Speech development in children of senior preschool age sections. Ways and means of speech development for children of senior preschool age


Man has an invaluable gift of speech and language ability. He masters speech in early childhood and improves it throughout his life: he learns to control his voice, breathing, intonation, enriches his vocabulary, instantly chooses an accurate and apt word, freely constructs sentences and texts, acquires reading and writing skills, i.e. switches from an oral (acoustic) language code to a graphic, alphabetic code.

The child accepts his native speech from close people, from his parents, from the linguistic environment around him, driven by the natural need for communication, and later - self-expression. Communication with loved ones, and a little later - with oneself, comes not only on the external, but also on the internal, mental level. A person uses the most complex mechanisms of speech without thinking about them, masters them practically, but as he grows up, these processes become more and more conscious, subject to self-control, and become purposeful, regulated acts.

Our invaluable wealth is a language created and constantly improved by thousands of generations. The linguistic ability, language makes us human: in the world of living beings, other code systems of communication have been developed, but they cannot be compared with human language and the mechanisms of its use, i.e. speech. It is not difficult to understand the desire of people to master this wealth perfectly: to know not only words and the rules for combining them, but also to master the most complex system of speech production, perception of other people's speech and its understanding. From the babbling of a child to the free-flowing, logical and imaginative, convincing speech of an orator, a person goes through a long journey of learning.

A person develops his speech throughout his life. In kindergarten, a child develops speech in various activities using a wide variety of techniques: in mathematics classes - by solving logical problems, in speech development classes - with the help of vocabulary work, speech warm-ups, reading and retelling text, describing pictures, objects, writing fairy tales and so on.

The development of speech in the learning process leads to the enrichment of children's vocabulary and mastery of the norms of the Russian literary language. The process of speech development is long-term and occurs throughout all years of education and upbringing in kindergarten.

How to teach children to speak correctly, to pronounce words clearly, to link them easily and freely in a text, to correctly, convincingly and accurately express their thoughts both orally and in writing? How to develop a “sense of language”?

Currently, in mass kindergartens there are children whose speech development lags behind the norm. Usually children, while engaged in any activity, own initiative comment on it (they say what they are doing, note difficulties, are upset by failures, etc.). In pedagogical practice, we are increasingly seeing something different: older preschoolers do not so often resort to speech on their own initiative.

These questions remain “open” to this day and are of interest to all teachers involved in teaching children. Based on the relevance of this problem, we formulated the topic: “Features of speech development of older preschool children.”

Object of study – speech as a mental process.

Subject of study the process of speech development in children of senior preschool age.

Purpose of the study – to study the features of speech development of children of senior preschool age.

In accordance with the object, problem, purpose, subject of the study, the solution to the following was expected: research objectives:

1. Study psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

2. Select methods for diagnostic examination.

3. Conduct a diagnostic examination.

The study used the following methods : theoretical analysis literature on the research problem; studying materials on the activities of children of senior preschool age; diagnostic examination of the speech of children of senior preschool age.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the problem.

1.1. Characteristics of speech as a mental process.

The word “speech,” before becoming a scientific term, was used in everyday communication for many years. Therefore, starting to present modern theory speech, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts denoted by this word.

There are many definitions of this concept. In the pedagogical encyclopedia, speech is defined as a historically established form of communication between people through language. Language and speech complement each other, the differences between them are not contrasting. If language is a system of means of communication, then speech is the implementation of this system. Speech is created according to the rules of language.

According to the definition of V.A. Krutetsky, speech is “the process of using language for the purpose of communication between people.”

Defining speech as the second signaling system of reality, I.P. Pavlov noted that only speech makes it possible to abstract from reality and communicate, which constitutes human higher thinking.

According to S.I. Ozhegov, speech is “the ability to speak, speaking.” Authors of the Bolshoi Explanatory psychological dictionary The concept of “speech” is interpreted as “conversation, utterance.”

M.N. Dyachenko defines speech as a historically developed form of communication in the process of human activity, mediated by language.

E.I. Gorokhova believes that speech is “a historically established form of communication between people through language.”

The word “speech” is polysemantic and has three meanings:

a) speech as a process, activity,

b) speech as a result, product speech activity

c) speech as a genre of oral, oratory performance.

Let's take a closer look at each value.

"Speech" in the first, procedural, meaning it has synonyms: speech

activity, speech act. Mechanisms of speech - this is how they talk about action

pronunciation organs. It is to this meaning that the words refer

definitions of speech given by psychologists:

Speech - is communication, contact between people, exchange of thoughts, feelings and


Speech- this is verbal, linguistic communication using linguistic signs

units: words, syntactic structures, text, intonation, gestures,

facial expressions [ 27, p.].

· The second meaning of the term “speech” – “speech as a result” has a synonym “text”. We are accustomed to the fact that text is recorded speech. This understanding of the text is of an everyday nature. In speech theory, a text can be not only written, but also oral and even mental (when internal speech is meant).

· The third meaning of the term “speech” is speech as an oratorical genre or as a monologue in a work of art. This concept is associated with rhetoric and literary criticism.

Speech is closely related to thinking, since it is a means of expressing thoughts, therefore, the main mechanism of human thinking. And abstract higher thinking is impossible without speech. K.D. Ushinsky said that if you develop the gift of speech in children, it means developing logical thinking in them, but “it is impossible to develop speech separately from thought.”

It is often said that speech and thinking are two sides of the same phenomenon. Speech

voluntary – a thought can also be involuntary.

Thinking, relying on the means of language, has other possibilities. In this sense, the ontogenetic development of thinking

a person relies not only on speech, but also on the active sphere, on observations, sensations, perceptions.

Linguistics also shows interest in thinking; it explores the relationship between words and concepts, sentences and judgments, the role of linguistic means in conveying meaning and the content of thought.

The theory of speech activity also studies thinking - those aspects of it that are aimed at operating with values, meaning, thoughts and the transition of one aspect to another.

If words and their meanings are not filled in the consciousness of the speaker or listener, this will lead to a separation of speech from thinking (or thinking from speech), to inaccuracy of mutual understanding, to idle talk, to a distortion of understanding, which is observed in life quite often. Let's name some of the reasons for this phenomenon:

a) acoustic interference, inaccurate homage;

b) poor knowledge language – non-native and even native;

c) unsuccessful construction of the speaker’s (writer’s) speech;

d) understanding the deep, hidden meaning of speech.

M.R. Lvov and V.G. Goretsky noted that speech is one of the types of communication that people need in their joint activities, in social life, in the exchange of information, in cognition, education; it enriches a person spiritually and serves as a subject of art. Speech is communication using language. sign system, polished for centuries and capable of conveying any shades of the most complex thoughts.

Speech is also related to language. In speech, all the riches of language, all its expressive capabilities are realized. Language is enriched through speech, it includes new words, new shades of famous words, their meanings, new compatibility options, new phraseology.

Speech is communication itself, the expression of thought. Speech is verbal, linguistic, communication, self-expression. Language is an abstract system, but speech is material, it is perceived by hearing and sight. Speech strives to merge its units into speech stream. Speech is the realization of language; language manifests itself only in speech.

Speech is a sequence of words and sentences. Speech is theoretically infinite: the number of texts cannot be counted even theoretically.

Speech is dynamic, speech is variable, caused by the needs of life, depends on communicative expediency, which determines the choice of certain linguistic means.

As a means of realizing language, speech performs the following functions:

The function of communication - speech spoken or recorded serves as a means of organizing joint work in a team, a means of communication in society, in a country, a means of connecting generations; in this case, speech presupposes a communicator, i.e. the one who speaks or writes, and the recipient - the person who perceives the speech;

The function of the message is a unilateral act, in the absence of feedback: the formalization of all the knowledge that has been accumulated by people in the process of their conscious activity;

The function of storing information is preserving accumulated knowledge;

The function of expressing a thought is that in speech a thought is not only formulated, but

and is formed: a person always thinks, with the exception of deep

Cognitive function - all human knowledge is contained in

speech forms: books, reports, magazines, lectures, recordings;

Planning, or regulatory function - a person orally, in writing or mentally plans his actions, analyzes and evaluates the actions of himself and other people;

Emotive function – speech behavior person: expression of involuntary exclamation to masterpieces of lyrical poetry or vocal performance.

Some scientists also identify such functions of speech as influencing, or voluntary (impact on a person: request, order, demand), contact-establishing, or phatic (“communication for communication”), metalinguistic (description of the language itself), aesthetic (influence on feelings through speech forms).

Speech as a way of realizing the potential functions of language ensures the life of society and every person. Speech, spoken or written down, serves as a means of organizing joint work, unity of the people, and connection between generations.

Speech has the following properties:



Impact .

The understandability of speech is achieved by syntactically correct construction of sentences, the use of pauses in appropriate places or highlighting words using logical stress.

The expressiveness of speech is associated with its emotional richness; it can be bright, energetic or, conversely, sluggish and pale.

The impact of speech lies in its influence on the thoughts, feelings and will of other people, their beliefs and behavior.

Speech can be unvoiced or unwritten - it is internal, or mental (speech for oneself) and external (i.e., speech for others). External and internal speech serves as a means of shaping a person’s personality.

In turn, external speech, according to its characteristics and purposes, is divided into oral and written, monologue and dialogic. Based on mechanisms and encoding methods, oral speech is divided into:

Speaking, i.e. sending speech acoustic signals carrying information;

Listening (listening), i.e. perception of acoustic speech signals and their understanding.

Written speech includes:

Letter, i.e. “encryption” of speech signals using complexes

graphic signs;

Reading, i.e. “deciphering” graphic signs, their complexes and

understanding their meanings.

Modern oral speech has significant advantages compared to written speech:

1. She can seamlessly fit into the situation, into the flow of life. It is directly related to gestures, facial expressions, and everything around us. Even when talking on the phone, people smile and gesticulate, but all this is in vain, the interlocutor does not see this, he only picks up the emotional intonations. With the help of intonation a person can express his feelings and sensations. Intonation can be caught when communicating, i.e. oral speech.

Written speech does not have adequate means of expression; it only to a small extent compensates for this deficiency with font selections, punctuation marks, as well as a description of the experiences of the characters in a given situation.

2. The advantage of oral speech is the speed of its flow, the possibility of quick reactions and feedback.

But oral speech also has disadvantages:

1) noise immunity: the distance between speakers can interfere: any extraneous noise, defects in the speaker’s individual pronunciation, hearing defects in the recipient of the speech;

2) instantaneous flow: oral speech itself disappears, and even the speaker himself usually cannot repeat verbatim what he just said. Because of this, speech poorly performs the historical function of connecting generations.

Let us note the advantages of written speech: it is prepared, standardized speech. It is this kind of speech that serves as the basis of grammar, grammatical theory and speech culture. Written speech in the form of books and various documents has been preserved for hundreds and even thousands of years, serving the cause of preserving cultural values.

Oral speech is believed to have arisen naturally at the dawn of human mind satisfy the need for live, direct communication of our distant ancestors.

Written speech has many codes: ideographic writing, hieroglyphic, sound-letter (phonemic) are known. The rules for designating phonemes with letters and their combinations are determined by the section of linguistics Graphics; cases of their writing are regulated by Spelling. Punctuation helps to indicate intonation and pauses.

Oral speech is influenced by written speech, so it is increasingly defined as spoken written speech.

External, sounding speech can be dialogic or monological.

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people. Each individual statement depends on the remarks of other interlocutors, on the situation. Dialogue does not need complete sentences, so it contains many incomplete sentences. The dialogue syntax is simple.

In oral speech in general, and especially in dialogue, auxiliary means of speech are used, conveying what is difficult to express in words: facial expressions, gestures, intonation. All auxiliary means of speech are included in the scope of tasks of the method of speech development of children.

In kindergarten, an artificial form of dialogue is used - conversation. Usually this is a dialogue between the teacher and the child. In contrast to “spontaneous” dialogue, here, as a rule, we use complete sentences. In the process of conversation, children learn the correct construction of sentences and statements, and become familiar with literary speech.

It is much more difficult to develop monologue speech, i.e. speech of one person - story, message, retelling, speech, composition.

Unlike dialogue, monologue is more arbitrary, requires volitional effort, and sometimes significant preparatory work. Thus, a story based on observations (message) is prepared by the child sometimes over several days. Monologue speech cannot be spontaneous; it is always organized. The speaker or writer plans the entire monologue in advance as a whole, draws up its plan (orally or in writing), speaks individual fragments, and uses certain linguistic means.

Unlike dialogue, a monologue is addressed not to one person, but to many.

One of the most difficult problems, studied by philosophy, general linguistics and psychology, is the relationship between language and consciousness, speech and thinking. Inner speech is mental speech.

External speech and internal speech are opposed to each other according to the following characteristics:

a) by purpose, by purpose: external speech includes the personality in the system of social interaction, internal speech reliably protects against outside interference, it is recognized only by the subject himself and is amenable only to his control;

b) external speech is encoded with its own codes, accessible to other people; the code of internal speech is used along with the same language as in external speech, but its external manifestation is hidden and cannot be perceived by other people.

Inner speech is verbalized thinking. Inner speech, as it were, serves external speech and all human actions. It is presented in the following situations: when solving various problems in the mind; when listening attentively to an interlocutor, the listener not only repeats to himself the speech he is listening to, but also analyzes and even evaluates it from the point of view of truth, when reading to himself, when purposefully memorizing something, and when

recall - the same thing.

One of the main roles of internal speech is the preparation of external speech, oral and written statements. In this role, it is the initial stage of the representing utterance, its internal programming.

Let us note that in a person’s ordinary life, external speech takes no more than two to three hours. Inner speech serves a person almost around the clock.

The question of the origin of internal speech is ambiguously resolved: it arises in a person either as a result of a child’s “going deeper” into the external, especially egocentric, speech - talking to himself during the game (L.S. Vygotsky’s hypothesis), or simultaneously with external speech, with speaking and listening as a result of a child silently repeating the words of adults addressed to him (the hypothesis of P.P. Blonsky). (15, 67)

Speech develops in different types of activities: in classes on familiarization with fiction, with phenomena of the surrounding reality, teaching literacy, in all other classes, as well as outside of them - in play and artistic activity, in everyday life. However, only teaching the native language in special classes for speech development can give a lasting effect.

A person’s speech is an indicator of his intelligence and culture. Psychologist N.I. Zhinkin believes that speech is a channel for the development of intelligence. The earlier a language is mastered, the easier and more fully the knowledge is acquired. The more accurately and figuratively a speech expresses a thought, the more significant a person is as a person and the more valuable he is to society. (13.48)

Speech development is considered one of the most important areas in the work of a teacher, as it ensures the timely mental development of the child. In programs for the education and training of preschool children, sections of the same name are devoted to this area.

Speech does not arise on its own. She happens to be integral part communication, which is combined with some other activity: practical, playful, educational, creative, etc., therefore, it is necessary to take care of creating a certain communication situation, the need for children to enter into it, and the emergence of a motive for speech in them.

In other words, to develop speech means to form certain speech skills, namely:

Ability to navigate a communication situation, i.e. determine to whom, why, what I will talk about;

The ability to plan a statement, i.e. realize how I will speak (briefly or in detail, emotionally or in a businesslike manner), in what sequence I will express my thoughts;

The ability to bring your idea to life, i.e. speak strictly on the topic, developing the idea, using various means of expression;

Ability to control speech.

Children begin to master all these skills in older preschool age.

1.2.Features of speech development in children of senior preschool age.

The child’s speech has long attracted the attention of researchers (L.S. Vygotsky, E.I. Tikheeva, F.A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova, R.O. Yakobson, D.B. Elkonina, A.N. Gvozdeva, R. E. Levin, K. I. Chukovsky and others): the first words are the fact of the awakening of consciousness. The entire path of a child’s speech development is a complete mystery.

According to psychological periodization, the following age periods are distinguished, characterized by certain speech development.

1. Infancy– up to one year.

The child reacts to the voices of loved ones. Smiles, laughter, babbling, gestures. Initial manifestations of the expressive function of speech. The entire period is associated with the need for communication - emotional and meaningful; desire to achieve some goal. Verbal speech rarely occurs, by the end of the period - the first manifestations of the nominative function of speech, the naming of an object.

