Necessary material for passing the OGE in history. History OGE preparation program

This manual is intended to prepare 9th grade students for the state final certification- the main state exam (OGE) in history. Edition includes typical tasks along all content lines exam paper, as well as approximate options in OGE format 2019.
The manual will help schoolchildren test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers will assess the degree to which individual students have achieved the requirements of educational standards and provide them with targeted preparation for the exam.

The publication contains tasks different types on all topics tested by the OGE in history, list key issues, concepts. Answers and assessment criteria are provided at the end of the manual.
The publication will provide invaluable assistance to students in preparing for the OGE in history, and can also be used by teachers in organizing the educational process.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, Assignments, answers, comments, Gevurkova E.A., Solovyov Y.V., 2018

The authors of the assignments are leading scientists, teachers and methodologists who accept direct participation in the development of tests measuring materials OGE.
The manual contains 14 options for standard test tasks of the Main State Exam 2019, answers to all tasks and detailed criteria for checking and evaluating tasks with a detailed answer.
The purpose of the manual is to develop students' practical skills in preparation for the OGE in history.
The manual is intended for teachers and methodologists who use tests to prepare students for the Main State Exam, as well as for self-preparation and self-control of 9th grade students in basic schools.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, 9th grade, 14 options, Typical test tasks, Kurukin I.V., Lushpay V.B., Taratorkin F.G.

A study guide for preparing for the main state exam (OGE), which contains 10 options for exam papers, is offered to graduates of the 9th grade of general education organizations.
Each option includes assignments of different types and levels of difficulty for all sections of the Russian history course: “Antiquity and the Middle Ages”, “Modern times”, “ Recent history", knowledge of the content of which is tested as part of the OGE.
Significant bank in terms of volume exam materials(300 tasks in Part 1, 50 in Part 2) provides an excellent opportunity for intensive training and mastery of the necessary skills successful completion OGE knowledge, skills and abilities.
At the end of the book, self-test answers to all tasks in part 1 and the main content of answers to tasks in part 2 are given.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, 10 training options, Artasov I.A., 2018

Specification of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in HISTORY in 2019.
The purpose of the KIM for the OGE is to assess the level of general educational training in the history of graduates of IX grades of general education organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes high school.
OGE is carried out in accordance with Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”
The content of the examination work is determined on the basis of the Federal component state standard general education(Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089) and the Historical and Cultural Standard, which is part of the Concept of a new educational and methodological complex on Russian history.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, 9th grade, Specification, Codifier, Project

Demonstration version No. 1 of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in HISTORY in 2019, studying the subject based on a concentric teaching system.
The demo version is intended to enable any exam participant and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of the future examination paper, the number and form of tasks, as well as their level of difficulty. The given criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, included in this option, will allow you to get an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording a detailed answer.
This information gives graduates the opportunity to develop a strategy for preparing for the history exam.

The Unified State Exam for any high school graduate is one of the first serious examination tests, which can rightfully be compared with the Unified State Exam for eleventh graders. The results of the OGE, expressed in points, will allow children to enter a specialized college or class, will contribute to obtaining a good certificate, and will also become the first step to admission to the desired university. History, as before, in 2018 can be taken at the student’s request.

It is usually taken by students who want to transfer to law colleges or educational institutions, specializing in art history, design and architecture. Those who want to choose these specialties after 11th grade also take history, because the Unified State Exam allows you to check your current level of knowledge and prepare for the Unified State Exam. Of course, a huge amount of data in the form of names, dates and events makes history not the most simple OGE, however, understanding the structure and content of CMMs will allow you to be well prepared for the test!

  • Demo version of the OGE in history
  • Requirements Codifier

OGE dates in history

To create a personal preparation schedule for the OGE, it is worth finding out in advance what dates Rosobrnadzor has allocated for taking the exams. According to the published project, in 2018 schoolchildren will have to write history on the following days:

  • Early examination is scheduled for April 23 (Monday). In case of unforeseen circumstances the organizers have allocated a reserve day - May 3 (Thursday);
  • The main examination is scheduled for May 31, 2018 (Thursday). In case of force majeure, the OGE may be postponed to June 18 (Monday);
  • The additional exam will be held on September 10, 2018 (Monday), and September 18 (Tuesday) is named as an additional exam.

