Sample characteristics for a child CPMPK V. Characteristics for PMPK examination

Pedagogical characteristics

to Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.

Date of birth: October 24, 2009 (5 years 11 months)

Ivan entered the Medical Educational Institution DSKN No. 4 in Sosnovoborsk on November 2, 2012. Adaptation was easy. He has been attending a compensatory group for children with speech disorders since October 8, 2014. Currently he is eager to go to kindergarten.

Home address: st. Party Komsomol, building 6, apt. 2.

Family information:

Mother: Svetlana Ivanovna Ivanova, born in 1980.

Place of work: unemployed.

Father: Ivanovov Boris Ivanovich born in 1977

Education: secondary specialized.

Place of work: IHZ, fitter-adjuster.

Full family, lives in two-room apartment. Material income is below average. Ivan has a younger brother, Kostya, born in 2014. Parents do not participate in activities kindergarten and groups do not interact with teachers, Homework on the instructions of the speech therapist is not carried out, advice and recommendations are not followed. At home, the boy likes to play with cars, put together puzzles, and watch cartoons. The child does not have a play corner. The whole family spends their leisure time together: walking, relaxing in nature.

Ivan has health group II. Gross motor skills underdeveloped. There are no chronic diseases, but the child has many absences due to illness. The leading hand is the right. Fine motor skills poorly developed. Falls asleep quickly and sleeps for a long time.

When communicating with adults and peers, Ivan uses basic forms of politeness (he can thank, apologize, say hello, say goodbye). The boy learned social norms behavior and rules in different types activities.

Main general education program preschool does not master all types of activities. Inactive, cognitive motivation insufficiently formed. The proposed material is remembered only after repeated repetition; guidance and teaching assistance from a teacher is required. Cannot explain this or that action, situation, task using a detailed, emotionally charged statement. Can concentrate on one type of activity for 30 minutes, without being distracted by extraneous objects not directly related to the current activity. Cannot always establish cause-and-effect relationships. He does not retain the instructions completely; he needs to present them gradually.

Ivan distinguishes flat geometric shapes. Knows the basic colors of the spectrum and their shades. Not well oriented in space, on a sheet of paper. Does not own speech formulations to indicate the spatial properties of objects and the relationships between them. Owns the account directly and reverse order within 10. Cannot name seasons, days of the week, parts of the day, months.

The child willingly participates in choral singing and performing musical and rhythmic movements. Willingly takes part in holidays and entertainment held in kindergarten.

With the standards of this age according to physical culture Ivan copes at a low level. Skills in basic types of movements have not been developed. Experiences difficulties in handling the ball, jumping, and throwing. Willingly participates in competitive games.

Vanya is unsure of using scissors, a brush and a pencil. Paints and shades, going beyond the outline. He engages in visual arts with desire, shows creativity, and his works are distinguished by their accuracy. In design, the plans are poor and monotonous.

Ivan was given previously impaired sounds; in isolation, he pronounces them correctly, but not a single sound is automated. Vocabulary is not age appropriate. The grammatical structure is not sufficiently formed. The child uses in simple phrases. Retell a short literary work can only with help, it is difficult to compose a coherent story from a series of plot pictures. Likes to participate in dramatization games, unsure of playing his role. Skills language analysis and synthesis are not formed enough. The boy does not know all the letters of the Russian alphabet and does not have reading skills

Vanya is a friendly and calm boy. Makes contact with adults and children, but does not show initiative in communication. He is not a leader. Tries to avoid conflict situations. Willingly participates in games suggested by other children. Can engage in one type of gaming activity for a long time, without accompanying the game with verbal statements. Plays board games, role-playing games, and outdoor games with interest.

The boy is not able to choose an activity for himself and does not turn to adults for help. Carry out instructions from the teacher. The child has not developed self-regulation of his own actions.

Ivan is sensitive and impressionable. Able to distinguish the moods of other people. In affective situations it shows negative emotions, expressing this through facial expressions and gestures. He treats his failures emotionally. The pace of activity is below average.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of the child is required constant monitoring. Ivan comes to kindergarten in unkempt clothes and with dirty nails.

Olkhovik Elena Vladimirovna

Last name First name

Middle group

Visits the garden with three years, gets sick quite often colds, especially in the autumn-winter period. He eats poorly and falls asleep easily and calmly.

Cognitive activity in classes is of a long-term nature, he is attentive, hears questions, but does not always answer them willingly, sometimes gets tired in class, prefers to remain silent if he is not sure of the correct answer.

Quickly and easily plugs into educational process, masters the program satisfactorily. Memorizes short poems. Easily masters the required amount of knowledge. Vocabulary is age appropriate. He masters the program with ease, but is not always assiduous and does not complete the task. Easily navigates the relationship between objects by size, shape, and color. Attention is not stable enough.

From the quantities he independently distinguishes “big - small”, height, length. Has no difficulty in classifying objects or selecting generalizing words. Knows such general concepts as “vegetables”, “fruits”, “clothing”, “dishes”, “furniture”, “pets”. Uses to name the sequence of seasons. The development of fine motor skills corresponds to age norm.

