Klimov psychology of professional self-determination read. Self-determination, professional self-determination of personality: concepts, factors, age characteristics

Psychology of professional self-determination- Klimov E.A- 2004

IN textbook the problems of professional self-determination of students are revealed and pedagogical leadership choosing a profession with an emphasis on its psychological side. Ideas about different types of professions, projects of professional life paths are given, issues of human suitability are considered certain types activities. Special attention is given mental development person in process professional activity.
For higher education students educational institutions studying courses developmental psychology and career guidance. It may be useful for students of institutes for advanced training of teachers, as well as specialists involved in issues of career guidance, career counseling, and assistance to people in situations of forced change of work.

Chapter 1. About the internal (psychological) difficulties of mastering the proposed course
1.1. Orientation difficulties
1.2. Difficulties in understanding the subject area under discussion
1.3. Life Path Dilemma
1.4. Self-determination and " psychological picture» person in the public consciousness
Chapter 2. Professional self-determination: subject area, means, expected results of activity
2.1. Some general points
2.2. Professional self-determination of students from the position of a teacher, parent
2.3. Professional self-determination of students from the position of a doctor
2.4. Sociological, economic, legal aspects problems of professional self-determination
2.5. General overview on the system for ensuring professional self-determination
2.6. On the relationship between concepts " professional self-determination", "career guidance", "career consultation"
Chapter 3. Mutual correspondence between a person and his work
3.1. Ways to establish the correspondence of a person’s personal qualities and activity requirements
3.2. Individual style activity as a way out of the conflict between the characteristics of the subject and the requirements of work
Chapter 4. Basic principles of professional self-determination
4.1. Principles of pedagogical guidance of professional self-determination
4.2. Some principles of student self-education and self-regulation in connection with professional self-determination
Chapter 5. The concept of “profession”
5.1. Profession as a community
5.2. Profession as an area of ​​application of strength
5.3. Profession as an activity and area of ​​personality manifestations
5.4. About other terms characterizing a person’s involvement in professional work
5.5. Profession as a historically developing system
5.6. Profession as a reality creatively formed by the subject
Chapter 6. Some necessary concepts and representations of psychological professional studies
6.1. Overview classification of professional labor products
6.2. About the given (socially fixed, “objective”) and subjectively accepted goals of activity by a professional
6.3. About diversity internal conditions activities
6.4. Overview classification of professional activity conditions
6.5. About the variety of means of activity
6.6. Overview classification of professional means of activity
6.7. Generally significant and individually unique in the system of means and working conditions of a professional
Chapter 7. Overview classification of professions for information support professional self-determination of youth
7.1. General provisions
7.2. The first tier of classification. Types of professions
7.3. Second tier of classification. Job classes
7.4. Third tier of classification. Departments of professions
7.5. The fourth tier of classification. Profession groups
7.6. The concept of “profession formula”
7.7. Option for an overview classification of professions based on the subject area of ​​work and form necessary education
Chapter 8. Image of the world among different types of professionals
8.1. General provisions
8.2. Descriptive psychological characteristics types of professionals

"Man-nature" (P)
About representatives of professions like
"Man-Technology" (T)
About representatives of professions like
"Man-man" (H)
About representatives of professions like
“Man-sign system” (3)
About representatives of professions like
“Human Artistic Image” (X)
8.3. Some questions of the theory and practice of professional self-determination in connection with the professional relativity of a person’s mental makeup
Chapter 9. Overview of the pre-professional ontogenesis of a person as a subject of labor
9.1. Preschool ontogenesis
9.2. School ontogenesis
Chapter 10. Designing a professional life path (“choosing a profession”)
10.1. The problem of “predestination” or “man-made” professional life path
10.2. General structure situations and a scheme for solving the problem of “choosing a profession”
Chapter 11. Life path professional and normal developmental crises
11.1. Some general points
11.2. Biographical crises
11.3. Main options and phases of professional development
Application. Approximate brief descriptions professions for vocational education of students
Professions like “Human-Wildlife”
Professions such as “Human-technique and inanimate nature”
Professions of the “Human-Human” type
Professions like “Man-sign system”
Professions such as “Human-artistic image”

