How to do a morphological analysis of everything. What is morphological analysis of a word: an example on all parts of speech

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Social essence a person is determined by his need for

A job that allows you to not have to live from paycheck to paycheck, and that gives you the opportunity to save money, is also a means of ensuring security in its own way. Man Biological and social in man, personality, human activity and its basic forms, interpersonal relationships, communication, interpersonal. The role of the market as a regulator economic relations assessed differently. The social essence of man is determined by his need for. According to philosophers, man is distinguished above the animal world and nature by the presence of a soul - his individual spirit. Vitaly is preparing for the exam and reading a textbook, reference books, solves problems. What distinguishes art from other forms of culture? Which of the following terms is used primarily when describing political sphere life of society? Cause this phenomenon associated with 1 crisis of family and family values ​​2 slowdown in the pace of social development 3 extension of education and vocational training 4 growth in dependency sentiment in youth environment Are the following statements about the functions of the family true? The state in market conditions is the main owner of factors of production. Critics of the market, in particular, draw attention to the fact that there are areas of life where market regulation is inappropriate and does not achieve the desired goals public transport, defense, etc. Religion establishes certain rules behavior.

This marked the beginning of the liquidation of the market economy in the country. He is involved in an aircraft modeling club and music school in guitar class. Socialization institutions are also divided into primary and secondary.

Like wolves, they walked on four legs. Find and write down the number of the term that falls out of this series. The means of this activity are: 1 Ivan 2 task 3 calculator 4 mathematics 7. Man, unlike representatives of the animal world, needs public recognition. Biological entity a person is determined by his need for 1 self-realization2 food3 creativity4 communication Explanation. It was proposed to name the 2-3 most prestigious professions and the same number of the most profitable professions. The reproductive biological reproduction function of the family retains its importance in societies of any type.

The social essence of man is determined by his need for

Part 2 consists of 5 short answer questions. A person may realize their importance, but not find ways to implement them. Religion ascribes divine origin to man, science speaks of the origin of man from the animal world. Minor citizens can work in the field of art advertising from early childhood.

For example, there is a desire to become successful in a certain business or profession. What word is missing in the diagram? Verified answers contain information that is trustworthy.

5 marks


06.06.2014, 16:19

1. The social essence of a person determines his need for
1) suitable housing
2) self-knowledge
3) physical activity
4) self-preservation

2. Are the following judgments about the manifestation of the individual and social in a person true?
A. Individual and social in man are the result of biological evolution.
B. Individual and social development people are not related to each other in any way.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

3. One of the features that distinguishes play from work is
1) action based on rules
2) the presence of an imaginary setting
3) implementation by a team of people
4) pursuit of the goal

4. Cognition as opposed to communication
1) is a manifestation of human activity
2) allows the use of speech ( verbal forms)
3) promotes personal development
4) can be customized

5. Types of activity characteristic only for humans include
1) catering
2) education of offspring
3) changing the conditions of one’s existence
4) collective interaction

6. Popular writer working on a new detective story. What type of activity does this example illustrate?
1) inventive
2) economic
3) spiritual
4) social

7. Carrying out reforms related to the expansion of state influence on business is an activity
1) prognostic
2) socially transformative
3) educational
4) value-orientation

8. A form of human activity aimed at transforming the surrounding reality is
1) need
2) motive
3) goal setting
4) activity

9. Human activity from behavioral reactions animal is distinguished
1) creation ideal image expected result
2) use of objects given by nature
3) appropriate activity
4) search for means to satisfy needs

10. Construction of comfortable and safe housing is an example of activity
1) material and production
2) prognostic
3) value-oriented
4) socially transformative

Morphological analysis may cause difficulties if you do not know the signs of parts of speech. Parts of speech are analyzed according to plan: the initial form of the word is determined, constant and unstable characteristics are considered point by point. Let's look at how to do morphological analysis for independent and service units speech.

