What should a child be able to do when going to first grade? Preparing for CDF in primary school: difficulties and solutions

Preparing your child for school is very important question for many parents thinking about the future. Around the age of 5-6 years, fathers and mothers wonder how best to prepare him for the learning process. What is more important: study or allow yourself to rest a little more? In such a difficult choice, the child’s character should primarily be taken into account. And of course, it is correct to set priority settings, focusing on the most important.

vestibule school life- inclusion in an adult atmosphere. The child’s worldview is restructured and also social position. It is extremely important for a student to be a true member of society. Good mastery educational information is viewed by the child as happy events, while bad grades- heartbroken. Which is without a doubt a difficult psychological blow for the developing psyche of the baby. Based on this, preparation for school must contain not only the assimilation of first information, but also a healthy level of intellectual growth.

Without a doubt, being able to read and count easily is a convincing superiority. However, this is not the most significant thing. A much more pressing task is to educate a preschooler in many ways. Deepen such aspects of personality as the ability to remember, spatial orientation, friendliness, diligence, tact. And also pay attention to the physiological and mental development of the child. And it is advisable to take on this approach to education from birth. Early child development can be defined as the defining moment of normal natural maturation. Starting from 2-3 years old, it is recommended to start playing with children in various educational toys and games. An excellent solution for 2-3 year old children will be educational posters and rugs of various target orientations. In particular, the “Sports Arithmetic” sound floor mat will teach your child basic arithmetic in a fun and fast way. The goal of the educational game is to reach with your hand or foot that sensitive cell with a number on a living floor mat that corresponds to the picture that lights up on the control unit. This greatly helps improve the clarity of body movements, as well as the speed of reaction. Other living rugs, such as “Funny Classics” and Funny Moles, also have similar sides. And musical rugs will develop your baby’s hearing acuity and familiarize them with the sound of various instruments. They are perfect for singing songs, doing gymnastics and cheerfully playing with friends. And also, a fun and useful way to spend leisure time is to play with your child using educational constructors. They are diverse. With their help, the child will learn the basics of physics and can make his own model.

It is difficult to find an adult who did not have his favorite fairy tales as a child. Our parents introduced us to fascinating and instructive stories. And we sympathized with the magical characters, listening and remembering the pictures on the pages. Today's preschoolers have more more possibilities immerse yourself in the extraordinary aura of wondrous poems and fairy tales. The sections of the developing books for the "Talking Pen" were published specifically in order to master reading and develop correct reading skills with the help of games. competent speech. By reading fairy tales and fables, children learn lessons about kindness and courage. They train to determine their personal ideas and open up a lot of unexpected opportunities and solutions. And they raise personal potential and improve imagination. Absolutely all books for the “Connoisseur” pen are voiced by professional actors and published with bright, memorable drawings. The characters in many books will tell you how to behave in all sorts of circumstances, acting fairly and conscientiously.

And for small children, a selection of books “Understanding the World” is published. Where everything in the world is told in a clear and interesting way. Seasons, birds and animals, inhabitants of the seas and oceans. And also about various specialties, rules traffic and time. Moreover, the children will find answers to the tasks given at the end of the book by topic.

The Talking ABC will also help adults; the book will introduce the alphabet and letters in an accessible manner. Azbuka will teach you how to recite poems, teach you how to make riddles, and Azbuka will sing songs and rhymes about each letter. Curious student readers will be able to analyze their knowledge of the alphabet by overcoming interesting tests. A good help for preparing for school can be a collection of two books and, as well as notebooks - Russian language exercises for preschoolers. In the meetings, it is possible for a child to memorize one thousand six hundred exercises with visual explanations and hear a huge list of verses. And not only learn a sea of ​​current data about sounds and letters, but also learn to competently and correctly know the letters and syllables of your native Alphabet.

