Letter of gratitude to an unknown soldier. Electronic education in the Republic of Tatarstan

Municipal government agency secondary school-boarding school “Panaevskaya boarding school of secondary (complete) general education”

Letter unknown soldier

Compiled by:

3a grade students


Andreeva E.G.,

teacher primary classes

With. Panaevsk, 2014

Letter to an unknown soldier from 3a grade students

“Your memory is eternal, your feat is immortal!”

We wanted to say "thank you"

For courage, for valor, for courage,

That I can hug my family.

That the sun is shining in the sky,

That I go for a walk calmly.

We wanted to say "thank you"

That you once saved the whole country!

We wanted to say "thank you"

That he defeated the damned enemies,

And, at the cost of my own life,

You gave life to billions!!

Our dear soldier-winner!

We wanted to say "thank you"

What an example to your brave

You taught us how to win too!

(Khabarova A.)

Hello, dear soldier!

A girl named Masha is writing this letter to you. I am 9 years old and I study in 3rd grade. I live in a small village located in Yamal. In our northern corner of the country there has never been terrible wars and collisions, and I want it to always be like this. The Great Patriotic War will remain forever in the memory of people living on this beautiful planet.

We live in peacetime, for this we thank you and all the soldiers of our country. You defended our cities and villages at the cost of your lives; we will never forget your feat. You did not fight for medals and orders. You fought for the freedom of your people. Your heroism and courage deserves great respect. Our generation bows to you. We say “Thank you” to you for the peaceful sky above your head, for a happy childhood and life.

Sincerely, Masha O.

Hello, dear soldier!

69 years have already passed since the great event - Victory Day over fascism.

Russian soldier - warrior-liberator. You walked with heavy boots from Moscow to Berlin, liberating the earth from fascism. Here, every piece of land is soaked in the blood of a Russian soldier who gave his life for the freedom and independence of the Motherland.

The fierce battles have long since ceased, but we cherish the memory in our hearts. Each soldier repeated the words of Alexander Nevsky: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.” They became the motto of your life during the war. These words helped you to withstand all the difficulties of the war days. With every step and shot he forged victory over fascism.

69 years have passed since the war. Russia knows what war is and does not want it to happen again! Therefore, our country, and we together with it, say to everyone: “A world without war! Peace to the world!”

Know that we will not allow a new war.

This is where I finish writing. Sincerely, Maxim N. 3rd grade.


Anna N writes to you... I would like to know more about the army, since my older brother will be drafted into the Russian army in the fall.

What do you do in free time? How do they feed you there? My brother wants to get into the autobat because he really loves cars.

I wish you good health, happiness, don’t get sick and come home quickly, because, probably, your parents are waiting for you at home, and maybe even your sister.


This is written to you by Ulyana P.

Thank you for protecting our country and fighting for our peaceful life. Thank you for your courage, heroism, for the fight against the fascists. If it were not for your feat and courage, we would not live now on this happy and peaceful land. Thank you for giving your life for us, for me, for everyone living today.

Low bow to you! Thank you, unknown soldier!

Hello, unknown soldier!

Unknown soldier! Thank you for fighting the Germans. You probably weren't even scared. We live now in a happy time, in the age of technology. I am very glad that you won this war. My whole family is happy to see you: mother, grandfather, grandmother and me. You are very brave and strong. You did everything so that we studied in such a wonderful school, so that we had everything, that we had the opportunity to study well...

Sincerely, Anna K.

Hello, unknown soldier!

Thank you for the Victory, for defeating the Nazis in this terrible war. Thank you for the fact that we live in our big beautiful country Russia. That we can enjoy life, study at school, go to kindergarten, work. Our village of Panaevsk is calm, no one starts fights, our village is clean and peaceful.

Every year we celebrate May 9 – Victory Day. May is my favorite month. You did everything for this, because I was born in May. And I want to say “thank you very much” for your heroism!!!

Best regards, Polina L.

Based on materials from the newspaper “Kresttsy”

This year the country is celebrating a big holiday - the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This significant date Numerous events are dedicated to our area: meetings, competitions, exhibitions, cool watch, designed mainly for children and youth audiences. It is the younger generation who should know their history well, respect and honor the feat of those who defended peace and our freedom. District local history museum devotes to this topic special attention. At one of these events, museum workers invited students in grades 5-6 of school No. 1 to write a letter to the Unknown Soldier...

This idea resonated. We publish individual appeals girls and boys to the war hero - the Unknown Soldier.

Danila Kodin:“Hello, Unknown Soldier. I have seen many graves of unknown soldiers and in my thoughts I am trying to draw your image. I want to understand what you were like, what helped you get through the most terrible and bloody war? You died on Novgorod land, and the war continued. It ended, and you forever remained a soldier, whose feat people worship. And I see the image of a hero of the Russian land. You were and remain strong spirit and the invincible Russian Soldier! It wasn’t easy for you back then; many went straight from their school desk to the front and into battle. You wanted to live, but you defended your Motherland and died for it. We are very grateful to you for the clear sky above our heads, for the fact that we live in silence. There are hundreds of thousands of unknown soldiers, and Russia is strong in the memory of you. Maybe search engines will find out your name, then your family will know about your heroism. But the whole world already knows that you accomplished a feat in the name of peaceful life on the ground! Kristina Sokolova: “Hello, soldier! I would like to know if you have any relatives? They're probably looking for you, because it's hard when you don't know where your close person. Perhaps they need something. What a pity that you can't write. Or maybe you’re alive, but you’ve forgotten who your family is and where they live. But we are still grateful to you, soldier, for your feat that you accomplished by defending your Motherland and giving your life for it. And if you want to know how I’m doing, I’ll tell you now. We live in peace, without war. I try to study well. At school they tell us about the war, about the exploits of unknown soldiers in the name of peace on earth. The guys write you letters with words of gratitude. I would really like to find your relatives and tell them about you, but most of all, I would like to help you return home.”

Alexander Kalinin:“Hello, soldier. Although I don’t know you, I really want you to survive, I want to thank you for protecting the Motherland. Such courageous people, like you, little! Maybe you were only 18 years old, but you were so brave. For me you are a real hero who is not afraid of his opponent and goes into battle with confidence. Thank you for this!” Sofia Andreeva: “Unknown soldier! A girl Sophia from 5th grade is writing to you. I am very sorry that you remained Unknown. You were beautiful, kind, caring about others, and you had a family. It seems to me that when the war began, you were the first to sign up as a volunteer to defend your Motherland. I wish you were alive. Maybe you are my grandfather's brother, but even if you are not my brother, I still feel very sorry for you and your family. Thank you for defending our Motherland, for sacrificing yourself for it, for me and my loved ones. You fought so that there would be peace on earth, so that people would live in harmony with each other. Thank you for everything!”