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IN domestic psychology V last years All large quantity Scientists connect the processes of professional self-determination with the choice of lifestyle and personal self-determination. When choosing a profession, a person plans a way of existence, correlating his future professional status with meaningful life values. In line with this approach, studies by K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, M.R. Ginzburg, E.I. Golovakhi and others. The most consistent and comprehensive issues of professional self-determination of the subject are considered in the works of E.F. Zeera, E.A. Klimova, N.S. Pryazhnikov.
E.A. Klimov considers professional self-determination as one of the most important manifestations of a person’s mental development, as a process of his inclusion in the professional community and more broadly in the social community. Throughout life, a person develops a certain attitude towards various areas labor, an idea of ​​professions and one’s capabilities is formed, preferences in the socio-economic factors of labor assessment are identified, and the range of possible choices is determined. The result of a person’s semantic and motivational searches is the fulfillment of social meaningful activities aimed at producing a socially valuable product.
The most important component of self-determination, according to E.A. Klimov, is the formation of professional self-awareness, the structure of which includes:
1. Awareness of one’s belonging to a certain professional community (“we are engineers”).
2. Assessing one’s compliance with professional standards and one’s place in the community according to the system of social roles (newcomer, one of the best specialists etc.).
3. A person’s knowledge of the degree of his recognition in social group(“I am considered a good specialist”).
4. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, ways of self-improvement, individual methods of successful action, about your individual style of activity.
5. An idea of ​​yourself and your work in the future.
E.A. Klimov identifies two levels of professional self-determination:
. Gnostic (restructuring of consciousness and self-awareness);
. practical (real changes social status person).
E.F. Zeer considers the problem of professional self-determination of the individual in the context new industry applied psychology- psychology of professions. Professional self-determination is characterized by:
. selectivity of a person’s attitude to the world of professions;
. making a choice taking into account individual characteristics person, occupational requirements and socio-economic conditions;
. constant self-determination of the subject throughout life;
. determination external events(completion of education, change of place of residence, etc.);
. close connection with self-realization, manifestation of the social maturity of the individual.
Problems of professional self-determination are solved differently at each stage professional development(Table 3).

