Resource school for children with disabilities. Among children with ASD of school age there are non-verbal children

4,877 disabled children are educated in special correctional educational organizations, 1,859 disabled children are educated at home, including using remote technologies, 8654 disabled children are taught in inclusive education. IN preschool institutions at the moment there are also children with disabilities who receive priority rights when enrolling in preschool departments educational organization, and today there are 5,148 disabled children studying in preschool institutions. (See diagram 2.)
80 percent of colleges have created conditions for obtaining vocational education and employment of persons with disabilities health. For this purpose, they organize inclusive education, groups of correctional and developmental education, and use distance learning educational technology. As a rule, children in this category from the first year of study are oriented and assigned to the enterprises where they undergo training. industrial practice and industrial training. Colleges, together with these enterprises, are working to further employment graduates.
As part of the interdepartmental agreement signed between the Department of Education and the Department of Social Protection of the Population, as well as the agreement between the Department of Education and the Department of Health, there is complex work to create a single adapted space that allows each child to create a territory of success. (See diagram 3.)
The Department of Education operates an interdepartmental working group, which includes representatives of the Department of Education, Department of Social Protection, Department of Health, representatives of the parent community, for the development special conditions training and education of disabled children. As a result comprehensive support special child V educational space cities are carried out with departmental interaction of all interested parties.
IN present moment The Department of Education has prepared a tripartite order, which spells out all the problems that have been identified to date, so that the support is targeted and sufficiently effective.
This year there was a modernization of the Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission, the mission Central Commission has changed, now the main thing is to ensure the child’s right to an education adequate to his level of development and health capabilities, through identifying special educational needs and determining the conditions necessary for the child’s development, education, adaptation and socialization. (See diagram 4.)
The creation of a single Central Commission makes it possible to implement a unified algorithm for obtaining services in the city and to more clearly define the regulations for this service. All commission specialists carry out their activities in accordance with methodological recommendations on the organization of the activities of the Moscow Central Medical Pedagogical Committee, which presupposes a unified form of the commission’s protocol, the use of uniform wording in the psychological and pedagogical conclusion, makes it possible to facilitate the implementation as much as possible educational route and recommendations for creating special conditions for educational organizations - examination of children attending educational organizations to confirm, clarify or change the educational route.
The Central Commission works together with specialists from councils of educational organizations, monitors the consideration of recommendations that were issued earlier, which makes it possible to see the dynamics of a child’s achievements and adjust his educational route.
Participation of CPMPK specialists in the work of the council of the educational organization, electronic recording for the examination minimizes the costs of parents for receiving recommendations on the creation of special educational conditions, ensures the timeliness of the provision of this service, and also allows it to be implemented according to a standard that is uniform for Moscow.
Funding for the education of disabled children in educational organizations in Moscow is carried out in accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government. Coefficient 2 is used for disabled children, with the exception of disabled children with musculoskeletal disorders, blind and visually impaired children, coefficient 3 - for disabled children with musculoskeletal disorders, blind and visually impaired children. In addition, the departmental list provides government works And government services that educational organizations can provide. (See diagram 5.)
Currently, increased funding for disabled children, and in Moscow this is about 400 thousand rubles a year, is transferred to the school where the disabled child is studying, regardless of its name, most educational organizations are currently trying to create conditions that fulfill the requests of parents that are now addressed to the education system.
As part of organizing work to introduce effective measures to stimulate improvement in the quality of education and support educational organizations that consistently show good results, award 50 grants from the Mayor of Moscow in the field of education for best achievements in creating a developmental sphere, an environment for students, providing all opportunities for their socialization and creative development. Each grant is 2 million. (See diagram 6.)
As part of the procedure for selecting grant winners in Moscow, the results of the work of educational organizations in creating conditions for receiving quality education a special category of children - disabled children.
Expert advice on state program Moscow, which includes leading experts, approved new approaches to creating a rating of educational organizations in the capital, taking into account work with children with special needs educational opportunities.
Currently, educational institutions in Moscow are creating special learning conditions. We very often confuse two things. There are special training conditions that are fully prescribed in the federal state standard for children with disabilities, and there are special conditions that contain regime aspects or elements of medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation. To date, we have made two columns in the conclusion of the CPMPK. Special learning conditions are educational programs, methods, textbooks, technical means training. In addition, the special conditions that a child needs in order to adapt to the educational environment are prescribed: a shortened school day, massage, exercise therapy, the presence of technical breaks, that is, those medical recommendations that are additionally prescribed in the medical report, but are not classified as special conditions training. (See diagram 7.)
State final certification is also carried out taking into account the creation of special conditions for training and the conclusion of the Central Medical Education and Training Center, responsibility for this was assigned to the heads of educational organizations in order to reduce the anxiety of parents and exclude parents from this system, before that parents went somewhere, received something , although for this it was enough to work out the procedure at the document level. At the moment, based on the analysis of the work, we can say that we have identified violations; now, compared to last year, the number of violations and the number of educational organizations that incorrectly informed parents or did not fully fulfill their obligations to children with special educational opportunities within final certification, are practically reduced to zero.
The most painful topic on which we are most often asked questions is that supposedly “as a result of reorganization measures in Moscow, special correctional schools».
In 2011, before the start of activities implemented by the Department of Education, a set of measures aimed at bringing into compliance with current legislation, the procedure for financing and the organizational and legal form of educational organizations implementing the program general education, including special correctional, special correctional educational institutions was 79.
According to the results to date: 79 institutions remain, not a single order to liquidate an educational organization has been issued; 19 institutions changed departmental subordination; 19 correctional educational organizations became part of educational complexes; 41 special correctional schools currently operate as independent schools legal entity. (See diagram 8.)
In addition to the fact that there were 79 in 2011, we have retained 79 special correctional institutions, changing their form, but at the same time we have added 316 more educational organizations that today implement inclusive practices in their countries to varying degrees. I can’t say that all our schools are inclusive, but nevertheless, 316 educational organizations have joined the project to implement inclusive practices in Moscow.
The Department of Education launched the project " Resource school- a territory of success for everyone” on the territory of each microdistrict. The purpose of creating a “Resource School” under the patronage of interdistrict boards of directors is the formation of an adapted educational environment, providing complex use resources, modern technologies, technical and methodological tools for training, education, socialization of children with special educational needs. The creation of a “Resource School” on the territory of each microdistrict will solve the issues that parents face in many respects. (See diagram 8.)
It's no secret that special correctional schools are unevenly distributed throughout Moscow, and sometimes in order for a child to receive one or another program, parents need to take the child from one end to the other end of Moscow. The resource school will allow the implementation of all types of adapted programs within the microdistrict. The Department of Education has developed a model for providing targeted assistance, psychological and pedagogical assistance to both parents and children with special educational needs, both on the basis of educational organizations and on the basis of the Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction. (See diagram 9.)
This model allows us to put the child and the assistance provided to the family at the forefront, making it targeted, timely and effective, in maximum degree allow the child to socialize and adapt, to receive an education that corresponds to his starting capabilities.

