Sample report on internship at the camp. Summer teaching practice

for summer internship

students of the 3 “D” group of military industrial complex

Artyushina Larisa.

Information corner

Name: Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 26"

Phone: 51-26-00

Director: Khvatov Anatoly Konstantinovich

Head of the camp: Kuvaeva Lidiya Evgenievna

employee: Slavnova Irina Genadyevna
Physical teacher: Larionova Ekaterina Vasilievna
Date of practice: 06/02/2005 - 06/28/2005
Squad No. 4 "Gang"
Motto: There are many good ones in our squad
Girls and boys, brave and adults.
Together - we are force! Together we are a team!
Because we are a gang!
List of children:
Last name, first name.

Date of Birth.

Address, telephone.

Anisimov Oleg
Pankratova 66B-90 t. 52-24-37
Ganicheva Anya
Pankratova 66A-55 t. 51-33-47
Drobov Ivan

Ilyushina 8 - 66

Zatalueva Zhanna

Preobrazhenskogo 51-32

Klyukin Kolya

Pankratova 75A - 39

Kukina Anita
Pankratova 66B-51
Lyapin Egor
Last name, first name.

Date of Birth.

Address, telephone.

Markus Artem
Petina, 4 - 32,
Pazgalov Daniil
Yuzhakova, 78 - 33
Potashnikova Katya
Yuzhakova, 80 - 60
Rogozin Vladislav

Ilyushina 2-132

Semekhin Ivan
Yuzhakova 61 - 55
Stoyushko Ksyusha

1 microdistrict PZ-23, 1 - 27

Khobotova Anya
1 microdistrict PZ-23 9-33
Cherkasova Maria

Ultimate Lane 1

Last name, first name.

Date of Birth.

Address, telephone.

Chubykina Yana
Ilyushina, 9-69
Shimina Nastya

Pankratova 73A-19

Shubeikina Irina

Ilyushina 7 - 2 t. 53-30-49

Full name of parents.

Parents' place of work


Anisimov Yu.L.
Ganicheva T.F.

JSC ZhBIIK "Vologdastroy"


Drobova M.A.
Region hospital,


Zatalueva T.A
IFIS Russia No. 1
Klyukina G.V.

Special school

Kukina E.B.
IFIS Russia No. 1
Lyapina E.V.

28th department communications, Ilyushina, 4

Full name of parents.

Place of work

Markus I.V.

VOMZ, beginning legal department t.53-17-01

Pazgalova E.V.

D/s#90 t. 53-57-20

Potashnikova E.V.

TSUM, deputy directors

Rogozina N.V.


Semekhin S.A.

LLC "Intercom" Poshekhonskoe highway 18

Braslavskaya M.M.

Medical 26


cutout from paper

Khobotova T.V.

LLC "Universaltorg" Leningradskaya 85

Suvorova E.A.

Full name of parents.

Place of work

Chubykina O.V.

Kostromskaya 4 Mn. "Maxi" t. 53-05-24

Music, singing

Shimina E.V.

School No. 26 t. 51-26-00


Shubeikina A.M.
Tax office
Camp grid plan

Opening of the camp, examination by a doctor.

10 30 k/t “Salut”

12 00 Swimming pool


11 30 Youth Theater "Emelino's Happiness"

Relaxation, outdoor games

10 30 Pool

10 00 k/t "Lenkom"

"Knight Tournament"

14 00 Swimming pool

14 00 Swimming pool

Holiday weekend

11 00 Youth Theater “Annie from the Green Hills”

11 00 Philharmonic

“Come on, girls!”

12 00 Swimming pool

12 00 Swimming pool

Teremok "Elephant"

Fire Department

10 30 Pool

12 00 Swimming pool

Fire Department

Chalk drawing competition military theme

Game "Look for the treasure"

Fun starts

14 00 Festive disco with competitions

Closing the camp


9 00 - Ruler, exercises

9 30 - Breakfast

10 00 - Events, games

13 00 - Lunch

13 30 - Outdoor games

15 00 - Afternoon snack

16 00 - Line

Morning: It was in the morning ceremonial lineup opening of the camp, where I met teachers, counselors and children. After breakfast, I played games and activities with my squad to get to know the children. And although all the children (and the counselors) study in the same school and know each other, this turned out to be not useless, since leaders and ringleaders emerged, children from different classes got to know each other better and rallied into interest groups. At first, the children had difficulty getting involved in the games, especially the boys, but then they got involved and began to offer their own games. It seems to me that the children liked the games I suggested, and I found out what games the children themselves like.

Day: After lunch, 10th grade students held an event prepared in advance with competitions and sweet prizes. I encouraged children to participate in competitions and participated with them. Some of the competitions were quite interesting, I think I will use them in the future.

Results of the day: The first day was unexpectedly easy and fun. The children quickly became attached to me and did everything I suggested to them. I managed to make friends with the squad and have an interesting time with them.

Morning: After breakfast, all four squads gathered in the courtyard to go to the Salyut cinema. I made sure that on the way the children did not run away anywhere and did not stop at the stalls, and also did not play around on the bus.

Before lunch, the duty officers of each detachment go to the dining room to set the tables. My task is to make sure that those on duty set food for everyone, that everyone gets to the dining room, and that they don’t indulge during lunch. Usually there were no problems with girls, but boys need an eye and an eye.

Day: The boys went to the stadium to play football, and I taught the girls a new game, “Labyrinth.” To my great surprise, the girls of both my squad and those who joined us in the yard really liked this game. For the next ten days we played it two to three hours a day.

Results of the day: I made a discovery for myself that children like not only outdoor games. IN new game they get involved with passion and can play for a long time (I’m already tired of it, but they still want to continue).

Morning: I prepared for my squad intellectual quiz, which contained riddles, puzzles, fun math problems and questions from various areas knowledge. The boys, with a few exceptions, did not show much interest, so there was no competition between boys and girls, but the boys did some tasks willingly and eventually everyone took part in the quiz. In the individual championship, Zhanna Zataluyeva received first place and the title “The Smartest”.

Day: After lunch we were brought to the camp and given out Board games, balls, badminton, and the squad and I went to play “Hot Potato”, “Dodgeball” and something similar to beach volleyball, the instigators of which were the boys of the 4th and 3rd divisions (children from the 4th and 3rd divisions were often on the street different squads united).

Results of the day: The day was fun and lively. The squad proved to be a cohesive team, participating together in all games. Some difficulties in preparing the quiz were caused by my lack of awareness of the level of knowledge of the children, because... in our specialty they do not introduce the program primary school.

Morning: Go to the Youth Theater to see the play “Emelino’s Happiness.”

It turned out that children love cinema more than theater. Today they talked and made more noise, and I had to call them to order more often.

Day: The children taught me to play several, in my opinion, rather strange games, such as: “Bullet, Mine, Bomb”, “Disabled Person”, “Family” and others. So before afternoon snack, I explored the children's interests by playing their favorite games with them. I also had to be a reconciling party, because children often quarrel over little things and cannot divide roles in the game and decide who is right and who is wrong.

Results of the day: This day was interesting for the children and educational for me. I learned what games children like and can use this in the future.June 8

Morning: Visit to the Laguna swimming pool

Day: The whole camp goes out into nature in the park near the Vityaz stadium. The children took with them everything they needed for a picnic, balls, badminton, crayons, and spent the whole day in the park. The other counselors and I conducted children’s games together so that no one was bored, for example: one group plays with a ball, another plays some kind of outdoor game, and in the third they tell funny stories or anecdotes. Any child can join one of the groups or something else alone or as a couple.

Results of the day: Using the novelty of the environment, we managed to involve all the children in joint activities, even those who usually prefer to play quietly alone. Apparently ponds, acacia thickets, blankets on the grass and sandwiches have a positive effect on the mood of children (association with a family picnic). In this regard, country camps win - frolicking in nature is still more pleasant than at school.

Morning: Going to the Lenkom cinema to see the cartoon "Madagascar". The only film that the children liked, so they were very calm and watched the cartoon carefully.

Day: Music hour - lesson with a music worker.

Results of the day: Today I was frankly idle, all the activities were carried out by others, and I just took the children from one place to another. June 10th

Morning: Competition for boys “Knight's Tournament”. He allowed the boys to express themselves from different sides. Young knights competed in intelligence, strength, dexterity, and also the ability to care for girls. The competitions were quite fun, but the premises turned out to be not quite suitable. The spectators in the hall could not see what was happening on stage, so they made noise, and the participants could not hear them because of them, so they did not understand the conditions. In general, the competition was somewhat crumpled.

Day: Visit to the Laguna swimming pool. On the way, everyone who had mobile phones was in a hurry to hand them over to me for safekeeping, so for an hour I walked around covered in mobile phones.

Results of the day: I tried to make the competitions fun and interesting for the children, and overall I succeeded. But I didn’t take into account that in the 4th squad the boys were older and stronger than in all the others, so the competition was obviously unequal. This could have been avoided if I myself had appointed participants from the 4th squad, but then it didn’t occur to me. If I have to hold similar events again, I will try to take this into account.11 June

A trip to the Youth Theater for the play “Annie from the Green Hills.” This time the children behaved more calmly, maybe they liked the performance more.

Day: Conducted a choreography club with the children. I learned simple dances with them, like the ones we were given during the instruction. The children learned two simple dances and just went crazy and danced.

Results of the day: The children performed a small impromptu concert from what we had learned during the day, for which they received universal praise and were very proud of themselves. I, in turn, tried myself as a choreographer and I think I chose the right profession. I even regretted a little that I went to practice as a counselor, and not as a choreographer. For me it would be much easier.June 15

Morning: Trip to the Philharmonic. I just brought the children to the Philharmonic and picked them up from there, but I didn’t go to the concert with them.

Day: The whole squad started playing cards in droves. They gather in large circles around the tables and are “cut into fools” into two decks. So I even organized a kind of tournament out of it.

Results of the day: The day passed very calmly. For the first time, children did not drag me outside and force me to run, jump and play ball. In the interval between games, we exchanged phone numbers, and, what was very surprising and pleasant, the children asked me for an autograph as a souvenir.

Morning: Game of "Dodgeball" between 3rd and 4th squads. Increasingly, two or more squads are teaming up in outdoor games.

Day: Competition “Come on, girls!” allowed the girls to express themselves from different sides. The winners were selected in five categories: the most charming, the most attentive, the most caring, the neatest, the best housewife. Unfortunately, the competition took place in a large sports hall and the audience could hardly hear what the participants were saying, as well as the presenter (even though I was almost screaming), so they were not interested and made even more noise.

