Teaching a child using the Zankov system. Conceptual provisions of the L.V system

What training systems exist?

Currently, in the Russian Federation three school education systems are recognized as state: traditional, L.V. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina-V.V. Davydova. The traditional education system has existed for almost 400 years. It was developed by the largest Czech scientist and teacher Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670). He first substantiated the idea of ​​universal education native language, created a coherent system of universal education, developed a classroom-lesson form of education. The system contributed to the development in schoolchildren of those qualities that were necessary for a decent life in conditions craft production and the appearance of the first steam engines: complete obedience, the ability to repeat the actions of the teacher (master). Throughout his life, a person could do the same thing, performing it using the same methods.

Generations of Russians who grew up in the twentieth century were faced with virtually the same requirements; they also had the opportunity to engage in one profession throughout their lives, in which little changed. However, it was in the 20th century that global changes took place in science and social life, the flow of information increased sharply, and people began to live at fundamentally different speeds. All this led to the need to significantly reconsider the tasks and methods of teaching schoolchildren, and the Comenius system, successfully used for several centuries, can no longer meet the requirements of the 20-30s of the third millennium, when your child will look for his place in adulthood .

What are the ideas of the L.V. system? Zankova?

Currently, people with a high communicative culture, a broad outlook, and the ability to independently make decisions in a new situation can become successful. After all, modern man is constantly faced with a choice. For example, now you choose a school, a teacher, an education system. Your child will have to choose a profession, friends, place of recreation, residence, etc. In his work life, your child (like you now, if you want to be competitive) must see options for fulfilling his duties and choose the most productive ones. And it is unlikely that he will be able to limit himself to one profession in life, and if he does, he will have to constantly improve, mastering new techniques.

In order to make the choice most acceptable to him, in order to quickly change if necessary, you need to have the ability to analyze, compare, establish connections, and draw conclusions. A special role for the acquisition of these qualities is given to the educational start. It is at the start that the child must learn the basic methods of communication, not be afraid of problematic situations, gain experience in solving them, develop curiosity and the need for knowledge.

The conditions for the development of the qualities necessary for modern man are created by a system developed by your compatriot, the greatest specialist in the field of psychology and pedagogy, Academician Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov (1901-1977).

He called the goal of teaching schoolchildren the achievement of optimal overall development of each student on the basis of mastering subject knowledge, skills and abilities. By general development, he understood the holistic development of the child - his mind, will, feelings, morality while maintaining health, and he attached equal importance to each of these components. Training according to the L.V. system Zankova in no way rejects or belittles the importance of acquiring the factual knowledge necessary for everyone educated person; it only sets priorities somewhat differently, highlighting the acquisition of solid knowledge and skills through the child’s advancement in overall development. A long-term mass experiment showed a direct dependence of the quality of education and the success of a child in life on the dynamics of his progress in general development.

An important feature of the L.V. system Zankov is that the learning process is conceived as the development of the child’s personality, that is, learning should be focused not so much on the entire class as a single whole, but on each specific student. In other words, training should be personally oriented and developmental. In this case, the goal is not to “bring up” weak students to the level of strong ones, but to reveal the individuality and optimally develop each student, regardless of whether he is considered “strong” or “weak” in the class. This is why, in our opinion, there are no “main” or “non-main” subjects at school: each subject makes its own contribution to the overall development of the child and for some will be the subject that will determine his future life.

Thus, we have already answered the question that might have arisen in your mind: who is taught in Zankov’s classes? All children, starting from the age of six, who are recommended to attend a comprehensive school.

Let us quote from the regulatory document of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Standard of Primary General Education” (2004): “The federal component of the State Standard is aimed at the implementation of a personality-oriented developmental model of a mass primary school.” Essentially, this is the same goal that L.V. Zankov formulated it almost 50 years ago. Even then, he was able to correctly predict the main directions in the development of education in the third millennium. Therefore, now we can offer your child a time-tested, technologically developed whole system training, which is able to take into account its specific features.

The main long-term results of the system are: high socialization children, choosing a life path in accordance with their aspirations; additional data - high performance by participants and winners in Olympiads, the number of medalists and those entering secondary and higher educational institutions.

Answer the question yourself whether the following statement is reasonable:
“We were taught the old fashioned way, and I began worthy person. Why change schooling?”

What content does a child learn in a Zankov class?

A complete educational and methodological set for a four-year primary school was developed and recommended by the Ministry of Education; it won the competition for the creation of educational literature of a new generation, held by the National Personnel Training Foundation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The selection and structuring of the content of all educational courses, the nature of the tasks encourage children to search creative activity filled with emotions. When writing textbooks, the authors proceeded from the fact that surprise serves as the impulse for the beginning of knowledge. Taking into account the age characteristics of the students, in the training courses priority is given to the emotional factor, which gives impetus to the intellectual, moral, and creative principles.

Such a feature of younger schoolchildren as syncretism (unity) of thinking was also taken into account. It is then, having gained learning and life experience, that the child will begin to think analytically. At first he perceives the world holistically. We took advantage of this ability of children by presenting for consideration not individual facts and phenomena, but their connections, which form a whole accessible to the child.

To illustrate, here is a fragment of the lesson.

An assignment from a Russian language textbook for 2nd grade, author N.V. Nechaeva (beginning of the school year): “Read, inserting the appropriate names of animals. Write down the proposal."

The assignment includes a drawing depicting a fox, a beaver, a wolf, a mouse, a bear, a stork and a swallow.

_______ lives in the den, ______ in the nest, ______ in the nest,
in the hole_______, in the mink _______, in the hut ______, in the den _______.

Find words with the same root and indicate the root in them. Explain the difference in the meaning of these words. Compare how the same vowel letters sound in them.

The teacher suggests closing the sentence with a ruler and opening and reading it gradually. Children smile, waiting for a secret.

Student 1: A bear lives in a den.

The class agrees and moves the ruler to the right.

Student 2: Both a stork and a swallow can live in a nest.

Student 3: In the nest... (pauses.)

Shouts: “No, it’s not like that: there’s a stork in the nest, it’s big, and there’s a swallow in the nest, it’s small.” Children laugh and shout: “What a trap!”

Student 4: In the hole there is a fox, a beaver, a wolf, a mouse.

Student 5: In the hole...

Again (let's call it in an adult way) a collision arises, and first the mouse goes into the hole, then the beaver goes into the hut, finally into the wolf's lair, and only the fox remains in the hole (surprise, smiles). Then the children worked on grammar tasks. As a result, they significantly expanded their vocabulary, learning the names of the homes of different animals; having an idea only of the root of the word, they established how a suffix (without using the concept) changes the meaning of the word; compared the pronunciation and spelling of vowels in the root with and without stress (nest - nest, hole - mink). Some completed everything, and some completed only part of the tasks, but the main thing is that each child found his niche in this multifaceted task. Thus, the peculiarity of younger schoolchildren was taken into account - a holistic perception of the world. And the phenomena of language appear to them holistically: in the close interweaving of the meaning of the word and grammatical laws.

When second graders begin to study the composition of the word and the unstressed vowel being tested, they will be ready to master this material. After studying it, this knowledge will be included in new material. Thus, the content required for mastering passes through the entire textbook and, therefore, will be mastered. For comparison, let’s say that in a traditional textbook, children learn to correctly choose the letter for an -unstressed vowel sound in 26 exercises within one paragraph and the “Repetition” section, and in our textbook - in 56, including the given example.

In this distribution in the textbook (in all textbooks) of the material required for mastering, there are two different approaches to the formation of solid knowledge. Let's compare them with watering the soil. You can do this quickly by watering with a strong stream. Or it is possible, as in arid countries, to ensure constant soil saturation using drip irrigation. And it turns out that in the second case the result is both the most economical and the highest.

We have mentioned and illustrated with an example only two positions that were taken into account when selecting and structuring the content of primary education. One shows that we, adults, and our children are similar: we all need an emotional attitude to work; and the other is that we are very different, for example, we perceive information and the real world differently. Therefore, adults must learn to evaluate the content offered to the child from the standpoint of requirements tomorrow(and not his yesterday) and from the perspective of his age capabilities.
Give up the desire to compare modern textbooks and teaching styles with your school experience.

We remind you that despite the richness and unusual content of the textbooks, they contain a mandatory educational standard. Therefore, in case of everyday necessity, you can transfer your child from Zankov’s class to any other. It will easily fit into new conditions.

How is the lesson going in Zankov's classes?

The structure of a lesson and its course in Zankov's classes are noticeably different from lessons in traditional ones. We hope that the text you have already read makes this statement quite clear.

What are these differences?

Firstly, active cognitive activity of a child can only take place if good, trusting relationships have been established in the classroom between the teacher and students and between the students themselves. Of course, in Zankov's classes the teacher does not lose his leading role when teaching a lesson. At the same time, he must be extremely attentive to the personality of each child, his opinion, must respond correctly to the student’s mistakes or misdeeds, while avoiding rudeness and humiliation of the child’s dignity. The famous saying of L.V. Zankova “A child is the same person, only small” - perfectly characterizes the relationships that should be established in the classroom.

