In the days of painful thoughts about my fate. In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts

I don’t know anything more heartfelt than this last one - to myself, to my descendants,
The universe is a poem.
Soothing as a prayer, a poem is better
all sorts of Kashpirovskys calms spiritual storms, reconciles the tossing soul with the inevitable and itself - not the mysticism of paradise, but a life-affirming perception of Nature, an appeal to the old oak tree that has survived more than a single generation, and so that death itself appears as a dream, with the same perception of the beautiful surroundings of eternity.

M.Yu. Lermontov, 1841

“I go out alone onto the road;

Through the fog the flinty path shines;

The night is quiet. The desert listens to God,

And star speaks to star.

It’s solemn and wonderful in heaven!

The earth sleeps in a blue radiance...

Am I waiting for what? Do I regret anything?

I don't expect anything from life,

I'm looking for freedom and peace!

I would like to forget myself and fall asleep!

But not that cold sleep of the grave...

I would like to sleep like this forever,

So that the strength of life slumbers in the chest,

So that when breathing, your chest rises quietly;

Above me so that it is forever green

The dark oak was bending and making noise."

And this is from the Internet:
student request (obviously for homework)

Help me write an analysis of the poem “I Go Out Alone on the Road”
Almat Spashev Student (217), Poll question 4 years ago
1Date of writing
2History of creation
3Genre of the poem
4Theme of the poem
6Emotional coloring
7Main images of the poem
8Visual media (the largest part)
9 Poem size
11Place of the work in the author’s work
12Personal Attitude (Why this particular verse)

And the best answer given is:

Liudmila Sharukhia Supreme Intelligence(166150) 4 years ago

A few days before July 15, before the duel and death, Lermontov’s “I go out alone on the road...” was written.
IN night hour The poet goes out alone to the deserted slope of Mashuk. There is a southern blue night in the sky, and the earth in the misty blue light. The stars twinkle, their distant rays become brighter, then they go out a little. There, at a height, there is a mysterious conversation.
Why is it so painful and so difficult for me?
Am I waiting for what? Do I regret anything?
In the moonlight, a road covered with small scree of Mashuk rocks lay ahead - a flint path. The poet walked along it alone:
I don't expect anything from life,
And I don’t regret the past at all;
“I go out alone on the road...”, belonging “to the best creatures Lermontov". The poet is excited by the grandeur of the night, fascinated by the solemn silence and peace spilled in nature. This mood is transmitted to us, the readers. We see the “flint path”, and the “blue light”, and bright stars, we feel the solemn silence of the night. This is a hymn to the beauty, harmony of free and powerful nature, which knows no contradictions.
From the night landscape, drowning in a blue glow, the poet’s thought turns to human society, in which passions and emotional anxieties rage, to their sad thoughts. The poet is “painful and... difficult” because there is no “freedom and peace.” But he loves life with its sufferings and joys, drives away the fleeting thought of death.
“I go out alone on the road” is written like a will. The last thing that the poet conveys to his descendants is that he did not renounce omniscience or responsibility. Lermontov knew at what price his poetry would go down in history.
The poem most fully reflected the features of Lermontov's lyrics and his writing techniques. The poet's gaze is focused not so much on outside world, how much is based on a person’s emotional experiences. It reveals the struggle of conflicting thoughts and drives. The genre of the work is a lyrical monologue, sincere confession, asking yourself questions and answering them: “Why is it so painful and so difficult for me? Am I waiting for what? Do I regret anything? "The poet deeply and subtly reveals psychology lyrical hero, his momentary moods and experiences.
The composition of the poem is divided into two parts. The first one has a magnificent landscape. Amazing metaphors depicting the beauty and quiet enchantment of the southern night: (“star speaks to star”; “the desert listens to God”). Starting from the third stanza, the author turns to his thoughts and anxious thoughts. The confusion of his soul is very figuratively conveyed exclamation sentences, defaults. Everything is directed towards the future, towards a dream. The frequent repetition of the pronoun “I” and the conjunction “so that” gives the narrative a conditional subjunctive. In this part, nouns predominate; a special semantic emphasis falls on them: “past”, “life”, “peace”, “freedom”, “sleep”, “strength”.
The poem is written in trochee pentameter with alternating feminine and masculine rhyme. The rhyme is cross. The stanzas are clear quatrains. All this gives a special melody and smoothness to the verse. The use of sound recording techniques (frequent repetition of hissing sounds) gives the story intimacy, imitating quiet speech, a whisper in the night.
At the end of the poem, the image of a giant oak tree appears - a symbol eternal life and power. It is this image that attracts the poet’s attention and warms his troubled soul. He gives hope for immortality. The poet would like to erect such a living monument over his last refuge:
So that all night, all day my hearing is cherished,
A sweet voice sang to me about love,
And such a huge oak grows in Tarkhany, on small homeland poet. Every year on Memorial Day, thousands of people come here to venerate the ashes of the great Russian genius. And the oak leaves rustle over the Tarkhan paths, over the lake, like the eternal guardian of the sad