Professional self-determination is manifested in the emotionally charged attitude of an individual to his place in the world of professions. It is determined by socio-economic conditions, interpersonal relationships in a team, age-related and professionally determined crises, however, the leading role belongs to the activity of the individual, his responsibility for his development. E.F. Zeer notes that professional self-determination is important factor self-realization of the individual in a specific profession and culture in general.
N. S. Pryazhnikov proposed a model of professional self-determination of the individual, which includes the following components:
1. Awareness of social value useful work and necessity vocational training(value and moral basis of self-determination).
2. Orientation in the socio-economic situation and forecasting the prestige of the chosen work.
3. General orientation in the world of professional work and identification of a professional dream goal.
4. Definition of immediate professional goals as stages in achieving a long-term goal.
5. Search for information about professions and specialties, relevant vocational educational institutions and places of employment.
6. Idea about possible difficulties in achieving professional goals, about personal qualities, facilitating the implementation of planned plans.
7. Availability of backup options in case of failure in the main option of self-determination.
8. Beginning practical implementation personal professional perspective, constant adjustment of plans according to the principle feedback.
Professional self-determination, according to N.S. Pryazhnikov, is implemented at the following levels:
1. Self-determination in a specific labor function. The employee finds the meaning of his activity in the high-quality performance of individual job functions or operations. The freedom of choice of human actions is limited.
2. Self-determination at a specific job position. A work post is characterized by a limited production environment, including means of labor, professional rights and responsibilities. Performing diverse functions increases the possibility of self-realization within the framework of the activity performed. A change in job position negatively affects the quality of work and causes employee dissatisfaction.
3. Self-determination at the level specific specialty. It involves changing various job positions, which expands the possibilities for personal self-realization. For example, a vehicle driver can easily drive any type of vehicle.
4. Self-determination in a specific profession. The employee performs related activities labor activity in several specialties.
5. Life self-determination. It is associated with the choice of lifestyle and, in addition to work, includes self-education, leisure, etc. A profession becomes a means of realizing a certain lifestyle.
6. Personal self-determination. It is characterized by finding an original image of the Self and establishing it among the people around. A person rises above his profession, social roles, becomes a master own life. People around them characterize the employee not just as good specialist, but also, above all, how respected person And unique personality.
7. Self-determination of personality in culture. A person’s focus on “continuing” himself in other people is observed. It is characterized by a significant contribution of the individual to the development of culture, which allows us to talk about the social immortality of man.
Professional self-determination is an independent and conscious finding of the meaning of the work performed and all life activities in a specific cultural-historical (socio-economic) situation. This process is due to the manifestations internal resources, forces, attitudes on the way professional development personality and its development. Professional self-determination of a person in the world of professions and in professional path is personal aspect formation of a professional. The problem of personal self-determination should be considered not only in the context of choosing a profession, but also on a broader scale, in connection with issues of professional development of the individual.
Driving force self-determination of the individual is a contradiction. At the same time, external conditions can only become the cause of changes, which is generally consistent with the general scientific principle of determinism by S.L. Rubinstein. As noted by V.A. Ganzen and L.A. Golovey, the presence of contradictions between a person’s potential and his interests, relationships, orientation (i.e., between potentialities and tendencies) acts as a necessary factor and driving force development of individuality. However, a person may encounter tendencies that are in irreconcilable contradiction with each other. They can be both socially conditioned (between the individual and socio-professional conditions) and localized in inner world when there is a discrepancy between a person’s ideas about his own capabilities and real actions and the objective results in which they are embodied.
In the process of professional self-determination, contradictions may arise between:
. self-development and self-preservation in the profession;
. focus on the result and process of work;
. social and individual standards, labor standards;
. various types competence (special, social, personal, individual);
. the pace of development of motivational and operational spheres of professional activity;
. the desire for narrow specialization and the need for broad competence.
L.M. Mitina and O.V. Kuzmenkov define intrapersonal contradiction as a subjectively experienced mismatch of certain tendencies (evaluations, claims, attitudes, etc.) in the self-awareness of an individual, which interact and change each other in the process of development. Considering psychological characteristics intrapersonal contradictions, the authors note that they arise between the acting self and the reflected self.
Stand out following functions intrapersonal contradictions in the process of professional development of the individual. Firstly, they signal an imminent mismatch between contradictory trends, performing an indicator function. Secondly, intrapersonal contradictions can stimulate the process of professional development of an individual if she has a pronounced need to actualize her own potentials. Thirdly, they can inhibit development by performing an inhibitory function under certain conditions.
The ways and means of resolving contradictions can be different: the formation of an individual style of activity; reducing the level of aspirations; the emergence of new interests and relationships; development and improvement of human properties. An important condition implementation personal potential is psychological maturity of a person, expressed in the ability to constructively resolve emerging contradictions, in awareness of one’s own potential capabilities and the presence active position in relation to their implementation and development in activities. As prerequisites constructive permission intrapersonal contradictions are the desire for relative independence from outside influences, reflexive skills, and acceptance of the values ​​of a self-actualizing personality.
Constructive way resolution of contradictions creates conditions for further development personality, contributes to its movement from the empirical Self with its inherent limited psychological characteristics to the creative Self, containing the full potential of a specialist.
Important feature self-determination is its focus on the future. However, among adolescent and adolescence As a rule, subjective difficulties arise when determining their life goals and prospects. Therefore the task psychological assistance at this stage of professional self-determination consists in mastering practically useful planning skills, correlating nearby and long-term prospects.
The prospect of future professional activity is a mental projection of a person’s motivational sphere. It represents, to varying degrees, conscious hopes, plans, projects, aspirations, and fears associated with a more or less distant future. Personal professional perspective is formed through the internalization of parents’ value systems, their expectations regarding own child, through the assimilation of general cultural, social patterns, and finally, through the development of the entire motivational sphere. Having been formed in this way, a personal professional perspective acquires its own motivating force, exerting a powerful reverse influence on the development of a person’s personality.
Professional self-determination of a person in the world of professions and on the professional path is a personal aspect of the formation of a professional. Professional self-determination is accompanied by the construction of personal professional plan, formation internal readiness to conscious and self-representation, adjustment and implementation of the prospects for one’s development, readiness to consider oneself as a subject developing over time, and to independently find personally significant meanings in specific professional activities. A self-determining personality is a subject who has realized what he wants (his goals, life plans, ideals) that he is (his personal and physical properties), what he can do (his capabilities, inclinations), what the team and society expect from him.
Activation of the formation process psychological readiness personality towards professional self-determination is realized in the process of conducting developmental professional consultation. The main goal of this type of professional consultation is psychological preparation individuals to determine their position, increasing their readiness for independent decision professionally caused problems.