Alina Sibul:“I live under a peaceful sky, I go to school, I have family and friends. And I have all this thanks to you, the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. I want to thank you for the courageous feat that you accomplished without sparing your life. Thank you very much for this! I heard many stories about the war from my great-grandmother. She went to the front when she was 20 years old. It was very difficult for them, young people, but they fought with the hope of victory. And all together you won that brutal war! We will always remember you! Thank you for the peaceful sky over our country!”

Maxim Vyalov:"Unknown soldier! Maxim Vyalov is writing to you from the small village of Kresttsy. I'm 12 years old and I'm addicted different types sports and love sweets. You probably loved all of this too. I imagine that as a boy you also played pranks and performed boyish “feats.” So I once climbed into my grandfather’s lawn to steer and accidentally released the handbrake... I got scared, the car drove back and drove into a ditch... Grandfather took me out of the seat, shook his head, gave me some candy and sent me for a walk. This is how I turned out to be a “hero”! And grandfather pulled out our car with the help of a KAMAZ. And you are a real hero, you defended your Motherland and died in an unequal battle with your enemies. You and your peers drove the Nazis out of our land. For this we are all very, very grateful to you. I would like to know more about you and establish your name." Yulia Kondratyeva: “Hello, dear soldier! I am writing to you from back in 2015. From the day great Victory, for which you died, 70 years have passed. Addressing all of you who gave us PEACE, I want to say: “Hold on, soldier! In fierce battles, losing friends and relatives, passing through devastated villages and cities, on land and sea, do not despair, do not retreat, go forward, thinking about your mother, about your beloved, about children, about home, about your country, and you will endure, endure, survive and certainly win, even if you don’t see Victory Day! And it will come on May 9, 1945. There will be so much joy, happiness, jubilation and tears during the first parade on Red Square after the Victory. And then you will see festive fireworks and you will hear the victorious volleys, because from above everything will be clearly visible and audible to you.” The scars of the trenches will heal, cities and villages will be rebuilt from the ashes, new generations will grow up who do not know the horror of war. And your descendants will always be proud of your feat, although your name is unknown. The memory of all the defenders of the Motherland is alive in the stone and bronze of the obelisks, in poems and songs, in the flowers that lie at the foot of the slabs with the inscription “Unknown Soldier”.

Letter to an unknown soldier

Hello, Unknown Soldier! A 10th grade student is writing to you. Why did I decide to write this letter? Probably because I am very grateful to you for my life.

Today we read in history textbooks and often hear on television that on June 22, 1941, the peaceful life of our people was disrupted by an attack fascist Germany. Our country has entered into mortal combat with an insidious, cruel enemy. The war lasted four terrible years, 1418 days and nights. It was holy war. Our Motherland lost millions of sons and daughters in this battle. Every ninth resident of our country did not return from this war. And among them you, the Unknown Soldier. You didn't give up. I survived. He survived. The war became an event during which all citizens big country felt an amazing kinship and brotherhood. You cannot find a family without losses in that war. The war made everyone in the country relatives, and you can’t say “you” to a loved one, only “you”, therefore, I will address you as “you”. We know that the Nazis destroyed and burned hundreds of cities, thousands of villages and hamlets, committed unheard of atrocities, sparing neither the elderly nor children, and not a single work, not a single film is able to convey everything that you experienced in those distant days war, for the sake of our future.

I see you on the battlefield. The fascists are brazenly approaching Moscow, but they cannot be missed, otherwise everything will be in vain, everything will stop: quiet life, love, work…. You were so young, so beautiful! You didn't even have a mustache. Perhaps you were not even 20 years old, and you did not yet know that this would happen and you could simply die without receiving an answer from your beloved girl, to whom you wrote a letter, or maybe you were already quite old, an accomplished person with your own life goals, to which he walked boldly, without looking back. And the enemy kept attacking and attacking. And you helped stop him! You did everything to prevent the enemy from capturing our Motherland! You saved your country! And he himself died.

Since childhood, we have been told about the war that ruined many destinies, so that we do not forget the heroes who fought for our lives. You fought to make the war go further and further. All we can do is thank you for your bravery and remember your exploits. The new generation knows less about heroes than the previous ones, and every citizen of our Motherland should tell their descendants that there were heroes like you, so that younger generation honored and respected your victory!

We live under a peaceful sky and go to school. We have close people. All this is thanks to you, Unknown Soldier! I don't know your name, but I want to say “Thank you!” for your courageous feat, for the fact that we live in this world. We were born and raised in a peaceful land. We know very well how noisy they are spring thunderstorms, but never heard the thunder of guns. We see how new houses are being built, but we do not suspect how easily they are destroyed under a hail of bombs and shells. We know how dreams end, but we find it hard to believe that human life ending it is as easy as a cheerful morning dream. War is scary: it means blood, suffering, death...

I am sure that no one will be forgotten, and your feat will forever remain in our hearts and in our memory. I know that selfless love for native land and a sense of responsibility for all future generations helped you win this most terrible war.

Do you know, the Unknown Soldier, after the war they were created search parties who collected the remains fallen heroes and buried them in one common mass grave. Subsequently, monuments to the Unknown Soldier were erected over such graves, and the Eternal Flame was lit. The names of those killed in that war are immortalized on these monuments. There are countless mass graves, and they are sacred to us. One of them is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Kremlin wall in Moscow. This grave is a shrine for all the people. Our eternal pain. Our eternal pride. Our memory. Our conscience. Grave at the Kremlin wall, in the Alexander Garden. This is symbolic: you defended the northwestern approaches to the capital and seemed to remain its permanent sentinel, its eternal guardian. An unknown soldier, and on the other side of the highway there is a monument over a mass grave, a high embankment hill, heavy granite blocks, a forty-meter concrete obelisk formed by three closed bayonets. There is an inscription on the granite: “1941. Here the defenders of Moscow, who died in battle for their Motherland, remained immortal forever.” I promise that when I finish school, I will go to Moscow and lay flowers on your grave.

Our dear, Unknown Soldier, you will never gain a first and last name. For all those whose loved ones fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, for all those who never knew where their brothers, fathers, grandfathers, the Unknown Soldier laid their heads, you will forever remain that same dear person who sacrificed his life for the future of his descendants, for the future of their homeland.

Thank you for the fact that, enduring fatigue, hunger and even death, you rose into battle for your native land. Thank you for the fact that, despite losing family, friends, and loved ones, you continued to move towards a great victory!!! Thank you for defending our Motherland, you sacrificed yourself for me, my peers, for the sake of all my loved ones and relatives. You were for there to be Peace on Earth, for people to live in harmony with each other. Thank you for everything!

