What is good is evil for a child. Lesson outline on the topic: Good and Evil

Natalya Drannikova
Summary of GCD for children senior group and parents "Good and Evil"

Summary of GCD for children of the senior group

Lesson topic: « Good and Evil»

Educational area: Socio-communicative development

Purpose of the lesson: Formation children moral qualities and moral guidelines.



Learn to understand the meaning of terms « Good» And "Evil";

Learn generalize children, draw conclusions;

Strengthen the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning;

Introduce children with paper construction, the origami way.


Develop a sense of tolerance, respect and sensitivity to each other, parents, surrounding people;

Develop the ability to feel and see good and bad.


Promote development communicative competencies(ability to listen, sincerely express one’s opinion, show goodwill);

Improve cultural communication skills with peers and adults;

Encourage understanding of universal human values;

Develop imagination, attention, memory, logical thinking.


Apply acquired knowledge in communication with friends, parents, teachers and other people around.

Integration of educational regions:

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Equipment: laptop, multimedia projector, screen, speakers, pictures, Whatman paper, paints, white paper, candle (safe, audio recordings with songs about kindness, videos.

Audience: preparatory children groups and their parents

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, educational, artistic.

Form of conduct: Joint activities

Progress of activities:

Children enter the hall to the music (Dear good)

Educator: Hello guys. I came to visit you and I want us to play a little together today, is it possible? My name is Natalya Sergeevna. And what is your name, you say in unison. One, two, three, say your name. Well done! You know that it is a good sign to give greetings to everyone in the morning. Let's do this too, I will read the poem, and you will be at the end of each line you will loudly and amicably add the word HELLO! There is a good sign to greet everyone in the morning. The sun is red.

Children: Hello!

Educator: Clear sky.

Children: Hello!

Educator: People are adults and children.

Children: Hello to you from the bottom of my heart!

Educator: I have a request to ask you, Guys: “Please close your eyes for a minute, smile (necessarily from the heart, open your eyes, look: became lighter. It was from your smiles that the sun shone, it warmed us with its warmth. When you smile, you are happy and kind faces. Which means here

gathered good people».

And so that the mood is good and cheerful, let's stand in a circle and pass on to each other that spark of warmth and love that lives in our hearts. Feel how it passes through our hands, from palm to palm. kindness. (We pick up a lit (safe) candle and the children pass the candle to each other). Look how the spark was lit from our hearts. Let her accompany you today.

Children sit on chairs

Educator Please look at the screen and think about what we will talk about today? (clip « Kindness» )

Answers children

Educator That's right, guys, today I want to talk to you about good and evil.

But first let's set up your eyes (gymnastics for the eyes)

Let's rub our palms together

Let's warm them up a little. (Rub their palms.)

Let's press our fingers tightly together,

We don’t allow light to penetrate through them. (They make boats.)

Palms are boats us:

Let's close our left eye with one,

Close the other right eye. (Close eyes.)

Now is the time to think about good things.

Eyes closed, palms not touching...

Now the stress is being relieved from them.

(They think about good things. The teacher can give various kinds installations type: “Our eyes are good, our eyes are resting” etc.)

Let's quietly remove our palms,

Let's open our eyes slowly.

What became more clearly visible

We won’t hide it from you, friends.

Teacher What do you think? good? kind man, what is he like? What actions of people can you name? kind?

Answers children

Educator Guys, what is evil? Which one do you think angry man? Do you know what actions can be called unkind, angry?

Answers children

Educator Tell me, who always teaches you what is good and what is bad? Who always helps and tells you what actions to do and what not to do? (answers children) . Of course, these are your moms and dads, grandparents. They are always with you. Do you want them to be with you today? Then close your eyes and think about them.

They enter the hall parents and stand with the children in a circle

Teacher Dear parents, we are talking today about good and evil. About good and bad deeds. Will you help us?

Answers parents

Educator Guys, look carefully, there are multi-colored envelopes in the hall, I suggest you take one envelope and together with parents see, they contain pictures that depict good and bad deeds, look at them, and moms and dads will help you understand which action and why is good and which is bad.