2. Early age– 1 – 3 years.

The generalizing function of the word develops: the child names things, while expanding his vocabulary and developing thinking. There is a unity of communication and generalization. Syllable composition words are acquired before sounds. Speech is associated with the child’s practical activities - play, knowledge of surrounding objects, and learning how to use them.

3. Junior preschool age

In the fourth year of life, children show a noticeable improvement in pronunciation, speech becomes more distinct. Children know well and correctly name objects in their immediate environment: toys, dishes, clothes, furniture. In addition to nouns and verbs, other parts of speech are beginning to be used more widely: adjectives, adverbs, prepositions.

The beginnings of monologue speech appear. Simple common sentences predominate in children's speech.

Children use compound and complex sentences, but very rarely. Four-year-old children cannot independently isolate sounds in a word, but they easily notice inaccuracies in the sound of words in the speech of their peers. Children's speech is mainly situational in nature; it is not yet precise enough in vocabulary and perfect in grammatical terms, and is not entirely pure and correct in terms of pronunciation. A child can, with a little help from adults, convey the content of a well-known fairy tale or recite a short poem by heart. The initiative in communication increasingly comes from the child.

4.Middle preschool age

By the age of five, children show a sharp improvement in the pronunciation aspect of speech; the majority complete the process of mastering sounds. Speech in general becomes cleaner and more distinct. The speech activity of children increases. Children begin to master monologue speech, but in structurally it is not always perfect and most often has a situational nature.

Growth of active vocabulary, use of sentences more complex structure(five-year-old children can construct statements of 10 or more words) are often one of the reasons for the increase in the number of grammatical errors.

Children begin to pay attention to the sound design of words and point out the presence of a familiar sound in words. Let's consider the period that fits the topic of our research - this is the senior preschool age.

5. Senior preschool age.

At this age stage, the improvement of all aspects of the child’s speech continues.

The pronunciation becomes clearer, the phrases, or rather the statements, become more developed. The child not only identifies essential features in objects and phenomena, but also begins to establish cause-and-effect relationships between them, temporal and other relationships. Having sufficiently developed active speech, the preschooler tries to tell and answer questions so that the listeners around him understand what he wants to say. Simultaneously with the development of a self-critical attitude towards his own statements, the child also develops a more critical attitude towards the speech of his peers. When describing objects and phenomena, he makes attempts to convey his emotional attitude.

The enrichment and expansion of the vocabulary is carried out not only through nouns denoting objects, their properties and qualities, but also through the names of individual parts, details of objects, verbs, as well as suffixes and prefixes, which children begin to use widely. Increasingly, collective nouns and adjectives appear in a child’s speech, denoting the material, properties, and state of objects. Over the course of a year, the vocabulary increases by 1000-1200 words (compared to the previous age), although in practice it is very difficult to establish the exact number of words learned during a given period. By the end of the sixth year, the child differentiates collective nouns more subtly, for example, he not only names the word animal, but can also indicate that a fox, a bear, a wolf is wild animals, and a cow, a horse, a cat are domestic animals. Children use abstract nouns, as well as adjectives and verbs in their speech. Many words from the passive vocabulary move into the active vocabulary.

Despite the significant expansion of vocabulary, the child is still far from freely using words. A good test and indicator of full mastery of a dictionary is the ability of children to select words with opposite meanings (antonyms) - nouns (input-output),

adjectives (good - bad), adverbs (fast - slow), verbs (speaks - remains silent); select adjectives for nouns (What kind of rain can it be? - Cold, strong, mushroom, small, short-term) adverbs for verbs (How can a boy speak? - quickly, well, slowly, clearly, quietly, loudly, etc.), close the meaning of the words is synonymous (walk, walk, step, stomp, pace, etc.).

When offering children such tasks, it is easy to see that their vocabulary is still not rich in adjectives, adverbs, verbs, and they can choose words that are close in meaning in insufficient quantities and not always successfully. Errors in the use of words and always correctly. When a child puts the wrong meaning into a word. In children's stories, there are sometimes inaccuracies in the use of conjunctions and prepositions (for example, instead of the preposition between words used in the middle).

Improving coherent speech is impossible without mastering grammatically correct speech. In the sixth year, the child masters the grammatical structure and uses it quite freely.

Structurally, speech becomes significantly more complicated not only due to simple common sentences, but also complex ones; the volume of utterances increases. Less and less often, the child makes mistakes in the agreement of words, in the case endings of nouns and adjectives; often correctly uses the genitive case of plural nouns ( windows, lamps, pencils). He easily forms nouns and other parts of speech using suffixes (teaches children - teacher, reads books - reader, builds houses - builder), adjectives from nouns (key made of iron - iron, glass jar - glass).

However, grammatical errors are increasingly common in children’s speech: incorrect agreement of nouns with adjectives in indirect

cases, incorrect formation of form genitive case plural of some nouns (“grushev” instead of pears), change by case indeclinable nouns(“there is a clock on the piano”).

The grammatical correctness of a child’s speech largely depends on how often adults pay attention to their children’s mistakes, correct them, and give the correct example.

In dialogical (conversational) speech, the child uses both short and detailed answers, in accordance with the question and topic of conversation.

A child of the sixth year of life improves coherent, monologue speech. He can, without the help of an adult, convey the content of a short fairy tale, story, cartoon, or describe certain events that he witnessed. In an effort to ensure that his statement is correctly understood, the child quite willingly explains the details of his story and deliberately repeats its individual parts. He is able to talk not only about the events of the coming days, but also about those long past (for example, in winter he talks about how he rested in the summer at the dacha, how he picked mushrooms with his grandfather, fished, swam in the pond, etc.).

At this age, the child is already able to independently reveal the content of the picture if it depicts objects that are familiar to him. But when composing a story based on a picture, he often concentrates his attention mainly on the main details, and often leaves out the secondary, less important ones.

In older preschool age, the muscles of the articulatory apparatus have become sufficiently strong and children are able to correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language. However, some children at this age are just finishing the correct assimilation of hissing sounds, sounds l, r. With their assimilation, children begin to clearly and distinctly pronounce of varying complexity words.

When communicating with peers and adults, children use a moderate voice volume, but as necessary they are able to speak louder and quieter, that is, they can measure the volume of speech taking into account the distance to the listener and the nature of the statement. In everyday communication, children use a moderate pace, but when retelling their speech is often slowed down due to long, unreasonable delays and pauses. However, in moments of emotional upsurge, being under the impression of a movie watched or a fairy tale read, a child in the process of speaking is often unable to control his

speech and speaks louder and faster than usual.

Focusing on the model, children are able to reproduce poetry in compliance with intonation means of expressiveness; they often use interrogative questions correctly, narrative intonation; can convey their feelings towards various subjects and phenomena: joy, sadness, indignation, etc.

Exhalation becomes longer. So, with one exhalation, children can pronounce the vowel sounds a, y, and for 4-8 s (with a free exhalation - for 4-6 s).

However, not all six-year-old children have the correct pronunciation of sounds: some may have delays in the assimilation of sounds, while others may have their incorrect formation: r - glottal, single-impact, sounds w, zh - lateral, s, z - interdental. Some children do not always clearly differentiate whistling and hissing sounds, l and r sounds in words. This displacement of sounds is more often observed when pronouncing words and phrases that include both sounds at the same time (“shushka” instead of drying), but almost no errors occur when pronouncing words that contain only one of these sounds (dog, cat). Phrases rich in such sounds are not always pronounced clearly by children.

The clarity and intelligibility of speech largely depends on how quickly the child speaks. Children who speak quickly tend to have less clear speech.

Children with accelerated speech often do not pronounce individual sounds in words, miss endings, and “swallow” even individual words. Defects in the structure of the articulatory apparatus or its insufficient mobility can cause incorrect pronunciation of sounds and unclear speech. Change of milk teeth at 5-6 years of age. permanent ones often affect the pronunciation side of speech: sound pronunciation and diction deteriorate.

With children who have deficiencies in sound pronunciation, arrangements should be made additional classes, which, depending on the severity, number and nature of the violations, are carried out either by a teacher or (in case of extensive tongue-tiedness) by a speech therapist. These classes (individual or with a group of 3-5 people) are organized at least 25 times a week and are aimed at developing the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, phonemic awareness, on production of sounds or their consolidation, introduction into speech.

So, by the end of the sixth year, the child’s speech development reaches a fairly high level. He correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language, reproduces words clearly and clearly, and has the necessary free communication lexicon, correctly used by many grammatical forms and categories; his statements become more meaningful, expressive and accurate.

And by the time the child enters school, he masters the correct sound design of words, pronounces them clearly and clearly, has a certain vocabulary, mostly grammatically correct speech: he constructs sentences of different constructions, coordinates words in gender, number, case, accurately conjugates frequently used Verbs; fluently uses monologue speech: is able to talk about experienced events, retell the content of a fairy tale, story, describe surrounding objects, reveal the content of a picture, some phenomena of the surrounding reality. All this allows the child to successfully master the program material upon entering school.

In preschool childhood, naturally, the process of mastering speech does not end for the child. And his speech as a whole, of course, is not always interesting, meaningful, or grammatically correct. Enrichment of vocabulary, development of grammatically correct speech, improvement of the ability to express one’s thoughts through speech in an interesting and expressive manner, and convey the content of a work of art will continue during school years and throughout life.

The main feature of speech development in children in older preschool age is that the child moves on to conscious mastery of speech.

Speech development is carried out with the help of speech exercises. When developing these exercises, the teacher focuses on certain forms of mental work of the child: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, identifying essential features, generalization and specification, identifying cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, comparison, contrast and contrast, solving mental tasks.

1.3. Speech examination of senior preschool children


The most important source of children's speech is life itself, children's own experience. Particularly valuable in the experience of preschoolers is its purposeful, organized part—observation. Through observation, children learn to understand the world around them, everything that can arouse interest in a child. The desire and ability to see, hear, perceive the world around is the path that, providing the basis for the development of speech and thinking in unity, will provide material for speech exercises. But the child thinks figuratively, many words are incomprehensible to him. Without speech design and expression, speech cannot exist.

In the modern sociocultural situation, the value of personal development in the education system is becoming increasingly important. For those who try to see not only outside good and bad actions of children, but to understand the reasons for their occurrence, it is clear that if we limit ourselves to observations, even with great attention and love for the child, this is impossible to do. It is important not just to diagnose the level of development of individual mental processes or to ascertain deviations in the development of the child’s personality, the most important thing is to establish the relationship between individual features child's psyche. After all, individual characteristics, self-esteem or anxiety can affect not only the nature of communication, but also the development of cognitive processes in children. Therefore, it is so important to use a whole range of techniques when conducting diagnostics, which will allow us to examine the child’s personality from different angles and form a holistic perception of his psyche. In this case, it is necessary not only to choose the right methods, but also to conduct research in such a way and in such an order that the child does not get tired and does not refuse to participate in the work. To properly develop and use diagnostics, it is important to know what diagnostics are.

One of the definitions of diagnostics is given in the work of scientists S.N. Glazachev and S.S. Kashlev: “Pedagogical diagnostics is the process of studying the state, changes in the state of participants in the pedagogical process, pedagogical activity, pedagogical interaction". (1, 89) It seems most convenient for practicing teachers to diagnose the levels of three levels: high, medium and low. These steps show the level of development of the desired quality. Correct diagnosis is the first step in organizing correction mental disorders, it helps to identify the causes of disorders in mental development, to determine which qualities are formed the worst. Thus, based on the information received, it is possible to draw up a correction plan - from helping the child correct simple deficiencies to compensating for complex defects.

According to T.S. It is advisable for Komarova to carry out diagnostics in the form of interesting game tasks. It is better to carry out diagnostic work taking into account the child’s condition: his good mood, calm emotional state and physical well-being. The child should not get the impression that he is being tested. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 30-40 minutes. If a child gets tired quickly, it is necessary to take a physical break and move around. The examination is carried out at a children's table with a children's chair; the teacher needs to sit at the same level as the child, i.e. on a children's chair. It is better not to sit a preschooler facing the window so that what is happening outside the window does not distract him. There should be nothing nearby that could distract attention (interesting toys, bright, unusual objects).

The structure of psychological readiness includes the following main components:

1) Personal readiness.

2) Willful readiness.

3) Intellectual readiness.

Martsinkovskaya T.D. has developed several basic rules that need to be remembered; she believes that without them the work will not be successful.

1. To compile psychological characteristics child must use at least 10-15 different tests.

2. Strictly follow the instructions given in each technique.

3. Do not forget that each technique is designed for children of a certain age.

4. The results also cannot be equally significant for of different ages. Therefore, they must be compared with the results of children of a particular age. Remember that based on the data of only one technique, one cannot draw a conclusion about “stupidity” or retardation, as well as about giftedness.

5. To work using different methods, special “stimulus material” is required, i.e. cards, texts, pictures that are offered to the child.

6. There are so-called subjective and objective methods, which often provide more complete data about the child’s mental state.

7. There is no need to try to work with a child through force, without his voluntary desire - the wrong results will be obtained. Don't tell your child that you are checking on him. It is better to include the survey in the process of any joint activity.

The main task when examining a child is to determine what needs to be examined first, and then select the appropriate methods.

An integrated approach is also dictated by the real needs of pedagogical practice, which deals not with a separate cognitive process or personal

peculiarity of a person, but with a living child placed in real conditions

family, school or kindergarten. It is in the combination of an individual attitude towards a child with an integrated approach to him that lies the meaning of both diagnostic and correctional work, the success of which largely depends on correct diagnosis. The examination of the child begins with an analysis of his appearance and reaction to the examination situation. In this case, you need to pay attention to how open the child is to contact, whether he is active, or whether he is disinhibited. It should also be noted the manifestation of inhibition and tension shown by the child.

All these facts can be associated both with the psychodynamic (innate) characteristics of the child, and with such qualities of his personality as anxiety or demonstrativeness.

During the examination, it is important to alternate methods so that the study of memory and speech follows the analysis of thinking, and the study of perception follows the study of creativity. It is recommended to start diagnostics with drawing, giving the child time to enter into the examination situation.

You can check the level of children's speech both orally and in writing. As a result of the training, the child must be able to speak correctly, perceive and interpret it correctly.

Research by domestic and foreign psychologists (N. Chomsky, J. Piaget, D. Slobin, J. Bruner, K. Kasden, A.N. Gvozdev, A.A. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin) showed: the child initially comprehends relations underlying grammatical categories (subject-action-object; singularity-plurality, etc.), in the form practical actions, in the process of object-manipulative activity. Elementary operations with toys teach him to distinguish patterns of grammatical relations: one object - different actions, one action - different objects.

Subject practice and the cognitive development that is formed during it (sensorimotor intelligence, understanding of real relationships), as well as the emergence of a symbolic (substitute) function in primitive play, act as prerequisites for the child’s linguistic and grammatical development. At the same time, the semantics (meaning) of the statement and its use (pragmatics) determine grammatical structure. The child’s thoughts, feelings, and will are initially expressed in communication using non-verbal, non-speech means - facial expressions, gestures, postures, eye contact, substantive actions(E.I. Isenina, M.I. Lisina).

According to D. Slobin, the order in which a child masters grammatical means is determined by their semantics (accessibility to understanding) and structural “transparency.” First of all, regular small-valued words are learned. grammatical means. (13, 112) (These data were obtained by analyzing the speech development of children in forty languages ​​and are consistent with the results of A.N. Gvozdev’s research on the Russian language). Initially, morphological forms are assimilated as a holistic “gestalt” (A.N. Leontiev), borrowed from the speech of adults as they are heard. But in the future, what has been learned is subjected to analysis through experimentation, “manipulation”, in the process language games; the properties and limits of use of the form are clarified. It turns out that a child cannot learn grammatical "correctness" without going through this stage of "violation of correctness." The mechanism of such experimentation is linguistic communication and generalization (transfer) of generalization to new situations. This mechanism was first studied in Russian psychology by F.A. Sokhin, later by T.N. Ushakova, A.M. Shakhnarovich, N.I. Lepskaya, S.M. Tseitlin. Consequently, “language experiments” (R.O. Yakobson) are a natural phenomenon.

