What peoples inhabit Rostov. Rostov the Great: brief historical background

IN currently There are approximately one thousand one hundred cities in our country. They are scattered across all expanses of our vast country, but are still more concentrated in central Russia. Sociologists attribute this to the fact that cities located in economically prosperous areas, which include regions middle zone, are the most attractive for living. We decided to tell you about two cities with similar names, but absolutely different history and population size. Have you already guessed what we'll be talking about? Of course, our article is dedicated to Rostov and Rostov-on-Don - these two magnificent cities, which are real jewels in the scattering of Russian cities.

Rostov: general characteristics

Rostov is one of the most ancient cities in our country; it has a very difficult past and an equally interesting present. It is not without reason that it is considered one of the most beautiful and vibrant cities in central Russia.

The first mentions of the city in chronicles date back to the ninth century, but historians believe that in fact this date is not reliable and Rostov existed long before this date. After all, its first inhabitants were not Slavs at all.

On this moment The population of Rostov is growing steadily. Every year the city becomes more attractive and comfortable to live in. According to analysts, the quality of life enjoyed by the population of Rostov is 15% higher than the average level in Russia.

Location and description of Rostov

Rostov is only fifty kilometers from Yaroslavl and is located on the shores of Lake Nero. This is the largest freshwater lake in the region. Archaeologists and historians claim that it was inhabited by people already six thousand years ago and the Slavs came here to fully formed settlements and settlements. Later, the lake was often called Rostov, in honor of the city itself.

The ancient history of Rostov is reflected in a large number of historical monuments. They allowed the city to be included in the country's cultural heritage list. The population of Rostov is very proud of the fact that their hometown is a mandatory point on the travel route along the so-called Golden Ring of Russia.

Today in Rostov there are more than one hundred and fifty monuments that have federal significance. In addition to them, the population of Rostov can tell you about two hundred more places, imbued with history and related to the cultural monuments of the city. It’s worth visiting Rostov even for its extraordinary beauty, combining ancient mansions with modern buildings. Moreover, all the innovations do not spoil the appearance of the city at all; they fit well into the existing plan and complement the ancient facades of houses and churches.

Rostov the Great: brief historical background

Analysts' data suggest that Rostov is basically a mono-ethnic city. But few people know that this tradition did not always exist. We have already said that on the shores of the lake lived the Merya tribes, who reacted very favorably to the arrival of the Eastern Slavs on their lands. Moreover, many archaeologists claim that Rostov was literally a city divided into two parts. The Slavs settled in one, and the other was given to the indigenous peoples. Moreover, the residents of the city lived very peacefully, despite religious differences. The Slavs, who were Christians, built churches in their part of Rostov and did not impose their beliefs on the pagan tribes.

Over time, many other tribes began to flock to Rostov for permanent residence. The population has become even more diverse, but never in the entire history of the city has there been interethnic strife. This helped to form a single component of the city - Rostovites who know how to unite and coexist peacefully on the same territory.


Rostov presents a rather amazing picture for residents of large cities. After all, even the population growth over the past five years has not brought the city to new level. According to sociologists, at the end of 2016, 30,943 people lived in Rostov. This figure is stable, and fluctuations in numbers are mainly caused by an increase in the birth rate and a decrease in mortality in the city.

In addition, the average life expectancy in Rostov is 75 years, which is much higher than the national average. This fact associated with a good environmental situation and the absence of large industrial enterprises in the city.

Population density and ethnic composition

At the moment, the residents of Rostov are represented mainly by Russians. They make up more than 95% of the city's population. The remaining 5% was almost evenly distributed among the nations that came here from other regions of Russia. They do not constitute a static value, so they are rarely taken into account in official data.

The population density is 1970 people per one square kilometer, which is a very average figure for the country among cities with a population of less than one hundred thousand people.

"The Southern Capital of Russia": general characteristics

In the south of our country, Rostov-on-Don is one of the largest and most beautiful cities. Now it is rightfully considered a million-plus city. And his official history dates back to the mid-eighteenth century, and throughout his existence he has repeatedly appeared in a heroic light.

Now the city is cultural, historical and administrative center southern region. It is simply impossible to come to Rostov-on-Don and remain indifferent to it. The city captivates you literally at first sight. Moreover, every year it becomes more and more beautiful and comfortable. Six years ago, in fifth place in the ranking of cities with high quality The urban environment was set in Rostov. The population of this wonderful metropolis is proud not only of the heroic past of their city, but also of its present, filled with brilliant prospects.

For example, in next year This city will be the venue for the World Cup. This means that in the near future Rostov-on-Don will become even more beautiful and will receive a powerful impetus for further development.

City location

Rostov-on-Don and Moscow are separated by more than one thousand kilometers; the beautiful city is located on the banks of the Don River, very close to Sea of ​​Azov. During the summer season, on weekends, residents of the city easily cover the forty kilometers of road separating the city from the sea coast.