Children and parents look at the pictures, parents explain to children what actions are depicted on them

Educator Let's play with you. Parents stand opposite their children. I will offer you situations, and you must show what emotions this situation evokes in you. How will the child behave and how will he behave? parent. Shall we try?

Game "Etudes"(situations: it’s your mom, dad, grandma’s birthday, you drew a beautiful picture and gave it as a gift; you walked outside and came home very dirty; parents go on a business trip for a long time; parents gave you a gift that you have long dreamed of; you hurt your knee; Mom has a headache; Mom was gone for a long time and she returned home)

Well done teacher! Great! Well, now let’s all have fun together and do a little exercise!

Musical physical education minute

Teacher And now the task for our parents. You have proverbs and sayings written on your cards about good and evil. Please read them and explain to us how to understand these expressions.

Parents read and explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings

1. A good person teaches good things

2. Good evil always wins

3. The world is not without good people

4. A kind word heals, and evil cripples

5. Kindness without reason is empty

6. For good deeds - good pay

7. good fame lies, and the evil one runs

8. For good 100 people will raise their hands

9. Who loves good works, that's why life is sweet

10. Kindness never loses its dignity

11. Kind a word to man - like rain in a drought

12. Live kinder, you will be nicer to everyone

Educator And I have one more game for you. I tell you a word, and you must name the word that has the opposite meaning.

Game "Say the opposite" (good-evil, good-bad, cheerful-sad, joy-sadness, white-black, light-dark, honest-deceitful, war-peace)

Educator Do you think that when there is peace on earth, is it good? This good? What then is war? That's right, war is the most great evil. War is fear, pain, tears, grief. And especially for children who become absolutely defenseless against this terrible evil.

Clip "Cancel the war"

Educator Tell me, what emotions did this clip evoke in you?

Answers children and parents

Educator What do you think people should do so that there is always peace on Earth, and what should not be done?

Answers children and parents

Educator I suggest that we all create a composition together that symbolizes peace and kindness. Do you agree? What do you associate with the word PEACE? The world is the sun blue sky, love, happiness, mom is nearby. The dove is also considered a symbol of peace. Let's do this, moms and dads will draw big beautiful sun, and you and I will make beautiful white doves. I'll teach you.

Clip "May there always be sunshine"

Parents draw the sun, a teacher with children makes birds using the origami method. Children and parents they all stand together against the background of the picture. The teacher offers to take balloons for the children to make the composition look even more joyful and fun.

Educator We have such a wonderful composition. What should we call it? Let me take a photo of you as a souvenir of our meeting.

Educator Well, our meeting with you has come to an end. What did you guys like today? What didn't you like?

Answers children

Teacher Dear parents, did you enjoy working with the children? Were you interested? Maybe you want to say something?

Answers parents

Teacher I also want to tell you Thanks a lot, I was very interested in communicating with you. I would like to wish you that in your life you meet only good people so that you tried to do only good deeds so that your hearts are kind, attentive and loving! And goodbye, I want to read you these lines:

Faces and dates are erased,

But still until the last day

I need to remember those that once

At least they warmed me up somehow.

Warmed us up with our raincoat tent,

Or a quiet, playful word,

Or tea on a shaky table,

Or simply kind face.

Like a holiday, like happiness, like a miracle

coming Kindness on earth.

And I won't forget about her,

How do I forget about evil...

Thank you. Goodbye.

Children together with parents leave the hall to the music (Dear good)


Topic: “Good and Evil”

Target: formation of preschoolers’ ideas about the versatility and complexity of existence, the existence of good and evil in life and a person’s moral responsibility for actions.


Give the concept of good and evil;

Develop the ability to analyze one’s own actions and correlate them with universal human values;

To cultivate a desire for good, a desire to avoid evil and fight it.

Basic Concepts: good, evil, immoral act.

OD progress


Mitya cries at the shop window:

Mom, I want a car!

Tanya came up:

Don't cry

Here, take my new ball!