All children, without exception, and many older people would like to live in magical world, this anticipation of the unknown captures the soul with awe and impatience. That's why both adults and kids love the circus and magicians. What can we say about when this magical action is born before our eyes! What if suddenly we all also turn into magicians and wizards?! A real magician and wizard Hakobyan Hmayak decided to reveal all his wisdom to his young followers. Sets of Magic tricks for preschoolers will stun all relatives and friends. Some techniques can be obtained from the very beginning, while others will probably need to be worked out. All sets of "Magic of tricks" contain the most interesting and well-known tricks from different countries and more instructions for their implementation. There are also tricks with cards and coins, balls and cubes. And many other, no less entertaining mysteries. If a child enthusiastically watches the performances of magicians in the circus and on TV, rest assured - a selection magic tricks for young wizards will be a welcome surprise for him.

Childhood is obviously the most unusual time at the beginning of every child’s journey. But parents have a gigantic responsibility for raising a child. From the first seconds of birth and, in fact, almost until the very formation, mothers and fathers are obliged to protect and also give everything good to their child. And undoubtedly, the main rule of raising a comprehensively developed and happy individual is the acceptance and love of parents.

What will school be like for a child? How important is adaptation in children's team? Are the demands feasible? school teachers? Do I need to prepare my child for first grade? What is the role of a tutor primary classes in the preparatory process? Let's talk about this and much more that is related to the problems of preschoolers.

Adaptation of children in a children's group

Tell me, is psychological comfort for a child in a new community so important? And is it necessary to focus on this? Maybe the problem is far-fetched and more attention should be paid to the educational process?

A primary school tutor, when starting to train a preschooler, as a rule, is also more focused on the results of the student’s interview than on his fears of a group of unknown boys and girls. But here a couple of reassuring phrases will not do, because you need a system, an individual approach.

What do famous teachers think about this, for example Sukhomlinsky and Amonashvili, to whom the whole world listens, whose methods are widely used in elementary school? They put in first place the child’s feelings, his personal qualities, which are revealed in the learning process.

Because a downtrodden child, even three times talented, will not be able to open up and fully show his abilities. IN pedagogical practice There are a lot of cases when a weak average student, finding himself in a new team, suddenly begins to study well, behave confidently and actively, and sometimes vice versa.

This means that the first thing a primary school tutor must pay attention to is: psychological preparation student to any team. And when starting his duties, he must explain to the child’s parents the importance of developing a psychological foundation from which their child’s path to conquering the heights of knowledge will begin. How can you feel comfortable on a shaky foundation?

So, to the question of what place the problem of adaptation should be given in the preparatory process, we can safely answer: the main thing.

The child needs to be taught to communicate, told how to react to the actions of peers, how to build relationships in a team. To do this, a primary school tutor should turn to the original works of famous teachers who work specifically with children, and take advantage of their experience and methods. Yes, this is subtle and inconspicuous work, but it is very important. A good, competent teacher will not mess around at this stage, and parents should be attentive so that...

To reinforce practice with theory, be sure to take your child to playgrounds and any events where he will learn to communicate. And it doesn’t matter whether the baby walks kindergarten or it’s homemade, children learn everything very quickly.

What a child should know when going to school

Despite the fact that entrance exams and there are no tests for admission to first grade, school administrations, especially prestigious schools, arrange a selection - oral interviews with preschool children.

This means that a primary school tutor must be prepared for his student’s mini-exam, prepare him properly and try to ensure that the child perceives this test as just another game.

How are interviews conducted? Usually the head teacher and primary school teacher, school psychologist, speech therapist review the documents of future students. Then a mother or father and a child are invited to the class. The kid is left alone at his desk with strict aunts, and parents are asked to sit at the back of the class.

Moreover, when filling out documents and an application with a request to admit a child to school, parents give written consent to conduct this mini-exam, where the child is asked various questions for about 20 minutes.

Knowledge and skills for entering first grade

1. Questions general:

- what is the name, give the surname, first name, patronymic of the parents, their place of work and position, contact phone number;

- where he lives: country, city, street, house and apartment number;

- what plants he knows; be able to distinguish domestic animals from wild ones, distinguish between bushes, flowers, trees;

- name the current year, month, day, day, morning, evening or afternoon, the number of days in a year, month, week, hours in a day, minutes in an hour, seconds in a minute;

- what is rain, snow, heat, cold, ice;

- name the colors of the rainbow;

- show where right, left, top, bottom, back, front are;

- what holidays he knows;

- what he likes to do;

- does he want to study?

