The form of education and the form of training are chosen. Forms of education and forms of training in the Russian Federation

In the early 90s. last century, with the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 N 3266-I “On Education”, homeschooling became legal. Article 10 “Forms of obtaining education”, paragraph 1: “Taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual, educational programs are mastered in following forms: in an educational institution - in the form of full-time, part-time (evening), part-time; in the form of family education, self-education, external studies” (System Garant..., 2013). In the new education law, external education no longer refers to forms of education. In other words, Federal Law No. 273 gave the legalized right to each individual parent (legal representative) to choose family education as a form of education for your child.

The new Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Article 17 “forms of obtaining education and forms of training” reads:

"1. In the Russian Federation, education can be obtained:

1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;

2) outside organizations carrying out educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

2. Training in organizations engaged in educational activities, taking into account the needs, capabilities of the individual and depending on the volume of compulsory classes teaching worker with students is carried out in full-time, part-time or part-time form.

3. Education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right to subsequently pass, in accordance with Part 3 of Article 34 of this Federal Law, intermediate and state final certification in organizations carrying out educational activities.

4. A combination of various forms of education and forms of training is allowed" (Collection of questions..., 2014; Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 273, 2012).

In addition to the family form, there are other ways to organize your child’s education at home: part-time form, correspondence, self-education and a combination of forms (Article 17 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 273), for example, full-time in geography and mathematics and family education in all other subjects (Dyakova, 2015). These forms of training belong to the so-called alternative forms of training.

Registration of children eligible to receive general education each level and living in the territories of the corresponding municipalities, as well as forms of education and training determined by parents ( legal representatives) children, lead organs local government municipal districts and urban districts. When choosing a form of family education, parents (legal representatives) must inform the local government body about this municipal district or the urban district in whose territory they live (Part 5 of Article 63 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 273) (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2013).

Unfortunately, in regulatory legal acts relating to family education, such as the Family Code (RF IC), Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Code administrative offenses(Administrative Code of the Russian Federation), no definition of “family education” is given. But distinctions are made, according to Article 41 part 5 of the Federal Law, that “the education of students mastering the basic general education programs and those in need of long-term treatment, as well as disabled children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational institutions, can also be organized by educational organizations at home or in medical organizations"(Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 273, 2012). Thus, the term “homeschooling” or “homeschooling” refers to the opportunity to receive education at home with a medical certificate, and “family education” refers to homeschooling that does not require specific justification for implementation.

It is also important to note that with the adoption of the new law on education and the corresponding change in the forms of education, compensation for the costs of legal representatives of students for the implementation of general education programs outside educational organization(family education and self-education), since the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Part 2 of Article 43) guarantees free general education only in educational organizations. But regional and municipal regulations may provide for compensation for these costs, including in the form of providing support to parents (legal representatives) of students (clause 6 of the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2013 No. NT-1139/ 08 “On the organization of education in family form"(Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2013; Lomov, 2014). In accordance with Part 2 of Article 99 of the Federal Law, “the founder of an educational organization may determine the standard costs for the provision of state (municipal) services for the implementation of a general education program in the form of family education, covering the costs of conducting intermediate and state final certification, the cost of purchasing educational publications(textbooks, teaching aids And educational materials), periodicals, publishing and printing services, access services electronic publications directly related to the implementation of the general education program, the costs of providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance" It is also stipulated that a subject of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the provided powers, may introduce compensation as a measure for needy families who have chosen a form of family education social support(Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2013).

Along with the unresolved issue of financing, the issue of certification is also relevant: how many times a year and in what form should a child undergo it (Parfentiev, 2015).

