Didactic syncwine as an innovative technology for speech development. Master class: “didactic syncwine as an innovative technology used in correctional pedagogical work for children with severe speech impairments”

Didactic syncwine in working with preschoolers with

Speech disorders

Modern speech therapy is in constant active search ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions, which are typical for children with special needs educational needs. Solving speech problems is hot topic in preschool age. Today there are many technologies aimed at timely diagnosis and the maximum possible correction of speech disorders.

These include well-known technologies:

Speech therapy examination;

Sound pronunciation corrections;

Formations speech breathing at various violations pronunciation side of speech;

Development intonation side speeches;

Corrections of the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech;

Development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech;

Speech therapy massage.

Being on the border of contact between pedagogy, psychology and medicine, speech therapy uses in its practice, adapting to its needs the most effective, non-traditional methods and techniques related sciences helping to optimize the work of a speech therapist teacher (kinesitherapy, hydrogymnastics, Su-Jok therapy, herbal medicine, fairy tale therapy.) In my opinion, these methods cannot be considered in speech therapy as independent, they become part of generally accepted time-tested technologies, and bring into them the spirit of modernity, new ways of interaction between teacher and child, new incentives, serve to create a favorable emotional background, contribute to the inclusion in work of intact and activation of impaired mental functions.

Working with older children preschool age with OHP, I was in search of methods and techniques of work that would improve thinking abilities preschoolers with speech impairments and would allow them to think more productively. Thinking, like other qualities of the mind, can be developed. Therefore, I began to use the didactic syncwine method in my work. The innovation of this technique is the creation of conditions for the development of a personality capable of thinking critically, that is, eliminating the unnecessary and highlighting the main thing, generalizing, classifying. I teach children to compose didactic syncwines in the form of a game. This technology does not require special conditions for use and organically fits into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories in children with SLD.

The innovativeness of this technique is the creation of conditions for the development of a personality capable of thinking critically, that is, eliminating the superfluous and highlighting the main thing, generalizing, classifying.

Let me remind you that the word syncwine comes from French word"five", which means almost literally "a poem of five lines". The history of the emergence of syncwine is quite young; according to the main version, this genre of poetry was invented at the beginning of the twentieth century American poet Adelaide Crapsey. It began to be introduced into domestic pedagogy from the late 1990s, thanks to a group of enthusiasts from the Legal Reform Foundation. The main task of syncwine is to learn to think as succinctly as possible, while you also need to be able to express your thoughts briefly and clearly. For this purpose, there are two basic rules for composing syncwines; the first rule for composing classical syncwines is to strictly count the syllables in each of the five lines. And the second rule, it is also a more modern and more widespread didactic one, which has become so widely used in educational institutions many countries in educational purposes. Didactic syncwine is based on the content and syntactic specificity of each line. Compiling a didactic syncwine is a form free creativity, which requires children to be able to find information material the most essential elements, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly. These abilities are in great demand in modern life. Drawing up a didactic syncwine, a short summary based on large volumes information, useful for developing analytical abilities. Sinkwines are also an excellent way of control and self-control.

The procedure for compiling a didactic syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and person-oriented. This method can easily be integrated with others educational areas correctional program, and the simplicity of constructing a syncwine allows you to quickly get results. When composing a didactic syncwine, the number of syllables in each line no longer matters. In didactic syncwine, the most important thing is the semantic content and part of speech that is used in each line. We can say that this is free mini-creativity, subordinate certain rules. The basic rules for compiling a syncwine include the following:

The first line should contain the topic of the didactic syncwine, usually this is the phenomenon or subject about which we're talking about. Most often, only one word is written in the first line, but sometimes a small phrase is written. In terms of part of speech, it is a pronoun or a noun, and answers the questions: Who? What?

In the second line there are already two words, sometimes phrases, that describe the properties and characteristics of this object or phenomenon. In terms of speech, these are usually participles and adjectives that answer the questions: Which one? Which?

The third line already contains three words (sometimes phrases) that describe the usual actions for this phenomenon or object. In terms of speech, these are verbs and gerunds that answer the question: What does it do?

In the fourth line, the child directly expresses his opinion about the topic raised. Sometimes it can be simple famous aphorism, a phrase or something similar, sometimes even a short verse. The most traditional option is when this phrase consists of four words.

The fifth line again contains only one word or phrase. This is like a summary of the entire poem, reflecting the essence of the subject or phenomenon discussed in the didactic syncwine, and the author’s opinion about it. Usually it is also a noun or pronoun as a part of speech and answers the question: Who? What?

Of course, the ability to compose didactic syncwine requires a certain preparation from the child, and carefully thought-out, systematic work from the speech therapist. Preliminary work on creating a speech base for compiling a didactic syncwine does not contradict the “Program for speech therapy work to overcome general underdevelopment speech in children" T. B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina and that part of it that concerns the development of lexical and grammatical categories in children with ODD level 3 and serves as a means of optimizing the educational process.

I use didactic syncwine in working with preschoolers with OPD, starting from the second half of the first year of study, when children have already mastered the concepts of “word-object”, “word-action”, “word-attribute”, “sentence”. We compose a didactic syncwine at the end of each lexical topic, when children already have sufficient vocabulary on this topic. Tasks for children may be different. This includes the compilation of a didactic syncwine by all children for one word-subject on a lexical topic, and the compilation of didactic syncwines for different words-subjects related to each other by a lexical topic. It is possible to compile short story according to a ready-made didactic syncwine using words and phrases included in this syncwine. Children need to find the necessary sign words, action words from their entire vocabulary, compose a common sentence with these words, choose a word that is associated with this concept. The higher the level speech development child, the more interesting the syncwines are. I do not limit children in the number of invented words according to the rules for constructing a didactic syncwine. It is possible that in the fourth line the sentence may consist of 3 to 5 words, and in the fifth line, instead of one word, there may be two words. Other parts of speech are also allowed. Traditionally to international day March 8th, we are publishing a newspaper with children's syncwines about mothers.

