Dates of writing are in the year.

The first half of the year is coming to an end, schoolchildren and their parents are looking forward to... New Year's holidays, and in December, eleventh-graders have a serious test - a final essay. The work will be graded "pass" or "fail" positive result will become an admission to the Unified State Exam, and those who failed will be given a chance to correct the situation in February and May. No less serious work is the VPR 2017, which will be performed this year not only by graduates, but also by students in grades 4 and 5. Fifth-graders will take the exams on an experimental basis, and fourth-graders will take the exams without exception.

VPR in the 2016-2017 academic year

So, graduates of primary 4th grades have already taken tests on a voluntary basis for two years in 2015 and 2016, and it should be noted that they did not find any particular difficulties when passing. All assignments are compiled only on the basis of the material covered, so schoolchildren who systematically complete homework and those who listened attentively to the teacher during lessons found it not difficult to cope with them. Availability is a big help demonstration materials allowing you to prepare well for successful completion VPR in the 2016-2017 academic year. In schools, teachers also assign similar tasks throughout the year, arrange test dictations and introduce children to the world around them. The demo versions of VPR 2017 provided on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science include not only questions, but also answers, so it will not be difficult for parents or older brothers and sisters to control the baby. The main thing is to work with your child regularly, at least once a week, asking him to complete this or that task. All-Union testing work are not state final certification, but are equated to ordinary annual tests, and grades for them affect only quarter tests, which means nothing extraordinary happens. The difference is only in the approach and form:

  • work is performed the same way for everyone Russian schools a task that is being developed at the federal level;
  • they are carried out on special forms;
  • are held at the same time for all schoolchildren in the country.

In the pilot version, the testing was carried out by teachers in their classes; at the 2017 VPR, this work will be performed by at least teachers from parallel classes, or middle and senior subject teachers. Moreover, the children’s work will be signed not with a last name, but with a number, that is, an unbiased, objective assessment will be ensured.

Compiled VLOOKUP chart 2017, which presents the subjects and dates of upcoming tests, in the future the Ministry of Education will gradually add similar exams for the following grades, ultimately, it is planned to conduct all-Union testing for all secondary school students, starting from grade 4.

VPR 2017 for 4 classes

For students graduating from primary school, testing will take place in April:

  • 18 and 20 – in Russian;
  • 25 – in mathematics;
  • 27 – in the surrounding world.

According to the reviews of the guys who have already passed these tests, the greatest difficulty was caused by the VPR 2017 the world around us, in fact, the tasks cover a large list of topics, they contain questions on biology, geography, the ability to navigate life situations– count change, ask the right question, formulate a polite refusal, and so on, there are tasks for logical thinking. But, I repeat, an important condition To easily overcome the test, systematic training is required, and again, working through the demo versions offered on the VPR 2016-2017 website. The work on the Russian language consists of 2 parts, designed for 2 days. On the first day they write a dictation and complete two tasks, on the second - 13 tasks based on the proposed text. It should be noted that all fourth-graders take Russian, even those kids who study at national schools, since this language is a single state language. The students rated the 2017 Mathematical Problems as uncomplicated; the tasks were program material, preliminary developments helped to cope with them without much difficulty. The time allotted for the solution is quite enough to complete the tasks and check.

VPR 2016-2017 academic year 5th grade

Unlike fourth-graders, fifth-graders will write papers for the first time. Most likely, participation will be voluntary or partially voluntary, that is, Russian language and mathematics are mandatory, and history and biology are optional. And yet, in order not to get into unpleasant situation, 5th grade students are encouraged to study all subjects seriously. The schedule for the 2017 VPR for grades 5 has already been drawn up; exams will be held in April on the following dates:

  • 18th – Russian language;
  • 20th – mathematics;
  • 25th – history;
  • 27th - biology.

Demo versions have already appeared for all subjects included in this list; students can start on their own or together with their parents. training work. In mathematics and Russian, it may be worth working on the 2017 VPR primary classes, the material may be useful as a starter for mastering a more complex 5th grade program. Last year's volunteers who already took practice exams will have a much easier time this year, so don't shy away from testing your knowledge, especially if it doesn't contribute to your annual assessment.

