Official chairman of the PMPK. Composition of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission


Types of certificates

Conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission

The Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC) is appointed to prevent deviations and help children with developmental disabilities. Its goal is to promptly identify and correct, if possible, deficiencies in the child’s development, adjust the educational process to his individual needs, and also provide recommendations to parents and teachers. Let's find out why many people prefer to buy the opinion of a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. To do this, let’s understand its purpose and implementation algorithm.

When is the conclusion of the PMPC commission required?

Teachers at school may recommend that parents send their student to PMPC for schoolchildren. This can cause confusion in adults, but as a rule, such wishes are caused by a specific reason. For example, a child has constant academic failure and finds it difficult to adapt to children's team or developmental delays are observed.

In addition, PMPK is often carried out for admission to school. At this stage, readiness for school is established. If necessary, the form of education for first-graders is determined, for example, in correctional class or a specialized institution.

Also, a PMPC conclusion for a preschooler is required if the child is suspected of committing a crime.

Protocol of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission free delivery in Moscow

To pass the PMPK commission, you must receive a referral, which is usually issued by educational authorities - a kindergarten or school. In this case, parents have the right to refuse to conduct a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

Composition of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission

The list of specialists for PMPK is specified in the relevant legislative acts. It includes not only doctors, but also teachers and social workers. The collective conclusion of the PMPK is issued by:

  • chairman of the commission;
  • social services representative;
  • lawyer;
  • doctors for primary medical care: pediatrician, psychiatrist, otolaryngologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist;
  • defectologists: speech therapist, teacher of the deaf, oligophrenopedagogist, typhlopedagogist;
  • other persons whose presence may influence the final decision.

The final composition of the jury depends on the specific purpose it is collected and what diseases and abnormalities are present in the child.

Documents for the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission

To obtain a PMPK certificate, you will need to run around to various authorities. As a result, you should have at least:

  1. passport or birth certificate;
  2. parents' ID card;
  3. the child’s medical record from the clinic or an extract from the developmental history;
  4. if the child is under observation by definition educational route, then you need the opinion of specialists: speech therapist, psychologist, teacher, educator;
  5. honey. doctors' conclusions about the presence/absence of developmental disorders;
  6. ready-made characteristics for PMPC from school or kindergarten;
  7. evidence of progress: diary, workbooks, drawings, crafts, etc.;
  8. presentation of a consultation defining the purpose of PMPC for children;
  9. extract of the PMPC from the first meeting, if it is re-convened.

This is an incomplete list of documents for passing the PMPC. In each specific case it is negotiated separately and can be expanded. But it already gives me the idea to buy a certificate from the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. However, there are actually more reasons for this.

How does the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission proceed?

  • members familiarize themselves with the documentation provided;
  • a meeting date is set;
  • the child is examined for PMPK by all specialists;
  • At the meeting there is a conversation with the child, he is asked various questions and give problems;
  • Based on the accompanying documentation and the results of the survey, participants give a conclusion on the PMPC.

Many parents are worried about how to pass the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission with the least harm to their child. After all, the presence large quantity strangers can frighten even a completely healthy baby. This may affect the ability to produce good impression and give adequate answers. And this is very important, because the conclusion of the territorial psychological-medical-pedagogical commission can have great influence on future fate child.

PMPC decision

It is necessary to understand that the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission is purely advisory in nature. It is not binding on the parents or other legal representatives of the child.

The pedagogical conclusion of the PMPK is rather a guideline for teachers. So, if at a school or kindergarten the administration complains about a child, calling him difficult and intractable, parents have the right to demand the convening of a PMPK. And in this case, the protocol of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission will provide for the development of a training plan taking into account the individual educational needs of the child, the project correctional work, referral to classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, etc. For educators and teachers, this is an unnecessary burden, which most will not be delighted with. Therefore, the child will be treated like other children. So, with the right approach, the conclusion of a PMPC consultation can be very useful for the child.

PMPC result

  • consultations with a psychologist for a child, parent and even a teacher;
  • development of a correctional and developmental program (sessions with a speech therapist, speech pathologist, etc.);
  • rehabilitation measures and medical procedures;
  • assistance to the child in career guidance;
  • determination of the optimal form of training and education (individual training, adaptive techniques, provision of a mentor);
  • assistance in social adaptation;

In practice, to create favorable conditions children with special needs educational needs a conclusion from the central PMPC is required.

Buy PMPC conclusion

As in many industries, Russian medicine there is a fair amount of bureaucracy. Getting a referral to PMPK and putting together a commission quickly can be very problematic. In addition, parents cannot always be confident in making the decision they need. All this encourages them to buy a PMPK certificate. Our company offers its assistance in preparing medical documents. By contacting us, you will receive original forms with authentic stamps. The most important thing is that the completed PMPC protocol will meet your requirements.

Psychological, medical and pedagogical commission in kindergarten

The most common case when parents need a PMPK conclusion for a kindergarten (preschool educational institution) is the desire to send their child to study in correctional group, most often with a speech therapist. Despite the fact that for parents the decision of the commission is optional, for the kindergarten administration the opposite is true. Without appropriate recommendations, the child cannot receive additional developmental programs. That is why it is so important to convene a PMPK commission in kindergarten on own initiative. If you don't want to deal with this complex procedure, leave it to us. The necessary PMPC protocols can be ordered without going through specialists.