He is disciplined and reacts calmly to adults’ comments. He has good self-care skills, but is not always willing to clean up toys after himself.

Sociable and friendly towards peers. Willingly joins the game, plays calmly without conflicts. Prefers role-playing games and enjoys fantasizing.

He does not avoid contact with the teacher and willingly communicates with him.

The family is complete, the mother is balanced and proactive. Always takes an active interest in working with children and conscientiously follows teachers’ recommendations.

Teacher's signature

Manager's signature

Speech therapy characteristics

(child's full name) entered the school preparatory group of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1034 at the age of 5 years 10 months. with a diagnosis of FNR (dated 02/01/2011).

Speech environment. Bilingualism. has a speech disorder close relative(brother). There is no control over the upbringing process by parents. Parents do not consult with teaching staff.

The state of manual motor skills. Fine motor skills of the hands are insufficiently developed right hand When performing exercises on the dynamic organization of movements (“Rings”, “Links”, etc.), inaccuracies are also observed.

General motor skills. There is a delayed switchability of movements and is slow.

Articulatory apparatus. Anatomical structure organs articulatory apparatus no anomalies. The volume and accuracy of movements performed suffers. Speech motor skills are underdeveloped. Movements are slow, he cannot maintain the position of the organs of articulation.

General sound of speech. Speech is slurred, speaks in monosyllables, does not use complex sentences. Makes mistakes due to unformed lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. The statements are intonationally unexpressive. The voice is weakly modulated, quiet.

Passive and active vocabularies are characterized by poverty. Many words are used in an approximate meaning (for example, “mug - cup”). The child knows such general concepts as “vegetables”, “fruits”, “toys”, “dishes”, “furniture”, “animals”. With help, he names the seasons and the order of the days of the week. Passive dictionary prevails over active. The use of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs suffers most. There are few complex prepositions in speech.

The grammatical structure of speech. Agrammatisms are observed in the formation of adjectives from nouns (for example, “banana - bananas”, “glass - glass”) in the agreement of an adjective and a noun (for example, “the boy has a blue flag, and the girl has a beautiful doll”) in the agreement of nouns with numerals 1, 2.5 (for example, 5 cherries, 5 trees). In speech he mainly uses simple common sentences (2-3 words).

Phonemic awareness sound analysis and synthesis. There are violations in sound-letter analysis, due to insufficient development of thinking operations (analysis and synthesis), for example, does not name the final vowel sound, the final consonant, does not compose words from individual sounds.

The child does not determine the sequence and number of sounds in a word, or its place in the word. Makes mistakes when identifying sounds in the middle and at the end of a word. Phonemic representations insufficiently formed.

Sound pronunciation. Problematic sounds [С], [З] and their soft pairs are presented. However, in speech they are sometimes distorted.

The syllabic structure of the word. The syllabic structure of the word is distorted. There are omissions of syllables. Distorted words are complex syllable structure.

The child does not know the alphabet and does not read. When retelling the text, he misses the main events, as a result of which the meaning of the text is lost. The retelling is carried out with the help of an adult (leading questions, re-reading). Finds it difficult to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures - changes the sequence of events.

The child knows information about himself, understands family ties. Skills spatial orientation incompletely formed, poorly oriented in the basic concepts of time.

Cognitive interests in educational field insufficiently formed. The child does not actively participate in organizational activities, is embarrassed to answer questions (silent).

A situation of success causes a child positive emotions. The response to approval and comments is adequate.

Relationships with adults are restrained, but unstable. It is difficult to make contact with peers. Prefers quiet games.

The child has enuresis.

The child is responsive to the adult’s request and helps the teacher.

Speech therapy conclusion. Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech, General underdevelopment of speech of level II-III

By the time he graduated from the preparatory school group, he had not mastered the program sufficiently: the components of readiness for school were not fully formed. schooling and difficulties in mastering program material. It is recommended to duplicate the program of the preparatory group.

Safarbekova Tatyana Kazimovna,


Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a pupil of preschool educational institution No. ____


group number __________

Typological features:

1. Active, mobile, sluggish, inert, slow. Excitable, unbalanced, calm, balanced, inhibited, whiny_________________________________

2. Speed ​​of reaction to verbal stimuli, switchability.


3. The predominant mood is cheerful, depressed, without any particular shade. Do you experience sudden mood swings throughout the day? __________________________________________

4. Does he persist in the face of difficulties or retreat before them? Does he ask for help and use it?__________________________________________

Characteristic features:

1. Sociability, isolation. Easily makes contact, correctly perceives the situation, understands its meaning, behaves adequately, contact and communication are difficult, understanding and responding to the situation is not always or not entirely adequate, does not make contact well, has difficulty communicating and understanding the situation.

2. Attitude towards comrades - friendliness, negativism, kindness, rudeness, etc.

3. Attitude towards leadership - the desire for primacy, whether others recognize the leader. Does he show organizational skills and initiative?

