Results of World War II. Post-war settlement in the Far East

  • A universal “no” to fascism
  • Political results
  • Social results
  • Economic results
  • Results for Germany, Italy, Japan in the table
  • Results for the USSR and the USA
  • Video

Briefly point by point, the results of the Second World War can be divided into economic and political. But the most significant result, undoubtedly, was the victory over fascism, a change in priorities, and the growth of self-awareness and self-respect of peoples. We will try to clearly describe all of the above just below in the text.

A universal “no” to fascism

As a result of the unprecedented war, all countries without exception became aware of the threat that fascism posed. Fascist ideology was condemned, as were its bearers. During the Potsdam (Berlin) Conference, which was attended by the largest countries of the anti-Hitler alliance, the composition of the International Military Tribunal was formed, which was supposed to determine the degree of guilt of the leadership of the Third Reich.

The trial (Nuremberg) began on the morning of November 20, 1945, and ended only on October 1, 1946. During it, many of those who led Germany during the war and pursued an aggressive and cruel policy were charged. Along with war crimes, they were accused of numerous atrocities against peace and humanity.

The Nazis caused much more damage to Europe than the medieval Inquisition with its torture and extrajudicial burnings. About 60 million died, 12 million of whom were tortured in Nazi concentration camps. Thousands of destroyed cities and small settlements, millions of people who found themselves far from their homeland - this is only a small part of what the leaders of the Third Reich had to answer for.

United in the face of a common danger in the fight against the brown plague of fascism, society began to strive for a more just and humane structure of the world.

Even before the end of the war, at the Yalta Conference (early 1945), a new international organization- UN. Its main participants were countries anti-Hitler coalition. The main task The United Nations, like the former League of Nations, was concerned with the prevention and peaceful resolution of armed conflicts, controversial issues etc.

Politics (results)

No less important was the fact that the world realized the danger of nuclear weapons, having seen the consequences of their use. As a result, many states signed a document under which they pledged never to use weapons mass destruction.

As for individual countries, as a result of the second world armed conflict, the struggle for independence intensified in most of the colonies and dominions of Great Britain and other states, but Soviet influence in the world, on the contrary, increased significantly.

At the head of many Eastern European countries Communists stood up under the leadership of Moscow. And in some countries of Western Europe (France, Italy) communist parties have become more widespread and popular. This was largely facilitated by the contribution that the Soviet people made to the victory over Nazi Germany.

France, which was previously strong, lost its greatness after the German occupation. Great Britain, although among the victors, was significantly weakened. Japan, Germany and Italy completely turned into dependent countries.

All this led to a change in the balance of forces and the formation of a bipolar world order, in which one pole was the American state, the other was the USSR. The consequence of this new system became the so-called Cold War, which more than once brought the world to the threshold of the Third World War, which would inevitably become the last in the history of mankind.

Social results second world war

Economy (results)

An important point in the economic results of World War II was the final transition of world financial dominance from European states to the United States.

During the conflict, all the states that took part in it suffered to one degree or another. The economies of the USSR and European countries suffered the greatest losses. Japan and Great Britain suffered less, although they had to deal with the consequences of regular bombing.

The only exception was the United States, since their territory was not affected by the fighting. The States, the least affected by the war, provided all possible assistance to European countries in the first years after the conflict. This allowed the American economy to quickly rebuild on a peaceful footing.

As a result, a new international financial system, according to which the American dollar became a world currency, along with gold.

The post-war period also includes the emergence of modern international financial organizations, in particular the International Monetary Fund.


Dr. History Sciences V. P. Kuptsov


The consequences and lessons of the bloodiest wars are assessed

XX century - The Great Patriotic War and the Second World War.

Sixty years have passed since the victory of the combined forces of 55 countries of the anti-Hitler coalition over Nazi Germany and its allies. Despite the age of this event, interest in the study of history last war is constantly increasing. Of the many aspects of this complex and multilateral problem, we should first of all highlight the results and lessons of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War, the price of the victory won.

The world-historical victory over fascism and Japanese militarism, won with the decisive role of the Soviet Union, saved humanity from the threat of enslavement, obscurantism and social degradation. The sovereignty of the countries captured by the fascist bloc was restored, and the international authority of the USSR increased.

How the largest military clash in human history Second world war characterized by the enormous scope of military operations, the tension of the moral and political forces of peoples, and the unprecedented growth of military production. In total it lasted 2194 days (6 years). 61 states were drawn into the war. The population of the countries participating in the war was 1.7 billion people (about 80% of the planet's population). It was the most destructive of all wars that history has known. According to far from complete data, the total material damage from military destruction is estimated at 316 billion dollars. Particularly significant damage was caused to the USSR. Direct damage from destruction on its territory amounted to 679 billion rubles (41% of all material losses of the countries participating in the war), and together with indirect losses, it reached almost 2,600 billion rubles. On the territory of the USSR, 1,710 cities and towns, 70 thousand villages and hamlets were destroyed, 32 thousand industrial enterprises and 65 thousand kilometers were destroyed railway tracks. Colossal damage was caused to agriculture. The Soviet Union lost about 30% of its national wealth during the war. Other countries also suffered significant losses.

In the history of mankind, World War II was not only the most destructive, but also the bloodiest. Its victims were enormous. More than 55 million people died, 27 million of them on the battlefield. The greatest demographic losses, as during the First World War, were again suffered by European countries(40 million people), of which more than half (about 27 million) were in the Soviet Union.

So, the direct losses of the population of the USSR during the war years amounted to 11.5% of its population by mid-1941. For a more complete picture of this figure, we present estimates of the irretrievable losses of the population of a number of countries participating in the Second World War: Great Britain - 375 thousand people, or 0 .9% of the total number; USA - 405 thousand people (0.3%); Japan - 2.5 million people (3.4%). In countries Eastern Europe The populations of Poland (6 million - 17.2%) and Yugoslavia (1.7 million - 10.9%) suffered the most.

Current issue who have not received to this day final decision, is the definition of loss of life fascist Germany. In the most recent publication, it was calculated that the total irretrievable demographic losses (military personnel and civilians) in Germany amounted to 8.8 million people, i.e. 12.7% of the country’s population at the beginning of World War II, and together with its satellites - 11.9 million people.

According to the commission's research results General Staff The RVS, the German armed forces, for the period from September 1, 1939 to May 9, 1945, lost 13.4 million people killed and wounded, according to incomplete data. At the same time, on Soviet-German front(from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945) irrecoverable losses The Germans amounted to 7.2 million military personnel, and together with the allies - 8.7 million people.

The irretrievable losses suffered by the Soviet Armed Forces in 1941-1945 reached 11.4 million people, and together with the allies on the Eastern Front - 11.5 million people. They correlate with the corresponding enemy losses as 1:1.3.

Wars are accompanied by an increase in civilian deaths relative to total number human losses. During the First World War this figure was 5%, during the Second World War - 48, the Korean War - 84, in Vietnam - 90%.

A special and little-studied area of ​​the military-demographic consequences of wars are indirect and long-term losses. As a result of the mobilization of young men, there is a sharp drop in the number of marriages and birth rates, and this, ultimately, significantly reduces natural population growth. The number of disabled people is growing significantly.

There is a significant decline in the quality of the population associated with the deterioration of material living conditions (during the Second World War in Europe, 60 million people were left homeless) and, as a consequence, a decline in morale, intellectual potential, epidemics and other negative phenomena.