PMPK at school

A school psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC) can be assembled on the initiative of both parents and on the recommendation of teachers. Depending on different situations it can be both useful for a schoolchild/preschooler and harmful. For example, timely diagnosis ( mental retardation mild degree, mental retardation, etc.) make it possible to correct some of the problems, and in the future it will be easier for the child to adapt to his peers. It also happens the other way around, when parents believe that being in a more advanced environment will have a positive effect on the development of their child. Therefore, they believe that it is better to buy the PMPC or take it for a fee. No one knows in advance what the best step in the future will be. But if you have made a firm decision and know what is best for your child, then you can order a PMPK conclusion for the school from our company. This will save you and your child from running around different offices, examining doctors and defending your position. With us you will receive ready-made recommendations PMPC commissions that will help promote your position.

Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission in Moscow

To get a PMPC decision in Moscow, you don’t need to waste time and nerves. We offer our assistance in obtaining the desired result. Just fill out the application and we will do the rest. With us you can also issue any medical certificates for children and adults. Contact us!

Online application

Moscow government


On the organization of the work of the central psychological-medical-pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow

In accordance with Part 5 of Article 42 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, paragraph 2 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 N 120-FZ “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Crime minors", by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2013 N 1082 "On approval of the regulations on the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission", in order to create whole system providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance children who have difficulty mastering basic general education programs, development and social adaptation, ensuring the rights of children with disabilities health and (or) behavioral disorders to education that corresponds to their characteristics and capabilities

I order:

1. Create a central psychological-medical-pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow (abbreviated name: TsPMPK Moscow).

2. To assign the functions of the central psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city of Moscow, the District Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support.

3. Appoint O.G. Donichenko as head of the central psychological-medical-pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow.

4. Approve the Work Procedure of the Central Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission of the City of Moscow (Appendix).

5. The order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow dated September 11, 2013 N 575 “On the organization of the work of the central (city) psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the city of Moscow in the 2013-2014 academic year” shall be declared invalid.

6. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the deputy head of the Moscow Department of Education Vasiliev T.V.

Department of Education
Moscow cities
I.I. Kalina

Application. The operating procedure of the Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission of the City of Moscow

to the order of the Department
education of the city of Moscow
dated December 1, 2014 N 897

1. General provisions

1.1. This procedure regulates the activities of the Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Moscow Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission).

1.2. In its activities, the commission is guided by international acts in the field of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child (Convention on the Rights of the Child of November 20, 1989, UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of December 9, 1975), Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273 -FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Federal law dated July 2, 1992 N 3185-I “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision”, Federal Law dated June 24, 1999 N 120-FZ “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency”, Federal Law dated 24 November 1995 N 181-FZ "On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation", Federal Law dated July 24, 1998 N 124-FZ "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation", by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 20 2013 N 1082 “On approval of the Regulations on the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission”, by order of the Moscow Department of Health dated April 1, 2013 N 297 “On improving the procedure for issuing by medical organizations state system health care of the city of Moscow medical reports on health status and recommendations for the organization educational process for persons with disabilities", other regulations Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, by this Order.

1.3. The Moscow Department of Education creates conditions for the work of the Moscow Center for Medical Education and Training.

1.4. Information about the examination of children, the results of the examination, as well as other information related to the examination of children in the Moscow Center for Medical and Practical Care, is confidential. Providing this information without the written consent of the parents (legal representatives) of children to third parties is not permitted, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The purpose and directions of activity of the Moscow Central Medical Pedagogical Center

2.1. The purpose of the activities of the Moscow Center for Medical Education is to conduct a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination (hereinafter referred to as the examination) in order to timely identify children with special needs in physical and (or) mental development and (or) behavioral deviations, and prepare recommendations based on the results of the examination providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and organizing their training and education, as well as confirming, clarifying or changing previously given recommendations.

2.2. The main areas of activity of the Moscow Center for Medical and Practical Training are:

2.2.1. Conducting a survey of children aged 0 to 18 years (in in some cases it is possible to increase the age of the subjects).

2.2.2. Preparation of recommendations for creating conditions based on the results of the survey:

- for the child to receive an education, correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation based on special pedagogical approaches;

- to confirm, clarify or change recommendations previously given by the commission;

- for conducting state final certification By educational programs basic general, secondary general education students with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities.

2.2.3. Providing advice to parents ( legal representatives) children; employees of educational organizations; organizations implementing social services; medical organizations; other organizations on issues of education, training and correction of developmental disorders of children with disabilities and (or) deviant (socially dangerous) behavior.

2.2.4. Keeping records of data on children with disabilities and (or) deviant (socially dangerous) behavior living in the city of Moscow.

2.2.6. Interaction with medical organizations of the state healthcare system of the city of Moscow, federal government institutions of medical and social expertise.

2.2.7. Providing federal government agencies medical and social expertise to assist in the development of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child.

2.2.8. Interaction with psychological, medical and pedagogical councils of educational organizations in Moscow.

2.2.9. Participation in the organization of information and educational work with the population in the field of prevention and correction of deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development and (or) behavioral deviations in children.

3. Organization of activities of the Moscow Center for Medical and Medical Training

3.1. The Moscow TsPMK is created by the Moscow Department of Education.

3.2. The Moscow Center for Medical Education and Training is headed by a director appointed by order of the Moscow Department of Education.

