Report on the Tatar language in kindergarten. Project (middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic: “project activities in a preschool” for a teacher teaching the Tatar language

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 57" combined type

Consultation on the topic:

“Modeling as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers”

Prepared by: teacher Vorobyova E.P.
1st quarter category



“Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer in vain for a long time, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly.”

K.D. Ushinsky

Numerous studies by domestic teachers and psychologists (P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov) show that the use modeling as a means of developing diverse knowledge and skills positive influence on the intellectual development of children, that with the help of spatial and graphic models, orientation activities are relatively easily and quickly improved, intellectual and practical actions are formed.

The peculiarity and significance of modeling is that it makes visible hidden from direct perception properties, connections, relationships of objects that are essential for understanding facts and phenomena in the formation of knowledge that is related in content to concepts.

The accessibility of the modeling method for preschoolers has been proven by psychologists (D.B. Elkonin, L.A. Wenger). It is determined by the fact thatmodeling is based on the principle of substitution.

Method visual modeling developed based on the ideas of the famous child psychologist L.A. Wenger, who through research came to the conclusion that the basis of development mental abilities The child must master the actions of substitution and visual modeling.

According to L.A. Wenger, “Modeling is a type of sign-symbolic activity that offers the study not of a specific object, but of its model; source this process serves to model the nature of children’s activity.” A real object can be replaced in children's activities by another object, image, sign.

“MODELING” is the study of any phenomena or processes by constructing and studying models. Modeling has models as its object.

“MODEL” is any image (mental and conditional; images, descriptions, diagram, drawing, graph, plan) of any process or phenomenon (the original of this model), used as a substitute.

An adult not only introduces the child to the world around him, but also teaches methods of examination, observation, the ability to highlight the essence, and establish relationships. The process of learning about the world is not easy for a child and support diagrams, symbols, visual models denoting phenomena and objects are very helpful in this process.

In to school age thinking is visual-effective and visual-figurative, and not verbal-logical, therefore for children it is much more useful to see reality than to hear a verbal story.

Visual modeling- this is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object being studied, the creation of its substitute and work with it.
It happens using:

Using Visual Modeling in early childhood promotes the development of the child’s thinking: schematic (contour, shadow) images of familiar objects, animals, people, the introduction of elementary symbols that replace real characters works according to some characteristic feature, teach children to think, remember and relate shape, size, color. Ultimately, the child’s speech develops: the vocabulary is enriched, the prerequisites are created for the development of coherent speech.

The child encounters symbols, models, diagrams early enough: signs in stores, transport, road signs, color design of services ( ambulance, fire service, traffic lights), car icons, etc. All this attracts the child, he quickly and easily remembers these symbols and understands their meaning. Therefore, the use of supporting diagrams will only help children highlight the main thing and find connections.

To activate the mental work of children, you can use various types models, adhering to a number of requirements for them:

Similarity of the model to the object of knowledge in features familiar to the child;

Accessibility for knowledge;

Dismemberment of object elements;


Actions with models are carried outin the following sequence:

  1. replacement (models are initially offered in finished form, and then the children come up with conditional substitutes on their own);
  2. use of ready-made models (starting from 3-4 years);
  3. building models: according to conditions, according to one’s own design, according to real situation(from 5-6 years old).

Support schemes are an attempt to use for a solution cognitive tasks visual, motor, associative memory. Schemes, symbols, models are the conclusions, the result, the essence of the material that the child must learn. They should be “born” before the eyes of children in the form of drawings, diagrams, and tables.

Modeling recommended to usewhile reading fiction . To teach coherent speech, schematic images of characters and the actions they perform are used. First, a picture-schematic plan of the semantic sequence of parts of the listened text is created work of art. Gradually, the child develops generalized ideas about the logical sequence of the text, which he focuses on in his independent speech activity. Readable to a child a poem, fairy tale or story can be drawn. This effective way, allowing us to identify the content and sequence of actions, certain relationships between characters.

Modeling begins with replacing some objects with others (real - conditional). When reading works, the replaced objects are their heroes (people, animals, gnomes, wizards), as well as the objects with which they interact. It is convenient to use as substituents paper mugs, squares varying in color and size; while the primary task isteach your child how to use substitutes correctly. Substitution is based on one difference between characters (crocodile - green circle, sun - yellow) or two (wolf - large gray circle, hare - small white circle). A set of substitutes (different circles) is prepared and offered to the child by an adult. The child is required to choose circles so that it is immediately clear which circle, for example, is a crocodile, and which is the sun.

Initially, the number of circles must match the number of objects to be replaced. In the future, you can enter extra circles so that the child chooses the right ones. When the choice is mastered, you can move on to playing simple plots. For example, in the fairy tale " Kolobok "The bun is a yellow circle, the wolf is gray, the bear is brown, the fox is orange. In the fairy tale " Wolf and kids "The wolf is a large gray circle, the goat is a large white circle, the kids are small white ones.It is recommended to return to the same fairy tale several times. Depending on how much the child has mastered modeling, the completeness of the plot being played out changes.

