How does the predicate agree with the subject? Agreement in Russian

In Russian, word order in a sentence is relatively free. The main one is adopted in neutral style direct word order: subjects + predicate: Students write lecture.

Changes in word order depend on the actual division of the sentence - the movement of thought from the known (topic) to the new (rheme). Compare: The editor read the manuscript. – The editor read the manuscript.

The connection between the subject and the predicate is called coordination and is expressed in the fact that the subject and the predicate are consistent in their general categories: gender, number. However, there are also difficult cases of coordination. Usually in such cases the subject has complex structure- it contains several words. Let us consider the main difficult cases of agreement between subject and predicate ( in table form).

1. Counting phrase + noun (two students, five hours, etc.) Unity number (emphasizes generality, also for numerals with 1). Plural number (indicates the separateness of objects). Twenty-five students are/are participating in the Olympiad.
2. Words: more / less, many / few / most / minority, several (approximate number) Unity number (emphasizes the generality, also for numerals starting with 1, also often together with animate nouns, also if there are words only, only, only). Plural number (indicates the separateness of objects). Signed up for the excursion only eight vacationers. Most students have already passed the exam.
3. Homogeneous subjects Unity number ( homogeneous subjects connected by preposition C). Plural number (homogeneous subjects are connected by the conjunction AND). The director and staff of the institute prepared this project. The athlete and coach went to the competition.
4. Noun + application Agrees with the main word (i.e., noun). The journal “Science and Life” published a series of materials. A chemistry student conducted an experiment.

30. Coordination of the definition with the word being defined.

As we remember, a definition expresses the characteristics of an object, most often it is an adjective or participle. The definition is consistent with the main word according to the categories of gender, number and case. We will turn to difficult cases of such agreement.

1) Definition + counting phrase (=numeral + noun).

The position the definition takes is important!

Definition ahead of the counting phrase: in the form of the Nominative case: last two years, new five letters, young three girls.

Definition within the counting phrase: in the Genitive case for masculine and neuter nouns, and for nouns feminine- V Nominative case: two last year, five new letters, three young girls.

2) Homogeneous definitions+ noun (denotes similar but separate objects):

A singular noun, if objects and phenomena are closely related in meaning or have a terminological character: In the right and left half of the house. Industrial and agrarian crisis.

A plural noun, if you need to emphasize the difference between objects and phenomena: Faculty of Biology and Chemistry. Amateur and professional tournaments.

3) Definition + homogeneous nouns: the definition is in the singular or plural, depending on whether it refers in meaning to the nearest word or to the entire phrase: Russian literature and art. Capable student and student.

4) Definition + noun with application: the definition agrees with the main word (that is, with the noun): new laboratory car.

5) Using semantic agreement: The norm of the Russian language is the grammatical agreement of the defined word with the main word in the phrase ( great luck, great success ) and predicate with subject ( Mother said; Father said). But in some cases, choosing a dependent form causes difficulties and requires taking into account a number of conditions.

IN colloquial speech the frequent use of semantic (rather than grammatical) agreement with masculine nouns characterizing female persons.

However, in official speech replacement grammatical agreement semantic is not allowed, except in cases where such a noun has a proper name, for example: doctor Petrova. In such constructions, the attribute and predicate agree with the nearest noun.
 For example: Experienced doctor Petrova is attentive to patients. The participle definition always agrees with the proper name: Doctor Petrova entered the room.

Basic management standards.

Management is subordinating connection, in which the main word in a phrase requires the placement of a dependent name in a certain case. Not all governance norms are created equal. Some of them are easily distorted.

1. Large number errors in the construction of constructions with control are associated with the influence of words with similar meanings and their control.

For example, in a television program, a journalist, addressing his interlocutor, said: “Let me remind you that a year ago you argued the opposite”. Verb recall can have only one dependent word - in the accusative case ( remember something), whereas the cognate verb remind may have two dependent forms: accusative case and dative(with the meaning of speech addressee) – remind someone of something. Under the influence of this verb, the construction arises remember you, unacceptable from the point of view of the norms of literary language.

Similar influence control of words that are close in meaning can be observed, for example, in a group of verbs with the meaning of speech, thought, feeling, transmission of information ( prove, explain, report etc.). Under the influence of combinations like: think about something, talk about something– in speech, the often erroneous use of the complement in prepositional case with a pretext O (about something) in such verbs, for example:

Pay attention to the control of the following verbs: watch someone; take a closer look at someone or something.

A similar phenomenon can be observed when using the word full face(facing the speaker). Influenced by design take a profile photo A common mistake is to use the preposition V and at the word full face in similar combinations. The normative structure will be as follows: take a frontal photo.

