Urban agglomerations. Urban agglomeration - what is it: the origin of formations

URBAN AGGLOMERATION (from Latin agglomero - add, accumulate, pile up). A compact spatial grouping of settlements (mainly urban), united by diverse intensive connections (production, labor, cultural, recreational) into a complex multi-component dynamic. system. As a holistic ter. socio-economic education G. a. arises on the basis of functional and spatial development large city-core (or several core cities). Monocentric (single-center) G. a. with one core city, which subordinates to its influence all other settlements located in its suburban zone (or in the so-called external, peripheral, zone of the city - suburbs, satellite cities, etc.), and is much superior to them in size and economical. potential; polycentric (multi-centric) G. a., having several. interconnected city centers (see Conurbation). Suburban (peripheral) zone of G. a. serves in relation to the central core city as a diverse addition and reserve for development, in a polycentric one. G. a. is a collection of suburban areas of core cities.

G. a. characterized by a high degree of terr. produces concentrations. forces, primarily industry, infrastructure facilities, scientific. and uch. institutions, as well as high density us.; have a strong transformative effect on the surrounding territory, modifying its economy. structure and social aspects life of us; are characterized by a high degree of complexity of the economy and interconnectedness of population settlement. The indicated features of G. a. determine the specifics of their development as multifunctional centers of national. (general) values ​​with specialization in the most complex, knowledge-intensive industries national economy.

G. a. can be considered at the same time as a subsystem of the national economy. production placement systems and corresponding settlement systems. G. a. (together with large cities that have not yet become the nuclei of the city) and the highways (polyhighways) connecting them form the supporting framework of settlement. At the same time, G. a. - the most active, dynamic links of this system.

Formation of G. a. is the result of objective economic processes. and social development, in particular the process of deepening the territory. division of labor; contributes to a more complete use of the benefits of economic and geogr. the situation and prerequisites for the growth of a large city along with its surrounding area. Econ. a prerequisite for the relatively rapid development of G. a. are the advantages inherent in this form of placement of production and resettlement of us. (causing the so-called effect of short-range connections, or agglomeration effect): high degree concentration and diversification of production; concentration of qualified personnel, close connection production with science and training centers; maximum efficient use production, and social infrastructure.

Unregulated development of G. a. leads to a series negative consequences: pollution environment, transport overload, acute shortage water resources and others. In capitalist. countries, disordered hypertrophied development of a number of G. a. reached critical state (see Hyperurbanization). In industrialized capitalist countries. state-wah growth of most large cities. carried out ch. arr. due to the expansion of their suburban areas (see Suburbanization); in some districts, fusion means. number of neighboring G. a. leads to the formation of megalopolises. The planned management of agriculture under socialism creates the prerequisites for managing the growth of agricultural production, weakening their inherent negative properties, and making fuller use of the economics contained in them. potential. In the USSR, the policy of managing the development of urban agriculture. includes measures for targeted planning of the national economic functions they perform and their scale, great value is also given to urban planning and planning methods.

IN different countries the world, depending on the degree of development of the urbanization process, the characteristics of the location of production and the resettlement of us. selection (delimitation) of G. a. carried out on the basis of various criteria (see, eg, Metropolitan Area). According to the methodology developed in the preparation of the “General Scheme of Settlement on the Territory of the USSR until 2000,” the TsNIIP of Urban Planning of the State Committee for Civil Affairs. development and architecture under the State Committee for Construction of the USSR (1984), a group of interconnected settlements is identified as an established or emerging urban settlement if the population of the largest of its constituent cities is at least 100 people, and in the area of ​​group settlement gravitating towards it (outlined by an isochron of 2-hour accessibility by all types of public land and water transport) there are at least 2 more mountains. settlements. At the same time, the composition of the selected G. a. mountains are also included. and sat down. settlements subordinate to district (city) People's Councils. deputies, if the centers correspond. units of administrative-territorial divisions are located within a 2-hour transport. accessibility central city(in the polycentric G. a. - the largest of central cities). In the USSR there were (1979) 193 urban settlements, of which: with a population of 100-250, including 15; 250-500 t.h. - 69; 500-1000 t.h. - 74; 1-2 million parts - 29; St. 2 million hours - 6. Within these G. a. 146,008.5 people lived (55.6% of the total population of the country), including: urban population - 114,513 people (70% of the total urban population of the USSR), rural population - 31,495.5 t.h. (31.9% of the total rural population).