Let's quote a humorous poem by V. Berestov about a hare, and by paying attention to the highlighted words, you will understand what learning conditions await your children - our students:

For the ears of a hare

They carry it to the drum.

The hare grumbles:

- I won’t drum.

No mood

There is no situation

No preparation.

I don't see any carrots!

Secondly, the learning process is structured in such a way that the student obtains knowledge on his own, and the teacher only helps him, guiding him to the right path. The lesson is conducted in the form of a discussion. Without this it is impossible to answer those problematic issues, which textbooks are full of. Students may disagree not only with the opinion of their friends, but also with the opinion of the teacher. They are given the right to argue, defend and argue their point of view. With this approach, erroneous judgments are possible, so it is extremely important that students are not afraid to make mistakes and that this is not punishable by a mark (rather, on the contrary: activity in the lesson should be encouraged). Around the end of October, first-graders are asked to read columns of words in “ABC” (authors N.V. Nechaeva and K.S. Belorusets) and answer the question: “Which word is missing? Why?"

naked house sofa road?

goals houses sofas roads gates

Columns of words similar to the first four are given in the alphabets of all authors (note that the length of the words increases from column to column, but they all still consist only of open syllables). Including the last option: the word "gate" which has no form singular, fundamentally changes the educational situation. Children not only practice reading, they involuntarily have to carry out two actions at once: sound out words and understand their meaning. Imagine what happens in a child's head when he is reading and completing a task at the same time. Already by the third column, all children begin to understand the principle of composing these columns: the first is written a word that names one object, the second is a word that names several objects. The fourth column confirms the guess. And at that moment, when they, having read the word “gate,” prepared to name it in the singular form, it turned out that they could not do this. A conflict and bewilderment arose, which means that intellectual actions intensified. But not all six-year-olds were confused by the task. One student says: “The word “collar” is missing here. The teacher waits for the class's reaction without showing his attitude towards this answer. One of the students touches his collar, someone says: “gate - collar”, someone shows with their hands, they say, this is what a gate is, and this is what a collar. The class does not agree with the boy’s opinion, but is perplexed as to how this problem is solved. The teacher helps to get out of the situation by suggesting that the words be named in the singular.

Teacher: Tables.

Children (in unison): Table!

Teacher: Clouds.

Children: Cloud!

Teacher: Scissors.

Confusion of the children, several exclamations of “knife” and then refusal of this answer, the teacher does not help, calls further.

Teacher: Windows.

Children: Window!

Teacher: Firewood.

The children don't know the answer.

Teacher: Pants.


Teacher: What conclusion can you draw?

Children: There are special words in the Russian language! They cannot be singular.

Read this episode of the lesson carefully, and you will understand why Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov said: “A mistake is a godsend for a teacher!” (IN in this case the wrong answer was “collar” and led the whole class, and not just one student, to an independent, conscious conclusion.) Think about this aphorism, and then you will understand why all Russian humanist teachers, creators of holistic author’s systems Sh.A. Amonashvili, L.V. Zankov, V.V. Sukhomlinsky, B.D. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov, first of all, refused to evaluate the student’s work through marks. Very figuratively and accurately defined the role of V.V.’s mark. Sukhomlinsky, calling it “a stick in the hands of a teacher.” Now the Ministry of Education and Science is conducting an all-Russian experiment on grade-free education in elementary school. In the L.V. system Zankov has developed a qualitative assessment of a schoolchild’s achievements, which allows the child to see his own strengths and weaknesses, and the teacher and parents evaluate the dynamics of each student’s progress in relation to himself. And this third, a very important condition for creating a developing environment in the classroom.

Fourth, L.V. system Zankova assumes a variety of forms of education: for example, along with classes in the classroom, excursions are widely practiced (to museums, theaters, concerts, nature, enterprises - depending on the subject and material being studied), as well as classes in the library.

Education does not promise students an easy, carefree life. You've probably figured this out from a few of the examples above. How can you raise a thinking, independent person without overcoming difficulties? For example, we have heard the expression “lightweight Zankov system.” Well, is it possible to develop it more easily?! Is it possible to -lightly - prepare for adult life?! The “difficulty” that we offer children is designed to be overcome either by the student himself, or through the efforts of the whole class, or together with the teacher. Exactly in that order. Our observations of students show that properly structured lessons do not cause nervous overload in children. On the contrary, a positive attitude, interest in learning, the absence of unnecessary “punitive” measures - all this minimizes the inevitable fatigue from work and does not cause negative attitude to study. We have repeatedly witnessed such “paradoxical” situations when children did not want to leave the classroom when the bell rang (the problem was not completely solved) or during the holidays they missed school and their studies.

Teacher: Find the “extra” picture.

(Five drawings are given, each with a building and children. You can judge the differences in the drawing by the children’s answers.)

Student 1: The fifth picture is “extra”: it’s winter, and the rest are spring.

Student 2: And the first drawing is “extra”: it shows a house in which they live, and the rest show a school.

Student 4: The fourth picture is “extra” - in it the children are walking towards the house, and in the rest from the house.

Student 5: The third picture is “superfluous”: there are fewer boys in it than girls, and the rest are equally divided.

Applause, shouts: “Well done”, “Hurray”, “Wow!”

Children: Or maybe there is still “extra”?

They are still considering it, but cannot find any other options.

It is easy to notice that first graders first identified the external, most obvious signs. But gradually they moved on to more hidden ones and finally reached the purely mathematical. The content of all academic subjects is structured in such a way that students gradually learn to distinguish between essential and non-essential essential features objects and phenomena, learned to consider the same phenomenon with different points vision, establish all kinds of connections, see new things in what is already known. Do I need to explain that when a child long time fixes his attention on one content, develops the will to achieve the goal, the ability to complete the task. Need I explain that in the process of such cooperation, the child’s personality as a whole is developed, including communicative qualities.

None of the above three tasks could be solved simply or unambiguously. And ask the students if these are difficult tasks, they will answer - interesting.

What kind of teachers teach in Zankov's classes?

In Zankov classes, lessons should be taught only by those teachers who voluntarily chose this system, for whom it turned out to be “theirs.” Answer yourself the question, which teachers’ lessons did you like more than others at school, how did they teach them? Extraordinary! Isn't it? You remember the professional teachers. And you knew: in their lessons you can freely express your opinion, argue - here you won’t be offended or humiliated. Such teachers (by nature Zankovites) have always existed. But only now they are needed en masse. And if the teacher has a predisposition to a humane pedagogical style (as opposed to an authoritarian one), then our cooperation will certainly bear fruit in the successful advancement of your child both in the development and in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities. But first, a teacher who decides to work according to the general development system will have to study: he can undergo retraining at special courses that are regularly held both in Moscow and in the regions of Russia. And only if the teacher himself wanted to work according to the L.V. system. Zankov, the school administration can provide him with such an opportunity, since the system, let us remind you, is state-owned. As a rule, the atmosphere of creativity and cooperation inherent in lessons in Zankov classes captivates not only the students, but also the teacher, and he usually remains a “Zankovite” forever.

Are there many Zankov classes in Russia at present?

On average every fourth Russian teacher primary classes teaches children according to the L.V. system. Zankova; Moreover, in different regions the percentage of Zankov classes ranges from 15 to 40%. In Moscow, the figure remains stable at 30% - sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more. But, we repeat, for a system that is completely built “from the child,” what is important is not the breadth of distribution, but the teacher’s awareness and acceptance of the principles of its construction. As for continuing education in basic school according to the L.V. system. Zankov, we consider this problem extremely urgent and are working to solve it.

Primary school is over - what next?

Now a team of authors is working to ensure that training according to the L.V. system. Zankov’s teaching was continued in primary school (grades 5-9). For this purpose, at the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center named after. L.V. Zankov sets are created teaching aids, and subject teachers undergo the necessary retraining. To date, textbooks have been created for grades 5-6 in the Russian language, literature, mathematics, and natural history. All of them participated in the competition of new generation textbooks announced by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and according to its results they were recognized as winners. Currently, the textbooks are being widely tested in schools across the country.

However, many years of experience in implementing a general development system in primary school showed that even in the absence of textbooks, the main part of Zankovsky schoolchildren until the end of their stay at school is distinguished by educational and social activity, the highest rate of admission to universities in the school, and high adaptive capabilities.

What is the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center named after. L.V. Zankova (FNMC)?

FSMC is one of the divisions of the Academy for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers of the Russian Federation. A team of enthusiasts and like-minded people of various profiles works intensively and fruitfully in it: scientists (as specialists in school subjects, and psychologists), methodologists, teachers. The backbone consists of employees who, together with L.V. Zankov built a new education system and are the main authors of textbooks. A new galaxy of young Zankovites has grown up nearby, and now the FSMC unites 26 research authors. We are all sincerely committed to the system of developmental education - the L.V. system. Zankova.

