Calendar thematic planning on the topic of traffic rules. Long-term planning according to traffic rules for all kindergarten groups according to Federal State Educational Standards

Annual plan for teaching children traffic rules

2015 – 2016 academic year


Alekseeva Evgenia Vasilievna

Work plan

for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

Target: Creating conditions that optimally ensure the process of teaching preschoolers rules traffic and developing their skills for conscious safe behavior on the streets and in transport.


1. Children’s mastery of practical behavior skills in different situations traffic through the system

educational classes and events;

2. Organization of the developing subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution;

3. Promotion of activities among parents of preschool children on traffic rules and safe behavior on the road;

4. Increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of teaching preschoolers traffic rules;

5. Development of a set of measures with the traffic police of the city of Tutaev to develop children's skills for safe behavior on the road.

Objectives of the priority area - cognitive development:

1. Develop children’s skills for safe behavior on the streets and roads;

2. Lead children to basic understanding of assessing traffic situations, orienting themselves in the immediate spatial environment;

3. Introduce various types of transport, traffic control on city streets, and traffic rules.


Methodological work and interaction with teachers

Working with children

Working with parents



1. Determine the content of work to familiarize children with traffic rules in each group.

2. Inspection and updating of traffic rules centers in groups.

1. Diagnostics of the level of knowledge of children on traffic rules in each group.

2. GCD walk:

"Getting to know the street"

Preparation of folders for traffic safety reports.

Traffic plan


Selection and systematization of games on the topic: “Road rules.”

1. Excursion: “Introducing children to the walking route.”

2. Entertainment "Red, yellow, green."

3. A selection of children's fiction

On the topic of DD safety.

Consultation for parents "How to teach your child to watch the road."

Traffic Safety Data Sheet on the preschool educational institution website


Update stands with information support in groups

1. Entertainment "Pedestrian School".

2. Game program Traffic police of Tutaev.

3. Leisure "The ABCs of traffic safety."

4. Conversations with children, reading literature, looking at illustrations.

Preparation of folders for traffic safety reports (booklet, leaflet).

Consultation for parents

"How to cross the street with children."

Video library for traffic rules lessons.


Making games on the topic: “Road rules.”

1. Conducting GCD in groups.

2. Watching the cartoon ABC of Safety with Smeshariki: “Traffic Light”

3. Artistic creativity (applique): “Traffic light”. (Middle age).

Consultation “On the importance of teaching preschool children traffic rules - Road rules - children should know

Attributes for conducting road safety classes.


“Mini-survey” on the exchange of teachers’ experience in teaching children traffic rules.

1. Entertainment: "Journey to the land of road signs"

2. Watching cartoons ABC of Safety with Smeshariki: “Fasten your seat belts!”. Artistic creativity: teamwork by application

3.Excursion: “Introducing children to the walking route.”

Memo for parents on the topic: “Safe traffic laws.”

Entertainment script, attributes and benefits.


Selection and systematization of games on the topic: “Road rules.”

1.NOD: “My reliable friend is a road sign.”

2. Conversations with children, reading literature, looking at illustrations.

Consultation: “How to teach a child to behave safely on the street.”

Visual and demo material to teach children traffic rules.


Design of road safety corners for parents.

1. Walk to a public transport stop.

3. Speech by representatives of the traffic police.


“Being a pedestrian is a science.”

Write a story about incidents on a slippery road.

Restocked methodological office and groups with methodological, children's literature and visual aids on road safety.


Testing teachers on traffic rules

1. GCD game: “We are traveling on a bus.”

2. Conversations with children, reading literature, looking at illustrations.

3. Watching cartoons Lessons from Aunt Owl: “ Different roads", "Crossroads". 4.Diagnostics of children’s level of knowledge of traffic rules.

Competition: “Creating a crossword puzzle based on traffic rules.” Making crafts.

Generalization of experience on traffic rules with teachers.

Summing up the work on organizing traffic safety training for children in preschool educational institutions.

1. Leisure: “On the street - not in the room, guys, remember that.”

2. Conversations with children, reading literature, looking at illustrations

3. Watching cartoons Lessons from Aunt Owl: “History of traffic rules.”

4. Questionnaire (to determine the level of knowledge of preschool children on the basics of road safety).

Consultation for parents: "Parents' example is one of the factors in successfully developing children's road safety skills."

1. Card index of games, series didactic material according to traffic rules.

2. GCD notes

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    Head teacher

    T.V. Dmitrakova


    Event plan

    on the prevention of child road traffic injuries

    and teaching children traffic rules

    for the 2015 – 2016 academic year

    Target: Creation optimal conditions to implement whole system creating a culture of safe behavior for students on the streets and roads.


      To develop in students sustainable skills in observing and implementing traffic rules.

      Apply modern forms and methods of teaching and raising children, innovative technologies aimed at preventing accidents on the streets and in yards.

      To develop in children and adolescents a sense of responsibility for their actions and actions.

      Disseminate best practices among school teachers in teaching students safe behavior on the road.

      Maintain a strong interest among parents (legal representatives) of students in the safety and health of children as road users.

      Strengthen interaction between the school and the traffic police in order to prevent child road traffic injuries.

    Implementation methods:

      Lessons on traffic rules.

      Classes as part of extracurricular activities.

      Thematic class hours on traffic rules.

      General school extracurricular activities.

      Conversations, quizzes, competitions, exhibitions of drawings and posters on traffic rules.

      Meetings with traffic police officers, joint holding of events.

      Discussion traffic rules issues and road accidents at meetings and meetings project teams school teachers.

      Participation of teachers and students in regional and All-Russian events on promoting traffic rules and preventing road accidents.

      Book exhibition in school library on compliance with traffic rules.

      Publishing cool wall newspapers on the prevention of road traffic injuries.

      Conducting individual and group conversations with children who violate or are prone to violating traffic rules.

      Registration and investigation of traffic violations committed by school students.

      Conducting training on compliance with traffic rules and accident prevention.

      Coverage of the school’s work on DDTT prevention in the media and on the school’s website.

