Human activity and its main forms. The purpose of man is in intelligent activity

The purpose of man in intelligent activity."

A. Spirkin

A person’s emotional attitude towards himself, or self-esteem, is nothing more than a phenomenon of consciousness. It is a reflection of self-awareness. Self-awareness is a mental phenomenon, a person’s awareness of himself as a subject of activity, as a result of which a person’s ideas about himself develop into mental image" I". A person’s attitude towards himself is also his assessment physical characteristics, abilities, and moral qualities and actions. Self-esteem is a personal component necessary for an individual, with the help of which he orients himself in the world around him and interacts with other people. The presence of self-esteem significantly improves human activity, stimulating it, playing important role in defining its goal and participating in the process itself.

When self-esteem is high or low, problems arise. In the first case, the manifestation of snobbery, arrogance, boasting, egoism, and excessive self-confidence may lead to the rejection of the individual by society. In the second case, shyness, self-doubt, and excessive self-criticism can lead to the development of unnecessary complexes. A person's self-esteem is made up of own assessment and other people's assessments. When we begin to examine ourselves, we are prone to truly diabolical reasoning: everything that is attractive in me is “my Self,” everything that seems repulsive and ugly to me, that creates tension with others, are stains imposed on me from the outside.

Only the right option is a person’s desire to develop healthy self-confidence, the ability to soberly assess their strengths and weaknesses.

Various tests that are widely used in social psychology. There is also sufficient quantity trainings that help raise the level of self-esteem.

My self-esteem is adequate in relation to my positive qualities and slightly underestimated in relation to negative qualities. This means that I am quite strict in assessing my shortcomings.

You should strive to be as adequate as possible, since a sober, clear view of things, without emotional impurities, promotes acceptance the right decision and gives peace of mind.

Shimansky Pavel.

Human life is impossible without activity.

Activity is a form of human activity aimed at transforming the world around him. The subject of activity is a person, and the object is an object or area that he transforms. The subject and object of activity can coincide (a person develops willpower). The structure of activity includes a goal - the conscious experience of the anticipated result towards which the activity is aimed; means – techniques, methods and devices for carrying out activities; actions, results. Weber identified the following types of actions: goal-rational (based on a well-thought-out goal), value-rational (based on principles and beliefs), affective (based on emotional state individual), traditional (based on habit). Motive is an incentive to activity. The driving motive for activity is needs - the state of a living being, expressing dependence on what constitutes the conditions of its existence. Maslow highlights primary needs(physiological and existential) and secondary (social, prestigious and spiritual). Talking about social character activity, it is important to note that the actions of an individual become social not only because they are conscious of them. They are social also because they relate to the interests and needs of other people. Activity accompanies a person throughout his life. There is a triad universal species activities: play, study, work. Some sociologists add communication to these activities. Activity allows a person to realize himself as an individual, to reveal his creativity. Activity allows you to transform the world around you, so it is not surprising that culture in in a broad sense understood as a result transformative activities person. Based on a person’s activities, we can conclude that he has significant qualities, his values ​​and beliefs. Political activity allows you to determine how actively a person participates in government affairs.

Forecasting activities are very important in all spheres of social life in connection with the processes of globalization in the modern world.

My main activity is at the moment- studies. I plan to finish school well, go to college, get good profession and bring benefit to the society in which I live through my future activities.

Without activity, human life is impossible.

Korobeynikova Anna.

Option 1

    One of the manifestations of the environmental problem is

    poverty of people in the Southern Hemisphere; 2) the presence of nuclear weapons;

    population growth; 4) exhaustion natural resources.

    The moral attitude towards nature is determined

    the principle of domination over nature;

    the principle of separating human activity from nature;

    the principle of cooperation with nature;

    indifference to environmental violations.

    Are the following statements about global problems true?

A) global problems are the result of human activity;

B) solving global problems is a universal human task.

4. Relations between social groups refer to

1) political sphere; 2) social sphere; 3) economic sphere; 4) spiritual sphere.

5. The government of the country decided to establish a new theater. The interconnection of which spheres of society is presented in the example?

1) political and social; 2) political and economic

3) political and spiritual 4) social and spiritual.

6. Are the following statements about the economic sphere correct?

A) the economic sphere covers the relations of people in production;

B) the economic sphere is the basis of people’s life.

1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

7. Important social trait person is

1) sociability 2) upright posture 3) presence of activity 4) work of internal organs.

