Essay on the topic: “Russian language. Frost ran between strong shoulders

Cool! 19


It is impossible to imagine a single nation that does not have its own native language. Without a language there is no people, and without a people there is no language for this people to speak. Language is a system-forming element national culture, but some languages ​​go into more global level becoming tongues international communication. One of them is our native Russian language...


The Russian language is amazingly rich and beautiful; it is the main formative core of Russian culture. Without language, Russian culture cannot exist, therefore every cultured person is obliged to take care of his native language.

There are many languages ​​in the world, each of which is unique, unusual, and interesting to study. Each nation has its own original characteristics, its own mentality, its own cultural experience - all this is reflected in the language, and it is with the help of language that the people can preserve and increase their national heritage.

Russian language high culture, outstanding works of world literature, world theater and cinema have been created in Russian. Russian is the native language for such universally recognized geniuses as Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Pushkin and many other writers, poets, playwrights, critics, public and cultural figures. The modern Russian language did not originate from empty space, it is a consequence of long-term transformations of the East Slavic languages. Also, modern literary Russian is a consequence of the interaction between different dialects, between the features of the language of different social groups and layers of the population. This interaction took place over several centuries and led to the formation of the modern living Russian language.

Language is a system-forming part of culture; with its help, not only communication between people is carried out, each language imprints the peculiarities of the mentality of the people, the native language is main factor in definition national identity. With the death of language, culture also dies, so everyone who belongs to Russian culture and considers himself cultured person, must take care of the language he speaks. The Russian language is certainly not in danger of extinction now; several hundred million people speak it. Russian is still a relatively young language that has yet to develop and change in the future. The protection of the language is inextricably linked with its development; one should not only protect the traditions and heritage of Russian culture, but also enrich the culture with new opportunities. The greatest opportunities for language open up when a society develops its language and develops with it.

Russian is the language of international communication. For how many centuries has the Russian language served the most important basis mutual understanding between the peoples of multinational Russia and other nearby states. Perfect command of the Russian language not only enriches a person spiritually, but also makes him involved in the great heritage of Russian culture.

More more essays on the topic: “Russian language”:

Today I am one of 170 million people who consider Russian their native language. I am proud of this, because Russian is a great world language. Russian is a language interethnic communication, it is one of the ten most widely spoken languages ​​on the planet. This state language the largest state in terms of territory in the world - Russia, as well as the second state in Belarus. Russian is the working language of the United Nations.

IN modern world Another 110 million people for whom it is not their native language speak Russian. There are dozens of countries in the world where Russian is taught in schools and universities. This is especially common in countries former USSR, because Russian was the main language in the Union. For example, half of the population of Ukraine speaks Russian, and in a number of areas it is recognized as a regional language.

Why is the Russian language so widespread? First, boundaries Russian Empire, and then the USSR, were very wide. Russians have had, and continue to have, great political, economic and cultural influence on other nations.

Nowadays, not everyone likes the spread of the Russian language in the countries of the former USSR. Some politicians are seeking to oust him and claim that he is oppressive national languages. But people still communicate with each other in Russian, read Russian-language newspapers and books. The importance of the Russian language cannot be eliminated by artificial methods.

The second reason why Russian is widespread in the world is that many emigrants from Russia live in European countries, the USA, and Canada. Russians also love to travel the world and communicate with people. I heard that in some American or Israeli cities all sellers speak Russian: their buyers are Russian-speaking. Arabs and Turks teach Russian: Russians come to them to relax.

The third reason for the importance of the Russian language in the world is literature. Russian literature is one of the greatest in world culture. The names of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and other great writers are known in the far corners of the planet. Germans, French, and Spaniards study Russian at universities in order to read the works of these authors in the original.

Currently, English is the world's leading language of interethnic communication. English words even penetrate into the Russian language, often polluting it. But I think it's all relative.

First of all, now a whole army translators work, translating from Russian into English: Russian culture influences English culture too. Secondly, once upon a time there was already a fashion: everyone spoke French. Then fashion changed, and people rushed to something new. And the great and rich Russian language, Russian culture live on for centuries.


The Russian language is the national, interstate language of a great people and our heritage. I'm proud to be a citizen Russian Federation that was born on our Russian soil. The Russian language has filled my life since my birth and has great importance not only in my life, but in the lives of each of us. Therefore, we are obliged to protect our native language.