History of the city

On the territory of modern Rostov, archaeologists have found the remains of settlements of ancient people dating back to three thousand years BC. But official history settlements date back to the time of Peter I. The Russian autocrat during the Azov campaigns of the seventeenth century appreciated strategic importance these territories. He wished to build a fortress here to protect Russian lands from the attacks of the Turks and Tatars, but according to certain foreign policy reasons I couldn't do this.

Therefore, Rostovites consider the founding date of the city to be December 1749. At this time, Empress Elizabeth issued a decree on the creation of the Temernitsa customs house, which, by the will of fate, was built on the site of today's metropolis.

Rostov-on-Don: population

As we have already clarified, for many years it has been classified as a million-plus city. To be more specific, we can say that already in the eighties of the last century Rostov-on-Don crossed the line of one million inhabitants and officially joined the ranks of special megacities.

At the moment, the population of Rostov-on-Don is 1,125,103 people. An impressive figure, isn't it? According to the indicator, the city ranks tenth in the country, behind the recognized leaders Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as several other cities. Sociologists believe that if population growth does not stop, then in fifteen years Rostov will be in the top five cities this list. In Europe this Russian city ranks thirtieth in terms of population.

It is worth clarifying that the figure characterizing the population of Rostov-on-Don is more than 20% of all residents of the region. We can say that every fifth person in the region lives in this metropolis. Many analysts attribute this to the abundance of jobs, because quite often people move here from villages and nearby small towns in search of better life. Be that as it may, the city fully justifies its title of “the southern capital of Russia.”

Population density of Rostov-on-Don

Naturally, every major metropolis has a fairly high density of its inhabitants. This is fully reflected in Rostov. The city's population density is 3,198 people per square kilometer. These figures exceed the average for Russia.

Ethnic composition of city residents

IN last years official statistics does not reflect the real ethnic composition population. In analyst reports it looks like this:

  • 93% of the residents are Russian;
  • three and a half percent of the population consider themselves Armenians;
  • Ukrainians in the city are about 1.5%;
  • Azerbaijanis in Rostov are no more than 0.6%;
  • Tatars make up approximately 0.5% of the city's population.

In addition to the nations already listed, Jews, Koreans, Belarusians and Georgians live in the metropolis. All this data is provided by official statistics, but in reality Rostov is not so simple.

The city's population is a more motley "carpet" of nations and nationalities. In the latest census, many of its residents were given the opportunity to indicate their nationality as “Cossack”. According to residents of Rostov-on-Don, there are more than twenty percent of such people in the metropolis. According to alternative data, the ethnic composition can be represented as the following data:

  • Russians - 90.1%;
  • Armenians - 3.4%;
  • Ukrainians - 1.5%;
  • Azerbaijanis - 0.6%;
  • Tatars - 0.5%;
  • Georgians - 0.4%;
  • Belarusians and Koreans 0.3% each;
  • Jews and Lezgins 0.2% each;
  • 0.1% of the total population are Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Chechens, Ossetians, Ingush, Greeks, Roma and Tajiks;
  • 1.7% of city residents considered themselves to be of other nationalities.

The majority of the population of Rostov-on-Don is women.

As we have seen, Rostov and Rostov-on-Don are completely different cities, radically different from each other. One of them can be classified as a provincial pearl in the “Golden Ring of Russia”, while the other is a real center of life and was formed under the influence of a multinational culture. But keep in mind that each of these cities is worth a visit. After all, they have ancient history and incredible beauty that attracts Russians to them.

Rostov-on-Don is one of the largest cities in the south Russian Federation, which is the administrative center of the Southern Federal District and the Rostov region. It is located in the southeast of the East European Plain, 46 km from the confluence of the Don River into the Sea of ​​Azov, 1192 km south of Moscow. The geographical border between Europe and Asia runs through the city, South part the left bank of the Don is Asia, Northern part right bank - Europe.

It is a large administrative, scientific, educational, industrial, Cultural Center and important transport node of the entire South of Russia, unofficially called the “gates of the Caucasus”, “the southern capital, the capital of the Don, there is such a fairly common concept as “Rostov-Papa”.

Founding history

The official date of foundation is December 1749, when the daughter of Peter I, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, gave the order to establish the Temernitsa customs, which was originally supposed to be built in the city of Cherkessk, but at the request of Don Cossacks, who were losing their duty benefits, by great order, it was moved to the mouth of the Temernik River, upstream of the Don. In 1750, the territory of the customs house was built up with a harbor, a warehouse (warehouse), a quarantine and a garrison barracks that appeared there. In 1756, after the founding of a large international trading company, the Russian and Constantinople Trading Company, the Temernitsky port began to be considered the only Russian port in the southern part Russian state having trade relations with countries located on the coasts of the Black, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.