When getting acquainted with the fairy tale " Mitten “You can choose substituents not by color, but by size. Attach a paper mitten to the center, seven strips of different lengths to the corner, the child selects substitutes for all the characters in the fairy tale, justifying his choice: the small strip is a mouse, the larger strip is a bunny, the largest is a bear. Thus, the retelling of the fairy tale “The Mitten” is based on a visual spatial model serial type (laying out strips from smallest to largest).

When retelling a fairy tale "Zayushkin's hut"You can invite children to use substitutes for modeling - circles different colors and size, then agree on which substitute will correspond to the hero of the fairy tale. During the discussion, pose problematic questions to the child.

For the hare, a white circle was chosen. Why? What size should the circle be - large, medium or small? Medium - because the hare is average in size compared to the wolf and fox.

Fox - which circle, why? (Orange.)

Wolf - which circle, why?

The bear is brown, why?

The last of the heroes - the cockerel - may cause difficulty; what color should we use to represent it? To help, read a poem where it is said about the cockerel that he has a red comb, a red beard, and red boots. Together with your child, decide that the cockerel will be red.

“But there were still two circles left on the table - blue and brown. Why? Because there are two more huts: a bast or wooden one - which means brown, and an ice hut - which means blue. And the forest... What color do you think we will designate it with? Green. Why?"

Thus, the child himself will compose a fairy tale, replacing its characters with geometric shapes. It will be very interesting!

This way you can use diagrams for retelling and storytelling. At the beginning, the diagram can be detailed, but when the child copes with the tasks very easily, it is necessary to gradually reduce the diagram so that the child can design his own story. You can draw the diagrams together with the child and immediately invite him to explain what is drawn, to guess from familiar symbols.

An important role in the development of children’s coherent speech is played bydidactic gamesfor the description of objects: “Tell me which one”, “Who knows and names more”, “Guess by the description”, “Wonderful bag”, “Toy store”. These games help teach children to name characteristic features, qualities, actions; encourage children to actively participate and express their opinions; form the ability to coherently and consistently describe the subject.

Didactic games for the formation of ideas about the sequence of actions of characters by solving the corresponding picture-schemes: “Tell a fairy tale using pictures”, “Say what comes first, what comes next”, “I will start, and you finish”, “Who knows, continues further” . Such games promote coherent storytelling and a consistent description of the plot of the work.

To form the concept that every statement has a beginning, middle, end,those. is built according to a certain scheme, you can use games: “Whoever knows, continues on,” “Brew compote,” “Preparing a vinaigrette,” “Let’s start being on duty.” For these games, a statement diagram is given, and the children will “fill in” it different content. Reinforce the jointly compiled story with repeated questions so that the children can identify the main connections between its parts, for example: “Where did the goat go? Why did the goat scream? Who helped her? Such games teach children to talk about the content of each story picture, linking them into one story; consistently, logically connect one event to another; master the structure of a story, which has a beginning, middle and end.

Thus, the use of visual modeling makes it much easier for children to master coherent speech. Having a visual plan makes stories clear, coherent, and consistent. Visual-spatial models of serial or motor type help the child to determine the main structural components text when retelling.

Assimilation by preschoolers various forms symbolization and visual modeling techniques help the child express his objective position in relation to reality, serve as the basis for the subsequent development of cognitive and creativity.

1. Documents guaranteeing the equal functioning of the Tatar and Russian languages ​​as state languages:
a) Law of the Republic of Tatarstan “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan”
b) Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”
c) Standard provision on preschool educational institutions
d) The concept of children's rights.

2. Document regulating the number of training sessions Tatar language V kindergarten:
a) Program for teaching the Tatar language (authors: R.A. Burganova, F.F. Yusupov)
b) Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan (For No. 463 dated June 29, 2001) “On measures to improve the study of the native, Tatar, Russian languages ​​in preschool educational institutions”
c) Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Education”
d) “Program for the preservation, study and development of languages ​​of peoples living in the Republic of Tatarstan”
d) all answers are correct.

3. Comprehensive continuing education program:
a) “From childhood to adolescence”
b) “Program of education and training in kindergarten”
c) “Childhood”
d) “I, you, we”
d) "Harmony".

4. The main task of teaching the Tatar language in a Russian-speaking audience:
a) Teach to use the Tatar language within installed by the program minimum vocabulary and grammar
b) develop speech understanding skills
c) learn to use the most common ones Tatar words
d) all answers are correct
d) all answers are incorrect.

5. Basic and leading place in the system of teaching the Tatar language in a Russian-speaking classroom takes:
a) introducing children to folklore works
b) learning poems by heart
c) formation and development of skills oral speech
d) all answers are correct
d) all answers are incorrect.

6. Effective techniques organizing second language teaching classes:
A) word games, game situations
b) use of clarity

d) use of folklore
d) all answers are correct.

7. By didactic purposes The following types of classes in the native language can be distinguished:
a) classes on communicating new material
b) consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities
c) generalization and systematization of knowledge
d) combined (mixed, integrated)
d) all answers are correct
e) correct: a, c.

8. Process of assimilation language material- This:
a) perception, understanding, comprehension
b) memorization
c) imagination
d) statement.

9. The principle of developmental education (according to A.A. Leontiev):
a) scientific approach to teaching
b) educational training
c) awareness of the learning process
d) a holistic view of the world.