The apparent simplicity of the form of this technique hides a powerful, multifaceted tool for reflection. After all, assessing information, expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas in a few words, in fact, is not so easy even for an older student. But this is difficult and fruitful work, both for the speech therapist teacher and for his students. I think that colleagues who use this technique in correctional work, will agree that poems created by children often become the “highlight” of immediate educational activities.

Examples of children's didactic syncwines.

Lexical topic: “New Year”

1. New Year.

2. Joyful, long-awaited.

3. Comes, amuses, pleases.

4. I love this holiday.

5. Gifts.

Lexical topic: “Our city”

1. Lipetsk.

2. Large, clean.

3. Grows, becomes prettier, develops.

4. I live in this city.

5. Lipetsk is a city of metallurgists.

1. Mom.

2. Smart, beautiful, kind.

3. Reads, knits, cooks, cleans.

4. Loves me and dad.

5. Family.

Lexical topic: “Time of year”

1. Winter.

2. Snowy, cold.

3. Freezes, sweeps, delights.

4. Covers the earth with silvery snow.

5. Sorceress.





"Didactic syncwine, like innovative technology, used in correctional and pedagogical work for children with severe speech impairments.”

Prepared and conducted:

teacher - speech therapist

Kostakova E.A.

Purpose of the master class:

to give an idea of ​​the use of the innovative technology for speech development “syncwine”, the importance of this technology in the system of correctional and developmental work for children with severe speech impairments.Determination of correctional paths and psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of children's speech through didactic syncwine


Experience working with children with general speech underdevelopmentIIIIVlevel shows that even after completing a course of correction and speech development in children with good diagnostic indicators, there are difficulties associated with the speed of updating existing knowledge and their own speech utterance, they need more time to think and formulate an answer


In relation to pedagogical process, innovation means introducing something new into the goals, content, methods and forms of education, organization joint activities teacher and child. The main criterion for the “innovativeness” of a technology is to increase the efficiency of the educational process through the use of this technology.

What is "Sinquain"?

"Cinquain" comes from the French word for "five". This is a specific poem without rhyme, consisting of five lines that summarize information on the topic studied. Despite the unpronounceable and mysterious name, syncwine technology is very effective and easy to use already in preschool age for children with general speech underdevelopment.

Stages of work.

Innovative technologies in speech therapy practice are only an addition to generally accepted, time-tested technologies. Today I will talk about the practical implementation of syncwine technology in the correctional pedagogical process.

For the work to be successful, the impact must be systemic, describing and covering the entire correction process. Required preliminary work to create a speech base for composing syncwine, which does not contradict the program of Tatyana Borisovna Filicheva and Galina Vasilyevna Chirkina and that part of it that concerns the development of lexical and grammatical categories in children with SEN 3rd level and serves as a means of optimizing the educational process.

To correctly compose a syncwine, a preschooler needs:

have sufficient vocabulary within the topic,
concepts: word - object (living, not living), word-action, word-attribute,

learn to understand and ask questions correctly,

possess the skill of generalization,
coordinate words in a sentence,

correctly formulate your thoughts in the form of a sentence.

Corrective pedagogical work on syncwine begins at the end of the lexical week. At first, when compiling a syncwine, I work with children either in subgroups, then in pairs and only then individually.

At the first stage of work when teaching how to compose a syncwine, the vocabulary of preschoolers is clarified, expanded and improved. Children become familiar with the concepts of “a word denoting an object” and “a word denoting the action of an object”, thereby preparing a platform for subsequent work on a sentence. By giving the concept of “a word denoting a characteristic of an object,” I am accumulating material for expanding the sentence by definition. Children master the concepts of “living and inanimate” objects, learn to correctly ask questions to words denoting objects, actions and signs of an object.

1st line “Who? What?" - noun, one keyword, defining the content (Title of the work, name of the hero);

2nd line “Which one? Which? Which?" - two adjectives characterizing the first line;

3rd line “What does it do?” - three verbs denoting action related to the topic;

Exercise “Match the diagram to the word”

I teach mnemonic memorization techniques using the selection of associations (pictures). What is necessary to form a system of connections between lexical units.

At the second stage work continues to enrich and activate the dictionary; composing a sentence of several words, showing the attitude to the topic, expressing the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the described subject or object, subject (plot) picture. At this stage, it is very important to teach children to express their personal attitude to a topic in one phrase; as well as use knowledge of proverbs and sayings on a given topic. Children make sentences based on pictures using diagrams.

4th line of syncwine - four words, a key phrase that shows the author’s personal attitude to the topic or its essence

5th line – one word noun (or phrase) – association (synonym), which repeats the essence of the topic in the 1st line.

Main stage. Compiling syncwines.

“Essays” are written once a week, or twice, and have various topics, which is reflected in long-term planning. Lexical topics, which children learn, serve as themes for syncwines. They can be dedicated to a person (his qualities), natural phenomena, animals, birds, holidays, etc.

Variability in the use of syncwine technology.

I use syncwine in class to reinforce the lexical topics I have learned.


    2. Thin, white-trunked.

    3. Grows, turns green, makes you happy.

    4. Birch is a symbol of Russia.

    5. Wood

In classes on the development of coherent speech: using words from syncwine, come up with a story.