You can rest easy, soldier. We, too, will not allow our enemies to trample our land, and if necessary, we will block his path with our breasts, as you did. I'm proud of you!


Letter to an unknown soldier

Based on materials from the newspaper “Kresttsy”

This year the country is celebrating a big holiday - the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Numerous events are dedicated to this significant date in our area: meetings, competitions, exhibitions, classes, designed mainly for children and youth audiences. It is the younger generation who should know their history well, respect and honor the feat of those who defended peace and our freedom. The regional museum of local lore pays special attention to this topic. At one of these events, museum workers invited students in grades 5–6 of school No. 1 to write a letter to the Unknown Soldier...

This idea resonated. We publish separate appeals from girls and boys to the war hero - the Unknown Soldier.

Danila Kodin:“Hello, Unknown Soldier. I have seen many graves of unknown soldiers and in my thoughts I am trying to draw your image. I want to understand what you were like, what helped you get through the most terrible and bloody war? You died on Novgorod land, and the war continued. It ended, and you forever remained a soldier, whose feat people worship. And I see the image of a hero of the Russian land. You were and remain a strong spirit and an invincible Russian Soldier! It wasn’t easy for you back then; many went straight from their school desk to the front and into battle. You wanted to live, but you defended your Motherland and died for it. We are very grateful to you for the clear sky above our heads, for the fact that we live in silence. There are hundreds of thousands of unknown soldiers, and Russia is strong in the memory of you. Maybe search engines will find out your name, then your family will know about your heroism. But the whole world already knows that you accomplished a feat in the name of a peaceful life on earth!” Kristina Sokolova: “Hello, soldier! I would like to know if you have any relatives? They are probably looking for you, because it’s hard when you don’t know where your loved one is. Perhaps they need something. What a pity that you can't write. Or maybe you’re alive, but you’ve forgotten who your family is and where they live. But we are still grateful to you, soldier, for your feat that you accomplished by defending your Motherland and giving your life for it. And if you want to know how I’m doing, I’ll tell you now. We live in peace, without war. I try to study well. At school they tell us about the war, about the exploits of unknown soldiers in the name of peace on earth. The guys write you letters with words of gratitude. I would really like to find your family and tell them about you, but most of all, I would like to help you return home.”

Alexander Kalinin:“Hello, soldier. Although I don’t know you, I really want you to survive, I want to thank you for protecting the Motherland. There are few courageous people like you! Maybe you were only 18 years old, but you were so brave. For me, you are a real hero who is not afraid of an opponent and goes into battle with confidence. Thank you for this!” Sofia Andreeva: “Unknown soldier! A girl Sophia from 5th grade is writing to you. I am very sorry that you remained Unknown. You were beautiful, kind, caring about others, and you had a family. It seems to me that when the war began, you were the first to sign up as a volunteer to defend your Motherland. I wish you were alive. Maybe you are my grandfather's brother, but even if you are not my brother, I still feel very sorry for you and your family. Thank you for defending our Motherland, for sacrificing yourself for it, for me and my loved ones. You fought so that there would be peace on earth, so that people would live in harmony with each other. Thank you for everything!”

Alina Sibul:“I live under a peaceful sky, I go to school, I have family and friends. And I have all this thanks to you, the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. I want to thank you for the courageous feat that you accomplished without sparing your life. Thank you very much for this! I heard many stories about the war from my great-grandmother. She went to the front when she was 20 years old. It was very difficult for them, young people, but they fought with the hope of victory. And together you won that cruel war! We will always remember you! Thank you for the peaceful sky over our country!”

Maxim Vyalov:"Unknown soldier! Maxim Vyalov is writing to you from the small village of Kresttsy. I am 12 years old, I am interested in various sports and love sweets. You probably loved all of this too. I imagine that as a boy you also played pranks and performed boyish “feats.” So I once climbed into my grandfather’s lawn to steer and accidentally released the handbrake... I got scared, the car drove back and drove into a ditch... Grandfather took me out of the seat, shook his head, gave me some candy and sent me for a walk. This is how I turned out to be a “hero”! And grandfather pulled out our car with the help of a KAMAZ. And you are a real hero, you defended your Motherland and died in an unequal battle with your enemies. You and your peers drove the Nazis out of our land. For this we are all very, very grateful to you. I would like to know more about you and establish your name." Yulia Kondratyeva: “Hello, dear soldier! I am writing to you from back in 2015. 70 years have passed since the day of the great Victory, for which you died. Addressing all of you who gave us PEACE, I want to say: “Hold on, soldier! In fierce battles, losing friends and relatives, passing through devastated villages and cities, on land and at sea, do not despair, do not retreat, go forward, thinking about your mother, about your beloved, about your children, about your home, about your country, and you will endure, endure, survive and certainly win, even if you don’t see Victory Day! And it will come on May 9, 1945. There will be so much joy, happiness, jubilation and tears during the first parade on Red Square after the Victory. And then you will see the festive fireworks and hear the victorious volleys, because everything will be clearly visible and heard from above.” The scars of the trenches will heal, cities and villages will be rebuilt from the ashes, new generations will grow up who do not know the horror of war. And your descendants will always be proud of your feat, although your name is unknown. The memory of all the defenders of the Motherland is alive in the stone and bronze of the obelisks, in poems and songs, in the flowers that lie at the foot of the slabs with the inscription “Unknown Soldier”.

Competition “Letter to a Soldier”

Competition “Letter to a Soldier”

Conducted by Vaskelainen L.I.

I am writing to an unknown fighter

In those terrible forties,

When the fighter is face to face

Entered into the rumbles of the front...

How much is hidden in a triangle written in your own hand? How the soldiers waited for these triangle letters, how they wanted to hear the voice of a loved one in these simple and uncomplicated lines. And every news from relatives is both joy that news has come from home, and soul-chilling anxiety: “Did something happen?” In turbulent times, a letter is a way to support a soldier, to give him additional resources - “a potion of courage, confidence and strength”, if you like, an opportunity to convey the feelings and love of loved ones to the war...

We publish the best essays in our edition of the newspaper “From Manuscript to Print” and on the school website. We thank the children and their leaders - primary school teachers Vaskelainen L.I., Makarenkova N.Yu., literature teacher Abdulaeva T.K.

Hello, soldier, defender of the Motherland.

Hello, dear veteran, who went through the most terrible war in history. For many years the country has been illuminated by the light of victories in the Great Patriotic War. The Victory Day is dear to the heart of each of us living in the 21st century.

Your feat is immortal, it will live for centuries. At the cost of your life you defended victory.

