Final dictation in Russian 10. On the road to the forest

Test No. 1


Intermediate level of training

1. The old poplar has seen a lot in its lifetime! 2. A long time ago, a thunderstorm split the top of its head, but the tree did not die and coped with the disease by throwing up two trunks instead of one. 3. Sprawling branches, like the hooked fingers of an old man, stretched to the ridge of the plank roof, as if they were about to grab the house in an armful. 4. In summer, ropey shoots of hops curled thickly on the branches. 5. The poplar was majestic and huge, for which the Old Believers called it the Holy Tree.

6. The winds bent it, it was mercilessly whipped by hail, winter blizzards twisted it, covering the fragile shoots of juveniles on mature branches with a crust of ice. 7. And then he, all gray with frost, tapped the branches like bones, stood silent, completely swept by the fierce wind. 8. And rarely did any of the people keep their gaze on him, as if he was not even on earth. 9. It was even assumed that the poplar had died.

10. But when spring came and the old man, coming to life, blossomed the brown juices of sticky buds, he was the first to meet the southern greenhouse, and his roots, penetrating deep into the earth, carried life-giving juices into a powerful trunk - he somehow immediately dressed himself up in fragrant greenery and noisy, noisy! 11. Then everyone saw him, and everyone needed him: the men who sat under his shadow on hot days, rubbing their difficult lives in their calloused palms, and random travelers, and children. 12. He greeted everyone with coolness and the gentle trembling of leaves. 13. Bees flew towards him, picking up viscous resin for their hives on their paws, shaggy fat bumblebees sat out in the heat in his foliage. 14. Chatty magpies built their simple nests on it.

(According to A. Cherkasov.)

Grammar task

1 paragraph – 1 option

2 paragraph – 2 option

3 paragraph – 3 option

1. Write down the word with the unstressed vowel being tested at the root of the word.

2. Write down a word with an alternating vowel at the root of the word.

3. Enter numbers simple sentences.

4. Indicate the numbers of complicated sentences isolated circumstances, expressed by participial phrases.

5. Parse the sentence:

Option 1 – No. 2

Option 2 – No. 6

Option 3 - No. 13

Test No. 2:

Option #1

(1) It hurts your heart, even if you scream... (2) Seva is our son, the only son in a prosperous family. (3) I am holding in my hands a photograph that I took once at our dacha: there he is twelve, he has blond hair, neat bangs, an open, clear look. (4) Sweet, affectionate, homely boy, obedient, almost an excellent student. (5) We had such a good time together that summer!

(6) But for the teenager the time came when every family began to seem dysfunctional to him. (7) Each one, even the most ideal! (8) It becomes crowded within its framework, external world beckons to you, the guardianship of your mother and father oppresses you, you want freedom and independence. (9) The development of a person inevitably creates this non-exceptional crisis; for some it passes unnoticed, for others it develops into a tragedy. (10) Seva began to disappear from home...

(11) He let his hair grow, flatly refused to have his hair cut, and immediately lost his well-groomed appearance. home view. (12) In some kind of women's jacket with bells, in frayed jeans with fringes at the bottom, with unkempt thin braids falling on the shoulders, a strange, however, concern for one's own appearance: trying not to please others, looking like a garden scarecrow. (13) Our son...

(14) It is unlikely that he expected us to become moved, but he perceived our bewilderment, annoyance, and contempt painfully, and became increasingly irritable. (15) Now every little thing made him angry: a disapproving look, a bitter grin on my face, my mother’s request to take out the trash can - everything was perceived as an attack on his dignity. (16) And the simplest questions for him grew into the most painful problems - should he celebrate or not celebrate his birthday at home, should he go with his class on an excursion to Kolomenskoye, should he ask his mother for money to buy a new record?

(17) The sacramental conflict between fathers and children did not appear yesterday. (18) “I have lost all hope for the future of our country if today’s youth takes the reins of power tomorrow, because these youth are unbearable, uncontrollable, simply terrible.” (19) These words were spoken by Hesiod back in the 7th century BC. (20) But such an ancient recognition did not make it any easier for the fathers of subsequent generations.

(ByV. Tendryakov)

Test No. 2:

essay-reasoning on the proposed text

Option No. 2

Assignment: write an essay-argument based on the proposed text.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the proposed text. Explain why. Justify your answer based on the reader’s experience, knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the proposed text (not based on this text), Not Evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) The strongest impression on me is made by dreams in which distant childhood rises and in the vague fog non-existent faces appear, all the more dear, like everything irretrievably lost. (2) For a long time I cannot wake up from such a dream and for a long time I see alive those who have long been in the grave. (3) And what lovely, dear faces they all are! (4) It seems that what I wouldn’t give to even look at them from afar, hear a familiar voice, shake their hands and once again return to the distant, distant past. (5) It begins to seem to me that these silent shadows are demanding something from me. (6) After all, I owe so much to these people who are infinitely dear to me...

(7) But in the rosy perspective of childhood memories, not only people are alive, but also those inanimate objects, which were somehow connected with the small life of a young beginner. (8) And now I think about them, reliving the impressions and sensations of childhood.

(9) In these silent participants in children's life, in the foreground, of course, there is always a children's book with pictures... (10) This was the living thread that led out of the children's room and connected it with the rest of the world. (11) For me, to this day, every children’s book is something alive, since it awakens a child’s soul, directs children’s thoughts in a certain direction and makes a child’s heart beat along with millions of other children’s hearts. (12) A children's book is a spring ray of sunshine that awakens the dormant powers of a child's soul and causes the seeds thrown onto this grateful soil to grow. (13) Children, thanks to this book, merge into one huge spiritual family that knows no ethnographic and geographical boundaries.

(14) Here I will have to make a small digression specifically about modern children, who often see complete disrespect for the book. (15) Disheveled bindings, traces of dirty fingers, bent corners of sheets, all kinds of scribbles in the margins - in a word, the result is a crippled book.

(16) It is difficult to understand the reasons for all this, and only one explanation can be accepted: too many books are being published today, they are much cheaper and seem to have lost their real value among other household items. (17) Our generation, which remembers the dear book, has retained a special respect for it as an object of the highest spiritual order, bearing within itself the bright stamp of talent and holy work.

(ByD. N. Mamin-Sibiryak)

Test No. 3

Control dictation with language (grammatical) task

on the topic “Vocabulary and Phraseology”.

Intermediate level of training

    Copy the text by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets.

1. The sea sent extreme humidity to the land. 2. In the cold, wet twilight, people lurked on the embankment, gathered in groups under the lanterns, gather again for the sanctuary... w...(n,nn)th, look at each other, stand, smoke a p...piros, look at the dark sea. 3. Otava (didn’t) want to return to people. 4. Relax in solitude (e,i) - unity (n,nn_oe, what he now wanted. 5. Therefore, immediately turning to the side... well, past it is familiar... about an old... about a plane tree, in your opinion ( n, n)oh, along the white tiles of the path... he headed towards m...silent darkness. 6. The strange (n,nn) empty...was in his chest, in his head. 7. Sh(e,o)l quickly, wide white slabs lay firmly under his feet , (c) behind d...swept snatches of people's talk...thieves, the sound of the sea rolled in, but the further it went, the larger and larger the...t...the hall...gala was behind the square... You could only hear... how the sea (slowly) was still breathing somewhere far away and the toes of his shoes were knocking on the hard tiles.

8. D...horns rose up into the mountains. 9. She lay on the dark ground in wide threads, moving bushes, trees and even houses to the sides. 10. It was a typical sho(s, ss)e for cars to put under...them, but for pedestrians it was (not) suitable at all.

11. Instead of normal movement (in) front, I had to walk along the s... rpantins back and forth, the same (same) trees, the same (same) houses, the same (same) street f... benches go around... first (from) below, then (from) above. 12. And if for a machine, from the rapid inheritance of such slow (n, nn)s in... weaves, in the end it all turned out to be a... downward movement, then for people, especially in ...night time, it turned out to be a (s, ss) mental wandering in search of (un)known what.

(ByP. Zagrebelny)

Grammar task

    Find epithets, metaphors, personifications in the text.

    Choose synonyms and antonyms for the words:

Option 1 – cold, noise, covered

Option 2 – hard, silence, wandering

3. Indicate the means of communication of 1 and 2 sentences of the 2nd paragraph.

4. Compose and write down a sentence

Using phraseological units,

Using comparative turnover

Test No. 4

Test tasks on the topic “Vocabulary and Phraseology”.

Option I

A1. wrong?

    There was another favorite in the house - a red and fat kitten, a small, PLAYABLE animal.

    The ancient Egyptians used special AROMATIC mixtures of vegetable oils in nutrition and treatment.

    A small EYED boy watched the puppy.

    The house was KIND, with thick stone walls, oak ceilings, and heavy, thick doors.

A2. In which answer option is the highlighted word used? right?

    At the exhibition we saw a beautiful BONE knife.

    In the summer heat it is pleasant to walk along the SHADY alleys of the park.

    It was pouring so much that you had to put on your boots.

    The classrooms needed some renovations.


    Loitering (sentence 2)

    Silent (sentence 5)

    White (sentence 5)

    Loop (sentence 11)

A4. Among sentences 8-12, indicate the sentence in which antonyms are used.

A5. Among sentences 1-4, find one that connects to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.


    In a thick, thin-trunked aspen forest, I saw a gray stump two girths wide.

    I ran my fingers under the damp cap of moss, lifted it and smiled.

    And when only dust remains from the stump, there, in the depths, the roots of the parent spruce will continue to grow for a long time, giving the last juices to the young tree, saving for it the droplets of moisture that fell from the blades of grass, warming it in the cold with the remaining warm breath of a past life.

    The Christmas tree will have a long and difficult time drilling the stump with its root until it reaches the ground.


    Relationships between people are built on the basis of mutual benefit.

    We believe that their hard work will be noticed, their kindness and compassion will echo in another heart and two hearts will beat in unison.

    I have not received a single such letter, although our students had everyday reasons for writing them.

    What you teach in your orphanage, apparently, will fit perfectly into future times.


    Time flies like a bird. A) oxymoron

    Spring and pernicious spirit. B) personification

    - Hey, beard! How to get to Plyushkin? Comparing to

    The last ray of dawn on the towers is dying. D) synecdoche

Test No. 4

Test tasks on the topic “Vocabulary and Phraseology” (grade 10)

Option II

A1. In which answer option is the highlighted word used? wrong?

    The air in our meadows is fragrant, filled with the honey smell of herbs.

    Tatiana shows RARE talent in both forms of art.

    Leo is called the king of beasts not so much for his GREAT appearance as for his powerful voice.

    The PRIDE of the museum collection is Gzhel ceramics of the last century.

A2. In which answer option is the highlighted word used? right?

    It was the most MEMORABLE event in my life.

    We were overtaken by a HAINING car covered with bright drawings.

    Only after DISINSECTION of the entire building did we get rid of uninvited guests - cockroaches.

    This crater is a trace of a METEOR that fell to Earth thousands of years ago.

A3. Indicate the word used in a figurative meaning.

    Diverged (sentence 2)

    Human (sentence 7)

    Blowhole (sentence 7)

    Loop (sentence 11)

A4. Among sentences 1-4, indicate the sentence in which contextual elements are used


A5. Among sentences 8-11, find one that connects to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

A6. Indicate the sentence that uses the obsolete word.

1. The only consolation is Pushkin’s light and cheerful lines.

2. Apparently, the verdict is “absolutely literate!” - is generally impossible.

3. Reading the most hostile analyses, I dare say that I always tried to get into

way of thinking of my critic and follow his judgments without refuting them with

proud impatience, but wanting to agree with them in every possible way

4.And if you think about it, almost every second word can confuse us!

A7. Indicate the sentence in which the phraseological unit is used.

    A barely noticeable smile touched the old Indian's face, and he answered.

    The philosophers of the Ancient world were very rooting for the second wolf and advised giving it special food.

    You will immediately see how your first wolf will rage, how many stupid things he will manage to do during this time and how many wonderful things he will not allow you to do, because you allowed him to do this, you followed his lead.

    And if among the things you cannot live without, there is a need for true love and true friendship, and you are very, very lonely, meet people halfway, help those who are even more lonely than you.

A8. Indicate the means of expression used by the author.

    Time sometimes crawls like a worm. A) oxymoron

    And the impossible is possible, the long road is easy. B) antithesis

    If not on silver, I ate on gold. Comparing to

    The song cries and laughs. D) metonymy

Test No. 5

Control dictation with language (grammatical) task

on the topic “Word formation and word composition”

Intermediate level of training

Winter oak

The narrow path along which Savushkin led Anna Vasilievna began immediately at the back of the school estate. As soon as they stepped into the forest and the spruce paws, heavily loaded with snow, closed behind them, they were immediately transported to another, enchanted world of peace and soundlessness.