1 The concept of urban agglomeration

1.1 Hierarchy of urban systems

1.2 Spatial structure of urban agglomerations

1.3 Ways of agglomeration formation

1.4 Problems big cities

2 Largest urban agglomerations in the world

2.1 Overseas Europe

2.2 Overseas Asia

2.3 USA and Latin America


List of used literature


The city is one of man's greatest and most complex creations. The appearance of cities - the stone chronicle of humanity - preserves the memory of major events world history. Cities – main arena political, economic, social processes taking place in modern world, the place where the greatest values ​​​​created by human labor are concentrated.

How and why do cities grow? How to reveal mysterious secret spatial concentration of cities in different points globe? What are their internal structure? These questions concern all people and constitute professional task geographical study cities.

Purpose course work is a consideration of the largest urban agglomerations, ways of their formation and development.

The objectives of this work are:

· in identifying the features of the structure and formation of the largest urban agglomerations;

· in considering the hierarchy of urban systems;

· in identifying urban problems.

Urban agglomerations are a developing form of settlement and territorial organization of the economy. Concentrating huge scientific, technical, industrial and socio-cultural potential, they are the main bases for acceleration scientific and technological progress and provide great influence to the vast territories surrounding them, so their study is especially relevant today.

1 . Concept of urban agglomeration

In the historical evolution of settlement forms, replacement traditional types populated areas - urban and rural settlements developing relatively autonomously - are increasingly receiving new “group” forms of highly concentrated settlement, formed when settlements are placed close together and intensive connections are formed between them. These are urban agglomerations - rapidly developing clusters of populated areas throughout the world, often consisting of dozens and sometimes hundreds of settlements, including rural settlements, closely connected with each other. There is no uniform terminology to refer to these population clusters. Along with the term “urban agglomeration”, the terms “local settlement systems”, “districts of large cities”, “group settlement systems”, “constellation of cities” are used.

The most common term “urban agglomeration” is not entirely appropriate. In technology industrial production agglomeration means “the formation of large pieces (aggregation) from fine ores and dusty materials by sintering.” IN economic literature The term “agglomeration” characterizes territorial combination, concentration of industrial enterprises in one place.

The term “agglomeration” in relation to settlement was introduced by the French geographer M. Rouget, according to which agglomeration occurs when the concentration of urban activities goes beyond administrative boundaries and extends to neighboring communities.

IN Russian literature the concept of urban agglomeration was used, and quite widely, already in the 10s and 20s, although under different names: this is also the “economic district of the city” A.A. Krubera, and “agglomeration” by M.G. Dikansky, and the “economic city” of V.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky.

There are many definitions for the word “agglomeration”.

According to N.V. Petrov, urban agglomerations are compact clusters of territorially concentrated cities and other populated areas, which in the process of their growth come closer (sometimes grow together) and between which diverse economic, labor, cultural and everyday relationships intensify.

E.N. Pertsik gives another definition: an urban agglomeration is a system of territorially close and economically interconnected populated areas, united by stable labor, cultural, social and production ties, a common social and technical infrastructure, - qualitatively new form resettlement, it arises as a receiver of the city in its compact (autonomous, point) form, a special product of modern urbanization. And large urban agglomerations are the most important areas in which progressive industries, administrative, economic, scientific and design organizations, unique cultural and art institutions, and the most qualified personnel are concentrated.

The boundaries of an urban agglomeration are mobile in time due to changes the most important parameter agglomerations - the range of daily movements from place of residence to places of employment: within the framework of the spatial self-organization of these movements, their range increases in proportion to the increase in the speed of means of transport, and the time spent increases slightly.

The development of urban agglomerations is characterized by: the build-up of gigantic urban clusters, including non-stop growing and spreading cores, drawing ever new territories into their orbit, concentration in them large masses population; the rapid development of suburbs and the gradual (although not clearly visible everywhere) redistribution of the population between city centers and suburban areas; attraction rural population to non-agricultural work, especially in urban areas; pendulum migrations and systematic movements of people within agglomerations to work, places of study, cultural services and recreation, acquiring an unprecedented scale.