8. Alena has been attending courses for 13 years English language, practices in a ballroom dance studio. This characterizes her as

1) student 2) personality 3) daughter 4) individual.

9. Are the following statements about socialization correct?

A) socialization ends with graduation from school;

B) the school is actively involved in the socialization of adolescents.

1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

10. Which of the following characteristics characterizes societies?

1) constant development 2) diversity of manifestations of living nature

3) ways of exercising power 4) isolated individuals.

11. In the country Zthere is a decline, a return to previous forms of social order. This phenomenon is called

1) crisis 2) revival 3) regression 4) progress.

12. Are the following statements true? social revolutions?

A) as a result of a revolution, the political and social order;

B) revolution is a social explosion, mass protest.

1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

13. During the discussion, students found out the meaning social norms in the life of society. Compare the forms of social norms - norms of permission and norms of prohibition. Select and write in the first column of the table serial numbers features of similarity, and in the second column - the serial numbers of features of difference.

1) permission for a person to act in a certain way;

2) regulation of relations between people;

3) demanding strict sanctions for non-compliance with the norm;

4) maintaining the integrity of society.


Features of difference

14. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and the type of society: for each position given in the first column, select a position from the second column.

A) orientation towards the special role of knowledge 1) agricultural

B) development of plants and factories 2) industrial

B) orientation towards traditions 3) post-industrial

G) special role information

D) urban population growth


(A) The person is specific person as a carrier of consciousness. (B) It is obvious that the formation of consciousness long process. (B) With the appearance of signs of consciousness, personality traits begin to take shape.

    reflects the facts

    expresses opinions



Government measures (51%)

Citizens' organizations (21%)

Difficult to answer (3%)


What is society? A variety of answers are given to this question. For example, " human society there is a real body of people.” But this is not a definition of society, because it does not carry any scientific and theoretical load and does not reveal the essence of society. Collections of people can be any group of people: student, worker, professional, sports, political, etc., etc. But it is absolutely clear that they cannot be called societies in scientifically words.

Some researchers apply the concept of society to animals and flora. In my opinion, this is an erroneous statement. Extension of the concept of society to plant and animal world can lead to the disappearance of the qualitative difference between a person and organic world. And this is absolutely unacceptable if we want to adequately reflect reality. There is no society without conscious activity people. Neither in the plant nor in the animal world is there such conscious activity.

Society arose at a certain stage in the evolution of nature. It is based on labor, which is collective, i.e. social, in nature. In the process of joint production of values, people cannot help but interact, they cannot help but enter into certain relations of production (primitive man I couldn’t hunt alone; I couldn’t produce sophisticated modern equipment alone).

In the process of joint activity of people, certain material and spiritual relationships develop, without which no society can exist. Therefore, society can still be defined as a set of material and spiritual relations. Of course, these relationships change throughout the historical process.

(Text adapted from cm. M.N. Marchenko and others.)

18. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

19. What definitions of the concept “society” does the author give? Give three definitions.

21. Name general concept for material and spiritual relationships. Based on the text and knowledge from the social studies course, illustrate concrete examples material and spiritual relations of people.

22. Based on personal social experience and knowledge of social studies and history courses, prove that only the interaction of people gives rise to social relations. Give three pieces of evidence.

23. Why is it important scientific analysis society? Based on social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.

Test work 1 chapter “Personality and Society”

Option 2

    Human activities that are aimed at the reasonable use and reproduction of natural resources are called

    mining 2) nature conservation 3) poaching 4) environmental violation.

    As a result forest fire the village burned down. This is an example

1) the impact of nature on society 2) human activities

3) the interaction of nature and man 4) global environmental problems.

3 . Are the following statements about the North-South problem correct?

A) rich countries use the natural resources of poor countries.

B) poor countries Southern Hemisphere cannot catch up with developed countries in the near future.

1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

4. The activities of the government, parliament, parties relate to

1) social sphere 2) economic sphere 3) spiritual sphere 4) political sphere.

5. The entrepreneur spends part of the profit to support the lyceum. The interconnection of which spheres of society is presented in the example?

1) political and social 2) political and economic

3) economic and spiritual 4) economic and social.

6. Are the following statements about the spiritual realm true?

A) the spiritual sphere provides cultural development person and society.

B) the spiritual sphere can exist autonomously from other spheres.

1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

7 . The formation of man occurs under the influence of nature and society. This is reflected in the fact that a person

1) biological species 2) biosocial being 3) individual 4) student.