Pay attention to the difference in the controls of words with similar meanings:

worry about your son - worry about your son;

to be indignant at his words - to be offended by his words;

question about construction - problems with construction;

marvel at patience - admire patience;

get to the village - drive up to the village;

identical to the previous formulation - similar to the previous formulation;

derive income from renting apartments – receive income from renting apartments;

ignorance of the problem - unfamiliarity with the problem;

to be offended by a cold reception - to be offended by a cold reception;

pay attention to your health – pay attention to your health;

preoccupied/preoccupied with affairs – anxiety about/for affairs;

rely on the results of the study - be based on the results of the study;

condemn to eternal hard labor - sentence to eternal hard labor;

review of the monograph – review of the monograph;

affect the results - influence the results;

show power - testify to power;

superiority over him - advantage over him;

warn against danger - warn about danger;

filled with anxiety - imbued with anxiety;

hinder development - slow down development;

familiar to us - familiar to us;

get accustomed to the team - get used to the team;

priority in discovery – patent for discovery;

sort things out - get out of things;

affect the economy – have an impact on the economy;

typical of him - characteristic of him;

pay attention to the problem - pay attention to the problem - increase attention to the problem;

characteristic of him - inherent in him;

the true price of a person is the price of bread - the cost of bread.

When these words are used in speech, the control of one word is replaced by the control of another, similar in meaning. For the same reason, errors and omissions are common when using a number of words different parts speeches:

afraid of mother (colloquial: afraid of mother);

the crown of art (wrong: crown art);

reach seventy centimeters in length(wrong: reach seventy centimeters in length);

what we managed to achieve(wrong: what we managed to achieve);

the key to success(wrong: the key to success);

touch on the issue(obsolete: touch upon the question);

avoid danger(wrong: avoid danger);

conjure something(wrong: conjure something);

affect wages(wrong: affect wages);

take part in the fair(wrong: take part in the fair).

2. Very often the speaker does not take into account that in the Russian language, words with the same root of different parts of speech can have different controls:

to be surprised at his patience - surprised at his patience; get angry at a stupid joke - angry at a stupid joke.

So, nouns formed from transitive verbs, require not the accusative, as with the verb, but the genitive case:
 build a house - building a house, read a book - reading a book.

At the same time, in most cases, words with the same root have the same control. Therefore, the following constructions will be erroneous:
 devote your life to serving the people; put the country's wealth at the service of the people(regulatory management: serve the people, serve the people, put in the service of the people).

In speech, errors associated with substitution of control for words with the same root are common.

Pay attention to the combination of these words:

believe in victory - confidence in victory;

replace an old part with a new one - replace an old part with a new one;

pay/pay/pay for travel – pay for travel;

telephone call fee - payment telephone conversation ;

join the conversation - join the conversation;

distinguish between friends and enemies - distinguish friends from enemies;

check the photo with the original - check the time by phone.

3. Differences in control may be due to the use of the word in different constructions and in different meanings.

For example, the word guarantee in the meaning of “guarantee” appears in the following constructions: guarantee of success; guarantee that...; The guarantee is...; in the meaning of “document attached to the product” - in the design: two year warranty. It is a mistake to replace one construction with another (incorrect: There is no guarantee that this campaign promise will be fulfilled; should be said: There is no guarantee that this campaign promise will be fulfilled).

Similar errors occur when using the noun management. Design management than is used if the word is used in the meaning of “directing the activity of managing someone or something,” that is, when indicating a process ( directing the actions of strikers; Managing such a large plant requires organizational talent). Design management of what is typical for those cases when the noun means “leaders; body managing an enterprise, organization" ( department management decided to reduce the number of employees by half).

Communion interested in the meaning of “connected with practical interests, practical benefit with something” controls the prepositional case with the preposition V (They are interested in cooperation with our company); in the meaning of “showing interest in someone, something” – instrumental case (He is much more interested in his chemistry than his wife).

Verb affect in the meaning “to appear, to be revealed” requires the prepositional case with the preposition V (the experience gained affected his work). In this case, work is perceived as a process. In the meaning of “to affect someone, something; to influence someone, something" a construction with the same case is used, but with a preposition on (Lack of experience affects the pace of work). In this case, work is perceived as the result of some action.

The use of a dependent word in one case or another is influenced by the meaning of this word.

For example, verb taste(trying, eating or drinking a little something) controls the genitive case of a noun if it names the type of food being tasted, its indefinite quantity ( taste the cutlets). Accusative case a dependent noun is used when a certain amount of something eaten, drunk or part of a whole is emphasized ( taste a piece of pie, a cup of broth). Combinations type: try pancakes, try kvass- will be erroneous, since they indicate the type of food being tasted, and not the amount of food eaten or drunk. Constructions of this kind are permissible only if we mean certain type pancakes, kvass.