In 1761, construction began on the fortress to protect against the attacks of the Crimean Horde. After its completion, the fortress with a garrison for four thousand soldiers was named by the reigning Tsarina Elizaveta Petrovna in honor of Metropolitan Dimitri of Rostov and Yaroslavl, who was canonized by the church at that time. Gradually the name changed, at first it was the fortress of Dmitry of Rostov, the Rostov fortress and finally became Rostov, the prefix na-Donu appeared to distinguish it from ancient city Rostov the Great, which is near Yaroslavl. The Rostov port city quickly became famous both in Russia and abroad, attracting a huge number of merchants and merchants. In addition to the four thousand-strong garrison of soldiers, about a thousand more settlers lived around the fortress; up to three thousand people from nearby Ukrainian villages, which formed villages and hamlets around the city, came to the port every day to work.

The fortress, equipped with a large garrison and 238 military guns, for a long time was used as a rear base for Russian troops and played important role in events Russian-Turkish wars in the middle of the 18th century. Later, the fortress lost its important strategic significance and was razed; its territory became part of the city, which received the status of a district first in the Novorossiysk, then in the Yekaterinoslav province. Favorable location of the city at the crossroads trade routes from Europe to Asia contributed to the development of trade there and general economic growth. 100 years after its founding in 1846, more than 15 thousand people had already lived there, and another 100 years later - about 110 thousand.

(Cathedral Lane in modern times)

During civil war 1917-1920 Rostov housed the center of the White Guard movement, which was destroyed by Budyonny's cavalry in 1920. During the Second World War, the city was occupied twice by the Germans, liberated in November 1942, was heavily destroyed and was one of the ten cities of the USSR that suffered most during the hostilities. IN post-war years it was restored and restored, old buildings and structures were rebuilt, and new ones were erected.

Population of Rostov-on-Don

Despite the economic crisis that consumed most of the cities of Russia, after the collapse of the USSR, Rostov entered the top ten of the country in terms of population and continues to develop, becoming a large regional center and in 2000 by the center of the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation.

As of 2017, the population in Rostov-on-Don is 1,125,299 people, this is tenth among 1,112 cities in Russia, first in the Southern Federal District and in the Rostov region. The increase in natural growth, and, accordingly, the population began in 2009, when the population was 1,048,991 people; in eight-seven years it increased by 76 thousand people, which indicates an improvement in the demographic situation in the region, which continues today.

The Rostov agglomeration has 2.16 million people, the Rostov-Shakhtni conurbation (agglomeration polycentric type with several nuclei without a dominant center) - 2.7 million people.

Rostov is a city with a multinational composition, 90.1% of Russians (960.8 thousand people), 3.4% of Armenians (41.5 thousand people), 1.5% of Ukrainians (16.2 thousand people) live here .), less than 1% - Azerbaijanis, Tatars, Georgians, Belarusians, Koreans, Jews, Lezgins, Chechens, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, etc.

The working population is 692 thousand people, which is 63.2%, children under 15 years old - 13.1%, people of pre-retirement age - 23.7%. The gender structure is dominated by women - 54.4%, men - 45.6%.

According to 2016 data, the migration increase in Rostov-on-Don amounted to 3.7 thousand people, which is almost 4 times higher than the previous year, the number of people leaving for other regions was more than 5,000 thousand people. The most active exchange occurs with Kuban ( Krasnodar region), 23.3% of the population of the Rostov region went there, 19.3% of the local population went from there.

Industry of Rostov-on-Don

(Rostvertol, Mi-24)

Rostov-on-Don is one of the largest developed economic and industrial centers the south of Russia and the entire Russian Federation. Half of the entire trade turnover of the Rostov region falls on this city, the volume of industrial products of large and medium-sized enterprises amounts to more than 30 billion rubles per year, the growth rate of volumes industrial production are constantly growing and becoming more stable every year.

(Assembly line of the RostSelMash plant)

The largest enterprises in the city are:

  • Rostselmash is the largest manufacturer of agricultural machinery and equipment not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Its products (harvesters, seeders, etc.) cover 60% of the Russian market;
  • Rostvertol is the largest aircraft manufacturer, part of the Russian Helicopters holding company. state corporation"Rostec";
  • The Donskoy Tabak factory is one of the largest producers of tobacco products in Russia;
  • JSC "Gorizont" - production of navigation radar systems for civil and military vessels;

(Factory of carpets and rugs Merino)

  • Plant "Kvant" - production of equipment for orientation of space equipment;
  • OJSC Almaz - production of radio equipment.
  • CJSC Empils is the largest manufacturer of paints and varnishes in Russia.
  • Spinning mill "Merino"

Culture of the city of Rostov-on-Don

Centers cultural life of any city are its museums and theaters. In Rostov-on-Don, museums such as the Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore, the Rostov regional museum Fine Arts, Museum of Modern visual arts, Museum of Russian-Armenian Friendship, Rostov Museum of Railway Equipment, Children's Gallery artistic creativity, Rostov Museum of Cosmonautics and others.

There are also several theaters for residents and guests of the city: Rostov Academic Drama Theater named after. M. Gorky, Rostov State Puppet Theater, Rostov Regional Academic Youth Theater, Rostov State Musical Theater.

For creating documentaries and film magazines, the Rostov Film Studio was opened here in 1927.