Beauty enchants the eye,

And actions... (Kindness)

Working with the fairy tale “The Good Word”.(The name of the fairy tale is not immediately announced. Children are invited to come up with it themselves. The text of the fairy tale is given in the appendix)

Questions for discussion:

What was the Viper's goal?

Did she achieve her goal?

What rule did Penochka use in her life?

What can you say about him?

"Of all the sciences that a person should know, main science There's a science to living by doing as much as possible. good, as little as possible evil" (L.N. Tolstoy)

4. Conversation.

Do you understand these words?

Which people do you call good and which people do you call evil?

What attitude do they evoke? Why?

Everything is simple in fairy tales. One hero is good, the other is evil. Name them.

Can people be definitely called good or evil?

What can you say about yourself?

Does it depend good attitude to people from the age of the person? From human well-being?

Can a sick, poor person be kind?

Where is the basis of good and evil? In ourselves.

How do we decide whether a good or evil deed has been committed?

This is how we are made by our attitude towards the world and the people around us.

A good deed helps improve people's relationships and helps them develop. This is a manifestation of humanity.

Evil is the humiliation of people, disrespect, intolerance, deception, violence, suppression of freedom; as a result of the actions of evil, enmity arises between people.

Is it easy to be kind? Why?

Life often confronts us with the moral choice of good or evil.

One song says:

It's not easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height.

There are also such poetic lines:

Always do good and evil

In the power of all people.

But evil happens without difficulty,

It is more difficult to do good.

A bird gives birth to a bird,

From good to good,

From evil comes evil.

Are people kind or their actions?

Associations with pictures.

Find associations for the words “good” and “evil.”

What new have you learned about good and evil?

Have your ideas about what good and evil are confirmed?

Give examples of good deeds.

Parable “Why you need to do good”

One day a teacher said to his students: “You and I talked about the need to act kindly. Now go and prove that you know how to do good to people.”

The students dispersed to different sides, returned a week later.

I helped old people. “They are weak and need help,” said one.

I was caring for a sick person. Because he needed compassion, another explained.

“I fed the poor to support him,” said a third.

I protected the child. Children need adult protection, said a fourth.

I tried to do good to everyone. I guess I was wrong, I admitted last student.

Did the students follow the teacher's instructions?

Why did the last student admit that he was wrong?

How would you carry out the order?

Game “Coupon for good service”

I have prepared a coupon for you for one good deed.

Whenever you want someone to help you or do something good for you, you can take out the coupon and put it on the table. Others, seeing the signal, may ask how they can help. Whoever fulfills your request will receive your coupon. And you will remain without a coupon until you help someone who already needs your help. Keep them!(I hand over coupons)

Bottom line – let’s check ourselves that we understood and remembered the topic ( test simulator)

Kindness is an amazing thing.

Is it easier to be good or evil?

It's probably easier for the evil ones.

To be kind means to give your warmth to others.

To be kind means to understand both loved ones and strangers,

And sometimes you don’t know joy,

Caring for others

Of course, it is more difficult for good

And yet look:

How many friends he has!

And there is always only one evil one...

Thank you for your attention! I wish you only good deeds!


Fairy-tale heroes.



Oorfene Deuce



Uncle Fedor


Old Man Hottabych

Winnie the Pooh



The princess is unlaughable

Test-simulator on the topic “Good and Evil”

How do they do good deeds?

  • Unselfishly and consciously
  • Hoping for a reward
  • Hoping for praise
  • To avoid punishment

What is considered a good deed?

  • Being late for an uninteresting meeting
  • Copy homework
  • Forget about the unpleasant request
  • Help your deskmate solve a problem

Indicate actions that relate to the concept of “good”

  • Mutual assistance
  • Violence
  • Deception
  • Humiliation
  • Help
  • The ability to tell the truth
  • Restricting another person's freedom
  • Fight for freedom

What is the consequence of evil deeds

  • Friendship
  • Joy
  • Feud
  • Peaceful coexistence

Knowledge about good and evil helps people

  • Be friends
  • Show concern for loved ones
  • Live in peace
  • All answers are correct

Fairy tale "A Good Word"

Warbler Warbler has chicks hatched in her nest. These were her first chicks. She was happy about them and showed them to everyone. He sees the Flycatcher and calls her:

Flycatcher, look: I have chicks in the nest.