VPR schedule in the 2016-2017 academic year for 11th grade

As you know, graduates take compulsory subjects - Russian language, mathematics, and, most likely, history, as well as a subject to choose from the proposed list. Starting this year, students graduating class you will also have to take the exam in subjects that were not chosen for passing the Unified State Exam. The VPR 2017 schedule looks like this:

  • Physics – 04/25/2017;
  • Chemistry – 27.04;
  • Biology – 11.05;
  • Geography – 16.05;
  • History – 18.05.

In essence, these will be test works, but compiled using uniform CMMs (control and measuring materials). They were carried out with the aim of improving general level preparation of schoolchildren, the fact is that inspections revealed an insufficient level of knowledge of graduates; all efforts in the last grade are concentrated on subjects included in the Unified State Examination list. Rosobrnadzor VPR 2017 considers it sufficient motivation for careful and serious study of other, no less important, subjects that a high school graduate should master.

Principles of the VPR 2017, how to prepare for the test

The Ministry of Education and Science, analyzing the results of the All-Russian testing works, identifies shortcomings in education, improves curricula, draws conclusions about the professionalism of teachers, and recommends sending some of them to advanced training courses. The Order on VPR 2017 obliges work to be carried out in all secondary schools without exception, regardless of what region they are located in and what language is taught. The principles of VPR are: the use of new technologies, a unified system for conducting and monitoring the quality of work, ensuring the proper level of training for schoolchildren.

Many parents believe that additional exams negatively affect children's health, especially junior classes, and constantly ask the question “Will there be a GDPR in 2017 in elementary school? - definitely - yes, 4th grade students will take work, this issue has been resolved, the 2017 deadlines have been set, schools are conducting preparatory work. The governing departments refine tasks, print initial forms and instructions for inspectors in order to avoid misunderstandings and shortages of materials by the appointed dates. Parents can get acquainted with upcoming tasks, all-Russian tests VLOOKUP demo version 2016-2017 are listed on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science, based on the material presented, high school students on their own, and kids with the help of their parents, will be able to sufficiently prepare for the tests. Printed literature has already begun to appear on store shelves - VPR 2017 books, for example, on the Russian language for grade 2, edited by E. Volkova and A. Ptukhin. Trial works in the Russian language has already taken place in November 2017 VPR 2nd grade. and 5th grade, all subjects took part in them Russian Federation in the amount of 25% of the region, marks are not given for them. The experiment is carried out to identify shortcomings and the general level of preparedness of schoolchildren.

Pupils of all classes of secondary school must be prepared for the fact that such tests will be added gradually for all classes, so each subject must be studied with the utmost seriousness, and children must try to avoid gaps in knowledge. Despite the fact that the 10th grade exam in chemistry 2016-2017 is not yet planned, the exam in the 11th grade includes a chemistry course for the 10th grade, so you need to approach the study of the subject with all responsibility.

For several years now, there have been discussions about including history in the list mandatory Unified State Examination, it looks like this will finally happen in 2017, an alternative to the third compulsory subject was considered English language, but for now we stopped at history. In any case, this subject should be studied thoroughly, not so, the VPR in history will take place in 2017.

Recently, in domestic educational institutions All-Russian verification work (VPR) is being successfully carried out. The technique allows you to assess the level of knowledge of schoolchildren in a certain subject, the quality of work of teachers, and also to make comparative analysis the general level of preparedness of students in various educational institutions.

The result of this process is decisions on the need for advanced training teaching staff, rendering methodological assistance educational institution, identifying " weak points» in the knowledge of students.

In 2016, the program covered 95% secondary schools countries, about 3 million children were involved in solving control exercises.

All-Russian verification work is carried out in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 2017 No. 69 “On monitoring the quality of education.”

Every year, some adjustments and changes are made to the inspection regulations, thanks to which the procedure for monitoring and auditing the quality of education in domestic schools is marked by receipt best results. The test program depends on what grade the child is in.

4th grade

For students in this segment for the upcoming academic year 2018, preparation of all-Russian test papers for the following courses is provided:

  • the surrounding world;
  • mathematics;
  • Russian language - control in this discipline will be carried out in 2 stages: children will write a dictation and complete tasks in the form of tests.

The 2018 VPR for children studying in grade 4 is key point when moving from entry level V high school. During primary school education, only a few teachers are involved with children, including important role plays class teacher. During this time, the first teacher must thoroughly prepare students for successful studies in subsequent years, and such inspections provide an excellent opportunity on the eve of the upcoming transition to assess the knowledge gained, identify possible gaps and, if necessary, have time to catch up.

