How to schedule your day. How to organize your day correctly

Sometimes it may seem that 24 hours a day is sorely not enough to get everything done. A properly designed daily routine will allow you to clearly set priorities. It will allow you to plan your day so that there is still free time left.

What do you need to know if you don’t know how to create a daily routine?

There are four basic rules. First, plan your future day in the evening. It’s good to do this schematically and put the sheet in a visible place. This way you can save time. How to manage everything? Here sample schedule days:

  • 7.00 - rise.
  • 7.00-8.00 - morning exercises, hygiene procedures, breakfast.
  • 8.00-12.00 - work.
  • 12.00-13.00 - lunch, rest.
  • 13.00-17.00 - work
  • 17.00-19.00 - sports.
  • 19.00-20.00 - dinner.
  • 20.00-22.00 - personal time, family time the next day.
  • 22.00 - going to bed.

Secondly, plan only those tasks that you enjoy doing. If you do something you don't like, you will quickly get tired and begin to experience discomfort. Thirdly, set your priorities correctly. Get yourself a diary (dated) and write down things in order of importance. For example:

  1. Problems that require immediate solutions.
  2. Important, but not very urgent matters.
  3. Tasks that can be completed another day. A dated diary is necessary not only for setting goals, but also for various ideas that come to your mind. It is impossible to remember everything, but this method will allow you not to miss important thoughts.

Fourthly, find time to relax - this is a must. However, if there are still unfulfilled tasks, try to solve them on the day off, since tomorrow you will be back at work.

Time is money

Everyone knows how to make money business man. But how to manage time - only a few. There is even a special science - time management. It is taught by those who do not know how to create a daily routine so that time works for a person, and not vice versa. You need to start by analyzing and identifying holes into which useless time is leaking. It may only be ten to fifteen minutes. However, even these are important. They may not be enough to complete the tasks assigned for the day. The second thing you need to do is outline your goals: both short-term and long-term. It is clearly formulated desires that move a person towards their achievement. Otherwise, success will not come. After this, you can plan your time. There are seven very effective advice that will help you cope with the task:

  • The 70/30 principle. It is impossible to plan the whole day. Set aside 70% of your time and schedule tasks. Leave the remaining 30% for unforeseen circumstances and force majeure.
  • Today - for tomorrow. Don't be lazy in in writing make up the future. This will allow you to manage your time wisely and arrive at your scheduled meetings without being late. At the end of the business list, you can write praiseworthy phrases: “You did great! But don’t relax!” or “Keep it up! But there’s still a lot to do!” They will motivate you to solve your problems.
  • Remember that the main activity occurs during morning hours so try most of plan things to do before lunch. It becomes easier psychologically when you realize that half of the tasks have already been completed, and there is still a whole day ahead. Then lunch time can be devoted to short rest and personal calls. And after the meal, spend a couple of not very important business negotiations or a small meeting.
  • Take breaks! Be sure to rest every hour for 10-15 minutes. This method will allow you to work more productively and not get tired ahead of time. In moments of relaxation, you don’t have to lie on the sofa or smoke in the toilet. Use this time profitably: do a warm-up, water the flowers, rearrange folders on the shelf, read the press or get some fresh air.
  • Be realistic about your capabilities. You will waste a lot of time and health on achieving unattainable goals. Set yourself tasks that you can definitely solve.
  • Always clean up your work area at the end of the working day. This will help save you a lot of time in the future and will allow you to put your thoughts in order. Always keep important things in the same place and within easy reach.
  • Get rid of those things that you don't need. A person is used to leaving things “for later”, in case they come in handy. Look around you, if you haven’t used something for several months, without a doubt throw it in the trash.

To plan your time, you can keep a diary, notepad or regular notebook. Write down goals and objectives, thoughts and ideas there. And be sure to create your daily routine. A successful person can be seen from afar!

Owl or lark: does it matter?

Scientists have long divided people into two categories, depending on the degree of their productivity in different times days. These are the last ones to wake up easily in the morning. In the early hours they are cheerful and active, but by the evening they are tired and cannot do important things. Owls, on the contrary, have difficulty waking up, and their maximum activity is achieved in the evening and at night. Obviously, when planning a daily routine, it is necessary to take into account the person’s psychotype. And, for example, important meetings For night owls, do not schedule it in the morning.