1. Hare.

2. White, fluffy.

3. Hides, is afraid, runs away.

4. I feel sorry for the hare.

5. Wild animal.

A white fluffy hare lives in the winter forest. The hare's life is difficult; he is afraid of the wolf and the fox; when he sees them, he hides or runs away. I feel sorry for the hare. Life is difficult for wild animals in winter.

Various variations for composing syncwine contribute to the diversified composition of tasks.

    Compose a syncwine according to subject picture(story) pictures,

    Compilation short story using a ready-made syncwine (using words and phrases included in the syncwine);

    Based on a story or fairy tale you heard;

    Cinquain is a mystery. Analysis of an incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without specifying the topic - without the first line, it is necessary to determine it based on the existing lines):

1. ?

2. Vowels, consonants.

3. We hear, pronounce, highlight.

4. Sounds form words.

5. Speech

    You can give homework for joint activities between the child and parents: draw an object and compose a syncwine.

    Children who can type can create their own syncwine on a piece of paper, while children who cannot type can create their own syncwine in the form of oral compositions.

    Compiling syncwine is used as final task based on the material covered.

    Compiling a syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.To reinforce concepts learned in pre-literacy classes.

    This is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them).

Considering that the leading activity for preschoolers is play, it is necessary to organize the process of learning new words during the game. Compiling a didactic syncwine is a fun and interesting game. The child must also be able to read his own work. And no matter how bad or good he does it, he always has a desire to sit in a poet’s chair and read his composition out loud to everyone.

The work of composing syncwines is a source of inexhaustible creativity for children and adults. With creative, non-directive use of syncwine in the classroom, it is perceived by preschoolers as an exciting game, as an opportunity to express their opinion, agree or disagree with the opinions of others, and come to an agreement. The effectiveness of using syncwine lies in quickly obtaining results and consolidating them, facilitating the process of mastering concepts and their content, expanding and updating vocabulary, learning to express one’s thoughts, selecting the right words, and developing the ability to analyze.

For parents, it is proposed to conduct a consultation “Use of the syncwine method in the development of speech of children of senior preschool age”, a master class “Learning to compose a syncwine”.

A piggy bank is being created - samples of children's syncwines.

Making colorful individual albums for children with hand-printed syncwines.

Experience shows that already at the end of the first year of study, most older preschoolers gradually master the skill of composing a syncwine, practicing selecting actions and signs for objects, improving their ability to generalize, expanding and clarifying their vocabulary.

Advantages. The effectiveness and significance of syncwine technology.

    Firstly, its simplicity. Anyone can make a cinquain.

    Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities.

    Cinquain is gaming technique.

    Composing a syncwine is like a game, because composing is fun, useful and easy!

    This method can be easily integrated with other areas of the Program.

    The syncwine technology does not require special conditions for use and fits organically into the work on the development of lexical and grammatical categories in preschoolers with SLD.

    It fits harmoniously into the work on the development of speech therapy; the use of syncwine does not violate the generally accepted system of influencing speech pathology and ensures its logical completeness.

    Contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary, clarifies the content of concepts.

    It is a diagnostic tool that allows the teacher to assess the child’s level of mastery of the material covered.

    It has the nature of a complex effect, not only develops speech, but contributes to the development of HMF (memory, attention, thinking).

II. Practical part:

- Collaboration with teachers “Sinquain about cinquain”

1. Sinkwine.

2. Creative, activating.

3. Develops, enriches, clarifies.

4. Cinquain helps you learn.

5. Technology.

- Independent work of teachers.

- Discussion of the results obtained.

- Summing up.

Bottom line.

New technology– opens up new opportunities. Didactic syncwine allows you to create conditions for the child to freely choose activities, make decisions, express feelings and thoughts, thanks to it it is possible to support the individuality and initiative of each child, and this, in turn, creates social situation for the development of the child, which is relevant in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education.

The use of didactic syncwine in speech therapy practice allows you to harmoniously combine in your work the elements of three main educational systems: information, activity and personality-oriented, which is especially important when working with children with special educational needs.

The Didactic Syncwine technology can be successfully used in speech therapy practice.

“Speech development of preschool children

method of didactic syncwine"

(consultation for educators)

Organization: MBDOU kindergarten No. 52 of the city of Belovo

Locality: Kemerovo region, city of Belovo


  1. Didactic syncwine as a teaching method……………......4

  2. Rules for compiling a syncwine…………………………………5

  3. Examples of syncwines……………………………………………..7




In the century modern technologies adults pay very little attention to their children in terms of communication. Children have forgotten how to speak the “rich and powerful” Russian language. Every family today has computers, televisions, tablets, cell phones and other technology that replaces communication between an adult and a child. Parents cannot understand why, when talking with their child, they cannot replace computer games or watching cartoons, even if they are educational in nature. Children do not know how to talk because they are not given due attention at home - parents do not have time for this. Today, figurative speech, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, in preschool children is a very rare phenomenon. There are many problems in children’s speech: poor vocabulary, inability to compose a story based on a picture, retell what they read, it is difficult for them to learn a poem by heart, and also to use not only simple but also complex ones in speech grammatical structures. Therefore, the problem of child speech development is more relevant today than ever. AND pedagogical impact when developing the speech of preschoolers - painstaking, daily, necessary work.

Goal: development of coherent speech in preschoolers by compiling syncwine using models.

Objectives: 1. Reinforce the concepts: object, sign of an object, action of an object. 2. Teach to use noun, adjective and verb models when composing sentences. 3. Train independent work on compiling a syncwine based on an algorithm model.

