X y greater than 0 number circle. Definite integral

Syntactic connection is a connection that arises between the components of a complex sentence.

The generally recognized types of syntactic connection are coordinating connection (composition) and subordinating connection(subordination), as well as non-union communication.

Coordinating connection is a connection between syntactically equal units (words or sentences). Factories and factories. Not in the morning, but in the evening.

Subordinating connection - This is the connection between the main clause. and subordinate clauses. He said that (what?) would come.

Practical work № 17

The beginning is in the notebook: D

Related languages

In order to concretely imagine how the concept of the kinship of languages ​​was formed, let us schematically depict the path along which linguistics moved from the collection of various linguistic factors to construct a theory that explains them. Researchers have long noticed that there are common features in the structures of many Euro-Asian languages, for example Polish woda, Russian water, English water, German wasser, but Japanese mizdu, Chinese shui, or Old Russian oko, Polish oko, German auge, Lithuanian akis, but Japanese me, Chinese yangjing. From thousands of such facts, a general picture emerges. It turned out that it is important to compare ancient words and morphemes. This is due to the fact that words from the so-called international dictionary coincide in very distant languages, for example, Russian radio-Japanese rada (5 identical sounds out of 6), Russian radio-Belarusian rada (3 sounds out of 6 do not coincide). Such words have spread in connection with recent achievements of science and culture, so they are not must be taken into account when determining oldest relationship between languages. Only a comparison of original (original) words, roots, and service affixes will be reliable.

The concept of the comparative historical method

Comparison of languages; allocation common words, roots, etc.; establishing regular phonetic correspondences between languages; establishing temporal correlation and sequence phonetic changes; restoration of the supposed sound of common words, roots and affixes in antiquity - these are the tasks for solving which in the end XVIII-early XIX centuries required the creation new industry science of language - comparative historical linguistics.

Comparative-historical linguistics (linguistic comparative studies) is a field of linguistics devoted primarily to the relationship of languages, which is understood historically and genetically (as a fact of origin from a common proto-language).

6. Typology on a general scientific scale is a method of studying complex objects by comparing them, identifying their common or similar features and combining similar objects into certain classes (groups, types). Typology of languages, or linguistic typology, deals with the study of basic, essential features languages, their grouping, breeding general patterns observed in a number of languages, and the establishment of types of languages.

General signs may be due common origin languages, i.e. their kinship or genealogy, as well as prolonged geographical and/or cultural contact. In the first case, as a result of commonality, languages ​​are systematized into “ language families"(groups, macro-families, etc.), in the second case - they form “linguistic unions”. In cases where the commonality of structural features of languages ​​is not due to either their primary genealogical relationship or secondary areal affinity, it is possible to identify common features, conditioned by the actual structural capabilities of the language, which are based on the physiological, cognitive, mental and emotional capabilities of a person as its carrier. Only when studying such commonalities and differences in linguistics is the idea of ​​a type used as a certain union of objects (in in this case, languages) taking into account their common features.

7.Morphological classification

Morphological classification of languages

classification based on similarities and differences language structure, as opposed to the genealogical classification of languages ​​(See. Genealogical classification languages). Until linguistic typology set as its goal the creation of a typological classification of languages ​​(See Classification of languages), all typological classifications were almost exclusively morphological, since morphology long time was the most developed area of ​​linguistics. However, M. k. I. was not originally thought to be associated exclusively with morphological level language (see Levels of language), and received its name due to the fact that the focus of its creators was formal aspect language. Basic concepts of M.K.I. - morpheme and word

Complex sentences always contain two or more simple ones (also called predicative clauses) connected various types connections: union coordinating, non-union and union subordinating connections. It is the presence or absence of conjunctions and their meaning that allows us to establish the type of connection in a sentence.

Definition of subordinating connection in a sentence

Subordination or subordination- a type of connection in which one of the predicative parts is the main, subordinating part, and the other is the dependent, subordinate part. Such a connection is conveyed through subordinating conjunctions or allied words; from the main part to the subordinate part it is always possible to ask a question. Thus, a subordinating relationship (as opposed to a coordinating relationship) implies syntactic inequality between the predicative parts of the sentence.