2. Intelligence test:

- be able to solve puzzles, riddles, find solutions logical problems;

- select an item from a group, for example, find a fruit among vegetables;

— add an item to the group, for example, add an apple to the fruit;

- identify similarities and differences (bunnies - bears), the beginning and end of the story.

3. Check different types memory and speech:

- describe the picture;

— copy a simple image;

- repeat a sentence of 5-7 words;

- retell a fragment of a story;

- write down graphic dictation, for example: three cells up, one to the right, two to the left;

- tell a fairy tale;

- come up with a story based on the picture.

4. Check mathematical abilities:

- determine where is greater than, less than or equal to;

- recognize geometric shapes;

- divide into equal parts;

- choose where it is longer, shorter, higher, lower;

- solve simple problems.

- know letters, sounds, syllables, vowels, consonants, hard, soft;

- divide words into syllables;

- find words by letter, for example, "a" - stork.

6. Graphic skills test:

- use a pen and pencil;

- depict different lines and curves without interruption;

- outline contours and dotted lines;

- carefully sketch figures.

As you can see, a list of what you should know and be able to do future first grader, decent. Considering the nursery short term memory, a primary school tutor with daily meetings will have to prepare his student for at least seven months for an interview, because in more short term The baby will physically not be able to learn everything, and he can only be an attentive student for twenty minutes - then he needs to take a break, change his type of activity.

How to develop the skills you need for school

Many parents, when teaching their child, do not take into account the peculiarities of the child’s perception and rely on their own feelings. But this is fundamentally wrong. Children are not just small compared to adults, they perceive the world differently, developing sensory literacy month after month.

Children perceive objects and phenomena in parts, in detail. For example, a five-year-old child assembles a bear from puzzles. But instead of bear paws, I placed goat limbs, and I’m sure that I did everything right - these are paws. And so in everything - first he sees the parts, and then he makes up the whole.

We often see a five-year-old child behave like a three-year-old. What is this? Natural underdevelopment? No. Just poor manners, love of love, ignorance by adults of the psychological aspects of the gradual development of children. While mom was getting ready to study, time passed and a gap remained.

Mom and dad are not educators, psychologists, and do not know the methods. But here is a primary school tutor who knows well age characteristics each group of children, is able to both develop and correct mistakes already made in development.

For example, it is very important to develop phonemic awareness, i.e. learn to distinguish the features of sounds : softness, hardness, etc. If this is not done, the gap will appear at the most unexpected moment, and then you will have to dig out the reason from the temporary load.

For example, a girl who studies well goes to the fourth grade. Loads increase, speed of perception educational material is growing, and the student began to get bad grades in Russian dictations.

Naturally, there was panic at home, the child was in tears - they called a specialist for help. It turned out that the reason was underdevelopment phonemic hearing. The girl, not having time to analyze, began to write as she heard, for example, instead of the word “lion” - “lef”.

The task of a primary school tutor is to track such moments and correct them, because at this stage it is much easier to do.

What method can a primary school tutor choose for a child’s development?

Today, there are many methods of working with preschool and younger children. school age, allowing children's syncretism to remain in early childhood, for example, the developments of Sukhomlinsky, Zaitsev with demonstration of video materials, Amonashvili.

Let's focus on the one that purchased world fame and entered school curriculum, namely: humane-personal pedagogy of Amonashvili.

All his lessons are aimed at developing the child, revealing his internal potential, creating a comfortable psychological environment in the process of communication and learning.

Now you understand how important it is to comprehensively prepare a child for school, and not to banal coaching for an interview. Even if your child goes to kindergarten, which has an excellent teacher, it is better to take care of individual additional classes, because in kindergarten they will not be able to give your baby as much attention as an individual primary school tutor.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Preparing children for school as one of the the most important problems preschool and primary education

"We live in a rapidly changing society,

And our school must keep up with its development,

And ideally, get ahead of it, because the future

Born today. This has already become an axiom"

A. Asmolov

Every time I recruit first-graders, my heart is full of questions and worries:

What are my future first-graders like? (The restless, capricious Kolya, the shy and quiet Olya...)