  1. Didactic syncwine as a teaching method
Speaking about the forms, methods and techniques of teaching children, one cannot fail to mention serious changes in the preschool education system, which affected both the organizational and content aspects of education. The adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard requires the educator to think more deeply about the methods and techniques for organizing educational activities, since the role of the educator is guiding and developing. The search for approaches to increasing the efficiency of the educational process makes it necessary to devote great attention application of innovative pedagogical technologies and methods.

In older preschool age, you can use such a modern, interesting method in teaching children to tell stories as syncwine.

Sinkwine(from French - template) - a five-line poetic form that arose in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century under the influence Japanese poetry. Later it began to be used (since 1997 in Russia) for didactic purposes as an effective method of development figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get results. The procedure for compiling a didactic syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three educational systems: informational, activity-based and student-oriented. This method can be easily integrated with other educational areas educational program, and the simplicity of constructing a syncwine allows you to quickly get results. Didactic syncwine in working with preschoolers can be used starting from the second half of the year in the senior group, when children have already mastered the concepts of “word-object”, “word-action”, “word-attribute”, “sentence”. The richer the child’s vocabulary, the easier it will be for him to construct not only a syncwine, but also to retell the text and express his thoughts.

It is appropriate to compose a didactic syncwine at the end of each lexical topic, when children already have sufficient vocabulary on this topic. At first, when compiling a syncwine, it is planned to work with children in pairs, in small groups, and only then – individually. It is necessary to encourage syncwines that contain the most accurate characteristics various sides topic or subject.

When composing a didactic syncwine, the number of syllables in each line no longer matters. In didactic syncwine, the most important thing is the semantic content and part of speech that is used in each line. We can say that this is free mini-creativity, subject to certain rules. The syncwine method can be used not only by group teachers, but also in speech therapist classes, artistic and creative activities, and music.

2.Rules for compiling syncwine

1 line– one keyword – the name of the poem, title, theme, usually a noun that defines the content (name of the subject, work, name of the hero, etc.);

2nd line- two words (adjectives or participles). This is a description of the characteristics of an object or its properties, revealing the theme of syncwine; words can be connected by conjunctions or prepositions.

3rd line– three words (verbs). Actions related to the topic.

4 line– four words – a sentence. A phrase that shows the author's attitude to the topic.

5 line– one word – a summary word, an association, a synonym that characterizes the essence of the topic, a philosophical generalization, expresses the author’s personal expression and emotion towards the topic in the first line, an ordinary noun.

Strict adherence to the rules for writing syncwine is not necessary. To improve the text, you can use three or five words in the fourth line, and two words in the fifth line. It is possible to use other parts of speech.

Composing a syncwine is like a game, because composing is fun, useful and easy! Interest in the surrounding world, speech, thinking, memory develops.

One of the goals of compiling a syncwine is to achieve the ability to highlight main idea text, as well as briefly express your thoughts.

What is the effectiveness and significance of syncwine? Firstly, its simplicity. Sinkwine can be anything. Secondly, in composing a syncwine, every child can realize his creative and intellectual capabilities. Sinkwine is a gaming technique. Compiling a syncwine is used as a final task on the material covered, as well as for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

  1. Examples of syncwines

  1. Who? Dog

  2. Which? Hairy, big

  3. What does it do? Sleeps, plays, barks.

  4. Offer. I like to play with the dog

  5. Association. Friend

  1. Sly, fluffy, red

  2. Sneaks, catches, jumps

  3. I don’t like it - he cheats and cheats

  4. Ate a bun
The work of teaching storytelling is built on the basis of syncwine.

An example of writing a story using syncwine:

White, fluffy.

Afraid, frightened, runs away.

I feel sorry for the hare.

Wild animal.

Story: “The hare is white, fluffy. Lives in the forest. The hare is afraid of the wolf and the fox, he gets scared and runs away from them. I feel sorry for the hare. Life is difficult for wild animals in winter.”


Sinkwine helps improve your vocabulary.

Cinquain teaches brief retelling.

Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.

Writing a syncwine is a creative process. This interesting activity Helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems.

Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information.

Sinkwine facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content.

Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (where children can compare syncwines and evaluate them).

Outstanding Soviet linguist A. N. Gvozdev wrote: “The construction of grammatically formatted sentences is the culminating process of speech formation in children.” This statement allows us to emphasize the importance and necessity of working with children using the syncwine method.


  1. N.D. Dushka Sinkwine in her work on the development of speech in preschoolers. Journal "Speech therapist", No. 5 (2005).

  2. I.O. Zagneev, S.I. Zaire Bek Critical thinking: technology development. Publishing house "Skifia", "Alliance-Delta". St. Petersburg 2003

  3. I.O. Zagneev, S.I. Zaire-Bek, I.V. Mushtavinskaya We teach children to think critically. – St. Petersburg: Alliance-Delta Publishing House, 2003.

  4. Writing syncwines and working with them. Elements of innovative technologies Med Bio (Department of Medical Biology and Genetics KSMU).

  5. SPO: log: Russian Academy Education, 2013, No. 7.



Lexical topics that older children learn serve as the topics of syncwines. Children's own works (syncwines) senior group drawn up in the form of graphic drawings. The word watermelon

Graphic diagrams help children more specifically sense the boundaries of words and their separate writing. In this work I use various pictures and objects.

The use of syncwine allows the teacher to harmoniously combine in their work the elements of three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented, which is especially important when working with children.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. "Didactic Sinkwine"

Elena Vasilievna Makarova, higher education teacher qualification category MDOU No. 6 “Rodnichok” of a combined type” Olenegorsk, Murmansk region

In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, preschool teachers face many questions:

How to do modern preschooler socially mobile releasing it into adult life, to school?
- How to teach how to apply knowledge, skills, abilities in specific situation?
- How to teach the ability to identify, observe, distinguish, classify, evaluate, draw conclusions, and make thoughtful decisions?
- How to involve a child in interactive activities in the classroom?