8. Anton has been studying music and choreography for 12 years, is active in school life. This characterizes him as

1) personality 2) son 3) personality 4) singer

9 . Are the following statements true? adolescence?

A) in adolescence, the main thing for a person is communication with peers.

B) the teenager does not submit to the influence of elders.

1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

10. The historically established relatively stable system of connections, interactions and relationships between people is

1) the surrounding world 2) social institution

3) society 4) territory of settlement of people.

11 . In the country Zthe majority of the population is employed in agriculture, traditions prevail. What type of society has developed in the countryZ?

1) agricultural society 2) industrial society

3) industrial society 4) post-industrial society.

12. Are the following statements about globalization true?

A) in to the greatest extent globalization is characteristic of the political sphere.

B) all of humanity views globalization as a positive phenomenon.

1) only A is true; 2) only B is true; 3) both judgments are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

13 . The list below shows the similarities and differences between revolution and reform. Select and write down the serial numbers of the similarity traits in the first column of the table, and the serial numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) influence on social development

2) broad participation masses

3) use of legal mechanisms to achieve the goal


Features of difference

14. Establish correspondence between objects and spheres public life: For each position given in the first column, match the position from the second column.


A) cultural institutions 1. economic

B) production of goods and services 2. political

B) trade 3. social

D) activities of parliament 4. Spiritual

D) family

15. Read the text below, each position indicated by a letter.

(A) Global problems are studied by many natural, technical and social sciences. (B) However, global problems pose the most difficult problem. (B) They affect every person, the system of society.

Determine which position(s) the texts

    reflects the facts

    expresses opinions

Write down under each letter indicating the position a number reflecting its character.


16 . Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the diagram and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer line.

1) A third of survey participants believe that the personal participation of citizens can ensure environmental protection.

2) Half of the survey participants believe that government measures are the most effective.

3) The majority of survey participants do not see the possibility of effective nature conservation.

4) A fifth of survey participants believe that citizen organizations in country Z will ensure environmental protection.

5) The smallest proportion of survey participants do not consider it necessary to protect nature. 

Government measures (51%)

Citizens' organizations (21%)

Personal participation of citizens (15%)

There is no need to protect nature (10%)

Difficult to answer (3%)

17. The survey results, reflected in the diagram, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follows from the information obtained during the survey?

1) Government bodies must take measures to ensure the protection of natural resources in country Z.

2) Among the citizens of country Z there are many who are indifferent to environmental problems.

3) For citizens of country Z high level ecological culture.

4) In country Z, citizens pay serious attention to environmental problems and nature conservation.

5) In country Z, environmental organizations have been created and citizens are aware of their activities.

Read the text and complete tasks 18-23

The determining factors in the development of personality (its essential basis) are not its natural qualities (for example, this or that type of higher nervous activity), and socially significant qualities - views, abilities, needs, interests, moral beliefs.

The concept of “personality” marks the fact that the most complete selection man from nature. As an individual, a person relates to nature not as a body of nature, but through the prism of social attitudes. It is emphasized that “one is born as an individual, but becomes a person.” Coming into the world as an individual, a person “gradually acquires a special social quality, becomes a person." From the moment of birth, an individual is gradually included in the historically established system public relations, which he finds already ready.

Further development a person in society is created by such an interweaving of relationships that shapes him as a person. An inevitable, but quite different for each person, process of socialization occurs. In the most general view the concept of socialization is the process of combining elements social environment with the individual principles of the individual in order to form social and spiritual qualities in her that contribute to her adaptation in society, on the one hand, and the reproduction of the social environment by the individual, on the other.

(According to A.E. Ozerov)

    Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

    What factors of personality formation does the author name?

    What definition of socialization is given in the text? Based on your knowledge of the social science course, name any two agents of socialization.

    Using knowledge from your social studies course, give three examples of small groups that have the greatest impact on a teenager's socialization.

    According to scientists, the choice of profession is important for the development of personality. Name three points that need to be taken into account when choosing a profession.

The purpose of man is intelligent activity.

The statement I have chosen for consideration ancient Greek thinker Aristotle refers to philosophy. In it, the author raises the problem of the purpose of man in the world. This problem is relevant due to the fact that people constantly act, change themselves and the world around us. The meaning of the statement is that activity is the basis of human existence. One cannot but agree with Aristotle, since human life is impossible without activity.

Activity is a person’s way of relating to the outside world, which consists in subordinating it to the person’s goals.

