinniki, Kemerovo region. In 1976, he graduated from the geological exploration department of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, receiving the qualification of a mining engineer with a specialty in “Technology and equipment for exploration of mineral deposits.”

He has been working at the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (since 1976 - university) since his graduation. He held the positions of engineer in the research sector, assistant, senior lecturer and associate professor of the department of mineral exploration technology.

1995 - elected to the position of head of the department of drilling oil and gas wells.

1999-2001 - Dean of the Faculty of Geological Exploration and Oil and Gas Production.

April 2001 - April 2005 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs; part-time: from April 16, 2003 to June 30, 2004 - director of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business - successor to the Faculty of Geological Exploration and Oil and Gas Production; from 2001 to the present - Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Well Drilling, now - Well Drilling.

April 2005 - September 2008 - Deputy Governor of the Tomsk region for personnel policy.

September 12, 2008 - December 29, 2008 - acting Rector of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU).

On February 2, 2012, the candidacy of P. S. Chubik was proposed by the United Russia party to the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev for the post of Governor of the Tomsk Region.

Since 2015 - Honorary Professor of Karaganda State Technical University (Republic of Kazakhstan).

In 2007 - 2018 - Rector of TPU.

Scientific activities

From September 1, 1985 to May 15, 1987, he studied in graduate school under the scientific supervision of Professor S.S. Sulakshina. PhD thesis defended on November 20, 1987 at the Leningrad Mining Institute. In the period from September 1, 1997 to May 8, 1999, he studied in doctoral studies, defended his doctoral dissertation on April 5, 2000 at TPU.

On November 19, 1992, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the department of mineral exploration technology, and on October 17, 2001 - the academic title of professor in the department of oil and gas well drilling.

Area of ​​scientific interests: improving the quality of educational and scientific activities of universities, greening and optimizing the quality of drilling fluids.

He is one of Russia's leading specialists in the field of drilling fluids. Author and co-author of 250 scientific works, including 8 monographs, a textbook and 6 teaching aids, 9 inventions.

Full member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, the Russian Academy of Engineering and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

In 2001, he interned at universities and colleges in the state of Arizona (USA), and in 2002, he studied at the German Academy of State Management of Lower Saxony under the program “University Management System. Quality Management System", in 2005 he improved his qualifications at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, in 2009 - at the Federal State Educational Institution "Academy of Further Professional Education" under the program "Methods and Technologies of University Management in Modern Conditions".

ING.PAED.IGIP Certified European/International Engineering University Teacher.

Since 2009, Honorary Professor at Jilin University (PRC, Changchun).

Social activities

On a voluntary basis, from December 26, 2002 to April 20, 2005, he worked as Chairman of the Committee on Labor and Social Policy State Duma Tomsk region, where he was elected as a deputy on December 16, 2001.

In 2010-2012 - member Public Chamber Russian Federation.

Chairman of the Council of the Association "Tomsk Consortium of Scientific, Educational and Scientific Organizations", Vice-President of the Association of Engineering Education of Russia and the Association of Technical Universities, co-chairman of the Council of the Association "Consortium of Key Universities of the Rosatom State Corporation", member of the Council of the Association of Leading Universities of Russia, member of the expert council under the deputy Governor of the Tomsk region for scientific and educational complex and innovation policy.


Insignia "For Services to the Tomsk Region"

State: Order of Honor (2009), Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2011), Gratitude of the Government of the Russian Federation (2014), Order of Alexander Nevsky (2016).

Industry: “Excellent in Subsoil Exploration” (1996), “Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation” (2001), “Miner Glory” III (2001) and II degree (2011), “Honorary Subsoil Explorer "(2012), badge"For special merits in the development of subsoil in the Tomsk region" (2014), 4th degree badge "Academician I.V. Kurchatov" (2015).

Regional: Certificate of Honor Tomsk region (2008), insignia “For services to the Tomsk region” (2011), Order of Honor of Kuzbass (2012), medal “For achievements” (2014), medal “For personal contribution to the implementation of national projects in Kuzbass" (2014), medal "Patron of the Year" II degree (2016), honorary title "Laureate of the Kuzbass Prize" (2016), letter of gratitude from the Head of the Administration of the Parabel region (2016).

Public: medal named after. Yu.A. Gagarin of the Russian Cosmonautics Federation (2009), honorary silver order of “Public Recognition” (2011), laureate All-Russian competition“Engineer of the Decade” (2012), Peter I medal “For the development of engineering and education” (2014), medal “named after. K. E. Tsiolkovsky Federation of Russian Cosmonautics" (2013, 2014), commemorative medal "300 years of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov" (2015).