Also, one of the main goals when performing knowledge tests for junior students is the task psychological preparation children for this kind of exams, which will be held in the near future (GIA).

5th grade

Sergei Kravtsov, Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, in the spring of 2017 announced the conduct of history checks in the 2017-2018 school year for students in grades 5 and 11. In the spring of 2018, sixth graders will join them. Carrying out verification test assignments for the specified discipline is regularly scheduled for the next 2018-2019 academic year.

In April-May 2017, students were sufficiently high level have already passed the history knowledge test.

It should also be noted that on June 30, 2017, Order No. 624 was approved, which provides for the implementation of a knowledge audit for students in grades 2 and 5 in the subject “Russian language”.

Spring 2018 prepares for 5th grade students organization of VPR in the following main disciplines:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • story;
  • biology.

Skill control by state language will be held twice (October 2017, April 2018); in history, knowledge testing will take place as usual. It is noteworthy that in 2017, students will write a test on October 5 - on this day, World Teachers' Day is celebrated in Russia.

11th grade

It is known that in 2018, graduates of 11th grades will be required to undergo graduate training in the following areas:

  • biology;
  • geography;
  • foreign language;
  • story;
  • chemistry;
  • physics.

The dates for test assignments for graduates will be approved by Rosobrnadzor later in a separate regulatory document.

IMPORTANT! Each school individually, depending on its curriculum has the right to independently choose when the all-Russian test in geography will be carried out (at 10 or 11), since the study of the geography course ends in the 10th grade of general educational institution.

Scandalous results of the project for 2017

In the spring of this year, almost 40,000 Russian schools were involved in the program, with about three million students. The results obtained were processed and analyzed by the relevant services, the results in the form of statistical data were sent to Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science. As a result of the inspection, it was discovered that children from regular schools received higher scores than children from gymnasiums. Such data were questioned and teachers began to be suspected of deliberately inflating scores. After studying the information received, the press service of Rosobrnadzor transferred the said report, indicating the register of schools in which biased results were found, to the regions for further processing and taking action locally.

Mathematics and Russian language (4th, 5th grade)

A review of the results showed unreliability and distortion of information in some individual educational institutions. For example, there are schools whose VPR results are significantly higher than average regional level, although the institution itself is not a gymnasium or educational organization with a narrow specialization in specified subjects, and also do not have high grades.

Quests complex level the children were helped to decide by their teachers - the commission came to this conclusion after analyzing the average percentage of exercises completed separately for each student.

History (5th, 11th grade)

Testing knowledge in this discipline shows children’s good orientation in historical events and localities (countries) where they took place, as well as general sufficient awareness of individual eras, dynasties, and unions.

However, Rosobrnadzor has identified some negative points in studying the subject in educational institutions of the country:

  • low awareness of students about the history of their region and some historical figures;
  • low level of skill in establishing a cause-and-effect relationship between historical events;
  • inability to work with various kinds sources of historical information.

Based on the results of the audit, more than 500 teachers from different educational institutions of the country have already been able to improve their qualifications.

IMPORTANT! When conducting pedagogical councils in August, on the eve of the new school year, the results and analysis of the VPR will necessarily be reviewed in every school in the country. Measures will definitely be taken to obtain an objective final test of knowledge in the future and improve quality national education generally.

VPR schedule for the 2017-2018 academic year

IMPORTANT! According to the provided schedule of all-Russian tests for the next academic year, tenth-graders will have to write tests on one day (October 18, 2017) in two disciplines - biology and chemistry. The project regulations will be approved at the level of the educational institution on the principle of one subject - one student.

On the eve of the new 2018-2019 school year, schoolchildren and parents are concerned about the question of what changes will affect the educational program, in which classes children will write test papers, whether new subjects will be included in the schedule and when the exam schedule for the main subjects will be drawn up.

Why are VPRs needed in schools?

All-Russian testing work - new look level control educational achievements students, first introduced in 2015. According to statistics, in 2018, 97% of educational institutions of the Russian Federation participated in the VPR, and already in the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year, the Ministry of Education and Science promises that control sections will be held in absolutely all schools in the country.

Many schoolchildren and parents express dissatisfaction with the ever-increasing number of different types of control, because each test, Wednesday or exam is a serious stress for children, teachers and parents. But, despite the ambiguous attitude towards additional checks, both on the part of students and on the part of teachers, there will be a VPR in 2019. Moreover, it is possible that the number of items submitted for control will increase.