Scientists identify four main types of activity: learning, communication, play, work. The object is what it is aimed at, and the subject is the one who carries it out. Activity is unique to humans; it differs from the activity of animals in its awareness and purposefulness. The structure of activity is as follows: motive, goal, methods and means, process and result (product). A motive is a motivating reason. It can be ideals, needs, emotions and drives, social attitudes, beliefs and interests. Activities help a person realize himself as an individual and achieve social recognition. It also allows you to transform the surrounding reality.

There are two types of activity: practical (material-production, social-transformative) and spiritual (educational-cognitive, scientific, value-oriented, creative and prognostic).

I will give examples from own experience. Now I go to secondary school, where I receive the education necessary to enter college. In the future I want to become an economist, this is my goal, and going to school is an activity. Without studying, I would not have been able to realize myself in society.

Let us remember the hero of I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Ilya Ilyich most of spent his life lying on the sofa, that is, without any activity. This led to the death of the hero. There were no goals in his life, he was unable to join the social sphere.

Thus, the conclusion is fair: man was created for work.

Updated: 2018-03-19

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Awareness pressing problems modern man leads to the formation of his new worldview, which has social and spiritual prerequisites that depend on general culture and the education of the person himself, on the ability of society to reveal creative possibilities their citizens.

On the formation of new thinking, in search new system values ​​are greatly influenced by the ideas of academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky about the noosphere (translated from Greek - the sphere of reason), about the unity of man and nature, their joint, interconnected development.

Intelligent human activity becomes the main factor that determines the development of the noosphere. According to V.I. Vernadsky, the noosphere represents a new geological state of the biosphere, which is characterized by the fact that “scientific human thought powerfully changes nature. Created over geological time, a balanced biosphere begins to change more and more deeply under the influence of the scientific thought of mankind.”

The purpose of our research was intelligent human activity as a decisive factor in the development of society at the present stage.

Modern man lives in conditions of a qualitatively new evolutionary leap in the entire complex of his energy-informational interactions with the surrounding space and habitat.

The human mind is not so naive as not to realize and foresee the consequences of the phenomena and events occurring around it.

Information technologies, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies have rapidly entered our world and consciousness, while new terminology has entered science, conceptual apparatus, for example, virtual reality, nanoworld, nanoweapons, nanoculture, etc.

It has been proven that the energy and objects of the nanoworld can be controlled using information transmitted to these objects. Nanoprogramming of processes and properties makes it possible to change any processes and it is through thought (information) that a person can learn to control, first of all own fortune, as well as processes occurring in society and nature. Difference virtual reality from reality lies in a person’s ability to consciously, and therefore planned, change fundamentals being, space and time not only with the help computer systems, but also using bioinformation technologies given to a person, that is, consciousness, superconsciousness.

In the words of V.I. Vernadsky (which are still relevant today) “only a society consisting of people with a new worldview will be able to develop sustainably.” Here it is necessary to add that only with a new worldview and developed abilities, given initially to every person by nature, for their use in various fields his activities are necessary conditions for the existence of the individual, not simply, as, active internal observer, but also to be an active element of the system. I. Vernadsky was the first to connect the evolution of living matter and the evolution environment with all the variety of interacting mechanisms.

Thus, the noosphere is a new, evolutionary state of the biosphere, in which intelligent human activity becomes a decisive factor in its development, since modern sciences the noosphere means the planetary and outer space (natural environment), which is converted and controlled human mind, guaranteeing comprehensive progressive development humanity.

The work is presented at III scientific international conference"MAN AND NOOSPHERE" Scientific heritage V.I.Vernadsky. Global problems modern civilization", Italy, o. Sicily, July 15-22, 2007. Received 06/15/2007.

Bibliographic link

Zadoya E.S. INTELLIGENT HUMAN ACTIVITY IS A DECISIVE FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIETY // Fundamental Research. – 2007. – No. 10. – P. 126-126;
URL: (access date: 04/01/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Activity- this is a specifically human activity, regulated by consciousness, generated by needs and aimed at knowledge and transformation outside world and the man himself.

The main feature of activity is that its content is not determined entirely by the need that gave rise to it. Need as a motive (motivation) gives impetus to activity, but the very forms and content of activity determined by public goals, requirements and experience.

Distinguish three main activities: play, learning and work. Purpose games is the “activity” itself, and not its results. Human activity aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities is called teaching. is an activity whose purpose is the production of socially necessary products.

Characteristics of activity

Activities are understood specifically human way active attitude towards the world - a process during which a person creatively transforms the world around him, turning himself into an active subject, and the phenomena he masters into the object of his activity.