It was you who fought at Stalingrad, lacking sleep and malnutrition. It was you who threw yourself under fascist tanks so as not to let the enemy enter your native land.

Thank you! Thanks to all those who bravely fought for their homeland. Thanks to you, we now live a peaceful life. I have not seen the war, but I know at what price happiness is won. And I bow to you because now we live happily.

I will remember those who fought for freedom, for the bright future of our Motherland.

Dear war veteran!

Congratulations on the Great Victory.

This is a joyful and sad day.

This is a celebration with tears in our eyes.

Thank you, Veterans. It was you who gave us life.

Thank you for the clear sky, for the clear clear day.

Thank you for what you have done for us.

You didn't feel sorry for yourself. They risked themselves and saved everyone living on Earth.

You fought for a piece of land so as not to give it to your enemies.

Thank you for the fact that we did not hear the drone of planes,

explosions of exploding bombs, the roar of tanks destroying everything in their path.

We are grateful to you. We study in peace, and no one bothers us.

The time will come, and I, too, will defend my Motherland.

I will stand up for our Fatherland just like you.

Ashoto Martirosyan, 2nd grade

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on Victory Day! We are grateful to you for risking your lives to defend our Motherland. Thanks to your courage, we all live under calm skies. If not for your courage, fascist soldiers would have captured Russia. On this sunny and festive day, we want to thank you for your courage, courage and faith in victory! Listening to your stories about the war, we are amazed at your courage. We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts good health and smile more often!

Narek Yedigaryan, 2nd grade

Dear veterans, millions of you died in our land, bringing Victory Day closer for the sake of future generations, for our sake. And we often forget about historical exploits our country, we know little about you. Ours is blurry national identity, the sense of patriotism and love for the homeland is lost. Forgive us for not knowing your great history, for indifference and indifference to you. There are so few of you left, and you do not demand or expect anything from us. Dear, family and friends of our veterans, live longer, hold on until the end. I believe that the time will come when young people will understand that it is impossible to live like this any longer, they need to return to their great roots, remember, study and honor the past of their native land. After all, without the past there is no present, which means there is no future! I know this for sure!

Gor Sargsyan, 2nd grade

Hello, dear veteran! A 2nd grade student from school 259 is contacting you. Let me express my sincere gratitude and deepest gratitude for your heroic feat in the name of our great Motherland, which you carried out during the Great Patriotic War. What do I know about war?! War is scary time trials, grief and hardships for every person to whom the world is dear. In this difficult time for people, our Russian troops managed to overcome their fear, gather strength and courageously fight for their home country, for freedom, the future generation, for us! Men of all ages volunteered for the front. Among them were adults: fathers and grandfathers, and there were very young sons, but, despite the years, everyone fought equal conditions. Brave women went to fight, sacrificing their lives, they helped the wounded, while others worked in the rear, worrying about each of you. Bit by bit, our warriors collected victory, sacrificing their lives, their dreams. They were ruled by love for the Motherland, for their loved ones, for freedom.

Bobur Yusupov, 2nd grade

Dear Veteran. Of course, I don’t know your name or who you are. I literally know nothing about you, but I know what you've done greatest feat for our sake. And the fact that I don’t know you does not prevent me from expressing great gratitude. I thank you that I exist in this world, I go to school calmly and don’t hear explosions. You gave us life! Thank you.

Mardona Komiljonova, 2nd grade

Hello, our dear veterans! Thank you so much for fighting valiantly, fearlessly throwing yourself under bullets, going into last Stand for your homeland, for loved ones, for future life their descendants. You defended every meter of your land, staining it with blood. You were just children, boys who had just left school desks, and mature, gray-haired old men. Love and fear for the Beloved Fatherland united all of you and forced you to take up arms in your hands, accustomed only to peaceful labor. You were of different classes, religions and nationalities, but your hearts were occupied with only one thing: to protect and save the great, united, dear Motherland. You fought to the last drop of blood, not retreating even a meter, afraid to give the enemy a piece of our land.

Khovylyg Ottuk-Dash, 2nd grade

Hello, soldier of war! I really love my grandfather's stories about the war and how the soldiers conquered Berlin. I don't know anything about you, but I know that you were a brave man because you didn't run away from the battlefield. Thank you for the clear sky, for the liberated St. Petersburg (Leningrad) and for all of Russia. Thanks a lot!

Timofey Bolotin, 2nd grade

The war is long over. But the memory of the feat of our great-grandfathers is kept in the hearts of people.

My grandfather is 70 years old and he was not in the war. But he told me about my great-grandfathers.

My dear great-grandfathers! Thank you. Thank you for giving us happy life.

We can calmly walk the streets and enjoy the sun, study at school, do what we love, travel to different countries.

Dear great-grandfathers! We are proud of you. We will always remember you.

You don't know me, but to some extent I know you. Sorry to bother you with my letter, but I think this letter will make you happy.

The war is over... I can imagine how much joy is in your soul now.

I'm glad you're returning home to your family. Thank you for protecting us and our country.

The whole country celebrates Victory Day. I will go to the parade with pleasure and great pride.

I want there to be no wars on earth. After all, how good it is to live in peace.

I remember and hug you.

Mary Sevonyan, 3rd grade

I, all my friends and family owe our lives to you. You gave us a peaceful sky above our heads. And now, on the anniversary of the Great Victory, I express my great gratitude to you for the feat that you accomplished.

Artyom Zhuravlev, 3rd grade

I want to thank you for

That you defended our Motherland,

Because you died so that we could live here.

And that he drove the Nazis to Berlin.

Great-grandfather Dmitry also did not return.

He defended Leningrad during the siege.

Died in '42, with a dream of something better,

So that I grow up and repay my debt to the country.

Karl Bratchikov, 3rd grade

Thank you for saving us.

Thank you a thousand times.

Thank you for saving our city!

You risked your life

So that there is no war.

You risked your life

To save us.

Let's say thank you a thousand times!

I wish you a long life.

Naira Arakelyan, 3rd grade

Thank you, I am writing to you very much

For the fact that I live now.

Because you have averted evil,

And they protected us from fascism.

Granny's sister Yanina

She died in the waters of Ladoga then.

Airplanes bombed the barge, -

Saving people, she could not swim out.

Chirva Miroslava, 3rd grade

Not burned by the forties,

Hearts rooted in silence,

Of course, we look with different eyes

For your big war.

We know from confused, difficult stories

About the bitter victorious path,

Therefore, we must at least our mind

Go through the road of suffering.

And we have to figure it out ourselves

In the pain that the world has suffered.

Of course, we look with different eyes,

Just as full of tears.

Mariana Gabrelyan, 3rd grade

Hello, dear unknown soldier!