All around is white and white. Only in the heights do the wind-blown tops of tall weeping birches turn black, and the thin branches seem to be drawn in ink on blue surface of the sky.
Savushkin walked ahead of the teacher, bending down slightly and carefully looking around him.
And the forest kept leading them with its complex, frightened passages. It seemed that there would be no end to these trees, snowdrifts, this silence and sun-pierced darkness.
The path went around a hazel bush, and the forest immediately spread out to the sides. In the middle of the clearing, in white sparkling clothes, huge and majestic, like a cathedral, stood an oak tree. The trees seemed to respectfully part to allow the older brother to unfold in full force. Its lower branches spread out like a tent over the clearing, the snow was packed into the deep wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed stitched with silver threads.
“So here it is, winter oak!” - quickly flashed through my head.
Anna Vasilievna timidly stepped towards the oak tree, and the mighty, generous guardian of the forest quietly shook its branches towards her.
Not at all suspecting what was going on in the teacher’s soul, Savushkin was fiddling around at the foot of the oak tree, casually treating his old acquaintance.
(201 words) (According to Yu. M. Nagibin)

Grammar task

    Determine how words are formed:

Option 1 – path, white-white, stitched, passage

Option 2 – brother, turning, quietly, flight

2. Perform morphemic analysis of words:

Option 1 – drawn, bent down, moved, carefully, narrow.

Option 2 - pierced, parted, looking, silver, timidly

3. Make up a word-formation chain:

Option 1 – parted ways,

Option 2 – drawn.

Test No. 6

Control dictation with language (grammatical) task

on the topic "Morphology"

1. Morning. 2. Through the icy lace covering the window panes, a bright ray of sunlight makes its way into the nursery. 3. Vanya, a boy of about six, with a close-cropped haircut and a nose like a button, and his sister Nina, curly-haired, plump, looking like a bear cub, wake up and look angrily at each other through the bars of their cribs.

4. “Ugh, shameless people! - the nanny grumbles. “Good people have already drunk tea, but you can’t open your eyes.”

5. Vanya looks at the nanny from under his brows and thinks about what to find fault with so as not to burst into tears. 6. But at this time, my mother’s voice comes from the living room: “Don’t forget to give the cat milk, she now has kittens.”

7. In the kitchen there is a small but roomy wrought-iron chest, covered with a torn coat, on which lies a cat. 8.Her eyes, with narrow black pupils, look languidly, sentimentally at the stunned Vanya and Nina. 9.They brought her butter dumplings, begged from the nanny. 10. Near the chest is Stepan’s simple household goods: neatly stacked logs and a zinc box in which he carries coke when he lights the fireplace. 11. The squeak of kittens can be heard from this box.

12. Children squat down and, without moving, holding their breath, look at the cat and kittens. 13.They are surprised, amazed and do not hear the nanny who is chasing them grumbling. 14. Having looked at the kittens, the children take them from under the cat and begin to knead them in their hands, then, not satisfied with this, they skillfully wrap them in matting and, squealing, run into the rooms.

15. “Mom, the cat has given birth!” - they shout.

16. Until lunchtime, despite the hot protests of the nanny, the children are busy with the kittens; their faces are concentrated and express concern.

(228 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)

Grammar task

    Execute morphological analysis the following words:

Option 1 – bright (ray), angrily, chasing (nanny);

Option 2 – after looking at it, covered (chest), curly.

2. Parse the sentence

Option 1 - No. 1

Option 2 - No. 2

Test No. 6

Assignments on the topic “Morphology”

Option I

    From sentences 1-3, write down the verb(s) in the 3l form. plural present time.

Test No. 6

Assignments on the topic “Morphology”

Option II


Test No. 6

Assignments on the topic “Morphology”

Option II

    From sentences 1-3, write down the verb(s) in the 3l form. units present time.

    From sentences 7-8, write down all the adverbs.

    From sentences 9-10, write down all the pronouns.

    From sentences 15-16, write down the derived preposition.

    From sentences 14-15, write down all participles.

    From sentences 14-16, write out the possessive pronoun

    From sentences 10-12, write down all the particles.


Test No. 6

Assignments on the topic “Morphology”

Option I

    From sentences 1-3, write down the verb(s) in the 3l form. plural present time.

    From sentences 5-6, write down all the adverbs.

    From sentences 7-8, write down all the pronouns.

    From sentences 9-10, write down the derived preposition.

    From sentences 12-13, write down all participles.

    From sentences 10-13, write down the demonstrative pronoun.

    From sentences 4-5, write down all the particles.

Test No. 6

Control dictation with language (grammatical) task

on the topic "Morphology"

1. Morning. 2.Through the l...dya(n,nn)y circles...w...covering the glass(n,nn) glass...rays...a bright sunbeam(s) shines into the child. 3. Vanya, a boy of about six years old, with a haircut, with a nose like a button...vits(s), and his sister Nina, curly, plump...n, similar to a bear...n , they pour out and through the bars of the beds they stare...angrily at each other.

4. “Oh, be (s, ss) tydniks! - the nanny roars. “Good people have already drunk tea, but you (can’t) keep your eyes open.”

5. Vanya (is) looking at the nanny from under his brows and thinking about what (to) find fault with (not) to earn money. 6. But at this time, my mother’s voice comes from the guest (n, nn) ​​Don’t forget to give the cat a m... lock, she now has a cat.

7. In the kitchen there is a (not) large but capacious forged chest... to the bed (n, nn) ​​a padded (n, nn) ​​finger... on which the cat lies. 8.Her eyes, with... black pupils... look languidly, with... sentimentality at the stunned (n, nn)s of Vanya and Nina. 9. They brought her some butter dumplings that they begged (n, nn) ​​from the nanny. 10.Near the chest nestled Stepan’s (un)complicated household a(k,kk)very complex(n,nn)y p...lens and a c...nk box...check in which he t...skates coke when he drowns to...min. 11. From this box you can hear the squeak of...k...kats.

12. The children squat down and (not) moving, holding their breath, look at the cat and kittens. 13. They are surprised (n, nn) ​​astonished (n, nn) ​​and (don’t) hear the nanny… growling as she chases (after) them. 14. Having the kittens, the children will...take them (from) under the cat and crush them in their hands, then (not)satisfied...with this and (s,ss)ku (s,ss)but the head... They wear their horns and vi(h,f) run to the rooms.

15. Mommy cat has come to her senses! they shout.

16. Until lunchtime (not) despite the nanny’s heated pr...tests, the children are busy with the kittens; their faces are concentrated and express concern.

(228 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)

Test No. 7

Summer morning

It was a quiet summer morning. The sun was already quite high in the sky blue sky, but the fields still glistened with dew. A fragrant freshness wafted from the recently awakened valleys, and in the forest, still damp and completely silent, unusually vocal birds sang cheerfully. At the top of a gentle hill, covered from top to bottom with newly blooming rye, a small village could be seen. To this village, first along the narrow country road, and then straight across the field, singing in a low voice, walked a young woman, (1) in a white dress, in a round straw hat and with an umbrella in her hands. The Cossack boy followed her from a distance. She walked slowly, as if enjoying the walk, often stopping and looking at the fancy juniper bushes. All around, on the high, unsteady face, shimmering now with silver-green, now pale yellow ripples, they ran with a soft rustle long waves, the larks were ringing overhead.

The young woman was coming from her own village, which was no more than a mile away from the village where she was heading, and her name was Alexandra Pavlovna Lipina.

Soon Alexandra Pavlovna reached the village, stopped at the last hut, extremely shabby and low, and for the first time addressed the Cossack, ordering him to go inside the hut and there ask for the health of the owner. The Cossack boy soon returned, and after him came out a decrepit little man with a white beard and bulging eyes. Alexandra Pavlovna quickly greeted him and immediately entered the hut. It was cramped and stuffy. Someone fussed, and groaned, and scratched on the couch. Alexandra Pavlovna quickly looked around and saw in the twilight the yellow head of an old woman, wrinkled with age, tied with a checkered, long-worn scarf. Covered to the very chest with a heavy overcoat, she breathed with difficulty, weakly spreading her arms and gasping for air.

    – possible absence of a comma

Test No. 7

Grade 10

Final control dictation with a language (grammatical) task

Copy the text by inserting missing letters and missing punctuation marks.

Summer morning

It was a quiet summer morning. The sun is already quite high... in the blue... sky... but the fields are still (still) shining... From the (recently) long...wakened long...lengths came fragrant freshness...and in the still damp and completely (not) noisy weight...lo...the hairy birds...were spread onto the r...bone. On the... top of the... flat h... lm (from) the top (to) the bottom of the... covered with a newly bloomed... rye... there was a (not) big rhubarb. I started to go to this rhubarb girl... along this...street...village road and (beyond) straight across the field a young...woman was walking (in) voices, in a white dress..., in a round with... crowbar hat... and with a zone...tic in his hands. The (from) a distance followed...the shaft (behind) her. She walked (slowly) as if enjoying the walk...often stopping and looking at the wonderful...wonderful bushes of the moss tree. All around, in the high s... (at) the top there was a sound ... of the sting ... ronki.

A m...young woman...was walking from a village that was (not) more than...a distance from the village where she was heading and her name was Al...ksandra Pavlovna Lipina.

(Soon) Al...ksandra Pavlovna reached the village, stopped at the last and...bushka, which was extremely dilapidated and unusable, and (c) first turned to the Cossack...prin...telling him to...go (to) inside and... bushes and there ask... for the health... of the... in-laws. The Cossack...quickly rushed in and (in)following him came a decrepit man...with a white b...ring and protruding eyes. Al...ksandra Pavlovna (on) quickly greeted (him) at (that) hour... went to the hut. It was cramped... and stuffy.... Someone shut up and froze and scratched on his puss. Al...ksandra Pavlovna quickly looked around...and the (semi) darkness the yellow, wrinkled head...of an old woman, bandaged with a (n,nn) gingham... (n,nn)y pl...tcom. P...covered to the very chest with a thick...arm...lump, she breathed with difficulty, weakly...unfolding her arms and gasping for air.

(252 words) (According to I.I. Turgenev)

Control dictations. 10 - 11 grades

Extraordinary days

Voropaev entered Bucharest with a wound that had not yet healed, received in the battle for Chisinau. The day was bright and perhaps a little windy. He flew into the city in a tank with scouts and then was left alone. Strictly speaking, he should have been in the hospital, but is it possible to lie down on the day of entering a dazzling white city seething with excitement? He didn’t sit down until late at night, but kept wandering the streets, engaging in conversations, explaining something, or simply hugging someone without words, and his Chisinau wound healed, as if healed by a magic potion.

And the next wound, accidentally received after Bucharest, although it was lighter than the previous one, healed inexplicably for a long time, almost until Sofia itself.

But when he, leaning on a stick, stepped out of the headquarters bus onto the square in the center of the Bulgarian capital and, without waiting for someone to hug him, began to hug and kiss everyone who fell into his arms, something pinched in the wound, and she froze . He could barely stand on his feet then, his head was spinning, and his fingers were cold - he was so tired during the day, for he spoke for hours in the squares, in the barracks, and even from the pulpit of the church, where he was carried in his arms. He talked about Russia and the Slavs as if he were at least a thousand years old.


There was silence; all that could be heard was the snorting and chewing of the horses and the snoring of the sleeping people. Somewhere a lapwing was crying and occasionally the squeak of snipes could be heard, flying in to see if the uninvited guests had left.

Egorushka, suffocating from the heat, which was especially felt after eating, ran to the sedge and from there looked around the area. He saw the same thing that he had seen before noon: the plain, the hills, the sky, the purple distance. Only the hills were closer, and there was no mill, which remained far back. Having nothing else to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the mud, brought him in his fist to his ear and listened for a long time as he played his violin. When he got tired of the music, he chased a crowd of yellow butterflies that were flying to the sedge for a watering hole, and without noticing, he found himself again near the chaise.

Suddenly, quiet singing was heard. The song, quiet, drawn-out and mournful, similar to crying and barely perceptible to the ear, was heard from the right, now from the left, now from above, now from under the ground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. Yegorushka looked around and did not understand where this strange song came from. Then, when he listened, it began to seem to him that the grass was singing. In her song, she, half-dead, already dead, without words, but plaintively and sincerely convinced someone that she was not to blame for anything, that the sun burned her in vain; she assured that she passionately wanted to live, that she was still young and would be beautiful if it were not for the heat and drought. There was no guilt, but she still asked someone for forgiveness and swore that she was in unbearable pain, sad and sorry for herself.(According to A.P. Chekhov) (241 words)


Often in the fall I would closely watch the falling leaves to catch that imperceptible split second when a leaf leaves the branch and begins to fall to the ground. I've read in old books about the sound of falling leaves, but I've never heard that sound. The rustling of leaves in the air seemed as implausible to me as stories about hearing grass sprouting in the spring.

I was, of course, wrong. Time was needed so that the ear, dulled by the grinding of city streets, could rest and catch the very pure and precise sounds of the autumn land.

There are autumn nights, deaf and silent, when calmness stands over the black forested region.

It was such a night. The lantern illuminated the well, the old maple under the fence and the nasturtium bush tousled by the wind.

I looked at the maple and saw how a red leaf carefully and slowly separated from the branch, shuddered, stopped in the air for an instant and began to fall obliquely at my feet, slightly rustling and swaying. For the first time I heard the rustling of a falling leaf - a vague sound, like a child's whisper.

Dangerous profession

In pursuit of interesting shots photographers and filmmakers often overstep the bounds of reasonable risk.

It is not dangerous, but it is almost impossible to photograph wolves in nature. It is dangerous to photograph lions, very dangerous to photograph tigers. It is impossible to say in advance how a bear will behave - this is a strong and, contrary to the general idea, a very active animal. In the Caucasus, I broke a well-known rule: I climbed a mountain where a mother bear and her cubs were grazing. The calculation was that it was autumn and the mother no longer guarded her offspring so jealously. But I was wrong... When the camera clicked, capturing the two babies, the mother, dozing somewhere nearby, rushed towards me like a torpedo. I understood: under no circumstances should I run - the beast would rush after me. On the spot, the remaining man puzzled the bear: she suddenly braked sharply and, looking intently at me, rushed after the baby.

