How to complete a pre-graduate internship sample. Thesis: Report on pre-diploma practice using the example of the activities of a private entrepreneur in a trade pavilion


Pre-graduation practice is necessary to generalize and improve the knowledge and practical skills acquired by students during the learning process, to familiarize themselves directly at enterprises with advanced technology and labor orientation; production forecasting using progressive forms and methods of production accounting.

Practice should influence the formation of the specialist’s personality, the development of labor discipline, a sense of collectivism, comradely reciprocity, respect for the labor traditions of the enterprise, thrift, and the acquisition of experience. organizational work during the technological process.

Pre-diploma internship tasks - consolidation, expansion and systematization of knowledge acquired during the study special disciplines, acquisition of primary skills in positions: manager of a production unit team, warehouse manager, responsible for product quality control, head of the service for product sales, logistics and foreign economic relations; accountant, processing shop manager, broker's backup.


In the process of pre-graduation practice, we acquired skills and abilities practical work in positions and workplaces in the farm of OJSC "Soviet Agricultural Chemistry". Using theoretical knowledge, they applied it in practice. This made it possible to master and consolidate, expand and systematize the knowledge acquired during the study of special disciplines.

Carrying out relevant work in specific positions contributes to the “transformation” of a student into a real specialist who clearly, correctly, and timely performs the work assigned to him.

While working at Sovetskaya Selkhozkhimiya OJSC, I became familiar with the main processes of production and processing of crop products, the indicators of which have a significant impact on final results his activities.

Completing this practice brings students directly closer to the production process itself, makes it possible to evaluate and draw appropriate conclusions on the current situation and take certain measures to improve it, providing positive influence for the formation of a future specialist.

2. Report on pre-graduation practice on the farm

1 Section of the report on pre-graduation practice.

Soil and climatic conditions of the Bakhchisaray region and the location of the closed joint stock company "CHERNOMORETS" of the Bakhchisaray region she

1.1 Brief natural-climatic and economic characteristics ZASO AF "Chernomorets"

The Closed Joint Stock Agricultural Society "Chernomorets" was organized in October 2002 as a result of the reorganization of the collective farm "Chernomorets", created in 1930. In 1935, the farm was allocated 3,145 hectares of land, and the number of employees was 290 people.

ZASO AF "Chernomorets" is located in the Bakhchisaray district, located in the South-West Crimean peninsula. In the northwest, the region is washed by the Black Sea. Area – 1.7 thousand km2, with a population of 83.1 thousand people, including urban residents – 30.6 thousand.

The district center is the city of Bakhchisaray, in addition to it in the region there are 3 urban-type settlements (Kuibyshevo, Nauchnoye, Pochtovoye) and 82 rural ones settlements. central part district is located within the boundaries Inner ridge Crimean Mountains, southeastern - in the foothills and partly on the northern slopes of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains.

Highways – 762 km, including hard surface– 500 km. In the area there are: a vocational school and a road technical school (Bakhchisaray), the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Nauchny town), the House of Nature, a travel and excursion agency (Bakhchisaray), 2 tourist centers (Bakhchisaray, Sokolinoe).

Previously, natural pastures occupied the main areas; crop farming and livestock raising remained the main occupations until 1954. As of 1945, the farm had 5 hectares of perennial plantings (apple trees) and vineyards (Chaush varieties).

Intensive development of gardening on the farm began in 1954. In 1965 it was created industrial enterprise and the wine state farm began to operate: in one year the profit of the state farm increased by one and a half times, exceeding the plan reached 150%; A pigsty and a four-row barn were built. By 1964, a school with 400 places was built.

Today, ZASO AF "Chernomorets" owns 321 hectares of plantings of varieties of fruit crops, of which 65 hectares are pome trees (65 hectares of apple trees) and 226 hectares of stone fruits (39 hectares of plum, 66 hectares of cherry, 10 hectares of apricot and 121 hectares of peach).

ZASO AF "Chernomorets" is a primary winemaking enterprise, part of the First National Winemaking Holding. Since 2003, it has been one of the main Crimean suppliers of selected wine materials for the Inkerman Vintage Wine Factory.

Before perestroika, the giant of agro-industrial production and processing occupied more than three thousand hectares and brought tens of millions of rubles in profit to the Soviet treasury. However, after 1985, the agricultural sector suffered heavy losses due to crop failures and Prohibition, causing development of the entire area to stop for 15 years.

By 2005 The management of the enterprise managed to overcome the crisis thanks to the help of the First National Winemaking Holding. As part of the investment program for the development of enterprises of the National Winemaking Holding, the Belozersky nursery supplied Pinot Noir and Aligote seedlings to Chernomorets, and the cultivated area increased.