Results of the day: I think it was a mistake to entrust the first competition on the charm of the participants to the judgment of the audience. Children at this age are cruel, they can offend others without thinking, and their culture of behavior is not yet sufficiently developed. As a result, applause went to those who were more popular at school, while others received meager pats or even howls with negative intonations in their voices.

Morning: Trip to Teremok to see the fairy tale “Little Elephant”. I just brought the children to the door and picked them up from there, but I didn’t go to the performance with them.

Day: A drawing competition was held among girls on a free theme. Some got carried away and drew several works, others left to play ball without finishing even one drawing. Anyway best works were hung on the wall.

Results of the day: The day was calm and successful. Nastya Shimina especially stood out in the drawing competition (this is not surprising - she studies at an art school).

Morning: Go to the pool.

In the pool, I made sure that the children did not splash and squeal too much and that they did not drown each other, as they like to do, and also that they did not forget to pick up anything.

Day: Taught the children to play with several balls at once. This requires a lot of concentration to keep track of who you are throwing to and who is throwing to you. The more players and balls, the more interesting it is. The children really liked this game, they didn’t even want to leave for afternoon tea. This will probably be their favorite pastime for several days.

Results of the day: The day was interesting and fun, the children swam, played enough and also learned a new game. It seems to me that this game is more useful than the ones they have played so far, since it is aimed at developing attention.June 21

Morning: Excursion to the fire station. I just brought the children to the door and picked them up from there, but I didn’t go on the excursion with them.

Day: We played beach volleyball with the girls in a circle, then Artem came and began to take the ball, as a result of which he automatically became a “dog”. All the remaining days he turned any game with a ball into “Doggy” and, in principle, both he and the girls liked it.

Results of the day: The day was fun thanks to the efforts of Artem. In general, I noticed that he is the only one from our squad who can easily play equally with the girls.

Morning: I had a conversation with the children, asked them what they knew about the Great Patriotic War, told them about June 22, 1941.

Day: Competition of chalk drawings on a military theme. Everyone who wanted to leave their mark was given crayons and a plot was allocated school yard. After the children drew their pictures, the teachers looked at them and chose squad 1 as the winner, assessing the number of drawings and their compliance with the military theme.

Results of the day: Overall the day went well. It was possible to interest children in the topic of war and direct their energy to general activities V in the right direction. True, most of the boys refused to participate in the competition, saying that they were too small to draw with crayons. And although the girls and I tried for two, the 4th squad took only 3rd place in the number of drawings.

Morning: Game “Look for the treasure.”

The game consists of several stations where children receive clues to help them find the treasure. The stations included power, logic, intelligent, creative competitions. At each station, children earned points and, depending on their number, received a more or less significant hint. Also throughout the day, children could find surprise clues glued under tables and chairs, in games and books.

Day: After lunch passed The final stage games. The 4th squad was the first to find the treasure, and they received their well-deserved prize. The remaining participants received consolation prizes.

Results of the day: This day was the most eventful of all. We had to help the children a lot in completing tasks, and also constantly make sure that they did not climb somewhere in search of clues and did not scatter around the territory, and most importantly, beyond its borders. But it was still a lot of fun to watch how eagerly the children completed the task when there was a surprise ahead of them. I realized that even educational the lesson will pass It is more effective if children are promised that something interesting awaits them at the end.

Morning: Sports competition “Fun Starts”.

This included competitions in athletics, shooting, and jumping. The competition is not built from simple sports competitions, but with entertaining inclusions. First, I conducted a warm-up for the participants, during which they already earned points. Seven members of each team lined up in four parallel lines and settled in order. During the exercises, I called a number, for example 4th, and all 4th participants must run around their line and stand in place. Whoever comes running first gets 1 point. After the warm-up, the main events began. First there was a relay race with obstacles, then jumping in pairs (the second jumps from the track of the first), and ended with shooting from a toy pistol with bullets at a balloon.

Afternoon: After an active morning, the children sat in the classroom playing board games, cards, drawing and watching TV.

Results of the day: This time I took into account the mistakes of past events and corrected them. I myself nominated participants from among those who had not participated anywhere else and tried to ensure that everyone was approximately the same age. As a result, the competition was fair and everyone was happy and had fun.

Morning: Played cards and board games.

Day: Festive disco with entertaining competitions. Actors with special training were invited entertainment program with various competitions: music, dance, sports. A game was spontaneously organized into two teams of boys and girls. Friendship won, of course. Afterwards there were dances to popular spring and summer music. The only bad thing is that there is very little - the children have only just started to get a taste for it, and it’s all over.

Results of the day: The penultimate day was both sad and cheerful. The children had fun at the disco, and then everyone was given gifts at the assembly line. But I had to say goodbye to most of them completely. So, in fact, it was already the day the camp closed.

(Short day)

Morning: On the last day, the offices were cleaned, the squads handed over to the head of the camp the equipment issued at the beginning of the shift: board games, drawing sets, balls, badminton. For the remaining time, we played with one ball for the entire camp.

Results of the day: Out of the entire squad, only 6 people came. We cleaned the office together and played until lunch. After lunch, everyone was sent home, and I still collected the necessary information for the diary.

The results of the detachment's participation in the affairs.

Boys Markus Artem, Rogozin Vladislav, Drobov Ivan won the team competition “Knight’s Tournament” and received the title “1st Knight”.

Ksyusha Stoyushko became the “Most Attentive” participant in the “Come on, girls!” competition.

In “Funny Starts” the team of the 4th squad took 2nd place.

Unfortunately, only 3rd place was taken by the 4th detachment in the drawing competition on a military theme.

Two drawings by Nastya Shimina appeared on the wall of honor.

Through joint efforts, the 4th detachment found the “treasure”.

Zhanna Zatalueva won the intellectual quiz.

Final self-analysis

In general, the practice was successful, without failures, but also without masterpieces. I believe that I coped with my task: I organized leisure children, spent their time usefully. It was difficult in the sense that I was required to conduct not so much detachment events as general camp events. It was hard for me to speak in front of 80 pairs of eyes, because I am shy by nature and do not like speaking in public. And in general, I had difficulty involving children in various activities; I always had to step over myself and urge them on. Even as a child, I didn’t like mass games, and now it’s even more difficult to pretend that I’m not interested in them. But the children definitely want me to participate with them everywhere.

To be honest, I didn’t like the practice. In general, I have an extremely negative attitude towards children’s camps and consider them a waste of time and money, and school camps doubly so. Even as a child, I couldn’t be forced into a camp, and I certainly didn’t want to work. I don’t like being told when to get up, go to bed, eat, play, what to do and with whom to communicate. That’s why I myself tried not to force anyone to do anything.

It's actually not all that bad. I liked just communicating with children, I learned how to relate to them mutual language, understand them. I also learned several methods and techniques on how to direct children’s activities in the right direction. So practice was a useful and necessary part of learning.

Practice has shown that I chose the right profession, because I like communicating with children, but I never set foot in a children's camp again.

Scenario for the competition “Knight Tournament”


Today we met to cross our swords in a knightly tournament.

Now the concept of “knight” has disappeared from our Everyday life. Who knows who was called knights in the past?

(Listen to the children's answers)

Knight translated from German means horseman. In the Middle Ages, knights were called brave and courageous warriors who valued friendship and knew how to hold given word, bowed down to the ladies of the heart and dedicated poems to them.

And now we will see if you are real knights. The first obligatory ritual is the knightly oath:

We, knights, without fear or reproach, swear to be honest and kind, to be strong and brave, to protect the weak and to keep our word! We swear!

Main part:

1. Presentation by the jury.

2. Warm-up:

a. Depict how a knight rides a horse and fights with swords.

b. Explain the meaning of the expressions:

· Knight without fear and reproach

· Knight of the Cloak and Dagger

· Knight for an hour

3. Competition for strength and perseverance: “Fighting Roosters.” One participant from each team stands in a circle on one leg, hands behind their backs. Their task is to push the opponent out of the circle or force him to stand on both feet.

4. Agility competition “Strong Men”. The participants' task is to blow on tennis ball from different sides and roll it into the opponent’s territory.

5. Endurance competition: who can drink a glass of sparkling water the fastest.

6. Inviting a lady to dance: gallantly and politely invite a girl to dance.

7. Skill auction.


The jury sums up the results, announces the scores of each team, and names the winning team.

All participants receive sweet prizes, followed by a ceremony of awarding diplomas to the winners.

Markus Artem is awarded the title “First Knight” for winning the knightly tournament.

Scenario of the competition “Come on, girls.”

Today we will hold with you the “Come on, girls” competition.

1. First, the participants must go on stage and introduce themselves, tell a little about themselves. After everyone has told the story, the first “most charming” competition will begin. The girls walk in a circle, showing their gait, clothes, and overall appearance.

2. The second competition will determine the most caring of the contestants. Girls must swaddle the doll.

3. Third competition for attentiveness. Each participant is given a flower cut into pieces; after looking at the sample for a few seconds, they must assemble it from memory.

4. The next competition will determine the diligence of the girls: they need to quickly and efficiently sew on a button.

5. The last competition for the title of “best hostess” consists of two parts. First, the girls guess riddles about vegetables, then virtually prepare dishes from them, that is, they choose pieces of paper with vegetables written on them that are needed for a given dish.

The girls present the results of their labors to the jury, which will determine who deserves what title.

The winning girls are hung with nomination medals around their necks and given gifts.

Report on summer teaching practice at DSOL “Stroitel”


student of 4A group
Yablokova Anastasia Ivanovna
"24" June 2016

I am Anastasia Ivanovna Yablokova, a fourth-year student at the UPIGC, specialty " Primary classes", successfully completed an internship at the CSOL "Stroitel" in the city of Ivanovo.
On the first day of my internship, I got acquainted with the camp, the children and the camp administration. I can say that the conditions for creative development the camp is very good. It can be noted that this camp is, on the one hand, a form of organizing free time for children of different ages and levels of development, and on the other hand, a form for the development of artistic and social creativity of the child.

Having worked as a teacher, I came to the conclusion that this work is not easy. Throughout my practice, I created a positive atmosphere in the team, carefully monitored the behavior of children, worked with parents, and helped children in their creative development. To arouse children's interest, I used a variety of forms, methods, means and techniques when working with children.