Under subject here we mean the source of activity, character. Since it is, as a rule, a person who exhibits activity, most often it is he who is called the subject.

Object call the passive, passive, inert side of the relationship, on which activity is carried out. The object of activity can be natural material or an object (land in agricultural activities), another person (a student as an object of learning) or the subject himself (in the case of self-education, sports training).

To understand an activity, there are several important characteristics to consider.

Man and activity are inextricably linked. Activity is an indispensable condition human life: she created man himself, preserved him in history and predetermined the progressive development of culture. Consequently, a person does not exist outside of activity. The opposite is also true: there is no activity without a person. Only man is capable of labor, spiritual and other transformative activities.

Activity is a transformation of the environment. Animals adapt to natural conditions. A person is capable of actively changing these conditions. For example, he is not limited to collecting plants for food, but grows them in the course of agricultural activities.

Activity acts as a creative, constructive activity: Man, in the process of his activity, goes beyond the boundaries of natural possibilities, creating something new that did not previously exist in nature.

Thus, in the process of activity, a person creatively transforms reality, himself and his social connections.

The essence of the activity is revealed in more detail during its structural analysis.

Basic forms of human activity

Human activity is carried out in (industrial, domestic, natural environment).

Activity- active interaction of a person with the environment, the result of which should be its usefulness, requiring high mobility from a person nervous processes, fast and precise movements, increased activity perception, emotional stability.

The study of a person in the process is carried out by ergonomics, the purpose of which is optimization labor activity based on rational consideration of human capabilities.

The whole variety of forms of human activity can be divided into two main groups according to the nature of the functions performed by a person - physical and mental labor.

Physical labor

Physical labor requires significant muscle activity, is characterized by a load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems body (cardiovascular, respiratory, neuromuscular, etc.), and also requires increased energy costs from 17 to 25 mJ (4,000-6,000 kcal) and more per day.

Mental work

Mental work(intellectual activity) is work that combines work related to the reception and processing of information, requiring intense attention, memory, and activation of thinking processes. Daily energy consumption during mental work is 10-11.7 mJ (2,000-2,400 kcal).

Structure of human activity

The structure of an activity is usually represented in a linear form, with each component following the other in time.

Need → Motive→ Goal→ Means→ Action→ Result

Let's consider all components of the activity one by one.

Need for Action

Need- this is need, dissatisfaction, a feeling of lack of something necessary for normal existence. In order for a person to begin to act, it is necessary to understand this need and its nature.

The most developed classification belongs to American psychologist Abraham Maslow(1908-1970) and is known as the pyramid of needs (Fig. 2.2).

Maslow divided needs into primary, or innate, and secondary, or acquired. These in turn include the needs:

  • physiological - in food, water, air, clothing, warmth, sleep, cleanliness, shelter, physical rest, etc.;
  • existential- safety and security, integrity personal property, guaranteed employment, confidence in tomorrow etc.;
  • social - the desire to belong and be involved in any social group, team, etc. The values ​​of affection, friendship, love are based on these needs;
  • prestigious - based on the desire for respect, recognition by others of personal achievements, on the values ​​of self-affirmation and leadership;
  • spiritual - oriented towards self-expression, self-actualization, creative development and using your skills, abilities and knowledge.
  • The hierarchy of needs has been changed many times and supplemented by various psychologists. Maslow himself later stages of his research added three additional groups of needs to it:
  • educational- in knowledge, skill, understanding, research. This includes the desire to discover new things, curiosity, the desire for self-knowledge;
  • aesthetic- desire for harmony, order, beauty;
  • transcending- a selfless desire to help others in spiritual self-improvement, in their desire for self-expression.

According to Maslow, in order to satisfy higher, spiritual needs, it is necessary to first satisfy those needs that occupy a place in the pyramid below them. If the needs of any level are fully satisfied, a person has a natural need to satisfy the needs of a higher level.

Motives for activity

Motive - a need-based conscious impulse that justifies and justifies an activity. A need will become a motive if it is perceived not just as a need, but as a guide to action.

In the process of motive formation, not only needs, but also other motives are involved. As a rule, needs are mediated by interests, traditions, beliefs, social attitudes etc.