The relief within the region varies from flat in the northwest to lowland in the central part and southeast. The fluctuation in relative heights within the boundaries of the region reaches 1000 m.

The rivers of the region belong to the Black Sea basin: Alma, Kacha, Belbek, Chernaya. In some years there are shoals on them. For local needs, the Partizanskoye reservoir (150 hectares) was built; there are also Alminskoye, Bakhchisaraiskoye, Chernorechenskoye reservoirs (350 hectares). Grassed chernozems and brown soils are widespread in the foothills, brown mountain forest soils are common in the mountains, and archery chernozems (10.6% of the area of ​​the region) and southern chernozems are common on the plains.

In the Bakhchisarai region there are part of the Crimean Game Reserve, the Grand Canyon of Crimea and the Kachinsky Canyon reserves; natural monuments (Belbek Canyon and Mangup-Kale) of republican significance; reserve and 7 natural monuments local significance. The extraction of materials and the food industry are developed.

The area also specializes in horticulture and viticulture. Essential oil crops, walnuts and almonds are grown. The region's livestock industry consists primarily of pig farming, beekeeping, poultry farming and horse breeding.

IN modern conditions ZASO AF "Chernomorets" is engaged in the production and sale of types of agricultural products: grain crops, fruits, grapes and wine materials, and meat products. And this is due to the soil and climatic conditions of the area.

The farm territory is included in the lower foothills agroclimatic region. The climate is warm with mild winters. Average annual air temperature + 10.7°C, average temperature the coldest month (January) + 0.3°C, the warmest month (July) + 21.7°C. Duration 85 days. The transition through + 5оС in autumn occurs on November 27, in spring – on March 22. The earliest date of frost in the fall is October 21, the latest date of frost in the spring is April 22.

The average of the absolute minimum temperatures is 18.2°C. Soil freezing was noted to a depth of 40 ml. The sum of active temperatures is 3100-3300oC. The average annual precipitation is 491 mm. The winds have different direction depending on the terrain. “Fen” are often proud - warm, dry winds, the duration of which ranges from several hours to several days. Negative side The climate of the foothill region has unstable winters.

The main activities of the farm are: production, procurement, processing, sale of agricultural products, mainly grain, fruits, grapes and processed products, beef cattle products and the provision of various types of trade and intermediary services to other enterprises and the population.

Fruit production has a much lower volume, however, fruit processing products produced by subsidiary workshops of the farm cause significant interest on the national and international market. Completely new types of products have been developed and produced - from apples, wheat germ, which are in demand in our country and abroad.

The nature of land use and the formation of the structure of farmland, on which the volume of gross production largely depends, depend on the natural and economic characteristics of the region. During the reporting period, total area Perennial plantings amount to about 1267.5 hectares, including 324.5 hectares of gardens and 943 hectares of vineyards, 877 hectares.

The authorized (share) capital of the farm is UAH 5,642.0 thousand, of which 25% of the shares are managed by the ARC Property Fund and 75% are owned by individuals. In 2008 profit, including from the sale of financial assets, increased from UAH 612.9 thousand on average in 2006–2007, to UAH 6074.9 thousand in 2007. and 6053 thousand UAH in 2008. In 2006, the result of the enterprise's activities was negative and the loss amounted to 4848.5 thousand UAH.

Concerning land resources, then they must be replenished by rational use land. But for Lately, the ongoing policy of reforms in the agro-industrial complex, privatization and land distribution does not contribute to the enterprise’s expectations in terms of increasing its land fund.

Basically, holders of land shares withdraw them from the enterprise fund, while reducing the composition and structure of land use of the enterprise, the dynamics of which largely determine the composition and structure of agricultural land, the volume of production, the size of the enterprise and its branches of activity, etc.

Conclusion of the report on pre-graduate practice.

The goals, objectives and results of practical training outlined above in the context of the presented sections are systematized.

During the internship, I studied a brief soil and climatic characteristics of the Bakhchisarai region and the territory where the farm is located, the peculiarities of farming, the functioning of branches of activity, crop production and livestock farming, especially branches of specialization.

The current trends and prospects for further improvement of production are substantiated, not excluding the current crisis situations, problematic issues, relating to production volumes, marketable products, parameters of their implementation, the formation of marketing and sales policies, the determination and formation of profit indicators, efficiency and economic profitability of core activities and auxiliary ancillary industries.

Further analysis will be carried out during the writing of the thesis, the results of which will help to substantiate proposals for improving production and improving the state of affairs in the North-West Joint-Stock Company A/F "Chernomorets" of the Bakhchisarai region of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Applications of the practice report.