A student of school 259 is writing to you. St. Petersburg Golytsinsky Ruslan. Your service is not easy, but it is very important for the whole country. After all, the calm and peace over the heads of all citizens, all Russians depends on how your military everyday life goes! We know it's hard for you. You risk your life while at war, defending us and our Motherland!

I wish you, soldier, to cope with all the difficulties that you will encounter on your military and later life path.

Let this be the path of goodness and justice, the path of achievements and victories.

We believe in you, that you will never betray your Motherland, country, people close and dear to you. Health, good luck, victories, strength, calmness and imagination in the face of the enemy!

Ruslan Golytsinsky, 3rd grade

Hello, dear veterans!

Those events of the Great Patriotic War are far in the past. There is no longer a state under whose banner you fought back against fascism. But we know a lot about your exploits, thanks to which we live in independent country free people. What remains is the love and gratitude of the inhabitants of the liberated countries.

This victory was achieved not only by the courage of the soldiers on the battlefields. Its foundation was forged in the rear: in factories and factories, on collective farms and villages. I think that people working in the rear also deserve to be called defenders of their Motherland. The war took everything. It deprived many young people of their adolescence and youth. They had work shifts, a plan, sewing machines and a great desire to help the Motherland survive this brutal war.

And the country survived, won, saved the world and humanity from fascism. And I am proud that my country won!

Oksana Tsynovkina, 7th grade

Hello, unknown soldier! I am writing this letter to someone who is ready to give his life for the Fatherland. You fought with the Nazis and did not survive the battle. I wanted you to survive and to participate in the parade today so that your medals would sparkle in the sun. You saved us from invaders and paved the way to better world. I thank you, soldier! And remember, you are alive in our hearts. Know that you did not give your life in vain! I really want people not to forget about your exploits that you performed. These feats mean a lot to the people. You are a person with big name! You are a real hero, soldier! Probably no one loves their homeland as much as you loved, because you gave your life for it. Thank you, soldier, for clear skies, for a free Motherland, for a happy life. Low bow to you!

Lilith Kagiyan, 8th grade

Hello, my name is Maria, I’m 15 years old, I don’t know you, but I admire you. You protect the peace of people, your country and fatherland. I haven't seen you and don't know you. But I am sure that you are very brave and strong. My friends don't like to talk about the army. Not all of them want to serve. I consider this a betrayal of my homeland. They should be proud that they have the honor of defending their homeland. But I think this will go away with age. We all know that serving is not easy. You are far from home and family, you haven’t seen your friends for a long time. But it's worth it. You keep them safe. And not only theirs, but also ours. Thank you so much for being here. You are a person to be proud of. You serve as an example for all of us. THANK YOU.

Maria Mrktchyan, 7th grade

Anna Akhmatova
We know what's on the scales now

Electronic education in the Republic of Tatarstan

MBOU "Secondary school No. 143 with in-depth study of individual subjects" Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan

Business card

Campaign “Letter to a Soldier”

Hello, dear soldier!

A 1st grade student, Innokenty Krotov, is writing to you. I want to thank you for your courage and bravery in wartime. Thank you for having us Russian people, we live in calm times and do not see the horror that you saw during the war. Thank you and your comrades for the Victory.

Low bow to you, soldiers of 1941-1945.

student of grade 1B Krotov I.A.

Hello, soldier! Soldier of the most terrible war!

My name is Valeria. I am in 5th grade high school No. 143 of the city of Kazan. You, of course, don’t know me, because I was born under the peaceful sky of my beloved Motherland, which you defended in the distant years 1941-1945. I know about the war only from books, from films, from conversations with my great-grandfather, a colonel in the Soviet Army.

Listening to his stories, I could not remain indifferent to the feat ordinary soldiers who passed this terrible war, whom nothing could break, nothing made them falter, betray, or retreat.

Thank you, soldier! Thanks to everyone who, standing next to you, enduring fatigue, hunger and death, rose into battle! Thank you for the fact that, despite losing loved ones, relatives, friends, you continued to move towards the Great Victory, thanks to which there has been peace in our country for 70 years!

Thank you soldier! Low bow to you.

student of class 5A Fedorova Valeria

Dear great-grandfather and great-grandmother!

This year, on May 9, we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over the Nazis. Only thanks to your incomparable courage, your endless patience, your enormous willpower, today we have a peaceful sky above our heads and freedom. We rejoice, because our great country belongs to us, not to our enemy. Thank you for being able to withstand and win this unequal war. We will never tire of thanking you for the lives you have given us and will always remember your exploits. Low bow to you.

Students of grade 6B

The girl Katya is writing to you. I'm only 12 years old. I don’t know how bad it is for you there now, children and adults... after all, I have never picked up a weapon, saved the wounded, or even worked on machines. I understand that you try, endure and fight. I know you will win! I am very grateful to you! If it weren't for you, we, people of the 21st century, would not exist.

I believe in you! There's only a little time left until Victory! Remember that the people who will live on this earth after the war will always remember you! After all, you brought us clear skies above our heads. Remember this, front-line soldiers!

6B class student Katya

Hello! I am writing to you from the future. It's 2015 here.

I would like to thank you, because you are one of those who gave their lives for their beloved Motherland! Our country lives peacefully, there is no fascism. In our new generation appeared mobile phones And electronic devices, almost everyone has a car, everyone is well-fed, everyone has meat and a variety of food.

There are people in our country who are searching for missing soldiers. It’s a pity that not everyone remembers those who saved them from fascism, but despite this, most people remember your feat and courage.

If you look from the outside at modern guys, you can understand that most of them are cowards, because they are trying to get away from the army, like some stupid boys.

And yet, it was not in vain that you died of cold, hunger, said goodbye to your loved ones forever and ended up in concentration camps. This is all very scary! We will not be able to fully understand all this, but we, the younger generation, will do everything to ensure that you remain in the hearts of people forever!

From regular modern girl Adele

Hello, dear veteran!

Let me express my words to you sincere gratitude, deepest gratitude for your heroic feat in the name of our great motherland which you carried out during the Great Patriotic War.

What do we know about the war? War is a terrible time of trial and sorrow. In this difficult time for people, the soldiers of the Red Army managed to overcome their fear, gather strength and courageously fight for their native country, for freedom, for the future generation - for us.

Men of all ages volunteered to go to the front. Brave women went to battle, sacrificing their lives, they helped the wounded, others worked in the rear, worrying about each of you.

Bit by bit, our soldiers collected victory, sacrificing their lives, their dreams, because they were ruled by love for the Motherland, for their loved ones, for freedom.

You have won! For the sake of the future, for our sake, and we say to you: “Thank you! Human Thank you for your feat, for your peaceful life, for the happiness of seeing the sun and mother every day!”