« On days of doubt, on days painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland,
- you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language!
Ivan Turgenev


Stunned on December 11 by the fact that there were so many Russians in Moscow and taking revenge for their own confusion in dispersing the “fascist putsch” of Moscow children, the capital’s police apparently received instructions to deal with “Russian fascism” i.e. systematically. Well, what kind of system can there be today - only one - DESTALINIZATION!

It must be said that current ideologists of liberal democracy interpret it (de-Stalinization) as a stupid imitation of historical anti-Stalinism. If we assume that the “Stalinist” era covered the period from 37 to 53 in the history of the USSR, then it is quite clear that everything that is outside this time frame, and especially what is directly adjacent to it, is an example of classical anti-Stalinism. Before 1937, it was Trotskyism, the satanic dictatorship of Yagoda and the bloody dictatorship of Yezhov. Afterwards - the anti-Orthodox madness of the Khrushchev Thaw. It is significant that both before 1937 and after 1953, Khrushchev was one of the main figures in anti-Stalinism. And we, Stalinists, think - what was common in those damned years (Yezhovshchina-Khrushchevism before and after)? Is it not that the “elite” of that time frantically and selflessly engaged in denunciation, trying to elevate their “revolutionary impulse” into high degree civil madness.

But the liberal democrat views things differently: before ’37 there was an era of revolutionary geniuses, after ’53 there was an era of geniuses and cultural sufferers. What about organs? What organs? Their purpose is to transform the passions of fighters against religious obscurantism, anti-Semitism, Great Russian chauvinism and counter-revolution into boring lines of criminal cases, into prison gruel, into fear of the “masters of life” - fighters for a bright future. It seems that the announced de-Stalinization is trying to restore the classic traditions of anti-Stalinism of the 20th century: the GPU, Yezhovism and Khrushchevism at the same time.

This is exactly how the employees of the Orthodox publishing house “Holy Mountain” perceived the appearance of a police squad with machine guns at stand No. 69 at the “Christmas Gift” exhibition-fair. The senior law enforcement officer sternly explained that there were numerous complaints about the extremist activities of the publishing house. We need to react. Stop extremism and fascism!

What did the voluntary and anonymous police assistants, and with the help of their pointing fingers, the vigilant guards themselves see as extremism? But before we suffocate with indignation along with the freedom-loving fighters against extremism, let us explain to the reader some circumstances of the case.

Publishing house“Holy Mountain” ( is a highly respected publishing house in the Orthodox world. The main activity of the “Holy Mountain” is the translation and publication of the spiritual treasures of Orthodoxy in Greece, Athos, Romania, Georgia... - i.e. universal Orthodox spiritual heritage. It was the publishing house “Holy Mountain”, based on the blessing of the heirs of Elder Paisius of the Svyatogorets, that translated and published the 5-volume book of the Elder, his Life, which has already become a long-term bestseller. Among the treasures of Greek Orthodoxy translated and published by the “Holy Mountain” are the works of Equal-to-the-Apostles Cosmas of Aetolia and theological studies about him, the writings of such authoritative Greek theologians as Archimandrite George (Kapsanis), Archpriest Theodore Zisis, the Romanian theologian Hieromonk Raphael (Noika), the life of Archimandrite Gabriel (Urgebadze) ), Russian theologian and philosopher M.M. Dunaev. For many years, the Publishing House has been maintaining the School of Byzantine Singing at its own expense. Books and CDs on Byzantine church singing are published. The voices of the School students can be heard in the church of the Bulgarian courtyard (on Taganka) during festive services. But what does extremism have to do with it? - the pious reader will ask. Indeed, he has nothing to do with it. But, advertising its translation works at an Orthodox exhibition-fair, the Holy Mountain Publishing House dared to place billboards with the inscription “They speak Russian here”!

Are you a fool or an enemy of the people?