Additional information

Short line about the past, present and future of the system

Scientific laboratory, led by teacher, psychologist, academician L.V. Zankov, began researching the problem of the relationship between training and development in 1957, first on the basis of one class, then ten, a hundred, more than a thousand classes. Based on the understanding of the data obtained in the general development system, the first generation of textbooks was created for a four-year school with the start of education at seven years of age. Then our school switched to three years of primary education. And again, based on the understanding of new experimental and scientific data, the laboratory staff revised the textbooks in relation to the new contingent of students. Now Zankov’s classes work according to the fourth generation of textbooks, which were the result of a study of modern children, their living conditions at school, and the study of new data about them obtained by psychologists, physiologists, and defectologists. The research results have been published in more than 500 papers. Theoretical works of L.V. Zankov and his followers were translated into 14 countries, among them: Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Italy, China, USA, France, Japan.

Today: the system is recognized by the general public in Russia; it is used in Belarus, Ukraine, and in certain schools in Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Uzbekistan, and Estonia. Creative connections have been established with teaching teams schools in the cities of Boston (USA), Tel Aviv (Israel), Brisbane (Australia);

Branches of the Federal Scientific and Medical Center named after L.V. Zankov, whose plans are coordinated with the Center’s plan, taking into account local conditions; full-time retraining of education workers was organized in Moscow on the basis of the Academy for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as during field visits (approximately 40 on-site courses annually); International Association of Professionals Promoting the System of Developmental Education L.V. Zankova, publishes the journal “Practice of Education”; regularly holds children's Olympiads designed to identify and support gifted children; organizes correspondence form retraining of education workers; holds conferences and competitions for teachers.

Now the development of the system and its implementation in practice is carried out by the Federal Scientific and Medical Center named after. L.V. Zankova, Association of Professionals and Samara Publishing House “Educational Literature” of the Fedorov Publishing House.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again that the main feature of the system is the coordination of the leading role of education with an extremely careful attitude towards the child’s inner world, with the provision of scope for his individuality, that is, in the coordination of external and internal factors of development. Awareness of the unity and constant contradiction of these two principles is driving force development of a system whose goal is the holistic development of the child - his intellect, will, feelings, emotional and moral sphere. Therefore, our progress both at the present stage and in the future is associated with an increasingly deeper knowledge of the characteristics of children by teachers, psychologists, physiologists, defectologists, on the one hand, and with the development of general pedagogical, didactic problems of modern education - with another.

FSMC and the Association will be happy to cooperate with you in the education and development of a worthy citizen of Russia - your child.

Let's check our understanding of two basic questions to start learning. Do you agree with the answers?

1. How do parents help their children learn?

In caring for the child, in providing (if possible) normal nutrition, rest, and feasible physical activity.

In expanding his horizons: reading together, watching films, organizing trips to interesting places, visiting museums, theaters and just having a friendly conversation.

In discussions (without edification) of his school affairs, in stories about his professional affairs, about his family tree, about life in the country.

In constant contact with the teacher.

2. What should parents not do?

Take on the preparation of homework, otherwise the teacher will not be able to know what your child is doing well and what is not, and therefore will not be able to help him.


In Soviet times, schools used the only educational program that was established for everyone and came down from above. However, years of change have come to the country. They made it possible to make significant adjustments to almost all spheres of society, including the education system. It was since the 90s that a variety of school programs was established. And today schools have the right to choose the most popular forms of education. In this case, parents take their child to where they believe the program will be most suitable for him.

What should dads and moms choose? In the list of the most popular areas of the primary school educational system, one of the most important places is occupied by the Zankov program. It was approved for implementation by federal state educational standards along with such analogues as “Harmony”, “School 2100” and “Primary School of the 21st Century”. Of course, there are no ideal programs suitable for each student. That is why each of these systems has its right to exist.

About the author

Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov is a Soviet academician, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences. The years of his life are 1901-1977.

Leonid Vladimirovich was a specialist in the field of educational psychology. He was interested in issues related to child development. As a result of his work, some patterns were identified that influence the effectiveness of the learning process. As a result, Zankov’s program for schoolchildren appeared junior classes. This system was developed in the 60-70s of the 20th century. It was introduced as a variable option in the 1995-1996 academic year.

The essence of the method

The Zankov elementary school program is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child. Scientists, within the framework of the system he developed, introduced such subjects as music and literary reading. In addition, Leonid Vladimirovich changed the programs in mathematics and the Russian language. Of course, the volume of material studied has increased, and therefore the period of study in primary school has increased by one year.

The main essence of the idea on which Zankov’s program is based lies in the leading role theoretical knowledge. At the same time, training is carried out at a high level of complexity. Children are presented with a large volume of material while maintaining a fast pace of completion. Zankov's program is designed for students to independently overcome these difficulties. What is the role of the teacher in this? He must work on the overall development of the entire class and at the same time each of the students.

The Zankov system program is aimed, first of all, at unlocking the potential of an individual’s creative abilities, which will be a reliable basis for children to acquire skills, abilities and knowledge. The main goal of such training is for the student to receive pleasure from cognitive activity. At the same time, “weak” students do not catch up to the level of “strong” students. During the learning process, their individuality is revealed, which makes it possible for each child to develop optimally.

Let us take a closer look at the basic didactic principles of this system.

High level of difficulty

Zankov’s work program involves training based on search activities. At the same time, each student must generalize, compare and contrast. Its final actions will depend on the characteristics of brain development.

Completing training with a high level of difficulty involves issuing tasks that will “grope” the maximum possible limit of students’ abilities. The degree of difficulty is necessarily present. However, it can be slightly reduced in cases where this becomes necessary.

At the same time, the teacher should remember that children do not develop grammatical skills and knowledge immediately. That is why Zankov’s program in 1st grade provides for a categorical ban on marking. How can we evaluate knowledge that is still unclear? At certain stages they should be like that, but at the same time already located in the sensory general field of exploration of the world.

The construction of new knowledge in a person always begins with the right hemisphere. At the same time, at first it has the form of something unclear. Next, knowledge is transferred to left hemisphere. A person begins to reflect on it. He tries to classify the data obtained, identify their pattern and provide justification. And only after this knowledge can become clear and integrate into the general system of awareness of the world. Then it returns to the right hemisphere and becomes one of the elements of knowledge of a particular person.

Zankov's program (1st grade), unlike many other educational systems, does not try to force first-graders to classify material that they have not yet comprehended. These children do not yet have a sensory basis. The words of the teacher are alienated from the image, and they simply try to memorize them mechanically. It is worth keeping in mind that this is easier for girls than for boys. After all, their left hemisphere is more developed. However, when using mechanical memorization of uninterpreted material in children, the opportunity to develop a holistic and logical thinking. They are replaced by a set of rules and algorithms.

Studying exact science

The application of the principle of a high level of complexity is clearly visible in Zankov’s “Mathematics” program. The scientist built this course on the integration of several lines at once, such as algebra, arithmetic and geometry. Children are also expected to study the history of mathematics.

For example, Zankov’s programs for 2nd grade require students to discover in class objectively existing relationships, the basis of which is the concept of number. When counting the number of objects and indicating the result with numbers, children begin to master the skill of counting. At the same time, the numbers themselves seem to participate in the actions, demonstrating length, mass, area, volume, time, capacity, etc. In this case, the dependence between the quantities available in the problems becomes obvious.

According to the Zankov system, second graders begin to use numbers to construct and characterize geometric shapes. They also use them to calculate geometric quantities. With the help of numbers, children establish the properties of the arithmetic operations they perform, and also become familiar with such algebraic concepts as inequality, equation and expression. To create an idea of ​​arithmetic as a science allows us to study the history of the appearance of numbers and various systems numbering.

The leading role of theoretical knowledge

This principle of the Zankov system does not at all aim to force the student to memorize scientific terms, formulate laws, etc. Large amounts of theory being taught would place a significant load on memory and increase the difficulty of learning. On the contrary, the principle under consideration assumes that in the process of performing exercises, students must conduct observations of the material. The role of the teacher in this case is to direct their attention. This ultimately leads to revelation existing dependencies and connections in the subject being studied. The students' task is to understand certain patterns, which will allow them to draw appropriate conclusions. When implementing this principle Zankov's program receives reviews as a system that significantly promotes the development of children.

Fast pace of learning

This principle of the Zankov system is opposed to marking time, when a whole series of the same type of exercises is performed while studying one topic.

According to the author of the program, the fast pace of learning does not contradict the needs of children. On the contrary, they are more interested in learning new material than repeating what they have learned. However, such a principle does not mean haste in acquiring knowledge and haste in conducting a lesson.