E.N. Pertsik offers various criteria for urban agglomerations: urban population density and continuity of development; availability big city-center (usually with a population of at least 100 thousand people); intensity and range of work, cultural and social trips; specific gravity non-agricultural workers; share of people working outside their place of residence; the number of satellite urban settlements and the intensity of their connections with the center city; number telephone conversations with center; industrial relations; communications for social, domestic and technical infrastructure (unified engineering systems of water supply, energy supply, sewerage, transport, etc.). In some cases, a combination of characteristics is taken as a criterion, in others it is focused on one of them (for example, the boundaries of an agglomeration are distinguished by 1.5- or 2-hour isochrones of labor movements from the center city).

1.1 Hierarchy of urban systems

Cities are growing and developing. In some cases, formerly small cities have become megacities, often with populations above 8 million.

The evolution of settlement forms under the influence of development processes and concentration of production leads to the convergence and fusion of agglomerations, the formation of megalopolises - urbanized zones of the supra-glomeration level, including vast territories (city - agglomeration - urbanized zone - urbanized area - megalopolis).

So, there are five main hierarchically subordinate forms of urban settlement (according to Yu.L. Pivovarov):

1.Compact city (in its traditional form) – the main element of settlement on initial stages urbanization of a country or region. According to the Dictionary of General Geographical Terms, a city is understood as: “a collection of monasteries, incorporative (that is, registered as an accounting unit) and governed by a mayor or alderman.” A city in Denmark is understood as a settlement with over 250 inhabitants, in Japan - 30 thousand, in Russia from 5 to 12 thousand inhabitants.

2. Agglomeration - (from Latin agglomero - add, accumulate) an elementary form of developed group settlement. It represents a cluster around the center (big city) of closely located urban and rural settlements united by intensive and stable ties. We consider agglomeration for areas with great potential development as a stage form in the transition from autonomous city to more complex forms resettlement.

3. An urbanized (metropolitan) area is the main structural element of settlement in the future. It means a relatively vast area, the core of which is usually several agglomerations with their surroundings, united by common functional and morphological characteristics. This socio-spatial form of settlement is based on the comprehensive planning of vast territories, on specialization and clear identification functional zones. It includes the metropolitan area itself and the territories of the vast metropolitan region.

4. The urbanized zone is the largest link (combining several elements) in the promising spatial structure settlement of the country. This is an area with a high density of urban settlements and a large proportion of the urban population. An urbanized zone is distinguished by the intensity of development of urban settlements (and not by their number).

5. Megalopolis (from the Greek megalu - large, polis - city) is the largest form of settlement. These are extensive urbanized zones with a strip-like configuration, which are formed as a result of the actual merging of many neighboring agglomerations of different ranks. Typically, such urbanized strips stretch along the most important transport routes and multi-highways, or some kind of economic axes.


The city is one of man's greatest and most complex creations. The appearance of cities - the stone chronicle of humanity - preserves the memory of the most important events in world history. Cities are the main arena of political, economic, social processes taking place in the modern world, the place where the greatest values ​​​​created by human labor are concentrated.

How and why do cities grow? How to reveal the mysterious secret of the spatial concentration of cities in different parts of the globe? What is their internal structure? These questions concern all people and constitute the professional task of the geographical study of cities.

The purpose of the course work is to consider the largest urban agglomerations, ways of their formation and development.

The objectives of this work are:

· in identifying the features of the structure and formation of the largest urban agglomerations;

· in considering the hierarchy of urban systems;

· in identifying urban problems.

Urban agglomerations are a developing form of settlement and territorial organization of the economy. Concentrating a huge scientific, technical, industrial and socio-cultural potential, they are the main bases for accelerating scientific and technological progress and have a great influence on the vast territories surrounding them, so their study is especially relevant today.

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references and includes one table. It is written on 28 pages. The first chapter includes four subchapters, the second - three. Eight various sources literature.

Concept of urban agglomeration

In the historical evolution of settlement forms, traditional types of populated areas - urban and rural settlements developing relatively autonomously - are increasingly being replaced by new “group” forms of highly concentrated settlement, formed when settlements are placed close together and intensive connections are formed between them. These are urban agglomerations - clusters of populated areas that are rapidly developing throughout the world, often consisting of tens, and sometimes hundreds of settlements, including rural settlements, closely connected with each other. There is no uniform terminology to refer to these population clusters. Along with the term “urban agglomeration”, the terms “local settlement systems”, “districts of large cities”, “group settlement systems”, “constellation of cities” are used.