3.3. TsPMK Moscow operates all year round.

3.4. Composition of the Moscow Center for Medical Education: educational psychologist, speech pathologists (in the relevant profile: oligophrenopedagogist, typhlopedagogist, teacher of the deaf), teacher-speech therapist, social teacher; pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist, otolaryngologist, child psychiatrist, etc., members of the subcommittee of the medical commission of medical organizations of the state healthcare system of the city of Moscow for issuing medical reports on health status and recommendations for organizing the educational process in state educational organizations of the city of Moscow for individuals with disabilities; interdepartmental conflict CPMPK commission Moscow.

The composition of the interdepartmental conflict commission is approved by order of the Moscow Department of Education. The inclusion of representatives of the Moscow Health Department and the Moscow Department of Social Protection of the Population in the interdepartmental conflict commission is carried out by agreement. Meetings of the interdepartmental conflict commission are held at least once a month.

3.5. Examination of children is carried out by appointment in the premises where the Moscow Center for Medical and Medical Examination is located (the list of addresses is posted on the website If necessary and appropriate conditions exist, the examination can be carried out at the place of their residence and/or education.

3.6. The Moscow TsPMK has a seal and forms with its name.

3.7. The following documentation is maintained by the Moscow Center for Medical and Practical Training:

1) a log of preliminary registration of children for examination;

2) a register of children who underwent examination;

3) a card of the child who underwent the examination;

3.8. The examination is carried out upon a written application from parents (legal representatives) or at the direction of educational organizations, organizations providing social services, medical organizations, and other organizations with the written consent of the parents (legal representatives) of children.

3.9. To conduct an examination of a child, his parents (legal representatives) present to the Moscow Center for Medical Examinations a document certifying their identity, documents confirming their authority to represent the interests of the child, and also submit the following documents:

1) an application for or consent to conduct an examination of the child in the territorial subcommittee;

2) a copy of the child’s passport or birth certificate (provided with presentation of the original or certified in the prescribed manner copies);

3) a medical report on the state of health and recommendations for organizing the educational process in state educational organizations of the city of Moscow for persons with disabilities, issued by a subcommittee of the medical commission of medical organizations of the state healthcare system of the city of Moscow (for persons with disabilities);

4) a document confirming the child’s disability (if available);

5) an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child (if available);

6) direction of an educational organization, an organization providing social services, medical organization, another organization (if any);

7) conclusion(s) of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the educational organization or specialist (specialists) providing psychological, medical and pedagogical support to students in the educational organization (for students of educational organizations) (if any);

8) conclusion(s) of the territorial subcommittee on the results of a previously conducted examination of the child (if any);

9) characteristics of the student issued by the educational organization (for students of educational organizations);

10) written works in Russian (native) language, mathematics, results of the child’s independent productive activity.

If necessary, the Moscow Center for Medical and Practical Training requests from the relevant authorities and organizations or from parents (legal representatives) additional information about the child.

3.10. The child is examined by specialists simultaneously.

3.11. The examination is carried out in the presence of parents (legal representatives).

3.12. During the examination, a protocol is kept, which indicates information about the child, specialists from the Moscow Central Medical Pedagogical Center, a list of documents submitted, the results of the examination of the child by specialists, the conclusions of specialists, dissenting opinion specialists (if available), psychological and pedagogical conclusion, recommendations for creating special conditions training and education. When preparing the conclusion, the Moscow Center for Medical Education takes into account in its work a medical report on the state of health and recommendations for organizing the educational process in state educational organizations of the city of Moscow for persons with disabilities.

3.13. The conclusion of the Moscow Center for Medical Examination is an integral part of the protocol.

3.14. The protocol and conclusion of the Moscow Central Medical Examiner's Office are signed by the specialists who conducted the examination, the director (the person performing his duties), and are certified by the seal of the Moscow Central Medical Examiner's Office.

3.15. The conclusion of the Moscow Center for Medical Inspectorate is issued to the parent (legal representative) within a period not exceeding 5 working days after the meeting.

3.16. The conclusion of the Moscow Center for Medical Inspectorate is of a recommendatory nature for parents (legal representatives) of children.

3.17. The conclusion of the Moscow Center for Medical and Clinical Practice is valid for submission to educational organizations of the city of Moscow within a calendar year from the date of its signing.

4. The Moscow Center for Medical and Practical Treatment provides children who independently apply to the commission with advisory assistance on the provision of psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children, including information about their rights.

5. Parents have the right to be present during the examination of children, discuss the results of the examination and render a conclusion, and express their opinion on recommendations for the organization of education and upbringing; receive advice from commission specialists on issues of examination and provision of psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance, including information about their rights and the rights of children; in case of disagreement with the conclusion, appeal it to the interdepartmental conflict commission.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of the Department
education in Moscow
as of 06/06/2017

Each person goes through quite a few different commissions during his life, starting from the moment when he is examined upon discharge from the maternity hospital. Next, the child will receive a commission upon admission to kindergarten, school, university, etc. In this article I would like to talk about PMPC: what it is and why a child needs it.