There are 43 libraries in the city, the largest of them is the Don State public library, founded in the 80s of the 19th century, the central city children's library named after. Lenin.

The Rostov Zoo houses the largest collection of anthropoid apes in Russia, the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard, a unique bear goat of the Caucasian subspecies, the only such animal kept in a zoo.

The city also has its own philharmonic society, a circus, several exhibition halls and galleries, and regularly hosts festivals and biennales (cultural events held every two years) such as the South Russian Biennale contemporary art, international festival“Acardeon Plus”, jazz music festival “Jazz in Rostov”, “Rostov Jazz Invites”.

The southern region of Russia, the Rostov region, has specific features and characteristics that distinguish it from other subjects of the state. This uniqueness is due to history, geographical location, economic development areas. And they affect the size and composition of the population of the Rostov region.

Geographical position

In the south of Russia, on the East European Plain and the north of the Caucasus, there is a large subject of the Federation - the Rostov region. Its area is just over 1 million square meters. km, and this is 33rd among all regions of the country. The region borders on the Voronezh and Volgograd regions, Ukraine, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories and Kalmykia. The relief of the region is generally flat: from a slight elevation in the north to a depression in the south. The region is rich in hydro resources. One of the largest rivers Europe - the Don - and its two tributaries - the Manych and the Donets, there is a large lake and several lakes. The region is located within the steppe zone; in the south there is a transition to semi-deserts. Most of the territory is occupied by fertile agricultural land, there are few forests, mostly green areas are located in the floodplains of rivers. For many centuries, the life of the population of the Rostov region has been associated with the cultivation of crops and livestock.

Climate and ecology

The Rostov region is located in a zone of temperate continental steppe climate with mild, short winters and long, hot summers. The region has a lot of sunshine; there are approximately 2,100 hours of such weather per year. The average annual temperature is 10 degrees Celsius. Winter in the region begins in December and lasts until the end of February, the coldest month is January, when the thermometer drops to minus 5 at night. Snow cover does not last long, on average 203 weeks for the entire season. Winter in the Rostov region is wet and windy. Spring begins in the region at the end of February and lasts 2 months; plants begin to bloom already in March; in April the thermometer during the day rises to +15 degrees, sometimes even higher.

The longest season in the region is summer. It starts in May and ends at the end of September. The hottest month is July, when the temperature averages about 25-30 degrees Celsius. Autumn in the region is short and dry, in October and November the temperature drops to 10 degrees Celsius, the sky becomes gloomy more often and the wind blows often. The southeastern territories are distinguished by a more pronounced sharply continental climate and here winters are colder and summers are significantly hotter than in other parts of the region. These climatic features influence the population density of the Rostov region and its distribution. Ecological situation area is not much different from the situation in all southern regions countries. Nature is polluted by cars and people; there are no harmful industries here, but industry has a negative impact on water and air, especially in the Rostov region.

Population dynamics

Systematic counting of the region's population began in 1959. At that time, just over 3 million people lived here. IN Soviet time the region showed a steady increase in the number of residents, on average several tens of thousands of people per year. In 1997, almost 4.5 million people lived here. But with the arrival of change and economic difficulties The number of inhabitants in the region begins to decline. In 2016 there were 4.2 million people here.

Districts of the region and population distribution

Since 2005, the region has been divided into 12 cities and 43 districts, in which there are 18 urban settlements and 390 villages. Statistics show that the population of the districts of the Rostov region is heterogeneous. The northern and southeastern parts are much less populated than central territories. Average density The population of the region is 42 people per square meter. km. And the highest average population density in the Rostov region is observed in the capital area, here this figure ranges from 2 to 2.5 thousand people per square meter. km. Most of residents are settled in cities (2.9 million people), there is a gradual outflow rural residents to cities in the region. The largest cities in the Rostov region in terms of population are the capital of the region (1.1 million people), Taganrog (250 thousand people), Shakhty (236 thousand people), Novocherkassk (170 thousand people), Volgodonsk (170 thousand people) . people).

Demographic indicators of the Rostov region

As of 2016, the birth rate in the region is growing and amounts to just over 12 newborns for every thousand inhabitants. At the same time, mortality is decreasing, but very slowly and still remains quite high. This causes negative dynamics, and even migration processes cannot offset the problem of a reduction in the number of residents in the region. There is a decrease in the number of people in the region working age, this is associated with low birth rates and increased life expectancy (71 years). All this increases the demographic burden and negatively affects the economy of the region. In terms of gender, the population of the Rostov region is not much different from other regions; the number of women here prevails over the number of men, especially at older ages.

Ethnic composition

If we evaluate the national composition of the population of the Rostov region, we can note a slight increase in Ukrainians in general structure residents of the region. 86% of the population are Russians, about 2% are Ukrainians, 2.6% are Armenians. Other ethnic groups make up less than 1% of total number residents. At the same time, 97% of the population speak Russian. The dominant religion is Orthodoxy.