4. Errors in the use of prepositions in synonymous constructions are quite common in speech. For example, the prepositions with and from are synonymous when indicating the place from which the action is directed. However, there is also a difference between them.

Pretext With used when the action is directed from the surface of something:
 go down the mountain, get off the stairs, take it off the table.

Pretext from used when the action is directed from the inside to the outside: 
 leave the room, get out of the hole.

The use of these prepositions in combination with geographical names enshrined in tradition. Pretext With used mainly with the name mountain areas, rivers, islands, but this trend is not very consistent.

to come from the Caucasus, from Ukraine, from the Volga, from Sakhalin, from Jamaica - to come from Crimea, from Belarus, from France, from Kazakhstan.

 When indicating a foreign country, the preposition is used from. In this regard, currently, along with a design like: come from Ukraine– the construction is used: come from Ukraine.

Similar differences are observed in the use of the prepositions in and on when indicating the place, space within which the action is directed. The preposition in, in contrast to the preposition on, usually indicates limited space.
 Wed: live in the village– the stay in a specific area is emphasized; rural life has its advantages- generally in rural areas.

It should be noted that in lately pretext on with a noun in the prepositional case is quite widely used in combinations like: raise the issue at the Duma/rectorate etc. This kind of construction arises as a result of the reduction of combinations: raise the issue at a meeting of the Duma/administration office etc.

In combination with words naming vehicles, the preposition V used primarily when it is necessary to emphasize being inside any vehicle or directed towards the inside of this vehicle:
 It was stuffy on the plane, sitting in the boat, being on the tram.

Pretext on used in cases where it is necessary to emphasize the type of vehicle used: 
 fly on a plane, sail on a boat, ride a tram.

However, the use of prepositions on And V(when indicating the place of residence), as well as prepositions from And With, often depends only on tradition.

Please note the following designs:

to be at the university, in the pharmacy, at the cinema, in the Crimea, in Belarus, in Transcarpathia, in the Alps - to be at the faculty, at the post office, at the station, in the Caucasus, in Ukraine, in the Far East.

When indicating a foreign state, the preposition is used V, so now the design is becoming normative - live in Ukraine.

Lesson Plan #33

Item Russian language

Section topic: Syntax of a simple sentence.

Lesson topic: Features of agreement between the predicate and the subject. .

Lesson Objectives :

Educational : to acquaint students with the norms of agreement between subject and predicate, to develop the skills of independent use in speech of the norms of agreement between subject and predicate;

Educational : nurturing patriotic feelings and the ability to think analytically;

Developmental : develop skills analytical thinking, ability to apply new rules in independent speech activity.

Lesson type : combined

Technologies, methods and techniques used: elements of technology communicative learning foreign language culture,open and closed tests, graphic and distributional dictations.

Interdisciplinary connections : Russian literature, history, cultural studies.

Lesson equipment : test material, table, lexical material on speech development (dialogues).

Used literature:

1. Zhanalina L.K., Shmanova N.N. Russian language for 11th grade. schools with Kazakh language training, Almaty, 2015

2.Ismagulova B.Kh. and others. Russian language. Methodical manual For secondary schools with Kazakh language of instruction – 10 grades. Astana, 2014

Lesson plan:

І. Organizational moment

1. Greeting

Lesson progress:

II. Warm-up

    Tongue twisters

    Graphic dictation.

If b in case you need to put it - put a “plus”. If not put - “minus”.

Learning will always come in handy. Let Aibek study in your class.

You need to prepare for classes every day. Let every student prepare for the Olympiad. Let him appear on the left side, we will wait for him there. He should appear unexpectedly.

III . Examination homework and updating background knowledge

1. Sort sentences by predicate type

1) After the argument, I realized that my friend was right on this issue.

2) The shipwrecked travelers found themselves on a desert island.

3) Friends should have called yesterday.

4) My neighbor owes me a large amount of money.

5) Children should be attentive to their parents.

6) We were at the exhibition.

7) I could help you, but I have to leave.

8) The parents were glad to meet the guests.

9) The commander gave the order to attack.

10) The students are serious and focused.

2.Working on tests

IV . Lesson topic

1. Read the jokes. Use verbs in the correct form.

    Where do you (work)?

Not (to work) anywhere.

What do you (do)?

Don't (do) anything.

Which good job?

Yes, but what a lot of competition!

    Katya, what are you (to do)?

- (Write) a letter.

So what? My friend is also little, she doesn’t (be able) (read).

But you’re little, you don’t (be able) (write)!

    When I was little, I (to do) everything that my father (to want). Now I (do) whatever my children (want). And when I (to do), what I myself (to want).