From birth we hear Russian speech around us. She accompanies us all our lives. No matter what corner of Russia we go to, our faithful assistant- Russian language. At school, at home, in the theater, in the cinema - everywhere we hear Russian speech. But few people think about how important role Our native language plays a role in our lives. Without him we would not be able to talk with friends, read interesting book, write a letter to relatives.

Thus, the Russian language is the language of global communication and is of great importance in our lives and on the world stage. Language acts as a necessary tool of communication. During school breaks you can often hear statements like this: “I’m so tired of this Russian language lesson! We've been teaching it since first grade! And why teach him? Everyone already knows him!” But it is impossible to know the Russian language thoroughly, even though it is our native language. After all, its possibilities are endless! You can study the Russian language all your life, always learning something new, but never learn all its secrets.

I would compare the significance of the Russian language in my life with the significance of the Motherland for me. Just as I can’t imagine my life without my Motherland, I can’t imagine it without the Russian language. The Russian language is the basis of our entire spiritual culture, our priceless gift. I owe him a lot. He gave me the opportunity to join the rich, centuries-old culture of the peoples inhabiting Russia, to learn everything about the life around us. I am sure that the Russian language will help me find a worthy place in adult life.

I am grateful to fate that I live in Russia, study at a Russian school and study Russian language and Russian literature, and I speak Russian.

Therefore, I affirm: “The importance of the Russian language in my life is great!”


Russian language - greatest language in the world and it has the status of an international language. Why? Firstly, large number people know him, talk, and he is widely known all over the world. Secondly, the working language of the United Nations is Russian. Thirdly, our language is informative and expressive, i.e. There are synonyms for each word, and there is a name for each object.

The Russian language was praised by many writers and poets. They were not only Russian, but also foreign poets and writers. For example, I would like to cite the statement of Prosper Merimee: “The Russian language, as far as I can judge, is the richest of all European dialects and seems deliberately created to express the subtlest shades. Gifted with wonderful conciseness, combined with clarity, he is content with one word to convey thoughts when another language would require whole phrases for this.” Yes, our Russian language is indeed rich, I am sure of that. I am proud that my native language is Russian, and I will not be ashamed of it!

About our mighty tongue during the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945, the very famous writer Anna Akhmatova wrote poems:

Not scary under dead bullets lie down
It's not bitter to be homeless,
And we will save you, Russian speech,
Great Russian word.
We will carry you free and clean
We will give it to our grandchildren and save us from captivity

Such a “strong” poem that it touches the soul. Every soldier, going into battle, recited this poem; it served as an anthem for them. The poem gave them strength, masculinity, incentive and adrenaline.

But, unfortunately, our powerful Russian language, rich in its expressions and words, is in fifth place on the list international languages. It's a pity, it's a pity. Using the statement of the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, I would like to urge people to take care of our beautiful Russian language and not forget about it: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors. Handle this powerful weapon with respect; V in capable hands it is capable of performing miracles.”

I love the Russian language and am proud of it! After all, the Russian language for me is like a sip fresh air, like a sip of thirst-quenching water after a long thirst, and like a ray of bright and warm sun after a long, long darkness. There is no language more native than the Russian language!!!


Many people do not even think that its language is considered the richest. Why Russian? The answer is very simple, the Russian language is the only language in the world in which words can be replenished again and again. Our language and our culture are replenished from many expressions and invented words, because much that was popular with our grandparents passes into ours. colloquial vocabulary, and our grandchildren will also speak in our phrases.

The Russian language is very difficult, but this does not make it any less attractive. Many writers have said that you can conduct any conversation in Russian: declaration of love, communication with the enemy, friendly conversation, because it is he who can convey all feelings and emotions better than any other language. The main thing is to learn to be a literate person; you shouldn’t shout to the whole world that it’s too complicated and that they’ve come up with too many stupid rules.

It should be remembered that the language we speak is a gift from our ancestors and not a learning of the language - this is tantamount to forgetting about our relatives, not accepting their culture, becoming a stranger among our own. It is especially sad to hear this from the small, still growing generation. They don’t yet know that having known it, you can discover for yourself new world. In the Russian language there are many synonymous words, so it will not be difficult for anyone to compose poems by choosing the right word its meaning will not change. It’s very fun to learn new words, because a word that means one object or action can be associated by sound with a completely different object.