The Second World War had an impact great influence not only on the natural reproduction of people in all countries of the world, but also on their interstate and internal migration. The migration caused by the war, accompanied by enormous hardships and hardships, led to an increase in mortality and a decrease in birth rates, in other words, the war brought about serious changes in the structure of population throughout the world. For a number of countries, including the Soviet Union, the demographic consequences of the war became one of the most negative factors in their further development.

Indeed, the price of victory Soviet people was too big. However, it cannot be a reason to falsify the USSR’s decisive contribution to the victory.

Firstly. In literature published in Germany and others Western countries ah, the human losses of the Germans in World War II are greatly underestimated. Some Russian publicists and even historians use such data, often without proper analysis. Citing the ratio of human losses between the Soviet Union and Germany (1:5,1:7,1:10), many authors compare incomparable values. From Nazi Germany, only the irretrievable losses of the Wehrmacht (during combat operations) are taken, and from the USSR, the losses of the entire population of the country, including those who died of hunger, in concentration camps and forced labor in Germany, etc. As a rule, this information is not included in the calculations losses of Germany's allies in the fascist bloc, as well as various foreign formations that fought as part of the German troops.

Secondly. Goals are not taken into account warring parties in war. The Soviet Union, fighting the army of Nazi Germany, defended its freedom and independence and did not pursue the goal of destroying the German people. The aggressor - German fascism - in addition to military plans, carried out its misanthropic intentions to destroy the Slavic and other peoples of our country. It is also known that military operations within the USSR lasted for over three years, and on German territory for less than 5 months. Hence the colossal losses of the civilian population of the Soviet Union, which cannot be compared with the losses of Germany.

Thirdly. The role of the Soviet-German front in the defeat of the aggressor is downplayed and preference is given to the Western European, African and Pacific theaters of military operations. Such narrowing

theses are far from reality. The Eastern Front was the main, most intense and longest in the Second World War. Here the highest price was paid for the overall victory. It was here that she was crushed military power fascist bloc, which led to the collapse of the entire political and war machine Germany and its satellites. At different times, from 190 to 270 divisions of Nazi Germany and the Allies operated simultaneously on the Soviet-German front. Anglo-American troops in North Africa in 1941-1943. opposed from 9 to 20 divisions in Italy in 1943-1945. - from 7 to 26 divisions, in Western Europe after the opening of the second front - from 56 to 75 divisions. Soviet armed forces in 1941-1945. defeated and captured 607 enemy divisions (the allies defeated 176 divisions). The Wehrmacht lost 70-75% of various types of military equipment and weapons on the Eastern Front.

There are often allegations that US Lend-Lease assistance played a significant role in achieving the victories of the Red Army on the Eastern Front. Our people remember this and thank their allies in the anti-Hitler coalition. In reality, supplies under Lend-Lease did not exceed 4% of all military products supplied to the front during the war. Therefore, the Red Army and Navy beat the enemy not with foreign, but with domestic weapons, which were provided by the country's military industry. Victory in World War II was the common merit of the coalition of anti-fascist states and peoples, but the USSR made a decisive contribution to the victorious conclusion of the war. This is probably why the Soviet people paid the most high price for the overall victory.

As a result of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War, fundamental changes occurred in the international situation.

Changes in the balance of political forces. Confrontation between two systems. The war changed the face of the world. First of all, there have been significant changes in the balance of power and the redistribution of spheres of influence within the capitalist world. The economies of Italy, Germany and Japan were disorganized. The position of France has weakened significantly and British Empire. In contrast, the military and economic potential of the United States has sharply increased. Military orders allowed them to make huge profits. The role of the United States as an international banker, supplier of weapons and food for the warring countries turned this power into the leader of the entire capitalist system.

Significant changes have occurred in the internal and international situation USSR, its influence and authority in the world community increased. In definition foreign policy activities country

faced an alternative choice: 1) continuing allied relations, enter the “common home” of the post-war civilized world and develop with it, with its help restore the economy; 2) follow the same path of the world communist perspective, spreading the socialist ideal to states that have freed themselves from fascism, and isolate themselves “ iron curtain"from "class opponents".

Stalin chose the second path. In the process of expelling the German occupiers from Eastern European countries and the Japanese militarists from East Asia, in the course of restoring the sovereignty of states in these regions, the Stalinist leadership took measures to create communist governments in a number of European and Asian countries. The necessary assistance was provided in the reorganization of socio-political systems with the aim of introducing the Soviet model of socialism. In the ideological sphere this process explained by the concept of creating a world socialist system.

The growing influence of the USSR in the post-war world caused alarm and extreme concern among the Western powers. This was most strongly reflected in the speech of former British Prime Minister W. Churchill in the American city of Fulton (March 1946) and in the message to Congress of US President Henry Truman (February 1947). These and other documents formulated two strategic tasks of the West in relation to the USSR. The first priority is to prevent further expansion of the sphere of influence of the USSR and its communist ideology (the doctrine of “containing communism”). The promising one is to push the socialist system back to the pre-war borders, and then achieve its weakening and elimination in Russia itself (the doctrine of “throwing back communism”).

Specific measures to achieve these goals were also identified:

Provide large-scale economic assistance to European countries, making their economies dependent on the United States (Marshall Plan). In 1948-1951 material assistance amounting to $12.4 billion was sent there free of charge;

Carry out, under the leadership of the United States, a so-called bloc policy directed against the USSR, countries under its influence and supported by it political movements. In 1949, the North Atlantic Military-Political Alliance was created Western states- NATO. Following this, military-political blocs are being put together in the Near and Middle East. They united about 30 states;

Place a network of US military and naval bases around the USSR and its allies;

Support anti-socialist forces within the Soviet bloc countries;

Use (as extreme case) the armed forces of the Western powers for direct intervention in the internal affairs of the countries of the Soviet sphere of influence. Moreover, using the factor of the US nuclear monopoly, the possibility of nuclear war was allowed. Real plans for an atomic attack on the USSR were being developed. By 1947, 100 Soviet cities had been identified as targets for nuclear attack.

New foreign policy The leadership of the USSR regarded the former allies as a call to war, which immediately affected both the foreign and domestic policies of the Soviet state. Hopes for comprehensive cooperation after the war among the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition collapsed, the world entered the era of the Cold War, which, either fading or intensifying and threatening to turn into the Third World War, lasted for about half a century.

Measures, adopted by the USSR after the war, in foreign policy were adequate to US actions, although less effective. The forces were unequal primarily because the Soviet Union emerged from the war economically weakened, while the United States of America emerged stronger.

Thus, one of the main results of the war was a new geopolitical situation. It was characterized by growing confrontation between the leading capitalist states, led by the United States, and the Soviet Union, which was extending its influence to a number of countries in Europe and Asia. What made this confrontation exceptionally dramatic was the fact that it developed in the nuclear era, which humanity entered in August 1945.

Development of democratic trends in many countries of the world. The rise of the labor and democratic movement, caused by the victory over fascism, made it possible to significantly expand rights and freedoms in many bourgeois countries.

A feature of the labor movement of the post-war period was the strengthening of the role and influence of communist, socialist and social democratic parties in it. Being the most consistent forces in the fight against the occupiers and internal reaction, such parties (especially the communists) acquired the well-deserved trust of the people, led democratic transformations, and entered the government of many states.

The growth of the national liberation movement in colonial and dependent countries. The defeat of fascist Germany and militaristic Japan, the weakening of England, France and other colonial powers strengthened the ideas of national liberation and equal rights

childbirth Dozens of enslaved states in Africa, Asia and Latin America rose up to fight to eliminate colonial oppression and win political independence.