2. Make up dialogues in the following situations, express a REQUEST, PROMISE, REFUSAL. Use verbs in the correct form.

    Your teacher said the phrase very quickly. You don't understand. (repeat-repeat)

    Your teacher said a word you don't know. (write - write)

    Your teacher gave you new words. She wants you to understand them well. (teach - learn)

    Your friend goes to the store because he doesn't have a dictionary. You don't either good dictionary. (buy - buy)

    You don't have bread at home. Your friend is going to the store. (buy - buy)

    You are now in the store. You see a very beautiful scarf, but it hangs far away. Talk to the seller. (show-show)

    Now you are in the bank. You have to write a receipt, but you don't have a pen. The other person has a pen. (give-give)

    In the evening you will have important information for your friend. (call - call)

    Your friend cooks pilaf well. Today you want to eat pilaf. (cook - prepare)

    Your friend came from Seoul. Do you want to know more about this city? (tell - tell)

    You don’t know how to go to the Central Department Store, but your friend does. He explains the way to you, but you don't understand, you need a plan. (draw - draw)

    You have guests. You make tea for them. They are bored. You give them chess. (play-play)

    Your friend is going home after class. You want to go to the bus stop together, but you must talk to the teacher first. (wait-wait)

The predicate must be in the same form as the subject, so that it does not work:
The children are grateful to the bosses for the gift.
Detvora is a singular noun, therefore grateful, but children are grateful.

With a subject that includes the words set, row, part, majority, minority and a controlled noun in genitive case(such as most students, a number of schools), the predicate can be either plural or singular.
Singular is used if
- noun means
inanimate objects (there was a row of tables...);
activity is not emphasized characters (most of the students were absent).
The plural is used for
highlighting activity actions of individuals (Some of the students passed the exams).

With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination (seven hours, several people...), the predicate can be in the singular form and in the form plural.
Shapeplural emphasizedactivity characters: And thirty beautiful knights// In succession clear waters emerge (A.S. Pushkin).
singular the predicate is used:
- when underlined
passivity characters: Twenty people stood aside;
- if a noun that is part of the subject means
inanimate object or animal : A hundred years have passed - and what remains// Of these strong, proud men// So full of willful passions? (A.S. Pushkin);
- at
compound numeral ending withone (Thirty-three heroes come out, and thirty-one heroes come out).

The predicate is placed in the only one number, if the subject includes the words many, few, few, only, only: Many students have already visited this exhibition.

The predicate of a subject like brother and sister can be placed in either the singular or the plural.Plural number underlinesequality, activism characters: And the weaver with the cook, // With her matchmaker Babarikha // They want to kill her (A.S. Pushkin).
The only thing number indicates that one character - The main thing : An old man lived with his old woman (A.S. Pushkin).

The subject may have an application, but this does not affect the agreement. The predicate agrees with the word it defines : At the last competition, the Zhiguli car came first. But: “Zhiguli” came first (here “Zhiguli” is no longer an appendix); School principal Frolova went to a meeting.

The difficulty is in coordinating a predicate with several subjects.
At in direct order words, the predicate is put in the form plural numbers, with reverse the predicate agrees with closest of the subjects .
Compare: Her fate, her end // Impenetrable darkness // Closed from us. and Both the feeder and the swimmer died (A.S. Pushkin).

V . Consolidation

1.Add the endings, matching the predicate with the subject. Explain the choice of the form of the predicate.

1. A series of events dedicated to the 120th anniversary of I. A. Bunin will be held in Yelets, Voronezh, and Orel. 2. The group of students sent for field practice includes forty-one people. 3. Several of our high school students took part in the city Olympiad. 4. Those who have been close to me for the last few years came to me. 5. The vast majority of students showed deep knowledge during the exams. 6. A number of specialists are factories in the Urals, some engineers are Siberia. 7. In the memory of everyone who knew Platonov closely, he remained a great lover of life.

2. What sentences are wrong? Correct them.
1. Most of the poet’s works are devoted to the theme of love. 2. Some students have already passed exams in their specialty. 3. Twenty people stood aside. 4. A row of tables were in the middle of the large room. 5. Those who have not studied themselves will never achieve a deep understanding of people. 6. Many dark clouds vaguely spread across the sky. 7. Ten students graduated from school with honorable mentions in the Russian language.

3. Select the required form predicate, justify your choice.

1. The alarm clock (broken, spoiled) on the very first day. 2. The laboratory plant (completed, fulfilled) an urgent order. 3. In the museum (open, open) there is an exhibition-viewing of new paintings. 4. The Vedomosti newspaper has repeatedly (raised, raised) this problem. 5. The female doctor (gave, gave) a referral to the hospital.