According to Part 3, Article 34 of the Federal Law on Education, students in the form of family education “have the right to undergo intermediate and state final certification in organizations carrying out educational activities in the relevant field state accreditation educational program. These persons who do not have basic general or secondary general education have the right to undergo external intermediate and state final certification in an organization that carries out educational activities according to the corresponding basic general education program that has state accreditation, free of charge. The educational organization must adopt the appropriate local act regulating the procedure for organizing and passing intermediate and state final certification, including for external students. At the same time, the above local act must be available for unhindered review, including on the website of the educational organization on the Internet information and telecommunications network” (Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2013). It is also advisable to coordinate the procedure for passing certification of an educational organization taking into account the opinions of parents (legal representatives), including based on the pace and sequence of study educational material. Such an organization educational process can be settled at the request of parents (legal representatives) for the entire period of receiving general education, for the period of passing a specific certification or for the period of one academic year depending on objective circumstances and the most effective implementation of the rights and freedoms of the child. The documents that define the relationship between an educational organization and parents (legal representatives) are “an application from parents (legal representatives) to pass an intermediate and (or) state final certification in an organization carrying out educational activities, and an administrative act of the said organization to admit a person to pass intermediate certification and (or) state final certification. An educational organization for passing intermediate or final certification can be determined not only by general educational organizations, but also by educational organizations of other types, for example, universities, which Federal law granted the right to carry out educational activities in basic general educational programs(Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2013).

The law is called “Forms of education and forms of training”, and says that in the Russian Federation education can be obtained:

1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;

2) outside organizations carrying out educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

Forms of obtaining education are receiving education in an organization carrying out educational activities, or outside such an organization (in two different options - family and self-education).

Accordingly, the forms of education are: full-time, part-time, correspondence, family education and self-education.

Classification of forms of education and forms of training is a relatively new phenomenon for Russian education. We especially note that The law does not give preferences to any of the forms; they are all equal. In this sense Russian legislation is one of the most liberal when we compare the regulation of these issues, for example, with European and other foreign countries, where often general education is either required to be obtained in an educational organization, or other forms of education are discriminated against.

In our country, the forms of education are equal; children who have mastered the educational program of the appropriate level of general education have equal rights, including the right to undergo final certification confirming the fact of mastering the program, which subsequently gives the right to access other levels of education.

This solution provides opportunities to significantly vary the content of education. Family education and self-education make it possible to achieve results established by the relevant standard, with maximum consideration of the interests, characteristics of the student, his inclinations, health status, etc. In fact, recognition of the equality of forms of education means wide opportunities for families to organize the education of their children in the way that seems optimal to them.

The choice of the form of education and the form of training for their children is made by parents (until they reach the age of majority or until they receive basic general education). Besides that Part 4 Art. 17 Federal Law No. 273-FZ allows for a combination of various forms of education and forms of training. There can be quite a lot of possible combinations. It is also illegal to refuse to choose a combination of forms of education.

At the same time, it seems that such an opportunity should be realized through such a tool as individual training curriculum. The choice by parents, for example, of the form of education in the form of training in an educational organization, but at the same time studying, for example, the Russian language and literature in the form of family education, is extremely difficult to implement in terms of drawing up a state (municipal) assignment to an educational institution, as well as calculating standard costs for such a “truncated” service. In this sense, the implementation of an individual curriculum is technically much simpler to design. Forms of education and forms of training in the basic educational program for each level of education are determined by the relevant federal state educational standards, unless otherwise provided by law. Forms of training for additional educational programs are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the standard must determine for each level of education whether it can be obtained in an organization carrying out educational activities and outside such organizations, and also whether it can be obtained in various forms: full-time, part-time, part-time, and correspondence.

For general education, these issues are also specified in the law itself. HF 2 tbsp. 63 of the Law states that general education can be obtained in organizations carrying out educational activities, as well as outside organizations carrying out educational activities, in the form of family education. Secondary general education can be obtained in the form of self-education. Thus, a form of self-education is not permitted at levels earlier than secondary general education.

According to Part 3 Art. 17 Law, education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right to subsequent completion in accordance with part 3 of article 34 the law of intermediate and state final certification in organizations engaged in educational activities.

This third part states the following. Persons who are mastering a basic educational program in the form of self-education or family education, or who have studied in an educational program that does not have state accreditation, have the right to undergo external intermediate and state final certification in an organization that carries out educational activities in the corresponding educational program that has state accreditation. These persons who do not have basic general or secondary general education have the right to undergo external intermediate and state final certification in an organization that carries out educational activities according to the corresponding basic general education program that has state accreditation, free of charge. When passing certification, external students use academic rights students in the relevant educational program.