Once you fall in love with a language, it will open up many possibilities for you, I tested all this on mine personal experience. After reading a large number of books, you no longer remember the rules, and you write sentences freely without making any mistakes. This is what it means - a rich Russian language. So it’s better to take care of your language from a young age.

Usually the teacher gives the same homework to the whole class at the same time. But it is much more interesting to demonstrate your knowledge, putting it in the most unexpected forms. It is this approach that makes the learning process exciting, reveals the capabilities of each student and awakens his initiative. The developmental and educational potential of such training is very high; in addition, it forms positive learning motivation in students.

Associative crossword

So, I’ll start with students compiling associative crosswords. If a teacher needs to check whether factual material on a covered topic has been mastered (for example, an essay on the life and work of a writer), then, along with any frontal task, compiling an associative crossword puzzle can be given individually.

The student is asked to write on whatman paper or a large sheet of paper into the cells of the prepared “grid” words related to this topic: the titles of the writer’s works, the names of the characters, the writer’s social circle, keyword from his quote, the names of the magazines in which the writer’s works were published, etc. Words are entered without spaces only horizontally and vertical lines. This student is graded for content and literacy when composing a crossword puzzle in open spaces. The next lesson, the teacher hangs it on the board, and another student receives the following task: cross out the resulting words with a pencil, give them an interpretation, explain his literary associations, for which he receives his point.

Life and work of A. M. Gorky

Click to enlarge

The next type of work is « Unanswered Questions » which I use after teaching in class . Work on this table continues throughout the entire lesson and ends outside the classroom.

The student will act more purposefully, combining the familiar and the new into a single structure of knowledge and highlighting the most important and significant in this. This type of work develops children’s thinking well and develops conscious learning skills. The teacher draws the same table on the board. Records students' knowledge on a given topic and their questions, trying to answer them. If the teacher does not have enough time to answer all the questions on the topic during the lesson, then he can leave them as homework for strong students or choose students at will who will complete the task in the form of an essay or simply prepare a short oral report on a specific issue.

Essay “Where can I use knowledge on the topic”

Work in the form of an oral report or a written essay is also very productive. “Where and when can I use knowledge on the topic(topic name) ». In this case, the student thinks about how and where he can practically apply his knowledge acquired in the lesson.

In my classes, I always try to motivate the goals of learning the Russian language, setting students problematic tasks. For example, when studying a topic "Numeral", I suggest you think throughout the lesson about the question: “Why do we need to study numerals?” And the guys in their essays or oral communications talk about the importance of working with these words in banking, statistics, construction, medicine and other areas of human activity, projecting the solution to the issue into the area of ​​their future profession.

Handout “My discoveries”

For organization independent work literature students in class or at home, I prepare special handout sheets that students fill out during the study process work of art. For academic year these sheets can make up portfolio students that they can place in file folders. Such information in a condensed form may be useful to them in the future when preparing for state or entrance exams. Moreover, this allows the child to reflect his strongest impressions, record his thoughts and feelings in the process of working on the work. This form of work is called "My discoveries". Below is an example of the design of the work.

Example of work design.

Book reading start date: ________

Title: “Farewell to Matera”

Date of creation:1976.

Born in the village of Atalanka on the banks of the Angara River in 1937. His parents were peasants, immigrants from the Russian North (Murmansk and Arkhangelsk). His father was a war hero and worked as a postmaster. Here Valentin Rasputin graduated from 4th grade, in 1957 - Ust-Udinskaya high school, entered the Faculty of History and Philology Irkutsk University. He began publishing in a local newspaper, and in 1961 his first story, “I forgot to ask Leshka,” was published in the Angara almanac. I wanted to become a teacher. He worked on television as an editor of literary and dramatic programs, then moved to Krasnoyarsk and again began working in a newspaper. In 1967, his first book of stories and the story “Money for Maria” was published.


To build a hydroelectric power station, officials decided to flood the 300-year-old village of Matera. It is located on an island and stretches for more than 5 miles. They decided to resettle people to the right bank of the Angara. But the village population is against this. The remaining old women and old man Bogodul, realizing that this is the land of their ancestors, cannot decide to leave the cemetery, the houses where several generations have lived. Klavka Strigunova and Petrukha burned their houses without regret, for which other residents condemned them. In turn, “alien workers” have also taken up arms against the old women, who want to burn down all the houses and destroy the churchyard. They succeed. At the end, the old women, having washed their houses, whitewashed them and decorated them with flowers, last time united with each other and with little Kolyunya, they ascend to heaven, equally belonging to both the living and the dead.