When photographing animals, you must, firstly, know their habits and, secondly, not get into trouble. All animals, with the exception of the connecting rod bears, tend to avoid meeting people. Analyzing all the misfortunes, you see: man’s carelessness provoked the attack of the beast.

Telephoto lenses have long been invented to photograph animals without frightening them or risking an attack, most often a forced one. In addition, unafraid animals that are not aware of your presence behave naturally. Most of the expressive shots are obtained with knowledge and patience, an understanding of distance, which is unwise and even dangerous to violate.

Path to the lake

The morning dawn is gradually flaring up. Soon a ray of sun will touch the bare treetops in autumn and gild the shining mirror of the lake. And nearby there is a smaller lake, of a bizarre shape and color: the water in it is not blue, not green, not dark, but brownish. They say that this specific shade is explained by the peculiarities of the composition of the local soil, the layer of which covers the lake bottom. Both of these lakes are united under the name Borovye Lakes, as the old-timers of these places dubbed them in ancient times. And to the southeast of Borovye Lakes there are gigantic swamps. These are also former lakes that have been overgrown for decades.

At this early hour of a wonderful golden autumn, we are moving towards a lake with a very unpleasant name - Pognomu Lake. We got up a long time ago, even before dawn, and began to get ready for the road. On the advice of the watchman who sheltered us, we took waterproof raincoats, hunting boots, prepared food for the road so as not to waste time lighting a fire, and set off.

We made our way to the lake for two hours, trying to find convenient approaches. At the cost of supernatural efforts, we overcame the thickets of some tenacious and thorny plant, then half-rotten slums, and an island appeared ahead. Before we reached the wooded hillock, we fell into a thicket of lily of the valley, and its regular leaves, as if aligned by an unknown master who had given them a geometrically precise shape, rustled in front of our faces.

In these thickets we indulged in peace for half an hour. You raise your head, and above you the tops of the pines rustle, resting against the pale blue sky, along which not heavy, but summer-like, semi-airy, fidgety clouds move. Having rested among the lilies of the valley, we again began to look for the mysterious lake. Located somewhere nearby, it was hidden from us by thick growth of grass.(247 words)


Supernatural efforts made by the hero to overcome various kinds road obstacles were not in vain: the visit promised to be by no means uninteresting.

As soon as Chichikov, bending down, entered the dark, wide entryway, built somehow, a cold air immediately blew across him, as if from a cellar. From the hallway he found himself in a room, also dark, with lowered curtains, slightly illuminated by light, not descending from the ceiling, but rising to the ceiling from under a wide crack located at the bottom of the door. Having opened this door, he finally found himself in the light and was overly amazed at the chaos that appeared. It seemed as if the floors were being washed in the house and all the things were brought here and piled up haphazardly. On one table there was even a broken chair and there was a clock with a stopped pendulum, to which the spider had already attached a bizarre web. There was also a cabinet leaning sideways against the wall with antique silver, almost disappeared under a layer of dust, decanters and excellent Chinese porcelain, acquired God knows when. On the bureau, lined with a once lovely mother-of-pearl mosaic, which had already fallen out in places and left behind only yellow grooves filled with glue, lay a great variety of all sorts of things: a bunch of pieces of paper covered with small handwriting, covered with a green marble press with a handle in the shape of an egg on top, some old book in a leather binding with a red edge, a lemon, all dried up, no bigger than a hazelnut, a broken arm of chairs that had long since fallen apart, a glass with some unattractive liquid and three flies, covered with a letter, a piece of a rag picked up somewhere and two feathers stained with ink . To top off the strange interior, several paintings were hung very crampedly and awkwardly on the walls.

(According to N.V. Gogol)


I remember with inexplicable joy my childhood years in the old landowner's house in middle lane Russia.

Quiet, clear summer dawn. The first ray of sun through the loosely closed shutters gilds the tiled stove, freshly painted floors, recently painted walls, hung with pictures on themes from children's fairy tales. What colors shimmering in the sun played here! Against a blue background, lilac princesses came to life, a pink prince took off his sword, rushing to the aid of his beloved, trees glowed blue in the winter frost, and a spring lily of the valley blossomed nearby. And outside the window a lovely summer day is gaining strength.

The dewy freshness of early peony flowers, light and delicate, rushes through the old window, which is wide open.

The low house, hunched over, goes away, grows into the ground, and above it the late lilacs are still blooming wildly, as if they are in a hurry to cover up its squalor with its white-lilac luxury.

Along the narrow wooden steps of the balcony, also rotten from time and swaying under our feet, we go down to swim to the small river located near the house.

After swimming, we lie down to sunbathe not far from the thickets of coastal reeds. A minute or two later, touching a branch of a dense hazel tree growing on the right, closer to the sandy slope, a magpie-babbler lands on a tree. What does she not talk about! A ringing chirping rushes towards her, and, growing, gradually the polyphonic hubbub of birds fills the garden, brightly colored in summer.

After enjoying the swim, we head back. The glass door leading from the terrace is slightly open. On the table in a simple clay pot is a bouquet of skillfully selected, freshly picked, not yet blooming flowers, and next to it, on a snow-white linen napkin, is a plate of honey, over which bright golden toiling bees hover with an even hum.

How easy it is to breathe early morning! How long can I remember this feeling of happiness that you experience only in childhood!

Greatest Shrine

Thanks to the efforts of a dear friend, I received from Russia a small Karelian birch box filled with earth. I belong to people who love things, are not ashamed of feelings and are not afraid of crooked smiles. In youth, this is forgivable and understandable: in youth, we want to be self-confident, reasonable and cruel - to rarely respond to insults, to control our face, to restrain the trembling of our hearts. But the burden of years wins, and strict consistency of feelings no longer seems the best and most important. Now, as I am, I am ready and able to kneel in front of a box with Russian soil and say out loud, without fear of prying ears: “I love you, the land that gave birth to me, and I recognize you as my greatest shrine.”

And no skeptical philosophy, no smart cosmopolitanism will make me ashamed of my sensitivity, because I am guided by love, and it is not subordinate to reason and calculation.

The soil in the box had dried out and turned into lumps of brown dust. I sprinkle it carefully and carefully so as not to waste it on the table, and I think that of all human things, the earth has always been both the most beloved and closest.

For you are dust, and to dust you will return.

(According to M.A. Osorgin)


Early in the morning, as soon as dawn broke, I returned to familiar places along untrodden paths. In the distance, unclear and foggy, I already imagined a picture of my native village. Hastily walking along uncut grass, I imagined how I would approach my house, rickety from antiquity, but still welcoming and dear. I wanted to quickly see the street I knew from childhood, the old well, our front garden with jasmine and rose bushes.

Immersed in my memories, I quietly approached the outskirts and, surprised, stopped at the beginning of the street. At the very edge of the village stood a dilapidated house that had not changed at all since I left here. All these years, for many years, no matter where fate took me, no matter how far I was from these places, I always invariably carried in my heart the image of my home, as a memory of happiness and spring...

Our house! It is, as before, surrounded by greenery. True, there is more vegetation here. In the center of the front garden, a large rose bush grew, on which a delicate rose bloomed. The flower garden is neglected, weeds are intertwined in the flowerbeds and paths that have grown into the ground, not cleared by anyone and not covered with sand for a long time. The wooden lattice, far from new, was completely peeling, dried out and fell apart.

Nettles occupied an entire corner of the flower garden, as if they served as a backdrop for a delicate pale pink flower. But next to the nettle there was a rose, and nothing else.

The rose blossomed on a fine May morning; when she opened her petals, the morning dew left a few tears on them, in which the sun played. Rose was definitely crying. But everything around was so beautiful, so clean and clear on this spring morning...


Behind the large house there was an old garden, already wild, drowned out by weeds and bushes. I walked along the terrace, still strong and beautiful; through the glass door one could see a room with a parquet floor, which must have been the living room; an antique piano, and on the walls there are engravings in wide mahogany frames - and nothing more. All that remained of the former flower beds were peonies and poppies, which raised their white and bright red heads from the grass; along the paths, stretching out and interfering with each other, grew young maples and elms, already plucked by cows. It was dense, and the garden seemed impenetrable, but this was only near the house, where poplars, pines and old linden trees of the same age still stood, surviving from the previous alleys, and further behind them the garden was cleared for haymaking, and there was no more hovering, no cobwebs were getting into your mouth or eyes, the breeze was blowing; The further inland, the more spacious, and already there were cherries, plums, spreading apple trees and pears growing in the open space so tall that one could not even believe that they were pears. This part of the garden was rented by our city traders, and it was guarded from thieves and starlings by a foolish man who lived in a hut.

The garden, thinning out more and more, turning into a real meadow, descended to the river, overgrown with green reeds and willows; near the mill dam there was a stretch, deep and fishy, ​​a small mill with a thatched roof was making an angry noise, frogs were croaking furiously. On the water, smooth as a mirror, circles occasionally moved, and the river lilies trembled, disturbed by the cheerful fish. The quiet blue reach beckoned, promising coolness and peace.


It happens that in the forest of some golden-red pine tree a twig will fall out of the white pine body. A year or two will pass, and this hole will be inspected by the dawn - a small bird exactly the same color as the bark of a pine tree. This bird will drag feathers, hay, fluff, twigs into an empty twig, build itself a warm nest, jump out onto a branch and sing. And so the bird begins spring.

After some time, or even right there, after the bird, a hunter comes and stops by a tree, waiting for the evening dawn.

But then the song thrush, from some height on the hill, the first to see signs of dawn, whistled its signal. The dawn bird responded to him, flew out of the nest and, jumping from branch to branch higher and higher, from there, from above, she also saw the dawn and responded to the song thrush’s signal with her own signal. The hunter, of course, heard the thrush's signal and saw how the dawn bird flew out, he even noticed that the dawn dawn, a small bird, opened its beak, but he simply did not hear that it made a sound: the voice of the little bird did not reach the ground.

The birds were already praising the dawn above, but the man standing below could not see the dawn. The time has come - dawn rose over the forest, the hunter saw: high on a twig, a bird would open its beak, then close it. This is the dawn singing, the dawn is praising the dawn, but the song cannot be heard. The hunter still understands in his own way that the bird is glorifying the dawn, and why he doesn’t hear the song is because it sings to glorify the dawn, and not to glorify itself in front of people.

And so we believe that as soon as a person begins to glorify the dawn, and not the dawn itself, then the spring of the person himself begins. All our real amateur hunters, from the youngest and common man to the greatest, they breathe only in order to glorify spring. And how many such good people are there in the world, and none of them knows anything good about themselves, and everyone will get used to him that no one will even guess about him how good he is, that he only exists in the world to glorify the dawn and begin your spring as a human being.


The dawn was breaking, it was getting fresh, and it was time for me to get ready for the road. Having passed through dense reed thickets, making my way through a thicket of bent willows, I went out to the bank of the small river and quickly found my flat-bottomed boat. Before leaving, I checked the contents of my canvas bag. Everything was in place: a can of pork stew, smoked and stewed fish, a loaf of black bread, condensed milk, a skein of strong twine and many other things needed on the road.

Having pulled away from the shore, I let go of the oars, and the boat quietly drifted downstream. Three hours later, around the bend of the river, the gilded domes of the church appeared clearly visible against the background of lead clouds on the horizon, but, according to my calculations, it was still not close to the city.

After walking a few steps along the cobbled street, I decided to repair my boots, or boots, that had been wet for a long time. The shoemaker was a dashing man of gypsy appearance. There was something unusually attractive in the precise movements of his muscular arms.

Having satisfied my hunger in the nearest cafe, where I had beetroot borscht, liver with stewed potatoes and borzh at my service, I went to wander around the city. My attention was drawn to the plank stage, where multi-colored flags fluttered. The juggler had already finished his performance and bowed. He was replaced by a freckled dancer with reddish bangs and a yellow silk fan in her hands. After dancing some kind of dance that resembled tap dancing, she gave way to a clown in a star-shaped tights. But the poor fellow was devoid of talent and was not at all funny with his antics and jumps.

Having walked around almost the entire town in half an hour, I settled down for the night on the river bank, covering myself with an old waterproof raincoat.



Yegorushka listened for a while, and it began to seem to him that the mournful, drawn-out song made the air more stuffy, hotter and more motionless... (220 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)

Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, checked by stress. Spelling of vowels not checked by stress. Spelling n And nn in adjectives; noun endings; indefinite pronouns with - That; adverbs; Not And neither With in different parts speeches; derivative prepositions; particles would with other words.

Punctuation marks in complex and complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Punctuation marks for homogeneous members of a sentence (with repeated conjunctions and with a generalizing word); at separate definitions expressed by adjectives and participial phrases; at comparative turnover.


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

(“zero” slice).


Egorushka, suffocating from the heat, which was especially noticeable now after eating, ran to the sedge and from here looked around the area. He saw the same thing that he had seen before noon: the plain, the hills, the sky, the purple distance. From behind the rocky hill rose another, wider one; a small village of five or six courtyards was built on it. There were no people, no trees, no shadows visible near the huts, as if the village had suffocated in the hot air and dried up. Having nothing better to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the grass.