4. Correctly match the predicate with the subject.

1. The Don River flooded widely... last spring. 2. Mount Elbrus is high... 3. The television company “REN-TB” began a series of programs dedicated to the anniversary of the Victory. 4. The Neanderthal site Kostenki-1 was... developed... at the end of the last century. 5. The writer’s apartment museum will be open... to visitors at the end of the year. 6. The receipt letter was delivered to the addressee.

Highlight the stems in the sentences.

1. The heavenly is not measurable by the mind, the azure is hidden from the minds. (A. Blok) 2. They say that I will soon become a famous Russian poet. (S. Yesenin) 3. The old man was a master of telling fairy tales. (P. Bazhov) 4. The city at night is simple and eternal. (D. Samoilov) 5. My song was devoid of motive, but it couldn’t be sung in chorus. (I. Brodsky) 6. She was simple-minded, flirtatious, and loved to have fun. (S. Dovlatov) 7. Everyone is sick with the flu now. (V. Nabokov) 8. Spring was not going well. 9. Krasnov behaved with deep dignity. 10. The meeting was chilly. (M. Sholokhov)

6. Put the predicate in the correct form.
1. The majority of students unanimously (support) the speaker on all issues on the agenda. 2. Most of the school teachers (provide) high demands to students and (to achieve) deep knowledge from students. 3. The majority of workers, engineers, and factory employees (speak) against the candidate. 4. There (stand) several willows on the shore. 5. Some of the students (to leave) for the competition. 6. Most of the children living in our yard have already (to go) on a hike. 7. Four dogs (run) behind the stroller. 8. (whistle) two bullets over your head. 9. Quite a few children annually (to vacation) in various health centers.

VI . Check on the lesson topic

Test on the topic “Agreeing the predicate with the subject”

1. In what case in a sentence does the predicate require a singular form?

1) Many bees, wasps, bumblebees hummed together... in the branches of the acacia.
2) For hundreds of years, people have been drawn to the Volga expanses.
3) The students of the city took part in the restoration of the church.
4) Millions of lights both before and after attracted... not only me with their proximity.

2. In what case in a sentence does the predicate require a plural form?

1) A row of tables stood... in the middle of the audience.
2) A hundred years have passed.
3) Thirty-one delegates arrived at the meeting.
4) By seven o’clock only three guests had arrived.

3. Which sentence contains an error caused by a violation of the rules for agreeing the subject with the predicate?

1) During the inspection, many different deficiencies were identified.
2) Fifty-four vouchers will be sold this summer.
3) Three new Olympic records were set.
4) Forty-four deputies supported the speaker.

4. In which sentence is the predicate in the masculine form?

1) A famous couturier was... invited... to Moscow.
2) The UN announced... an extraordinary meeting.
3) The CIS united... several former republics USSR.
4) Kohlrabi has become widespread not only in Europe.

5. Which sentence contains a grammatical error?

1) Contrary to the rules traffic, drivers minibus taxis overtaking on tram tracks.
2) MSU is recruiting students for both full-time and evening courses.
3) Those who smoke a lot often suffer from upper respiratory tract diseases.
4) A small enterprise produces horizontal and vertical blinds.

6. Which sentence contains a grammatical error?

1) In preparation for the exams, I studied a lot of specialized literature.
2) Currently, Russian citizens receive a passport at the age of 14.
3) The colon is placed not only in complex sentence, but also in a simple way.
4) Everyone who attended the performance was very pleased.

7. The subject is incorrectly coordinated with the predicate in the sentence:

1) Several students approached the desk.
2) Most of the houses are dilapidated.
3) Forty-one people entered prison.
4) Driving force history is the people.

8. The subject is correctly agreed with the predicate in the sentence:

1) Young people gain knowledge.
2) Most There were quite kind people between them.
3) None of us at first could cope with the problem.
4) Professor Sergeeva took the floor.

9.Find the sentence with a grammatical error:

1) Light and warmth came from the fire.
2) Those who have chosen the profession of a doctor must have a good heart.
3) Some of the machines have been sent.
4) There are three candlesticks on the table.

10.Find an offer without grammatical error:

1) Hundreds of athletes scattered around the stadium.
2) The media held a one-day protest.
3) Five years have passed since then.
4) His pride, or rather egoism, unpleasantly struck everyone

VII . Summing up the lesson

VIII .Homework

Zhanalina L.K., Shmanova N.N. Russian language for 11th grade, Almaty, 2015

P.72, No. 101-102, p.75-76

Agreement between predicate and subject

  • The predicate must be in the same form as the subject, so that it does not work:The children are grateful to the bosses for the gift. Kids is a singular noun, therefore grateful, but children are grateful.
  • With a subject that contains wordsset, number, part, majority, minorityand a controlled noun in the genitive case (such asmost students, a number of schools), the predicate can be either plural or singular.Singularis used if
    - noun means
    inanimate objects (there was a row of tables...);
    - activity is not emphasizedactors (most students were absent).