Note that the advertisement was not placed on Manezhnaya (there it might not always look reliable), not in public chamber or other public place. She was at a fair, an Orthodox(!) fair, at the stand of a publishing house of translated (into Russian!) literature.

When in 2003, during the “direct line” V.V. Putin was asked a provocative question about the admissibility of using nationalist rhetoric (in particular, the slogan “Russia for Russians!”) in election campaigning; Putin replied that in multinational Russia such rhetoric is unacceptable: “Whoever says: “Russia is for Russians,” you know, it’s hard to resist not to characterize these people - these are either dishonest people who don’t understand what they are saying, and then they are just idiots, or provocateurs, because Russia is multinational country. What is Russia for Russians? Are they in favor of separating certain territories from Russia? Do they want disintegration? Russian Federation? What are they trying to achieve, such figures? The answer here is clear. Most likely, these are provocateurs, people who want to make some cheap capital on some problems, want to show themselves as radicals and gain something here.

We have relevant articles in the Criminal Code. The prosecutor's office must respond to manifestations of this kind if it finds elements of a crime in certain actions...

As for those games that during election campaign allowed things of this kind, frankly, I did not see this, because I did not follow all the debates so closely. I don’t know, it seems to me that a person of sound mind could not have done this; the burden on the voter has been too great over the past time. But, if there are such facts, I will definitely talk with Prosecutor General, I’ll ask him to analyze everything that is known on this topic. There must be a reaction"“, - said Vladimir Putin, rightly posing the Stalinist question (Are you a fool or an enemy of the people?) to those who were pushing the country to split with provocative slogans. And we know that a helpful fool more dangerous than the enemy. And after this, the obliging fools and enemies of the Russian people, having changed their colors (don’t doubt it, colorful liberals are good at this), have been teaching us for many years that Russia is for anyone, but not for the Russian people. And if someone thinks differently, then he is a fascist. And the same figures are pouring dirt on Putin, just as they throw garbage on Stalin’s grave. And now, after Medvedev’s menacing shouts about the necessary measure of democratic severity towards Russian fascists, they are trying to make the Russian language a sign of this fascism. They are trying to explain to us that the very fact of speaking Russian is also a sign of fascism. To hell with you, good gentlemen!

Not even a month has passed since the Russian cry at Manezhka - “Give us back our Motherland, bring back justice!” - like the same Russian police guys, instead of dealing with informers who are inciting national hatred, they are helping to incite this hatred. Instead of grabbing the hand of dirty provocateurs trying to slander the Russian people, “explanations” are taken from those who speak Russian simply because it is their native language. But Volkov’s killers have not yet been arrested, Yegor Sviridov’s killers have not been convicted, and the killers of Pavel Kazakov and Maxim Sychev have not been caught. Gangs with traumatic weapons and knives are still running around the streets of Moscow. The police have nothing to do? Why did they come to the Orthodox book fair to buy books? And who did it? It is unlikely that a gloomy sergeant with a machine gun will reveal the informant’s secret. Let us remind the police and their volunteer assistants:

“Everyone has the right to use their native language, to freely choose the language of communication, education, training and creativity” (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 26.2)

“The state language of the Russian Federation throughout its entire territory is Russian”(Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 68.1)

Russian language as the highest ideological level of defense of the Fatherland

There is still no broad clear understanding that the most valuable resource of our society and the main direction of attack on us is the Russian language, which determines the information stock (resource) of our society, and not oil, gas and other material resources. Our enemies have long understood this well. The campaigns of hordes of Mamai, Teutons and other knights on our lands began in time immemorial, when they had never heard of oil or gas... Many people read wonderful book A. Parsheva “Why Russia is not America?”, dedicated to just this issue. The author convincingly shows the economic unprofitability of any kind of production in our natural extreme conditions anything other than ice cream. But it leaves open the question of why the West is right there and is not going to leave our unprofitable spaces voluntarily. What's the matter? And the fact is that Russia has a more valuable and unique resource than natural minerals combined. All experience in the development of science and technology shows that breakthrough discoveries in science and the development of pioneering branches of technology are possible only on the basis of the root, i.e. systematized language, which is the living Russian language. In the West, the role of a systematized language is still played by dead Latin, created in ancient times precisely for this purpose. It is for this reason that Gagarin’s live “Let’s go!” for the first time it could sound only in Russian!