Awareness of the educational process

This principle is extremely important in Zankov's program. It involves students turning inward. At the same time, the student himself becomes aware of the process of cognition taking place in him. Children understand what they knew before the lesson and what was revealed to them in the area of ​​the subject being studied. Such awareness allows us to determine the most correct relationship between a person and the world around him. This approach allows you to subsequently develop such a personality trait as self-criticism. The principle of awareness educational process, is aimed primarily at ensuring that schoolchildren begin to think about the need for the knowledge they receive.

Purposeful and systematic work of the teacher

With this principle, Zankov’s program, approved by the Federal State Educational Standard, confirms its humane orientation. According to this system, the teacher must carry out systematic and purposeful work towards the overall development of students, including the “weakest”. After all, all children who do not have one or another pathological disorder are capable of advancing in development. Moreover, such a process can proceed at a somewhat abrupt pace or, on the contrary, at a slow pace.

According to L.V. Zankova, “strong” and “weak” children should study together, making their contribution to common life. The scientist considered any isolation harmful. After all, in this case, schoolchildren will be deprived of the opportunity to evaluate themselves against a different background, which will slow down their progress in development.

Thus, the principles of the system proposed by Zankov are fully consistent with those available junior school student age characteristics and reveal the individual capabilities of each person.

Educational and methodological kit

To implement Zankov’s program, a special educational complex was created that takes into account modern knowledge about individual and age characteristics younger schoolchildren. This kit can provide:

Understanding the interdependencies and relationships of the phenomena and objects being studied, which is facilitated by a combination of materials of different levels of generalization;
- mastery of concepts that are necessary for further education;
- practical significance and relevance educational material for a schoolchild;
- conditions that allow solving educational problems in the direction of intellectual, social, personal and aesthetic development students;
- active forms of the cognitive process used during the performance of creative and problem-solving tasks (discussions, experiments, observations, etc.);
- carrying out design and research work, which contributes to the growth of information culture;
- individualization of learning, closely related to the motivation of children’s activities.

Let's consider the features of textbooks that are used in children's acquisition of knowledge according to the Zankov program.

Coloring books

A school using the Zankov program uses these textbooks for six-year-old children. These are notebooks designed like children's books in which students can color and draw, as if becoming co-authors and completing the creation of the book. Such publications are very attractive to children. In addition, they have the principles of textbooks. So, on their pages you can find theory, as well as a number of repeatable and sequential tasks and methodology.

No repeat sections

Developmental education according to the Zankov system involves constant updating of the educational situation. That is why the content of the teaching materials should be constantly updated with such a presentation of material. The authors created such textbooks without the usual “Repetition” sections. However, the material covered is available here. It's just included in the new one.

Variation and procedurality

The Zankov program, in the requirements regarding the level of preparation of students, highlights the content in the form of background necessary for mastering the material. It is important for a clearer and deeper understanding of the fundamentals of the subject being studied. It is assumed that in the next academic year this background will be the main content and will be absorbed using a new background, the need for which will arise in the future. Thus, a base is created that involves the reusable use of one material for a long period of time. This allows us to consider it in various connections and functions, which will lead to lasting learning of the content.

Intrasubject and intersubject interaction

In most textbooks used in the Zankov program, students are shown various facets of the world around them. Such integration, together with the multi-level content of educational literature, makes it possible to include children with different types of thinking in the course of the cognitive process: visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-figurative and verbal-logical. Thus, when writing material about the study of the surrounding world, textbooks combine knowledge about nature, the Earth, as well as about the cultural and social life of people in its historical development.

Mastering reading and writing

Textbooks created for the Zankov program allow children to acquire literacy skills while simultaneously developing psychophysiological functions. All this allows schoolchildren to quickly and efficiently master writing and reading skills.

In order for children to learn to read well, the sound-letter method is used. At the same time, first-graders, who are going through their very first and very difficult period, are taught using drawings, diagrams and pictograms. They solve puzzles, crosswords and riddles. From class to class the tasks become more difficult. The textbook used by Zankov's program for grade 4 contains the most difficult words studied in elementary school. This gradual transition allows students to discover for themselves the rules of reading and correct writing of vowels and consonants.

Literary reading

Textbooks in this direction, used by Zankov’s program, use techniques for comparing various texts, namely author’s and folklore, scientific and artistic, prose, etc. In the textbook for 1st grade, the material is presented in such a way that it allows children to develop conscious reading. The student constantly returns to the material covered, solving the tasks assigned to him, which creates interest in the study. At the same time, children develop aesthetic emotions and become motivated to be creative.

Starting from grade 3, Zankov’s program provides for a special structure of textbooks. They contain various sections with additional information. This allows the student to master the method of literary reading, turning to different sections of the book (“Historical background”, “Comments”, “Timeline”, “Consultants”, etc.).

L.V. system Zankova has existed for almost 50 years, has been tested by time, and has won universal vocation.

Since the 1995-1996 academic year, the primary education system of L.V. Zankova is recognized as a state primary education system.

Today in Russia and the CIS there are more than 60 thousand Zank teachers.

About the founder of the system - L.V. Zankov (1901 - 1977)

Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov is one of the most prominent Soviet scientists in the field of pedagogy, psychology and defectology. Developer of theory and practice second in the world after Y.A. Comenius didactic teaching system. Creator scientific school in solving problems of the relationship between training and development.

  • He worked as a rural school teacher, educator, and head of a children's colony.
  • Since 1925, a graduate student and follower of the outstanding Russian scientist and psychologist L.S. Vygotsky.
  • In 1935 it was approved in scientific degree candidate of pedagogical sciences.
  • In 1943, he was approved for the academic degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and the academic rank of professor.
  • Since 1944 - Director of the Research Institute of Defectology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR
  • In 1945 he was elected a full member of the APN of the RSFSR
  • From 1955 to 1960 - head of the laboratory of experimental didactics at the Research Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.
  • In 1968 - elected full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR
  • 1970 - 1972 - Head of the Laboratory of Problems of Education and Development of Children of Primary and Secondary School Age, Research Institute of General Pedagogy, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR

Scientific and psychological foundations of the pedagogical system L.V. Zankova

Developmental education system of academician Zankov L.V. is based on the theory of child development developed by the Russian scientist L.S. Vygotsky, who put forward the idea that “learning can go not only after development, not only in step with it, but can go ahead of development, pushing it further and causing new formations in it.”

L.S. Vygotsky introduced the concept of " zone of current development"child and" zone of proximal development" The level of actual development develops as a result of the student’s completing cycles of development. This level is expressed in independent decision child intellectual tasks.

The zone of proximal development indicates the progress of the child's further development. “This level is revealed in solving those problems that a child cannot cope with on his own, but is able to solve with the help of an adult, in collective activity, by imitation,” wrote L.S. Vygotsky. “However, what a child can do in cooperation, tomorrow he will be able to do independently.”

L.V. Zankov based his pedagogical system on the new ideas of L.S. Vygotsky on the impact of learning on the development of a student. Learning, based not so much on what the child can do independently, but on what he can do in conditions of cooperation and co-creation, moves the student’s development forward.

Creating his own didactic system, Zankov introduced the concept of “ general development" By general development, he understood the holistic development of the child - his mind, will, feelings, morality while maintaining health, and he attached equal importance to each of these components.

General characteristics of the developmental education system L.V. Zankova

Developmental education system according to L.V. Zankova can be called a technology of early intensive comprehensive development child's personality.

Target orientations of the Zankov system

  • Development of the child's personality.
  • High level of overall personality development.
  • Development of the entire personality, creating the basis for comprehensive harmonious development.

Thus, for the first time, the student’s personality was included in the field of didactics .

Conceptual provisions of the Zankov system

  • Education must come before development.
  • The child is a subject, not an object, of the educational process.
  • The goal of training is the student’s mastery of independent learning activities, and not KUNs (knowledge, abilities, skills).

Training according to the L.V. system Zankova does not reject or downplay the importance of acquiring factual knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for every educated person. It sets priorities somewhat differently: the goal of promoting the child in overall development comes to the fore, and the acquisition of solid knowledge and skills becomes a means to achieve the general goal.

Didactic principles L.V. Zankova

For the greatest efficiency of the process of general development of schoolchildren L.V. Zankov developed the didactic principles of RD (developmental education):

  • targeted development based on comprehensive development system;
  • consistency and high complexity of content, adequate zone of proximal development child;
  • presenter the role of theoretical knowledge(no downplaying practical skills and skills);
  • training for high level of difficulty;
  • progress in studying the material in fast pace;
  • awareness a child in the learning process (the principle of consciousness focused on one’s activities);
  • principle unity of emotions and intellect, inclusion in the learning process of not only the rational, but also the emotional sphere (the role of observation and practical work);
  • problematization content (collisions);
  • variability of the learning process, individual approach;
  • work on development of all(strong and weak) children.