Today, many words or phrases are encrypted for ease. This is what happened in this situation. So, PMPC. What is it, i.e. It will sound like this in full: psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (consultation, council). A logical question may arise as to why there are several variations of decryption? It's simple: you just need to look at who this abbreviation applies. If they tell a mother that the child needs to undergo PMPC, then it will be a commission, but if we're talking about about a doctor or teacher who is a member, then last letter in the abbreviation PMPC stands for consultation.


So, PMPC. What is it, i.e. Why does this commission exist? Its main goal is to determine the level of development of the child, namely, to identify various deviations and prescribe a particular course of treatment or rehabilitation. The commission has the right to advise parents on issues regarding not only physical, but also mental development child. Members of the commission must present certain conclusions and make recommendations on further actions regarding a given child or group of students. It is also worth noting that PMPK can work for various quantities children (no more than 100 thousand).


An important point is also the composition of the PMPC. The commission consists of various types of specialists, as well as a chairman (from the field of education) and his deputy (most often a health care specialist). The commission must necessarily include the following specialists: a psychologist, various doctors (for example, a pediatrician, an orthopedist, an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist, etc.), special teachers (this could be speech therapists, teachers of the deaf), (as well as a social teacher), lawyer. It may also include a variety of board members from the health and education sectors.

It is worth saying that specialists do not work each on their own, this is a so-called multidisciplinary team, where all members are interconnected, and the child is sent exclusively to the specialist who at the moment he needs it. It is important to say that in addition to permanent members, temporary members can also be invited to this commission. So, this could be the student’s teacher, a representative class committee, the so-called reference person, i.e. one of the teachers who can, if necessary, “talk” to the student due to his authority. Why is PMPC so big? The commission in this composition gives the child (as well as his parents) the opportunity to undergo examination in as soon as possible, by visiting all the specialists in one place. This significantly speeds up, facilitates and optimizes the entire process.


Let us further understand the abbreviation PMPC. What is it and why is this commission needed? It is worth paying attention to such an important point as the tasks that specialists set for themselves. In the first place is identifying the causes of the student’s deviations (an important point that can subsequently prevent the occurrence and development of similar cases). The commission is also required to provide practical solution the problem the student is facing (it is important that the current disorganization does not spread to other students).

Without fail, members of the commission decide how the learning process of a student (or group of students) should proceed, as well as provide various recommendations to his parents or teachers educational institution. An important point is that the commission must draw up a work plan for the PMPC to correct the learning process.


Based on the above, we can highlight several simple functions psychological-medical-pedagogical commission. First of all, it is diagnostic - determining the reasons why the student has problems, considering his family and friendships, viewing information about him, his talents and potential. The next one is very important function commission - rehabilitating. So, specialists must concentrate as best as possible and present the student with various ways out of this situation: this could be optimization of his learning process, family rehabilitation, medical recommendations, etc. And, of course, educational function, which is also inherent in such a body as the PMPC.

Organization of activities

How should the activities of this commission be organized? Thus, meetings are most often held not regularly, but as needed (depending on the situation or according to preparedness teaching materials on the problem). It is important to say that a meeting can be convened on an emergency basis, and everything that happens during the work of the commission is recorded by the secretary in a special protocol. Everything is carried out in the form of a conversation, for which specialists prepare in advance. At the meeting they discuss various ways optimization educational process student or group of students, and also gives preliminary conclusions and general recommendations for solving the existing problem.

Forms of activity of the commission

An interesting point is also that the forms of work of PMPK can be different. It is worth saying that there are both scheduled (scheduled) and unscheduled meetings (the goal is an emergency solution to the problem). As for the first, there is a classical form of their implementation. It is preceded by the emergence of a problem, for the solution of which the commission will meet. Specialists prepare in advance, and at the meeting itself they present certain conclusions and make recommendations.

The modernized version of holding a consultation is that everything happens in the form of a game, where it is much easier for the child to relax. Conclusions and recommendations in this scenario are given by the commission a little later. Also, a consultation can be held in force majeure mode, when an urgent solution to the problem is required and the matter cannot be delayed. It is worth saying that the meetings themselves can be held both individually and collective forms, depending on whether one student or a whole group requires help.

About children

Why and when can a PMPK meeting take place at school? Thus, children can be sent for examination at the request of the parents themselves or on the recommendation of educational, health, and social protection authorities. An important point is that a child can undergo this commission only with the consent of the parents. However, there is a small nuance: you do not need to obtain permission if the student was sent to the commission by a court decision. In this case, the child can be examined in the presence of both or one of the parents.


If a child is sent for examination by employees of an educational institution, an important document is pedagogical characteristics for PMPC. Here the teacher (or class leader) must not only point out the child’s shortcomings, but also give a more detailed picture of his condition. It is important to indicate the nature of the difficulties, write about what measures were taken, and what the student’s reaction was to them. This document should not be exclusively negative. It is also important to indicate positive aspects child.

The PMPK may include data such as the number of years spent in educational institution, relationships in the child’s family, his personal characteristic(sociability, aptitude for science, ability to find a common language with classmates), it is also important to submit documents on academic performance various subjects.

Algorithm for compiling characteristics

How should a student’s characteristics at PMPK be compiled correctly? So, this document has its own a certain form, where all necessary data must be indicated. At the very beginning they write their full name. student, the institution where he is studying, class. The text itself can begin with information about what kind of family the child has, how prosperous it is, what form of education the parents follow. An explanation of the nuances will follow. educational activities child. The teacher must talk about how quickly and efficiently the student assimilates knowledge, what his worldview and general development whether it is appropriate for the given age.