How will they accept me as a teacher, as a person - my students?

What kind of mothers and fathers are they - my parents? (Some are diligent, attentive, always aware of school life, others even forget to come to school...)

Future first-graders and their parents look forward to the first day of school like a holiday. Long before this day, parents purchase everything their child needs. And so, on September 1, smart, solemn and joyful children go to school with their parents. But some time passes, and grief begins:

The child is restless;

Writes poorly;

Doesn't know how to answer the teacher's questions intelligently. This is sometimes explained by the child’s lack of abilities, his laziness, and the reason is thatthe child was not prepared for school in a timely manner.

Therefore, today there is a need to talk about the problems of preschool education.

Period until school childhood(like the period of schooling) includes several stages, starting from an early age of 3 years. Of course, it is somewhat premature to prepare such little ones for school, but in just a couple of years they will fall under the radar of pre-school education, and then... What is very important is not to be late, and on the other hand, not to overstrain the not yet strong intellect, psyche and physical abilities kids.

Basically, preschool education is carried out in preschool institutions, that is, in kindergartens. However, today more than 40% of children aged 5-6 years are “disorganized” children, or, in other words, “home children”, according to various reasons who did not attend preschool educational institutions. Difficulties await not only themselves, but also teachers who are faced with a “contingent” that is not adapted to school, High level anxiety, immaturity emotional sphere, the lack of socialization of these children finds a way out either in aggression or in apathy. Rejection from classmates and problems with studies can cause a child to become “allergic to school” and lead to psychosomatic disorders. There is a way out: this is pre-school preparation.

The main task that preschool education should solve, no matter where the child receives it: in kindergarten, at school, at home, in groups at development centers or even at home management, is not “training” for admission to the first grade, but the formation of children's motivation to study at school, emotional readiness to it, the ability to act both independently and together with others, to develop curiosity, creative activity and sensitivity to the world.

Trust the specialists, we will tell them, they will teach your child everything he needs to succeed in school, and at the same time will not deprive him of his childhood.

Everyone understands that preschool institutions carry out some preparation for school. Currently, they are left to independently choose the program for teaching their children. And moreover, there are many such programs. The variety of programs often makes it difficult for us, teachers, to figure out what a 5-6 year old child needs to know and be able to do to enter 1st grade. For example, the Rainbow program offers an introduction to fractions, the study of which is provided only in grades 4-5; the ecology program introduces children to human organs and their location. Similar examples many. But does a preschooler need this?

And what happens is that children come to primary school with reading and counting skills, but 35-40% of them do not have developed fine motor skills, 60% - oral speech. 70% of first-graders have not developed the ability to listen to a teacher, friend, or organize their activities.

Therefore, there is a need for some alternative forms of training in kindergartens, schools, additional education institutions, and institutes.

In my opinion, today only one educational system strives to implement the principle of continuity between preschool and primary school education in its entirety and integrity – this is “School 2100”.

In the context of the transition to pre-school education, “School-2100” solves an important and pressing problem for children to overcome age crisis, accompanying their acquisition of new social status"I am a student." “School-2100” not only emphasizes the importance of taking into account age-related developments in the upbringing and education of preschool children, but also focuses on the consistent and progressive development of the individual.

It is known that the most intensive development personal qualities And psychological neoplasms carried out in preschool age. It is during this period that the main psychological mechanisms, predetermining quality characteristics development of memory, thinking, imagination, creativity. If adults miss this favorable period, they inevitably encounter a phenomenon, the name of which was once given by the teacher and practitioner B. Nikitin: “NUVERS” - Irreversible Fading of the Opportunities for the Natural Development of Abilities. And avoiding mistakes in raising a child allows you to choose the right conceptual direction in pedagogical activity(i.e. program selection).

One of the guiding principles in Educational system“School-2100”, which determines the content, technology, methods and techniques of working with children, isteaching principleactivities. According to him school lesson The discovery of knowledge is based on the technology of problem-dialogical teaching, and for classes with preschoolers, a technology has been developed that is specially adapted to the age of the children.

