Syntactic role of the noun side. Syntactic role (what it is in a sentence)

Denoting a sign of an object, this part of speech makes human speech figurative and precise.

There are three qualitative ones, relative and possessive. Each of these groups has its own characteristics and functions, which we will not dwell on in detail in this article. Let's talk in detail about such as the form - full or short.

Short forms of adjectives and their features

Actually, the presence of a “truncated” version is the “litmus test” that determines the type of adjective. Possessive and relative do not have this hypostasis. In the form of a non-permanent element, it is present only in high-quality ones.

Today, the short form of adjectives, although it exists, is becoming less common every year.

Few people know that in Proto-Slavic language adjectives did not have a complete

Forms, it was formed much later. Let us recall examples from Fairy Tales; proverbs and sayings give us many such examples: “Mila is not white,” “a beautiful maiden,” “good fellows,” etc.

The short form of adjectives can be close in lexical meaning with full. They differ only in questions and endings. For example: children (what?) are obedient (full form), children (what kind?) are obedient (cr. form)

But the short form of adjectives sometimes differs from their full equivalent semantic connotation. Thus, the word “sick” indicates the present tense, and “sick” indicates a more constant sign. Sometimes the forms of the same word have different interpretations.

  • The weather has been clear for a week now.
  • The task became clear after a conversation with colleagues.

In the second case, we see an obvious metaphor that has no direct semantic parallel with the first word. Also, the short form of adjectives can indicate excessive manifestation of a characteristic:

  • variegated (multi-colored) parrot;
  • clothes are colorful (very bright, attracting attention).

Some words are generally used only in a short form: “glad”, “ready”, “able”, etc. This is due to the fact that these lexemes have lost their semantic connection with their full analogues.

Unlike adjectives in full form, short ones often specify a characteristic in connection with the circumstance of its manifestation:

  • short haircut (any person can have it);
  • pants are short (for a specific person).

short adjectives

In a sentence, the “truncated” form acts exclusively as a compound nominal predicate. If full adjectives can be almost any member of the sentence, short role only one:

Mighty oak ( - predicate)

A mighty (full definition) oak tree stands under the window.

The short form of an adjective may have a verb connective, which most often indicates tense:

She was talkative. (past time)

The wall will be strong. (weekend time)

As we can see, the role of short adjectives in the language is quite large. Firstly, they can express both lexical shades full form, and exist independently, denoting a separate concept. Secondly, the presence or possibility of the formation of this form indicates that before us qualitative adjective. Thirdly, the syntactic role of such words is unambiguous - in a sentence they perform the function of a predicate.

Russian language lesson in 3rd grade

Subject: The role of the adjective in a sentence. Definition.

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge and skills.

Target: familiarizing students with syntactic role adjectives in a sentence.

Lesson objectives:

    To form a concept about the syntactic role of an adjective in a sentence.

    Develop sentence parsing skills spelling vigilance, memory.

    Cultivate an interest in reading poetic works.

Methods: verbal, visual, partially search, practical, independent work.

Shapes: frontally – collective, individual, collective, in groups.

Equipment: writing on the board, table “Parsing simple sentence", diagram, textbook.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

    Emotional mood.

Look, my friend, at the window,

what a good day!

Like summer, the sun is shining,

The wind is a gentle passerby.

And to my class today

the rays also ran in,

And they laugh and play,

and not at all tired!

Let this mood

will last the entire lesson.

Let's sayNo, idle friends,

May the lesson be of use to us!

“You are talented children, someday you will be pleasantly surprised at how smart you are, how much and how well you can do, if you constantly work on yourself, set new goals and strive to achieve them!”

Today I wish you to be convinced of the correctness of the words of the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

    Checking homework.

Adjective definition.

Guess the part of speech:

With me your speech is beautiful and precise,

When I’m not there, she, alas, is poor.

People, animals, the world of feelings, concepts, any thing.

I can easily define the inflorescence of wondrous words!

- what do you know about the adjective?

(students remember everything they know about the adjective:

what questions does it answer, what does it mean,

what kind of speech it is, how it changes.

What does it agree with, what role does it play in speech).

Response plan (slide 6)

What is an adjective?

How do adjectives change?

In speech they use... (adjectives are synonyms, adjectives are antonyms)


Summary: (slide 7)

    Independent part speech.

    Indicates an attribute of an object.

    Answers the questions: Which one? Which? Which? Which?