10. He was a supporter of the comparative study of the Tatar and Russian languages, and emphasized: “It will be very difficult for someone who does not speak their native language to master another language”:
a) M.Sh. Salikhov
b) M.Kh.Yunusov
c) K. Nasyri
d) M.G.Makhmudov
d) all answers are incorrect.

11. Teaching Tatar speech in a Russian-speaking audience should begin with:
a) assimilation dialogical speech
b) assimilation monologue speech
c) composing coherent statements
d) mastering lexical and grammatical material
e) reading texts of average difficulty.

12. The main purpose of teaching a second language is:
a) development of the child’s language abilities
b) familiarization with another language as a means of communication
c) familiarization with the culture and traditions of another people who use this language
d) all answers are correct
e) correct: a, b.

14. The methodology of teaching a second language is based on the principles:
a) repeated repetition and playing out the studied moments
b) games, fairy tales
c) comparisons
d) connecting an action with a word
d) all answers are correct
e) all answers are incorrect.

15. In second language teaching classes, the order of introducing new words and constructions must be followed:
a) a new word is introduced into a familiar construction
b) a new word is introduced into a new construction
c) familiar words are introduced into a new construction
d) all answers are correct
d) correct: a, c.

16. Types of speech activity:
a) listening
b) speaking
c) letter
d) reading
d) all answers are correct.

17. Listening is:
a) listening to spoken speech
b) memorizing spoken speech
c) the process of perception and understanding of spoken speech
d) assimilation individual words the language being studied.

18. The most common techniques for teaching listening:
a) listening to the teacher’s speech
b) execution by students of orders, orders and commands in the Tatar language
c) use didactic games
d) listening to music
d) all answers are correct
e) correct: a, b.

19. The formation of conversational (dialogical) speech is the ability of children to:
a) listen and understand speech addressed to them
b) keep up the conversation
c) answer questions and ask questions
d) develop the interlocutor’s thoughts
d) all answers are correct
e) correct: a, c.

20. Methods of teaching monologue speech are:
a) retelling
b) composing (children inventing stories, fairy tales)
c) conversation-conversation
d) all answers are correct
e) correct: a, b.

21. The “conversation-conversation” method is appropriate for:
a) teaching children creative storytelling
b) activation vocabulary children
c) development of new, more complex speech skills in children
d) enrichment with new components of the language (vocabulary, grammar, intonation).

22. Deliberate, repeated use of the same element (sound, word, phrase) for the purpose of memorizing it:
a) explanation
b) repetition
c) verbal exercise
d) speech sample.

23. Techniques for teaching consonant articulation:
a) imitation of the sounds of insects, birds, animals, etc.
b) breathing exercises
c) the use of didactic games based on pure tongue twisters (tongue twisters)
d) all answers are correct
d) correct: a, c.

24. Methods of familiarization with works of fiction:
a) reading by the teacher (literal transmission of the text)
b) telling
c) learning by heart
d) didactic games based on familiar works, literary quizzes
d) all answers are correct
e) correct: a, b.

25. The purpose of looking at pictures and illustrations in a book:
a) teach children to correctly perceive speech
b) invite children to talk
c) develop children's memory skills
d) introduce children to linguistic features building a story.

26. “Showing pictures and telling stories based on them are the best means of bringing the teacher closer to children,” wrote K.D. Ushinsky, emphasizing the exceptional role... in teaching oral foreign language communication:
a) games
b) visibility
c) conversations
d) folklore.

27. When introducing children to the culture of other peoples, it is advisable to proceed from:
A) national composition countries
b) the national composition of the group of preschool children
c) the diversity of peoples on our planet
d) place of residence.

28. Propaganda among parents on issues speech development children are provided by the teacher:
a) in conversations, consultations, meetings
b) visual propaganda
c) giving lectures with the involvement of specialists (speech therapists, etc.)
d) organizing exhibitions of teaching aids
d) all answers are correct.

In preschool educational institutions Since September 2012, the introduction of new educational and methodological kits on teaching children their native, Tatar and Russian languages.

On September 1, 2013, we began working on the implementation of these educational and methodological kits.

Main task educational and methodological kits - the formation of initial skills and practical knowledge of the Tatar language in oral form.

The game is effective and accessible form activities in teaching Russian children Tatar oral speech. Children don’t even think that they are learning, without noticing it, they learn Tatar words, phrases, sentences much better and on this basis they practice the correct pronunciation of specific Tatar sounds.

My educational activities I implement it using following methods and techniques:

1. To increase the efficiency of the educational process, I use information and communication technologies. For example, using a computer, I give children new information(slides), I consolidate the material covered with the help of various didactic games. For example, “Who is missing”, “Guess and name”, “Who is extra?”, “Count up”, “Treat the hares”, “Make a salad” and many others. Using a tape recorder, children, for example, listen to an audio recording and sing along:

Kisher, kisher

Tamle kisher.

Zur kisher,

Kisher points.

The computer helps improve the level of teaching, providing visibility, control, a large amount of information, and being a stimulus in learning. Development computer technology allows for real individualization educational process, strengthen positive motivation for learning, activate cognitive activity, strengthen the creative component of the work of both the child and the teacher. The computer also helps me organize watching cartoons.

