Program of the circle "Know-Know Friends". Summary of an open lesson on the surrounding world using triz technology for the first junior group

Century digital technologies diversified and simplified people's lives. But most technological innovations are often for a long time suffers mistrust from users. Many of us are simply afraid of something new. Remember, for example, microwave ovens, the demand for which was incredibly low at first, or photography, when the French artist and inventor Louis Daguerre first took a photograph and received harsh criticism against him. And in our time, many inventions remain without knowledge for a long time. special attention people.

Take body composition analyzers, for example. As the survey shows, every third person doubts the reliability of their work and testimony. These people believe that such smart scales simply cannot exist in our world. And their doubts are understandable: how can such a compact, thin device perform a full analysis of the composition of the human body without any additional connected wires and sensors? This is, if not beyond the bounds of imagination, then definitely from the realm of fantasy! Our ancestors once looked at the produced fire with caution; for them it was something incredible and impossible. But we have the opportunity to live life in the age of high digital technologies - a time when “smart” phones, “smart” cars, “smart” cars appear in our lives.scales with body composition analysis function .

Our doubt is nothing more than an opportunity to obtain reliable knowledge. And our knowledge tells us that no matter how smart and fantastic body composition analyzers may seem to us, their work is only based on those familiar to us all from school elementary laws physics.

Back in physics lessons we were told about resistance electric current with different conductors. We know that water is an excellent conductor. We also know from anatomy lessons that the muscles of the body are 75% water, while human adipose tissue contains the least amount of it. Means, electrical impulse passes through easily and quickly muscle tissue, but is delayed on its way through adipose tissue.

The operating principle of "smart"scales with mass analyzer "or simply body composition analyzers based precisely on the measurement electrical resistance tissues when a safe low-intensity electric current passes through them.

The data obtained is “smart” scales » processed and analyzed. Having information about a person’s weight, height, age, as well as the results of measuring water content, fat and lean mass, they calculate muscle, bone mass, and metabolic age. The measurement process takes a few seconds and does not require special skills from users.

Turns out they're smart scales with body composition analyzer - not such a fantastic invention. The basis of their work is the laws of physics and biology, as old as the world. And, of course, a little modern technologies, without which today we can’t go anywhere.

There is no need to doubt that you have not tried. And remember that all knowledge begins with experience!

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Appendix 3

Nice Pedagogical Council I APPROVED

MKDOU Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 6 Head of MKDOU

Krasnozersky kindergarten No. 6

From “____” -------------------- 2014 _____________ / S.V. Klochkova /

Order No. dated “____” 2014

Municipal state preschool educational institution of Krasnozersky district Novosibirsk region Krasnozrsky kindergarten No. 6


Circle "Knowledge's Friends"

for children of senior preschool age from 5 to 7 years old for the 2014-2015 school year.

Supervisor:Maslova Galina Ivanovna,

teacher first qualification category

1. Explanatory note- focus

- relevance

- goal, objectives

- forms, methods, training regimen

- resource provision

- expected result

2. Thematic plan



Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the child’s connection with the leading spheres of existence is established: the world of people, nature, objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal human values. Curiosity develops. The “Knowing Friends” circle program was developed for children of senior preschool age. It ensures the diversified development of children aged 5 to 7 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. Modern world is changing rapidly and requires new approaches to raising a new generation of children. Therefore, more and more often in the system preschool education methods and techniques are used innovative technologies, such as TRIZ methods.

The club program is aimed at the child’s needs in the knowledge of the surrounding world, on new impressions that underlie the emergence and development of inexhaustible research (search) activity. In the process of implementing club activities, the child develops the ability to analyze the world around us, establish cause-and-effect relationships, correctly formulate and ask questions that interest him. The more diverse and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops.

Relevance of the program

Teachers educational institutions believe that the task of preparing a child for school is not limited to acquiring knowledge and academic skills. It is much more important to develop a preschooler’s attention, thinking, speech, to awaken interest in the world around him, to develop the ability to make discoveries and be surprised by them.

From birth, children are surrounded various phenomena inanimate nature: the sun, the wind, the starry sky, the crunch of snow underfoot. Children collect stones and shells with interest, play with sand and water; objects and phenomena of inanimate nature are part of their life activities and are objects of observation and play. This circumstance makes it possible to systematically and purposefully familiarize children with the phenomena of the surrounding world. Psychologists have proven that the thinking of preschool children is visually effective and visually imaginative. Consequently, the process of teaching and upbringing in kindergarten should mainly be based on visual and practical methods. This principle is especially important to observe when carrying out natural science and environmental education.

Today, children's experimentation is becoming especially popular. Its main advantage is that it gives the child real ideas about different sides the object being studied, its relationships with other objects and with its habitat. During the experiment, the child’s memory is enriched, his thought processes, since there is constantly a need to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, generalization. The need to give an account of what was seen, to formulate discovered patterns and conclusions stimulates the development of speech. The teacher’s task in the process of experimental activity is to connect the results research work With practical experience children, the knowledge they already have and lead them to understand natural patterns, the basics of environmentally literate, safe behavior V environment.