Features of training content

In accordance with the goal of the comprehensive development of the child, the content of the initial stage of education is enriched and ordered.

The purpose of primary education according to Zankov is to give students a general picture of the world based on science, literature and other arts. The richness of the content is achieved by including in the curriculum such academic disciplines such as: natural science, geography, history, philosophy, foreign language. Particular attention is paid to fine art, music, reading truly artistic works, and work in its ethical and aesthetic meaning.

In the L.V. system Zankov's lesson remains the main element educational process, but its functions and form of organization can vary significantly. Its main difference from a traditional lesson: polylogue in the classroom, based on the independent and collective mental activity of children; collaboration between teacher and student.

Home methodological goal lesson - creating conditions for manifestation cognitive activity students. This goal is achieved in the following ways.

Progress of knowledge- “from the students.” The teacher draws up and discusses the lesson plan together with the students, uses it during the lesson didactic material, allowing the student to choose the most significant type and form of educational content for him.

The transformative nature of student activity: observe, compare, group, classify, draw conclusions, find out patterns. Hence the different nature of the tasks: not just to write down and insert the missing letters, to solve the problem, but to awaken them to mental actions and their planning.

Intensive independent activity students, associated with emotional experience, which is accompanied by the effect of surprise of the task, the inclusion of an indicative-exploratory reaction, the mechanism of creativity, help and encouragement from the teacher. The teacher creates problematic situations— collisions.

Collective search, directed by the teacher (questions that awaken students’ independent thoughts, preliminary homework). The teacher creates an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class.

Creation of pedagogical communication situations in the classroom, allowing each student to show initiative, independence, and selectivity in ways of working; creating an environment for the student’s natural self-expression.

Flexible structure. Selected common goals and means of organizing a lesson in developmental education technology are specified by the teacher depending on the purpose of the lesson, its thematic content. The teacher uses a variety of forms and methods of organization educational activities, allowing to reveal the subjective experience of students.

One of bright features lesson in the didactic system of L.V. Zankov is a strict requirement for the teacher to provide kind, trusting, rich positive emotions relationship between teacher and students.

Pedagogical system RO L.V. Zankova gives


  • development of the mind, will, feelings, moral ideas, formation of the need to learn;
  • joy from free mental work, creativity and communication;
  • independence, confidence, responsibility;
  • desire for cooperation.

to the teacher:

  • changing the view of education and the student;
  • technology for the development of the student’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities;
  • expanding opportunities for creativity.


  • confidence in the successful future of your child.

Disadvantage of the Zankov system

A general disadvantage of the RO L.V. system. Zankova: it does not continue in basic school. And if you give it preference, be prepared that after primary school your child will still have to adapt to traditional teaching, and this may create problems for him at first.

Candidate of Philological Sciences

Brief description of the training system of L.V. Zankova

L.V. system Zankova represents the unity of didactics, methodology and practice. The unity and integrity of the pedagogical system is achieved through the interconnection of educational tasks at all levels. These include:

The goal of education is to achieve optimal overall development of each child;

The task of teaching is to present students with a broad, holistic picture of the world through the means of science, literature, art and direct knowledge;

Didactic principles - training at a high level of difficulty while observing the measure of difficulty; the leading role of theoretical knowledge; awareness of the learning process; fast pace of learning material; purposeful and systematic work on the general development of all students, including weak ones;

Methodological system - its typical properties: versatility, procedurality, collisions, variability;

Subject methods in all educational areas;

Forms of organization of training;

A system for studying the success of learning and development of schoolchildren.

L.V. system Zankova is holistic; when implementing it, you should not miss any of its above-described components: each of them has its own developmental function. Systematic approach to the organization of educational space contributes to solving the problem of the overall development of schoolchildren.

In 1995 - 1996 L.V. system Zankova was introduced into Russian school as a parallel state system of primary education. It is highly consistent with the principles put forward by the Law of the Russian Federation on Education, which requires ensuring the humanistic nature of education and the development of the child’s personality.

Conceptual provisions of the L.V. system Zankov's point of view

modern pedagogy

Primary education system L.V. Zankova initially set herself the task of “high overall development of students.” Under the general development of L.V. Zankov understood the development of all aspects of a child’s personality: his cognitive processes(“mind”), strong-willed qualities, governing all human activities (“will”), and moral and ethical qualities manifested in all types of activity (“feelings”). General development represents the formation and qualitative changes such personality traits that during school years are the basis for successfully achieving the goals and objectives of education, and after graduation - the basis for creative work in any field human activity. “The learning process of our students,” wrote L.V. Zankov, is least of all similar to a measured and cold “perception of educational material,” he is permeated with that reverent feeling that is born when a person is delighted with the inexhaustible treasury of knowledge.”

To solve the problem, it was impossible to limit ourselves to improving the methodology of educational subjects. In the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, a new holistic didactic teaching system was developed, the single basis and core of which were the principles of constructing the educational process. Their essence was as follows.

Based on the fact that school programs of that time were poorly saturated with educational material, and teaching methods did not contribute to the creative activity of students, the first principle of the new system was the principle of teaching at a high level of difficulty.

Speaking against repeated repetitions of the studied material, monotonous and monotonous exercises, L.V. Zankov introduced the principle of studying material at a fast pace, which implied a constant and dynamic change in educational tasks and actions.

Without denying that primary school should develop spelling, computing and other skills, L.V. Zankov opposed passive reproductive, “training” methods and called for the formation of skills based on a deep understanding of the laws of the science that formed the basis of the educational subject. This is how the principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge arose, increasing the cognitive side of primary education.

The concept of awareness of learning, which was interpreted as an understanding of the content of educational material, was expanded in the new training system to awareness of the learning process itself. The principle of students’ awareness of the learning process has made the connections between in separate parts educational material, patterns of grammatical, computational and other operations, the mechanism of errors and their overcoming.

L.V. Zankov and the staff of his laboratory proceeded from the fact that the creation of certain learning conditions would contribute to the development of all students - from the strongest to the weakest. In this case, development will take place at an individual pace, depending on the inclinations and abilities of each student.

More than 40 years have passed since these principles were developed, and today there is a need to understand them from the perspective of modern pedagogy.

Study of the current state of the educational system L.V. Zankov, in particular the implementation of the principles, showed that the interpretation of some of them in pedagogical practice distorted.

Thus, the words “fast pace” began to be associated mainly with a reduction in time for studying program material. At the same time, those author’s conditions were not observed, those Zankov “pedagogical means”, which, in fact, made learning more capacious and intensive, were not used properly.

L.V. Zankov and the staff of his laboratory proposed to intensify the educational process through a comprehensive study of didactic units, considering each didactic unit in its various functions and aspects, due to the constant inclusion of previously covered material in the work. This made it possible to abandon the traditional “chewing” already known to schoolchildren, repeated monotonous repetitions, leading to mental laziness, spiritual apathy, and, consequently, inhibiting the development of children. In contrast to them, the words “fast pace” were introduced into the formulation of one of the principles, which meant a different organization of studying the material.

A similar situation has developed with teachers’ understanding of the third principle—the leading role of theoretical knowledge. Its appearance was also due to the peculiarities of the techniques of the mid-20th century. Primary school was then considered as a special stage of the school education system, which had a propaedeutic character, only preparing the child for systematic training at the middle level. Based on this understanding, traditional system formed in children - mainly through reproductive means - practical skills in working with educational material. L.V. Zankov criticized the purely practical way of acquiring first knowledge, pointing out its cognitive passivity. He raised the question of children’s conscious mastery of skills based on productive work with theoretical information about what is being studied.

Analysis of the current state of the system showed that in practical implementation This principle led to a shift towards too early assimilation of theoretical concepts without proper understanding of them from the perspective of children’s sensory experience, which led to an unjustified increase in intellectual load. The children most prepared for school began to be selected into the classes of the Zankov system, thereby violating the conceptual ideas of the system.

Scientific laboratory of training according to the L.V. system Zankova offers new formulations of the second and third principles, which do not contradict their essence, but specify and enrich their content from the standpoint of modern pedagogy.

Thus, from the point of view of modern pedagogy, the didactic principles of L.V. Zankov sound like this:

1) training at a high level of difficulty;

2) inclusion of the studied didactic units in the variety of functional connections (in the previous edition - studying the material at a fast pace);

3) a combination of sensory and rational knowledge (in the previous edition - the leading role of theoretical knowledge);

4) students’ awareness of the learning process;

5) the development of all students, regardless of their level school maturity.

These principles are specified as follows.

The principle of teaching at a high level of difficulty is the leading principle of the system, for “only such an educational process that systematically provides abundant food for intense mental work can serve the rapid and intensive development of students.”

In L.V. Zankov’s system, difficulty is understood as the tension of the student’s intellectual and spiritual forces, the intensity of mental work when solving educational problems, and overcoming obstacles that arise in the process of cognition. This tension is achieved not through the use of more complex material, but through the widespread use of analytical observation and the use of a problem-based teaching method.