Answers to the OGE in history 2018, all options, answers to tests on the history of the OGE 2018

Facts and myths about answers to the OGE in history 2018

The OGE in History is rapidly approaching. This year testing will pass June 7. This exam is chosen mainly by those students who plan to study in humanities classes and, perhaps, already know that they will need history for the Unified State Exam in two years.

But there are also those who chose to surrender to history rather a method exceptions. But they never bothered to prepare. If you are one of these unlucky graduates, you are probably wondering where to get ready-made answers.

What answers are we looking for?

The OGE in history, like many other exams, consists of two parts. In the first, you need to give a short answer to 30 questions, in the second, a detailed answer to another 5.

Unlike the Unified State Exam, which includes questions on foreign history, OGE includes only Russian history. The exam contains the following blocks:

  • antiquity and the Middle Ages (VII - late XVII centuries);
  • new history (late 17th – early 20th centuries);
  • modern history (beginning of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century).

A variety of knowledge will be required: historical dates, facts, figures, Therussiantimes reports. The ability to determine the causes and consequences of historical events and analyze information from written sources. In addition to history itself, knowledge of the cultural history of Russia is also tested.

Where can ready-made answers help? First of all, in test tasks. It is not so difficult to remember or write down ready-made answers - as a rule, they include a number, a word or a sequence of numbers. It will be a little more difficult with detailed answers, although in the OGE they should not be long, a few sentences are enough. However, copying word for word is still dangerous. It will be much better if you can understand the main essence of the answer and formulate it in your own words.

The main question: where to download the answers?

If you have already tried to find ready-made answers to the OGE in history, you have probably noticed that many sources do not give any results. Somewhere there are offers to install useless virus software, supposedly to download answers, somewhere you need to send an SMS, register or do something else. And very often all these actions lead to nothing - in the end you get either nothing or just old samples of CMMs.

Why is this happening? Because scammers are trying to deceive you. They know very well how excited schoolchildren are on the eve of an exam, and they try to take advantage of this in order to get money. Of course, there have been cases when someone actually received real answers, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The conclusion is simple: it is better not to hope for luck, but to try to refresh your knowledge of history. You probably actually know most of the names and dates very well, you just haven’t remembered them for a long time. With a little effort, you can easily score enough to pass the OGE.

Structure and content of KIM on history

The specialized commission came to the conclusion that last year’s version of the ticket was optimal in terms of structure and content. When compiling history tickets special attention was given to tasks that test knowledge in the field of Russian history and are a priority when studying this discipline. In addition, KIMs include the history of the development of the world from ancient times to the present day. The commission has a number of tasks:

  • check how well schoolchildren navigate the key historical dates, stages and events from Russian and world history;
  • identify knowledge about the life and work of outstanding historical figures;
  • determine the understanding of cultural and value achievements that were formed in the process of evolutionary and historical development Russia and the world;
  • check understanding of cause and effect major events in the history of Russia and the world;
  • find out whether 9th grade students are able to use and interpret data presented in the form of tables, texts, schematic drawings and illustrations, choosing necessary information to answer questions, conduct comparative analysis and problem solving;
  • evaluate skills in working with historical maps;
  • determine whether the student can apply his knowledge to write historical essays;
  • test the ability to systematize historical information, understand the terminology and conceptual apparatus of the discipline.

