Harmony school program. "Harmony" - educational system for primary school

About the “Harmony” program Program primary education(1-4) “Harmony” is the result of many years scientific and methodological finding ways to improve primary education. Scientific supervisor- Natalya Borisovna Istomina, doctor pedagogical sciences, professor.

Educational methodological kit"Harmony" Created in 2000 for a 4-year-old primary school. All textbooks in the "Harmony" set are recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, included in Federal list textbooks.

Russian language. Communicative approach to language learning - improvement of all types speech activity: speaking, listening, writing, reading. Provides a basis for improving student literacy through systematic development of their spelling vigilance and spelling self-control.

Literary reading. Literary reading - in best traditions our literature. Selected works spiritual and moral content. Forms the worldview of children. Develops creativity(dramatization, selection of rhymes, comparisons, creative retellings). Develops the emotional sphere.

The educational program "Harmony" is effective for children with normal intelligence (N), with developed visual-figurative, practical and logical thinking, with high starting capabilities, rich vocabulary, developed operational and long-term memory.
- mathematics, authors: Istomina N. B, Nefedova I. B;
- Russian language, authors: Soloveychik M. S., Kuzmina N. S.;
- reading, authors: Kubasova O. V.;
- the world around us, author Poglazova O. T;
- labor training, author-compiler N. M. Konysheva

The kit is aimed at overcoming the separation of traditional and developmental education systems based on the combination of traditional methods and new approaches to solving methodological problems. It implements principles in which there is a balance between learning and development.

One of main tasks the authors of the “Harmony” kit was the development of ways to organize educational activities younger schoolchildren, providing comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities relevant curriculum and requirements of initial educational standard. The logic behind the construction of this kit is the system educational assignments, methods, means and forms of organizing the educational activities of schoolchildren - provides teachers with the opportunity to conduct integrated lessons, creatively implementing the system of education and upbringing laid down in textbooks.

Considering educational books included in the kit (textbook, textbook-notebook, notebooks with printed base), as a model of the educational process that integrates subject content and types of cognitive activity, the authors of the “Harmony” kit implemented in the educational knowledge system:
- purposeful formation of methods of mental activity (analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy, generalization);
- priority independent activity students in mastering the content;
- active inclusion in cognitive activity techniques of observation, selection, transformation and design;
- maintaining a balance between intuition and knowledge;
- diverse consideration of the same object;
- reliance on the child’s experience;
- parallel use various models: substantive, graphic, schematic and symbolic - and establishing correspondence between them;
- the relationship between inductive and deductive reasoning;
- unity of intellectual and special skills;
- creating conditions for maximum emotional well-being for each child in the process of assimilating the knowledge provided for by the program.

Reviews from parents.
The middle daughter has the Gramony program (by the way, they don’t touch Uzorova and Nefedova).
So, the parents in our class have a lot of questions. Mathematics - a little calculation, a lot of logic. Personally, this seems normal and correct to me. It’s okay, they will automate the counting later. BUT! In first grade, they practiced counting within 9 using cards. Take a piece of paper, write an example of addition on one side, and write the result on the other side. And they train - in class and at home, alone and in pairs. A convenient and simple way, not as boring as columns. But why until 9??? As a result, in second grade, my daughter has problems passing through ten. 8+4=11 Same thing with subtraction.
They also add and subtract two-digit numbers, but with the same problems. And the other day there was an exercise that horrified me
"Guess what principle the expressions are based on and calculate:
Mom is dying, why take away one first??? But then, to move through the ten, and then operate with the usual nine. It turns out not a decimal, but some kind of nine system

Everything with Russian is just as tricky.
In the first grade, they persistently taught that it is not necessary to write Y in words like “Yolka, Yulya” (Elka, Yulya), etc. Do any Russian-speaking children write this way? I haven't met. Clearly a fictitious problem.
Now they are passing combinations chk-chn-schn etc. All this is given through phonetics: you need to check the softness/hardness of paired consonants. But the worst thing is that they are asked to emphasize dangerous places in different ways: a line, a dot, and a line with a dot - “double jeopardy”. Neither I nor my daughter understood what this “double jeopardy” was until I found out from other parents that it turned out they had been cancelled.

To be fair, it must be said that in general the program is structured logically and interestingly. In general, its main advantage is that rules are not imposed on children, but tasks are structured in such a way that they themselves come to the conclusions that are the rules of competent writing. Children are taught to observe, compare and reflect. And I really like it.
In this case, the teacher’s explanation plays a very important role: at home, using a textbook, a parent will not be able to explain this way; there is not much in the textbook. Probably, some additional “book for teachers”, parallel to the textbook, could help here.