Did you like this book:

Very much, because it makes us think about the spiritual problems of our time: who are we on this earth? What is this earth for us - mother or stepmother? The land that raised us, or just the territory? The book amazes with its sincerity and caring attitude towards people and life.

What this book teaches:

The writer warns us that lack of spirituality begins where there is a philosophy of pathlessness, where a person ceases to appreciate what has been done by others, where one is a wolf to another. He warns us, teaches us to resist such phenomena at least in consciousness, to be Human.


  • Old women : Daria Vasilievna Pinigina, Katerina Zotova, Nastasya Karpova, Sima, Aksinya.
  • Bogodul, Pavel (son of Daria), Kolyunya, Andrey.
  • Nikita Zotov (Petrukha), Vorontsov, Zhuk, Klavka Strigunova.
  • “Master of the Island”, “Royal Foliage”.

Characteristics of heroes:

Daria Vasilievna Pinigina - Russian peasant woman living in accordance with folk morality. She has a long working life behind her, like other old women, a life lived according to conscience, in friendship and mutual assistance with people. Daria's thoughts about procreation are mixed with anxiety about the need saving memory. Feeling the order of generations of ancestors behind her, she cannot come to terms with the fact that the chain of times will break, and asks her son to move the graves to a new place. Before burning, Daria washes her hut, then whitewashes the walls and decorates it with fir and flowers, performing the act of “farewell to the deceased” over the house. For her, it is unacceptable for a person who has acquired enormous strength thanks to technology to eradicate life, to mindlessly chop off the branch on which he sits.

Other old women - lead common life world, their motto is: “Warm and bask,” i.e. give warmth to each other. Housing and things for them are a part of their life animated by their ancestors. Rod is a thread with knots. Some knots unravel, die, and new ones are formed at the other end.

Nikita Zotov - Catherine's 40-year-old son, a talker and a drunkard. His principle is “just to live today.” Popular opinion he is deprived of his name and turned into Petrukha, who, lost in the fog along with Vorontsov and Pavel, will, like a little one, call his mother deafly and hopelessly. Having screamed, he falls asleep and nothing can wake him up (an episode symbolizing his mental indifference, deafness, death).

Andrey - grandson of Daria's aunt, working on the construction of a hydroelectric power station. He is attracted by the bustle of a large construction site. Denies eternal values, arguing until he is hoarse with his father and grandmother. He no longer feels responsible for the connection between generations, clan, land, ancestors: he never visited his native Matera on his last visit, did not say goodbye to her.

Excerpts or episode that struck you the most:

When the visiting workers three times wanted to burn the larch - an old tree with which, according to legend, Matera was attached to the earth, being a symbol of the resilience of the natural root of life, the greatness of nature. They chopped it with an ax, but they couldn’t do anything.

The meaning of which unknown words and expressions you learned from the book:

...will dial in sidor thread, needles...( Sidor - bag).

...strumming on my neck... botalo (Botalo - a wooden bell or type of hollow bell that is tied around the neck of livestock so that it can be found in the forest).

You said there underground … (Underground - cellar).

Grips, frying pan, sauerkraut, whorls... (Kvashnya — a tub in which the dough is fermented and the bread is placed; whorl - a stick with a cross, a circle, horns for stirring and kneading liquid). it Lithuanians … (Lithuania - large Russian braid )


Book reading end date: ________

“What to convey to the crow?”, “Live forever, love forever,” “Unexpectedly,” “Vision.”

Parallel worlds

Often I use partial search method when students do homework. This type of work is called "Parallel Worlds". It is designed for the student to identify intra- and interdisciplinary connections when studying a particular topic.