E. A. KLIMOV understands professional self-determination as one of the most important manifestations of a person’s mental development, as the process of his formation as a full-fledged participant in the community of professionals and, more broadly, the social community as a whole. Carrying out socially significant activities aimed at producing a socially valuable product is a criterion for a person’s semantic and motivational searches and decisions. These decisions crystallize conscious and subconscious aspects, and the decision itself integrates previous experiences and future goals.

1 V Russian literature Issues of professional self-determination of the subject are most consistently and comprehensively considered in the works of E. F. Zeer, E. A. Klimov, N. S. Pryazhnpkov.

Consistently throughout life, a person develops a certain attitude towards various areas of work, an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bprofessions and one’s capabilities is formed, preferences are identified in the socio-economic factors of assessing work, and the range of possible choices is determined to a greater or lesser extent. Often such decisions are made according to the formula “a moment plus the entire previous life.”

The most important component of self-determination is the formation of professional self-awareness, the general structure of which is as follows:

1. Awareness of one’s belonging to a certain professional community (“we are turners,” “we are metal workers,” “we are workers”).

2. Knowledge and assessment of one’s compliance with professional standards and one’s place in the community according to the system of social roles (“newbie”,

3. A person’s knowledge of the degree of his recognition in a social group (“I am considered a good specialist”).

4. Knowledge about your strengths and weaknesses, ways of self-improvement, probable zones of success and failure (“patience is required here”), about your individual methods of successful action, about your individual style of activity.

5. An idea of ​​yourself and your work in the future.

Another important component of professional self-determination is professional suitability, conditions and ways of its formation.

Two levels of professional self-determination can be distinguished: a) gnostic (restructuring of consciousness and self-awareness); b) practical (real changes in a person’s social status).

E. F. Zeer1 considers issues of professional self-determination of the individual in the context of occupational psychology, a new branch of applied psychology. Accordingly, the area of ​​discussed conditions for the formation of a person as a professional expands significantly. The most important of them is the problem of personal meaning in professional work. During life, personality changes

1 Zeer Ewald Friedrichovich (Ekaterinburg) - doctor psychological sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education. Specialist in the field of psychological professions, career guidance, career counseling.

no doubt. At different stages of development (childhood, adolescence, early youth etc.) the same tasks of professional self-determination can be solved in different ways. In general, self-determination is not simply the choice of a profession from among alternatives, but creative process personality development.

The main points of the process of professional self-determination are as follows (according to E. F. Zeer):

¦ selectivity of a person’s attitude to the world of professions;

¦ making a choice taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, the requirements of the profession and socio-economic conditions;

¦ constant self-determination throughout life, constant reflection of one’s professional life and self-affirmation in the profession;

¦ initiation and updating of the process by other events (completion of training, change of place of residence, etc.);

¦ perception of self-determination as self-realization and self-actualization, as a manifestation of the social maturity of the individual.