We are studying this program for the second year. We have such bells and whistles - we didn’t have addition up to 9! On the contrary, it was precisely counting within ten that was automated. What surprised me about mathematics at first - practically complete absence problems in first grade. And we didn't solve the equation. But they calculated a lot, all sorts of examples, both with “windows” - this is practically the same equation, and with tables.
Here it is: “Guess what principle the expressions are based on and calculate:
we did the same, but my child guessed that 1+6 is 7, that is, in both cases we subtract 7, and 1+8 = 9, that is, both times we subtract 9. So we do not have a nine-fold system. We passed a hundred in the second half of the first grade, now decimeters and centimeters passed, they were transferred from one to another. Examples like this: 24dm and 20dm 14cm - need to be compared. Homework My daughter makes it herself, I just watch it in the evening. She had written 240 cm and 214 cm in pencil on top, although it seems they haven’t taught more than a hundred yet, but it was explained correctly - they gave her an A.
In general, I don’t get involved in homework until a child asks me to explain something. I usually check in the evening. If I find some obvious mistake, we correct it. I rarely even look at the textbook.
Russian language! And dashes and dots! Many parents at our meeting spoke out - they were confused about these points! The teacher told the parents not to bother - this is how children mark dangerous places. For our teacher, the main thing is that the child sees a dangerous place, and she doesn’t find fault with two dots or lines. Personally, I didn’t get into these dots, although my daughter explained to me when to put what. I listened, of course, and praised her, but ask me now - I won’t tell you where the points are, I don’t need that.
And we had phonetics from the first grade, from the very first days: unvoiced-voiced, soft-hard, a lot of attention to this, everything was learned by heart - both paired ones, and only soft ones, and all sorts of things. My child was completely blown away by SONORAL sounds in the first grade... I didn’t even know such a word.
Reading. They read a lot, but do not focus on reading speed. The main thing is to read expressively, clearly, without swallowing or rearranging letters and syllables.
From the second grade they began to give grades, in 2 weeks the children had already written 2 CDs in mathematics, a Russian dictation and a cheating test, and in the first grade they wrote all sorts of test papers almost weekly.
In general, although we wanted to study according to the traditional system, we still went to the teacher, and I am satisfied with our teacher. My daughter studies with pleasure, gets 4 and 5 grades - but in general she loves to study with us. In principle, we are not experiencing any difficulties with this program yet.

My daughter has Harmony. This is already the 4th year, so I can draw some conclusions.
Russian is not difficult at all. Mathematics – I don’t know... Perhaps. Recently, our teacher gave the children tasks according to the classical program - she said that almost everyone did it, even those who did not always cope with Harmony.
I chose this program because I was sure that it was the most balanced, more humanitarian than math. direction.

My son studied under this disharmonious program for 2 whole years! The decision to transfer to a parallel class, where children study according to the traditional “School of Russia” program, was very difficult. But I could no longer tolerate such bullying of students and parents and my beloved Russian language. The surname Soloveichik (author of textbooks and notebooks on the Russian language) now sounds to me like a call to revolution. I am outraged by what this lady has turned my native Russian language into! I heard that one of the goals of her approach to learning the Russian language was to interest children, to make children love their native language and learn it easily. Everything turned out exactly the opposite!
I myself - child psychologist. She worked with children for more than thirteen years. As a child, my favorite subject was Russian. I loved him, participated in various competitions. I wanted to be a teacher of Russian language and literature.. How should the teaching methodology be distorted? native language so that grandparents and dad wait for mom to come home from work to understand WHAT needs to be done! And I came, and everything began to boil inside me when I picked up Soloveichik’s notebook or textbook! Over the course of these two years, parents (including me) called each other and asked what needed to be done and how to complete the task! These words and texts with windows-holes, this transcription of words (yolka, jozhik...), this other mockery of the Russian language and the minds of parents and children!
The program is disharmonious, first of all, because of one name among the developers and authors. This surname is “Soloveitchik”!
I am outraged that such a program is recommended by the Ministry of Education! I feel sorry for the children who will continue to suffer through this program! They will not like this kind of Russian language (I say this not unfoundedly, believe me - I had the opportunity to talk with graduates who studied under this program).
This year I am sending my second child, my daughter, to a school where the teacher will work according to the most harmonious program “School of Russia”. I am convinced that educational program“Harmony” does not correspond to the basic principles of psychology and pedagogy. After all, the didactic principle “from simple to complex” has always been fundamental in teaching.
The child will love those subjects that he understands, for which he can complete the task on his own, and not solve regular charades and puzzles with his parents every time.

Dear Parents, do not send your children to study under the Harmony program under any circumstances. You will curse everything in the world. Protect your children's brains from insanity and downism. My daughter completed 4th grade using this program; I am far from a teacher, but I could give more knowledge over the years. As a result, the child said that she would love to go back to 1st grade to start all over again because she didn’t understand anything. Meanwhile, I sat at lessons for 6-7 hours, sitting together. I quit all my clubs and classes, but as you can see, that didn’t help either. And the girl is very smart, but she couldn’t understand what even the teachers themselves sometimes don’t understand. With great disappointment we are now looking for an ordinary, good old school.