Understanding the meaning cognitive development child, and a plan was developed for the “Knowledge Friends” circle for children of senior preschool age. The leading idea of ​​the circle is to organize feasible, interesting and age-appropriate cognitive and research activities for the formation of natural - scientific ideas preschoolers and development creativity. We strive not only to develop children’s imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, with an understanding of the processes taking place. The inclusion of TRIZ elements will have a positive impact on the actualization of children’s cognitive needs, their desire to learn something new and become better.

Purpose of the program– promote the development of children’s cognitive activity, curiosity, desire for independent knowledge and reflection through observations and experimental activities.



Expansion and systematization of children’s elementary natural science and environmental concepts.

Formation of skills in conducting elementary experiments and the ability to draw conclusions based on the results obtained.


Develop a desire for search and cognitive activity.

To promote mastery of techniques for practical interaction with surrounding objects, detection of connections and dependencies between them (color, shape, size, quantity, location in space, time).

Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions.

Creation of prerequisites for the formation of practical and mental actions.


Cultivate an interest in learning about the world around us.

Stimulate children's desire to experiment.

Build communication skills.

Mode and form of classes

Club activities are organized once a week in the afternoon, lasting 25 - 30 minutes.

To begin mastering the material of circle activities, there are no specific requirements for students. All that matters is compliance general development preschoolers to your age period. At the same time, if a child has not previously attended a club, then at any stage of education he can begin to attend it. The material of the circle is designed for both children who are weak in their development and for gifted ones, and the pace of their movement through the program of circle activities will be different.

Motivation of children: I can, I want, I will, I will find out, I will try, I can, I’m not afraid, I’m interested!

Basic tools:

Conversations, experiences, experiments, observations, educational games, modeling (triz), problem situations, algorithms, reference cards, plans - diagrams, pictograms, tables, nature calendar.

Expected result

As a result of mastering the content of the program, it is expected that students will develop sustainable natural science knowledge and ideas, the formation of research skills, as well as independence in the process of observations and experimental activities, and the application of knowledge in practice. Analysis and diagnostics of the effectiveness of the implementation of the “Knowledge Friends” circle program is carried out by the teacher based on observation and analysis of the products of children's activities.

Summing up form:“Thematic exhibitions”, diagrams, sketches

Methods and techniques used in the implementation of the circle program

Techniques for organizing children in the learning process:

Work in small groups;

Creating situations that encourage children to help each other;

Techniques for activating children's cognitive activity:

Enabling game exercises;

Inclusion of TRIZ methods;

Performing unconventional tasks;

Solving problem situations;

Modeling and analysis of given situations

Teaching methods:

Demonstration or demonstration of a method of action in combination with an explanation is performed using a variety of didactic means;

Instructions to follow independent exercises;

Explanation, clarification, indication in order to prevent errors;

Questions for children.

Distinctive Features circle activity plan:

The inclusion of TRIZ elements contributes to the formation of creative abilities in children, education creative personality prepared for a sustainable solution non-standard tasks V various areas reality. From the very early childhood you can teach your child to think systematically and solve problems creative nature.

Thematic work plan for the circle



Excursion to the laboratory. Entertaining experiences.

1. Develop a desire to find solutions on your own problematic situation

2.Form cognitive interest to research activities. . Contribute to the formation of a child’s worldview and increase interest in the world around him.

3. Development of evidentiary speech in children

4. Creating a positive emotional response to experiments and experiments.

5. Clarify ideas about who scientists are (people who study the world and its structure).

6. Introduce the concepts of “science” (cognition), “hypothesis” (assumption)

7. Introduce the rules of behavior in the children's laboratory

8. Encouraging children's initiative when planning the course of experiments

"Magic Ring"

1. To promote the formation in children of a conscious attitude towards the observation process.

2. Teach children to understand how and why observation is carried out.

3. Create conditions for mastering a generalized model of the observation process.

4. Developing communication skills.

“Hands are assistants to a smart head”

1. Contribute to the formation of a conscious attitude towards the organs of perception.

2.Give the concept that a person has a brain (smart head), which receives information through analyzers (from assistants).

3. Introduce the tactile analyzer.

"Amazing Square"

1. Introduce children to different species

2. papers: napkin, writing, wrapping,

3. drawing, compare them quality characteristics and properties

4. Development of forecasting the results of experiments and experimentation.

5. Expansion of vocabulary

"Properties of Air"

1. Continue to familiarize children with the properties of air and the role of humans, plants, and animals in life.

2. To give knowledge about inanimate nature and that air is a condition for the life of all creatures on earth. 3.Experimentally consolidate children’s knowledge about air.

4.Cultivate interest in surrounding life, curiosity.

"Water is the source of life"

1. Introduce a presentation on the topic “Water”

2. To form ideas about the importance of water in human life and wildlife in general

3. Introduce the concept of “filtering”

4. Enrich your vocabulary scientific terms.

5. Reinforce the rules of safe behavior when experimenting with water.

"Replenishing Question"

1. Introduce children to the question construction model.

2. Teach how to ask questions of a complementary type. 3. Cultivate interest in independently speaking the question and answering it.