However, in modern world"early people" have an easier time, since basically all work in the office or production begins early morning. Scientists are confident that any person, in principle, with a strong desire, can change their biorhythms. Each of us is capable of turning from a “night owl” into a “lark”. However, this will require willpower, patience and the ability to stick certain rules upon reaching the goal.

Biological clock

No matter who biological type refers to man, he in any case obeys the basic laws of nature. And they say that at different times our body behaves differently. And in order to use time correctly, getting everything done, you need to know about it. The biological clock begins its work long before you wake up. It looks something like this:

  • 4 o'clock in the morning. The body is preparing to awaken, cortisone, a stress hormone, is released into the blood. This time is dangerous, as there is a high probability of heart attacks, exacerbation chronic diseases, bronchial asthma, etc.
  • 5.00-6.00. Metabolism is activated, blood sugar and amino acid levels increase - the body “starts” the work of all systems.
  • 7.00. Great time for breakfast, as food is easily and quickly converted into energy.
  • 8.00. The daily peak of the pain threshold is reached. At this hour, toothaches intensify, the head hurts with particular force, and the bones ache. It is better to reschedule your appointment with the dentist until the afternoon, when the unpleasant syndromes will not be as pronounced.
  • 9.00-12.00. By this time, energy reaches its maximum, the brain works well, blood circulation increases - the optimal period for fruitful work: both mental and physical.
  • 12.00-13.00. Lunch time. The stomach digests food well, however brain activity decreases noticeably. The body begins to require rest.
  • 14.00. Performance is still reduced. However this best time for dental treatment.
  • 15.00-17.00. Blood pressure rises again, mental processes are activated, and a peak in performance is observed.
  • 18.00. Optimal time for dinner so that the body has time to digest the food before bed.
  • 19.00-20.00. This watch is ideal for taking antibiotics. Nervous system most sensitive. The watch is intended for quiet family affairs or friendly gatherings.
  • 21.00. This period is suitable for memorization large quantity information because the brain is wired to remember.
  • 22.00. Great time in order to fall asleep. The body is adjusted to restore strength and energy for the next day. If you fall asleep now, sound and healthy sleep provided for you.
  • 23.00-1.00. Metabolic activity decreases, pulse slows, breathing is even. Deep sleep.
  • 2.00. At this time, you may feel cold, as the body becomes especially sensitive to lower temperatures.
  • 3.00. The hour when suicides most often occur. People have depressive thoughts. Better go to bed if you haven't already.

Plan your daily routine taking into account biological clock. Then everything will work out for you!

The Jack Dorsey Experience

Jack Dorsey is a successful entrepreneur and founder social network Twitter. At the same time, he serves as director of the world-famous company Squer. How does he manage to combine work and rest? It is likely that few people will like the daily routine of a businessman. But Jack's experience is truly impressive. He works 8 hours at each job, that is, 16 hours a day. However, only from Monday to Friday. He leaves the remaining two days for rest. Its success lies in the fact that it is thematic plan work for every day, which he strictly adheres to. At the same time, he performs the assigned tasks in both companies. A manager's working day looks something like this:

  1. On Monday he deals with administration and management.
  2. Tuesday is dedicated to manufactured products.
  3. On Wednesday, Jack is busy with marketing and public relations.
  4. Thursday is aimed at establishing and maintaining connections with business partners.
  5. On Friday, new employees are recruited and general organizational issues are resolved.

Of course, the daily routine successful person very reminiscent of a workaholic's schedule. However, he always finds time for walks in the fresh air and relaxation.

Daily routine of a successful person. Example: Winston Churchill on working at home

Everyone understands that Winston Churchill, as head of the British government, had irregular working hours. However, despite everything, he managed to keep up with everything and stick to his daily routine. You will be surprised, but waking up at half past seven in the morning, Winston was in no hurry to get out of bed: lying down, he read the latest press, had breakfast, sorted out his mail and even gave out the first instructions to his secretary. And only at eleven o’clock Churchill got up, went to wash, get dressed and went down to the garden to take a walk in the open air.