For example, when analyzing a poem "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov..." M.Yu. A student compares Lermontov literary images poems with illustrations by I.Ya. Bilibin to this work: in what way does the poet’s and painter’s depiction of the main characters coincide, and in what way does it manifest itself? different attitude to them. The student notes that 8 works by the artist for the work of M.Yu. Lermontov made in a graphic manner in black ink: “Kiribeevich and Alena Dmitrievna”, “I went out to a terrible battle, on last Stand!”, “He fell on the cold snow, on the cold snow, like a pine tree...”, “Farewell to his brothers”, etc. Illustrations by I.Ya. Bilibin's works are distinguished by their sensitive attitude to Lermontov's words and their desire to capture in their paintings what is most characteristic of each of the characters.

The painter is very attentive in conveying the setting and clothing. characters. Possessing a keen sense of line, he is attentive to numerous details and details of costumes and characteristic features life of the 16th century Therefore, the illustrations are even some addition to the text: “brocade caftan”, “sable hat” of the oprichnik ; “patterned scarf”, “Bukhara veil” by Alena Dmitrievna. The drawings depict a roadside icon, plank gates, and churches across the Moscow River. In the figure of Kiribeevich one cannot help but notice a strong impulse, desperate determination, passion, and in the figure of Alena Dmitrievna - fear. In the “stately fellow” Kalashnikov, the artist successfully emphasizes his intention to stand up for his dignity, for his “honest name”, for the “holy mother truth”.

Kalashnikov’s calmness and self-confidence are contrasted with the indecision and confusion of his beloved Tsar's guardsman, “strong, powerful nature” according to V.G. Belinsky), but still yielded to courageous determination young merchant in the fight scene. Literal translation poetic lines into graphic language is impossible, and Bilibin skillfully uses the possibilities inherent fine arts: he forces Kiribeevich to take a step back and show his excitement with a gesture of his left hand. And in the illustration of the death of the guardsman, a fallen tree trunk is drawn instead of him, which indicates a different attitude towards the hero of the painter and poet. At M.Yu. Lermontov:


His face turned pale, like autumn snow;

His fearful eyes became clouded,

Frost ran between the strong shoulders,

My heart froze on my open lips...

And we humanly feel sorry for the guardsman, although we condemn him for his self-confidence, misbehavior in relation to another person’s wife, a selfish desire to do everything as one wants, trampling on the honor and dignity of other people. For the artist, Kiribeevich is a person who is a symbol of power, cruel and reckless, a small cog in the mechanism of the state, ruled by the tyrant Ivan the Terrible, for whom murder is a spectacle.

Therefore, Kiribeevich is one of many, a servant of the sovereign, an exponent of his will. He is as many as there are trees in a forest. And we don’t feel pity in the artist’s position. But in general we can conclude that the illustrations of I.Ya. Bilibin serve as visible historical commentary to the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov.

Graphic organizer

Very interesting "Graphic organizer » , the essence of which is that the student, when repeating and consolidating a topic, has the opportunity to compare the features of new and less known aspects with those that are more familiar:

Parts of speech

Are changing


nominal parts of speech



Gender number case

1. noun

2. adjective

3. numeral

some - +

Static data

You can give as homework such work as "Statistics". This is a study of the text of a work of art, during which, by quantitatively counting words certain parts speeches, conclusions are drawn about the characteristics of the work of a particular poet or writer. For example, while getting acquainted with the work of A.A. Feta, the teacher suggests reading a poem "Whisper, timid breathing" and count how many words there are in it various parts speeches:

  • nouns - 23
  • adjectives – 7
  • unions - 3
  • prepositions - 1
  • verbs - 0 (?!)

Students conclude that this work, in fact, is verbless. This is what it is characteristic feature many of Fet's poems. IN in this case the absence of verbs gives the poem lightness, airiness, quick shift images, opens up space for imagination and “thinking through”: each word “overgrows” with many multidirectional associations that help to interpret the text, but at the same time the active energy and rhythmic effectiveness of the verse, in which there is both the development of action and the climax, are not lost. Since other parts of speech “take on” the functions of the verb and cope with this brilliantly, there remains a feeling of bright dynamism and emotional tension of the entire structure of this lyrical miniature. This speaks of the undeniable talent of the wonderful Russian poet XIX V.


Very comfortable view work during questioning or securing new topic is card. Several students can answer the same sheet. You can give it to the house individual students as individual assignment several punch cards on any topic at once.

Verb endingsIAndIIconjugations

Insert the required vowel:

1) People are working everywhere.

2) Some plow the land.

3) Others set rye.

4) Draftsmen damn..t.

5) Workers are building houses.

6) Painters paint the walls.