"Modeling with Little People"

1. Introduce children to TRIZ

2. Develop the ability to draw up a diagram using MMC

3. To consolidate ideas about the properties of various materials.

4. Develop logical thinking, evidentiary speech

"Spatial YES-NO"

1. Introduce children to the rules of the game.

2. Learn to find a hidden object by the method of elimination.

3.Encourage to ask and answer questions correctly.


1. Introduce children to the concept of “Electricity”

2. Through experiments with various materials detect "static electricity".

3. Develop children’s cooperation skills of working in pairs through experimentation

"What do we know about time"

1. Give the concept of “time”, explain the change of day and night, the change of seasons; talk about the measurement of time, types of clocks (from antiquity to the present day).

2. Reinforce the concept of “save time.”

1. Introduce children to the properties of tension thread; conduction of sound along a thread various subjects: plastic cups, matchboxes.

2. Introduce the operation of a simple telephone; develop skills in conducting laboratory work; strengthen the ability to work with transparent glassware; consolidate the ability to work with objects, observing safety measures.

3. Develop social skills, ability to work with a partner, defend own opinion.

4. Activate children's vocabulary with verbs and nouns on the topic.

What is mass?

1. Identify the property of objects - mass. Introduce instruments for measuring mass using cup scales.

2. Show how to use them

3. Arouse children's interest in search activity.

4. Promote the ability to see and identify the problem of an experiment, set the goal of the experiment, select tools and materials for independent activity.

5. Develop personal qualities - dedication, perseverance, determination.

1. Develop the ability to mix paints for

getting a new color.

2. Develop mental activity, the ability to draw conclusions based on observations

"How can you

measure the length?

1. Introduce measuring instruments:

ruler, measuring tape.

2. Develop cognitive activity children through familiarization with measures of length in ancient times (elbow, palm, finger)

Experiments with objects. Magical

pieces of glass

1. Introduce children to observation instruments: microscope, magnifying glass, binoculars.

2. Explain why a person needs them

3. Develop social skills, the ability to work with a partner, and defend your own opinion

“Experiments with objects” “Why don’t ships sink?”

1. Identify the dependence of buoyancy with children

2. objects from the balance of forces: compliance

3. Size, shape of an object with weight

4. Develop social skills, the ability to work with a partner and defend one’s own opinion.

5. Develop logical thinking and demonstrative speech

"Magnet Magician"

1. To form children’s understanding of the properties of a magnet and their use by humans.

2. Develop thinking and intelligence in children.

3. Foster independence, initiative, activity, a sense of teamwork, and mutual understanding.

"The world of fabric and threads

Doll made of threads"

1. Find out various types fabrics, compare them

2. qualities and properties. Learn how to use different fabrics.

3. Introduce the method of making dolls from threads


are they moving?

1. Introduce children to physical concepts: “force”, “friction”.

2. Show the benefits of “friction”

"Everything about everything"

1. Develop children’s cognitive activity in the process self-execution experiments according to the scheme, according to the assignment on the worksheet

"Light". “The sun gives us warmth and light”

1.Give children the idea that the Sun is a source of heat and light.

2.Introduce the concept of “light energy”. 3.Show the degree of its absorption different objects and materials

The Adventures of Pinocchio (Properties of Wood)

1. Activate children’s knowledge about the properties of wood (not drowning in water);

2. Develop the ability to formulate a problem and analyze situations

Funny tricks

1.Develop curiosity and observation in children.

2. Activate children's thinking processes.

"Sun, Earth and other planets"

1.Give children an initial understanding of the structure Solar System that the Earth is a unique planet.

2.Develop curiosity. Based on experiments, give an idea of ​​the coldness of the planets. The farther the planets are from the Sun, the colder they are, and the closer they are, the hotter they are.

"This mysterious space»

1.Introduce children to the symbolism of constellations. 2.Arouse interest in outer space. 3. Expand ideas about the astronaut profession.

4.Activate vocabulary: space, astronaut, space weightlessness.

"Rainbow in the Sky"

1. Introduce children to the properties of light turning into a rainbow spectrum.

2. Expand children’s ideas about mixing colors that make up white; practice making soap bubbles according to the scheme - algorithm.

3. Develop curiosity and attention.

"Descriptive Question"

1. Introduce children to the question construction model.

2. Learn to ask descriptive questions

“Language is the assistant of a smart head”

1. Continue to form the concept that a person has a brain (smart head), which receives information through analyzers (from assistants).

2. Contribute to the formation of a conscious attitude towards the organs of perception.

"Why Chick's Question"

1.Continue to introduce children to the question construction model.

2. Teach to ask “why” type questions (why?, why?).

“We are Znayka’s friends” - open lesson

Summarize the work.