The most common term “urban agglomeration” is not entirely appropriate. In industrial production technology, agglomeration means “the formation of large pieces (aggregation) from fine ores and dusty materials by sintering.” In economic literature, the term “agglomeration” characterizes territorial combination, concentration of industrial enterprises in one place.

The term “agglomeration” in relation to settlement was introduced by the French geographer M. Rouget, according to which agglomeration occurs when the concentration of urban activities goes beyond administrative boundaries and spreads to neighboring settlements.

In Russian literature, the concept of urban agglomeration was used quite widely already in the 10s-20s, although under different names: this is also the “economic district of the city” by A.A. Krubera, and “agglomeration” by M.G. Dikansky, and the “economic city” of V.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky.

There are many definitions for the word “agglomeration”.

According to N.V. Petrov, urban agglomerations are compact clusters of territorially concentrated cities and other populated areas, which in the process of their growth come closer (sometimes grow together) and between which diverse economic, labor, cultural and everyday relationships intensify.

E.N. Pertsik gives another definition: urban agglomeration is a system of territorially close and economically interconnected populated areas, united by stable labor, cultural, social and production ties, common social and technical infrastructure, a qualitatively new form of settlement, it arises as the successor of the city in its compact (autonomous) , point) form, a special product of modern urbanization. And large urban agglomerations are the most important areas in which progressive industries, administrative, economic, scientific and design organizations, unique cultural and art institutions, and the most qualified personnel are concentrated.

The boundaries of an urban agglomeration are mobile in time due to changes in the most important parameter of agglomeration - the range of daily movements from the place of residence to the places of employment: within the framework of the spatial self-organization of these movements, their range increases in proportion to the increase in the speed of means of transport, and the time spent increases slightly.

The development of urban agglomerations is characterized by: the build-up of gigantic urban clusters, including non-stop growing and spreading cores, drawing ever new territories into their orbit, and the concentration of large masses of the population in them; the rapid development of suburbs and the gradual (although not clearly visible everywhere) redistribution of the population between city centers and suburban areas; attracting the rural population to non-agricultural work, especially in urban areas; pendulum migrations and systematic movements of people within agglomerations to work, places of study, cultural services and recreation, acquiring an unprecedented scale.

E.N. Pertsik offers various criteria for urban agglomerations: urban population density and continuity of development; the presence of a large city center (usually with a population of at least 100 thousand people); intensity and range of work, cultural and social trips; proportion of non-agricultural workers; share of people working outside their place of residence; the number of satellite urban settlements and the intensity of their connections with the center city; number of telephone conversations with the center; industrial relations; communications for social, domestic and technical infrastructure (unified engineering systems of water supply, energy supply, sewerage, transport, etc.). In some cases, a combination of characteristics is taken as a criterion, in others it is focused on one of them (for example, the boundaries of an agglomeration are distinguished by 1.5- or 2-hour isochrones of labor movements from the center city).

The accumulation, and in some places the fusion of settlements, united by close economic, labor and cultural and everyday ties. Syn.: agglomeration of settlements... Dictionary of Geography

Urban agglomeration- URBAN AGGLOMERATION, see Agglomeration of human settlements. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

A compact spatial grouping of settlements (mainly urban), united into one whole by intensive production, labor, cultural and recreational connections. The following are distinguished: monocentric urban agglomerations with... ... Political science. Dictionary.

URBAN AGGLOMERATION- (from the Latin agglomero I add, accumulate, pile up). A compact spatial grouping of settlements (mainly urban), united by diverse intensive connections (production, labor, cultural and recreational)… … Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

View of Greater Tokyo (metropolitan area of ​​35 million people) Compact cluster of settlements, mostly urban, months ... Wikipedia

A group of closely located cities, united by close production, labor, cultural, and recreational ties; it also includes urban-type settlements and rural settlements. In the 20th century cities appeared very often and... Geographical encyclopedia

A compact spatial grouping of settlements (mainly urban), united into one whole by intensive production, labor, cultural and recreational connections. The following stand out: monocentric urban agglomerations with... Encyclopedic Dictionary