One of the effective interesting methods that allows you to activate cognitive activity and contributes to the development of speech, is the work on creating an unrhymed poem, a didactic syncwine.

The use of this technique helps to create conditions for the development of a personality capable of thinking critically, i.e., eliminating the unnecessary and highlighting the main thing, generalizing, classifying. This method can be easily integrated with all educational areas. The simplicity of constructing a syncwine allows you to quickly get results. In didactic syncwine, the most important thing is the semantic content and part of speech that is used in each line.

Sinkwine - with French translated as "five lines", a five-line stanza of a poem. For pedagogical and educational purposes, it can be used as an effective method for developing figurative speech, intellectual and analytical abilities.

Rules for compiling a didactic syncwine:

The first line should contain the topic (title) of the didactic syncwine, usually this is the phenomenon or subject in question. Most often, only one word is written in the first line, but sometimes a small phrase is written. In terms of part of speech, it is a pronoun or a noun, and answers the questions: who? What?

In the second line there are already two words, sometimes phrases, that describe the properties and characteristics of this object or phenomenon. In terms of speech, these are usually participles and adjectives that answer the questions: which one? which? which? which?

The third line already contains three words (sometimes phrases) that describe the usual actions for this phenomenon or object. In terms of speech, these are verbs and gerunds that answer the question: what does it do? what are they doing?)

In the fourth line, the child directly expresses his opinion about the topic raised. Sometimes it can just be a well-known aphorism, phrase or something similar, sometimes even a short verse. The most traditional option is when this phrase consists of four words.

The fifth line again contains only one word or phrase. This is like a summary of the entire poem, reflecting the essence of the subject or phenomenon discussed in the didactic syncwine, and the author’s opinion about it. Usually it is also a noun or pronoun as a part of speech and answers the question: who? What?

Strict adherence to the rules for compiling syncwine is not necessary. For example, to improve the text, you can use three or five words in the fourth line, and two words in the fifth line. It is possible to use other parts of speech. Its shape resembles a Christmas tree.

When working with this technique, you can solve many important problems at once:

The material studied in class acquires a certain emotional coloring, which contributes to its deeper absorption;

Knowledge of parts of speech is developed;

Knowledge about the offer;

Ability to maintain intonation;

The child’s vocabulary is significantly activated;

The skill of using synonyms and antonyms in speech is improved;

Mental activity is activated and developed;

The ability to express one’s own attitude towards something is improved.

Today, dozens of domestic authors point to the great help of didactic syncwine in establishing the correctness and meaningfulness of speech for preschool children, as well as in the experience correct use various terms.

For example:
Who? - Bear.
Which? - Furry, big.
What does it do? - Roars, Treats, Sleeps.
Suggestion - In winter he sleeps in a den.
Association - Beast.

Didactic syncwine can be used:

To consolidate the studied lexical topic.
1. Rowan.
2. Thin, curly.
3. Grows, turns green, blooms.
4. Bullfinches love rowan berries.
5. Tree.

To reinforce concepts learned in pre-literacy classes:
1. Speech sounds.
2. Vowels, consonants.
3. We hear, pronounce, highlight.
4. Sounds form syllables.
5. Speech.

Using words from syncwine, come up with a story.

2. Fluffy. Redhead.

3. Jumps, Jumps, Prepares.

4. The squirrel lives in a hollow.

5. Wild animal.

A red, fluffy animal lives in the forest. This is a squirrel. The life of a squirrel is busy; it prepares food for itself for the winter. Deftly jumps and jumps along the branches. She has a hollow in a large tree. Life is difficult for wild animals in winter. We feed the squirrel nuts and seeds.

Cinquain carries a certain emotional coloring of the author, we can compare:
Sunny, warm.
Gives, Glows, Pleases.
Leaves are falling in the park.
Windy, cold.
It rains, rustles, frowns.
People look out the windows.

Various variations for compiling a didactic syncwine contribute to the diverse composition of tasks.
In addition to independently (as well as in a pair or group) compiling a new syncwine, the following options are possible:
- compiling a short story based on the finished syncwine (using words and phrases included in the syncwine);
- correction and improvement of the finished syncwine;
- analysis of an incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without indicating the topic - without the first line, it is necessary to determine it based on the existing ones).

Cinquain is typed by children who have some knowledge of grammar and master syllable reading and word reading. For older children who do not yet know how to read, you can propose an algorithm by which they create their own oral essays, then they are decorated beautifully together with the teacher.

In order to most correctly, fully and accurately express his thoughts, the child must have a sufficient vocabulary, so work must begin with clarifying, expanding and self-improving the vocabulary.

By introducing children to the concepts of “a word denoting an object” and “a word denoting the action of an object,” we thereby prepare a platform for subsequent work on a sentence.
By giving the concept of “a word denoting a characteristic of an object,” we accumulate material for spreading the sentence with definitions.

What is the effectiveness and significance of syncwine?

Compiling a didactic syncwine, a short summary based on large amounts of information, is useful for developing the ability to analyze.
Unlike composing a story, syncwine requires less time, although it has more rigid boundaries in terms of the form of presentation, and its writing requires the compiler to implement almost all of his personal abilities(intellectual, creative, imaginative).

The procedure for compiling a didactic syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented.