Resource support

Basic equipment of the mini-laboratory:

1. “Helper” devices: laboratory glassware, scales, objects of living and inanimate nature, containers for playing with water of various volumes and shapes;

2. Natural material: pebbles, clay, sand, shells, bird feathers, cut and leaves of trees, moss, seeds, etc.;

3. Recycled material: wire, pieces of leather, fur, fabric, cork;

4. Different types of paper; fabrics

5. Dyes: gouache, watercolors;

6. Medical materials: pipettes, flasks, measuring spoons, rubber bulbs, syringes (without needles);

7. Other materials: mirrors, balloons, butter, flour, salt, sugar, colored and transparent glasses, sieve,


1. Dybina O. V. The unknown is nearby: entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers. M., 2005.

2. Dybina O. V. We create, we change, we transform: activities with preschoolers. M., 2002.

3. Dybina O. V. What happened before...: Games - journeys into the past of objects. M.1999.

4. Nikolaeva S. N. Introducing preschoolers to inanimate nature. Nature management in kindergarten. M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003.

5. Organization of experimental activities for preschool children. / Under general Ed. L.N. Prokhorova. M.: ARKT

6. Tugusheva G.P., Chistyakova A.E. " Experimental activities

for middle and senior preschool age"

7. Poddyakov N. N. New approaches to studying the thinking of preschool children. // Questions of psychology. 1985, No.2.

8. A child in the world of search: A program for organizing the search activities of preschool children / Ed. . O.V. Dybino y. M.: TC Sfera, 2005.

NOU DC "Akvarel"

Abstract open class around the world using TRIZ technology for the first junior group .

Topic: “Amazing Soap”

Teachers: Malysheva S.V.

Bakhareva Yu.V.

Novosibirsk, 2015

Subject: "Amazing soap"


Consolidating children's knowledge about the properties and purpose of soap; development of curiosity, observation, ingenuity; reviewing safety rules when working with soap.

Program tasks:

1. Expand children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

2. To consolidate ideas about the purpose of soap, using the characteristics of objects (humidity, temperature, relief) and the “hand” analyzer, assistants to the smart head. Develop a culture of hygiene skills and observe hygiene rules.


Melodies of songs for the release of the Soap Bubble, the game and Balloons, different types soaps, watering cans, towels, basins, soap bubbles.

Progress of the lesson:


Music from the movie “Mustachioed Nanny” plays and the guys stand in a circle.


One palm, two palms.

Make friends with me a little.

We are friendly guys

Friendly, obedient.

Good morning! Are you awake?

Children : Yes.

Educator: Did you smile at each other?

Children : Yes.

Educator : Today we have guests, and I invite you to smile at the guests.

Children smile at guests.


gave me a toy

Not a typewriter, not a firecracker.

Just a tube. And inside

Bubbles lurked.

I am a spatula with a “window”

I'll dip it into the solution a little.

I'll blow once, and twice, and three times,

Bubbles will fly away.

Bubbles fly up easily

The colors of the rainbow sparkle.

The music “Flight of the Bumblebee” plays, the teacher blows bubbles and at this time a “soap bubble” appears from behind the screen.

Bubble: Hello children!

Children say hello.

Bubble: Let's get acquainted. I am a soap bubble. I am made of soap and water.

I really love cleanliness and fragrant smells. What does it smell like in your group now? And some words are written. Oh, guys, and there’s also a letter, the address is written on the envelope: kindergarten “Aquarelle”, for my friends from the first junior group from Moidodyr. This is definitely for you, let's open it and see what's there (open the envelope).

Bubble: Guys, in his letter Moidodyr asked you a riddle:

It slips away like something alive, but I won’t let it go.

The matter is quite clear - smooth and fragrant, washes very cleanly,

It foams with white foam, I’m not too lazy to wash my hands.

Pink brick, fragrant, rub it and you will be clean.

Teacher with children: - Bubble, it's soap!

Bubble: Well done, guys, and Moidodyr also included this arrow in the letter (shows) and wrote that if you follow these arrows, you will find a surprise - a lot different soaps. And those guys whose names are written in the letter (lists) will go on a journey for a surprise.

Children find arrows and follow them, find soap different colors and forms.


Bubble: Children, what is soap for?

Teacher and children : Wash your face, wash your hands to be clean, wash dirty things.

Bubble: Today we will conduct experiments with you. Let's become explorers.

We approach basins with water.

First experiment.

(They examine the water).

Bubble: - What is poured into the basins? (water).

What kind of water? ( transparent). To find out what other water is, let's put our hands in the water. What other water? (warm). Which icon asks us about the “temperature” of an object? Which smart head assistant helped identify the sign “ temperature"?(hands).

Make quick movements with your handles in the water.

(Make quick movements with their hands in the water.) What's happening?

(Air bubbles appear in the water). Look how many there are!

Second experiment.

Bubble: Children, do you want to play with soap? (Children's answer). But first, let's think and answer this question: What happens when soap gets into your eyes? ( burning occurs). Therefore, try not to get soap in your eyes.

Take each a piece of soap. Touch and smell it.

(Children touch and smell the soap.)

What is it like? (it is smooth and fragrant, oval).

Guys, show us where the icon lives that asks us about the “relief” of the object? Which smart head assistant helped you determine the terrain? (hands)

Submerge it in water.

(Children immerse the soap in water, then take it in their hands.)

What did it become? ( slippery, wet).