2. In classes, to develop full-fledged gaming communication, I use game situations, which the character falls into (Akbay, Miyau). Through the game plot, you can play out the process of a character’s acquaintance with a new object, examine it in detail, study it, and examine it. The game character provides the teacher with the opportunity to put the child in the position of subject cognitive activity. For older adults, game problem situations are most effective. In these situations, the adult attracts the child’s attention to his emotional state and the condition of other characters. By actively participating in problem situations, the child finds a way out for his feelings and experiences, learns to recognize and accept them.

To achieve effectiveness in communicating with children in the Tatar language, I made didactic material. Since all classes are held in the form of a game, the best way to reinforce topics is this didactic games. Didactic games I made - “Nәrsә artyk?”, “Who is yuk?”, “Bu narsә, nichә?”, “Dores sana”, “Kunak syylau”, “Uenchyk sorap al”, “Ber-kүp”, “What color no?”, “Bear Gifts”, “Find a Pair”, “ Magic bag", "Show it right" and others.

The purpose of these didactic games: development sound culture speech, activation and enrichment vocabulary children, coordination of parts of speech, development of fine motor skills.

In order to develop and strengthen memory I use word games, such as “Who is there, who is not?”, “Take a vegetable”, “Call the cat”, “Deaf telephone”, “What, which, how much?” and others.

On the development of fine motor skills I conduct finger games . For example,

Boo barmak - babai,

Bu barmak - әbi,

Bu barmak – әti,

Bu barmak – әni,

Bu barmak – malay (kyz)

In order to develop imagination, thinking, creative abilities, I use educational games. For example, “Name how many” or the game “What was I thinking?”

In my work I also use outdoor games, relay games and many others.

3. I also use it in my classes. visual methods . These include:


Examination of paintings, natural objects;

Showing cartoons such as “Three Bears”, “Funny Toys”, “Who Loves What”.

I also use visual methods for secondary acquaintance with the object, consolidation of knowledge acquired during observations, and the formation of coherent speech. For this purpose I use methods such as:

Looking at pictures with content familiar to children;

Looking at toys

4. I pay a huge role in classes articulation method. It is very important that the child pronounces sounds and words correctly. For example,

Bu kurchak kechkenә.


Bir matur shakmak.

Children also complete tasks in workbooks.

The workbook is one of the main components of the educational complex “Speaking Tatar. A creative notebook helps the child learn the vocabulary of the Tatar language, consolidate speech material, attract parents to actively participate in the development process of their baby. IN workbook tasks are given for naming, generalizing and comparing objects to determine their size, size, quantity. For example, “Offer dishes to the bears”, “Find a pair of tea”, “Color the clothes” and others.

In my work I actively use folklore. Through folk nursery rhymes, songs, fairy tales, and finger games, I quickly manage to achieve contact with children in order to more successfully instill in them skills and organize play activities more interestingly.

Implementation in educational process health-saving technologies make it possible to achieve positive changes in the health of children. I spend physical education, active and educational games with them. Carrying out such games helps improve the health of children. The rhymes of the song with the movements are interesting. Quatrains about animals, nature, and children are easy to remember and make physical education lessons fun and useful. Texts heard during physical education sessions are accompanied by movements of the arms and torso. I also do eye exercises.

For easy use, I prepared the teaching aid for work in the following way: laminated it, distributed the games, demonstration and handout material into envelopes, files, folders, indicated the name and purpose, and placed them in tight boxes.

Thus, the educational complex ensures the unity of educational, training and development goals and objectives in the process of children’s education preschool age. It is built on age-appropriate activities and forms of working with children. It is also aimed at mutual understanding with the family in order to implement the speech development of children. This educational kit makes extensive use of gaming, information, dialogue and problem-based learning. Use of non-standard methodological techniques contribute to the development of curiosity, activity and creative abilities of every child. Audio and video applications, aesthetically designed visual demonstration and handouts provide maximum variety of children's activities.

1) Project work: "Shalkan" this project is for children middle group; 2) Project work: “Tatar halyk uennary asha telebezne usteru”; 3) Project work: “Familiar fairy tales in the Tatar language”; this project is for reading fairy tales in the Tatar language that are familiar to children 4) Project work: “Kaz өmәse”; 5) Project work: "Tukay in our hearts." 6) "Teremok" - project



Project activities

Topic: “Teremok” in Tatar language.

Compiled by: Tatar language teacher, 1st category; Bikmuratova G.G.

Project type: long-term.

Implementation period: three months.

Type of project: role-playing game.

Project participants: children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old).


In the conditions of the new language situation in the Republic of Tatarstan, the formation of a person occurs under the influence of two national cultures, two systems,

ethnic norms of speech and non-speech behavior.

Considering age characteristics children compiled this project. Children in the pre-school group should ask each other questions and answer correctly questions asked, be able to make sentences.


1) understand speech in the Tatar language within the limits of the topics studied.

2) ask questions to each other, express a request, desire, need.

3) develop coherent speech in the Tatar language.

Expected results.

1) activation of children's vocabulary.

2) improvement of sound culture, intonation structure.

3) development of dialogic and monological forms of speech.