This is one of the new educational programs, it is classified as traditional method teaching and developmental. UMK "Harmony" is an educational methodological set edited by. professor. The basis of this educational complex is the principles of problem-based developmental learning; the authors of this set answer the question “how to teach a child?” in a different way, great importance emphasize comfortable learning (hence the name “Harmony”), and what is also very important, the “Harmony” program prepares the student and his thinking abilities for further learning.

Experts say that any textbook and methodological kit will be successful depending on how methodically and creatively the system is correctly presented by the teacher. Teachers have already done work to analyze this program in comparison with traditional ones. New teaching materials, including “Harmony”, definitely have more advantages and advantages over traditional training programs.

This does not mean that traditional programs are bad, but according to the comparison, the new educational complex “Harmony” contains both pros and cons.


1) Lots of development, problematic tasks, a lot of practice tasks, a system of differentiated work, clear visualization and modeling in the form of a slide, this facilitates and helps the teacher prepare for the lesson, increases the effectiveness of the lesson for the student himself.

2) Modernization (update) presented school education. These include humanization, humanitarization, differentiation. Based on the principle of children’s activity, on the teacher’s acceptance of the student as individual personality based modern concepts humanization and humanization of education. This is one of the important aspects of development secondary school, where it is necessary not only to focus on students’ assimilation of knowledge, but also to develop the child’s personality and his capabilities.

3) Methodical approach creates conditions for the student to understand the subjects being studied, for comfortable (harmonious) relationships between the teacher and students, between students.

4) The kit includes textbooks, textbooks - notebooks and notebooks with a printed base - all this is the result of a long scientific and methodological search for improving primary education, which was made by the authors of the kit. Textbooks - notebooks are needed to connect the system together, it’s like a frame that unites educational information and technology of assimilation and memorization. The purpose of textbooks is not to convey ready-made knowledge, but to help students themselves, or together with the teacher, to understand the world around them, to be able to analyze and synthesize, compare, classify, draw analogies and generalizations.

5) The authors of the “Harmony” kit tried to dispel the existing division between traditional and developmental teaching systems, and combine important traditional methods and new teaching approaches from developmental systems in order to solve methodological problems.

1. The letters of the alphabet are presented in order to separate the concepts of “sounds” and “letters”.

2. Letters are studied in pairs.

3. The pairwise entry of all letters is re-entered to consolidate and systematize.

This three-fold introduction of the letters of the alphabet allows students to repeat three times, deepen and systematize what they have already learned.

There is an opinion that students learn to read on their own, but this is wrong. Only after repeating it three times, “colliding” their old and new acquired knowledge in this process, only then do children learn to read.

7) Based on the copybook “My First Notebooks”, writing is taught with a single line rule, without slanted lines, only dotted lines are drawn. This helps determine the height of the lowercase and capital letters. On the pages of the notebooks, leave 1-2 lines without auxiliary lines; working on these lines helps develop the eye and gradually accustoms one to write in ordinary notebooks.

8) The basis of teaching speech and spelling is the communicative nature of the course. That is, they reveal why our language has this or that means of communication, why it is necessary to follow the rules, why the knowledge or skill acquired by the student is important for speech.

9) Activity approach in organizing training:

a) first a learning task is set, then new knowledge is introduced.

b) information is not provided in finished form, she is “mined” together with her students.

10) The following techniques are actively used: observation, selection, transformation and construction.

11) A balance is maintained between intuition and knowledge.

12) When studying one and the same object or subject, it is considered from different angles.

13) Significant reliance on the child’s experience.

14) Advanced training.

15) The textbooks included in the “Harmony” educational complex have auxiliary techniques; using them, parents will be able to independently study and explain to their child any topic if he missed it.

16) New technologies are used to develop the student’s abilities to logical thinking. For example, if a child does not know which letter is written in a certain place in a word, then he puts a “box” (according to the author). Then, together with the teacher, he analyzes the questions, remembers the rules necessary for the word and fills out this “window” by entering the required letter.

17) The set includes tasks for children with different levels their preparedness.

18) A situation of success is formed, which also creates in children healthy personality. Many teachers, when teaching this program, use “health saving technologies", as well as Bazarny’s methodology, which can be used for any program, any educational complex.


1) In mathematics (the author), problems are solved only in the 2nd grade, and the tests for all classes are given the same. IN given time are already deciding on the introduction tests with their compliance with the programs.

2) In order to study under the “Harmony” program, your child must already be prepared in advance. And, for example, all children can study according to “Planet of Knowledge,” even those with kindergarten training.