“Timely formation of the grammatical structure of a child’s language is the most important condition for his full-fledged speech and general mental development".

The idea of ​​self-development in the method of speech development belongs to E.I. Tikheeva. “A child masters the grammatical structure of a language on the basis of cognitive development in close connection with the mastery of objective actions." This study implements a communicative approach to the problem of forming the grammatical structure of a child’s language, which is based on a complex impact on all aspects of the child’s language in the process of developing his sound culture of speech, enriching and activating the vocabulary, forming means and methods for constructing a coherent utterance in a variety of game situations.

The developed methodology implements the position of L.S. Vygotsky. He believed that when working with older preschoolers, the adult increasingly directs the child’s activity in the direction he has intended, subordinating it didactic tasks. But success will depend on how much the adult manages to establish co-creation with the child, interest him, and involve him in speech and verbal creativity. "Formation grammatical language child - a spontaneous process." (16.76)

The sixth and seventh years of life are already the stage of mastering the methods of structuring a detailed coherent statement, actively mastering complex syntax during the arbitrary construction of a monologue, methods of understanding a sentence, word, sound, the stage of formation of correct speech - grammatical, phonemic, figurative. Successful mastery and interconnection of these aspects of speech is an important condition for the formation of coherent speech.

By older preschool age, significant individual differences in the level of speech of children appear. The speech of children of the same age can differ significantly in the richness of vocabulary, level of coherence and

grammatical correctness, according to children’s ability to be creative. V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva identified and derived the main directions in the development of speech in children of senior preschool age:

Development of speech creativity, expressiveness of speech;

Development of individual abilities for speech activity;

Preparing for reading, reading.

Speech is not an innate ability of a person; it is formed gradually. For the normal development of speech, it is necessary that the cerebral cortex reaches a certain maturity and the child’s senses - hearing, vision, smell, touch - are also sufficiently developed. The development of speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzers is especially important for speech formation. All this largely depends on the environment.

Conclusions for Chapter 1.

Having studied the psychological and pedagogical literature, we came to the conclusion what speech is.

Speech is a historically established formula for communication between people through language.

Speech is in close connection with thinking and serves as an integral part of labor, everyday life, cognitive and other types of human activity.

Speech is used to judge the degree of language proficiency, as well as a person’s intellectual development.

Language and speech are interconnected, but not identical; the language system is realized in the process of its functioning, i.e. in speech.

As a means of language use, speech performs communicative, emotive, voluntarily, planning, cognitive and other functions.

Speech is divided into internal and external, oral and written, dialogic and monologue; Each type of speech has its own characteristics.

Human speech development goes through several stages, at each of which the language is enriched and speech skills are improved.

Speech development is carried out on different stages classes using a variety of tasks and exercises.

In preschool childhood, the process of language acquisition does not end.

Chapter 2. Experimental study of the problem.

2.1. Objectives, criteria and levels of speech development.

The objectives of this paragraph are:

· determine criteria for the formation of speech development;

· select and describe methods for determining the level of speech development of older preschoolers.

Program preschool education provides for the development of all aspects of the child’s speech, therefore the general goal is: the formation of correct oral speech of children based on their mastery of the literary language of their people; nurturing love and respect for the native word.

When conducting a diagnostic speech examination of children of senior preschool age, T.S. Komarova and O.A. Solomennikova identify the following specific tasks:

· Teach correct pronunciation and correct understanding of speech addressed to the child.

· Increase children's vocabulary by 3000 – 3500 words from the main one vocabulary fund native language.

· To teach children to use their vocabulary widely, to quickly find the right word that most accurately expresses the child’s thoughts.

· Form the habit of speaking grammatically correct.

· Teach children to correctly pronounce the sounds of their native language, distinguish and correctly use similar sounds.

· Develop the ability to understand and retell complex fairy tales and stories.

· Contribute to the transition of the child’s situational speech into coherent speech, and then into explanatory speech.

· To develop in children the ability to speak slowly, loudly, without tension, and expressively.

· Improve verbal and non-verbal means of communication and the ability to relate them.

· Use the potential of preschoolers in improving oral speech.

· Introduce the most commonly used oral speech genres.

To promote the development of speech creativity and speech independence of the child.

Let's consider the concept of criterion:

A criterion (from the Greek kriterion) is a measure for evaluating something, a means of testing a particular statement, hypothesis, theoretical construction - this is the definition of the concept “criterion” we find in the philosophical dictionary.

In the encyclopedic dictionary, criteria are understood as ... a sign on the basis of which something is assessed, defined or classified; measure of assessment” What do we mean by a sign? A sign in S.I. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary is considered “... an indicator, sign, signs by which you can recognize, determine something. An indicator is “... something that can be used to judge the development and progress of something.

Since we need to determine indicators of the level of speech development, we chose the norms of the following criteria:

Logic of speech , its mental basis. The term thought has two meanings: thought as a process, or thinking; thought in its content

measurement, mental test, thought content, weighty and significant.

Logic as a science with the correct construction of thought makes several of its own requirements for good speech:

1 express a thought, i.e. structure a thought at the mental stages of a speech act;

2 speech must have some values;

3 present your thought in such a way that it is understandable to the listener.

The basic laws of logic must be observed:

1. Law of identity.

2. The Law of Sufficient Reason

3. The law of contradiction.

4. law of excluded middle.

With all this, it must be remembered that evidence may be inappropriate in a casual, friendly conversation.

Construction, composition of the statement. The statement always precedes the plan. If not written, then oral or mental: it directs the sequence of the content of speech, and also provides anticipation in its construction, and partly its result.

A well-thought-out composition of a statement is an undoubted sign of speech culture and even mastery. It can be expressed in discourses.

Discourse is speech in the flow of life, in the eventual, situational aspect. Discourse theory provides for the conditions for speech perception - factors that distract the listener's attention.

Mastery of speech mechanisms. Fluency in the pronunciation organs is also a culture of speech.

Fluent speech, impeccable articulation of sounds, mastery of speech movement and voice, free construction of syntactic structures -

the result of developed synthesis, the speed of speech reactions, i.e. speed of response to the interlocutor's remark in dialogue. This also includes the length of breathing, facial expressions, gestures, postures, and wit.

Correct speech , compliance with the norms of literary language.

Language norm is a set of stable

traditional implementations of the language system, selected and consolidated in the process of speech.

Expressiveness – this is imagery, the use of means has been comprehended: rhythm, paths, winged words;

14 is a transition from skill to mastery, it is personal self-expression, a solution beyond the task.

The expressiveness of speech can be shown through facial expressions and gestures.

It is not enough for a teacher to know the theory of speech development methods; it is also necessary to know the conditions for organizing this or that activity.

We have identified conditions that contribute to more effective speech development, the most important of which is need to speak up , increase speech motivation , desire to express your thoughts, feelings.

Based on the criteria and conditions, we have selected special tasks that help identify the level of speech development in older preschoolers, such as:

“Pick up the pictures,” “Place them in order,” “Let’s get to know each other,” “Let’s compose a fairy tale,” “Find out what the fairy tale is, what the hero is.”

To summarize the level of speech development, we identified the following parameters:

High level

Average level

Low level

Each level has its own criteria.

In the course of our work, we developed levels of speech development

older children based on program requirements.


Uses different parts of speech exactly according to their meaning. Uses synonyms, antonyms, and nouns with a general meaning in speech. Possesses dialogic and monologue speech. Independently, expressively, without repetition, conveys the content of literary texts. Composes stories about an object, a picture, a series of plot pictures, short stories from personal experience, stories creative nature and short fairy tales.

Average (age norm)

Infrequently uses synonyms in speech. Antonyms and generalizing words. Possesses dialogic speech, but uses monologue speech inactively. Composes stories with a little help from an adult about an object, a picture, a series of plot pictures. Speech creativity is poorly developed. Doesn't always show initiative in communication. Expressiveness of speech is insufficient.


The active vocabulary is poor. He tries to use different parts of speech, but makes mistakes and does not realize it himself. Has difficulty writing stories and requires help from an adult. Rarely uses synonyms, antonyms and generalizing words in speech. Does not show verbal activity in communication. It is difficult to independently compose stories about an object, a picture; a series of plot pictures is not perceived as a single story. Makes mistakes in word formation. Poor command of dialogic and monologue speech.

2.2 Results of experimental work.

The objectives of this paragraph are to describe the experimental work and its results. The work was carried out in three stages.

Speech Comprehension Test

This is one of the essential stages in the study of the impressive side of speech. A complete understanding of words can only be if the child has sufficiently developed phonemic perception and a strong connection between a stable sound complex and an object, action and quality.

8 pictures were laid out in front of the children; at the request of an adult, the child had to show 2-3 objects in succession. A.R. Luria recommends using multiple repetitions of words or groups of words: for example: show glass, book, pencil, glass, book. (19, 90)

To identify an understanding of the action, children were presented with pairs of pictures. For example: one picture shows a child reading a book, the other shows a book.

The adult calls the word “reads” - the child must show the corresponding picture.

The following types of tasks involve choosing words of various lexical types: synonyms, antonyms, polysemantic words.

Appendix No. 1

Speech Comprehension Test Results

Based on the data obtained, we can draw the following conclusion: 26% of children in the older group did not cope well with the tasks; we note that they have a lack of perception of the nominative side of the word, and underdevelopment of speech. A common mistake was the substitution of an antonym with a word associated with the one presented.

Sentence Comprehension Survey

Understanding sentences of varying complexity requires awareness of various grammatical relations and the ability to retain a series of words in speech - auditory memory (A.R. Luria).

One of the most common methods of examining speech understanding is the implementation of auditorily presented verbal instructions of varying complexity.

The child is asked to perform a series of actions, first single, and then a series of them: for example, “open the door”, “clap your hands”, “show how to comb your hair”

Correct the sentences: (Appendix No. 2)

Sentence Comprehension Survey Results

Analyzing the performance of such tasks, it was noted that 35% of children in the older group perfectly perceive the entire volume of information received, quickly and correctly cope with all tasks, and have reading skills.

39% of children showed compliance with the age norm. 26% of children, unfortunately, had various difficulties in completing certain tasks, made mistakes, simply tried to guess, or completed only simple tasks.

In cases where, during the preliminary examination, it is revealed that the child, to one degree or another, has mastery of the lexical means of the language, it becomes necessary to determine the level of their development and compliance with age norms.

They use a set of techniques for a special examination.

· Naming objects, actions, qualities based on specially selected pictures.

Using this technique, we identify the child’s knowledge of specific vocabulary.

(ped.piggy bank)

· Complete the row with the corresponding picture

· Name all the listed items in one word

· Make a sentence using pictures

Processing of survey results

Each type of technique offered to the child is recorded in the protocol.

Protocol diagram.

Protocols (see Appendix No. 3)

By comparing the results obtained in the process of using various techniques, we were able to obtain survey data on the vocabulary of each child. When performing a quantitative analysis of the survey results, attention was paid, first of all, to the words that the child named correctly. At the same time, the ratio of the total number of presented words and correct answers was displayed. So, after processing all the protocols, we came to the following conclusion:

· 61% of children have a ratio close to 3/3 – the age norm

· 17% of children have a ratio close to 3/2 – slightly below the age norm

· The ratio is close to 3/1 for 22% of children - these children have not mastered vocabulary to a degree appropriate for their age

Using the following scheme, we were able to analyze all the words named by the child, which are considered from the point of view of what basic lexical and grammatical categories are used in the child’s active speech.

(see Appendix No. 4)

Results of diagnosing the volume of the active dictionary

Having summarized the results of the study, based on the analysis of correctly named words, an idea is created about the volume of the child’s active vocabulary. For a more complete qualitative characteristics of the vocabulary of children's language, it is important to analyze the erroneous answers recorded when they were presented with pictures depicting specific items, and when performing tests. It is very important, in my opinion, to analyze why the name of one subject is used by them to explain another.

This problem has been widely studied by such researchers: as (R.E. Levina, 1961,1968; N.A. Nikashina, 1968; L.F. Spirova, 1959,1962) it has been established that the transfer in children from one name to another occurs on basis:

Sound proximity of words (bunch of grapes - bunch of grapes)

· Identification of a visual situation - replacing the name of an object with an externally similar one (sundress - dress), similar purpose (plate - fork)

· Situational connection of objects with each other (flower bed - flowers; stamp - envelope)

· Designation instead of the subject of the entire situation. (shower - water flows from the tap)

· Expansion of semantic content (a turtle is walking - walking on the sand)

· Narrowing of semantic content (a seamstress sews up a dress)

Examination of coherent speech

In order to reveal the child’s level of understanding of the content of a particular situation, I invite the child to look at and explain a series of plot pictures and absurd pictures.

Methodology :

· Episode 1 “Tell me what’s going on here”

· Episode 2 “Tell me what’s funny”

Evaluation of results :

Episode 1

3 points – composes coherent stories with elements of fantasy.

2 points - writes coherent stories, often uses simple sentences.

1 point – finds it difficult to compose a coherent story, names individual objects

or the phenomena depicted in the picture.

Episode 2

3 points – when analyzing fables, the child develops an adequate emotional

reaction, he determines what is funny in the picture, explains why it is

the image can be called a fable.

2 points – when analyzing absurdities, the child has a weak emotional reaction

(slight smile) he calls the picture absurd, but cannot explain,

why can it be called that?

1 point – when analyzing absurdities, the child develops an inadequate emotional

reaction (tense, constrained), although he shows a funny picture, but does not name it

and does not explain why it causes laughter.

Results of the examination of coherent speech

Studying a child's speech production

Looking at any pictures - illustrations for fairy tales, I invite the child to come up with a new fairy tale using different characters from different fairy tales, or tell a fairy tale known to him, introducing any new character.

Evaluation of results:

3 points – invented and told a new fairy tale consistently, expressively and


2 points – invented and told a new fairy tale, but uses simple ones in speech


1 point – finds it difficult to tell himself, answers only questions.

Results of a survey of children's speech production

Analysis of survey results

As a result of a diagnostic examination of the speech of children of senior preschool age, three subgroups of children were identified.

1 subgroup – children with a high level of speech development – 38%

2 subgroup – children whose speech is in accordance with their age

the norm - 32%

3 subgroup – children with a low level of speech development – 30%

In this subgroup of children, we identify a general underdevelopment of speech, in which their normative acquisition of all the main components of the language system is somehow impaired.

Chapter 2 Conclusions

Studying the development of speech and its essence, we determined:

· criteria for the formation of speech development.

· selected and described methods for determining the speech level of older preschoolers (high, medium and low levels).

Having analyzed the results obtained using the methods we have chosen, we can conclude that the problem we posed is correct; in kindergarten, a child develops speech in various activities using a wide variety of techniques: in mathematics classes - by solving logical problems, in speech development classes - with the help vocabulary work, speech warm-up, reading and retelling text, describing pictures, objects, writing fairy tales, etc., but the development process of each child is individual and requires appropriate individual approach. Different rates of activity, hereditary characteristics and characteristics such as nervous activity, character traits and much more impose certain difficulties in fully mastering speech skills. It is necessary to systematically and comprehensively develop the speech sphere of each child, and for those children who fall into group 3 (low level), corrective developmental exercises must be introduced. For groups 1 and 2 of children whose speech development corresponds to the age norm, it is necessary to intensify the work using various techniques: games - dramatizations, dramatizations, creative and plot-based role-playing games, dialogue. Through dialogue, children learn to be equal, free, and uninhibited. Dialogue with peers is a new exciting area of ​​self-development pedagogy.


The development of speech is a historically established form of communication between people through language. Sometimes people, when communicating with each other, express their thoughts incorrectly and unclearly. And children do not speak correct speech, so it is necessary to improve it at every lesson. But the speech of preschoolers should be both internal and external, so the teacher must use various exercises, for example, composing stories, retellings, detailed answers to questions, notes on observations, memorization, creative tasks, etc.