    Updating basic knowledge.

Work in groups.

Group 1 “Winter” - write down the adjectives in groups:

m.r., f. R. With. R.

white green cold

fluffy tender yellow

first small bright

pl. number: tall, soft

2nd group Spring” - choose antonyms

White black

Curve - straight

Long short

Hot Cold

Fat – thin (thin)

Soft – hard

Full - hungry

Group 3 “Summer” - replace repeated adjectives with synonyms

Group 4 “Autumn” - “assemble” a sentence, draw a picture.

There was a lot of fluffy snow on the roof of the hut.


"Drawing with the nose" (exercise to strengthen neck muscles)

Close your eyes and imagine that your nose has become long.

Write the word yellow with your nose. What does it mean yellow?

(color of warmth, joy, calm..)

" Far close" (exercise to strengthen the eye muscles).

Quickly find the object with your eyes.

(window, notebook, board, textbook, door, desk, ceiling, pen)

Breathing exercises.

On the count of 1, 2, 3, 4 deep breath,

on 1, 2, 3, 4 - stop breathing,

1,2,3,4 - exhale slowly.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Making a notebook using dictation from the board. (slide 16)

    A minute of penmanship

    Vocabulary work" Puzzles"

We write down the answers in a notebook (writing on the board)

*Scarlet sugar inside,green velvet caftan.(watermelon)

*There is a long green one in the garden bed, and a salty yellow one in the tub.. (cucumber)

*It is bitter in haymaking, but sweet in frost. What kind of berry?(Rowan)

*A ripe fragrant berry grows in a forest clearing.(strawberry)

*Alenka is standing: green scarf, thin waist, white sundress.(birch)

*Thick grasses are braided, meadows are curled, and I myself am all curly, even with a curl of an horn.(ram)

*It is motley, eats green, gives white.(cow)

*A little boy in a gray army jacket scurries around the yards, collecting crumbs.(sparrow)

*A blue airplane landed on a yellow dandelion.(dragonfly)

*Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere.(cloud)

*The body is made of wood, but the head is iron.(hammer)

Test yourself: (slide 30)

4. Introducing a new lesson topic:

Creative work: “Compose it” (slide 31)

A cold, snowy winter has arrived. Light snow is falling from the sky. He wrapped a small green Christmas tree in a soft fluffy blanket. A huge snowdrift grew under the big old pine tree. The forest is beautiful in winter!

Fill in the missing adjectives;

Determine the case of adjectives;

- 1.2 sentences – complete parsing, determine which part of the sentence is the adjective? – (new topic– the teacher explains)

This means that the ADJECTIVE DEFINES T is a sign of an object!

What can you call a member of a sentence that determines the attribute of an object?


Let's determine which part of the sentence the adjectives are.

What assumptions do you have?

- we know:

(we already know the subject - this is a noun - who?, what?,

predicate is a verb - what does it do?)

Adjectives are minor parts of a sentence.

Conclusion: The adjective in a sentence is minor member offers -definition. It is emphasized by a wavy line.

5.Reading the rule on page 132

    Check yourself: Checking the assimilation of the studied material.

- Logical dictation. (put a + sign if you agree with the statement;

sign - if you don’t agree with the statement;)

1. an adjective is part of a word;

2. adjectives answer the questions who? What? ;

3. an adjective denotes a characteristic of an object;

4. the adjective changes according to gender;

5. adjectives are only masculine or female;

6. the adjective does not change according to numbers;

7. adjectives are secondary members of the sentence;

8. the adjective in a sentence is a minor member - a definition;

9. adjective masculine has endings – й, - ой, - й;

10. a feminine adjective has the endings – aya, - aya;

Peer review

VI. Summing up the lesson.

What part of speech did we talk about and consolidate our knowledge?

What part of the sentence can an adjective be?

How is an adjective indicated in a sentence?


Today in class we did a lot of tasks together, working in groups and pairs. (clap)

How do you evaluate your work? work in pairs? work in a group? (clap)

I think you are convinced that you are talented and smart children. You just need to learn how to apply your knowledge correctly. Good luck to you in achieving your goals! Thank you for the lesson!

VII. Lesson grades with comments.


Topic: Adjective as a part of speech. The syntactic role of the adjective in a sentence.