Olga MOSKVICHEVA, Head of the Sector for the Provision and Implementation of General Education Programs for Persons with Special Educational Needs DogM

Currently, the concept of “resource class” implies several interpretations. In the priority case, we are talking about the fact that all children with disabilities are assigned to “regular” classes - 1 “A”, 1 “B” (this can be not only first grades, but also any others - for a child of any age who needs in individualizing the educational route). The concept of “resource class” may also imply that a group of children is constantly studying on its basis, going to regular classes in certain subjects.
A resource class may or may not use applied behavior analysis. First of all - resource zone, this is a zone in which there are the necessary “resources” - specialists, territory, methods, tools, etc.

About existing experience:

Resource classes are a model that has existed in Russia for several years (about 5). In addition to Moscow, these are also Voronezh, Belgorod, St. Petersburg.

The regional organization for helping children with ASD “Contact” provides assistance in opening and supports several parent groups in educational institutions in Moscow. Many classes have their own pages on social networks, where they share their experiences and talk about what is happening to them.

"Inclusive Molecule" (resource classes) is a pilot educational project in Moscow. It included 9 schools. The project is aimed at creating and providing special educational conditions for children with ASD and other mental disorders, in order to realize the rights of these children to education and life in society, guaranteed by law by creating resource zones in schools.