3) Regardless of the system, the student can obtain the same knowledge required by the state standard. And tasks with increased difficulty, which are considered to be only for the developmental system, are included in all sets, but these tasks are not supposed to be mandatory during training.

4) In the Russian language “To the secrets of our language” - the textbook is poorly illustrated, which does not attract the student’s attention, the rules are very theoretical and difficult to remember. There is no system in the material being studied. For example, in the 3rd grade the topic is “Noun Case”, and 5 hours are devoted to it. This topic is then studied in detail in 4th grade. How to determine the case of a noun in the 3rd grade is a question.

From the opinion of specialist teachers primary classes.

“Parents who are dissatisfied with the Russian language textbook, I advise you not to scold the author, but to change the teacher. I am a teacher with many years of experience, I think that this kit is wonderful, yes, it is difficult to work, but, however, interesting. I admire the Russian language textbook, and not only its methodology, but also its results. At school, my Russian language was always “A”, but it was still just memorizing it, and not understanding the logic of the language as such. I only began to understand Russian when I was already studying at the institute. And this is true for all children who graduate from school. If a teacher works correctly with students when teaching literacy, then there will be no problems in the Russian language. I have already sent students to primary school, teaching them this 4th grade kit, and I was amazed by their knowledge, they not only know Russian, but also understand it. I don't have any problems with my parents, but they tell me that they can't check their children's homework because they don't understand. Advice to parents - no need to check, the teacher should check and see the gaps. As a teacher, I have released children into basic school who can find the main thing in certain rule, can find information themselves and apply knowledge in practice. Children can freely reason, prove, generalize, and most importantly understand the Russian language. I have taken first graders again and am teaching them using the “Harmony” program. Never again as a teacher will I go to the “School of Russia” program, where children do not see logic in the Russian language, only parents understand the logic of the language. And at the same time, if your child has an excellent memory, then training will go Amazing. If the memory is not very good, then the child will be an “eternal failure”, there will be constant rewriting classes, work on mistakes, which does not teach you to understand the mistake, but teaches you to remember correct spelling words And so everything repeats itself. If the student remembers how to write correctly - good, if he doesn’t remember - again “2”. The author Soloveichik builds everything differently. Has anyone seen children who can reason while studying under the Russian School program? Let your teachers study and present the program correctly, and then there will be an excellent result.”

“There are workbooks for each textbook in the “Harmony” set; they add variety to the work on educational material and relieve children's fatigue from writing. The content of the textbooks helps the child develop intellectually and emotionally, develop cognitive interests, be able to communicate with adults and their peers, and express their thoughts more fully.”

“The author’s textbook creates the main thing in a child - the ability to learn, helps to become literate. At first it is difficult to work with an unusual technique, using transcription, writing words with windows. Colleagues, carefully use the instructions from the author of the textbook. A special way of writing - writing with windows - is a way to avoid spelling errors. Do not immediately introduce spelling patterns (rules for choosing letters) without teaching children to hear “dangerous places” and see them, without also teaching them spelling vigilance. Teachers, use copyright notes, follow cheating and checking technologies.”

“I only worked with Soloveichik’s textbook for the first year, but I am pleased with the results of the work. Even children who find it difficult to study can write entire sentences here according to the program. Thanks for this new approach to teaching children to read and write."

Pedagogy is a science that everyone encounters, even those who do not have a related education. Don't believe me? Firstly, the first meeting takes place at the moment of entering the first grade - fortunately, any civilized person finds himself in this situation. Secondly, there comes a time when you need to decide on the choice of school for your child. And here the situation turns in such a way that, like it or not, you will have to understand the existing educational systems and programs. Let’s get closer to the specifics, namely, consider the “Harmony” educational program for elementary school.

The essence of the educational program for primary school

To understand what a particular program represents, you need to be well versed in the terminological field.

Let's understand the terms

First you need to define the difference between the concepts “ educational system" And " pedagogical program" On at the moment There are 2 systems: traditional and developmental. This state of affairs is enshrined in Order No. 93 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2004. Within the framework of the systems, different programs can function: fixed by the Federal State Educational Standard or proprietary, experimental ones. For traditional system official programs are

  • "School of Russia";
  • "Initial school XXI century";
  • "School 2100";
  • "Harmony";
  • "Promising Primary School";
  • "Perspective";
  • "Classical elementary school";
  • "Planet of Knowledge".

Choosing an educational program for a child is a responsible step for parents

This is interesting. The teaching methodology within the Harmony program was first published in 2000. The author of this work is Natalya Borisovna Istomina - professor of the Department of Primary Education Methods of the Moscow State pedagogical university them. M.A. Sholokhov. For the creation of an educational and methodological complex in mathematics for grades 1–4, as well as the “Harmony” program, Natalya Borisovna was awarded the title of laureate of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education.