What follows is a more detailed explanation of the main subjects of study. If this is a first-grader, it should be described how much the child knows mathematics, whether he can read, and how he writes. If this is a high school student, the explanations will be more general. It should be indicated which subjects one has an aptitude for, which ones are inaccessible and difficult to study. Special attention should be devoted to thinking processes, memory features, and other skills. It is also very important to give an emotional and personal description of the student. If necessary, the teacher can take a sample of the characteristics for the PMPK in the method room, where they should be presented with full information about this document, as well as correct form its compilation.


A child referred for PMPK may undergo a medical examination. For this purpose, specialists such as an ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, neurologist, psychiatrist and, necessarily, a psychologist will be involved. It is according to the decision of the doctors that a medical report will be drawn up regarding a particular child. A psychological and pedagogical examination should identify various psychological characteristics student development (communication skills, self-service, character play activity etc.).


Before school, the child must also be sent for examination by the commission described. To do this, he will need a characteristic for a preschooler at the PMPK, which must be provided by the teachers of the kindergarten where the child previously studied. It can become a central link in the examination of the baby. However, at the same time, the commission itself must identify the child’s level of readiness for school - determine the level of his mental, emotional and physical development, because at this stage the baby should already have some knowledge about the world around him, have ingenuity and basic logical thinking, ability to remember. He must also be able to control the urges of his body and organize himself. If the child has already attended school, the commission must determine the reasons why he or she has encountered certain difficulties. Once again, a characteristic at the PMPK will be mandatory (1st grade, second or fifth - it doesn’t matter so much, the data there will still be approximately the same), on the basis of which the commission members will be able to draw preliminary conclusions.


If the student needs PMPK examination, it is worth knowing that parents need to collect a package of certain documents. It will be different for each special case, but it must include a copy of the child’s birth certificate, copies of the parents’ passports, a document that confirms the student’s place of residence, various papers confirming, for example, disability - this is the so-called civil kit. You will also need a pedagogical kit, which necessarily includes the child’s characteristics for the PMPK, a photocopy of the student’s personal file, and you may need to provide some workbooks (this is especially true for elementary school students).

Medical documents are also required, such as a pediatrician’s extract, as well as a medical commission’s conclusion. IN special cases You may need, for example, audiograms (if or special conclusions for a disease such as cerebral palsy.

Minutes of the PMPC meeting

An important document is the PMPC protocol itself, which should record everything that happened at the meeting. So, it has its standard form. It begins with the date of the event and a list of all those specialists who were present (by name and against signature). Next comes the agenda, which briefly describes all the issues to be considered. The main and most important part of the protocol is a description of the meeting itself (almost everything that was said is recorded). The protocol ends with the decisions of the commission, its proposals and recommendations. At the very end, everything is recorded with the signatures of the chairman and secretary. It is worth saying that the protocol itself is official document, He long time stored in archives.


A very important document is the conclusion of the PMPC. It contains all the results of the examination, which can serve as the official basis for sending the student to a special type of educational institution. At the same time, the commission members themselves are obliged to maintain confidentiality. If parents do not agree with the decision of the commission, they may be given the right to replace some specialists (whose competence they doubt), as well as to choose another expert institution. If necessary, the commission's decision can be appealed in court. It is also worth saying that only the conclusion of the PMPK (city, district, regional) provides grounds for sending or transferring a child to a specialized educational institution.

Compilation algorithm

It is worth saying that a document such as the PMPC conclusion is fixed, it does not have free form. So, at the very beginning, the general conclusion of the council regarding a particular student is given. There will be a small dossier on the child (full name, class, educational institution, home address), followed by an item such as the reasons for sending to the PMPK, this may also include complaints from the student’s parents or teachers, no less important is the opinion class teacher regarding this child. Further, the conclusions of various specialists who conducted the examination will be separately attached to the document. At the end, the general conclusion of the council is presented, as well as the recommendations made by its members. Everything is recorded with signatures and a seal.

Expert opinions

So, there was a presentation at the PMPK, the student passed all the examinations, and at the end each specialist gave his opinion. The general conclusion will necessarily be accompanied by the conclusion of a psychologist, who should also tell about the psycho-emotional development of the student, about his interpersonal relationships, as well as about other important aspects development. The teacher who will give his conclusion must also present his conclusion. brief description student, based on his performance in various subjects. A similar document is drawn up by the pediatrician of the consultation; it can, if necessary, be presented by a speech therapist, defectologist or other specialists (depending on the child’s problem).

The document of each individual specialist must have such a clause as recommendations, which should list ways to solve the existing problem in each individual case.


There are situations when a child is sent to a commission for more than high level. This can happen when the members of the formed PMPC do not come to a common decision. This development of events is also possible in the case when the parents do not agree with the decision of the commission and do not intend to accept it. In this case, the decision of the PMPC may be transferred to the district or regional commission. Only after additional research the conclusion may be returned to the educational institution or given to the parents.