      Creation of the YID detachment.

    Areas of work:

    Working with students:

      Conversations during class hours.

      Participation in extracurricular activities.

      Assistance in preparation for district and regional events on traffic rules.

      Conducting practical classes.

    Working with teaching staff:

      Speeches at teachers' meetings with information on the state of children's road traffic injuries in the region.

      Joint planning of work on traffic rules and accident prevention.

      Speeches by traffic police officers at seminars on teaching children and teenagers the rules of the road.

    Working with parents ( legal representatives):

      Speeches on traffic rules at parent meetings.

      Individual consultations for parents.

    Expected results:

      Increasing the culture of safe behavior on the roads among school students.

      Reducing child road traffic injuries.

      Close cooperation with structures that ensure personal security.

      Students have the basics theoretical knowledge And practical skills related to the provision of road safety.

    Expected result

    Reducing the number of accidents involving children, involving students in promoting traffic rules. Knowledge and skills developed in students regarding traffic rules. Well-bred culture behavior, conscious attitude to your life and health.

    Organization of work with teachers


    Contents of the work



    Seminars, meetings, round tables:

      How to tell children about traffic rules. Learn by playing. Using statistical data on road accidents involving schoolchildren. Required documentation on traffic regulations.

      Using TSO and visual aids when studying traffic rules. Homemade visual aids. Forms and methods traffic rules training. Integrated lessons.

    Monitoring knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the roadway and in transport (diagnostics of activities, improvement of forms, methods of training and education.

    Updated throughout the year

    Teacher-organizer, senior leader.

    Report on the organization of work to promote traffic rules and prevent child road traffic injuries for the 1st half of the year.


    Rep. according to traffic rules

    Individual consultations.

    As needed

    Rep. according to traffic rules

    Methodological exhibition of new literature for the class teacher on crime and accident prevention.

    During the year


    Attending classes and extracurricular activities on the topic “Road Safety”.

    During the year

    Rep. according to traffic rules


    Results of the work to promote traffic rules and prevent child road traffic injuries for the year.


    Rep. according to traffic rules

    Monitoring the work of class teachers on the issue of traffic rules.

    During the year

    Rep. according to traffic rules


    Development methodological manual on the prevention of DDTT.

    During the year

    Class teachers

    Design of visual campaigning on traffic rules.

    During the year

    Class teachers, teachers, students.

    Organization of work with students


    Contents of the work



    1. Participation in All-Russian action"Attention, children!"

    2.Safety Month:

      safety classes, training on traffic rules;

      game at stations “Know the safety rules without hesitation!”;

      traffic rules quiz;

      "Safe Wheel";

      design of thematic stands on traffic rules on the 1st floor;

      safety corners in classrooms;

      meetings with a traffic police inspector;

    3.Production of booklets on traffic rules for primary school students.

    Drawing up diagrams safe routes movement of children to and from school, taking measures to fence off areas dangerous for children to move.


    Teacher-organizer, senior leader.

    Rep. according to traffic rules

    Meetings with traffic police officers





    Rep. according to traffic rules

    Conducting safety minutes.


    Class teachers


    Traffic quiz game. Reception of first-graders into the ranks of pedestrians.


    Tsetsura T.V.

    Exhibition design children's drawing"Children - movement - road."



      Conducting five-minute exercises and outdoor games according to traffic rules in elementary school.

      Safety Week.

      Instruction on traffic rules before the autumn holidays.


    Class teachers

      Conversations on traffic rules in elementary school

      Organizing competitions for the best drawing, story, poem on traffic rules, letters to the driver

      “Flicker” we remind you about winter road traps and give flickers (reflective elements)


    Preventive work with students who have violated traffic rules.

    According to the facts of the incident

    Organizing teacher, class teachers

    Watching videos.

    1 time per quarter

    Teacher - organizer

    Issue of "Lightning" on the facts of an accident with school students, with an analysis of the causes of the incident.

    Within a year in fact


    Cool watch“Traffic rules do not have holidays” (Traffic rules during winter holidays)


    Class teachers

    1. Drawing up traffic rules for elementary school students

    2. Multimedia game “Car, road, pedestrian”


    Class teachers


    Rep. according to traffic rules

    1. Competition for the best fairy tale about the three-eyed traffic light.

    2. Competition for best sketch pennant "Excellent Pedestrian".

    3. Competition for the best poster on road safety.

    4. Quiz “Funny Car”.


    Class teachers


    Rep. according to traffic rules

    Cool watches:

    - “At school crossroads”;

    - "Traffic light";

    - “For you, young cyclists”;

    - “About the one who risked his life on the pavement”;

    - “ABC of a young pedestrian”;

    - “Laws of streets and roads”;

    - “When going on vacation, remember...”


    Class teachers


    Children's Day:

      Meetings with traffic police inspectors;

      Traffic rules quiz;


    Class teachers



    Rep. according to traffic rules

    1. Asphalt drawing competition “Red, Yellow, Green”.

    2. Practical exercises on safe behavior on the streets based on a motor city.

    3. Summing up the decade of road safety.

    4. Competitions for young cyclists.

    5. Certification of students who have bicycles.

    6. Quiz game "Wand".


    Class teachers



    Rep. according to traffic rules

    Classroom hours about road safety during the summer holidays.

    Conversations in elementary school about the rules of safe behavior in the summer.

    Health and safety day with the invitation of traffic police, traffic police inspector.

    Regional and city competitions for young cyclists “Safe Wheel” among students 1-5.


    Class teachers



    Rep. according to traffic rules

    Organization of work with parents


    Contents of the work



    Including traffic rules issues on the agenda of parent meetings.

    Information “Child and the Road”, statistics on child road traffic injuries.

    During the year

    Round table with a representative of the traffic police on the topic of DDTT.

    During the year

    Teacher-organizer, senior leader.

    Release of a newsletter for parents “Children – your attention and care.”

    During the year

    Organizing teacher, class leaders

    Development and production of colorful diagrams of safe traffic routes for primary schools.