Lunch for the leader of the country was served at approximately one o'clock in the afternoon. All family members were invited to the feast. Within an hour, Winston could easily communicate with them and enjoy the company of loved ones. After such a pastime, he began his duties with renewed vigor. Not a single day of Winston Churchill's work passed without a long nap. And at eight o’clock the family and invited guests gathered again for dinner. After this, Winston closed himself in his office again and worked for several hours in a row. Thus, the head of the British government managed to combine work with personal communication with family and friends. And this certainly made him a person not only successful, but also happy.

Daily routine for working from home

The daily routine of a businessman working from home is extremely important. The nature of some people's work allows them to work remotely, without even leaving home. As a rule, such workers are not used to spending time planning their workday, although this would be very useful for them. Often they work at home without any routine: they sit at the computer until late at night, then wake up late in the afternoon, exhausted and lethargic. Such workers are unlikely to ever become successful. Another thing is that if you stick to the right daily routine, you can achieve success at work. And also be happy in personal life and at the same time maintain your health. Here's an example of how to create a daily routine:

  • You need to get up early, no later than 7 am. After waking up, take five minutes to do morning exercises, take a shower and have a hearty breakfast. After this, you should not immediately rush to work. Rest a little more, let your body wake up and get into a working mood.
  • You can work from 9 to 12. Do things that require mental stress, as at this time your memory is activated, your performance improves and your brain works better.
  • 12.00-14.00 - devote these two hours to preparing lunch, eating and afternoon rest.
  • Afterwards you can start working again, but no later than 18:00.
  • From 18 to 20 pm, devote yourself to those activities that bring you pleasure: walks in the fresh air, activities with children, reading fiction etc.
  • At 20.00 you can have dinner with the whole family and gather around the TV to watch an interesting film.
  • You need to go to bed no later than 22:00, because the next day you will have to get up early again.

As you can see, a total of 6-8 hours were devoted to the work. However, it is your daily routine that will allow you to perform it effectively and without compromising your health and personal life.

How to fall asleep quickly?

It is obvious that good and sound sleep affects our activity throughout the day. Therefore, it is important to go to bed on time and be able to fall asleep. Follow these tips:

  1. Read an interesting book before bed. This is much more useful than watching TV or searching for news on the Internet. While reading, the brain relaxes and it is easier for a person to fall asleep.
  2. Stop exercising a few hours before your desired sleep time. This is necessary so that blood pressure returns to normal, muscle activity decreases and the body is ready to rest.
  3. Walking in the fresh air will have a beneficial effect on the time it takes to fall asleep.
  4. Don't eat heavy food before bed.
  5. Before going to bed, ventilate the room thoroughly.
  6. Always wake up at the same time in the morning, even if you still want to take a nap.

It is obvious that a well-slept and well-rested person looks healthy. He is cheerful, cheerful and determined to solve assigned tasks productively during the working day.

A housewife is also a person

If it seems to you that a woman who sits at home with or without children does nothing, then you are deeply mistaken. In order to understand how busy a housewife’s every day is, you only need to be in her shoes once. Therefore, planning time is as important for her as the daily routine of a successful person. This will help you find at least a couple of hours for personal matters and not become a slave household. In order to systematize her work at least a little, a woman is invited to conduct special entries. The table below shows how planned activities should be ranked.

As you can see, you need to make a plan for important and not so important things for every day. They will be performed regardless of daily duties such as cooking, washing dishes, walking a pet, and so on. Cleaning the entire apartment every day, you quickly get tired of doing everything superficially. We suggest you pay attention to one room per day. However, this must be done carefully and responsibly. This way you will kill two birds with one stone - you practically won’t have to do anything general cleaning and you won’t get as tired as you would from cleaning the entire apartment as a whole.

Let small tasks include goals such as changing bed linens, replanting flowers, and more. Also try to complete your daily duties chronological order. This way you will reduce the time it takes to solve them. For example, when you get up in the morning, first make your beds, and then start preparing breakfast. Wash dirty dishes immediately after eating, rather than saving them all day (unless you have a dishwasher).