While completing the practice program, I attended 21 days of practice. During the organizational period, the first two days were the most difficult, since the children did not know each other well. I tried to make the first days of visiting the camp familiar and enjoyable for them. In the process of working with children, I identified such qualities as initiative, activity, responsiveness and passivity, shyness. I tried to help the shyest guys, to make their adjustment to camp life more enjoyable. To do this, I had conversations with these guys, involving more active guys in the conversation. The most important problem that the children faced in the camp was their relationship with one boy who always wanted to be the first, the leader, in everything, but if he didn’t succeed, he offended the other children or fought. With such a child it was difficult not only for me, the teacher, but even for other camp staff. He was given special attention, conversations were held by me and other teachers, as well as conversations with his parents.

The main task during the organizational period was to get to know the children as closely as possible and create a friendly atmosphere in the camp. Dating games helped children get closer and discover mutual interests. It was not difficult for me to find a common language with the children. The meeting was successful. The main task organizational period, in my opinion, I managed to complete.

During the organizational and main periods, the camp’s activities were aimed at developing children’s creative abilities and developing communication and tolerance skills in children. To complete the tasks, the camp held such events as: “Umbrella Parade”, mini-show “Radio Presentation”, which were aimed at developing communication skills. Children not only learned about communication norms, but were also able to apply this knowledge in practice. Events such as the corporations “Family Day”, “Plasticine Crow”, “Pimp Yourself” were aimed at developing creative abilities.

In the final period, activities in the camp were aimed at fulfilling the children's need for rest. To accomplish this task, the children attended a large number of excursions and played outdoor games.

In general, I would like to note that the relationships in the team were friendly, the children asked each other for advice, tried to help each other. Psychological climate the detachment was positive, of course there were internal conflicts, but the teachers and counselors tried to immediately resolve everything in a peaceful way.

The most significant event in this shift for me was the educational event, as I showed my independence in working with children. I planned my work in advance, selected required material, tried to choose games and tasks that suit the interests of the children. We can say that the event was a success. It was lively, the children worked with great enthusiasm. The counselors and I managed to interest the guys.

Teaching practice turned out to be uncomplicated for me, in some situations even entertaining and exciting. During my internship, I developed the following qualities: patience, attention. I learned to impose discipline in the team, which is very important for my future work teacher I have mastered the following communication skills: listening to the interlocutor without interrupting him; in appropriate situations, express respect for the independence, originality of statements and judgments of children. It was difficult for me to get used to new environment work in the first days, as well as the need to pay attention to each child.

Overall the practice went well. I believe that I coped with my task: I organized active recreation for the children and spent their time usefully. I liked just communicating with children, I learned to find a common language with them, to understand them. I also learned many methods and techniques on how to direct children’s activities in the right direction. Overall, I am pleased with myself, since all the goals and objectives of the practice were achieved.

I believe that the internship was a useful and necessary stage of learning and showed that I had chosen the right profession.

During my internship, I had 5 squads, since I was a substitute counselor. My first detachment was 4. I stayed in this detachment for 5 days. The number of children is only 34. Of these, there are 18 girls and 16 boys. General age: 14 years old. Three boys from this detachment were enrolled in the “Young Counselors”, they helped the counselors conduct free time with kids younger age. I can say that the attitude of children towards counselors in this detachment was at a low level. There are no interests in the cognitive field. At the camp, the guys attended clubs, but only some were not interested in it.

During my stay in the 4th detachment, I noticed a group of leaders consisting of boys (6 people). From the outside it was clear that the rest of the children were also pulling for this group. The behavior of these boys was terrible: they did not listen to the counselors, did not fulfill the requirements, insulted the counselors and their friends in the squad. There were also small groups of girls who communicated only with each other and with no one else, although when we met, the counselors played games, which, in our opinion, helped them make friends.In her squad she held games and activities to get to know the children. And although all the children (and the counselors) study in the same school and know each other, this turned out to be not useless, since leaders and ringleaders emerged, children from different classes got to know each other better and rallied into interest groups. At first, the children had difficulty getting involved in the games, especially the boys, but then they got involved and began to offer their own games. It seems to me that the children liked the games I suggested, and I found out what games the children themselves like.

In the first days, we determined the forms of self-government in the detachment. Boys and girls were responsible for the order in the room; they were the “masters”. The cultural sector was also responsible for wall newspapers and poster painting.

I really liked that the guys, although they weren’t that friendly, were able to become friends in a few days and find a common language. There were no conflict situations during my stay in the detachment. Of course, children are in adolescence, and they do not show their best side, but gradually they get used to us, and we get used to them. The guys didn’t perform very well at the “Squad Calling Card” event; they were very upset. When we held the candle, everyone spoke out about this. In the end, we came to the conclusion that we must be stronger, more friendly and more active. During these days I got very used to the 4th squad, and I didn’t want to leave them, but I think that trying my hand at the senior squad is very useful.

My next squad was 20. I spent 1 day in this squad, since the teacher and counselor were absent. It was really difficult for me to take the step from the senior squad to the youngest. But even though I didn’t know the children, during that day they got used to me and I got used to them too. The daily routine of the junior squad is significantly different from the senior squad. Firstly, getting up is very early and going out is also early. Children need to be watched at all times. It is very interesting to spend time with them on the street and on the courts. If you offer and play a game, they will gladly agree. Little children look at the counselor with love and kindness. Also, the entire squad attended clubs. (All without exception). That's what's interesting. It’s very nice that after the circle the guys do something for the counselor. On this day, the 2nd squad had a round the world trip and a sporting event. We prepared a dance and performed with a bang! There were no conflicts in this detachment. All the guys are very friendly. Total number of children: 33. Total age: 6 years. The attitude towards the counselors is good.

Next squad: 7. Total number children: 35. I stayed on this detachment for 8 days. Total age: 12 The children attended clubs, but some remained in the building. Nobody is interested in games, competitions, or events. My relationship with the guys was bad; they did not perceive me as a counselor or as a friend. I understand that I came to them in the middle of my shift and therefore could not find a common language with them.

The 7th squad always received prizes. The guys were very friendly. Girls who danced helped the others, boys who knew how to write poetry and had sports skills helped the others.

Small groups were formed in this detachment, but I did not find any leaders. Everyone talked. If we went to the courts, we were always together. There were 2 girls in the squad who always went together. They didn’t talk to them and didn’t try to find a common language. After the conversation, I realized that the guys did not want to communicate with them because they insulted me. The girls asked the guys for forgiveness and everyone was happy. Only the behavior of one boy caused me concern. He ruined our neighbors' squad corner. We had conversations with him, trying to find out the reason for this behavior. Everything ended with an apology. But if the teacher could influence him. I was surprised that the teacher didn’t care and didn’t pay attention to his antics. At night this boy climbed into the closet and sat there for 30 minutes. Counselors and teachers searched throughout the building. When our people took him to the camp Administration. After the conversation, I held a candle, where I found out that he liked a girl from the squad, and thereby he wanted to attract her attention. It was interesting to me that after the conversation, the boy became calmer and even helped the counselors in his free time.

In the end we became friends, and I really fell in love with the 7th squad. It’s very difficult to leave the guys when you get used to them.

In general, I would like to note that the relationships in the team were friendly, the children asked each other for advice, tried to help each other. The psychological climate in the detachment was positive; of course, there were internal conflicts, but the teachers and counselors tried to immediately resolve everything in a peaceful way.

At the end of my internship, I visited the 19th detachment. I should have been on this squad from the very beginning. Total age: 7.8 years. The total number is 31. The counselor, teacher and guys received me warmly and friendly. I immediately became friends with the guys. It was important for me that at the end of my internship I had a certain squad and my own children. Of all the units, in my opinion this is the best and calmest.

We have established with them trusting relationship, the friendly atmosphere in our team contributed to this. We prepared various things, participated in competitions, and actively rested in our free time from routine moments. It turned out to be easy for me to establish close contact with the children and their parents, to ensure order and discipline in the detachment. The contingent of children was diverse: children from both prosperous and disadvantaged families vacationed there. Therefore, we had to find an individual approach to each child and try to create a comfortable environment for all children in the squad. Throughout the entire shift, I tried to maintain a favorable emotional atmosphere in my squad, developed the children’s interests in activities they liked, improved their creative abilities, and also closely monitored their health.

The educational process in the detachment was carefully planned by all participants and the teaching staff. Disciplinary and sanitary measures were provided hygienic requirements, which were applied to children. Throughout the season, the teaching staff ensured the safety of children; there was not a single case of injury, and there were no absences due to illness. Constantly used methods of encouragement such as praise, going to the library, going to the movies. On the lines, certificates were awarded for various achievements of children. I was with the children every day throughout the day.I was pleased that my guys received certificates for our joint work.

But this was not without conflict situations. In my squad there was only one boy who never obeyed either the counselor or the teacher. I was alone in the detachment, since my partner and teacher had a day off. That day we walked. The boy, without any reason, ran outside the camp. Of course I caught up with him. But first we ran 5 laps around the meteor. We sat down to talk and it turned out that he just missed his parents. I thought it would be better if my parents came to see him for one day. He was very happy when he saw them. In fact, it is very difficult for a 7-year-old boy to be in a camp without his family for the first time.

I visited groups of all ages. It is very difficult for me to say which age is better, because children at any age are good in their own way. And I think trying to work with junior, middle and senior squads is an invaluable experience.

    Pedagogical activity.

During my teaching practice, I conducted 3 events. The first event was organized in the 7th squad called “Skillful Hands”. My task was to explain how to make a topiary from scrap materials. I divided the guys into 2 teams. They had to assemble a topiary from coffee beans, plasticine, thread, beads, a wooden stick and a glass. In my opinion, the guys did an excellent job. I have never seen such a wonderful topiary. I wanted to show how working together as a team can lead to a great finish.

I also held the second event in the 7th squad called “Musical Mosaic”. I also divided the guys into 2 teams. Each team was asked musical questions. This event went well, the children were enthusiastic and interested in learning something new. Here I needed to highlight the intellectual characteristics of each.

I held the third event in squad 19 called “Fun Starts”. The guys were divided into 2 teams. The fun starts included 12 relay races. At the end, the fastest and most agile were awarded certificates. In this event, it was important for me to take into account the sporting characteristics of each child.

The children's favorite event in the Meteor camp is “Neptune Day”. The preparation itself begins in the morning. Children prepare a performance from each squad and, together with the counselors, organize water shooting games at the forum. One minute of this event - the next day everyone is sick.