The appendices to this field practice report provide the forms annual reports(No. 1, 2, addendums to these forms, 50 agricultural, 24, 29, main indicators and enterprise passport for 2005-2009), presented to the diploma supervisor for verification.

3. Report on pre-diploma practice in accounting, accountant

Introduction. 3

1. Brief natural and economic characteristics of the enterprise. 6

2. The state of the farm's computer base. 18

3. System of work with personnel and organization of work of accountants. 20

4. Organization of an accounting system on the farm. 24

4.1. Organization of accounting in production departments. 29

4.2. Organization of accounting in the central accounting department. 37

5. Technology for processing and storing documents. 68

6. Maintenance scheme for automated accounting. 70

7. Planning and organization of production. 71

Conclusions... 73

List of used literature. 75


Over the years of Ukraine's independence, in the agriculture of the republic, despite the ongoing reform processes, there has been a stable trend of reduction in crop and livestock production. The circle of agricultural producers has undergone significant changes. Carrying out the first stage of reform through the privatization of state property of enterprises provided the opportunity to distribute land and property of farms, and create new formations based on private property shareholders. Development of private sector farms, along with recession economic activity in agricultural enterprises, served to shift production to the household sector, which currently produces almost all potatoes, 2/3 of vegetables, milk, and more than 3/4 of meat. The efficiency of using irrigated land has decreased significantly: the area of ​​hectares of irrigation has decreased by half, the volume of water supply has decreased by 2.5 times.

The low efficiency of growing agricultural crops is due to a number of economic reasons, which limited the ability of farms to purchase equipment, fuels and lubricants, fertilizers, and chemical plant protection products. In the livestock industry, there remains a stable downward trend in the production of basic livestock products. Moreover, in agricultural enterprises the rate of decline in production is much higher than in households.

Since 1996, the agricultural sector of the economy has turned from profitable to unprofitable; funds received from the sale of products do not cover the costs of their production.

Despite some increase in gross income, the amount allocated to pay labor (including hired and outsourced persons) still significantly exceeds it. It should be noted that in agriculture, which employs a quarter of the average number of full-time workers in all sectors of the economy, wages are the lowest (2.4 - 2.7 times less than in industry, construction, communications and transport).

The structure of production costs has undergone significant changes Agriculture. The share of remuneration taking into account accruals decreased while specific gravity costs of petroleum products, payment for services and work performed by third parties, depreciation charges, electricity, spare parts, repair and construction materials.

Change of structure material costs confirm the fact of significant influence on economic condition sector of disparity in prices for agricultural products and other sectors of the economy.

Along with this, the increase in the share of depreciation charges is not the result of an increase in the production potential of the industry. The renewal rate of fixed production assets is less than the retirement rate. The existing fixed assets are largely worn out. Negative results activities of agricultural enterprises led to a shortage of financial resources, which significantly reduced the possibility of using cash for expanded reproduction.

The main source of construction financing for enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership is still their own funds.

Based on the results of a survey of the state of reform of the agricultural sector of Crimea, agricultural enterprises were created on the basis of former industrial enterprises. production cooperatives(SPK), private, economic societies, peasant (farm) farms.

The distribution of newly created enterprises by organizational and legal forms across regions of the republic varies significantly. Thus, in the Pervomaisky, Razdolnensky, and Saki districts, agricultural production cooperatives were mainly created, in Simferopol - economic societies, and in Belogorsk and Chernomorsky - private enterprises.

The main form of land relations when creating enterprises was the drawing up of agreements with shareholders land plots for up to 3 years, 4-5 years, 6-10 years, more than 10 years.

One leased land share costs about 380 hryvnia in money, services and products. Rent is generally expected to be paid after the harvest of agricultural crops, annually or monthly.

Development Analysis farms Crimea indicates very low volumes of agricultural production by these farms. There are cases of land seizures. The financial problems of farmers do not yet allow them to seriously compete in the agricultural market with farms of other categories. Products manufactured peasant farms, is used mainly to satisfy one’s own needs and only a small part of it is sold on the market and procurement organizations, and exchanged in exchange.

The situation on the meat market in Crimea has undergone significant changes recently. Significant meat losses are due to a decrease in the number of livestock, a decrease in animal productivity, deterioration of conditions for raising and fattening livestock, and an increase in the forced slaughter of low-weight livestock. The level of per capita meat consumption by the population of Crimea is lower than in Ukraine as a whole.

The state of feed production does not ensure the maintenance of the required number of livestock and its high productivity. The share of succulent feed in the structure of prepared feed is decreasing. Herd reproduction work has deteriorated.

Taking into account all of the above, it should be noted that without a clear organization of accounting and control, and taking into account the characteristics of the activities of agricultural enterprises, it is impossible to achieve rational and economic use of production and labor resources, prevent the occurrence of unproductive costs and losses, and ensure a reduction material assets enterprises.

