Extracurricular activities in English as a means of improvement. Elements of the design methodology

Hello, our regular readers and listeners! In a normal conversation in English, we very often ask or talk about what you are doing or what this or that person is doing. It is an integral part of any everyday conversation. It is with these phrases that we start a conversation. Therefore, today in the fourteenth audio lesson we will learn “ Types of activities"and classes in English.

What questions do you ask first when meeting? Something like “What did you do today?”, “Where is Andrey?”, “What is he doing?”, “Where did you go yesterday and what were you doing?” That is why the name of the types of occupations and activities of a person in English is simply necessary to know if you want to have a full-fledged conversation with a native speaker. Of course, cover everything existing species activities in this article are impossible, but I will try to present the main ones.

I recommend watching another one interesting article Quantitative and ordinal counting in English to learn numbers and numbers, as well as ordinal numbers in English

Listen first free audio online lesson several times to learn to perceive foreign speech by ear. This is very important when speaking with native speakers, since otherwise you will not be able to perceive fluent English speech. After this, try to repeat each phrase of the audio lesson behind the announcer with maximum accuracy in order to train good pronunciation, because without this, English speakers will no longer be able to understand you.

It is for these purposes that we provide lessons in audio format so that you can learn to perceive and correctly pronounce phrases about activities in English: /wp-content/uploads/2015/09/RUEN013.mp3 Voiced translation of phrases will make it much easier for you to memorize, so how the expression, together with the translation, will immediately be recorded in your subconscious. And in a similar situation required phrase will come up in your memory when you need to use this or that expression during a conversation.

Who should I work then, what should I do?

It is known that up to 80% of information is perceived through visual channels. Since the lesson in audio format is intended to train perception and pronunciation, then text version lesson is needed to memorize new vocabulary on the topic “Types of activities” and related addition words. Thus, having learned all these phrases, you will replenish your vocabulary and phrase arsenal with 100 new words that you can use in conversation with English-speaking interlocutors.

English Russian
What does Martha do? What does Marta do?
She works at an office She works in the office
She works on the computer She works on the computer
Where is Martha? Where is Martha?
At the cinema. To the cinema
She is watching a film She's watching a movie
What does Peter do? What does Peter do?
He studies at the university He studies at the university
He studies languages He studies languages
Where is Peter? Where is Peter?
At the cafe In a cafe
He is drinking coffee He drinks coffee
Where do they like to go? Where do they like to go?
To a concert To the concert
They like to listen to music They love to listen to music
Where do they not like to go? Where do they not like to go?
To the disco To the disco
They don't like to dance They don't like to dance

Thanks to this online audio lesson, you can learn basic activities in English without leaving your home. You don't need to go to special language courses, which are located on the other side of the city. You just need to sit down at your computer and go to our website. Of course, audio lessons are not 100% effective, but they are a very significant help if you are studying with a tutor or are going to enroll in any educational institutions.

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Municipal budgetary educational institution.

Average secondary school No. 2 named after V. V. Dagaeva

Losino-Petrovsky urban district

Report on the topic:



Zhuleva Irina Alexandrovna

English teacher

2014-2015 academic year

Extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard are understood as educational activities carried out in forms other than classroom activities and aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary education. general education. Extracurricular activities V elementary school allows you to solve a number of problems:

Help your child during a difficult period of adaptation at school;

Optimize the teaching load;

Create favorable conditions for child development;

Take into account age and individual characteristics schoolchildren.