In the first 15 post-war years alone, more than 40 liberated states emerged in Asia and Africa. By the beginning of the 1960s. Almost two-thirds of the world's population was freed from colonial oppression. In the 1970s The destruction of the colonial system was almost completed.

The USSR has always been sympathetic to the concerns and concerns of the liberated countries. Among the largest initiatives of the Soviet Union is the discussion at the UN of the issue of the elimination of colonialism in 1960, providing assistance in choosing the path of future development.

Creating new conditions for solving the most burning problem of our time - war and peace, preventing a new world war. There was a significant regrouping of socio-political forces in favor of peace and social progress. Convincing confirmation of the changes in world development was the creation of the United Nations (UN).

Soon after the war it was born organized movement peace fighters. In April 1949, the first World Congress supporters of peace. More than two thousand delegates represented the peoples of 67 countries and 18 international democratic organizations. The Manifesto for Peace, adopted at the congress, called on all peoples to actively fight against war and to strengthen security and international cooperation.

The development of the democratic peace movement was facilitated by the creation in the post-war period of such mass organizations as the World Federation of Trade Unions (1945), the International Democratic Federation of Women (1945), the World Federation of Democratic Youth (1945), the World Peace Council (1948) and other international associations ( students, journalists, doctors, lawyers, etc.).

The powerful movement of peace supporters was an important factor in strengthening the security of nations. However, the increasing confrontation between the two systems - socialism and capitalism - destroyed the unity of action of the movement of peace-loving forces and complicated the solution to the problem of ensuring lasting peace. And although preventing a new world war became possible, the number of local, i.e. spatially limited, wars and armed conflicts was enormous (researchers count up to 500) and they claimed tens and hundreds of thousands human lives.

Thus, the components of the potential of the post-war world, split and weakened by the confrontation between capitalist and social

listic systems, were deprived of the opportunity to act as a united front against the forces of aggression and war. In a number of regions, local wars have become a reality.

A look back international crises, of which twice in the twentieth century. world wars flared up, prompts some thoughts about their political results and lessons, about the degree to which they are taken into account in the ongoing military policy states in the post-war period of historical development.

Changes in the balance of political forces in international arena At the end of the Second World War, the confrontation between two socio-political systems and the outbreak of the Cold War predetermined the involvement of the Soviet Union in the arms race imposed on it, a grueling confrontation. One can only guess what the final astronomical figure for military spending was, the depth of the deformations in consciousness and culture that occurred in the twentieth century. for militaristic reasons. The achievement of military-strategic parity between the USSR and the USA actually devalued military force as a universal weapon of politics. And, probably, the leaders of these countries realized that a nuclear “tournament” could only lead to a historical dead end, since the ashes of the warring parties would be practically indistinguishable, and in a nuclear missile war there would be neither winners nor losers. Unfortunately, the lessons of the past war are not always and not always taken into account. Therefore, humanity is not yet faced with the need to form a “planetary” consciousness in relation to war, which may provide perhaps the only chance to prevent it.

The further expansion of the North Atlantic bloc to the East, according to many military observers, poses a serious danger to our country. In April 2004, NATO was replenished with seven new members: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia. This event was preceded by the admission of Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary to the alliance. It is important to pay attention to the fact that three former union republics of the USSR and six former member states of the Warsaw Treaty Organization (WTO) became NATO member states. This strengthens NATO's geopolitical position in Europe and weakens Russia's position.

Today, the military-political bloc includes 26 states, bound by a single strategic concept and having united armed forces. The alliance's aviation group includes 4,700 combat aircraft. Against which country can the potential capabilities of the NATO group be used? If we mentally go back to the Cold War period, the answer is clear: against the countries participating in the Warsaw War. After the collapse of the Department of Internal Affairs, and then the collapse

The USSR in the East has only one state left as a potential enemy in a large-scale war - Russia.

Thus, theoretical position Military doctrine Russian Federation the expansion of military blocs and alliances to the detriment of Russia's security is confirmed by reality.


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5. Eliseev V.G., Mikhalev S.N. So how many people did we lose in the war? // Military historical magazine. 1992. No. 6-7.

6. History of the Second World War. 1939-1945: In 12 volumes. M., 1982.

7. History of Russia. M., 2004.

8. Munchaev Sh. M., Ustinov V. M. History of Russia: Textbook for universities. 3rd ed., rev. and additional M., 2004.

9. Pankratov N. R. Nationwide War - Great Victory. 19411945. O scientific concept Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. M., 1996.

10. Polyakov L. E. The price of the Second World War. Demographic aspect. M., 1985.

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After the last salvos of World War II died down, humanity began to realize the full horror of the past conflict and began to count its losses. Huge territories- from the Volga and the Caucasus to France and Great Britain in Europe and all of East Asia lay in ruins. Hundreds of cities were wiped off the face of the earth. Tens of thousands of villages and villages were burned. The war took with it more than 50 million human lives, of which 27 million were the human losses of the USSR. Millions were tortured in Nazi concentration camps in Germany and Japan.

Fascism as an ideology has been cursed by humanity. The time had come for restoration and transition to peaceful life.

After the signing of the German Surrender Act in Potsdam the leaders of the victorious countries gathered - from the USSR I.V. Stalin, from the USA the elected President Truman and from Great Britain the new Prime Minister Attlee. The Allies worked out general principles conducting a new world policy and defining new boundaries in Europe and the world.

Thus, the countries of Eastern and Southeast Europe- Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, Czechoslovakia. Poland was recreated and also included in the Soviet orbit.

As territorial increments, the USSR included East Prussia with the city of Königsberg.

In all states that fell within the zone of influence of the Soviet Union, elections were held and the communists and socialists won them. In general, at the end of the war, the sympathy of the population of Europe and the world was on the side of the USSR and its ideology.

By decision of the Potsdam Conference Germany was divided into 4 occupation zones and had to pay reparations to the winners in the amount of 20 billion dollars, half of which the USSR was supposed to receive.

In the Far East, Japan was also obliged to pay a large sum and give up part of the land. Thus, the Kuril Islands, southern Sakhalin, and Port Arthur were returned to the USSR. A pro-Soviet communist regime was established in China and North Korea.

IN 1946 in a German city Nuremberg took place trial over Nazi criminals who were charged against humanity. 10 of them were hanged. The prominent Nazi military leader Goering took poison a day before his execution and died. The remaining criminals were sentenced to prison terms.

A little later, the same military tribunal was held over Japanese criminals.

In 1945, on the basis of the League of Nations, a new association was created - the United Nations (UN), the founders of which were the USSR, China, the USA, Great Britain and France.

As a result of the Second World War, two political systems, which after a short time began to compete with each other for the right to dominate the World - the socialist system led by the USSR and the capitalist system led by the USA.

  1. Shubin A.V. General history. Recent history. 9th grade: textbook. For general education institutions. M.: Moscow textbooks, 2010.
  2. Soroko-Tsyupa O.S., Soroko-Tsyupa A.O. General history. Recent history, 9th grade. M.: Education, 2010.
  3. Sergeev E.Yu. General history. Recent history. 9th grade. M.: Education, 2011.
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  1. Why did the victorious powers recreate Poland?
  2. Assess the results of World War II
  3. Why, after the end of World War II, did two political and ideological systems emerge in the world that began to oppose each other?