Remember! You must have at least one day off. Don't plan anything big for Saturday and Sunday. Write down on your schedule the things you can do with your family. For example, going to the grocery store. Be sure to involve your household members in the work and do not hesitate to ask your husband for help. Fill out this table for the week ahead. Then you will learn to systematize your homework and you will be able to find time for walks with friends, shopping for clothes and other pleasant things.

Work - time, fun - hour

It is impossible to work without a break. Even a business person needs to take at least one day off. We will show you how to spend it to the benefit of yourself and your family:

  1. A working person spends too much time in the office or study. Because he simply needs forays into fresh air. A day off is the best time for this! Go with your friends for a picnic in the nearest forest. Pick berries or mushrooms. IN summer time be sure to go to the beach by the lake or sea. Take a boat trip on a catamaran or boat. Play beach volleyball or rent bicycles. Whatever you do, it will certainly benefit you.
  2. On weekends, the city often hosts various kinds of fairs, festivities, or just small themed holidays in the park. There you can take part in competitions, enjoy the performances of actors, listen to live music, eat cotton candy or popcorn, meet old friends.
  3. A movie is also a great excuse to relieve the stress of a busy week. Choose a movie that will interest the whole family. And after the cinema, you can go to the nearest cafe and treat yourself to delicious pizza or ice cream.
  4. If you're unlucky with the weather over the weekend, you can stay home and play board games. Or watch your favorite show. Reading interesting book will also bring a lot of pleasure.
  5. You can plan a shopping trip for the weekend. And so that it doesn't look too mundane, assign each family member to be responsible for a specific department in the shopping facility. And order him to strictly adhere to the shopping list.
  6. Saturday and Sunday are great times to receive guests. And, of course, don’t forget about your parents. They also need your attention and care.

If you are a business person, do not neglect rest. Be sure to plan your day off. This will allow you not only to maintain your nerves and health, but also to begin the next one with new strength and fresh thoughts. working week. Thus, in order to achieve the intended result, you need to learn how to manage your time. Your daily routine and how many tasks you have time to solve largely depend on how competently you can plan your time.

To do this, get yourself a diary and be sure to create a regime that you will strictly adhere to. Learn from experience successful entrepreneurs and follow the advice that suits you. Determine your biorhythms and create a daily routine based on your capabilities. Set your priorities correctly, this will allow you to save energy and time on minor tasks. And don't forget about sleep and rest. This is an essential part of the daily routine of a successful person.

And in this article I will tell you how to plan your day, consider the main aspects of planning, talk about important rule drawing up all the plans, and I’ll also tell you about an awesome service that makes it easier to complete the tasks in your plan.

Don't forget the main thing - planning is the key to success! A correctly drawn up plan for the day adds and tomorrow!

Let's start planning

We start planning our day by identifying the tasks that you are going to perform. Of all the tasks, it is worth defining two categories: everyday tasks - routine, and one-time tasks that you will perform only once.

So, we take a notebook or a diary, or if anyone is more interested, we open Word, for example, but paper version preferable, and we begin to work on the plan.

Deciding on a routine

We determine a list of things that we need to do daily, or after a certain period of time. These are things that make our existence easier, and usually not always our favorite ones.

It is necessary to carry out the routine, so we write these tasks on a piece of paper in any order, and next to each task we set their frequency.

We highlight one-time cases

Already written? Well, let's start further writing things down, from our heads to a piece of paper. Now we write down those tasks that we need to complete once.

Such cases have no frequency. And most often, their implementation plays a big role in further success, in the prosperity of your well-being.

About the Pareto rule

When prioritizing our affairs, we will apply the Pareto rule. This is a very simple rule, but it is very precise and should not be neglected. What is this rule about?

The rule says that 20% of the effort brings 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of the effort only brings 20% of the result, in short, the 20/80 rule.

So this 20% needs to be done first when completing the tasks planned for the day!

Let's prioritize things according to this rule

We highlight the tasks on which your future well-being depends. We also highlight things that will give the maximum in promoting your ideas and endeavors.

These things will bring you those 80% of the results mentioned in Pareto's law.