Speech development is not delayed if the child receives new, vivid impressions and an environment is created in which he has a desire to speak and engage in verbal communication. One of the main criteria for a child’s development is speech development. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his capabilities in understanding reality, the more active his mental development occurs.

Having studied the literature, observing children’s independent play activities and theatrical performances, I came to the conclusion that it is theatrical activities that are the necessary bridge to the formation of competent, correct speech in a child.

A child’s speech is formed in communication with the adults and peers around him. Mastering speech allows the child to perceive phenomena more consciously and voluntarily. The great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky said that the native word is the basis of all mental development and the treasury of all knowledge.

Therefore, it is important to take care of the timely development of children’s speech and pay attention to its purity and correctness.


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2. Bogoslovsky V.V., Kovaleva N.T., Stepanova A.A. General psychology. – M

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3. Budarov R.A. Man and his language. – M: - 1974 – p.117.

4. Belobrykina O.A. Speech and communication - I: Academy of Development 1998

5. Borodich A.M. Methods of speech development

6. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speech. – M: Enlightenment, - 1934. – p.279.

7. Wenger A.A. Psychology M. 1996

8. Grebenchenko L.V. Types of tasks for the formation of coherent speech //

Elementary School. - 2001 - No. 9 – p.100.

9. Geishin M.G. Education of correct speech in preschoolers M. 1998

10. Golovin B.N. How to speak correctly B; 1997

11. Gvozdev A.N. Issues in studying children's speech. S-P; 1998

12.Gorbushina L.A. Expressive reading for preschool children

13. Dal V. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. // volume 4. – M:

Published by bookseller and printer M.O. Wolf, - 1882

14.Efimenko L.I. Correction of oral and written speech B; 1996

15. Krutetsky V.A. Fundamentals of educational psychology. – M: Enlightenment, -

1987 – p.440, p.134-153.

16. Koltsova M.M. The child learns to say S-P; 2000

17. Komarova T.S. Pedagogical diagnostics of children's development before

admission to school M; 2005

18. Kiryanova R.A. “Comprehensive diagnostics of S-P; 2004

19..Lvov M.R. Methods of speech development for junior schoolchildren. . – M:

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20. Lvov M.R. Fundamentals of speech theory. M: Academy - 2000.

21. Lyubinskaya A.A. Mental development of preschool children in the process of education and

training. Leningrad: - 1974 – p.84-114.

22. Nikishina I.V. Diagnostic and methodological work in preschool educational institution V; 2007

23. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary. – M: Russian language. – 1986 – p.795.

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27. Troyan A.N. Diagnosis of children's readiness to study at school C; 1999

28. Uzorova O.V. A practical guide to speech development. M: “Aquarium”, -

29. Flerova Zh.M. Speech therapy. Rostov-on-Don: 2001.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Magnitogorsk State University

Faculty of Preschool Education

Department of Educational Management

Features of speech development of older preschoolers

Course work in psychology

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………… p.3

Chapter 1 Theoretical foundations of the problem

1.1. Characteristics of speech as a mental process……………………..p.6

1.2. Features of speech development in older children

preschool age……………………………………………………..p.17

1.3. Examination of the speech of children of senior preschool age…………..p.24

Conclusions on Chapter 1………………………………………………………………………………p.30

Chapter 2 Experimental study of the problem

2.1. Objective, criteria and levels of speech development………………………………p.31

2.2 Results of experimental work…………………………………p.36

Conclusions on Chapter 2………………………………………………………………p. 46


Bibliography………………………………………………………………………………… p. 48


Reception designation

Child's answers


Full name _____________________________________________________________________

Date ____________________age______________________group____________

Reception designation

List of presented materials

Child's answers


Full name _____________________________________________________________________

Full name _____________________________________________________________________


Parent meeting

Features and problems of speech development in children of senior preschool age

Goal: to attract the attention of parents to the problem of speech development of children in modern conditions.

Progress of the meeting

Teacher. Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to see you all today at our parent meeting. It is dedicated to the topic of speech development in our children.

Why did we decide to talk to you about the problem of children's speech development?

One of the main conditions for the normal development of a preschool child is the timely and complete formation of speech. Understanding the speech of others, expressing one’s own desires and thoughts, communicating with adults and peers - all this actively introduces the child into life, promotes intellectual development and the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Any violation and any delay in the development of a child’s speech affects his behavior and his activities.

There is very little time left before our children enter school. And it is important that future schoolchildren be able to reason, explain, prove, construct sentences correctly, and have a rich vocabulary.

Figurative speech, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, in children is a very rare phenomenon. Children learn their native language by imitating the speech of those around them. Unfortunately, many parents nowadays often forget about this and let the process of speech development take its course.

Remember the time when your child was very young (about 1 year old). How worried were we about the speech? Were you waiting for the first word to be spoken? When he starts speaking actively, how quickly will his vocabulary expand? Yes?

And now, how often do we think about how a child’s speech is developed? How smoothly and logically he expresses his thoughts and reasons. Does this worry us now? If yes, then we are glad that this problem bothers you. If “no,” it’s a shame, because the issue of children’s speech development needs to be given close attention.

Teacher. How would you like your child to speak when he enters school? Let's choose the appropriate characteristics, I will write them on the board.

The speech should be: The speech of our children:





This is the ideal. But what actually happens?

In our modern times, our children spend little time in the company of their parents (more and more at the computer, at the TV or with their toys) and rarely listen to stories and fairy tales from the lips of their mother or father, and at home developing speech classes are generally a rarity.

So it turns out that by the time a child enters school, many problems arise with his speech. Let's consider what problems we may encounter before school:

Monosyllabic speech - consisting of only simple sentences.

Illiterate speech - grammatical errors when coordinating words, forming new words.

Incoherent speech is the inability to construct a retelling, a story on a proposed topic, or describe an object or picture.

Inexpressive speech is the inability to use intonation.

Fuzzy speech is the incorrect pronunciation of sounds in your native language. (These problems are written on the board in the second column).

Look, we have a contradiction: we strive and want the child’s speech to be... (words from the 1st column are read out, but it often happens (words from the 2nd column are read out).

Teacher. Another question arises: “What to do? “The answer is clear: to engage in children’s speech development not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

What do we do in kindergarten to ensure that our children’s speech develops normally? Work on speech development in the senior group involves solving the following tasks:

Formation of a dictionary:

Carry out vocabulary work, expanding and clarifying children’s knowledge about the environment;

Enrich speech with nouns denoting objects from the everyday environment, profession, plants, animals, birds; adjectives characterizing the properties and qualities of objects, emotions, feelings, experiences; adverbs denoting relationships between people, their attitude to work, characterizing a person’s mood, his rest;

Exercise children in selecting nouns for adjectives, words with similar meanings, with opposite meanings;

Help children use words actively, correctly, in strict accordance with the meaning.

Grammatical structure of speech:

Continue to improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences: nouns with numerals and adjectives with nouns;

Help you notice incorrect stress placement in a word, an error in the alternation of consonants, and provide the opportunity to correct it yourself;

Introduce different ways of forming words;

Exercise in the formation of words with the same root, including verbs with prefixes (ran in - ran out - ran across);

Learn to correctly use plural nouns in the nominative and accusative cases; verbs in the imperative mood; adjectives and adverbs in comparative degree; indeclinable nouns;

Practice using simple, compound and complex sentences.

In the preparatory group, a special place is occupied by the development of phonemic hearing (learn to distinguish by ear and clearly pronounce consonant sounds similar in articulation and sound, determine the place of a sound in a word) and further improvement of coherent speech - improve the dialogical form of speech, develop the ability to retell coherently, consistently and expressively small fairy tales, talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture, compose a story based on pictures with sequentially developing action. To develop the ability to compose short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher.

What can you do?

First of all, talk to your children, and while talking, constantly pay attention to your own speech: it should be calm, clear and intelligible. Do not forget that the child first of all learns to speak from you, so watch your speech and its correctness.

Secondly, if you notice that your child is having problems with speech, do not be afraid to contact specialists (speech therapist, neurologist).

Read to your child more often. Reading at night plays an important role in the development of a child’s speech; he learns new words, phrases, and develops his hearing. Be sure to discuss what you read.

Memorize poems with children (trains not only the expressiveness of speech, but also memory, train in the pronunciation of tongue twisters and tongue twisters (improves pronunciation).

Children love to guess and make riddles - this activity teaches children to draw conclusions, analyze, and develops thinking. Be sure to ask the child “how did you guess?” ", "Why? »

And finally, we want to tell you: love your children, help them.

Think about how often you say these phrases to your child:

You're the most loved one!

You can do a lot!

What would we do without you!

Come to me!

Sit down with us!

I will help you.

I rejoice at your success.

Tell me what's wrong with you.


Development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age

Teaching coherent speech is one of the most difficult methodological tasks of preschool education and development.

The development of coherent speech in preschoolers is carried out in various types of children’s activities: in classes to familiarize themselves with the environment, in classes to familiarize themselves with fiction, and in teaching literacy. However, teaching the native language in special classes is the main task.

The need to create a program and conduct special training in the native language is dictated by the fact that primary school teachers emphasize the speech deficiencies with which children come to school (extremely small vocabulary, incorrect pronunciation of hissing and sonorant sounds, inability to construct statements in a logical sequence, lack of communication culture, and hence the low speech culture). In this regard, only specifically speech work, targeted speech education can lead to a high level of speech mastery.

This program is based on an integrated approach; a methodology has been developed aimed at solving different but interrelated tasks in one lesson, covering different aspects of speech development (phonetic, lexical, grammatical) and, on their basis, solving the main task - the development of coherent speech in older children preschool age.

The main principle of the developed system is the relationship between the development of children’s mental abilities (the use of symbolic means to indicate the character of a fairy tale and story, the compilation of a spatio-temporal model and its use in retelling) and various speech tasks, which appears in different combinations at each age stage. From this follows the principle of continuity. The solution to each speech task (education of sound culture of speech, formation of grammatical structure, vocabulary work, development of coherent speech) is carried out, gradually becoming more complex from group to group, the compatibility of exercises, their replacement and interrelationship vary. At the same time, with such complexity, the software core is preserved at each stage of training. In the development of coherent speech, this is linking sentences into a statement; in vocabulary work, this is working on the semantic side of a word; in grammar, this is the formation of linguistic generalizations. Consistent implementation of continuity in teaching the native language allows not only to rely on the past, but also to focus on the subsequent development of speech skills.

Classes are structured on a thematic basis. The topics of the classes are varied: the seasons, the world of animals and plants, phenomena of social life, love of nature. Children first become acquainted with many topics in classes to expand their ideas about the life around them, to become familiar with fiction, and then in classes on speech development they consolidate the acquired knowledge. The program offers long-term plans and lesson notes for senior and preparatory school groups. Classes are designed for children aged 5 to 7 years, duration of implementation is 2 years. The work is carried out in subgroups of 8 - 10 people, lasting 20 - 30 minutes.

Purpose of the program: Develop coherent speech in older preschool children.


1. Develop figurative speech children. Introduce children to the means artistic expression(epithets, comparisons, phraseological units).

2. Activate the lexical and grammatical aspects of children’s speech

3. Develop children’s coherent speech: retelling works, creative storytelling (on a topic proposed by the teacher, collective creativity, on an independently chosen topic, compiling descriptive stories(by paintings, by a series of plot paintings, stories - riddles: by toys, by objects, by pictures).

4. Develop children's expressive speech.

5. Develop mental capacity children (the ability to independently build and use spatial models when retelling, compose creative stories based on the use of object substitutes and visual models of plans).

6. Develop imagination and creative thinking.

7. Cultivate interest in creative activities.

Expected result

By the end of training, children should be able to:

Independently coordinate and form words, build complex sentence structures.

Find quickly, select the most accurate word, use generalizing words.

Independently, without the help of a teacher, retell the text, invent new episodes of fairy tales, compose your own, compose descriptive stories based on pictures.

Differentiate sounds, regulate speech rate and speech breathing,

possess the skills of rhyme and word creation.

Use detailing actions (sign-symbolic modeling)

Listen carefully to the teacher in class, act according to the proposed plan, and independently complete the assigned mental task.


Speech development in older preschool children

A fairy tale in a new way “The Three Little Pigs.”

Once upon a time there were three little pigs: Naf-naf, Nif-nif and Nuf-nuf. They played and frolicked merrily all summer and did not notice how autumn came. The piglets began to think about how they would spend the winter. Naf-naf suggested building a house. Everyone agreed and began to argue about what their house would be like. Finally they decided to build a stone house that would not be blown away by the wind or burn down.

The piglets went to the forest to get materials for their house. They did not know that they were being watched by a gray wolf, who also did not have his own home.

The wolf watched the piglets for a long time, but then decided to ask why they needed so much clay, sand and branches. At first the piglets were afraid of the wolf, but then they explained why they needed all this material. Then the wolf invited the piglets to build a house together. And so they set to work together. The wolf laid stones, and the piglets mixed a solution of sand and clay. Very quickly they built the walls, covered the roof, and the house was ready.

The wolf made furniture from logs, and the piglets painted it with different colors. They made a very cozy and beautiful house. The piglets and the wolf decided to have a housewarming party. They called their friends and neighbors. All guests came with gifts and good mood. The animals celebrated their housewarming joyfully. Then the guests went home, and the wolf and the three little pigs began to live together and never quarreled.

A fairy tale in a new way “The Three Bears”.

In one village there lived a grandfather and grandmother. And they had a granddaughter Mashenka. The old people could not get enough of her, because her granddaughter helped them in everything and never contradicted them.

And then one day Mashenka asks her grandparents: “Let me and my friends go into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.” The old people tried to dissuade their granddaughter for a long time, but they still let her go.

The joyful girl went with her friends to the forest. And in the forest, the friends first decided to play hide and seek, and they played so much that Mashenka got lost.

A girl walks through the forest, calls out, but no one answers her. Mashenka wandered through the forest for a long time until she saw a hut. At first the girl was scared to go into the house, but the day was sunset, and she thought: “I’ll be lost anyway, come what may.”

Mashenka entered the house and saw three chairs at a large table in a large room. The first chair was the largest, the second was smaller, and the third was the smallest. The chairs were crooked. The girl first sat, rested, and then arranged all the chairs beautifully. There were three plates on the table: large, medium and small. The dishes were empty. Mashenka decided to cook porridge and meet the owners.

While the girl was cleaning up and preparing dinner, it became completely dark outside. Mashenka went into the bedroom and lay down on the smallest bed, and fell asleep.

And at this time the owners returned home - three bears. They saw that the house was cleaned and dinner was on the table, and they were surprised: “Who did all this? »

They went into the bedroom and saw a little girl sleeping. The little bear came up to Mashenka and woke her up. The girl was scared, but the bears calmed her down and promised to take Masha home in the morning.

As soon as dawn broke, the bears took the girl home, and along the way they picked her up a whole basket of mushrooms. At the edge of the forest, the bears said goodbye to Mashenka and she joyfully went to her grandparents.

A fairy tale in a new way “The Princess with the Golden Hair.”

Once upon a time there lived a young and handsome prince. His parents died and he was left alone. The prince became bored with living alone, and one day he decided to go look for his happiness wherever his eyes looked.

The prince walked for a long time and finally saw a beautiful castle in front of him. An equally beautiful princess lived in this castle. When the prince saw her, he couldn’t even say a word, she was so good. His lips only whispered: “Marry me.” The princess agreed because she also really liked the guy.

Preparations for the wedding began at the castle.

The wedding day has arrived. There were a lot of guests in the castle, the tables were full of different foods and drinks. Suddenly there was a loud roar, and an evil witch appeared. She was very offended by the prince and princess for not being invited to the wedding, and decided to take revenge on them. The sorceress said: “When your first child is born, I will take him and take him to my castle, otherwise you will all turn to stone.” After these words, the evil old woman disappeared.

The young couple got married and became king and queen.