    September October

    Class teachers



    Rep. according to traffic rules

    Round table:

    "The role of the family in the prevention of DDTT."

    During the year

    Class teachers

    Working with parents of students who violate traffic rules.

    According to the facts of the incident

    Administration teacher-organizer, class teachers

    Work planning kindergarten to familiarize children with traffic rules

    The main goal in teaching and raising children for every teacher– formation of independent, creative type thinking that provides the child with the opportunity to correctly assess the road situation and not become the cause or, moreover, the victim of a road accident.
    It is advisable to have in kindergarten:
    a kindergarten work plan for the year to familiarize children with traffic rules;
    plan for working with parents;
    work plan with the school;
    work plan with the traffic police;
    long-term plan work to familiarize children with traffic rules in all age groups;
    thematic plan work to familiarize children with traffic rules in all age groups;
    As a result of the introduction of long-term planning into work practice, it can be noted positive aspects:
    planning allows the teacher to significantly reduce the time for classes, freeing him up for games, walks, and recreational activities;
    The quality of work of educators increases, as a result of which the success of children’s development and their assimilation of the volume of knowledge that is provided for by the draft preschool education standard increases.

    Long-term work plan for teaching children traffic rules in the preparatory group

    1. Conversation with children about the history of transport
    2. Reading the poem “ABC of the City” by Ya. Pishchumov
    3. Lesson on the topic: "Transport"
    4. Role-playing game"Car park"
    5. Didactic games “Read the diagram”, “Good - bad”, “Magic intersection”, “Incredible journey”, “Drivers and pedestrians”
    6. Looking at pictures about types of transport. Drawing types of transport
    7. Walk. Pedestrian traffic monitoring
    8. Reading of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Bad History”
    9. Looking at pictures depicting public transport stops
    10. Reading the story “Cars on our street” M. Ilyin, E. Segal
    11. Drawing: " Safe places to cross the street"
    1. History of traffic rules
    2. Lesson on the topic: “Rules for pedestrians and passengers”
    3. Reading the story by L. N. Ovcharenko “He who has no tongue but speaks”
    4. Didactic games “Nimble Pedestrian”, “Listen to the Traffic Controller”, “Find and Name”
    5. Walk. Consolidation of knowledge, skills, compliance with the rules of behavior on the street.
    6. Reading the poem “Wonderful Island” by A. Dmokhovsky
    7. Construction of "Bridges"
    8. Conversation about the rules of conduct in public transport
    9. Games with street layout. "Place the signs correctly"
    1. Conversation about prohibition signs
    2. Reading the poem “Why do we need a traffic light” by O. Tarutin
    3. Lesson on the topic: "Study of prohibition signs"
    4. Thematic walk "Rules for pedestrians"
    5. Examination of drawings with signs “No movement”, “Danger”, “Turn”
    left is prohibited", "U-turn is prohibited", "Stopping is prohibited", "Entry is prohibited"
    6. Didactic games “Traffic light”, “Name the prohibition signs”, “Collect road sign"
    7. Making riddles about prohibition signs
    8. Drawing prohibition signs
    9. Collective solution crosswords.
    10. Reading the story “The Street Where Everyone is in a Hurry” by I. Seryakov
    11. Entertainment according to traffic rules
    12. Role-playing game "Garage"
    1. Conversation about prescriptive signs
    2. Drawing famous road signs from memory.
    3. Reading the poem “Idle traffic light” by S. Mikhalkov
    4. Lesson on the topic: "Study of prescriptive signs"
    5. Making Christmas tree decorations with road signs.
    6. Didactic games “Find and tell”, “Collect a sign”, “What does it mean”, “Find a road sign”
    7. Conversation "Rules for crossing streets and roads"
    8. Reading the story “The car that was taught to draw” by I. Seryakov
    9. Design "Street"
    1. Conversation about information signs
    2. Making mandatory signs from cardboard (paper)
    3. Reading the story “Traffic Light” by B. Zhitkov
    4. Lesson on the topic: "Study of information and directional signs"
    5. Didactic games “Pedestrians and drivers”, “I’m walking across the road”, “Skillful pedestrian”
    6. Walk. Studying road signs in real conditions
    7. Making riddles about road signs
    8. Conversation "Rules for pedestrians and passengers"
    9. Reading the poem “The ABCs of Traffic Safety” by O. Bedarev
    10. Construction of "Buses"
    1. Conversation about service signs, drawing “Service signs”
    2. Solving crossword puzzles.
    3. Reading the poem “Ice” by I. Leshkevich
    4. Lesson on the topic: "Service signs"
    5. Examination of drawings and pictures depicting the road
    6. Watching cars while walking
    7. Reading the story “Sledge” by O. Bedarev
    8. Design "City Street"
    9. Role-playing game “Sailors”
    1. Making mock-ups of vehicles using templates.
    2. Reading the story “By the Car” by I. Pavlov
    3. Lesson on the topic: Reading the story “Car” by N. Nosov
    4. Drawing special types transport
    5. Didactic games “Put the road signs correctly”, “Running traffic light”
    6. Playing with the layout. Simulation of traffic conditions with the help of a teacher. 7. Examination of illustrations in the album "History of Railway Transport"
    8. Memorizing the poem “Forbidden - Permitted” by V. Semurin
    9. Reading the poem by S. Baruzdin “The Tale of the Tram”
    10. Games with a city street layout
    1. Conversation about information and directional signs
    2. Examination of drawings of information and directional signs
    2. Reading the poem “One Rhyme” by S. Mikhalkov
    3. Lesson on the topic: "Road ABC"
    4. Making riddles about information signs
    5. Drawing information and directional signs
    6. Walk “Show and name a famous road sign”
    7. Game “Whose team can name the most road signs”, “Movement in a spiral”
    8. Reading the story “Scientific Friend” by I. Seryakov
    9. Entertainment according to traffic rules
    1. Making riddles about service signs
    2. Reading the poem “If…” O. Bedarev
    3. Conversation on the topic: “Our friends are road signs”
    4. Didactic games “Signs on the roads”, “Houses”, “What is superfluous”, “What would it mean”
    5. Talk about service signs and draw service signs
    6. Consideration of service marks: "Item medical care", "Traffic police post", "Hospital", "Food station", " Drinking water", "Resting Place"
    7. Reading the poem "Scooter" by N. Konchalovsky
    8. Observation of pedestrians crossing the road while walking