    The plural is used for

    highlighting activity actions of persons ( Some students passed the exams).
  • With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination (seven hours, several people...), the predicate can be in singular or plural form.


    plural activity is emphasized characters:And thirty beautiful knights // Sequence from the waters come out clear (A.S. Pushkin).


    singularthe predicate is used:

    When underlined

    passivity characters:Twenty people stood aside ;

    If a noun that is part of the subject means

    inanimate object or animal: Passed a hundred years - and what remains// Of these strong, proud men// So full of willful passions?(A.S. Pushkin); compound numeralending with one ( Thirty-three heroes - come out , and thirty-one heroes - comes out).
  • The predicate is placed in the only one number, if the subject includes wordsa lot, a little, a little, only, just: There are already many students visited this exhibition.
  • Predicate with subject type brother and sister can be placed in both singular and plural. Plural number underlinesequality, activismcharacters:And the weaver with the cook, // With her matchmaker Babarikha // Let her know want (A.S. Pushkin). The only thing the number indicates that one character is main thing: Lived old man with his old woman(A.S. Pushkin).
  • The subject may have an application, but this does not affect the agreement.The predicate agrees with the word it defines: At the last competitions, a Zhiguli car came first. But: "Zhiguli" came first (here "Zhiguli" - no longer an application);Director of the Frolov school went to the meeting.
  • The difficulty is in coordinating a predicate with several subjects. in direct order words, the predicate is put in the form plural, with reverse the predicate agrees withclosest of the subjects.


    Her fate, her end // Impenetrable darkness // From us closed and Died both feeder and swimmer(A.S. Pushkin).

Subject and predicate agreement


1. The predicate in a sentence is put in the same form as the subject,i.e. the same gender, person and number.

For example: The children frolicked merrily on the lawn (but it was not the children who frolicked); The scissors were on the table; Petya's coat has become old.

2. With a subject that includes the words set, row, part, majority, minority and a controlled noun in the genitive case(type most students, a number of enterprises), the predicate can be either singular or plural.

The predicate has a singular form if the noun in the subject denotes inanimate objects.

For example: A row of tables stood in the audience, and also if the sentence does not emphasize the activity of the characters. For example: Most of the students were absent.The predicate has a plural form if the noun in the subject denotes animate objects.

For example: Most students passed the test.The plural of the predicate in such constructions indicates the activity of the characters.

3. With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination(like ten years, forty people),the predicate can have both singular and plural forms. In such cases, the predicate agrees with the subject according to the rule from paragraph 2.

Compare: Twenty people came for the exam. - Five years have passed.

4. For a subject with a cardinal number ending in one, the predicate is put in singular form.

For example: Twenty-one students from our institute are members of the city's volleyball team.

5. With a subject containing the numeral two, three or four or a numeral ending in two, three, four(twenty-two, forty-three, sixty-four, etc.),The predicate is usually put in the plural form.

For example: There are three textbooks on the table; Thirty-two students worked in the construction team during the summer. The singular form of the predicate is acceptable in cases where the message records a particular fact, result, or when the message is given an impersonal character.

For example: Twenty-two suits sold; Three or four students will be transferred to another class.

6. With a subject expressed borrowed indeclinable noun or abbreviation, the predicate agrees according to its gender(or the gender of the leading word in the abbreviation).

For example: The highway passed through a deserted area; The USA has great military potential.

REMEMBER : when the subject is a foreign abbreviation, the predicate is usually put in the neuter form, but can also be consistent in meaning.

For example: UNESCO has announced its decision or UNESCO (the organization) has announced its decision.

7. With the subject expressed relative pronoun Who(in function union word in a subordinate clause),the predicate is usually put in the singular form.

For example: Everyone who did not lose their heads was against it (Sergeev-Tsensky); Those who did not make it to the door rushed in joyful panic to the windows (Makarenko).

Particular difficulties arisewhen agreeing the predicate with the subject, which has an application(type sofa bed, newspaper "Trud"). IN similar cases the following rules must be followed:

1. If the noun is expressed compound word (cloak-tent), then the predicate agrees with the word that expresses the generic, more general concept.

For example: a sofa bed was purchased, a library-museum was purchased, a letter and postcard was delivered.

REMEMBER : as a rule, the main, broader name is usually in first place in the combination.

2. If a noun has an attachment expressed by a proper noun(surnames, geographical names, names of means mass media etc.), thenthe predicate agrees with common noun noun.

For example: Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world; The Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper published sensational material.