Two years have passed since then and everyone has long forgotten about the terrible words of the sorceress, and the king and queen gave birth to a very beautiful daughter with golden hair. Everyone was so happy that they did not notice how the evil witch appeared. She grabbed the girl and took her to her castle.

The king was very sad, but there was nothing to do, he had to go in search of the evil witch and his beautiful daughter.

The queen knew where the witch lived and gave the prince a ball that would show the way to her castle. The young people said goodbye, and the king set off on the road following the ball.

The ball rolled for a long time and rolled into a dark dense forest, which was guarded by an angry bear. The bear saw the king and growled loudly. Then the king says: “Don’t be angry, little darling, I’ll treat you with honey.” The bear was surprised: “For how many years I have served the old witch, but she never treated me to honey. I will not only let you into the forest, but I will also accompany you to the mistress’s castle. Just don’t look around on the way, or you’ll turn into stone.”

And they went to the castle. The bear goes ahead, paving the way, and the king follows him on horseback. Day and night they made their way through the thickets, and by morning the castle appeared. Suddenly something made a noise from above, whined and flew straight towards the prince. The king could not stand it, looked to the side and immediately turned into stone. The bear roared so much in frustration that the trees shook. There is nothing to do, what happened cannot be returned. Misha decided to guard the stone until it was broken.

Sixteen years have passed since then. The little princess grew up to be a beautiful girl with golden hair, whom everyone called Goldilocks. No matter how hard the sorceress tried to raise her to be evil, nothing worked. The girl grew up kind and helped all the animals in the forest, and for this they taught the princess to understand their language.

One day, a witch from another dense forest flew to visit the old woman, and the birds sitting on the window heard their mistress boasting to her friend that near the castle there was a stone into which the king had turned. The birds quickly flew to Goldilocks and told her everything. The princess immediately realized that it was her father. Without hesitation, she went to look for the stone while the witches were busy with their nasty deeds. The little animals told Goldilocks that there was a stone not far from the castle that the bear was guarding. The princess asked them to show her this place.

When Goldilocks got to the stone, she saw a bear with very sad eyes near it. She felt sorry for the bear and she stroked it, and for this he told her how to disenchant her father. It turns out that the princess’s golden hair not only had beauty, but also the magical power to transform everything inanimate into living things.

The princess touched the stone with her golden hair and it turned into a king. The bear told him that this was his daughter and they needed to quickly return to their kingdom before the evil witch missed the princess, and when the loss was discovered, he would detain the old woman.

The king put the princess on a horse and they rushed away from the dense forest. Father and daughter safely reached their castle, where the queen and all the inhabitants of the kingdom were waiting for them. And the evil witch never showed up to them again, because the bear would not let her out of the forest.


Develop a monologue form of speech.

Learn to retell short tales and stories coherently, consistently and expressively.

Teach (according to a plan and model) to talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture, to compose a story based on pictures with a sequentially developing action. Develop the ability to compose stories about events from personal experience, and come up with your own endings to fairy tales.

To develop the ability to write short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher

Classes with older preschoolers also widely use didactic games and exercises, including plastic exercises (physical education).

Individual and group work with children, as a rule, is organized on the same program content as compulsory collective classes, and is aimed at consolidating what has been learned, taking into account individual characteristics.

Dramatization games based on fairy tales and literary works contribute to improving the syntactic aspect of speech. Older preschoolers willingly play fairy tales “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”, “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, “The Clapping Fly”, “Geese and Swans”.

They also like very children's fairy tales: "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "Turnip", "Kolobok". Children borrow figurative expressions, apt words, and figures of speech from fairy tales. This cycle of means includes making and guessing riddles, interpreting proverbs and sayings, folk games “Geese-Swans”, “Turnip”, “Colors”, “Where we were, we won’t tell”, etc.

The enrichment of speech with complex syntactic structures and the overcoming of formal compositional connections is facilitated by the situation of “written speech,” in which the child dictates his composition and the adult writes it down. This type of dictation can be used in the production of children's books and an album of children's creativity.

Observations. Their basic principle is this: each newly acquired idea must be directly attached to the corresponding word, enriching its active vocabulary.

Social environment as a preschooler’s speech development. Articulate speech is the main attribute social essence person and develops exclusively in a social environment. Its development depends on what the environment is like and to what extent it contributes to this development. Children are great masters in imitation, and the manifestations and features of the speech of adults quickly become features of children's speech.

Excursions as a method of developing children's speech - we teach children to explain what they see.

Play and work as the development of children's speech.

Language and thinking have been and continue to be inextricably linked with labor processes and human activity.

The community in a child’s life is the group of children in which he lives and develops. His main activity is playing.

A child gains significant experience through play. From his play experience, the child draws ideas that he associates with the word. Play and work are the strongest incentives for the manifestation of children's initiative in the field of language; they should be primarily used in the interests of children's speech development.

The child comes into frequent repeated contact with the objects presented in the game, as a result of which they are easily perceived and imprinted in memory. Each object has its own name, each action has its own verb.

methods of dictionary work

I. Introduction of new words into the dictionary

1. Direct familiarization with the environment and enrichment of vocabulary.

2. Examination and examination of objects.

3. Observations of animals and plants; for the activities of adults.

These three methods are used in all age groups.

4. Inspections of the kindergarten premises, targeted walks.

5. Excursions (social environment, nature).

The last two methods are used starting from the middle group.

II. Indirect familiarization with the environment and enrichment of vocabulary

1. Showing pictures with unfamiliar (barely familiar) content.

This method is used mainly in older groups

2. Reading and telling literary works.

3. Showing films, films and videos, watching TV shows.

The last two methods are used in all age groups.

III. Consolidation and activation of the dictionary.

1. Looking at toys.

2. Looking at pictures with familiar content.

3. Didactic games with toys, objects and pictures.

These methods are used in all age groups.

4. Word games used in middle and senior groups

5. Lexical (vocabulary) exercises are used in all age groups, more often in older ones.

6. Making and guessing riddles is used in all age groups.

7. Children's storytelling (different types of coherent statements based on different materials) is used mainly in the middle and older groups.

In older preschool age, the teacher’s task is to fill the children’s words with specific content, clarify their meaning, and activate them in speech. Children are taught to use antonyms to indicate size, color ( big small, long - short, light - dark); continue to develop understanding and skills in using words expressing specific and role concepts, form the ability to use generalizing words (vegetables, dishes, furniture, toys, clothes). In older preschool age, the enrichment of vocabulary and the acquisition of new words takes place in a practical way.

Of course, if there were no such speech experience, it would be impossible to talk about the further speech development of children at a higher level. But for a successful further education child at school, it is necessary that the child promptly move to “theoretical” positions regarding speech reality, so that the system of his native language, its elements, act as the object of his conscious activity. Awareness of linguistic phenomena provides the possibility of translating speech skills into an arbitrary plan.

By the end of the year, children should be able to

Participate in conversation.

Evaluate the answer or statement of a peer in a reasoned and friendly manner.

Compose stories based on a plot picture, based on a set of pictures; consistently, without significant omissions, retell short literary works.

Determine the place of sound in a word.

Choose several adjectives for nouns; replace a word with another word with a similar meaning.

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Art. Troitsk

Technology of speech development for children of senior preschool age in the process of cognitive- research activities

(from work experience)

A modern child needs not so much to know a lot, but to think consistently and convincingly, and to show mental effort. That's why how component readiness for school, researchers highlight intellectual readiness, which includes a fairly high level of development of cognitive activity and mental operations. It is no coincidence that in the “Concept of Contents” continuing education(preschool and primary level) » great attention addresses the development of children's thinking, encouraging the child's cognitive initiative, children's questions, reasoning, independent conclusions, and respectful relationships with them.

The relevance of the problem lies in the importance of timely development of research activities of children of senior preschool age.

The problem of speech development in cognitive and research activities is complex and interesting, and has been little studied.

We have defined the task:

  • to help preschoolers in the implementation of their cognitive activity, including children in meaningful activities, during which they themselves could discover more and more new properties of objects and be able to talk about it.

The creation of technologies for speech development in the process of cognitive and research activities is built in blocks:

  1. Teaching action research.
  2. Expanding ideas about the world around us, forming categorical concepts.

In its most complete, expanded form, research training, indicated by speech, presupposes the following:

  • the child identifies and poses a problem that needs to be resolved;
  • offers possible solutions;
  • tests these possible solutions against the data;
  • draws conclusions in accordance with the results of the audit;
  • applies conclusions to new data;
  • makes generalizations.

Training is built in stages.

At the first stage, the teacher poses a problem and outlines a method for solving it. The decision itself, the search for it, will have to be carried out by the children on their own.

At the second stage, the teacher only poses a problem to the children, but the child searches for a method of solving it independently (here a group, collective search is possible).

At the third stage, the formulation of the problem, as well as the search for a method and the development of the solution itself, is carried out by the children independently.

Table 4

Using games

An effective method for developing dialogical speech is a didactic game.

The methodology has developed many didactic games aimed at integrated development speech. The tasks of teaching dialogic speech are solved in conjunction with the tasks of developing vocabulary, grammatical and phonetic aspects of speech.

Games can be used during educational activities and in joint activities between the teacher and children, as well as in independent activity children.

The game helps to activate children's dialogical interaction regarding the organization of the game and during the game itself. Dramatizations, directorial, didactic and outdoor games with ready-made dialogical texts, as well as games during which these texts are created by the children themselves, can become effective methods of teaching preschoolers dialogue.

The sequence of using games is subject to the logic of the development of speech skills: from the perception and borrowing of speech forms to their independent use and transfer to new conditions of communication. This determines the stages of working with children.

There are several stages of working with children.

Preliminary stage:

The main task is to enrich the speech experience of children with various types of dialogical remarks. In this case, one should rely on the imitative abilities of children,

Sources of speech imitation include: the speech of surrounding people, fiction, puppet and game performances, films. Using artistic means, you need to attract children's attention to the dialogues of the characters.

Borrowing ready-made dialogical cues is the first stage of using games and gaming techniques in the process of developing dialogic speech in children.

Second phase:

The task of teaching dialogical speech becomes more complicated. For this purpose, games are used in which preschoolers operate not only with memorized (reproductive) cues, but also with independently constructed (productive) ones. Such types of theatrical games as role retelling, dramatization of prose literary works and director's games based on works are used to gradually transfer children from using ready-made lines to constructing their own.

At the third stage, games are used that should encourage children to independently construct dialogic lines. These are word games without ready-made texts, telephone improvisation games, creative types of games (theatrical and director's games with invented plots). Verbal games play a special role, since they allow the teacher to direct the speech behavior of children to create certain replicas.

Correctly selected games for the development of dialogic speech are designed for:

1) developing in children the ability to use various types of initiative remarks (questions, messages, prompts) and corresponding responses in dialogue, as well as the ability to observe the elementary rules of behavior in dialogue (rules of turn and thematic unity of remarks);

2) reflection of the natural logic of the formation of speech skills: from the perception and borrowing of samples of dialogical remarks to their use in a combination of reproductive and productive speech and the creative transfer of learned samples into independent speech practice.

Using games to develop children's dialogical speech does not exclude conversations and conversations between the teacher and them. Additional targeted use of gaming techniques will help increase the efficiency of the process of developing dialogic skills in preschoolers.

In 2014-2015 academic year, in our preschool institution, one of the annual goals is as follows: “To develop children’s dialogical speech in the process of organized and independent activities.” Taking into account new approaches to determining the content of the process of development of dialogic speech in preschoolers, I made an attempt to fill the gaps in the methodology for the development of dialogic speech, using didactic games, I relied on the technology of O. Bizikova. (Annex 1)

Before starting work, I monitored the subject-development environment in the group. (Appendix 2) After this, I began planning work on developing dialogical speech in children in the process of organized activities, i.e. with the help of educational games. In the process of work, didactic games, literature and materials were produced and purchased that will help to continue to conduct targeted work aimed at developing dialogic speech in children.

After 3 months, the subject-development environment was monitored again and, in my opinion, noticeable improvements occurred. (Appendix 2)

We also worked with parents. (Appendix3)

I pursued the following goals:

Create motivation for their participation in the process of developing a culture of dialogic communication in children (for example, hold a parent meeting “Dialogue in the life of a preschooler”)

Introduce parents to the activities of preschool educational institutions to develop dialogical communication in their children;

Introduce game techniques for its development in a child at home (group and individual consultations, conversations with parents); (Appendix 4)

Provide assistance to parents in the development of children's dialogical speech in play activities in the family (individual conversations and play exercises).


The main goal of the work was to teach children to use dialogue as a form of communication.

The absence or deficit of dialogic communication leads to various kinds of distortions in personal development and an increase in problems of interaction with other people. Based on the results of the monitoring, it turned out that children have little command of dialogical speech and do not know how to speak out.

Based on this, a set of works was compiled on the development of dialogic speech, which includes: games, games - dramatizations. The goal of the work was: to teach how to answer an adult’s questions, but also to ask them yourself, to speak out proactively, and to establish interaction.

Training is game-based and communicative. This training makes it possible to establish contacts between children, form a team, which leads to the development of dialogic communication.

After the work done, we can conclude that:

  • To develop children's dialogical speech, it is necessary to enrich the content of speech education and improve the forms and methods of speech work.
  • The new content involves stimulating children's statements from personal experience; organization of verbal collective creativity (co-creation); training in dialogue: the ability to listen and hear a partner, maintain verbal and playful interaction, respond to partner’s statements, reason, give reasons for statements.
  • New forms of organizing dialogue between children and peers include: work with subgroups; organization of communication space; non-disciplinary forms

attracting and maintaining attention; game and communicative motivation of classes.

  • Methods and techniques for developing dialogue are group conversations; cooperative type activities (joint drawing, appliqué, design, artistic work); theatrical games (dramatization games, performances); didactic games.
  • It is advisable to more often organize didactic games in pairs in compliance with the following game rules: observe the order of game and speech actions; listen to your partner; do not repeat what has been said; complement your partner’s statements: ask questions, politely express assumptions, wishes, disagreement; reason, justify your judgments.


1. Alekseeva M. M., Yashina B. I. Methods of speech development and teaching the native language of preschoolers, 3rd ed., - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 400 p.

2. Bizikova O. A. Development of dialogical speech of preschoolers in the game. - M.: “Scriptorium 2003”, 2008. - 136 p.

3. Bolotina L. R. Preschool pedagogy. – M.: Academy, 1997. – 232 p.

4. Borodich A. M. Methods for developing children’s speech. – M.: Education, 1981. – 255 p.

5. Classes on speech development in kindergarten / Ed. O. S. Ushakova. – M.: Modernity, 1999. – 363 p.

6. Kozlova S. A., Kulikova T. A. Preschool pedagogy. – M.: Academy, 2000. – 416 p.


Didactic games for the development of children's dialogical speech

Didactic games with ready-made dialogue texts

Target. Strengthen children's ability to listen carefully to their interlocutor.

The teacher, holding the ball, stands in a circle with the children and explains the rules of the game:

Now I will name a color and throw a ball to one of you. The one who catches the ball must name an object of this color, then he himself names any color and throws the ball to the next player.

“Green,” says the teacher and throws the ball to one of the children.

“Leaf,” the child answers and, saying “blue,” throws the ball to the next one.

Does this happen or not?

("Tall Tales")

Goals: To teach children to respond favorably to unrealistic (false) messages and tactfully correct them; develop evidence-based speech; cultivate a culture of dialogue: do not interrupt each other, do not shout from your seat.

Children take turns telling stories. The player who notices the fable must prove why this does not happen.

First, the teacher plays out several fables.

  • On a sunny summer day, the guys and I went for a walk. They made a slide out of snow and began to slide down it.
  • Spring came, all the birds flew away, it became sad without them.
  • It's Vitya's birthday. He brought treats to the kindergarten: sweet lemons, salty candies, bitter cookies.

Note. At first, one fable is included in the stories; when the game is repeated, their number is increased.

Goals: Develop attention to voice messages and the ability to be tolerant of erroneous judgments and correct them kindly; express agreement in response to correct messages.

Educator: “I will tell you about something. If you notice an error in my reasoning, correct it and explain why you think so. And if you agree with my statement, then say this: “Yes, you are right, I.O.” or “I agree with you, I.O.”