We wish you good health, many years life and if there are tears in your eyes, it’s only from happiness! Low bow to you!

Students of class 10A

Hello, dear veteran

Great Patriotic War!

Usually letters begin with congratulations and wishes, but I would like to start my letter with gratitude. After all, one cannot help but admire your feat, which will forever remain in people’s memory.

Thank you for the fact that, as a child, you stood at the machine and without trembling repeated the immortal phrase “Everything for the front, everything for Victory!” Thank you for the fact that in the severe frost, after going through terrible trials, you went to liberate the captured cities. Thank you for the fact that, having lost loved ones, you did not give up, did not give up, for the fact that the fire of hope burned, is burning and will continue to burn in your eyes.

You went through hell, and we are unlikely to understand how it was. If it were not for your strength, courage, perseverance, patience, endurance, perhaps we would not exist.

I know that in our time there are people who cannot be called people who forget about those who gave us a peaceful sky. Forgive us for this. But I also know that there are many more of those who honor and remember. We are strong, we have an example of perseverance, courage and justice - this is you. Believe in us, we will not let you down!

Remember, you are not alone on earth, you have us, the younger generation. We who remember and honor.

Zakiryaeva Elvina, 10 A class

Hello, dear soldier!

Many years have passed since the horrific events of the Great Patriotic War. And now we live in peacetime. For this world we must say thank you to you, who are ready to give their lives for the Motherland.

Our letter is gratitude. First of all, gratitude for the fact that we and our independent Russian state. Thank you for going into bloody battle for the sake of our bright future. Thank you for your lives given for us!

Now there are very few veterans left, and we must make every effort for your better life because you are our pride!

We really want people to always remember the feat of the brave and strong soldiers, about the feat thanks to which we exist!

8B grade students

We don’t know each other, but I know a lot about you... I know how hard it is for you now, how much you miss your family and your happy, carefree and, most importantly, peaceful life...

You are now back in 1941, and we will never meet again, so I decided to write you this letter. I really hope it reaches you.

My name is Ilsur, I am a student of school No. 143, I live and study in my hometown Kazan. I am writing to you from the very distant future, from 2015.

It seems to me that you are smiling now... Because you understand that you won this war! We were able to defend our Motherland! At what cost own lives and indescribable pain, gave us life!

In my letter I want to tell you about how we live now. It's winter outside, the month of February, and I want spring to come as soon as possible, because in the spring we are all preparing for one of my favorite holidays - May 9! Maybe you have a hard time believing it now, but May 9 is Great Victory Day! Your Victory! In our city it is always celebrated with a large and beautiful parade; many people come to the square with balloons, flags and good mood! Everyone is very joyful and happy, but they still cry... When I was very little, I didn’t understand why everyone was crying on such a good and bright holiday? After all, you should be happy! But when I grew up, I learned that on this holiday, tears of joy and happiness are mixed with tears of pain and bitterness for the dead and those killed in the war.

Thanks to you, Soldier, we now live in peace. We have bright skies above our heads! Remember, always and everywhere, that we will never, under any circumstances, forget about you! You are forever in our hearts! Eternal memory to you and our endless gratitude!

Safiullin Ilsur, 9A class

How to write a letter to an unknown soldier

Did not return from the fields of that holy war

Millions of guys are the color and pride of the country,

Mother's tears, widows' despair

And the skeletons of charred cities.

Letter to an unknown soldier

Hello, Dear Soldier! I am writing to you with gratitude for what you have done so much for us. You defeated the Nazis and thanks to you we now have a peaceful sky, no bullets whistling, no grenades exploding. During the war, people had to eat nettles, but now, in peacetime, we live in abundance and do not starve.
Even children and women fought back then. And those who didn’t fight helped in any way they could: they knitted socks, mittens, harvested bread, plowed the land - they worked in the rear.
Monuments are erected in honor of you: soldiers, children and girls, so that people know and remember that you fought for our future, sacrificed your life.
My great-grandfather Yakov Petrovich Volkov fought with the Japanese. And Volkova’s great-grandmother Elizaveta Andreevna was at the front and worked as a nurse in a hospital.
Dear soldier, I want to tell you about our years of peace.
Everything is very good with us now: children go to kindergartens and study at schools, and their parents go to work. No one attacks us, and we are not at war with anyone.
In our district village They built a cultural center, a library, a museum, a hospital, a stadium, a kindergarten and a gas station where cars are refueled. Many new streets have appeared with the names of people who fought in the war, for example: st. D. Karbysheva, st. A. Matrosova, st. G. Zhukova. Each of them has a monument to the dead soldier.
Schoolchildren often go to see these monuments, and the teacher tells them about the exploits of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
On the square where a rally is held every year on Victory Day, there is a monument to the unknown soldier, and next to it there is a fire eternal flame, and there is also memorial plaque, on which all the names of those killed during the war are written.
The ninth of May is a significant holiday that is celebrated in all cities and in many countries.
People prepare for it in advance: they set up tents where they serve buckwheat porridge, hang flags, come up with a program for the holiday, and fence off special places for the parade with flags.
The holiday starts at 10 am and ends at 11 pm.
At ten o'clock people come to the square and the rally begins. Veterans are congratulated, children give flowers, poems are recited to them, songs of the war years are sung. A minute of silence passes and all the people bring flowers to the monument.
In the evening, people come to the square, watch the concert, and at exactly 11 o’clock in the evening fireworks are set off.
Dear soldier. Eternal memory to you!

Hello, dear soldier!

A student of 3 “A” class Klimovich Zlata is writing to you. I'm still nine years old, but I'm proud that I can write you a letter. I admire your courage, bravery and feat. I don’t know where you fought during the war. Maybe you fought near Moscow, Murmansk, Prokhorovka, defended Stalingrad. I also don’t know how you died: either you threw yourself under a tank, or covered your comrade with your body, or you were the first to rush into the attack. But I know well that you defended your land, your home, your children. I will always remember your feat. Every year on May 9, Victory Day, I bring flowers to the monument fallen soldiers. I want there to be peace and no war, so that people don’t die, children and mothers don’t cry.
Goodbye, unknown soldier.

Letter to an unknown soldier sample 5th grade

Letter to an unknown soldier

Based on materials from the newspaper Kresttsy

This year the country is celebrating a big holiday - the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Numerous events are dedicated to this significant date in our area: meetings, competitions, exhibitions, classes, designed mainly for children and youth audiences. It is the younger generation who should know their history well, respect and honor the feat of those who defended peace and our freedom. The regional museum of local lore pays special attention to this topic. At one of these events, museum workers invited students in grades 5-6 of school No. 1 to write a letter to the Unknown Soldier...