4. Attitude towards adults. Attitude towards instructions, rewards, reprimands________________


5. What types of activities does he prefer?________________________________________________

6. Activity verbal communication– corresponds to age, increased, decreased, isolation, negative attitude towards verbal communication is noted.

7. Behavior is organized, sometimes does not regulate one’s behavior, constant external control is required.

Psychological characteristics:

1. Auditory memorization, visual memorization, tactile memorization. Remembers quickly or slowly, with difficulty, the transition to long-term memory, volume RAM sufficient, limited, low.

2. Stability of attention - capable of long-term concentration or easily distracted. Nature of distraction – distracted by stimuli, in the absence of external stimuli.

3. Switching of attention – easy, fast, slow, difficult.

4. Distribution of attention – sufficient, difficult.

5. General level development of attention – appropriate for age, low, not formed.

Level of development of mental activity:

1. Ability to compare, classify, generalize, ability to highlight essential feature objects, phenomena.________________________________________________________________________________

2. the ability to use techniques for memorization - indirection, grouping, associations.

Development of sensory functions:

1. The state of the analyzers, the presence of generalizing ideas about shape, size, color, the concept of relativity - corresponds to age, is not formed, is impaired.

Development of imagination:

1. Brightness, liveliness, richness of imagination, ability to operate with images, in what types of activities it manifests itself (music, artistic activities, mathematics, physical education, speech, design, etc.) - appropriate for age, excessively, weakness of imagination processes.

Verbal part:

1. Understanding stories, the ability to answer questions based on the text___________________________ 2. Retelling._________________________________________________________________________.

3. Storytelling ___________________________________________________________ 4. Ability to work in dialogue mode.__________________________________________________________

5. Speech activity – adequate to the situation and age, excessive, initiation difficulties speech utterance, emotional inadequacy, problems with detailed speech, difficulties in sound pronunciation, stuttering, etc.________________________________________________

Performance in classes:

1. The attitude is active, interested, indifferent.

2. Concentrated or often distracted during class.

3. Quickly or slowly starts working.

4. The pace of work is fast, medium, slow. Reasons for a slow pace of work - thinking, thoroughness of execution, reduction mental activity– lethargy, lethargy, distractibility, etc.

5. Fatigue manifests itself in a slowdown in pace, deterioration in quality, or complete cessation of work.

6. Subjective and objective signs of fatigue - complaints of fatigue, headache, lethargy, drowsiness, distractibility, etc.

7. Decline in performance in the middle of the lesson, at the end of the lesson.

8. Ability to follow instructions, ability to retain instructions for duration


Randomness of activity:

1. Maintains the goal of the activity, outlines its plan, selects adequate means, checks the result, and brings the work started to completion.

2. In the process of activity he is often distracted; he overcomes difficulties only when psychological support, needs frequent encouragement.

3. The activity is chaotic, ill-conceived, individual conditions of the task are lost, the result is not checked, the activity is interrupted due to difficulties, help is ineffective.

Somatic health. a) rarely gets sick b) often gets colds c) has chronic diseases d) poor appetite e) takes a long time to fall asleep and sleeps restlessly f) other_______________________________________________________________________________

General assessment of the child’s level of development and behavior:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Group teacher ________________________________________________________________


(for a child preschool age)

MDOU No. ______

Group No. ______

Last name, first name, patronymic of the child ________________________________________________________________________________

Date of birth _____________________

Duration of stay in this preschool educational institution ________________________________________________

At what age did you enter _____________________________________________________

Where did you come from? from family, from another preschool educational institution (reason for transfer)

Assessment of a child's adaptation in a group. a) good b) satisfactory c) insufficient d) bad e) other_____________________________________________

Features of lateralization. a) right-handed 6) left-handed

Features of gaming activities. a) games are age appropriate b) games are more appropriate early age c) manipulative games predominate d) play activity absent e) other_______________________________________________

Main difficulties noted in training. a) masters the program well b) masters the program satisfactorily c) masters the program with difficulty d) does not master the program e) other________________________________________________

Perception. a) appropriate for age b) there are visual impairments c) there are auditory perception impairments d) complex disorders perception e) other__________________________________________________________

Attention. a) stable b) not stable enough c) unstable

Memory features (problems): a) without pronounced features b) remembers slowly and quickly forgets c) quickly remembers and quickly forgets d) other problems__________________________________________________________________

Thinking. a) is appropriate for his age b) is not smart enough c) has obvious thinking disorders (specify which ones) ______________________________

d) other__________________________________________________________________________

Motor skills. a) appropriate for the age b) the child is awkward, clumsy c) poorly developed fine motor skills d) other_________________________________________________

Main difficulties in communication. a) no difficulties b) does not know how to maintain play c) prefers to be alone d) cries, does not make contact with adults or children e) is conflicted f) other________________________________________________

Speech development. a) speech is age appropriate b) speech is slurred, there are difficulties in pronouncing sounds c) scant vocabulary d) the speech is grammatically incorrect e) hesitations in speech f) there is no speech g) other________________________


Social skills. a) appropriate for age b) insufficiently formed c) practically not formed d) other__________________________