Before the Flycatcher has time to fly away, she is already calling to the Blackbird:

Drozd, why are you all clicking there? Come and see what chicks I have in my nest.

A Viper was basking on an old birch stump. She heard Little Warbler say to Robin:

These are my chicks for now, but when they grow up they will be birds.

“But they won’t,” thought Viper, sliding off the stump. “Now I’ll stab everyone once, and there will be nothing to be happy about.”

She was not loved in the forest. No one was friends with her, and she decided to take revenge on the Willow Warbler for everyone at once.

And Penochka saw her and flapped her wings:

Snake, dear, look at the chicks I have in my nest... . So why did you stop? Come here.

But the Viper did not move. She did not expect that Penochka would greet her so joyfully. Everyone in the forest calls her, Viper, Viper, and Penochka said “snake,” and Penochka said “sweetheart.” And the Viper did not move.

“Well, what are you doing,” Penochka became sad. – Don’t you want to see my chicks? They are just chicks for now, but when they grow up they will be birds.

The Viper raised its head above the Chiffchaff's nest. I saw five pink lumps with open mouths. Said:

They will be birds.

And she moved aside. WITH thin lips A heavy drop of poison fell on a sparrow pea leaf. And the leaf immediately turned black.


Goal: to form in students the desire to commit good deeds, encourage good feelings, develop self-esteem.

Letting children feel that doing good brings joy;

Create conditions for conscious choice actions in accordance with moral principles, cultivate the desire and need to bring good to people;

Understand that emotions, mental and business qualities determine personality and life success every person;

Know that these qualities can be positive and negative;

Know that everyone can change themselves in better side, making appropriate decisions.

Organizational moment.

Teacher. Good afternoon, dear friends! I am very glad to see your beautiful, kind eyes.

Somewhere, far away, where the winds blow,

there is a wonderful place - the Valley of Good.

Many are looking for a way, but cannot find it,

only a good heart can lead to it.

Shout to the clouds: “Hello!” - laughter and tears flow.

You touch the raindrops... and they sing...

And you can play on rainbow strings,

The sun will caress you with a bright warm ray.

Happy bells are ringing in the valley.

They sound a gentle sound and give hope.

You quietly open the doors to the Valley of Good

and feel humility, peace of mind.

Don't look for that Valley in the sand or snow.

Believe, you will find the Valley... Everything is in your hands!

What will we talk about? Yes, today we will talk about kindness.

Our lesson today will not be simple, but magical and do you know why? Because we will try to become wizards. Let's say the magic words to get to the Valley of Good. Hold hands, close your eyes and let’s all say the magic words together:

Fly, fly petal,

Through west to east,

Fly around the Earth

To be, in my opinion, led!

So we arrived. Let's sit in a circle.

There is sun in nature. It shines on everyone, loves and warms everyone, without demanding anything in return, without expecting any praise. Having done good, enjoy the fact that another person felt good. Good brings us joy, new forces appear: the forces of health, happiness, joy.

What kind of person can be called kind?

A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to difficult moment come to the rescue, he loves animals, surrounding nature. A kind person tries to be neatly dressed, polite and respectful in his interactions with friends and adults.

Do you often use kind words? They are also called “magic” words.

Children: thank you, good afternoon, evening, be healthy, sorry, thank you, etc.

Prickly game:

And now I invite you to a prickly game.

Sitting on the mat, pass a ball (with spikes) to each other and name all the prickly things that you know.

Children: Thorny tree, thorny bush, thorny pine needles, thorny scarf, thorny hedgehog.

Teacher: Is it possible to say “prickly man” or “prickly eyes.” What kind of person can you say that about?

Children: unkind, unsociable, secretive, angry, tough, gloomy.

Teacher: Do you like these qualities?