Extracurricular activities of students combine all types of activities of schoolchildren (except educational activities and in the classroom), in which it is possible and appropriate to solve the problems of their education and socialization. According to the Federal Basic curriculum For educational institutions Russian Federation organizing classes in areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part educational process at school. The time allocated for extracurricular activities is used at the request of students and in forms other than the lesson system of education. Types and directions of extracurricular activities. The following types of extracurricular activities are available for implementation at school:

1) gaming activity;

2) cognitive activity;

3) problem-value communication;

4) leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication);

5) artistic creativity;

6) social creativity (socially transformative volunteer activity);

7) labor (production) activity;

8) sports and recreational activities;

9) tourism and local history activities. The basic curriculum highlights the main areas of extracurricular activities: sports and recreational, artistic and aesthetic, scientific and educational, military-patriotic, socially useful and project activities. The types and directions of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are closely related to each other.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the role of a “foreign language” as a subject is increasing. In this regard, extracurricular activities in a foreign language acquire particular relevance in achieving subject, interdisciplinary and personal results education of schoolchildren. The new Federal State Educational Standards reconsider the roles of the parties involved in the educational process. The teacher must competently guide the activities of students, and the student becomes an active participant in the educational process. Therefore, there is a need to use “active learning methods” to achieve the goals of the new Federal State Educational Standards. The emergence and development of active teaching methods is also due to the fact that learning faces new challenges: not only to give students knowledge, but also to ensure the formation and development of cognitive interests and abilities, creative thinking, abilities and skills of independent mental work. TO " active methods training" used in extracurricular activities include the use of games and game situations, introduction problematic situation in the lesson, project method, use of ICT and others. One of the most effective and universal techniques and teaching methods is a game. It is the game that is designed to contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere communication and help students see in a foreign language real remedy communication. The use of gaming technologies helps make extracurricular activities more interesting and exciting. The games used in the classroom can be either preparatory (forming speech skills), lexical, grammatical, phonetic, spelling, or may carry creative nature(developing speech skills). At primary school age, children are easily involved in play activity, independently organize themselves into group play, continue playing with toys and objects. Students follow the rules of the game. The teacher is an organizer and assistant. At the end of the game, the results are summed up jointly with the teacher. Before the game, it is necessary to discuss the course of the game and its results. Of course, the effectiveness of games depends on their systematic use, on the purposefulness of the game program in combination with the usual didactic exercises. IN gaming technology sequential games and exercises are included that form the ability to identify the main characteristic features objects, compare, contrast them; groups of games to generalize objects according to a certain common characteristic; groups of games that develop self-control, speed of reaction to words, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc. A well-chosen game contains effort (physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual), brings joy (the joy of creativity, the joy of victory and aesthetic joy) and, in addition, imposes responsibility on its participants. In the game, the child’s abilities are especially fully and, sometimes unexpectedly, revealed. Dramatization in extracurricular activities acts as effective remedy increasing motivation to master foreign language communication. It is dramatization that helps children “plunge into the language” and overcome the speech barrier. Fairy tales are a wonderful means of introducing children to the culture of peoples and to the development of speech. Fairy tales in English turn a child's learning process into an attractive game. Theatrical games can be considered as simulation life experience people. It is in the conditions of the game that the ability to interact with people is trained, to find a way out different situations, the ability to make choices. Joint theatrical activities are aimed at developing in its participants sensations, feelings and emotions, thinking, imagination, fantasy, attention, memory, will, as well as many skills (speech, communication, organizational, design, motor, etc.) On the basis of theatrical activities, almost all tasks of the upbringing, development and training of children can be realized. One of the requirements of our time is the use of information and computer technologies in lessons. Children themselves want to work on the computer, create presentations, and independently get to know the lives of their peers from English speaking countries. The project method first attracts students with its novelty, in different ways presentation of material, the opportunity to express oneself in various activities, i.e. External motivation predominates. But gradually the child gains experience, becomes familiar with the algorithm of project activities and is included in his own research experience, which is already based on intrinsic motivation. The main purpose of using the project method in teaching a foreign language is to enable students to effectively master foreign language communicative competence. Extracurricular activities English language traditionally based on three forms: individual, group and mass work(performances, performances, matinees, etc.). The leading form of organizing classes is group work. In order to achieve quality results it is desirable that educational process was equipped with modern technical means.