    Long-term work plan for teaching children traffic rules in the senior group

    1. Talk about warning signs
    2. Reading from N. Izvekova’s fairy tale “How funny people learned the road alphabet"
    3. Walk. Traffic monitoring
    4. Examination of "Slippery Road" signs, Railway crossing without a barrier" and others, "Gravel release", "Railway crossing with a barrier"
    5. Monitoring the driver's work
    6. Reading: Mikhalkov S. “Walking carefully”
    7. Didactic games "Find the differences", "Walk around the city"
    8. Outdoor game "Stop"
    9. Reading a fairy tale by N. Izvekova “How funny little men learned the road alphabet”
    10. Talk about dangerous road conditions
    11. Playing out situations on a city street model
    12. Construction of passenger cars from Lego constructors
    13. Lesson "Road, transport, pedestrian"
    1. Quiz "Who knows the rules of the road better"
    2. Outdoor game “Who can drive the car down the track faster?”
    3. Talk about warning signs
    4. Story games "Motorists", "Garage"
    5. Games with street layout. Arrangement of road signs
    6. Didactic game"What's wrong?"
    7. Drawing warning signs.
    8. Reading: Dmokhovsky A. “Wonderful Island”
    9. Making attributes for the game "Garage"
    10. Making road signs from cardboard for playing with a street layout.
    11. Examination and drawing of traffic signs, “Slippery road, “Gravel release”, “Railway crossing with a barrier”, “Railway crossing without a barrier”, etc.
    12. Lesson "Signs warning the driver about danger on the road"
    13. Game "Who knows the rules of the road better?"
    14. Walk. Strengthening the skills to comply with the rules of behavior on the street
    1. Examination of paintings depicting trucks and cars
    2. Didactic games "City Street", "What's Extra"
    3. Construction of various types of cars from Lego constructors, role-playing
    4. Comparison of a truck and a passenger car.
    5. Familiarity with prohibition signs
    6. Lesson "Behavior of children on roads and streets"
    7. Games with street layout. "Place the signs correctly"
    8. Reading: S. Volkov “About traffic rules”
    9. Reading and guessing riddles about special vehicles.
    10. Playing with the street layout
    11. Story game "Garage"
    1. Physical education "Visiting the Traffic Light"
    2. Outdoor game "Three colors"
    3. Reading: Mikhalkov S. Cyclist
    4. Didactic game "Good - bad"
    5. Conversation about the rules of safe cycling.
    6. Games with street layout. Discuss places that are safe for cycling
    7. Drawing road signs regulating the movement of a cyclist.
    8. Guessing riddles about the bicycle.
    9. Conversation on the rules of safe cycling.
    10. Reading passages of poems and riddles about a bicycle.
    11. Lesson “Bicycle and how to use it”
    1. Production of signs regulating the movement of cyclists for games
    2. Outdoor games "The fastest", "Skilled pedestrian", " winter road"
    3. Didactic games “Find out the road sign”, “Rush hour”
    4. Lesson "Urban transport"
    5. Conversation about the rules of behavior on the street.
    6. Drawing a bicycle path and a sign indicating it.
    8. Making signs from cardboard that regulate the movement of a cyclist.

    9. Examining drawings of a road with several lanes
    1. Conversation about the work of a traffic controller.
    2. Reading and discussion of Dorokhov’s story “The Influential Wand.”
    3. Meeting with a traffic inspector.
    4. Conversation and display of traffic controller signals.
    5. Didactic games “Answer quickly”, “Traffic controllers”
    6. Production of traffic controller attributes.
    7. Reading: Pishumov Ya. “Guard”
    8. Outdoor games “Stop”, “Don’t make a mistake”
    9. Memorizing the poem by S. Mikhalkov “Postovoy”
    10. Lesson "Multi-lane traffic"
    11. Guessing riddles about the traffic controller
    1. Reading: M. Ilyin, E. Segal “Stories about cars”
    2. Drawing different brands and types of cars
    3. Conversation about cars special purpose
    4. Didactic games “Where are the cars rushing”, “Traffic light”
    5. Games with a road layout.
    6. Collective application "City Street"
    7. Story game "Dispatcher"
    8. Drawing the attributes of the traffic controller.
    9. Conversation and display of traffic controller signals.
    10. Lesson "Traffic Controller"
    1. Didactic games "Find the differences", "Crossroads"
    2. Reading: S. Mikhalkov “Loafer traffic light”
    3. Competition game "Who will assemble faster automobile?"
    4. Production of information and directional signs for games with a layout.
    5. Construction: building a model ship from Lego
    6. Examination of illustrations depicting a suburban section of the road.
    7. Conversation about the rules of conduct for pedestrians outside the city.
    8. Familiarity with information and directional signs.
    9. Reading and discussion of O. Bedarev’s poem “If…”
    10. Conversation about the rules of behavior for pedestrians on a suburban section of the road.
    11. Drawing signs: "The End" settlement", "The beginning of the settlement"
    12. Lesson "Signs regulating pedestrian movement at an intersection"
    1. Game “Get the baby across the road” – on a street model
    2. Solving problem situations
    3. Conversation about rules of behavior on the road
    4. Reading the story of Dorokhov A. " Underground passage"
    5. Making directional signs for model games
    6. Didactic game “Place the right sign”
    7. Layout games
    8. Drawing road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Overground pedestrian crossing”, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”
    9. Walk to the Crossroads
    10. Making a street appliqué, talking while working.
    1. Game "Where are the cars rushing?"
    2. Conversation about types of road signs
    3. Drawing trucks and cars with sticks on the sand
    4. Game "Trip out of town"
    5. Games on a site with road markings.
    6. Reading and discussion of Ya. Pishumov’s poem “This is my street”
    7. Getting to know board game"Traffic Laws"
    8. Story game "Garage"
    9. Making a police cap, shoulder straps, baton and other attributes of a traffic controller
    10. Outdoor games "Burners", "Street Rules"
    1. Games on a site with road markings
    2. Outdoor game "Ball in the basket"
    3. Story games " Long voyage", "Planes"
    4. Building a city from sand and marking streets
    5. Didactic games “Answer quickly”, “We are pedestrians”
    6. Entertainment “Jolly Crossroads”
    1. Didactic game "Evaluate the action"
    2. Outdoor game "Day - Night"
    3. Story game "We're going to visit"
    4. Rules of behavior in public transport
    5. Games on a site with road markings
    6. Reading V. Berestov “This is me running”
    7. Conversation about the rules of cycling
    8. Street layout games
    9. Discussion of problem situations