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The Second World War had a huge impact on the destinies of mankind. 72 states (80% of the world's population) participated in it. Military operations took place on the territory of 40 states. IN armed forces 110 million people were mobilized. The total human losses reached 60-65 million people, of which 27 million people were killed at the fronts, many of them citizens of the USSR. China, Germany, Japan and Poland also suffered heavy human losses. Military expenses and military losses amounted to $4 trillion. Material costs reached 60-70% of the national income of the warring states. The industry of the USSR, USA, Great Britain and Germany alone produced 652.7 thousand aircraft (combat and transport), 286.7 thousand tanks, self-propelled guns and armored vehicles, over 1 million artillery pieces, over 4.8 million machine guns (excluding Germany), 53 million rifles, carbines and machine guns and huge amount other weapons and equipment. The war was accompanied by colossal destruction, the destruction of tens of thousands of cities and villages, and innumerable disasters for tens of millions of people. As a result of the war, the role of Western Europe in global politics was weakened. The USSR and the USA became the main powers in the world. Great Britain and France, despite the victory, were significantly weakened. The war showed the inability of them and other Western European countries to maintain huge colonial empires. The anti-colonial movement intensified in African and Asian countries. As a result of the war, some countries were able to achieve independence: Ethiopia, Iceland, Syria, Lebanon, Vietnam, Indonesia. In Eastern Europe, occupied by Soviet troops, socialist regimes were established. One of the main results of World War II was the creation of the United Nations on the basis of the Anti-Fascist coalition that emerged during the war to prevent world wars in the future. In some countries, the partisan movements that emerged during the war tried to continue their activities after the end of the war. In Greece, the conflict between communists and the pre-war government escalated into civil war. Anti-communist armed groups operated for some time after the end of the war in Western Ukraine, the Baltic states, and Poland. The civil war, which has been going on there since 1927, continued in China. Fascist and Nazi ideology were declared criminal at the Nuremberg trials and banned. In many Western countries, support for communist parties has grown due to their active participation in anti-fascist struggle during the war. Europe was divided into two camps: Western capitalist and Eastern socialist. Relations between the two blocs deteriorated sharply. A couple of years after the end of the war, the Cold War began.

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The immediate and most obvious result of the Second World War was gigantic destruction and loss of life. The war devastated entire countries, reduced cities and villages to ruins, and led to the death of many millions of people. The greatest human losses - 26.6 million people - were suffered by the Soviet Union. Germany and its European allies lost, according to various estimates, from 8 to 13 million people. At least 6 million Polish citizens, 6 million Jews, 2–3 million Japanese, and 1.7 million residents of Yugoslavia died.

China's military losses amount to approximately 5 million people, and in total, about 18 million people died in China during the war years - mainly from hunger and disease. Losses of indigenous Asian and African countries, on whose territory military operations were carried out: Burma, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaya, Tunisia, Syria, Ethiopia, Somalia - no one counted. The military losses of France, the USA and Great Britain were relatively small: 635 thousand killed in France, about 300 thousand in the USA, over 400 thousand in Great Britain. England suffered severely from aerial bombing; There was no military destruction in the United States. Relative to the total population, the heaviest casualties were suffered by Poland (17.2%), the Soviet Union (13.5%) and Yugoslavia (11%).

However, the results of World War II are not limited to losses and destruction. As a result of the war, the face of the world changed: new borders and new states appeared, new trends emerged social development, major inventions and discoveries were made.

The war gave a strong impetus to the development of science and technology. Radar, jet aircraft, ballistic missiles, antibiotics, electronic computers and many other inventions and discoveries were made or came into widespread use during the war. The beginning of the mastery of atomic energy dates back to wartime, thanks to which the twentieth century. often called the atomic age. It was then that the foundations of the scientific and technological revolution were laid, which transformed and continues to transform the post-war world.

The main political result of World War II was the victory over the fascist aggressors. Countries and peoples threatened by fascism defended their independence and freedom. Aggressive states: Germany, Italy, Japan and their allies were defeated. Their armed forces, economy, politics, ideology suffered a complete collapse; their leaders were brought to justice, and they received their well-deserved punishment.

The ideology of fascism, Nazism, racism, and colonialism has completely discredited itself; on the contrary, the ideas of anti-fascism, anti-colonialism, democracy, and socialism gained wide popularity. The human and civil rights enshrined in the UN Charter have received international recognition. Members of the Resistance and former front-line soldiers gained enormous authority. They had a great influence on social and political life, entered the elite of society, and in some countries came to power. The influence of parties and groups fighting for democracy and social transformation - communists, socialists, social democrats, Christian democrats and other democratic forces - increased sharply. The measures they proposed: the nationalization of industry and banks, the transfer of land to those who cultivate it, the participation of workers in production management, the creation of a comprehensive social insurance system - found a wide response among the population. In many countries, including Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland, socialist, social democratic and Christian democratic parties have become the leading political force, headed governments.

Communist parties have grown and strengthened significantly. In France, the Communist Party became the largest political party, in Italy the communists took over the leadership of the largest trade unions. They were part of the government, millions of voters voted for them.

In addition to Italy and France, in seven more countries of Western Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Luxembourg) and in four countries of Latin America (Chile, Cuba, Costa Rica, Ecuador) communists were at first post-war years also participated in governments.

Major reforms were carried out in many countries: partial nationalization of industry and banks, creation state system social insurance, expansion of workers' rights, and in some places (Germany, Italy, Japan) land reforms were carried out. A number of countries, including France, Italy, Germany, and Japan, adopted new, democratic constitutions. There has been a profound renewal of society; democratization of state and public institutions.

A very important result and consequence of the Second World War was the collapse of the colonial system. Before the war, the vast majority of the world's population lived in colonies, the area and population of which were many times larger than the metropolitan countries: Great Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Japan. During the Second World War and especially after its end, some dependent and colonial countries: Syria, Lebanon, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Burma, the Philippines, Korea - declared themselves independent. In 1947, India became virtually independent, divided into two dominions: India and Pakistan. A rapid process of liberation of the colonial peoples began, which continued until the complete liquidation of the colonies in the second half of the century.

As a result of the war, the balance of power in the world changed dramatically. Germany, Italy, Japan, which before the war were among the great powers, having been defeated, temporarily turned into dependent countries occupied by foreign troops. Their economy was destroyed by the war, and for a number of years they were unable to compete with their former competitors. Compared to pre-war times, the positions of France and even Great Britain were significantly weakened. Of all the great capitalist powers, only the United States of America emerged from the war significantly stronger. Far ahead of all other countries economically and militarily, the United States has become the sole leader of the capitalist world, a giant “superpower” claiming global leadership.

The second “superpower” was the Soviet Union. Having won victory, despite colossal casualties and destruction, and played a decisive role in the defeat of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union increased its power and international authority to an unprecedented degree. By the end of the war, the Soviet Union had the world's largest land army and enormous industrial potential, surpassing the potential of any other country except the United States. The armed forces of the USSR were located in many countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in East Germany and in North Korea. The Soviet Union was unconditionally supported by all communist parties, whose influence greatly increased due to their participation in the fight against fascism. A significant part of the world public opinion saw in the USSR not only the conqueror of the fascist aggressors, but also a country paving the way to a socialist future.

A number of countries liberated by the Soviet Union took the path of non-capitalist development. After liberation from the occupiers in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, people's democratic governments were created with the participation or under the leadership of communists, which began to carry out deep social transformations. In accordance with the Yalta agreements, these countries were tacitly considered the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union and were actually under its control.

