Words of indeclinable nouns. Indeclinable nouns

In modern literary language there is a fairly significant number of nouns, which in their meaning and syntactic usage do not differ from other nouns, but, unlike them, do not form case forms, do not bow.

Such indeclinable nouns are, first of all, many borrowed words masculine, feminine. and average genders that end in vowels y, i, e, o and hit A:kangaroo, cockatoo, stew, passe-partout, interview, hummingbird, drapery, jury, lady, muffler, coffee, rentier, tour, purse, foyer, bureau, depot, veto, cocoa, coat, piano, role, entrechat, bourgeois etc. This also includes words of non-Russian origin used in the Russian language proper names with the same vowels: Peru, Baku, Hankou, Bartu, Tahiti, Chile, Somalia, Tbilisi, Sukhumi, Leonardi, Garibaldi, Mary, Kitty, Calais, Ostend, Goethe, Heine, Jose, Bordeaux, Oslo, Tokyo, Hugo, Leonardo, Bruno, Alma- Ata, Yoshkar-Ola etc. In addition, feminine nouns do not change by case from borrowed words. genders ending in a hard consonant, including proper names: Madame, Carmen, Madeleine, Kate, Helen; surnames applied to women: Peterson, Ginzburg, Polyak, Tager etc.

Then some surnames formed by means of certain suffixes are indeclinable nouns. These are the surnames that represent fossilized forms of the clan. pad. units and plural numbers, into suffixes -ovo: Khitrovo, Solovovo, Durnovo etc.; -ago: Zhivago, Veselago etc.; -them: Dry, Naked, Mountain, Twisted etc., as well as surnames with the suffix -ko, if their stress falls on the final vowel: Lyashko, Yanko, Franko etc. and when the stress is not on the final vowel: Korolenko, Shevchenko, Yaroshenko etc., when such surnames are applied to women.

Currently, the number of indeclinable nouns is increasing due to compound words formed by combining initial letters or sounds full name. Such words are not declined if they end in a vowel in pronunciation or if in writing they consist only of letters denoting consonants: USSR(eseseser), Central Committee(tseka), Red Army(erkakaa), MONO, STO etc.

Without changing by case, indeclinable nouns appear, however, in speech in the same meanings that are expressed by the case forms of ordinary nouns, cf.: hanging a coat, sewing a coat, putting on a coat, happy with the coat etc.; Moreover, their relationship to other words of speech can also be expressed by prepositions: button from a coat, wrapped in a coat, sewed a button to a coat, altered from a coat etc. Adjectives that qualify such indeclinable nouns are placed in the case in which they would be in this proposal with inflected nouns: new coat hanging(dress), no new coat(dresses), approached the new coat(dress), etc.

Due to the lack of case forms, indeclinable nouns do not have morphological features, through which their number and gender would be distinguished. Therefore, the belonging of these nouns to one gender or another, as well as their number, is determined exclusively syntactically, by consistent forms of adjectives and verbs: beautiful cockatoo, noble lady, woolen muffler, new coat hanging, new coats hanging etc.

There is a certain semantic sequence in the distribution of indeclinable nouns, not proper names, by gender. Namely: words denoting “non-living”, “inanimate” objects, as a rule, belong to the middle. family: stew, interview, drapery, muffler, purse, bureau, depot, coat, piano, role etc. The deviations observed in this relationship ( burnt coffee etc.) are explained mainly by the use of these words in the same way as they are in the language from which they were borrowed. In language writers of the 19th century centuries there were quite a lot of them, cf.: Ai is like a mistress... but you, Bordeaux, are like a friend(A. Pushkin), He is happy if she puts a fluffy boa on her shoulder(A. Pushkin), our bet(M. Lermontov), my cocoa, lovely piano, gray coat(L. Tolstoy), the wallet was left under the pillow(F. Dostoevsky), worn muffler(A. Pisemsky) and others, but now in most cases such words are average. kind. Words average The genders are opposed by masculine nouns. and female genders that denote “living”, “animate” objects. Of these, to women's. gender refers to words denoting female persons: lady, madam, and to the male gender - words that denote “living” objects regardless of their belonging to one gender or another: bourgeois, rentier, kangaroo, cockatoo etc.

unbending words nouns

  1. Taxi, subway, coat, piano, radio, cinema, purse, atelier, salami, highway, pony.
  2. Highway, cafe, subway, coat, cinema, piano, coffee, jelly, cocoa, fillet, lotto, kangaroo, radio.