    Long-term work plan for teaching children traffic rules in the middle group

    1. Memorizing the poem by Severny A. “Three wonderful colors”
    2. Outdoor game "Sparrows and a car"
    3. Application "Boat", "Colored cars"
    4. Didactic games “Who called?”, “Fold the picture”
    5. Story game "Car Park"
    6. Conversation about water transport
    7. Didactic game “Find the same picture”
    8. Games with a road layout. Rules for driving cars on the roadway
    9. Lesson "Urban public transport"
    10. Conversation about the meaning of red, green, yellow flowers for pedestrians
    11. Reading passages from poems about the meaning of color in traffic
    1. Didactic games “Let’s help Lesovich remember the traffic lights”, “Where are the cars rushing?”, “Find the missing parts”, “What’s extra?”
    2. Reading and conversation based on Dorokhov’s story “Green, Yellow, Red”
    3. Outdoor games “Sparrows and a car”, “The fastest”, “Tram”
    4. Application "Traffic light"
    5. Lesson "Public transport"
    6. Examination of pictures and traffic light layout
    7. Making a traffic light model from plasticine
    1. Games with a street layout using special cars. appointments
    2. Didactic games “What’s wrong?”, “What’s superfluous?”
    3. Outdoor games "Traffic light and speed", "Hit the target"
    4. Guessing riddles about transport
    5. Story game "Construction"
    6. Examination of illustrations depicting urban transport, conversation
    7. Looking at pictures of urban public transport, conversation
    8. Walk to the bus stop. The importance of stopping for pedestrians and drivers
    9. Looking at a drawing of a taxi
    10. Coloring. stencils for cars, public transport
    11. Lesson "Boarding public transport, exiting public transport"
    1. The teacher’s story about the rules of behavior on the railway
    2. Didactic games “Paired pictures”, “Evaluate the action”
    3. Examination of V. Chernyakov’s painting “Machinist”
    4. Reading: Dorokhov A. “Barrier”
    5. Story game "Train Travel"
    6. Examination of illustrations depicting a train and railway
    7. Lesson "Culture of behavior in public transport"
    8. Conversation about the rules of conduct at a public transport stop
    9. Reading excerpts of poems and riddles about railway transport
    10. A story about the rules of behavior on the railway
    11. Modeling. Let's make a railway track
    1. Examination and drawing of signs accompanying the railway
    2. Didactic games “What comes first - what comes next”, “Which traffic light is correct”
    3. Reading: Galperstein "Tram and His Friends"
    4. Examination of signs accompanying the railway, drawing them
    5. Outdoor game "Hard Road"
    6. Playing with a model railroad
    7. Reading excerpts from the stories of I. I. Kobitina “For preschoolers about technology”
    8. Lesson "Railway transport"
    9. Application "We are going by train"
    10. Outdoor games “Don’t miss”, “Hit the target”
    11. Reading: T. Alexandrova “Three-colored”
    12. Story game "Car Park"
    13. Examination of Musyakin L.’s painting “Chauffeur”
    1. Looking at illustrations and talking about horse-drawn transport
    2. Outdoor game "Sled racing"
    3. Modeling: animals used for draft power
    4. Didactic games “What’s missing?”, “What’s buzzing”, “Find the mistake”
    5. Story game "Dispatcher"
    6. Outdoor games “Ride - don’t fall”, “Horses”
    7. Game on the “Sledding Competition” section
    8. Coloring drawings of animals used in horse-drawn transport
    9. Lesson "Signs accompanying the railway"
    1. Reading an excerpt from the story by E. Charushin “How a horse rode animals”
    2. Ready from colored paper using horse applique templates.
    3. Learning the song by T. Lomova “Horse Dawn”
    4. Didactic games “Traffic light”, “Paired pictures”, “Good-bad”, “What’s wrong?”
    5. Games with layout: street crossing places.
    6. Outdoor game "Racing in pairs"
    7. Reading excerpts from Charushin’s story “How the horse rode the animals”
    8. Lesson "Horse-drawn transport"
    9. Story game "On the ship"
    10. Reading: Volsky A. “Remember, young pedestrian!”
    1. Excursion to the crossroads
    2. Reading: Borovaya E. “Forgot to draw” Discussion of the story
    3. Outdoor games “Stop”, “Tram”, “Evaluate the action”
    4. Drawing squares, intersections, traffic lights
    5. Working with plasticine. Modeling of various types of transport
    6. Street layout games
    7. Reading: Marshak S. “He did not suffer in the attack”
    8. Making riddles about transport
    9. Lesson "At crossroads and squares"
    10. Drawing a street with one-way and two-way traffic
    11. Examination of illustrations depicting a street with intersections. Conversation.
    12. Didactic game “Where are the cars rushing?
    1. Looking at pictures of a street with an intersection. Conversation based on the picture
    2. Guessing traffic light riddles
    3. Reading poems about traffic lights
    4. Didactic games “Traffic light game”, “Find the differences”, “What’s extra?”
    5. Reading poems and riddles about bicycles
    6. Drawing: “City Street”
    7. Conversation about the rules of behavior in public transport
    8. Games with a road layout. Strengthen your knowledge of two-way traffic on the road.
    9. Story game "We're going to visit"
    10. Monitoring the movement of cars near the kindergarten
    1. Conversation about various types crossing the road
    2. Solving problem situations on the street layout
    3. Outdoor game "Colored Cars"
    4. Conversation about the rules for crossing one-way and two-way streets
    5. Playing with a street layout. Crossroads
    6. Consolidating knowledge about modes of transport
    7. Production of attributes necessary for the guard
    8. Drawing "Cars to the rescue"
    9. Memorizing Marshak’s poem “Ball”
    10. Game "Who knows the rules of the road better?"
    11. Lesson "Rules of conduct on streets and roads. Crossing streets and roads"
    1. Comparison of bus and trolleybus
    2. Playing with the street layout
    3. Didactic game “Get the baby across the road”
    4. Drawing with crayons on the asphalt of various types of transport
    5. SI "Ride the Bus"
    6. Placement of signs indicating a pedestrian crossing
    7. Outdoor games “Mirror”, “We are drivers”
    8. Drawing road signs in the sand with sticks
    1. Walk and observe the traffic lights
    2. Outdoor game "Colored Cars"
    3. Playing on a court with markings
    4. Didactic game "What's wrong?"
    5. Games with street layout.
    6. Solving problem situations
    7. Story game "Ship Trip"