Only thorough preparation will help you complete all 35 tasks

Students will need to complete 35 tasks on the history cards. The work is presented in two parts:

  • the first part - 30 tasks requiring you to write down the answer in the form of a number, several numbers, one or more words. In the first part, students need to solve problems dedicated to history VIII–XVII centuries, XVIII – early XX centuries, events from 1914 to 1945, as well as the period from post-war years to this day. The main emphasis is on the events that unfolded during the Second World War. In addition, significant attention is paid to the life and activities key figures in the history of Russia, as well as the characteristics cultural development countries in specified periods. Most assignments will require students to extract information from presented maps, diagrams, or illustrations. The tasks from the first part are worth a total of 32 points (72.7% of all points for the ticket);
  • the second part – 5 tasks in which you need to write down a reasoned answer with conclusions and cause-and-effect relationships on a form. This part of the ticket tests the skills and practical skills of schoolchildren. Tasks can relate to any of historical periods, consider a variety of cultural, social and economic aspects. The total points for all tasks from the second part is 12 (or 27.3% of all points for the ticket).

Successfully completing all tasks will earn you 44 maximum points.

Regulations for the OGE in history in 2018

High school graduates will have to complete the ticket in 180 minutes. The regulations state that at the OGE you should not have any additional items, except pen and knowledge. Before entering the classroom, remove anything that might attract the attention of observers. Don't think you can bring a smartphone or a paper cheat sheet! However, even if you manage to hide these things at the entrance, they will be found in exam class, and this is a direct road to cancellation OGE results and the risk of being left without a certificate.

How are OGE scores recalculated for the certificate?

  • the mark “2” is given if the student managed to score from 0 to 12 points;
  • a grade of “3” is given if the student scores from 13 to 23 points;
  • a grade of “4” is given to students who were able to score from 24 to 34 points for the exam;
  • mark “5” is the result of a student who scored from 35 to 44 points.

In specialized classes and educational institutions Guys who have scored more than 32 points in history can be recommended.

Start working in September to avoid getting into trouble during the exam!

How to prepare for the OGE in history?

Practice shows that when passing the OGE in history, they help following tips and recommendations:

  • focus on school curriculum and make sure you have a kit good textbooks and benefits. Subject teachers advise using books by A.A. Danilova and L.G. Kosulina, R.V. Pazina, P.A. Baranova. The textbook on Russian history, published at Moscow State University by the authors A.S. Orlov and V.A. Georgiev;
  • Be sure to solve the CMMs recommended for the trial OGE (download demo version possible at the beginning of the article). This type of preparation will help you understand the structure of the ticket and the features of filling out the form, as well as test your knowledge of history and determine your weak and strong points;
  • start learning history in September - you won’t be able to remember all the dates and events in a month or two;
  • look documentaries about great historical figures. An interesting presentation of the material will allow you to remember additional information;
  • Take online tests regularly - this will help you get better;
  • work through the history requirements codifier (see the link at the beginning of the article) - it describes how to approach each task;
  • use richly illustrated encyclopedias and reference books. The tickets contain many problems with illustrative material, so you will have to identify historical figures from photographs or reproductions of paintings;
  • take the time to learn about different cultures historical milestones. Examinees most often fail on such tasks. The work may include assignments that affect the life and work of Feofan the Greek, Andrei Rublev, Feofan Prokopovich. You may have to identify known architectural structures, icons, paintings and even TV shows from the 20th century;
  • try to express your thoughts neutrally. Do not criticize any historical figure, but simply describe his contribution to the development of history - the examiners may have an opinion different from yours, so excessive emotional coloring will only harm you;
  • make tables with chronicles of historical events, as well as a list of personalities who took part in them. Place them in the most visible places so that your memory constantly absorbs this information.

In recent years, in connection with the introduction of the OGE, I, like many other teachers, had to significantly reconsider and rebuild the system of preparing students for the final certification and, moreover, their entire pedagogical activity. This work was related to deep analysis my teaching experience, attempts to extract from it what may be useful in modern conditions and rejection of what is clearly outdated. I had to change my mind and read a lot. The situation was even more complicated by the fact that we have to prepare children with disabilities health. As a result, a certain system of work was formed, which will be discussed further.