I believe that a counselor is, first of all, a friend. And therefore it is very important to find contact with the child. If in the first days the child does not want to open up, then you need to gradually help him in this. If he specifically provokes the counselor, then you should influence this child. For example, due to a rude attitude towards a counselor on the part of one child, the entire squad will be punished. (you can cancel a trip to the cinema or to a disco and instead go to the library and read a book, you can carry out a squad activity.). It is very important to consider age. If the older squads can cancel the disco, then the younger squads can have a curfew 1 hour earlier or cancel watching cartoons on TV.

Of course, in the first days the attitude of the children towards the counselors was terrible. Most of the counselors could not stand it and broke down. The leaders of other units did not abandon their partners in trouble and talked with the guys about behavior.

Every evening before lights out, the administration in the person of the senior counselor and deputy director of the camp enters the parish buildings. Everyone in the canteen of the camp administration monitors discipline and how the counselors cope. After lunch, usually all the squads go to the courts or clubs, so the senior counselor goes around the courts and makes sure that the counselors also play with the children and take part.

After I carried out the activities, the senior counselor and teacher analyzed my work, suggested how it would be better, and advised how it would be more interesting to conduct it. Methodological assistance from the camp administration and teachers was present.

The relationship with the camp workers was friendly. Even though I don’t know the person, as I taught my guys, you need to say hello. After each meal we said thank you to the chefs for a wonderful lunch or dinner.

Since I was a substitute counselor, I did not have my own specific squad. It was difficult for the teachers to get used to me and give me grades too. The camp administration thanked me for this practice and work, since I was the only one who had a hard time. I didn’t have a squad or a partner, I had to constantly get used to the children and teachers. I replaced counselors or teachers who were absent from the camp for one reason or another. The camp administration settled on a rating of 5.

    Self-assessment of preparedness for practice

Thank you very much to the leaders and the “Pedagogy of Summer” course. In fact, all the theory and practice that we went through in these courses helped me a lot in completing my internship. I would like to hear more practice at Summer Pedagogy, maybe it scares students, but practice in the end turns out to be more than theory. I applied theoretical knowledge to “Periods of Camp Shifts.” According to the plan, I have already drawn up a plan for further actions. The counselor's piggy bank is also the main point in the counselor's work. I believe that when checking the counselor’s piggy bank, it is necessary to talk personally with the student so that he analyzes his completed work.

I believe that summer practice is useful and necessary stage training. For me, first of all, it is communication with children. For a whole month I can realize my capabilities and creative abilities. I began to feel more confident in talking with children. With my little brother I can play any games on any topic and anywhere. I met good guys who help and don’t leave me in trouble. How nice it was to organize a counselor concert, when I understand that we are one family, and our children look at us and applaud. I remember the farewell bonfire. All groups sang camp songs, the counselors enjoyed the last minutes of the evening. Maybe that's the point summer internship: realize your abilities, make friends and communicate with children!

Next year I hope to go to Meteor camp again!


on summer teaching practice

Pioneer squad list

1. Bykov Dima

2. Berezovsky Sergei

3. Guselnikov Dima

4. Guselnikova Natasha

5. Emelyanov Pasha

6. Kolmakov Yura

7. Kochergin Andrey

8. Kolishenko Pasha

9. Kozhevnikov Sasha

10. Kuraev Misha

11. Olenberg Igor

12.Popov Misha

13.Suprunyuk Sasha

14. Mandazhi Sergey

15.Tymoshenko Dasha

16.Timoshin Ivan

17. Uskov Andrey

18. Ushakov Yura

19. Filippenko Vitalya

20. Filipova Vika

21. Yarmolenko Ruslan

Grid plan

1. Competition for the best drawing.

2. Outdoor games.

1. Sports games.

2. Thematic conversations.

1.Hike to the forest.

2. Fun starts.

1.Ball games.

2. Thematic debate (philosophy of karate).

1. Beach volleyball.

2. Quiz “My favorite books.”

1. Sports games.

2. Quiz: do you know your city?

1. Competition “Young Tourist”.

2.Evening with a guitar by the fire.

1. Rhythm.

2. Evening “Wider Circle”.

1.Hike to the lake.

2. Quiz “Tournament of Champions”.

1. Thematic conversation “Sports and health at all times.”

2. Orientation in the forest.

2. Quiz “Sports record holders”.

1. Tournament "Musical Football".

2. Traveling on the “Health” train.

1. Competition “Do you know mushrooms?”

2. “Merry Olympics.”

1. Musical games in nature.

2. Relay with the ball.

1. Sports relay race “Tour starts”

2.Funny volleyball.

"Bogatyr Competition"

"Search for Pirate Treasure"

1.Thematic conversation “Forest Doctors”

2.Hike to the forest

1. Thematic conversation “First aid on the water”

2. “Water games” Swimming in the river

1. Chef competition

2. Fun dancing.

Summing up and presenting prizes.

Purpose of the program

1. Instill in children a love of nature.

2. Teach how to navigate in the forest, how to provide first aid for injuries, distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones, how to put up a tent and make a fire.

3.Create conditions for successful sports, intellectual and creative development of children.

4. Bring the team together through mutual assistance and interaction.

5.Create conditions for improving the health of children’s bodies through interaction with nature.

6.Create conditions for nurturing the spirit, justice and love of sports in the traditions of Karate-do.


1.Create a friendly atmosphere in the squad.

2. Identify leaders for successful interaction with the children's team.

3. Reveal the creative abilities and aspirations of children.

4.Form a coherent one. Strong and disciplined team.

5.Create conditions for individual self-expression of children.

6.Create a warm, friendly atmosphere. Make your vacation in the squad useful, romantic, fun, unforgettable.

7. Summarize and mark each member of the squad.

Reflection on relative personal professional and pedagogical competencies and individual profile

1.Professional competence (the ability to properly organize one’s work, the presence of deep and comprehensive knowledge).

2.Professional readiness (availability of knowledge and skills necessary for a specialist).

3. Personal position of the teacher (humanistic orientation of the individual, system of value orientations and beliefs).

4.Organizational abilities (the ability to organize a children’s team, its unity, the ability to inspire a decision important tasks).

5.Communicative competence (the ability to clearly, figuratively, meaningfully and clearly express one’s thoughts).

6. Pedagogical imagination (the ability to foresee the consequences of one’s actions, the ability to predict the development of certain qualities of students).

7. Personal qualities (love for one’s profession, dedication, wit, artistry, desire for self-development and self-education, love for children, discipline, introspection, erudition).

8.The ability to sympathize and empathize with children (help the child and support him in difficult situation).

9. The ability to predict the development of pedagogical situations (the ability to overcome difficult pedagogical situations with dignity).

10.The ability to identify and develop the abilities of students.

11. Pedagogical exactingness, tactfulness, (the ability to achieve authority among children).

State order for education (requirements that society places on a modern teacher)

1. Suitability for pedagogical activity.

2. Pedagogical worldview (high level general culture, high moral character, love for children).

3. Understanding the uniqueness and relative autonomy of personal self-development.

4.The ability to ensure intra-group and inter-group communication, prevent conflicts in children's and adult communities.

5.Knowledge of features mental development, especially children with problems, and the desire, together with them, to purposefully create the conditions necessary for their self-development.

6.The ability for one’s own self-development and self-education.

7.Needs and abilities for active and versatile professional and socio- cultural activities.

8. Tactfulness, feelings of empathy, patience and tolerance in relationships with children and adults, readiness to accept and support them, and if necessary, to protect them.

9.Professionally – pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities.

Strengths (I can)

Growth points (what you need to learn)

1.Organizational skills

I can organize children, I can captivate them;

I know how to attract adults: colleagues, parents.

2.Speech abilities

Express your thoughts clearly, figuratively, meaningfully and clearly.

3.Communication skills

Together with the child, figure out a difficult situation and support him. Demanding, tactful (I know how to achieve authority among children, inspire by example).

4.Reflective abilities

Anticipate the consequences of your actions.

Analyze your actions. I have a desire for self-development and self-education

5. Personal abilities

I love children. I can be sociable, observant, attentive, disciplined, responsible

I have abilities in fine arts.

1.Work on pedagogically correct speech.

2. Learn to develop in children a desire for improvement positive traits character.

3. Pay more attention to the individual qualities of children. (learn to be closer to children).

4. Learn to better plan the time of classes (don’t get carried away and improvise less).

5. Deepen your knowledge (by studying methodological and encyclopedic literature, as well as primary sources).

The actual level of personal competence of a trainee student:

Scale for assessing student's real competencies

Sports relay race "Tour starts"

Description of the relay

The relay is a team race, designed for 3 teams of 7 people. Before each stage of the relay, the teams are given an introduction, “tying” each stage to the traveling situation. The function of the jury is performed by: the director of the sports society "Rassvet", the head of the camp and the presenter.

Stage 1. The teams are told that this is a warm-up stage, but at the same time it is explained that during the hike they may encounter various obstacles and only a friendly team can overcome them. Now it is proposed to check how wide the ravine can be overcome by the teams together. Each team member jumps from a place without a run-up, the next member jumps from the place where the previous one landed, etc. The team that jumps the farthest wins.

Stage 2 The teams are announced that preparation for the hike is beginning, and each team is given a backpack. The backpack plays the role of a relay baton, but at a certain distance from the teams, the things necessary for the hike are stored. Each participant runs up with a backpack and puts only one thing in it, then passes the backpack to the next one. The winner is the team that packs and moves all the things first.

Stage 3. The leader announces that during the trip one of the kayaks capsized and it is necessary to provide assistance to his comrades. The role of comrades is played by hoops, to which each participant must throw a rope. The team that makes the most accurate hits wins.

Stage 4 Now on the way of tourists there is a ravine that can be crossed on a log. The role of the log is played by a long fallen tree lying on the ground, along which all team members must run in turn. Those who do it faster than others win.

Stage 5 The ravine has been overcome, and there is a swamp on the way for tourists. You can only cross it over bumps, which will be represented by stools. Each team is given two stools, and the participants, moving them, reach a certain place, and then pass the stools to the next participant.

Stage 6 But all the tourists reached the rest stop and set up a tent. All participants must take turns getting into it. The team that gets to the tent the fastest wins.

Stage 7 Now is the time to make a fire. Each participant is given a “log” - a small stick. Using these sticks, participants must build a fire (well or hut) in a certain place, running to it in turn. Whose fire is built and lit first wins at this stage.

The jury counts the points, determines the winners and awards prizes. And, of course, he announces that the winners will soon be able to test their acquired skills on a real hike.