  3. When combining indeclinable nouns with other words, the case form is determined either by the construction of the entire sentence: There was a new dressing table in the room (im. p.), or by the endings of adjectives consistent with indeclinable nouns: He wrapped his neck in a soft muffler (tv. p.).
  4. Bureau, zebu, highway, hobby, polto.
  5. movie domino coat jury consommé and a lot more

    Indeclinable nouns

    Indeclinable nouns do not have case forms; these words do not have endings. Grammatical meanings individual cases in relation to such nouns they are expressed syntactically, for example: drink coffee, buy cashews, Dumas novels.

    Indeclinable nouns include: 1) many nouns foreign language origin with final vowels -o, -e, -i, -u, -yu, -a (solo, coffee, hobby, zebu, cashew, bra, Dumas, Zola); 2) foreign-language surnames denoting female persons ending in a consonant (Michon, Sagan); 3) Russian and Ukrainian surnames with -o, -ih, -yh (Durnovo, Krutykh, Sedykh); 4) complex abbreviated words of alphabetic and mixed nature (Moscow State University, Ministry of Internal Affairs, head of department).

    Syntax function indeclinable nouns are determined only in context. For example: The Walrus asked the Kangaroo (R. p.): How can you stand the heat? I'm shaking from the cold! Kangaroo (I. p.) said to the Walrus. (B. Zakhoder)

    Kangaroo is an indeclinable noun that denotes an animal, masculine, and is the object and subject of a sentence.

  6. kangaroo chimpanzee cocoa metro Cinema, domino, kangaroo, coat, jury, consommé, coffee, solo, hobby, piano, pony, karate, highway Wed. r:taxi, dash, foyer, highway, coat, karate, tights, sketches. and. r: lady, missus, madam. m.r.: pony, kangaroo, bourgeois, madam, taxi, metro, radio. Taxi, metro, coat, piano, radio, cinema, purse, atelier, salami, highway, pony pionino

    These are all of the above and some are repeated

    sorry :)

  7. Subway, coat...
    1143. Indeclinable nouns, calling animate objects, refer to husband. or female r. This reference corresponds to the opposition of generic meanings that characterize all animate things. nouns (see 1138). To wives r. include words naming female persons (Miss, Mrs., Madame, Frau, Lady), names and surnames of women (Betsy, Mary, Marie, Carmen, Helen; Zasulich, Curie, Norkevich, Pedersen); to husband r. include words naming a person in general, words naming male persons by social status or professions, as well as the names of animals, regardless of their belonging to one gender or another: (large) bourgeois, (middle) rentier, (Spanish) hidalgo, (military) attache, (familiar) entertainer, curé, porter; (adorable) cockatoo, (swift-footed) kangaroo, (small) pony, (funny) chimpanzee.

    If it is necessary to emphasize the gender of an animal, the noun is usually determined by an adjective in the form husband. or female r. (for formations such as chimpanzychs and kangaroos, see 384). In this case, the feminine gender denotes that the animal belongs to female, and for the masculine gender, in addition to the ability to denote belonging to male, the possibility of a general designation remains possible, regardless of gender: It’s not every day that we have to sit in the company of a young and in its own way pretty chimpanzee (gas.); Monkeys have developed a certain instinct for crawling things. When we have to calm down a rebellious chimpanzee, we turn to the common grass snake; Baby Vega is the first and so far only chimpanzee born in zoos Soviet Union. She is five months old (gas).

    The indeclinable nouns vis-a-vis, protégé, incognito are characterized by a dual gender affiliation (see 1146): this, my, our vis-a-vis this, my, our vis-a-vis; my, my protégé. Noun incognito can refer to husband. and Wednesday r.