For example: In geography lessons we learned (about what?) why there are ebbs and flows, Where In geography lessons we learned - main part, there are ebbs and flows - subordinate clause, why - subordinating conjunction.

Subordinating conjunctions and allied words

Predicative parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinating connection are connected using subordinating conjunctions, allied words. In turn, subordinating conjunctions are divided into simple and complex.

TO simple unions include: what, so that, how, when, barely, yet, if, as if, as if, for sure, for, although and others. We want all peoples to live happily.

Complex conjunctions include at least two words: because, because, since, in order to, as soon as, while, until, despite the fact that, as if and others. As soon as the sun rose, all the songbirds woke up.

Conjunctive words can be relative pronouns and adverbs: who, what, which, whose, which, how many(in all cases); where, to where, from where, when, how, why, why and others. Conjunctive words always answer any question and are one of the members of the subordinate clause. I took you there, where I gray wolf didn't run!(G. Rosen)

You need to know: what it is, examples of it in the literature.

Types of subordination in a complex sentence

Depending on the means, connecting predicative parts, the following types of subordination are distinguished:

  • allied subordination- parts of a complex sentence are connected by simple ones or complex alliances. He opened the doors wider so that the procession could pass through freely.
  • relative subordination - stands between predicative parts allied word. After death, people return to the same place they came from. they came.
  • interrogative-relative subordination - parts of a complex sentence are connected through interrogative-relative pronouns and adverbs. The subordinate part explains the member of the main sentence expressed by a verb or noun, which has the meaning of a statement, mental activity, feelings, perceptions, internal state. Berlioz looked around sadly, not understanding what frightened him. (M. Bulgakov).

Often one complex sentence contains more than two predicative parts that are dependent in relation to the main one. Due to this There are several types of subordination:

This is interesting: in the rules of the Russian language.

Based on which member of the main sentence explains or extends the dependent one, subordinate clauses in some sources are divided into subjects, predicates, modifiers, additional and adverbial.

  • Every, whom he met here offered to help him. The subordinate clause extends the subject of the main clause every.
  • Never think that you already know everything.(I. Pavlov) The subordinate part explains the predicate of the main think.
  • You should never regret something that can no longer be changed. In this case, the subordinate part answers the question of the prepositional case.

A more common classification is that depending on the questions they answer, subordinate clauses are divided as follows:

Coordinating connection

Means of expressing syntactic connections in phrases

III. Adverbial phrases

1. Phrases with an adverb (for example: very successful, still good).

2. Collocations with nouns (for example: far from home, alone with my son, shortly before exams).

Syntactic connection - formal structural relationships between components syntactic units, revealing semantic connections ( syntactic relations) and expressed by means of language.

Means of expressing syntactic connections in phrases and simple sentences:

1) forms of words:

· case form of nouns;

· number, gender, case of adjectives;

· person, number, gender of conjugated forms of verbs.

2) prepositions;

3) word order;

4) intonation (in writing expressed using punctuation marks).

Syntactic connections are divided into coordinating and subordinating, which oppose each other based on the presence/absence of the “master” and “servant” relationship in the syntactic structure.

At essay the components are single-functional. This connection is characterized by the number of combined structural components, i.e. a sign of openness/closedness.

At closed coordinating connection only two of its components can be connected ( not a sister, but a brother; you love sadly and difficultly, but a woman’s heart is a joke). Must be expressed by adversative conjunctions ( A, But), gradational ( not only...but also; yes and), explanatory ( namely, that is).

With an open coordinating connection, an indefinite number of components can be connected at once. Can be expressed without conjunctions or using connectives ( And, Yes) and separating ( or, or, Also etc.) unions.

At subordination The role of the components in creating a design is different, they have different functions. The Russian language has different by formal means subordinating expressions. These funds are grouped into three main types.