Interest is a specific reason for action that determines. Although all people have the same needs, they are different social groups have their own interests. For example, the interests of workers and factory owners, men and women, young people and pensioners are different. So, innovations are more important for pensioners, traditions are more important for pensioners; Entrepreneurs have rather material interests, while artists have spiritual interests. Each person has his own personal interests based on individual inclinations, likes (people listen different music, are engaged different types sports, etc.).

Traditions represent social and cultural heritage passed down from generation to generation. We can talk about religious, professional, corporate, national (for example, French or Russian) traditions, etc. For the sake of some traditions (for example, military ones), a person can limit his primary needs (by replacing safety and security with activities in high-risk conditions).

Beliefs- strong, principled views on the world, based on a person’s ideological ideals and implying a person’s willingness to give up a number of needs (for example, comfort and money) for the sake of what he considers right (for the sake of preserving honor and dignity).

Settings— a person’s predominant orientation towards certain institutions of society, which overlap with needs. For example, a person may be focused on religious values, or for material enrichment, or for public opinion. Accordingly, he will act differently in each case.

IN complex types activity, it is usually possible to identify not one motive, but several. In this case, the main motive is identified, which is considered the driving one.

Activity goals

Target - This is a conscious idea of ​​the result of an activity, an anticipation of the future. Any activity involves goal setting, i.e. ability to independently set goals. Animals, unlike humans, cannot set goals themselves: their program of activity is predetermined and expressed in instincts. Man is capable of forming own programs, creating something that never existed in nature. Since there is no goal-setting in the activity of animals, it is not an activity. Moreover, if an animal never imagines the results of its activity in advance, then a person, starting an activity, keeps in his mind the image of the expected object: before creating something in reality, he creates it in his mind.

However, the goal can be complex and sometimes requires a series of intermediate steps to achieve it. For example, to plant a tree, you need to purchase a seedling, find a suitable place, take a shovel, dig a hole, place the seedling in it, water it, etc. Ideas about intermediate results are called tasks. So the goal is broken down into specific tasks: If all these tasks are solved, then the overall goal will be achieved.

Tools used in activities

Means - these are techniques, methods of action, objects, etc. used in the course of activity. For example, to learn social studies, you need lectures, textbooks, and assignments. To be good specialist, you need to get vocational education, have work experience, constantly practice in their activities, etc.

The means must correspond to the ends in two senses. First, the means must be proportionate to the ends. In other words, they cannot be insufficient (otherwise the activity will be fruitless) or excessive (otherwise energy and resources will be wasted). For example, you cannot build a house if there are not enough materials for it; It also makes no sense to buy materials several times more than are needed for its construction.

Secondly, the means must be moral: immoral means cannot be justified by the nobility of the end. If goals are immoral, then all activities are immoral (in this regard, the hero of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “The Brothers Karamazov” Ivan asked whether the kingdom of world harmony is worth one tear of a tortured child).


Action - an element of activity that has a relatively independent and conscious task. An activity consists of individual actions. For example, teaching activity consists of preparing and delivering lectures, conducting seminars, preparing assignments, etc.

The German sociologist Max Weber (1865-1920) identified the following types of social actions:

  • purposeful - actions aimed at achieving a reasonable goal. At the same time, the person clearly calculates all the means and possible obstacles(a general planning a battle; a businessman organizing an enterprise; a teacher preparing a lecture);
  • value-rational- actions based on beliefs, principles, moral and aesthetic values ​​(for example, a prisoner’s refusal to transfer valuable information to the enemy, saving a drowning man at the risk of his own life);
  • affective - actions committed under the influence strong feelings— hatred, fear (for example, flight from the enemy or spontaneous aggression);
  • traditional- actions based on habit, often an automatic reaction developed on the basis of customs, beliefs, patterns, etc. (for example, following certain rituals in a wedding ceremony).

The basis of activity is made up of actions of the first two types, since only they have a conscious goal and carry creative nature. Affects and traditional actions are only capable of exerting some influence on the course of activity as auxiliary elements.

Special forms of action are: actions - actions that have value-rational, moral significance, and actions - actions that have a high positive social significance. For example, helping a person is an act, winning an important battle is an act. Drinking a glass of water is an ordinary action that is neither an act nor an act. The word "act" is often used in jurisprudence to denote an action or omission that violates legal norms. For example, in legislation “a crime is an unlawful, socially dangerous, guilty act.”

Result of activity

Result- this is the final result, the state in which the need is satisfied (in whole or in part). For example, the result of study can be knowledge, abilities and skills, the result -, the result scientific activity- ideas and inventions. The result of the activity itself can be, since in the course of the activity it develops and changes.

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