Self-determination processes are initiated both externally economic situation in the region and ourselves personal development person. Thus, in particular, for many young people by the age of 30, issues of professional self-determination again become relevant. In maturity, along with positive processes of formation of professionally important qualities, integration of the employee into professional culture and destructive changes often occur in the environment. Some workers, dissatisfied with their professional and official status, conduct an audit of their working life. At the same time, the burden of positive experience and achievements can reduce professional mobility and complicate professional migration. Compensation for the narrowing of professional space may be the desire to acquire various kinds formal criteria of professionalism - “winning” awards, positions, titles.

In old age, a person often has doubts about the advisability of retirement, since he feels that he has not exhausted his professional potential, despite professional fatigue. His experience and professionally important qualities may become increasingly unclaimed socially or military

be accepted as such.

These negative points accelerate social aging. Positive development option professional career- monitoring (mentoring, different shapes transfer of professional experience). At this stage, the problem of self-determination arises again, but it is more relevant not in a narrow professional, but in a broad social, public useful activity. Professional self-determination, according to E. F. Zeer, is a statement own position V problematic situation accompanied by intrapersonal conflicts. The factors causing these conflicts are:

¦ mismatch between the components of personality orientation (motives, self-esteem, value orientations);

¦ discrepancy between the nature of professional activity and the level professional competence;

¦ contradictions between the individual’s focus on achieving success, material goods, on a career and the level of development of professionally important qualities;

¦ discrepancy between ideas about one’s professional important qualities and real professional opportunities;

¦ contradictions between professional opportunities, potential and social restrictions due to gender, age, ethnicity, appearance.

Manifesting itself as a process of an individual’s emotionally charged relationship to his place in the world of professions, professional self-determination is determined by socio-economic conditions, interpersonal relationships in a team, age-related and other crises. But the leading role belongs to the activity of the individual, the responsibility of a person for his development. Professional self-determination is an important factor in the self-realization of an individual in a particular profession and culture in general.

N. S. Pryazhnikov1 considers the problem under discussion in a number of other related problems. Thus, if career guidance involves “a broad set of measures that goes beyond pedagogy and psychology to assist in choosing a profession,” then professional

1 Pryazhnikov Nikolay Sergeevich - Doctor of Science, Professor of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova, specialist in the field of labor psychology and career guidance.

new self-determination correlates with the “self-orientation” of a person acting as a subject of self-determination.

Professional, more specific, formally reflected (diplomas, etc.) self-determination differs from personal self-determination, a more complex phenomenon. Professional self-determination depends more on external conditions, and personal - from the person himself. The concept of “career” in the American tradition is close to “life self-determination” in the domestic one. Professional choice, in contrast to professional self-determination, can be considered as a decision focused only on a person’s immediate future.

Self-determination correlates with such concepts as self-actualization, self-realization, self-realization, self-transcendence, self-awareness. The essence of professional self-determination consists in searching and finding personal meaning in the chosen, mastered and performed work activity, as well as in finding meaning in the process of self-determination itself. Its generalized meaning can also be formulated as “the search for a job that would provide an opportunity to earn income ( public assessment labor) fairly (in accordance with the effort expended and the person’s contribution to society).”

In relation to the activities of a psychologist-consultant, several main groups of tasks of professional self-determination can be distinguished: 1) informational, reference, educational; 2) diagnostic; 3) moral and emotional support for the client; 4) assistance in choosing, in making decisions. The main (ideal) goal of such a process is the gradual formation in a person of internal readiness to independently and consciously plan, adjust and realize the prospects for his development (professional, life, personal), in other words, to help a person expand his capabilities within a certain time, space and meaning and put them into practice.

Life scenarios and life strategies(E. Bern) social role(D. Mead), social stereotype (W. Lipman), lifestyle, lifestyle, etc. Levels of self-determination can also be distinguished.

M.: Academy, 2004 - 304 p.

The textbook reveals the problems of professional self-determination of students and pedagogical guidance in choosing a profession with an emphasis on its psychological side. Ideas about different types of professions, projects of professional life paths are given, and questions of a person’s suitability for certain types of activities are considered. Particular attention is paid to the mental development of a person in the process of professional activity.