7) fishermen are dragging nets.

8) They catch fish.

9) The cook cooks lunch.

10) They feed everyone..t.

11) Drummers drum..t.

12) Who performs tricks?

13) The audience laughs..t.

14) Doctors treat patients.

15) The ships are leaving for the sea.

16) Writers write books.

17) Everyone believes in their work.

18) Children hold hands.

19) They are fighting for peace.

20) Everyone hates war.

F.I. students and score:

Number of errors


Drawings can also be used as individual homework for the development of observation and imagination. They help to better understand the topic, develop visual memory. It is necessary to create drawings that do not need to be explained. They, in a serious or humorous form, must reveal the main content of some rule, concept or linguistic phenomenon. This is accomplished by completing tasks such as:

1. “Theme emblem.” At the stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge when studying a specific paragraph, section or thematic block Students are asked to come up with an emblem that will contain any important information. For example, important point when studying the topic “Pronoun” is the understanding that in speech a pronoun can replace other parts of speech. And it answers such questions, changes in the same way as those parts of speech that the pronoun replaces. In other words, if we draw an analogy with sports, the pronoun is a substitute player in the language. The main features of a pronoun follow from this.

To create a theme logo, students need to highlight main information on the topic, be able to reason and express your understanding of the content educational material in a bright and memorable form. Here are the emblems students created on this topic.

2. At the final, final lesson on the topic, students can create "Advertising the topic." This type of work has the same goals, but it requires a larger amount of information. Students can use the computer in class to create slides or animated advertisements, or simply create a drawing on paper. It might look like this:

3. In addition, students can, for example, when studying the topic “Numerals,” make drawings from numbers, which will stimulate the study of a rather complex topic for sixth graders and diversify the learning process:


As homework, you can offer students the compilation of syncwines two types - simple and complex ( diamond). is a non-rhyming poem that requires a synthesis of information, a presentation of educational material in concise, thoughtful terms, based on a rich conceptual stock. By completing this task, the student develops the ability to summarize information, important skill expound complicated feelings and introductions in a few words.

1. Sinkwine


independent variable (part of speech)

indicates does not name replaces

Is all members of the sentence.

"Replacement Player"

2. Diamond:

Noun Lensky

adj. adj. trusting dreamy

verb verb verb composes likes friends

2 nouns (synonyms of 1st noun) landowner poet

The phrase “A creature accessible to all that is beautiful.” verb verb verb suffers challenges (to a duel) dies

adj. adj. disappointed noble

Noun (antonym) Onegin

Denotation graph

And one of the difficult ones, but no less interesting tasks is the creation denotation graph. Students choose the main stages of the life and work of a poet or writer and format the data in the following form:

There are many more interesting and varied forms of independent work for students, which can be done individually. Some types of work, their content and the specifics of implementation as homework were discussed by me in this book.

Whatever forms of organization of independent work the teacher chooses, he must choose feasible tasks that are appropriate to the age, preparation of the students, their desires and capabilities, and always encourage them for their desire for creativity and initiative.

Any information is the starting point, not the end point, of students’ thinking. Knowledge creates motivation, without which a person cannot think critically. In turn, in order for an idea to be born, it is necessary to process a mountain of raw materials: theories, texts, ideas, facts, concepts. Therefore, thanks to the development critical thinking and creativity of the students themselves traditional process knowledge acquires individuality and becomes meaningful, continuous and productive.

The most difficulties arise with writing “not” and “neither”

News from Russia and the world - 04/11/2016

I compiled a list of popular queries and found out which rules of the Russian language cause the most difficulties for Russians. The results of the analysis were published on April 11.

In summer, Russians are less likely to be interested in the rules of the Russian language

According to search engine In the summer, Russians’ interest in language rules drops by almost half. And when schools resume classes, Yandex receives 8.1 million queries per month regarding the rules and regulations of the Russian language. The highest percentage of questions concern spelling. They ask several times less about style and punctuation.

The most difficult topics in the Russian language according to the Yandex search engine

According to search engine data, the most complex topics for citizens in the field of spelling they became: spelling “not” and “neither” (1st place), the word “not on time”; verified unstressed words at the root. The top five most popular queries included: “how to write a song,” “will you do it or will you do it,” “abroad or abroad.”