Analysis of educational activities

1. Head of educational activities:

Belev Vladislav Viktorovich – 3rd year student of the Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute, branch of the Federal State educational institution higher vocational education

"Siberian Federal University»

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology ( extramural training)

Specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology"

2. Age of participants:

Participated in the educational event

Children aged 8 to 15 years.

Head of the camp.

Director of the sports society "Rassvet"


3. Date, place, format, number of participants:

July 15 in a summer sports and recreational tent camp 23 kilometers upstream from the village of Vysokogorsky.

4. Duration of the event taking into account age:

Duration of the event is 1 hour.

5. Topic, goals and objectives:

Topic: Sports relay race.

Goal: acquaintance with such a sport as tourism, awakening interest in tourism, developing skills of mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Objectives: we introduce the children to what they can expect on a hike, so that children can learn the basics of tourism;

Create a cooperative relationship between older and younger children to achieve common goal;

To develop in children the desire to win and mutual assistance.

Elimination of psychological barriers in communication between children, complexes.

6. Structure of the event:

1. Draw

2. Preparation for the event

3. Warm-up stage

4. Relay race with a backpack

5. Rescue of drowning people

6. Overcoming a ravine on a log

7. Crossing the swamp over bumps

8. Setting up a tent

9. Making a fire

10. Summing up, presenting awards.

7. Pedagogical self-analysis:

Starting from 8-11 years old, you can and should begin to introduce children to tourism, because... the romance of hikes with night fires, overnight stays in tents, stories from high school students about interesting cases what happened to them on their hikes have probably already awakened their interest in this sport. Modeled in game form situation similar to a hiking one, we introduce the children in the most basic form to what they can expect on a hike, so that the children can then more seriously study the basics of tourism. In addition, this relay race can be considered as simply one of the forms of organizing summer children's leisure.

During the event, I would like to note the children’s interest, sports enthusiasm, and desire to compete. Children often showed ingenuity and solved the tasks assigned to them in an unconventional way.

The scenario and travel accessories were used taking into account the age characteristics of the children. The groups were divided by drawing lots.

During the event, cheerful, playful music was played: “Merry Wind”, “Chunga-Changa”, “Antoshka”, etc.

The difficulty was that the groups were made up of children of different ages and the younger children did not always keep up with the older ones.

Since the children participated in the competition on the 15th day of living together in a sports and recreation camp, there were no quarrels or insults on the site, the guys tried to support each other and the event was held in the spirit of a fun competition.

During the event, all assigned tasks were achieved.

Analysis of observations of a group of children

I completed a summer teaching internship from July 1 to July 21 at a summer sports and recreational tent camp 23 kilometers upstream from the village of Vysokogorsky. During my internship, I worked in a detachment of children of different ages; the detachment included children from 8 to 15 years old. It was a small detachment of 21 people.

The practice program indicates observation of a temporary team, but in my case the team was already established since the children had been studying together in the section for several years. For me it was necessary to identify the leaders and identify the personal qualities of the guys. In this regard, I decided to use the “Desert Island” technique. When I explained the conditions of the game to the children, they immediately agreed. It was decided to create their own state, in which the president and cabinet of ministers were elected by free vote, and other positions were also distributed. This helped not only to identify the leader of the team, but also to determine the inclinations and abilities of the children. This technique helped me in the future in preparing and conducting events and distributing responsibilities.

It was difficult to select thematic material, holding games, thematic conversations, sports quizzes. I had to do a lot interesting material read and study for yourself. The age of the children was different and it was not easy to find tasks that were interesting for everyone, taking into account interests, hobbies and abilities. It was necessary that every child could reveal his abilities and self-actualize.

In the first days after arriving at the camp, the children quickly adapted to the new conditions, although of course they were a little homesick. And it took me a lot of work to captivate and interest them. I had conversations with children about what games they would like to participate in, what interesting things they would like to know. I tried to make the camp fun and interesting for the children. On hot days we went swimming in the river and went hiking. And in the evenings we sat with a guitar by the fire, sang songs and told each other interesting stories. Instructive conversations were held about the traditions of karate. About kindness and respect for people.

Often children themselves took part in the preparation and conduct of various games, events, quizzes and competitions. Children received certificates and prizes for participating in quizzes, games and competitions.

Sometimes there were problems with discipline, the younger guys often played pranks and did not always do the right thing, and the older ones united in their social circle. But I managed to ensure that the older guys began to help me work with the younger ones, and after that both the younger and older guys became one cheerful team.

Participation in general camp events involved the children in joint activities, the sports spirit of competition and victory contributed to the development of interpersonal relationships and awareness of each other’s capabilities. Assessing your capabilities, victories, successes and aspirations by the end of the camp shift.

During the time spent in the camp, I had almost no problems communicating with children, I managed to gain their trust and sympathy, interest and captivate them. Although my stay at the summer camp was short, I realized that working with children is not an easy job, requiring full dedication, love and respect, and I gained some experience in communicating and working with a group.

Thus, after observing the formation of a temporary children's team, we can make the following conclusions:

1.Tendency towards the formation of a friendly sports team.

2. Mutual assistance and mutual assistance between older and younger children served as the basis for creating a cohesive team.



Rworkteacherat a children's summer camp

Summer internship report

Saint Petersburg



Structurally, my report will be presented in four parts.

The first part is introductory. It describes the structure of the camp, reflects the regime moments and psychological atmosphere.

1 Place of practice

2 Internship time

3 Camp structure

4 Team

5 Psychological atmosphere

6 Camp mode

Attached is a schedule of general camp events.

The second part consists of an individual work schedule, which lists independent activities with children and camp activities, and draws certain conclusions.

The third part, the main one, presents social and psychological portraits of children of three ages:

Second period of childhood – 6-10 years

Teenagers – 11-15 years old

Youth – 16-20 years old

Among them, special attention was paid to adolescence, since in my detachment there were children whose age was 10–13 years. Therefore, more complete and detailed characteristics will be at this age. I could only watch, communicate, play every day with teenagers. I could observe the second period of childhood from 6 to 10 years old at general camp events. I got to know the youth through the example of the counselors.

And the fourth part is summing up, conclusions about the work done.

Camp characteristics

Camp location

I did an internship at a city summer camp at Sertolov Secondary School No. 1. The camp was located in an elementary school building and occupied the first floor. Three playrooms were created for children, containing paper, paints, pencils and board games. The children also had everything they needed to play outside: balls, jump ropes, badminton, and throwing plates. Three bedrooms were made for children of junior detachments.

Internship time

The practice took place from June 1 to June 29 from 9-00 to 18-00, but in fact the situation developed in such a way that after lunch, i.e. after 13-00 most of the children went home. The remaining children had quiet time from 14-00 to 16-00. Many also left after sleep and afternoon snack. So until the end of the day there were very few children left in the camp. In this regard, all classes and activities with children were held in the first half of the day.

Camp structure

The camp accepted children studying at this school and, if there were free places, children from Sertolovskaya school No. 2 living in the city of Sertolovo. In total, 130 people attended the camp, children aged from 6 to 15 years. 6 units were formed in such a way that:

1st squad: 6-7 years old, children entering first grade;

2nd squad: 8 years old, children who have completed first grade;

3 squad: 9-10 years old, children who have completed the second and third grades;

Division 4: 11-12 years old, children who have completed fourth and fifth grades;

The 5th detachment and the 6th detachment were combined into one and included children who graduated from sixth to eighth grade

But in reality there was no such division in the camp. All children were together during general camp games, competitions and walks and were divided into groups only during breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea and their individual classes, of which there were very few.

Concerning social aspect structure of the camp, then we can say the following: the camp included children whose parents either work from morning to evening and have nowhere else to send the child to rest, or are not at all concerned about the rest of their children. So we can say that most of the children were from dysfunctional families. And only a small part of the children were from wealthy families. They wanted to go to summer camp of their own accord because their friends were there.


Each detachment had two counselors and one teacher. The counselors were tenth grade students of this school. Elementary school teachers worked at the camp; each one had to work for two weeks, so there were 12 of them in one shift, a music teacher from a high school, and a physical education teacher, also from a high school.

Psychological atmosphere

The psychological atmosphere in the camp was quite tense. The teachers received the new person rather coldly. They were very wary, one might even say they ignored me at first. It was very difficult to join the team. The teachers kept to themselves, the counselors also did not strive for interaction and communication and did not look for ways to get closer. Each detachment had to have one teacher and two counselors. The teachers participated in all activities reluctantly. No initiative came from them, and they preferred to either sit together in one of the classes when the children were in the playrooms, or spend time discussing on walks. The counselors tried at first to attract children to cooperative games and activities, but if the children agreed, it was for a very short time, and then went about their own business. Therefore, seeing that the children did not want organized games, they abandoned these attempts. And thus the children could move freely not only around the camp territory, but also beyond it. They went to the store if they wanted to buy something or home to buy toys. This happened as a result of the fact that the teachers treated the children without initiative and simply did what they were supposed to do; and due to the fact that children have poorly developed skills in group games. They preferred to play with two or three people and were divided by interests. But it should be noted that they all took part in general camp events and competitions and took the loss very painfully. During individual conversation sessions, they made good contact. Gradually we got used to the new person, stopped being shy, and I got a good opportunity to get acquainted with general age groups and individual psychological characteristics children.

Camp mode

9-30 – 9-45. All the guys, in order, get ready to exercise.

10-00 – 10-30. Everyone at the table! It's time to find out what the chefs are rich in!

10-35 – 13-30. Who goes where: some to the cinema, some to the garden, we relax, sunbathe, and draw, and read.

13-30 – 14-00. There is a serious look at the table. Let's lean in and show our serious appetite.

14-00 – 15-00. Sweet sleep after lunch. Quiet! Don't wake up your neighbor!

15-30 – 15-45. So the bugle sings again, afternoon tea awaits us in the dining room.

15-45 – 17-00. A difficult hour has come, here with us.

17-00. The day has passed, it's time to go home. Goodbye kids!

Individual work schedule and personal diary

1 day of practice

On this day, we got acquainted with the camp, the teaching staff, routine moments, and got to know the children. I was assigned to a detachment in which the age of children ranged from 10 to 13 years. The guys were wary of me. Most of the children were from the same class. I introduced myself to the children and told them a little about myself. Then she asked the guys to introduce themselves and tried to remember their names. There were 27 people in the detachment. On this day, I decided not to conduct any classes, but simply communicate with the children, and after breakfast and getting to know each other, we went for a walk. The teacher provided the children and communicated with her friends. I watched the children. After lunch most of the children left.