Orientation in space and time. a) corresponds to age b) is not sufficiently formed c) there are violations (specify what ________ _________


Attitude to classes, features of activity. a) is appropriate for his age b) is not able to control his activities c) is restless, does not complete the task d) interferes with the teacher, the children e) gets tired quickly f) other__________________

Pace of activity. a) appropriate for his age b) sleepy and lethargic during the day c) the pace of work in classes is uneven d) works slowly with inattention e) the pace of activity is fast, but the activity is chaotic and stupid f) other___________

Somatic health. a) rarely gets sick b) often suffers from colds c) has chronic diseases d) poor appetite e) takes a long time to fall asleep and sleeps restlessly f) other_________________________________________________

Other features of child development:________________________________________________


General assessment of the child’s level of development and behavior, teacher suggestions.

Teacher _____________________________________________________________________

On topic:

Characteristics for ________________________________________________________________________________________________ (child's full name, date of birth) home address, telephone number: _____________________________.

Writing disorders in children most often arise as a result of general speech underdevelopment, when both the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical systems are affected.

The attached file contains a plan-algorithm for writing a complete, correct description of a child in order to refer him for examination for a primary medical examination.

Example of characteristics on PMPC

Characteristics of the child

Full name date of birth entered kindergarten "__" ____________20___, junior group of MKDOU No.___. Raised in full family, parents pay due attention to the child, upbringing full name. mother and grandmother are engaged. Parents made no complaints about the child's speech and behavior.

The adaptation period was painful; the child spent two months getting used to new environment. The difficult period of adaptation was aggravated by frequent illnesses; he misses 5-10 days due to illness every month.

Masters the training program with difficulties in all types of activities. Productive activities are especially difficult mathematical representations are formed slowly, the girl does not enter into general conversations, and remains silent during classes on speech development. IN educational activities Full name behaves calmly, but is often distracted by handout and does not perceive the task at hand and does not show interest in classes. Can engage in the same type of activity for a long time, and completes what he starts only with the help of a teacher. Slowly switches from one type of activity to another, you have to additionally focus on this. He reacts calmly to the teacher’s comments, sometimes he can become upset, become withdrawn, and refuse to complete a task or assignment.

The girl is sociable, sociable, tries not to get into conflicts with children, and in case of a quarrel she seeks protection from teachers. Game actions are mechanical in nature. Full name chooses games according to age, can organize her own activities, but prefers to play silently. Easy to connect role-playing games, the role is not completed. In collective games he takes the position of a follower.

Self-care skills are developed according to age. Sometimes he categorically refuses to eat (usually breakfast). The girl quickly falls asleep and sleeps peacefully. Full name He realizes that he doesn’t speak like other guys, so he speaks quietly, with caution. The girl gets upset and patiently repeats the phrase several times if she is not understood.

Full name kind, open, polite, non-conflict, calm child.




O.V. Burlakina, E.S. Kuzmina,

specialists of the Southern District Education Department

Department of Education of the City of Moscow

The main document from which the commission members receive important and essential information about the child is the psychological and pedagogical presentation. Depending on whether the child is a preschooler or a schoolboy, we suggest using one of two following forms representations.

Psychological and pedagogical presentation at the PMPK (for a preschool child)

Date of completion: _____________________ 20__

Last name, first name, patronymic of the child Date of birth "___"__________________

Establishment preschool education ___________ type ___________ group _____ type of group

Duration of stay in this preschool educational institution

At what age did you enter? Where did you enter from: from family, from another preschool educational institution (reason for transfer)

Assessment of the child’s adaptation in the group: a) good b) satisfactory c) insufficient d) bad e) other

Features of lateralization: a) right-handed 6) left-handed c) ambidexter

Features of gaming activity: a) games are age appropriate b) games are appropriate for an earlier age c) manipulative games predominate d) gaming activity is absent e) other

The main difficulties noted in training: a) masters the program well b) masters the program satisfactorily c) masters the program with difficulty d) does not master the program e) other

Perception: a) corresponds to age b) there are disturbances in visual perception c) there are disturbances in auditory perception d) complex disturbances in perception e) other

Attention: a) stable b) not stable enough c) unstable

Memory (predominant modality): a) visual b) auditory c) motor d) mixed

Memory features (problems): a) without pronounced features b) remembers slowly and quickly forgets c) remembers quickly and quickly forgets d) other problems

Thinking: a) appropriate for age b) not smart enough c) has obvious thinking disorders (specify which ones) _____________ d) other

Motor skills: a) appropriate for age b) the child is awkward, awkward c) poorly developed fine motor skills d) other

The main difficulties in communication: a) no difficulties b) does not know how to maintain a game c) prefers to be alone d) cries, does not make contact with adults, children e) conflict-ridden f) other

Speech development: a) speech is age appropriate b) slurred speech, difficulties in pronouncing sounds c) poor vocabulary d) speech is grammatically incorrect e) hesitations in speech f) no speech g) other

Social and everyday skills: a) appropriate for age b) insufficiently formed c) practically not formed d) other