REMEMBER : if the subject is expressed by a conventional name, the predicate agrees with it according to the grammatical principle.

For example: Izvestia reports; Elbrus has been conquered.

Word check:



Singular and plural predicate

Choice correct form predicate numbers – difficult task, if the subject contains words indicating the number or combination of objects. Among these words:

    collective nouns (eg. majority),

    cardinal numbers ( five, twenty),

    collective numbers ( two, three, five),

    countable nouns ( thousand, million, billion),

    words indicating the approximate amount ( more than a dozen, less than fifty, several),

    counting pronominal adverbs (a lot, as much as),

    nouns with a specific meaning ( three, pair, hundred) and indefinite ( mass, a lot) quantity, nouns with first part half- (half a year, half a house),

    type combinations brother and sister.

Each of these groups has its own characteristics of agreement with the predicate.

Coordination of the predicate with the words “row, majority, minority, part, many”

Choosing the correct form of the predicate is complicated by the fact that key word subject ( number, majority, multitude etc.), being a singular noun, actually means a set of objects or phenomena as a collection. In this regard, two possibilities arise for coordinating the predicate:

    formal grammatical agreement: predicate takes the same grammatical form, like the subject; the majority of citizens voted for the new president(“majority” and “voted” are singular, neuter); a number of users refused the paid service(“row” and “refused” are singular, masculine);

    agreement in meaning: the predicate takes a plural form, since the subject denotes many objects or phenomena: the majority of citizens voted for the new president, a number of users abandoned the paid service.

In modern Russian, formal grammatical agreement of the predicate and agreement in meaning compete, and in most cases (but not always!) the singular and plural forms of the predicate are interchangeable.

Formal approval gender and number of the predicate required, If collective noun doesn't have it with him dependent words, and also if the subject does not contain plural nouns: For the adoption of the resolution the majority voted, the minority was against; Overwhelming the majority of parliament voted against the adoption of the law; Part of the population is illiterate .

Agreement on meaning preferably:

1) if other members of the sentence are located between the subject and the predicate: Lots of comments on the content of the dissertation and the design of the bibliography were expressed young graduate student;

2) if the subject has a subsequent definition in plural form, expressed participial phrase or subordinate clause with the word which: Part of the proceeds from the sale of the book will go to the maintenance of hospitals; Part of the proceeds from the sale of books will go to the maintenance of hospitals;

3) if you need to emphasize the separateness of the actions of each actor, called the subject, and also emphasize the activity of the actors: A number of employees of our organization took the initiative; compare: Many roads were built last year.

4) if there are several predicates: A number of students do not consider homework necessary and come to class unprepared.

5) if the predicate contains a noun or adjective in plural form: Most houses in this village were wooden.

Coordination of the predicate with the numerals

The numeral name, unlike other names (nouns and adjectives), is devoid of number characteristics. In other words, if nouns can have singular and plural forms ( book - books), then numerals do not have such forms (cf.: two, five, one hundred fifty). For this reason, with a numeral, the actual “coordination” of the predicate in the form of the number is fundamentally impossible. The form of the predicate singular or plural is chosen arbitrarily by the speaker. When setting the predicate in singular. Part of the past tense, the predicate takes the neuter form: fifty people came to the lecture, two people died in a traffic accident; ten new stores opened etc.

Although the form of the predicate is not strictly regulated, there are a number of factors that contribute to the use of the singular or plural form.

The placement of the predicate in the singular form is influenced by the desire of the text author to draw the readers’ attention to the passivity of the subject, the compatibility of the actions of the characters, as well as the quantity named in the subject. The passivity of the subject can be emphasized by using verbs with the meaning of being and presence as predicates: to exist, to exist etc.

Twenty trees fell as a result of the storm. Fifty people came to the lecture, not fifty-two. The noun has twelve case forms.

The factors contributing to the use of the plural form of the predicate are opposite: the meaning of separate action, the emphasis on the activity of the persons named in the subject, the author’s desire to pay attention to the action (characteristic), and not to the quantity.

Eight students have already defended theses. One hundred graduate students write dissertations(i.e. everyone writes their own work).

In addition, you should remember that:

    Numerals ending in one, usually require a singular form of the predicate: To the institute fifty-one applicants were admitted. But: Fifty-one participants discussed problem on round table (verb discuss means joint action and cannot be consumed in unit form. h.).

    The plural form of the predicate is used if the subject is specified by a plural definition, for example by the words all, these, data, any etc. All fifty-eight applicants were admitted to college. Vasya had fifty rubles immediately spent . These two came late, the other five arrived during.

    If a numeral is used as a subject without dependent words (denoting the number as mathematical concept), then it agrees with the predicate in singular form: One hundred and fifty divided for thirty without a trace.