First view formal expression dependencies are likening the form dependent word forms of the dominant word; such assimilation is carried out in cases where the dependent word changes in cases, numbers and genders (this is an adjective, including pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers and participles), by cases and numbers (this is a noun) or by cases other than them. n. and, for some. excl., wine n. (numerals); eg: new home (new home, new home...), late passengers, my brother, first flight; tower house, giant plant; three tables, four tables, several athletes. The condition for the formation of such a connection is the possibility of coincidence in the connecting words of case, number and gender - in case of dependence of the adjective, or case and number, or only case - in case of dependence of the noun ( tower house, in the tower house..., nursery-new building, V nursery-new building...).

Second type formal expression of dependence - setting the dependent word in the form oblique case without a preposition or with a preposition (attachment to the word case form name); in such a connection, the main word can be a word of any part of speech, and the dependent word can be a noun (including a pronoun-noun, cardinal and collective numeral): read a book, angry with the student, drive into the yard, pass for the groom, monitor the instruments, be in the city, work for seven, father's arrival, buying a house, award to the winners, math exam, city ​​on the Volga, scientifically gifted, alone with myself, stronger than death , someone in a mask, first from the edge.

Third type formal expression of dependence - joining to the dominant word a word that has no forms of change: an adverb, an unchangeable adjective, as well as an infinitive or gerund, which syntactically behave like independent words. The main word can be a verb, a noun, an adjective, a cardinal numeral, and also, when combined with an adverb, a pronoun-noun. With this type of connection, the formal indicator of dependence is the immutability of the dependent word itself, and the internal, semantic indicator is the emerging relationships: run fast, turn right, beige, saddle coat, golden side, sixth from left, three upstairs, order to advance, decide to leave, act smarter, older people, someone more experienced.

In modern Russian, there are traditionally three types of subordinating connections: coordination, control and adjacency. When delimiting and defining these connections, not only strictly formal types of connection must be taken into account, but also inseparable from these types significant party connections, i.e., relationships arising on its basis.

Coordination- this is a subordinating relationship, which is expressed by assimilating the form of the dependent word to the form of the dominant word in gender, number and case, or in number and case, or only in case, and means relations that are actually attributive: new home, someone else's, tower house, nursery-new building. The main word in agreement can be a noun, a pronoun-noun and a cardinal numeral in the form of noun-vin. n. With words that are informatively insufficient, agreement combines a defining meaning with a complementary meaning and thus acquires signs of a strong connection: fun thing, unfathomable things.

Control- this is a subordinating relationship, which is expressed by joining the dominant word of a noun in the form of an indirect case (without a preposition or with a preposition) and means a relationship that is complementary or objective or contaminated: object-completion or object-defining. The main word in control can be a word of any part of speech: become a scientist, be in the dark, master of inventions, brooding, two students, alone with myself; read a book, buying a house, angry at everyone; run into rudeness; get home, move down the mountain..

Adjacency is a subordinating relationship that exists in two forms, of which each receives self-determination. The connection differs in in the narrow sense words (or actual adjacency) and adjacency in in a broad sense words (case adjunction). The actual junction - this is a connection in which the role of a dependent word is played by unchangeable words: an adverb, an unchangeable adjective, as well as an infinitive or gerund. In this case, there may be different relationships: when joining an infinitive - complementary (), objective ( learn to draw, agree to go), or adverbial determinatives ( come in and talk); when adjoining adverbs, gerunds - attributives ( speak slowly, read faster, extremely interesting, city ​​at night, second from left) or determinative-replenishing ( be nearby, costly, be listed here, become smarter); when adjoining an unchangeable adjective - the actual attributives ( indigo, tsunami waves, mini skirt, older boy). In this connection, a word of any part of speech can dominate.

Case adjunction- this is the addition to the main word (any part of speech) of the case (without a preposition or with a preposition) form of the name with defining value: come on May 5th, come in the evening, wooden spoon, city ​​on the Volga, house with two windows, checkered gray, handsome face , teapot lid, one step ahead, someone in blue, first in line. With case adjacency, attributive, subjective-attributive relations arise, or - with informationally insufficient words that require an adverbial extender - adverbial-complementary ( be on the shore, be registered at the plant, cost a hundred rubles, long before dawn).