What do Russians most often ask about punctuation and stylistics of the Russian language

In all sorts of cases, commas are asked about as much as about “not” and “neither.” Thus, a third of the requests concern introductory constructions, and the same number concern punctuation in complex sentences.
As for questions about style, Yandex is most often asked: “to wear or dress”; “in Ukraine or in Ukraine”; “Is there such a word for them?”

The most “annoying” queries in the Russian language in a search engine

I compiled a search engine and the top most “annoying” queries in the Russian language. In first place in the rating is the spelling “-tsya and -tsya”. Then come the following queries: “also and also”; "come or come"; "during and throughout." Among the common “annoying” queries there are also “in general, in general, in general, and other options”; “emphasis on the word call”; "sorry or sorry."

Most often, Runet users ask how to write “not” and “neither” correctly, and the most “irritating” mistake was the use soft sign in "-tsya" and "-tsya".

Next news

To find out how to spell this or that word, we have not opened for a long time spelling dictionary. Instead, we ask search engines about the rules of the Russian language. In particular, from Yandex, which analyzed the requests of Runet users and found out which words caused the Russians to write greatest number questions. And at the same time I compiled a rating of the most “annoying” errors

In August, when schools were on holiday, Yandex was accessed 3.8 million times. But in September, with the start of the school year, the number of requests doubled - to 8.1 million.

What are they asking? The biggest number of questions is caused by spelling. Three quarters of queries (74%) concern how to spell words correctly. In addition, theoretical requests are received (about dictionaries, reference books), requests about punctuation rules (punctuation marks), stylistics ( correct use words and formation of forms) and orthoepy (stress and correct pronunciation).

Fifth place. Verb conjugation (4.8% of all queries about the Russian language)

This topic includes requests to change verbs by tenses, persons, numbers and genders. The most common of them are about the endings of second-person verbs plural in the present tense and imperative mood, as well as verbs of the second conjugation, especially the verb “to see”. All questions are accompanied by the phrase “how to write correctly” or “how to write correctly”


you will see or you will see
Are you eating or are you eating
glue or glue

Fourth place. Preposition or not (5.3% of all queries about the Russian language)

Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a phrase is an adverb or a construction with a preposition, which is written separately. One of the most difficult combinations is “you’re welcome.” In addition, “goodbye” and “until now” raise a lot of questions.


at the same time or in one
in the morning or in the morning

in the sense or in the sense

Photo: Vitaly Ankov/RIA Novosti

Third place. Spelling of prefixes (5.5% of all queries about the Russian language)

Many people do not know how prefixes are written. The prefix “po-” turned out to be the most difficult from a spelling point of view.


more or more
less or less

better or better

Lots of questions about consoles" pre-" And " at-", "once-" And " dis-" - mainly about which of them is correct to write in a particular word.

Photo: Vitaly Ankov/RIA Novosti

Second place. Tested unstressed vowels in the root of a word (5.7% of all queries about the Russian language)

We give second place to words with a vowel in the root, which can be checked by changing the form of the word or selecting words with the same root.


Saltcellar or Salonka
gray-haired or gray-haired
valley or dalina

Photo: Vitaly Ankov/RIA Novosti

First place. Not and neither (7.1% of all queries about the Russian language)


inexpensive or not expensive
ugly or not beautiful

inopportune or out of time

Errors that are “annoying”

If we talk about errors that fall into “demotivators” and lists of “annoying” errors, then some of the requests (less than 2% of total number queries) is devoted to the use of a soft sign in verbs ending in " -tsya" And " -tsya".

Less than 1% of users are interested in how to write - separately or together - the words “too” and “also”.

Users also ask about the existence of the word “theirs,” how the emphasis is placed in the word “calls,” and how to correctly pronounce the word “agreement” with the ending “s” or “a” in the plural.

Next news

research of user requests. The service has identified the most difficult aspects of the Russian language that users most often encounter. We tell you which topics Russians should bring up first.

General points

Basically, the rules of the language arouse curiosity among schoolchildren: for example, the difference in the number of requests for spelling in August and September is colossal - 3.8 million and 8.1 million, respectively.

The most popular topics for queries were spelling (3%), stylistics (7%), punctuation (8%) and the absolute favorite - spelling (74%). In each category, interests were also divided.