Coordination of the predicate with the words “thousand, million, billion”

Predicate of words thousand, million, billion usually takes the form of a subject (singular, feminine or masculine). A thousand people every year resting in this sanatorium. Million tulips planted in the flowerbed.

Agreement of the predicate when denoting an approximate quantity as the subject

When the subject is a quantitative combination with the meaning of approximate, the singular form of the predicate is preferred: Several will open new schools. On the ground more than three billion people live. But: Only a few students were able to solve this problem; the plural form of the predicate is determined by the “activity” of the characters named by the subject.

Coordination of the predicate with the words “many, so much, quite a lot”

Countable pronominal adverbs as much as a lot, a little, little, a lot agree exclusively with the predicate in the singular form: So much debt has accumulated! Quite a lot of people came to the lecture. Many significant events preceded this day. This requirement is contained in the academic “Russian Grammar”.

D. E. Rosenthal in the "Handbook of Spelling and literary editing” notes that recently the plural form in such constructions “... rarely encountered in the past, finds everything greater distribution»: How many cripples, exhausted by work, are dying of hunger?(M. Gorky).

Coordination of the predicate with nouns with the meaning of a definite (“three, a couple, a hundred”) and indefinite (“mass, a lot”) quantity, as well as with the numeral “half-”

Nouns with the meaning of definite and indefinite quantity, as well as words with the first part floor- (half an hour, six months) usually require putting the predicate in singular form: A pair of boots was bought for next to nothing. A lot of time wasted. A lot of unnecessary things littered the apartment. Half an hour passed unnoticed(but with a definition: The first half hour passed unnoticed).

Coordination of the predicate with combinations like “brother and sister”

The predicate can be in either plural or singular form. The plural form of the predicate shows that the action denoted by the predicate is equally attributed to both actors who are named as the subject. The singular form of the predicate shows that the action denoted by the predicate is attributed to the first of the named actors. Wed: Sharik and Matroskin share a hut. Vasya and his mother went to school.

The academic “Russian Grammar” notes that “if a group with the meaning of compatibility includes a pronoun of the 1st or 2nd person, then the verb in the predicate, becoming like numerical value pronouns has the same personal form as this pronoun: I will go with my father (with my sisters); My father and I (with my sisters) will go; You will stay with your mother (sisters); You and your mother (and sisters) will stay.”

This article was written in the footsteps of the most frequently asked questions « Help Desk» GRAMOTY.RU and does not pretend to be complete. Readers can find detailed information about fluctuations in the form of the number of the predicate in “Russian Grammar” (Moscow, 1980), paragraphs 2244–2248.

    The predicate must be in the same form as the subject, so that it does not work:

    The children are grateful to the bosses for the gift.

    Children is a singular noun, therefore, grateful, but children are grateful.

    With a subject that contains words set, number, part, majority, minority and a controlled noun in the genitive case (such as most students, a number of schools), the predicate can be either plural or singular.

    Singular is used if
    - noun means inanimate objects (there was a row of tables...);
    - activity is not emphasized actors ( most students were absent).

    The plural is used for highlighting activity actions of persons ( Some students passed the exams).

    With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination ( seven hours, several people...), the predicate can be in singular or plural form.

    Shape plural emphasized activity characters: And thirty beautiful knights// In succession clear waters emerge(A.S. Pushkin).

    Form singular the predicate is used:

    When underlined passivity characters: Twenty people stood aside;

    If a noun that is part of the subject means inanimate object or animal: A hundred years have passed - and what remains// Of these strong, proud men// So full of willful passions?(A.S. Pushkin);

    At compound numeral ending with one (Thirty-three heroes come out, and thirty-one heroes come out).

    The predicate is placed in the only one number, if the subject includes words a lot, a little, a little, only, only: Many students have already visited this exhibition.

    The predicate of a subject like brother and sister can be placed in either the singular or the plural. Plural number underlines equality, activism characters: And the weaver with the cook, // With her matchmaker Babarikha // They want to kill her(A.S. Pushkin).

    The only thing the number indicates that one character is The main thing: An old man lived with his old woman(A.S. Pushkin).

    The subject may have an application, but this does not affect the agreement. The predicate agrees with the word it defines: At the last competition, the Zhiguli car came first. But: "Zhiguli" came first(here “Zhiguli” is no longer an application); School principal Frolova went to a meeting.

    The difficulty is in coordinating a predicate with several subjects.

    At in direct order words, the predicate is put in the form plural numbers, with reverse the predicate agrees with closest of the subjects.

    Compare: Her fate, her end // Impenetrable darkness // Closed from us. And Both the feeder and the swimmer died(A.S. Pushkin).

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