Job Description of the Chairman of the PMPK


1.1 The chairman of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council (hereinafter PMPk) is appointed by order of the director of the educational institution from among specialists with defectology education or specialists who have undergone retraining in the field of “special pedagogy”. The Chairman of the PMPK is given an additional payment for increasing the volume of work not included in his core job responsibilities, the size of which in accordance with Art. Art. 32 and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is determined by the educational institution independently

1.2 The Chairman of the PMPK reports to the Deputy Director for HR.

1.3 In his activities, the chairman of the PMPK relies on the following documents:

Legislative acts and Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of an educational institution;

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Agreement with parents;

Orders of the head of the educational institution and higher education authorities, normative and methodological documents of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Regulations on PMPk;

Employment contract and these instructions.

1.4 The Chairman of the PMPK may be dismissed from office by order of the Director of the Institution.



2.1 Manages activities PMPk educational institutions.

2.2 Develops regulations, plans for the PMPk, schedules for meetings of the PMPk

2.3 Conducts PMPK meetings (at least 4 times a year)

2.4 Distributes responsibilities between specialists taking part in the work of PMPK (psychologists, speech therapist, medical personnel, social teacher, secretary) and monitors their implementation.

2.5 Coordinates, summarizes and analyzes the results of interrelated activities of all participants in the PMPk.

2.6 Takes measures to methodological support and equipping the educational process of children supported by PMPK.

2.7 Makes proposals to the management of the educational institution regarding the selection and placement of teaching staff, takes part in their certification and professional development.

2.8 Ensures the development and strengthening of the educational and material base of the educational institution, the safety of equipment and inventory, compliance with sanitary conditions hygiene requirements, rules and regulations, occupational health and safety.

2.10 Looks after his own professional growth, for which he engages in self-education, attends courses and seminars.

2.11 Summarizes and presents the experience of its activities and the experience of PMPK participants for colleagues and parents of the educational institution, as well as for other educational institutions in the district.

2.12 Monitors the maintenance of PMPk documentation.


The Chairman of the PMPK has the right:

3.1 Present PMPK in structural divisions MA (in agreement with the director of the educational institution) on issues within the competence of the consultation.

3.2. Receive, in the prescribed manner, from educational, medical, and social protection institutions data on issues related to the scope of activities of the PMPK

3.3. Monitor (check) the activities of teachers and specialists of the educational institution in the implementation and execution of PMPK decisions on the issues of teaching and raising children.

3.4. Make proposals to school management to improve the organization of PMPK work.

3.5. Make proposals for incentives, career advancement, professional retraining and punishment of PMPK workers.

3.6. For retraining and advanced training.

3.7. For social benefits and incentives.


The Chairman of the PMPK is responsible for:

Failure to perform or improper performance of assigned duties,

actions or inactions leading to violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens;

Disclosure of information that has become known to him in connection with the execution

official duties that could harm the honor, dignity, rights and interests of children and families;

Job description of a teacher-psychologist PMPk

1. General situation.

1.1. A teacher-psychologist of PMPK is appointed by order of the director of an educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) and is included in the staff of the educational institution.

1.2. The educational psychologist reports to the chairman of the PMPK and the director of the Institution.

1.3. In its activities, the teacher-psychologist PMPK is guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Health Care, “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”; “Family Code of the Russian Federation”, “Civil Code of the Russian Federation”; decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, decrees, orders, instructional, methodological, and informative materials on issues of training and education; Charter of the Institution, Regulations on PMPK; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, sanitation and fire protection.

1.4. A person may be dismissed from office by order of the director of the Institution in agreement with the chairman of the PMPK.

2. Job responsibilities of a teacher-psychologist.

The PMPK teacher-psychologist is obliged to:

2.1. Realize psychological diagnostics children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 years, based on an analysis of submitted documents on the child’s development, information received from parents (legal representatives).

2.2. Determine areas of correction work mental disorders in the development of children and adolescents within the framework of PMPk.

2.3. Participate in PMPk meetings according to the PMPk plan

2.4. Professionally and competently draw up standard documentation with appropriate individual recommendations based on the results of examination of children.

2.5 Conduct correctional classes with students who are accompanied as part of the PMPk

2.6 Participate in developments correctional programs students supported within the framework of PMPK

2.7 Prepare the necessary documentation for the student at the district PMPK

2.8. Provide advisory and methodological assistance parents (legal representatives), school teachers, receiving direct participation in raising and educating a child.

2.9. Participate in monitoring the implementation of PMPK recommendations and analyze the results of the dynamics of development of children and adolescents.

2.10. Comply with the requirements of the institution’s charter, regulations on PMPK, internal labor regulations, maintain documentation, timely planning and reporting on the results of professional activities.


A teacher-psychologist has the right:

3.1. Make proposals to improve the organization of PMPK work;

3.2. For retraining and advanced training;

3.3. For social benefits and incentives.

3.4. Based on the letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 N 27/901-6 to the “psychological, medical and pedagogical council of an educational institution” for an additional payment for an increase in the volume of work, the amount of which is in accordance with Art. Art. 32 and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is determined by the educational institution independently.

4. Responsibility.

A teacher-psychologist bears responsibility under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Education”, the Charter of the Institution, and the Regulations of the PMPk for:

Official forgery;

Life and health of children during the examination;

Failure to comply with industrial sanitation and fire safety rules.

Job description of a teacher-speech therapist PMPK

I. General provisions.

1.1. A teacher-speech therapist PMPK is appointed by order of the director of an educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) to the incoming staff of the educational institution.