Explanatory note

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) guides educational institutions to create conditions for the education and formation of the student’s personality, capable of living successfully in an information, rapidly changing world, focuses on the development of children’s abilities and universal academic skills, which will help them in the future to self-determinate in a particular sociocultural situation. It is almost impossible to achieve such results by mastering only subject programs, that is, basic (basic) education. A search is underway for the content and forms of extracurricular activities in which every child has the right to self-realization and can show their uniqueness.

The program is designed taking into account the requirements of federal state standards second generation and corresponds to the age characteristics of a primary school student.

“Speaking English” classes contribute to the development communication skills junior schoolchildren, which has a positive effect on the development of students’ speech native language; their development cognitive abilities; formation of general educational skills of students.

Exactly early learning A foreign language creates excellent opportunities to arouse interest in the linguistic and cultural diversity of the world, respect for the languages ​​and cultures of other peoples, and contributes to the development of communicative speech tact. The role of a foreign language is especially invaluable in developmental terms.

The program ensures the development of intellectual general educational skills, creativity for students, necessary for further self-realization and the formation of the child’s personality, it allows the child to express himself, overcome the language barrier, and reveal his creative potential.

A special feature of this program is the widespread use of games for teaching a foreign language. Each lesson is structured as a communication lesson, as close as possible to natural communication so that children feel the results of their efforts as early as possible. To create a communicative environment in the classroom, there is a lot important role support plays high activity every child.

This program is designed to ensure that students learn basic principles English andis a system of teaching 2nd grade students, preparing them for further study of a foreign language. When compiling it, we took into account age characteristics students.

Program Goals "« We speak English."


  1. Formation of students' skills correct pronunciation English sounds;
  2. Studying the basics of grammar and practicing these rules in oral conversation;
  3. Learning the basics of reading and practical application these rules;


  1. Creating conditions for full and timely psychological development child;
  2. Expanding the horizons of students;
  3. Development of thinking, memory, imagination;
  4. Forming children's readiness to communicate in a foreign language;


  1. Formation in children positive attitude and interest in learning English;
  2. Introduction to universal human values;
  3. Formation of an active life position;
  4. Fostering the need to use English to solve learning problems.

Organization of activities.

Implementation period - 1 year. The number of hours per year is 34 hours (1 hour per week). The program is designed to organize extracurricular activities for younger schoolchildren (2nd grade).

Contents of the program "« Speak English" fully complies with the goals and objectives of the main educational program of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 2". Creating a unified system of classroom and extracurricular work in the subject is the main task of the school’s educational process. The basic curriculum of the Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Education provides for the compulsory study of a foreign language from grades II to IV in primary school for 2 hours a week. In MBOU "Secondary School No. 2". English language teaching in primary school is conducted according to the “English in Focus” programs 2, authors E.Yu. Vaulina, O.E. Podolyako, J. Dooley, V.M. Evans (FSES) and “English language” 2, authors Kuzovlev V.P., Peregudova E.Sh. etc.

This program is directly related to lesson activities. The selection of topics and issues of communication in extracurricular activities was carried out taking into account the material of the compulsory English language study program, focused on the real interests and needs of modern schoolchildren, taking into account their age, and on strengthening the active nature of learning in general. The program allows you to integrate the knowledge gained in the process of teaching English with the development of the personality of a primary school student and the development of his creative potential.

IN game form all types are being developed speech activity, But special attention focuses on letters and sounds, expanding vocabulary, reading simple and interesting children's poems. As a means of activation and motivation cognitive activity For younger schoolchildren in English lessons, the game ensures high efficiency of any activity and at the same time contributes to harmonious development personality.

A well-chosen game contains effort (physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual), brings joy (the joy of creativity, the joy of victory and aesthetic joy) and, in addition, imposes responsibility on its participants. In the game, the child’s abilities are especially fully and, sometimes unexpectedly, revealed.

Dramatic games can be seen as modeling people's life experiences. It is in the conditions of the game that the ability to interact with people, find a way out in various situations, and the ability to make choices is trained. Joint theatrical activities are aimed at developing in its participants sensations, feelings and emotions, thinking, imagination, fantasy, attention, memory, will, as well as many skills (speech, communication, organizational, design, motor, etc.) On the basis of theatrical activities, almost all tasks of the upbringing, development and training of children can be realized.