Sinkwine for a kindergarten teacher is:
- a tool for synthesis and generalization complex information,
- a means of creative self-expression for a child,
- a way to enrich vocabulary,
- preparation for a brief retelling,
- and simply a fascinating activity, thanks to which every preschooler can feel like a creative genius.

By composing a syncwine, every child can realize their intellectual capabilities.
- Sinkwine is a gaming technique.
- Compiling a syncwine is used as the final task for the material covered.
- Compiling a syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

Sinkwine teaches short retelling.
- Sinkwine helps develop speech and thinking.
- Writing a syncwine is a creative process. This fun activity helps children express themselves through writing their own unrhymed poems.
- Sinkwine teaches you to find and highlight the main idea in a large volume of information.
- Sinkwine facilitates the process of mastering concepts and their content.
- Sinkwine is also a way of control and self-control (children can compare syncwines and evaluate them).

The relevance and feasibility of using didactic syncwine in preschool practice is explained by the fact that:

Technology – opens up new opportunities; modern practice characterized by the search and implementation of new effective technologies, helping to optimize the work of the teacher.

It fits harmoniously into the work on the development of LGC; the use of syncwine does not violate the generally accepted system of influencing the development of children’s speech and provides an individual, differentiated approach.

Contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary, clarifies the content of concepts.

It is a diagnostic tool that allows the teacher to assess the child’s level of mastery of the material covered.

It has the nature of a complex effect, not only develops speech, but promotes the development of memory, attention, and thinking.

The passion for compiling didactic Sinkwine began with the publication of traditional children's photo newspapers for Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Day of March 8th. Together with the children we looked at the photographs and selected poetic text, which most closely matched the content. And based on textual analysis, using words and phrases from the text of the poems, they compiled Sinkwine. This is where proverbs and sayings come in handy. I did not limit the children in the number of invented words according to the rules for constructing a didactic syncwine. In the fourth line, the sentence can consist of 3 to 5 words, and in the fifth line, instead of one word, there can be two words. Other parts of speech are also allowed.

To develop speech activity, understanding and use of word figurativeness for each of the lexical topics, we try to select poetic material.

Remember what your happiest childhood time is associated with!? Of course this is home, family, kindergarten, friends. Listen to what words the children use to put this concept into.

You'll see - the pleasure will not only be useful, but also mutual.

The system of work on compiling Sinkwine on the lexical topics “Family”, “Kindergarten”, which I want to present, also had a communicative orientation. Learned elements language system were involved directly interpersonal communication, in such a way that children develop an active attitude towards the communication process, optimism, communication, and self-confidence. Based on the results of the work, a release took place children's magazine our group “Rainbow Pages of Childhood”.

Stages of work on lexical topics “Family”, “Kindergarten”:

Stage I. Informational-cognitive (receipt of information followed by discussion)
Goal: obtaining information about oneself, peers, people close to the child, their activities, hobbies, relationships.
Stage II. Emotional-volitional (understanding and assessment)
Goal: to help children develop a positive assessment in relation to close people and peers.
Stage III. Motivational-behavioral (testing of methods of tolerant behavior in everyday life)
Goal: instilling moral standards of behavior, respect for others, goodwill, politeness, understanding.

The materials of the work on compiling a didactic syncwine were grouped into the following areas:

Block 1: Cinquains “What is a house?”

Block 2: Cinquains “About family!”

Block 3: Cinquains “Childhood, children, friendship, friend, our group!”

Block 4: Cinquains “About Mom!”

Unit 5: Cinquains “About Dad!”

Block 6: Cinquains “Relationships of children in the family!”

Block 7: Cinquains “About Grandma!”

Block 8: Cinquains “About Grandfather!”

Block 9: Cinquains “Birthday!”

Examples of syncwines compiled by children on the topics “Family”, “Kindergarten”:

Dear, warm.

Warms, shelters, accepts.

Away is good, but home is better.

Family. (Sasha Polozov)

Reliable, beloved.

Protects, preserves, protects.

Everyone needs it.

Love. (Galya Shvydkova)

Big, beautiful, warm.

Warms, shelters, protects.

Needed by all people.

Warm. (Dasha Shunina)

Beautiful, strong.

Protects, warms, loves.

The house is cozy.

All together. (Lena Tikhonova)

Big, friendly.

They love, care, live together.

I love it when everyone is together.

Rest. (Kirill Simachkov)

Kind, beautiful, smart.

They love, raise, care.

Mom, dad, children.

Happiness! All together!

(Kirill Simachkov)

The best, my love.

We learn poetry, buy clothes, relax.

I love it when we are together.

Daughter. (Soboleva Polina)

Friendly, happy.

We read fairy tales together, play, bake a cake.

Adults take care of children.

Parents. (Dasha Gavrilova)

Friendly, happy, the best.

Dad repairs, mom cooks, we have dinner.

Playing dominoes with dad.

Good together. (Sasha Polozov)

Caring, friendly, athletic.

We go skiing, go downhill, and fish.

We love to visit our grandparents.

We're great friends. (Vitaly Karpov)

Friendly, cheerful.

Lives, works, rests.

It's fun to travel together.

My! (Yulia Savchenkova)

Friendly, sporty.

We travel, go downhill, and love to cook.

I love it when everyone has fun.

Joy. (Alena Ionova)

Strong, big.

Warms, pleases, surrounds.

I love it when people don't get angry with me.

This is Good. (Dasha Shunina)

Cheerful, happy.

We play, have fun, grow.

Best time of my life.

Joy. (Alena Ionova, Dasha Gavrilova)

Beautiful, mischievous.

They play, play pranks, run.

I love it when no one offends each other.

It's good to be friends! (Anya Sinyakova)

Nice, close.