    Indeclinable nouns include: 1) many nouns of foreign origin with final vowels -o, -e, -i, -u, -yu, -a (solo, coffee, hobby, zebu, cashew, bra, Dumas, Zola); 2) foreign-language surnames denoting female persons ending in a consonant (Michon, Sagan); 3) Russian and Ukrainian surnames with -o, -ih, -yh (Durnovo, Krutykh, Sedykh); 4) complex abbreviated words of alphabetic and mixed nature (Moscow State University, Ministry of Internal Affairs, head of department).

  8. Kangaroo
  9. coat, cinema, confetti, hummingbird, kiwi, cafe, fillet, floss...
  10. Miss, boa, stew, madame, popsicle, dressing table, missus, menu, cafe, avenue, metro, citro, chimpanzee, highway, plateau, cockatoo, kangaroo, attaché, communique, coupe, Dumas, coat
  11. Indeclinable nouns are those that do not change by case. Most of indeclinable nouns make up foreign language borrowings.
    In the group of indeclinable nouns, common nouns of the masculine, feminine and neuter gender are distinguished, ending with the vowels u, i, e, o and stressed a: bureau, blinds, riding breeches, monpensier, coat, lady, stew, entrechat, bourgeois, etc.; geographical names: Chicago, Tbilisi, Oslo, Bordeaux; names of persons: Jose, Mary, etc.
    Indeclinable nouns also include borrowed nouns feminine ending in a hard consonant (both common and proper nouns): Madame, Irene, Polyak, Goldenberg, Zegers, etc.
    Some surnames starting with -ovo, -ago, -yh, -ih are indeclinable nouns: Durnovo, Dubyago, Chernykh, Sukhikh, Chutkikh, etc.
    Surnames starting with -ko (regardless of the accent) are also among the indeclinable: Shevchenko, Franko (for example, the works of Ivan Franko), etc.
    The number of indeclinable nouns in the modern Russian language is replenished by individual compound words: NTO, NLO, FSB and ch.
    When combining indeclinable nouns with other words, the case form is determined either by the construction of the entire sentence: There was a new dressing table in the room (noun), or by the endings of adjectives consistent with indeclinable nouns: He wrapped his neck in a soft muffler (tv.p). This bullshit
  12. pionino
  13. For example, jury, interview

    Hummingbird, kangaroo, highway
    Flamingo, pony, chimpanzee,
    Cocoa, coffee, domino
    Aloe, radio, cinema,
    Taxi, metro, coupe, coat
    Muffler, cafe, dressing table, coat,
    And cockatoo, jelly beans, bets,
    And the interview, the stew, the jury
    And the piano and the foyer,
    Puree, bureau and atelier You remember all the words,
    But never bow them down!
    Coat, cinema, metro, depot, scoreboard, dressing table, flowerpot, casino, advice note, radio, piano, piano, kimono, popsicle, contralto, jabot, tights, lasso, lotto, domino, zero, photo, video, maestro, mikado, tournaire, muffler, meringue, riding breeches, cabaret, pince-nez, highway, dossier, kare, karate, jelly, relay, coffee, Olivier, croupier, rentier, porter, attache, tsetse, taxi, salami, ivashi, hummingbird, penalty, matsoni, satsivi, sushi, assorted, chassis, bet, blinds, jury, travesty, lady, paparazzi, stew, azu, cockatoo, emu, kangaroo, menu, avenue, ingénue, boa, sconce, bourgeois...
    And many others.