The inclusion of the educational program “Harmony” in the list of official ones indicates that it was compiled in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Federal State Educational Standard and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (in 2009).

Principles of "Harmony"

  • combining traditions with innovations, that is, traditional and developmental systems educational process in elementary school;
  • humanization of education for younger schoolchildren, that is, the learning process is built on the principles of respect for a person, regardless of his age.

If those interested in “Harmony” have no questions with the first principle, then the second one seems too abstract. In fact, its essence boils down to the fact that the subjects of the educational process (teacher, parents, school administration) must create conditions for maximum comfort for the child - the object of the educational process. And this task does not just accompany others, but is put at the forefront of training under the “Harmony” program.

Objectives of the education process according to “Harmony”

How does the teacher evaluate children's work?

The assessment mechanism involves maintaining a student’s portfolio, which includes

  • all the child’s work that he completed during school and extracurricular hours (independently at home or in electives);
  • diagnostic results of the assessment of educational activities, carried out at the beginning of the application of the program, during the work, and also at the end (this includes assessment tables, observation sheets for the quality of material processing, data from the work of a psychologist, social teacher with a specific student);
  • characteristics to form an idea of ​​the child’s extracurricular and leisure activities (compiled by the teacher, social educator based on data received from the child and his parents).

Portfolios are compiled by the teacher and filled in by both the teacher and parents (for example, a block of leisure activities may include work done at home or in extracurricular activities, as well as by the student himself - in grades 3–4, children themselves can arrange written work into the necessary blocks, for example). Portfolios are stored in the teacher's office. This can be one voluminous folder for each student for the entire period of study, or there can be 4 folders for each academic year, combined into one big one.

This method of assessment is dynamic, that is, constantly amenable to correction, but at the same time giving an idea not only of the successes or failures of the educational process, but also characterizing the level of development of the individual as a whole.

"Harmony" is educational and methodological complex(UMK), which includes 12 textbooks that were compiled by different authors.

The program is equipped with the necessary methodological base for work

  • Primer;
  • Russian language;
  • Mathematics;
  • French;
  • Literary reading;
  • Technology;
  • The world around us;
  • Computer Science and ICT;
  • Music;
  • Fine Arts;
  • Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia;
  • Physical culture.

In addition to the textbook, the kit includes

  • program with detailed description goals, objectives on the subject;
  • notebooks with printed base;
  • methodological recommendations for each course;
  • electronic materials for teachers, students and parents;
  • recommendations for assessing the effectiveness of acquired knowledge.

Photo gallery of fragments of the educational complex "Harmony" with examples of task formulations

The world around us, 1st grade Technology, 2nd grade The world around us, 4th grade Final work in mathematics, 1st grade


In the lessons of the Harmony program, theory is studied inseparably from practice

The technique does not lose its popularity among teachers, children and parents due to such points as

  • the entire educational process is based on solving problem situations (for example, to determine the meaning of synonyms in a text in a reading lesson in grade 2, children receive a task after reading the text of a fairy tale - “Why does the author use the words “said”, “told”, “told”, and not just “said”?”);
  • comprehensive methodological base with additional materials, which helps in studying, preparing for lessons and in the work of parents with children at home (as a rule, those who master the “Harmony” program use Internet resources; by the way, there are even textbooks on subjects);
  • the assimilation of knowledge occurs inextricably with personal development baby (modern children are very familiar with the computer even before entering school, so classes in a computer class, tasks with searching for information on the Internet are familiar types of work that are often ignored in traditional methods and not always due to objective reasons lack of material and technical base);
  • proven techniques for implementing individual and differentiated approaches(simply put, if a child sings well, then you shouldn’t shame him for humming a song while doing a math assignment; besides, when children work in a group, there’s no need to strain the weaker participant with complex “roles”; it’s better to remain an extra, not will actively participate in the discussion, but he will write down the result on the board more accurately than others) - this principle is actively used in other methods (“School 2100”, “Perspective Primary School”, “Perspective”, etc.);
  • help in building harmonious relations between classmates, student and teacher through a methodically well-constructed didactic process (one way or another, any pedagogical program sets itself this task, but its solution largely depends not only on the content of the program, but also on the personality of the teacher, which is important regardless from the selected program).