Orientation in space and time: a) appropriate for age b) insufficiently formed c) there are impairments (specify what ________) d) other

Attitude to classes, characteristics of activity: a) appropriate for age b) unable to control one’s activities c) restless, does not complete the task d) interferes with the teacher and children e) gets tired quickly f) other

Pace of activity: a) appropriate for age b) drowsy and lethargic during the day c) pace of work in classes is uneven d) works slowly with inattention e) pace of activity is fast, but the activity is “chaotic and stupid” f) other

Somatic health: a) rarely gets sick b) often gets colds c) has chronic diseases d) poor appetite e) takes a long time to fall asleep and sleeps restlessly f) other

Other features of child development:

General assessment of the child’s development and behavior, teacher suggestions:

Head of preschool educational institution

Psychological and pedagogical presentation at PMPC

(for a school-age child)

Date of completion: __________________ 20__

Last name, first name, patronymic of the child

Date of birth "__" __________________________

Educational institution

Class (group) ____, _______ (general education, KRO, compensatory)

Story preschool development: a) attended (did not attend) a preschool educational institution (if attended, then which one: regular type, speech therapy, correctional group, Preschool educational institution correctional type) _______ b) other Entered _____ grade in _______ month _______ year. Was retained for a repeat year of study (yes, no, in which classes)

Home address

General impression of the child:

Characteristics of general awareness and social orientation (information about yourself, your family, immediate social environment, level of current development)

Characteristics of features psychophysical development: (performance, development of gross and fine motor skills, visuospatial orientation, visual and auditory perception, features of attention, memory)

Degree of development of study skills

General assessment of the state of educational skills (compliance of knowledge, skills and abilities with the requirements of the program)

Mathematics (oral arithmetic, nature of difficulties in solving examples, problems, geometric constructions)

Reading (type, pace, awareness, typical errors in reading)

Writing (graphics features, neatness, consistency of handwriting, features of work design)

The nature of errors in written speech (when copying, when writing from dictation, in creative works)

Features of oral speech (clarity of pronunciation of sounds, pace, smoothness, vocabulary, grammatical and intonation)

Labor skills (self-service work)

Individual characteristics of learning (how quickly one learns new concepts, methods of action with minimal help from a teacher, classmates, etc.)

Emotional and behavioral characteristics (problems in communication, relationships with parents, students, teachers)

Signature class teacher"___" ______________ G.

Head teacher

Published in the magazine "Practice" administrative work at school", 2005, No. 2

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for a pupil of preschool educational institution No. ____


group number __________

Typological features:
1. Active, mobile, sluggish, inert, slow. Excitable, unbalanced, calm, balanced, inhibited, whiny_________________________________
2. Speed ​​of reaction to verbal stimuli, switchability.

3. The predominant mood is cheerful, depressed, without any particular shade. Do you experience sudden mood swings throughout the day? __________________________________________
4. Does he persist in the face of difficulties or retreat before them? Does he ask for help and use it?__________________________________________
Characteristic features:
1. Sociability, isolation. Easily makes contact, correctly perceives the situation, understands its meaning, behaves adequately, contact and communication are difficult, understanding and responding to the situation is not always or not entirely adequate, does not make contact well, has difficulty communicating and understanding the situation.
2. Attitude towards comrades - friendliness, negativism, kindness, rudeness, etc.
3. Attitude towards leadership - the desire for primacy, whether others recognize the leader. Does he show organizational skills and initiative?
4. Attitude towards adults. Attitude towards instructions, rewards, reprimands________________
5. What types of activities does he prefer?________________________________________________
6. Activity of verbal communication – corresponds to age, increased, decreased, isolation, negative attitude towards verbal communication is noted.
7. Behavior is organized, sometimes does not regulate one’s behavior, constant external control is required.
Psychological characteristics:
1. Auditory memorization, visual memorization, tactile memorization. Remembers quickly or slowly, with difficulty, transition to long-term memory, the amount of RAM is sufficient, limited, low.
2. Stability of attention - capable of long-term concentration or easily distracted. Nature of distraction – distracted by stimuli, in the absence of external stimuli.
3. Switching of attention – easy, fast, slow, difficult.
4. Distribution of attention – sufficient, difficult.
5. General level of attention development – ​​appropriate for age, low, not formed.
Level of development of mental activity:
1. The ability to compare, classify, generalize, the ability to identify an essential feature of objects and phenomena.__________________________________________________________________
2. the ability to use techniques for memorization - indirection, grouping, associations.
Development of sensory functions:
1. The state of the analyzers, the presence of generalizing ideas about shape, size, color, the concept of relativity - corresponds to age, is not formed, is impaired.