Economy and employment of the population of the Rostov region

The region ranks 39th in Russia in terms of socio-economic development indicators. The processing, agricultural, coal, heavy and engineering industries are well developed here. The bulk of the population of the Rostov region is employed in the field of wholesale and retail trade - about 20%, in agriculture - 16% and manufacturing - 14%. The largest employers in the region are metallurgical and automobile manufacturing plants in Taganrog, Atommash and Rostselmash, and the Electric Locomotive Plant in Novocherkassk. However, work is not for everyone. The unemployment rate in the region is 5.1%, which is lower than in neighboring southern regions of the Federation, but higher than the national average. In addition, there is so-called unregistered unemployment, and its rates are quite high. Young people cannot find work after graduating from universities, and this negatively affects the demography of the region.


§ 8. Southern federal district

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, on May 13, 2000, the institute of plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts was formed. The creation of federal districts was carried out in order to increase the efficiency of the activities of federal government bodies and improve the system of control over the implementation of their decisions. Seven federal districts were created:

Central District, with center in Moscow;

Northwestern District, center of St. Petersburg;

Southern region (originally called the North Caucasus), center of the city.

Rostov-on-Don (Fig. 23);

Privolzhsky district, center of Nizhny Novgorod;

Ural District, center Yekaterinburg;

Siberian District, center Novosibirsk;

Far Eastern District , center of Khabarovsk.

Each federal district is headed by a plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation, who ensures the implementation of the constitutional powers of the head of state within the federal district.

One of the important federal districts, playing a significant role in the political, economic and social life Russia is the Southern Federal District, which includes two regions: Krasnodar and Stavropol,

three regions of Rostov, Astrakhan and Volgograd, eight republics of Adygea, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Kalmykia,

Karachaevo Circassia, North Ossetia Alania and Chechen.

The total area of ​​the district is 589.2 thousand km2, which practically corresponds to the territory of Ukraine or the territories of Austria, Albania, Belgium,

Great Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland combined. However, the Southern Federal District is the smallest district in Russia by area (Table 9).

Rice. 23. Southern Federal District of Russia, center – Rostov-on-Don

Table 9

Area, number and population density of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the Southern Federal District, 2009

Regions and subjects of the Federation



thousand km2




Republic of Adygea

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Ingushetia



Republic of Kalmykia

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Republic of North Ossetia–

Chechen Republic

Krasnodar region

Stavropol region

Astrakhan region

Volgograd region

Rostov region

The basis for the creation of the Southern Federal District was the North Caucasus economic region with a number of adjacent regions. Formation of the Southern Federal District within the North Caucasus economic region and the southern part of the Volga region was quite natural and objective, since the subjects of the Southern Federal District have similar natural conditions and resources.

For example, natural conditions Kalmykia, most of the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions are similar to the natural conditions of the eastern part of the Rostov region, the northern part Stavropol Territory and Dagestan.

The Southern Federal District has significant mineral resources,

favorable natural conditions for development modern industries industry, intensive Agriculture, a powerful transport network.

The Rostov region is especially distinguished by its reserves coal and building materials, as well as land resources.

There is also a commonality of production specialization, maritime economic ties with states near and far abroad. So,

Dagestan, Kalmykia and Astrakhan region are a single coastal zone of Russia,

having access to the Caspian Sea, they are united by similarities natural resources and community of sea economic interests. On the other side,

The Rostov and Volgograd regions form a single water transport complex associated with the existence of the Volga-Don shipping canal.

In addition, there are long-standing historical connections between the territories of the Southern Federal District. So, the lands of Kalmykia and Volgograd region until 1917 they were part of the Rostov region and the Stavropol region. Walked here continuous process assimilation of peoples, there were economic contacts Central Russia with its southern neighbors (“ silk road", etc.).

The population of the Southern Federal District in 2009 was 22.9 million people, of which 18.5%

population of the Rostov region. The South of Russia has the highest birth rate within the country (12.9‰) and relatively low mortality (12.3‰). Dagestan has the highest birth rate (16.8‰). The area is observed

small natural increase population (0.7‰), in the Rostov region it is negative, its ethnic composition is diverse.

The subsoil of the Southern Federal District has been studied quite well, about 73% is concentrated here.

of all-Russian reserves of thermal waters, almost 41% of tungsten reserves and about

30% stock mineral waters. There are reserves of sulfur, cement raw materials, coal,

gas, oil, copper, zinc, gold, silver and lead. Oil reserves located at depths of 5 to 6 km are estimated at 5 billion tons of standard fuel.

Questions and tasks

1. On contour map designate the subjects of the Southern Federal District along with their capitals.

2. Which regions of the Southern Federal District have access to the Azov and Black Seas, and which to the Caspian?

3. Which region of the Southern Federal District is your area closest to?

Which one is it farthest from?

4. Having analyzed the data in table. 9 explain the difference in population density between the regions of the Southern Federal District. What are the consequences for nature of a high concentration of population in a certain area?

