The social environment is. The concept of the social environment and its main characteristics

Biological factor influences the development process not directly, but indirectly. Hereditary and congenital characteristics represent only possibilities for the future development of the individual. Its course largely depends on what environment, what system of living conditions and relationships the biological individual will be included in.

The concept of environment includes the entire set of conditions in which the development of an organism takes place.
The environment includes three components: natural, material (or objective) and social.
The natural environment consists of climate, vegetation, geographical conditions. The natural environment has indirect influence through the lifestyle and work of adults. It is known that the games of children living in different continents, are different.

The material environment is presented artificial world created by man himself is household items, forming the immediate environment of a person, buildings, books, works of art, etc. In the course of his development, the child gradually masters the ways of using these things; objects around him contribute to the formation of ideas.

But highest value has a social environment for development. The facts available in science prove that outside human society a baby cannot become a real person, a person.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Indian psychologist Reed Singh discovered in wolf pack two girls: eight and one and a half years old. The youngest died a year later, and the eldest lived to be 17 years old. Over the course of 9 years, she was almost weaned from wolfish habits, but the girl essentially never mastered speech, with with great difficulty she only used about 40 words.

History has examples that, under appropriate environmental conditions, an individual can achieve high level development.

The expedition of the French scientist J. Velar discovered in a village lost in the depths of the forests Central America, abandoned to the mercy of fate, a little girl who was later named Marie Yvonne. She belonged to the Guayaquil tribe - the most backward in the world. globe. The girl was brought to Paris and placed in school. Ultimately, she turned into an intelligent, highly educated, cultured woman.

Social environment represents the relationship of three components.

The macroenvironment consists of society, certain socio-economic and socio-political living conditions. Its influence is carried out mainly through means mass media, books, laws, rules established in society, through the requirements and assessment of morality and aesthetics.

The mesoenvironment includes the national-cultural and socio-demographic characteristics of the region in which the child lives.

Microenvironment is the social environment of a child’s life with which he is in direct contact (family environment, adult society, peer groups in various educational institutions and in the yard where the child lives). Interaction with these elements of the environment is of exceptional importance for the development of the child. What kind of people are included in the child’s microenvironment, what the content of their communication with the child is, what the nature of the relationship is, largely determines what personality traits will be formed in the child.

As the child grows up, he joins various contact groups.

The first and very significant, especially in the first years of life, microgroup is the family. Researchers, in particular E.V. Subbotsky1, noticed that the formation personal qualities The child's life is largely determined by the uniqueness of the family microclimate: children raised in an atmosphere of goodwill and respect for the child's personality have many advantages over children living in more unfavorable conditions.

Modern research shows that, unfortunately, negative trends are growing in families. For example, American psychologist W. Bronfenbrenner (data given from the book by L. F. Obukhova) points out that a tendency towards alienation in child-parent relationships is increasingly noted. Among the main reasons, he identifies the following: parents’ employment, an increase in the number of divorces, low level material well-being and, on the contrary, achievements of civilization (separate bedrooms, televisions in every room, etc.). Similar trends have emerged in our society. This leads to the formalization of contacts (did you do your homework, did you eat) and impoverish the content of communication between parents and children.

At the same time, communication with adults is extremely important for the development of the child’s psyche. Research by N.M. Shchelovanova, N.M. Aksarina and many others indicate that lack of communication with parents and limited microenvironment are the reasons for such a phenomenon as hospitalism.

It is known that important achievement Infancy is considered to be the emergence of a need to communicate with people, which prompts him to seek contact with an adult. But this need does not arise or is extremely delayed during hospitalization. Children deprived of communication do not show interest in the world around them, are in a half-asleep state, and passively react to external signals.

With the expansion of the circle of relationships, with the child entering preschool Another adult is included in his microenvironment - the educator. The nature of the relationship with him and his assessment significantly affect the development of the child’s personality.

In addition, the child interacts with children, that is, the “child-child” system begins to stand out in the microenvironment. Ya. L. Kolominsky, T. A. Repina and others note the significant influence of a child’s communication with peers on the development of his personality. Through the attitude of peers towards him, an understanding, assessment of oneself, and the ability to relate one’s desires to the interests of other people are formed.