How to do morphological analysis – noun

  • Beginning form – Im.p., units. for nouns.
  • We define the post. signs (proper or common noun, animate or inanimate, gender, declension).
  • Then non-fasting. signs (number, case).
  • We determine what syntactic role the word plays in the sentence.

How to do morphological analysis - adjective

  • We put it at the beginning. form I.p., units, m.r.

According to a constant criterion, adjectives are divided into qualitative, relative and possessive.

  • We determine whether our word belongs to one of the groups.

We find a non-post. signs:

  • Degree of comparison.
  • Long or short form.
  • Case (only for long form).
  • Number.
  • Genus (only for singular).

We emphasize which part of the sentence our word is.

How to do morphological analysis - verb

  • We put the verb in such a form that it answers the question “What to do?” or “What should I do?” This initial form is also called the infinitive.
  • Fast. The characteristics of a verb are: aspect, conjugation, reflexivity, transitivity.
  • Non-post. signs: mood, tense, number, face.
  • We determine which member of the sentence is the verb.

How to do morphological analysis - other parts of speech

Morphological analysis of other parts of speech follows the same plan: first we put our word in initial form, then set the post. and non-fasting signs and finally determine the syntactic role. You need to know what characteristics certain parts of speech have:

  • Numeral. The initial form of the numeral is Im.p. or Im.p., singular, m.r.. To post. The characteristics include: rank by structure, rank by meaning. Non-constant: case, number (only for cardinal and ordinal numbers), gender (only in singular). It should be noted that the syntactic role of a numeral in a sentence is determined together with the noun to which it refers.
  • Pronoun. The initial form of a pronoun is determined depending on its category - I.p., singular, m.r (if any). To post. The characteristics of a pronoun include: rank and person (only for personal ones). To non-constant: case, gender (if any), number (if any).
  • Adverb. The adverb has such post. signs such as immutability and rank by value. Some adverbs exhibit an inconsistent feature - the degree of comparison, this also needs to be indicated.
  • Communion. Head.f. – I.p., singular, m.r.. Constant participles can be active or passive, perfect or imperfect form, returnable or non-refundable, and also have time. Non-post. signs are form (full or short), case (only for full form), number, gender (only for singular).
  • Participle. The gerund has the following post. signs: immutability, appearance and recurrence.

Morphological analysis of auxiliary parts of speech follows the same pattern. Function words also have constant and inconstant characteristics, but are not members of the sentence.

Learn more about how to do morphological analysis using a noun as an example:

Quite often in verification work in the Russian language it is required to perform a morphological analysis of the noun. This article will help you find out what it is and how it is performed. In addition, at the end you will find examples of morphological analysis various forms words

What is morphological analysis of a noun?

Morphological analysis of a noun- this is complete grammatical characteristic noun word forms. During morphological analysis, constant and variable features of a noun are determined, as well as its semantic role in a phrase or in a sentence.

How to parse a noun as a part of speech?

Parsing a noun as a part of speech is carried out in the following sequence:

  • 1. Part of speech, to which the word form refers, and the question.
  • 2. Initial form, morphological characteristics:
    • 2.1. Permanent(animate or inanimate, proper or common noun, gender, declension, number (for nouns that are used only in the singular or only in plural));
    • 2.2. Fickle(number, case).
  • 3. Syntactic role(what role the noun plays in a phrase or sentence).

Examples of morphological analysis of nouns

For an example of morphological analysis of nouns, consider the analysis of word forms in a sentence:

« Andrey drank coffee made of porcelain cups».


TOP 2 articleswho are reading along with this

  • 1. Andrey – noun (who?).
  • 2. Initial form - Andrey;
  • 3. Subject.


  • 1. Coffee is a noun (what?).
  • 2. Initial form – coffee;
    • 2.1. Constant signs: inanimate, common noun, m.r., indeclinable noun, singular;
    • 2.2. Variable signs: V. p.
  • 3. Addition.

From a cup

  • 1. Cups – noun (from what?).
  • 2. The initial shape is a cup;
    • 2.1. Constant signs: inanimate, common noun, w. r., 1st declination;
    • 2.2. Non-permanent signs: R. p., singular.
  • 3. Circumstance.