  14. What's the question?
  15. kangaroo chimpanzee cocoa metro. And the “wine” is declining!
  16. Wed r:taxi, dash, foyer, highway, coat, karate, tights, sketches. and. r: lady, missus, madam. m.r.: pony, kangaroo, bourgeois.
  17. Cinema, domino, kangaroo, coat, jury, consommé, coffee, solo, hobby, piano, pony, karate, highway, madame, taxi, metro, radio.
  18. Coat, cinema, metro, depot, scoreboard, dressing table, flowerpot, casino, advice note, radio, piano, piano, kimono, popsicle, contralto, jabot, tights, lasso, lotto, domino, zero, photo, video, maestro, mikado, tournaire, muffler, meringue, riding breeches, cabaret, pince-nez, highway, dossier, kare, karate, jelly, relay, coffee, Olivier, croupier, rentier, porter, attache, tsetse, taxi, salami, ivashi, hummingbird, penalty, matsoni, satsivi, sushi, assorted, chassis, bet, blinds, jury, travesty, lady, paparazzi, stew, azu, cockatoo, emu, kangaroo, menu, avenue, ingénue, boa, sconce, bourgeois, puree, atelier, dragee, manto, muffler, foyer, bureau, interview, piano, jury, dragee, chimpanzee, hummingbird, highway, pony, radio, cocoa domino, kangaroo, flamingo, stew, aloe, coat, taxi, cinema, cafe, metro, muffler, bet, coupe .

Declension is a change according to cases. Declined nouns are divided into three types (declension): l cl., ll cl. and lll skl. There are also indeclinable nouns (name, time, burden, banner, udder, tribe, flame, stirrup, seed, crown, daughter, path, child and mother).

Indeclinable nouns: definition and examples

Zero declension nouns include:

1. Words of foreign language origin that name inanimate objects and end in a vowel: canoe, metro, foyer, cinema, cafe, coat, purse, radio, taxi, cockatoo, interview, menu.

2. Words of foreign origin that name female and male persons and end in a vowel: attache, dandy, referee, maestro, Hugo, lady, impresario, Nana, Shaw, Barto, Dumas, Verdi, Daudet, Zola, Dante.

3. Indeclinable nouns are also represented in foreign words, which represent animals: zebu, chimpanzee, pony, cockatoo, kangaroo, macao, flamingo, rhea, gray, koala, gray, macaque, cockatoo.

4. Foreign speakers female names and surnames that end in a hard consonant: Edith, Carmen, Aliger, Helen, Madame, Miss, Finkelstein, Schlegel.

5. Foreign names geographical objects- also indeclinable nouns. Examples: Somalia, Toronto, Baku, Helsinki, Calais, Abu Dhabi, Batumi, Mississippi, Congo.

6. Russian ancient surnames ending in -ih, -yh -ovo and -ago, which are frozen forms of R. p. in the singular and plural. Zhivago, Khitrovo, Durnovo, Polskikh, Dolgikh, Kruchenykh.

7. Indeclinable nouns are also surnames like Solovey, Strizh, Kovalchuk.

8. Ukrainian surnames starting with -enko, -ko: Oleshko, Franko, Tsekalo, Nesterenko, Cheshko, Shevchenko, Korolenko, Makarenko.

9. Abbreviations: UN, MSU, USA, RF, NPP, USSR, ITAR-TASS, ATS, head of department, head of base.

Indeclinable nouns are always presented unchanged: warm coat; put on a coat; enjoy the coat; be proud of a coat, think about a coat, not have a coat, etc. Grammatical features such words (case, number, gender, animation or inanimateness) appear only in a phrase or sentence.

Using indeclinable names nouns in speech (in phrases, in sentences), you must be able to determine their gender in order to correctly coordinate adjectives and past tense verbs with them. There are specific rules for determining the gender of such nouns. If in doubt, you can look it up in a dictionary.

Gender of nouns. Indeclinable nouns

The gender of indeclinable nouns of foreign language origin is determined as follows.

· Words denoting inanimate objects are neuter (woolen muffler).

This rule has a number of exceptions related to the influence of various analogies: a Russian synonym, the gender of a word denoting a generic concept, etc. In such cases, the noun is used as bigender. For example: Esperanto - cf. and m.r. under the influence of the generic concept - language. Exception: coffee is masculine (black coffee) (Currently in colloquial speech this noun has fluctuations in gender, which has already been noted by some textbooks on speech culture.)

· Nouns denoting female persons are feminine, and male nouns are masculine (old lady, rich rentier); denoting both (such as vis-a-vis, protégé, incognito, croupier) are bigeneric (my vis-a-vis is my vis-a-vis).