2nd day of practice

On this day, a holiday was being prepared in the camp in honor of the opening. The general theme of camp events is as follows. The camp is the Planet of Good, all participants in the camp shift are residents of this planet. Planet of Good is common Home and all the inhabitants live therein in accordance with the constitution. On this day, Operation “Comfort” was carried out - arrangement on the Planet of Good. On the Planet of Good there is:

Mountains - deserts - forests - fields - underwater world

Each group was asked to draw planets to match their theme. My troop presented the “children of the desert”. The guys worked enthusiastically and with pleasure. For a long time they could not decide what to draw and how. In my squad there were two leaders who constantly competed with each other. And now the detachment has split into two opposing camps. I managed to unite them only when I reminded them that they are one team and if they do not come to an agreement, they will not be able to be the best, the first and other joys will defeat them. As a result, all detachments completed the task and each provided their part. After summing up there was lunch and after it most of my squad left (the children are already quite independent). With those who remained we went for a walk.

From this day all planned daily activities began. And before breakfast, exercises took place. The teachers were preparing for the opening celebration of the shift, and no general camp events were held that day. I offered the children a game: “Shipwrecked.” This game is intended for teamwork and requires the development of a common group decision. I chose this particular game to bring the kids together and to help them learn to work together. During this game, you can observe the decision-making process of the group, determine the main styles of behavior of the participants when conflict situations arise during the decision-making process. joint decision. The game was interesting, but quite tense. The guys successfully completed the individual part of the work, but they had significant difficulties with collective decision-making. For me, this game was very revealing and I was able to get to know the guys better. After lunch, we discussed the results of the game with those who remained.

On this day, a game was held on the stations of the “Extraordinary Cruise”. The teams were formed in teams and went through the following stations:

Origami – drawing – music – sports

All stations had a common theme: environmental. The children drew birds and animals, collected them from postcards, depicted each one individually, and guessed the melodies as a group. The children really liked the game. There were no winners or losers. Friendship won. The tasks at the stations were thought out in accordance with the age of the children and therefore everyone was interested.

In the afternoon, the “Nonexistent Animal” technique was carried out with Nastya (9 years old). Because after lunch, my detachment from 10 to 13 years old was combined with a detachment of children 8 to 10 years old, due to the fact that the teacher of this detachment was absent.

On this day, the opening of the camp took place, which was marked by the excursion “Sertolov Forest Full of Miracles”. An excursion was held for all groups during which the children talked about what trees grow in their forest, interesting cases, traditions and legends associated with them, and what records they have. We examined the plants and identified medicinal ones among them. A separate story was dedicated to coltsfoot; They explained to the children why it is called that and what diseases it treats.

Particular attention was paid to birds. We asked the children to remember the riddles associated with them (since a day later the “Bird Bazaar” competition took place). The entire excursion was presented as a journey to the “Kingdom of Berendey”. The children really enjoyed the excursion and were left with a lot of impressions.

Today the journey to the “Kingdom of Berendey” continued and the labor landing expedition – “Clean Forest” – was carried out. The children were told what harm can be done to the forest by leaving garbage in it. They cited as an example the data that polyethylene rots for 400 years, and glass as much as 800, and that the glass that was abandoned under Peter I will disappear only after 500 years. Afterwards everyone went to clean the forest. The guys were impressed by the stories and worked conscientiously until lunch, and after it, “Green Pharmacy” health minutes were held, where they talked about the beneficial properties of forest plants.

After exercise and breakfast, everyone started making crafts from natural materials: the girls did more painstaking work, they glued millet grains onto plates and beans onto plates. They produced very beautiful decorative items, which after the exhibition were hung in several offices, and the boys made a huge panel on velvet paper from pencil shavings. After finishing the work, the exhibition “Fantasy - Forest Miracle” took place. After lunch, they suggested holding a festival of fairy tales “Green Oak” and each group was given the task of playing a game on this topic for everyone. I offered my kids the game “Who are they?” We chose the most famous heroes, wrote down their names on pieces of paper and attached the names to the backs of the players. Each of them had to remember as many other names as possible, trying not to show theirs. The game went off with a bang, because... movable.

The holiday took place in a birch grove next to the school. The girls were dressed in Russian folk costumes, kokoshniks made by themselves. Among them there was a competition “The most beautiful braid”. The kids and guys from my squad enjoyed braiding each other's hair, weaving flowers into it. Then they did a round dance. I was assigned to conduct an outdoor game and I played the game “Peten”. The boys who only participated in games and the girls who sang and danced were also pleased.

On this day, the opening of the week “The House Where I Live” took place. The guys painted theirs this morning native home. All the drawings were shown at the exhibition, during a health minute, and the importance of a daily routine was discussed. I played the game “Air – Water – Earth – Wind” on my own. The driver, approaching someone, names one of the elements and counts to 5. Depending on the task, the player must name a bird, fish, animal, or spin around in place (Wind). Those who did not have time to give an answer leave the circle. In the afternoon, I taught Vitalik (11 years old) the “Draw a Family” technique and a school mental development test. Grandma came for him, as always.

Scheduled meeting with interesting people Sertolovo and the defense of the “Green outfit of my city” projects did not take place. Instead we went on a tour of the railway museum. In the afternoon I played the game “Mafia” with the guys. The goal of the game is to teach effective behavior when solving group problems, strengthening the skills of verbal and non-verbal behavior. During the game, one could observe the dynamics of group processes. At the beginning, the guys did not do well, but after one or two games they developed certain tactics of behavior.

On this day, a competition took place - the “games of our yard” competition. All squads were asked to remember as many games as possible and play them. My guys played the following games: “Ali Baba”, “Stream”, “Khali - Holo Stop dot, comma”, “Sparrows and crows”, “don’t take black and white and don’t say no”, “peten”, “ three movements." Afterwards, during health minutes, the role of cleanliness and hygiene was discussed. In the afternoon, the 10-13 year old and 7-10 year old groups were united. I conducted the CMAS anxiety questionnaire with Nastya (9 years old) and Vitalik (11 years old).

A conference was held for all teams, which completed the topic of ecology. They discussed ways to prevent environmental pollution, measures to protect forests and water fields. Let's remember about animal protection. Two girls from my squad gave a report on this topic: “Reserve and game reserves,” in which they explained how and why they are created. Afterwards, the children drew pictures dedicated to protecting nature.

This day was held under the auspices of “The future depends on us.” Representatives from each unit formed a presidential council and elected a president. A meeting of the council “Thinking Globally, Acting Locally” was held, where they discussed what everyone could do to preserve the purity and beauty of our planet. The children were asked to come up with various options on their own, which the council would discuss and sum up the results the next day. There was a game for the kids in which they were told that our planet is alive and it can hurt. And they offered the task “Let’s heal our planet together.”

The meeting of the Presidential Council continued. The most original proposal to protect nature is to amend the Constitution. The most active participants were awarded medals “Honorary Citizen of the Planet Good”.

Then the ceremonial closing of the camp shift and the “Festival of Farewell and Parting” took place, at which the children read poetry. A costume performance took place and musical numbers were performed.

Socio-psychological portraits

Second childhood period

Social and psychological portrait of Nastya, 9 years old.

Nastya lives with her parents. They work hard and are very busy. Nastya was one of the few who remained in the camp until the evening. Nastya has an older brother who is 21 years old. He, just like his parents, pays little attention to her. In the team, Nastya strived to stand out and willingly participated in holidays and camp events.

Nastya is choleric by nature. She is characterized by increased excitability and great emotionality. She is proactive, energetic, and principled. Sometimes she is irritable and impulsive.

Nastya's character is dominated by the hyperthymic and demonstrative type. She is mobile, active, prone to mischief, restless, and sociable. In the educational process, this manifests itself in restlessness. The girl craves attention to her person, wants to stand out, to be the center of attention.

The drawings also testify to these traits of her character. The man she drew is pretty big size. This indicates some expansiveness, a desire for self-distribution. Nastya appreciates people's intellectual qualities and education. She is very active and loves to be the center of attention. She is concerned with relationships with other people and strives to communicate with everyone. But her constant desire for communication and external confidence are rather compensatory in nature. She experiences certain difficulties with interpersonal relationships, but hides it. Nastya’s drawing also indicates a tendency towards alienation, turning inward, and an attempt to restrain emotional manifestations. In addition, we can conclude that Nastya has a penchant for fantasizing, avoiding reality, and the presence of some infantilism.

Nastya demonstrates behavior that does not correspond to her real ideas about herself. In other words, her “I am real” and “I am ideal” are very much separated from each other.

Nastya feels insecure and uncomfortable at home; she lacks attention, warmth and care. The only place where she feels comfortable is school. In the drawing of the house she depicted her school. The many windows in the figure indicate a demonstrated readiness for contacts and availability in interactions. Nastya identifies well with the role of a student, schoolgirl and feels insecure in the role of a daughter and sister.

Nastya does not want to let others into her “I”, strives for privacy, for selectivity in contacts with others, but wants to seem open and sociable. In her dreams and fantasies, she sees herself exactly like this. And he feels comfortable and cozy only at school, but wants to create the impression of a prosperous person in all respects.

Nastya is worried about some traumatic experience, as evidenced by the hollow in the tree. And in order to forget him, to smooth him over, Nastya goes into the world of fantasy and, as a result, shows childishness (this is evidenced by the drawing of a non-existent animal). She tends to close herself off because she feels insecure (the animal is circled). But at the same time, she attaches great importance to the interest of others in her. Nastya is a somewhat self-centered child, great attention pays attention to his appearance. But this is a consequence of a lack of warmth, attention and care on the part of parents.

Nastya has somewhat increased anxiety. This is evident in the CMAS overt anxiety scale.



Clearly increased anxiety

Very high anxiety

Risk group

Nastya's family has an aloof style of relationships. It implies the indifference of adults to the personality of the child. In this family, parents keep their distance, their disinterest in development and inner life a child makes him lonely and unhappy. Subsequently, Nastya may develop an aloof attitude towards people. She demonstrates a willingness to communicate, but shows a tendency towards solitude. In her family, Nastya does not feel a sense of security or trust, and therefore she has a high level of neuroticism. This is also confirmed by the CMAS overt anxiety scale.

Besides drawing tests, the CMAS anxiety questionnaire, G.N.’s technique was carried out with the girl. Kazantseva, aimed at diagnosing the level of self-esteem of an individual. The assumption that the girl’s behavior was of a comedic nature was justified. This technique confirmed this. Nastya's score is -5, which indicates low self-esteem.