    Long-term work plan for teaching children traffic rules in the younger group

    1. Sports activity. Game "Who will throw the ball further"
    2. Gluing figures of various shapes and colors onto a sheet of paper (applique)
    3. Walk around the garden.
    4. Outdoor games “Running rope”, “Sparrows and the cat”, “Traffic light!”
    4. Didactic games “Find your color”, “Where is the mouse hiding?”, “Name it correctly”
    5. Looking at pictures about types of transport.
    6. Acting out (children playing with cars)
    7. Application "Beads"
    8. Drawing "Road for cars"
    9. Reading: M. Plyatskovsky “Traffic Light”
    10. Design: tracks of different lengths
    11. Modeling "Airplane"
    1. Didactic games “Which is smaller?”, “Paired pictures”
    2. Modeling "Airplane"
    3. Outdoor games "Traffic light", "Sparrows and a car", "Colored cars"
    4. Consideration of the traffic light layout
    5. Learning: A. Barto “Truck”
    6. The teacher’s story about the traffic light
    7. Lesson "Types of transport and their differences"
    1. Didactic games “Name it correctly”, “What’s extra?”
    2. Outdoor games “To your flags”, “Ball in the basket”, “Red - green”, “Train”, “Sparrows and a car”
    3. Design: collars
    4. Application "Traffic light"
    5. Games with colored sticks
    6. Looking at illustrations depicting transport
    7. Design: fences of different heights
    8. Monitoring the driver’s work
    9. Reading "Masha the Pedestrian" by B. Neuss
    10. Examination of drawings of a truck and a passenger car
    11. Conversations based on pictures
    12. Games with models of a truck and a car
    13. Walk. Observations and comparisons of a truck and a passenger car
    14. Lesson "Trucks and cars"
    1. Introduction to the main parts of the car
    2. Didactic game “Where is the mouse hiding?”
    3. Games with mosaics. Fixing colors
    4. Outdoor games "Planes", "Sparrows and a car"
    5. Design: bridge for pedestrians
    6. Comparison of cars and trucks
    7. Construction: house
    8. Coloring car silhouettes
    9. Learning: A. Barto “Airplane”
    10. Design: ladder
    11. Looking at pictures and drawings depicting a trolleybus
    12. Drawing Christmas tree decorations of various shapes and colors
    13. Reading riddles about a car, truck, tram, trolleybus
    14. Games with building materials. Road construction
    15. Walk. Monitoring the movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk
    1. Comparison of tram and trolleybus
    2. Didactic game “Name it correctly”
    3. Outdoor games “Train”, “Run to me!”, “Planes”, “To your flags”, “Stop”
    4. Coloring airplane silhouettes
    5. Design: Train
    6. Games with mosaics
    7. Looking at illustrations about transport
    8. Introduction to trams and trolleybuses
    9. Conversation about the purpose of the passenger car and truck, tram, trolleybus
    10. Examination of the bus layout
    11. Reading a poem about modes of transport
    12. Reading the poem “Chauffeur” by B. Zakhoder (p. 161. Reader for children preschool age)
    13. Lesson "Tram and trolleybus"
    1. Examination of illustrations about passenger transport
    2. Didactic game "Paired pictures"
    3. Story game "Journey"
    4. Outdoor games “Ball in the basket”, “Find your color”, “Birds and car”
    5. Design: machine
    6. Comparison of car and tram
    7. On the site - construction of figures different heights
    8. Game on the kindergarten site - construction of figures of various heights from snow.
    9. Drawing objects, figures of various shapes, coloring them yellow, green, red
    10. Working with mosaics. Arrangement of colors in a certain sequence: red on top, yellow below, green down
    11. Lesson "Bus"
    1. Examination of the painting “We are traveling by bus”
    2. Didactic game “Find what I name”
    3. Story game "Visiting trip"
    4. Outdoor games “Colored cars”, “To your flags”, “Find your color”, “Run to me”
    5. Drawing a picture of a bus
    7. Conversation about the bus, its comparison with other types of urban transport
    8. Target walk. Getting to know the nearest street
    9. Lesson. Looking at and talking about pictures of the street
    10. Drawing paths of various lengths and widths
    11. Lesson "Streets of our city"
    1. Making riddles about transport
    2. Outdoor games “Fastest”, “Ball Traps”, “Catch the Ball”
    3. Games with a constructor - a road for cars
    4. Reading poems about traffic lights
    5. Fix the name of the main parts of the street.
    6. Application "Traffic light"
    7. Didactic games “Where is the mouse hiding?”, “Where is the car going”
    8. An activity using colored balls. Game: "Colored balls"
    9. Working with the designer. Construction of a road for a tram (rails, sleepers)
    10. Conversation about the rules for the movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk
    1. Looking at illustrations in books about transport
    2. Outdoor games "Running traffic light", "Ball in the basket"
    3. Street layout games
    4. Didactic games “Name it, don’t make a mistake”, “Paired pictures”, Cars”
    5. Drawing with crayons on the asphalt of cars
    6. Coloring silhouettes of various types of transport
    7. Street layout games using cars
    8. Game activity. Rolling balls to flags
    9. Working with plasticine. Modeling different types transport
    10. Street layout games
    11. Walk to the street located near the kindergarten
    12. Construction of streets from sand
    1. Didactic games “Name it correctly”, “Where are the cars rushing?”, “Traffic light”
    2. Outdoor games “Ball in the basket”, “Run to me”, “Sparrows and the cat”, “Sparrows and the car”
    3. Guessing riddles about transport
    4. Story game "Bus Ride"
    5. Construction of a road from sand
    6. Construction of a street from sand (clay)
    7. Drawing circles in red, yellow, green various sizes
    1. Games with mosaics "Do the same"
    2. Outdoor games “1, 2, 3 – run to the tree (sandbox)!”, “Train”
    3. Construction of a street from sand, playing
    4. Didactic game "What's missing?"
    5. Reading familiar poems about traffic lights, transport
    6. Construction of cars from the designer, playing
    7. Coloring car silhouettes
    1. Construction of a sand city, playing
    2. Outdoor game "Sparrows and a car"