The main idea of ​​this principle is to create an atmosphere of intellectual activity of students, to provide them with the opportunity as independently as possible (with the tactful guiding help of the teacher) not only to solve the assigned educational tasks, but also to see and understand the difficulties that arise in the learning process and find ways to overcome them. This type of activity helps to activate all the students’ knowledge about the subject of study, cultivates and develops observation, arbitrariness (conscious control of activity), and self-control. At the same time, the overall emotional background learning process. Who doesn’t like feeling smart and able to achieve success!

However, teaching at a high level of difficulty must be carried out in compliance with the measure of difficulty “in relation to the class as a whole, as well as to individual students, according to the individual uniqueness of mastering educational material.” The measure of difficulty for each child is determined by the teacher based on the data of the child’s pedagogical study, which begins from the moment he is enrolled in school and continues throughout the entire period of study.

Modern pedagogy understands an individual approach not only as presenting educational material at different levels of complexity or providing students with individually dosed assistance, but also as the right of each child to assimilate the amount of educational material offered to him that corresponds to his capabilities. Intensification of the educational process inherent in the L.V. system. Zankova, needs to attract additional educational material. But all students must master only that material that is included in the educational minimum, determined by educational standards.

This understanding of the individualization of learning meets both the requirement of observing the measure of difficulty and the principle of development of all students, regardless of their level of school maturity. This principle is most fully realized in teaching methods. For example, the predominance of collective forms of work allows low-performing students to fully participate in the discussion of the problem being solved in the lesson and participate in it to the best of their abilities.

The principle of including the studied didactic units in the variety of functional connections is revealed as follows. The activity of analytical comprehension of educational material by younger schoolchildren quickly decreases if students are forced to analyze the same unit of educational material for several lessons and perform the same type of mental operations (for example, select test words by changing the form of the word). It is known that children quickly get bored of doing the same thing, their work becomes ineffective, and the development process slows down.

To avoid “treading water”, the L.V. Zankova recommends that in the process of studying a particular unit of educational material, explore its connections with other units. Comparing the content of each part of the educational material with others, finding similarities and differences, determining the degree of dependence of each didactic unit on the others, students comprehend the material as an interacting logical system.

Another aspect of this principle is to increase the capacity of educational time, its coefficient useful action. This is achieved, firstly, due to a comprehensive study of the material, and secondly, due to the lack separate periods to repeat what has been previously learned.

The educational material is compiled into thematic blocks, which include units that closely interact and depend on each other. Their simultaneous study allows, on the one hand, to save study time, and on the other hand, makes it possible to study each unit within more lessons. For example, if traditional planning allocates 4 hours for studying each of two units of material, then by combining them into a thematic block, the teacher gets the opportunity to study each for 8 hours. At the same time, by observing their connections with other similar units, previously studied material is repeated.

In the previous version of the principle, all this was called “fast pace”. This approach, in organic combination with teaching at a high level of difficulty and compliance with the measure of difficulty, makes the learning process comfortable for both strong and weak students, i.e., it also goes towards implementing the principle of development of all students. In addition, it contributes to the implementation of the fourth principle - the principle of students’ awareness of the learning process, because by observing the interrelation and interaction of all units of material, and each unit in the variety of its functions, students are aware of both the content of the educational material, and the process of acquiring knowledge itself, the content and sequence of mental operations.

For a more complete and effective provision of such observations in the educational programs of the L.V. system. Zankov includes a number of thematic units from the basic school, but not for study, but only for information.

The choice of added units is not accidental and was not undertaken to increase the load in order to increase the difficulty of the teaching. They are designed to expand the field of activity of students, highlighting the essential features of the material that is traditionally studied in elementary school, and thereby deepening its understanding by children.

The ability to see the broader effect of the concept being studied develops in children the ability to analyze the material, perceive it as an interacting system and contributes to the variety of educational tasks and exercises. In addition, this ensures the preparation of students for the subsequent acquisition of knowledge, preventing their failure in learning. At first, students only become acquainted with this or that phenomenon, observe it in interaction with the main object of study. When the time comes for its systematic study, what was only familiar becomes the main material of educational work. During this work, students again become acquainted with some new phenomenon, and everything is repeated again.

The essence of the principle of combining sensory and rational knowledge lies “in the knowledge of the interdependence of phenomena, their internal essential connection.” In order for the material to contribute to the child’s development of the ability to independently comprehend the phenomena of the life around him and to think productively, it is necessary that work with it be based on an understanding of all terms and concepts. The key to understanding lies in the correct formation of concepts, which is carried out first on the basis of the intuitive and practical experience of students with the help of all the analyzers they have, and only then is translated into the plane of theoretical generalizations.

The typical properties of the methodological system, which are, in essence, a means of implementing the principles, are closely related to the didactic principles mentioned above.

The versatility of learning lies in the fact that the material being studied is not only a source intellectual development, but also a stimulus for moral and emotional development.

An example of the implementation of versatility is the mutual checking of completed work by children. After checking a friend’s work, the student must point out the errors found, make comments on solutions, etc. In this case, comments must be made politely, tactfully, so as not to offend your friend. Each remark must be substantiated, its correctness must be proven. For his part, the child whose work is checked learns not to be offended by comments made, but to comprehend them and to be critical of his work. As a result of such cooperation in children's team a psychologically comfortable environment is established in which each student feels like a valuable individual.

Thus, the same exercise teaches, develops, educates, and relieves emotional stress.

Processuality (from the word “process”) involves planning educational material in the form of a sequential chain of learning stages, each of which logically continues the previous one and prepares the assimilation of the next one.

Consistency is ensured by the fact that educational material is presented to students in the form of an interacting system, where each unit of educational material is interconnected with other units.

The functional approach is that each unit of educational material is studied in the unity of all its functions.

Collisions are collisions. The collision of the old, everyday understanding of things with a new scientific view of their essence, practical experience with its theoretical understanding, which often contradicts previous ideas. The teacher’s task is to ensure that these contradictions in the lesson give rise to dispute and discussion. By clarifying the essence of the emerging disagreements, students analyze the subject of the dispute from different positions, connect the knowledge they already have with the new fact, learn to meaningfully argue their opinions and respect the points of view of other students.

Variation is expressed in the flexibility of the learning process. The same task can be performed in different ways which are chosen by the student himself. The same task may pursue different goals: focus on finding solutions, teach, control, etc. The requirements for students are also variable, taking into account their individual differences.

Partial search and problem-based methods have been identified as system-forming teaching methods.

Both of these methods are to some extent similar to each other and are implemented using similar techniques. The essence of the problem-based method is that the teacher poses a problem (learning task) to the students and considers it together with them. As a result of joint efforts, ways to solve it are outlined, an action plan is established, which is independently implemented by students with minimal help from the teacher. At the same time, the entire stock of knowledge and skills they have is updated, and those that are relevant to the subject of study are selected from it. The techniques of the problem-based method are observation coupled with conversation, analysis of phenomena highlighting their essential and non-essential features, comparison of each unit with others, summing up the results of each observation and generalizing these results in the form of a definition of a concept, rule or algorithm for solving an educational problem.

A characteristic feature of the partial search method is that, having posed a problem to the students, the teacher does not, together with the students, draw up an action plan for solving it, but divides it into a series of subtasks accessible to children, each of which is a step towards achieving the main goal. Then he teaches the children to follow these steps sequentially. As a result of joint work with the teacher, students independently, at the level of their understanding of the material, make a generalization in the form of judgments about the results of observations and conversations. Partial search method V to a greater extent, than problematic, allows work on empirical level, i.e. at the level of the child’s life and speech experience, at the level of children’s ideas about the material being studied. Named above, in problematic method, students do not so much use techniques as learn them.

The partial search method is more appropriate in the first year of study. It is used fragmentarily in the second, third and fourth grades in the first lessons of learning material new to students. First, they observe it, learn new terms and learn to use them, relate new material to their existing knowledge and find a place for it in the system. Then they choose ways to solve educational problems, working with new material, etc. And when children develop and sufficiently consolidate the ability to work with new material, the teacher switches to the problem-based method.

The integrated use of both methods makes it possible for some students to independently cope with the task and fully assimilate the material being studied at this stage, and for others to resort to the help of a teacher and friends, while remaining at the level of presentation, and achieve complete assimilation at later stages of training.


1. Conceptual features of the L.V. system Zankova

1.1 Stages of formation of a developmental education system

L.V. Zankova pp. 4-10

1.2 Brief description training systems L.V. Zankova pp. 11-13

1.3 Construction and course of a lesson according to the teaching system of L.V. Zankova pp. 14-15

2. Conceptual provisions of the L.V. system. Zankov from the point of view of modern pedagogy pp. 16-25


List of used literature


In recent years, the attention of teachers has increasingly been attracted to the ideas of developmental education, with which they associate the possibility of changes in school. Developmental education is aimed at preparing students for independent “adult” life.