Suddenly, quiet singing was heard. Somewhere not nearby, a woman was singing. The song, quiet, drawn-out and mournful, similar to crying and barely perceptible to the ear, was heard now to the right, now to the left, now from above, now from underground, as if an invisible spirit was hovering over the steppe and singing. Yegorushka looked around and did not understand where this strange song came from. Then, when he listened, it began to seem to him that it was the grass that was singing. In her song, she, half-dead, already dead, without words, but plaintively and sincerely convinced someone that she was not to blame for anything, that the sun burned her in vain; she assured that she passionately wanted to live, that she was still young and would be beautiful if it were not for the heat and drought; there was no guilt, but she still asked someone for forgiveness and swore that she was in unbearable pain, sad and sorry for herself.

Yegorushka listened for a while, and it began to seem to him that the mournful, drawn-out song made the air more stuffy, hotter and more motionless... (220 words) (According to A.P. Chekhov)


    Parse the words according to their composition: strange, sun, listened

    Perform phonetic analysis of words: Egorushka, singing.

    Parse the sentence syntactically.

Having nothing better to do, Yegorushka caught the violinist in the grass.


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

(“zero” slice).

From early childhood to old age, a person’s entire life is continuously connected with language.

The child has not yet learned to speak properly, but his ears are already catching the murmur old wives' tales, a mother's lullaby. But fairy tales and jokes are a language.

A teenager goes to school. A young man goes to college or university. Through the lively conversations of teachers, through the pages of hundreds of books, he sees for the first time the immensely complex Universe reflected in words. Through the word, he learns for the first time about what his eyes have not yet seen.

The new person is related to ancient thoughts, with those that formed in the heads of people thousands of years before his birth. He himself gains the opportunity to address his great-grandchildren who will live centuries after his death. And all this thanks to language.

And you, and I, and each of us - we all think constantly. Is it possible to think without words?

Everything that people do in the truly human world is done with the help of language. Without it, it is impossible to work in concert, together with others. Without his help it is unthinkable to move science, technology, crafts, and art forward one step further.


    Write down the keywords of the text.

    Find synonyms and antonyms for the words:

joyful -


written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Renaissance Art.



written test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Renaissance Art.

What was new in the art of the Renaissance was that ideas about deity and heavenly powers are no longer interpreted as an incomprehensible mystery and, most importantly, this art is imbued with faith in man, by virtue of his mind, creative possibilities.

Art sought not only to fill churches and palaces, but also to find a place for itself in city squares, street intersections, on the facades of houses and in their interiors. It was difficult to find a person indifferent to art. Princes, merchants, artisans, clergy, and monks were often people knowledgeable in art, customers and patrons of artists.

The development of art was greatly facilitated by the fact that big cities quickly acquired wealth accumulated. But easy success did not spoil even the most greedy artists for fame and profit, since the strict principles of the guild organization of artistic work were still strong. Young people were trained by working as assistants to a mature master, which is why the artists knew the craft so well. Works of art were created with care and love. Even in cases where they do not bear the imprint of talent or genius, we are invariably admired by beautiful craftsmanship.

(From the encyclopedia of a young artist) (168 words)


    Select a complex sentence from the text and perform syntactic analysis.

    Write down phrases with the most frequently occurring word in the text.

First half of the year

1 quarter


When the boy was sat down, he seemed to calm down somewhat. Despite the strange sensation that filled his entire being, he still began to discern individual sounds. Dark gentle waves continued to rush uncontrollably, and it seemed to him that they were penetrating inside his body. But now they brought with them either the bright trill of a lark, or the quiet rustle of a blossoming birch tree, or the barely audible splashes of the river. A swallow whistled with its light wing, describing strange circles nearby, and the midges rang.

But the boy could not grasp these as a whole, could not connect them. They seemed to fall, penetrating into the dark head, sometimes quiet, unclear, sometimes loud, bright, deafening. At times they crowded together, mingling unpleasantly into an incomprehensible disharmony.

And the wind from the field kept whistling in his ears, and it seemed to the boy that the waves were moving faster and their roar obscured all other sounds. And as the sounds faded, a feeling of some kind of tickling languor flowed into the boy’s chest. The face twitched with rhythmic tints running across it; the eyes closed and then opened again, the eyebrows moved anxiously, and a question, a heavy effort of thought and imagination, made its way through all the features. The consciousness, not yet strengthened and overflowing with new sensations, began to exhaust itself: it was still struggling with the impressions surging from all sides, trying to stand among them, merge them into one whole and thus master them, defeat them.

But the task was beyond the capabilities of the child’s dark brain, which lacked visual representations for this work.

The boy groaned quietly and leaned back onto the grass. His mother quickly turned to him and also screamed; he lay on the grass in a deep faint. (245 words) (According to V.G. Korolenko)

Spelling of prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

Spelling of vowels and consonants in the root of a word; vowel in verb suffixes. Spelling adverbs.

Punctuation marks for homogeneous parts of a sentence; in sentences with isolated members; in complex and non-union complex sentences. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with different types of connections.


Chekhov is on his way.

(I. Stepanov)

3rd quarter


Chekhov is on his way.

We have already experienced a lot of painful road inconveniences and disappointments, but nowhere have we seen such a difficult road, such an impassable crossroads, as between Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk. Here, together with the coachmen, we had to fight the cold, spring slush, colossal river floods, and dirty pits without rest. How many times has the cart broken down! How long it was necessary to sit on the banks of various rivers in the rain, cold, wind and spend days and nights waiting for ferries and boats. And how sad it was to get off the cart and splash through icy puddles, mud, in felt boots, swear, not sleep for twenty-four and thirty hours in a row, eat only bread and tea, and even go hungry in the provincial towns of Siberia, because you couldn’t get a single sausage in the shops , no cheese, no meat, and not even herring.

He never lacked life observations. The impressions of his adolescence and youth were not forgotten, and as an artist he was able to expand them, tone them, and thanks to this, sitting

on Malaya Dmitrovka in Moscow, he could write 120 - 130 stories a year. But on the road, I barely had time to keep a travel diary, send short letters to relatives and small correspondence to Suvorin for Novoye Vremya.

A whitish fog crawled low along the ground. It was gloomy in the silent ocean of the cold taiga. The cold was inexorably pestering, and it already seemed that summer would never come in Siberia.

It was sad to look at the ugly road, which seemed

some kind of monstrous black smallpox had destroyed everything; it was even sadder to think that this road, deadly for people and horses, was the only thread along which civilization stretched from Europe to Siberia. (250 words)

(I. Stepanov)


annual test

in Russian (dictation)

in 11th grade

Another day passed, and the hussar completely recovered. He was extremely cheerful, joked incessantly with Dunya, then with the caretaker, whistled songs, talked with passers-by, entering their travel documents in the postal book, and the kind caretaker liked him so much that on the third morning he was sorry to part with his beloved guest. The day was Sunday; Dunya was getting ready for mass. The hussar was given a wagon. He said goodbye to the caretaker and Dunya and volunteered to take her to the church, which was located on the edge of the village. Dunya stood in bewilderment.

“What are you afraid of? “- her father said to her, “after all, his honor is not a wolf and will not eat you: take a ride to the church.” Dunya sat down in the wagon next to the hussar, the servant jumped onto the handle, whistled, and the horses galloped off.

The poor caretaker did not understand how he could allow his Duna to ride with the hussar, how blindness came over him and what happened to his mind then. Less than half an hour had passed before his heart began to ache, and anxiety took possession of him to such an extent that he could not resist and went to mass himself.

(A.S. Pushkin. Stationmaster) (172 words)


    Find outdated words in the text and give them an interpretation.

    Sort out the words according to their composition: deliver, third, guest, blind, allow.

    Select an offer with various types connections and perform parsing.

Collection of dictations

in Russian for grades 1-4

Nurieva Gulnara Asylbekovna

IN this collection texts for verification work in Russian with grammar tasks for grades 1-4.

The use of this manual will provide practical assistance to primary school teachers.


The collection of dictations for grades 1-4 is intended for primary school teachers, as well as for parents.

Dictations serve as a means of testing spelling and punctuation skills. This type of work allows the teacher to have data on the level of knowledge and skills of each student individually in the classes as a whole, to identify gaps in knowledge and to provide timely assistance to students and eliminate deficiencies.

This collection contains dictations with grammar tasks.

All texts and assignments in the collection are arranged in order of increasing difficulty.

The use of this manual will provide practical assistance not only to primary school teachers, but also to students in replenishing their vocabulary, improving literacy.

1 class

Basic requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of 1st grade students

Students should be able to:

1) correctly pronounce sounds and designate them with letters;

2) correctly write all the letters of the Russian alphabet (printed and written, lowercase and capital), combine them in a syllable or word in accordance with existing calligraphy standards, draw up a sound-letter diagram;

3) copy words and sentences from handwritten and printed text (no more than 10 words); write sentences (3-4 words), text (more than 10-15 characters);

4) correctly format sentences in writing (capital letter in the first word of a sentence, period at the end of a sentence);

5) write words under dictation (5-6 words), the spelling of which does not differ from the pronunciation;

6) apply some spelling rules in writing (translation of words into syllables (the simplest cases); capital letters in children’s first and last names, animal names);

7) distinguish a stressed syllable, put an accent mark in a word.

Exercises and techniques used to develop phonetic skills in 1st grade.

Phonetic dictations.

  1. Underline all the vowels with a red pencil.

A, g, p, t, o, y, k, s, e, s, w, i, f, a, t, i.

  1. Underline green soft consonants, blue - hard consonants.

Mu, mo, te, sa, va, ve, sya, ve, tyu, dy, re, di, ry, bi, gy.

  1. Perform a sound analysis of the words in a sentence.

Laura washed her hands.

  1. Write the syllables in two lines.

Sa, zo, zi, osu, isa, asa, si, ava.

  1. Fill in the missing letters S or Z.

amok, mu yka, ro oh, I'll take it A,

kra ka, ma lo, ve_na.

6.Read the sentence, insert the missing letters.

The orobey flew into the orbit.

7. Divide the words into syllables:

School, pencil case, desk, pen, pencil, textbook, notebook.

Milk, bread, candy, apple, butter, potatoes, radishes, carrots.

Astana, Kazakhstan, steppes, Motherland, Baiterek, street, yurt.

Pan, bowl, plate, teapot, cauldron, spoon, knife.

8.Distribute the words into columns, put emphasis in each word: 1 column with voiced consonants at the end of the word, 2 columns with voiceless consonants at the end

A) Snowdrift, sheepskin coat, coat of arms, dove, tooth, club, forehead, pillar, oak bread, soup, sickle, chain, dill, mushroom,

B) Eyebrow, fine, beak, catch, lion, carrot, cliff, sowing, roar, sleeve, barn, scarf, island, shoes, closet, blood,

C) Diary, enemy, friend, juice, apron, circle, cry, meadow, ravine, onion pie, snow, boot, hook, syllable, varnish, haystack, hammer, horn, beetle, cottage cheese, tongue, iron, park, flag , fisherman, step, south, tank, side, bull, wolf, tie, beep sound, poppy, hunter, sand, cancer, lesson, tank, shore.

D) Robe, year, nail, city, grandfather, bow, rain, report, twig, blackbird, round dance, factory, honey, horse, fireworks, bear, ice, people, outfit, elevator, vegetable garden, lunch, squad, parade, fruit, square, fleet, hike, train, pond, glad, garden, trace, warehouse, notebook, cold, bandage, brother, buffet, screw, guest, bouquet, bone.

E) Hour, watermelon, cart, eye, dirt, ear, frost, bottom, sailor, story, dog, state farm, basin, waltz, taste, to, weight, voice, goose, forest, collective farm, elk, cargo, nose, prize, oats

E) March, luggage, garage, hut, hedgehog, knife, beach, swift, pencil, watchman, grass snake, lily of the valley siskin, reed, experience, ruff.

9.Write from dictation (zhi-shi)

Dinner, skis, liquid, car, giraffe, spikes, jug, sew. Cones

  1. Write from dictation (cha-sha)

Thicket, locust, clock, grove, cup, dacha, tea, sorrel, food.

  1. Write from dictation (chu-chu)

Pike, miracle, dragging, looking, stockings, stuffed animal, stranger, let go, pull out.

Test write-off

Nurlan has a drawing of a lynx.

Alma has a drawing of a cat.

Rear: Write off. Underline the vowels in each sentence

Marat has a braid. And Myra has a braid.

Saule has a pencil.

Rear: Write off. All words are divided into syllables.

My motherland is Kazakhstan!

Astana is the capital of our homeland.

Rear: Write off. Emphasize soft consonants

There is a tree by the road.

A bird is sitting on a tree.

Rear: Write off. Divide all words into syllables and place emphasis.

Dew dripped from the leaf.

A gopher burrow in the steppe. Birds fly over the steppe.

Rear: Write off. Find and underline the voiceless consonants with a simple pencil

Control cheating

Cat Barsik.

The cat has fluffy paws and ears. And the antennae are long. The claws are sharp.

Rear: Write off. Underline all voiced consonants with a simple pencil

Winter has come. I am going to the forest. The snow crunches. There is a stand at the edge of the forest. A squirrel hid in the thick paws of a spruce tree.


Danat and Gulmira lived in the village. They had a dog, Druzhok. My friend lived in the yard. The children loved Druzhka.

In summer.

In summer, siskins sing. Swifts are flying. Lilies of the valley are blooming in the forest. Hedgehogs rustle under the tree. The guys are looking for pine cones in the forest.

In autumn.

The wet wind rustles in the garden. The grass in the steppe has died. The shepherds stopped driving their flocks to the jailau.