The creation of silicon valleys in Russia, which we are enthusiastically undertaking, must be understood from this point of view. The West has long been faced with the problem that Russian brains that have flown to the West quickly wither and turn sour, torn from their roots. They realized long ago that it is much more rational to skim the cream of daring scientific insights at the very deposit of the Russian language, i.e. in Russia.

After all, our language has the most perfect root coding system, i.e. rational storage of countless figurative wealth and knowledge. It is the root system of the tongue that allows you to extract as needed necessary knowledge. The root system of the Russian language is like a systematic library catalogue. After the destruction of the catalog, order in the library will remain for some time, but inevitably the books will get mixed up, and finding the necessary knowledge in them will become increasingly difficult and, finally, completely impossible. New books also cannot find their way to readers through such a library. But books are just “canned” thoughts of people. Russian thinkers have long come to the conclusion that There is no force more destructive than the transition to a rootless language.

The content of the ongoing reforms of the Russian language, aimed specifically at destroying the root system and reducing the number of letters, has not yet been the subject of widespread discussion and understanding. Moreover, the Russian language is taught en masse only in high school, and liquidation compulsory exam on Russian literature entails the optionality of a deep study of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy and other sources of the pure Russian language, and destroys the core of the cultural space of Russia. I would like to remind all readers of the site the wonderful words that Russian President V.V. Putin said in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on April 26, 2007:

“...society is only capable of setting and solving large-scale national tasks when it has general system moral guidelines when the country maintains respect for its native language, original culture and original cultural values, to the memory of our ancestors, to every page of our national history. It is this national wealth that is the basis for strengthening the unity and sovereignty of the country and serves as the basis of our everyday life, the foundation for economic and political relations."

Naughty Alexandra

Creative work of a 10th grade student. Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3 in Lytkarino Alexandra Shmalena took 2nd place in the city essay competition “Russia-Belarus: historical spiritual community”. The topic of the essay is a statement by the writer I.S. Turgenev about the Russian language. In the future creative work was sent to the regional stage of the competition and was published in the collection "Russian verbal communication" 2009



An essay by a student of class 10 “A” Shmalena A.

(2nd place in the city essay competition

"Russia and Belarus: historical spiritual community")


“In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland -

You alone are my support and support, oh great and mighty, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how could I not fall into despair at the sight of what is happening at home? But one cannot help but believe that such a language was not given to a great people.” (I.S. Turgenev)

Centuries go by. The earth changes its attire: now covered with snow, now with carved leaves, now with young greenery, waking up from a long sleep. Life is changeable and beautiful. One thing remains unchanged - love! Love for your homeland, for your people, for your language. For many years It was the Russian language that united the peoples inhabiting our country. For Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Kazakhs, it was the language of interethnic communication.

I'm Russian! I am proud to belong to my people, because there is something to be proud of! Are the Russian people great? Undoubtedly. At all stages of its development, Russia has proven that on its land, where pure transparent springs gush out, where mighty cedars and delicate light-winged birches grow, a great, open, warm-hearted people could appear, who speak their own beautiful language. What could be closer and dearer than your native language? Which magic word- native! It warms with its warmth everything that it touches as an epithet: birth mother, home, home country. native language.

“My tongue moves mountains,” says an old Russian proverb. It is in the language that all stages of the history of a people are reflected, all the stages along which the movement of its culture was directed. Therefore, the rich past of the people is the key to the rich and powerful development of the language itself. of a given people. Richness, expressiveness, inexhaustible internal forces, beauty

“The great and powerful, truthful and free Russian language” has always admired poets, scientists, and philosophers. M.V. Lomonosov wrote:“The language that the Russian state commands over the great part of the world, according to its power, has natural abundance, beauty and strength than any to a European state does not yield."

What kind of talents the Russian land has not given birth to! These include artists, composers, generals and many others, but I have special respect for poets and prose writers. After all, of all the arts, poetry is the most widespread and popular material. A musician needs instruments, painting is unthinkable without canvas and paints, and poetry deals with words - with that ordinary word that serves us in life. everyday speech. But the most familiar word spoken day after day seems to be reborn, coming into operation poetic speech. How often do we hear “sadness”, “sad”. And how this “sad” comes to life, becomes significant and majestic in Pushkin’s precious lines:

“The darkness of night lies on the hills of Georgia;

Aragva makes noise in front of me.

I feel sad and easy..."

The meaning of the word “sad”, almost indistinguishable in our everyday life colloquial speech, becomes especially noticeable and intelligible here.