Foreign: medal “50 years of Russian-Vietnamese Friendship Society” (2009).


medal "55 years of the first human flight into space" (Rocket and Space Corporation "ENERGY") (2016).

It was not easy to lure TPU Rector Petr Chubik for a cup of tea. The head of one of the leading Tomsk universities is torn. We managed to catch Pyotr Savelyevich literally between two business trips. In a conversation with Tomsk News journalists, the guest talked about who gets the most money at the university high salary, assessed TPU’s chances of entering the ranking of “100 best universities in the world” and recalled the most striking episode from his student life.

How is it at the front?

– Pyotr Savelyevich, for a student, hot days come twice a year – during the summer and winter sessions. The life of scientific workers goes out of their usual comfort zone during the days of defending their PhD or doctoral dissertation. Those who cannot yet call a university their second home, but would really like to, are in awe admissions campaign. And when it comes hot time for the rector?

– I would note four such periods. First of all, the traditional ball of red diploma students. But it is marked by pleasant troubles. Every year, more than 1,200 graduates graduate from TPU, whose diplomas are decorated with excellent grades. Handing them commemorative medals, I always feel especially excited because I understand: the future of domestic enterprises, industries, the country, and all of humanity depends on these guys.

In the summer, when everyone is enjoying a well-deserved vacation, the most stressful time begins for the rector - he needs to ensure high-quality enrollment in postgraduate, master's and especially first-year studies. Given today's demographic situation and the low proportion of graduates taking the Unified State Exam in physics, this is not so simple. IN this year GPA according to the Unified State Examination of TPU freshmen - 75. I can proudly say that this best result in Tomsk and one of the best in the country. In terms of reception quality, by the way, we rank among technical universities Russia is in 11th place.

The New Year holidays are “overshadowed” by summing up the results of the year. I always look forward to them with some anxiety, because TPU, as a national research university and a participant in the “5-100” project, has taken on more than serious obligations. Failure to comply may result in the university losing its status and right to participate in this process. large-scale project. I must admit that not everything always goes smoothly for us. In 2013, for example, we fell short in two respects. I had to work harder to correct the situation. And we succeeded.

– How does a standard working day for the rector of Tomsk Polytechnic begin?

– From viewing reports from services on regime and security. Today TPU is a whole university city. At the same time, 6,200 students live in the university dormitories, and the number of employees is approximately the same. We are in charge of 21 academic buildings, which includes 1,667 classrooms and laboratories. Of course, in activities such huge system There may well be some glitches. Then the day begins with resolving emergency situations. If intelligence reports that everything is calm on the fronts, you can breathe a sigh of relief and get on with your current work.

– You are a TPU graduate. What arguments guided you and your peers when choosing Tomsk Polytechnic? And for what reason, in your opinion, do current applicants make the same choice?

– I was attracted to Tomsk Polytechnic University because it had one of the best geological exploration schools beyond the Urals. And I was not mistaken: she is still in the same positions today.

As for modern applicants, our special opinion polls of first-year students showed the following: 62% of them were attracted by TPU’s position in world rankings, in second place was an almost one hundred percent guarantee of employment in large companies of the country, in third position was the opportunity for inclusive training and academic exchanges with foreign universities. Today TPU sells half a dozen master's programs"Double diploma" level. Another reason to study at Tomsk Polytechnic University is the opportunity to lead a rich and varied student life.

– During your university years, were you an exemplary and diligent student?

– I have never been an excellent student. True, the opportunity to pass the exam with straight A's came up several times. But it didn't happen. I’m still ashamed of one of these failed attempts (smiles). It was customary for geology students to get married during their studies. A reasonable decision, by the way: graduates were most often assigned to some Tmutarakan, and finding a life partner there was not easy. I didn’t change the student tradition: I got married, nine months later my son was born. Some of my classmates had already managed to have children, but the boy was the first in our class. The guys reacted to this news instantly, posting a notice in the dormitory: “Chubik has a son. Applications are accepted." We washed this matter all night with champagne, and the next day we had an electrical engineering exam. He was received by a very pretty and very strict woman. When I “floated” in theory, the guys could not resist: “Yes, his son was born yesterday!” To which the examiner replied: “The birth of a son should be celebrated with excellent grades.” I, offended, asked her to look at my record book, which contained only A’s. She was somewhat embarrassed, immediately saying: “But I can’t give you higher than a C.” This is how I celebrated the birth of my son.

Recipe for the Sage

– There is a generally accepted definition, at first glance, very simple. University international level is a concentration of student and teaching talent, an abundance of resources to attract and retain this talent, and effective management. But, as the sages say, even if the recipe for a medicine is known, it is not a fact that it will help.