Disadvantages of the program

As in any field educational activities, “Harmony” has a number of disadvantages:

  • It is desirable for the child to have educational preparation before entering the classroom (skills such as working in pairs, solving simple math assignments addition and subtraction within 10, understanding the differences between the concepts of “sound” and “letter” will help the child in the first days of training in the “Perspective” program, and most importantly, the child should not be afraid to demonstrate his knowledge, in other words, before entering “ Harmony”, it is advisable to attend developmental classes);
  • discrepancies between the classical methods of the traditional education system and the program (for example, in mathematics lessons, children will begin to solve problems only from the second grade, although completing tests and independent work is expected already in the first year of study, that is, kids spend the entire first year solving examples, which is not close to traditional methods, but the understanding that there is a control/independent test is obtained already in the first year of study is not such an important “advance”, according to many methodologists);
  • additional tasks “with an asterisk”, that is increased difficulty, are not always considered in class, but due to them it is expected successful development student - this is a significant drawback of the program, according to methodologists and parents, who, willy-nilly, have to join in completing similar tasks at home (in other words, the child tries, decides, and the teacher only notes the fact of “passed or failed”, since “Harmony » is not aimed at more detailed work with such tasks);
  • an abundance of theoretical notes and an insufficient number of illustrations in textbooks makes teaching materials boring - this is what some parents think (at the same time, this design makes the textbook universal for any manifestation of the teacher’s methodological ingenuity - he can come up with his own lesson plots, select illustrations that are relevant for a given age, etc.), so the lack of brightness can be called a disadvantage only from the position of ignorance of the role that is assigned to the teacher in creating creative lessons;
  • lack of consistency in the presentation of some materials on subjects (for example, Russian);
  • possible difficulties for parents who studied in the classical program when providing assistance with homework;
  • lack of a successive program in the middle level (the difficulty lies not so much in the substantive aspects - this is where the children “pull”, but in the way of reasoning - solving problem tasks often comes into conflict with the usual traditional reproductive method of teacher-student communication - heard - repeated , - that is, it is difficult for children to adapt not to the amount of information, but to the method of receiving it).

Intermediate conclusions: who is “Harmony” suitable for?

The Harmony program is especially suitable active child able to quickly switch from one type of activity to another

After analyzing the pros and cons of training using this method, you can make the following conclusions that “Harmony” is suitable for children who have

  • intellectual development at the time of entering first grade is normal or above normal;
  • have the skills to build logical connections;
  • the ability to turn on and switch from one type of activity to another is developed in high level(in this regard, “Harmony” is useful for hyperactive children, but at the same time they must have certain concepts of discipline, that is, change the type of activity not “when I want,” but when the teacher gives the command);
  • well developed memory and rich active and passive dictionaries(then the child will not have difficulties in formulating analytical connections between phenomena, determining classification, drawing up generalizations, for example, when explaining what a number of fairy tale heroes have in common or answering a question about the set of qualities of a real hero).

Features of using the program in practice

  • Taking into account the external structure of the lesson (sequence of lesson stages) and internal (solution stages specific task in the task, the relationship between a set of didactic tasks).
  • The presentation of new material begins after completing search and creative tasks, which, using a heuristic method, will lead children to new information.
  • Required in every lesson collaboration teacher and student, work in small groups, pairs.
  • The tasks should be variable (this is stipulated in the very wording of some tasks in the textbook - and the child himself sees and knows that there are tasks for different levels knowledge, that is, he has something to strive for; while in classical technique variability is left to the teacher).
  • Students themselves must identify connections between the studied and new material.
  • Repetition of what has been covered can be not only of a control nature, but also of a teaching nature (if we are talking about mastering new topic training session).

The nuances of using “Harmony” in first grade

First-graders often cannot (or rather, are afraid) to express own opinion, this causes “inhibition” in the lesson. In this regard, in the first year of implementing the “Harmony” program, the teacher faces two tasks:

The introduction of the program requires a particularly attentive attitude to working with parents

  • liberate your students, give them the opportunity to feel the joy of receiving the right decision, taken independently;
  • teach parents how to properly help their children.

As for the latter, quite often it is difficult for parents to understand the system of work in the “Harmony” program due to the fact that they themselves studied in the classical program. In this regard, many mothers and fathers express their negative assessments of “Harmony”, which, as you understand, does not add enthusiasm to the children. That is why the author of the program provided all textbooks for the first grade with a whole set of letters of appeal to parents in order to prevent the most common mistakes in the implementation of the program. And the teacher must definitely draw the attention of moms and dads to these letters.

Lesson outline diagram

The “Harmony” program lesson is structured according to the following plan:

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Updating knowledge (if necessary, recording difficulties in activities).
  3. Staging educational task.
  4. Constructing a way out of a difficulty (usually in the form frontal poll, analysis of what was seen/written, analysis of the stages of work on a specific task).
  5. Exercise for the eyes.
  6. Physical education minute.
  7. Independent work with self-test in class.
  8. Reflection.