Types of activities:

  • gaming activities (including outdoor games);
  • reading, literary and artistic activities;
  • visual activity;
  • staging dramatic scenes and performances;
  • listening to songs and poems;
  • learning poetry;
  • learning and performing songs;
  • project activities;
  • performing exercises for relaxation, concentration, and development of imagination.

Planned results of students mastering the program extracurricular activities.

The basis for highlighting the requirements for the level of training of students is the main educational program MBOU "Secondary School No. 2".

As a result of the implementation of this program, 1st year students should:


  • names of the most famous children's characters literary works(including countries of the language being studied);
  • rhymed works by heart children's folklore(accessible in content and form);
  • names of objects, actions and phenomena related to areas and situations of communication characteristic of children of a given age;
  • works of children's folklore and children's literature (accessible in content and form).

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life.

Personality qualities that can be developed in students as a result of classes:

  • tolerance, friendly attitude to representatives of other countries;
  • cognitive, creative, social activity;
  • independence (including in decision making);
  • the ability to work in collaboration with others and be responsible for one’s decisions;
  • communication skills;
  • respect for yourself and others;

Forms for recording knowledge and skills; systems of control materials (test materials) for assessing the planned results of mastering the program:

On initial stage learning develops an interest in a foreign language; students’ achievements are very dynamic and individual.

Control at this stage is carried out in the form of a game (competitions, performances, vocabulary games, solving crosswords and puzzles), by performing creative tasks, their presentation and subsequent reflection.

The methods for determining the effectiveness of the program are: diagnostics carried out at the end of each section in the form of natural pedagogical observation; exhibitions of works or presentations of a project.

Summing up form:

Final workat the end of each topic there are theatrical performances, stage productions, open classes, games, concerts, competitions.

After a year of training, demonstration mini-performances are held using the creativity and imagination of children.


  1. Federal state educational standard for primary general education // Bulletin of Education. – 2010. – No. 3.

Sample general education programs. Primary school. – M.: Education, 2010. – (Series “Second generation standards

  1. nia").

3 . “English language” 2, authors Kuzovlev V.P., Peregudova E.Sh. etc.

4. “English in Focus” 2, authors E.Yu. Vaulina, O.E. Podolyako, J. Dooley, V.M. Evans (FSES) and “English language” 2, authors Kuzovlev V.P., Peregudova E.Sh. etc.

Lesson number

Lesson topic





Fun Phonetics




Ronnie's family. Song. Video.


Portfolio. Family tree.



Protection of the MY HOME project.









Role-playing game At a birthday party.

Portfolio My birthday.

Working on the text of the play.

Working on the text of the play.

Rehearsals, performance design.

Rehearsals, performance design.

Lesson number

Lesson topic



Greetings. Introduction of structures: “Hello, I`m...”, song “GOOD MORNING”


Hello. What is your name? Role-playing games. Song НELLO, MAGIC FOREST


Fun Phonetics


Funny letters. Song. Games with letters of the alphabet..


Greetings. Me and my family. Song I HAVE A FATHER


Ronnie's family. Song. Video.


Portfolio. Family tree.


My home! My Home .Song Where's Ronnie? Comic video. Games.


Protection of the MY HOME project.


English holidays. Introducing Halloween.


Animals. Song THIS IS A BEAR. Games.


Fairy tale THE FISHERMAN AND THE FISH Part 1 - video.


Song THE FISHERMAN AND THE FISH Role-playing game.


Dramatization fairy tales THE FISHERMAN AND THE FISH part 1


English holidays: Christmas. Song "Jingle Bells".


Woody and Frosty's birthday. Song. Comic. Role-playing games.


Role-playing game At a birthday party.

Portfolio My birthday.

Song: I can...! Comic. Games.

Comic: At the circus! Role-playing game.

Fairy tale THE FISHERMAN AND THE FISH Part 2 - video.