A developed territorial system of urban settlements, united into one by sustainable production, labor, cultural, everyday, recreational and other connections, is characterized by high population density, concentration... ... Construction dictionary

urban agglomeration- builds. territorial economic integration of densely located and functionally connected cities and other settlements, different in size and economic profile... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary I. Mostitsky


  • Creator of nightmares, Alexey Yuryevich Pekhov, Elena Aleksandrovna Bychkova, Natalya Vladimirovna Turchaninova. Banngok is a cybernetic giant that has captured the entire southeast of Asia. Urban agglomeration Alexandria in North Africa. Beijing is a powerful industrial metropolis on the verge of…
  • Creator of Nightmares, Pekhov A., Bychkova E., Turchaninova N.. Banngok is a cybernetic giant that has captured the entire southeast of Asia. The urban agglomeration of Alexandria in northern Africa. Beijing is a powerful industrial metropolis on the verge of…

An urban agglomeration is a compact and relatively developed set of mutually complementary urban and rural settlements, grouped around one or several powerful core cities and united by diverse and intensive connections into a complex and dynamic unity; this is the area, the space of potential and real interactions into which the weekly life cycle the majority of residents of a modern large city and its satellite zone.

Urban agglomerations play the role of leading nodal elements in the supporting framework of settlement and in territorial structure farms.

Each agglomeration, promoting the integration of the most different types activities, simultaneously performs its very specific, more or less specialized general economic and social functions. Therefore, an urban agglomeration, like its basis - a large city - is not only a form of population settlement, but also a form of territorial organization of industry and the economy in general; it is a convenient form for the population of combining housing with places of employment, as well as places of recreation, education, etc. .

In general, the process of delimiting urban agglomerations, i.e. determining their boundaries, consists of five main stages:

  • defining the purpose and principles of delimitation;
  • selection of territorial cells;
  • determination of delimitation criteria;
  • establishment quantitative values for selected criteria;
  • identifying the outline of an urban agglomeration.

All criteria for the delimitation of urban agglomerations, which are relatively simple and universal, can be divided into the following groups:

  • criteria for the size of the core city (primarily population size);
  • criteria for the development of the outer zone (the number and population of urban settlements in it, their relationship with the core, the size of the rural population);
  • integral criteria, i.e. characterizing the agglomeration as a whole (population density, complexity (development) of the urban agglomeration, etc.).
  • criteria for identifying the boundaries of an urban agglomeration based on determining its spatial or temporal radius, which fixes the size of the territory under consideration, within which the agglomeration has developed or is developing.

For a settlement system to be an agglomeration, the corresponding development coefficient* K development = P · (M · m + N · n) must be at least 1.0, where P is the size of the urban population of the agglomeration; M and N are the number of cities and urban-type settlements, respectively; m and n are shares in the urban population of the agglomeration.

During the intercensal period (1989–2002) administrative changes covered a fairly large number of regions, many settlements changed their administrative status.
In several regions, no qualitative transformations were observed (Kaliningrad region), and in some, only one transformation was recorded (Republic of Mordovia, Chuvash Republic- Chuvashia, Stavropol region, Tambov and Penza regions).

Direct changes affected both urban and rural settlements. Since 1991, the number of regions with administrative changes exceeded the number of regions where the traditional expansion of the city network continued. If in Soviet period for a small village it was more profitable and more prestigious to be in the urban category, then in the crisis of the 1990s, the exact opposite became profitable.
The process of active transfer of urban settlements to rural ones began in 1991, with Orenburg region(16 urban-type settlements transferred to the category of rural settlements).

The greatest number of changes in the status of settlements occurred in regions not covered by the agglomeration process. In those regions where there were urban agglomerations, changes did not always affect the settlements that were part of the urban agglomerations (Ryazan and Vladimir regions).

The transfer of settlements to the rural category affected agglomerations in different ways. Where they include sufficient quantity cities and urban-type settlements, the change in status did not entail a decrease in the development coefficient.

A significant type of transformation was the opening of some closed administrative-territorial formations (ZATO). The period of statistical opening of ZATOs occurred in 1994. At this time, many new settlements appeared on the map of cities and towns, which somewhat changed the idea of ​​the Russian settlement system. Most of the newly discovered settlements are located in satellite zones major cities such as Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk, Murmansk, Penza. Thanks to the “new” cities, some agglomerations (Tomsk) were able to remain on the list of urban agglomerations, and also increase their development coefficient.