He makes friends, plays, protects.

Old Friend is better than the new two.

(Yulia Savchenkova, Sasha Polozov)

Our group

Cheerful, friendly.

We study, we play, we dance.

Our favorite kindergarten.

We are friendly! (Yana Filippova)

Dear, dear!

I listen, I help, I love!

We always need you.

Mommy! (Daniil Romanov)

Sweetheart, kind.

Loves, cares, helps.

I love cuddling with my mother.

Kindness. (Lena Tikhonova)

Kind, beautiful, smart.

He cares, cooks, talks.

Mom bakes a delicious pie.

My mom. (Dasha Shunina)

Beautiful, kind.

Cooks, washes, helps old grandmothers.

I love it when mom does her hair.

Beautiful. (Galya Shvydkova)

Affectionate, beautiful, strict.

Kisses, hugs, cleans up.

Love. (Anya Sinyakova)

My favorite!

I help, I listen, I try...

There is no one more precious than you.

Always together! (Vasya Bashan)

Affectionate, strict.

He nurtures, cares, gets offended when I don’t obey.

Mom helps me learn poetry.

Lifesaver. (Yuliana Savchenkova)

Resourceful, smart, brave.

He reads books, is interested in playing, loves to laugh.

With him, every day is a holiday.

A true friend. (Kirill Simachkov)

Strong, kind, dear.

Let's go to the skating rink, hold hands and not fall.

We are best friends with him.

A real superman! (Polina Soboleva)

Caring, kind.

He reads books, picks us up from kindergarten, and makes us peace.

I think there is no one happier in the world.

He is the father of two daughters. (Yuliana Savchenkova)

Walk with dad

Unusual, adventure.

We get dressed, take our skis, and go to the park.

Together they made a snowman.

It’s a pity mom wasn’t included in the shot... (Vitaly Karpov)

Dad's assistant

Hardworking, dexterous.

It was snowy, we took shovels, and dad and I cleared the road.

I didn’t lag behind dad, throwing snow with a shovel.

Satisfied with the work. (Sasha Polozov)

Walk with dad

Interesting, funny.

We ride, we rejoice, we laugh.

We fly down the hill together on a cheesecake.

Dad and I are together. (Daniil Romanov).

Older sister

Caring, strict, skillful

He jokes with me, helps his mother, we draw.

I like to play tag with her.

It's great that she exists. (Sonya Kashinskaya)

younger brother

Noisy, cheerful.

Doesn't like to get dressed and takes away toys.

Together with my brother we go down the hill.

It's boring without him. (Kirill Simachkov)

Little sister

Small, nimble.

Throws toys around, is capricious, asks to be held.

I love driving cars.

Baby. (Daniil Romanov)

younger brother

Restless, noisy, loved.

He is capricious, asks to be held, makes noise, and has fun.

I love to entertain him and hold him in my arms.

My little brother! (Dasha Shunina)

Kind, caring, hardworking.

Pampers, loves, plays, sings.

I love traveling with her!

We're like friends! (Polina Soboleva)

Generous, bright.

He regrets, loves, cares.

Fills the house with warmth.

Kindness. (Dasha Shunina)

Kind, beloved, creative.

Pampers, loves, treats, plays.

I love spending weekends with her!

A true friend! (Vitaly Karpov)

Cheerful, kind, necessary.

He plays, jokes, talks, introduces people.

I love playing with him.

Friends! (Soboleva Polina)

Serious, grumpy, kind.

He makes crafts, jokes, teaches, takes him fishing.

I love riding snowstorms with him.

Great! (Vitaly Karpov)

For every child, a birthday is a holiday, gifts and sweets, surprises.
Children look forward to this day; the more unusual it is, the brighter its joy.
By composing Cinquains about their birthday, they relive this event once again.


Impressive, funny, entertaining.

It’s approaching, rejoice, invite friends.

This is fun, gifts, fireworks.

Astonishment. (Polina Soboleva)


Unforgettable, cheerful, long-awaited.

It's approaching, it's coming, we're celebrating.

This is a holiday, gifts and sweets.

Many friends. (Dasha Shunina)


Fabulous, exciting, colorful.

It’s approaching, we rejoice, we invite guests.

This is a fairy tale, competitions, games with friends.

My friends. (Sonya Kashinskaya)


Long-awaited, troublesome, joyful.

Come, decorate the room, prepare a treat.

This is surprise, surprise, multi-colored garlands.

Congratulations. (Yuliana and Lisa Savchenkova)

Birthday menu

Unusual, bright.

We cut, decorate, cover.

We are trying to help mom.

Beauty! (Yuliana Savchenkova)

Conclusion: building work with children on the formation of speech-thinking activity using the Sinkwine method promotes the development of communication skills, ensures full inclusion in communication, as a process of establishing and developing contacts with people that arise based on the need for joint activity, as well as preparing a preschooler for successful learning at school.

I think that colleagues who use the Sinkwine method in their work will agree that poems created by children often become the “highlight” of direct educational activities.

1. Mordvinova T. Cinquain in a literature lesson. Festival pedagogical ideas « Open lesson».
2. Terentyeva N. Sinkwine based on “The Pit”? Literature. Magazine “First of September”, No. 4 (2006).
3. Dushka N. Sinquain in work on the development of speech in preschoolers. Journal "Speech therapist", No. 5 (2005).
4. Writing syncwines and working with them. Elements of innovative technologies. MedBio (Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, KSMU).
5. Personal archive Makarova E. V. teacher of MDOU No. 6 “Spring” on vocabulary Chinese themes “Family”, “Kindergarten”.