Oh, show me where the icon lives that asks us about the “humidity” of an object? Which smart head assistant helped identify the sign “ humidity"?(hands)

Bubble: And guys, soap comes in different colors: white, blue, green, pink.


A basin, watering can, towel and soap in a soap dish are placed on the table. The teacher invites a boy and a girl.

Bubble: Do you know how to wash your hands properly?

Children's answer: Yes, we can.

Educator: Soap bubble, do you know how to wash your hands properly?

Bubble: Of course I can.

Educator: We'll check it now.

Soap bubble washes hands with children.

Educator: First you need to roll up your sleeves so as not to get your clothes wet. Open the tap (water from a watering can) and lightly wet your hands. We take soap from the soap dish, lather our hands, put the soap in place and rub the soap over our palms until we reach our white gloves. Show everyone how the gloves turned out. (show). After this, wash the soap off your hands. Press your palms to excess water did not drip on the floor, and wipe them with a towel. We lay the towel over our hands and hide one and the other hand down. We wipe one hand dry, then the other. We put the towel back in place.

Bubble: What a great fellow you are, how well you know how to wash your hands. Tell me guys, what did we wash our hands with?

Children's answers.

Bubble: That's right - soap and water. What if you don’t wash your hands with soap, don’t wash your face, and don’t bathe? What could happen?

You can get sick, your stomach will hurt...

Bubble: When should you wash your hands?

The children’s answer together with the teacher: Before eating, after using the toilet, after a walk, when dirty .

Bubble: This important rules. Everyone should do them - both children and adults.

You can also use soap to play your favorite children’s game, “soap bubbles”!


Outdoor game “Blow up your bubble! »

The children join hands and stand in a circle. Repeat after the teacher, slowly retreating back:

Blow up, bubble,

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst!

The circle expands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” All the children clap their hands, say in unison: “Clap!”, run into a small circle and join hands again.

The teacher addresses the children : “Come on, bubbles, get into a jar! »

Children run up to the teacher and close to each other.

I take the bubble blower and put it in the jar.

(The teacher strokes the children’s hair with his hand.)

Let's check if all the bubbles have collected in the jar.

Calls children by name, makes eye contact with them.

One, two, three, I'm blowing bubbles!

Children scatter around the group.

Bubble: What great guys you are. Do you know how to blow such funny bubbles?

Children : Yes.

Where can you blow soap bubbles?

Children's answers.

Bubble: That's right, indoors and outdoors, but only when it's warm.

Educator: To blow a big bubble, you need to breathe correctly. Shall we learn?

Everyone stood up straight, took a breath through their nose, pursed their lips and blew hard

like this. How about one more time? 3 times.

Bubble: Soap bubbles are light airy,

obedient to the breeze,

They love to play with kids.

There is a song about soap bubbles.

Educator:Opening the caps

Blowing bubbles

Here's what - look

They are all airborne

And very naughty.

Until evening until dawn

We blew bubbles:

Round and curved

Important, pompous,

Bright, beautiful,

Light, playful.

A song about soap bubbles is played, the teacher blows bubbles, the children catch them and play.

Bubble: That's how much fun I have playing with you guys, and now I invite you to fly with me to tell other guys about soap and how to properly wash your hands. And we will say goodbye to our guests, until we meet again.


Based on the lesson " Healthy image life", author Karpushina I.E.

Music from the movie "Mustachioed Nanny", children's song "About Soap Bubbles", "Flight of the Bumblebee".


This presentation will be of interest primarily to educators who practice the use of TRIZ technologies in their work. The presentation describes in detail how to introduce children to analyzers - auditory, visual, gustatory, tactile, olfactory. A map of getting to know the world of emotions is also presented. In addition, images of all analyzers are attached for use in working with children. When preparing the presentation, I used materials methodological complex“I explore the world” T.A. Sidorchuk.



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The presentation was made by the teacher of MBDOU No. 1 “Sibiryachok” Slazhneva O.A. Technological maps Familiarization with the capabilities of the sensory organs and the emotional state of a person (from 2.5 years old)

Man discovers the world by various means and ways, but the first steps of getting to know the world around us allow us to make senses, our “smart head assistants”. It is they who make it possible to perceive the diversity of the world, and the mood gives color to the process of cognition. The faster you small child the concept will be formed that a person has such means of perception as eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hands, the more attentive and careful he will be to his senses. The main thing is that he will learn some operations of reflection, that is, understanding which sense organ gives information to his brain and how this information can be checked and used. Goal: to promote a conscious attitude towards the organs of perception. Give the concept that a person has a brain that receives information from “helpers” (analyzers). Create conditions for children to understand that the perception of the environment depends on the mood, feelings and character traits of a person. Visualization: the universal manual presents an image of a person with designated sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, hands, tongue). In the chest area there is a schematic representation of the heart. Recommendations: the image of a person on a universal benefit can be of any age and gender, real or fabulous.