· Nouns denoting animals, birds and other animate objects are classified as masculine, regardless of the gender of the animal (funny pony), except in cases where the female is meant (Chimpanze was nursing a baby). The word hummingbird is bigeneric under the influence of the word bird (In modern spoken language this word is increasingly used in the feminine gender (tiny hummingbird). The same applies to the words tsetse (fly), kiwi (bird), iwasi (fish, herring).

· Gender of nouns denoting geographical names, determined by generic name: river, city, island, etc. (Capri attracted tourists - the island).

· The gender of the names of press organs is determined by the generic name (“The Daily Worker” wrote the newspaper).

· Substantivized indeclinable words belong to the neuter gender (our tomorrow).

· Compound abbreviated words (abbreviations), formed by combining the initial letters of the words of the full name, determine their gender by the gender of the leading word of the compound name ( former USSR– union; Moscow State University has announced admission - university).

· The gender of foreign abbreviations is determined by their meaning (approved by FIDE - the international chess organization).

2. Series of nouns masculine in the nominative plural case it has endings =а (=я): address - addresses, poplar - poplars. The most common nouns receiving this form are: side, shore, century, evening, eye, voice, director, house, doctor, building, edge, camp, master, number, order, island, passport, train, professor, volume, color. In case of hesitation in choosing endings =ы(=и) - =а(=я) the latter are more typical for household and professional speech: years - years, inspectors - inspectors, searchlights - searchlights, sectors - sectors, mechanics - mechanics, turners - turners, poplars - poplars, tractors - tractors, anchors - anchors. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that some variant forms differ in meaning: images(artistic and literary) and image(icons), teachers(thought leaders) and teachers(teachers), flowers(plants) - colors(coloring), etc.

3. Animate are masculine and feminine nouns that denote living beings (people, animals) and mythical ( devil, brownie). However, animate nouns also include words such as doll, dead man, deceased, and some neuter nouns (child, animal, person – human, mammal, insect, monster, monster). U animate nouns of all births in plural and masculine 1st declension in singular the endings of the accusative and genitive cases coincide. At the zoo the children saw elephant(white bear, exotic animals, others children). Inanimate nouns used in figurative meaning, are perceived as animate. Wed: In daylight it is impossible to see the stars and at the gala concert we saw real stars.

4. Among the nouns there are indeclinables, i.e. preserving initial form in all cases. These include:

1) Words of foreign origin that end in a vowel: menu, metro.

2) Foreign names for females: lady, miss, frau.

3) Russian surnames =ago, =yago, =ovo, =ykh, =their. Zhivago, Durnovo, Teplykh, Dolgikh.

4) Compound words like RF (Russian Federation), Deputy Director

If indeclinable nouns name objects, they are neuter, except coffee (kimono, domino), if they are living beings, their gender depends on the sex of the latter: young - young kangaroo, Durnovo reported - a.

In the absence of gender indications, animal names are assigned to the masculine gender.

5. Foreign surnames on –s And –in have in instrumental case ending -ohm, unlike Russian surnames that have the ending –th. Wed: Vlasov th and Darwin ohm.

6. B genitive case plural in Russian literary language it is used following forms nouns (some without endings, others with endings):

noun m.r.: a pair of boots, felt boots, shoulder straps, boots, stockings(BUT: socks, oranges, eggplants, hectares, tangerines, tomatoes, rails, tomatoes); among Armenians, Georgians, Ossetians, Bashkirs, Buryats, Romanians, Tatras, Turkmens, Turks, Gypsies(BUT: Kalmyks, Kyrgyz, Mongols, Tajiks, Tungus, Uzbeks, Yakuts); several amperes, watts, volts(BUT: grams, kilograms);

noun w.r.: no barge, waffles, shaft (additional shafts), poker, sheet, share, candles(BUT: saying – The game is not worth the candle);

noun average: no upper reaches, lower reaches, knees, apples, tips, swamps, saucers, mirrors, towels.

7. In Russian the words: weekdays, rake, frost, twilight, manger there are no singular forms.

When using adjectives verbally and writing there may be such difficulties.