Children: No

Teacher: We will agree to call them negative qualities person. Do people have only one positive or one negative quality?

Children: no

Teacher. What do you think is more on earth: good or evil?

Let us listen to the parable “White and Black Wolf”

An Indian shared with his grandson

One ancient truth.

The grandson strived for knowledge

And... to wisdom as such

Grandfather told me that in a person -

The struggle of two seasoned wolves.

One - for kindness in the world,

The other is for the kingdom of sins!

They'll barely run away for a while,

How they will cling to each other again.

One - to serve revenge on a saucer,

The other is for peace and love!

The grandson, listening in fascination,

I felt for sense in the story.

I asked the question casually:

“Which wolf wins?”

Satisfied with this question,

And with wise cunning in the eyes,

Grandfather told, apparently, not just

A Tale of Two Wolves:

“Since I asked a question, listen:

So be undefeated

Only wolves want to eat

Who do you choose to feed!”

On the board hang pictures of two wolves - a black and a white wolf. Words are scattered underneath them. I called these words “black” and “white,” like these two wolves. I suggest you place white words under the good wolf and black words under the bad wolf.

Children divide words into two groups.

Teacher: Let's read the white words. When we say them, they make us feel warm and cozy, joyful and calm. Now let's read the black words. You feel cold, fear, danger. Children, which wolf do you choose? (White) Using the example of two wolves, we saw that good triumphs over evil. Say more kind words. After all, if a person says them often, it means he has this quality – kindness.

Physical exercise - conducted by the student.

Every person has something good and something bad. But the main thing is, whatever qualities are greater, such a person is. But not only words, but also deeds must be kind

Since ancient times, people have strived for good and hated evil. And they reflected this idea in proverbs that are passed on from mouth to mouth. Words are scattered on the rug. While the music is playing, you will have to collect proverbs from these words.

Remember the good and forget the evil.

Repay good with good.

It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.

Good deeds make a person beautiful.

Training “Magic Wand”

If you had a magic wand, what good deed would you do for yourself, for your friends, for strangers? Go to whoever you want and contact good wishes, kind words. (Children pick up a magic wand and, if desired, say out loud what good deed they would do)

Do you think it is difficult to be kind? (Children's answers)

What do you need to have for this? ( kind soul, kind heart).

Do you really need a magic wand to help people? This can be done without magic wand.

Take a seat at your desk.

Game “Fairy-tale hero – good or evil”

Teacher: You all love fairy tales. And one of the main themes of Russians folk tales there was a theme of good and evil. In fairy tales there are good and evil heroes. Now we are going to play a game. I will show a fairy-tale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you raise yellow cards; if you are evil, you raise black cards.

Needlewoman, Kashchei the Immortal, Goldfish, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Geese-swans, Baba Yaga, Malvina, Snow Queen, Barmaley.

What hero would you like to be like? Why?

Yes, if you look closely, you will see that there are much more good people in the world than evil ones. It is believed that the world rests on good people. In almost all fairy tales good heroes win, the evil ones are punished. Kindness is a sign of strength, not weakness. Strong man shows true generosity, he is truly kind, and the weak are kind only in words, but cowardly and cunning in deeds.

Teacher: Let us now also do one common good deed. Our planet is so lonely and sad, let's decorate it. You have templates of flowers, trees, butterflies and birds on your desks. And also pieces of colored paper. Everyone takes one template and traces any figure on a piece of colored paper. We will work together and help neighbors who are not doing well. After all, we work on the planet of good. We bring the finished crafts to the board and glue them to the planet with magnets.

It turns out to be a beautiful applique.

What do we call this picture? (PEACE, How beautiful this world is, Good has defeated evil)

What feeling did you experience while doing a good deed? (Doing good is pleasant and joyful).

Let all the good that is in each of us only grow and develop, expand. Don't let evil into your hearts and souls. In memory of today's lesson, I have prepared gifts for you. Let these little gifts add a little bit of goodness to your hearts. Try to do good to the people around you more often. IN good hour, V bon voyage, please, thank you, good health!