I must say right away that I do not think main goal teaching history and social studies at school in preparation for the OGE. If this preparation were the main task of the teacher, then our most interesting work would become uninteresting and, in my opinion, even unnecessary. Moreover, practice shows that even with sufficient intensive training student for the exam and if he has an interest in passing the OGE as successfully as possible (caused, as a rule, by the opportunity to enter, thus, desired university), the result will not be high if the child has no interest in the subject. Forming such an interest is a completely different matter. separate topic. But let’s say that there are students who are interested in the history of Russia, and therefore, of course, know it well. Is it possible to say that they will certainly successfully pass the OGE in the history of Russia and, based on the results of this exam, will enter the selected universities? Unfortunately no! The fact is that the OGE is carried out in the form of tests. To complete these tests, you need to have certain skills. A person who has never solved tests in the form in which they are proposed in OGE tasks, one might say, who has not “been skilled” in solving them may receive a low score. For young man who thinks he knows history, this can be a serious life blow. It’s good if he has enough life wisdom to withstand it. Needless to say, his failure in the exam will not benefit our country. Therefore, every teacher who truly loves his students and wants prosperity for the Motherland is simply obliged to help children master the skills necessary to complete the OGE tests.

It is clear that within the framework of the main course (2 hours per week) it is simply impossible to prepare students for the OGE at a more or less decent level. But they need to be prepared; it is necessary to develop in students the skills that will be needed specifically for successfully passing the unified state exam. It is important that in history and social studies lessons, students become familiar with the features of performing various types of OGE tasks. Great place also takes practical implementation tasks. This is general scheme preparation for the OGE.

The content of classes, forms of work in the lesson, methods of assessing students’ knowledge, of course, will be determined by each teacher himself in accordance with the stage of the program, the level of preparedness of the children, their desire to study the subject, their style of communication with students, etc. But, in my opinion , there are principles that it is advisable to follow. At least, my personal experience shows that taking these principles into account leads to success.

1) The most important point Preparation for the OGE is to work on students’ understanding of the wording of the question and the ability to answer strictly the question posed. In the process of this work, it is recommended to use various exercises, the essence of which is to analyze the wording of the question and select the correct answer, i.e. corresponding to this formulation. Such exercises are available in the methodological literature.

2) To successfully complete OGE tasks, constant training in solving these tasks is required. The more students solve OGE tasks from previous years, tests from all kinds teaching aids, tasks invented by the teacher himself, the more experience they will have, and the fewer possible unpleasant surprises they will expect during the exam.

3) Thirdly, much attention should be paid to analyzing the tasks that caused the greatest difficulty. To do this, the teacher, if possible, should analyze all the works written by the students and highlight the most difficult tasks, analyze them in class together with the students, find similar tasks (by topic and type) and practice solving them with the children.

4) Fourthly, it is very important that children learn one simple truth: preparing for the OGE is hard work, the result will be directly proportional to the time spent on active preparation for the exam (that is, for such preparation when all distractions are practically eliminated and all attention is paid only to preparation). This truth seems banal. But, trust experience, for successful preparation for OGE students must understand very well the complexity and importance of preparing for this exam.

5) Fifthly, 2-3 months before the exam, the intensity of preparation should apparently reach its peak. At this time, children should write a few tests on based on the OGE, you need to engage with them in active repetition of the most difficult topics. A month before the exam, such intense work should stop - students should be given time to mentally prepare for the exam.

And finally

6) Sixthly, when solving tests, one should not neglect intuition if there is not enough knowledge. Very often it is the intuitive answer, and not the one based on fuzzy knowledge, that turns out to be correct. Intuition, as a rule, suggests the correct answer as soon as a person reads the task, so it is necessary to change the answer only if the student remembers the material and is absolutely sure that his initial answer was incorrect.

Of course, there are many more subtleties of working with various types OGE tasks. But these are the basic principles that guide me.

Ninth graders and their parents should take this issue very seriously. The main condition for successfully passing the exam is the development of the right activity strategy, which the student will use in preparation for the OGE, as well as during the test.

History is a special subject, and for many schoolchildren, when preparing for the OGE in history, the most difficult thing is to learn the dates. The student should pay his main attention to this. If possible, find a chronicle of historical events or write down dates from school textbook in history, after which this information should be thoroughly studied. Learn the names of historical figures and the most significant dates in history, learn to navigate time and events.