1.2. The teacher-speech therapist reports directly to the chairman of the PMPK, the director of the institution.

1.3. In its activities, it is guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Health Care, “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”; Family Code of the Russian Federation, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, decrees, orders, instructive - methodological, informative materials on issues of training and education; Charter of the institution, Regulations on PMPk; rules on labor protection, safety, sanitation and fire protection standards.

1.4. A person may be dismissed from office by order of the director

institutions in agreement with the chairman of the PMPK.

II.Job responsibilities of a teacher-speech therapist.

The teacher-speech therapist is obliged to:

2.1. Conduct diagnostics of children aged 7 to 18 years who have speech disorders of various origins who applied to the PMPK to determine the level of speech development.

2.2. Conduct correctional classes with students who are supported within the framework of PMPK

2.3. Participate in meetings of the PMPK and discuss the results of examination of children with other specialists in order to determine the educational route.

Make extracts from PMPK meetings

2.2 Prepare monthly and annual statistical reports.

2.3 Analyze and summarize statistical data for a certain period of activity of the PMPK at the request of the chairman of the PMPK and the administration of the institution.

2.4 Fulfill the requirements of the institution’s Charter, comply with internal labor regulations, maintain documentation and reporting.

3 Rights.

The secretary has the right:

3.1 Make proposals to improve the organization of PMPK work.

3.2 Social benefits and encouragement.

3.3 Based on the letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 N 27/901-6 “psychological -

medical and pedagogical council of an educational institution" at

additional payment for increasing the volume of work, the amount of which in accordance with Art. 32

and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" is determined

educational institution independently.


4.1. The secretary of the PMPK bears the responsibility provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Education”, the Charter of the institution, and the Regulations on PMPK for:

– official forgery;

Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of official rights and legitimate interests of citizens assigned to him;

Disclosure of information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of his official duties;

Life and health of children during the examination;

Failure to comply with industrial sanitation and fire safety rules.



1.1. The chairman of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (hereinafter PMPk) is appointed by order of the director of the educational institution from among specialists with defectology education or the deputy director for academic work

1.2. The Chairman of the PMPK reports to the Director of the Educational Institution.

1.3. In his activities, the chairman of the PMPK relies on the following documents:

Labor Code of the Russian Federation and legislative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of an educational institution;

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Agreement with parents;

Orders of the head of the educational institution and higher education authorities;

Regulations on PMPk;



2.1. Manages the activities of the PMPK of the educational institution.

2.2. Develops regulations, plans for the PMPk, schedules for meetings of the PMPk

2.3. Conducts PMPK meetings (at least once a month)

2.4. Distributes responsibilities between specialists participating in the work of PMPK (psychologist, speech therapist, medical worker, social teacher) and monitors their implementation.

2.5. Coordinates, summarizes and analyzes the results of interrelated activities of all participants in the PMPk.

2.6. Takes measures to provide methodological support and equipment for the educational process of children supported by PMPK.

2.7. Makes proposals to the management of the educational institution regarding the selection and placement of teaching staff.

2.8. Ensures the development and strengthening of the educational and material base of the educational institution, the safety of equipment and inventory, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, rules and regulations, labor protection and safety regulations.

2.10. Monitors his professional growth, attends courses and seminars.

2.11. Summarizes and presents the experience of his activities and the experience of PMPK participants for colleagues and parents of the educational institution.

2.12. Controls the maintenance of PMPk documentation.


The Chairman of the PMPK has the right:

3.1. Receive, in the prescribed manner, from educational, medical, and social protection institutions data on issues related to the scope of activities of the PMPK

3.2. Monitor (check) the activities of teachers and specialists of the educational institution in the implementation and execution of PMPK decisions on the issues of teaching and raising children.

3.3. Make proposals to school management to improve the organization of PMPK work.

3.4. Make proposals for incentives, professional retraining and punishment of PMPK employees.

3.5. For retraining and advanced training.


The Chairman of the PMPK is responsible for:

Failure to perform or improper performance of duties assigned to him,

actions or inactions leading to violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens;

Disclosure of information that has become known to him in connection with the execution

official duties that could harm the honor, dignity, rights and interests of children and families;

Violation of SanPiN and fire safety.



1.1. A teacher-psychologist of PMPK is appointed by order of the director of an educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) and is included in the staff of the educational institution.

1.2. The educational psychologist reports to the chairman of the PMPK and the director of the Institution.

1.3. In its activities, the teacher-psychologist PMPK is guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Health Care, “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”; “Family Code of the Russian Federation”, “Civil Code of the Russian Federation”; decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, decrees, orders, instructional, methodological, and informative materials on issues of training and education; Charter of the Institution, Regulations on PMPK; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, sanitation and fire protection.

1.4. A person may be dismissed from office by order of the director of the Institution in agreement with the chairman of the PMPK.


The PMPK teacher-psychologist is obliged to:

2.1. Carry out psychological diagnostics of children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 years, based on the analysis of submitted documents on the child’s development, information received from parents (legal representatives).

2.2. Determine areas of work to correct mental disorders in the development of children and adolescents within the framework of PMPc.

2.3. Participate in PMPk meetings according to the PMPk plan

2.4. Professionally and competently draw up standard documentation with appropriate individual recommendations based on the results of examination of children.

2.5. Conduct correctional classes with students who are supported within the framework of PMPK

2.6. Participate in the development of correctional programs for students supported under PMPK

2.7. Prepare the necessary documentation for the student at the district PMPK

2.8. Provide advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives), school teachers who are directly involved in the upbringing and education of the child.