Goal: Know:

Morphological features of the adjective

Its syntactic function in a sentence

Roles of the adjective in the text

Use adjectives in speech

Determine the morphological features of an adjective

Syntactic role in a sentence


Learn about the function of an adjective in a sentence

During the classes

IOrganizing time

II Checking d/z

IIILinguistic warm-up

1. What groups can these words be divided into? Underline one of the groups with one line.

Root, prefix, verb, suffix, pronoun, adjective, ending, noun.

A root, prefix, suffix, ending are parts of a word (morphemes).

Verb, pronoun, adjective, noun are parts of speech.

2. Find superfluous word in a group of words, underline it with one line:

1) definition, circumstance, subject,

2) adjective, predicate, object.

An adjective is a part of speech.

IVLearning new material

1. Work with text

What bird are we talking about?

How did you determine this?

What words helped you recognize the woodpecker, although the name of the bird was never mentioned in the text? What questions do they answer? (adjectives)

What part of speech belongs to the words with which such an accurate and expressive description of the bird is given?

What words do they explain? (nouns)

2. Riddles

Himself scarlet, sugar,

green caftan,

velvet. (Watermelon)

Golden sieve of blacks

full of houses: how many

little black houses -

so many little white residents. (sunflower)

What words help us solve riddles? (Adjectives.)

3. Poetic five minutes

What adjectives help the poet figuratively draw a birch tree? Underline all the adjectives in the text with a wavy line.

This means of expressive speech is called an epithet.

Sort out the adjective sad. Choose synonyms for it, and then antonyms.

Write down three phrases “adjective + noun” (with different nouns) from the text. Determine the number, gender, case of adjectives. What do they depend on?

White birch - singular, f.r., im.p..

On fluffy branches - plural, etc.

New silver - singular, s.r., solid.

4 Game "Make a word"

Compose a word by first completing a series of steps.

1. Take a prefix from a word that is a definition in a sentence It rained endlessly.

2. Add the subject of the sentence Fear took over him.

3. Add an adjective suffix charming and adjective ending red.

The result is a word Fearless x/w

What phonetic phenomenon did you encounter?

Why are there two letters s in this word?

Parse the word according to its composition.

5. Syntactic five-minute

Parse the sentences according to the members of the sentence:

Fearless birds bravely defended the swallow's nest.

The water in the lake is cold.

What is the syntactic role of an adjective in a sentence?

Definition, predicate.

What questions do adjectives answer? What do adjectives mean that answer the question whose?

The belonging of an object to someone.

6. Lexical work

Read the sentences and find the definitions. Which of them show only the quality and properties of the item. And what other ones express a person’s feelings?

1. A rather boring time was approaching. (A. Pushkin)

2. Silk herbs will be nibbled. (S. Yesenin)

3. A yellow leaf flashes on the green trees. (N. Grekov)

4. Our whole poor garden is crumbling. (A. Tolstoy)

Conclusion: adjectives can show not only the qualities and properties of an object, but also express a person’s feelings, his impressions of the object.

Subject:Russian language

Subject: Syntactic role of adjectives.

Tasks: contribute to the formation of ideas about the syntactic role of adjectives; contribute to the formation of calligraphy skills, spelling literacy, the ability to find a definition in a sentence, development logical thinking, speech, attention; contribute to the development of organization, activity, interest in the subject, and respect for nature.

Lesson type: non-standard.

Methods: reproductive, visual-illustrative, verbal, partially search, problem-based.

Lesson forms: Individual, group, collective.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Statement of the topic and objectives of the lesson. Motivation:

“Grammar, grammar!

Science is very rigorous.

My grammar for you

I'll master it little by little I "

In what meaning was the word “overcome” used?

Choose synonyms for this verb (I will learn, I will learn, I will study, I will overcome difficulties, I will learn to write correctly)

Do you want to learn this?

If so, I invite you all and this amazing country A grammar ruled by the King of Syntax, the Queen of Morphology and the Princess of Phonetics.

What do you think they will introduce us to today?

Princess Phonetics will provide an opportunity to remember letters and sounds, Queen Morphology will remind us of parts of words, parts of speech and the polysemy of words, and King Syntax will introduce us to the syntactic role of adjectives in a sentence. This means that we will learn what role the adjective plays in a sentence.

3. A minute of penmanship.

Let's start with a moment of penmanship.

Open your notebooks, write down the number, great job.

Let's play the game "The Letter Got Lost."B, c, d, l, d, g, h - describe the letter.

Write the letters, do a cursive writing exercise.

4. Spelling minute.

Talkative streams began to play along the ravines.