V.G. Belinsky rightly noted: “Pushkin made a miracle out of the Russian language.” Listen to these poetic lines, and you will feel the sonority and beauty of the language, and your soul will be filled with understanding of the poet’s feelings and gratitude for these lines of his:

“... The forests where I loved, where the feeling developed,

Where with the first youth of infancy merged

And where, nurtured by nature and dreams,

I knew poetry, gaiety and peace.”

(A. S. Pushkin “Tsarskoye Selo”)

Pushkin is a whole phenomenon in Russian literature. In his poems the Russian language began to sound and sparkle with colors; the poet's poetic comparisons are so good, unusual, and musical. Where does language learning begin? small child? From Pushkin's fairy tales. They are so fascinating and beautiful that children are ready to listen to them endlessly. With whom do we go through life, learning the beauty of the Russian language? With Pushkin, poet and prose writer. For reading Russia, A.S. Pushkin “warmed” its climate with his sunny poems. We warm ourselves at Pushkin’s cheerful hearth even today, in the twenty-first century, because there was nothing warmer than Pushkin in Russian culture. “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts,” Pushkin’s cheerfulness, Pushkin’s wisdom arm us with courage and give us hope that in the centuries tragic story harmony will one day come to the Russian people.

A person lives and is brought up in a cultural environment that has developed over centuries, quietly absorbing not only modernity, but also the history of his people. How responsible it is: to live where the poets and prose writers of great Russian literature lived, to absorb impressions that were reflected in famous works, speak and think in the language of Gogol, Turgenev, Nekrasov, Tolstoy! And how can modern generation“fall into despair” when all the work of the greatest Russian poets and writers is imbued with great hope for the Russian people, faith in the spiritual power of the Russian character?

N.A. Nekrasov always hoped that the Russian people, proud in spirit, would be able to throw off the heavy burden of slavery:

“In a moment of despondency, O Motherland!

I fly forward with my thoughts,

You are still destined to suffer a lot

But you won’t die, I know...

The Russian people are gathering strength

And learn to be a citizen..."

Images created by Nekrasov, and that’s it human problems, depicted by him, are modern to this day, because Nekrasov is Russia itself, where everything is big: grief and happiness, memory and foresight, past and future.

How much does the beautiful Russian language give to our soul, if a most brilliant person writes pen to paper, most talented person– L.N. Tolstoy, who showed that a person is responsible for all his actions and has the right to choose his own path. The novel “War and Peace” is permeated with subtle wisdom, and the description of the Battle of Borodino is a highly moral feat of the Russian army. This is a bright and solemn day in the life of the Russian people, and it is described in such soul-piercing language that you involuntarily understand that the ideals of peace and goodness adorn life. This was and will always be the truth for every Russian person, since he

“...I’m ready to help one soul, or even an entire people!” (S. Smirnov “Soviet Soldier”).

Many works about the war have been written about the greatness, courage, and fearlessness of the Russian people. In Vasil Bykov’s story “To Live Until Dawn” one can see the real triumph of the Russian spirit and character: “And even though Ivanovsky was almost dying, he felt: there was still something left in him - if not strength, then maybe determination.”

Selflessness and determination in war clearly characterize and show the greatness of the Russian people. I'm sure that when I go to hand-to-hand combat or simply attack, the Russians shouted more biting words than those that we can read in books. But these moments can be justified: Russians love to spur themselves on with a biting word. But I don’t want to listen to these words from my peers who have never seen anything difficult in life, especially since such abuse not only distorts our Russian language, but also defiles human soul. We must not forget the words of I.S. Turgenev about the meaning and greatness of the Russian language: “Handle this powerful weapon with respect; in the hands of skilled people it can work wonders! Where will the skeptics take our flexible, charming, magic language“Believe me, gentlemen, a people who have such a language are a great people.”

Every person is the whole world who is born with him and dies with him. Goethe wrote that under every gravestone lies world history. But this story lives on. Lives in the language. A person is immortal as long as the nation to which he belongs is alive, as long as the language is passed on from generation to generation:

O heaven! O eternity!

About difficult years...

The people are the architect of speech.

Speech is the architect of the people.

(A. Voznesensky)

May God not forsake Russia and help it to be great for many years to come.

Russian language

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how can one not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!