Technological map familiarization with the capabilities of the tactile analyzer. “Hands are assistants to a smart head” * Invite the children to show their hands, focus on them, repeat the phrase said by the teacher: “We have hands, and we can touch objects with them. Hands can feel." Organize the processes of examining objects by hand. Invite children to repeat the phrases: “Hands are assistants to a smart head” “Hands touch, but the head understands the signs of objects” “Hands feel the meanings of signs: temperature, humidity, relief, shape, etc.” (The phrase is given after familiarizing the children with the names of the signs: temperature, humidity, relief, shape, etc.) Find a person’s hands on the universal manual and invite the children to independently talk about their capabilities. During any activity, invite children to consolidate the concept that a person has hands and they can give the smart head information about the meanings of signs. Based on the information received, a person develops thoughts. Independent research activities the child is accompanied by speech patterns associated with information received from the tactile analyzer. Note. The capabilities of the tactile analyzer are expanded due to its presence on human skin. In particular, the oral cavity is not only taste organ feelings, but also tactile. It is important that children of senior preschool age understand the difference in taste and tactile sensations appearing in the oral cavity. For example: putting a piece of bread in his mouth, a child may reason: “The bread tastes a little sour, not salty (taste analyzer), and it is also dry and prickly (tactile analyzer).”

Technological map of familiarization with the capabilities of the visual analyzer. “Eyes are assistants to a smart head” Invite children to look in the mirror at their eyes, focus on them, repeat the phrase said by the teacher: “We have eyes, and we can see objects with them. The eyes can sense." Organize the processes of viewing objects with the eyes. Invite children to repeat the phrases: * “The eyes are the assistants of the smart head” * “The eyes look, and the head “sees” and understands the signs of objects” * “The eyes feel the meanings of the signs: color, shape, size, etc.” (The phrase is given after the children are familiar with the names of the features: color, size, shape, etc.) Using the universal manual, find the eyes of the image of a person and invite the children to independently tell about their capabilities. During any activity, invite children to consolidate the concept that a person has eyes and they can give the head information about the meanings of signs. A person develops thoughts based on the information received. The child’s independent research activity is accompanied by speech patterns associated with information received from the visual analyzer. Note. The visual analyzer gives large number information human brain. At the same time, the reliability of the information is checked by other analyzers or research activities. For example: * a person’s eyes provide information about what coniferous forest in the distance blue color. You need to get closer and see the color change; the table seems wet, gives this information visual analyzer. You have to touch it with your hand to be convinced of the opposite: the table is dry, but shiny. An optical illusion is detected, the hand is the controller of the correctness of perceived sensations.

Technological map of familiarization with the capabilities of the hearing analyzer. “Ears are the assistants of a smart head” * Invite children to look in the mirror at their ears, focus on them, repeat the phrase said by the teacher: “We have ears, and with them we can listen to the sounds that objects make. The ears can sense.” * Organize the playback of sounds different objects. Invite children to repeat the phrases: “Ears are assistants to the smart head” “The ears listen, but the head “hears” and understands the signs of sounds.” * Using the universal manual, find ears in the image of a person and invite children to independently talk about their capabilities. (The phrase is communicated after children are familiarized with the name of the sign sound and its meanings: loud - quiet, high - low, etc.) * During any activity, invite children to consolidate the concept that a person has ears and they can give information to the head about the meanings of sound features. Based on the information received, a person develops thoughts * The child’s independent research activity is accompanied by speech patterns associated with the information received from the auditory analyzer. Note. When describing sounds, it is important to use adjectives that characterize the sound. For example: * the chair fell and we heard a thud, loud sound; * The metallophone produces a ringing sound that varies in volume if you use special hammers. * Sounds are produced by all objects when interacting with or influencing other objects. Hearing analyzer person has limited opportunities, so we don't hear all sounds.

Technological map of familiarization with the capabilities of the taste analyzer. “Language is the assistant of a smart head” * Invite children to look in the mirror at their tongue, focus on it, repeat the phrase said by the teacher: “We have a tongue, and we can use it to taste objects. The tongue can taste." * Organize processes for determining the taste of edible objects. Invite children to repeat the phrases: “The tongue is the assistant of the smart head” “The tongue tastes, and the head understands the meanings of the attribute “taste” in objects” (The phrase is given after the children have become familiar with the meanings of the attribute taste: sour, sweet, pleasant, etc.) * Using the universal manual, find a language in the image of a person and invite children to independently talk about its capabilities. * During any activity, invite children to consolidate the concept that a person has a tongue and it can give the head information about the meaning of the attribute “taste”. A person develops thoughts based on the information received. * The child’s independent research activity is accompanied by speech patterns associated with information received from the taste analyzer. Note: The oral cavity is not only a taste sense organ, but also a tactile analyzer. It is important that children of senior preschool age understand the difference in taste and tactile sensations that appear in the oral cavity. For example: putting a piece of bread in his mouth, a child may reason: “The bread tastes a little sour, not salty (taste analyzer), and it is also dry and prickly (tactile analyzer).”