4)improving the communication skills of children in a team at the level of knowledge of certain words in the Tatar language.

Stage 1: preparatory

Target : identifying problems in speech development.

Stage 2: main

Target : preparing a dramatization of a fairy tale through different types of activities.

1) articulation gymnastics (for correct pronunciation Tatar sounds).

2)learning dialogues.

3) pantomime exercise.

4)working with pictograms(bure yogerә, tolke bii, ayu җyrlyy, kuyan sikerә, kerpe uynyy һ. b.)

5)work in notebooks.

6) work with parents (purchase of masks, costumes, showing work in notebooks).

Distribute memos - 167 words.

Conducting a survey.

7) musical development game: “No biibez”

(disc “Without inde khazer zurlar, mәktәpkә ilta yullar” UMK projects No. 36).

Stage 3: final

The result of the project is the showing of the fairy tale “Teremkay” to parents, teachers and children of the older group.

Expected results

Good learning results appear only when the efforts of teachers and parents are coordinated. After the survey, it turned out that the more you agitate, show, explain and inform parents about bilingualism, they are more interested and there is a desire to learn a non-native language with their children.

This project helped solve this problem.

As for the children, they themselves, without noticing, communicated with each other, asked questions and answered them correctly. Children transfer the acquired skills in theatrical games into everyday life - these include songs, poems, dialogues, dances. I hope these skills will be useful to them at school and they will learn a non-native second language well.



Topic: “Tatar halyk uennary asha telebezne usteru.”

Project type: long-term (9 months).

Type of project: role-playing game.

Children's age: 4-7 years.

Project participants.


2. Tatar language teacher.



5.narrow specialists.

Project goal: speech development of preschool children in conditions play activity(Tatar folk games), creating conditions for successful mastery in Tatar language, like a means of communication.

Tasks:1. Develop coherent speech and consolidate learned words in games.

2. Familiarize children with holidays, games, customs, traditions Tatar people.

3. During the games, consolidate Tatar sounds.

4. to cultivate love and respect for the culture of the Tatar people,

5. Introduce the parents of pupils to the objectives of the regional preschool educational institution program and the forms of their implementation, talk about the main components of educational instruction, enrich parents’ knowledge about the history and culture of the Tatars. people.


The development of children's speech in a bilingual environment is one of the most current problems in modern theory and methods.

Game is the leading type of activity child, including including speech activity. It is obvious to everyone that methodological developments concerning the development of speech (especially in the context of play activities) are now extremely insufficient. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan”, the opportunity is provided for preschool children to receive education in their native language. Early teaching a second language provides excellent opportunities to develop children's respect for language cultural heritage, and also contributes to the development of communicative speech tact. Therefore, the role of the teacher is to satisfy children's curiosity and give children basic knowledge about the traditions, life, and culture of the peoples of their native land.

Expected results.

Demonstration of children's creative abilities in different types activities.

Activate your vocabulary.

Develop Tatar coherent speech.

Improving sound culture and intonation structure.

Enrich the understanding of basic human values.

Integrated educational areas: communication, artistic creativity, music, physical education, reading fiction.

Project progress:

Preparatory stage.

1. Setting goals and objectives.

2. Involvement of narrow specialists in the implementation of relevant sections of the project.

3. Selection of information and illustrations.

4. drawing up an implementation plan: “We play Tatar folk games with children 4-7 years old.”

5. Compiling a card index: “Tatar folk games for preschool children.”

Working with parents.

1. Selection and preparation of costumes for games.

2. Participation of parents in Tatar holidays.

3. Exhibition for parents: “Tatar costumes.”

4.View the presentation: “Milli Kiemner.”

Main stage.

1.Learn Tatar words according to plan.

2. Role-playing games.

3. Reading fiction: the fairy tale “Three Daughters”, “Tubeteika and Kalfak” poem by R. Valeev, translated by E. Muravyov.

4. Artistic creativity (drawing) “decorating Tatar costumes.”

5.Music repetition of the games “Tubetei”, “Kulyaulygym”, “Melike”.

6. Physical culture Tatar folk games “Timerbay”, “Take a seat”, “Clapperboards”.

The final stage.

Result of the project: Carrying out the Sabantuy holiday with parents.

The final product.

The child will master lexical minimum Tatar words established by the regional program.

A correct and complete understanding of the native country, city, traditions, cultural objects will be formed, and a sense of national dignity will be formed.

Parents' interest in studying and reviving will increase national culture native land.


1.Babynina T.F. Traditions of national cultures. Kazan, 2006.

2. Zakirova K.V. In the clearing of childhood: a reader for educators and parents. Kazan, 2011.

3. Zakirova K.V., Mortazina L.R. Balachak –uynap kelep usera chak.2012.

4. Zakirova K.V., Mortazina L.R. Hey, crazy byz, crazy byz... Kullanma method 2013.


Bikmuratova Gelyusya Gusmanovna

Project title: “Familiar fairy tales in the Tatar language.”

Purpose: I made fairy tales that rhymed so that children would be interested in listening.

Objectives: 1. Develop an active vocabulary and speech.

2. Get interested in listening and understanding fairy tales in the Tatar language.

3.Cultivate a desire to learn a second language.