Song THE FISHERMAN AND THE F ISH Role-playing game.

Dramatization of the fairy tale THE FISHERMAN AND THE F ISH part 2.

My favorite pet. Songs. Poetry.

Portfolio - My favorite pet.

Viewing and reading fairy tales, working with vocabulary THE FISHERMAN AND THE FISH

Reading a fairy tale, working with vocabulary

Familiarization with the script and distribution of roles

Working on the text of the play.

Working on the text of the play.

Rehearsals, performance design.

Rehearsals, performance design.

Rehearsals, performance design.

Presentation of the performance – 1 lesson.

Tell me and I will forget.
Show me and I will remember.
Involve me and I will learn.
Chinese proverb

According to the Federal Basic Curriculum for General Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation, the organization of classes in areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process at school.

As part of extracurricular activities, educational activities are carried out that are different from classroom activities. It is aimed at achieving the planned results of the main educational program.

The basic curriculum outlines the main areas of extracurricular activities: sports and recreational, artistic and aesthetic, scientific and educational, military-patriotic, socially useful, as well as project activities. The types and directions of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are closely related to each other. Extracurricular activities in a foreign language are of particular relevance in achieving subject, meta-subject and personal educational results for schoolchildren.

The basic principles of activity during extracurricular activities are:

  • the principle of maximum diversity of opportunities provided for personal development;
  • the principle of voluntariness;
  • the principle of increasing the role of extracurricular activities.

From work experience, it can be argued that within the framework of extracurricular activities, the following tasks can be solved:

  • create favorable conditions for the development of the child;
  • take into account the age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren;
  • stimulate students' interest in learning a foreign language;
  • optimize the teaching load.

The student is an active participant in the educational process, and the teacher organizes and directs his activities. The teacher not only gives students knowledge, but also ensures the formation and development of cognitive interests and abilities, skills and abilities of independent mental work. It is best to form and develop interests and abilities during extracurricular activities through games: lexical, grammatical, phonetic, business. The game helps make extracurricular activities more interesting and exciting.

We widely use dramatization of fairy tales in English in extracurricular activities. This is an effective means of increasing motivation to master foreign language communication. It is dramatization that helps overcome a child’s speech barrier. IN primary school We dramatize fairy tales such as: The wooden house” (Teremok); “Three little pigs” (Three little pigs); “The hare and the tortoise” (Hare and Tortoise). The school hosts an annual English language decade, during which students play their fairy tale roles in front of younger students.

Preparing fairy tales - creative work, which helps to reveal individual abilities and also deepens knowledge. Students get satisfaction from this type of work. Reading and dramatizing fairy tales is also a wonderful means of introducing children to the culture of peoples and to the development of speech. Fairy tales in English turn a child's learning process into an attractive game.

During extracurricular activities we also perform creative projects outside the scope of the topics studied. Examples of such schoolchildren’s activities include mini-projects, for example: “Animal of my dreams”, “Unusual fruits”, “Journey to the future”. Students include crosswords, puzzles, and puzzles in their projects to reinforce the lexical and grammatical material they have learned. Students also prepare greeting cards for the holidays.

An important component of extracurricular activities in English is the organization of schoolchildren’s participation in distance olympiads and all-Russian competitions: “Knowledge and Creativity”, “Intellect-Express”. This allows them to test their competitiveness and evaluate their level of knowledge.

Extracurricular activities in English contribute to:

  • formation of the foundations of communicative competence;
  • contributes to the achievement of personal results, such as determination, independence;
  • develops team interaction skills.

Favorable psychological climate during extracurricular activities creates conditions for the development of a situation of success and further self-improvement.

Extracurricular activities in English.