In fact, this means that the public authority assumes obligations to provide free certification for students mastering general education programs, in whatever form they study. Those who study in the form of family education or self-education will be enrolled in organizations carrying out educational activities according to the relevant state-accredited basic general education program for the period of certification, and will undergo it free of charge. IN at the moment This is exactly what the law understands by external studies - persons enrolled for certification are considered external students. External education is neither a form of education (there are two of them - in an organization, or outside it, as a family education or self-education), nor a form of education (full-time, part-time, part-time, correspondence). Extern is a person who, studying in the form of family education or self-education, is enrolled in an organization to undergo intermediate or final certification. Actually, External study is a form of certification in an educational organization, when the education itself was received in a different form (in the family or independently).

In this aspect, the law equates to persons mastering the basic educational program in the form of self-education or family education those children who are studying in an educational program that does not have state accreditation.

When passing certification, external students enjoy the academic rights of students in the relevant educational program.

The key question that arises when assessing the content of education in a particular country is the question of what, in fact, forms of education, what forms of training are allowed. These initial, organizational issues largely predetermine the regulation of the content of education.

In the Russian Federation, in this regard, legislation has taken the most liberal path. Article 17 of the Education Law states that in Russia education can be obtained:

  • 1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;
  • 2) outside organizations carrying out educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

Forms of education are receiving education in an organization carrying out educational activities, or outside such an organization (in two different options - family and self-education). Accordingly, the forms of training in organizations engaged in educational activities are: full-time, part-time, correspondence, family educationAndself-education.

The choice of form of education and form of training for their children is made by parents until they reach adulthood or before receiving basic general education, after which the student decides this question on one's own.

The classification of forms of education and forms of training is a relatively new phenomenon for Russian education.

The Education Law does not give preferences to any of the forms; they are all equal. In this sense, Russian legislation is one of the most liberal, if we compare the regulation of these issues, for example, with European and other foreign countries, where often certain types of education are possible only within the framework of educational organizations, or there is an opportunity outside organizations, but other forms of obtaining education is discriminated against.

In our country, the forms of education are equal; persons who have mastered an educational program of the appropriate level of education have equal rights, including the right to undergo a state final certification confirming the fact of mastering the program, which subsequently gives the right to access the next levels of education.

This solution provides opportunities to significantly vary the content of education. Family education and self-education make it possible to achieve results established by the relevant standard, with maximum consideration of the interests, characteristics of the student, his inclinations, health status, etc. In fact, recognition of the equality of forms of education means wide opportunities for families to organize the education of their children in the way that seems optimal to them.

Part 4 art. 17 of the Education Law allows for a combination of various forms of education and forms of training. There can be many possible combinations, and choosing a combination is a person’s right, which cannot be denied.

At the same time, it seems that such an opportunity cannot be realized taking into account the regulation of education financing issues. Any attempt to combine forms of education and training, if one of them is budget-financed funding of an educational program, inevitably creates difficulties for the educational organization, including a reduction in funding. Design this combination taking into account legal regulation and the practice of forming state (municipal) assignments is almost impossible. Therefore, a combination of forms of education and training does not occur in practice. However, similar goals can be realized through such a tool as training according to an individual curriculum, and this opportunity is widely used by students (parents of minor students).

However, the situation may well change. Forms of obtaining education and forms of training in the basic educational program for each level of education are determined by the relevant Federal State Educational Standards, unless otherwise provided by law. Forms of training for additional educational programs are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard must determine for each level of education whether it can be obtained in an organization carrying out educational activities and outside such organizations, and also whether it can be obtained in various forms: full-time, part-time, part-time, and correspondence. It is likely that the standard will introduce a ban on certain forms obtaining education and training. At the moment, the texts of standards most often do not contain such specifications. However, some standards already introduce similar restrictions either on the form of education, or on the form of education and the form of training.

Certain restrictions are established directly in the Education Law. In Part 2 of Art. 63 states that general education can be obtained in organizations carrying out educational activities, as well as outside organizations carrying out educational activities, in the form of family education. Secondary general education can be obtained in the form of self-education. Thus, a form of self-education is not permitted at levels earlier than general secondary education.

According to Part 3 of Art. 17 of the Law, education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right to subsequent completion in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 34 intermediate and state final certifications in organizations engaged in educational activities.