Good and evil... To learn to distinguish between them, children need years and people to follow as examples. Morality is not always a concept inherent in children; it is not inherent from birth.

The ball is rolling along the pavement. Four-year-old Misha runs after him. His six-year-old brother Dimu barely manages to hold the baby as a car rushes past.
« Well done! - Passers-by praised Dima. — You're taking good care of your brother
Dima replies surly: “I’m watching, otherwise they won’t let me watch TV in the evening.”

It turns out that Dima is not a hero, but just a heartless little devil? Is TV really more important to him than his brother’s life?

However, there is no contradiction here: Dima probably doesn’t want anything to happen to Misha, but he’s much more interested in own interests.
And this is completely normal for a child at his age.

Children think differently than adults. Our moral principles and an adult understanding of the topic of Good and Evil, children are not yet told anything about it.
They are still learning the rules of behavior in society, such as courtesy, tolerance and willingness to help.
From the cradle they learn only one thing: you have to do everything right so that your parents love you. Therefore good for small child- this is, first of all, something that benefits him, or something for which his parents do not scold him.

The extent to which children place their own interests above moral obligations is shown by the results of a study conducted by psychologists.

Children preschool age were faced with a choice: meet a friend with whom we had agreed in advance, or go to the cinema.
Everyone chose cinema. Why? Cinema is more interesting. What about the fact that they might offend a friend? They didn't understand this.

Everything is logical: children under ten or twelve years old do not have the most important prerequisite for moral behavior- the ability to enter into the position of other people, to perceive their feelings as one’s own.

How does a child come to be able to distinguish good from evil?
What is right, and therefore good, the child begins to understand by observing adults, especially parents.

IN early age kids perceive it something like this:
goodness is what I am allowed to do and for which my mother and father love me;
evil is what is scolded and punished for.
But knowing is one thing, but behaving in life accordingly requires learning and learning.

In front of her mother, three-year-old Anya scolds her friend: “You can’t pull the hair!” And as soon as mom left the room, Anya grabbed her friend by the braid.

Moral guideline - parental behavior
One thing is clear: moral example for our children we are ourselves. Of course, we don’t want to raise brawlers and car burglars, but we don’t need losers, wimps or cowards. We would like to have confident, active children. They must be decent, well-mannered, but able to stand up for themselves. How can we convey to children our understanding of moral values ​​and rules of the game when communicating with other people? To do this, adults must be an example for children.

Parents should treat their children the way they would like their children to treat them.

Children learn willingness to help from adults

If we want to instill friendliness and tolerance in children, we need to invite all their friends to visit, even those who are not very attractive to us, parents.

In order for children to learn to empathize with another, they must see how their mother and father, for example, console a stranger crying baby, help elderly people when crossing the street, give up a seat on the bus to disabled people. And, of course, be sure to tell your children how people helped you in trouble.
Everything seems simple and banal... But it is these everyday little things that will form an understanding of what Good is.
And children even without parents learn about Evil, thanks to our media (alas).

If we want to instill a sense of responsibility in children, we must first of all give them this opportunity: trust them, set tasks for them that they are obliged to complete, say, in household or when caring for pets.

In order for children to learn to think correctly and critically about themselves and other people, they must be taken seriously and allowed to openly express their opinions and take part in a joint decision.
To cultivate a feeling in a child self-esteem, self-importance, he needs an atmosphere in the family where warmth, mutual understanding and a sense of security become something taken for granted. This is the only way kids can join moral values Good and Evil.

“Good is a good thing. Evil - bad person" (8 years old)

“Goodness is when a person is kind and helps. Evil - when a person is evil, he hits and offends.” (8 years old)

“Goodness is when children are friends and play. Evil is a fight." (8 years old)

“Good is joy, happiness, dreams come true, there are no quarrels and swearing, and no one kills anyone. Evil means a lot of swearing, insults, arguments, everything goes wrong.” (9 years old)

“Good is good. And evil is something nasty and, in short, evil.” (11 years old)

“Goodness is when people selflessly help each other; when they smile and rejoice; when mom loves you. Evil is when people mock each other." (12 years old)