Similar transformations were carried out in East Germany and North Korea, occupied by Soviet troops. In China, after the victory over the government of Chiang Kai-shek in the Civil War of 1945-1949. The communists also came to power.

If the United States of America became the leader of the capitalist world, then the Soviet Union led the social forces that opposed capitalism. Two main poles of attraction for world forces have emerged, conventionally called East and West; Two ideological and military-political blocs began to form, the confrontation of which largely determined the structure of the post-war - bipolar - world.

First public signal Churchill’s speech, which he delivered on March 5, 1946 in the American city of Fulton in the presence of US President Truman, is considered to be such a confrontation. In this history-making famous speech Churchill publicly repeated the thoughts that he had expressed confidentially to Eden and Truman at the end of the war.

At Fulton, Churchill said that the Soviet Union had divided Europe with an "iron curtain", established a "tyranny" in its sphere of influence, was driven by "expansionist tendencies" and wanted "the limitless spread of its power and its doctrines." He called for opposition to the USSR “with all the strength of the countries that speak English"and having a monopoly on atomic weapons. Stalin immediately responded that Churchill’s position “is an orientation toward war, a call for war with the USSR.” A fierce controversy erupted with mutual accusations in the preparation new war, which for many years remained the dominant feature of social and political life, determined the main content international relations.

The anti-fascist coalition split. Its participants began to fight each other, and the Cold War began, which lasted for more than 45 years, until the collapse of the USSR, the collapse of the socialist states and the bipolar world system.

The post-war world turned out to be different from the pre-war one. The border between them was drawn by the Second World War, the most grandiose event in the history of the 20th century.

    The most big war in human history

    World War II was the largest, most destructive and bloodiest war known to history. In its scale it far surpassed all wars of the past, including Hundred Years' War XIV-XV centuries, Thirty Years war XVII V., Napoleonic Wars started...

The results of World War 2, briefly point by point, the main and most important lessons

Briefly about the results of the Second World War

  • A universal “no” to fascism
  • Political results
  • Social results
  • Economic results
  • Results for Germany, Italy, Japan in the table
  • Results for the USSR and the USA
  • Video

Presentation 9th - 11th grade

Briefly point by point, the results of the Second World War can be divided into economic and political.

But the most significant result, undoubtedly, was the victory over fascism, a change in priorities, and the growth of self-awareness and self-respect of peoples. We will try to clearly describe all of the above just below in the text.

The results of the Second World War briefly, point by point, main points

A universal “no” to fascism

As a result of the unprecedented war, all countries without exception became aware of the threat that fascism posed. Fascist ideology was condemned, as were its bearers. During the Potsdam (Berlin) Conference, which was attended by the largest countries of the anti-Hitler alliance, the composition of the International Military Tribunal was formed, which was supposed to determine the degree of guilt of the leadership of the Third Reich.

The trial (Nuremberg) began on the morning of November 20, 1945, and ended only on October 1, 1946. During it, many of those who led Germany during the war and pursued an aggressive and cruel policy were charged. Along with war crimes, they were accused of numerous atrocities against peace and humanity.

The Nazis caused much more damage to Europe than the medieval Inquisition with its torture and extrajudicial burnings. About 60 million died, 12 million of whom were tortured in Nazi concentration camps. Thousands of destroyed cities and small settlements, millions of people who found themselves far from their homeland - this is only a small part of what the leaders of the Third Reich had to answer for.

United in the face of a common danger in the fight against the brown plague of fascism, society began to strive for a more just and humane structure of the world.

Even before the end of the war, at the Yalta Conference (early 1945), a new international organization was created - the UN. Its main participants were the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. The main task of the United Nations, just like earlier the League of Nations, was the prevention and peaceful resolution of armed conflicts, controversial issues, etc.

Politics (results)

No less important was the fact that the world realized the danger of nuclear weapons, having seen the consequences of their use. As a result, many states signed a document under which they pledged never to use weapons of mass destruction.

As for individual countries, as a result of the second world armed conflict, the struggle for independence intensified in most of the colonies and dominions of Great Britain and other states, but Soviet influence in the world, on the contrary, increased significantly.

Many Eastern European states were led by communists under the leadership of Moscow. And in some countries of Western Europe (France, Italy) communist parties have become more widespread and popular. This was largely facilitated by the contribution that the Soviet people made to the victory over Nazi Germany.

France, which was previously strong, lost its greatness after the German occupation. Great Britain, although among the victors, was significantly weakened. Japan, Germany and Italy completely turned into dependent countries.

All this led to a change in the balance of forces and the formation of a bipolar world order, in which one pole was the American state, the other was the USSR. The consequence of this new system was the so-called Cold War, which more than once brought the world to the threshold of the Third World War, which would inevitably become the last in human history.

Social results of the Second World War

Economy (results)

An important point in the economic results of World War II was the final transition of world financial dominance from European states to the United States.

During the conflict, all the states that took part in it suffered to one degree or another. The economies of the USSR and European countries suffered the greatest losses. Japan and Great Britain suffered less, although they had to deal with the consequences of regular bombing.

The only exception was the United States, since their territory was not affected by the fighting. The States, the least affected by the war, provided all possible assistance to European countries in the first years after the conflict. This allowed the American economy to quickly rebuild on a peaceful footing.

As a result, a new international financial system was formed, according to which the American dollar became a world currency, along with gold.

The post-war period also includes the emergence of modern international financial organizations, in particular the International Monetary Fund.

Results for Germany, Italy, Japan

Results for the USSR and the USA

For the United States

For the Soviet Union


Topic: "Results of the Second World War for the USSR"


Relevance of the topic. The history of World War II and its results for humanity have not lost their relevance in our time. Lessons remain that world community learned from events more than half a century ago. Two years ago, the whole world celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Victory and heated discussions on this topic took place in many countries. Moreover, often these were not just disputes about the interpretation of this or that event during the war, but completely opposite moral assessments of its results, which are directly related to modern European and world politics. After all, history is politics facing the past.

That is why, when discussing this topic, we bear considerable moral responsibility both to those who paid with their lives for the defeat of Nazism, and to new generations who learn about the war from textbooks, literature and films. It is a responsibility to not only defend historical truth about the war, but also to consolidate in the public consciousness the correct understanding of its lessons from the point of view of modern world development.

The Second World War was a global battle, surpassing in scale all previous armed conflicts in world history. It brought together not just different interests of states and not so much different ideologies, but rather diametrically opposed approaches to the very foundations of human existence. For the first time in history, the stake in this struggle was the preservation of the lives of entire peoples.

And those who today question the role and significance of our country in it forget that without Russia these countries might not even be on the map.

The main propaganda thesis used in this case is that with the liberation of their countries from fascism came not freedom, but occupation, for which today’s Russia must apologize. It is quite obvious that blaming Russia for advocating this approach politicians Now it's just profitable. Firstly, they count on the favor of those who are in lately mercilessly criticizes Russia on every occasion. And secondly, the demand for an apology, tantamount to an admission of guilt, already entails a demand for financial compensation, territorial claims and so on.

The essence of attempts to distort military history lies in the desire to belittle the role of the Soviet Union in the victory over fascism. Of course, no one in Russia absolves responsibility for what the Stalinist regime did, but I would also like to remind you that it was in the USSR and new Russia that the crimes of that period were exposed. The main result of the war is not just the victory of one coalition of states over another. Essentially this is the victory of the forces of creation and civilization over the forces of destruction and barbarism, the victory of life over death.