The teacher not only transfers ready-made knowledge to his pupils, but also organizes their activities, during which the children themselves make “discoveries”, learn something new and use the acquired knowledge and skills to solve life problems. This approach allows for continuity between preschool stage and primary school, both at the level of content and at the level of technology. We can safely say: it is this approach to education that allows you to ignite the torch of a child’s creativity and direct his aspirations to explore unknown horizons of knowledge.

So, it is possible to solve the problem of children’s readiness for school only if a single line of child development is implemented at the stages of preschool and school childhood. Only this approach can give pedagogical process holistic, consistent and promising in nature, which will allow us to rely more widely on the level of child development formed in preschool childhood.


  1. Buneev R.N. Let's talk about the problems of preschool education, "Primary School" magazine: Plus before and after. No. 10/04 – Balass LLC, 2004
  2. Denyakina L. M. Some reflections on pre-school education, magazine “Primary School”: Plus before and after. No. 5/07 – Balass LLC, 2007
  3. Mayer A.A. Accompanying a child in preschool based on indicators of his development, “Elementary School” magazine: Plus before and after. No. 12, 2008

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All At Home Away Via Skype

358 tutors in 52 disciplines. Young teachers, experienced teachers, candidates and doctors of sciences, laureates of All-Russian and international competitions. Fixed prices, classes according to individual program or according to the educational institution's program. Start from any level. Travel to any point in Moscow, classes at your home or on the tutor’s premises. Individual selection of a tutor, preliminary meeting before the start of training.

Item: Russian language.
Another item: Primary school
Another item: Preparing for school

Education: Higher philological education, courses on Federal State Educational Standards
Age: 50 years
Teaching experience: 20 years
Yes (Shchelkovo)
Do you go to visit a student: Yes (Shchelkovo, Moscow, Alekseevskaya, Babushkinskaya, Medvedkovo, Los station area, Korolev city)

About myself: Experienced teacher. I love teaching children. I use it possible methods, set out in the methods of teaching the subject. I am preparing for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam.

Item: Russian language.
Another item: English language
Another item: Primary school
Another item: Preparing for school

Education: Higher philological
Age: 29 years old
Teaching experience: 10 years
Do you conduct classes on your premises: No (Krasnogorsk)
Do you go to visit a student: Yes (Krasnogorsk, Moscow)

About myself: IN free time improving my knowledge. During the time teaching activities students took 1st and 2nd places in competitions. The priority in my work is the success of the student! It is important to notice students' successes. The teaching method is communication-oriented, which means that the most important goal for me it is to improve the communication skills of students.

Item: Physics.
Another item: Mathematics.
Another item: Primary school.
Another item: Preparing for school.

Teacher of the 1st category

Education: higher education, teacher of physics and mathematics. Sholokhov Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2004.
Age: 38 years old
Teaching experience: more than 10 years
Do you conduct classes on your premises: Yes (m. Oktyabrskoye Pole)
Do you go to visit a student: Yes (purple, green metro lines, center)

About myself: I know how to explain well, make difficult things simple and understandable, difficult things easy, and boring things interesting! Preparation for the OGE, Unified State Exam. For my students, mathematics is the easiest and most understandable subject in school! The child’s success and psychological comfort during the learning process are very important things in my work.

Item: Primary school.
Another item: Preparing for school.

Education: secondary vocational, ICT competence, 1st qualification category
Age: 63 years old
Teaching experience: 30 years old
Do you conduct classes on your premises: Yes (Novo-Peredelkino)
Do you go to visit a student: Yes ( Western District, Solntsevo, Novo-Peredelkino, South-Western District)

About myself: I worked and I know it well educational programs: School of Russia, Zankova, mathematics Peterson. I work at a school that is in the top 400 best schools Moscow. My students regularly participate in district, city, regional olympiads, where they take first place.