    Calendar- thematic planning By lexical topic"Traffic Laws"


    Morning: 1. Conversation “We are pedestrians” - clarify knowledge of some road signs, clarify knowledge that in the city all traffic is subordinated special rules, an idea of ​​the work of traffic police officers.

    2. D/i “The signs got lost.” Strengthen your knowledge of traffic rules and road signs.

    3. Individual. slave. on sound pronunciation with Natasha D., Igor T. - consolidate the given sounds.

    4. Instruct the duty officers in a corner of nature, determine which plants need watering, assign the names of parts of indoor plants, and cultivate a desire to care for plants carefully.

    5. P/i “Colored cars”-know the basic rules of the road, the colors of the spectrum and their shades; develop attention, perception, running in a certain direction and in different directions.


    1. Sky observation- generalize ideas about winter phenomena in inanimate nature; establish connections between air temperature and state of aggregation water.

    2. D/i “Yesterday, today, tomorrow”- learn to use adverbs of time correctly.

    3. Ind. slave "What first, what then"- develop logical thinking, fantasy.

    4. P/i “The Crow and the Dog”-Teach to speak in complete sentences.

    EVENING. 1. Conversation: “Colors, their sequence and meaning in traffic” - to develop the ability to understand the meaning of color in traffic, the alternation and arrangement of colors.

    2. Ind. slave. in mathematics with the senior subgroup - to consolidate the composition of the number 5, to consolidate forward and backward counting.

    3. Organization of games on the layout, using models of vehicles, figures of pedestrians, traffic lights.

    4. Reading and discussion of A. Usachev’s poem “An Incident on the Bus.” Continue to create a culture of behavior in public transport.

    5. D/i:“Evaluate the action” - generalization and systematization of ideas about actions to comply with traffic rules.

    6. P/i “Two Frosts”- consolidate the ability to navigate in space, run in all directions.


    1. Observing the movement of the sun-form elementary representations about changes in the position of the Earth relative to the Sun.

    2. Work on the site- clear the paths of snow.

    3. D/i “Complete the sentence”- develop speech activity and quick thinking.

    4. Ind. slave. with Sasha P., Igor T.–exercise on development fine motor skills hands “Draw” - draw a car in the snow.

    5. P/i “Locomotive” - teach children to move at different paces, change direction, show objects, convey the characteristic movements of animals and birds.


    MORNING: 1. Conversation: “I’m traveling in public transport.” Formation of the foundations of a culture of behavior in public transport.

    2. D/i “Who is the most attentive?-be able to be attentive, highlight types of transport and actions in the text, and remember them.

    3. Form. habit monitor your appearance, remind your comrades about problems in their appearance.

    4. Article. hymn. “Motor”, “Horse”, “Mushroom” - to develop the speech apparatus.

    5. P/n “Run to what I call”- teach children to run in a flock.

    WALK:1. Transport surveillance– consolidate children’s knowledge about vehicles. Draw children's attention to vehicles standing nearby or passing by. Remember what other vehicles the children saw on the roads. Fix the names of the machine parts.

    2. D/i “Guess by the description”- teach children to write a descriptive story.

    3. Ind. slave. Nikita B., Artem P. “Thicker, taller” - development. skill of use in speech adj. V comparative degree, orientation in space.

    4. Labor shovel snow to tree trunks - development of labor skills.

    5. P/i “On the highway”-develop coordination of words with movements, achieve automation of hissing sounds in speech.

    EVENING.1. Conversation “What kinds of cars are there?” To consolidate ideas about different types of transport.

    2. D/exercise "Continue the sentence"- be able to establish cause-and-effect relationships; construct a subordinate clause.

    3 Reading N. Nosov “Car”. Conduct an analysis of errors in behavior on the street and road.

    4. Offer coloring books, colored pencils, felt-tip pens for free drawing - to develop the ability to paint without going beyond the outline.

    5. Ind. slave. with Danil D., Dima Ch. on auto. supplied sounds, development grammatical building speech.

    6. P/i “Tracks”- teach children to run after each other, making difficult turns, and maintain balance.

    WALK. 1Evening observation weather condition, compare it with the morning, note changes.

    2. Ex. on development fine motor skills- finger gymnastics"Snowfall"

    3. D/i “What first, what then?”- develop logical thinking and imagination.

    4. Ind. slave with Sasha P, Vadim S physically - jumping over a cleared path.

    5. P/i “Forged chains” - develop endurance, the ability to concentrate all strength and energy to protect the team.


    MORNING.1. Conversation “Permissive signs - what are they?"-continue to familiarize children with road signs.