Technological map of familiarization with the capabilities of the olfactory analyzer. “The nose is an assistant to a smart head” * Invite the children to look in the mirror at their nose, focus their attention on it, repeat the phrase said by the teacher: “We have a nose, and we can smell objects with it. The nose can smell." * Organize the processes of examining the smells of objects with the nose. Invite children to repeat the phrases: “The nose is an assistant to the smart head” “The nose smells, and the head understands the meanings of the attribute “smell” in objects” (The phrase is reported after children have become familiar with the meanings of the attribute smell: pungent, weak, chemical, vanilla, etc. ) * Using the universal manual, find a nose in the image of a person and invite children to independently talk about its capabilities. * During any activity, invite children to consolidate the concept that a person has a nose and it can give the head information about the meaning of the sign “smell.” A person develops thoughts based on the information received. * The child’s independent research activity is accompanied by speech patterns associated with information received from the olfactory analyzer. Note: Any object in the surrounding world has a smell. The capabilities of the olfactory analyzer in humans are limited. When describing the meaning of the “smell” attribute, it is advisable to use adjectives: lemon, gasoline, etc. smells.

Technological map of familiarization with the world of emotions. “The heart gives us a mood” * Invite children to determine their own mood or the mood of someone else ( real object or an object in a painting). Repeat the phrase said by the teacher: “We have a mood, and it comes from the heart. The heart can tell us our mood.” Organize processes for examining the characteristics of objects using various analyzers, subject to differences in sentiment. Invite children to repeat the phrases: “When I’m having fun, the sun shines brighter and the ice cream tastes better.” “When I’m sad, I don’t like the look of the toy, and the soup doesn’t smell good.” “Mood improves or worsens the meanings of attributes for me.” “The same meaning of a feature can be perceived differently, depending on the mood.” * On the universal manual (near the image of a person), find the heart and invite the children to independently tell about possible moods person. * During any activity, invite children to consolidate the concept that a person has a mood and the degree of perception of the meanings of signs of objects depends on it. A person has thoughts depending on his emotional state. * The child’s independent research activity is accompanied by speech patterns associated with an emotional attitude to the information received from the analyzers. Note: * It is advisable for the teacher to collect a piggy bank of character traits, emotional characteristics person. With their help, conduct trainings with children of senior preschool age: for example, character traits - malice (the evil Baba Yaga) and good nature (Thumbelina) perceive the same meanings of the characteristics of the object ( Scarlet flower) differently. Baba Yaga, looking at the flower, gets angry and hates the scarlet color and fragrant smell, and Thumbelina is happy bright color and floral scent. * It is necessary to discuss with children the meaning of object attributes in different emotional states and not see a problem in the object attribute. The problem is emotional state person: you need to be able to change your point of view on events and understand your mood.

“Language is the assistant of the smart head” “Hands are the assistants of the smart head”

“Eyes are the assistants of the smart head” “Ears are the assistants of the smart head”

“The nose is an assistant to the smart head” “The heart gives us the mood”

Consultation for educators “Development creative thinking and children's speeches through TRIZ - RTV technology
One of the main indicators of the level of development mental abilities a child can be considered the richness of his speech. And its overall performance largely depends on these data. mental development and future success in school. That is why in OTSM-TRIZ pedagogy the main attention is paid to these areas - the development of speech, thinking and imagination. The child’s ability to communicate, explore the world, and plan his actions is formed as his thinking develops.
The process of cognition of objects by human senses comes down to identifying the signs of objects. To form a conscious attitude towards perceptive actions in a child, it is necessary to separate the concepts of “sign name” and “meaning of the sign name.” The name of the attribute is a general word, the name of the attribute: moisture, shape, color, size, etc. The meanings of these attribute names are extremely diverse and can be: wet - dry, round - square, red - white, large - small, etc.
A person perceives the meanings of features by analyzers, when the names of features are generalizing words and are not perceived by analyzers. For example: green – we perceive with vision, but the name of the feature “color” – we understand as a general word and is not perceived with vision.
Traditionally, preschool children were first taught to differentiate the meanings of feature names, and the generalizing word (the feature name) was expected to form on its own.
In this technology, the name of the feature is paramount, and the values ​​of this feature are typed by children as a variety of variants of a specific name of the feature.
Basic steps for becoming familiar with feature names
Stage 1.
Creating conditions for the child to concentrate on a specific name of the sign. Performs a lengthy search for the values ​​of this attribute. Used in speech patterns are “object”, “attribute name”, “attribute name meaning”.
For example: familiarization with the name of the feature “humidity”. The teacher invites the children to look for the name of the sign “humidity” and enthusiastically “looks” for the meaning of the sign “humidity” in the immediate environment long time together with the children.
Stage 2.
Checking the degree to which children understand the differences between “the name of a feature” and “the meaning of the name of a feature” in specific situations. Clarification of which assistant (analyzer) provides the smart head with information.
For example: familiarization with the name of the feature “humidity”. The hands feel the dry fabric, because of this the smart head understands that the towel is dry by moisture.
Stage 3.
In front of the children, a diagram of the given characteristic name is depicted. The teacher offers to “solve” the question that this diagram (icon) asks about the object.
For example: familiarization with the name of the feature “humidity”. A drop (or some other icon) is depicted and the question is formulated on behalf of this icon: “What is the moisture content of the object?” Looking at the icon, children themselves ask a question to any selected object.
Stage 4.
Gradually, children independently use the icon to identify this sign in the world around them. Icons for the names of characteristics are located on the universal manual (Appendix No. 1). As you memorize in your senior years preschool age the icons become unnecessary and are removed by the teacher. Children understand that this sign All objects in the surrounding world have it and can be explored by the assistants of a smart head.
The names of the characteristics of objects are: humidity, temperature, relief, sound, smell, color, taste, weight, action, direction, material, time, place, part, size, quantity, shape.
Goal: To develop in children the ability to independently examine an object to find out the meanings of some feature names. To promote the child’s conscious attitude towards perceptive action as a basis sensory knowledge peace.
Visualization: feature name schemes (17 features) are united by a plot. Recommendations for decoration: cloud droplets, watermelon seeds, apples on an apple tree, etc. Feature naming schemes emerge as children master them.