The opening of ZATO increased the number of urban population Russian Federation per 1 million people. Part of the population of this million ended up living in cities and towns that are part of urban agglomerations. This circumstance “saved the life” of some agglomerations and gave new impetus to their development.

Cases of transformation of urban-type settlements into cities have been recorded, but their number is not as large as the number of transformations of urban-type settlements into rural settlements.

Urban-type settlements that became cities did not always end up within the boundaries of agglomerations. This phenomenon was recorded in only four regions - in Leningrad (Sertolovo and Nikolskoye), Vladimir (Kurlovo), Bryansk (Rognedino) and Kursk (Kurchatov).

In most cases, new cities were not part of agglomerations and did not significantly change their composition. Most often, cities arose in territories of new development (North, Western and Eastern Siberia), near oil, gas and other fields. In connection with this, some urban-type settlements Tyumen region were transferred to the city category.

For the period 1989–2002 Many urban agglomerations have grown and their populations have increased. The growth in the number of core cities was often achieved by including nearby cities and towns. Sometimes the inclusion of other cities and urban-type settlements into the city was carried out to smooth out a very strong population decline. Thus, during the period from 1989 to 2002, more than 20 urban settlements with a total population of more than 300 thousand people were included in the line. There were cases when the inclusion of cities occurred due to the rapid growth of the core city. An example is the Moscow agglomeration, whose population has increased (since 1979) by almost 2.5 million people. Today the population of the Moscow agglomeration numbers more than 15 million people. Moscow itself significantly increased its population and area, while “capturing” many villages and urban-type settlements located in close proximity to it.

Similar transformations associated with active development Lipetsk, deprived the Lipetsk agglomeration of all urban-type settlements: all of them were included in the period from 1991 to 1998 within the boundaries of Lipetsk, and due to this, the population of Lipetsk increased by 56 thousand people. (from 450 thousand in 1989 to 506 thousand in 2002).

Currently, most cities with a population of more than 290 thousand people are the cores of agglomerations. Some cities with smaller populations are also the cores of, sometimes polycentric, agglomerations. For example, Pyatigorsk (140 thousand people) and Kislovodsk (130 thousand people) are the cores of the polycentric Kavminvodsk agglomeration.

Potential agglomerations are those that meet one or more criteria and at the same time do not meet other criteria. Their monitoring is extremely important in the sense that some of them could theoretically become part of the established urban agglomerations in the future.

The group of potential urban agglomerations includes: Orel, Sochi, Cherepovets, Khabarovsk, Orenburg, Chita, Komsomolsk, Ulan-Udinsk. Most potential urban agglomerations are located in remote areas of the country, from this we can conclude that the potential eastern regions has not yet been exhausted and there are reserves there for further strengthening the network of urban agglomerations of the Russian Federation.

Period 1989–2002 was accompanied by a mass of events and factors that were previously absent. The end of the 1980s is the beginning of the perestroika period in Russia. At this time, all guidelines for the development of the country and, consequently, urban agglomerations change dramatically. Decay Soviet Union entailed a number of processes, such as the outflow of population abroad (especially from large and developed cities), an acute economic crisis, and a decrease in natural population growth, which had an extremely negative impact on the development of agglomeration processes.

From 1989 to 2002, only one was removed from the lists of urban agglomerations - the Grozny agglomeration. This happened completely for obvious reasons: war, destruction of cities, mass outflow of population, emergence large quantity refugees. One also appeared on the list of new urban agglomerations in Russia - Tyumen. Thus, the number of urban agglomerations in Russia has not changed.

Considering what recent years Since only one new agglomeration has been formed, we can say that the process of forming a network of urban agglomerations in Russia is almost complete. It is unlikely that new urban agglomerations will emerge in Russia in the next decade. Today, the development of agglomerations is going in a different direction - intensifying connections within already formed urban agglomerations, drawing the population into them and, as a result, increasing the level of development.

The dislocation of agglomerations and the degree of their development coincide with the main strip of settlement, and from west to east there are fewer of them.

Of the 52 agglomerations in Russia, 43, or 83%, are located in the European part of Russia. In the regions of Siberia and Far East The remaining nine agglomerations are located, including only one in the Far East - the Vladivostok agglomeration. The growth of the Novosibirsk agglomeration is striking, which emphasizes the increasing importance as the capital of Siberia.