Test dictation

Serik has a cat. Vaska was rolling a ball. They played happily.

Erlan is small. He washed his hands himself. The boy loves cleanliness.

Summer has flown by. Tanya went to school. She drew a picture.

In the village.

We live in a village. My dad drives a truck. Mom takes care of the animals. I will also work in the village. I will build big houses for people.

Grammar task:

Underline the words with the spelling zhi-shi


I wake up early. Am brushing my teeth. My things are in place. I'm not looking for them. I study well. I often go skiing and ice skating. I want to be strong. I'll fly to the stars.

Grammar task:

Underline the words spelled chu-schu, cha-sha.

Who lives where?

The owl lives in a hollow. The fox lives in a hole. The bear sleeps in a den. Rook's nest house. And the fish live in the house.

Grammar task:

Place stress and underline unstressed vowels

Option 1 Option 2

Owl Bear

In a hole In a den


Mom and dad came home from work. Askhat set the table. He put the cakes on the table. He poured milk into glasses.

After dinner, Askhat cleared everything from the table. He washed the dishes.

Grammar task:


Option 2

Underline the words that answer the question What?

Visual dictations

Set No. 1
1. Children sing.
2. Anwar is sleeping.
3. The owl hoots.
4. The milk is boiling.
5. Milana has a leaf.
6. The sun is shining.

Set No. 2
1. Beautiful watch.
2. A maple tree grows here.
3. Margarita has glue.

4.The wind howls in the steppe.
Morning has come.
Arthur carries mushrooms.
Set No. 3
1. Alisher grew an onion.
2. The cow gives milk.
3. Children play happily.
4. They bought a book for Kirill.
5. Barsik laps milk.
6. Julia reads well.

Set No. 4
1. A sparrow jumps on the roof.
2. Nargiza washes the dishes.
3. Aliya wiped the board.
4. A car drove out onto the road.
5. Arthur has clean hands.
6. Pinocchio goes to school.

2nd grade

Requirements for the level of preparation of 2nd grade students

Upon completion of grade 2, students should be able to:

  1. Distinguish between sounds in speech: vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants, voiceless and voiced consonants; pronounce them correctly and designate them with letters;
  2. Find an unstressed vowel in a word, verified and not verified by stress; pronounce it correctly; be able to apply methods for checking unstressed vowels (changing the form of a word, selecting words with the same root);
  3. Recognize paired consonant sounds (voiceless and voiced) in a word at the end and in the middle of a word; pronounce and write them correctly; be able to apply a method for checking them - select a test word;
  4. Denote the softness of a consonant in a word with the letters E, E, I, Yu, I and a soft sign (b);
  5. Write words with b sign at the end and middle of a word. With dividing soft (b) and hard (b) signs;
  6. Write words with combinations chk-, -chn-, -schn-; live-shi, cha-sha, chu-schu;
  7. Transfer words into syllables, words with the letters J and B, with double consonants;
  8. Perform sound-letter analysis of words; analysis of sentences by members (main members - subject and predicate, secondary members);
  9. Parse words according to their composition: find the ending, root, prefix, suffix; graphically indicate significant parts of a word;
  10. Select words with the same root;
  11. Write words with diminutive suffixes -onk, - enk-; words with prefixes, according, about, from, for, in, pere, etc., which do not change in writing;
  12. Recognize parts of speech (noun, adjective, verb, preposition) by question and meaning; determine their grammatical features (gender, number);
  13. Write b at the end of nouns female after hissing ones;
  14. Capitalize proper names (animal names, first and last names of people, geographical names);
  15. Select nouns, adjectives, verbs, similar and opposite in meaning, use them in oral and written speech;
  16. Use words in speech speech etiquette: apology, request, gratitude, greeting, farewell;
  17. Compose sentences, find the main and minor members of the sentence;
  18. Read sentences with the intonation of a message, question, order, request. Observe pauses when reading sentences;
  19. Write sentences with a capital letter; put punctuation marks at the end of sentences (period, question mark);
  20. Find prepositions, write prepositions with words correctly, distinguish between a preposition and a prefix;
  21. Determine the topic of the text, divide the text into semantic parts, title the text in accordance with the topic; compose text according to key words, for questions. Restore the sequence of action development in the text. Create a question plan for the text.
  22. Write vocabulary dictations of 6-8 words; educational and control dictations 25-30 words; presentations – 40-50 words, essays – 4-6 sentences.

Input control dictation


It's a warm morning. Alpamys has new fishing rods. He runs to the pond. The boy cast his fishing rod. There was a pike on the hook, and then a bream. Grandma Aida cooked fish soup.

Dictation No. 1

Aigul had a siskin. Siskin in a cage. He didn't sing. Why doesn't the siskin sing? Aigul released the siskin into the wild. In the garden he began to sing all day. He flew from bush to bush and sang. Then he flew off into the grove. That's when he started singing!

Grammar task:

Underline capital letter at the beginning of every sentence.

Dictation No. 2

Autumn in the forest.

Beautiful in the forest in autumn. The trees put on their autumn attire. Yellow, red and brown leaves litter the ground. Squirrels look for nuts and hide them in a hollow. The hedgehog found a mushroom and took it to the hole. The birds have already flown south. Quiet in the forest. You can only hear the leaves rustling under your feet.

Grammar task:

Choose test words

Option 1 Option 2

In the forest - Autumn -

Dictation No. 3


Snowy winter has arrived. There are big snowdrifts everywhere. Lakes and rivers froze. The fields and hills were covered with a fluffy white carpet. Low trees and bushes. It was covered with snow. It's bitterly cold. Cold wind is blowing. It's hard for birds. The guys hung feeders in the garden.

Grammar task:

1) Choose words with the same root

Option 1 Option 2

Frost Fields

Snow River

2) Choose a test word

Feeder Carpet

Dictation No. 4

Winter has come. The oak and birch fell asleep until spring. Spruce and pine put on winter attire. They covered themselves with snow scarves. Animal tracks in the snow. The fox is looking for prey. The hare hid in the bushes. Lies all around fluffy snow. The forest is beautiful in winter!

Grammar task:

1. Write related words from the text. Put emphasis on them.

2. Highlight the endings and roots in words

Option 1 Option 2

Birch Trace

Pine Snow

Dictation No. 5


Nurlan and his parents went to the capital of Kazakhstan. The Ishim River flows in Astana. Nurlan and his dad went for a walk around the city. We came to Ryskulov Avenue. We walked along the embankment. There are many monuments in the capital. This city is beautiful even at night. The fireworks in honor of the city holiday were especially wonderful!

Grammar task:

  1. Determine the number of nouns

Option 1 Option 2

Monuments With parents

Salyut River

  1. Write out feminine nouns from the text.

Dictation No. 6

Winter in the forest.

The winter sun began to play over the forest. Rays of bright light lit the snow with an amber shine. The flexible branches of birch trees were decorated with silvery frost. A nimble squirrel jumped from a spruce branch to a neighboring tree. A mouse squeaked under a hummock in a winter nest. Handsome black grouse flew out of the soft snow, settled on birch trees and began pecking at the fragrant buds.

Grammar task:

  1. Specify the number of the adjective

Option 1 Option 2

Winter Bright

Scented Flexible

  1. Determine the gender of adjectives

Agile Neighboring

Dictation No. 7


The sun is shining. The snow is melting. Icicles are crying. The ice on the river has cracked. Fast seagulls circle above the water. The bear woke up. An elk and a calf came out to the river. Woodpeckers knock loudly. The hare sat down on a stump. Animals and birds are happy about the warmth and spring.

Grammar task:

  1. Determine the number of the verb

Option 1 Option 2

Melt Cracked

Shining Out

  1. Underline the noun, adjective, verb.

Fast seagulls circle above the water.

Dictation No. 8


April has arrived. The last shreds of snow are disappearing. A light haze dissipated in the forest. The air has become significantly warmer. The rooks have already taken their quarters on the tops of the birches. They mercilessly break last year's shoots with their strong beaks in order to repair old nests.

Grammar task:

A light haze dissipated in the forest.

The last shreds of snow are disappearing.

Dictation No. 9

Traffic light.

A traffic light was installed at the corner of the intersection. It burns all day. A red light stops traffic, and a green light allows it. Yellow light warns. A traffic light protects our lives with its signals. You need to know the traffic lights.

Every student should remember this. Then there will be no accidents with children on the roads in our village.

Grammar task:

  1. Underline the main and minor parts of the sentence

Yellow light warns.

It burns all day.

  1. Determine the gender and number of nouns

Traffic light Student

Road Signals

Dictation No. 10

Summer is coming soon.

Summer is coming soon. A walk into the forest awaits us. The dog Barbos and the cat Murka are coming with us

Last summer, in the wilderness, we found a very large porcini mushroom. The forest greeted us with the ringing songs of birds. Behind the forest there is a meadow and a river. Lush greenery and bright forest flowers grew in the forest clearing.

Grammar task:

1) Underline the main and minor parts of the sentence

The sky was overcast.

The path is overgrown with grass.

2) Do a phonetic analysis of words

Greens Wormwood

Native Kazakhstan.

Our rivers are wide. Our forests are dense. Nice spacious fields. How many do we have big cities and small villages! There is a lot of construction going on in our country. Wonderful people live and work everywhere. The sentries of the Motherland stand at our borders.

Grammar task:

Choose 3 words spelled chu-shu

Choose 3 words with the spelling cha-sha

Our class.

I am eight years old. I'm in second grade. This is my school. Our classroom is spacious and bright. Asem and Temirlan wiped the dust off their desks. Gauhar and Milana watered the flowers. Our teacher Tatyana Aleksandrovna handed out notebooks.

Grammar task:

1 .From the last sentence, write down the words that answer the questions who? What?

2. Underline the capital letter in proper names.


A woodpecker sat on a birch tree. There he had a workshop for peeling cones. He ran along the trunk with a bump on his beak to a familiar place. He placed the cone in his workshop and started working.

Grammar task:

  1. Underline the words with the same root: mountain, mountain, mountainous, burn, bitter.
  2. Divide to hyphenate words:

Woodpecker, hares, birch, earned money, housing.

New form.

Second-grader Mukhtar was bought a new school uniform. Everything on her shines: the buttons and the belt. There are boots on his feet. They are also new and also shiny. Not a speck of dust on them.

Grammar task:

1.Underline the nouns.

2. Identify animate nouns and inanimate names nouns

Visual dictations

Set No. 1
1. Children are reading a book.
2. The raspberries have ripened in the garden.
3. Ruslan solved the problem at the board.
4. The magpie sat on the roof of the house.
5. Brother gave Radik a book.
6. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.
Set No. 2
1. Children play football.
2. Vaska the cat laps milk.
3. White fluffy snow fell.
4. Adil was skiing down the hill.
5. The sun shines brightly and warms.
6. Pupils read poetry.
Set No. 3
1. A large and prickly hedgehog snorts.
2. My sister works at a factory.
3. A hungry wolf is prowling the forest.

A warm, humid wind blows from the south.
5. The crow flew up onto a pine branch.
6. A woodpecker is pecking a tree with its beak.
Set No. 4
1. Mom is reading.
2. There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest.
3. The guys are playing happily.
4. Timur has a blank notebook.
5. We love to go to nature.
6. A cow is grazing in the meadow.

Control cheating

We were waiting for winter. We called for winter. There are snowdrifts near the house. Nurzhamal rolls a ball of snow. Here comes the snow woman. Baurzhan and Nurzhamal play happily.

Roses for mom

Beautiful bushes grew in the garden. These were roses. They were raised by Erlan and Yura. Nice roses! The boys cut three roses for their mother.

Bird food

Fluffy snow all around. He falls quietly to the ground. The old stump is completely covered with snow. Tlegen goes into the forest. The boy holds bird food in his hands. It helps birds survive in winter.

Nurlan and Azamat were walking from school. Thick snow was falling. The boys went down to the Ural River. White trees surrounded and protected the peace of the river. Azamat goes to the skating rink. Uncle Kairat teaches all the kids to skate.

Ground is covered with snow. Winter is wandering in the fields and forests. The wind blew away the white outfit of winter from the hill. Frozen brown earth appeared. Here comes the sun. The quiet sound of a drop wakes up the forest. A bright stream gurgles under the snow. The song of birds echoed along the remote paths.

Letter from memory

Topic 1. Repetition

  1. Without roots, wormwood does not grow.

2. Where someone is born, that’s where it will come in handy.

3.On a clear September morning

The villages thresh bread,

Birds rush across the seas -

And the school opened. S. Marshak

Topic 2. Vowels and consonants sounds and letters

  1. He lives quietly, in no hurry,

Carry a shield just in case.

Under him, without knowing fear,

A turtle is walking.

  1. Lives in a mink, gnawing on crusts.

Small legs, afraid of cats.

Topic 3. Noun

  1. There are workers in the river,

Not joiners, not carpenters,

And they will build a dam -

At least paint a picture. (Beavers)

2.Easy to say:
“I love my homeland,
I bow to her
I catch her voice.” M. Makataev

Topic 4 Verb

  1. ...The sea will swell violently,

It will boil, it will howl,

It will rush ashore empty. A. Pushkin

  1. Motherland

In the beginning, the Motherland is the mother's breast,
Behind her is her native hearth, the outskirts of the village,
Where did you play among the grass, among the stones,
From where the wind of wanderings blew.