What do you mean played? Find synonyms? (murmured, rang, ran, flowed)

What does talkative mean? (loud, cheerful, noisy)

When do you think this could have been? (Spring)

Why? (The snow is melting, streams are flowing, nature is awakening with the arrival of spring).

What poems do you know about spring?

Spring snow

Settles and melts

Its aroma is indescribable,

and slowly fade

Fur flowers of our winters.

L. Martynov

5. Independent work by options: 1-2 rows.

Option 1: Form related words from the verb "played". Analyze the words according to their composition.

Option 2: Form related words from the adjective “talkative”. Sort out the words according to their composition.(Front check).

Individual work on cards: 3rd row (deformed text in envelopes).

Compose sentences from scattered words, insert spellings, indicate parts of speech, cases of nouns. + adj., sort out sentences by members.

6. Frontal survey. 1-2 rows

What are the parts of the word?

How are the roots of words with the same root written?

What is ending?

What you need to know to write correctly unstressed endings nouns?

What do you need to know to write the endings of adjectives correctly?

What parts of speech do you know?

What part of speech are we studying now?

7. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Humble Petitioners.”

Listen and answer why the fairy tale is called that?

Name Adjective: - Dear Nouns, let us into your domain, we will help you, we will embellish everything so much that you won’t be able to take your eyes off it!

Noun: - Please, lovely Adjectives. You can use our forms: gender, number and case. Let everything around you become even more beautiful!

All: We serve together - we are friends together.

Teacher: So, who is called the Humble Petitioner in the fairy tale?

* Why?

* How does an adjective change?

* What determines the gender, number, and case of adjectives?

Conclusion: What gender, number and case is a noun, what gender, number and case is an adjective.

8. Linguistic task - the game “Choose the word.”

(Indicate the gender and number of the adjective using signal cards)

* Sunny, cheerful day (m.r.)

* Clear, cold weather(f.r.)

* Gray, gloomy morning(s.r.)

* School, spring break(plural)

* Oral exercise with signal cards in the selection of adjectives to nouns based on illustrative cards.

* Rooks (what?) white-nosed, black, (plural)

* Grouse - wood grouse (what?) forest, (m.r.)

* Northern guillemots (what?) (plural)

* Gopher (what?) steppe, (m.r.)

* Cranes (which ones?) migratory, (plural)

* Swallows (what?) are nimble, sharp-winged, fast, (plural)

9. Vocabulary work using punched cards.Sn-weight, v-rona, p-tuh, s-nitsa, sq-retz, s-lovey, v-r-beat.


What is the “extra” word?

Name the words with the unstressed vowel being tested, check them?

Name a word that has more letters than sounds? What are the nouns of the first declension? Make up sentences using adjectives?

10. Written work.

Collective composition of sentences from isolated words with a change in the number of adjectives.

Bird, to, flocks, homeland, flying.

Birds, cozy, nests, making.

They destroy a lot, ours, caterpillars, friends, feathered ones.

Recording sentences with explanations from students at the board. Analysis by members of the proposal.

Conclusion: Adjectives in a sentence are modifiers.

11. Reading an excerpt from N. Sladkov’s story “Birds.”

Selective writing.

Birds are children of the air, conquerors air ocean. They're risinghigher than clouds and mountains, fly across seas and deserts.

Birds are children of the rainbow: their feathers are painted in all imaginable and inconceivable colors. Birds are messengers of joy. Every year they bring us spring on their wings.

Self-test with student comments.

12. Physical education minute. The sun is sleeping. The sky is asleep, not even the wind makes any noise... Early in the morning the sun rose and sent its rays to you. Suddenly a breeze blew, the sky became cloudy and the trees swayed. The rain began to patter on the roofs. The rain is drumming on the roofs, the sun is sinking lower. Vag and hid behind the clouds. Not a single ray of light is visible.

13. Working with the textbook. Page 180. Students reading the rule about definition.

What is an adjective?

What role does an adjective play in a sentence?

What is the definition?

What questions does the definition answer?

How do we indicate a definition in writing?

Ex. 678. Independent work. Write it off. Sort out the sentences: It rained heavily. Fast streams gurgle. Friendly guys run to the ravine.


What is the definition? Ex. 683. Orally.

A sign of an object or phenomenon denotes a definition.

Whose and which? - the answers are simple, only the wavy line is missing.

Conclusion: A definition can be a sign of an object or phenomenon.