So at the beginning life path the child is included in the “child-mother (significant adults)” dyad. Then the “child-child” system is connected, which naturally changes in the process of development (group kindergarten, school class, extracurricular educational group, production team). At a certain stage of development, with the creation of a family, a return to the family environment occurs, but in a new capacity - as a parent. This is vertical axis human life.

But the movement of personality across groups also occurs horizontally. At every moment of life a person is involved in complex system various non-contact and contact communities. A unique situation is emerging interpersonal interaction: role, status, nature of relationships, etc.

So, the environment, especially the social one, has a significant impact on mental development child. IN different years In life, each of the components of the environment has different significance. However, the influence of the environment is not absolute: the child not only experiences the influence, but also transforms the world himself. He interacts with the environment in the process of activity, both his own and organized by an adult. The expression of interaction is the activity of the child himself.

The macro environment creates general conditions environment of the organization. In most cases, it is not specific in relation to a single enterprise. However, the degree of influence of the state of the macroenvironment on different enterprises is different. This is due both to differences in the areas of activity of enterprises and to differences in their internal potential.

Speaking about macroenvironmental factors, it is necessary first of all to keep in mind the so-called STEEP factors: social, technological, economical, environmental, or environmental factors. natural environment(environmental), and political (political). Let's bring them brief description.

Social environmental factors are social processes and trends occurring in society and affecting the activities of the enterprise. They include subgroups of demographic and cultural factors.

Demographic factors form geographical distribution and population density, its birth rate, average duration life, level of education, migration, qualifications, etc. This subgroup of factors largely determines the content of cultural factors, which include traditions, values, habits, moral and ethical standards, lifestyle, attitude to work, etc.

Social structure population determines the composition of consumer preferences, which in turn affects the content of activities manufacturing enterprises. For example, culture healthy image life could lead to a significant reduction in the demand for cigarettes and alcoholic products and at the same time increase it to natural-based products without artificial and unhealthy additives. In this case, distilleries will be forced to differentiate their production or look for new markets for selling their products.

In addition, the social environment determines the structure and composition of the labor force in the region. This, in turn, can have a decisive influence on the choice of production location, especially in cases where production activities involve the provision of highly qualified human resources.

Factors in the technological environment include scientific and technological innovation in a separate industry or in society as a whole, which allow the enterprise to modernize production and create new products, as well as improve and develop new technological processes. Moreover, for a specific enterprise crucial can impact innovations of any scale: from local to global. For example, innovations in computer technology, which are quite common nowadays, are usually global or large-scale in nature. Undoubtedly, they influence the development of enterprises, accelerating and at the same time simplifying organizational and management processes.

At the same time, the creation of a new recipe and technical specifications for the production of cakes can be no less significant for the confectionery industry, and in some cases, decisive for ensuring a sustainable competitive advantage.

Depending on the chosen innovation strategy, enterprises adapt to the technological environment in different ways: some monitor scientific and technological developments and actively use its first results, others use developments in related fields, adapting them to own production, still others are independently engaged in research, etc. Each of these strategies has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in any case, in order not to be among the market outsiders, the enterprise is obliged to respond to changes occurring in the technological environment.

Economic environmental factors determine general level economic development, market relations and competition in the country or region in which the enterprise operates. The main parameters of this group of factors include: the size of the gross national product, inflation rates, size and structure of the budget, taxation level, unemployment rate, structure of foreign economic turnover, etc. changes in these parameters affect the standard of living of the population, their solvency, and determine the production, personnel and accounting policies of the enterprise. Current state Ukraine's economy allows us to talk about a gradual weakening of the tax burden, stabilization of exchange rates and a reduction in unemployment. This, on the one hand, will lead to a gradual decrease in the share shadow economy, and on the other hand, it will require enterprises to take a more careful approach to working with personnel and the quality of their products.