The main goal of a modern school is to ensure that students learn certain circle skills, knowledge and skills that they will need in the professional, social, and family spheres of life. The theory of developmental learning originates in the works of I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, K.D. Ushinsky and others. The scientific basis for this theory is given in the works of L.S. Vygotsky. Yours further development she got in experimental work L.V. Zankova, D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova, N.A. Menchinskaya and others. In their concepts, training and development appear as a system of dialectically interconnected aspects of one process. Education is recognized as the leading driving force of a child’s mental development, the development of the entire set of personality qualities: knowledge, abilities, skills; ways of mental action; self-governing mechanisms of personality;

the sphere of aesthetic and moral qualities of the individual; effective-practical sphere of personality.

Currently, within the framework of the concept of developmental education, a number of technologies have been developed that differ in target orientations, features of content and methodology. Technology L.V. Zankova is aimed at the general, holistic development of the individual.

In this work we will consider the developmental technology of teaching L.V. Zankova.

L.V. system Zankova represents the unity of didactics, methodology and practice.

This topic is relevant at present, because... developmental education system L.V. Zankova is a very successful training system. Today, when primary education is considered as the basis for the formation of a child’s educational activity, educational and cognitive motives that contribute to the development of skills to accept, analyze, preserve, and implement educational

goals, skills to plan, control and evaluate educational activities and their results, developmental teaching strategies in primary school are becoming increasingly important in the general education system.

The purpose of this work is to study the features of the training system of L.V. Zankova.

1) follow the history of the formation of the L.V. system. Zankova;

2) consider the structure and course of the lesson according to L.V.’s teaching system. Zankova;

3) analyze the conceptual provisions of the L.V. system. Zankov's point of view modern pedagogy;

The method of study is abstract-analytical.

Chapter 1. Conceptual features of the L.V. system. Zankova

Stages of formation of the developmental education system L.V.


Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov was born on April 23, 1901 in Warsaw, in the family of a Russian officer. In 1916 he graduated from high school in Moscow. In the first post-revolutionary years, a recent high school student began teaching at rural school the village of Turdey, Tula region. In 1919, L.V. Zankov goes to work as a teacher, and then becomes the head of a children's agricultural colony in the Tambov province. Let us remember that at this time he was 18 years old.

From 1920 to 1922, the young teacher headed the Ostrovnya colony in the Moscow region, and from here in 1922 he was sent to study at Moscow State University in the socio-pedagogical department of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Here Zankov meets with the outstanding

psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky. Together with his wife, Zankov takes part in conducting experimental psychological research on memory problems.

After graduating from the university L.V. Zankov was retained in graduate school at the Institute of Psychology at the 1st Moscow state university, where under the leadership of L.S. Vygotsky began researching the psyche and learning characteristics of abnormal children, without interrupting research on general problems of the psychology of memory.

In 1929, the leadership of scientific and pedagogical work in the field of abnormal childhood was entrusted by the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR to the Experimental Defectology Institute, where a systematic and systematic study began psychological characteristics defective children. The well-known defectologist teacher I.I. was appointed director of the institute at that time. Danyushevsky, and deputy director for scientific work became L.V. Zankov. The institute created the first in the country scientific laboratories By various directions special pedagogy and psychology. Scientific supervisor psychological laboratories was L.S. Vygotsky.

While working at the Experimental Defectology Institute, the peculiarities of L.V.’s methodological views were laid down. Zankov, which developed so fruitfully in his further research. He begins to become interested in issues of the relationship between pedagogy and psychology, issues of the dependence of mental development on learning and, at the same time, issues of refraction of external influences through internal conditions, through the individual capabilities of the child. Already at this time, the “research style” of a scientist is formed - a strong commitment to factual data, the desire to obtain them from real life practice, the desire to build one’s theoretical positions on the basis of an analysis of reliable scientific facts.

These positions can be clearly seen, in particular, in the study of memory problems conducted by L.V. Zankov and his employees in the 30-40s. Were received reliable facts about the characteristics of the memory of younger schoolchildren, differing in level of training and age, individual variations were identified, conclusions were drawn about the role of the culture of logical memory in memorizing material. The results of the research are reflected in the scientist’s doctoral dissertation “Psychology of Reproduction” (1942), in a significant number of articles, and in the monographs “Memory of a Schoolchild” (1943) and “Memory” (1952).

Significant fact: in 1943-1944. L.V. Zankov leads a group of researchers at the institute, which conducts scientific and practical work in special hospitals for craniocerebral wounds to restore speech in wounded soldiers.

In 1944 L.V. Zankov is appointed director of the Research Institute of Defectology, which became part of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR created in 1943 (now RAO - Russian Academy education). IN

In 1954 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 1955 - a full member of the APN of the RSFSR. In 1966, the Academy received the status of a union scientific institution, and Leonid Vladimirovich becomes a full member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.

In 1951 L.V. Zankov moved to the Research Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogics of the RSFSR and switched to research in the field of general pedagogy. The scientist came to pedagogy with a serious store of scientific knowledge about the child, with formed views on methods of psychological and pedagogical research, on appropriate methods of teaching. At the Institute L.V. Zankov heads the laboratory of experimental didactics (later renamed the laboratory of education and development, then training and development),

the peculiarity of which was that it always included specialists of various profiles - didactics, methodologists, psychologists, physiologists, defectologists. Such a collaboration made it possible to study the deep processes occurring in a child during the learning process, to discover individual characteristics, so that pedagogical intervention would give scope for the development of personality strengths, without harming the health of children. With the staff of the laboratory L.V. Zankov researched the topic “The interaction of the teacher’s word and visual aids in

teaching." Having studied pedagogical normative provisions, he noted the insufficient scientific validity of many of them. "Towards a scientific justification of pedagogical norms," ​​concludes L.V. Zankov, - you need to go through the opening intercom between applied pedagogical ways and their results." To do this, "it is imperative to study the processes of assimilation of knowledge and skills - what happens in the student’s head when the teacher uses such and such a method and technique." Thus, for the first time, the question of including psychological methods of studying a child in pedagogical research is raised. This brings about a turn in understanding the nature of the connection between pedagogy and psychology. Next output: pedagogical research is poorly focused on transformation, on restructuring the practice of teaching and upbringing. The thesis is put forward: for pedagogical science, “the main thing is to organically combine in research the creation of new ways of teaching and the discovery of objective laws that govern their application.” This is the first step towards establishing the true role of experiment in pedagogical research.

The identified forms of combination of the teacher’s word and visibility were reflected in pedagogy textbooks and served to further illuminate the principle of visibility in teaching and, consequently, improve the practice of teacher training. But the problem of visibility was only a step towards the main scientific theme of Leonid Vladimirovich. Working on the problem of visibility, Zankov thinks about the problem of the relationship between learning and


In 1957 L.V. Zankov and the staff of his laboratory began a psychological and pedagogical study of the problem of “Training and Development”. The scientist devoted the last 20 years of his life to this work; his students and followers continue to work on this problem. The task that L.V. Zankov set before his team, was to reveal the nature of the objective, natural connection between the structure of training and the course of the general development of younger schoolchildren.

Before revealing the features of the study, let us dwell on the place the scientist assigned primary education in the general education system. L.V. Zankov sharply opposed attributing to primary school only the propaedeutic function of preparing children for further education(“Primary education is isolated from the school education system as a special area that is built on different methodological foundations than all subsequent school education,” he wrote). L.V. Zankov believed that what needed to change was the idea that primary education "should give students the foundation in the form of reading, writing, spelling, computing and other skills that are necessary for further education in the fifth and subsequent grades."

The problem of the relationship between training and development was not new in pedagogy and psychology. Theoretically substantiated the leading role of training in the development of L.S. Vygotsky. Credit to L.V. Zankov is that the solution to the problem of the relationship between training and development in his works acquired a solid experimental basis. Based on a foundation of reliable factual data, the scientist developed an appropriate training system. For the first time in world practice, a pedagogical experiment covered learning as a whole, and not some of its individual aspects. The uniqueness of the research carried out by L.V. Zankov, was also that it was interdisciplinary, integrative, holistic in nature. This feature of the study was manifested, firstly, in the integration of experiment, theory and practice, when the research goal through the experiment was brought to its practical implementation. It is precisely such studies that are currently preferred in various scientific fields. Secondly, the holistic interdisciplinary nature of the research was manifested in the fact that it was carried out at the intersection of sciences involved in the study of the child: pedagogy, psychology, physiology, defectology. This became the basis for initially approaching the student’s study holistically, building education that creates conditions for the development of both logical, rational, and intuitive, including the personal component. Consequently, the research methodology begun in 1957 meets the requirements of the new historical era. And the accumulated experience can be used for further research into the conditions necessary “for the individual development of the child.” The research consistently went through both the stage of a laboratory, or narrow, pedagogical experiment (carried out on the basis of one class, 1957-1960, school No. 172 in Moscow, teacher N.V. Kuznetsova), and through a three-stage mass pedagogical experiment (1960 -1963, 1964-1968, 1973-1977), in which last stage More than a thousand experimental classes participated. The experiment was conducted without selecting teachers and classes, in different pedagogical conditions - in rural and urban, monolingual and multilingual schools. This determined the scientific and practical reliability of the system.