Children's age: 5-7 years.


We live in Tatarstan and we have two state languages, despite this, our people know little or no Tatar language. There are few accessible works for children. Based on my work experience, I realized that children are interested in listening to fairy tales and rhyming poems.

And when they are already familiar with Russian fairy tales, they better understand the essence. Children of preschool age will master Tatar at the age-specific level.

Expected results.

Children will hear familiar fairy tales not only in Russian, but also in Tatar.

Tatar speech develops. They have a desire to play roles, because fairy tales written to rhyme are quickly remembered.

Conclusion: in the future, compose fairy tales not only for reading, but also for dramatization.

“Shalkan” akiyate

Babay utyrtkan shalkan, shalkan үskәn, zur bulgan.

Babay shalkanny tartkan, tarta, tarta hәle betkәch

Әbine st chakyrgan.babay, әbi shalkanny

Tartkannar yes, Tartkannar

Tartyp hәllәre betkәch, kyzlaryn chakyrgannar.

Babai, әbi, kyz shalkanny tartalar tiz.

Tik shalkan chykmy ikәn, alarnyң kөchlәre betkan,

Kyz shunda etkә dәshkәn, et yogerep kilgan.

Әй tartalar,әй tartalar tarta,tarta aralar

Һәм pesine chakyralar.

Tik shalkan kuzgalmyy yes, zur bula, ala almyylar.

Tartyp chigara almagach, tychkanny chakyralar.

Tychkan kilep yabysha, tartyrga street bulysha.

Sanarga da olgermilәr,shalkan kilep tә chiga.

“Och ayu”

Yashәgan di urmanda zur өoydә

Ayular gailase, әtise һәm әnise

Һәм kechkenә balasy

Әti ayu zur bulgan, өine totyp torgan street.

Әni ayu җyeshtyrgan,bala ayu kechkenә bulgan

Botka gyna ashagan

Bervakyt bergә alar, rizyk ezlәrgә baralar.

Isheklәren biklәmichә achyk itep kaldyralar.

Urmanda adashyp yorgәch, Masha kerә shul өygә

Kerә dә kүrә anda, kemder yashi bireә.

Өstәldә dә әiber bar, karavat ta җyelgan.

Kemnarder monda tora.

Utyra zur uryndykka, kitә kecherәgenә

Uryndykka utyr gyna, shunda uk vatyla street.

Kulyna kashyk ala, botka asharga totyna.

Tamagyn st tuydyra.

Aldagi yakka kerә, bashyn kuya karavatka

Һәм shunda uk yoklap kitә.

Kaytalar ayular audan, өine kurep shakkatalar.

Kem tide әiberlәrgә deep,Әti ayu sүzgә kilә.

Ani ayu da aptyry: “Kem bar monda, kem өydә?”

Kechkenә ayu kүrep, kychkyra bar kөchenә:

“Minem kashyk buyalgan, kem ashagan talinkadәn?

Uryndyk ta Vatylgan, who is son ana sondyrgan?”

Karasalar karavatka, ber kyz bala yoklap yata.

Bolar tavyshynnan kyz kuzleren acha.

Kurkuynnan Masha tizrә,өaidәn chygyp uk kacha,

Tiz-tiz genә, yogerә yogerә avylyna st.

Әbise ishegaldynda kyzchygyn karshi ala.

Shul kөnnәn birle Masha әbisennәn bashka

Urmanga barmy ikәn ber dә.

“Sertotmas үrdәk”

Kөnnәrdәn ber kөnne yort huҗasy auga kitә,

Өйдә kalgan hayvannar yort huҗasyn zarygyp kөtә.

Өygә ozak kaytmagach, hayvannar bik kaygyralar.

Nichek khuҗany tabyk deep һәrberse uylanalar.

Leopards ber fikerҙ kilep үrdәkne chakyralar.

Urmanga khuҗany ezlәrgә үrdәkne җibәrәlәr.

Huҗа өйдә yuklygyn soylәmәskә әytәlәr.

Bara-bara merchant st. karshynda kerpe kur,

Huҗа өйдә yuklygyn tiz genә soylәp birә.

Kerpe min usal tugel di, mina yshan berkemgә dә

Soylәmәm ech serene di.

Kemne genә ochratsa da soili үrdәk һәrkemgә

Kuyanga yes, ayuga yes, bүregә.

Shulay bara trader, karshysyna talke ochery

Үrdәk annan da sory.

Tolke ana kurdem min di, ete dә bar belim di,

Minem arttan iyarsәң, khuҗany tabarsyn di.

Tolke үrdәkne yartep өenә alyp kitә.

Үrdәkne өendә biklәp,үze auga chygyp kitә.

Huҗa bik akyly bula, yort yanyna kapkyn kuya.

Kilgan һәrber җәnleklәr shul kapkynga elәgә.

Kerpe, kuyan chitlekkә, yu bure chokyrga,

Tolke elәgә kapkynga.

Khuҗa kaityp kergәch өygә, үрдәк Тә кайтип өшә.

Үrdәkneң sүz totmaganyn hayvannar soylәp biә.

Shul kөnnәn bashlap үrdәk soylәshmi ikәn ber dә.