Urban agglomerations with a high level of development are concentrated on the European territory of Russia. The densest network of agglomerations is observed here. IN Central region Almost all capitals and centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are the cores of urban agglomerations. High urbanization, favorable transport position, favorable natural and climatic conditions have long attracted people to them. The rapid development of science and industry in the twentieth century provided the region with a permanent population, a dense network of urban settlements and contributed to good development agglomeration processes.

The quantitative growth of urban agglomerations is completed, but qualitative growth does not occur in full force By various reasons. One of them is a large natural population decline, which clearly does not contribute to an increase in the population of agglomerations and, accordingly, an increase in the development coefficient. The second reason is the deep economic crisis, which during the 1990s caused an outflow of the population, first from the city to the village, and then (since 1994) back, which led to some erosion of the population across the territory. The crisis has also exacerbated regional differences. Massive outflow of population from the regions of the North, Eastern Siberia and the Far East deprived large cities (sometimes they are already included in the group of potential urban agglomerations) of the opportunity to form agglomerations. The population is directed to European part Russia, whose territory receives additional incentives for the development of urban agglomerations; Most of the residents who left Siberia settled in large cities, which, as a rule, are the cores of agglomerations.
The phase of intensive development of the network of urban agglomerations in the Russian Federation has largely passed. Further development Russian agglomerations have followed the path of their qualitative improvement and structuring, in relation to both each urban agglomeration separately and their network as a whole.

In the 21st century, agglomerations should become the basis for the development of urban space, the leading form of settlement of residents, concentrating the main human life activities. The development of a settlement as part of an agglomeration provides many advantages, the main of which are the following:

  • concentration of scientific and economic potential, implementation of organizational and administrative functions, a wide range of services, improving the standard of living and culture;
  • a high degree of use of labor resources in a densely populated area and a wide choice of places to apply labor;
  • the possibility of effectively regulating a large city by the development of satellites with sufficient capacity;
  • more full use the benefits of the economic-geographical location and resources of the area;
  • the possibility of systematic use of cultural values;
  • the most complete and intensive use of the territory.

Education and quality development of urban agglomerations are certainly beneficial for the population. A person living within an agglomeration has more possibilities for self-realization (large selection educational institutions, variety of places of employment and leisure). During the agglomeration process, a developed urban space, which leads to the consolidation of a full urban standard of living (which is extremely important in the context of unfinished urbanization and the lack of cities throughout Russia).

In the context of world globalization, only within urban agglomerations is it possible to intensively develop the settlements themselves, the economy, human personality. Due to the concentration of a large population in a certain territory, the concentration of the money supply increases, and accordingly, there is a more rapid development of the financial and banking sectors, which is urgently needed by the country's economy in modern stage development.

Due to the constantly increasing socio-economic and cultural potential of the agglomeration, the influx of labor is increasing, including cheap labor, the shortage of which is felt today in many sectors of the economy due to their lack of prestige (in the city’s life support sectors - housing and communal services, urban transport, as well as trade and - predominantly migrants are employed).
The need for housing, offices, cultural and social facilities is increasing, which leads to a revival of construction. This process can be fully observed in the Moscow metropolitan region.

Concentration huge amount resources (financial, human) at a certain point ( locality) promotes the influx of additional capital. The volume of investment in high-tech sectors of the economy is increasing.

Thus, the city and its satellite zone become a center for the diffusion of innovations into the surrounding area, increasing the level of socio-economic development of the entire surrounding area. With the full development of the satellite zone and the cities located in it, innovations spread over a large area.

Consequently, urban agglomerations are “growth points”. Their development is extremely important for Russia with its vast space. Properly planned development of urban agglomerations will allow more intensive development of the entire territory of the country.

The development of urban agglomerations also has some negative sides.

Within urban agglomerations, the load on the territory increases, a lot appears (increased air pollution, increased level noise, etc.). Active construction is underway within agglomerations, and this leads to a reduction green spaces and destruction of the natural landscape. The development of the agglomeration territory contributes to the settlement of residents in its remote parts, and a person usually works in the city center, this leads to increased time spent on travel and the development of transport fatigue (it forms if more than 1.5 hours are spent on transport in day). In addition, the concentration of socio-economic potential in the agglomeration leads to some devastation of the territory outside it.

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