In the course of the study, a new system of primary education was formed, highly effective for the overall development of primary schoolchildren. In 1963-1967 books were published describing the methodology and techniques of a new type of teaching, the first experimental textbooks for elementary schools in the Russian language, reading, mathematics and natural science were developed, the first methodological explanations were written, a system was created for assessing the effectiveness of training in terms of its impact on the acquisition of knowledge and on the general student development.

In 1977 L.V. Zankov was gone. Soon the laboratory was disbanded, all experimental classes closed. The era, later called “stagnation,” influenced all areas of life, including pedagogical science.

Only in 1993, the Russian Ministry of Education organized the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center named after. L.V. Zankov, the core of which was the academician’s direct students (I.I. Arginskaya, N.Ya. Dmitrieva, M.V. Zvereva, N.V. Nechaeva, A.V. Polyakova, G.S. Rigina, I.P. Tovpinets , N.A. Tsirulik, N.Ya. Chutko) and his followers (O.A. Bakhchieva, K.S. Belorusets, A.G. Vantsyan, A.N. Kazakov, E.N. Petrova, T.N. Prosnyakova, V.Yu. Sviridova, T.V. Smirnova, I.B. Shilina, S.G. This team continued research and practical work to identify the conditions for the development of each child, which corresponds to the social order that modern times impose on schools. The knowledge gained from this research underpins the development of new generations of teaching and learning kits. In total, more than 500 works have been published during the existence of the team.

In 1991-1993 A complete set of the new (second) generation of trial textbooks for three-year primary schools was published. The textbooks have sold millions of copies, which indicates the demand for the system.

Since 1996, the system of general development of the schoolchild (L.V. Zankova) has been recognized by the Board of the Ministry of Education as one of the state educational training systems.

In 1997-2000 A complete educational and methodological set of stable textbooks for general education three-year primary schools was published.

In 2001-2004 The Federal Expert Council of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation approved educational and methodological kits in all academic subjects for four-year primary schools. Educational and training complex on teaching literacy, Russian language, literary reading, mathematics, and the surrounding world became winners of the competition for the creation of new generation textbooks, held by the National Personnel Training Foundation (NFPT) and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, educational and methodological kits for grades 5-6 in Russian language, literature, mathematics and natural history also became winners of the same competition. During its existence, the system has shown its high efficiency in schools different types, when teaching children from the age of 7 in a four-year and three-year primary school, when teaching them from the age of 6 in a four-year primary school, when children transfer to primary school. Testing the system in such different learning conditions demonstrates its effectiveness outside

depending on the age of the students, on the terms of study in the primary grades, proves the universality of the general development system in any conditions of its implementation.

Thus, there is a scientifically based, time-tested, holistic didactic system that gives the teacher a theory and methodology for the development of a child’s personality.

Brief description of the training system of L.V. Zankova

L.V. training system Zankova arose during interdisciplinary research relationship between training and development. The interdisciplinary nature was expressed, firstly, in the integration of the achievements of several sciences involved in the study of the child: physiologists, defectologists, psychologists and teachers, and secondly, in the integration of experiment, theory and practice. First time results scientific research through a psychological and pedagogical experiment, they acquired the form of an integral pedagogical system and, thus, were brought to their practical implementation.

General development of L.V. Zankov understands it as a holistic movement of the psyche, when each new formation arises as a result of the interaction of his mind, will, and feelings. At the same time, special importance is attached to moral and aesthetic development. It's about about unity and equivalence in the development of intellectual and emotional, volitional and moral.

Currently, the ideals of developmental education are recognized as educational priorities: the ability to learn, subject-specific and universal (general educational) methods of action, the child’s individual progress in emotional, social, cognitive spheres. To implement these priorities, a scientifically based, time-tested developmental pedagogical system of L.V. is needed. Zankova.

L.V. system Zankova represents the unity of didactics, methodology and practice. The unity and integrity of the pedagogical system is achieved through the interconnection of educational tasks at all levels. These include:

learning goal– achieving optimal overall development of each child;

learning task– present students with a broad, holistic picture of the world through the means of science, literature, art and direct knowledge;

- system feature- the learning process is conceived as the development of the child’s personality, that is, learning should be focused not so much on the entire class as a single whole, but on each individual student. In other words, learning must be person-centered. In this case, the goal is not to “bring up” weak students to the level of strong ones, but to reveal the individuality and optimally develop each student, regardless of whether he is considered “strong” or “weak” in the class.

didactic principles

1. The principle of training at a high level of difficulty while observing the measure of difficulty

This is a search activity in which the child must analyze, compare and contrast, and generalize. At the same time, he acts in accordance with the developmental characteristics of his brain. Teaching at a high level of difficulty involves tasks that “grope” for the upper limit of students’ capabilities. This does not mean that the measure of difficulty is not observed; it is ensured by reducing the degree of difficulty of tasks, if necessary.

2. The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge

This principle does not at all mean that students should study theory, memorize scientific terms, formulations of laws, etc. This would be a strain on memory and would increase the difficulty of learning. This principle assumes that students observe the material during the exercises, while the teacher directs their attention and leads to the discovery of significant connections and dependencies in the material itself. Students are led to understand certain patterns and draw conclusions. Research shows that working with schoolchildren to master patterns advances their development.

3. The principle of fast pace of learning material.

Studying material at a fast pace is opposed to marking time, the same type of exercises when studying one topic. Faster progress in knowledge does not contradict, but meets the needs of children: they are more interested in learning new things than repeating already familiar material for a long time. Rapid advancement in Zankov's system occurs simultaneously with a return to what has been passed and is accompanied by the discovery of new facets. The fast pace of the program does not mean haste in studying the material and rushing through lessons.

4. The principle of awareness of the learning process

The awareness of the learning process by the schoolchildren themselves is turned, as it were, inward - to the student’s own awareness of the process of cognition: what he knew before, and what new things were revealed to him in the subject, story, phenomenon being studied. Such awareness determines the most correct relationship between a person and the world around him, and subsequently develops self-criticism as a personality trait. The principle of students’ awareness of the learning process itself is aimed at making children think about why knowledge is needed.

5. The principle of the teacher’s purposeful and systematic work on the general development of all students, including weak ones

This principle confirms the high humane orientation of L.V.’s didactic system. Zankova. All children, if they do not have any pathological disorders, can advance in their development. The very process of development of an idea is sometimes slow, sometimes spasmodic. L.V. Zankov believed that weak and strong students should study together, where each student makes his contribution to the common life. He considered any isolation harmful, since children are deprived of the opportunity to evaluate themselves against a different background, which interferes with the students’ progress in their development.

methodological system– its typical properties: versatility, procedurality, collisions, variability;

subject methods in all educational areas;

Features of the educational and methodological set, which is based on modern knowledge about age and individual characteristics junior school student. The kit provides:

Understanding the relationships and interdependencies of the objects and phenomena being studied due to the integrated nature of the content, which is expressed in the combination of material different levels generalizations (supra-subject, inter- and intra-subject), as well as in a combination of its theoretical and practical orientation, intellectual and emotional richness;

Mastery of concepts necessary for further education;

Relevance, practical significance of the educational material for the student;

Conditions for solving educational problems, social-personal, intellectual, aesthetic development of the child, for the formation of educational and universal (general educational) skills;

Active forms of cognition during problem solving, creative tasks: observation, experiments, discussion, educational dialogue (discussion of different opinions, hypotheses), etc.;

Conducting research and design work, development of information culture;

Individualization of learning, which is closely related to the formation of motives for activity, extending to children of different types by nature cognitive activity, emotional and communication characteristics, according to gender characteristics. Individualization is realized, among other things, through three levels of content: basic, extended and in-depth.

forms of training organization - classroom and extracurricular; frontal, group, individual in accordance with the characteristics of the subject, the characteristics of the class and the individual preferences of students;;

system for studying the success of learning and development of schoolchildren –

to study the effectiveness of development curricula The teacher is offered materials on high-quality recording of the success of schoolchildren’s learning, including integrated testing. Only the results of written work from the second half of 2nd grade are assessed with grades. No lesson score will be awarded.

L.V. system Zankova is holistic; when implementing it, you should not miss any of its above-described components: each of them has its own developmental function. A systematic approach to organizing the educational space contributes to solving the problem of the overall development of schoolchildren.

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