Next to these things we put the highest priority, for example the letter “A”

Then we highlight matters of medium importance, the so-called matters vital necessity. By not completing these tasks, you won’t lose anything, but your continued existence may become much more complicated.

Courts can also include cases involving close relatives.

We assign these cases priority “B”

Here we are left with matters of the lowest priority. These are the things that bring 20 percent of the results when we spend 80% of our time and effort on the bottom.

Let's assign the letter "B" to these things - this is routine.

Let's number the cases in each section

Now let’s number the tasks in each type of priority, and it is advisable to also take into account the degree of importance. We build the numbering according to the principle A-1, A-2, A-3, B-1, B-2 and so on.

Let's rewrite things in order and priorities, and let's start cutting out the unnecessary.

Eliminate crap

We look at priorities “A” and “B”. We review each task, evaluate the feasibility of its implementation, and approve it. Anything that is not approved will be transferred to next days, along the way, we add tasks that ensure the completion of the transferred tasks.

From priority “B” we cross out tasks that will take a lot of time and will absolutely not bring results. This a waste time, you don’t need it, you are going to success, right? And on the path to success you cannot waste a minute.

Well, let’s evaluate the picture of the tasks as a whole. Can you really complete these tasks in a day? If it’s easy, then we leave everything as it is. If you see that you have overestimated your strength, or are going to work to the limit of what is possible, then it is worth reviewing the tasks for tomorrow again, and preferably from lower priorities.

There are not many things that need to be left. Preferably no more than 4 important ones, 3-4 of medium importance. Leave no more than 3 tasks for routine.

This way, you can plan a few days in advance, it will be a smooth transition to.

Let's arrange things according to the time they need to be completed

It's time to organize your tasks by when they will be completed during the day. Everything is simple here! First of all, we need to complete priority “A” tasks, which is why we schedule them at the most advantageous time of day.

You must determine this time yourself, based on the lifestyle of your family and your own biorhythms. It is also worth remembering and, from your own experience, highlighting the most productive time of day for performing these tasks.

Then it’s worth scattering the tasks of medium priority, we’ll arrange them after the break after completing the Important tasks. There will be time for rest, and you will not lose much energy before performing more productive tasks.

We set the routine or tasks of priority “B” before breakfast (minor), before lunch, and before dinner. It will appear to do it, the reason for its appearance is not clear to me, but doing uninteresting things is more fun before eating.

Let's use innovative methods

Well, it’s time to learn about a very interesting Google service that helps you get things done after making a plan. How? And the simplest! Tell me, do you have a mobile phone? Most likely there is, because if you use the Internet, you don’t disdain cellular communication.

Thus, you will receive a constant reminder that is always with you! Messages from Google are completely free and you can customize them as much as you want!

If you are well versed in registration methods and the use of similar services, then you can easily figure out the calendar, but if you are just learning the Internet, then I think you can also figure out the Calendar.

But anyway, I will soon write more about this useful service so that you don’t have any questions. Therefore, in order not to miss it, subscribe to blog updates! (Form on the Right;-))

P.S. Currently Google service The calendar stopped sending SMS messages. As the developers explained, there is no longer a need due to the widespread use of smartphones, in which these reminders come without SMS.

All the best, come again!

How often does it happen to you that you are simply overwhelmed with a bunch of things and don’t have time to deal with them? It seems like this needs to be done, then finish it, and then move on to another - new job. But you just don’t get around to it, or you don’t know what you need to deal with first! In short, a complete mess!!! And the most interesting thing is that all that needs to be done is the super important things!!!

In this article I will answer the question - How to manage everything? I will tell you how to use your precious time correctly and effectively, plan your day wisely and set priorities. This article is for wide range readers, especially for those who constantly find themselves overwhelmed with unfulfilled or unfulfilled tasks.

How to manage everything?

The first thing you must do in order to keep up with everything is plan your affairs in advance. On this site I already wrote about. If you still don’t know how to plan your day, then it’s time to learn!