Examples of judgments:

  • Carlson lived in a small house near the forest.
  • Friday comes after Wednesday.
  • Pinocchio is one of the inhabitants of the flower town.
  • Washing your hands is unhealthy.
  • If you listen to adults, then nothing interesting will happen.
  • If there are leaves on the trees, then it is summer.

Target. Strengthen children's ability to use various options for expressing requests for permission in speech.

The game is organized during the regime processes. For example, a teacher invites children to wash their hands (on a walk, in the bedroom, etc.). He stands in the doorway and, smiling, says: “The door is locked. Whoever finds the key will open the door.

Remember the proverb: “Kind words open locks.” Whoever says kind words, the door will open for him.”

The children pronounce the request, and the teacher encourages them to use different versions of the request formulas: “Masha already said so. Can you open the lock any other way?”

Approximate formulas for expressing a request for permission:

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1) preparatory: preparation of goals and objectives, selection of literature on oral folk art;

2) actually – research (main): implementation of the main activities provided for by the project;

3) final: generalization of the results of the work, their analysis, formulation of conclusions.


Familiarizing children with oral folk art and everyday use of it both in routine moments and in play activities develops the child’s oral speech, his fantasy and imagination, influences spiritual development, and teaches certain moral standards.

Children's folklore gives us the opportunity to introduce him to folk poetry at the early stages of a child's life.

With the help of small forms of folklore, it is possible to solve almost all problems in the methodology of speech development, therefore, along with the basic techniques and means of speech development of preschoolers, I use this rich material of the verbal creativity of the people.

I begin to introduce lullabies to children at an early age, which allows children to memorize words and forms of words, phrases, and master the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech.

Nursery rhymes, rhymes, and chants are rich material for the development of sound culture of speech. By developing a sense of rhythm and rhyme, we prepare the child for further perception poetic speech and form his intonation expressiveness.

Riddles enrich children's vocabulary due to the polysemy of words, help to see the secondary meanings of words, and form ideas about their figurative meaning. They help children learn the sound and grammatical structure of Russian speech, forcing them to focus on the language form and analyze it. Solving riddles develops preschoolers' ability to analyze and generalize.

To solve all the listed problems of children's speech development, I have selected and compiled a card index of games based on children's folklore.

Russian folk round dance games attracted my attention not only as a huge potential for the physical development of a child, but also as a genre of oral folk art. The folklore material contained in the games contributes to the emotionally positive acquisition of native speech. Children play outdoor games with great pleasure, desire and interest.

I noted that in the process of introducing children to mobile and finger games not only speech is formed, but also fine motor skills of the hands and fingers develop, which prepares the child’s hand for writing, makes it possible to improvise, to combine words with action. And most importantly, the level of development of children’s speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the hands and fingers.

Based on folklore works, I compiled a complex of hardening gymnastics after naps for children of senior preschool age, which is used every day to strengthen and preserve the health of children and maintain interest in physical exercise.

I consider various leisure and entertainment activities to be one of the most effective forms of working with children on speech development. In accordance with this, she developed a cycle of entertainment of an artistic and aesthetic cycle.

I have prepared consultations on this topic for parents and teachers, reflecting current issues of child speech development in preschool educational institutions and families.

Together with parents, the group has compiled a children's library of Russian folk tales.

I am sure that folklore effectively develops a child’s oral speech and influences his spiritual, aesthetic and emotional development.

Thus, introducing a child to folk culture should start from early childhood. Folklore is a unique means of transmitting folk wisdom and raising children at the initial stage of their development.

Children's creativity is based on imitation, which serves important factor development of the child, his speech. Gradually, children develop an internal readiness for a deeper perception of Russian works. folk literature, the vocabulary and ability to master native speech are enriched and expanded.

In my future work, I will effectively USE and introduce all types and forms of children's folklore, Russian folk games, reading and telling fairy tales.

1. Anikin V.P. Russian folk proverbs, sayings, riddles, children's folklore. –M.: Uchpedgiz, 1957.

2. Borodich A. M. Methods for developing children’s speech. -M.: Education, 1981.

3. Bukhvostova S.S. Formation of expressive speech in children of senior preschool age. –Kursk: Academy Holding, 1976.

4. Dal V.I. Proverbs and sayings. Naputnoye // Russian folk poetic creativity. Reader on folklore / Compiled by: Yu. G.

5. Zagrutdinova M., Gavrish N. Use of small folklore forms // Doshk. education.-1991.-No.9

6. Illarionova Yu. G. Teach children to solve riddles. –M.: Enlightenment,

7. Kudryavtseva E. The use of riddles in didactic games (senior preschool age) // Preschool. education.-1986.-No.9

8. Matskevich A. Ya. Small forms of folklore - for preschoolers //Work with books in kindergarten / Compiled by: V. A. Boguslavskaya, V. D. Razova. –M.: Education, 1967

9. Melnikov M.N. Russian children's folklore. –M.: Education, 1987.

10. Orlova N. Using proverbs and sayings in working with children // Doshk. education.-1984.-No. 4

11. Journey through the Land of Mysteries /Compiled by: Shaidurova N.V. Barnaul: BSPU, 2000

12. Russian folk art and ritual holidays in kindergarten / Ed. A. V. Orlova. –Vladimir: Academy, 1995.

13. Tikheyeva E. I. Development of speech in children (early and preschool age). –M.: Education, 1981.

14. Usova A.P. Russian folk art in kindergarten. -M.: Education, 1972

15. Ushakova O., Strunina E. Methods for identifying the level of speech development of children of senior preschool age // Preschool. education.-1998.-No.9.

16. Elkonin D. B. Child psychology: development from birth to seven years. –M.: Education, 1960.

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Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • 2.3 Neoplasms of age
  • Conclusion
  • Literature
  • Application


Relevance The chosen topic is determined by the unique role played by the native language in the formation of the personality of a preschool child. It is typical for psychology and pedagogy special treatment to language and speech, because they are the most important means of human cognition and communication, a channel for the transmission and assimilation of universal human values, a means of education and training. Speech is a significant condition for the development of memory, thinking, imagination, emotional sphere of the individual, etc.

The sensitive period of speech development is considered to be early childhood, and preschool age is characterized by the child’s active acquisition of spoken language, development of grammatical, lexical and other aspects of speech. Full command of the native language in preschool age contributes to both the mental, personal and moral development of the child. Without this he will not be ready for schooling.

The problem of perception has been worked out quite deeply in both general and developmental psychology. It was studied by such foreign psychologists as N. Chomsky, J. Piaget, V. Stern, C. Osgood and others. Significant contributions to the understanding of the mechanisms of speech were made by domestic psychologists- L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.A. Leontyev, F.A. Sokhin, A.M. Shakhnarovich, A.V. Zaporozhets and others.

Purpose This work is to study the characteristics of speech development in five-year-old children.

Object research advocates speech as a cognitive process. Subject The study focuses on the features of speech development in children aged 5 years.

Tasks research:

1) Define the concept of speech and consider the main approaches to its study in psychology;

2) Describe the social situation of the development of a five-year-old child, consider psychological developments and leading activities at this age;

3) Characterize the features of speech development in children aged 5 years.

Method research: theoretical analysis of literature.

speech psychology diagnostics sound

Chapter 1. The problem of studying speech in psychology

1.1 The concept of speech in psychology

The first studies devoted to the problem of speech considered speech and language synonymous. F. de Saussure was the first to introduce into science the distinction between language and speech.

As part of this work, it is necessary to clearly define how these two concepts differ.

T.N. Ushakova defines language as a hidden system lexical units, as well as the rules for combining them in the speech of Ushakov T.N. Speech: origins and principles of development: tutorial. M.: 2004. P. 13. . A.R. Luria proposes to define language as a complex system of codes denoting objects, signs, actions or relationships that carry the function of encoding, transmitting information and introducing it into various systems Luria A.R. Lectures on general psychology. St. Petersburg: 2006. P. 284. .

Speech is a specific implementation of language in the process of communication and interaction between people. In dictionary practical psychologist speech is defined as a form of communication that has historically developed during the material transformative activity of people, mediated by language Dictionary of a Practical Psychologist / Compiled by S.Yu. Golovin. Mn.: 1998. P. 586. .

Among cognitive processes, speech occupies a special place. It has universality, being included in a variety of cognitive acts, which is manifested in a person’s “verbalization” of any perceived information. Speech is even more interesting in the cognitive aspect as a special means for transmitting, storing and using information. A person receives the greatest amount of knowledge from oral or written speech messages.

Speech is always addressed to someone, i.e. is an act of communication involving at least two participants. For each participant in verbal communication, the speech mechanism includes three main links or blocks:

1) speech perception;

2) speech production;

3) inner speech, which is the central link. The purpose of this system is to transfer content from the intraspeech link of one communicator to the intraspeech link of other participants in the process Pashuk N.S. Psychology of speech. Mn.: 2010. P. 18. .

In the mechanism of internal speech, three hierarchically organized levels can be distinguished:

Level 1 - these are the mechanisms of action and possession of individual words, usually denoting phenomena outside world. It implements the nominative function of language and speech;

Level 2 is associated with the formation of multiple connections between basic elements and the formation of the so-called “verbal network”. The verbal network is the materialized vocabulary of a language. Experiments have shown that the objective and linguistic connectedness of words corresponds to the connectedness of their traces in the nervous system. These connections form so-called “semantic fields” or “verbal networks”. When a node of the “verbal network” is activated, the excitation, fading, spreads to adjacent structures. The connections of the “verbal network” are stable, essentially the same for all people, and persist throughout life. The “verbal network” constitutes the static basis of human speech communication;

Level 3 - dynamic, in its temporal and content characteristics corresponds to the produced external speech. On the physiological side, it consists of rapidly changing activations of individual nodes of the “verbal network” in their special integrations. Each word spoken by a person is preceded by activation of the corresponding structure of internal speech, which then, through recoding, goes into commands to the articulatory organs of T.N. Ushakova. Speech: origins and principles of development: textbook. M.: 2004. P. 74. .

Speech is a means of communication between people. The simplest form of communication involves two interacting partners. For each of them, two main types of factors can be identified that influence the organization of dialogue: those related to the given subject of communication (“I” factors) and those related to the communication partner, as well as the current situation (“non-I” factors).

Among the “I” factors, the most common is the motive of communication. A person enters into communication wanting to get help, elicit participation, give information, etc. To an even greater extent, the content of communication is determined by what can be called a person’s intellectual potential (a person’s education, his specific knowledge, worldview, beliefs). The content of human communication is often feelings.

The “not-I” factors include, first of all, the need to understand the rational, logical position of the partner when communicating. Often, however, assessing the partner’s rational position turns out to be secondary compared to identifying his emotional attitude. The factor of social and personal presentation of the interlocutor is also important. This idea can be expressed in a global assessment of him as good-bad, authoritative-non-authoritative, honest-dishonest, etc. When communicating with familiar people, these assessments become more personal.

The organization of dialogue is also influenced by some situational factors. The situation can be the subject of discussion, i.e. directly compose its content. Sometimes it gives a motive to enter into communication. For dialogue, the temporal and spatial characteristics of the situation are important (for example, physical distance between people) Cognitive psychology. Textbook for universities / Edited by V.N. Druzhinina, D.V. Ushakova. M.: 2002.S. 241. .

According to content and formal characteristics speech statements The following forms are distinguished: information, question, request. Depending on the representation of communication factors, the ratio of these speech forms changes. It is known, for example, how many questions a child asks when communicating with an adult and how large the share of information goes from an adult to a child. We willingly ask questions to people whose opinions interest us, and do not do this in other cases. It is not easy to make a request to every person, not at every time and not in every place.

Speech understanding is a process in which, based on some message, a mental image of the information contained in this message is created. The sequence of sounds a person utters must correspond to the meaning of what is being communicated if he wants to be understood. In addition, the "sender" ("addressee") and the "receiver" ("addressee") must have a general knowledge of the meanings of words and the rules of grammar. Since speech is always incomplete, the “addressee,” in order to create a correct mental image of what is being communicated, must rely on his or her prior knowledge, context, or setting.

D. Halpern proposes to divide speech into two structures, or types of presentation. The in-depth representation of speech is related to its semantic component - these are the thoughts that a person wants to convey. Surface structure corresponds to the sounds of verbal expression of thoughts or their written counterpart, text that can be presented on paper, a computer screen, or other material intended for writing. The “addressee” wants to communicate his thought to the “addressee”. The thought (deep structure) is known only to the “addressee”. It is transformed with the help of speech sounds or letters (surface structure), which help the “addressee” to reconstruct the thought expressed in the words of the “addressee” Halpern D. Psychology critical thinking. 4th int. ed. St. Petersburg: 2000. P. 375. .

The main types of speech can be represented in the following diagram (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Basic types of speech

Thus, speech is realized through language. Speech is a process of communication, language is a means of communication. As a means of communication, language plays the role of conventional symbols (signs) accepted in a given community of people. Speech gives voice to and animates linguistic symbols. Language and speech are complex formations and have a certain structure that ensures their normal functioning.

The problem of the relationship between language and speech raises many questions for researchers: what is historically primary - speech or language? Is the ability to acquire language innate or acquired through social experience? These questions still remain open.

1.2 Approaches to considering speech in psychology

The problem of speech has been actively developed both in foreign and domestic psychology.

The main idea of ​​behaviorism was that the main mechanisms for the formation and development of speech in humans are imitation and reinforcement. D. Watson believed that the child has some innate ability to imitate sounds human speech. In the process of interacting with parents, the child receives positive reinforcement by imitating the sounds of adults' speech. Mastering speech, therefore, comes down to learning all its basic elements. External behavioral forms of imitation gradually move into the internal plane and become internal mental reactions. This theory can explain the appearance of some speech patterns or local dialect in a person. However, it is not able to explain the process of language acquisition, in particular, the speed with which a child masters speech in early childhood, or children's word creation. Psychology. Tutorial for humanitarian universities/ Under general ed.V.N. Druzhinina. St. Petersburg: 2001. P. 239. .

The preformationist theory of speech development, developed by N. Chomsky, was built on the idea that most languages ​​have a similar basic structure. From this follows the assumption that this structure is innate and determines the ability of each person to modify the meaning or meaning of any given phrase, as well as to construct an unlimited number of meaningful utterances. In other words, in the human body and brain from birth there are some specific inclinations for the acquisition of speech in its basic attributes. These inclinations mature around the age of one and open up opportunities for accelerated speech development from one to three years. This age is called sensitive for speech formation. Within broader age boundaries, it covers the period of a person’s life from one year to puberty. During this entire period of time, speech development usually occurs without complications, but outside of this period it is either difficult or even impossible to acquire language. This innate linguistic competence underlies the development of cognitive and intellectual processes in a child Solso R. Cognitive psychology. 6th ed. St. Petersburg: 2006. P. 254. .

J. Piaget developed a constructivist theory of language acquisition. Its main idea is that the development of speech depends on the child’s inherent ability from birth to perceive and intellectually process information. The development of language is no different from the development of perception or memory. Language itself does not play any role in the development of thinking and intelligence; it is significant because it promotes the child’s interaction with adults as a source of information. Piaget J. Selected psychological works. M.: International pedagogical academy. 1994. P. 541. .

According to Whorf, language can only be considered within the framework of a particular culture. He put forward the so-called relativistic theory of language, according to which the perception of the world depends on language, the structure of which is different in different cultures Solso R. Cognitive psychology. 6th ed. St. Petersburg: 2006. P. 260. .

In the traditions of Russian psychology, based on the works of L.S. Vygotsky, language is essentially a social product that is gradually internalized by the child and becomes the main regulator of his behavior and cognitive processes such as perception, memory, problem solving or decision making. A child’s acquisition of speech begins with the selection of speech signals from the entire set of sound stimuli. Then, in his perception, these signals are combined into morphemes, words, sentences, and phrases. On their basis, coherent, meaningful external speech is formed, serving communication and thinking. The process of translating thoughts into words goes in the opposite direction. Psychology. Textbook for humanitarian universities / Ed. ed. V.N. Druzhinina. St. Petersburg: 2001. P. 248. .