The war turned into the greatest tragedy for the peoples of Europe and the world, regardless of which side their states fought on. It is the duty of historians to tell the truth about this tragedy, but it should not be the subject of political speculation. In assessing the outcome of the war, one cannot allow a shift in moral guidelines. Speaking on January 27, 2005 in Auschwitz, President Vladimir Putin called deeply immoral attempts to rewrite the history of the war, to equalize the rights of victims and executioners, liberators and occupiers. History cannot be rewritten to please politicians.

Purpose of the work– in this study we want to determine how the Second World War influenced the further development of the USSR in the post-war years; how, in conditions of huge demographic and economic losses, the state’s domestic and foreign policy developed. This question is relevant in our time, because many of the problems that arise in Russia today in domestic and foreign policy have their roots in the post-war period of the history of the USSR.

Tasks– to complete a given topic we must study the following questions:

– how relations between the USSR and the allied countries developed after the war;

- find out what economic and demographic losses the Soviet Union suffered in this war;

– how the process of restoration and development of the economy and economy of the USSR went;

– find out what the internal policy of the state and party was;

– how the victory affected the lives of ordinary people in the USSR.

Brief description of sources. When writing this work, I received the main data from the book of the French historian and journalist N. Werth “History of the Soviet State. 1990–1991." This book attracted me because it was written by an independent researcher who has repeatedly written works on the history of Russia. When writing his book, he used not only Russian sources, but the works of English, American and French authors. Many of the works of Russian authors that N. Werth used were published in modern times, so the data obtained from there were much less distorted by ideology and censorship. In addition, by the time N. Werth’s book was published, archives and data on real facts and the events that took place during the war, so they are reflected in his book.

The memoirs of Marshals of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov are of great value. and Vasilevsky A.M. Their only drawback is that they were subject to strict censorship, and therefore the authors could not indicate in them the real mistakes and losses of the USSR during the war, and could not publicly evaluate the strategy and actions of the enemy. Criticism of the behavior of Stalin and the Soviet government in war tactics also could not find a place in their memoirs. In addition, when writing this work, I needed statistical data and a chronology of events and negotiations at the end of the war, and such data is practically absent in these memoirs.

1. International relations in the world after the end of the war. The position of the USSR on the world stage during this period

1.1 The alignment and balance of forces in the world at the end of the war

The main result of the six-year bloody war, in which 61 states with a population of 1,700 million people participated, i.e. ¾ of all humanity was the victory of the democratic forces united in an anti-fascist bloc of states of various socio-economic systems. The Second World War led to fundamental changes in the international situation, in the balance of forces on the world stage. Representatives of the most reactionary forces - Italian and German fascism, as well as Japanese militarism, failed. They were defeated by the combined efforts of the incompatible, but equally hated Soviet communists and bourgeois democrats.

The post-war situation in the world changed dramatically. Germany, Italy, Japan were not only defeated, but in these countries there were to be radical transformations of the entire structure of social and economic life, associated with de-ideologization, demilitarization, replacement of government bodies and official leadership. Their further allied relations were excluded by the international obligations of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition.

Great Britain and France were economically weakened by the war, and time was needed to restore their former prestige on the world stage. In addition, class contradictions have intensified in these countries and their colonies. The organization and consciousness of the working class grew rapidly, and the influence of trade unions and communist parties on broad sections of the population increased.

The defeat of the aggressors, the weakening of the colonialists, the strengthening of socialism contributed to the struggle of peoples for national independence. Before the Second World War, 1.5 billion people lived in colonial and semi-colonial countries, i.e. 65% of the total population. By the beginning of the fifties, 1.2 billion people were freed from the colonial yoke. Burma, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Syria, the Philippines, Ceylon and others became independent states.

The expulsion of occupiers from Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, Belgium, Holland, Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece, China, Korea, Vietnam and other countries freed many peoples from foreign rule. In Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Italy, Finland, which were allies of Nazi Germany, there were dramatic changes, which forced peoples to choose their future path of development.

The United States, having strengthened its position and enriched itself, was full of ambitions for world domination. The monopoly of the atomic bomb strengthened their claims.

The international position of the USSR is a field of war, in which it won at the cost of big losses, was highly paradoxical. The country was ruined. At the same time, its leaders had the legal right to claim a prominent role in the life of the world community. The situation in the balance of forces was perhaps the worst for the USSR during its entire existence. Yes, he benefited from the occupation of a vast territory of most of Europe, and his army was the largest in the world, but in the field of some types of military technology, both the United States and Great Britain were far ahead of the USSR, whose industrial potential suffered huge losses.

Thus, there was an acute contradiction between the visible situation and the real balance of power. Soviet leaders were clearly aware of this situation, which forced them to experience strong feeling vulnerability, despite the fact that the USSR became one of the great powers. Thus, the inclusion of the Soviet Union in international sphere characterized by great instability.

In this situation, two approaches were possible: the first involved efforts to preserve the “grand alliance” created during the war, and to gain respite for reconstruction and economic development; the second relied on acquiring “security guarantees” by expanding the sphere of Soviet influence. These two mutually exclusive approaches were reflected in the positions discussed within the party leadership. Due to some passivity of the Western powers, the second approach prevailed in the first months after the Yalta Conference, probably with the personal assistance of Stalin, who fully supported the concept of zones of influence, encouraged by successes in Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia, and who wanted to achieve final recognition of the USSR as a superpower.

Results of the Second World War

The Second World War was the most difficult and bloody war in the history of mankind. At least 60 million people died during the war, approx. 27 million citizens of the Soviet Union and 6 million citizens of Poland. Tens of millions of people were injured and became disabled. The war devastated entire countries, reduced cities and villages to ruins, and turned millions of people into refugees. In Europe alone, the number of so-called displaced persons forced to leave their place of residence has exceeded 11 million people. The loss of life in the Second World War was almost six times greater than in the First World War, and the damage to property was 12 times greater.

The war was fought cruelly and mercilessly.

Hitler's Germany set as its goal to enslave the population of the occupied territories, to undermine vitality Slavs, completely exterminate Jews and Gypsies. The German armed forces carried out massive reprisals against civilians, burning houses, starving or shooting prisoners. Of the 4.5 million Soviet troops captured by Germany, only 1.8 million returned home. In specially created German death camps, the Nazis killed more than 11 million people, including 6 million Jews.

Powers anti-fascist coalition- The USA, England, the USSR - responded with massive bombings of enemy cities, deportation of the population suspected of collaborating with the occupiers - sometimes entire peoples, as was the case in the USSR with the Germans of the Volga region, Crimean Tatars, Chechens, Ingush, Kalmyks. In the final stages of the war, the United States used terrible weapon mass destruction - the atomic bomb. Two American atomic bombs dropped on Japan in the summer of 1945 almost completely destroyed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki along with civilians.

Having drawn all the oceans and continents into its orbit (with the exception of Antarctica), covering 4/5 of the world's population, the Second World War became one of turning points in the history of mankind.

The main result of the Second World War- victory over fascism.

The fascist and militaristic aggressor states - Germany, Italy, Japan and their allies were completely defeated. Their economy, politics, ideology collapsed, their armed forces capitulated, their territories were occupied by the troops of the anti-fascist coalition. Occupation authorities with the support of local anti-fascists, they liquidated fascist regimes, banned fascist parties, and brought fascist leaders to trial. Only Spain and Portugal still have dictatorial regimes of the fascist type.

The broadest masses of the population were overwhelmed with enthusiasm and sought to restructure society on a more just and humane basis. Anti-fascist, democratic and patriotic forces gained unprecedented authority.