For students of higher educational institutions studying courses in developmental psychology and career guidance. It may be useful for students of institutes for advanced training of teachers, as well as specialists involved in issues of career guidance, career counseling, and assistance to people in situations of forced change of work.

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Chapter 1. About the internal (psychological) difficulties of mastering the proposed course
1.1. Orientation difficulties
1.2. Difficulties in understanding the subject area under discussion
1.3. Life Path Dilemma
1.4. Self-determination and the “psychological portrait” of a person in the public consciousness
Chapter 2. Professional self-determination: subject area, means, expected results of activity
2.1. Some general points
2.2. Professional self-determination of students from the position of a teacher, parent
2.3. Professional self-determination of students from the position of a doctor
2.4. Sociological, economic, legal aspects of the problem of professional self-determination
2.5. General idea of ​​the system for ensuring professional self-determination
2.6. On the relationship between the concepts of “professional self-determination”, “career guidance”, “career consultation”
Chapter 3. Mutual correspondence between a person and his work
3.1. Ways to establish the correspondence of a person’s personal qualities and activity requirements
3.2. Individual style of activity as a way out of the conflict between the characteristics of the subject and the requirements of work
Chapter 4. Basic principles of professional self-determination
4.1. Principles of pedagogical guidance of professional self-determination
4.2. Some principles of student self-education and self-regulation in connection with professional self-determination
Chapter 5. The concept of “profession”
5.1. Profession as a community
5.2. Profession as an area of ​​application of strength
5.3. Profession as an activity and area of ​​personality manifestations
5.4. About other terms characterizing a person’s involvement in professional work
5.5. Profession as a historically developing system
5.6. Profession as a reality creatively formed by the subject
Chapter 6. Some necessary concepts and ideas of psychological professional studies
6.1. Overview classification of professional labor products
6.2. About the given (socially fixed, “objective”) and subjectively accepted goals of activity by a professional
6.3. On the diversity of internal operating conditions
6.4. Overview classification of professional activity conditions
6.5. About the variety of means of activity
6.6. Overview classification of professional means of activity
6.7. Generally significant and individually unique in the system of means and working conditions of a professional
Chapter 7. Overview classification of professions for information support of professional self-determination of youth
7.1. General provisions
7.2. The first tier of classification. Types of professions
7.3. Second tier of classification. Job classes
7.4. Third tier of classification. Departments of professions
7.5. The fourth tier of classification. Profession groups
7.6. The concept of “profession formula”
7.7. Option for an overview classification of professions based on the subject area of ​​work and the form of required education
Chapter 8. Image of the world among different types of professionals
8.1. General provisions
8.2. Descriptive psychological characteristics of types of professionals

"Man-nature" (P)
About representatives of professions like
"Man-Technology" (T)
About representatives of professions like
"Man-man" (H)
About representatives of professions like
“Man-sign system” (3)
About representatives of professions like
“Human Artistic Image” (X)
8.3. Some questions of the theory and practice of professional self-determination in connection with the professional relativity of a person’s mental makeup
Chapter 9. Overview of the pre-professional ontogenesis of a person as a subject of labor
9.1. Preschool ontogenesis
9.2. School ontogenesis
Chapter 10. Designing a professional life path (“choosing a profession”)
10.1. The problem of “predestination” or “man-made” professional life path
10.2. The general structure of the situation and the scheme for solving the problem of “choosing a profession”
Chapter 11. The life path of a professional and normal developmental crises
11.1. Some general points
11.2. Biographical crises
11.3. Main options and phases of professional development
Application. Sample brief descriptions of professions for the vocational education of students
Professions like “Human-Wildlife”
Professions such as “Human-technique and inanimate nature”
Professions of the “Human-Human” type
Professions like “Man-sign system”
Professions such as “Human-artistic image”

Psychology of professional self-determination. Klimov E.A.

M.: Academy, 2004 - 304 p.