Technological map of familiarization with the name of the sign “humidity”
(from 2.5 years old)
Announce to the children that our guest is the name of the sign “humidity” and we will look for its meaning in objects.
Organize a “search” for the meaning of the “humidity” attribute in the immediate environment. The search for the meaning of the attribute continues
at least 7 days in the 1st junior group;
4 - 5 days – in the 2nd junior and middle groups;
2-3 days in senior and preparatory groups.
During the day, in all free pauses, routine processes, and while walking, we look for the values ​​of the “humidity” sign. For example, “Window sill, what humidity level are you?” Children touch and say themselves: “Dry, wet.” The teacher encourages the children to repeat: “The window sill is dry due to humidity, the towel is wet due to humidity.”
Activation of the dictionary: adjectives are included in the child’s speech: wet, dry, watery, dried, etc.; adverbs: wet, dry, damp, etc.
Check children’s understanding of the name of the sign “humidity” using questions.
The teacher asks the children questions: “what needs to be done to find out about humidity?” Children: “Touch with your hands, hands are assistants to a smart head.”
Add an icon that schematically depicts the “humidity” sign. Ask the children: “What attribute does the icon ask about the object?”
Children's answer: “Object, what kind of humidity are you?”
5. The “humidity” icon is placed on the feature names guide. Draw the children's attention to the icon and repeat what question it is asking. Organize independent search answer to this question.
In regime processes and educational situations Children independently formulate a question on behalf of the sign (icon) and look for the answer to it themselves. Cards are used to activate children's independence different types questions.
Children can explain that all objects in the surrounding world may have a sign of humidity, and in order to determine it, you need to examine the object with your hands.
Children's mastery of observation methods.
(from 2.5 years)
Goal: to promote in children the formation of a conscious attitude towards the observation process. Teach children to understand how and why observations are made. Create conditions for mastering a generalized model of the observation process.
Visualization: Make a manual “Observation Ring”: a disk d -10-12 cm with a hole d -2-3 cm. On one side, the disk is divided into five sectors in blue, on the other hand - into five sectors in red. Technological map for mastering observation methods.
1. Show the Observation Ring and tell the children about its capabilities: you can find an object through the hole and examine it to learn more about it.
2. In front of the children, draw an eye on the Observation Ring with a red felt-tip pen and declare it the Smart Head’s assistant. The eye sees an object (parts, shape, color). For example, we looked at a cloud - the eye saw the cloud, and the Smart Head realized that it was a cloud (in shape, color, location). After 5-7 minutes, in front of the children, draw eyes on the Observation Ring on the other side of the disk with a blue felt-tip pen. The eye saw the changes, and the head realized that the cloud had changed shape, color and location.
3.Solid the concept - the object of observation. You can see it if you look closely through the hole. The eyes look, but the head sees different signs and their changes.
4. In front of the children, in one of the sectors of the Observation Ring, a silhouette of a hand is drawn with a red felt-tip pen. The object of observation is selected - a tree. Smart Head Assistant - The hand recognizes the temperature and humidity of this object. At the end of the walk, a silhouette of a hand is drawn with a blue felt-tip pen, and changes in temperature and humidity in the same tree are noted.
5. In front of the children, in the following sectors, diagrams of the nose, ear and tongue are depicted with a red felt-tip pen. Objects are selected that can change smell, sound and taste. After fixing the changes on the other side of the observation ring, the same analyzers are depicted using a blue felt-tip pen.
6. Encourage children to talk about the rules of working with the Observation Ring:
Find object;
Using the Smart Head’s assistants, find out its signs
Wait for a while
Use the Smart Head's assistants to find out what signs have changed
Talk about these changes or diagram them.
7. In older preschool age, the child independently conducts observations of an object chosen by him and records changes in signs in an observation notebook using diagrams. At this stage, models of cause-and-effect relationships and previously identified patterns are actively used.
The didactic manual Observation Ring is filled with silhouettes of analyzers only in front of children and gradually, so that children become aware of the possibility of analyzers during long-term observation of any object.
Observation ring in younger age There may be one for the whole group, and the teacher gives the opportunity to take turns working with him. In older preschool age, every child can have an observation ring if the rules for working with it have been learned.

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