During the war, a resistance movement against the occupiers and their accomplices arose and strengthened in the occupied countries. After the war, members of the Resistance, surrounded by respect and honor, began to play a prominent socio-political role. In many countries they came to power and determined state policy.

The influence of the communists, who made a great contribution to the Resistance movement, grew greatly; regardless of the victims, they fought for the freedom and independence of their countries, for the eradication of fascism, for the restoration of democratic freedoms. In a number of countries that freed themselves from fascism, primarily in the countries of Eastern Europe, as well as in Italy and France, communist parties became widespread and received the support of a significant part of the population.

One of the most important results of the war There was a transition of a number of countries to the path of non-capitalist development.

After liberation from the occupiers in a number of countries in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, called the countries of People's Democracy, rights were created with the participation or under the leadership of communists, who began to implement anti-fascist, democratic, and then socialist transformations. Similar transformations were carried out in East Germany and North Korea, occupied by Soviet troops. In China, after the defeat of Japan and victory in the civil war of 1945-1949. The communists came to power.

On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China (PRC) was established, whose leadership declared that it intended to build socialism. A whole community of people's democratic and socialist countries was formed.

Another the most important result World War II - the beginning of the collapse of the colonial system.

The liberation goals and anti-fascist nature of the war, the defeat of the colonial powers in the war with Japan, and then the defeat of the fascist aggressors contributed to the rapid rise of the national liberation movement. The countries of Asia and the Pacific Ocean occupied by Japan (Indochina, Indonesia, Malaya, Burma, the Philippines) escaped the control of the metropolitan countries. A significant part of their population participated in the guerrilla struggle against the Japanese occupiers; created its own national political and military organizations. After the surrender of Japan, the countries it occupied declared their independence and refused to recognize the power of the former colonialists. In other colonial countries, especially in India, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, and Palestine, the war awakened the masses of the population to political activity, who more and more persistently demanded independence. The power of the colonialists was shaken. The irreversible collapse of the colonial system began.

As a result of the Second World War, the balance of power on the world stage changed dramatically. Germany, Italy, Japan, which before the war were among the great powers, having been defeated, temporarily turned into dependent countries occupied by foreign troops. Their economy was destroyed by the war, and for a number of years they were unable to compete with their former competitors.

France, defeated by Germany in 1940 and occupied by Nazi troops for four years - from 1940 to 1944 - temporarily lost its position great power. Great Britain successfully ended the war as one of the three victorious great powers, but its position was weakened. Economically and militarily, it lagged far behind the United States and was dependent on American aid.

Only the United States of America emerged from the war significantly stronger. Without conducting military operations on their territory, avoiding military destruction and major human losses, they were far ahead of all other countries economically and militarily. Only the United States had atomic weapons; their navy and air force were the strongest in the world; their volume industrial production was greater than in all other countries combined.

The USA has become a giant “superpower”, the leader of the capitalist world, claiming world hegemony.

The second “superpower” was the Soviet Union. Having won victory, despite colossal casualties and destruction, and having made a decisive contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union increased its power, influence and prestige to an unprecedented degree. By the end of the war, the Soviet Union had the world's largest land army and enormous industrial potential, surpassing that of any other country except the United States. The armed forces of the USSR were located in many countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in East Germany, and North Korea. The Soviet Union controlled the situation in the People's Democracy countries and enjoyed their full support, as well as the support North Korea and China, the most populous country in the world.

The Soviet Union was unconditionally supported by the communists and a significant part of world public opinion, who saw in the USSR not only the winner of fascism, but also a country paving the way to the future; into socialism and communism.

If the United States of America was the leader of the capitalist world, then the Soviet Union led all social forces that opposed capitalism. Two main poles of attraction for world forces have emerged, conventionally called East and West; two ideological and military-political blocs, the confrontation of which largely determined the structure of the post-war world.

Results and consequences of the war

The Second World War was the bloodiest and largest conflict in human history, involving 80% of the world's population.

The most important result of the war was the destruction of fascism as a form of totalitarianism. This became possible thanks to the joint efforts of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. The victory contributed to the growth of the authority of the USSR and the USA, turning them into superpowers. For the first time Nazism was tried international level. Conditions have been created for democratic development countries The collapse of the colonial system began.

The anti-Hitler coalition that emerged during the war became the basis for the creation of the United Nations, which opened up opportunities for the formation of a system collective security, occurrence radically new organization international relations.

The price of victory over the fascist bloc is very high. The war brought great destruction. Total cost of destroyed material assets(including military equipment and weapons) of all warring countries amounted to more than 316 billion dollars, and the damage to the USSR was almost 41% of this amount. However, first of all, the cost of victory is determined by human losses. The Second World War claimed more than 55 million lives.

The direct human losses of the USSR during all the years of the war were enormous and amounted to more than 27 million people.

Enormous human losses and material destruction changed the demographic situation and gave rise to post-war economic difficulties: the most capable people by age have dropped out of the productive forces; the existing structure of production was disrupted.

War conditions necessitated the development of military art and various types of weapons. The era of accelerated development of rocket and then rocket and space technology began.

Already at the very end of World War II, the Americans created and used nuclear weapons for the first time. Nuclear missile weapons have led to a dramatic change general situation in the world. With the transformation in the late 1940s. The USSR became a second nuclear power and the arms race intensified. The problem of war and peace has become global.

On final stage During the war, the Red Army liberated the territories of Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Austria, Norway, Denmark, China, and Korea. The great and indisputable merit of our soldiers in preserving and saving from destruction many medieval cities of Europe, outstanding monuments of architecture and art.

A world system of socialism was formed as opposed to the capitalist one. For several post-war decades, the confrontation between these two systems determined global development.

As a result of the victory over fascism, the Soviet Union not only strengthened its international authority, but also expanded its borders: Pechenga in the North, Koenigsberg and Klaipeda regions, Transcarpathia, southern part Sakhalin Islands, Kuril Islands.

The country was in the process of further strengthening the totalitarian regime, the cult of personality of I.V. Stalin with obvious growth and manifestation civic position population. And although the anti-fascist war of liberation did not open the path to democracy in the USSR, the contribution of the Soviet people to the defeat of fascism, the feat they accomplished and the courage they demonstrated cannot be devalued, no matter how revalued certain events of that period are subjected to over time. construction of wooden houses in Moscow.

The Second World War was the largest military conflict in human history. More than 60 states with a population of 1.7 billion people took part in it; military operations took place on the territory of 40 of them. The total number of fighting armies was 110 million people, military expenditures were $1,384 billion. The scale of human losses and destruction was unprecedented. More than 46 million people died in the war, including 12 million in death camps: the USSR lost more than 26 million, Germany - approx. 6 million, Poland - 5.8 million, Japan - approx. 2 million, Yugoslavia - approx. 1.6 million, Hungary - 600 thousand, France - 570 thousand, Romania - approx. 460 thousand, Italy - approx. 450 thousand, Hungary - approx. 430 thousand, USA, UK and Greece - 400 thousand each, Belgium - 88 thousand, Canada - 40 thousand. Material damage is estimated at 2600 billion dollars.

The terrible consequences of the war have strengthened the global tendency to unite in order to prevent new military conflicts, the need to create more effective system collective security than the League of Nations. Its expression was the establishment of the United Nations in April 1945.