“Kuyan kyzy”

Kuyannyn bulgan kyzy in yaratkan yoldyzy.

Irkәlәgan st ana nazlagan һәm yaratkan.

Kyzyn shatlandyrym deep kiez itek alyp kaytkan.

Kuyan kyzy shatlangan, itekne ber dә salmagan,

Lakin yalanayak yөerrgәa kubrәk oshagan.

Әnisennәn kacha -kacha iteklәren yashergan.

Kar Ostenn yalanayak ber ike kon chabyp yorgan,

Өchenche kөnne aksap әnise yanyna kilgan

Әnise ayagyn karap sheshkanen kүrgan.

Tәrәzәdan any tien kurep ala,

Aibolitka kirk di st. Baryrga.

Anise ana tabibka alyp kitә

Kilep kergәch brown alar, bigrәk kүp avyrular,

Lakin tabib balalarny chiratsyz karyymyn di,

Avyrtular kүp bulsa yes, barsyn dәvaliymyn di.

Kuyannyn ayaklaryn Aibolit tiz tөzәtkәn.

Baska itekne salmaska, kiep yerergә әitkәn.

Shul konnәn birle kuyan iteklәren salmagan.

Ayaklary and tunmagan, berkaychan avyrmagan,

Gel selamet bulgan.




"KINDERGARTEN No. 213 COMBINED TYPE" Sovetsky district Kazan

Project work

Topic: “G. Tukay in our hearts”

(130th birthday)

on teaching children the Tatar language

Bikmuratova G.G.


Target: introducing children to the works of G. Tukay.


Summarize children's knowledge about the works of G. Tukay;

Cultivate interest and love for the works of G. Tukay;

To form in children kindness and responsiveness, honesty, truthfulness, and respect for nature through the works of G. Tukay;

To develop children's curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills;

Expand knowledge about Tatar writers.

Type of project: short-term -1 month (April).

Project participants: children of the middle, senior, preparatory groups, Tatar language teacher, music director, educators.

Working with parents:

Consultations for parents “G. Tukai in our hearts”, “We read G. Tukai’s fairy tales with our children”; "An evening of watching cartoons based on the fairy tales of G. Tukay."

Organization of an exhibition of children's works "Based on the fairy tales of G. Tukay."

Design of stands “Tukai with us”

Initial stage:

- studying the works of G. Tukay;

Participation of children in the regional competition “Tugan telem – Tukai tele” with poems by G. Tukay;

- getting to know the life of G. Tukay, watching videos, albums;

Make a small library;

Flash mob “Tukay and children” (reading poems by G. Tukay in kindergarten)

Watching cartoons based on the fairy tales of G. Tukay;

Repetition of the games "Su Anasy", "Shurale", Tatar folk games;

Learning and dramatization of individual read works by G. Tukay;

Organization of an exhibition of children's works based on the works of G. Tukay.


Costumes Shurale, Su anasy, dogs, butterflies; audio recordings of songs based on the words of G. Tukay “Tugan tel”, “Tugan avyl”, comb, mystery box, masks, Tatar national clothes(skullcaps, costumes, scarves with ornaments), carnation flowers.

Main stage (celebrating Tukay’s birthday)

The Tatar folk melody “Taftilәү” sounds

Children enter the hall.

Presenter: Hello guys! Isanmesez, balalar! Today is a holiday in our kindergarten, we celebrate the 130th anniversary of the birth of the great Tatar poet - Gabdulla Tukay!

Spring, April and Tukai are inseparable, because it was on April 26 that he was born great poet Tatar people - Gabdulla Tukai!

From an early age he was left an orphan, without a father or mother. His childhood was spent in different families. Tukay was a very capable and diligent boy: he studied at the Tatar gymnasium and at the Russian elementary school. He studied Russian, Tatar, Arabic, Iranian and Turkic languages. Despite the short life path he managed to write many poems, songs, fairy tales and riddles for children.

Now our children will tell us his poems:

1 child :"Martin"

2nd child: “The mouse got into the milk”

3rd child: “Funny student”

Presenter: many of his poems became songs, let's listen to one song, the words that Tukay himself wrote.

2 children sing a song: “Mischievous kitten”

Presenter: But the song “Tugan Tel” became the anthem of the Tatar people. Standing together, let's all sing this song together.

Song: “Tugan tel.” Words by G. Tukay, folk music.

Presenter: G. Tukay not only wrote works, he also loved to play Tatar folk games as a child. Now we will return to the childhood of little Gabdulla, and they also lovingly called him little Apush.

The boy Apush and his mother come in.

Mom: and ulym, sin bik akylly bala, kүp nәrsәlәr belasen, kechkenә genә bulsan yes, barsyna өlgerәsen.

Boy: әye,әniem eshhlәremne beterdem,uynarga chygyp kerim.

Mom: esh betkәch uynarga ardent, bar uynap ker balam.

(the boy calls his friends to play)

Children play Tatar folk games:

“Kursәt ale,үskәem”,”Tүbәtәy”.

Presenter: from a young age he was a smart boy, he always brought his work to the end. And only after that he went out for a walk with friends. The verse called “Esh betkәch uynarga ardent” (“Do your job and walk boldly”) talks about this.