In relation to students in general education programs, it is established next rule. Persons who are mastering a basic educational program in the form of self-education or family education, or who have studied in an educational program that does not have state accreditation, have the right to undergo external intermediate and state final certification in an organization that carries out educational activities in a corresponding educational program that has state accreditation. These persons who do not have basic general or secondary general education have the right to undergo external intermediate and state final certification in an organization that carries out educational activities according to the corresponding basic general education program that has state accreditation, free of charge. To pass certification, such persons are enrolled in an educational organization as external students. When passing certification, external students enjoy the academic rights of students in the relevant educational program.

In fact this means that The public authority assumes obligations to provide free certification for students mastering general education programs, in whatever form they study. Regarding the cost of certification for those mastering professional educational programs, the issue is currently debatable, since, on the one hand, there is no indication that such persons are free of charge in the above article, on the other hand, Art. 58 of the Law prohibits charging fees for passing intermediate certification.

Part 5 Art. 41 of the Law on Education establishes that for students mastering basic general education programs and in need of long-term treatment, educational organizations, including sanatoriums, are created in which the necessary medical, rehabilitation and health measures are carried out for such students. Education of such children, as well as disabled children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational organizations, can also be organized by educational organizations at home or in medical organizations. The basis for organizing training at home or in a medical organization is the conclusion of the medical organization and in writing appeal from parents (legal representatives).

Homeschooling is neither a form of education nor a form of learning. This is training in an educational organization in an appropriate (for example, full-time) form of training, which is not organized on the territory of this organization. It takes place either at the student’s home or in a medical organization. But despite the actual place of study, it is training in a given educational organization; the student is enrolled there as a student and has all the rights and obligations of the student for the entire duration of the educational program.

  • See, for example: Federal State Educational Standard higher education in the direction of training 44.04.01 Pedagogical education (master's level), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 21, 2014 No. 1505.
  • See, for example: Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in specialty 08/31/65 Thoracic Surgery (level of training highly qualified), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 26, 2014 No. 1108.

1. In the Russian Federation, education can be obtained:

2) outside organizations carrying out educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

2. Training in organizations engaged in educational activities, taking into account the needs, capabilities of the individual and depending on the volume of compulsory activities of the teaching staff with students, is carried out in full-time, part-time or correspondence form.

3. Education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right to subsequent passage in accordance with intermediate and state final certification in organizations carrying out educational activities.

4. A combination of various forms of education and forms of training is allowed.

5. Forms of education and forms of training in the basic educational program for each level of education, profession, specialty and area of ​​training are determined by the relevant federal state educational standards, educational standards, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law. Forms of training for additional educational programs and basic vocational training programs are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Commentary to Art. 17 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”

The commented article names the forms of education and forms of training. It should be said that partly the provisions of the commented article 17 of the Law on Education of Russia are not new, since Law No. 3266-1 enshrined in its provisions an independent article. 10, referred to as “Forms of education”. Meanwhile, the previous legislation did not contain separate provisions on forms of education.

The commented article introduces forms of education and forms of training.

There are two forms of education:

1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;

2) outside organizations carrying out educational activities.

Forms of training are divided according to the form of education:

in organizations engaged in educational activities - full-time, part-time or part-time;

outside organizations carrying out educational activities - in the form of family education and self-education.

At system analysis provisions of the Law, however, one can also highlight homeschooling, as a form of training in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education ().

Training outside organizations engaged in educational activities is possible in scientific organizations, in other legal entities, where a unit is created that carries out educational activities in production, in organizations for orphans and children without parental care, organizations providing treatment, rehabilitation and (or) recreation, social service organizations (,). If we're talking about about the child’s stay in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, in organizations providing treatment, rehabilitation and (or) recreation, or organizations providing social services, then his receipt of primary general, basic general, secondary general education in the specified organizations is ensured if the receipt of education cannot be organized in general education organizations.

For additional professional programs Such a form of training as internship is allowed, as well as one-time and continuously or in stages (discretely) ().

In Law N 3266-1, external studies were also a form of education. With the adoption of Law N 279-FZ, it ceased to be a form of education and was transformed into an institution that provides state final certification in accredited educational organizations for those studying in the form of family education or self-education, or in non-accredited educational organizations.