Examples of lesson notes for the “Harmony” program

Prokopyeva Natalya “Summary of a reading lesson in 2nd grade according to the “Harmony” program. G. Tsyferov “How the chicken first composed a fairy tale” (fragments)

<…Изучение нового материала.
1. Statement of the problem. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.
- What word did you get? Name the topic of the lesson “Words, words, words...”
- How do you understand the name of our lesson? What will we learn in class?
Observe how writers skillfully and tastefully use words when creating their works.
2. Acquaintance with the work of G. Tsyferov “How the chicken first composed a fairy tale”
- Open the textbook on page 53. Read the title of the work, the name and surname of the author...>
<…3. Знакомство с текстом.
Reading in a chain.
4.Language analysis of the work
- Did you like the fairy tale? How?
- Guys, remember what we will learn in class? (repeat lesson objective) Let's do some research. Everyone has card number 1 on the table with questions. Work with it, and then we’ll discuss the results you got.
- Find the highlighted words in the text.
- What one word can replace them?
- What’s better - like the author or to have the word “said” everywhere? Why?
So, the highlighted words helped to accurately present the picture that Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov wanted to convey to us.
5. Game “Where, whose house”
- Did you like fairy tales about houses? Remember that they wanted houses? Do you want to play them?
(The teacher speaks for the author, the guys in suits pronounce the words of the heroes)
6. Creative task
-Have you ever made up fairy tales? Who will tell theirs? (1–2 people)
- The rest can also try themselves in the role of a storyteller and compose their own fairy tale.
7. Physical exercise
A mischievous chicken lived
I've been turning my head all day:
Turned left, right,
He bent his left leg,
Then he raised the right one
And he stood up on both again.
He began to flap his wings:
Raise and lower
Up, down, up, down!
Turned left, right:
- It’s good in the world, really!
And then I went for a walk -
I found myself a worm!…>

We see that work on the topic starts from posing the problem - the children themselves reveal the essence of the topic (this technique in the traditional method is used only in the middle and senior levels), that is, the pre-text stage. After reading, children not only answer questions about the text, but analyze language level works (search for generalization words). At the stage of consolidating what has been learned, the teacher suggests generalizing knowledge on ALL the fairy tales studied, and not on one specific one, which, of course, gives a broader idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmoral values ​​than if the children drew conclusions only from “Chicken.” This system of working on a topic allows you to give a task to come up with your own fairy tale, and have no doubt that the kids will have enough experience, because during the lesson of learning new material they were able to repeat and generalize what they had already learned, and analyze their existing knowledge.

Bykova Svetlana “Russian language lesson notes in 2nd grade according to the Harmony program.” Topic “Spelling of double consonants in the root of a word” (fragments)

<…VII. Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой в классе.
(notebook p. 62 No. 462)
- Read the words. Write down only those words that belong to unchecked spelling patterns.
- The letters in which scientific word can you explain by its origin? (dictionary - word)
VIII. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.
-Do you think it is so important to correctly write words with a double consonant?
-What will change if we write not 2 letters, but one?..>

<…Запишите эти предложения в тетрадь и объясните свой выбор.
- Do you like to read books? Let's see how well you know the heroes of your favorite works.
- Write down names literary heroes.
-Do you know? How are these names written?
-What do the names of the heroes have in common? (double consonant)
-Check whether you have written the names of the characters correctly.
-Guys, who would like to read these works?
-Where can I go? (to the library)
IX. Reflection.
- What knowledge star did you discover in class today?
-Is it possible to write 1 letter in new words?
- What spellings do these words belong to? (unchecked spellings)
- Continue the phrases suggested by Dunno:
-I know…..
-I remember...
-I was able...
Homework: notebook for Wed. 56 No. 57
- How do you evaluate your work in class?
-Show it in your notebook on the achievements line...>

When formulating a topic, the teacher resorts to formulation problematic situation, rather than just writing the topic of the lesson on the board. Moreover, this situation develops from a unique experience that the teacher offers to children (if we write one letter instead of two, what will happen?). The next level of the lesson is conducting an experiment: children write the names of literary characters, find out where double letter. The teacher does not check the correctness of spelling, but invites the children to do it themselves (this approach is not traditionally used in a lesson in presenting new material!). At the same time, at the reflection stage, children not only draw conclusions on the topic of the lesson, but also evaluate their activities. Such a “volumetric” reflection from existing programs is inherent only in “Harmony”. That is, children learn to evaluate their work from different positions: both objective and subjective.

Kolomatskaya Olga “Summary of a mathematics lesson in 4th grade according to the “Harmony” program. Topic “Volume of a figure” (fragment)

Org. moment
Today we will reveal the secret -
The secret of extraordinary mathematical miracles
The nut of knowledge is hard, but still
We are starting our lesson
And I want each of you
At the end of the lesson I could say:
“Today I searched, created.
And I discovered new knowledge,
And what I had to learn, I can now apply.”
2.Updating knowledge
Read the expressions and find their meanings
I (10 + 8) 10
N 900 –(3 100)
B 60 · 10: 6
I (700:100) 10
L (30:3) 5
E 100 - 800:10
S 7 8 10
H (200 +800) :10
Check your results. Arrange the meaning of the expressions in descending order and decipher the word.
Unscramble the word: VALUE
What do we call magnitude? A quantity is something that we can measure and the result of the measurement can be expressed as a number.
Everything that can be measured and calculated (math. physics) (Ushakov’s Dictionary.)
What methods of measuring quantities do you know (by eye, by measurement)
What do you need to know to measure a value?
Name the quantities you know and their units...>