The Second World War had important political consequences. The system of international relations born of the Great Crisis of 1929-1932 is a thing of the past. A group of aggressive fascist powers was defeated, whose goal was not only the redivision of the world, but the establishment of world domination through the liquidation of other states as independent political units, the enslavement of entire peoples and even the destruction of a number of ethnic groups(genocide); two historical centers of militarism disappeared - German (Prussian) in Europe and Japanese in the Far East. A new international political configuration has emerged, based on two centers of gravity - the USSR and the USA, which were extremely strengthened as a result of the war, which by the end of the 1940s headed two opposing blocs - Western and Eastern (the bipolar world system). Communism as a political phenomenon has lost its local character and became one of the determining factors in world development for almost half a century.

The balance of power within Europe has changed dramatically. Great Britain and France lost the status of pan-European hegemons, which they acquired after the First World War. In Central Europe, the border between German and Slavic peoples returned to the Oder, at the turn of the 8th century. The socio-political life of Western European countries has moved significantly to the left: the influence of social democratic and communist parties has sharply increased, especially in Italy and France.

The Second World War initiated the process of collapse of the world colonial system. It was not only the Japanese and Italian colonial empires that collapsed. The hegemony of the West over the rest of the world as a whole has also weakened. The defeats of the colonial powers on the battlefields in Europe (France, Belgium, Holland in 1940) and in Asia (Great Britain, Holland, USA in 1941-1942) led to a decline in the authority of the white man, and the significant contribution that dependent peoples made to the victory over fascism, contributed to the growth of their national and political self-awareness.

The elimination of the hotbed of aggression in Europe determined the outcome of the Second World War, but Japan still remained a dangerous adversary. She expected to lead protracted war. Japan had at its disposal over 7 million people, 10 aircraft and about 500 ships.

When planning military operations in the Far East, the Allied command proceeded from the fact that the final phase of the war against Japan would be carried out in strategic cooperation with the armed forces of the Soviet Union.

By August 1945, the Philippines, eastern Burma and the island of Okinawa were captured. Allied forces reached the closest approaches to Japan; in November 1945, a landing was planned on the island of Kyushu, and in March 1946 on Honshu.

On July 26, 1945, the governments of the USA, England and China sent an ultimatum to Japan, which was rejected.

August 6, 1945 Americans detonated the first atomic bomb over Japanese city Hiroshima. 70 thousand civilians burned alive. On August 9, the Americans struck a new criminal blow - the seaside city of Nagasaki (20 thousand died). Explosions of atomic bombs, according to American government, should have raised the authority as the only owner of the new powerful weapons. However, the explosion did not have the expected impact even on the ruling circles of Japan. They were more concerned about the Soviet Union's position towards Japan. And not in vain, on August 8, 1945, the USSR, fulfilling its allied obligations, announces entry into war with Japan.

During the 24-day military campaign (August 9 - September 2), the Kwantung Army (General O. Yamada) of the enemy in Manchuria was defeated, Korea, South. Sakhalin and Kuril Islands.

Seeing the disaster Kwantung Army On August 14, the Japanese government decided to capitulate; it was unable to fight.

On September 2, 1945, in Tokyo Bay on the American battleship Missouri, Japan signed an act of complete and unconditional surrender. This act ended the Second World War of the anti-Hitler coalition with the countries of the fascist bloc.

61 states with a population of 1.7 billion people took part in the Second World War (in the First World War, 36 and 1, respectively). 110 million people were drafted into the army, 40 million more than in 1914-1918. In the Second World War, 50 million people died, 5 times more than in the First. Of the states participating in the war, the Soviet Union bore the main burden. The length of the Soviet-German front ranged from 3 to 6 thousand km, the fronts in North Africa and Italy - 300-350 km, the Western Front - 800 km. There were from 190 to 270 enemy divisions operating on the Soviet-German front, in North Africa - from 9 to 206, in Italy - from 7 to 26. Soviet troops destroyed, captured and defeated more than 600 divisions of Nazi Germany and its allies. The USA and England defeated 176 Nazi divisions. The USSR lost less than 14 million killed, England and the USA - several hundred thousand each. The material damage to the USSR from the war amounted to more than 2.5 trillion. rubles in pre-war prices. The victory of the Soviet Union in the war over Nazi Germany was due to a number of reasons. In the extreme conditions of the wartime, the Soviet economy was able to quickly switch to the production of weapons and surpass the industrial power of the fascist bloc. The country's ruling Communist Party enjoyed the trust and support of the majority of the country's population. The war for the USSR was defensive and fair. This contributed to the rise of traditional Russian and Soviet patriotism. More than 11.5 thousand people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The victory of the USSR was also facilitated by logistical, military assistance from his allies in the anti-Hitler coalition. During the war years, the military art of both the top leadership of the army (G.K. Zhukov, A.M. Vasilevsky, I.S. Konev, K.K. Rokosovsky, etc.) and middle and junior officers grew. However, the price of this skill and the price of victory was very high. The victory, won by the unprecedented heroism of the people at the front and the greatest self-sacrifice in the rear, was used by Stalin and his entourage to strengthen totalitarianism in the USSR and create similar regimes in the countries of Eastern Europe.

61 states with a population of 1.7 billion people took part in the Second World War. (In the First World War, 36 and 1, respectively). 110 million people were drafted into the army, 40 million more than in 1914-1918. In the Second World War, 50 million people died, 5 times more than in the First.

Of the states participating in the Second World War, the Soviet Union bore the main burden. The Soviet-German front distracted 23 German armed forces. The length of the Soviet-German front ranged from 3 to 6 thousand km, the front in North Africa and Italy - 300-350 km, the Western Front - 800 km. On the Soviet-German front there were from 190 to 270 enemy divisions, in North Africa - from 9 to 206, in Italy - from 7 to 26. Soviet troops destroyed, captured and defeated more than 600 divisions of Nazi Germany and its allies. The USA and England defeated 176 Nazi divisions. The USSR lost at least 14 million killed, England and the USA - several hundred thousand each. More than 1 million Soviet soldiers and officers died in the battles for liberation from the fascist occupation of the states of Eastern Europe. The economic damage to the USSR from the war amounted to more than 2.5 trillion. rubles in pre-war prices.

The victory of the Soviet Union in the war over Nazi Germany was due to a number of reasons. In the extreme conditions of the wartime, the Soviet economy was able to quickly switch to the production of weapons and surpass the industrial power of the fascist bloc. During the war years, the military art of both the top leadership of the army and the middle and junior officers grew. The country's ruling Communist Party enjoyed the trust and support of the majority of the country's population. The war for the USSR was defensive and fair. This contributed to the rise of traditional Russian and Soviet patriotism.

More than 11.5 thousand people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The victory of the USSR was also facilitated by logistical and military assistance from its allies in the anti-Hitler coalition.

During the war years, the international influence of the USSR increased sharply. Together with the United States, the Soviet Union became one of the world leaders. The internal political system has also strengthened Soviet society. IN politically The USSR came out of the war more strong state than in entered into it. The growth of such influence of the USSR caused extreme concern among the leadership of the Western powers. As a result, two strategic tasks were identified in relation to the USSR: at a minimum, to prevent further expansion of the sphere of influence of the USSR, for which to create a military-political alliance of Western countries led by the USA (NATO, 1949), and to place a network of military bases near the borders of the USSR USA, support anti-socialist forces within the Soviet bloc countries.

The measures taken by the USSR were adequate (Warsaw Pact Organization, 1955). The leadership of the Soviet Union regarded the new foreign policy course of the former military allies as a call to war.

The world was entering the Cold War era.

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