Accounting at agricultural enterprises must be organized in such a way as to ensure completeness of data on the availability of fixed assets, animals, seeds and feed, mineral fertilizers, pesticides, fuel, spare parts, raw materials, other materials for any date, as well as about all their receipts and disposals, timely settlements with suppliers, payment of loans and taxes, clear reflection of production costs, full posting of manufactured products, their reliability calculations and evaluation during processing and sales to determine financial results, strict control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations, preparation of accurate, complete and timely reporting.

Accounting allows the management of an enterprise to have operational economic information. The ancients said: “Whoever owns information owns the world.”

The purpose of the pre-diploma professional practice is the application of knowledge acquired in college, acquisition of skills, and ability in subsequent independent work. The student is obliged, on the basis of a specific farm, to demonstrate his readiness and ability to work with factual material and use it to prepare a report on practice.

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4. Pre-diploma practice lawyer's report

Report on the work done during legal practice

1. Last name, first name, patronymic

Shapkina Olga Anatolevna

2. Dates, place and sequence of internship

Place of internship: 1472 Naval Clinical Hospital Black Sea Fleet Sevastopol.

Pre-graduation practice took place for 4-6 hours every working day.

In order to introduce the matter, the head of the pre-graduation practice - the head of the 1472 VMKG, colonel of the medical service Osadchiy Alexander Stepanovich, introduced me to the internal labor regulations, issued a pass for the entire period of practice, introduced me to the hospital lawyer - Anatoly Petrovich Zaitsev, with whom we approved the plan undergoing internship.

During my internship, I became familiar with the legal documents used in the institution; worked with visitors, answering all their questions, collecting information for writing a thesis.

4. Comments and suggestions on the lawyer’s practice report

Considering that the hospital is Russian military formation located on the territory of Ukraine, complications often arise in the provision of medical equipment, medicines and other types of material supplies.

Some issues of this nature have not found proper coverage and resolution in interstate agreements between Russia and Ukraine.

Sometimes there are cases of delayed payment wages, which in some cases is also due to the transfer of Russian rubles to Ukraine.

All these and other similar questions are discussed conciliation commission, created joint decisions competent authorities of Russia and Ukraine.

Download the Report on pre-graduate practice as a lawyer

Pre-diploma practice is the final stage of the educational process. It is carried out after the student has completed his theoretical studies at the university.

The purpose of pre-graduation practice is to consolidate theoretical knowledge, acquire practical skills and information and analytical preparation for writing a thesis (project).

During the period of pre-graduation practice, the student:

Studies the activities of the organization (structural unit) in which the internship is carried out;

Clarifies the objectives and content of the thesis in accordance with the needs of the organization to ensure the practical usefulness of the thesis (project).

Engaged in collecting and analyzing materials for writing a report and dissertation.

The place of pre-diploma internship is determined by the student independently and agreed with the supervisor of the internship.

The direction of a student for pre-diploma internship is formalized by an order from the university. The duration of pre-diploma internship is determined curriculum. The graduating department appoints a supervisor of pre-diploma practice (usually this is the supervisor of the thesis).

The specific objectives of the pre-diploma internship are established in the assignment given to the student by the supervisor of the thesis (see Appendix 3).

Pre-diploma practice is carried out in accordance with the schedule drawn up together with the head of practice from the department.

Approximate content of work performed during pre-graduation internship:

Setting the goals and objectives of the study;

Study of the activities of the organization (structural unit);

Studying literary, statistical and other sources on the topic of the thesis (project);

Studying the internal documentation of the organization;

Collection, systematization and preliminary processing of initial data;

Development of a detailed plan for the theoretical, practical or design parts of the thesis.

The practice ends with the preparation of a report reflecting the content and main results of the production practice.

A report on pre-graduate practice is provided to the supervisor. It must contain systematized initial data for writing a thesis (project) and meet all the requirements for all types of practices.

The head of the pre-diploma internship evaluates the results of the internship in accordance with the assessment form laid down in the curriculum: “passed”, “fail”. Upon receipt of an unsatisfactory grade in practice, the question of the student’s admission to diploma is decided by the graduating department.

The defense of the report must be carried out within one week after the end of the pre-diploma internship.

6. Drawing up and execution of a program and report on practice

Practice program must contain:

1. Indication of the place of internship;

2. Duration of internship;

3. Individual tasks;

4. Materials and documents required for internship.

6.1. Preparation of an internship report

The report is drawn up on A4 sheets and must contain at least 20 sheets of typewritten text. Each page of the report must have margins: top and bottom - 20 mm, right - 10 mm, left - 30 mm. Paragraph indentation - 5 characters. The work is printed in the text editor Microsoft Word; font - Times New Roman, spacing - one and a half, font size - 14. The report should not have spelling errors or typos. Pages are numbered below, in the middle. The title page (see Appendix 4) is considered the first page, but it is not numbered. Digital material is presented in the form of tables. Each table must have a title and number.