This idea resonated. We publish separate appeals from girls and boys to the war hero - the Unknown Soldier.

Danila Kodin: Hello, Unknown Soldier. I have seen many graves of unknown soldiers and in my thoughts I am trying to draw your image. I want to understand what you were like, what helped you get through the most terrible and bloody war? You died on Novgorod land, and the war continued. It ended, and you forever remained a soldier, whose feat people worship. And I see the image of a hero of the Russian land. You were and remain a strong spirit and an invincible Russian Soldier! It wasn’t easy for you back then; many went straight from their school desk to the front and into battle. You wanted to live, but you defended your Motherland and died for it. We are very grateful to you for the clear sky above our heads, for the fact that we live in silence. There are hundreds of thousands of unknown soldiers, and Russia is strong in the memory of you. Maybe search engines will find out your name, then your family will know about your heroism. But the whole world already knows that you accomplished a feat in the name of peaceful life on earth! Kristina Sokolova: Hello, soldier! I would like to know if you have any relatives? They are probably looking for you, because it’s hard when you don’t know where your loved one is. Perhaps they need something. What a pity that you can't write. Or maybe you’re alive, but you’ve forgotten who your family is and where they live.

Alexander Kalinin: Hello, soldier. Although I don’t know you, I really want you to survive, I want to thank you for protecting the Motherland. There are few courageous people like you! Maybe you were only 18 years old, but you were so brave. For me, you are a real hero who is not afraid of an opponent and goes into battle with confidence. Thank you for this! Sofia Andreeva: Unknown soldier! A girl Sophia from 5th grade is writing to you. I am very sorry that you remained Unknown. You were beautiful, kind, caring about others, and you had a family. It seems to me that when the war began, you were the first to sign up as a volunteer to defend your Motherland. I wish you were alive. Maybe you are my grandfather's brother, but even if you are not my brother, I still feel very sorry for you and your family. Thank you for defending our Motherland, for sacrificing yourself for it, for me and my loved ones. You fought so that there would be peace on earth, so that people would live in harmony with each other. Thank you for everything!

Alina Sibul: I live under a peaceful sky, I go to school, I have family and friends. And I have all this thanks to you, the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. I want to thank you for the courageous feat that you accomplished without sparing your life. Thank you very much for this! I heard many stories about the war from my great-grandmother. She went to the front when she was 20 years old. It was very difficult for them, young people, but they fought with the hope of victory. And together you won that cruel war! We will always remember you! Thank you for the peaceful sky over our country!

Maxim Vyalov: Unknown soldier! Maxim Vyalov is writing to you from the small village of Kresttsy. I am 12 years old, I am interested in various sports and love sweets. You probably loved all of this too. I imagine that as a boy you also played pranks and performed boyish feats. So I once climbed into my grandfather’s lawn to steer and accidentally released the handbrake... I got scared, the car drove back and drove into a ditch... Grandfather took me out of the seat, shook his head, gave me some candy and sent me for a walk. This is how I turned out to be a hero! And grandfather pulled out our car with the help of a KAMAZ. And you are a real hero, you defended your Motherland and died in an unequal battle with your enemies. You and your peers drove the Nazis out of our land. For this we are all very, very grateful to you. I would like to know more about you and establish your name. Yulia Kondratyeva: Hello, dear soldier! I am writing to you from back in 2015. 70 years have passed since the day of the great Victory, for which you died. Addressing all of you who gave us PEACE, I want to say: Hold on, soldier! In fierce battles, losing friends and relatives, passing through devastated villages and cities, on land and at sea, do not despair, do not retreat, go forward, thinking about your mother, about your beloved, about your children, about your home, about your country, and you will endure, endure, survive and certainly win, even if you don’t see Victory Day! And it will come on May 9, 1945. There will be so much joy, happiness, jubilation and tears during the first parade on Red Square after the Victory. And then you will see the festive fireworks and hear the victorious volleys, because everything will be clearly visible and heard from above. The scars of the trenches will heal, cities and villages will be rebuilt from the ashes, new generations will grow up who do not know the horror of war. And your descendants will always be proud of your feat, although your name is unknown. The memory of all the defenders of the Motherland is alive in the stone and bronze of the obelisks, in poems and songs, in the flowers that lie at the foot of the slabs with the inscription “Unknown Soldier”.

I've never seen war

And I can’t imagine its horror,

But the fact that our world wants silence,

Essay on the topic

Letter to a Soldier Essay

Hello, dear grandfather!

I hasten to convey greetings to you from our entire family!

How are you doing? How is your health? What new can you tell me? If you suddenly need new medications, be sure to let us know.

Recently we had a concert at our school and open lesson, dedicated to the years of the Great Patriotic War. I took an active part in all events: I wrote an essay, learned poems, songs, and looked for information about all my relatives who took part in the war.

And when very old veterans entered the hall, leaning on a stick and hung with medals, I felt terribly sorry for them, I wanted to cry, I struggled to hold back tears. Listening to stories about the war and remembering you, I suddenly felt fear from the thought that you would someday not be in this world, and I wouldn’t have time to tell you that I love you very much!

I was born under the peaceful sky of our beloved Motherland, I never heard the howl of bombs or the roar of cannonade. I know about the war from books, from films, from history, but I am sure that no works of art will not be able to convey everything that you experienced in those distant years of war for the sake of our future. Thank you!

War is a terrible thing, because in four years it has claimed millions of lives. Among them were children, my peers, and they wanted to live, enjoy the sun and peaceful sky! Listening to the stories of veterans, I felt especially clearly that war means tears, losses, death, this is our native land suffering from ruptures. wounded and covered in the blood of her children. You always spoke little about that time... I understand that it’s hard for you to remember it. But I want to know how it was for you. I want to know everything about you - and the most terrible and bitter things too!

I curse fascism! He destroyed so many lives in the name of one fevered brain. I am very ashamed of today’s “Hitler imitators,” skinheads, neo-Nazis, who do not understand and are not aware of what the swastika symbol actually hides behind it. Now is a completely different time compared to the times of the Great Patriotic War, my generation is growing up late, but it must know at what price happiness is won. Our task is how younger generation- to preserve the bright memory of those who gave their lives for us, who fought for our lives.

Approaching great holiday- Victory Day. This is a holiday for our whole family. You, grandpa, are a true legend and a role model for all our youth! It was not in vain that you endured, survived, endured all these harsh years. I am proud of all the people who so courageously defended my Motherland, fought for a peaceful sky above their heads and bravely rushed into battle in the name of the future.

At the end of my letter, I want to thank you for fighting for me. The country needs people like you.