Take a piece of paper and write down all the most important things you wanted to do for tomorrow. It happens that there are things that never disappear from view, but they are all put off until later. I thought I'd do it tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and again it is transferred to tomorrow, then to the day after tomorrow and so on until the roast rooster pecks. This is exactly what you shouldn’t do. Why? Imagine that every day a new task will appear, the implementation of which is mandatory. And you will put it off until tomorrow, and the next day a new matter will arise again, which you also want to put off until tomorrow. And thus the day will come when you will need to complete a lot of these pending tasks in one day. This is a disaster!!! Therefore, plan and execute.

After you have made a list, you need prioritize what business to take on first, second, third, and so on. Place numbers next to each task and complete them in order. By the way, I recommend you read the book. In this book, the author tells how he succeeded in life through planning.

After you have planned everything, set priorities, it’s your turn - do these things. Make an action plan for completing these tasks (what exactly will you do, on what days and times, how many hours will you spend on completing any task). This is very, very important! You can make an action plan in in writing, or you can think it through in your head. Whatever is more convenient for you. I recommend doing this in writing, although I do it in my head.

Rule two - aim at one point. What does it mean to aim at one point? And it’s very simple!!! Never do several things at the same time. For example, you decided to clean up your wardrobe, and suddenly you received a message from vkontakte. You get distracted by the sound, and instead of putting things in order, you start texting with a friend. As a result, the correspondence lasted two hours, the wardrobe was not cleaned, and you had to sit down to do your essay.

Your focus is lost, you move on to one task without completing it, then to another, then to a third. Time goes by, but nothing has been done. I think this is even very familiar to you!!! Therefore, if you take up any business, then fully concentrate on it. You can turn off the phone, lock yourself in the room - Nothing should interfere with you and nothing should distract you. In addition, always complete the work you start, if not to the end, then the part that you planned.

The third rule is: accept your responsibility for doing something in specific date . Every task must have a deadline for its completion, and if you haven’t set a deadline, it means you haven’t taken full responsibility upon yourself. And sometimes it happens that you set a deadline, for example a month, but a month passes and the task is still not completed. You say to yourself: “Well, I didn’t do it in a month, but okay, I’ll do it later.”. This again means that you have not taken responsibility!

To make it easier for you to complete something on time, you need to promise an acquaintance, relative, or friend that you will do such and such a thing within such and such a period. For example, you can repair your car by the end of July 2013. Call your friend and say: “Anton, I promise that I will repair my car in July. If I don’t do this, then you can take this car for yourself.”. I think Anton will be happy and you will be motivated.

These were the main three rules that will help you keep up with everything. This article is not finished, as there are others important rules. To fully answer the question - “How to manage everything?”, I recommend familiarizing yourself with the following rules.

And the fourth rule - get rid of time wasters. Everyone has time wasters. Sit down at the table and write down everything that took away your precious time, but did not bring any benefit. For example, telephone conversation with a friend, third cup of coffee, TV series "Happy Together", looking at pictures with abstruse phrases on a friend’s vkontakte wall, making faces in front of the mirror, quarreling with husband / wife, and so on. Take a look at this list. Do you like what is written there? Next to these things, write down an action plan that will help you get rid of these time wasters. For example, turn off the TV half an hour before going somewhere (for example, to work), so that TV series and HOUSES 2 do not stop you when you should already be going out.

Rule number five - solve all your problems on time. You always need to solve problems on time, because they can later become a hindrance for you. Never put it off until later, it won’t make things better. When a problem arises, sit down at your desk, take a piece of paper, and write down an action plan to fix the problem. For example, a car breaks down. Think about what you need to do to fix it! Just don’t give it to Anton. Better find someone who can help bring this wreck to the auto repair shop. Remember, problems can become time wasters.

The following rule does not suit everyone, but if possible, then delegate responsibilities. If it is possible to entrust someone with something that you do not want to do, then let someone else do it for you. For example, you don’t want to wash the dishes because you need to go to the grocery store. Entrust the washing of dishes to your children or wife. Remember - there is no man in the field, and if there is someone who can help you, take advantage of this unique chance.

Rule seven - stop being a perfectionist. For those who don’t know who perfectionists are, I’ll explain – these are people who strive for everything to look perfect. How will you manage to do everything if you get stuck on one thing just because it doesn’t seem perfectly done to you? Allow yourself to not be perfect, stop bringing things to a brilliant result. This takes too much time, and there are other things that need to be done too!