Home-based education still exists - for students in need of long-term treatment, disabled children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational organizations. It is reflected in the Law, whereas previously, before its adoption, it existed only at the level of by-law regulation. The corresponding by-laws and letters of instruction have retained their significance today: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996 N 861 (as amended on September 4, 2012) “On approval of the Procedure for raising and educating disabled children at home and in non-state educational institutions ", letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2003 N 27/2643-6, letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2001 N 29/1470-6, letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated November 14, 1988 N 17-253-6 " About individual training sick children at home."

These acts relate to the functioning of home-schooling schools.

Training in organizations engaged in educational activities is still carried out in full-time, part-time or part-time form. The choice of form of education is provided for by the federal state educational standard By specific specialty and the direction of training and is determined by the possibility of obtaining education in such a specialty in full-time or part-time form.

Until the new ones are adopted, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 22, 1997 N 463 “On approval of the List of specialties, the acquisition of which in full-time and part-time (evening), correspondence and in the form of external studies in educational institutions of secondary vocational education is not allowed” and the Decree of the Government are in force RF dated November 22, 1997 N 1473 “On approval of the List of areas of training of specialists and specialties in which obtaining higher professional education in correspondence or in the form of external studies is not allowed.”

The educational organization implements the educational program in the permitted form, and the choice of the form of education is made by the student (his parents). The form of general education and the form of training for a specific basic general education program are determined by the parents (legal representatives) of the minor student. When parents (legal representatives) of a minor student choose a form of general education and a form of training, the child’s opinion is taken into account.

Since local government bodies of municipal districts and city districts keep records of children who have the right to receive general education at each level and live in the territories of the corresponding municipalities, these bodies must also keep records of the forms of education determined by the parents (legal representatives) of the children. When parents (legal representatives) of children choose a form of general education in the form of family education, parents (legal representatives) inform the local government body of the municipal district or city district in whose territories they live about this choice.

The procedure for formalizing relations between a state or municipal educational organization and students and (or) their parents (legal representatives) in terms of organizing training in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education at home or in medical organizations is established by a regulatory legal act of the authorized body state power subject of the Russian Federation.

The result of training in the form of self-education or family education is the final certification as an external student in an accredited organization carrying out educational activities.

The law establishes that such certification is free of charge school programs, since the state, in accordance with Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, guarantees free and generally accessible basic general education. In the form of self-education it is possible vocational training. It is possible for a child to receive preschool, primary general, basic general, and secondary general education in a family.

In addition to the right to final certification in an organization carrying out educational activities, students in the form of self-education and family education have the right to undergo and intermediate certification.

However, in accordance with the intermediate certification, it is mandatory for students in the form of family education. If the intermediate control is not passed, the student acquires academic debt, which must be eliminated. In turn, educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) of a minor student, ensuring that the student receives a general education, are obliged to create conditions for him to eliminate academic debt and monitor the timeliness of its liquidation.

Students in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the form of family education, who have not eliminated academic debt within the established time frame, continue to receive education in an educational organization.

The procedure for passing certification by these students is established by the organization carrying out educational activities. On the issue of final certification, until the adoption of a new act, the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2000 N 1884 (as amended on April 17, 2001) “On approval of the Regulations on obtaining general education in the form of external studies” is in force, which determines that the state ( final) certification of external students is carried out in accordance with the regulations on the state (final) certification of graduates of grades IX and XI (XII) educational institutions Russian Federation. At the moment, instead of the above, the Regulations on the forms and procedure for conducting state (final) certification of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2008 N 362, are already in force.

Externs enjoy the same rights as persons undergoing final certification as a result of training in an organization carrying out educational activities. This means, among other things, providing conditions for learning that take into account the characteristics of psychophysical development and health status, including receiving socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance, free psychological, medical and pedagogical correction; use in the manner established by local regulations, medical and health infrastructure, cultural facilities and sports facilities of the educational organization.