How to prepare for OGE in history?

For schoolchildren who entered the 9th grade this year, an exciting and responsible time will come very soon, when they will have to take their first state exams. Besides compulsory subjects, ninth graders face elective exams, one of which is a history exam.

How to prepare for the OGE in history?

Ninth graders and their parents should take this issue very seriously. The main condition for successfully passing the exam is the development of the right activity strategy, which the student will use in preparation for the OGE, as well as during the test.

History is a special subject, and for many schoolchildren, when preparing for the OGE in history, the most difficult thing is to learn the dates. The student should pay his main attention to this. If possible, find a chronicle of historical events or write down dates from a school history textbook, after which this information should be thoroughly worked out. Learn the names of historical figures and the most significant dates in history, learn to navigate time and events.

To successfully pass the exam, you can prepare using demo options OGE in history, which can be easily found on the Internet. You will be offered three types of tasks. In the first one you need to select correct option, in the second - answer briefly, and in the third - give a detailed answer.

Both when preparing for and when taking the OGE, try to complete the tasks in order. If any question is difficult, it is better to skip it, and if there is time left, you can return to the missed task.

Students who do not know how to prepare for the OGE in history can use online lessons or distance courses, containing tasks that are as close as possible to real ones. While working on the courses, the student will be able to work through all types of tasks step by step (knowledge of basic phenomena and facts, dates, terms and historical concepts, causes and consequences of historical events), identify gaps in knowledge and eliminate them, systematize and generalize what has been learned. The advantage of this method of preparing for the OGE is that classes are necessarily accompanied by the support of qualified teachers.

Preparation for the OGE in history should include not only memorizing dates and historical events. The correct one is very important psychological attitude teenager, and his parents can help him with this. The most important thing for them is to reduce the student’s anxiety and provide him with suitable conditions for studying.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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How to prepare for the OGE?

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Work program

preparation course for the OGE in Russian history for 9th grade.

Mongush Shonchalai Ochurovna

Explanatory note:

The program of the preparation course for the OGE in the history of Russia is compiled on the basis of the Federal component of the state educational standard.

The course is intended for students graduating class who are preparing to enter higher education institutions.

Purpose of the course- deepening the special training of students in the subject, repetition and systematization of knowledge through work on problematic tasks and test tasks.

In this case the following problems are solved:

    formation and consolidation of a system of scientific (logical and figurative) knowledge and ideas about everyone is sufficient significant events, phenomena and processes of national history from ancient times to the end of the 20th century;

    creating in students a mental and emotional-volitional basis for applying the acquired knowledge in the subject in practice;

    development of students' skills and abilities to work with tasks varying degrees complexity.
    The preparation course for the OGE in the history of Russia is designed for 40 hours. For training session Students work individually or in pairs, repetition is organized historical material on the stated topic (main dates, events, concepts, personalities, cause-and-effect relationships), collaboration on problematic tasks and test tasks of different levels. This allows students to move from simple to complex, systematizing knowledge, developing skills in analysis, comparison, and evaluation of information. At the same time, students have the opportunity to conduct a kind of research, carry out independent search decisions, exchange opinions, coming to the right decision.
    Classes are educational and developmental in nature. Requirements for the knowledge and skills of students.

Upon completion of the course, students should know:

    basic concepts and terms used in historical science;

    main stages and features historical process in Russia;

    Russia in various periods of its history;

    main chronological milestones, calendar dates in the history of Russia.

After completing the course, students should be able to:

    apply methods of comparative historical analysis and a systematic approach to the analysis of events and phenomena of the past;

    consciously determine your attitude towards historical phenomena, current problems history and modern world;

    meaningfully and freely operate with general and specific concepts and terms in oral and writing, apply them in solving creative search problems;

    theoretically comprehend and generalize historical material;

    improve the ability to independently obtain, analyze, systematize, and creatively process historical information;

    classify events, concepts, phenomena, dates, personalities, work with cartographic sources, genealogical tables etc.

    decide problematic tasks And test tasks varying degrees of complexity.