The report must reflect the solution to the tasks assigned to the trainee. The report must include practice diary And review-characteristic from the supervisor at the place of internship. The review must have the signature of the practice manager from the enterprise and a round seal.

The report on the internship must contain a minimum of theory, a maximum of description, analysis, calculations, and research conducted by the student at the enterprise or organization according to the tasks issued by the supervisor. Information collected during practice should be analyzed.

At the end of the report there should be a list of references used, including internal documents of the enterprise.

In addition to the main content, the report must have appendices. The appendices to the report include various materials collected during the internship: sample document forms, instructions for the preparation and execution of documents by type of activity used in organizations, formulas and calculation results, graphs, diagrams, tables, etc. The report is written in an impersonal form.

The report includes:

Title page (see Appendix 1)

Practice assignment (see Appendix 3)

Feedback from the internship site

Trainee's diary (see Appendix 4)


Main part



List of used literature

Department of Accounting and Auditing

for pre-graduate practice of a student of the _ course

groups ___________ Full name _ ___________________________________

Base (enterprise) name of the enterprise

Head of practice from MIEMP _________________________

position, full name

Head of practice from the enterprise __________________________

position, full name

Moscow 2013

Calendar plan................................................ ........................................................ .

Diary................................................. ........................................................ .............

Review................................................. ........................................................ ....................

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ................

1. general characteristics activities of the organization........................................................

1.1. a brief description of organizations........................................................ .......

1.2. Existing management system......................................................... .........

1.3. Analysis economic indicators production and economic

activities of the organization................................................... ................................

2. Organization of accounting in the organization....................................................

2.1. The level of organization of accounting work and its content.................................

2.2. Features of accounting of settlements with personnel for payment

labor........................................................ ........................................................ .............

3. Audit of settlements with personnel regarding wages..................................

3.1. Audit planning................................................................... ...................................

3.2. Audit of compliance with labor laws........

3.3. Audit verification of the correctness of payroll calculations.

3.4. Audit of the correctness of deductions from wages....................................

3.5. Audit of insurance premiums.................................................................. ........

3.6. Audit results................................................... .......................................

Conclusion................................................. ........................................................ .........

Literature................................................. ........................................................ ..........

Applications........................................................ ........................................................ ........

Calendar plan

Name of topics

Date (period)




carrying out




(department, work

Familiarization with the structure



Studying practical


employee experience

accounting department at


Organization Study


accounting and analytical

a) organization


b) the order of compilation

primary documents

c) the order of compilation

financial statements

d) organization of inspections and

inventory work

Accounting and audit of settlements with


payroll staff

Generalization and



practical material for

graduation preparation



Preparation of a report on


undergoing internship

Defense of the practice report


Head of practice:

pre-diploma internship

at the enterprise Limited Liability Company "_____"(Name of the organization)

in the period from “__”__________ 2013 to “__”__________ 2013

student group ______________ Full name____________________

Head of Practice _ ____________________________________________

(Full name, position, academic title, academic degree)

Signature of the person responsible

persons from the organization

Getting to know the company.

Induction training

Study of constituent


Industry study



organizational structure


Familiarization with



Introduction to Regulations

accounting activities

Accounting research

organization policies

Study of order

compilation of primary


Production Research


Study of form


Learning Registers


Object research


Study of inventory

Analysis of indicators

main activity

Analysis of other indicators

types of activities

Analysis of profit indicators

Analysis of indicators


Analysis of calculations with

payroll staff

Evaluation of indicators

wage efficiency

Organization planning


settlements with personnel for


Conducting an audit

checking calculations with

payroll staff

Collecting what you need

material and its


Preparation of a report on

undergoing internship

About the pre-graduate practice of a MIEMP student

Completed pre-graduate internship

at LLC "_____" in the period from_________________ to_______________ 2013

name of practice base

During the internship period __________________________ worked in the position accountant of the second category.

(performed the duties of ________________)

Conducted practical research in the organization

LLC "_____" for the purpose of analyzing settlements with personnel for wages and forming these indicators in the financial statements of the organization.

The resulting analytical material was used to develop methodological recommendations and proposals for improving and improving the organization's activities.


The purpose of pre-graduation practice is to consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge acquired during the process of studying at a university,

formation necessary for the future professional activity skills, abilities and personal qualities.