Development of imagination:
1. Brightness, liveliness, richness of imagination, ability to operate with images, in what types of activities it manifests itself (music, artistic activities, mathematics, physical education, speech, design, etc.) - appropriate for age, excessively, weakness of imagination processes.
Verbal part:
1. Understanding stories, the ability to answer questions based on the text___________________________ 2. Retelling._________________________________________________________________________.
3. Plot storytelling _________________________________________________________________ 4. Ability to work in dialogue mode.__________________________________________________________
5. Speech activity – adequate to the situation and age, excessive, difficulties initiating a speech utterance, emotional inadequacy, problems with expanded speech, difficulties in sound pronunciation, stuttering, etc._____________________________________________
Performance in classes:
1. The attitude is active, interested, indifferent.
2. Concentrated or often distracted during class.
3. Quickly or slowly starts working.
4. The pace of work is fast, medium, slow. The reasons for the slow pace of work are thinking, careful execution, decreased mental activity - lethargy, lethargy, distractibility, etc.
5. Fatigue manifests itself in a slowdown in pace, deterioration in quality, or complete cessation of work.
6. Subjective and objective signs of fatigue - complaints of fatigue, headache, lethargy, drowsiness, distractibility, etc.
7. Decline in performance in the middle of the lesson, at the end of the lesson.
8. Ability to follow instructions, ability to retain instructions for duration
Randomness of activity:
1. Maintains the goal of the activity, outlines its plan, selects adequate means, checks the result, and brings the work started to completion.
2. In the process of activity, he is often distracted, overcomes difficulties only with psychological support, and needs frequent encouragement.
3. The activity is chaotic, ill-conceived, individual conditions of the task are lost, the result is not checked, the activity is interrupted due to difficulties, help is ineffective.

Somatic health: a) rarely gets sick; b) often suffers from colds; c) has chronic diseases; d) poor appetite; e) takes a long time to fall asleep and sleeps restlessly; f) other________________________________________________________________________________

General assessment of the child’s level of development and behavior:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Group teacher ________________________________________________________________

Psychological and pedagogical presentation at PMPC

(for a preschool child)

MDOU No. ______

Group No. ______

Date completed _____________________ 20__

Last name, first name, patronymic of the child _________________________________________________________________________

Date of birth "___"_________________

Duration of stay in this preschool educational institution_______________________________________

At what age did you enter?____________________________________________

Where did it come from: from family, from another preschool educational institution (reason for transfer)

Assessment of a child’s adaptation in a group: a) good; b) satisfactory; c) insufficient; d) bad; e) other_____________________________________________

Features of lateralization: a) right-handed; 6) left-handed

Features of gaming activities: a) games are age appropriate; b) games are appropriate for an earlier age; c) manipulative games predominate; d) there is no gaming activity; e) other_______________________________________________

Main difficulties noted in training: a) masters the program well; b) masters the program satisfactorily; c) has difficulty mastering the program; d) does not master the program; e) other_______________________________________________

Perception : a) appropriate for age; b) there are visual impairments; c) there are impairments in auditory perception; d) complex perception disorders; e) other__________________________________________________________

Attention : a) sustainable; b) not stable enough; c) unstable

Memory (predominant modality): a) visual; b) auditory; c) motor; d) mixed

Memory Features(problems): a) without pronounced features; b) remembers slowly and forgets quickly; c) quickly remembers and quickly forgets; d) other problems_______________________________________________________________

Thinking : a) appropriate for age; b) not smart enough; c) has obvious thinking disorders (specify which ones) ________________________________

d) other__________________________________________________________________________

Motor skills: a) appropriate for age; b) the child is awkward, clumsy; c) poorly developed fine motor skills; d) other_______________________________________________________________

Main difficulties in communication: a) there are no difficulties; b) does not know how to support the game; c) prefers to be alone; d) cries, does not make contact with adults, children e) is conflictual; f)other________________________________________________

Speech development: a) speech is age appropriate; b) speech is slurred; there are difficulties in pronouncing sounds; c) poor vocabulary; d) the speech is grammatically incorrect; e) hesitations in speech; f) there is no speech; g) other_______________________________________


Social skills: a) appropriate for age; b) insufficiently formed; c) practically not formed; d) other__________________________

Orientation in space and time: a) appropriate for age; b) insufficiently formed; c) there are violations (specify what ________ _________


Attitude to activities, features of activity: a) appropriate for age; b) is unable to control his activities; c) restless, does not complete the task; d) interferes with the teacher and children; e) gets tired quickly; f) other_________________

Pace of activity: a) appropriate for age; b) drowsy and lethargic during the day; c) the pace of work in classes is uneven; d) works slowly and inattentively; e) the pace of activity is fast, but the activity is “chaotic and stupid”; f) other___________

Somatic health: a) rarely gets sick; b) often suffers from colds; c) has chronic diseases; d) poor appetite; e) takes a long time to fall asleep and sleeps restlessly; f) other__________________________________________________________

Other features of child development:_______________________________________


General assessment of the child’s level of development and behavior, teacher suggestions:

Teacher _____________________________________________________________________

Drawing up characteristics for preschool pupils.