Thematic plan

Introductory lesson.

Section I. Peoples and states on the territory of our country in ancient times

Section II. Rus' in IX – beginning of XII V.

Section III. Russian lands and principalities in the XII - mid-XV centuries.

Section IV. The Russian state in the second half of the 15th – 17th centuries.

Section V. Culture of the peoples of our country from ancient times to late XVII V.

Section VI. Russia in the XVIII – first half of the XIX centuries.

Section VII. Russia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

Section VIII. Russian culture in the XVIII – early XX centuries.

Section IX. Soviet Russia– USSR in 1917–1991.

Section X Modern Russia

Section XI. Working with part “C” of the OGE in history

Preparation program for the OGE in history for grade 9


Lesson topic

Number of hours


Introductory lesson

SECTION 1. Peoples and states on the territory of our country in ancient times

Peoples on the territory of Russia until the middle of the 1st millennium BC.

Eastern Slavs: accommodation, neighbors, activities, social order. Paganism

Practicing tasks for sections of the OGE in history A1-A4, A9, A21, A22, B1-B8

SECTION 2. Rus' in the 9th – early 12th centuries.

Novgorod and Kyiv are the centers of ancient Russian statehood. Education Old Russian state

Vladimir I. Baptism of Rus'

Yaroslav the Wise. "Russian Truth". Vladimir Monomakh

SECTION 3. Russian lands and principalities in the XII - mid-XV centuries.

Political fragmentation Rus'.

Fight against external aggression in the 13th century Mongol conquest. Expansion from the West. Alexander Nevsky

The beginning of the unification of Russian lands. Ivan Kalita. Dmitry Donskoy. Battle of Kulikovo

The role of the church in public life Rus'. Sergius of Radonezh

Practicing tasks for sections of the OGE in history A1-A4, A9, A21, A22, B1-B8. Working with forms...

SECTION 4. The Russian state in the second half of the XV - XVII centuries.

Overthrow of the Golden Horde yoke. Ivan III. Completion of the unification of Russian lands. Formation of authorities Russian state. Law code 1497

Ivan IV the Terrible. Establishment royal power. Reforms mid-16th century V. Zemsky Sobors. Oprichnina.

Expansion of the territory of the state (annexation of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates, Western Siberia in the OGE in history)

Time of Troubles. The fight against external expansion. K. Minin. D. Pozharsky

Russia under the first Romanovs

Cathedral Code 1649 Legal registration serfdom

Church schism. Nikon and Avvakum

Social movements second half XVII V. Stepan Razin

Foreign policy Russia in the 17th century Entry Left Bank Ukraine to Russia

Practicing tasks for sections of the OGE in history A1-A4, A9, A21, A22, B1-B8. Working with forms.

SECTION 5. Culture of the peoples of our country from ancient times to the end of the 17th century.

Becoming ancient Russian culture: folklore, writing, painting, architecture

Formation of the culture of the Russian state. Chronicle. Andrey Rublev. Typography. Ivan Fedorov

Practicing tasks for sections of the OGE in history A9, A10, A21, A22, B1-B8. Working with forms.

SECTION 6. Culture of the peoples of our country from ancient times to the end of the 17th century.

Transformation first quarter XVIII V. Peter I. Absolutism Creation regular army and the fleet. Northern War

Diagnostic work No. 1 (StatGrad)

Palace coups. Expanding the rights and privileges of the nobility

Enlightened absolutism of Catherine II. Formation of the class system

Social movements. E.I. Pugachev

Russia in the second wars half of the XVIII V. A.V. Suvorov, F.F. Ushakov

Domestic policy in the first half of the 19th century. MM. Speransky

Patriotic War of 1812

Decembrist movement

Social thought in the second quarter of the 19th century. Official state ideology. Westerners and Slavophiles

Start industrial revolution

Annexation of the Caucasus. Crimean War

Trial OGE on history on forms Federal Center Testing at the end of the first semester

SECTION 7. Russia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.