At school it is imperative to be able to do morphological analysis of a word, because this type parsing is mandatory in curriculum. At the end of each morphology section, it is proposed to learn how to perform morphological analysis of a specific part of speech. In this way, the material is better remembered and assimilated, and students master practical linguistic skills. Reviewing helps you learn everything faster grammatical categories, it is easy to distinguish them in practice by analyzing specific words from the context.

When studying at philological faculties Also great attention is given to morphological analysis. It acts as a consolidating and controlling method. At universities, linguists study expanded grammatical categories and study in more detail linguistic originality each part of speech, so the morphological analysis there is much more complex and detailed.

Requirements for language analysis differ markedly, so it is necessary to carefully study guidelines specific educational institution. IN modern linguistics scientists have different views into individual grammatical categories: it is advisable not only to know the scheme morphological analysis offered at the university, but also the position of linguists working in it. All this will be told on preparatory classes, detailed manuals for applicants are often issued. At school, requirements depend on software package, according to which learning takes place.

Basic requirements for performing morphological analysis
Despite the existing discrepancies in the field of morphological analysis different parts speeches exist general requirements. First of all, it is necessary to adhere to a clear algorithm when parsing a word. Need to know general categorical values all parts of speech. It is important to take into account the contextual meaning of the word so as not to confuse it with other similar linguistic units. Sometimes there are cases when students are inattentive to the meaning of a text fragment and confuse words that are homographs. As a result, they incorrectly determine the initial form and parse another linguistic unit. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the changeable and unchangeable categories of each part of speech, so as not to mix them up, and not to forget to indicate the necessary data. The following recommendations will help you correctly make a morphological analysis of a word:

  • it is important to accurately define the word, its semantic load in the text, to find out what part of speech it is;
  • you must be careful about the initial form - it must be indicated correctly;
  • you need to analyze the word in strict accordance with the given algorithm;
  • first write unchangeable categories, and then changeable ones;
  • in the majority school programs And methodological manuals It is recommended not to simply list categories, but to write variable categories after a formal indication: “the word (...) is used in the form (...)”;
  • observed when specifying categories a certain order, for example, for nouns the number is indicated first, and then the case;
  • you should not try to necessarily find in a word all the categories inherent in a given part of speech, since some categories in the analyzed linguistic unit may not be;
  • it is required to determine the syntactic function of a word in a sentence, this is written in the last paragraph of analysis, but it is advisable to pay attention to the syntactic role right away - this sometimes helps to find out exactly what part of speech the word is.
By observing the general requirements, morphological analysis is much easier to perform. Deviations from the rules often lead to errors in the analysis, since even a violation of the order of analysis introduces confusion into the process.