§ 9. Population and social infrastructure of the Rostov region

Population. The territory of the Rostov region has been inhabited since ancient times, about

what do traces of human sites say? In the 8th century BC. Scythians appeared on the Don,

whose main occupation was nomadic cattle breeding, at the end of the 4th century. BC. –

Sarmatians. In the VI century. BC. the first Greek settlements appeared. A trading post was founded in the vicinity of present-day Taganrog in the 5th century. BC. Greek merchants settled in the Elizabethan settlement, which became a trading center.

However, the largest of the Greek settlements was Tanais, the main center of trade with the Bosporan tribes. Its population and residents of surrounding villages were engaged in trade, agriculture, crafts, cattle breeding, fishing

catching In the fields adjacent to the city, millet, barley, wheat,

For many centuries, nomadic tribes replaced each other.

The first Slavic settlements on the Don appeared only in the 11th century, in the 15th century. on steppe expanses Fugitive peasants from central Russia rushed to the Don,

Volga region. They were called Cossacks, which translated from Turkic meant

“dares”, “free people”. The influx of Cossacks was especially significant in the 16th century.

c., then it began to form Don Cossacks and the first Cossack towns appeared (Razdory, Mityakin, Manych, Cherkassky, Monastyrsky, Medveditsky).

TO end of the 17th century there were 55 towns on the Don, in early XVIII V. already 135.

IN In 1625, about 5 thousand Cossacks lived on the Don, in 1638 about 10 thousand,

in the second half of the 17th century. 12 14 thousand, by the end of the 18th century. 225 thousand, in 1895

about 900 thousand people.

Calculate the average annual population growth of the region from the end of the 17th century to late XVIII centuries, XVIII-XIX centuries. To do this, divide the population growth obtained for each century by

A bright page in the history of the Don region is the famous “ Azov seat» 1637-1642, when 4,700 Cossacks and 800 women heroically defended the Azov fortress captured from the Turks, opposing a 100,000-strong enemy army.

50 years later, Russian troops and navy under the leadership of Peter I returned Azov to Russia, opening access to the Sea of ​​Azov.

The borders of the Don Army changed several times. According to the charter of 1793

Rostov district and Taganrog city government belonged to other provinces,

from 1803, the Donskoy army included Kalmyk nomads along the Sal rivers,

Kuberle, Manych, Kagalnik and others. Center in the first half of the 17th century. were,

alternately the city of Razdory, s. Monastyrskoe, Azov, since 1646 Cherkassk. In 1806

all regional institutions were transferred to Novocherkassk, in 1920 to Rostov-on-Don

on-Don. In 1937, the Rostov region was formed with its center in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Historically, the nonresident population was concentrated mainly

in cities. So, in early XIX V. most big city was Taganrog (7.4 thousand.

people) because trade with foreign countries took place through it. The second place in terms of population was occupied by Novocherkassk (6.7 thousand people), Rostov had less than 4 thousand inhabitants.

Initially, the inhabitants of the Don were engaged in fishing, hunting,

breeding horses, and later sheep. Agriculture began to develop only in

XVIII century After the discovery of coal deposits, the formation of industry began, the population began to grow more intensively, and the impact on natural geosystems increased. Gradually the steppes were plowed up and most of the region's forests were cleared.

Currently, the population of the Rostov region is about 4.3 million people. (Fig. 24, Table 10), there is a natural population decline. Thus, natural population growth is negative. The growth of the region's population in recent years has been achieved through migration,

however, since the second half of the 90s. XX century The population is declining.

Rice. 24. Population dynamics of the Rostov region

A decrease in the birth rate and an increase in mortality led to a change in the age structure of the population. The share of children decreased to 14.8%, the share of elderly people increased to 23.1%. Thus, the working-age population is about 62.1% (Table 11).

Table 10

Dynamics of fertility, mortality and natural increase in the Rostov region




Table 11

Dynamics of the age structure of the population of the Rostov region

Working population

Aged people

It is known that at birth there are 106 boys per 100 girls,

however, due to higher male mortality, the sex ratio changes over time. The gender structure of the population of the Rostov region is dominated by women (more than 53%). Average duration of life in the region for women is 74.3, for men 62.7 years.

IN national composition The population of the Rostov region is dominated by Russians 84.4%, the share of Ukrainians is 2.7, Armenians - 2.5, Cossacks - 2.1, 8.3% Belarusians,

Greeks, Chechens, Tatars, Moldovans and other nationalities. Most of the working-age population of the region is economically active (more than 55%

population), the share of unemployed is about 1.5%.

Natural conditions, historical features development and economic development of the region determined the distribution of the population throughout the region and,

accordingly, the anthropogenic load on nature. The average population density in the Rostov region is 43.0 people/km2.

Why is there a higher population density in the Rostov region?

than in Russia (8.3 people/km2) and the Southern Federal District (38.9)?

Rice. 25. Population density of the Rostov region

The population across the territory of the Rostov region is distributed extremely unevenly (Fig. 25), most of it is concentrated in the southwestern

districts of the region (up to 62.3 people/km², 68% of the total population, 60% of cities, 61%

PGT), this territory is characterized by the most favorable natural conditions. Low density population is observed in the southeastern part of the region (up to 7.7 people/km²), from which the population migrates to other areas.