This section, oddly enough, did not turn out to be the most popular among interested users. However, the portal has highlighted a small list of words with the most compound stress:

  • Blinds ;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Dance girl;
  • That's mouths;
  • Agreement;
  • Call.


The main interest in the field of stylistics was the choice between two words, one of which, as a rule, is either colloquial, colloquial, or simply incorrect. Among such requests the following pairs were encountered:

  • “dressed - put on”;
  • “eat - eat”;
  • “in Ukraine - in Ukraine”;
  • “I’m sorry - sorry”;
  • “theirs - theirs”;
  • "sad - sad."

Also problematic are words using gender. Yandex received the following queries:

  • [applicant or applicant];
  • [feminine author];
  • [manager or manager].

Caused complaints and case forms words after the preposition:

  • [not paying attention or attention];
  • [according to letter or letter];
  • [creams or creams];
  • [nanny in genitive case plural].

The formation of plural forms has become the reason for many queries, such as:

  • [helmet plural];
  • [protocols or minutes];
  • [how to properly wear socks or stockings].


Among punctuation topics, users are most interested in introductory structures- about 30% of all requests are devoted to them. The most popular constructions were “just in case” and “nevertheless”.

About a third comes from complex sentences, namely, where to put the comma. Most of all, users are interested in “comma before “and”” and “comma before “as””.

Another third of queries are comparative, participial and participial phrases, as well as the placement of commas for repeated conjunctions, homogeneous members offers, etc. Topping this list is the request[neither comma] .

Less than 1% of people are interested in other punctuation marks - either everything is clear with them, or, most likely, they are not used at all.


Finally, spelling turned out to be the most popular section: let us recall that users devoted 74% of all queries about the Russian language to it. Based on these queries, Yandex compiled the top 5 most difficult moments in Russian.

1. “Not” and “neither” with in different parts speech (7.1% of all queries about the Russian language)

This topic turned out to be the most difficult for users. Adverbs cause the most problems, followed by adjectives and verbs.

Popular queries:

  • [inexpensive or not expensive];
  • [recently as spelled];
  • [not so nor so];
  • [as written not when];
  • [missing].

2. Testable unstressed vowels at the root of the word (5.7% of all queries about the Russian language)

Many users became interested in unstressed vowels, which can be checked by changing the form of the word. Moreover, most often there are requests for the test word itself. 3.4% of requests come from similar topic- unchecked unstressed vowels.

Popular queries:

  • [how to correctly spell the word started a song];
  • [nude test word];
  • [valley a or o];
  • [how to spell ssuma correctly];
  • [growing or growing].

3. Spelling of prefixes (5.5% of all queries about the Russian language)

When writing prefixes, Yandex users are most at a loss with the prefix “po-”, in which word to put “pre-” and in which “pri-”, and what to write after the prefix - “s” or “and”. Full list looks like this:

Popular queries:

  • [will you do or will you do];
  • [stage by stage as written];
  • [downplay and downplay];
  • [how to write count correctly];
  • [to grow].

4. Preposition or not (5.3% of all queries about the Russian language)

A pressing issue for the search engine audience is the difference between an adverb and a construction with a preposition. In particular, queries with merged, separate and hyphenated spelling adverb.

Popular queries:

  • [as written at the same time or for one];
  • [in the morning or in the morning, whichever is correct];
  • [goodbye written separately or together];
  • [in the sense or meaning];
  • [I'm going crazy].

5. Verb conjugation (4.8% of all queries about the Russian language)

Queries from these categories include changing verbs by tense, person, number and gender. Among the most frequent are questions about the endings of second-person plural verbs in the present tense and in the imperative mood. In second place are verbs of the second conjugation.

Popular queries:

  • [invoice or invoice as correct spelling];
  • [you will see or you will see correctly];
  • [select or select];
  • [did not measure or did not measure];
  • [you eat or eat properly].

We should also highlight exception verbs, which were also popular among the Yandex audience. List of those exceptions that interested users most:

How to avoid mistakes

As you can see, there are quite a lot of typical difficulties that cause difficulties for many people. There are many ways to combat illiteracy - in particular, Yandex itself offers list of sites that would help both schoolchildren and adults avoid making mistakes in the future.

Or you can sign up for - here they do not force you to cram, but instill an understanding of the subject. Only after delving into all the nuances of the Russian language will you stop making mistakes - and even the help of Yandex will no longer be useful to you.

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