Drawing up characteristics for students is an integral part of the work preschool teacher. The need to write arises when a child is enrolled in a speech therapy group or a speech center, at the request of specialists or doctors, and in other cases. This is an important and responsible matter. After all, the characteristics must be comprehensive and objective. Its purpose is to reveal those features of the child that are not always evident during examination by PMPC members or doctors. The examination of specialists is limited in time; an unusual environment can distort the child’s actual knowledge and skills. Developed by specialists sample diagrams characteristics of the child. As a rule, it should reflect:

1. General information about the child.

2. Physical development.

3. Interaction with the team.

4. Educational activities.

5. Labor activity.

6. Characteristics of cognitive activity.

7. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere.

8. General and special abilities.

9. Temperament.

10. Character.

11. Psychological and pedagogical conclusions.

When writing a characteristic for a preschooler, it is very important to rely on the educational program and draw conclusions according to the child’s fulfillment of the goals and objectives of this program. And another very important addition. Behind all this, this particular child must be visible, you need to choose such words that characterize the personality so that, without knowing the last name, another teacher can tell who it is about.

In accordance with my profession, in my practice I often encountered complex children; their characteristics should have helped in deciding the future place of the child’s upbringing and education, in tracking the dynamics of development or clarifying the diagnosis. Knowing how many difficulties teachers experience in this work, I offer several examples of characteristics. I will be glad if they are useful to you.

Psychological and speech therapy characteristics of the pupil

The boy has a proportional build and good appearance. Eye contact accessible, but already during the initial examination showed characterological traits. When the pyramid was presented to him, he scattered the rings and tore off the stick. Switching him to another type of activity caused aggression.

Egor attended kindergarten from the age of 2. But I never got used to the kindergarten regime, the group teachers and the children. The child came to the group crying and after a while became distracted. But the organization of his activities in accordance with the regime moments caused violent aggression. The kid took the children's toys, lay down on them, and pushed away everyone who wanted to get closer. He actively resists - he bites, screams, tries to hit him in the face, be it an adult or a child. Favorite activity is running in circles with a car, or jumping with tall objects.

Individual work with a baby is currently only possible with food stimulation (nuts). The duration of classes is very unstable. This can be 30 minutes (computer, and sometimes a complete refusal of activity with tears and aggression. Lotto “Paired pictures” is laid out, a picture is found by word. The child’s knowledge of color and shape is at the level of comparison. Using the “hand in hand” method it is possible coloring pictures, cutting out simple shapes.

Knowledge about the environment is limited. The child’s mother was actively involved in the process of educating her son, expanding his vocabulary and knowledge about the environment, but the boy’s performance was extremely low and had an unstable episodic nature. Attention is distracted, concentration is low. The results are still insignificant.

The child’s active vocabulary consists of some onomatopoeias and vocalizations that even the child’s mother cannot relate to a specific object.

As a rule, a boy, when trying to get adults to communicate, remains silent, clenching his teeth tightly. Onomatopoeia appears in moments of emotional revival.

Self-service skills have not been developed. The child does not try to dress himself, but at the first opportunity he takes off his shoes and clothes.

Contact with the child is difficult.

Teacher's signature

Psychological and speech therapy

Psychological and speech therapy

Psychological and speech therapy


Child from 1st pregnancy, first birth. The pregnancy proceeded with toxicosis and threat of termination at 22 weeks. Mom suffered a herpetic infection (static treatment, pyelonephritis. Delivery at term, Apgar score 8/8 points. The severity of the condition in the maternity hospital was due to tonic convulsions at 3 d/g, prolonged apnea, hypotension, hyporeflexia. Was treated in the pathology department newborns within a month. psychomotor development within age limits. Speech development (according to mother): humming and babbling in accordance with age. In the period from 9 months. up to 1 year 9 months I had seizures three times after vaccinations. The first words appeared at the age of one year, then speech development was interrupted. At the age of 3.5 years active dictionary 10 babbling words. Short phrase from 4 years old. Initially consulted by a speech therapist at 2 years old (D-z: ZRR). We started studying with a speech pathologist at the age of 4.

Ignat is a friendly, pleasant-looking boy who is often distrustful and fearful in unfamiliar surroundings.

Does not immediately come into contact with children and adults. In relationships with children he is passive, always in secondary roles or in an observing position.

In the game he acts more often by imitation.

Favorite entertainment is cartoons and computer games. At the same time, the boy falls into extreme excitement; twitching facial muscles and the blinking of the eyelids intensifies. Emotional excitement It is removed only after a few hours.

Child's speech understanding household level. Cannot always follow two-step instructions. Repeated repetition with demonstration of action is necessary.

The active vocabulary has expanded somewhat due to everyday subject and verbal vocabulary. It became possible to use pronouns, conjunctions and sometimes simple prepositions. In Ignat’s independent statements there are simple unexpanded proposals. At the same time, gross errors in use are noted grammatical structures, there is no agreement between adjectives and nouns, confusion is noted case forms. The passive vocabulary is limited, the subject and verbal vocabulary associated with the work activities of adults, the flora and fauna has not been formed.

The boy learned primary colors, shading at the level of comparison.

There are gross violations of the syllable structure and sound content of words. Ignat shows insufficiency in the phonetic aspect of speech ( large number unformed sounds).