    2. Ind. slave. with Vadim S., Sasha Per. to improve musical and rhythmic movements.

    3. D/i “What’s unnecessary here?”- be able to generalize and classify. signs; Spanish active dictionary on the topic.

    4. Slave. V book corner: looking at illustrations, repairing worn books

    5. P/i “Penguins and the bear”"-learn to coordinate speech with movement.

    WALK.1. Monitoring the movement of cars and the work of the driver. Instill respect for the work of car drivers.

    2. Ind. slave. with Igor T., Natasha D. - “Come up with a sentence” - develop the ability to compose sentences with a word given in a certain form.

    3. D/i “Road signs”- know the rules of the road; be able to navigate road signs.

    4. Experienced expert activity– “Match-captive” - formation of research skills.

    5. P/i “The gray bunny washes himself”- listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

    EVENING.1. Conversation: “Forbidden signs, what are they?”.-continue to familiarize children with road signs.

    2. D/i “Pedestrians and transport”- know the rules of the road; be able to use them in practical activities.

    3. Ind. slave with Egor K., Egor S. art. creativity - consolidate technical skills. brush skills.

    4. S/r game “Why Dunno got into trouble”-learn to decide problematic situations during the game.

    5. Reading O. Bedareva “If only” - to educate a disciplined pedestrian.

    6. P/i “Jumpers”- practice jumping on two legs while moving forward.

    WALK:1. Observation of the night sky --learn to admire the night sky.

    2. D/i “Who will pass first?” - get to know the work of car drivers.

    3. Ind. slave with Denis Sh., Danil D. for development. physical abilities - throwing snowballs at a target with the right and left hands.

    4. Games for development. fine motor skills - draw clouds on the snow with a stick.

    5. P/i "Shuttle"- trainer running in pairs, holding each other's hands.


    MORNING. 1. Conversation “Safe behavior on the street and transport.” Determine the child's readiness for correct actions, in the current situation on the street.

    2. Reading by M. Druzhinina “Our friend the traffic light.” Continue to teach the rules of disciplined behavior on the street.

    3. D/i “Who is the most attentive?- be able to be attentive, highlight types of transport and actions in the text, and remember them.

    4. Ind. slave. with the senior subgr. in mathematics – consolidation of the composition of the number 5, forward and backward counting.

    5. P/i “Dog and Sparrows”- consolidate children’s knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds, teach them to imitate their voices.

    WALK: 1. Watching the snow creak -- continue to introduce the properties of snow.

    2. D/i “Allowed - prohibited”- consolidate children's knowledge about safe behavior on the road.

    3. Ind. slave with Dima Ch., Danil D. on consolidating knowledge of poems, fairy tales, stories, learning rhymes and developing speech skills.

    4.Usage artistic word: “Snowflakes” - development of general speech skills.

    5. P/i “Children and the Wolf”- learn to understand and use past verbs in speech. tenses and verbs will command. inclinations.

    EVENING. 1. Conversation “Are you ready to become a passenger?” - to consolidate behavioral skills in public transport.

    2. D/i “Lay out the signs” - secure traffic signs.

    3. Watching a cartoon:"Smeshariki - teach traffic rules." Summarize acquired knowledge

    4. Ind. slave in artistic creativity - consolidate the ability to cut out buildings and vehicles from paper.

    5. P/n “We are funny guys”- teach children to run, dodge, and avoid falling into traps.

    WALK: 1. Weather observation. Continue looking at the snowflakes. Are snowflakes the same in different weather conditions, during a thaw and on a cold, frosty day? The shape of snowflakes changes depending on the weather. Match the shape of snowflakes with the weather conditions.

    2. Sp. thin sl: The tablecloth is white, covering the whole field (snow). What kind of stars are there, on the coat and on the scarf? Everything is through, cut out, and you take water in your hand (snowflakes).

    4. Ind. slave according to FISO: walking along a long snow bank with snow in your hands and jumping off it.

    5. P/n: “Two frosts”- exercise children in running and dodging, teach them to coordinate movements with words.


    MORNING.1. Conversation: “Adventures on the road.” Continue to teach how to behave properly on the street.

    2. D/i “Show the same sign”- attach traffic signs.

    3. S/r game “Travel around the city by bus”- know the rules of the road; activities of people associated with servicing cars and driving them; be able to come up with a game plot, actively conduct role-playing dialogue, and select the necessary equipment.

    4. Develop cultural and hygienic skills: develop the ability to take care of your appearance.

    5. Reading N. Nosov “The Curious Mouse”-develop the ability to understand the meaning of a work of art.

    WALK: 1 Weather observation. Watching the snow. What is this? Why it's snowing? What kind of snow? Where is the snow? Why do we need snow? Repeat with the children the properties of snow: it shines, like melting sugar, it creaks.

    2. D/i “Name winter months» - teach children to name the winter months using signs.

    3. Ind. slave. automation of delivered sounds with Nikita B., Natasha D.

    4. P/game:“Whose team will gather soonest” - teach children to run and line up quickly. “Catch up with the sled” - exercise children in running.

    EVENING.1 Conversation “The Adventure of the Bunny.” Introduce the concepts of “braking distance”, “Slippery road”, consolidate knowledge about road traffic.

    2. Quiz: “Questions from Inspector Migalochkin.” Expand children's understanding of safe behavior on city streets.

    3. Ind. slave with Egor S., Egor K. on automation of delivered sounds.

    4. Watching a cartoon:"The ABCs of Security". To develop the ability to draw conclusions, clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street.

    5. P/i “Horses”– an exercise in walking with balance, jumping, develops speed, agility, and coordination of movements.

    WALK: 1. Observation of an inanimate object. Observations of trees and shrubs - teach children how to appearance and description to determine the tree.

    3. Ind. physical slave: develop the ability to throw snowballs accurately at the target.

    4. P/n: “Wolf and Sheep”– an exercise in running long jumps, developing agility, speed of movement, and the ability to quickly act on a signal.

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