The region is characterized by both external and internal migrations. It is because of them that the number of “daytime population” of Rostov-on-Don on weekdays is much larger than the “nighttime” permanent population, which is associated with labor migration from nearby cities (Azov, Aksai, Bataysk, Novocherkassk) and

other settlements.

The Rostov region includes 463 municipalities,

consisting of 12 urban districts, 43 municipal districts, 18 urban and

390 rural settlements.

The level of urbanization of the Rostov region is 66.7% (Fig. 26). Almost 2/3

The entire urban population of the region lives in cities with a population of more than 100

thousand people The largest agglomeration is Rostov, 45% live here.

of the entire population of the Rostov region and concentrates more than 60% of its industrial production. To cities with a population of more than 100

thousand people include: Rostov-on-Don (1048.7 thousand people), Taganrog (264.4), Shakhty

(245.9), Novocherkassk (178.0), Volgodonsk (170.0), Novoshakhtinsk (114.7), Bataysk

(103.1 thousand people).

Rice. 26. Dynamics of the share of the urban population of the Rostov region, %

Rostov-on-Don is a millionaire city. Its population currently amounts to about 1048.7 thousand people. Since the 90s of the XX century. The city is characterized by negative natural growth, partially compensated by migration. In recent years, the situation in the regional center has begun to stabilize, primarily due to an increase in the birth rate. The most populous districts are Voroshilovsky (196.4 thousand people),

Pervomaisky (158.7), Sovetsky (156.5 thousand people, Fig. 27) districts, the leading industrial enterprises cities, which, combined with a high population density (multi-storey buildings predominate), creates a tense environmental situation.

Questions and tasks

1. Analyze the table. 10, fig. 24. During what periods did the population of the Rostov region grow more intensively? What is this connected with?

2. How did the birth rate, death rate and natural population growth of the Rostov region change in last decade? What explains the current negative population growth in the region?

3. According to the table. 9, 10, count how many people are born and die every year in the Rostov region? What is this connected with?

4. How has the age structure of the population changed recently? What reasons contributed to this?

Rostov is one of the largest cities in the Russian Federation. The population of this city, like any other regional center, has its own characteristics. In this article we will examine in more detail not only Rostov-on-Don, but also the history of its creation, the unemployment rate and the most in-demand professions.

History of the city's creation

Today Rostov-on-Don is one of largest cities Russian Federation. It is also the oldest in Russia. It is believed that people inhabited the lands of Rostov long before the founding of the city itself.

In 1769, on the territory of present-day Rostov-on-Don, they began to erect a tower, which was supposed to serve as protection against attacks by the Mongol-Tatar army. After joining Crimean Khanate the fortress lost its significance. However a large number of people began to occupy and develop this territory. This is due to the good location of the city and the high quality of the soil in it. The population of the city of Rostov-on-Don was constantly increasing.

In 1779, Catherine II settled Armenians in the territory of the future city. Several more settlements were formed around Rostov-on-Don. In 1811 the city got its own coat of arms. The creation of Rostov-on-Don dates back to 1749.

Rostov-on-Don: population, numbers

As we said earlier, Rostov-on-Don is one of the largest cities in the Russian Federation. It is located in the southern part of the state. Today the population of Rostov is more than 1 million. Few people know, but the millionth anniversary resident of Rostov-on-Don was born in 1987. This helped Rostov acquire the status of a million-plus city.

It is worth noting that over the past two years there has been a significant increase in residents. The accelerated population growth in Rostov is associated with the resettlement of refugees from Ukraine. Experts note that the situation is currently neighboring state does not improve, it will be impossible to draw objective conclusions regarding the growth of the migrating population. The situation will become clearer in at least two years.

National composition of the city

It's no secret that a huge number of citizens of various nationalities live on the territory of the Russian Federation. This characterizes Rostov-on-Don. According to Rosstat statistics, the population of Rostov of Russian nationality is almost 4 million throughout the region. This is about 89% of all residents.

Ukrainians take second place. The number of Ukrainian citizens living in the Rostov region is more than 100 thousand people. This is almost 2.6%. However, this figure is constantly increasing. Population growth Ukrainian nationality associated with the fighting in their homeland.

The third place in terms of the number of representatives is occupied by Armenians. Number of residents nationality in the Rostov region is about 109 thousand. This is approximately 2.5% of total number residents of the region.

Religion in Rostov and the region

As throughout the entire Russian Federation, in Rostov-on-Don the most popular religious denomination is Christianity. The second place in terms of the number of representatives is occupied by Islam. It is worth emphasizing that the Government of the Rostov Region annually allocates about 10 million rubles for the restoration of churches.

The following number of religious organizations is registered in the Rostov region:

  • 357 Orthodox;
  • 5 Old Believers;
  • 17 Muslim;
  • about 100 other organizations.