On individual lessons The boy is not diligent enough, his attention is unstable and distracted. Observed quick loss interest, accompanied by twitching of the facial muscles.

On frontal exercises very dependent on the behavior of other children.

Since he mainly acts by imitation.

Articulatory motor skills underdeveloped. Experiences difficulties in adopting and maintaining an articulatory posture, switching from one exercise to another; increased solitation is observed.

Speech is unclear, blurred, and not always understandable to others.

Involuntary attention formed, but the volume of visual and auditory attention is reduced.

Volume voluntary attention also significantly reduced, there is a violation of distribution and switchability. Resistance is insufficiently developed and is characterized by rapid exhaustion.

It is not enough to differentiate between the right and left sides.

All types of memory are significantly reduced. He has difficulty remembering small quatrains. Visual-figurative thinking at an average level. The boy shows no interest in laying out plot pictures or cubes on his own. Constructs from matches according to a model with the help of a teacher. Based on the model, with the help of the teacher, he lays out large puzzles of 6 parts.

Doesn’t generalize in words, excludes, often finding it difficult to explain the choice.

Ignat has mastered quantitative counting up to 10. Does not operate in reverse. Does not perform counting operations.

Fine motor skills are not sufficiently developed, he holds the pencil uncertainly, the pressure is weak, and he performs the task inaccurately.

The specification is given for presentation at the place of request.

Teacher's signature

Psychological and speech therapy

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child of senior preschool age sent to primary medical education.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a preschool child sent to primary medical education.

Full name Born. G.

The child attends the senior speech therapy group of MBDOU No.....

Family composition: full family, mother - full name, education - higher, length of work - ... ., position - ... .; eldest child – son: Full name, …. born, student ... class MBOU secondary secondary school No.... city...

The family is socially prosperous, the moral situation is satisfactory. Style family education– democratic (built on relationships of trust and consent, where the interests of the child are taken into account). For successful development baby created favorable conditions for games and activities.

The boy experiences slight difficulties in speech development (pronunciation of some sounds - pronounces all sounds correctly in isolation). Difficulties are temporary. The child has the following levels of development:

Artistically – aesthetic development (intermediate level)

formed: - skill and interest in listening works of art(reads poetry expressively, participates in dramatizations); - visual skills, the ability to convey images of the surrounding reality in a drawing based on one’s own observations; - insufficiently developed: skills in working with scissors; - does not always move rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music.

Physical development ( high level) – corresponds to the age norm. Egor participates in games - competitions and games - relay races.

Cognitive - speech development (intermediate level)

The child has sufficient supply vocabulary images, uses synonyms and antonyms in speech, and masters forms of inflection. The boy makes up well simple sentences and distributes them homogeneous members. Rate of speech: moderate, speech – intonation and expressiveness. The sounds are formed, but the pronunciation is playful and free speech activity not yet secured. Egor is familiar with letters and has developed the skill of reading syllables with completed letters; knows how to compare and classify objects according to different criteria; skills have been developed about the time of year, changing parts of the day, the order of the days of the week, etc.

Socially – personal development(high level)

The preschooler has well-developed communication skills, emotional responsiveness, and imitation. He is well acquainted with the rules of behavior, forms of communication, is responsive, able to sympathize and care for others. He is happy to carry out work assignments, knows how to get things done, and has self-service skills.

The boy demonstrates the following skills in productive activities: - owns in different ways modeling (can sculpt animals, birds, various items) ; - creates compositions using appliqué technique; - can draw different materials by representation and from nature. It is not always possible to depict objects and phenomena in motion, symmetrical cutting.

The reaction to failures is adequate: makes efforts to overcome difficulties. When working with a child, educators and speech therapists use individual, differentiated approach, as well as working with parents to overcome speech difficulties in the child’s development.

Egor knows how to manage his behavior, willingly responds to demands and comments; can ask for help, navigates the environment. The nature of the activity is stable, works with interest.

State cognitive processes:

Perception is age appropriate. Visual and auditory perception is not impaired; is oriented in the perception of spatial relationships; a complete image of the object is formed - he assembles cut-out pictures independently; is well oriented in time concepts.

Memory predominates: visual, auditory, motor. Voluntary and involuntary memorization is well developed.

Verbal and logical thinking is formed and corresponds to age. Visually - effective thinking correlates with the visually figurative.

The cognitive imagination is formed, the child builds an image by supplementing actions with various details. Creative imagination manifests itself in role-playing games. The attention is steady.

Speech development: vocabulary corresponds to the norm, grammatical structure speech is formed, coherent speech is logical and consistent, phonemic awareness, sound and syllabic analysis correspond to the norm; sound pronunciation is formed, but not fixed.

The boy is calm, balanced, non-conflict, active, independent, kind, affectionate, neat and thrifty; timidity manifests itself in unfamiliar surroundings. Relationships with peers and adults are friendly, communication is easy and quick.

learning ability, program material and the child’s interest in acquiring knowledge at a high and average level. Psychological and pedagogical indicators correspond to age.

Manager ___

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