Yes, the Motherland - and home, where your hearth is,
And your native people, who raised in you
Yes, the Motherland is not only the salt marsh of our ancestors,
And blue forests and a quiet valley.

Yes, the Motherland from where the porch is

It will stretch to the far pier.
The Motherland has no edge, no end,
But yours home- its beginning. U. Turmanzhanov

Topic 5. Adjective

  1. In the sun dark forest burst into flames

In the valley thin steam whitens,

And he sang an early song

In the azure the lark is ringing. V. Zhukovsky


There's tall grass there
It's nice to wallow in it!
Nearby is the blue sky,
Can't get any higher!
Even though the evenings are cool -
I sleep sweetly in the yurt,
And until the morning
I dream about my home.
I'll lie down on the grass
I’ll raise the canopy a little, -
Berries in the grass
In a clean mess! K. Bayanbaev

3rd grade

Requirements for the level of preparation of 3rd grade students

Students should be able to:

  1. Understand and reveal the lexical meaning of a word; select synonyms, antonyms, use explanatory dictionary; make up thematic groups words;
  2. Find its significant parts in a word: ending, stem, root, prefix, suffix; select words with the same root; check unstressed vowels using cognates; form words using a prefix, write words with prefixes s-, from-, o-, pro-, under-, over-, for-, on-, form words using suffixes -enk, -onk, -yushk, ushk, -ik, -ek; - chick-, -schik-; determine the meaning of suffixes in a word; link words into sentences using endings;
  3. Recognize parts of speech by their meaning, questions, grammatical features (noun, adjective, verb, numeral, pronoun); decline nouns by case; determine cases by questions and prepositions; recognize the gender of nouns by their endings (sound and zero endings): change nouns by number; correctly write feminine and masculine nouns with a sibilant stem ( night, sword); select nouns, synonyms and antonyms;
  4. Declinate masculine, feminine and neuter adjectives singular; change the adjective by number, gender in connection with the noun; define and write case endings adjectives; select adjectives, synonyms and antonyms;
  5. Recognize personal pronouns in a sentence, determine their role in the sentence (subject);
  6. Recognize a verb (by question and meaning), name its grammatical features (number, tense, person); change the verb according to tenses, numbers and persons; write NOT with a verb; select verbs, synonyms and antonyms;
  7. Establish a connection between words in a sentence, graphically indicate it; analyze the proposal by members: find the main and minor members - definitions, additions, circumstances;
  8. Identify the text based on coherence and a unified theme; identify the theme and main idea of ​​the text; title the text; divide the text into parts, name them (beginning, main part, ending), draw up an outline of the text; set the type of text (description, narration);
  9. Competently copy and write a dictation test (55-60 words), including studied spellings;
  10. Restore deformed text; create text based on key words and sentences;
  11. Write a statement on the questions, with a grammar task, according to a collectively drawn up plan (60-70 words).
  12. Write an essay - a description, a narrative essay based on a plot picture, personal observations (55-60 words); determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text.

Dictation No. 1

Our street.

Our street is nice. The houses are beautiful and tall. In the courtyards there are playgrounds and flower beds. There used to be small houses on our street. They lived in the world for a long time. Their walls were askew. Life was hard for people in wooden houses. Now the street is wide tall buildings, shady trees replaced narrow alleys.

Words for reference: wooden.

Grammar task

  1. Match the words with antonyms

Option 1 Option 2

Tall - small -

Wide – white –

  1. Find synonyms for the words



Dictation No. 2

Cold month.

October is the first cold month of autumn. Strong winds are blowing. Morning frosts have also become more frequent. The puddles were covered with thin crystal ice. The paths and paths were soggy from the rain. The timid sun appeared. But then a wind came from the north and caught up with the cold. The first fluffy snow fell. Winter is on the doorstep. Nature is waiting for winter.

Grammar task

  1. Choose words with the same root

Option 1 Option 2

Cold - Rain -

Frosts - Sharp -

  1. Sort out the words according to their composition

Morning- Fluffy-

Confused - Ran -

Dictation No. 3

Help the hare.

The guys were in the forest. They found a hare under a bush. The hare pressed down to the ground. The animal had a broken leg.

Timur brought the hare home. The boy bandaged the hare's paw and put it in a box. Mom gave the animal carrots and water. The hare lived in the house for a month. The animal's leg has grown together. It snowed soon. The guys took the bunny to the forest and released it into the wild.

Grammar task

  1. Determine the gender and number of the noun

Option 1 Option 2

Beast Paws

Bunnies Carrot

  1. Find and underline the noun in the sentence

The guys were in the forest. It snowed soon.

Dictation No. 4


It was late evening. There is wilderness all around. The frost grew stronger. Stars sparkled in the sky. The moon illuminated the surroundings. A hare ran along the path. We arrived at the forester's house. Forester Erbol Turlanovich invited us to the lodge. The dog Sharik happily wagged his tail. The forester lit the stove. The forester's daughter invited us to the table. We started drinking fragrant tea with honey.

Grammar task

  1. Decline the noun

Option 1 Option 2

frost daughter

Dictation No. 5

Magical forest.

A blizzard was raging. The forest is like in a fairy tale. The spruce stands like a silent knight. On the shoulders there is coniferous chain mail. A bird sat on a thorny tree. There are small Christmas trees in a snowy meadow. They were completely covered with snow. How good and pretty they are! The blizzard gave the trees fashionable hairstyles. An elegant snow cap decorated the top of the pine tree. The clear birch tree unraveled its braids, silver from frost. The thin pink birch bark of birches sparkles gently in the sun. (61 words)

Words for reference: stirred, decorated.

Grammar task

  1. Determine the gender and number of the adjective

Option 1 Option 2

Small Christmas trees in a snowy meadow.

  1. Find and underline the adjective in the sentence

The spruce stands like a silent knight. The blizzard gave the trees fashionable hairstyles.

Dictation No. 6

Winged alarm clock.

Arman had a feeder outside his window. At first, only sparrows began to flock there. They flocked from all directions to have breakfast. But then one day he noticed a titmouse among them. The new guest began to willingly visit his dining room. One day, Arman’s alarm clock went wrong. The bird flew in for breakfast. Nobody opens the window. Nobody spills food. She jumped with the sparrows on the empty table and began to knock on the glass with her beak. Arman woke up. From then on, the titmouse got into the habit of knocking on his door every morning.

Grammar task

  1. Find and underline the particle Not with verbs

Option 1 Option 2

  1. Determine the tense of the verb

Jumping, drew Running, played

Dictation No. 7


It shines over the fields and forests bright sun. The roads became dark in the fields. The ice on the rivers turned blue. Sounding streams began to gurgle in the valley. Resinous buds swelled on the trees. Soft puffs appeared on the willows.

A timid hare ran out to the edge of the forest. An old moose cow came out into the clearing with a calf. The bear took her cubs out for their first walk.

Grammar task:

1. Parse the sentence according to the members of the sentence.

1 option

Sounding streams began to gurgle in the valley.

Option 2

The ice on the rivers turned blue.

  1. Choose adjectives that have opposite meanings:

Narrow stream - Cowardly boy -

Tall bush Diligent student

Dictation No. 7

Trip to the village.

In the summer we decided to go to our grandmother in the village. What a lot of hassle before leaving! Now we are already on the train. How interesting it is to look out the window! Departure soon. The train stopped. I see my grandmother. There is a joyful smile on her face. She waves to us. Now we are being carried by the horse Orlik. There are wide fields on the sides of the road. Grandma explained to me how bread grows. In the evening we entered the village.

Grammar task

  1. Underline the main and minor parts of the sentence

Option 1 Option 2

In the summer we decided to go to our grandmother in the village. There are wide fields on the sides of the road.

  1. Do a phonetic analysis

Yama Spruce

Dictation No. 8

While fishing.

The road went through the rye to the river. Golden ears rustled in the wind. We went fishing. A field mouse ran underfoot. Crying was heard in the thicket of the forest. It was the owl who began to sing. Here is the river. It's quiet all around. The fishing has begun. Soon the ruff took the bait. Then we pulled out pike and bream. Night was approaching. We made a hut. In the morning the sun illuminated the surroundings. We continued fishing.

Grammar task:

1Disassemble the sentences by members

Option 1 Option 2

2Disassemble the words according to their composition:

It's light, morning, birch trees; hung, cheerful, place

Dictation No. 9

On the way to the forest.

Nariman went into the forest. He walked along the road and hummed a cheerful song. Suddenly Nariman heard a creak. He jumped aside in fear. The driver looked at him angrily from the cab of the truck. He shook his finger at Nariman and pointed to the left. Then Nariman remembered the traffic rules he learned at school. He crossed to the left side of the road. Now the cars were moving towards him. This is how they walk on country roads when there are no sidewalks.

Grammar task:

  1. Parse sentences by members

Option 1 Option 2

First sentence Second sentence

  1. Do a phonetic analysis

Car Pedestrian

Dictation No. 10

In the spring.

How nice it is to wander through the spring birch grove! How good it is to admire the wonderful nature! We are walking along a narrow path. The earth around had dried up, the young grass had turned green, and the first flowers had opened. A light breeze blew. The clear voices of songbirds sound in the warm air. A stern woodpecker hits a tree trunk with its strong beak. So the sparrow sang its joyful song. The sun is shining in a clear sky, clouds are floating like small feathers. The beautiful world has awakened to a new blossom. We returned home with good feelings.

Grammar task:

  1. Find in the text and write down a sentence with homogeneous members of the sentence.
  2. Identify the homogeneous members of the sentence.

Abay Kunanbaev.

In the very center of Uralsk on Dostyk Avenue, there is Abai Square. Its main decoration is the monument to the great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbaev. His love for poetry, folk tales and songs was nurtured in him by his mother, Ulzhan, and his kind, wise grandmother, Zere.

Long winter evenings At the fireplace they told the boy fairy tales, legends, tales. Abai's work is known throughout the world.

Grammar task:

  1. Write out proper names from the text.
  2. Analysis by the composition of words: they told me about winter.


Tengiz in Kazakh means sea. Among the uneven steppe lies this huge bitter-salty lake. There are a lot of large and small islands here. Pink flamingos live on the islands.

These birds have chosen a good place to live! Flamingos are listed in the Red Book. The fate of beautiful birds is in our hands!

Grammar task:

1. Select words with the same root for the word sea.

2 Underline the main parts of the sentence

Flamingos are listed in the Red Book.

Ural River.

The Ural is a calm river. Traveling along it is interesting and not dangerous. There are no thresholds on it. All along the route from Uralsk to the Caspian Sea you will not encounter any obstacles. The Urals are always free for travelers. You can go hiking in the Urals in groups and families

Grammar task:

1. Underline the names of rivers and seas.

2. Phonetic analysis of the word hike

Visual dictations

Set No. 1
1. Beautiful nature of the Urals.
2. Kazakhstan is our big Motherland.
3. Factories pollute the air.
4. Gray clouds float far away.
5. There is a large birch tree by the window.
6. The first snow is flickering and curling.
Set No. 2
1. There are many monuments in Uralsk.
2. The sun shines brightly and warms.
3. Danat was skiing down the hill.
4. Nauryz is the beginning of the year in nature.
5. My sister works at a factory.
6. There are books and albums on the table.
Set No. 3
1. By winter, the Kazakhs stocked up on meat.
2. The guys are sledding down the hill.
3. Reeds grow on the shore of the lake.
4. They grow quickly at home construction sites.
5. Kumis was prepared from mare’s milk

6 Livestock farming is developed in Kazakhstan.

Set No. 4
1. Radion and Bolat made a snowman.
2. Children of all countries want to live in peace.
3. Camel milk is healthy.
4. An old spruce tree fell due to a strong storm.
5. A white hare ran out to the edge of the forest.

Control cheating


A thunderstorm was approaching. In the evening the sun hid among the crimson clouds. At midnight, like hordes of terrible monsters, they crawled to the east and covered the entire sky. A strong wind blew with all its might, climbing into the very depths of the old garden, breaking the young branches of pear and apple trees. The trees moaned pitifully, as if calling for help. Bright lightning flashed in the black sky and deafening thunder rolled.

Grammar task:

Highlight the endings of adjectives.


The blue sky smiled widely. The joyful sun trembled everywhere. The earth breathed the fresh scent of wormwood and mint. It’s wonderful to run on the wet grass on such a gentle day. We wander along the banks of the Chagan River and enjoy everything. And the trees are dripping all around and the gentle sun is playing. Birds are singing.

Grammar task:

Underline the main and minor parts of the sentence.

In the forest

The rain came suddenly. Lightning, like a knife... cut through the darkness. The lightning flash gave me the opportunity to examine the surroundings. A key was babbling in front of me... and a stream was running out of it. There was a black forest all around... There was a terrible clap of thunder. A trembling... ran through the trees. At the edge of the forest the building was hard to see. I came closer and saw a hut... There I found shelter for the night... .

Grammar task:

Soft sign in feminine nouns.

Grandfather's house.

The house was full of wonderful objects. Ancient paintings in heavy frames sat on the tables. Low cabinets on lion's paws sparkled with golden bindings of books with beautiful illustrations. On the crystal shelves were porcelain cups, transparent as eggshells. From the sofas, see the trills of sad eyes, sweet dolls. The tables, chairs, sofas in these small rooms were...of the same style.

Grammar task:

Unstressed vowels at the root of the word.

True tracks.