The project began with a consolidated and qualified parent request. Representatives of the NGO for helping children with ASD “Contact”, MGARDI, the “Vykhod” fund and the ANO “Resource Class” presented it to the attention of specialists from the Scientific and Practical Center for Children with ASD, as well as at the level of the Ministry of Education and the Department of Education of the City of Moscow (“DOGM”).

From April 15 to 18, 2015, the “Inclusive Molecule” project was presented by MGARDI, the Contact NGO for helping children with ASD, a team of volunteers and the Exit Foundation at the Moscow International Education Fair with a permanent stand and a report.

Today in Moscow there are about 20 classes based on advanced pedagogical methods, both included in the project and those operating outside it. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is not used in all settings, but in most it forms the basis for teaching children with ASD. Nine metropolitan schools participate in the “Inclusive Molecule”: GBOU gymnasium No. 1540, GBOU lyceum No. 1574, secondary school 285, GBOU school No. 1465, school No. 1321 “Ark”, lyceum No. 1367, school No. 1206, GBOU school No. 2009, school No. 192. The geography is significant: the Central, Western, North-Eastern, South-Eastern, South-Western districts are represented.

Department of Education of Moscow together with the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center, Moscow City pedagogical university, Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, the Foundation for Promoting Solving Autism Problems in Russia “Vykhod” and the regional educational organization for helping children with ASD “Contact” launched a pilot educational project “Inclusive Molecule: technologies for supporting children with autism spectrum disorders in an educational organization” in 2015 /2016 academic year. Target educational project- increasing the availability and quality of educational services for children with ASD various levels education.

On September 1, 2016, the federal state educational standard for students with autism spectrum disorders came into force. More information about the regulatory framework can be found on our website in the section.

General education organizations are faced with the task of creating special educational conditions for this category of children: selecting qualified teaching staff, creating a comfortable environment, creating a local legal and methodological base. You can view a list of organizations that train employees of educational institutions.

The implementation of the educational project “Inclusive Molecule” will allow us to consider and analyze a range of issues in inclusive education, including the creation effective models teaching children with ASD; development and testing of effective diagnostics of individual capabilities, needs and achievements of students.

Applied Behavior Analysis - effective technique teaching children with ASD and other mental disorders, which is applicable and effective for teaching any other children with disabilities, and regardless of whether it is an inclusive or correctional educational institution.

Project "Inclusive Molecule"


Look at resource class pages online. For example:
Inclusive Molecule: Resource Class at Ark (School 1321)
Inclusive molecule: Resource class at school N 2009

Video materials:

Video recording of a report on the class’s experience at the conference “Autism. Choosing a route" on the MGPPU channel:

Package of regulatory documents:

Minutes of meetings of working groups in the Department of Education (DEP):

GPPC presentation materials:

Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities:


This document was developed by the initiative parent group project “Inclusive Molecule”, aimed at creating and developing resource classes for teaching children with autism in educational institutions. Parents created closed group on Facebook, where they posted questions from school principals and then turned to experts for answers. All the questions below are real - parents heard them when they discussed with the directors of Moscow schools the possibility of opening a resource class.

Moderator and producing editor of the project Evgenia Lebedeva (candidate psychological sciences, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Developmental Psychology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and mother of children with ASD), consultants - Anastasia Kozorez, Elena Kutepova, Tatyana Medvedeva, Elena Tsyrulnikova and many other specialists interested in ensuring that children with ASD can go to kindergarten and study at school.

The document will be gradually refined, and you can take part in its development. Send questions from your familiar school and kindergarten directors to: [email protected], and we will definitely find those who can answer them meaningfully.

Dear colleagues!

This document contains answers to questions from school principals who are addressed initiative groups parents requesting that children with autism be admitted to school. In international practice, schools that accept such children often organize resource classes. If a school has such a class, teaching a child with autism becomes possible and effective, and the school implements the principles of inclusive education in practice. Today there are such projects in Russia. We will be happy to expand the list of answers and are ready to accept your questions. Full version with new answers to questions will be published on the website of the Department of Education Voronezh region, on the website of the “Vykhod” Foundation and on the website of the Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education (MGPPU). The questions were answered by specialists from educational institutions where children with ASD study, as well as representatives public organizations created by parents of children with autism. Reviewer: Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education (MGPPU).