If the student receives to school education in the form of family education, then the parents (legal representatives) of such students have the right to receive methodological, psychological-pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance without charging a fee, including in pre-school educational organizations and general education organizations, if appropriate consultation centers have been created in them . Ensuring the provision of such types of assistance is carried out by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2000 N 1884 (as amended on April 17, 2001) “On approval of the Regulations on obtaining general education in the form of external studies,” external students have the right:

receive the necessary consultations (within 2 teaching hours before each exam);

take educational literature from the library collection of a general education institution;

attend laboratory and practical classes;

take part in various olympiads and competitions, centralized testing.

The law provides for the possibility of combining various forms of education and training. The combination may be due to the educational program in which the person is studying, or a transition from one form of education or training to another, for example, if the student fails to pass certification and thereby develops academic debt.

Forms of education and forms of training at certain levels of education are determined by Law. Thus, the Law on Education provides that general education can be obtained in organizations carrying out educational activities, as well as outside organizations carrying out educational activities, in the form of family education. And secondary general education can be obtained in the form of self-education. This allocation of secondary education is explained by the age of students, which already allows them to study independently, without parental “interference.” Until this moment, education outside an educational organization is carried out with parental “participation” (family education). Receiving a school education is also possible at home (see commentary to paragraph 1 of this article), in an organization for orphans and children left without parental care, an organization providing treatment, rehabilitation and (or) recreation, an organization providing social services .

In addition, the forms of education and training are determined for each level of education, profession, specialty and area of ​​training by the federal state educational standard, educational standard. At the same time, the guideline until the adoption of new ones is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 22, 1997 N 463 “On approval of the List of specialties, the acquisition of which in full-time and part-time (evening), part-time and in the form of external studies in educational institutions of secondary vocational education is not allowed” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1997 N 1473 “On approval of the List of areas of training of specialists and specialties for which obtaining higher professional education in correspondence or in the form of external studies is not allowed.”

The forms of training for additional educational programs and basic vocational training programs are determined independently by the organization carrying out educational activities. specifies this provision, indicating that vocational training is carried out in organizations engaged in educational activities, including training centers professional qualifications and in production, as well as in the form of self-education. For additional professional programs, such a form of training as internship is allowed, as well as one-time and continuously or in stages (discretely).

For modern man getting an education is one of the most important stages in life. To a smart person life is easier both in direct and in figuratively. But, in order to obtain a diploma, it is important to know what forms of education currently exist, and to understand which of them most closely suits the current situation.

Stages of training

There are two main stages of human learning, which are further divided into several stages. Each step plays very important role in the formation and formation of personality. The purpose of the educational process is to develop mental and physical abilities person, vaccinate good habits, discover hidden potential to this or that activity, to help him develop his skills.

General education

There are the following stages of the educational process:

  • Preschool education. It is very important for little man, since it is in childhood the foundation of the future personality is laid, skills are best developed, interest in various types activities, and hidden talents are discovered.
  • Primary school education (grades 1-4). This stage consolidates the skills acquired in kindergarten and also develops new ones. It is no less important for a growing person than preschool education. Moreover, it is in elementary school socialization of the child occurs (if he did not go to kindergarten) and the rules of life in a team are instilled.
  • Secondary general education (grades 5-9). At this time, all knowledge acquired in kindergarten and elementary school is systematized and consolidated, as well as new ones are learned. There is a gradual preparation for adult life, children are becoming more and more independent and no longer need their parents as much as before.
  • Complete secondary education (grades 5-11). In grades 10 and 11, material learned in high school, preparation for studying at a university is carried out. A person’s character has already been practically formed, and before leaving school one can observe a full-fledged personality with his own unique habits and beliefs.

Vocational training

We already know the forms of obtaining general education, now it’s the turn of professional education. Young people receive it after leaving school. Such education is available throughout a person’s life. Its purpose is to give a person a profession, to instill in him necessary qualities, skills and abilities for work, as well as additional knowledge. Therefore, the forms of obtaining professional education are numerous and varied. This is necessary so that the student is guaranteed to gain the appropriate skills.

The learning process includes the following stages:

  • Average vocational education. It can be obtained in specialized schools, colleges and technical schools.
  • Higher professional education. It gives much more possibilities than the average, in addition, a person with a university diploma can go into science and get academic degree. People with a higher education are more willing to be hired than with a specialized secondary education, plus, during their studies at a university, a person develops such character traits as responsibility, discipline and punctuality.
  • Refresher courses. This type of training takes less time than all of its counterparts. It is received by real specialists to deepen their skills and knowledge in order to become a true professional in their field.