14. Crossword “Weather”.


1. A painted rocker hung across the river. (Rainbow)

2. Without arms, without legs, he knocks under the window, asking to come into the hut. (Wind)

3. The lanky man walked and got stuck in the ground. (Rain)

4. The old man was dragged away by the gate, he didn’t run, and he didn’t tell him to stand. (Freezing)

2. Vertical:

The horse runs, the earth trembles. (Thunder)

Choose adjectives for the answers?

Make sentences with them.

15. Letter under dictation.

The earth is our home.

Take care of the natural world. What does it mean to save nature?

Name the combination of adjective and noun.

Determine gender, number, case.

16. Lesson summary.

Which country did we travel to?

What did Princess Phonetics, Queen Morphology, King Syntax introduce us to? What roleV Does the sentence play an adjective?

17. Homework. Page 181 ex. 682. Indicate the cases of adjectives. Parse the sentences by members.

§1. general characteristics noun

A noun is an independent significant part speech.

1. Grammatical meaning - "item".
Nouns include words that answer questions:
Who? , What?

2. Morphological characteristics:

  • constants - common/proper nouns, animate/inanimate, gender, type of declension;
  • changeable - number, case.

3. Syntactic role in a sentence any, especially frequently: subject and object.

Guys love vacations.

As an address and introductory words, the noun is not a member of the sentence:

- Sergey!- Mom calls me from the yard.

(Sergey- appeal)

Unfortunately, it's time to go do homework.

(Unfortunately- introductory word)

§2. Morphological features of nouns

Nouns have a set of morphological features. Some of them are permanent (or unchangeable). Others, on the contrary, are impermanent (or changeable). Unchangeable features refer to the entire word as a whole, and changeable features refer to the forms of the word. So noun Natalia- animate, own, f.r., 1 text. No matter what form it takes, these signs will remain. Noun Natalia may be in the form of units. and many more numbers, in different cases. Number and case are inconsistent symptoms nouns In the illustration, dotted lines lead to such unstable or variable morphological characters. It is necessary to learn to distinguish which signs are constant and which are not constant.

§3. Common nouns - proper nouns

This is the division of nouns according to their meaning. Common nouns nouns denote homogeneous objects, i.e. any object from their series, and proper nouns name a separate specific object.
Compare nouns:

  • child, country, river, lake, fairy tale, turnip - common nouns
  • Alexey, Russia, Volga, Baikal, “Turnip” - own

Common nouns are varied. Their ranks by value:

  • specific: table, computer, document, mouse, notebook, fishing rod
  • abstract (abstract): surprise, joy, fear, happiness, miracle
  • real: iron, gold, water, oxygen, milk, coffee
  • collective: youth, foliage, nobility, spectator

TO proper names nouns include names of people, names of animals, geographical names, names of works of literature and art, etc.: Alexander, Sashka, Sashenka, Zhuchka, Ob, Ural, “Teenager”, “Kolobok” and so on.

§4. Animation - inanimateness

Animate nouns name “living” objects, while inanimate nouns name non-living objects.

  • Animated: mother, father, child, dog, ant, Kolobok (fairy tale hero acting as a living person)
  • Inanimate: orange, ocean, war, lilac, program, toy, delight, laughter

For morphology it is important that

  • in plural in animate nouns
    Near the school I saw familiar girls and boys (vin. fall. = born. fall.), and for inanimate nouns wine form pad. matches the form. pad.: I love books and films (vin. pad. = im. pad.)
  • V singularin animate nouns male wine form pad. coincides with the form of the genus. pad.:
    The fox saw Kolobok (vin. fall. = born. fall.), and for inanimate nouns the masculine gender wine form pad. matches the form. pad.: I baked a bun (vin. pad. = named pad.)

The remaining nouns have the forms im., vin. and family cases differ.

Means, sign of animate-inanimate can be determined not only based on the meaning, but also on the set of word endings.

§5. Genus

Gender of nouns- this is permanent morphological feature. Nouns do not change according to gender.

There are three genders in Russian: male, female And average. Sets of endings for nouns different kinds vary.
U animate nouns classification as masculine or feminine is motivated by gender, since words denote male or female persons: father - mother, brother - sister, husband - wife, man - woman, boy - girl etc. Grammatical feature gender correlates with gender.
U inanimate nouns The belonging of a word to one of the three genders is not motivated. Words ocean, sea, river, lake, pond- of different kinds, and the gender is not determined by the meaning of the words.