Algorithm for morphological word parsing

  1. The word form of the analyzed word is written - it must be indicated exactly as it is used in the context, without changes.
  2. The initial form of the word is determined. For each part of speech, the rules for bringing a word into its initial form and its characteristics are individual:
    • noun - nominative, singular;
    • adjective – nominative case, singular, masculine;
    • ordinal number – nominative case, singular, masculine;
    • quantitative, fractional or collective numeral – nominative case;
    • pronoun – nominative case, singular, masculine (if any);
    • adverb – part of speech does not change;
    • verb - indefinite form(answers the questions “what to do?”, “what to do?”);
    • participle – nominative case, masculine, singular;
    • gerund - the part of speech does not change.
  3. The general is indicated grammatical meaning words as parts of speech:
    • noun – subject;
    • adjective – a sign of an object;
    • ordinal number – a sign of an object and quantity;
    • collective, fractional, cardinal numeral – quantity;
    • pronoun - an indication of the subject;
    • adverb – sign of action, sign of attribute;
    • verb – action;
    • participle – a sign of an object by action;
    • adverbial participle is an additional action.
  4. Define all immutable grammatical categories. They also depend on the part of speech:
    • noun: proper or common noun, animate / inanimate, gender, declension;
    • adjective: category (divided into qualitative, relative, possessive), degree of comparison (only for qualitative, there is not always a category), short or full form(only for quality);
    • numeral: simple, complex or compound; category (ordinal, collective, fractional, quantitative);
    • pronoun: group in relation to parts of speech (for example, pronoun-noun), category by meaning, person (only for personal ones);
    • adverb: rank in meaning (for example, adverb of time or adverb of manner), degree of comparison (if any);
    • verb: reflexivity, transitivity, aspect (perfect or imperfect), conjugation (I and II);
    • participle: voice (passive or active), form (full or short), tense, type, reflexivity;
    • participle: aspect, reflexivity.
  5. At this stage, you need to correctly indicate in what form the word is used in the context. Often students confuse the initial form and the word form, begin to analyze the changing categories and continue to look at the initial form. It is important to teach schoolchildren: changeable categories are determined only by the word form indicated in the first paragraph of analysis. Changeable categories:
    • noun: number, case;
    • adjective, numeral, pronoun, participle: case, number, gender (if any);
    • adverb, gerund: unchangeable parts of speech;
    • verb: mood, tense (for the indicative mood), number, person, gender (if any).
  6. The final point of the morphological analysis of a word is the determination of the syntactic role of the word in a sentence. You need to carefully consider the sentence, because sometimes words perform functions that are unusual for themselves. In this case, it is possible to determine which syntactic roles most typical for specific parts of speech:
    • a noun is most often a subject and an object;
    • an adjective is usually a modifier or a predicate;
    • Numerals can be any members of a sentence, ordinal numbers are most often agreed upon definitions;
    • pronouns can be any part of a sentence, it usually depends on which part of speech they are related to;
    • adverbs are more often adverbial adverbs, but are capable of fulfilling any syntactic role;
    • standard syntactic function verb - predicate;
    • the participle more often becomes a definition;
    • The participle usually plays the role of circumstance.
If you follow exactly this algorithm, take into account individual requirements for morphological analysis in a specific educational institution, analyzing words is much more convenient. Violation of the parsing order may be counted as an error.

Some nuances of morphological analysis
When performing a morphological analysis of a word, it is important to remember that the word does not always have standard set familiar categories. Often diligent students waste a lot of time trying to find a specific category. In fact, a given linguistic unit may not have it. There are also difficulties in determining individual categories. You can note the main difficulties and subtleties of analysis that should be remembered.

Collective nouns are inanimate (students, youth). If nouns are used only in the plural, they have no gender (sleigh, scissors). There is a concept of a general kind (clever girl, protégé). Collective, abstract, some material nouns and proper names have only the singular form. Some real, abstract, game names, proper names can only be used in the plural form.

It must be remembered that adjectives can move from one category to another, changing their meanings depending on the context. For example: gold ring- made of gold, relative adjective; heart of gold - figurative meaning(kind), qualitative adjective. Thus, when defining categories, it is necessary to be careful lexical meaning words, its semantic connotation.

In linguistics it is generally accepted that only qualitative adjectives, but in the complex of Babaytseva and Chesnokova to short form also applies to the nominative case possessive adjectives with the suffix –и-.

Pronouns in no way, where, otherwise, which do not change, are sometimes classified as adverbs. Form of relative and interrogative pronouns match, only interrogatives have interrogative function. We need to differentiate simple shapes comparative degree adjectives and adverbs, taking into account the context. For example: a cheetah is faster than a cat (faster, adjective), a cheetah runs faster than a cat (faster, adverb). Words of the state category are now usually separated from adverbs, although in some places they are still combined. But in universities they are always studied separately, their differences from adverbs are indicated.

The transitivity of verbs is not studied in the Babaytseva and Chesnokova complex, but in specialized universities know this category necessary. Only in indicative mood There is a category of verb tenses. The participle has two forms of tense - past and present. Only passive participles may be brief.

Considering and remembering all the subtleties of individual morphological categories, you can quickly and accurately make a morphological analysis of a word.

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