The main objective of the practice is to collect and study the features of accounting organization at the enterprise Catering, as well as the formation of these indicators in the financial statements of the organization.

To solve this problem, the following tasks were completed during the internship:

Familiarization with the literature that covers domestic and Foreign experience activities of public catering enterprises,

which the selected object of study is occupied by;

- study of regulatory documents on accounting and methodological provisions for the formation of these indicators in financial statements that regulate the work of public catering enterprises;

- analysis of the collected factual material, study of the company’s official documentation, familiarization with accounting information,

preparation of the necessary graphic material; - generalization of the collected material.

The object of pre-graduation practice is the restaurant LLC "_____".

The subject of pre-diploma practice is the methodology of accounting at public catering establishments.

1. General characteristics of the organization’s activities

1.1. Brief description of the organization

The company "_____" was registered with the Moscow administration in May 2002. Registration number – № 258.

Restaurant "_____" is a public catering establishment.

At the heart of its economic activity is the restaurant "_____"

is guided by the “Rules for the provision of public catering services” approved by Government Decree Russian Federation from

This document was developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and regulates the relationship between consumers and providers in the provision of public catering services.

The operating mode of the enterprise “_____” is established by decision of the relevant executive authorities.

The restaurant "_____" has the highest class in accordance with the state standard. Restaurant "_____" complies with the established regulations state standards sanitary, fire safety rules, technological standards.

Restaurant “_____” independently determines the list of services provided in the field of catering. The enterprise has an assortment list of catering products it produces that meets the mandatory requirements of regulatory documents.

The catering company "_____" has a book of reviews and suggestions, which is presented to the consumer upon his request.

Trade and commercial enterprise restaurant “_____” is a public catering enterprise.

The composition of the production capacity of the enterprise under study is reflected in Table 1.

Table 1

Structure production premises restaurant "_____" on

The confectionery shop and kitchen produce their own products.

Culinary products are produced from both our own and purchased goods.

The markup in the restaurant “_____” is 65%.

The number of seats in the dining room of the restaurant is

table 2

List of equipment used in the restaurant “_____”

Name of equipment


Frying cabinet

Electric frying pan

Dough mixing machine

cooling chamber

Household refrigerator

Electric stoves

Cream beater

Prices for own products

production is reflected in

calculation cards, which are reflected in Appendix 5 of this

1.2. Existing control system

The management staff of LLC "_____" consists of employees

providing enterprise management. This includes the managers of the enterprise.

Figure 1 shows the organizational management structure

OOO "_____". She in to a greater extent than any of the known ones corresponds to the analyzed enterprise both in terms of industry, average size, and scale of activity.










Rice. 1. Organizational management structure of LLC "_____"

General leadership the restaurant is run by the general director,

He is the main manager of the enterprise, who analyzes and controls the overall work of his subordinates, and he also assigns tasks to senior employees for their implementation in order to achieve the overall goals of the company. He also deals with issues of labor and wages, accounting and finance.

To competence General Director LLC "_____" includes the following issues:

Determining strategic goals and priorities for restaurant development;

As a rule, practice is completed three times during the student’s entire education. First they undergo educational practice, then production practice. The final stage, which shows all the student’s knowledge and the skills he has mastered throughout the entire period of study, is pre-diploma internship.

Each of these types of practice has its own characteristics. Educational practice takes place in the second or third year. It does not imply direct immersion in a work environment. Rather, it is an external acquaintance with the work of the enterprise by listening to lectures and attending excursions.

Industrial practice is a more serious stage of training. During practical training, the student is immersed in the work process and performs the functions of a full-fledged worker, but under the guidance of a supervisor.

Pre-graduation practice is a decisive stage of training. In addition to the fact that the student fully performs the duties of a specialist, he must also prove himself with best side. Not only the writing of a diploma depends on this, but also further employment. If you are noticed during pre-diploma internship, you may well be offered a decent profession after graduation.

No matter how different all types of practice are from each other, the goals and objectives of their completion are usually the same:

  • Summing up the training course;
  • Consolidation of theoretical knowledge;
  • Mastering practical work skills;
  • Awareness of the activities that will be encountered after graduation educational institution;
  • Studying the work of the enterprise from the inside.

At the end of each stage, the student must write a report on the practice. This is a document that shows what the student has learned, what skills he has mastered and what professional quality acquired during my internship. This is very important work, since it is on its basis that a conclusion is made about the student’s professional preparedness.

As a rule, practice involves placing the student in conditions that will be normal for him after graduation, during direct employment. So, in order for the practice report to be as competent, high-quality as possible and to contain all necessary information, you need to carefully study the work process of the enterprise where the student is doing internship, all its documentation and regulations.