1. What characteristics may children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have?

Sometimes children with ASD differ from other children so little that their features are noticeable only to specialists. But still, more often than not, the characteristics of children with ASD clearly manifest themselves when communicating with them.

The child may never look at the other person or maintain eye contact during a conversation, while not answering anything, so it seems that he does not notice that he is being addressed.

The opposite situation also happens: a child can talk about topics that interest him without stopping, without seeing that the interlocutor has lost interest in the conversation and wants to end it. Children with ASD usually do not understand ulterior motives actions of other people, they are almost unable to understand the irony of the interlocutor, as well as the use of words in a figurative meaning.

Most often, children with ASD have speech development, which can vary from complete absence speech to small features in intonation.

Some children with ASD learn to read quite early, even before they begin to speak in sentences, and voraciously read almost the entire school curriculum before they even enter school, or become so interested in some subject, such as history, that they know the school curriculum in this subject is no worse than the teacher.

But most children with autism intellectual development happens unevenly: strengths are often visual perception, attention to detail, large volume mechanical memory. Weaknesses there are often misunderstandings general meaning text and retelling of what was read in memorized phrases or fragmentary perception oral speech, which can, for example, make it difficult to study mathematics, because although the child can do arithmetic operations, he fails to understand the condition of the problem.

Many children with ASD have sensory developmental differences. Some children cannot tolerate loud sounds or bright light, smell or touch can also become a strong irritant (and, as a rule, all this does not cause any inconvenience to others). What may be perceived as odd behavior is often a child's reaction to sensory stimuli that causes him great discomfort and sometimes even pain.

Children with ASD can self-soothe with familiar stimulation. For example, when exposed to bright lights or loud music, some children may shake their hands, or jump in place, or roll the wheels of a toy car while holding it as close to their eyes as possible. The mechanisms of these actions are similar to those that we demonstrate by shaking our legs or twirling our hair around our fingers when unpleasant conversation or long wait.

Oddities in the behavior of a child with ASD (as well as any strange behavior of a child without ASD) can be explained by a specialist, and with the help practical classes with the child and his parents, this behavior can be changed.

2. Why do children with ASD need a comprehensive school? Aren't they better off in the correctional room?

Of course, the mere presence of a child with ASD in secondary school does not guarantee effective learning academic skills. But the creation of special conditions (resource class, adapted program, the help of a tutor), as well as the presence of typically developing children as a role model and environment for communication helps a child with ASD to be more successful in learning school curriculum, contributes to the formation communicative behavior, expansion life experience and better socialization.

After school, a child with autism will have to live in the same society as graduates regular schools. The sooner they get to know each other, the higher the chances that understanding and interaction will develop between them. A child with autism who goes to school with normal children will have a much easier time feeling like a part of society than a graduate of a special school.

3. Why do ordinary children need to study together with children with autism? What does this give them?

Much has been written about the benefits of inclusive education for ordinary children. scientific works scientists different countries where this practice already exists for many years. For example, it has been proven that graduates of inclusive schools have more developed abilities to communication, better understand others, demonstrate greater flexibility and creativity. In addition, working in an inclusive classroom where special educational conditions, gives teachers unique experience. A teacher who understands the complex characteristics of a child with autism will easily find an approach to the learning problems of an ordinary child, and if this is not enough, he can use the help of resource class specialists, so all children benefit. There are other benefits too.

At school, where children early age learn to understand each other’s characteristics, an atmosphere of trust arises - and develop best qualities: tolerance, care, kindness. And all children feel more comfortable.

4. Will a child with ASD study in a regular classroom?

For children with ASD, resource classes are created in which they prepare for learning in a regular classroom.

5. What is a resource class?

A resource class is a separate office for special classes, where students with ASD can study special program tailored to suit their individual educational needs.

Students with ASD attend part of the lessons in a resource class, and part of them with their classmates in general education class. The resource class teacher can teach in small groups or work with the child individually.

Students in general education classes can also receive additional help specialists.