1. When full form adjective name used in Nominative case in the role compound predicate, as a rule, cannot be controlled words, but in a short form they can. Wed: he is sick with a sore throat - he is sick with a sore throat.

2. Forms of words are not used better, worse etc., since the second word itself already expresses the meaning comparative degree.

3. In modern Russian literary language the following forms of comparative degree are used: more lively, louder, more dexterous, sweeter, more trenchant.

· Not used as homogeneous members complete and short form adjective name. Wed: he is rich and smart - he is rich and smart.

Miss in boa took a bite of stew,
Which you wouldn’t wish on your enemy.

And madam licked the popsicle,
What lay on the lame dressing table.

Well, the missus chose the menu
In a small cafe on the avenue.

And then we went to the subway,
Where citro was not sold;

We only bought sturgeon,
But fry: there is no wood for the fire...

The chimpanzee ran along the highway
A cockatoo was circling over the plateau,

The kangaroo jumped where everyone else was
And he blew into a spruce pipe...

The attache wrote a communique,
He was driving in a compartment, reading Dumas,

And the coat was hanging on a hook
And it drove the attaché crazy...

Miss, boa, stew, madame, popsicle, dressing table, missus, menu, cafe, avenue, metro, citro, chimpanzee, highway, plateau, cockatoo, kangaroo, attaché, communique, coupe, Dumas, coat - indeclinable nouns. RCh (gender, number, case) in the text can be recognized by the verb or adjective. And if you yourself use such words in your writings and don’t know how to coordinate indeclinable nouns with other words, check out:

Indeclinable nouns include:

1. Nouns of foreign origin, borrowings denoting
- common animate nouns:

A) masculine persons: monsieur, monsieur, attaché, rentier, coolie, curé, impresario, referee, maestro
b) feminine persons: Miss, Mrs., Miss, Fraulein, Lady, Frau, Ingenue
c) persons of the general gender: protégé, incognito, vis-a-vis, bibabo (finger puppet, male and female)
d) animals (male breed): chimpanzee, cockatoo, pony, flamingo, kangaroo, zebu, hummingbird (male and female), collie (male and female), kiwi kiwi, tsetse (fly)

Common nouns inanimate nouns(s.r.) at the end with vowels:

"a" - boa, baccarat (crystal), baccarat ( card game- and. r.), notabene, role
“o” - allegro (fast), baroque, capriccio, credo, water polo, veto, ghetto, depot, jabot, cocoa, plateau, metro, dressing table, popsicle, adagio, libretto, loto, magneto, manto, mocha, mezzo-soprano , mikado, montecristo, palazzo, coat, panel, piano, piano, polo, rococo, tights, fiasco, fortissimo, kharcho, contralto (voice), sirocco (wind - m. r.), pampero (wind - m. r. )

“e” - amber, atelier, auto-da-fé, caret, karate, muffler, cafe, coffee (in beans - real noun, s.r.), coffee (drink, m.r.), cliche, necklace, communiqué, entertainer , notabene, jelly, coupe, pince-nez, highway, montpensier, floss, papier-mâché, pleated, perpetuum-mobile, pique, puree, resume, reputation, relay, dash, facsimile, fillet, foyer, crepe-corrugated (fabric - m . r.), riding breeches (trousers - plural)

“and” - alibi, cap, confetti, Borjomi, whiskey, jersey, pari, potpourri, rally, rugby, taxi, hara-kiri, iwasi (herring - female), salami (sausage), kohlrabi (cabbage f. r.), bere (pear - f. r.), beriberi (illness - f. r.), penalty (kick on goal - m. r.), Swahili (m. r.), Hindi ( m.r.), bengali (m.r.), kawasaki (motor boat - m.r.), krambambuli (drink - m.r.), suluguni (cheese - m.r.), shimmy (dance - m.r.) . r.), brie (cheese - m. r.)

"e" - aloe, canoe
“u” - jiu-jitsu, stew, menu, passe-partout, Bantu (language, nationality of the M.R.), Pashto (language, nationality - M.R.), Urdu (language, nationality - M.R.)
“yu” - interview, revue[e] (theatrical or variety show consisting of several numbers united by one theme), avenue (street of the zh.r.), ecu (m.r.)