Now you need to find out what forms of education and forms of training exist in the Russian Federation.

Let's consider what the school offers in this regard?

How the child will receive a certificate is determined by the parents or legal representatives. If a citizen is an adult, then he has the right to choose the type of education himself. It could be:

  • full-time;
  • self-education (independent studies at home);
  • externship


Education using it is standard, this is how most schoolchildren in Russia study. Full-time education involves attending school according to a schedule established by the administration of the institution, listening to lessons, completing assignments and communicating with classmates. This type is the most favorable for the student, as it develops the child’s communication skills, accustoms him to life in a team and communication with a variety of people.

But full-time training also has its disadvantages, which include a difficult regime for the baby. Not every child is able to force himself to go to bed at 9 o’clock in the evening in order to get up for school at 6 o’clock in the morning. Most often, the mother controls the regime. Keeping to a schedule is also difficult for teenagers. In addition, the disadvantages of full-time study include relationships with peers in the team. After all, they don’t always turn out the way the child or his parents would like. For schoolchildren a lot of stress is also a change of situation, and it is this factor that sometimes outweighs all the others in favor homeschooling or external study, which will be discussed in the next paragraph.


There are various forms of education, but this method has the greatest legal regulation. A person who studies in this way is an external student. This is a person who independently masters general education programs. The student has the right to intermediate and final certification in general education institutions. In other words, studying according to the external study program means mastering all the disciplines independently, according to a schedule, and coming to educational institution only to pass exams, which are necessary to confirm successful completion of the school curriculum.

To study this way or not - personal choice everyone. Parents and children will find a lot of pros and cons in this option. One way or another, this method is simply necessary in different situations, for example, for children with difficult life situation when visiting an educational institution becomes impossible. In any case, external study as a form of education is very good and is simply necessary for many schoolchildren.

Self-education (a form of family education)

This form of education is no different from external study, except that the student is not enrolled in any educational institution. Consequently, he cannot pass the necessary exams to confirm mastery of all programs, because, speaking in simple words, does not officially study anywhere. His status as a school student is not registered anywhere, which means that in the future he will not be able to enroll in any university. Various shapes education differs from this in its reliability and security. By studying in other forms, the future student receives a guarantee of the opportunity to enter an institute or university.

Methods of obtaining a university diploma and their description

The forms of education in the Russian Federation are varied and numerous. Below we will look at each of them.

Full-time education

Full-time education at a university is almost no different from school. Already an adult, not a child, attends lectures at an institute or university, completes assignments, participates in seminars and periodically undergoes intermediate certification. In this case, the student is officially registered as a student and can receive a state diploma upon graduation (provided that the institution has the right to issue such documents).

Part-time (evening) training

Forms of higher education include such classes. Unlike the previous type of training, where about 70% of class time is allocated to classes with a teacher, here much fewer hours are allocated for lectures. There can be no more than 10 hours of listening to material per week, and the rest of the time is intended for self-preparation. This form of education is called evening because students’ classes begin after 18:00. Therefore, this way of studying is ideal for those who have already found a job. Classes for evening students are the same as for full-time students - lectures, seminars, open events etc.

Correspondence course, or external study

Here, 70% of the time is devoted to self-preparation, and only 30% is allocated to attending lectures. Students, unlike their counterparts who attend the university every day, have an orientation session, which they take in the first months after entering the university. Usually this is October-November. Correspondence form education is ideal for those who work or care for a child, as well as for those who, due to some circumstances, were unable to enroll in full-time education.

Distance learning

System distance learning appeared not so long ago, but has already managed to firmly take root in many universities. Its essence is that the student and the teacher interact remotely with each other, exchanging assignments and completed work. Such communication is carried out mainly via the Internet. With the help of distance learning, it is much more convenient to receive education in absentia. After all, the LMS allows the student to receive assignments in a timely manner, and provides the teacher with the convenience and speed of checking them. All components are saved here standard training– lectures, colloquiums, assessments, etc.

Now you can see how rich and diverse the forms of education are. You just have to choose the most suitable one and start preparing for the entrance exams.

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