The morphological indicator of the genus is the endings.
If the word ends:

a, y or a, ohm, e in the singular and s, ov, am, s or ow, ami, ah in plural , then it is a masculine noun

a, s, e, y, oh, e singular and s, am or s, ami, ah in the plural, it is a feminine noun

oh, a, y, oh, ohm, e in the singular and a, am, a, ami, ah in the plural, it is a neuter noun.

Do all nouns belong to one of the three genders?

No. There is a small group of amazing nouns. They are interesting because they can refer to both male and female persons. These are the words: smart girl glutton, sleepyhead, greedy, crybaby, ignorant, ignorant, mean, bully, slob, mean, bungler, scoundrel, daredevil and so on. The form of such words coincides with the form of feminine words: they have the same set of endings. And here syntactic compatibility different.
In Russian you can say:
She's so smart! AND: He's so smart! The meaning of the gender of an animate person can be determined by the form of the pronoun (as in our example) or adjective or verb in the past tense: Sonya woke up. AND: Sonya woke up. Such nouns are called common nouns.

Common nouns do not include words that name professions. You may already know that many of them are masculine nouns: doctor, driver, engineer, economist, geologist, philologist and so on. But they can designate both male and female persons. My mother - good doctor. My father is a good doctor. Even if the word names a female person, then adjectives and verbs in the past tense can be used in both the masculine and feminine gender: The doctor has arrived. AND: The doctor has arrived.

How to determine the gender of unchangeable words?

There are unchangeable nouns in the language. All of them are borrowed from other languages. In Russian they have a gender. How to determine the genus? It's not difficult if you understand what the word means. Let's look at examples:

Monsieur - Madame- for words denoting an animate person, gender corresponds to gender.

Kangaroo, chimpanzee- words naming animals, male.

Tbilisi, Sukhumi- words - names of cities - male.

Congo, Zimbabwe- words - names of states - neuter.

Mississippi, Yangtze- words - names of rivers - female.

Coat, muffler- words meaning inanimate objects, happen more often neuter.

Are there any exceptions? Eat. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful about unchangeable words and remember how they are used. Gender is not expressed by endings (endings in unbending words no), but the form of other words that are related to an unchangeable noun in meaning and grammatically. These can be adjectives, pronouns or verbs in the past tense. For example:

Mississippi wide and deep.

Short adjectives in the form of zh.r. indicate that the word Mississippi w.r.

§6. Declension

Declension is a type of word change. Nouns change according to number and case. Number and case are variable morphological features. Depending on what forms the word has in different numbers and cases, in the totality of all possible forms, nouns belong to one of the declensions.

Nouns have three declensions: 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
The vast majority of Russian nouns are nouns of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd declension. The type of declension is a constant, unchangeable morphological feature of nouns.

The 1st declension includes feminine and masculine words with endings A, I V initial form.
Examples: mom, dad, grandpa, water, earth, Anna, Anya, lecture - ending [a].

The 2nd declension includes masculine words with zero ending and neuter with endings O, e in its initial form.
Examples: father, brother, house, Alexander, sea, lake, building - ending [e] , genius, Alexey.

The 3rd declension includes feminine words ending in zero in its initial form.
Examples: mother, mouse, night, news, rye, lie.

Initial form- this is the form of the word in which it is usually recorded in dictionaries. For nouns this is the form nominative case singular.

Pay attention to the words traditionally called nouns on yeah, yeah, th : lecture, building, genius.

How to correctly mark the endings in such words?

Do you remember that the letters I And e, which are written at the end of such feminine and neuter nouns after vowels, and the letter And - does a vowel represent two sounds? Lecture- [iya’a], building- [iy’e], and the sound [y’] is the last consonant of the base. So, in words like lecture ending [a], in words like building- [e], and in words like genius- zero ending.

Therefore, feminine nouns: lecture, station, demonstration belong to the 1st declension, and masculine: genius and average: building- to the 2nd.

One more group of words requires comment. These are the so-called neuter nouns me , words way and child. These are indeclinable nouns.

Indeclinable nouns- these are words that have endings characteristic of forms of different declensions.
There are few such words. They are all very ancient. Some of them are common in today's speech.

List of nouns on My name: stirrup, tribe, seed, burden, udder, crown, time, name, flame, banner.