To factors ecological environment include climatic conditions, stocks natural resources and environmental conditions. Natural disasters, climate change, strengthening solar activity and appearance ozone holes, depletion of natural resources and disruption of the ecological balance are having an increasing impact on the activities of enterprises. For example, deterioration environmental situation leads to stricter requirements for environmental safety of production, which, as a rule, is associated with additional costs. A decrease in reserves of natural resources affects their value, which forces enterprises to introduce resource-saving technologies, switch to the use of cheaper synthetic resources, creates the preconditions for the emergence of waste processing enterprises, etc.

Factors in the political environment include features of the state and political structure society, external and internal public policy V various areas, and also political movements and trends. The peculiarity of this group of factors lies in its episodic but dramatic influence on the activities of enterprises. It usually manifests itself during a period of change in the political situation, for example, after elections. In this case, changes in policy may lead to a significant change in the status of individual enterprises and even lead to the liquidation of some of them. For example, the announcement of a moratorium on the consideration of investment projects in priority development territories, which was essentially an exclusively political step, led to a significant reduction in investment programs in general and largely reduced the country’s foreign economic turnover. Therefore, the enterprise must understand how stable political situation, is there a change coming? political parties and leaders, what next policy steps can be expected from the current government.

Naturally, the degree of influence of different groups of STEEP factors on different enterprises is not the same. It largely depends on the characteristics of the enterprise itself. However, all of them, to one degree or another, are capable of creating the preconditions for successful development business, as well as a threat to its existence.

The most important factor and condition for the development of a child is the social environment. Social environment - everything that surrounds us in social life and, above all, people with whom each individual has a specific relationship. The social environment has complex structure, which is a multi-level education that includes numerous social groups that have a joint impact on the mental development and behavior of the individual. These include:

1. Microenvironment.

2. Indirect social formations, affecting the individual.

3. Macrosocial structures - macroenvironment.

The microenvironment is the immediate environment, everything that directly affects a person. In it he is formed and realizes himself as a person. This is a family, a kindergarten group, a school class, a production team, various informal groups communication and many other associations that a person constantly encounters in everyday life.

Indirect social formations affecting the individual. These are formations that are not directly related to the individual. For example, the production team where his parents work is directly connected with them, but only indirectly - through the parents - with the child.

Macroenvironment is a system of social relations in society. Its structure and content include a combination of many factors, among which in the first place are economic, legal, political, ideological and other relations. The named components of the macroenvironment influence individuals both directly - through laws, social policy, values, norms, traditions, means mass communication, and indirectly, through influence on small groups in which the individual is included.

Relationships between people have a wide range. Both on the scale of the macroenvironment and in the microenvironment, they are multiply mediated. For example, a grandfather or grandmother may not always be with the child. But a father’s story about his grandfather and his qualities as a person can have no less impact on the child than direct contact with him.

They begin to be conditioned and appear when the interaction of the individual, group and social environment occurs. What is social is everything that surrounds each of us in his ordinary social life. The social environment is an object that in itself is a mediated or non-mediated result of labor.

A social personality throughout his life is influenced by various factors that are determined by the specifics of his environment. Development occurs under their influence.

The social environment is nothing more than a certain formation of specific people at a certain stage own development. In the same environment, there are many individuals and social groups, independently and dependent on each other. They constantly intersect, interacting with each other. The immediate social environment, as well as the microenvironment, is formed.

IN psychological aspect the social environment is something like a set of relations between groups and individuals. It is worth noting the moment of subjectivity in the totality of relationships that arise between an individual and a group.

With all this, the personality has to a certain extent autonomy. First of all, we are talking about the fact that she can move freely (or relatively freely) from group to group. Such actions are necessary in order to find your own social environment that would meet all the necessary social parameters.

Let us immediately note that personality is not absolute at all. Its limitations are related to the objective framework, which also has a lot to do with class structure society. Despite all this, the activity of the individual is one of the determining factors.

In relation to the individual, the social environment is relatively random. Psychologically this accident is very significant. Since the relationship of a person with his environment largely depends on his individual characteristics.

There is a fairly widespread opinion that a socio-economic formation is nothing more than the highest abstraction belonging to the system public relations, is correct. Note that everything in it is based on fixing only global features.