The guys walked through the forest along a straight path. Tr...kicks were covered with snow. The children followed the stars and got lost. The guys in the forest got scared. They began to scream and call for help. The winter forest is silent. Suddenly Sabit saw familiar traces. Here she ran from... a tank. Traces of… tanks will always lead a person to housing. This is how the boy's grandfather taught him. The headed along the...lads and came out onto the...slope.

Grammar task.

Insert the missing letters in the words, select test words.

Letter from memory

Topic 1. Repetition

1. It’s not scary to go beyond your native land and into battle.

2. Those who fight for their homeland are given double strength.

3. A small task is better than a big idleness.

4. Three apples from the garden
The hedgehog brought it.
The most rosy
Gave it to Belka.

Topic 2. Noun

1. There is a glass pond on the window,

The fish live in it.

On transparent shores

There are no fishermen (Aquarium)

2. With you I am filially frank,
You fed me for kindness.
You gave me wings for inspiration,
And you showed the way to the heights.
Your greatness does not lie in the breadth of the steppes.
You are close to me with a different beauty.
Like a mother figure
We are dear and familiar
Your image is so dear and familiar,
My land!
In a green summer dress
You catch the sun of the next day.
Darling, what happiness this is,
What do you always
With me and for me! S.Seifullin

Topic 4. Verb
1.We don't look at the weather

And we don’t sit idle.

We go on hikes singing

Or we’re making something. G. Ladonshchikov

2. Become a nightingale singing
In the groves of his land,
Wind carrying moisture
For the golden steppes.
Be a tempered saber
Sheathed, glorious,
The one in times of disaster
It will become more necessary. M. Makataev

Topic 5. Adjective

  1. My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue,

Can't keep up with you. S. Marshak

3. Free, majestic and pristine,

Like a star among lands and countries,
You play the cue of happiness loudly,
My dear, radiant Kazakhstan! D. Bersugurova

4th grade

Requirements for the level of preparation of 4th grade students

Students should be able to:

  1. Distinguish between direct and figurative meaning nouns, verbs, adjectives, use them in speech; reveal the lexical meaning of a word using techniques: interpretation of meaning, selection of synonyms;
  2. Use explanatory dictionaries;
  3. Determine the type of declension of nouns, declension and write case endings of nouns of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension (except for nouns in -iya, -ie, -iii -mya); distinguish between cases: accusative and nominative, accusative and genitive, accusative and prepositional; write correctly unstressed case endings of nouns; use correctly indeclinable nouns in speech;
  4. Declinate adjectives in singular and plural; establish a connection between an adjective and a noun in gender, number and case; correctly use adjective + noun in speech;
  5. Decline personal pronouns; write pronouns with prepositions correctly; use pronouns correctly in coherent speech;
  6. Change verbs according to persons and numbers; determine 1st and 2nd conjugation of the verb; Correctly write personal endings for 2nd person singular verbs;
  7. Distinguish indefinite form and forms of the verb 3rd person singular and plural, correctly spelled and – TSYA;
  8. Distinguish between perfective and imperfective verbs based on questions;
  9. Change verb tenses; change past tense verbs by gender; correctly write and use verb tenses in coherent speech;
  10. Write particles NOT with verbs;
  11. Distinguish between numerals by meaning and questions, write numerals from 1 to 30 correctly;
  12. produce an elementary one with a graphic designation of the main and minor members of the sentence (definition, addition, circumstance); characterize the sentence according to a set of characteristics: structure (simple), emotional coloring (exclamatory / non-exclamatory), purpose of the statement (narrative, incentive, interrogative), grammatical basis ( subject and predicate), the presence or absence of minor members of the sentence (extended/unextended);
  13. Find text features; determine the main structural parts of the text (beginning, main part, ending), restore the order of its parts;
  14. Distinguish between types of texts: description, narration, reasoning, analyze the content of the text, compose texts of different types of speech;
  15. Correctly copy and write texts from dictation (75-80 words) with studied spellings;

Dictation No. 1


I walked to work through a rye field. The field is getting better every day. Yellow whiskered ears were pouring. From the warm light breeze they swayed to the beat. It seemed to me that dense cast waves were moving across the field. At the very edge of the field there were two birch trees. They seemed to have run away from the forest edge and were basking in the sun. The path ran nearby. The birch trees greeted me in a whisper early in the morning and saw me off in the evening.

Grammar task:

1. Sort out the sentences by members.

I walked to work through a rye field.

Yellow whiskered ears were pouring.

2 Write test words:

T..yellow -…, Medium..zayut -… .

Bere…ki-…. Le..who-……

K..elk-… Prob..gala-…..

Dictation No. 2

Autumn time.

The hot summer has passed. Has arrived Golden autumn. Look into the forest. Mushrooms grow along the edges. Among the withered grass, boletuses turn red. Along the edge of the spruce forest you can find slippery milk mushrooms and fragrant saffron milk caps. Old stumps are covered with honey fungus. Mossy bogs are strewn with ruddy cranberries. Bunches of rowan berries are burning in the clearing. The days are fine. The sky is high and transparent. Every blade of grass is visible at the bottom of the stream. Bird voices fall silent.

There is peace and quiet in the forest. Good in the forest!

Grammar task:

1. Parsing offers

Boletuses turn red among the withered grass

Bunches of rowan berries are burning in a clearing

2 Phonetic analysis of the word

Clusters of Elnik

Dictation No. 3

A rare guest.

The guys lived in an aul near the forest. At the edge of the forest, under a fir tree, they set up a bird canteen. Spruce branches protected the feeder from the blizzard. The children have been preparing food for the birds since the fall. Anvar and Arsen walked along a narrow path to visit friends. On the tablecloth of snow you can see fox, hare, and bird tracks. A flock of goldfinches flew from the thicket to the feeder. Suddenly a squirrel appeared at the top of the tree. The animal looked around and jumped onto the bird's house. The rare guest deftly began to eat the berries from the mountain ash cluster.

Grammar task:

1. Parsing a sentence

The guys lived in a village near the forest

Spruce branches protected the feeder from the blizzard.

2 Determine the case and declension of nouns

Under the Christmas tree From the forest

From the brush From the blizzard

Dictation No. 4

In the morning.

Early in the morning I left the tent. There are heavy snow caps on the trees. The Christmas trees stand straight. Strong spruce paws hold the snow. The winter sun shone brightly on the blanket of snow. Snow that fell overnight covered the wide pasture. I took a few steps. I noticed deer tracks in the snow. Animals approached the tent at night. The hare's trail stretched in a long loop. The first snow revealed secrets nightlife animals We descended into the valley. We saw a bear against a bright background of snow. He noticed us and quickly sped off.

Grammar task

Option 1 Option 2

1. Determine the gender, number and case of the adjective

Early morning snow caps

2. Parsing a sentence

Early in the morning I left the tent. There are heavy snow caps on the trees.

Dictation No. 5

Brave penguin.

There was a little penguin standing on a rock. He has just grown three feathers on his head and a short tail. He watched the adult penguins swim. The penguin stood there for a long time. He is afraid to jump into the sea. Finally, the little penguin made up his mind and approached the edge of a high cliff. The wind blew it away. The penguin closed his eyes and rushed down. Then he emerged, spun in place and quickly climbed onto the rocks. He looked at his friends with pride. His mother was happy for her son. It was a brave penguin. He was the first to swim in the cold sea.

Grammar task:

1) Find and underline the pronouns in the text.

2) Decline the pronoun YOU

Dictation No. 6

On an ice floe.

In winter, the Ural River froze. The guys ran to the river. A little boy jumped out onto the ice. He was not afraid to ride on the ice. Other children followed the daredevil. Now they are already in the middle of the river. There was a crash. Water came out. The children rushed to the shore like sparrows. The brave souls found themselves up to their necks in water. They screamed and called for help. Men and women were running to the shore. The guys clung to the thin ice with their hands. It began to break and crumble. A worker with a long board crawled towards the guys. He saved them. The children decided not to go to the river anymore.

Grammar task:

1) Continue the chain

Option 1 Option 2

(Verbs with tsya) (Verbs with tsya)

Swim, play….. Spinning, spinning….

2) Write the verbs in the indefinite form

Crumble Break

Dictation No. 7

Here it is - spring!

The March sky is blue and clear. This kind of sky only happens in spring. The sun is shining and warming. Through the glass you feel the warmth of spring. It melts on the sunny side. There is a long icicle hanging on the roof. Droplets fall from its end. Sparrows chirp and look smart. A crow flew up onto a birch branch. She cranes her neck and screams hoarsely. A young jackdaw is looking for a place to nest. On the far fence, magpies turn their heads, swing their tails and chatter. Now you hear the gentle song of the oatmeal. Her song sounds like a little bell.

Grammar task:

1. Determine the conjugation and person of the verbs.

Option 1 Option 2

Feel You Hear

2. Determine the tense of verbs

Shines Warms

Carrion will cry

Dictation No. 8

Squirrel concerns

Funny squirrels are frolicking in the sun near an old pine tree. They rejoice in the bright spring. By spring, the squirrels have changed their fluffy coats. Their backs and tails became red. Squirrels lived in the high forest for a long winter. On rainy days they warmed themselves in deep tree hollows. In good weather we rushed through the forest. They gnawed resinous cones on the trees.

Squirrels will have a lot to worry about in the summer. We need to feed the baby squirrels. For the winter, squirrels need to stock up on nuts and mushrooms. Peaceful squirrels in the forest do no harm to anyone. They chase each other through the trees.

A flock of squirrels is playing merrily near an old pine tree.

Grammar task

  1. Break down the third sentence into sentence parts and identify the parts of speech.

Squirrels have changed their fluffy coats for spring

They gnawed resinous cones on the trees.

  1. Sort by composition

Resinous Coats.

Dictation No. 9


During the war years, I looked to the east with longing and waited in the wings. That's when I truly learned the value of the Motherland! And overhead, school after school, geese fly. The cranes swim, calling to each other, and the swans draw. And all to the east, to where my dear Motherland lies. I look at them, wave my hand after them, and send greetings to the Mother Motherland. When the birds flew back to the south in the fall, I heard in their voices a kind of response from native land. So for three years I kept in touch with home through these migratory birds.

Grammar task:

1. Parsing a sentence

In spring they bloom on the trees sticky notes.

A nightingale sang in the spring garden.

  1. Phonetic analysis

Apple Anchor

Dictation No. 10

Know how to swim

On a hot summer day, there is often a desire to take a swim or swim in clean, cool water. Water is one of those elements that have long been known to man. Despite this, people continue to drown in rivers. Swim, but remember some rules of behavior on the water. The first swim should begin in calm, sunny weather, when the water has warmed up sufficiently. You can swim in the morning and evening and only in safe, specially designated places. You cannot swim alone, because in case of trouble no one can help you. To avoid misfortune, know and follow these simple rules. Be careful on the water!

Grammar task:

1. Identify homogeneous members of the sentence.

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of goodness, truth, and happiness.

Suddenly, a thin, whistling, intermittent sound rang out in the air.

2 Determine the gender, number, case of the noun

In cool water. Simple rules.

City `s history.

The famous fabulist Ivan Krylov lived and was raised here in Uralsk. His father served as a captain in a fortress that was besieged by Pugachev’s army.

The names of Zhukovsky and Dahl are associated with the history of our city. Uralsk is the only Kazakh city that was visited by the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Here he began to write the history of the Pugachev rebellion and collected materials for The Captain's Daughter.

Grammar task:

1.Underline the pronouns in the text.

  1. Indicate the person, number and case of the pronouns he .

West - Kazakhstan region.

The West Kazakhstan region is unique in its geographical location. It borders immediately on five regions of Russia. The length of the state border in our region is 1,532 kilometers. This is the border of friendship and good neighborliness.

Grammar task:

1. Find the numerals in the text, indicate whether they are simple or complex, ordinal or quantitative.

2. Write down the numbers in words: 60 years, 12 months, 500 km.

Pantry of the Urals.

The underground storehouses of the Urals contain large reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials - oil and gas. The Karachaganak field, unique in terms of reserves, is known throughout the world. The bulk of natural gas is produced here.

In addition to oil and gas, the subsoil of the region is rich in deposits of sand, clay, gypsum, chalk, various ores and waters.

Grammar task:

1 .Determine gender, number and case of homogeneous members in the last sentence .

Visual dictations

Set No. 1

1. There are many good cities in the republic.
2. Borovoe is a bright pearl of Kazakhstan.
3. A large gray cloud is floating over the field.
4. Almat saw white snow outside the window.
5. Baurzhan ata grazes the collective farm herd.
6. The red fox hid in a deep hole.
Set No. 2
1. Yurt is a portable home for the Kazakhs.

  1. A sweet berry turns red in the thick grass.
  2. Gas and oil are being produced in Aktau and Atyrau.
  3. Kazakhs are hospitable and welcoming people.
  4. Grandfather and grandson Nurbulat go up the hill.
  5. The girl Dilnaz has a fluffy puppy.
    Set No. 3
  6. The titmouse settled down for the night under a bush.
  7. Kids love to look at smart animals.
  8. Each nation has its own customs and traditions.
  9. In the evenings, all kids love to listen to fairy tales.
    5.Flag, coat of arms, anthem are symbols of our country.
  10. Busy ants ran along the paths.
    Set No. 4
  11. Chapan is outerwear made of durable fabric.
  12. There are ruddy cones hanging at the very top of the pine tree.
  13. Chekmen is a knitted garment made of camel wool.
  14. The poodle Artemon was running around on the grass around the house.
  15. In summer, every bush allows animals to spend the night.
  16. Camisole - women's National clothes from velvet.