M. M. Stasyulevich, sharing his impressions of reading “Poems in Prose” from the manuscript, wrote to A. N. Pypin (August 13 (25), 1882) that they are small in volume and that, for example, “Russian Language” has “exactly five lines long, but,” he added, “these are golden lines that say more than any other treatise; Paganini could have spoken of his violin with such love" ( Lit Nasl, vol. 73, book. 1, p. 410-411). Since the “Russian Language” contained the entire series of “poems in prose” published in the “Bulletin of Europe” in 1882, and for a long time was considered the last link of the cycle that constituted them, then contemporaries considered these “words about our native language swan song Turgenev" ( Links, vol. 1, p. 506).

The connection between the destinies of the Russian people and their language was noted more than once by Turgenev. Thus, in a letter to E.E. Lambert dated December 12 (24), 1859, he wrote about the Russian language: “... for expressing many and best thoughts - it is surprisingly good in its honest simplicity and free force. Strange thing! These four qualities - honesty, simplicity, freedom and strength are not among the people - but they are in the language... This means they will be among the people.” To those contemporaries who were skeptical about the future of Russia, Turgenev - according to the memoirs of N.V. Shcherban - said: “And I, perhaps, would doubt them<…>- but the language? Where will the skeptics take our flexible, charming, magical language? Believe me, gentlemen, a people who have such a language are a great people" ( Rus Vestn, 1890, No. 7, p. 12-13). According to S.I. Lavrentieva (Experienced. From Memoirs. St. Petersburg, 1914, p. 142), Turgenev spoke to her about “our beautiful rich language,” “which was so difficult before the time of Peter and which has developed so richly since Pushkin , turned out so poetically.” “For this very reason,” added Turgenev, “I believe that the people who have developed such a language should have a wonderful future.” N. A. Yushkova, in a letter to V. Mikulich (L. I. Veselitskaya), recalling her meeting with Turgenev in St. Petersburg in 1880, also said: “His love for his homeland was clearly expressed in his love for himself work of art Russian people, to the Russian language" ( Links, vol. 1, p. 506).

The prose poem “Russian Language” gained wide popularity. “The Russian language, as Turgenev rightly noted,” wrote P. I. Tchaikovsky on August 26, Art. Art. 1888, meaning this poem in prose, is something infinitely rich, strong and great” (Days and Years of P.I. Tchaikovsky. Chronicle of Life and Creativity. M.; Leningrad, 1940, p. 452). According to K. D. Balmont (1918), Turgenev “sang such a hymn to the Russian language that it will live as long as the Russian language lives, which means always” ( T and its time, With. 23). Wed. Balmont’s article “Russian Language”, in which he calls Turgenev’s poem “a reverent prayer” (Russian Notes, 1924, vol. 19, p. 231). About this “true hymn”. G. O. Vinokur noted that he “is known to every Russian schoolchild and has entered the every minute consciousness of a Russian literate person” (Russian language. M., 1945, pp. 187-188).

Under the influence of Turgenev, a poem by the Slovenian poet of the second was created half of the 19th century century, A. Ashkerts ( Ryzhova M.I. Poem by Anton Ashkerts “Russian language”. — International connections Russian literature. M.; L., 1963, p. 396-397).

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts
From the prose poem “Russian Language” (1882) by I. S. Turgenev (1818-1883): “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and fluent Russian language!.. Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home. But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”
Usually the beginning of this phrase is quoted when describing heavy, moment of crisis in someone's life.
In its entirety, this phrase is quoted as a reminder of the richness and independent value of the Russian language.

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Chapter 25. “Time for Torah” – a period of doubt and reflection. Departure to Berlin (Odessa, Kherson, April 1910 - October 1911)

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Chapter 25. “Time for Torah” – a period of doubt and reflection. Departure for Berlin (Odessa, Kherson, April 1910 - October 1911) I arrived in Odessa without any clear goal, leaving Poltava at the last moment. Friends wrote that they actually mentioned my party at the trial and that at

“Book of Thoughts”: history and semantics[*]

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“Book of Thoughts”: history and semantics[*] The collection “Book of Thoughts”, which we will discuss, appeared in 1899 and is now rarely remembered by both readers and researchers. Meanwhile, it seems to us, the history of the collection and its internal structure are

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From the book of thoughts “POSTCARDS FROM THE TRAIL”


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Let's get rid of painful thoughts If you, my good friends, did not get along with someone or were offended, and God forbid, your family and close people! Oh, how sickening, how bitter! How heavy my heart is. And you just can’t get rid of these bitter thoughts... So the day has passed, and three, and five, and you are in

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