That's all I wanted to say in the article - How to keep up with everything? Use these tips until they become your habit. After this, you will manage everything on autopilot, which is what I wish for you.

How to keep up with everything


Nowadays, many people complain about lack of time. People do not have enough time to visit theaters, go to the gym, meet friends, communicate with loved ones, and so on.

A person will be surprised if he learns that he has plenty of time, but it should be used wisely.

How to organize your day correctly

The first thing a person should start with is to analyze his life, namely, what he does during the day. After analysis, he will see that he devotes a lot of time to TV series, communicates with friends too often, or spends all his evenings shopping. Every person will find a useless activity that steals his time. Once a temporary “vampire” has been found, try to fight it in every possible way; planning your daily activities will help you with this.

To organize your day correctly, be sure to keep a diary or, in as a last resort, a notepad where you will write down your plans.

Planning your day should start from the evening of the previous day, otherwise you will not succeed.

So, you sit down in the evening and write down on a piece of paper all the things you plan to do in the near future. After that, you break things down into categories: mandatory, for health and self-improvement, for pleasure, and so on.

When the mandatory things are separated, proceed to the category of self-development and health (gym, attending courses, learning to drive a car, etc.)

If you are just starting your day planning, then one day will not be enough for you and many things will not be included in the list, but do not despair, this is only the first step to success. The main thing is to start.

Perhaps the first or second day you will do only obligatory tasks, and this will tire you, but believe me, if you show discipline and carry out the planned tasks, then soon you will have time for self-improvement and health, and then to activities that bring pleasure.

Over time, you will find that you have enough time to complete obligatory tasks and for further self-improvement and health maintenance, and there will also be a lot of time left for communicating with friends, loved ones, trips to nature, and so on.

Here simple rules on the question of how to organize your day correctly.

Don't forget, find a temporary "vampire", exclude it from your to-do list and you will have plenty of time for many pleasant things

Olga especially for website


Dating Successful People multifaceted personalities, we sigh and shrug our shoulders: how do these people manage to do everything? Are they awake? on their magic hours twice more divisions? Perhaps they are just special...

Yes and no. Of course, the idea of ​​a magic clock is science fiction, that’s for sure. But, as a rule, people who organize their day effectively do not really lie in bed for half the day - getting enough sleep for them is a matter of technique, the secret is in the routine. And he, this hated one school years mode, or rather, its more flexible and interesting variety - time management - makes them special. By learning tricks to help us manage our time and using self-control and discipline, each of us can make our lives better.

You can't stretch time. So change yourself

We are accustomed to consider time pressure ( from German Zeitnot, "trouble with time"), a constant lack of minutes, hours and days, synonymous with demand, need, employment. I work day and night, I sew myself up, I have absolutely no time, I don’t have time for anything! Admit it, often these words become a kind of screen, a shield, a means of protection from discomfort real life. And “time-pressure-aholics” do not expect anything good from her, although they understand perfectly well that it is impossible to withstand a constant workload for a long time; behavior, character, and psyche change irreversibly. And, frankly speaking, “things through the roof” are not good for your career. In order to do something thoughtfully and with soul, you need to stop from time to time and look around. In the daily endless gallop time pressure You can’t find a minute for this procedure.

It’s sad but true: today many large companies use the barbaric policy of “burnout” of personnel for their corporate purposes. A fresh employee is loaded at the very least; he remains in place exactly until his work enthusiasm dries up and continuous time pressure dries out his brains. How to recognize such employers and what to do with them is a topic for a separate conversation, but today we are sharing secrets of day planning. These tricks will allow you to look at your workflow differently and change it for the better.

Start now. And don't stop!

Planning your time to get more done is actually not difficult. Eat two fundamental postulates, surprisingly banal. The first is if you want to optimize your day, just start doing it. Try it different strategies in accordance with your character, field of activity, circumstances. Some of us need " hedgehog gloves» schedule (at least at first), some only need a slight adjustment to their daily routine and habits. The second “open secret” is that time management This is not a pill that you just need to swallow once and cure yourself of carelessness and unpunctuality forever. This is daily painstaking work, the efforts to complete it are directly related to the success of the result. And don’t forget that the most interested judge and spectator is judging you - you yourself. Therefore, “netting” will not work.