Olga Belukhina

Analysis real situation, currently established in the system of education and upbringing children preschool age, showed that the number children with speech impairments development, is growing steadily. These children constitute the main risk group for school failure, especially when mastering writing and reading.

Special group children with speech disorders are children with a common speech underdevelopment.

Practice my speech therapy showed work, which as an effective corrective tools for work the method can be used with children with special needs visual modeling. It allows the child to visualize abstract concepts(sound, word, text, learn work with them.

This is especially important for preschoolers because thinking tasks they are resolved with the predominant role of external funds, visual material is absorbed better than verbal.

The modeling method was first developed teachers and psychologists:

D. B. Elkonin, L. A. Wenger, N. A. Vetlugina, N. N. Poddyakov.

It consisted in the fact that the child’s thinking develop with the help

special schemes, models that reproduce the hidden properties and connections of a particular object in a visual and accessible form.

The relevance of using visual modeling in work with children with special needs is that

Firstly, a preschool child is very flexible and easy to teach, but for most children with speech disorders Characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in activities. Using visual modeling creates interest and helps solve this problem;

Secondly, the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorizing and assimilating material, forms techniques working with memory;

Third, by using a graphic analogy, we teach the main thing is to see children, systematize the acquired knowledge.

Corrective work to overcome common speech underdevelopment I provide comprehensive treatment to preschoolers based on the following: directions:

sound pronunciation correction;

skills formation sound analysis and synthesis of words and ideas about structural units language system (sound – word – sentence – text);

formation of lexical and grammatical categories;

formation of a coherent speeches;

prevention dysgraphia and dyslexia.

At all stages of correctional work I use the visual modeling method.

One type of modeling is syncwine.

Sinkwine translated from French as "five lines", a five-line stanza of a poem. This is one of effective methods child speech development.

Advantage syncwine in that that I can include it in correctional development work with children speech therapy group Not violating at the same time the basic structure of the lesson.

This method is easily integrated with other educational areas of the program, and the ease of construction syncwine allows you to quickly get results.

Therefore, in its correctional work I focus on training children compiling syncwine.

Compilation scheme syncwine next:

1 line (Who? What)- noun - one keyword.

2nd line (Which one? Which one? Which one)- two adjectives characterizing the first line;

3 line (What does)– three verbs denoting an action related to the topic;

Line 4 - a sentence showing the author’s attitude to the topic;

Line 5 – one word (noun) or phrase -

association, synonym that repeats the essence of the topic in the 1st line.

Example syncwine:

2. Warm, beautiful.

3. It pleases, it comes, it comes.

4. I love spring.

5. Drops.

In order to express his thoughts most correctly, completely and accurately, a child must have a sufficient vocabulary. That's why work I start by clarifying, expanding and improving the vocabulary. Introducing children with concepts"a word denoting an object" And “a word denoting the action of an object”, I am thereby preparing a platform for subsequent work on the proposal. Giving concept “a word denoting a feature of an object”, I am accumulating material to distribute the proposal by definition. Children master concepts "living and nonliving" subject, learn to correctly pose questions to words denoting objects, actions and signs of the subject, and depict them graphically.

The use of visual and graphical diagrams helps children quickly grasp these concepts.

I use cinquain:

In classes to consolidate the studied lexical topic.

To reinforce concepts learned in pre-literacy classes.

In classes on development of coherent speech: using words from syncwine, the children will come up with a story.

On initial stage training children compiling syncwine I use the following exercises:

"Pick up definitions"- for example, by the way "apple". Which it: ripe, juicy, rosy, tasty.

"Learn the subject by definition"- white, long, clean, terry... (towel)

"Who's doing what?"- cook … (cooks, fries, bakes); leaf... (falls, spins, flies, grows).

“What are they doing?”- draw... with pencil, chalk, charcoal, felt-tip pen, brush)

"Name a part of the whole"- tree … (trunk, branches, root, leaves); etc.

Of great importance at this stage is working with parents. After consultations and training seminars, parents and children are invited to write "Essays" on the theme of the week, which is reflected in comprehensive thematic planning. Lexical topics that children of the speech therapy group learn serve as topics syncwines. Their work(syncwines) children of the older group drew up in the form of graphic drawings.

Graphic diagrams help children more specifically sense the boundaries of words and their separate spellings. In this work I use various pictures and objects.

And by the end of the second year of schooling, children who can read create syncwine writing down in block letters on a piece of paper.

At first, the children had difficulty composing syncwines, worked together with adults.

Then the children liked this method and began to compose themselves without help. syncwines V kindergarten and at home.

Also in in this direction I use these options work:

Compiling a short story based on a ready-made syncwine(using words and phrases included in the latter);

Compilation syncwine based on the story you listened to;

Correction and improvement of finished syncwine;

Analysis of incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, given cinquain without specifying a topic, the first line - based on the existing lines, you need to determine it.

The comparison chart shows that the use syncwine affected the performance of speech development: vocabulary children increased, speech became richer, brighter, children were no longer afraid to express their thoughts out loud.

So using syncwine in the correction of OHP allows for more targeted develop children's impressive speech, enrich them active lexicon, consolidate word formation skills, form and improve the ability to use speeches various designs sentences, describe objects, compose stories.

Application this method allows develop in children the following skills and abilities.

Obtain information, conduct research, make comparisons, draw up a clear internal plan mental actions, speech utterance;

Formulate and express judgments, draw conclusions; - usage syncwine provides positive influence on development not only speech processes, but also non-speech: attention, memory, thinking.

Usage syncwine in the classroom allows the speech therapist teacher to harmoniously combine work elements of three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and person-oriented, which is especially relevant in the conditions work with children with special educational needs.

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