It is also advisable to fully describe your activities at this enterprise, talk about your achievements, and give recommendations for improving the operation of the enterprise. The report must be drawn up in accordance with all norms and generally accepted standards of document preparation.

How to write a practice report: where to start

Writing any report on practice begins with receiving at the university methodological instructions. This is a kind of instruction for writing a practice report.

The manual must be obtained from the department. It contains all the necessary information on practice tasks, writing and formatting reports.

Example of methodological instructions

The basis for writing a practice report is the practice plan. It reflects the student’s key tasks during practice. As a rule, the plan contains 3-4 tasks.

Example of a practice plan

A competent, structured report on practice implies a thorough collection of information about the enterprise, analysis of this information, development of a plan to improve and improve the activities and work process of the enterprise. Therefore, you need to start writing a report on practice, first of all, with frequent visits to practical classes.

Take the internship seriously, because writing a report is not difficult only if you really understand what you are doing. If you have not mastered any material or do not understand any process, do not hesitate to contact the report curators. As a rule, there are two of them: from the enterprise and from the educational institution.

Once you have collected all the information that can be collected about the enterprise, begin to analyze it. Please review any documents carefully and legal acts- they will be useful to you.

When you have finished working with the information, you can begin presenting it. Carefully structure the text, make it readable and understandable, so that it is easy for the teacher to read it and just as easy to give you an excellent grade.

The structure of the practice report is always the same. These are generally accepted rules to follow when organizing your information.

Practice report structure

In general, if the educational institution has not put forward any of its requirements, the structure of the practice report looks like this:

  1. A title page that is drawn up according to all the rules. Typically, the title page contains the following information: the name of the educational institution and specialty, the topic and type of the practice report, the surname and initials of the teacher checking the report and the student completing it, the name of the group in which the student is studying, the name of the enterprise where the practical lessons, the city in which the educational institution is located and the year the practice report was written.
  2. Contents with section numbering.
  3. Introduction, which indicates the goals and objectives of the practical training. They are usually already given in methodological recommendations to writing a report. In addition, the introduction indicates the expected outcome of the internship.
  4. Main part. This section must be divided into theoretical and practical part. Besides, theoretical part should be divided into sections, and practical - at the discretion of the educational institution. In this part, all calculations are made, the activities of the enterprise are described, and all necessary information about the organizational structure, analysis and comparative characteristics are carried out.
  5. The conclusion is perhaps the main section of the practice report. The conclusion includes all conclusions made by the student during practical training. An assessment is given here own work, and the efforts made are adequately assessed. In addition, in the conclusion you must give your recommendations on how to improve the professional activities of the enterprise.
  6. Appendices are the last structural section of the report. These are all kinds of data that can be referenced from the main part of the report. Applications are not numbered. This is mainly various documentation, interviews, extracts from legislation and other useful information.

Of course, reports on different types practices differ from each other, albeit slightly.

Types of practice reports

Study practice report

Since educational practice is the easiest type of practical exercise, the structure of the report on it is also not particularly difficult. It differs from the standard structure of a practice report in that, as a rule, it does not have a practical part.

Educational practice takes place in group classes, therefore, you need to use the opportunity and collect as much theoretical knowledge as possible about the organizational structure of this enterprise. The goals and objectives of educational practice exclude the student’s immersion in a work environment; this must not be forgotten when writing the introduction and conclusions.

Industrial practice report

Industrial practice is a more serious stage than practical training. The report on industrial practice is drawn up exactly as specified in generally accepted standards, with the exception of cases where the educational institution puts forward its own rules for formatting the report.

remember, that Internship aimed at independent work and the student's own reasoning, so your opinion and your recommendations are very important in the report.

Report on pre-graduate practice

Pre-graduation practice is the most important stage during the entire period of study. The structure of the report on pre-diploma practice is preserved, but in the main part of the report or in the conclusion - at the choice of the educational institution - information about your diploma work must be mentioned.

The fact is that during pre-diploma internship and writing a report, you must choose a topic graduation project, which must have something in common with your specialty.

Do not forget to mention this information in the report, since it determines your admission to defend your thesis and your grade on pre-graduation practice, which also affects the final grade.

To correctly write a practice report, we advise you to look at examples of such reports on the website so that you can follow them to create a competent work.

Each type of report must be accompanied by certain documents. This mandatory rule for each educational institution. The documents are usually a practice diary, a description from the place of practice and an explanatory note.

Explanatory note to the practice report

An explanatory note is a brief summary of the internship report written by the student. It should describe all the student’s actions and information about the internship as a whole.

Explanatory note to practice - example

The explanatory note should be one sheet of A-4 format and written in the same style as the practice report, that is, in a scientific style.