English teacher

MBOU Izh-Bobinskaya secondary school named after the Bubi Brothers

Agryz district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Currently among the most current issues Education includes the study of foreign languages. The need to know at least one foreign language these days is obvious; extracurricular activities allow the student to be involved in real language communication and simulate the process of entering the culture. This is reflected in the new federal state educational standards. established in given time the socio-political and economic situation has outlined a number of changes in various structures society, including in education. The social order determined the main directions of school reform language education, development scientific research in the field of theory and methods of teaching foreign languages. The prerequisites for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard are: a contradiction between the new goals of education and the traditional school, a decrease in motivation for learning in the classroom, a crisis in the classroom system, the use of new teaching tools (smartphones, tablets, etc.).

In this regard, there is a rethinking and reassessment of the place that is allocated to the academic subject “English” in the educational process, and its importance increases. According to the Concept of Federal State educational standards general education study foreign languages is expected to be carried out at all three levels of general education (primary, basic and complete general education at the basic and specialized levels).

Extracurricular activities allow students to most fully develop their language competence. The concept of language competence is broad and research in this area has not yet been completed, but nevertheless it is this concept that reflects final goal language learning. Linguistic competence is, first of all, possession of a system of information about the language being studied at its levels: phonemic, morphemic, lexical, syntactic. A student has linguistic competence if he has an understanding of the system of the target language and can use this system in practice.

Linguistic competence presupposes knowledge of the language itself, its structure and functioning, language norms, including spelling and punctuation.

It is linguistic and communicative competence that contribute to the formation of skills and abilities verbal communication. It turns out that competence for a student is an image of his future, a guideline for mastering verbal communication. Speech activity is formed in all its types - reading, speaking, writing, listening.

Extracurricular activities combine all types of schoolchildren’s activities except academic activities. According to the Federal Basic Curriculum for General Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation, the organization of classes in areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process at school. The time allocated for extracurricular activities is used at the request of students and in forms other than the lesson system of education. The task of every teacher is to create conditions under which any child could move along the path to perfection, be able to think independently, outside the box, and most importantly, “teach how to learn” and do this throughout his life. When teaching foreign languages, the main thing is to overcome the language barrier and learn to participate in the act of communication, and language competence is precisely formed with the help of verbal communication skills. The spiritual, moral and general intellectual orientation of the course of extracurricular activities contributes to the development of horizons and wide choice communication topics. In contrast to lessons, extracurricular activities are radically different in content and in elementary school they are mainly play activities. The main advantage of extracurricular activities compared to the lesson is that the direction educational activities freely chosen by the student himself based on own interests and needs.

Traditionally in methodological literature and in school practice differentiate following forms extracurricular activities in English: mass, group and individual.

Individual extracurricular work carried out with individual students and consists in preparing messages or reports about the country of the language being studied, about important events and dates, as well as famous people. In addition, children learn poems and excerpts from works written foreign writers, And english songs. During extracurricular activities schoolchildren are preparing visual aids, are engaged in the design of albums, stands and wall newspapers. Individual work can be carried out continuously or occasionally.

The group form of extracurricular activities has a clear organizational structure and permanent staff students united by common interests. This form includes various circles: vocal, dramatic, extracurricular reading, philatelists. Methodists advise organizing choir and conversation clubs for all schoolchildren, and regional studies and literary and translation clubs for high school students. Combined circles that combine different types activities, for example, preparing dramatizations, learning songs, watching filmstrips, extracurricular reading. Usually classes in clubs are held on a regular basis.

Regarding mass forms extracurricular activities, they do not have a clear organizational structure. These include festivals, amateur arts evenings, carnivals, competitions and theme nights.

In terms of meaning, the following forms of extracurricular activities in the English language are distinguished: competitive, cultural and mass, political and mass, media. Each group provides for certain activities. Competitive events are games, competitions, quizzes, and olympiads. Mass cultural events include evening meetings with interesting people, holiday evenings, which are dedicated to the traditions of the country of the language being studied, portrait evenings, where biography is studied famous poets, composers, actors, evening chronicles associated with significant events. Events of a political-mass nature include festivals, forums, respectability fairs, press conferences, teleconferences

The creative presentation of material by the teacher and the ability to lead to the intended goal greatly contribute to creative thinking and the formation of language competence of students, and also contribute to the fulfillment of the social order within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO and the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC - in the formation of a generation that can think outside the box and independently find a solution in any life situation.