The textbook reveals the problems of professional self-determination of students and pedagogical guidance in choosing a profession with an emphasis on its psychological side. Ideas about different types of professions, projects of professional life paths are given, and questions of a person’s suitability for certain types of activities are considered. Particular attention is paid to the mental development of a person in the process of professional activity.

For students of higher educational institutions studying courses in developmental psychology and career guidance. It may be useful for students of institutes for advanced training of teachers, as well as specialists involved in issues of career guidance, career counseling, and assistance to people in situations of forced change of work.

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Size: 3.08 MB

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Chapter 1. About the internal (psychological) difficulties of mastering the proposed course
1.1. Orientation difficulties
1.2. Difficulties in understanding the subject area under discussion
1.3. Life Path Dilemma
1.4. Self-determination and the “psychological portrait” of a person in the public consciousness
Chapter 2. Professional self-determination: subject area, means, expected results of activity
2.1. Some general points
2.2. Professional self-determination of students from the position of a teacher, parent
2.3. Professional self-determination of students from the position of a doctor
2.4. Sociological, economic, legal aspects of the problem of professional self-determination
2.5. General idea of ​​the system for ensuring professional self-determination
2.6. On the relationship between the concepts of “professional self-determination”, “career guidance”, “career consultation”
Chapter 3. Mutual correspondence between a person and his work
3.1. Ways to establish the correspondence of a person’s personal qualities and activity requirements
3.2. Individual style of activity as a way out of the conflict between the characteristics of the subject and the requirements of work
Chapter 4. Basic principles of professional self-determination
4.1. Principles of pedagogical guidance of professional self-determination
4.2. Some principles of student self-education and self-regulation in connection with professional self-determination
Chapter 5. The concept of “profession”
5.1. Profession as a community
5.2. Profession as an area of ​​application of strength
5.3. Profession as an activity and area of ​​personality manifestations
5.4. About other terms characterizing a person’s involvement in professional work
5.5. Profession as a historically developing system
5.6. Profession as a reality creatively formed by the subject
Chapter 6. Some necessary concepts and ideas of psychological professional studies
6.1. Overview classification of professional labor products
6.2. About the given (socially fixed, “objective”) and subjectively accepted goals of activity by a professional
6.3. On the diversity of internal operating conditions
6.4. Overview classification of professional activity conditions
6.5. About the variety of means of activity
6.6. Overview classification of professional means of activity
6.7. Generally significant and individually unique in the system of means and working conditions of a professional
Chapter 7. Overview classification of professions for information support of professional self-determination of youth
7.1. General provisions
7.2. The first tier of classification. Types of professions
7.3. Second tier of classification. Job classes
7.4. Third tier of classification. Departments of professions
7.5. The fourth tier of classification. Profession groups
7.6. The concept of “profession formula”
7.7. Option for an overview classification of professions based on the subject area of ​​work and the form of required education
Chapter 8. Image of the world among different types of professionals
8.1. General provisions
8.2. Descriptive psychological characteristics of types of professionals

"Man-nature" (P)
About representatives of professions like
"Man-Technology" (T)
About representatives of professions like
"Man-man" (H)
About representatives of professions like
“Man-sign system” (3)
About representatives of professions like
“Human Artistic Image” (X)
8.3. Some questions of the theory and practice of professional self-determination in connection with the professional relativity of a person’s mental makeup
Chapter 9. Overview of the pre-professional ontogenesis of a person as a subject of labor
9.1. Preschool ontogenesis
9.2. School ontogenesis
Chapter 10. Designing a professional life path (“choosing a profession”)
10.1. The problem of “predestination” or “man-made” professional life path
10.2. The general structure of the situation and the scheme for solving the problem of “choosing a profession”
Chapter 11. The life path of a professional and normal developmental crises
11.1. Some general points
11.2. Biographical crises
11.3. Main options and phases of professional development
Application. Sample brief descriptions of professions for the vocational education of students
Professions like “Human-Wildlife”
Professions such as “Human-technique and inanimate nature”
Professions of the “Human-Human” type
Professions like “Man-sign system”
Professions such as “Human-artistic image”

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