Everyone knows what to strive for, the question is how to achieve it. In addition, all universities have different starting conditions for objective reasons. TPU, for example, until September 2010 could not recruit foreign scientists due to its closed nature: we have an operating nuclear research reactor. By the way, it is the only one in Russian universities. For TPU to become a world-class university, international experts must say “yes” to it. And in order for this to happen, they must find out about the Tomsk university.

Today, one of our main tasks on the way to the top of the world rankings is maximum involvement in the international scientific life. Now, for example, I am negotiating that in 2017 a meeting of the CESAER Association, which includes 52 leading engineering university from 24 European countries, took place at TPU. If everything happens, these will be additional points in our piggy bank.

– What principles do you follow when managing a huge team in order to make your university a world leader?

– I must note that today we have the youngest among Russian universities team. Middle age top managers do not exceed 40 years of age. In general, it was built at TPU clear system, which works like a clock. There are development programs approved by the ministry. In order to keep abreast of the times and promptly make the necessary decisions, weekly meetings of the rectorate are held with an agenda approved in advance. Delegations from other universities are shocked by our system, in a good way this word.

The transition to an effective contract system for managers and scientific and teaching staff has also served well. The latter have a 6-hour working day and a 6-day working week. There are 1550 working hours per year. The most popular profession at a university is associate professor. His average workload is 650 hours plus 160 hours for administrative and methodological work. For the remaining 740 hours, we offered associate professors a choice of 20 areas of research and creative work and introduced criteria for its evaluation. In the first year, about 40% of the university’s research and teaching staff (that’s 740 people) more than fulfilled the terms of the effective contract, for which they received bonuses of 100 thousand rubles plus incentive payments for exceeding certain indicators.

This was the expected result. Now we are faced with the task of increasing the number of employees fulfilling an effective contract to 70–80%.

– It so happened that strong universities are concentrated in Tomsk, one better than the other. Does this state of affairs somehow affect the life of universities?

– It has a wonderful effect! As the President of Tomsk noted state university Georgy Mayer, the age-old rivalry between two leading universities, TSU and TPU, became the driving force behind the development of the Tomsk scientific and educational complex. For many years now we have been going, as they say, neck and neck: in 1997, the transport hub became a particularly valuable object cultural heritage peoples of Russia, in 1998 – TSU. In 2009 we received national status research university, on next year– TSU. And so on. We are fine with competition. Things are worse with cooperation. And it is necessary to complement each other with missing competencies. Together, universities can implement unique scientific projects that cannot be dealt with alone. I think that over time, cooperation and competition will be in equal proportions.

Investments from the mind

– Some skeptics say: well, universities are fighting for students and world rankings, but what good is this for the regions...

– And they are fundamentally wrong. I'll prove it with numbers. TPU gives Tomsk residents 6 thousand jobs with not the lowest wages(the average figure for the university is 45 thousand rubles). Every year, students invest 7.5 billion rubles in the Tomsk region, of which at least 2 billion go to TPU students. Our university pays half a billion rubles in taxes to local and regional budgets. Investments in the construction of infrastructure facilities and major repairs this year amount to about 830 million rubles. They build and repair - Tomsk people too. What about the import of brains (residents from 60–70 regions of the country come to TPU)? And increasing the recognition of Tomsk in the world through TPU’s entry into world rankings and foreign students? And much more.

– Another reproach is often addressed to universities by employers from various fields of activity. Like, the graduate today is not the same: he doesn’t really know anything, he’s not trained in anything... Does Tomsk Polytechnic have to hear such reproaches addressed to it?

- Extremely rare. TPU graduates are in great demand today; up to 1,200 enterprises line up for them every year. Tomsk Polytechnic University ranks sixth in the country in terms of employment, with 95% of students finding employment in their specialty. And in order for the reproaches you are talking about not to be addressed to us, five years ago TPU was the first of the Tomsk universities to join the inter-industry industrial association of employers of the Tomsk region. We have coordinated training programs with two hundred enterprises. In terms of the volume of scientific research for the real sector of the economy, TPU is among the top three leaders in the country. Only Baumanka and MEPhI have more.

– Disputes about the advisability of the Unified State Exam are still ongoing. In your opinion, the introduction of a single state exam really affected the quality of knowledge of school graduates?

– I would answer this way: it’s not about the Unified State Exam, but about its number (the number of points). Our special studies show that high scores The Unified State Examination - under and over 90 - correlates very well with the results of the first examination session. Therefore, it is very important for universities to attract high-scoring students, those same talents.

Who brings the biggest salary to his wife?

- Today higher education– these are primarily managers, lawyers, and economists. And few people aspire to become engineers. Do you think it will ever be possible to raise the prestige of this profession?