The government reports that in addition to registered organizations in Rostov-on-Don, there are others that have been created by people to worship together. If desired, the population of the city of Rostov can receive education at a theological seminary. It is also worth noting that the city has a lot printed publications, which are issued by religious organizations. Among them are “Candle”, “Orthodox News” and others.

year 2014. Rostov-on-Don: population, numbers

In 2014, the population in the Rostov region decreased significantly. As Rosstat statistics show, the number of residents has decreased by more than 3 thousand. It is worth noting that in 2013 the decrease in citizens amounted to 9 thousand.

The government sounded the alarm. Today, on the territory of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don is the most depressed region in terms of population decline. The increase in residents in 2014 was only 500 people.

in Rostov-on-Don

Does everyone know what exactly attracts the population of other cities to Rostov? This is primarily due to high level salaries. It is for this reason that Rostov-on-Don is characterized by a fairly low unemployment rate. According to Rosstat statistics, today there are just over 2,000 registered unemployed in the city. As we said earlier, Rostov-on-Don is a city with a population of one million. Average wage in it at the end of 2015 amounted to 30 thousand rubles.

How else is Rostov different? The city's population need not be afraid of being left without work. This is due to the fact that there are about 11 thousand retail and wholesale trade enterprises located in Rostov-on-Don.

The most popular professions in Rostov-on-Don

What professions does Rostov expect to find workers in? Population with automotive, construction, legal and economic education may be happy. This year, representatives of such specialties are truly in demand. The city also needs workers in 2016 Catering and education.

It is worth noting that over the past couple of years, IT specialists have been in quite a demand. A definite plus Such a specialty is the ability to work remotely.

In Rostov-on-Don, managers can easily find work. Experts predict that this direction will definitely be in demand for a long time.

Unregistered population

The government notes that there is also an unregistered population in the city. Rostov-on-Don, as we said earlier, is one of the largest cities in the Russian Federation. Population - 1 million inhabitants. However, there are also those citizens who are not registered anywhere. Most often these are people without a fixed place of residence. As a rule, they are not taken into account in the population census. The government is trying to help such people as much as possible by creating a large number of hostels in the Rostov region. We can conclude that the population of Rostov-on-Don cares not only about themselves, but also about other citizens. This is no coincidence, because quite often the city residents themselves unite in groups and help people without a fixed place of residence.

What attracts Rostov-on-Don city guests?

Despite its age and the million-strong population of Rostov-on-Don, the city gives the impression of being modern and young. Tourists note that it has a lot of attractions that are a must-see. If you just decide to take a walk around the city, then pay attention to the names of the streets. In Rostov-on-Don there are such names that you will not find anywhere else. Similar situation also applies to monuments. One of the most popular attractions in the city is the newspaper reader monument.

Residents are proud of their city, because over time Rostov-on-Don has turned from a small port into a large one regional center. It is also worth noting that it has a successful transport interchange. It is from this city that you can get to almost every corner of the world.

Problems that concern residents of Rostov-on-Don

Rostov-on-Don is incredible a beautiful city, which you can fall in love with at first sight. However, there are problems that concern its residents. As we said earlier, population growth in the city is due to the migration of citizens from other countries. Unfortunately, today in Rostov-on-Don the mortality rate significantly exceeds the birth rate. Residents note that this is no coincidence. They believe that the city is sorely lacking preschool institutions. To enroll your child in kindergarten, you must wait your turn. Sometimes this takes at least a year. It is for this reason that many families do not decide to have a child.

One more global problem cities are traffic jams. They affect not only the well-being and mood of drivers, but also the economic and social potential of the country. There is a catastrophic lack of parking in the city. Decide this problem possible by constructing multi-level parking lots. However, their construction requires significant financial costs. Experts believe that such a project can bring good income, which will quickly cover the costs. Such a parking lot will not only free up roads, but also create a large number of new jobs.

City residents also note that public transport Rostov-on-Don has long outlived its usefulness. Route taxis dirty and their drivers are rude.

Culture in Rostov-on-Don

Rostov-on-Don is one of the largest cities in the Russian Federation. It is distinguished not only by its good economy, but also by its rich cultural heritage. There are a large number of cinemas and museums on the territory of Rostov. Few people know, but Rostov-on-Don also has its own film studio.

In the city, anyone, even the most demanding tourist, can find entertainment to suit their taste. Few people know, but two buildings of the Russian Federation are presented in the London Museum of Architecture. One of them - Academic theater drama, which is located on the territory of Rostov-on-Don. Its building during the Great Patriotic War suffered greatly. It was blown up. However, in spite of everything, the actors still staged performances, but in the Philharmonic building. In 1963, the building was restored, and it began to function again and welcome spectators.

Let's sum it up

In our article we told you everything about the population in the city of Rostov-on-Don. This information will help those who want to change their place of residence and move to Rostov, or simply like to travel. This city can charm everyone at first sight. It has both pros and minor cons. As we said earlier, the city has a huge number of attractions that not only fascinate, but sometimes surprise. When you come to Rostov-on-Don, you definitely won’t regret it and you might even want to stay here forever.

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