Time management is a whole philosophy of developing skills and using devices and techniques that allow you to plan your time and use it rationally to achieve goals. Initially, time management was developed by American researchers to improve productivity, but practice has shown that Putting things in order on your watch face is also good for your personal life..

Today, hundreds of time management techniques are known and actively used, and this list is constantly expanding. Modern time planning strategies rely on the use of clocks and alarm clocks, all kinds of diaries, “task sheets” and organizers, computer day planner programs, the distribution of priorities and motivations, and the use of natural rhythms human life, overcoming psychological problems that prevent you from using time effectively (the most common of them is withdrawal syndrome, “putting it aside”).

Of course, time management is a whole science, which is not surprising - correcting shortcomings always takes much more time than acquiring them. If you are interested in these techniques, you can study and test them yourself - especially since it is impossible and pointless to talk in one topic about how to learn to plan your day from the point of view of time management. But there are some tricks you can start using right now to make your working day more efficient.

Do you want learn to plan your day and stop wasting precious time? Try this first:

Make room for what's important

Any day consists of many things - small and large, important and not so important, urgent and enduring. In order to learn how to plan your time, you need to sharpen an imaginary scalpel to a shine, allowing you to separate priority tasks from non-priority ones. Of course, this does not mean that about small and less important matters you can forget - no, they also need to be done, but they deserve attention in proportion to their size. A common mistake is to “for ease” do first what is simpler and... unnecessary. What do we get as a result? Imitation of activity and irrational use of time reserves necessary to complete significant tasks. Be aware of what is happening - assign the important and complex as a priority.

Occam's Razor in reverse

But in order for big and serious things not to scare you away, there is the following trick: in order to properly plan your time, they need to be divided into several smaller ones. Then the "stages long way“It will be possible to alternate with less important tasks, while simultaneously getting a lot done and taking a break from complex work.

"Shrink" what you live by

In any list of routine tasks performed automatically, insidious time wasters are hidden. They disguise themselves as innocent and even seemingly important things. Revision required! Think about what your minutes and hours are spent on, remember everything and realize - do you really need this type of employment or leisure? Do you really need to log into Odnoklassniki every hour, does this really give you the necessary break from work? Do you really need and are interested in classes in an embroidery circle? Is it really worth talking to a certain boring colleague for fifty minutes in a row every day, for fear of offending him with a quickly curtailed conversation? This is your day, and there are only 24 hours in it!

Don't lose and don't get lost

According to modern research, a working person spends an average of 150 hours a year searching for lost items. That is, these things didn’t just mysteriously disappear at will evil forces- they were out of place and therefore could not be found. An impressive figure, isn't it? Stop being part of these stupid statistics. Do not throw things, documents, files anywhere. Organize everything once, sign it, remember it, and keep it organized. This will help you plan your day better - because you won’t waste your precious time on the annoying search for “lost items”.

Consider your personality

When learning to plan your day, don’t focus on “ average temperature around the hospital." Be aware that each person has individual periods of efficiency and “uselessness.” Don't put off work until late in the evening, knowing that after eight in the evening you won't be able to figure anything out. Don't make appointments for early morning, knowing that to do this you will have to get up two hours earlier than usual and you will be shattered. Stick to these rules, that's the only way they'll make sense - it's impossible to plan your day if you have an irregular daily routine and may unexpectedly go to bed five hours later than usual.

Banish perfectionism

And delegate authority more boldly. If you have someone to delegate some of the work to, do it. Attention, we are not talking about shifting your work to innocent people, but if you have assistants, you need to use their help. Just because they are doing something that is not your style is not a reason to take it all on yourself. When planning things, distribute tasks immediately, and not under pressure from circumstances - this will save time and allow you to plan your day effectively.

There is time for business, and time for fun

When drawing up a “task sheet” and a schedule for the day (week, month), plan not only work matters, but also rest. Perhaps at first glance this may seem unnatural, but in fact this approach is not only convenient for learning how to plan time, but will also allow you to make your leisure time more varied and see in perspective what kind of entertainment you are missing.

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