– To the previous level – no. Do you know how in Russian language lessons at school I was taught to check the correct spelling of the word “engineer”? This is the one who brings his wife a big salary. Today, engineers' companions can't count on that. Moreover, in Soviet times Serious career growth loomed before these specialists - from chief engineer to director of the enterprise. Nowadays, there are slightly different people at the helm. So there is a massive return to engineering, with high degree there probably won't be. I will say more, this profession is not in favor with our foreign partner universities.

Nevertheless, the guys are enthusiastic and, most importantly, capable of learning engineering, There is. And new programs and projects regularly appear at TPU that help reap this golden sand.

– Pyotr Savelyevich, are you a player-coach? Are you taking up the teaching chair today?

- But of course! I teach the course “Drilling Process Fluids” for senior students. This helps keep yourself in good shape. Nowadays, the role of the teacher has changed dramatically. The Internet “ruined” everything. Previously, the teacher had a complete monopoly on knowledge: he came to the classroom and the students listened to him with their mouths open. Now students can find the same information, often even better packaged, with the click of a button. Therefore, a teacher cannot live in the same coordinates as 15–20 years ago. He can save face only by doing science, publishing in prestigious journals, speaking at international conferences, which allows you to bring fresh knowledge to the audience that is not yet available on the Internet. Fortunately, most of our scientists understand this well.

- How do you manage free time, if it is issued?

– I enjoy spending time with my family. I have a son, a daughter and two grandchildren. The eldest is 11 years old, the youngest is one year and two months. In the winter I go skiing with my eldest, and in the warmer months we switch to bicycles. On weekends, my grandfather gets up to the stove, and my grandson and I have men’s breakfasts. I live outside the city, so I always have enough entertainment: in the summer I mow the lawn, in the winter I clear the snow. In a word, in my free time from being the rector, I work as a janitor.

Help "TN"

Pyotr Chubik was born on July 7, 1954 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Graduated from the geological exploration department of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. He has been working at TPU since 1976, immediately after graduation. He worked his way up from an engineer in the research sector to a rector. For three years he served as deputy governor of the Tomsk region for personnel policy. He has been heading TPU since 2008. He is the vice-president of the Association of Engineering Education of Russia and the Association of Technical Universities, chairman of the Council of the Tomsk Consortium of Scientific, Educational and Scientific Organizations, co-chairman of the consortium of flagship universities of the Rosatom state corporation, member of the expert council under the deputy governor for scientific and educational complex and innovation policy.

Do you know how in Russian language lessons at school I was taught to check the correct spelling of the word “engineer”? This is the one who brings his wife a big salary. Today, engineers' companions can't count on that.

An international university means a concentration of student and teaching talent, an abundance of resources to attract and retain this talent, and effective management. The question is how to achieve this?

Competition at the main Tomsk universities is fine. Things are worse with cooperation.


In 1976, he graduated from the geological exploration department of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, receiving the qualification of a mining engineer with a specialty in “Technology and equipment for exploration of mineral deposits.”


He has been working at the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute (since 1991 – university) since his graduation. He held the positions of engineer in the research sector, assistant, senior lecturer and associate professor of the department of mineral exploration technology.

  • 1995 - elected to the position of head of the department of drilling oil and gas wells.
  • 1999-2001 - Dean of the Faculty of Geological Exploration and Oil and Gas Production.
  • April 2001 - April 2005 - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, and part-time - Director of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business (from April 16, 2003 to June 30, 2004) and Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Well Drilling, now - well drilling (from 2001 to present).
  • April 2005 - September 2008 - Deputy Governor of the Tomsk region for personnel policy.
  • September 12, 2008 - December 29, 2008 – acting Rector of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU).
  • On December 30, 2008, he was confirmed as the rector of TPU.
  • In December 2009, he was elected a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Candidate for Governor

On February 2, 2012, United Russia will propose to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev three candidates for the post of governor of the Tomsk region. Among them was Petr Chubik.

Also candidates for the post of governor of the Tomsk region were Sergei Zhvachkin and Sergei Ilinykh.

Political scientist Alexey Shcherbinin believes that all three candidates who will be presented to the president are “successful managers and good politicians" According to him, his support from Igor Sechin can play for Sergei Zhvachkin, and his prospects for Sergei Ilinykh. Shcherbinin considers Peter Chubik to be “the most balanced figure” and the one most in line with the development line of the Tomsk region. “But I imagine that they will decide from the point of view of preferences in the Kremlin. That is, they will name the candidate who is most needed by the Center,” the political scientist added.


  1. Kress was not included in the list of candidates for governor of the Tomsk region proposed by United Russia

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