-10 to -4 low result

From -3 to +3 average result

From +4 to +10 high self-esteem

Was held with Nastya next job: in order to mitigate traumatic experiences and level out the situation, the girl was given increased attention, her activity was welcomed, and all endeavors were encouraged. They spoke kindly to the child and called him Nastenka. There was increased physical and psychological contact (frequent touching, stroking, while walking with her they often walked hand in hand). Conversations were held in which they tried to explain to the child that now her parents are forced to work a lot, but they do it for her sake, which means they love her very much. A conversation was also held with the parents, or rather with the mother, in which she was reminded that Nastya was very soon entering adolescence, and therefore she would require increased attention. And that now parents have a very important period - after all, if they become closer to the child and establish friendly relations with him, this will allow them to avoid many problems. Relationships with adults and peers are ambiguous. In communication with peers, as a rule, paired relationships develop with children of the same sex. This is the first life period when a peer becomes one of the most significant. Collaboration skills and abilities are demonstrated.

The characteristic features of this age are

1 increased reactivity

2 impulsiveness

3 curiosity

4 impressionability

5 imitation

It is important to note that at primary school age the child begins to understand that he represents a certain individuality. There is a need to be an individual, and since the leading activity is educational, this is the need to be a good student. The child’s self-awareness develops intensively, and its structure is strengthened, filled with new value orientations. A child of this age strives to gain approval for his achievements, strives for recognition from adults, and strives for self-affirmation.


Vitalik, 11 years old.

The only child in the family, he lives with his mother and grandmother, there is no father. Mother and grandmother are leaders, each strives to take the main part in raising the child, they are very authoritarian. 6 years ago Vitalik had a compression fracture of the spine. His mother works a lot and is away from home all day. The grandmother is retired and often gets sick, so they decided to send the child to the children’s camp for the first shift, which is located at the school where Vitalik studies. The grandmother is very despotic and strives to control every step of her grandson: he is not allowed to be alone at home while Vitalik goes to school; the grandmother looks at him from the window (the school porch is visible from the windows of their house), often meets Vitalik at the school door, he is allowed to walk only in yard, and so that grandmother could see him. The mother is more loyal to her son, but since she works, she cannot influence the grandmother, who strives to occupy the position of head of the family.

By temperament, Vitalik is sanguine, but he is also close to melancholic. Feelings arise and change easily for him. He is characterized by some inconstancy and superficiality. Strives for independence, wants to take responsibility, make decisions, but is afraid.

His character is dominated by the anxious type. He has increased anxiety, worry about possible failures. Characterized by wariness of external circumstances. Vitalik has certain difficulties communicating with peers, he is difficult to make contact with, and treats people with distrust. He does not pretend to be a leader, but demands respect.

Vitalik was asked to draw a person, he agreed, but constantly asked: “Which one - small or big? And where? But how, because I’m bad at drawing? Should he be dressed? Which speaks of uncertainty, anxiety and the habit of doing everything under the complete control of adults. The figure in the picture is tilted more than 15 degrees, this reflects mental imbalance and instability. Vitalik wants to be active and decisive (his drawing testifies to this), but he does not have such an opportunity, and he is very worried about this. He strives to close himself off from criticism and noise, and selectively perceives information. The picture shows that Vitalik is in a state of constant tension and stiffness. He has problems with self-acceptance and is defensive and cautious. Having difficulty in social contacts, fear of aggression, feeling of self-doubt, insecurity, but at the same time strives for independence. The figure in the figure is somewhat angular, which indicates pronounced introversion. Vitalik has a very high level of anxiety (this can be seen from the formal characteristics of the drawing - it is made with a dashed line). At the beginning of adolescence, usually in the drawings there are no or weakly expressed signs characterizing the gender of the character. Often the image differs in clothing and hairstyle. Vitalik portrayed a man with a mustache: he wants to be courageous, decisive, and he misses communication with his father, a man. Vitalik is the only man in the house, but his mother and grandmother do not let him feel this. He is in a state of severe frustration.

Vitalik was asked to draw a family. There was paper and colored pencils on the table. But he asked for a simple pencil. The first one drew his mother, constantly erased something and drew it again - he was afraid that she would turn out ugly. This indicates an emotionally significant relationship. Vitalik painted all family members without their torsos - “only portraits.” I placed the drawing in the upper right corner, the drawing is very small. This speaks of a desire to prove one’s worth, a manifestation of anxiety and depression, and an unfulfilled need to communicate with the father. For the same reason, Vitalik includes Uncle Misha in the drawing, his mother’s brother, who does not live with them. This is due to dissatisfaction psychological needs. Vitalik is looking for a person who can satisfy his need for close emotional contacts. The child drew himself last and smaller in size (compared to the rest of the family). This means that Vitalik feels his insignificance and constant guardianship. In addition, Vitalik, when he signed the drawing, wanted to write “I” on the entire sheet, but then he changed his mind and said: “Okay. What is there?” Before this, the question was asked: “Should I draw myself or not?”

The drawing of the house is also shifted upward, which once again emphasizes the desire to prove its importance. The house is located somewhat far away, which indicates a situation of conflict in the domestic sphere, a feeling of rejection, rejection of the situation. Vitalik has the feeling that he has no boundary between the external and internal world. This is due to the constant influence on him from the outside, the constant intrusion into his inner world. The child demonstrates a readiness to communicate and the ability to make direct contact. Vitalik loves to fantasize and dream. There is no pipe in the picture, this indicates a feeling of distance, or a chilling feeling in relation to the parental home, a lack of psychological warmth, a conflict associated with a male representative (the absence of a father).

The tree drawing is the only one made with colored pencils. The tree is tilted to the right more than 15 degrees - this indicates a fear of expressing strong emotions. And in reality, if Vitalik is angry, he prefers to hide his feelings and not show them, both at school and at home. Vitalik depicted an apple tree with apples - this is due to the expressed need for dependence. Vitalik wanted to draw a hollow, but then he said: “No, there are no squirrel hollows on an apple tree.” This indicates a high level of self-control, a feeling of inadequacy in connection with traumatic impressions. The child strives for warmer direct contacts and is very vulnerable and sensitive. Vitalik’s desire to draw a hollow with a squirrel indicates the presence of a personal substructure that cannot be controlled, as well as the presence of experiences caused by the ambiguity of relationships with emotionally significant people. The bark is depicted by blackening the entire trunk and reflects the presence of psychological problems in the EGO. Vitalik has no sense of internal balance, no stability of position.

On the CMAS overt anxiety scale, Vitalik scored 29 points, which corresponds to 9 walls. He clearly has increased anxiety. During testing, he constantly clarified the questions and asked if it was possible to answer “I don’t know”; he thought for a long time before answering.



The state of anxiety is not typical for the subject

Such “excessive calm” may or may not be protective in nature.

Normal level of anxiety

Necessary for adapting productive activities

Slightly increased anxiety

Often associated with a limited range of situations, specific area life.

Clearly increased anxiety

Usually has a “developed”, generalized character

Very high anxiety

Risk group

Vitalik is now entering adolescence. This age is considered the most difficult in educational terms. A radical biochemical, physiological, morphological, and neuropsychic restructuring of the body occurs. As a result of this process, biological and psychological characteristics are formed. During rapid restructuring and growth of the body, adolescents may experience a feeling of anxiety, increased excitability, depression, sudden mood swings. In adolescence, a sense of adulthood begins to form, new aspirations appear, self-esteem is formed, rapid physiological development and the formation of biological maturity occur. All this happens against the background of social helplessness and complete dependence on parents. At this age, attention to oneself and one’s physical disabilities increases, the reaction to the opinions of others becomes more intense, self-esteem and resentment increase. This is the time of achievements, the rapid increase in knowledge and skills, the formation of morality and the discovery of the “I”, the acquisition of a new social position. But this is also the age of loss of a child's worldview, a more carefree and irresponsible lifestyle. This is the experience of “no longer a child,” but “not yet an adult.” That is why it is no coincidence that this period is called “transitional”, “turning point”, “critical”.

Based on this, we can say that Vitalik enters adolescence in an unfavorable situation for him. At this age, the child begins to re-evaluate his relationship with his family. The desire to find oneself as a person gives rise to the need for alienation from everyone who influenced him. First of all, this applies to parents. For Vitalik, alienation is expressed in negativism. He strives to resist any proposals from his mother and grandmother, but he does not have such an opportunity. Therefore he is in a state internal conflict: Vitalik considers himself an adult, independent, but his parents prove the opposite to him. The child is very worried about his grandmother meeting him at school; he feels awkward in front of his classmates. The situation at home is such that he must hide his dissatisfaction, it accumulates in him and sometimes the child has breakdowns, which are expressed in screaming, tears, stubbornness towards everything, the desire to do everything “to spite” his parents. Negativism is the primary form of the alienation mechanism, and it is also the beginning active search a teenager of his own unique essence. Vitalik has an authoritarian family with established stereotypes. Mom and grandmother continue to make the same strict demands as in childhood. Therefore, the child feels lonely and insecure at home, and especially uncomfortable due to the fact that there is no father in the family. It is during this period that an acute feeling of need for a father arises, since sexual identification in adolescents is carried out in correlation with parents of both sexes. Additionally, having both parents represents adolescents positively among their peers. The absence of his father weakens his social position.

According to the Basa-Darki questionnaire, Vitalik showed the following results:

1. physical aggression – 5

2. indirect aggression – 5

3. irritation – 9

4. negativism – 4

5. resentment – ​​7

6. suspiciousness - 7

7. verbal aggression - 7

8. feeling of guilt – 6

We can conclude that the first source of Vitalik’s problems with his mother and grandmother is adults’ misunderstanding of the child’s inner world, false ideas about his experiences and motives for certain actions. Parents, seeing their child growing up, most often notice only its negative aspects in this process and do not pay attention to the new and positive.

Despite the external opposition shown towards his parents, Vitalik feels the need for support.

I managed to meet Vitalik’s mother and find a common language with her. As I already noted, she is more loyal towards Vitalik and understands that excessive care and control have a negative impact on her son. She is concerned about the current situation and is looking for help. I recommended Vitalik’s mother to get acquainted with the psychological characteristics adolescence, problems, that is, typical difficulties that children experience and experience, typical difficulties that adults face. Among them are the following:

1 communication with peers

2 interaction with parents

3 difficulties of self-knowledge and self-determination.