Among the working methods, one can highlight the “Language Portfolio” technology, which promotes the development of self-assessment skills and reflection of cognitive activity. The “Language Portfolio” is a package of working materials reflecting the student’s educational experience in mastering the English language. The structure of the portfolio includes: a passport, a language biography of its user, and a dossier. The “passport” contains basic information, i.e. the student’s data: name, age, class, hobbies, foreign languages ​​studied, contacts with representatives different countries, experience abroad. " Language biography"is a "Travel Logbook over the years of learning English" and contains tables of language proficiency levels, including assessment parameters for each level for all types of speech activity. The “dossier” consists of materials reflecting the student’s achievements in mastering a foreign language: diplomas, certificates, certificates.

The computer and multimedia play an important role in the process of teaching a foreign language and are a means of searching and independently acquiring knowledge and information (in project and other cognitive activity), as well as an illustrative means for presentation in in a visual form material.

In extracurricular activities, each student can demonstrate his abilities and independently evaluate himself, i.e., conduct reflection. Managing any process presupposes the implementation of control, i.e., a certain system for checking the effectiveness of its functioning. From a cybernetic point of view, control is intended to ensure external feedback(teacher control) and internal (self-control).

To summarize, we can conclude that the formation of a linguistic personality is the main task of teaching language at school; the creation of a unified system of educational and extracurricular activities in English contributes to the achievement of the results of mastering the primary and secondary general education program in three levels- personal, meta-subject and subject. By receiving a set of knowledge, skills, and methods of activity, students master the language at the level of competence. Competence, translated from the Latin “competentia”, means a range of issues in which a person is knowledgeable, has knowledge and experience. Linguistic competence contributes to the formation important skill- perceive and create coherent texts.

Extracurricular activities in English contribute to the formation of the foundations of language and communicative competence, since it ensures the selection of linguistic and speech material. It is in extracurricular activities that it becomes possible creation unique natural situation language environment. In addition, extracurricular activities allow you to individualize and differentiate the process of teaching English, providing the opportunity to choose material and the opportunity to express yourself in accordance with cognitive preferences and independently identified learning goals. Favorable psychological climate extracurricular activities creates conditions for the development of a situation of success, which contributes to successful personal growth and motivation to learn a foreign language.

The task of a foreign language teacher is to form the communicative competence of students, that is, to develop their ability and readiness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers. In class and in extracurricular activities it is necessary to create a model real communication, which contributes to the emergence in students of a natural desire and need to interact with others, self-confidence and their strength to communicate

There are a considerable number of methods for learning foreign languages. They naturally differ from each other, but the main activities in English unchangeable. You can familiarize yourself with them using this article.

Activities in English: theoretical lessons

Studying fresh material - essential component educational activities in the knowledge of any subject. During such classes, the teacher explains to students new topic, after which students can ask questions that interest them. One of the forms of conducting such lessons is lectures. If you want to learn English online, you will have to be especially careful so as not to miss any important details.

Lessons to reinforce material

Knowledge test lesson

The study of each topic ends with writing a final control test. Why is this necessary? Firstly, the student can draw conclusions regarding the success of the educational process. Secondly, written work perfectly reflects gaps in knowledge. You will easily understand what to pay attention to.

A good teacher always takes the time to discuss tests students. As a rule, students should try to see their mistakes themselves and correct them. Then, with the help of the teacher, the knowledge is “polished”, and you are ready to study the next topic.

Now you know what types of activities exist in English. It should also be mentioned that during the courses they can use, for example, computer technology, which greatly facilitate cognitive process(all kinds of programs, studying and creating presentations, etc.). In addition, do not forget about gaming lessons, which are widely used in teaching children. Many teachers also often invite students to take part in various skits, press conferences, colloquiums, and so on. By using various types activities, the educational process becomes not only effective, but also interesting for every student.

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