Set No. 5
1. The Great Silk Road passed through the land of Kazakhstan.
2. Chinese silk was transported along the Great Silk Road.

  1. The anthem is performed on public holidays.
  2. An aul is located on a high hill.
  3. Kazakhstan is an independent and proud state.
    6.The emblem of Kazakhstan depicts a snow leopard.

Control cheating

Resourceful birds.

Who hasn't seen the first dream..? A beautiful sight! Finally, a soft, fluffy snowball fell on the black ground. Every tree and every bush put on snowy, white hats.

In the evening, from the high b..res, the black grouse began to dive in their sleep... They walked a few steps under the snow, crushing the dirt around them. A cozy snow-covered bedroom emerged. The animal won’t see it from above, but inside it will be warm and cozy.

Grammar task:

Write down two words with unstressed vowels at the root and two words with unstressed consonants at the root.

Late fall

It's October. The potatoes have already been harvested from the fields. Cabbage is cut in the gardens. Heavy light heads of cabbage lie in baskets. Sweet turnips and red carrots are scattered between the beds.

At the edge of the forest the rowan tree turns red. Its curly tree is strewn with berries, like bright beads. Ripe viburnum berries are growing red along the edges. It's blowing harder autumn wind. The windows in the rooms are sweating .

Grammar task:

Disassemble the fourth sentence by members of the sentence.

Underline the vocabulary words.


D..December. Strong m...roses All in a silvery dream...On the d...revyahpush...stee...snow...nki. The leaves of the birches and aspens have long fallen. Only oak trees turn yellow leaves. Hush...on. Suddenly a sad song was heard. I looked back. On the with...birds(?) are doing. I stepped towards her. The bird(?) rushed into the water and disappeared. I decided that she had drowned. Who the hell lives at the bottom of the river? This is a dipper, or in...dyanoy in...timid.

Grammar task:

Disassemble the third and tenth sentences by members.

Disassemble the words according to their composition: aspen, transition.

The bright stars still sparkled sharply and coldly, but the sky in the east had already begun to brighten. Mighty trees gradually emerged from the darkness. Suddenly a strong, fresh wind passed over their tops. The dense forest immediately came to life, rustling loudly and loudly. The cold wind died down suddenly, just as it came. The huge trees froze again in a cold stupor. The forest stands cold and quiet. The trees were getting ready to sleep as usual. Deciduous trees have taken off their autumn attire before going to bed. The conifers fell asleep dressed.

Grammar task:

  1. Sort the highlighted words according to their composition.

Parse the second sentence by members and parts of speech.

Letter from memory

Topic 1. Repetition

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.


Let me breathe the air of my native land,
I will renew and cleanse my soul.
I don’t hide my face from the steppe frost -
I recognize his persistent fight.
Let him bite and pinch, tearing off his face,
Surrendering to your own habits.
The mischievous fun of our native land
Can't he stand his returning son?
Play it out, blizzard! Get me out of the saddle
Sit me down in a snowdrift, freezing.
Deafen with howls, and whistles, and booms.
Cool down, bring some sense into the fidgety me.
Santa Claus, elder, raise your stick,
Teach me a lesson, grandfather Ayaz - ata!
I expose myself to blows - I don’t mind.
If I'm scared, I'll run away - I'm no good,
Forget it, my storm! I accept everything native
Everything that is familiar from childhood and sweet to the point of tears,
I love my land in any weather -
Under the icy crust, and in blizzards, and in frost! M. Makataev

Topic 3. Noun

Who if not you?

Poor roe deer

You can't catch a cold -

After all, for roe deer

There is no hospital.

Who will treat the sick person?

If in the steppe

Are there no doctors?

The patterned leaf sways,
In a blue puddle on the water.
A black rook and a rook are walking,
In the garden, along the ridge.

They crumbled and turned yellow
Rare rays of the sun.
They fly away, they fly away,
The rooks also flew away. E. Blaginina

Topic 4.Verb

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe. S. Yesenin

It's freezing cold outside,

And my house is warm.

Clouds hung over the village

And it started spinning and became snowy

Snow covered house, my window

And the convoy leaving for the steppe.

Topic 5. Adjective


In a white fur coat, broad-shouldered, all gray with snow.

Blind and dumb, with a big silver beard,

The enemy of everything that lives, with a darkened brow,

He, creaking, walks in the steppes, snowy.

The old matchmaker, the white grandfather, did a lot of trouble.

From his breath there is cold, snow and storm.

I pulled the cloud over my eyebrows,

He walks, groaning, decorated, rouge.

The eyebrows hung menacingly - a frowning look;

If he shakes his head, boring snow will fall.

He's angry like a mad old camel

And then the six-fold yurt trembles. Abay Kunanbaev

If they say the word “homeland”,

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

A modest birch tree by the river

And a chamomile hillock...

And others will probably remember

Your native Moscow courtyard. Z.Alexandrova


2. Requirements for the level of preparation of 1st grade students…………………3

  1. Test dictations for 1st grade………………………………5

Requirements for the level of preparation of 2nd grade students………………..8

Test dictations for grade 2…………………………….. .9

Requirements for the level of preparation of 3rd grade students……………… 19

Test dictations for grade 3…………………………….20

Requirements for the level of preparation of 4th grade students…………… ..30

Test dictations for grade 4……………………… …. . . 31

10. Used literature……………………………………………….. 44


  1. Instructional - methodological letter for the 2015-2016 academic year
  2. Curriculum in the educational field “Language and Literature”

primary education level (grades 1-4)

  1. “From Uralsk to the Caspian Sea” K. Telyatov, F. Ignatov.
  2. “Tourist trails of the Urals” V. Fomin.
  3. Excerpts from the works of M. Sundetov, M. Alimbayev, Y. Altynsarin. G. Skrebitsky.

This collection of dictations is focused on the topic: The fires of leaf fall are becoming brighter and brighter. Autumn painted the birch and maple trees yellow, and the leaves of the aspen trees turned red.

She went to the forests, to the fields, to the meadows, removed golden loaves of bread from the test on the topic of the phrase dictation, and in the meadows she swept fragrant haystacks into tall stacks. Schools of birds rose into the sky: Large white birds are flying right under the clouds and sending farewell greetings to their native places. The motley collection of leaves is washed away by the cold rain. The sun came out from behind a cloud, and under its gentle rays the gloomy picture of autumn changed. Skrebitsky Grammar tasks Underline grammar basics sentences of the first paragraph.

In the last sentence, indicate the parts of speech you studied. Its sticky leaves are blooming. Once a year there is such a fresh scent. The first star is already entangled in the ligature of the branched top and looks at the ground with curiosity.

The most vocal singer in the test on the topic of the phrase dictation time is the thrush. You not only hear it, but also see it. He sits on the top of a spruce tree, spins and sings loudly. The radiant colors of the sunset shimmer wonderfully. As dusk deepens, its purple fades. The ringing evening fades into the darkness of the night. The blackbird whistled at last time and flew away.

  • Only in fairy tales do people go to balls in pumpkin carriages, but in real life you can see both a barrel pumpkin and a bottle pumpkin;
  • But without our knowledge, she remains defenseless.

Suddenly a rushing stream began to speak, and the voices of birds stopped echoing the singing of the water. A charming moment of forest silence! Zuev Grammar tasks 1.

Dictations in Russian - 5th grade - syntax and punctuation

Find complex sentences in the text. Write the numbers of these sentences. Write out all the phrases from the last sentence. Ring the school bell more cheerfully! Hello, September - a time of tempting secrets, unexpected discoveries and exciting journeys to the beautiful land of knowledge! Hello, school, where we comprehend the laws of life, discover the world of nature and man! The older guys have been walking along the road for a long time scientific knowledge life. The younger ones take their first steps on it.

  • Zuev Grammar tasks 1;
  • To get to the twig, he had to jump to the other side of the linden tree, but then the unexpected always happened;
  • Scientists have discovered that stingrays are capable of causing an electrical discharge of great force;
  • Its sticky leaves bloom;
  • Prishvin 5th grade - syntax and punctuation continued Magpie Magpie takes every opportunity to collect the wool needed for the nest;
  • Ushinsky Punctuation marks in dialogue.

But it is equally difficult for both to go. The world today is ruled by knowledge. How much love there is in the human heart for everything earthly! Live, meadows and glades! But without our knowledge, she remains defenseless. The road of knowledge begins at school.

Therefore, hello, Knowledge Day! It was very beautiful in their city.

Flowers grew around every house: Even the streets there were named after flowers: And the city itself was called the Flower City.

The summer test on the topic of the phrase dictation is over, and the most beautiful flowers bloomed on the streets: Fire nasturtiums curled around the gardens, along the walls of houses and even bloomed on the roofs. The breeze carried the delicate scent of mignonette and chamomile. There was a forest across the river. The short ones made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest to pick berries, mushrooms, and for a test on the topic of dictation. Nosov Homogeneous members of a sentence. Generalizing words before homogeneous members.

The ocean gives shelter to many amazing creatures: Stingrays are a truly fantastic sight. These slow fish glide silently and smoothly through the water. Thorns, scales and prickles on the skin protect them from accidental injuries, strong predators and other dangers. Scientists have discovered that stingrays are capable of causing an electrical discharge of great force.

This amazing ability allows them to perform many vital functions: Test work on the topic of phrases, dictation, Homogeneous members of a sentence with generalizing words. Pumpkin In the kitchen where the fairy met with Cinderella, there were probably different vegetables: But a pumpkin, which the fairy chose for its color and size, turned into a golden carriage.

Only in fairy tales do people go to balls in pumpkin carriages, but in real life you can see both a barrel pumpkin and a bottle pumpkin. The pumpkin has served people for several thousand years, and in no country are they going to let this old woman retire. Cooks respect her very much. More than thirty dishes can be prepared from pumpkin: Both boys and tits love pumpkin seeds.

Nadezhda Homogeneous members of a sentence with generalizing words. How a squirrel teased a woodpecker. The old linden tree that stood in front of the house had a small branch at a height slightly higher than normal human height. On this twig we pinched a piece of lard, which the tits pecked at. It also attracted the attention of a respectable woodpecker, which was moving along the trunk, bouncing. To get to the knot, he had to jump to the other side of the test on the topic of the phrase dictation, but then the unexpected always happened.

A nimble, light, like brown smoke, the squirrel would tear off a piece of lard and fly higher in an airborne leap, sit on a branch and gobble up the lard on both cheeks.

  • This means that through my affection her life has increased;
  • Scarlet and gold, each flower is wrapped in tissue paper with a letter on top.

And the woodpecker, uttering a cry of insult, flew away. This was repeated a lot. Tikhonov Complex sentences with conjunctions. Autumn In autumn, the whole house is covered with leaves, and in two small rooms it becomes light, like in a flying garden. I rarely spend the night in the house. I spend most nights at the lakes, and when I stay at home, I sleep in an old gazebo in the back of the garden. It is overgrown with wild grapes. In the mornings the sun hits it through purple, lilac, green and lemon foliage.

And it always seems to me that I wake up inside a lit Christmas tree. test on the topic of the phrase dictation

  1. It is overgrown with wild grapes.
  2. The radiant colors of the sunset shimmer wonderfully. I love wandering through the forest in this weather, especially when there is a warm corner ahead where I can dry myself and warm up.
  3. Flowers grew around every house.
  4. How much love there is in the human heart for everything earthly!
  5. How a squirrel teased a woodpecker. The old linden tree that stood in front of the house had a small branch at a height slightly higher than normal human height. There, even the streets were named after flowers.

The sparrows look into the gazebo with surprise. They are deadly busy for hours. They tick on a round table dug into the ground. The sparrows approach them, listen to the ticking with one ear or the other, and then peck the clock hard at the dial. Paustovsky Complex sentences with conjunctions.

Rainy day Rainy summer day. I love wandering through the forest in this weather, especially when there is a warm corner ahead where I can dry myself and warm up. And besides, summer rain is warm. In the city in such weather there is dirt, but in the forest the earth greedily absorbs moisture, and you walk on a slightly damp carpet of last year’s melted leaves and fallen pine and spruce needles.

The trees are covered with raindrops that rain down on you every time you move. And when the sun comes out after such rain, the forest is so bright and all ablaze with diamond sparks. There is something festive and joyful around you, and you feel like a welcome, dear guest at this holiday.

Mamin-Sibiryak Complex sentences with conjunctions Natural barometers Now it’s raining, now it’s sunny. Test work on the topic of the phrase dictation I was shooting my stream and when I got my foot wet and wanted to sit on an ant mound out of winter habit, I noticed that the ants had crawled out and in a dense mass, one test paper on the topic of the phrase dictation alone, sat and waited for something or came to their senses before starting work.

And a few days ago, before the big frost, it was also very warm, and we wondered why there were no ants, why the birch tree was not yet giving sap. After that, the night frost of 18 degrees hit, and now it became clear to us: Now the earth has melted, and the birch tree has given sap, and the ants are crawling out.

Prishvin 5th grade - syntax and punctuation continued Magpie Magpie takes every opportunity to collect the wool needed for the nest. I carefully went out onto the porch and saw that a magpie was sitting on the fence and carefully looking under the canopy of the barn. And there the neighbor’s dog is sleeping, big, shaggy, with tufts of shedding fur hanging on him.

The magpie dived under the canopy, tore out a piece of fur from the dog in flight and sat down on a tree to more comfortably place the fur in its beak.

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