A.A. Leontyev proposed a psychological theory of speech activity, according to which there is no direct and unambiguous correlation between human language and phenomena of the external world. Between them there is an intermediate link - social activity, inclusion in which ensures the formation of a system of individual meanings in the subject (image of the world). Language means ensure the recording of social experience, the transmission of messages between people, as well as the organization of joint and individual actions (practical and mental). Through language and sign-symbolic means, humanity and every person gets the opportunity to connect the present with the past and with the future Malanov S.V. Psychological theory of speech activity. Alexey Alekseevich Leontiev. (Part 1) // “Elementary school: plus before and after.” 2005. No. 6.S. 20. .

In accordance with the topic of this work, an interesting idea put forward by F.A. Sokhin, about the formation in preschool children of an elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech, about the need for linguistic development in preschool childhood Sokhin F.A. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of speech development in preschoolers. M.: 2005. P. 8. .

Thus, the analysis of the main theories of speech and language allows us to highlight the following ideas on which the consideration of speech in children of five years of age will be based:

· the child’s speech develops in the course of generalization (generalization) of linguistic phenomena, perception of adult speech and his own speech activity;

· language and speech represent a kind of “knot” into which various lines of mental development are “woven” - the development of thinking, imagination, memory, emotions;

· the leading direction in teaching the native language is the formation of linguistic generalizations and elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech;

· the child’s orientation in linguistic phenomena determines the conditions for independent observations of language, for the self-development of speech, gives speech a creative character Ibid., p. 167. .

Chapter 2. Features of speech development at the age of five

2.1 Characteristics of the social situation of development of a 5-year-old child

The age of 5 years includes the senior preschool age, which is chronologically determined by the boundaries of 5-7 years Palagina N.N. Developmental psychology and age psychology: Textbook for universities. M. 2005. P. 108. . This age is considered one of the main periods when a child is active in learning about the world around him.

Therefore, the main thing at this age is the child’s full contact with the world: receiving a variety of information from all senses, as well as the development spatial perception, musicality, " imaginative thinking", sense of rhythm.

Another important rule is the development of the motor cortex (motor skills, sequence of movements, “dexterity”), followed by the formation of the frontal regions that provide control and self-regulation (including voluntary, emotional).

The most important activities that lay the foundations of children's intelligence should be related to motor activity, development of the sensory sphere (see, touch, smell, hear). This will form a full-fledged zone of spatial analysis and synthesis, from which " inner space"intelligence Developmental psychology / Edited by A.K. Belousova. Rostov-on-Don. 2012. P. 154. .

Arbitrariness of attention and memory first appears at this age; before that, all processes were involuntary. The child is required to concentrate not only on what is interesting and emotionally charged. Now it is important to make an effort, to plan, to “pronounce this effort.” The psychophysiological basis for the appearance of some elements of voluntariness already exists. But in order for the properties to fully develop, they must be in demand by the child’s environment: in the family, kindergarten, on the playground, etc.

At the age of 5, a child already acquires his own character and some creative abilities: he is constantly doing something and trying to turn his fantasies into reality.

At the age of 5, the child still considers the family to be the center of the world. At this time, despite the fact that children already want to play with friends, everything the most important aspects everyone's emotional life is also inside the house. The child can already share his experiences and sympathize with the people around him. He becomes more independent and can fully control his behavior Averin V.A. Psychology of children and adolescents: Textbook. allowance. 2nd ed., revised. St. Petersburg 1998. P. 137. .

The baby has his own opinion, learns to manage his emotions and gradually realizes that he is beginning to grow up. In this situation, the task of the parents is to help the child cope with new feelings and experiences.

At the age of 5 years, a child has a completely sufficient understanding of the world. Therefore, he already understands that every family has its own values, traditions and order. In addition, during this period children begin to:

navigate in space and time; distinguish colors, shapes and sizes of objects; draw people practically as they are, that is, with a head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, arms, legs and body; copy letters and then write them from memory; learn letters; determine the size of objects; understand where the right and left sides are.

The child’s psychology is gradually improving, which means the motor skills of his movements improve, strength and speed increase. The baby begins to be drawn to participate in competitions and play various sports.

The emotional state has stabilized, behavior has become more even and less subject to mood swings. At five years old, the psyche is already much stronger than at four years old. A child is able to listen to explanations, respond adequately to parents’ requests, and occupy himself independently if adults are busy Averin V.A. Psychology of children and adolescents: Textbook. allowance. 2nd ed., revised. St. Petersburg 1998. P. 140. .

A five-year-old child is already called a preschooler, which means that one of his main activities will be preparing for school. The main thing for parents here is not to overdo it, forcing the child to study against his will, otherwise a negative attitude towards school will become entrenched.

A 5-year-old child’s increasing interest is directed towards the sphere of relationships between people. The adult's assessments are critically analyzed and compared with one's own. Under the influence of these assessments, the child’s ideas about the real Self and the ideal Self are differentiated more clearly.

The development of volition and volitional qualities allows the child to purposefully overcome certain difficulties specific to a preschooler. The subordination of motives also develops (for example, a child may refuse noisy play while adults are relaxing) Newcomb N. Development of the child’s personality. St. Petersburg: 2002. P. 174. .

Interest in mathematics and reading appears. Based on the ability to imagine something, a child can solve simple geometric problems.

An older preschooler is able to distinguish the entire spectrum of human emotions, and he develops stable feelings and relationships. “Higher feelings” are formed: moral, intellectual, aesthetic.

Against the background of emotional dependence on the assessments of an adult, the child develops a desire for recognition, expressed in the desire to receive approval, praise, and confirm his importance.

Quite often at this age children develop such a trait as deceit, i.e. deliberate distortion of the truth.

The development of this trait is facilitated by a violation of parent-child relationships, when a loved one with excessive severity or a negative attitude blocks the child’s development of a positive sense of self and self-confidence. And in order not to lose the trust of an adult, and often to protect himself from attacks, the child begins to come up with an excuse for his mistakes, shifting the blame to others Palagina N.N. Developmental psychology and age psychology: Textbook for universities.M. 2005.S. 113. .

The moral development of an older preschooler directly depends on the degree of adult participation in it, since it is in communication with an adult that the child learns, comprehends and interprets moral norms and rules. It is necessary to form the habit of moral behavior in a child. This is facilitated by the creation of problematic situations and the inclusion of children in them in the process of everyday life, as well as the personal example of an adult nearby.

2.2 Features of the leading activity of a 5-year-old child

Children's play is still the leading activity. Moreover, we are talking primarily about independent, spontaneously organized and regulated role-playing games by children themselves, and not at all about gaming techniques that adults use. The particular importance of play for the full development of a child’s personality was noted by D.B. Elkonin Elkonin D.B. Mental development in childhood: Edited by D.I. Feldstein. M. 1995. P. 204. . With the help of play as the leading activity of preschool age, they develop necessary for the child in his later life, mental processes and mechanisms for their implementation, which, in turn, give rise to motives for new types of activities.

In role-playing games, a certain logic of situations can be traced, subject to the rules of the game. At first, the child will try to build a plot in independent games or in games with an adult. For example, he can play out the plot of a “trip to the sea”: first everyone packs things into bags, then they get into the car (train), arrive at the place, live in a house, go swimming, etc. As a rule, the basis of the plot will also initially consist of bright life situations from the child's experience. In the future, such games will become more complicated, and the child begins to play with other children. Here the task becomes more complicated, because in the process of joint actions it is necessary not only to live up to the role, but also to agree on the rules of the game and find compromises on controversial issues. This moment is very important, because it is the basis for the development of business communication. Role-playing play also contributes to the development of being not only in “necessary” and “convenient” situations for the child, but also to be able to endure forced losses, failures, emotional experiences, which in the future will be a good experience in everyday life moments.

Already 5-year-old children are able to beat not only everyday situations, and also transfer the plots of cartoons, fairy tales, books into the game, thereby trying to imitate your favorite characters and analyze their characters. Role-playing games become the basis of social behavior, which includes various semantic and emotional connections. If the child has already quite successfully become involved in the process of role-playing play, this does not mean that the role of the adult has remained in the background. It is also important to support and develop the child’s skills, because if the baby stops in his development by playing a familiar plot, then in the future he may encounter difficulties in showing independence. Independence in the game provides for a certain creativity when a child comes up with a continuation to an already known situation that has not previously taken place in life. The creative moment in the game is an indicator of the development of the child’s thinking, capable of perceiving and adjusting his actions to the actions of other people, thereby finding a way out of various situations.

Thus, the ability to play will allow the child to grow into an independent, creative person with a strong position in life.

2.3 Neoplasms of age

New formations in the psyche of a preschooler are formed under the influence of the leading activity for this age - role-playing play. The list of these new formations in the psychological and pedagogical literature is quite extensive and varies in various sources. Most often, mental neoplasms of preschool age include:

1) The emergence of awareness of one’s limited place in the system of relationships with adults. On the basis of this, a very important desire for a preschooler is formed in the context of his transition to the next age stage (junior school age) to carry out socially significant and socially valued activities (this activity is educational activity).

2) The emergence of a subordination of motives. At this age, one can already observe the predominance of deliberate actions over impulsive ones. Overcoming immediate desires is determined not only by the expectation of reward or punishment on the part of an adult, but also by the expressed promise of the child himself (the principle of the “given word”).

3) The emergence of primary ethical authorities: “what is good and what is bad.”

4) The emergence of voluntary behavior. Voluntary behavior is behavior mediated by a certain idea. D.B. Elkonin noted that in preschool age the image orienting behavior first exists in a specific in a visual form, but then it becomes more and more generalized, appearing in the form of a rule or norm. Based on the formation of voluntary behavior in a child, according to D.B. Elkonin, there is a desire to control oneself and one’s actions Elkonin D.B. Mental development in childhood: Edited by D.I. Feldstein. M. 1995. P. 214. .

5) The emergence of the first schematic outline of a complete children's worldview. The child tries to put everything he sees in order and builds his own picture of the world. D.B. Elkonin notices here a paradox between a low level of intellectual capabilities and a high level of cognitive needs. When a child comes to school, he is forced from global, world problems to move on to elementary things, then a discrepancy is revealed between cognitive needs and what the child is taught. Ibid. P. 215.

2.4 Features of speech development in five-year-old children

At five years old, a child can already construct sentences of 5-6 words. Speech becomes a tool for understanding the world around us. The child uses more and more synonyms and antonyms. His vocabulary is about 3000 words. Word creation is still in an intensive phase, but is gradually changing its character: before constructing a new word, the child performs a rather complex analysis in his mind.

By the age of five, parents should stop “working as translators.” The child’s speech must be understood not only by relatives, but also by strangers.

By the age of five, a child should be able to correctly agree words in gender and number. He must be able to form and modify words, compose sentences, and use prepositions correctly.

The child speaks his native language fluently, sings songs, tells fairy tales and plays verbal (speech) games alone or with parents and friends Palagina N.N. Developmental psychology and age psychology: Textbook for universities. M. 2005. P. 118. .

His brain is 90% formed and his speech organs are well developed.

However, the quality and fluency of speech largely depends on how warmly and caringly the parents treat the child.

At 5 years old, according to psychological research, a child pronounces almost perfectly various sounds. He expresses his own thoughts perfectly, understands the meaning of some proverbs, and finds mistakes in the speech of other comrades. Psychological studies of a 5-year-old child show that during this period he can:

· say your own name, age, address;

· explain the meanings of various words;

· sing and read, tell stories;

· solve riddles and understand jokes.

In addition to the communicative function of speech, the planning function develops, i.e. the child learns to purposefully plan, logically and consistently build his actions and talk about it. Self-instruction develops, which helps the child organize his attention in advance on the upcoming activity Ushakova O.S. Theory and practice of speech development in preschoolers. M. 2008. P. 28. .

Typically, in boys, the process of speech development proceeds more slowly; it is more difficult for them to correctly formulate and convey their thoughts to others, since at this age the nerve bundle connecting the hemispheres of the brain is thinner than for girls, and, accordingly, the process of information exchange is slower.

The most important prerequisite for improving the speech activity of preschoolers is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that promotes the desire to actively participate in verbal communication. And it is the game that helps create situations in which even the most uncommunicative and constrained children enter into verbal communication and open up.

The development of speech is closely related to the formation of the child’s thinking and imagination. If independent speech If children of 5 years of age are at a high level, then in communication with adults and peers they demonstrate the ability to listen and understand spoken speech, maintain a dialogue, answer questions and ask them independently. The ability to compose the simplest stories, but interesting in their semantic load and content, to construct phrases grammatically and phonetically correctly, and to compose their content compositionally, contributes to the mastery of monologue speech, which is of paramount importance for the full preparation of a child for school education. Also, in preschool age, the child’s vocabulary constantly increases. The main goal of speech development classes is the formation of high-quality speech in the process of communication.

Speech development can be activated by involving children in play activities. But under no circumstances play activity should not be replaced by speech and suppress the child’s emotions. Therefore, using linguistic games as a means of organizing communication and joint activities, co-creation between a child and an adult, you need to carefully monitor the child’s mood, identify and take it into account speech abilities. Where a child cannot find a suitable word, it is allowed to combine speech and non-speech means of communication - gestures, facial expressions, plasticity Karpova S.I., Mamaeva V.V. Development of speech and cognitive abilities of preschoolers 6-7 years old. St. Petersburg 2007.S. 38. .

To enhance children's speech development, speech development classes use exercises and games that are aimed at solving various speech problems. The main tasks are to develop the sound culture of speech, form the grammatical structure of speech, enrich the vocabulary, and develop coherent speech in a preschool child.

Chapter 3. Description of methods for diagnosing and developing speech in five-year-old children

3.1 Method 1. “Name the words”


Stimulus material: 8 words denoting groups of objects:

1. Animals.

2. Plants.

3. Colors of objects.

4. Shapes of objects.

5. Other characteristics of objects other than shape and color.

6. Human actions.

7. Ways a person performs actions.

8. The qualities of human actions.

Instructions: Now I will tell you a word, and you will need to list other words related to the same group of words.

Move research: The adult calls the child in order the words from the corresponding group and asks him to independently list other words related to each group. 20 seconds are allotted for naming each group of words, and in total 160 seconds are allocated for completing the entire task. If the child himself finds it difficult to begin listing the necessary words, then the adult helps him by naming the first word from this group and asks the child to continue the listing.

Grade results.

10 points - the child named 40 or more different words belonging to all groups.

8-9 points - the child named from 35 to 39 different words belonging to different groups.

6-7 points - the child named from 30 to 34 different words associated with different groups.

4-5 points - the child named from 25 to 29 different words from different groups.

2-3 points - the child named from 20 to 24 different words associated with different groups.

0-1 point - the child named no more than 19 words the entire time.

conclusions about level development.

10 points - very high.

8-9 points - high

4-7 points - average.

2-3 points - low.

0-1 point - very low.

3.2 Method 2. “Tell me from the picture”

Purpose of this technique is .

Stimulus material: a series of pictures (see Appendix 1).

Instructions: There is a picture in front of you. Look at it carefully, don't rush. And then you will tell me what is depicted on it.

Move research. The child is offered pictures and given 2 minutes to carefully examine these pictures. If he is distracted or cannot understand what is shown in the picture, then the experimenter explains and specifically draws his attention to this. After viewing the picture is completed, the child is asked to talk about what he saw in it. Another 2 minutes are allotted for the story about each picture.

Treatment results. The results of the method are entered in the following table.

Table 1

Scheme for recording the results of the study using the “Tell it from the picture” method

Fragments of speech recorded during the research process

Frequency of use


Adjectives in regular form

Comparative adjectives

Superlative adjectives



Complex sentences and constructions

Grade results.

10 points - all 10 fragments of speech included in the table are found in the child’s speech.

8-9 points - 8-9 of the speech fragments included in the table occur in the child’s speech.

6-7 points - 6-7 of the speech fragments contained in the table occur in the child’s speech.