2. Nouns substantivized from different parts speeches (s.r.): loud “hurray” (from interlocutory), your “hello” (from interlocutory), negative “I won’t” (from v.)

3. Proper nouns:
a) foreign-language feminine surnames ending in a consonant: Aliger, Voynich, Abamelik, Lynx, Gnedich, Hastings, Gippius, Miller, Haeckel, Hansen, Grot, Dillon, May, Mons, Nissen-Saloman, Raab, Raden, Ricord, Merder, Yanzhul.
b) Russian and Ukrainian surnames ending in “o-yh-ih” (m. and f. b.): Rodzianko, Gnedko, Koreiko, Drapeko, Krasnykh, Dolgikh, Chernykh
c) some foreign language surnames ending in a vowel sound (m. and z. r.): Rosseti, Dumas, Zola, Goethe
d) geographical names: in the city of Sochi, ancient Tbilisi, the city of brides Ivanovo, the Orinoco peak, sunny Sukhumi, the proud Mount Kilimanjaro, the deep Mississippi River, Lake Erie, the mysterious Missouri River, distant Lake Ontario, the unfamiliar country of Nicaragua, African state Zimbabwe, the island of Capri attracts tourists, the inaccessible Jungfrau mountain
e) names of periodicals:
The Daily Worker wrote (newspaper)
liberal News Chronicle (newspaper)
published by The Times (newspaper)
Figaro Literature published (magazine)
e) compound words(abbreviations):
MSU (m.r. – university)
Ministry of Internal Affairs (s.r. - ministry)
NPP (railway – power plant)

Indeclinable memorized masculine nouns:
penalti, sirocco (wind), brie (cheese), ha, kawasaki (motor boat), coffee, krambambuli (drink infused with cinnamon, cloves and cherry pits), crepe corrugated (fabric), maquis (thickets), pampero ( wind in South America), suluguni (cheese), shimmy (dance similar to the foxtrot), equ.
Hot sirocco and fast pampero; impenetrable maquis; high-speed Kawasaki; exact penalty; aromatic coffee; wrinkled crepe corrugated; groovy shimmy; last ecu; exquisite krambambuli; fresh brie and suluguni.

Football player.
He rushed like a hot sirocco, like a swift pampero, through the enemy’s defenses, as if he was making his way through an impenetrable maquis. His run cut through the field like a high-speed Kawasaki cuts through waves. But still no goal. And only an accurate penalty decided the outcome of the match.
And then aromatic coffee. And a groovy shimmy with a beauty in a dress made of wrinkled crepe corrugated. And for the last ecu - delicious krambambuli and fresh brie and suluguni.

Indeclinable memorable feminine nouns:
avenue, salami (sausage), kohlrabi (cauliflower, the stem is eaten), tsetse (fly), iwasi (herring), kiwi (bird), baccarat (card game), bere (pear, pronounced - [bere]), beriberi (disease, lack of vitamin B1).
Unfamiliar Avenue, delicious salami, large kohlrabi, African tsetse, fatty Iwasi, tropical kiwi, exciting baccarat, juicy bere, serious beriberi.

I once dreamed of an unfamiliar avenue. On one side of the window there are different varieties of delicious salami. Large kohlrabi beckons with fresh herbs. Fatty iwashi swims in spicy brine. The juicy bere just begs to be put into your mouth. And on the other side of the avenue, an African tsetse is chasing a tropical kiwi. They circle above the card player. He plays out an exciting baccarat game. On pale face The gambler suffers from a serious beriberi disease - a lack of vitamin B1.


Nadezhda, thank you for the poems.
You and I are doing the same thing. My poems are mostly grammatical.
So we will visit each other and exchange experiences.
Nice to meet you.
Happy May holidays to you. Irina.

Nadezhda, we are colleagues. I was a Russian language teacher. I also worked with children separately. I wrote (and still write) grammatical poems for my grandchildren. Precisely to make it interesting to study the rules. And other children found my poems useful. They are reading.
All the best to you.

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