For their spelling, see All spelling. Spelling nouns

§7. Number

Number- this is a morphological feature, changeable for some nouns and unchangeable, constant for others.
The overwhelming number of Russian nouns vary in number. For example: house - houses, girl - girls, elephant - elephants, night - nights. Nouns inflecting by number have both singular and singular forms. plural and endings corresponding to these forms. For a number of nouns, the singular and plural forms differ not only in endings, but also in the stem. For example: person - people, child - children, kitten - kittens.

The minority of Russian nouns do not change in number, but have the form of only one number: either singular or plural.

Singular nouns:

  • collective: nobility, children
  • real: gold, milk, curdled milk
  • abstract (or abstract): greed, anger, goodness
  • some of our own, namely: geographical names: Russia, Suzdal, St. Petersburg

Nouns that have a plural form:

  • collective: shoots
  • real: cream, cabbage soup
  • abstract (or abstract): chores, elections, twilight
  • some proper, namely geographical names: Carpathians, Himalayas
  • some specific (object) watches, sleds, as well as a group of nouns denoting objects that consist of two parts: skis, skates, glasses, gates


Most objects denoted by nouns that have only a singular or singular form plural person, cannot be counted.
For such nouns, number is an unchangeable morphological feature.

§8. Case

Case- this is a non-constant, changeable morphological feature of nouns. There are six cases in Russian:

  1. Nominative
  2. Genitive
  3. Dative
  4. Accusative
  5. Instrumental
  6. Prepositional

You need to know for sure case questions, with the help of which it is determined which case form the noun is in. Since, as you know, nouns can be animate and inanimate, there are two questions for each case:

  • I.p. - who what?
  • R.p. - who?, what?
  • D.p. - to whom; to what?
  • V.p. - who?, what?
  • etc. - by whom?, what?
  • P.p. - (About who about what?

You see that for animate nouns the questions vin.p are the same. and family etc., and for the inanimate - them. p. and wine P.
To avoid mistakes and correctly determine the case, always use both questions.

For example: I see old park, a shady alley and a girl and a young man walking along it.
I see (who?, what?) a park(vin. p.), alley(vin. p.), girl(vin. p.), person(vin. p.).

Do all nouns change by case?

No, not all. Nouns, which are called unchangeable, do not change.

Cockatoo (1) sits in a cage in a store. I approach the cockatoo (2). This is a big beautiful parrot. I look at the cockatoo (3) with interest and think: -What do I know about the cockatoo (4)? I don't have a cockatoo (5). It's interesting with a cockatoo (6).

Word cockatoo met in in this context 6 times:

  • (1) who?, what? - cockatoo- I.p.
  • (2) approaching (to) whom?, what? - (to) cockatoo- D.p.
  • (3) looking (at) who?, what? - (on) a cockatoo- V.p.
  • (4) know (about) whom?, what? - ( o) cockatoo- P.p.
  • (5) no who?, what? - cockatoo- R.p.
  • (6) interesting (with) who?, what? - (from cockatoo)- etc.

In different cases the form y unchangeable nouns the same. But the case is determined easily. Case questions help with this, as well as other parts of the sentence. If such a noun has a definition expressed by an adjective, pronoun, numeral or participle, i.e. a word that changes according to cases, then it will be in the form of the same case as the unchangeable noun itself.

Example: How long can you talk about this cockatoo?- (about) whom?. how? - P.p.

§9. Syntactic role of nouns in a sentence

Mother sits by the window. She flips through a magazine, looking at photographs of people and nature. My mother is a geography teacher. “Mom,” I call her.

Mother - subject

Near the window - circumstance

Magazine- addition

Photos- addition

Of people- definition

Nature- definition

Mother- subject

Teacher- predicate

Geographies- definition

Mother- appeals, as well as introductory words, prepositions, conjunctions, particles are not members of the sentence.

Test of strength

Check your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What nouns denote individual specific objects, rather than groups of homogeneous objects?

    • Proper names
    • Common nouns
  2. Which group of nouns has the most variety in meaning?

    • Proper names
    • Common nouns
  3. Is animate-inanimateness expressed grammatically: by a set of endings?

  4. How can you find out the gender of a noun?

    • By value
    • By compatibility with other words (adjectives, pronouns, past tense verbs) and by endings
  5. What are the names of nouns that have endings characteristic of different declensions?

    • Unbowed
    • Divergent
  6. What is the sign of number in nouns? good, evil, envy?

    • Permanent (unchangeable)
    • Impermanent (changeable)

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