I want to wish you great health and prosperity. Grandpa, live long, long time! I really need you! I promise to study well and never disappoint you. Wait for me on vacation, I miss you very much! I want to ask you a lot. Grandpa, I'm proud of you!


Pupils of the 7th grade of MBOU Secondary School No. 154 in Ekaterinburg


I am writing to you from my absurd childhood,

Before a wartime hero

I bow my knees.

For life under a peaceful sky,

For the smell of hot bread,

For the morning sparkle of dawn,

For the generosity of our native land!

War is an ocean without borders

Living and dead faces

Sounds of explosions and groans!

All for one icon:

Those whose parade formation

From the Kremlin towers he went into battle

Those for whom Leningrad

Became a hungry step to hell

Those who closed themselves

Russia near the Kursk Bulge

Those who rose and fell

In the battle of Stalingrad.

And in Berlin raised the red flag,

When the enemy was defeated!

Could my friends do it?

Through the Internet's prism

Give your life for the Fatherland?

Don't write poems or books,

Just stand in a row and fight!

From a well-fed childhood to the trench!

From the only life - to the grave!

Not as a victim of a villain,

And the fate of millions of people

Teacher of Russian language and literature Marina Yurievna Gorbacheva

Letter to an unknown soldier

Winner of the regional competition research work An unknown soldier studying at the Lezhensky School.

Dear great-grandfather Ivan Vasilievich!

Your great-granddaughter Marina, whom you don’t know, is writing to you, and you are an unknown soldier to me, but the closest and dear person. I've never seen you, not even in a photograph.

When the war began, you went to the front to defend your homeland. And we stayed at home faithful wife Evdokia and your children: son Shurka and daughter Valya (my grandmother). It was very difficult for them without you both during the war and after it. Grandmother recalled how poor they were. It was hard for everyone then, especially for orphaned families left without a breadwinner. She was offended to the point of tears that her uncle (your brother) never brought gifts to his nephews and did not help the widow in any way. And you, great-grandfather, were very kind and never divided children into your own and others. Until she was very old, my grandmother could not forget the nursery cherished dream that father will certainly return. Your wife, my great-grandmother Donya, never remarried, waited for you all her life and believed that one day the door would open and you would come in.

I also know that you had golden hands, and your children inherited this: your son was a good carpenter, and your daughter knitted, embroidered, weaved carpets, and was not afraid of any work. Grandchildren have grown up worthy people, among them are teachers, a doctor, a military man, a driver, an agronomist. A temple has been built in your native village, and your father’s house has been inhabited.

My mother is still trying to find out at least something about you, except for a meager entry in the Book of Memory: Vasiliev Ivan Vasilyevich, 1907, Timsky district, p. Rogoztsy, private, missing in action on 12/1944. I contacted the military registration and enlistment office and made a request to the Memorial website. So far, all to no avail.

You went through almost the entire war, in December 1944 the light in your wife’s eyes dimmed - they brought a notice. And you didn’t know that five months later, on May 9, 1945, the long-awaited fireworks would be heard and the victory flag would fly over the Reichstag.

My sister Valya was in Germany last year and walked across German soil for you, but you didn’t have time. We don't know where your grave is, but I believe that the time will come and it will be possible to go where we passed last minutes of your life.

What a pity that you didn't come back. I will always remember that I live in the world thanks to you and all the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Dear great-grandfather, I want to bow at your feet because there is a clear, peaceful sky above my head and I can calmly study and dream.

We, your great-grandchildren, will not let you down and will live our lives in such a way as to be worthy of your memory.

Marina Artsybasheva, your great-granddaughter, 11 years old.

My son, who is in 1st grade, needs to write a letter to a soldier. I can’t even imagine what to write about! HELP.

some kind of aunt Ryhukhol Palna Oracle (95112) 5 years ago

imagine that there is a war and write. they say beat the bastards and come back alive.

Phobos Enlightened (25947) 5 years ago

“Your service is not easy, but it is very important for the whole country. After all, the calm and peace over the heads of all citizens depends on how your military everyday life goes. Russian Federation, all Russians. We know that it’s hard for you, you’re risking your life while in “hot spots.” but remember, risk is a noble cause, which means you, soldier, are a noble person, something you can be proud of yourself, and your family can be proud of. You must not forget: behind you, a strong protector, are thousands of human lives.

We wish you, soldier, to cope with all the difficulties that you will encounter on your military and later life journey.

Let this be the path of goodness and justice, the path of achievements and victories. We believe in you, that you will never give up your homeland, country, relatives, friends and people dear to you.

Health, good luck, victories, strength, perseverance and endurance in the face of the enemy.”

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This year, the government decided that December 3 will become the Day of Remembrance of the Unknown Soldier. On this day, everyone in our country will honor the valor and feat of all those who died and whose names remain forever in the past...

Our college is hosting the “Letter to the Unknown Soldier” event. I, like many students, could not remain indifferent and also wrote my message...

Hello, unknown soldier!

History has erased from people's memory your name, but we, living now, will never forget the immortal feat.

How many kilometers have you walked in heavy soldier boots? How many days and nights did you not sleep, defending every inch of your native land? How did you relax on rare halts, sing songs, read and write letters? Who was waiting for you at home? Mother, wife, bride? How did you feel when you went on the attack for the hundredth time? Or maybe a merciless bullet killed you in the very first battle? Or did you deliberately shield your comrade from the enemy? Or maybe it was on fire in the tank Kursk Bulge or was he going to ram in the sky? How did you die? Where did death watch you?

We will never know, we will never hear answers to these questions... We can only come to your grave... come, bow and leave flowers, because there are no such words of saints that could express our gratitude to you, soldier! Gratitude for the fact that we were born, for the fact that many of us do not know what war is, for the fact that we do not need to be afraid of the arrival of the postman...

The land where your ashes are buried is sacred! This means that all the land on which we walk is sacred, for so many of you are left lying on the edge of the forest, in the swamp, in endless fields and steppes! And somewhere in Belarus there is a place that you won’t find more expensive for me! The place where my “unknown” soldier lies, great-grandfather Andrei Mishin, who went missing in September of the harsh year of forty-two…. Maybe my great-grandfather lies in a mass grave, and someone bows to him and brings flowers? Or maybe, in the place where he was struck down by an enemy bullet or a fragment of a grenade, where he remained forever, trees now grow, and people, walking there, have no idea of ​​his holiness?How can I find this piece of land, soldier?

He disappeared at twenty-seven, leaving behind a beautiful wife who waited until the end of her days for the return of her husband, and little daughters, Marusya and Ninochka... What did they have left of him? Only this old pre-war card, memory and love, which were inherited from me... Give him, unknown soldier, a low bow and say that he was not forgotten in his native land!

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