“Goodness is happiness for the happiness of others. Evil is selfishness and hatred.” (12 years old)

"Evil, it seems to me" bad attitude person to others. God created the world beautiful and kind. Evil is that which goes against God's creation. Sin is evil. Hatred, cunning, deceit, etc. - manifestations of evil. Evil is something nasty, nasty, scary. I think evil and beauty are never compatible." (13 years old)

"I think that goodness is very broad word. It’s hard for me to explain the meaning of this word, probably because I didn’t receive much of it as a child. Good is good attitude to others, love for neighbors. Family is good. If you have good friends- this is good. Kindness is when you give a helping hand, console, help. If a person has joy, then this is good. Communication with people dear to you and loved ones. Evil is when you hurt a person. If you feel hurt and terribly sad, that’s also evil. I am often offended and very much insulted. I think this is a great evil." (14 years old)

"Good. Honestly, I don't even know what it is. Well, probably, this is the ability to help people, but to remain silent about it, namely, to be more modest, to once again give the last to your friend (girlfriend). Evil. I encounter evil more often in our world. What infuriates me most is selfishness, gossip, “ratting,” betrayal, cowardice. Evil is when a person, for the sake of benefit for himself, is capable of anything, any baseness.” (15 years old)

“For me, goodness is love and mercy. I think it's good true friendship. Devotion and fidelity to each other by spouses is also good. Good is when we suddenly receive help from strangers. Inner strength and the lightness of a person, the lightness of the soul is also good. Respect for elders is also good. The ability to listen... is also good. Good is what gives a person the opportunity to develop, improve, and gives him some (positive) incentive to live. A mother's tenderness towards her child is also good. Hoping and believing are also good. Evil for me is betrayal, disbelief, cruelty, vindictiveness. A person’s unfriendliness (bias) towards everything - other people, the world, etc. I often don't like how people, for example in public transport, say nasty things to each other. It's like a glimpse of evil. Evil is betrayal, hypocrisy, manifestation of rudeness. Evil is treason. Racism and fascism are also evil. You can’t hate a person just because of their nationality or religion.” (15 years old)

“For me, evil is what surrounds me. There is a lot of evil in people. People can betray! This applies to everyone. No one is perfect; anyone can do something bad. Evil is when you take revenge, you are a hypocrite, you do dirty tricks. Every person has these qualities. He can do evil without even thinking about it. But people also have goodness. With some people a person is good and kind, but with others he is cruel and evil: everyone has their own choice to love and hate. Good people“always for me is someone who speaks kindly to you, loves you and is proud of you.” (15 years old)

“For me there is no exact division between good and evil. A person himself chooses, as he believes, “good,” but then his choice results in “evil.” This makes a person consider himself unhappy. Goodness is when a person can be happy for others. Evil is the extermination of sea turtles. Man himself destroys what he created. Rush hour is evil. Money is evil. Money is good." (15 years old)

“Good: truth, conscience, faith, love, emotions, feelings, virtue, communication, understanding, ability to love, life, sympathy, values ​​and interests (for example, for me music, concerts, the Internet, communication, love, hobbies, books, art), sadness, icons, Arafatka, friendship, independence from society.

Evil: lies, aggression, tyranny, dictatorship (dictatorship), fascism, drugs, control system, school, study, theft, murder, brain loading and soul destruction, bad influence, stupidity, envy, sympathy, darkness, metro, vodka, society, greed, loneliness, I don’t know, I don’t understand.” (16 years old)

“Goodness is to love others, to be able to forgive, the desire to understand others, to help in difficult times. Evil is not loving, hurting people, being cruel, selfish, bitchy.” (17 years old)

“Good is laughter, joy, hope, when one person helps another, this is something positive, this is birth... Evil is death, murder, hatred, contempt, mockery, insult, suspicion, something negative...” (17 years)

“Goodness is not to offend people, to respect all people, to love people, children, unlimited giving to people, life for the sake of other people. Evil is to offend people, not to respect people, not to love people, cruelty, injustice.” (17 years old)

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