Item: Russian language
Another item: Primary school
Another item: Russian as a foreign language

Education: higher pedagogical; advanced training courses for teachers of Russian language and literature at the Academy for Advanced Studies and professional retraining education workers. Moscow State pedagogical institute named after Lenin 1975-1980
Age: 56 years old
Teaching experience: more than 20 years
Do you conduct classes on your premises: No (metro station Begovaya)
Do you go to visit a student: Yes (any district of Moscow)

About myself: Extensive experience in teaching at school helps to find an individual approach to students, instill in them an interest in the subject, teach them to write and speak competently. Schoolchildren successfully pass tests and exams. Individual approach to each student, taking into account his abilities and psychological characteristics. I use techniques that suit a particular student. I work with students from 2nd to 8th grade.

Item: Primary school
Another item: Preparing for school
Another item: Russian language

Teacher of the 1st category

Education: higher pedagogical
Age: 43 years old
Teaching experience: 23 years old
Do you conduct classes on your premises: No
Do you go to visit a student: Yes, purple and light green metro lines

About myself: I teach at a magnet school individual items. I work on different programs. I can teach mathematics using Peterson. I find an approach to any child. Energetic, passionate about her profession, with a positive outlook on life.

Item: Primary school
Another item: Preparing for school

Teacher of the 1st category

Education: Syktyvkar pedagogical school 1972-1976. Simferopol Pedagogical Institute-1993-1995
Age: 57 years old
Teaching experience: 30 years old
Do you conduct classes on your premises: No (m. Kyiv)
Do you go to visit a student: Yes (Central Administrative District, South-Western Administrative District)

About myself: Great productive experience. I am engaged in self-education. Nostalgia for work. Author of textbooks on mathematics. I can captivate all students with the disciplines taught. Favorite subjects are Russian language and mathematics.

Item: Primary school
Another item: Preparing for school

Teacher of the 1st category

Education: Higher education, latest courses ICT competence of primary school teachers. Gorky State Pedagogical Institute.
Age: 60 years old.
Teaching experience: 38 years old.
Do you conduct classes on your premises: Yes (m. Prazhskaya)
Do you go to visit a student: Yes (Southern Administrative District, Central Administrative District, Southwestern Administrative District of Moscow)

About myself: A workaholic, I have authority both among students and among their parents. I love children and really love my job.
Students in different years were and are winners and laureates of Olympiads in different subjects elementary school.
I know how to find an approach to every child. At individual lessons I take into account the request, what kind of help the parents want to receive for their child, and the child’s desire to study.

Item: Preparing for school, Primary school
Another item: Dancing
Another item: Drawing, painting, composition

Teacher of the 1st category

Education: Moscow Regional Institute of Higher Socio-Economic Education, qualification of educational psychologist, specialty Psychology* (2002);
Theatrical Art and Technical School, specializing in theatrical costume design for performances, qualifications as an artist-fashion designer (1993), incomplete higher education at the Moscow State Textile Academy named after A.N. Kosygin (1996).
Stage I and II “TRIZ and RTV” at the Ulyanovsk Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers (1998).
Professional retraining at the Training and Production Center “Time” in the specialty “Design, specialization in interior design” (2001).
Advanced training at the Institute of International Social and Humanitarian Relations on the topic “Organization of year-round programs of social, educational, leisure work and vacation programs for children and adolescents. School of Teacher-Organizers" (2008)
Personality and professional development(2007-2010)
Advanced training International Institute of Montessori Pedagogy on the topic “Fundamentals of Montessori pedagogy for children from 3 to 6 years old” (2012)
Age: 40 years old.
Teaching experience: 11 years old.
Do you conduct classes on your premises: Yes (Southern Butovo)
Do you go to visit a student: Yes (Moscow, any area)