Arguing the need for such events, Rosobrnadzor emphasizes the fact that carrying out VPR pursues several goals at once:

  1. Analysis of the level of students' preparation in different regions countries.
  2. Requirements standardization and development common standards for students of different educational institutions of the country.
  3. Quality control of teaching individual subjects.
  4. Monitoring the effectiveness of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums.
  5. Search for "weak" points in educational programs and making changes that will help improve students' knowledge of specific topics.

Thus, VPR results in the 2018-2019 academic year are important not so much for the students themselves, but for teachers and school administration, because it is possible that this year educational institutions will begin to actively compare, compiling ratings, as happens after the Unified State Exam.

Innovations for 2019

Main news In the coming year there will be an expansion of classes whose students will be required to take part in writing test papers. Yes, in 2019 year VPR 7th and 8th graders will also write, for which their own schedule will be drawn up, taking into account the subjects submitted for control.

Second news– this is a floating testing schedule in 4 grades. Starting from the 2018-2019 academic year, each school will have the right to draw up its own VPR schedule For junior school. The package of tasks, as before, will be formed from open bank, but it will be sent to educational institutions taking into account pre-agreed and approved dates for the inspection.

Third news is that the results will be returned to schools in the form of data entered into individual card child., that is, the teacher will receive a full report that will help him understand what to pay attention to special attention, and where there are omissions.

Although, other innovations are not excluded, because the organizers were not very pleased with the results of 2018, having identified numerous cases of inflated grades by teachers and administration of educational institutions.

What items fall under control in 2019?

Since 2015, the list of subjects in which the level of knowledge of students is tested during the All-Russian testing works has been constantly growing. Thus, analyzing the schedule of VPR sections drawn up for 2017 and 2018, we can assume that in 2019 there is a high probability of introducing new works for middle and high schools.

So, teachers and parents of children studying in grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11 should follow the news and be interested in what subjects will be included in the curriculum for the upcoming 2018-2019 school year.

4th grade

For 4th grade students who are about to move on to secondary school, the All-Russian Tests in 2019 will be a mandatory test of knowledge!

It is expected to control such items as:

  1. Russian language;
  2. mathematics;
  3. the surrounding world.

Test work in the Russian language, as in 2018, will take place in two stages - dictation and testing.

5th grade

At the end of the school year, fifth-graders will have to demonstrate knowledge in the following four subjects:

  1. Russian language;
  2. mathematics;
  3. story;
  4. biology.

6th grade

If a child graduates from 6th grade in the 2018-2019 school year, you should pay attention to what kind of educational program will be drawn up for your educational institution, because the guys will have to take 6 control sections in such disciplines as:

  1. Russian language;
  2. mathematics;
  3. story;
  4. social science;
  5. biology;
  6. geography.

7th grade

Since 7th grade students will be participating in the VPR for the first time this year, testing will be carried out for them in test mode. The preparation process will also be more difficult, because there are no previously developed tests and recommendations for seventh graders. Nevertheless, the following eight subjects will be tested in the 7th grade parallel:

  1. Russian language;
  2. mathematics;
  3. foreign language;
  4. story;
  5. social science;
  6. physics;
  7. biology;
  8. geography.

8th grade

Just like seventh graders, 8th grade students will be tested in the approbation mode in 2019, but if possible, Rosobrnadzor plans to cover maximum quantity educational institutions.

The VPR schedule for eighth graders in the 2018-2019 school year will include the same 8 subjects:

  1. Russian language;
  2. mathematics;
  3. foreign language;
  4. story;
  5. social science;
  6. physics;
  7. biology;
  8. geography.

10th grade

Tenth graders are the luckiest ones - they will only be tested in one subject - geography.

11th grade

As preparation for the Unified State Exam, graduates are asked to write a VPR in 6 main subjects of the school curriculum:

  1. Russian language;
  2. mathematics;
  3. foreign language;
  4. story;
  5. physics;
  6. biology.

VPR schedule for 2019

The exact schedule of the educational program for the upcoming 2018-2019 academic year will be approved closer to the beginning of the new calendar year. For 4th graders, a week will be determined during which schools will be able to choose the optimal day for them to conduct testing.

As soon as the dates for the cross-sections are announced, we will definitely notify our readers, but for now we offer a summary table VPR items new school year.

Russian language


foreign language

social science



the world around us

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