4-5 points - the child’s speech contains only 4-5 of the ten fragments of speech included in the table.

2-3 points - 2-3 of the speech fragments included in the table occur in the child’s speech.

0-1 point - the child’s speech contains no more than one fragment of speech from those included in the table.

conclusions about level development

10 points - very high.

8-9 points - high.

4-7 points - average.

2-3 points - low.

0-1 point - very low.

3.3 Method 3. “Vocabulary mobility”

Purpose given techniques is to determine the level of vocabulary development, as well as the ability to use learned vocabulary in one’s speech.

The technique consists of several tasks that have a specific focus. Each task is scored and interpreted depending on the result obtained.

Exercise A. Come up with as many words starting with the letter S as possible. (Time 1 min.)

Grade results:

6 - 7 words - high level;

4 - 5 words - average,

2 - 3 words - low.

Exercise B. (End of words).

Progress of work: the child is asked: “Guess what I want to say? By.”. If the child is silent (despite repetition of a given syllable) or mechanically repeats what was said without trying to finish the word, then you can move on to the next syllable: “Now, what do I want to say? Pona...”, etc.

In total, the child is given 10 syllables, which occur unequally often at the beginning of different words. The syllables are as follows:

Grade results:

Completed all the suggested syllables to form a whole word - high level.

Coped with half of the suggested syllables - average level.

Was able to complete only 2 syllables - low level.

Exercise IN. (Formation of sentences with these words).

The child is asked to compose a phrase that includes the following words:

1) girl, ball, doll;

2) summer, forest, mushrooms.

Grade results:

The correctness of the phrase is assessed.

Both phrases are correct - high level.

One completed phrase is correct - average level.

The child was unable to formulate phrases correctly - low level.

Exercise G. (Selection of rhyme). Instructions: “You, of course, know what rhyme is. Rhyme is a word that is in tune with another. Two words rhyme with each other if they end the same. Got it? For example, two words: ox, goal. They sound the same, that means they rhyme. Now I’ll give you a word, and you choose as many words as possible that rhyme with this word.” If your child doesn't understand, show him how to do it with the word "day" before starting the test with another word. Two other words: porridge, howl. The time to work with one word is one minute.

Grade results:

Was able to find three rhymes for all words - high level.

Was able to find three rhymes for two words - average level.

Was able to find one or two rhymes for two words - low level.

Exercise D. (Word formation). What will the small object be called?

ball - ball; hand - .; Sun - .; grass - .; shoulder - .; ear - .; pelvis - . Treatment results

Grade results.

6-7 points - high level.

4-5 points - average.

2-3 points - low.

Exercise E. ( Word formation). If an object is made of iron, what kind is it?

iron - .; tree - .; snow - .; fluff - .; paper - .

Treatment results: for each correctly chosen word, the child receives 1 point.

Grade results.

4-5 points - high level.

2-3 points - average.

0-1 point - low.

2.4 Method 4. General vocabulary

Purpose given techniques is to determine the child's general vocabulary.

Instructions: What is the name of a person who teaches, carpenters, carpenters, builds, gardens, translates, conducts?

Treatment results. For each correctly chosen word, the child receives 1 point.

Grade results.

6-7 points - high level.

4-5 points - average.

2-3 points - low.

2.5 Method 5. Study of the features of sound analysis of a word

Purpose given techniques is to determine the level of development of the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word

Instructions: “I will tell you words, and as soon as you hear a word that begins with the letter “d,” you will immediately clap your hands.”

Stimulus material: dacha, hand, cloud, fox, house, Dasha, com, road, plate, table, rain, linden, car, porridge, shower, bee, smoke, river, cat, fork, grass.

Treatment results: Evaluation is based on counting the number of claps performed correctly.

Grade results

Error-free execution - high level.

1-2 errors - average.

3 or more errors - low.

2.6 Psychodiagnostic program for speech development of five-year-old children

An approximate program for psychodiagnostics of the level of speech development of five-year-old children can be presented in the following table.

table 2

Methods for assessing the level of speech development in five-year-old children

Method number

Name of the technique

Purpose of the event

"Say the words"

child's active vocabulary definition

"Tell me from the picture"

child's active vocabulary definition

"Vocabulary mobility"

determining the level of vocabulary development, as well as the ability to use learned vocabulary in one’s speech

"General Vocabulary"

determining a child's general vocabulary

"Study of the features of sound analysis of words"

determining the level of development of the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word


Language and speech are two sides of the same phenomenon. Language is inherent to any person, and speech is inherent to a specific person. Language is a tool, a means of communication. This is a system of signs, means and rules of speaking, common to all members of a given society. This phenomenon is constant for a given period of time. Speech is the manifestation and functioning of language, the process of communication itself; it is unique for every native speaker. This phenomenon varies depending on speaking person. Speech allows you to transmit information, express emotions, serve as an aesthetic form of language, influence the addressee, cause his reaction, establish, continue or interrupt communication, etc. A child’s acquisition of speech occurs only through communication. The first form of speech that occurs in a child is dialogue, loud external speech. Then speech develops to accompany the action. This is speech for oneself, egocentric, although it is loud. Egocentric speech is a transitional stage from external to internal speech.

The formation of speech occurs over several periods:

· phonetic period (up to 2 years, when the child is not yet able to correctly assimilate the sound form of a word);

· grammatical period (up to 3 years, when the sound form has been mastered, but the structural patterns of the organization of the utterance have not been mastered);

· semantic period (after 3 years, when conceptual reference is mastered).

At the age of 5 years, the child’s speech as a whole is already developed, his vocabulary is about 3000 words, the child has mastered phrasal speech and 5-6 sentences. Speech allows him to establish contacts with others, express emotions, and receive information on topics that interest him. Speech becomes the basis for the development of other mental processes and states of the child: thinking, memory, imagination of emotions.


1. Averin V.A. Psychology of children and adolescents: Textbook. allowance. 2nd ed., revised. St. Petersburg 1998.

2. Developmental psychology / Ed. A.K. Belousova. Rostov-on-Don. 2012.

3. Karpova S.I., Mamaeva V.V. Development of speech and cognitive abilities of preschoolers 6-7 years old. St. Petersburg 2007.

4. Cognitive psychology. Textbook for universities / Ed. V.N. Druzhinina, D.V. Ushakova. M.: 2002.

5. Luria A.R. Lectures on general psychology. St. Petersburg: 2006.

6. Malanov S.V. Psychological theory of speech activity. Alexey Alekseevich Leontiev. (Part 1) // "Elementary school: plus before and after." 2005. No. 6.

7. Nemov R.S. Psychology. Volume 3. Psychodiagnostics. M. 2008.

8. Newcombe N. Development of a child’s personality. St. Petersburg: 2002.

9. Palagina N.N. Developmental psychology and age psychology: Textbook for universities. M. 2005.

10. Pashuk N.S. Psychology of speech. Mn.: 2010.

11. Piaget J. Selected psychological works. M.: International Pedagogical Academy. 1994.

12. Psychology. Textbook for humanitarian universities / Ed. ed.V.N. Druzhinina. St. Petersburg: 2001.

13. Dictionary of a practical psychologist / Compiled by S.Yu. Golovin. Mn.: 1998.

14. Solso R. Cognitive psychology. 6th ed. St. Petersburg: 2006.

15. Sokhin F.A. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of speech development in preschoolers. M.: 2005.

16. Ushakova T.N. Speech: origins and principles of development: textbook. M.: 2004

17. Ushakova O.S. Theory and practice of speech development in preschoolers. M. 2008.

18. Halpern D. Psychology of critical thinking. 4th int. ed. St. Petersburg: 2000.

19. Elkonin D.B. Mental development in childhood: Ed. DI. Feldstein. M. 1995.


Annex 1

Stimulus material for the “Tell from the picture” technique

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Among many important tasks education and training of preschool children in kindergarten: teaching their native language, speech development, verbal communication. This general task consists of a number of special, private tasks: nurturing the sound culture of speech, enriching, consolidating and activating the vocabulary, improving the grammatical correctness of speech, forming colloquial (dialogical) speech, developing coherent speech, cultivating interest in the artistic word, preparing for learning to read and write.



Speech development in older preschool children

A child’s speech is formed under the influence of the speech of adults and depends to a great extent on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment and on upbringing and training, which begin from the first days of his life. Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis (individual development of the body from the moment of its inception to the end of life), in parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of his overall development. A child’s acquisition of his native language follows a strict pattern and is characterized by a number of features common to all children. There are different types of speech: speech of gestures and sound speech, written and oral, external speech and internal speech.

Preschool age is one of the main stages of speech development.

An indispensable condition for the comprehensive development of a child is his communication with adults. Adults are the guardians of the experience accumulated by humanity, knowledge, skills, and culture. This experience can only be conveyed through language. Language is “the most important means of human communication.”

Among the many important tasks of raising and educating preschool children in kindergarten are: teaching their native language, developing speech, and verbal communication. This general task consists of a number of special, private tasks: nurturing the sound culture of speech, enriching, consolidating and activating the vocabulary, improving the grammatical correctness of speech, forming colloquial (dialogical) speech, developing coherent speech, cultivating interest in the artistic word, preparing for learning to read and write.

In preschool age, a child must master a vocabulary that would allow him to communicate with peers and adults, study successfully at school, understand literature, television and radio programs, etc. Therefore preschool pedagogy considers the development of vocabulary in children as one of the important tasks of speech development.

One of the principles of enriching the vocabulary of preschoolers is the connection of the content of vocabulary work with the child’s gradually developing abilities to understand the world around him.

In kindergarten, preschoolers, mastering their native language, master the most important form of verbal communication - oral speech. Speech communication develops gradually.

In the development of children's speech, the leading role belongs to adults: the teacher in kindergarten, parents and loved ones in the family. The speech culture of adults, how they speak to the child, and how much attention they pay to verbal communication with him, largely determine the success of a preschooler in mastering the language.

In order for the development and enrichment of children's vocabulary to proceed successfully, a variety of methods and techniques are used.

Yes, adults, reading to a child, short stories and fairy tales, provide him with new information. As a result, speech reflects not only what the child already knows from his own experience, but also reveals what he does not yet know, introduces him to wide circle new facts and events for him. He begins to tell the story himself, sometimes fantasizing and very often distracted from the real situation.

Develop speech as a means of communication.

Expand children's understanding of the diversity of the world around them. Offer for viewing handicrafts, mini-collections(postcards, stamps, coins, sets of toys made of a certain material),illustrated books, postcards, photographs, painting reproductions.

Encourage the child’s attempts to share a variety of experiences with the teacher and other children.

In everyday life, in games, prompt childrenforms of politeness(ask for forgiveness, apologize, thank, give a compliment). Teach childrendecide controversial issues and resolve conflicts through speech: convince, prove, explain.

How it happens - the formation of a dictionary.

Enrich children's speech with nouns denoting objects in their everyday environment; adjectives characterizing the properties and qualities of objects; adverbs denoting relationships between people, their attitude to work.

Exercise children in selecting nouns for the adjective (white - snow, sugar, chalk), words with a similar meaning (naughty - mischievous - prankster), with the opposite meaning (weak - strong, cloudy - sunny).

Use words exactly as they mean.

Sound culture of speech

To consolidate the correct, distinct pronunciation of sounds, to develop phonemic hearing, to learn to determine the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

Practice intonation expressiveness of speech.

Grammatical structure of speech

Improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences.

Introduce different ways of forming words (sugar bowl, bread bowl; butter dish, salt shaker)

Learn to form simple and complex sentences based on a model. Improve the ability to use direct and indirect speech.

Connected speech

Develop the ability to maintain a conversation.

Improve the dialogical form of speech.

Develop a monologue form of speech.

Learn to retell short tales and stories coherently, consistently and expressively.

Teach (according to a plan and model) to talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture, to compose a story based on pictures with a sequentially developing action. Develop the ability to compose stories about events from personal experience, and come up with your own endings to fairy tales.

To develop the ability to write short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher

Classes with older preschoolers,They also widely use didactic games and exercises, including plastic exercises (physical education).

Individual and group work with children, as a rule, is organized on the same program content as compulsory collective classes, and is aimed at consolidating what has been learned, taking into account individual characteristics.

Improvement of the syntactic aspect of speech is facilitated bygames based on fairy tales and literary works. Older preschoolers willingly play fairy tales “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”, “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, “The Clapping Fly”, “Geese and Swans”. They also like very children's fairy tales: "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "Turnip", "Kolobok". Children borrow figurative expressions, apt words, and figures of speech from fairy tales. This cycle of means includes making and guessing riddles, interpreting proverbs and sayings, folk games “Geese-Swans”, “Turnip”, “Colors”, “Where we were, we won’t tell”, etc.

Enriching speech with complex syntactic structures and overcoming formal coordinating connections is facilitated bya “written speech” situation in which the child dictates his composition and the adult writes it down. This type of dictation can be used in the production of children's books and an album of children's creativity.

Observations . Their basic principle is this: each newly acquired idea must be directly attached to the corresponding word, enriching its active vocabulary.

Social environment as a preschooler’s speech development.Articulate speech is the main attribute of a person’s social essence and develops exclusively in a social environment. Its development depends on what the environment is and to what extent it contributes to this development.Children are great masters of imitation, and the manifestations and features of adult speech quickly become features of children's speech.

Excursions as a method of developing children's speech- we teach children to explain what they see.

Play and work as the development of children's speech.

Language and thinking have been and continue to be inextricably linked with labor processes and human activity.

The community in a child’s life is the group of children in which he lives and develops. His main activity is playing.

A child gains significant experience through play. From his play experience, the child draws ideas that he associates with the word. Play and work are the strongest incentives for the manifestation of children's initiative in the field of language; they should be primarily used in the interests of children's speech development.

The child comes into frequent repeated contact with the objects presented in the game, as a result of which they are easily perceived and imprinted in memory. Each object has its own name, each action has its own verb.

methods of dictionary work

I. Introduction of new words into the dictionary

1. Direct familiarization with the environment and enrichment of vocabulary.

2. Examination and examination of objects.

3. Observations of animals and plants; for the activities of adults.

These three methods are used in all age groups.

4. Inspections of the kindergarten premises, targeted walks.

5. Excursions (social environment, nature).

The last two methods are used starting from the middle group.

II. Indirect familiarization with the environment and enrichment of vocabulary

1. Showing pictures with unfamiliar (barely familiar) content.

This method is used mainly in older groups

2. Reading and telling literary works.

3. Showing films, films and videos, watching TV shows.

The last two methods are used in all age groups.

III. Consolidation and activation of the dictionary.

1. Looking at toys.

2. Looking at pictures with familiar content.

3. Didactic games with toys, objects and pictures.

These methods are used in all age groups.

4. Word games are used in middle and high school groups

5. Lexical (vocabulary) exercises are used in all age groups, more often in older ones.

6. Making and guessing riddles is used in all age groups.

7. Children's storytelling (different types of coherent statements based on different materials) is used mainly in the middle and older groups.

In older preschool age, the teacher’s task is to fill the children’s words with specific content, clarify their meaning, and activate them in speech. Children are taught to use antonyms to indicate size, color (big-small, long-short, light-dark); continue to develop understanding and skills in using words expressing specific and role concepts, form the ability to use generalizing words (vegetables, dishes, furniture, toys, clothes). In older preschool age, the enrichment of vocabulary and the acquisition of new words takes place in a practical way. Of course, if there were no such speech experience, it would be impossible to talk about the further speech development of children at a higher level. But for the child’s successful further education at school, it is necessary that the child promptly move to “theoretical” positions regarding speech reality, so that the system of his native language, its elements, act as the object of his conscious activity. Awareness of linguistic phenomena provides the possibility of translating speech skills into an arbitrary plan.

By the end of the year, children should be able to

Participate in conversation.

Evaluate the answer or statement of a peer in a reasoned and friendly manner.

Compose stories based on a plot picture, based on a set of pictures; consistently, without significant omissions, retell short literary works.

Determine the place of sound in a word.

Choose several adjectives for nouns; replace a word with another word with a similar meaning.

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