6. Who decides when a student with ASD is ready to be included in the regular classroom?

The decision that a child with ASD is ready to be included in a regular class is made by the resource class teacher.

Decisions about the choice of lessons that the child will attend, about increasing the amount of time spent in class, and about reducing tutor support are agreed upon with the general education class teachers. If necessary, the resource class teacher adapts educational materials to the needs of the student.

7. What problems does the resource class teacher solve? What are his responsibilities?

A resource class teacher is a leading specialist in organizing work with students with ASD at school. He must have a higher specialized teacher education. The optimal teacher for working in a resource class is a speech pathologist.

If the work of a resource class is based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), the teacher must have additional education in this direction.

The responsibilities of the resource class teacher include:

— diagnosing the developmental characteristics of resource class students;

— conducting individual and group classes with students attending a resource class;

— organizing work to correct unwanted behaviors in students with ASD;

— compilation, adaptation and adjustment of educational and correctional programs And curricula;

— drawing up resource class lesson plans;

- adaptation educational materials taking into account individual characteristics students;

— adaptation of general education classroom curricula for students with ASD;

— training of tutors;

— consulting parents and school staff;

— performance monitoring educational process for students with ASD.

8. What program will a child with ASD study in?

Requirements for programs are described in the Federal State educational standard primary general education of students with ASD. On at the moment There are four educational program options for students with ASD. When drawing up a program, a resource class teacher, in collaboration with teachers of general education classes, must determine what knowledge, skills and abilities are the highest priority for of this student and in what format their assimilation will be most effective: with individual forms work, in a resource class or in a general education class, as well as what materials, methods and techniques should be used in teaching it.

Requirements for AOEP IE for students with autism spectrum disorders

8.1 Adapted basic educational program of basic general education. This option assumes that a student with ASD receives an education that is fully consistent in terms of final achievements at the time of completion of training with the education of peers without disabilities, being in their environment and during the same period of study (grades 1-4).

8.2 Adapted educational program of basic general education. This option assumes that a student with ASD receives an education comparable in ultimate achievements with the education of peers who do not have disabilities in an extended period. This option involves extended periods of study: five years (grades 1-5) - for children who have received preschool education; six years (grades 1-6) - for children who have not received preschool education.

8.3 Adapted educational program for students with mental retardation. This option assumes that a student with ASD receives education, which in terms of content and final achievements does not correspond to the moment of completion schooling with content and final achievements peers with ASD who do not have additional health limitations over a prolonged period. This option involves extended periods of study: six years (grades 1-6).

8.4 Special individual development program. This option assumes that a student with ASD, complicated by mental retardation (moderate, severe, profound, severe and multiple developmental disabilities), receives an education that, in terms of content and final achievements, does not correlate at the time of completion of schooling with the content and final achievements of peers, not with additional restrictions on health capabilities, over a prolonged period. This option involves extended periods of study: six years (grades 1-6).

9. Among school-age children with ASD there are non-verbal children. When will they speak, and what does it depend on?

There are children who will never use spoken language. But we do not always use oral speech to communicate and transmit information. We have different ways. We can gesture, write, print, draw a diagram.

Created for children who do not use oral language various systems alternative communication, using which they can answer questions, express requests, talk about something interesting, chat with friends.

The school must create conditions under which the child can use all possible means of communication, and then the lack of oral speech will not become an obstacle to studying or communicating with peers.

10. Can children with ASD pose a danger to normal children?

Aggressiveness is not distinctive feature children with ASD. However, they may become defensive in response to what they perceive as a threat or ridicule.
Sometimes a child with autism may act aggressively when trying to communicate his or her unpleasant sensations, for example, due to too loud sounds or strong odors.

It is important to remember that children who exhibit potentially dangerous behaviors are not included in the educational process in the general education classroom.

11. Children tend to repeat words and actions one after another. Will children with ASD become examples of bad behavior for other children? Are there ways to avoid this?

It is possible that other children will sometimes repeat some of the actions of their classmates with ASD. But they will not adopt and appropriate this behavior, because they have formed their own, habitual forms of behavior for emerging life situations.

If children have questions about why their classmate with ASD behaves the way he does, it is important to explain to them the reasons for this behavior and how he can be helped to learn to behave differently.

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