Now it is very important to understand that relationships with comrades are at the center of Vitalik’s life, largely determining all other aspects of his behavior. It is important for a child not only to be with his peers, but the main thing is to occupy a position among them that satisfies him. The inability to achieve such a position and gain recognition is most often the cause of conflict behavior.

By interacting with each other, teenagers learn to reflect. Connections with parents, so emotional during childhood, become less immediate. That's why Vitalik trusts his secret plans not to mom and grandma, but to a new friend. For Vitalik, friendship becomes more and more important, but he has very little opportunity to communicate with his friends without the control of his grandmother. Therefore, his relationships with the guys in his class are not quite the way he would like. Leading activities of teenagers – intimate and personal communication with peers. In relationships with peers, a teenager strives to realize his personality and determine his communication capabilities. To achieve these aspirations, he needs personal freedom and personal responsibility. And he defends this personal freedom as the right to adulthood. At the same time, the child, as a rule, takes a negative position towards his parents. Vitalik does not have the opportunity to satisfy his need to communicate with peers. This bothers him and he gets annoyed with his parents.

Vitalik develops an interest in girls. He has a girlfriend Anya, with whom he has been with for a long time. And gradually, which is typical for teenagers, his spontaneity in communicating with her disappears: this is expressed in shyness.

Vitalik demonstrates normal mental development for his age. By school test mental development (STUR) demonstrates the following results:


1. “awareness” - 22.08

2. “awareness” - 23.01

3. “analogies” - 30.72

4. “classification” - 40.48

5. “generalizations” - 18.03

6. " number series" - 26.71

Vitalik is now deciding this important problem as a matter of self-determination. He has not yet decided exactly who he will be, but most likely it will be something related to the field of jurisprudence. Vitalik says this: “I’ll probably still have to get legal education, but now the profession of an entrepreneur or businessman is prestigious.”

At this age, the idea of ​​one’s appearance is of great importance in self-knowledge. Vitalik is very worried about playing sports. Due to a spinal injury, he has limited options. I would really like to play football, but the doctor does not allow him. That's why he chose swimming. Mom supports his decision. It is no coincidence that the idea of ​​one’s appearance plays such a big role. This is explained by the fact that the features of maturation are most clearly manifested in changes in bodily appearance. Parents need to understand that paying close attention to their appearance is a natural and normal phenomenon.

When communicating with Vitalik, all his characteristics were taken into account, both his age and the characteristics of his upbringing and relationship with his parents. In order for the child to feel more comfortable, the following work was carried out - Vitalik in large quantities various assignments were given so that he could show independence, they often turned to him and asked his opinion on this or that matter, to increase his self-esteem and significance both in his own eyes and in his peers.

I really want to hope that Vitalik’s mother and grandmother will be more patient with him and will provide him more freedom actions, will give him the opportunity to be independent, will take into account his needs and desires. This will undoubtedly help reduce the tension in their relationship and make communication warmer, friendlier and closer.

To summarize, we can say that the main features of adolescence are: the formation of stable forms of behavior, character traits and methods emotional response, which in the future largely determine the life of an adult, his mental and physical health, and personal maturity. That is why the role of an attentive, tolerant and friendly attitude towards a teenager is so important, because it will contribute to the healthy development of the individual.


Social and psychological portrait of Anton, 19 years old.

Anton lives with both parents and grandmother, studying at the Faculty of Economics, in his second year. On him big influence mother and grandmother provide, and he depends on their opinion. He is not capable of making independent decisions, which makes him suffer greatly.

By temperament he is pronounced melancholic. It is difficult for him to concentrate on anything for a long time. He is a deep and meaningful person. Under unfavorable conditions, he turns into a withdrawn, anxious and fearful person.

The character is dominated by the emotive type. He prefers communication in a narrow circle of select people, with whom he establishes good contacts and understands them perfectly. Rarely enters into conflicts, and if he does, he plays a passive role in them. He carries grievances within himself and does not “splash” out. Among his attractive features are: kindness, compassion, a heightened sense of duty, and diligence.

According to the FPI questionnaire, the following results were shown:

1 neuroticism – 5

2 spontaneous aggressiveness – 7

3 depression – 6

4 irritability – 4

5 sociability – 3

6 poise – 2

7 reactive aggressiveness – 6

8 shyness – 7

9 openness – 9

10 extroversion – introversion – 4

11 emotional lability – 7

12 masculinism – feminism -2

He was asked to draw three pictures of a person, a house and a tree. He immediately agreed, which may indicate an interest in drawing, a desire to participate in research, or a good attitude to the "researcher". Anton portrayed a person of the same gender as him. This means he reflected the feelings he has for himself. the drawing indicates the presence of frustration, the desire to get rid of it (in the picture the head is shown in profile). The first thing that catches your eye in the picture is the problem of interpersonal contacts and communication. A certain tendency towards isolation and self-defense is revealed. And in reality this is true. Anton has problems social behavior and communication. He communicates very well with friends, enjoys authority among them and has difficulty making contact with strangers. The picture shows that Anton has a negative attitude towards his body and does not accept it (Anton is very tall and has a overweight). That's why he has problems social sphere and difficulties in communicating with girls (Anton gets along better with guys). He wants to appear active, decisive and courageous. In addition, we can talk about the desire to break out from the control and guardianship of parents. Anton doesn’t say anything about this, but it becomes understandable because how often he mentions his mother in situations where some kind of decision is required. There are no eyes in the drawing, which once again emphasizes the difficulties of interpersonal relationships. The lips are highlighted in the drawing, but the mouth is not drawn - this is a sign of a problem with verbal communication. At Anton's big number unmet needs. He experiences a feeling of dissatisfaction and inferiority towards himself. But he wants to appear stable (large feet in the picture). Anton is very worried about his difficulties; he has a fairly high level of anxiety (as evidenced by the formal characteristics of the drawing). He is already aware of his capabilities and has a high level of intelligence (as evidenced by the drawing of the tree). But he is not yet completely balanced and stable. The drawing of the house indicates that Anton strives for contacts, demonstrates a willingness to communicate, and openness, but in reality he is a little closed and only talks about himself to close people. The picture shows that he strives to control the open expression of feelings and is a fairly mature person emotionally, but he feels a certain imbalance and instability.

Watching Anton, one could see the contradictions characteristic of young men - the contradiction of emotional and volitional development. He still remains easily vulnerable - a caustic remark may make him blush, but he will try to restrain his feelings. Anton, like most people his age, is in search of his place in life. He goes through a certain isolation and even alienation, since by focusing on his feelings and experiences, he can come to an awareness of his inner world, which will determine in the future values ​​and interests. Anton compares human values with their own value orientations and attitudes. He chooses his life position, which over a certain period of life he will consider the only correct and correct one. But this is no longer teenage negativism, but a firm choice made on the basis of difficult spiritual work. In youth, reflection on one’s relationships with friends, family and loved ones continues. Anton strives to be independent, but has not yet overcome the habit of being guided by the opinions, decisions and help of his parents. Also, the group-centric orientation, which has not been overcome since adolescence, is still strong in him. Anton has a very great need for frankness and sincere, friendly relationships. But he, like all young men, is very selective, because he is afraid that a friend who becomes very close can hurt him, strike the most valuable thing - the inner world. Relationships of emotional attachment are very stable. Anton quarreled with his friend, but after a while, when he emotionally experienced the situation, he decided that he could make reconciliation and that “all this nonsense should not affect our friendship, because we have been friends since the ninth grade, and I trust him.” This happened because Anton and his friend had the main connecting characteristic of youth - a unity of views and interests. For Anton, not only the need for friendship is important, but also the need for privacy. Detachment is necessary in order to understand yourself. Anton is somewhat sarcastic towards himself and those around him because he, like all young men, often does not have enough time for deep reflection. But he has a well-developed ability to empathize with the state of others, the ability to worry about others. He is very sensitive and vulnerable at the same time. For Anton, now is a very important period, since right now it is beginning to be possible to consciously strive for spiritual growth, to build a life based on the concept of moral value. The young man lives in the future, for him the present is only preparation for another, genuine adult life. This makes it easier for him to experience troubles, allowing him to treat them with ease. Associated with this is a decreased sense of responsibility. In youth, the desire for the other sex truly awakens. It can dominate all other senses. Youth knows how to idealize life, which is why it is so progressive and so capable of growth.

Youth is an extremely significant period in a person’s life. He enters this period as a teenager and ends as an adult, when in reality he determines his own destiny.


Having completed an internship at a summer camp, I gained invaluable experience. It is one thing to receive knowledge in the form of theory and quite another to apply it in a real situation. I passed the test as a specialist in the field of developmental, educational and social psychology. Knowledge of age patterns and individual uniqueness of mental development, knowledge of the motives of a child’s behavior, and the relationship between leaders and followers was very useful. I also strengthened my knowledge and skills in the field of psychodiagnostics. To compile social and psychological portraits of children, I used the following methods:

1 projective drawing tests

2 Bass–Darkey questionnaire

CMAS Anxiety Questionnaire 3

4 school test of mental development (SHTUR)

5 Kazantseva questionnaire for determining self-esteem

6 FPI questionnaire

7 Eysenck test

And of course, the main method was observation. Only now I realized all its importance and information content. Working at a city summer camp has its own specifics. Children interact already in an established team, know each other well, their teachers act as educators, and they see their parents every day. Therefore, as a psychologist I had to work in three directions:

1 Working with children

2 Work with teachers-educators

3 Working with parents

I would like to note that working with parents is a very important and complex area of ​​a psychologist’s activity. For more information about the features family education an interview was conducted with the child. Also, the nature of the relationship with parents helps to understand the “Family” drawing. Often, due to ignorance of the basic laws of mental development of children, they make big mistakes. And since I had to communicate with parents, I tried to tell them about the individual characteristics of children and typical age characteristics and difficulties. This required a lot of effort, and I kept asking myself the question: “How ethically and tactfully can I do this? Do I have the right? Communication with teachers presented certain difficulties. As I already noted, they were quite wary of the appearance of a new person, and at first they were also quite skeptical about the work I had done. But gradually, I managed to establish contact with them and they provided me with invaluable assistance in getting to know the children’s families, sharing their observations and experiences. When interacting with children, I realized that it is very important to treat them with respect, understanding and love. Then they are willing to make contact and treat you with respect. In this regard, I developed in myself such qualities as: adaptability, the ability to observe the uniqueness of each age period, to see how, in the process of development, children acquire new features, display new forms of behavior, and how they realize themselves in social relationships.

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