In this example, work in a mathematics lesson is carried out in the form of solving a puzzle. Typically, such tasks are used in traditional methods in lessons for consolidating material and generalizing. IN this fragment children look for meanings of expressions to find keyword to determine the topic of the lesson - the structure is much more complex than just finding a solution. Then the teacher implements the principle of clarity: the children find the meaning of the given word in the dictionary, that is, in mathematics they learn to work with explanatory dictionary. And to lead students to the actual topic of the lesson (volume of a figure), the teacher turns to the children’s experience with questions about measurement methods and instruments for obtaining these quantities.

The examined fragments allow us to draw the following conclusions:

  • the lesson on “Harmony” appeals not only to the theoretical, but also to practical experience children;
  • the lesson begins with setting problematic issue, which allows students to immediately “get involved” in the topic, which means they are less distracted and play around;
  • Interdisciplinary connections are actively used, moreover, children receive information from different areas of activity within even one stage of the lesson;
  • Each lesson ends with multi-level reflection, children analyze not only their emotional impression of the lesson, but also assess the value of the knowledge gained.

Video. Math lesson. 1st grade. UMK "Harmony". Topic: “Number and figure 3”


1. All new releases from the publisher "Association XXI Century"
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4. On this site you can order textbooks and methodological literature at publisher prices without leaving your home.

12. Istomina N.B., Gorina O.P. (for textbooks Mathematics grades 2,3,4 at the Harmony educational complex)
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leading ideas of the educational and methodological set “Harmony”

for four-year primary school

Since about the 30s of the last century, in theory national pedagogy A fundamentally new understanding of child development gradually emerged. Its interpretation as the maturation of the abilities inherent in a person has been replaced by the concept of the child’s activity in the educational process. And since the late 60s, the idea of ​​developmental education has come into practice national school, where for several decades systems of so-called traditional and developmental education have been developing in parallel, which are initially opposed to each other and are considered alternative. Within the framework of traditional and developmental education systems, various proprietary programs and educational kits are being developed. However, over time, the contradictions between traditional and developmental education systems are gradually softened, and modern stage development of primary education, all educational and methodological sets are focused on the thesis of the child’s activity in the learning process. This is one of the important areas development of a comprehensive school, “the modernization of which presupposes the orientation of education not only on students’ learning a certain amount knowledge, but also on the development of his personality, his cognitive and creative capabilities" (Concept of modernization Russian education for the period until 2010). It is on the thesis of children’s activity, acceptance of the student as whole personality based modern ideas humanization and humanization of education, its differentiation and integration, continuity and continuity. In didactics, education theory, psychology of learning and development, as well as in special areas of knowledge that underlie academic disciplines, accumulated significant amount the most valuable ideas regarding the development of the child’s personality, optimization and intensification of the educational process, the use innovative technologies. However, the implementation of these ideas in school practice will remain a problem until they receive a scientifically based interpretation in the form methodological systems, taking into account the specifics of the content and the peculiarities of the process of its assimilation by schoolchildren within specific educational subjects.

development of ways to organize the educational activities of junior schoolchildren, providing comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities that meet the curriculum and the requirements of the primary educational standard .

IN educational and methodological set"Harmony" implemented:

ways of organizing students’ educational activities related to setting a learning task, its solution, self-control and self-esteem;

ways of organizing productive communication, which is a necessary condition for the formation of educational activities;

methods of forming concepts that provide accessible for younger school age level of awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies.
Methodical interpretation included modern trends the development of primary education ensures: the child’s understanding of the issues being studied, conditions for harmonious relationships between the teacher and the student and children with each other, the creation for each student of a situation of success in cognitive activity.
Considering the educational books included in the set (textbook, textbook-notebook, notebooks with a printed base) as a model of the educational process that integrates subject content and types of cognitive activity, the authors of the “Harmony” set implemented in the system of educational tasks:

  • purposeful formation of methods of mental activity (analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, analogy, generalization);
  • the priority of students’ independent activity in mastering the content;
  • active inclusion in cognitive activity of techniques of observation, selection, transformation and design;
  • maintaining a balance between intuition and knowledge;
  • diverse consideration of the same object;
  • relying on the child’s experience;
  • parallel use of various models: subject, verbal, graphic, schematic and symbolic - and establishing correspondence between them;
  • the relationship between inductive and deductive reasoning;
  • unity of intellectual and special skills;
  • creating conditions for maximum emotional well-being for each child in the process of assimilating the knowledge provided for by the program.

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