2.9. Participate in monitoring the implementation of PMPK recommendations and analyze the results of the dynamics of development of children and adolescents.

2.10. Comply with the requirements of the institution’s charter, regulations on PMPK, internal labor regulations, maintain documentation, timely planning and reporting on the results of professional activities.


A teacher-psychologist has the right:

3.1. Make proposals to improve the organization of PMPK work;

3.2. For retraining and advanced training;

3.3. For social benefits and incentives.

3.4. Based on the letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000 N 27/901-6 to the “psychological, medical and pedagogical council of an educational institution” for an additional payment for increasing the volume of work, the amount of which in accordance with Art. Art. 32 and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is determined by the educational institution independently.


A teacher-psychologist bears responsibility under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Education”, the Charter of the Institution, and the Regulations of the PMPk for:

Official forgery;

Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of official rights and legitimate interests of citizens assigned to him;

Disclosure of information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of his official duties;

Life and health of children during the examination;

Failure to comply with industrial sanitation and fire safety rules.



1.1. A teacher-speech therapist PMPK is appointed by order of the director of an educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) to the incoming staff of the educational institution.

2. The teacher-speech therapist reports directly to the chairman of the PMPK, the director of the institution.

1.4. A person may be dismissed from office by order of the director

institutions in agreement with the chairman of the PMPK.


The teacher-speech therapist is obliged to:

2.1. Conduct diagnostics of children aged 7 to 18 years with speech disorders of various origins who apply to the PMPK to determine the level of speech development.

2.2. Conduct correctional classes with students who are supported within the framework of PMPK

2.3. Participate in meetings of the PMPK and discuss the results of examination of children with other specialists in order to determine the educational route.

2.4. Determine the directions of correctional work with children with speech disorders.

2.5. Professionally and competently draw up standard documentation based on the results of the diagnostics performed.

2.6. Provide advisory assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the prevention of speech disorders in children and adolescents.

2.7. Provide methodological assistance to specialists on the differential diagnosis of speech disorders in children and adolescents.

2.8. Take part in seminars, conferences and other events on the problems of prevention, diagnosis and correction of speech disorders.

2.10. Monitor the implementation of PMPc recommendations and analyze the results of the dynamics of speech development in children and adolescents.

2.11. Fulfill the requirements of the institution's Charter, regulations on PMPK, comply with internal labor regulations, maintain documentation, timely planning and reporting on the results of professional activities.

2.12. Participate in the development of correctional programs for students supported under PMPK

2.13. Prepare the necessary documentation for the student to refer him to the district PMPK


A teacher-speech therapist has the right:

3.1. Make proposals to improve the organization of PMPK work.

3.2. For social benefits and incentives.

3.3. Based on the letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000 N 27/901-6 “psychological - medical - pedagogical council of an educational institution” on
additional payment for increasing the volume of work, the amount of which in accordance with Art. 32 and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation
“On education” is determined by the educational institution independently.

3.4. For retraining and advanced training;


4.1. A teacher-speech therapist bears the responsibility provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Education”, the Charter of the institution, and the Regulations on PMPK for:

– official forgery;



1.1. To the position of secretary of the PMPK, by order of the director of the educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Institution), in agreement with the chairman of the PMPK, a person is appointed who meets the qualifications and other requirements for the position and is fluent in terminology in the field of “defectology”. The PMPK secretary is given an additional payment for increasing the volume of work not included in his main job responsibilities, the amount of which is in accordance with Art. Art. 32 and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is determined by the educational institution independently.

1.2. The secretary of the PMPk reports directly to the chairman of the PMPk, the director of the institution.

1.3. In its activities, it is guided by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons, and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Health Care, “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”; Family Code of the Russian Federation, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, decrees, orders, instructive - methodological, informative materials on issues of training and education; Charter of the institution, Regulations on PMPk; rules on labor protection, safety, sanitation and fire protection standards.

1.4. The secretary may be dismissed from office by order of the director of the institution in agreement with the chairman of the PMPK


The secretary is obliged:

2.1. Maintain documentation within the framework of PMPk, namely:

Logbook for registering children at PMPK

Maintain a student development folder, according to the requirements

Keep minutes of PMPK meetings

Make extracts from PMPK meetings

2.2. Prepare monthly and annual statistical reports.

2.3. Analyze and summarize statistical data for a certain period of activity of the PMPK at the request of the chairman of the PMPK and the administration of the institution.

2.4. Fulfill the requirements of the institution’s Charter, comply with internal labor regulations, maintain documentation and reporting.


The secretary has the right:

3.1. Make proposals to improve the organization of PMPK work.

3.2. Social benefits and incentives.

3.3. Based on the letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000 N 27/901-6 “psychological - medical - pedagogical council of an educational institution” for an additional payment for increasing the volume of work, the amount of which in accordance with Art. 32 and 54 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” is determined by the educational institution independently.


4.1. The secretary of the PMPK bears the responsibility provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Education”, the Charter of the institution, and the Regulations on PMPK for:

– official forgery;

Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of official rights and legitimate interests of citizens assigned to him;

Disclosure of information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of his official duties;

Life and health of children during the examination;

Failure to comply with industrial sanitation and fire safety rules.

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