The social environment of a teenager, an adult, and any other person is where a person not only stays, but receives certain attitudes with which he will later live. No one will doubt the fact that our opinion is largely determined by certain internal attitudes, which themselves were developed under the influence of the social environment in which we long time were. Most strong development and intensive consolidation of these attitudes occurs, of course, in childhood.

A person does not form himself completely, since a significant part of him is formed by the social groups in which he belongs. Social influence always great.

  • Analysis of the enterprise operating environment and its elements
  • Analysis of factors of the external and internal environment of the enterprise
  • Budget surplus and budget deficit and their impact on the economy.
  • B 4. Vibration, physical characteristics, regulation and effect on the human body. Types of vibration protection.
  • B 4. Harmful substances, their classification, regulation, impact on the human body. MPC. Means and methods of protection against exposure to harmful substances on humans.
  • B 4. Microclimate of industrial premises, microclimate parameters and their impact on the human body. Methods for normalizing the microclimate.
  • In the field of land relations and environmental protection, municipal property management
  • Interaction of social service institutions with other institutions in the prevention of neglect and crime
  • The relationship between social intelligence and social competence
  • Social environment- these are, first of all, people united in various groups, with which each individual is in a specific relationship, in a complex and diverse system communication.

    Social environment, surrounding personality, has activity, influences a person, exerts pressure, regulates, subjugates social control, captivates, “infects with appropriate “models” of behavior, encourages, and often forces one to a certain direction of social behavior.

    Complex scientific knowledge, rich life experience, the individual draws the motives for his actions from a direct source, which is the social environment. Those opportunities objectively existing in society that allow an individual to express himself as a person are brought to the fore. The content of this impact is that the realization of the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of the individual should occur on the basis of a combination of the interests of the entire society as a whole and each individual individually. This is possible only in a society where the free development of everyone is a condition for the free development of all. In addition to the state-public environment, social in a broad sense words, one should also highlight the microenvironment, which includes relationships that arise in small social group, V work collective, a member of which is the individual, the totality interpersonal relationships. Each personality has its own specific traits that distinguish it.

    Social orientations and attitudes

    Social behavior is focused on social values, and its results have public importance. The incentives for this kind of behavior should be sought in social reality, although phenomenologically they are given in the aspirations and goals of the individual.

    Social behavior, like any other activity, begins with readiness, an attitude, which, along with all others, reflects social aspirations, goals, requirements and expectations. When analyzing social activity person, said circumstance manifests itself in the presence of social tendencies in an individual. To understand the nature of personality, it is completely insufficient to know what information an individual has about culture, traditions, ideology and social relations. It is also necessary to take into account what orientations and attitudes he has in relation to these phenomena.

    The orientations and knowledge represented in the consciousness of the individual are closely related to each other. If knowledge reflects objects and phenomena of reality, then orientations express a person’s relationship to it. They set the tendency of human actions regarding these phenomena.

    Personal orientations are created in a person under the influence of individual needs and wants, while social orientations are determined by the demands of other people.

    Social attitudes defined as the mental experience of meaning, meaning, and value of a social object.

    The installation consists of three components:

    · descriptive knowledge;

    · attitude;

    · plans, behavior programs.

    Installation functions: adaptive, protective, expressive (expresses individual significance cultural values), cognitive and coordination function of the entire cognitive system of mental processes.

    Changing an attitude usually has the goal of adding knowledge, changing attitudes, showing the consequences of changing views, opinions, etc.

    Stereotypes are one of the types social attitude. Knowledge about people, accumulated both in personal experience communication, as well as from other sources, are generalized and consolidated in people’s minds in the form of stable ideas - stereotypes. They are very widely used by people when assessing people, because they simplify and facilitate the process of cognition.

    Stereotypes are regulators of behavior. National stereotypes are the most studied. They record the relationships between ethnic groups, are part national identity, have a pronounced connection with national character. Stereotypes - spiritual education, formed in the minds of people, emotionally charged images that convey meanings, in which there are elements of description, evaluation and prescription.

    Thus, it is in the process of interaction between a person and the social environment that they influence each other, thereby each of them becomes a bearer and exponent of some social qualities. Thus, social connections, social interaction, social relations and the way they are organized are objects of modern research.

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