About myself: I am currently an educational psychologist and additional education teacher. I am a generalist teacher because I teach diverse creative disciplines.
Drawing: Drawing, painting, composition, costume design, beading, quilling, batik; fine arts for children (drawing, paper design, natural materials, dough)
Dances: rhythmoplasty, choreographed dance, oriental dances (Arabic dance, oriental, belly dance), psychology of dance, strip plasticity.
Developmental activities: early development, development of thinking, attention, memory and imagination. Speech development, the world around us, reading, math, writing.
Psychology: development of creativity and talent, work with withdrawn and shy children through TRIZ and RTV, including acting as well as elements of ART therapy and fairy tale therapy.
Theatrical art: (acting: plasticity, transformation, the world of emotions, clarity and emotional expressiveness of speech, emancipation, pantomime, history of theatre, sketches of costumes and scenery for the play, making models, masks, decorations and the costumes themselves.
As a child I did ballroom dancing and studied at art school. After school, she entered the Theater Arts and Technical School in the art and costume department, and at the same time studied in the theater studio at the school. She graduated with honors (1989-93). She studied with private teachers and worked in the House of Pioneers No. 2 of the Kuibyshev region as a teacher of additional education, in the subject “Costume Composition”. In 1995 she entered the Moscow State Textile Academy named after A.N. Kosygin, and at the same time studied dancing. Without graduating from the academy, she left under a contract to work in Japan and then to Italy. Studied at Moscow regional institute higher socio-economic education with the qualification of educational psychologist (2097-2002) At the same time, I completed the I and II stages of “TRIZ (solution theory inventive problems) and RTV (development of creativity and imagination)" at the Ulyanovsk Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers (1998), worked in nursery garden No. 699 as a teacher of additional education "Development of Creativity and Giftedness". She completed a professional retraining course at the Vremya Training and Production Center with a degree in design, specializing in interior design (2001). She did private projects as an interior designer (2001-2003) and danced with a dance group under a contract.
Established a private family club as an individual entrepreneur. She led the club and did private tutoring. (2011-2013). Completed advanced training in International Institute Montessori pedagogy on the topic “Fundamentals of Montessori pedagogy for children from 3 to 6 years old” (2012) In (2013-14) she worked as a teacher of additional education at school in the subject “ fine arts" and "Beadwork" in parallel, she continued to engage in private practice and work in private children's centers and kindergartens.
Currently I am a private teacher, author and presenter of trainings, thematic classes and master classes: painting, graphics, costume composition. Unlocking creative abilities through TRIZ, RTV and theatrical activities, “Psychology of Dance”, development of coherent sequential speech, I work with withdrawn and shy children.
I love children, I am tolerant, efficient, responsible, demanding of myself and others, organizational skills, creativity to any problem. 21 years of experience in school, 16 years as a tutor, experience in preparing winners of city and regional Olympiads and competitions.

Preparing for primary school. Increasing the level of knowledge, working with children without preparation (children who do not attend kindergarten). The tutor travels anywhere in Moscow and adapts to your schedule. Classes at your home, at a tutor’s home, or in another location. Fixed prices, preliminary interview with a tutor, individual selection of a tutor.

Three categories of tutors for school preparation

All employees of the “School at Home” are divided into three categories - according to skills, work experience, and education. The cost of a tutor’s work depends on his category; within categories, prices are fixed.

Highest category

The highest category includes tutors with six years of experience in higher education institutions. In addition, tutors highest category work with children from three years old, are able to lead group classes, have publications in specialized publications.

First category

Tutors of the first category are teachers with work experience from three to six years, with completed higher education By specialized subject. Like teachers of the highest category, tutors of the first category are able to work with children from three years old and conduct group lessons.

Second category

Teachers of the second category are graduates of higher educational institutions, final year students, bachelors, young specialists with up to three years of work experience.

Benefits of preparing for school with “School at home”

  • Individual selection of a tutor. Choose a tutor yourself or leave a request for selection. We have posted profiles of all teachers on the website. If you find it difficult to choose, leave a request to select a teacher. We will send profiles of suitable tutors by email.
  • Control of the learning process. The school director supervises teaching and is always in touch with teachers and students. All negative reviews are reviewed by an objective commission. If the review is confirmed, cooperation with the teacher is terminated.
  • Real reviews. All reviews about our teachers are real. If necessary, we provide student contacts (with their consent) to confirm the review.
  • Individual approach. Training is structured depending on the student’s level of knowledge; the program is compiled individually. The teacher adapts to your schedule.
  • Responsibility for the result. “School at home” is not a tutor exchange, but a full-fledged educational institution new type. The result of our work is the knowledge of our students.

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