Sketch: “Esh betkәch uynarga ardent.”

Presenter: Gabdulla was left an orphan at a young age, he was raised in different families. In childhood, the most hard times were for Tukai, but despite this he continued to write, in free time spent time in nature, swam, played with the boys. Let's play a game and remember little Apush.

Game: “Yasherәm yaulyk”, senior group.

Presenter: and the children of the preparatory group will show an interesting musical game “Chuma үrdәk, plague kaz” and the dance “Shoma bass”.

Dance: “Shoma bass” disc Shoma bass 33 track.

Presenter: Tukai loved nature, he especially liked the village of Kyrlay, although he lived there for a short time. He praised it very much, he visited different places, but better than Kyrlay, just like that beautiful nature, he couldn’t find it anywhere, and many works were born there, for example, the poem “Shurele”, “Tugan avyl” and much more. Let’s listen to a poem about this village.

Verse "Tugan avyl" listening.

Presenter: We visited little Gabdulla’s childhood, and now let’s return to his fairy tales. What fairy tales do you guys know? What cartoons did you watch?

Children: Su anasy, Shurale, Goat and ram, Bala belen kubalek, etc.

Presenter: Butterflies will soon begin to fly, what work do you think I just remembered?

Children: “Bala belan kubalak.”

Dramatization of the poem “Bala belan kubalak”

Presenter: Guys, G. Tukay wrote not only poetry, but also riddles. Listen to G. Tukay’s riddles and guess what time of year?

Children read riddles about the seasons (“Autumn”, “Winter”, “Summer”, “Spring”).

There is a knock on the door and Su Anasy comes in to the music.

Su Anasy: Who are Aldy Minem Altyn Tarakny? Biregez kire uzemә.Kaya minem taragym?

Presenter: Do you guys know where the Su Anasa comb is? Nobody took it?

Children: no.

Presenter: Su anasy, beznen balalar keshe әiberenә timilәr, alar uzlere matur itep altyn tarak yasadylar.Әйдә bezneң belen uyna, annary sina tarak bulәk itәrbez.

Game: “Su Anasy” middle group.

Su anasy, Su anasy Su anasyn kur ale,

Aldyңda kem basyp torah, yalgyshmyycha әit әle.

The children give her a hand-made comb.

Su anasy: oh, rәkhmat! Yarar min kitim, taragymny bashka җirdan ezlim.

Music from the ballet “Shүrәle” by Yarullina is playing. Shүrәle comes in.

Shurale: oh, oh, barmagym avyrta, barmagym!

There was a kysty, There was a kysty!

Presenter: and, there was a kiskang, there was an elamylar inde! Our children will blow now, and the pain will go away.

The children blow, Shurale begins to tickle them.

Presenter: Shurale, don’t scare our children, but rather play with us!

Game: “Shurale”

Oh Shurale, Shurale! Shuralene kur ale!

Sin әybәt, sin matur, keti, keti it әle!

Shurale: It’s good with you, it’s interesting, but little Shuralyata are waiting for me in the forest, it’s time for me to go home. Thank you for your help, now my finger doesn’t hurt.

Presenter: The children really like the fairy tale about “Shurale” and they drew your portrait, we want to give it to you (they give a portrait).

Shurale: min chynnan da matur, әibәt. I still didn’t think that I was so beautiful. Rәkhmatәt, balalar, kilese elga tagyn kilermen, saubulygyz!

Children: saubulygyz!

Presenter: You and I have already visited fairy tales, and now it’s time for us to return. We now know how famous, unforgettable Tukai was and will remain in the hearts, he is remembered and not forgotten to this day. Many writers have written and are writing good poems about him. He is known not only here, but all over the world!

Final stage

View albums “Tukai Museum in Kyrlay”

Presentation "G. Tukay"

Make a lapbook on the theme: “Tock with us”

Photo report

Excursion with parents to the monument to G. Tukay in Kazan.G.G., 1 sq. category.

Target : To consolidate children’s knowledge about the family - through different

types of activities; be able to compose sentences from two or three words.

Tasks :1.Create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest(cognition).

2. Strengthen the ability to name all family members in Tatar (social and communicative development).

3. Encourage children to participate in dramatization

familiar fairy tales.

2.Develop coherent speech and enrich active vocabulary

children (speech development).

3. To instill accuracy in children when coloring (artistic and creative development).

Project duration: 2 months (long-term).

Children's age: 4-5 years (middle group).

Project type: role-playing game.


It is important for the population of Tatarstan to know both main languages

of our Republic. It is imperative for Russian-speaking children to learn the initial skills of the Tatar language at the kindergarten level in order to reach a conversational level at school age.

which will also help them better understand the indigenous population. For this reason this project was compiled.

Expected results:

Creation of a piggy bank of cognitive information;

Demonstration of children’s creative abilities in various activities;

Consolidation of words in the Tatar language;

Project participants:



3. Tatar language teacher;


5.Musical director;

Project progress:

Preparatory stage.

1. Defining the topic, setting goals and objectives.

2. Selection of illustrations.

3. Drawing up a plan - diagram.

Working with parents.

Selection of costumes, masks, attributes, sewing a large turnip (etc.)

Main stage.

Learning words

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