In which there is a subordinating or coordinating connection, they differ significantly from similar phrases and simple sentences. Further in the article we will consider the main differences between the mentioned structures.

General information

If we talk about phrases and simple sentences, then it is fair to note that a subordinating relationship can only appear in the first version, while coordinating type is more often used in the second. IN the latter case the task of converting to a common design is performed, creating rows homogeneous members. IN complex structures coordinating and subordinating connections do not have such sharp differences. This is due to the fact that the same statement can be formulated using conjunctions of both types.

First difference

The use of composition and subordination helps to identify the semantic relationships that exist in simple and complex formulations. At the same time, there is a difference in the very structure of the utterance. Thus, the coordinating connection does not create such clear boundaries. When using the second type of connection, parts of the utterance are highlighted, indicating the need to pay more attention to a certain fragment of the message.

Thus, we can say that the conjunctions used in different versions differ in how they reveal connections in expressions. In the case of a subordinate relationship, such types of relationships as concessional, conditional-effect and cause-and-effect take on an unambiguous form. Moreover, they are expressed by conjunctions “although”, “because”, “if”. A coordinating connection in a sentence allows you to use the same conjunction. It is represented by the connecting element “and”. But there are situations when the coordinating conjunctions “a” and “but,” which are usually considered contrastive, can give the statement a connotation of concession, condition, consequence, comparison and contrast. In expressions that have the form of an incentive, conjunctions can create a condition in the message, which in a subordinating clause is expressed by the elements “if (the particle “not” is allowed instead)... then.” Some interaction is found between composition and submission due to the fact that they cannot be considered absolutely opposite concepts.

Second difference

In complex constructions, coordinating connection is important an independent element. But in simple structures Its task is to determine the relationships between members of a homogeneous sequence. In addition, in simple design the coordinating connection is included in order to enrich the statement with additional members. This is how it is transformed into a widespread one. In multi-part structures, coordinating communication is more important.

Third difference

If we compare subordination and composition with non-union, then the last two types of connection have much in common. This is explained semantic relation inside the structure. Thus, the coordinating connection reveals them in expression to a lesser extent. However, let's compare them in more detail. The coordinating connection is not only syntactic, but also in a lexical way interactions. Thus, the relationships that arise between phrases do not have specific meaning, but only receives a certain characteristic. Coordinating conjunctions can also be combined with subordinating and various lexical elements. This creates a variety of syntactic constructions. As examples of a conjunction, we can cite various combinations of auxiliary parts of speech “and”, “here”, “a”, “well”, “therefore”, “therefore”, “means”. Subordinating conjunctions do not need additions, since they themselves can create clear boundaries for semantic segments.

Special cases

If a coordinating or non-union connection does not allow one to fully study the relationships that exist in these sentences, then it is necessary to turn to additional factors. They may be general structure statements, as well as the introductory words, particles present in it, various pronouns, revolutions. In addition, moods and tense forms can highlight individual parts and indicate their features. In allied constructions, the meaning of condition and consequence appears more noticeably when interaction occurs imperative mood in the first sentence (in the case of a complex formulation, this means its main part) and other moods or other forms of tense found in the second element (in the subordinate part).

Fourth difference

IN complex sentences the subordinating relationship is less multifaceted than in phrases and simple phrases. There are cases when part of the meaning of a complex structure formed from a set of simple ones is not realized. This may be due to the fact that there is likely to be a contradiction in the meaning subordinating conjunction, as well as his complete change. An example would be the connector "when". It is used in subordinating clauses. Its main value is the time indicator. However, if the main part of the sentence describes any feelings, emotions or someone's state, then this union may turn from temporary into investigative. When in subordinate clause something is evaluated in an attempt to determine importance or significance, the “when” element takes on the target meaning. In addition, this union may have a comparative meaning and carry an indication of inconsistency.

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