Characteristics of the practice report

Characteristics for the report are not required for all types of practice. Typically, a report on educational practice is submitted without this document.

Characteristics for a practice report - example

Characteristics from the place of internship imply short review representative of the enterprise about the student’s work at this enterprise. As a rule, the characteristics indicate the student’s attendance at practical classes, his participation in organizational process, the benefit of the student for the enterprise, the student’s readiness to join the ranks of professional employees.

Special attention is always paid to the characteristics, especially for pre-graduate practice.

Practice diary - example

The practice diary is a student’s records of completing practical classes every day. The diary indicates the date, the work completed for that day and the result of the work performed. The practice diary is easy to fill out, however, if you have not attended practical classes, then show your imagination and write down the invented actions in the practice diary.

Do not forget that this document must be signed by the enterprise and signed by the curator of the organization.

Example of a practice diary

Defense of the practice report

When the practice report is completed, it is time to defend it. Let us say right away that it is very easy to protect a report if you have completed an internship and have taken a responsible approach to completing tasks. You don’t even have to learn anything, since the skills you’ve mastered will probably remain in your memory.

You must navigate your report and know where to look if information is missing.

Often, when defending a report, many teachers require you to provide a presentation made specifically for the defense. There is nothing difficult about making a presentation. Its structure looks like this:

  1. The first slide, which contains all the information that is written on the title page. This is kind of what it is title page presentations.
  2. The second slide contains the name of the enterprise where the internship took place and the name of your scientific supervisor from the enterprise.
  3. The third slide is a kind of introduction. It should indicate the goals and objectives of the internship.
  4. The fourth slide acts as a conclusion. It should highlight all the results and conclusions made by the student.
  5. In the following slides, you should briefly describe all the information that you consider necessary to cover from the main part. Whether it's relevance, your advice or recommendations, keep it short and smart.
  6. The last slide shows the results of the presentation.

Examples of practice reports

How to write a practice report: rules and examples updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Undergraduate practice– an important component of the final five-year training. This stage is the final one practical exam for a graduate student, which means he will be the one who will show how ready you are to enter into adult life and work in your chosen specialty.

Pre-graduation practice serves as a kind of window in professional sphere . Here you can understand production processes in more detail, as well as learn how to implement your theoretical knowledge in practice. In fact, this is what the entire system is aimed at. higher education- give an opportunity young specialist plunge into the secrets of the profession.

Preparation of a report on pre-graduate practice in accordance with GOST

Pre-diploma practice is necessary so that the student can prepare to defend his thesis. It is during the final practice that one can collect all required material and successfully use it on defense.

Thus, second chapter of the thesis can only be filled own experience work at one company or another. This will also become an auxiliary link, and a very important one, in fully developing the topic of the thesis.

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This practice may differ significantly in terms of duration from all previous ones. It is in full agreement with curriculum and pursues his goals and objectives.

Most often, they are given to you by a teacher, who will accept the results of the practice after completion. In addition, the organization will assign you a practice manager who will certainly be able to help you with difficult situations and will advise if any questions arise.

So, if you need to write a report on pre-graduation practice, then let’s figure out how to format it correctly.

A correct report on pre-graduate practice will necessarily contain a title page, a list of goals and objectives, full content work, main part, conclusion, bibliography and appendices. The conclusions of the manager from the enterprise will also be useful.

An example of a report on pre-graduate practice

Title page

It is quite simple to design the title page of the pre-graduate practice report. There are practically no innovations or differences from other works. The header should contain information about the Ministry of Education of your country, as well as the name of the educational institution.

Just below indicate the department, specialty and title of the work. There is no point in reinventing the wheel here either. The title is: " Report on completing pre-diploma internship". Don't forget to include your personal information, as well as your teacher's. Below is the city and year of execution.

Main part

The main part contains a description of the enterprise, job characteristics, as well as actual tasks and goals. Your task is to fully reflect all the processes in which you were involved during practice. It will help to make a diary. If it doesn’t exist, it will be a little more difficult, but it’s better to maintain it and rely on the data that is recorded in it.


The conclusion usually contains conclusions about the work done. The easiest way to do this is based on the goals and objectives set in the introduction. There is nothing difficult in drawing a conclusion.

The main thing is not to forget that you need to provide own opinion about the work of the enterprise, about how, in your opinion, the work is structured, and so on. In addition, you can make your suggestions for improvement and modernization. ordering diplomas

Pass the report on pre-diploma internship with excellent marks

If prepare a report on pre-graduate practice If you didn’t succeed or don’t have enough material to write it and pass it successfully, then don’t despair. We can always help. By contacting us, you receive professional help from experienced authors. You can order a report on your practice or from professionals.

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