Reforms of the 1860s–1870s Alexander II. Abolition of serfdom

Completion of the industrial revolution. Formation of classes in industrial society

Social movements second half of the 19th century V.

Russia in military-political blocs

Industrial rise. Formation of monopolies. S.Yu. Witte

Russo-Japanese War

Exacerbation of social contradictions in the conditions of modernization. Revolution 1905–1907 State Duma

P.A. Stolypin. Agrarian reform.

Russia in World War I

Practicing tasks for sections of the OGE in history A5-A9, B1-B8. Working with forms.

SECTION 8. Russian culture in the 18th – early 20th centuries.

The secular nature of culture. Interrelation and mutual influence of Russian and world culture.

Science and education. M.V. Lomonosov. N.I. Lobachevsky. DI. Mendeleev.

Literature and art.

Practicing tasks for sections of the OGE in history A9, A10, B1-B8. Working with forms.

SECTION 9. Soviet Russia - USSR in 1917–1991.

Revolution in Russia in 1917. Fall of the monarchy. Provisional Government and Soviets

Proclamation Soviet power in October 1917 V.I. Lenin. Bolshevik policy and the establishment of a one-party dictatorship. Decay Russian Empire

Civil war. Red and white. "War Communism"

New economic policy. Education USSR

Finding ways to build socialism. Formation of a centralized (command) economy. Industrialization. Collectivization agriculture.

Radical changes in spiritual life.

The power of the party-state apparatus. I.V. Stalin. Mass repression.

USSR in the system international relations in the 1920s–1930s.

USSR in World War II. Beginning, stages and biggest battles Great Patriotic War 1941–1945 Battle for Moscow

Battle of Stalingrad. Battle on Kursk Bulge. A turning point during the war

Soviet rear during the war years. Guerrilla movement. USSR in anti-Hitler coalition.

Expulsion of invaders from Soviet land

Results of the Great Patriotic War. Soviet commanders. G.K. Zhukov.

Post-war reconstruction farms.

"Thaw". XX Congress of the CPSU. N.S. Khrushchev.

"Stagnation". L.I. Brezhnev. Crisis of the Soviet system

Foreign policy of the USSR in 1945–1980s. Cold War. Discharge

Perestroika. Contradictions and failures of the “acceleration” strategy. Democratization of political and cultural life. M.S. Gorbachev.

August events of 1991. Collapse of the USSR. Education CIS

Practicing tasks for sections of the OGE in history A11-A22, B1-B8. Working with forms.

SECTION 10. Modern Russia

Education of the Russian Federation as sovereign state.

B.N. Yeltsin. Transition to a market economy. Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation in 2000 – to the present: the main trends in the socio-economic and socio-political development of the country in modern stage. V.V. Putin. YES. Medvedev

SECTION 11. Working with part “C” of the OGE in history

Working with text. The ability to highlight main idea and the author’s position and formulate an answer to the question (sections C1-C2 in the OGE in history)

Development of skills in using the principles of structural-functional, temporal and spatial analysis when working with a source, as well as when considering facts, phenomena, processes (sections C3-C4 in the OGE in history)

Making a plan. (section C5 in the OGE in history)

Practicing tasks for sections of the OGE in history A16-A22, B1-B8. Working with forms.

Trial OGE in history on forms of the Federal Testing Center at the end of the second semester


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    Vladimirova O.V. history: Express tutor for preparing for the Unified State Exam. "History of Russia from antiquity to the end of the twentieth century." M.:AST: Astrel, 2009.

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    L.N. Stepanova, G.N. Tambovtsev. Collection of tests on the history of Russia. - M.: Publishing house. Department of UEC DO MSU, 2009.

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    A.S. Orlov, T.L. Shestov. Fundamentals of the Russian history course. Tests. - M.: Prostor, 2001.

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    1000 questions and answers on history: Textbook/Ed. A.N. Aleksashkina. - M., AST, 2009.

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